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Naruto- The Story of an unyielding Ninja (Jiraiya's novel)

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#61 LadyGT



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Posted 29 June 2013 - 09:06 AM

Here we go guys!
This is Part 1 of my compilation of favorite "NS foreshadowing hints" from the novel!
I'm sorry I couldn't upload it yeasterday but I had a really busy day ( NarutoDesignContestOMG)
Anyway most of these moments are similar or already happened in the manga, so they might not sound new to you, while others will be really interesting.  :smug:
Some moments have been already translated, however I'll give my own translation as well!
I tried to give the most accurate translation possible, if there are some mistakes please let me know!!! 
List of characters:
Naruto: Shinobi from Shuku.
Tsuyu: Shinobi from Shuku.
Renge: Shinobi from Shuku.
Shuku: Naruto's village.
Kokage: The leader of the village.
Shima: ninja from Kon.
Nikaku: Shinobi from Shuku.
Page 50 - Conversation between Naruto and Tsuyu

[In this Scene Naruto and Tsuyu just attended a secret meeting at the Kokake palace where they got the mission to bring back Renge to the village. In addition, the Kokage assigned a new member to the team, Nikaku Onikoma. Now Naruto and Tsuyu are waiting for him at the steps of the Kokage Palace.]

«Naruto I want to apologize to you.» 
«When the third Kokage said that ninja are just like weapons, you hit the ceiling.»
«Aah!»Naruto kept playing with a twig, trying to hide his embarrassment. «Eh Eh, unfortunately I'm not really intelligent, so I couldn't counter the old man's words.»
Not too far from them, a donkey was quietly grazing the grass of the field.
«You have always been like this.»
«Like what?»
«Every time someone says something about me, or Renge, you always lose your temper.»Tsuyu's eyes now shifted to the sky. There wasn't even a cloud that day. «Do you still remember when we performed the Kuchiyose no Jutsu for the first time? We all wanted to prove that our summoning was the best.»
«How can I forget...we almost ended up paralyzed!!»
[There is a little flashback about a conversation Naruto and Renge had few days before Renge left the village.]

Naruto suddenly felt heat spreading on his back.

«What's wrong?»
Naruto looked at Tsuyu in the eye. He thought about telling her everything that happened the night before when he was attacked by the giant millipedes, but in the end he decided not to.
Even so, he bursted in laughter and said 
«It's just that I had finally learned how to summon and I couldn't wait to use him!»
Even Tsuyu laughed.
«Starting a fight with you guys was the perfect chance!»
Just when Naruto threw the twig he had in his hand in the air, the donkey turned his head towards the two.
«I really couldn't stand that your summonings were cooler than mine!»
«Thank you also for that time, Naruto.»
«You knew that on that day Renge rejected me...»
«Hum, I...»
«And thickhead as you are, you thought about getting into a fight to solve things.»
«No, actually I...»
The two ninja remained silent and for a while you could only hear the blowing of a gentle spring wind.
«Hey Tsuyu...»Suddenly, Naruto's expression became serious. «You... are you still in love with Renge?»
At that question, Tsuyu made a melancholic smile.
«I see.»Said Naruto.
«Wouldn't you be happy with me?»
Naruto's penetrating gaze made the woman blush.
The donkey was now watching the scene, intrigued.

«HAHAHA, c'mon I'm just teasing!»
«Besides, being rejected makes you stronger.»Commented Naruto «I'm really grateful to you and Renge. It's all thanks to you if today I'm the person I am.»
Tsuyu gave a radiant smile to her comrade.
«Becoming stronger is one of my goals. And one day, I'll make this world a place where shinobi will not be considered simple weapons anymore.»
«You are already stronger enough as you are.»
«Eh? Why are you saying this?»
«It's rather us....»Tsuyu made a short pause and then continued:«... we rely way too much on your courage.»
«Aw c'mon stop it. These niceties don't suit you.»Naruto, completely red in the face, didn't know how to reply any further.

Minor moment! I think it was cute enough to write it down :)

On Page 61, Naruto, Tsuyu and the new member are trying to get along. There is a funny scene where Naruto's actions make Tsuyu laugh. Naruto, surprised, states that it has been ages since last time he saw her laughing like that, which makes him laugh happily too.

Deja vu!
[Page 77 has a scene which heavily reminds the events happened after the Pein arc, when Naruto, Sakura and Sai discover from Karui and Omoi that Sasuke joined Akatsuki. The setting is similar too, but in this case Naruto and co. captured a female ninja, Shima, from the Kon village, who tried to ambush them. The girl tells them that Renge was the one who caused the destruction of the Ton village.] 
«These are all lies!»cried Tsuyu.
«Tsuyu...»Naruto tried to step in.
«You need proofs to demonstrate facts!»
«If you want proofs, then I'll go on.»Continued the prisoner.

