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Do My Eyes Decieve Me ?! Hinata Worried About Sasuke ?! Big Step With SasuHina!

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#61 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 18 February 2017 - 06:03 PM

I agree with this. Moreover, as mentioned Sasuke doesn't like noisy girls, but none of the examples shown were of Sasuke being irritated by Karin. She didn't bother him. At best he smiled back and at worst he asked in a neutral tone if she could give him some space.


Damn your ignorant...  :laughcry: 



Clearly in this manga panel Karin was being loud and heavily flirtatious to Sasuke and much to his annoyance he asked her to back off because of it, and the very fact that he's asking her to back off CLEARLY SHOWS HE IS IRRITATED BY HER!! And also the fact that Sasuke is asking her to back off without smiling means that HE WANTS HIS SPACE WITHOUT HER INVADING IT!!


Being someone's type is quite complicated. There are some people in my life that are noisy and they bother me, and there are others who are just as, but don't bother me at all..because I like them and I like their noise. So the assumption, Sasuke doesn't like Karin without panelproof, because she has a trait he does not like in other girls, doesn't hold water.

It doesn't matter who you like romantically in real life, because this topic is not about you, apart of this topic is to discuss what kind of girl that SASUKE LIKES NOT YOU!! and since he has shown to dislike noisy girls we can get a general Idea of what kind of girls that he likes such as quiet or any other girl for that matter that isn't loud,

And how is being someone's type complicated ? if you are someone's type you will be able to connect with that person with relative ease and they will be able to simply enjoy your company without being annoyed by you because you fit their criteria of a person they absolutely adore, which is how Hinata would be a perfect match for Sasuke because as explained she is his type.

And for you to say that Sasuke doesn't like Karin romantically without panel proof because she has a trait he does not like in other girls, is just more ignorance...

Because these are not assumptions if these actually happened in the manga:


Karin wanted to go along with Sasuke to find Itachi, he rejected the idea of her tagging without any hint of hesitation, oh yeah he is real romantically interested in her yeah!  :laughcry: 


So therefore you're arguments are rendered invalid, and my points about Sasuke not favoring noisy girls which Karin fits that category still holds water.



In my opinion, Sasuke likes simple direct girls who speak their mind. Hinata fails to do exactly that. She is not calm, she is shy. She makes no noise because she does not dare. If they spent more time together, I think her stuttering would drive him nuts.

Well then your opinion is wrong because Hinata is quite capable of speaking her mind


Hinata has always been able to speak her mind truthfully on anything she sees that needs her word heard,

Once again I Hate to admit these examples:

Hinata was brave enough to tell Naruto that she loved him while putting her life on the line to protect him from pein



Obito attempted to give him doubts, however, Hinata woke him from his stupor.



As a SasuHina fan I really hate using Naruto as a example of her being able to speak her mind but it's because it's the only examples really because Naruto is the only thing on her mind   :bash:  but regardless it's still examples of Hinata being able to speak her mind.

And Hinata ignored all of Naruto's looks (Something he doesn't have anyways...) to see what kind of person he is in the inside unlike the fan girls who only paid attention to Sasukes looks, That means Hinata is NOTHING like those fan girls so surely that should get Sasuke's attention since she doesn't behave like a person that he dislikes, which clearly means Hinata is capable of seeing what a person is on the inside which is how Hinata can see Sasuke FOR HIMSELF!!! but yet you try to imply that Hinata won't look at a person for who they are on the inside ?


Hinata has never had a problem facing Naruto when he needed to be turned around. Theirs is a relationship of mutual respect (Not Love) without control or subjugation on either side. Hinata staying at home alone (By herself) to care for her children is simply her establishing her priorities and taking on one of the most important vocations out there.

True being a parent is important but it could arguably have defined Hinata too much. Whether it was important enough to sacrifice her shinobi career or if Hinata ever had to disrupt her family life to go on missions hasn't been mentioned while Naruto and Sasuke having to work rather than spend time with his kids himself has been a major theme since the epilogue. The mothers seem to have that problem even though they both have potential for really important stuff (ie running the Hyuga Clan and Konoha's hospitals) but aren't seen doing any of it.

