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Masashi Kishimoto Implies Sasuke And Sakura Are Not Happy With Their Marriage NaruSaku Possible Once Again!

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#61 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 30 April 2016 - 03:52 PM

I don't think alt ending will happen since Naruto general fans love the ending, there a lot of good seinen manga around why we must stuck with kid and preeteen manga.

Only the NH/SS or very casual fans love the ending.

Most of the Naruto neutrals with common sense, like me, or NS/SK fans abhor the ending (who have all been getting more of the casuals to actually look at the manga/anime more and see why) which is why the numbers have been falling. Not enough to kill it mind you, but it's definitely a very noticeable amount compared to before too.


#62 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 30 April 2016 - 11:01 PM

Agreed.  If Studio Pierrot and Kishimoto truly wanted to offer an olive branch to the NaruSaku and neutral fans that were upset by the original ending, they would need to do as CrimsonFox, Legend054, and Nate suggested - offer an alternative ending that addressed the failings of the original, and did justice to the characters.


There are a couple of problems with the possibility of going NaruSaku in the Boruto manga.


Firstly, Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot went out of their way to deny that there was ever any romantic development between Naruto and Sakura, despite the fact that Kishimoto himself emphasised the deepening feelings between the two characters in the manga several times.  Kishimoto even claimed that NaruSaku was "a red herring", despite NaruHina and SasuSaku having pretty much zero mutual build-up.


So, why would they then add in NaruSaku moments after going out of their way to sweep the pairing under the carpet - even going as far as to retcon the manga?  If they wanted to develop the pairing in the Borutoverse, they would only anger the NaruHina/SasuSaku fans.  If they just wanted to bait NaruSaku fans into reading/watching Boruto, then fans would think Studio Pierrot and Kishimoto were being just plain cruel.  The NaruSaku fans have been through more than enough.


Secondly, if they did make NaruSaku canon in the Borutoverse at the expense of NaruHina/SasuSaku, the resulting fallout would make the storm surrounding the original ending look like a minor scuffle in a playground.  There would be flame wars everywhere, and I can just see people hurling abuse at Naruto and Sakura for being heartless homewreckers.  It also wouldn't be in their characters; even if they did deeply love each other, they would not abandon their own families.



That's why I highly doubt there will be any NaruSaku development in Boruto.  The only way Studio Pierrot and Kishimoto could try to pull it off, would be to offer a spin-off of Naruto that shows an alternate reality - one where the original ending never happened.  Then they could be free to develop NaruSaku, and to try and develop the characters in a way that mended the failings of the original manga.  By offering both the original and revised realities, you could retain the NaruHina/SasuSaku fans with Boruto, and offer an alternative to people who didn't like the original ending and New Era Project.


Unfortunately, that would cost Studio Pierrot and Shonen Jump time and money, and I doubt that they would be willing to spend time and effort trying an experiment that has no guarantee of bringing back a large number of disillusioned fans.  Even if the New Era Project was hemorrhaging fans, it would be simpler for Studio Pierrot to keep beating the dead donkey with fillers until they got all the yen they could out of it, then close up the franchise and move on to something else.


I would love to see NaruSaku return and to see characters restored to who they really were, but it's been 1.5 years since the ending.  It's not likely to happen.  :sad:


If Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura marriages divorce It wouldn't be a tragedy, It will also show the fans of NaruSaku and SasuHina that both Masashi Kishimoto and Studion Pierrot came to the realization of their mistake of even pairing Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura as married couples which will tell us that they are looking to redeem themselves :) and that will show that they actually care how we feel about the manga making us feel wanted :) the fact that are catering to our wants or even hinting it means that we are of significant importance :) even if bringing NaruSaku and SasuHina fans back as a result of divorce doesn't return ALL NaruSaku/SasuHina fans it will bring back some, which means this is a Win Win situation for both NaruSaku/SasuHina fans and Kishimoto, We will get the pairing that we always wanted and Kishimoto will get yet another influx of fans and returning fans to read and buy his new manga which means more profit for him :)
So I fail to see a negative outcome with a divorce route with the new Boruto manga because the way I see it it will have more fans then Naruto currently does since there are only currently NaruHina/SasuSaku fans since most of the NaruSaku/SasuHina fans left honestly so at the moment mostly NaruHina/SasuSaku fans will be reading the Boruto manga so to expand on the fanbase Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot will have open new and old fanbases to squeeze as much profit as they can out of the new Boruto manga, No NaruHina and SasuSaku fans will not stop reading the Boruto manga when they see that Sasuke/Hinata and Naruto/Sakura are being shipped because it will actually keep them at the edges of their seats so because of that they will be constantly reading the new Boruto manga to see if their Beloved pairing will be broken apart and NaruSaku and SasuHina will also be at the edges of their seats constantly reading the manga seeing if their pairing finally comes true :) thats 4 fanbases added to read the Boruto manga instead of just the current 2 fanbases NaruHina/SasuSaku :) So because of this Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot will gain fans in addition to ones that they lost so I don't see an impending doom for the Boruto manga at the moment, And there are already hints that the divorce is set into motion from all the evidence from movie scenes/manga panels/Interviews i've provided :)
So what if Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is baiting NaruSaku and SasuHina fans to read the new Boruto manga, You don't hear anything about them baiting KibaHina, NejiTenTen, and LeeSaku fans, So that means that we NaruSaku/SasuHina fans are of more importance and value to them so feel special! they are considering the concerns of our Pairing fanbase over the others!!
Addressing Your Points
" Firstly, Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot went out of their way to deny that there was ever any romantic development between Naruto and Sakura, despite the fact that Kishimoto himself emphasised the deepening feelings between the two characters in the manga several times.  Kishimoto even claimed that NaruSaku was "a red herring", despite NaruHina and SasuSaku having pretty much zero mutual build-up."
That would be an Impossible task for both Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot since they both have shown us scenes in both the Anime/Manga panels that Naruto and Sakura have had affectionate moments which can be easily perceived as love so they cannot deny what they have shown
Romance doesn't need to result in 2 people involved in romantic moments to get together, even if the 2 parties involved in romantic activities don't get together they still had romantic development regardless, What i'm saying is that even if both Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot deny any romantic development between Naruto and Sakura AFTER giving them romantic development scenes it will not seem truthful, So no matter how much they deny Naruto and Sakura's romance they still implemented romantic development between these 2 characters.
I've already pointed out that NarutoXHinata and SasukeXSakura had zero development in romance, it was 1 sided love in between these 2 relationships where only the girls Hinata and Sakura were giving signs of it while Naruto and Sasuke were adamantly oblivious to it, this CLEALY INDICATES that Naruto and Sasuke had zero interest in them which is why it doesn't make sense for these girls to be in a relationship with 2 guys that have absolutely no interest in them, why do you think their marriages are dying as a result as I pointed out in my earlier replies to this topic ? Sasuke and Hinata and Naruto and Sakura are more compatible for marriage due to similar personalities, likes/dislikes, and experiences, Sasuke and Hinata and Naruto and Sakura have a chance to realize who their true significant other is in the upcoming Boruto manga, the hints provided within this topic and the interview gives all NaruSaku and SasuHina fans a new hope to look up to :)
"So, why would they then add in NaruSaku moments after going out of their way to sweep the pairing under the carpet - even going as far as to retcon the manga?  If they wanted to develop the pairing in the Borutoverse, they would only anger the NaruHina/SasuSaku fans.  If they just wanted to bait NaruSaku fans into reading/watching Boruto, then fans would think Studio Pierrot and Kishimoto were being just plain cruel.  The NaruSaku fans have been through more than enough. "
Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot hasn't completely swept NaruSaku under the carpet, If they did then at that moment where Sakura stated that Naruto's feeling for her was just because he didn't want to lose against Sasuke they would have had her say "I don't have those kind of feelings for you Naruto and never will" but she didn't say that in fact she didn't even say anything about her feelings for him, Sakura throughout the 700 chapters of Naruto has never confirmed her feelings for Naruto whether she likes or dislikes him, so because of that her feelings are still open for speculation, But it's transparently obvious she deeply cares about him seemingly more then Hinata especially in moments when he nearly dies