Naruto squeezed Tsuyu tightly to his chest.
«No, it can be!»Tsuyu abandoned herself in Naruto's arms, sobbing. «He would never do something like that!»

[Then there is a conversation between Nikaku and Shima, while Naruto still holds Tsuyu in his arms. In the end Naruto ends up doing his usual speeches.]

Chapter 7, page 95: Teasing scene.

[After the discussion happened the night before, Naruto decides to free Shima, telling her to go away. However, moved by Naruto's speech she decides to join them. This scene happens during their way to Kon village.]

«Naruto I have something to ask you.»
«Sure, what is it?»
«What does "damn pervert" exactly mean?»
«When we first met, Tsuyu exactly shouted those word at you, and then she kicked you in the sky. Remember?»
«Oh, that's right. You should be careful around this guy.»Tsuyu stepped in, cutting off Naruto's response.«A man that doesn't think twice about using his sage mode to peep on girls at the onsen...»
«Is that true?»Shima stared at Naruto.
«Uh? N-no, well... Ah ah, it's not like...»Naruto made a face at Tsuyu. «Did you really have to mention it?»
«Ah! So it is true!»
«T-true...»Naruto turned to Shima. «Did you know that Tsuyu is really violent? One time she hit me so hard that I miraculously escaped death!»
«Because I caught you peeping in the girl's bathroom and you even told me nonchalantly: "It's not like they fall if I look at them!"»
«But I do really think that...!»
«Oh please...»Tsuyu crossed her arms «I have the feeling that someone is trying to get on my nerves today...»
«And frankly, I'm pretty sure you don't dislike the idea of being spied by the undersigned here.»
«Excuse me?»
«Its galling for me to make you notice this, but I don't always have all this free time to come and give a little peek at your flat chest, I mean, surfboard.»
Not even giving him the time to finish his sentence, Tsuyu's fist met Naruto's face.
«Hey what the hell! You b*tch!»Lamented Naruto while blood was flooding from his nose «It's because of your behavior that not a single man ever tries to come close to you!»
«Gorilla woman.»
«What did you just say?!»
At that moment, Shima joined the conversation.
«Naruto, are you really that interested in seeing naked girls?»
«Believe me, that's the only thing that goes through his head!»Anticipated again Tsuyu «Half of his chakra is contaminated by his perversion!»
«You know what? Yes, I like it and I would like to see more.»
Shima, misinterpreting Naruto's provocatives words, without any further explanations, untied her kimono and showed off her breasts.«Here you go then!»
Naruto's and Tsuyu's eyes were glued on the girl's chest.
«If it's you then I don't mind!»Said Shima.
Naruto fell backwards while blood was spurting out his nose like a fountain. Tsuyu awkwardly tried to cover the girl. «Sh-Shi...Shima?!»
«Hey you, do you like Naruto?»After hearing Shima's question, Tsuyu was dumbfounded. Shima insisted: «Well?»
Tsuyu looked at Naruto which, in a sea of blood and tears, was cursing her from afar. She shook her head. 
«Well then I'll take him!»Affirmed Shima.
«I said that I'll take Naruto!»
«N-No no, wait!!»Tsuyu waved her hands like fans. 
«Shima, you did hear what I said, right? This guy is not the person you think he is! He is... a pervert, got it? A dirty pervert!!»
«Hey something is telling me that you like Naruto.»
«No you are wrong.»
«I have my suspicions.»
«Based on what?»
«No way!»Said Tsuyu.«I don't really think so!»
«Then stop complaining!»
«L-like I care, you can do whatever you want...»
«Naruto»Called out Shima. «Do you want to be my boyfriend?»
«Naruto, I warn you, don't come up with weird ideas! This girl is barely sixteen!»
«I might be sixteen, but at least I have some curves.»
Naruto confronted both the girl's chest glaring first at one and then shifting to the other. Under his nose appeared a lascivious grin.
This costed him yet another flight to the forest's borders.

To be continued~!

Edited by LadyGT, 10 September 2014 - 11:34 AM.


#62 Tokura Misaki

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Posted 29 June 2013 - 10:41 AM

I found this:



But the problem for this one is you need to enter a password to continue reading. (I'm still waiting for the poster's reply.)  :sweatdrop:



@LadyGT: Please post more!  :eager:

#63 LadyGT



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Posted 30 June 2013 - 02:05 AM

I found this:



But the problem for this one is you need to enter a password to continue reading. (I'm still waiting for the poster's reply.)  :sweatdrop:



@LadyGT: Please post more!  :eager:


Sure here we go with part 2!!!!