And Naruto is not a moron who needs to be controlled. That said, Hinata has always been able to disagree with Naruto and to council him in a supportive way that garnered positive results (Proud Failure; facing Obito). Yes, he was a hyper, goofy kid but hyper, goofy kids grow up and so did he. That's not to say that he still can be a bit silly and his thought process is still out of the ordinary and Hinata apparently loved that side of him and would never want to change it.

That was such a minute, and ultimately inconsequential part of her character. Particularly as the story progressed, her character became pretty much all about Naruto.


That's more of a modern definition, the traditional defintion and ideal of a japanese woman and a japanese wife was one that was submissive, demure, and modest (Hinata) That gave off a sense of purity. You're trying to apply it to a story authored by someone with clearly old-fashioned thinking. 

And No, she is not a total doormat, but she started out that way and the traits used to emphasize as such did stick with her regardless of your cited examples. They are what she is most noteworthy for, aside from her physical attributes. Although that too goes into the whole ideal wife thing...


You can make an argument that Hinata doesn't have a great deal of depth, due to her her being a minor side character with very little focus, but that doesn't equate to having little character or being shallow. Especially since you seem to be one of those people who blatantly ignore her character development and characterization outside of Naruto. Sure, part 2 downplayed that fact, but it does exist. It exists in relatively minute quantities compared to Naruto. That is why she is a satellite character. 

You guys are making me defend NaruHina now I feel sick and need to puke!!



I think a lot of SH fans like the ship because Hinata was the only one who did not fangirl Sasuke, and it's not because of true love, it's because she fangirled Naruto instead. lol.

More ignorance...

Clearly for the entirety of the year i've been a member on these forums I've provided you all VAST AMOUNT of reasons as to why I prefer the SasuHina pairing, if you choose to not to read my topics pertaining to those reasons then that's why your comment about me liking SasuHina because of your highlighted petty reason of believing that we like SasuHina because she was the only girl that wasn't his fan girl ? 

Sorry but that ignorant point of yours can be turned back around at you because apparently you are saying that Karin wasn't a fan girl of Sasuke like the other girls since you said that was apart of the reasons why you liked the SasuKarin pairing




Are you seriously using filler-episodes as evidence when you write like this is a bible? The anime changed Karin for comedy purposes, just like they made Sakura hit Naruto 1000x more times than necessary. You're falling for the same trick that a lot of NHers do when hating on NS. http://fuckyeahsasuk...-anime-vs-manga

No it seems the anime adapted her character correctly


I know Studio Pierrot is known for alternating the characters than what they originally are such as making Sakura a thousand times more violent to Naruto than how she is portrayed in the manga 

But in regards to Karin's flirtatious personality Studio Pierrot didn't get that wrong.



Like we don't really know why Sakura began to like Sasuke, because it's not important. The assumption that it's due to his looks is groundless but logical because he's supposed to be handsome..there isn't much else. With Karin it's different, their first moment was really in-your-face significant. She got infatuated with him because he saved her life and smiled to her, and it grew from there. Their first meeting is a simple and sweet moment. And Sasuke doesn't really smile to people with exception of Naruto, and guess - Karin. So, that's one of 1000 differences from SS.

It was stated why Sakura liked him, But It was for very petty and superficial reasons such as good looks and being strong, the same way Karin likes him:


So The reason NOT ASSUMPTION that Sakura and Karin liked Sasuke it's due to his looks is NOT groundless as the evidence provides and delivers with the above image



ps have sasuke and hinata even met  :roll:

Just when I thought you couldn't get more ignorant...






So please get more educated on SasuHina before attempting to debunk it please ? thank you

And Karin will never gain romantic affection from Sasuke

Because Sakura Naruto and Kakashi was part of Team 7, which is the only family he knows and the ones he love.Team Taka/Hebi was just a collection of tools for him and always will be, which is sad because they actually cared about Sasuke.

Also, Karin is an unstable woman with mental disorders due to her violent past full of abuse and pain. That makes her too aggressive when it comes to "romantic" relationships and usually mixes them with lust... taking into account how conservative Sasuke is when it comes to that aspect (he wouldn't even kiss his own wife after ten years off) Karin is not a good option for him.

Karin needs a man who can fulfill properly his lover duties and bite her whenever her body needs it. I'm looking at you, Suigetsu 

I think it's because although they're roughly equal in terms of being total doormats, Karin also had some fatal attraction psycho stuff going on, so he couldn't have left her at home with a kid and gone touring the world getting laid whenever if he'd picked her because she would've followed him and made his life hell. but sakura combines spinelessness with passivity in a way that makes her an ideal pump-and-dump candidate for impregnation. secure the future of the clan and then go wild, etc.