Hinata was in the area, why wasn't she crying for the presumed death of Naruto ? Like Sakura the person Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is claiming to not love Naruto as much as Hinata ?
Naruto's Funeral, a funeral that Hinata didn't attend ? a funeral that Sakura the person Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is "Portraying" to not have deep feelings for Naruto attended instead ? If Naruto means more to Hinata then Naruto does to Sakura then shouldn't Hinata at least be at the Funeral to ? or bursting into tears something Sakura wasn't doing at the funeral seeing the most important man to her die ? nope she did Neither, Hinata's feelings for Naruto aren't looking believable.
Another scene where Naruto is on the verge of death, who is the first person to step up to heal him ? Sakura thats right not Hinata Sakura! Hinata is said to be proficient in medical ninjutsu with skills nearly as good as Sakura's but Hinata didn't even budge to heal him but instead decided to watch him the person that she loves dearly die WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING ? if she loves him as much as she claims she would have rush to him and said something along the lines like "Naruto I may not be very good at healing but I will do my best because I can't bear to see the person that I love die T_T" and then started healing him the best way she could, but no she didn't even attempt to heal him at all while Sakura the person that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot claims to not have deep feelings for Naruto more willing to save Naruto's life then the person "Hinata" that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot claim to ACTUALLY love him ? does that make any sense ? see Hinata's love for Naruto isn't very believable.
If you want to talk about red herrings in Naruto then Hinata's feelings for Naruto is a prime example, Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot led us to believe that Hinata had deep love feelings for Naruto when she really didn't....
As I addressed to your first point, Developing Naruto and Sakura's relationship romantically will not cause a huge fallout of fans as you think, As I said before it will keep NaruHina and SasuSaku fans on the edges of their seats constantly reading and buying manga volumes of Boruto manga to see if their beloved married pairings will break apart and NaruSaku and SasuHina fans will also be on the edges of their seats to see if their pairings that never happened finally comes true, this will induce alot of profit on Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot end and we will finally get the pairings that we actually want, So there will be more gain then loss in this situation :) 
"Secondly, if they did make NaruSaku canon in the Borutoverse at the expense of NaruHina/SasuSaku, the resulting fallout would make the storm surrounding the original ending look like a minor scuffle in a playground.  There would be flame wars everywhere, and I can just see people hurling abuse at Naruto and Sakura for being heartless homewreckers.  It also wouldn't be in their characters; even if they did deeply love each other, they would not abandon their own families."
ok i'll repeat this, Developing Naruto and Sakura's relationship romantically will not cause a huge fallout of fans as you think, As I said before it will keep NaruHina and SasuSaku fans on the edges of their seats constantly reading and buying manga volumes of Boruto manga to see if their beloved married pairings will break apart and NaruSaku and SasuHina fans will also be on the edges of their seats to see if their pairings that never happened finally comes true, this will induce alot of profit on Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot end and we will finally get the pairings that we actually want, So there will be more gain then loss in this situation :) the fact that NaruSaku is a chance means their is hope to look up to :)
I don't see why it would be damaging for Naruto and Hinata to Divorce and Sasuke and Sakura to Divorce because they are in loveless relationships, Naruto doesn't even appreciate his family and he doesn't have reasons to be compelled to because Hinata and him are nothing alike and don't share any common likes and dislikes as I pointed out, This applies Even to his kids with his DNA in them and they are nothing like him either, Boruto Idolizes Sasuke more then he does his own father making Naruto feel like he doesn't even have a family and a son at all and he even realizes his family is nothing like him either and saddened by it
So Boruto is your son Naruto ? Hinata has got some explaining to do ;);)
Sarada's personality is more like Naruto's in addition to Sarada's dreams and aspirations being exactly the same as Naruto's, Naruto actually has a family feeling when around Sarada because she is ACUTALLY like A DAUGHTER to him
Naruto seems more happy and content when around Sarada and Sakura, 2 people he is more compatible with so I don't see why their needs to be flame wars because Naruto will realize who the actual woman he should have married, only people who would riot are radical NaruHina and SasuSaku fans who are delusioned by being enthralled by their couples cuteness and not the actual rationality and logic behind it that makes those pairings compatible, 
As I pointed out with my first post of this topic, Sasuke has completely excluded himself from his family, His family is lucky if they see him once a year and that's not an exaggeration, Burdening all the stress of family and raising a child on Sakura making her feel lonely, unwanted by her husband, the fact that Naruto is fulfilling the role of a fatherly figure to Sarada could inevitably cause Sakura to start eyeing Naruto a little bit :)
"It also wouldn't be in their characters" what does this even mean ?
Bet no one thought it would be in his character to turn into a deranged, obsessive, psychopathic lunatic out to steal peoples bodies, Darkness exist in everyone's hearts but a certain circumstance and situation can amplify the darkness inside ones heart, Like in orochimaru's case he was lead to believe that it's pointless to learn constantly if your mortal so to preserve what he learns he constantly steals bodies as he ages, All it takes is a tragic event or a opportunity to get something greater to change Naruto and Sakura's beliefs and cause them to do something that they would never be expected to do such as abandoning their families :)