As always, sorry for the mistakes!! I'll try to review and fix everything when I get the chance!







Page 159 - Naruto's memories

[Naruto and Tsuyu are finally facing Renge, the traitor. They are trying to convince him to come back to the village with them but he refuses, explaining them his reasons. This makes Naruto reminiscing
 some experiences they shared together.]


Shu: Sensei of Naruto, Tsuyu and Renge



The air became heavier.
At the age of six, the trio started to train in ninjutsu. Those childhood days flowed before Naruto's eyes.
At the time of the Second Great Ninja War, they fought side by side, as a team. God, how many times Renge saved his life...

" The ramen of the Icho restaurant that Shu sensei used to offer us at the end of class....the days where we used to skip school to go off the beach for a swim... and that time when we hid to peep on Tsuyu while she was changing her swimsuit... she hit me so hard I survived miraculously. Even though Renge was there with me, she didn't even touch him, on the contrary...Tsuyu blushed...kitten, now that I think about it, in the embarrassment she also looked pleased.

On that day, when I found out that she was in love with Renge, I couldn't stop my tears....when then Renge turned her down I couldn't hold my anger...
To be honest the situation we are in right now reminds me a bit of that moment..."

[They then proceed to fight with their summonings.
If you are curious, their summonings are:
Naruto: a giant mouse, Tora.
Tsuyu: a giant mythological bird, Karura.
Renge: a giant millipedes, Gokomaru.]



Page 196 - Naruto's answer.

[Renge leaves and he's now ready to perform his jutsu to crush Shuku with mount Hyakki. Naruto and Tsuyu are trying their best to stop the giants that are lifting up the mountain, but their efforts appear to be useless.]




«Naruto! It looks like these giants are heading to the village!!
Naruto came back to reality once he landed his feet on the ground.
Tsuyu reached his position with a jump.
«These things don't have eyes…»
«Tsuyu, go ahead and evacuate the village!»
«I-I....I can't...I... » hesitated Tsuyu, spacing out.«Even though they don't have eyes… how in the world do they know which direction to take...?»
«Tsuyu! Snap out of it!» Naruto grabbed Tsuyu's shoulders and shook her saying:«Now we don't need to know that! These things are heading to the village! There's no doubt about it!»
«Yes but... »Tsuyu started crying.«W-what can we do...?»
«You can't give up! »
Naruto slapped her check.
Tsuyu blinked energetically.
«We failed our mission.»
« We didn't bring 
Renge back to the village.» said Naruto grinning his teeth. «And I couldn't even protect our comrade as I promised you. Forgive me.»

Tsuyu shook her head.
«A while ago you asked me what really means for me to be a ninja. That time I couldn't give you an answer, but now I think I can.»
Tsuyu waited patiently without interrupting.
«I believe that shinobi are indeed people destined to sacrifice themselves for the common good.» he said with a nervous giggle. «This is the ideal that the second Kokage handed down to my dad, and that now I inherited.»
«People destined to sacrifice themselves for the common good...»
«I couldn't accomplish the mission and I couldn’t fulfill the promise I made to you either. Even so, I can't give up, I have to endure. After all, how can a person that can't even take care of himself, pretend to protect his own village?»
Tsuyu raised her eyes swollen with tears.
«Renge warned me that I would have been challenged. But I will never give up! Protect the village: this is the final goal of every mission. Protecting the village has the priority on every single promise made. Now our lives are put in second place. Exactly because of this, we can say that we are people destined to sacrifice themselves for the common good and we need to do it with the lessons we inherited.»
«Where's my Tsuyu? The woman I fell in love with is not a coward!»
Right after Naruto's words, a smile appeared through Tsuyu's tears.
«Oh, this is the woman I know! You are like ramen… I prefer you strong and determined!»
«Naruto, what are your plans now?»
«Somehow, I'll stop these monsters.»
Naruto and Tsuyu split up and took two different paths.



Part 3 is coming soon~

Edited by LadyGT, 30 June 2013 - 10:40 AM.


#64 sushi.


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Posted 30 June 2013 - 02:10 AM

I think if ever someone asks Sakura what makes her happy, it will be a contrast to 540. When Sakura thinks of Naruto, it bring her joy and when she thinks of Sasuke it brings her sadness. Kishi couldn''t have made it more obvious then, and it would fit his writing/artstyle too.


