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Hating Sakura

sakura haruno naruto gaiden

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#61 sakuraxuzumaki


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 01:58 AM

"Not as a character from Kishimoto, but as an actual person" I understand and completely agree that this is all Kishimoto's fault, but I really want this thread to analyze Sakura from a person point of view, since the "kishimoto's fault" argument can be used for EVERYTHING. 


I see what you're saying, but at the same time just because everyone else needs to be questioned doesn't mean Sakura should get away with the bs she's pulled. Even as a female, Sakura should have known when to call it quits and just leave Sasuke for good. Let alone the twisting and turning she kept doing to justify her and Sasuke's relationship. In the end she never answered any of Sarada's questions. She didn't have to. Because Sasuke came back for one dinner and that made everything okay with both Sakura and Sarada.


And I highly doubt she got permission from anybody to do what she did, considering both Orochimaru didn't know who Sarada was, Suigetsu didn't know anything about her situation, and Karin is constantly giving gifts to her.  

you have to realize though that she is a fictional character CREATED by kishimoto, hence, she cannot act on anything further than what kishimoto creates for her.

Which is why it is his fault, his flip flopping of choosing her to grow & develop them create her to be an submissive moe like hinata housewife is all Kishi's doing :down:  


people can hate on sakura & blame everything on her but shes just a fictional character, who cannot do anythin beyond her existence unless Kashi or SP writes it. 

that is why I personally am upset with kishimoto, he destroyed a strong woman who could've been a huge role model & lead for girls  watching a shonen series :fist:  but instead... nope :wallbash:   

the majority of the naruto fanbase now cares about boobs, so much so that even the community is hating on Sarada now because she's a flatchested 12 y/o  :wot:

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#62 Pix



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Posted 04 July 2015 - 04:28 PM

you have to realize though that she is a fictional character CREATED by kishimoto, hence, she cannot act on anything further than what kishimoto creates for her.

Which is why it is his fault, his flip flopping of choosing her to grow & develop them create her to be an submissive moe like hinata housewife is all Kishi's doing :down:  


people can hate on sakura & blame everything on her but shes just a fictional character, who cannot do anythin beyond her existence unless Kashi or SP writes it. 

that is why I personally am upset with kishimoto, he destroyed a strong woman who could've been a huge role model & lead for girls  watching a shonen series :fist:  but instead... nope :wallbash:   

the majority of the naruto fanbase now cares about boobs, so much so that even the community is hating on Sarada now because she's a flatchested 12 y/o  :wot:

.......Okay. By this same logic one could say "Kabuto wasn't a bad guy! Kishimoto just wrote him that way!" or the more relevant "Sasuke wasn't a bad guy/deadbeat dad! Kishimoto just wrote him that way!" We already know who wrote them, that can't be disputed. But Sakura, like every other character, was created to resemble a human being. So I want to discuss her as a human being.    


Like for instance, what would you do if someone close to you was staying in an abusive relationship? What if he or she was being neglected? Even people who go off overseas for the military try to get in touch with their families. But Sakura barely knew what was going on with her own husband, yet continued to stay. She helped her daughters emotional trauma develop.  


What I'm trying to say is, let's talk about her actions in Gaiden and stop pointing fingers about who's at fault.

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#63 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 04:41 PM

I dont see how naruto went from being his own person to a mere pawn/figurehead is anything good. He was so pathetic in the last, a supposedly canon story shoved down our throat.


Yeah, tell me about it, Hanabi. If SP cared about canon, then none of that would have happened, I bet.



Of course I see things from both sides, the first being that all these characters are the way they are because they were written that way. Their personalities, their actions, and their behavior in general comes from Kishi. Everything that they we were, and are now, is because of him. However I can understand looking at everyone as if they were real people, hypothetically that is. If I do that, then I personally think that Sakura is a women with very poor judgement....very poor judgement. I haven't been pleased with her, especially with Gaiden, she really went down in my book, but I can't sit here and say she's a horrible person that I hate because of her actions, no matter how crappy they are, because lets face it, there are moments in all our lives were we haven't made the best choices, and while it's easy to say "Oh my god when will she learn," we ourselves are very capable of making the same mistakes over and over again in our own lives. 