"That's why I highly doubt there will be any NaruSaku development in Boruto.  The only way Studio Pierrot and Kishimoto could try to pull it off, would be to offer a spin-off of Naruto that shows an alternate reality - one where the original ending never happened.  Then they could be free to develop NaruSaku, and to try and develop the characters in a way that mended the failings of the original manga.  By offering both the original and revised realities, you could retain the NaruHina/SasuSaku fans with Boruto, and offer an alternative to people who didn't like the original ending and New Era Project."

The Boruto manga hasn't been serialized and released yet, which means everyone including you doesn't know of the story plot it will have, so we can't say for sure that NaruSaku will or will not be developed, However since NaruSaku development has been hinted within the Boruto Naruto the movie and Kishimoto's Interviews as I shown within this topic that means that there is footing to assume that the Boruto story plot has a high chance to put emphasis on NaruSaku development which means we can't be too doubtful about NaruSaku moments In the Boruto manga when it's been heavily hinted :):)

It wouldn't be a smart move for Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot to make an alternate ending side story for the NaruSaku and SasuHina fans where Naruto and Sakura get married and Sasuke and Hinata get married while the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans get the pairing they wanted on the main cannon story line making NaruSaku and SasuHina fans feel less important and secondary when NaruSaku and SasuHina fans have been contributing to manga sales and manga/anime ratings just as much as the NaruSaku and SasuHina fans, So how is this and would be fair to us ? That will make the NaruSaku and SasuHina fans feel like they are of little importance and getting less treatment then the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans who got what they wanted despite us NaruSaku and SasuHina fans being just as contributive the entire Naruto series as them, thats a good way to lose fans/customers because that will send a message to us that they will just take our money and not get what we wanted with the money we spent on them, We supported the manga sales for our pairings just as much as the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans for their pairing so we should get the same equal reward as the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans.

So to balance this situation out, NaruSaku and SasuHina fans should get a turn with their pairings in the main cannon storyline with Naruto/Sakura and Sasuke/Hinata as married couples, that way all the fans of each pairing will get fair treatment and get what they want and of course paid for, It looks like Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is going that route now with all the hints of Naruto/Sakura and Sasuke/Hinata getting solid moments in the up coming Boruto manga which means there is new hope for us NaruSaku and SasuHina fans to look forward to so don't lose faith and give up, we are given a sign that we may get equal treatment as the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans :)

"Unfortunately, that would cost Studio Pierrot and Shonen Jump time and money, and I doubt that they would be willing to spend time and effort trying an experiment that has no guarantee of bringing back a large number of disillusioned fans.  Even if the New Era Project was hemorrhaging fans, it would be simpler for Studio Pierrot to keep beating the dead donkey with fillers until they got all the yen they could out of it, then close up the franchise and move on to something else."

Why does Studio Pierrot and Shonen Jump need to experiment to see if NaruSaku and SasuHina as pairing would be profitable when they have already proven so ? NaruSaku has always been more popular in the polls in all countries world wide then any other pairing in Naruto, Indeed true that NaruHina rivals NaruSaku but NaruSaku has always came out on top, especially in japan, The fact that the NaruSaku is the biggest Naruto pairing fan base in the entire series and Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot still made Naruto/Hinata and SasuSaku as married couples enraged the entire NaruSaku fanbase the largest Naruto fan base in the series causing a large majority of them to cut all ties with Naruto, Studio Pierrot and Kishimoto you just lost your biggest Naruto fan base which also means was your biggest profit source that wasn't a smart move,

But with the hints of Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura divorcing there marriages in the up coming Boruto manga they are looking for redemption

I'll say this once more:

Sasuke and Hinata as a couple has never been considered for plot for the anime and manga by both Studio Pierrot or Kishimoto so they have no way of knowing if they can Market the couple and make money off of it if they haven't presented it for the world to see, however with the direct similarities both Sasuke and Hinata share such as life experiences, liking the same foods, and similar combat abilities that shows that this Pairing is rich with potential, I highly doubt sharing similarities in life experiences to be basic, that is deeply emotional in both Sasuke and Hinata's cases and they would have a deep understanding and sympathy for both each other because they both know how it feels for what they both experienced :) 
Which is why someone should present the Idea of Sasuke and Hinata as a couple to both Kishimoto and Studio pierrot so that they can experiment with it, Such as not giving them a canon manga panel moment but first dedicating a special filler episode that features both Sasuke and Hinata together doesn't matter if they are working together or eating together just give them a moment together to see how fans will react and how they will like it so that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot can see if the Idea of them being a couple or at least deep friends is canon worthy :)

You NaruSaku fans of NaruSaku forums may have lost your faith in Naruto and Sakura becoming a couple, But I am providing new hope! :) New journeys and Horizons await you in the new Boruto manga as I've shown :)


Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 01 May 2016 - 06:29 PM.