To refresh your memory, Sasuke is disgusted everytime this thing comes near him


Out-of-universe, the reason is that Kishimoto at the begining of Naruto Part 2 Shippuden already had SasuSaku set in stone to happen at the end of Naruto Part 2 Shippuden by the time Karin was introduced and the latter existed for the sole purpose of making SasuKarin fans wanting it to happen, by virtue of having a worse option that was bound to happen if Sasuke didn't come back home to his waifu the village Sakura. Things got... complicated later on (read: Sasuke going insane and Kishi using Taka as a measuring stick for how worse he's getting, then Kishi sweeping Karin's gripes with Sasuke under the rug because the story was ending and he didn't want to deal with them, and lastly noticing how popular NaruSaku was despite how much he already killed it and deciding to troll the living hell out of it from multiple angles until the very end of Naruto Part 2 Shippuden), but Karin obviously began as a hate sink that the fandom could unite against in the pairing war. Remember, Kishi is writing this under the assumption we want Sakura to win.

And we know Kishi's opinion on Taka from Gaiden chapter 7... "just a pain in someone's ass". He never gave Karin a sporting chance.

In universe, Sasuke needs personal space and is very averse to PDA; the most physical he gets with anyone in public post-massacre (when initiated by him) is hugging Sarada, and that was only during a particularly emotional moment. By contrast, Karin needs to get physical. Like, a lot. A romance between them would be filled with Karin trying to kiss Sasuke in public on dates and Sasuke keeping himself away out of embarrassment. That's fine if you want to write a comedy, but a not for a serious relationship. For it to work, either Karin would have to start respecting Sasuke's personal space and keep the affection in the bedroom... or Sasuke would have to get comfortable with the PDA and let Karin express herself / show off in front of other people.

I absolutely hate SasuSaku but Sakura, at the very least, learned to respect Sasuke's need for space over the course of Part 1 and lets him decide when they display their affection once they actually begin their relationship in earnest. She's disappointed on occasions (particularly the end of Gaiden) due to Sasuke being a neglectful father due to him preferring to spend time with Boruto and Hinata's family instead but she knows not to force the issue, especially around their daughter.


But as my theories state, the Naruto storyline doesn't end with Sasuke and Sakura staying together at the end of the Boruto manga, it is the red herring for NaruSaku to happen.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 18 February 2017 - 06:14 PM.

#62 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 18 February 2017 - 06:53 PM

If you guys talk shiit about SasuHina I will talk shiit about your pairing

You can dish it but can you take it ?

#63 Nate River

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Posted 18 February 2017 - 07:22 PM

Shut up you sound very ignorant right now, I will not tolerate any attack on SasuHina!

If want to talk about SH without people being critical of it then you can do so in the appreciation thread. That's what it's for. If you post in the general forums people are free to say what they wish, positive or negative, about any pairing. As long as it doesn't fall into character bashing (and calling them incompatible is not character bashing), they can say what they want.
If you wish to defendant (as you did), then you're free to do so, but you aren't free to tell him to shut up because he says something you don't like about your pairing. 

Sasuke only wants a "strong" woman, basically one who can take care of herself without him having to essentially babysit her while she is still being able to speak her mind without having to hide behind some sort of mask, and also to be able to see him as himself. This is why he didn't care at all for any of the fangirls, including Sakura (who all saw him as little more than "the last Uchiha" and only acted based on their fantasies and mentally ideal versions of him rather than who he really is), and yet found solace with Karin. Karin didn't go out of her way to act how she thought Sasuke would like and also wasn't afraid to talk back to him, stand up for herself, and so on, despite not being the strongest kunoichi fighter or anything.

You had me until you starting talking positively about SK. I still can't get past the whole attempted murder thing. It's really a huge sticking point.
I do agree about SH, though. Sasuke is going to want someone who can stand on their own and I see Hinata wanting/desiring affirmation. There are plenty of guys who would give that to her, but Sasuke isn't one of them. I think he'd see that desire as an irritant.

If you guys talk shiit about SasuHina I will talk shiit about your pairing

You can dish it but can you take it ?