With that said I don't think Sakura was ever really a bad person from the beginning, a brat maybe, but never bad. She really grew as a person, and for the better, especially in Shippuden. She was actually really maturing, but once the war started she began to decline little by little. For whatever reason Sasuke does nothing but robe her of her own self respect. The strong woman that she's very capable of being crumbles whenever he's near. I know most everyone here agrees that if Naruto and Sakura were Bolt's parents he wouldn't be a brat, because Sakura wouldn't allow Naruto to neglect their child. She'd put a stop to it, and she'd also put Bolt in his place if he ever threw bratty fits in front of her. No sad looking Hinata moments if her son threw his sisters birthday cake on the floor.


However, when she's with Sasuke, Sakura becomes a shell of a person, and big issues, like Sasuke not being with his family for 12 years, is forgiven with, a family dinner, a family picture, a neglected kiss, and a forehead tap for his daughter. Sakura can be so pathetic, and it's sad to watch her interact with Sasuke, because each time she does we're guarantee that she'll messed up in one way or another. She becomes this drone that only has Sasuke on her mind. Which doesn't make any sense seeing that Sasuke hasn't been loving to her, there's no romance, no interaction, heck no communication between the two! It's easy to say that Salad was the product of a one night stand, a miracle child if you will, especially when you realize just how hard it is to get pregnant. In some ways Sakura acts like an abused woman. She just keeps taking emotional beatings over and over again, but her unwavering devotion to him never falters.


Which brings me to one of the many things Sakura has done that I was very disappointed in, and that was her looking for Sasuke while she was pregnant. She was a damn fool for doing that, she was being completely irresponsible and not thinking about what was really important, and that was her unborn child. It's almost as if she was banking on Sasuke not leaving her again if he saw that she was with child. Her searching for him was a desperate attempt for her to have a somewhat normal life with him. She wanted to be the happy house wife doting on her husband and child, and traveling for 9 freaking months to make that come true was sad. Doing that, keeping Salad in the dark, hiding her apparent friends photo with her own, allowing Sasuke to abandon them for 12 years, and permitting him to make her look like a damn love struck fool that was just denied a freaking kiss is just unbelievable.


All of these mistakes have just added to her horrible track record as of late. If she would have just thought things through she wouldn't be as hated as she is. Once she had Salad that should have been enough for her, she should have forgotten about Sasuke. She shouldn't have painted a picture of him to her daughter at all. No fake family photos, or  Uchiha clan symbol. She should have been honest with Salad from the beginning. She could have easily told Salad that her father was someone she thought she knew as a child, but he was a damaged man, and he's on his own little journey to make amends for all his wrongs. Being honest with her daughter from the start would have stopped all the events in Gaiden from happening to begin with.


I mean one of Sakura's biggest jobs as a mother is too show her daughter what a healthy relationship looks like. Allowing her to see the mess, that is her being submissive towards Sasuke, is a major fail on her part. Would she want Salad to end up with someone like her father? Would a mother want that kind of treatment for her own daughter, no of course not, but for whatever reason Sakura doesn't seem to see things like that. So again I don't think she's a bad person, instead she's a poor shell of a women who's allowed a simple crush to turn into a toxic relationship that has left her as an emotional slave to a man who's only connection to her is through their daughter. 


Amen! :D

#64 Yyubie



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Posted 04 July 2015 - 05:37 PM

Sakura's biggest wall and obstacle is only one, that is Sasuke. When human become so obsess with something they tend to forget about the most important things in their lives. Sakura is too obsess with Sasuke, we all know that whenever she hear his name, remembering him, or meet him, she instantly transform into different person. She believe she loves sasuke, but in fact she is obsess with him. Love and Obsession is different, when you obsess you want to possess or have that person for your own no matter what, but when you love you are willing to give up your happiness for someone. Remember what itachi said to naruto, never do things alone, always trust your friends, your father Minato was able to become hokage because he has your mother support Kushina, when sakura try to kill sasuke she wants to do it alone she thinks she don't want to burden the other especially naruto, THATS A LIE. She still obsess with him, thats why she can't do it. She poison Kiba, Lee, and Sai. Why she do that? She well know that sasuke is powerful she will never beat him alone. All she has done is reduce the chance of killing him by going alone, have you ever wonder why? Remember that itachi's word i mention above, NEVER do things alone trust your comrade or you will END UP LIKE MADARA. So you know that sakura NEVER trust her comrade regarding about sasuke, and she still obsess with him. Thats why she can't kill Sasuke, not even hurt him.