#63 yimiiyumi



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Posted 01 May 2016 - 02:04 AM

the spoilers are out

the manga is about boruto fighting a new enemy 

not about who get a divorce

#64 yimiiyumi



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Posted 01 May 2016 - 02:12 AM

I asked to the guy in narutoforums who did read the first chapter and is giving reliable spoilers if there is some ns hints at the manga

he said nope there is nothing really hinting at ns being a thing in the new manga

#65 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 01 May 2016 - 03:26 AM

the spoilers are out

the manga is about boruto fighting a new enemy 

not about who get a divorce



I asked to the guy in narutoforums who did read the first chapter and is giving reliable spoilers if there is some ns hints at the manga

he said nope there is nothing really hinting at ns being a thing in the new manga

I thoroughly searched online, And according to Ukyo Kodachi the writer of the Boruto story plot, the new Boruto manga series will revolve around the story of the protagonist Boruto and HYUGA PRINCESS HINATA, both Boruto and Hinata are being Hinted to be the main characters of this storyline, Here is the report given BY Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi:

Boruto is half Hyuga with hyuga abilities such as the byakugan, and what better person to train him with the Hyuga techs and considered amoung the strongest of the Hyuga ? his mother Hinata that means that he will have a trainer in addition to his other one Sasuke, this could inevitably cause Sasuke and Hinata to cross paths because they both spend time to train him and and they can train Boruto together and thus Sasuke and Hinata can establish a relationship footing from there :)

If NaruSaku isn't hinted to be apart of the Boruto storyline AS OF YET... don't give up so soon NaruSaku fans :) then we are still getting some SasuHina development :) this new manga seems promising and I look foward to it :)

You guys owe me a million dollars if my theory on the Boruto plot comes true :)

#66 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 01 May 2016 - 03:31 AM



I thoroughly searched online, And according to Ukyo Kodachi the writer of the Boruto story plot, the new Boruto manga series will revolve around the story of the protagonist Boruto and HYUGA PRINCESS HINATA, both Boruto and Hinata are being Hinted to be the main characters of this storyline, Here is the report given BY Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi:

Boruto is half Hyuga with hyuga abilities such as the byakugan, and what better person to train him with the Hyuga techs and considered amoung the strongest of the Hyuga ? his mother Hinata that means that he will have a trainer in addition to his other one Sasuke, this could inevitably cause Sasuke and Hinata to cross paths because they both spend time to train him and and they can train Boruto together and thus Sasuke and Hinata can establish a relationship footing from there :)

If NaruSaku isn't hinted to be apart of the Boruto storyline AS OF YET... don't give up so soon NaruSaku fans :) then we are still getting some SasuHina development :) this new manga seems promising and I look foward to it :)

You guys owe me a million dollars if my theory on the Boruto plot comes true :)

We have a topic for Bolt manga already. 



Edited by Bail o' Lies, 01 May 2016 - 03:32 AM.

#67 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 01 May 2016 - 03:36 AM

We have a topic for Bolt manga already. 



This topic puts a emphasis more on theorizing what the Boruto plot will be about not so much about absolute facts about it, so this topic still stands as it differentiates from the one you provided a link for me :) 

I'll say again, you guys owe me a million dollars if my theory on the Boruto plot developing NaruSaku's and SasuHina's development comes true :)

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 01 May 2016 - 03:40 AM.

#68 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 01 May 2016 - 06:02 AM

This topic puts a emphasis more on theorizing what the Boruto plot will be about not so much about absolute facts about it, so this topic still stands as it differentiates from the one you provided a link for me :) 

I'll say again, you guys owe me a million dollars if my theory on the Boruto plot developing NaruSaku's and SasuHina's development comes true :)

At best, they're most likely going to try avoid any topic of romantic "love" and try to keep things focused on what they think everyone will like (mostly SNS and battle action) because more people have made it clear that they don't care at all about Hinata in general (anymore) aside from a small minority, which is why after The Last, she has essentially been all but erased from the story again hence her little to no (meaningful) presence in Gaiden, the Boruto movie, and various ads and merchandise, including for this new Boruto manga (yet we had at least a tiny picture of Sakura with Ino), given the ones that did feature Hinata ended up not selling after The Last came out. So I doubt Hinata will get that much of a presence here either much less be romantically involved with anyone.