#65 Cherry-Bloss93


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Posted 30 June 2013 - 02:16 AM

I think if ever someone asks Sakura what makes her happy, it will be a contrast to 540. When Sakura thinks of Naruto, it bring her joy and when she thinks of Sasuke it brings her sadness. Kishi couldn''t have made it more obvious then, and it would fit his writing/artstyle too.


I can see something like this happening in the future, also. Who do you think will be the one to ask her what/who makes her happy? Maybe Tsunade?


#66 sushi.


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Posted 30 June 2013 - 02:20 AM

I can see something like this happening in the future, also. Who do you think will be the one to ask her what/who makes her happy? Maybe Tsunade?

It wouldn't surprise me if it's gonna be Sai. :arg: Honestly I want Kishi to give him a bigger role than the Sakura feelings pusher.

Tsunade would be great, but as long as the question fits the situation anyone would do.

Edited by sushi., 30 June 2013 - 02:22 AM.


#67 Cherry-Bloss93


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Posted 30 June 2013 - 02:36 AM

It wouldn't surprise me if it's gonna be Sai. :arg: Honestly I want Kishi to give him a bigger role than the Sakura feelings pusher.

Tsunade would be great, but as long as the question fits the situation anyone would do.


It wouldn't surprise me if it was Sai, either - and I agree, I want to see him doing some awesome fighting stuff! I just thought that maybe

Tsunade would fit the bill because she experienced her devastation when she learned of Jiraya's death.


#68 Tokura Misaki

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Posted 30 June 2013 - 09:55 AM

Wow Naruto did slapped Tsuyu for being a coward! What if Kishi makes Naruto slap Sakura?  :wot:

#69 Tsubaki



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Posted 30 June 2013 - 12:52 PM

«Where's my Tsuyu Sakura ? The woman I fell in love with is not a coward!»
«Oh, this is the woman I know! You are like ramen… I prefer you strong and determined!»
If Naruto say those words to Sakura I think I'm gonna die!!!  :wibble: 

   Sig by karudoll

#70 LadyGT



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 02:11 AM

Part 3!! 

Uff I finally finished it!!  :argh:


I honestly had a hard time in writing down Tsuyu's name because my hand was automatically switching it back to Sakura. Seriously it was hard.

But anyway this is the last part of the collection. There are other moments that I haven't included in my list yet, like the promise Naruto makes to her after Renge leaves the village, or the scene where Tsuyu is introduced for the first time and minor jealousy scenes from her part. I will eventually add them later.


Again, i'm still learning so some idioms are probably wrong, that's why I would really appreciate a correction where needed :D





Few notes:

  • Naruto, Tsuyu and Renge are approximaly 20-21 years old.
  • They fought together in the Second Great Ninja War and they have been given title of "Three Ninja of Shuku".
  • The day Renge left the village was the same day Naruto and Tsuyu were summoned by the Kokage.
  • There are no hints regarding Tsuyu's physical appearence besides the fact that she has a flat chest. She wears the jonin outfit like Naruto.
  • Renge  has long hair and wears a kimono with a milipeedes crest in middle. It is also mentioned later that he wears the Shuku headband around the neck.
  • Gokomaru dislikes Renge, just like Manda does with Sasuke.
  • Shima is 16 years old and wears a kimono. She has big breasts.
  • The epilogue has an open ending.




Page 214- Naruto, the ninja.


[It’s a desperate situation, Naruto summoned two other mice, Miki and Mini. They tried everything but nothing seems to work on these giants, since they keep regenerating. Mini comes up with a plan which fate is uncertain.]


Miki and Mini play the part of Fukasaku and his wife.




«There is the possibility that, when absorbing your body, the energy of the demoniac world could be converted into yang. In addition, if we could be able to obstruct the gate for the demon’s world for good, the giants would lose the path to their destination. » said Mini. « But we might be wrong.»

«It’s only a speculation….or our only hope, I should say.» continued Miki with a strangled tone in his throat. «but more importantly, Naruto…there is the risk you might lose your life.»

«But still…» Naruto gulped «… in this way the giants would disappear, right?»

«Who knows?» replied Mini bluntly «It’s a jeopardy.»

«It’s not a simple decision to make, Naruto…»

«The giants might stop their will, but they could also run amok. There's the possibility to make things worse» Mini remained silent for a moment, eyes staring at Naruto. «Anyhow, we need to make a choice,  and it’s up to you, Naruto.»

Naruto turned his head to Mount Hyakki that was increasingly moving away, slowly.

In the meantime, a group of Kon shinobi almost approached his position.