I believe sakura is the type of girl that really needs a slap on her face, a hard one, to snap her out of it, even now i'm still waiting for that. She needs someone to questions her about her love for sasuke. If we take out kishimoto out of the picture yes i have admit it that i really kittening hate her, she is the worst heroine i ever seen in the anime world. But i also believe she still HAS a chance, i believe she just in the darkness, SOMEONE NEED TO QUESTION HER LOVE TO SASUKE, then she will realize and she will ask that questions herself, "Now that you ask it why did i love him?". The best answer she got is the BENCH SCENE thats it. She will either look down and sad or she will remember and answer with the bench scene.



Sakura is still young back there she doesn't really know herself what is love feels like, because she is young she assume herself that what she feels for sasuke is love, remember kushina herself said it to naruto that back there she was still young and didn't understand anything thats why she thinks minato is unreliable and looks weak.


Remember this panel? the very first real battle in this series, sakura was asking herself when she looks at how cool that idiot naruto at that moment, "This is naruto.... what's this feeling?" . THAT IS THE SEED OF LOVE MY DEAR SAKURA. But too bad you still young back there so you don't understand that vibe. That is the first vibe of love in first sight.


From that point sakura found comfort and can always be herself, express herself to the fullest whenever naruto is around her.


You think a girl can say something like that LOUD AND CLEAR to the person she want to impress? You NEVER want to tell something embarashing like that to the person you love. Imagine if naruto is not there, you think sakura will tell all of that to sasuke??


Whenever sasuke say something sakura instantly agree even though the inner self of her says different.


She just submissive around sasuke, its like she wear a mask, she can't be her true self. She wants sasuke to notice that she will always support him no matter what. Even though she knows that deep down shes not like that, this is not what she wanna be. And eventually this is become a real habit. She herself not aware of it but up till now until the end of that gaiden, she still wear that mask.


I could go on and blabbering, talking/typing forever but i don't wanna see you guys hating on her. She's not the one to blame... please do not hate her. The author just never let her to do the right thing.


In my conclusion she is smart, more than sasuke or naruto. Shes just need someone to snap her out of it OR tell her the truth about the bench scene, Those 2 are the key factor to saving her from this kitten that happening in the gaiden. Ofc its not gonna pull her out of the kitten hole shes already in, but at least reduce the damage.

Edited by Yyubie, 04 July 2015 - 06:18 PM.

An out of control man needs a strong woman to control him.
And even a violent woman will become soft and tender to the man she love.

#65 T XD


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 06:04 PM

There's no human being like Sakura. He/She doesn't exist.


No human would still want to be with another human after being hard and bitter during your team days even when you're tending their wound, wanting and trying to kill you and your friend numerous times, committing murders, after showing your affection in words which the reply would be that you're annoying and whatever else, and I forgot what still there is to this list.


If she were in the real world, she would be taking sessions with a psychologist cause she has paranoia and a severe personality disorder having to take medications.


Not going into details.

Edited by T XD, 04 July 2015 - 06:13 PM.