#69 yimiiyumi



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Posted 01 May 2016 - 07:38 AM



I thoroughly searched online, And according to Ukyo Kodachi the writer of the Boruto story plot, the new Boruto manga series will revolve around the story of the protagonist Boruto and HYUGA PRINCESS HINATA, both Boruto and Hinata are being Hinted to be the main characters of this storyline, Here is the report given BY Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi:

Boruto is half Hyuga with hyuga abilities such as the byakugan, and what better person to train him with the Hyuga techs and considered amoung the strongest of the Hyuga ? his mother Hinata that means that he will have a trainer in addition to his other one Sasuke, this could inevitably cause Sasuke and Hinata to cross paths because they both spend time to train him and and they can train Boruto together and thus Sasuke and Hinata can establish a relationship footing from there :)

If NaruSaku isn't hinted to be apart of the Boruto storyline AS OF YET... don't give up so soon NaruSaku fans :) then we are still getting some SasuHina development :) this new manga seems promising and I look foward to it :)

You guys owe me a million dollars if my theory on the Boruto plot comes true :)


This topic puts a emphasis more on theorizing what the Boruto plot will be about not so much about absolute facts about it, so this topic still stands as it differentiates from the one you provided a link for me :) 

I'll say again, you guys owe me a million dollars if my theory on the Boruto plot developing NaruSaku's and SasuHina's development comes true :)

"vinereporter" is this not the same site which gave some fake infos about the last ? don't really trusting this kinda of news without any japanese source

anyway even if we assume hinata is a main character in the manga guess you're going too far you have to remember not everything in naruto is about "who ends up with who"
Did you read the spoilers ?

1-boruto says this is the story focused on him and his dad not focused in him and sasuke

2-the last page with the main characters say cleary this story will be focused only in them

3-everything is destroyed, a massacre seems to have happened in the village and naruto is hinted to be dead in other words we don't even know if sasuke and sakura or naruto and hinata are still alive

No offense but this will be a monthly manga so I'm almost sure you will come here every month and say "don't worry ns will be in the next chapter" this is kinda tiring to me TBH so I'll just wait to the end of the anime or an alternative ending by kishi

#70 db84x


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 02:50 PM

Only the NH/SS or very casual fans love the ending.

Most of the Naruto neutrals with common sense, like me, or NS/SK fans abhor the ending (who have all been getting more of the casuals to actually look at the manga/anime more and see why) which is why the numbers have been falling. Not enough to kill it mind you, but it's definitely a very noticeable amount compared to before too.

Main fandom is SNS, the reason they hate NS and SK because it obtruct SNS way. NS actually a good idea if Naruto seinen manga.

#71 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 03:33 PM

The Boroto Manga is available for reading!

Boruto: "oh wow a new daddy!"

Soon Boruto soon :)

#72 Yyubie



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Posted 02 May 2016 - 03:58 PM

At best, they're most likely going to try avoid any topic of romantic "love" and try to keep things focused on what they think everyone will like (mostly SNS and battle action) because more people have made it clear that they don't care at all about Hinata in general (anymore) aside from a small minority, which is why after The Last, she has essentially been all but erased from the story again hence her little to no (meaningful) presence in Gaiden, the Boruto movie, and various ads and merchandise, including for this new Boruto manga (yet we had at least a tiny picture of Sakura with Ino), given the ones that did feature Hinata ended up not selling after The Last came out. So I doubt Hinata will get that much of a presence here either much less be romantically involved with anyone.




"vinereporter" is this not the same site which gave some fake infos about the last ? don't really trusting this kinda of news without any japanese source

anyway even if we assume hinata is a main character in the manga guess you're going too far you have to remember not everything in naruto is about "who ends up with who"
Did you read the spoilers ?