«Eh eh eh…» said one of them. «Give up! It’s the end for Shuku! The world will be back to chaos! »


Give up…?

If only this was the issue here.

I don’t have any shred of chakra left


«Oi Oi» moeaned Miki. «From bad to worse!»

«What are we going to do then? What’s your answer Naruto?! »Mini scolded him. «If you are a man, then hurry up and make a decision! »

Naruto was paralyzed.


Give up….throw the sponge and give up already…


A voice inside instigated him.


If you give up everything will be easier! You already did everything in your power…there’s no future for you if you throw yourself into that gate…and you are not even sure your plan can work.


Someday I’ll make this world a place where shinobi will not be considered simple weapons anymore!


Naruto’s own words echoed in his ears.

A passionate tone, growing from his stomach, was breaking in from the bottom of his heart.


I couldn’t keep my promise to Tsuyu, I couldn’t protect Renge. I couldn’t even fulfill the one I made to myself, I couldn’t even protect the village.


«I see you finally gave up…» The enemy mocked him.

«What else can you do? Afterall there’s nothing you can do anymore. Uh uh uh…»


If I had to give up on everything, what would become of me...?


“There will be a day where people will be finally able to understand each other, sooner or later ” Naruto weren’t you the cocky one that said those big words to Shima?!


It’s rather us, we rely way too often on your courage…”


Tsuyu’s words filled his soul with sweetness.

«It’s evident I can’t give up» said Naruto, his glare full of hatred towards the enemy. «Bro Miki, sis Mini…can I count on you and leave you here? »

«Naruto, you…» whined Miki. Mini nodded her head.

«With clenched teeth and with feet firmly on the ground, I’m ready to resist until the end…» A glimmer lightened up in Naruto’s eyes. «Because I’m a ninja! »



Page 217 – True happiness.


[Tsuyu is trying to tell the villagers to evacuate the village but nobody believes her. She then runs into her sensei, Shu.]




«Tsuyu what’s wrong?»

«Shu sensei!» Tsuyu bent her back forward with her hands pressing on her knees, trying to breathe again. «The forbidden jutsu….the Guko Izan has been activated!!! »

«What?! »

«Right now, Naruto…Naruto is fighting alone…I,I…» Tsuyu was completely shocked.

«We need to evacuate the village…I…Naruto…sorry, I must go!»

«Calm down» Shu grabbed Tsuyu’s shoulders. «Just tell me what happened!!»


Tsuyu had her mouth half opened, not being able to saying anything more. Renge is at the Kon village. He became the Kaosu and he wants to destroy Shuku. Her words filled her mouth, but Tsuyu swallowed them back, stubbornly.

«Sensei… everyone needs to leave, now! »

«Tsuyu, don’t panic» Shu looked directly in her eyes.

«Even if the Guko Izan was evocated, I doubt its target would be Shuku.»

«I’m telling you it’s heading here!»

Seeing the violent reaction of the girl, Shu frowned. «Why are you so sure about this?»

«Because Renge said so! “Shuku is destined to be destroyed…”»

Tsuyu stopped, but it was too late.

«Renge?»Shu gave her a reproving look. «You met Renge?»

Tsuyu bit her lips.

«Your mission was to bring him back to the village.»

«And we failed!» Tsuyu started crying.

«We failed on all fronts!»


«But…Naruto said that protecting the village has the priority on every mission. That’s why, what I can do right now…I mean, there’s nothing I can do anymore but I…I don’t want to give up!»

«Tsuyu…» said Shu calmy. «You, Naruto and Renge are my pupils. If someone ever tries to do something to you, I’ll make them pay.»

Their eyes met.

«Sensei…Renge…he’s the one…»

«It’s alright, Tsuyu.»


«There is no need to say more, it’s ok» Shu smiled gently. «I trust you completely.»

Tears overflowed from her eyes.

«There there …» Her teacher stroked her head. «It’s hard, believe me, I know that.»

Tears were now unstoppable. Tsuyu, through sobbing, decided to open her heart to her sensei and tell him about everything that happened.




Shu followed her speech till the end, without interrupting.

«I don’t understand what happened to Renge…» sobbed Tsuyu. «But I would like him to…anyway, you have to believe me when I say that mount Hyakki is heading here…»

«You like Renge a lot, uh?»


«I can see it just by looking at you.»

Tsuyu nodded.

« I thought there wasn’t nothing left for me to teach you, you that have been nominated one of the Three Ninja of Shuku. However, there’s still one more advice I can give you.»


«I’ll tell you a secret, Tsuyu. Every human is possessed by a demon» he said, «and this demon is expressed under the form of an ideology.»