#66 sakuraxuzumaki


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 06:16 PM

Well in general if this thread was created and everyone is giving their opinions, it seems to me that either you want a discussion to just hear people bashing Sakura or spread more negativity on the female character.
People are being too hard on her & personally I do think it is a double standard, that everyone keeps blaming a fictional character that was written & distorted by an author :/ I see no one bagging on sasuke, or naruto.
Literally there are discussions everywhere hating on Sakura.
I know this is a narusaku site hence why a lot of people are here.
In general the example posted about Kabuto, Kabuto was created to be bad & remained bad in the whole series, just becoming worse & obsessed with his "master" he only changed in the very last few chapters because of Itatchi.
But he maintained the consistency.
And as a previous posts already said, one cannot criticize one character without throwing in the rest because this is a story, the characters set off events that affect the characters themselves.
Honestly both Naruto & Sakura should've given up on Saskuke when team 7 was reunited.
The only reason why sakura tried to kill sasuke was because she was tired of being a burden to naruto. And people are giving her crap because she failed to kill her first love (even though he was totally broken & changed) at least she tried, she even tried to tell naruto to stop chasing after sasuke when she lied to naruto, honestly I don't think it was a complete lie, because blushing isn't something people do when you're trying to cold heartedly lie. She did it AGAIN to stop burdening naruto but. BOTH characters kept pursuing somone who basically emotionally abused them & tried to kill them.
Like I stated, you can't really solely blame on sakura and criticize her actions because tere were so many things that ended up affecting the story line.
I'm pissed about the ending & I hate it.
I loath who sakura became, because I knew who she could be, I like other people have watched shonen so we tend to kind of predict how the author will end something due to how it is being written, that's until, the writer decides to spit in his own work and make characters that shouldn't be.
Honestly Sasuke shouldn't be a dad. And I & others could tell that Kashi loved sasuke, that was his favorite character, which is why I think he kind of spat on the SS ship, degrading the other characters due to people wanting him to change the story for fan service. Everything is his manga writing was perfectly detailed till the last few chapters & SP's work. And the poor writing and lack of depth, shows that. (Phewww, that was long ) xDDD if there is typos here, I'm sorry, my iphone is totally limited Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

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#67 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 07:45 PM

Well in general if this thread was created and everyone is giving their opinions, it seems to me that either you want a discussion to just hear people bashing Sakura or spread more negativity on the female character.
People are being too hard on her & personally I do think it is a double standard, that everyone keeps blaming a fictional character that was written & distorted by an author :/ I see no one bagging on sasuke, or naruto.
Literally there are discussions everywhere hating on Sakura.
I know this is a narusaku site hence why a lot of people are here.
In general the example posted about Kabuto, Kabuto was created to be bad & remained bad in the whole series, just becoming worse & obsessed with his "master" he only changed in the very last few chapters because of Itatchi.
But he maintained the consistency.
And as a previous posts already said, one cannot criticize one character without throwing in the rest because this is a story, the characters set off events that affect the characters themselves.
Honestly both Naruto & Sakura should've given up on Saskuke when team 7 was reunited.
The only reason why sakura tried to kill sasuke was because she was tired of being a burden to naruto. And people are giving her crap because she failed to kill her first love (even though he was totally broken & changed) at least she tried, she even tried to tell naruto to stop chasing after sasuke when she lied to naruto, honestly I don't think it was a complete lie, because blushing isn't something people do when you're trying to cold heartedly lie. She did it AGAIN to stop burdening naruto but. BOTH characters kept pursuing somone who basically emotionally abused them & tried to kill them.
Like I stated, you can't really solely blame on sakura and criticize her actions because tere were so many things that ended up affecting the story line.
I'm pissed about the ending & I hate it.
I loath who sakura became, because I knew who she could be, I like other people have watched shonen so we tend to kind of predict how the author will end something due to how it is being written, that's until, the writer decides to spit in his own work and make characters that shouldn't be.
Honestly Sasuke shouldn't be a dad. And I & others could tell that Kashi loved sasuke, that was his favorite character, which is why I think he kind of spat on the SS ship, degrading the other characters due to people wanting him to change the story for fan service. Everything is his manga writing was perfectly detailed till the last few chapters & SP's work. And the poor writing and lack of depth, shows that. (Phewww, that was long ) xDDD if there is typos here, I'm sorry, my iphone is totally limited Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ


WOW... you sure rocked it!!! :D

#68 Frankie


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 08:08 PM

I hate everyone except Lee. Thanks Kishi...

#69 sushi.