You're hardly in a position to be asking this of others.
Also, stop purposely bypassing the language filter. We are fairly liberal about swearing and almost always let it go when caught by the filer, but I am losing my patience with people purposely bypassing it.You are not the only offender, but you have done that repeatedly in this thread. 
We don't like being the language police, but people are taking advantage of lax policy on this. If it continues we are going to have to crack down.

#64 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 18 February 2017 - 07:48 PM

If you guys talk shiit about SasuHina I will talk shiit about your pairing

You can dish it but can you take it ?

All you're doing right now is making yourself look no different, or even worse than the NH/SS extremists. You just can't allow anyone to contradict what you wish to be true in your mind and so you try to take minimal moments from the (filler portions of the) anime or any manga moments that appear to support that wish in order to "prove" it's true, but when people don't buy it for obvious reasons and even logically explain why they don't while even also including manga moments and/or explaining how the characters have been portrayed, you now have to go on personal attacks and (threaten to) bash the other pairing.

And considering this site and its members have been dealing with NH/SS extremists for years, long before even the ending, and are still here, I'm pretty sure they can take it and then some. You, however, with this very post along with your recent posts, have proven that you can't take such contradiction. Otherwise, you would have simply accepted that not everyone thinks like you do and simply agree to disagree. No one is saying that you can't like the pairing; only trying to explain how that there's no possibility of the pairing actually happening in the canon based on how everything has gone as well as due to the mindset of the very people behind it - SP being diehard Hinata fans, Kishi being weak and no longer caring about the story, and so on.


#65 Nate River

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Posted 18 February 2017 - 09:16 PM

All you're doing right now is making yourself look no different, or even worse than the NH/SS extremists. You just can't allow anyone to contradict what you wish to be true in your mind and so you try to take minimal moments from the (filler portions of the) anime or any manga moments that appear to support that wish in order to "prove" it's true, but when people don't buy it for obvious reasons and even logically explain why they don't while even also including manga moments and/or explaining how the characters have been portrayed, you now have to go on personal attacks and (threaten to) bash the other pairing.

And considering this site and its members have been dealing with NH/SS extremists for years, long before even the ending, and are still here, I'm pretty sure they can take it and then some. You, however, with this very post along with your recent posts, have proven that you can't take such contradiction. Otherwise, you would have simply accepted that not everyone thinks like you do and simply agree to disagree. No one is saying that you can't like the pairing; only trying to explain how that there's no possibility of the pairing actually happening in the canon based on how everything has gone as well as due to the mindset of the very people behind it - SP being diehard Hinata fans, Kishi being weak and no longer caring about the story, and so on.

All you're doing right now is making yourself look no different, or even worse than the NH/SS extremists. You just can't allow anyone to contradict what you wish to be true in your mind and so you try to take minimal moments from the (filler portions of the) anime or any manga moments that appear to support that wish in order to "prove" it's true, but when people don't buy it for obvious reasons and even logically explain why they don't while even also including manga moments and/or explaining how the characters have been portrayed, you now have to go on personal attacks and (threaten to) bash the other pairing.

And considering this site and its members have been dealing with NH/SS extremists for years, long before even the ending, and are still here, I'm pretty sure they can take it and then some. You, however, with this very post along with your recent posts, have proven that you can't take such contradiction. Otherwise, you would have simply accepted that not everyone thinks like you do and simply agree to disagree. No one is saying that you can't like the pairing; only trying to explain how that there's no possibility of the pairing actually happening in the canon based on how everything has gone as well as due to the mindset of the very people behind it - SP being diehard Hinata fans, Kishi being weak and no longer caring about the story, and so on.

I don't think he's an extremist. Can we all stop calling each other names?

#66 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 18 February 2017 - 09:28 PM

If want to talk about SH without people being critical of it then you can do so in the appreciation thread. That's what it's for. If you post in the general forums people are free to say what they wish, positive or negative, about any pairing. As long as it doesn't fall into character bashing (and calling them incompatible is not character bashing), they can say what they want.
If you wish to defendant (as you did), then you're free to do so, but you aren't free to tell him to shut up because he says something you don't like about your pairing. 

Hold on, the rules of the Naruto General forums state:

Important Rules

When posting, please keep these rules in mind:

  • Be nice and treat others with respect.
  • NO BASHING of any characters, pairings, fans, or fandoms.