«An ideology…»

«Me, you and Naruto…we share the same demon, which is the obsession to protect the village, even if it costs our lives.»

«I think…I understand what you are trying to say.»

«Renge, instead, is possessed by a different kind of demon…»


«Although none of us can demonstrate which demon is good or not.»

«Then what….what should we do?»

«I’ll tell you a useful trick to use when you need to make a decision.»

Tsuyu nodded her head.

«Tsuyu, when you are at complete loss, visualize in your mind the thing that most makes you happy.»

«The thing that most…makes me happy?»

«By doing this, you will understand what kind of person you are.»


«Now  close your eyes.»

Tsuyu did what she was told.

«Now focus on what you see.»

With her eyes closed, Tsuyu took a glimpse of…Naruto’s silhouette. Yes, him, an idiot, pervert, clumsy and reckless…him that never gives up even when he gets rejected thousand of times.


The first time I met Naruto we were both six. He introduced himself to me while saying something like:

“Nice to meet you…my name is Naruto! You can give me the love letter later! See ya!”

At that time though, my attention was completely drawn to the boy next to him, Renge…


«Tsuyu.» Lost in her thoughts, a voice brought her back to reality. «You might have failed the mission, but now you finally know what is most important to you.»

«Sensei, make sure everyone evacuates the village!» Tsuyu opened her eyes, wiped off her tears and tightened her lips in a thin line.

«I…I’m going back to Naruto.»


[This is the part that preludes the last scene with Naruto in the novel( which is the one the real Naruto reads in the manga).]




Edited by LadyGT, 03 July 2013 - 12:18 AM.


#71 rikakim94



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 08:40 PM

I found this:



But the problem for this one is you need to enter a password to continue reading. (I'm still waiting for the poster's reply.)  :sweatdrop:



@LadyGT: Please post more!  :eager:


I think someone should contact the person for the password.  :happy:

Edited by rikakim94, 02 July 2013 - 08:45 PM.

#72 rikakim94



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 11:28 PM



I found the gusty ninja chapter wish kishi made the whole book into a manga format.

Its interesting to see the main characters being the actual focus rather than side characters and sasuke i just got sick of them stealing the  spotlight till the point it sort of ruined the quality of the manga not to long ago.  :sad:


Also Its way more better than making another sasuke book thats coming out soon.  -_-

#73 rikakim94



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 11:34 PM

Part 3!! 

Uff I finally finished it!!  :argh:


I honestly had a hard time in writing down Tsuyu's name because my hand was automatically switching it back to Sakura. Seriously it was hard.

But anyway this is the last part of the collection. There are other moments that I haven't included in my list yet, like the promise Naruto makes to her after Renge leaves the village, or the scene where Tsuyu is introduced for the first time and minor jealousy scenes from her part. I will eventually add them later.


Again, i'm still learning so some idioms are probably wrong, that's why I would really appreciate a correction where needed :D





Few notes:

  • Naruto, Tsuyu and Renge are approximaly 20-21 years old.
  • They fought together in the Second Great Ninja War and they have been given title of "Three Ninja of Shuku".
  • The day Renge left the village was the same day Naruto and Tsuyu were summoned by the Kokage.
  • There are no hints regarding Tsuyu's physical appearence besides the fact that she has a flat chest. She wears the jonin outfit like Naruto.
  • Renge  has long hair and wears a kimono with a milipeedes crest in middle. It is also mentioned later that he wears the Shuku headband around the neck.
  • Gokomaru dislikes Renge, just like Manda does with Sasuke.
  • Shima is 16 years old and wears a kimono. She has big breasts.
  • The epilogue has an open ending.




Page 214- Naruto, the ninja.


[It’s a desperate situation, Naruto summoned two other mice, Miki and Mini. They tried everything but nothing seems to work on these giants, since they keep regenerating. Mini comes up with a plan which fate is uncertain.]


Miki and Mini play the part of Fukasaku and his wife.




«There is the possibility that, when absorbing your body, the energy of the demoniac world could be converted into yang. In addition, if we could be able to obstruct the gate for the demon’s world for good, the giants would lose the path to their destination. » said Mini. « But we might be wrong.»

«It’s only a speculation….or our only hope, I should say.» continued Miki with a strangled tone in his throat. «but more importantly, Naruto…there is the risk you might lose your life.»

«But still…» Naruto gulped «… in this way the giants would disappear, right?»

«Who knows?» replied Mini bluntly «It’s a jeopardy.»