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 09:23 PM

.......Okay. By this same logic one could say "Kabuto wasn't a bad guy! Kishimoto just wrote him that way!" or the more relevant "Sasuke wasn't a bad guy/deadbeat dad! Kishimoto just wrote him that way!" We already know who wrote them, that can't be disputed. But Sakura, like every other character, was created to resemble a human being. So I want to discuss her as a human being.    


Like for instance, what would you do if someone close to you was staying in an abusive relationship? What if he or she was being neglected? Even people who go off overseas for the military try to get in touch with their families. But Sakura barely knew what was going on with her own husband, yet continued to stay. She helped her daughters emotional trauma develop.  


What I'm trying to say is, let's talk about her actions in Gaiden and stop pointing fingers about who's at fault.

You cannot compare Kabuto and Sakura.


Kabuto was supposed to be a bad person, an antagonist. His character was consistent. If Kishi had asked him what he thought of his development he'd be happy. If he'd done the same with Sakura she wouldn't be, she'd just be a terrible woman to him. She was supposed to be the heroine, and the heroine that she was would be embarrassed of what she's become. I personally wouldn't blame the Sakura we knew on the existence of Ending!Sakura(after all she only exists because retcon), too bad they are the same person at the same time they're not.


#70 rocci


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 11:39 PM

@ pux
Fictional Character is not person. No mater how well written they become.

With that said, the sakura character in gaiden is the by product of kishi choice to make ss canon.

#71 Pix



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:02 AM

Well in general if this thread was created and everyone is giving their opinions, it seems to me that either you want a discussion to just hear people bashing Sakura or spread more negativity on the female character.
People are being too hard on her & personally I do think it is a double standard, that everyone keeps blaming a fictional character that was written & distorted by an author :/ I see no one bagging on sasuke, or naruto.
Literally there are discussions everywhere hating on Sakura.
I know this is a narusaku site hence why a lot of people are here.
In general the example posted about Kabuto, Kabuto was created to be bad & remained bad in the whole series, just becoming worse & obsessed with his "master" he only changed in the very last few chapters because of Itatchi.
But he maintained the consistency.
And as a previous posts already said, one cannot criticize one character without throwing in the rest because this is a story, the characters set off events that affect the characters themselves.
Honestly both Naruto & Sakura should've given up on Saskuke when team 7 was reunited.
The only reason why sakura tried to kill sasuke was because she was tired of being a burden to naruto. And people are giving her crap because she failed to kill her first love (even though he was totally broken & changed) at least she tried, she even tried to tell naruto to stop chasing after sasuke when she lied to naruto, honestly I don't think it was a complete lie, because blushing isn't something people do when you're trying to cold heartedly lie. She did it AGAIN to stop burdening naruto but. BOTH characters kept pursuing somone who basically emotionally abused them & tried to kill them.
Like I stated, you can't really solely blame on sakura and criticize her actions because tere were so many things that ended up affecting the story line.
I'm pissed about the ending & I hate it.
I loath who sakura became, because I knew who she could be, I like other people have watched shonen so we tend to kind of predict how the author will end something due to how it is being written, that's until, the writer decides to spit in his own work and make characters that shouldn't be.
Honestly Sasuke shouldn't be a dad. And I & others could tell that Kashi loved sasuke, that was his favorite character, which is why I think he kind of spat on the SS ship, degrading the other characters due to people wanting him to change the story for fan service. Everything is his manga writing was perfectly detailed till the last few chapters & SP's work. And the poor writing and lack of depth, shows that. (Phewww, that was long ) xDDD if there is typos here, I'm sorry, my iphone is totally limited Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

I used to be one of Sakura's biggest fans. I wouldn't create a forum to bash her on a site that's somewhat dedicated to her. Like I've been saying over, and over, and over again- I want to discuss her actions. Because to me, the way she was portrayed in this gaiden gave people a justified reason to hate her.  


With that being said, I like your response. But personally, I think that this gaiden proved the theories of Sakura being a selfish person, only willing to give herself to Sasuke- a man who abuses her.  