Please refer to the pinned debate rules topic for more detail and an explanation of why we have taken this action.

So no If you post in the general forums people are NOT free to say what they wish, positive or negative, about any pairing. but yet here you are telling me that we are free to bash any pairing ? how does that remotely make sense ? You just contradicted yourself man...

Also its even more ironic coming from the mouth of a moderator who is suppose to be enforcing these rules...

I know that I am guilty of breaking the rule of bashing other pairings in this topic NaruHina, SasuSaku, SasuKarin, etc. I will be honest with that but other posters within this topic have also hurled some form of bashing and debunking to my SasuHina pairing lets list them:

1. HalfDemonInuyasha

2. Sushi

3. harry4e

4. And you (To an extent)

They have all hurled some level of rudeness and bashing to my pairing SasuHina and yet I'm the only one your giving this lecture of telling someone to "Shut up" ? I feel very singled out, guess this means you are enforcing the rules but you are nit picking which ones to enforce so far pairing bashing isn't one of them...

So if pairing bashing is a (Iron Rule) of the general section of the forums then lecture all of us within this topic who has been bashing each others pairing and also lecture yourself about it to so that you can remind yourself of the rules that you are suppose to be enforcing...  :laughcry: 



I do agree about SH, though. Sasuke is going to want someone who can stand on their own and I see Hinata wanting/desiring affirmation. There are plenty of guys who would give that to her, but Sasuke isn't one of them. I think he'd see that desire as an irritant.

Konoha'sCrimsonFox this is why It's like going through an endless cycle of a tape recorder replaying its self over and over in this topic because of replies like this... that make me have to repeat myself...

I've addressed how Hinata is independent of Sasuke countless times with this topic, it was probably ignored because of excuses like TL;DR 

And actually if Hinata met Sasuke during the time he had a vendetta against Itachi and went on a revenge journey to track him down and kill him, Sasuke would see her as a girl he would want around because she has the Byakugan which is a vital tool for tracking someone down, which means Sasuke would give Hinata that desire of being wanted and seen as useful that she desperately craves and in addition be able to find his older brother alot easier it would be a win win situation for both Sasuke and Hinata, So I fail to see how Sasuke would see her as a irritant if she is someone he would desire at the time and Hinata would be willing to tag along with him to because she would believe it would bring sasuke back to the village a lot faster if she uses her abilities to help him so that he would come back to the village so that his friends there would no longer be in pain, Then he could come back to the village and in turn developed a stronger relationship with Hinata from the time they spent together.

I know I've said that Sasuke only saw Team Taka which includes Karin to be tools nothing more, But however Hinata has much more reasons to develop a romantic relationship with Sasuke, Such as Being able to produce better and purer Uchiha offspring (Since the Uchiha and Hyuga clan are the 2 clans with the highest percentage of Otsutsuki Clan DNA), And developing a relationship of compassion and understanding (Due to both losing their beloved older brothers, Being viewed as the weakest of their clans, etc.) so he would be able to connect a lot better with her than Karin ever could, Because Sasuke and Hinata have more in common with each other than anyone else in the entire Naruto cast.



You're hardly in a position to be asking this of others.
Also, stop purposely bypassing the language filter. We are fairly liberal about swearing and almost always let it go when caught by the filer, but I am losing my patience with people purposely bypassing it.You are not the only offender, but you have done that repeatedly in this thread. 
We don't like being the language police, but people are taking advantage of lax policy on this. If it continues we are going to have to crack down.

Well I will do my best to avoid the use of profanity and encourage myself for better use of language in the future 

It's just that when people bash what I like it hits a sensitive spot and the lid of the jar that contains my anger comes off

This topic is leading to something ugly we need to figure out how to stabilize it.


#67 sushi.


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Posted 19 February 2017 - 12:06 AM

I agree with this. Moreover, as mentioned Sasuke doesn't like noisy girls, but none of the examples shown were of Sasuke being irritated by Karin. She didn't bother him. At best he smiled back and at worst he asked in a neutral tone if she could give him some space.

You know, I should be the one laughing here. Because you misunderstood even though I described it clearly; In this quote, I was talking about the panel that you used as a countrerargument.  :huh: oops.


If you don't mind, enlighten me where I bashed your ship. The way I see it you don't see the line between criticizing and bashing, but by all means, show me your accusation isn't empty.