«It’s not a simple decision to make, Naruto…»

«The giants might stop their will, but they could also run amok. There's the possibility to make things worse» Mini remained silent for a moment, eyes staring at Naruto. «Anyhow, we need to make a choice,  and it’s up to you, Naruto.»

Naruto turned his head to Mount Hyakki that was increasingly moving away, slowly.

In the meantime, a group of Kon shinobi almost approached his position.

«Eh eh eh…» said one of them. «Give up! It’s the end for Shuku! The world will be back to chaos! »


Give up…?

If only this was the issue here.

I don’t have any shred of chakra left


«Oi Oi» moeaned Miki. «From bad to worse!»

«What are we going to do then? What’s your answer Naruto?! »Mini scolded him. «If you are a man, then hurry up and make a decision! »

Naruto was paralyzed.


Give up….throw the sponge and give up already…


A voice inside instigated him.


If you give up everything will be easier! You already did everything in your power…there’s no future for you if you throw yourself into that gate…and you are not even sure your plan can work.


Someday I’ll make this world a place where shinobi will not be considered simple weapons anymore!


Naruto’s own words echoed in his ears.

A passionate tone, growing from his stomach, was breaking in from the bottom of his heart.


I couldn’t keep my promise to Tsuyu, I couldn’t protect Renge. I couldn’t even fulfill the one I made to myself, I couldn’t even protect the village.


«I see you finally gave up…» The enemy mocked him.

«What else can you do? Afterall there’s nothing you can do anymore. Uh uh uh…»


If I had to give up on everything, what would become of me...?


“There will be a day where people will be finally able to understand each other, sooner or later ” Naruto weren’t you the cocky one that said those big words to Shima?!


It’s rather us, we rely way too often on your courage…”


Tsuyu’s words filled his soul with sweetness.

«It’s evident I can’t give up» said Naruto, his glare full of hatred towards the enemy. «Bro Miki, sis Mini…can I count on you and leave you here? »

«Naruto, you…» whined Miki. Mini nodded her head.

«With clenched teeth and with feet firmly on the ground, I’m ready to resist until the end…» A glimmer lightened up in Naruto’s eyes. «Because I’m a ninja! »



Page 217 – True happiness.


[Tsuyu is trying to tell the villagers to evacuate the village but nobody believes her. She then run into her sensei, Shu.]




«Tsuyu what’s wrong?»

«Shu sensei!» Tsuyu bent her back forward with her hands pressing on her knees, trying to breathe again. «The forbidden jutsu….the Guko Izan has been activated!!! »

«What?! »

«Right now, Naruto…Naruto is fighting alone…I,I…» Tsuyu was completely shocked.

«We need to evacuate the village…I…Naruto…sorry, I must go!»

«Calm down» Shu grabbed Tsuyu’s shoulders. «Just tell me what happened!!»


Tsuyu had her mouth half opened, not being able to saying anything more. Renge is at the Kon village. He became the Kaosu and he wants to destroy Shuku. Her words filled her mouth, but Tsuyu swallowed them back, stubbornly.

«Sensei… everyone needs to leave, now! »

«Tsuyu, don’t panic» Shu looked directly in her eyes.

«Even if the Guko Izan was evocated, I doubt its target would be Shuku.»

«I’m telling you it’s heading here!»

Seeing the violent reaction of the girl, Shu frowned. «Why are you so sure about this?»

«Because Renge said so! “Shuku is destined to be destroyed…”»

Tsuyu stopped, but it was too late.

«Renge?»Shu gave her a reproving look. «You met Renge?»

Tsuyu bit her lips.

«Your mission was to bring him back to the village.»

«And we failed!» Tsuyu started crying.

«We failed on all fronts!»


«But…Naruto said that protecting the village has the priority on every mission. That’s why, what I can do right now…I mean, there’s nothing I can do anymore but I…I don’t want to give up!»

«Tsuyu…» said Shu calmy. «You, Naruto and Renge are my pupils. If someone ever tries to do something to you, I’ll make them pay.»

Their eyes met.

«Sensei…Renge…he’s the one…»

«It’s alright, Tsuyu.»


«There is no need to say more, it’s ok» Shu smiled gently. «I trust you completely.»

Tears overflowed from her eyes.

«There there …» Her teacher stroked her head. «It’s hard, believe me, I know that.»

Tears were now unstoppable. Tsuyu, through sobbing, decided to open her heart to her sensei and tell him about everything that happened.




Shu followed her speech till the end, without interrupting.

«I don’t understand what happened to Renge…» sobbed Tsuyu. «But I would like him to…anyway, you have to believe me when I say that mount Hyakki is heading here…»

«You like Renge a lot, uh?»