I mean, the way some people take up for Sakura (not referring to you btw) is the same way people take up for Sasuke sometimes.  :sad: You can also say Sasuke wasn't meant to be a bad character- that doesn't mean his actions are tolerated. Doesn't matter if the example is Kabuto, Sasuke, or even Orochimaru. The excuse of "Kishimoto created them" works for any character.

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#72 Pix



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:04 AM

@ pux
Fictional Character is not person. No mater how well written they become.

With that said, the sakura character in gaiden is the by product of kishi choice to make ss canon.

> Fictional characters are created to resemble a real person. This is how the audience develops judgement upon them.


With that being said, I disagree with you. Sakura didn't have to be portrayed like this in order for SS to work. She could have still kept her early Part 2 attitude. The issue here is that Sakura acts like a puppy waiting for food when it comes to Sasuke, and she's so willing to do so that she would put her own child in tears. Sakura didn't have to keep secrets from her daughter in order for SS to work. Sakura didn't have to cover up Karin's photo in order to SS to work. This Sakura is a completely different person.

Edited by Pix, 05 July 2015 - 12:07 AM.

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#73 rocci


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:05 AM

That's because sakura is regress back to her 12 years old self.

Character like sakura need development the most.

#74 James S Cassidy

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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:55 AM

Sakura from the series now? She is not the same girl.

Road to Ninja Sakura? Best girl ever.

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#75 rocci


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:59 AM

Sakura from the series now? She is not the same girl.

Road to Ninja Sakura? Best girl ever.

Filler sakura in road to sakura is the mature sakura aka the best sakura.

#76 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 01:00 AM

Sakura from the series now? She is not the same girl.

Road to Ninja Sakura? Best girl ever.



Filler sakura in road to sakura is the mature sakura aka the best sakura.


Damn straight, guys.

#77 ichigo500


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 01:29 AM

I don't think we can call the post-chapter 693-Sakura... "Sakura" ! It's not the same character AT.ALL. (And I could say the same about Naruto, but it's not the topic ) 

In one hand, we had the pre-chapter693-Sakura, the girl who, at the beginning of the manga was just useless  (yeah we have to admit it) who only cared about Sasuke, selfish and had insecurities; to sum up, she was just like any normal human being. Then she grew up, and became a confident, generous woman.She became strong.She became the girl we all loved and some of us (me included) wanted to be more like her. 

On the other hand, we have "Suckura", and she's just...a different character. She became even more pitiful than her former self in the beginning of the manga. So pitiful, weak and all, that, we can't even consider her as the real Sakura. For me, THAT Sakura, is just a different character Kishi added in Gaiden, and the Last. I can neither feel sympathy nor hate towards her,because, she's just...there, doing nothing, acting as a pitiful woman, who dropped everything in her life to become the slave of her husband, who lost all her "confident" side.


She's just a hated character by most of the fans, and the one who hates her the most is her own creator. 

Edited by ichigo500, 05 July 2015 - 01:29 AM.


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#78 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 01:38 AM

You cannot compare Kabuto and Sakura.


Kabuto was supposed to be a bad person, an antagonist. His character was consistent. If Kishi had asked him what he thought of his development he'd be happy. If he'd done the same with Sakura she wouldn't be, she'd just be a terrible woman to him. She was supposed to be the heroine, and the heroine that she was would be embarrassed of what she's become. I personally wouldn't blame the Sakura we knew on the existence of Ending!Sakura(after all she only exists because retcon), too bad they are the same person at the same time they're not.

And by Kishi's standards, Karin is now a "terrible woman" by giving up on pursuing Sasuke.


#79 Pix



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 01:56 AM

And by Kishi's standards, Karin is now a "terrible woman" by giving up on pursuing Sasuke.

Which is even worse cause she's the only female character that wasn't ruined by the ending.  :facepalm:

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#80 Strangelove


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 02:37 AM

Want to see how a truly strong female character should act.


Here you go.




You see that Kishimoto, perhaps you should take some hints from a real mangaka.

Edited by Strangelove, 05 July 2015 - 02:38 AM.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sakura haruno, naruto gaiden

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