1-boruto says this is the story focused on him and his dad not focused in him and sasuke

2-the last page with the main characters say cleary this story will be focused only in them

3-everything is destroyed, a massacre seems to have happened in the village and naruto is hinted to be dead in other words we don't even know if sasuke and sakura or naruto and hinata are still alive

No offense but this will be a monthly manga so I'm almost sure you will come here every month and say "don't worry ns will be in the next chapter" this is kinda tiring to me TBH so I'll just wait to the end of the anime or an alternative ending by kishi

Careful he is SasuHina more than NS [i don't think he care about NS even slightest, he only support NS because it will help get in the way of NH], that means he is Hinata fan :) . Don't bad word his Hime sama :sweat:

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#73 yimiiyumi



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Posted 02 May 2016 - 04:16 PM

The Boroto Manga is available for reading!

Boruto: "oh wow a new daddy!"

Soon Boruto soon :)

Just read it now
almost the whole chapter is a big flashback scenes from the movie
and the first page seems to happen some years after the movie
looks like hinata have some role in the first chapter but sakura just appears in three random panels with the other girls
Again I doubt if kishi's assistant was going to make a story about divorce he would start with the plot of a story about battles
don't makes sense he starting it as a typical shonen story about fight and then turn it in a story about divorce and romance

#74 Hanabi



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Posted 02 May 2016 - 04:28 PM

such a bad troll


I can't even say good bye to you for the last time

I'm sorry

#75 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 05:06 PM

such a bad troll

Thank you for such a contributive answer to this topic ^^

#76 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 05:57 PM

Naruto the father of Boruto and the Husband of Hinata has seldomly spent time with his family, this becomes much more transparent when he absented himself from the birthday party he PROMISED Boruto/Himawari and Hinata to attend
Naruto you want to be a father to everyone in the village ? isn't your family also apart of the village ? :)

Then a FEW MINUTES LATER a man who's actually willing to spend time with Naruto's family appears ? coincidence ? I think not, this a huge and clear hint that a new man will bear the mantle of a father and husband to Boruto's family
So what does this tell you ? this is a clear sign that both Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is hinting that Naruto's family has a new man to admire and depend on,

The new Boruto manga is based off the Movie, which means the Manga scenes will be IDENTICAL to the movie scenes and the evidence that I provided above shows that, and Kishimoto stated the Boruto Naruto the movie serves as a pilot for the new Boruto manga, which means Boruto is highly likely to have a new father figure to idolize :)

This also means that where the movie left off, the Boruto manga story will continue where it left off based on the scenes/moment of the movie has shown, which means Naruto will continue to be a neglectful father while Sasuke will be a actual fatherly figure to Boruto and his family, Hinata is saddened at the fact that Naruto doesn't spend time with his family because she's unfortunately not getting the husband she always wanted, the fact that Sasuke is doing everything she wishes Naruto could do such as taking care and watching over her kids and spending time with her could most certainly cause her to start Eyeing him a little bit :)

The SasuHina implications are strong in the Boruto Movie/Manga my SasuHina and of course NaruSaku brothers will Rise once again!

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 02 May 2016 - 06:02 PM.

#77 yimiiyumi



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Posted 02 May 2016 - 06:06 PM

Naruto the father of Boruto and the Husband of Hinata has seldomly spent time with his family, this becomes much more transparent when he absented himself from the birthday party he PROMISED Boruto/Himawari and Hinata to attend
Naruto you want to be a father to everyone in the village ? isn't your family also apart of the village ? :)

Then a FEW MINUTES LATER a man who's actually willing to spend time with Naruto's family appears ? coincidence ? I think not, this a huge and clear hint that a new man will bear the mantle of a father and husband to Boruto's family
So what does this tell you ? this is a clear sign that Naruto's family has a new man to admire and depend on, and clearly hinting

The new Boruto manga is based off the Movie, which means the Manga scenes will be IDENTICAL to the movie scenes and the evidence that I provided above shows that, and Kishimoto stated the Boruto Naruto the movie serves as a pilot for the new Boruto manga, which means Boruto is highly likely to have a new father figure to idolize :)

This also means that where the movie left off, the Boruto manga story will continue where it left off based on the scenes/moment of the movie has shown, which means Naruto will continue to be a neglectful father while Sasuke will be a actual fatherly figure to Boruto and his family, Hinata is saddened at the fact that Naruto doesn't spend time with his family because she's unfortunately not getting the husband she always wanted, the fact that Sasuke is doing everything she wishes Naruto could do such as taking care and watching over her kids and spending time with her could most certainly cause her to start Eyeing him a little bit :)

The SasuHina implications are strong in the Boruto Movie/Manga my SasuHina and of course NaruSaku brothers will Rise once again!