#68 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 19 February 2017 - 12:11 AM

I think it's time to end this discussion because we are getting no where with it, all we have been doing is repeating and rephrasing the same points to each other over and over again it will become a never ending cycle at this rate.. because as of right now nothing is giving us a adequate answer to our points

The Boruto manga is the only answer to this discussion because it will give us a definite answer of whether or not NaruHina and SasuSaku breaks up to begin the NaruSaku and SasuHina pairing

If NaruHina and SasuSaku breaks up to begin the NaruSaku and SasuHina pairings in the Boruto manga then I was right, and if the NaruHina and SasuSaku pairings stay together despite their current horrid condition they are in then you guys were correct, until then lets see what answer the Boruto manga gives us, which is very soon because Boruto Chapter 10 will be released sometime next week and Boruto Chapter 10 is the chapter that finally isn't a adaption chapter of (Boruto, Naruto The Movie) which means it will begin the first arc of the story that (Boruto, Naruto The Movie) left off from, So again Boruto Chapter 10 should be released sometime next week, it will be the first chapter that will give us the definite answer on whether or not NaruHina and SasuSaku breaks up to begin the NaruSaku and SasuHina pairings,

Thats why we shouldn't call each other stupid in this situation because who knows ? one of us could be right

#69 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 20 February 2017 - 06:17 AM

I believe all that you say. It's only a matter of time for me.


I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

Always have the spirit and the guts to never ever give up no matter what.

#70 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 20 February 2017 - 03:49 PM

In fairness, I would love for the OP to be correct. I'd love for SasuHina to happen if it laid down the groundwork for NaruSaku. Not my initial preference, but it would at least get me back to reading the manga (whatever is left of it anyway). However, it's just not gonna happen. The same people who believe Sakura would be a "terrible woman" for losing interest in Sasuke are sure as hell not gonna allow anybody to get divorced

Posted Image


Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#71 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 20 February 2017 - 06:27 PM

In fairness, I would love for the OP to be correct. I'd love for SasuHina to happen if it laid down the groundwork for NaruSaku. Not my initial preference, but it would at least get me back to reading the manga (whatever is left of it anyway). However, it's just not gonna happen. The same people who believe Sakura would be a "terrible woman" for losing interest in Sasuke are sure as hell not gonna allow anybody to get divorced

I could never accept NS becoming canon at this time without...

A.) A sincere and publicly televised apology from both Kishi and the editor and SP NHers who forced things through.

B.) A scrapping of everything ever since, at the very least, the end of the Pein Arc, or at the most, all of Part 2 altogether, to the end. (In-between, the end of Kakuzu and Hidan.)

C.) A complete retcon with the actual plot and character development the story should have had.

...otherwise, to have NS simply come together out of nowhere after all that's been forced to happen would merely be a clear attempt to simply win back fans cheaply while trying to bring back the money. Even if they were to have NH and SS divorce, it just would not be satisfactory without all the other things left unresolved / resolved poorly, and especially because it would not change the characters themselves as Naruto and Sakura would still look bad for doing so and it would only look the same as NH in being forced through.


#72 rikakim94



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Posted 21 February 2017 - 07:24 PM

I could never accept NS becoming canon at this time without...

A.) A sincere and publicly televised apology from both Kishi and the editor and SP NHers who forced things through.

B.) A scrapping of everything ever since, at the very least, the end of the Pein Arc, or at the most, all of Part 2 altogether, to the end. (In-between, the end of Kakuzu and Hidan.)

C.) A complete retcon with the actual plot and character development the story should have had.

...otherwise, to have NS simply come together out of nowhere after all that's been forced to happen would merely be a clear attempt to simply win back fans cheaply while trying to bring back the money. Even if they were to have NH and SS divorce, it just would not be satisfactory without all the other things left unresolved / resolved poorly, and especially because it would not change the characters themselves as Naruto and Sakura would still look bad for doing so and it would only look the same as NH in being forced through.


I don't think ether of those will ever happen kishi's new interview made it clear that he will stand by this crappy ending Also he wouldn't be brave enough to admit it.


If kishi wanted to makes decent conclusion thats something he should have decided when naruto was still going. Damage is done.

Edited by rikakim94, 21 February 2017 - 07:26 PM.

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