«I can see it just by looking at you.»

Tsuyu nodded.

« I thought there wasn’t nothing left for me to teach you, you that have been nominated one of the Three Ninja of Shuku. However, there’s still one more advice I can give you.»


«I’ll tell you a secret, Tsuyu. Every human is possessed by a demon» he said, «…and this demon is expressed under the form of an ideology.»

«An ideology…»

«Me, you and Naruto…we share the same demon, which is the obsession to protect the village, even if it costs our lives.»

«I think…I understand what you are trying to say.»

«Renge, instead, is possessed by a different kind of demon…»


«Although none of us can demonstrate which demon is good or not.»

«Then what….what should we do?»

«I’ll tell you a useful trick to use when you need to make a decision.»

Tsuyu nodded her head.

«Tsuyu, when you are at complete loss, visualize in your mind the thing that most makes you happy.»

«The thing that most…makes me happy?»

«By doing this, you will understand what kind of person you are.»


«Now  close your eyes.»

Tsuyu did what she was told.

«Now focus on what you see.»

With her eyes closed, Tsuyu took a glimpse of…Naruto’s silhouette. Yes, him, an idiot, pervert, clumsy and reckless…him that never gives up even when he gets rejected thousand of times.


The first time I met Naruto we were both six. He introduced himself to me while saying something like:

“Nice to meet you…my name is Naruto! You can give me the love letter later! See ya!”

At that time though, my attention was completely drawn to the boy next to him, Renge…


«Tsuyu.» Lost in her thoughts, a voice brought her back to reality. «You might have failed the mission, but now you finally know what is most important to you.»

«Sensei, make sure everyone evacuates the village!» Tsuyu opened her eyes, wiped off her tears and tightened her lips in a thin line.

«I…I’m going back to Naruto.»


[This is the part that preludes the last scene with Naruto in the novel( which is the one the real Naruto reads in the manga).]







After the tsuyu part it goes back to naruto fighting a kon ninja? The kon ninja kinda looks like sasuke with the hat. Maybe tsuyu looks identical to sakura just like the way how naruto looks identical to the real naruto just without the whiskers.  :wub:

#74 LadyGT



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:12 AM


After the tsuyu part it goes back to naruto fighting a kon ninja? The kon ninja kinda looks like sasuke with the hat. Maybe tsuyu looks identical to sakura just like the way how naruto looks identical to the real naruto just without the whiskers.  :wub:


Yes that's the last scene we see with Naruto( beforehesacrificeshimself ).


Funny thing is that they added his wiskers in the manga pages too like they did in the anime. This is the inner side of the novel cover:



Edited by LadyGT, 03 July 2013 - 12:13 AM.


#75 sushi.


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:20 AM

Can you add in the epilogue? Or have you already :argh:


It's just like me to miss it XD


#76 LadyGT



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:41 AM

Can you add in the epilogue? Or have you already :argh:


It's just like me to miss it XD


Well the epilogue has an open ending. Basically Shima tries to fight Renge but he easilly take her down. When he's about to kill her, his strenght starts to fade away (because Naruto stopped the jutsu by entering the gate).

He spares her life and decides to retreat. 

Everything turns back to normal and Shima is left alone on the field, she then starts to run, hoping for Naruto to be alive.


And there you have it xD

Edited by LadyGT, 03 July 2013 - 01:36 AM.


#77 rikakim94



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:07 AM


Well the epilogue has an open ending. Basically Shima tries to fight Renge but he easilly take her down. When he's about to kill her, his strenght starts to fade away (because Naruto stopped the jutsu by entering the gate).

He spares her life and decides to retreat. 

Everything turns back to normal and Shima is left alone on the field, she then start to run, hoping for Naruto to be alive.


And there you have it xD


When Tsuyu found out what happen to naruto. Shes gonna be jealous to see shima help/worried naruto.  :lol:


If only the second book existed.... 

Edited by rikakim94, 03 July 2013 - 01:07 AM.

#78 LadyGT



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:52 AM


When Tsuyu found out what happen to naruto. Shes gonna be jealous to see shima help/worried naruto.  :lol:


If only the second book existed.... 


Don't worry it will be revealed in the manga  :smug:


#79 rikakim94



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:59 AM


Don't worry it will be revealed in the manga  :smug:


I see what you did there.  :wub:


Can't wait for ns to be canon you know it would be cool if sakura read the book and i wonder what her reaction would be.

#80 Phantom_999


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 08:11 PM

Id' actually wonder what Tsunade would think if she read this novel more than Sakura.  :P Sakura would not be able to really relate to it in some ways.


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