I guess you should make a thread to talk only about sasuhina

most of people here don't really like sasuhina (I guess people here are most into sasukarin)

"implications are strong"

smiling to someone who is searching your husband is not really a "strong implication" you are in love with the guy and will get a divorce to stay with him
knowing the canon hinata if this was the case she would probably blush to sasuke

#78 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 06:31 PM


I guess you should make a thread to talk only about sasuhina

most of people here don't really like sasuhina (I guess people here are most into sasukarin)

"implications are strong"

smiling to someone who is searching your husband is not really a "strong implication" you are in love with the guy and will get a divorce to stay with him
knowing the canon hinata if this was the case she would probably blush to sasuke



Also the Boruto manga has just begun, Meaning it is the time for adjustment and relationship building, of course Naruto and Sakura and Sasuke and Hinata won't get married right off the bat at the beginning of the manga because they wouldn't have any relationship build up and wouldn't make sense for them to be together, 

However as I've shown from the Movie/Manga implications and Hints, Both Sasuke and Hinata now have a footing to establish and BUILD A relationship so that's what makes SasuHina open for speculation.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 02 May 2016 - 06:33 PM.

#79 yimiiyumi



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Posted 02 May 2016 - 06:40 PM


Also the Boruto manga has just begun, Meaning it is the time for adjustment and relationship building, of course Naruto and Sakura and Sasuke and Hinata won't get married right off the bat at the beginning of the manga because they wouldn't have any relationship build up and wouldn't make sense for them to be together, 

However as I've shown from the Movie/Manga implications and Hints, Both Sasuke and Hinata now have a footing to establish and BUILD A relationship so that's what makes SasuHina open for speculation.

oh man read again the chapter it happens some years after the movie and now they will show boruto's enemy story

the first chapter chapter prety much confirmed the whole manga will be focused on battles not "who ends up with who"

and again what hints man ?

and an ask you said some days ago we were going to know if you was right in the next (this) week

so the chapter is out and nothing about divorce

yet you're saying "this is the first chapter" ok so when will you give up ? I mean let's suppose till august nothing happened between narusaku and sasuhina

will you give up ? (not saying you should give up or something like this you're totally free to keep believing I'm just a bit curious)

#80 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:08 PM

oh man read again the chapter it happens some years after the movie and now they will show boruto's enemy story

the first chapter chapter prety much confirmed the whole manga will be focused on battles not "who ends up with who"

and again what hints man ?

and an ask you said some days ago we were going to know if you was right in the next (this) week

so the chapter is out and nothing about divorce

yet you're saying "this is the first chapter" ok so when will you give up ? I mean let's suppose till august nothing happened between narusaku and sasuhina

will you give up ? (not saying you should give up or something like this you're totally free to keep believing I'm just a bit curious)

Wow, you're confirmed to not reading every said in each of my post word by word, I am saying their are hints and implications that a divorce could POSSIBLY happen if Naruto continue's to neglect his family and concerns himself with another not that at a 100% chance that a divorce will happen, 

It doesn't have to be a divorce, Naruto could just turn his back on his family and leave Hinata/Boruto/Himawari alone because he will eventually feel unappreciated for what he does, His family doesn't exactly have a liking to his career choice as shown in the movie

I mean it's fairly obvious since Boruto rather spend time with another man and consider him his father giving Naruto the feeling *That's no son of mine*

Sarada the daughter of SAKURA has a similar personality to Naruto and WANTS to become the Hokage making Naruto and his career choice in life feel appreciated
This also means that Sarada will make him feel like he ACTUALLY HAS A DAUGHTER/KID and will make him feel that he has a family that ACTUALLY APPRECIATES HIS JOB AS HOKAGE

So this means that Naruto will be much more compelled to spend time with Sakura's family rather then his own, while Sasuke rather spend time with Boruto and his family THEN HIS OWN, It's like both Naruto and Sasuke are the fathers of the wrong family

So this is how I can speculate that NaruSaku and SasuHina has a chance to happen, I'm sorry dude but our perspectives on this matter are to different and I feel it's best we go our separate ways :/

Also please stop thinking so Shallow, It is true that the first panel of the Boruto manga shows a fight scene that will seemingly decide the fate of the leaf village

However the manga has yet to fully show and tell about how it lead up to that fight scene since the manga just began ? So we don't know what kinda relationships were built before that point, So therefore my speculations still have merit.


Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 02 May 2016 - 07:45 PM.

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