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Why DO we like Narusaku?

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#661 Yyubie



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Posted 02 March 2018 - 08:00 AM

I miss NS a lot today ... like very very much for some reason i don't know why.

And then i decide to close my browser , close my games , turn off my cellphone , and just close my eyes ... relax and listening to these 2 soundtrack.


This one always reminds me of that scene in the anime when Sakura just got home that night after making and giving Naruto her homemade soldier pills and then she started to talk in her mind :

"Naruto is undergoing a training that only he can do to bring back Sasuke"

"The only thing i can do for him is small and insignificant"

And then she remember Yamato words : "It's not about the size of what can you do for him , the one that matter the most is how you feel for Naruto"

And then she starting to cry while looking at team 7 picture mostly towards Sasuke picture , and then she fall to her bed , and miracle coincidentally when her tear fall at the same time Naruto laying down in the grass resting seeing a shooting/falling star while holding on letter from Sakura in her chest , the word she wrote in her letter is "Hell yeah!! Hell yeah!! Hell yeah!! Hell yeah!!" , it means of course as we all know in japanese "Shanaro!! Shanaro!! Shanaro!! Shanaro!!" it's definitely means to cheer him.


This one reminds me more towards the sad things , instantly reminds me about the scene during Gaara Rescue Arc.

When Lady Chiyo explain about what is bijuu to team 7

When Sakura witness Naruto turn into 4 tail

Definitely reminds me when Sai told Sakura that Naruto got beat up by Karui because he refuse to tell Karui anything about Sasuke

And last but not least the Promise of Life Time.


I think without both Sakura and Naruto knowing , they want to bring back Sasuke not for themselves , but for each other. Naruto making a POAL because he can't bear seeing Sakura cry and on the other hand Sakura promise to get stronger because she can't bear seeing how injured Naruto is after coming fighting sasuke at the end of part 1 , injured in hospital.


I started as NaruHina shipper , because when i was a kid i kind of feel the same like Naruto ... a loser , nobody likes me , i'm ugly , not good at anything or sport , i'm clumsy , and lastly every girl that i like always hate me and love someone else (a troublemaker or a punk because these girl think they are cool). So of course when i saw Hinata the only one who like Naruto i instantly ship them both. But as time goes by there is always this small tiny bit of NS scene that keep happening over and over again and as time goes in real life too i grow up. Somehow along the way i realize that ... relationship can't happen instantly or in short period of time. Love is build with time , trust and dedication , and this is where i starting to abandon NH.


The reason why i love Naruto and Sakura as a couple because how they interact with each other. They know each other for a long period of time , they know each other likes and dislikes , they have been through sad times and happy times together , they support each other trust each other and have faith in each other. This is how a true relationship build , it's not just sweet in there but bitter too so they balance each other. The most important thing is they can be themselves , most people try to hide their bad personalities and try to make up their face to look good in front of the person they love. Naruto and Sakura didn't do this , that is for me VERY important ingredient in romance and they can be themselves without trying to fake themselves.



This for example , Sakura have to fake her true self because simply she thinks that is embarrassing and she wants to be in Sasuke side by not getting involve while in truth she actually agreed with Naruto and like the prank. I like when Naruto and Sakura joke , sadly the antis think it's violent .... NaruSaku is so colorful , their day will never be bland or boring.


The best Naruto and Sakura moment in my opinion :

The Promise of Life time

When Naruto come back after 3 years training , Sakura ask him if she looks more womanly while blushing.

When Naruto hand injured and Sakura try to feed him the ramen

When Sakura ask Yamato if he can teach that jutsu to stop him from going berserk

When Sakura scream calling Naruto name after Pein devastate Konoha

The hug after he defeat Pein.

And the CPR scene , holding Naruto heart , pumping it at the same time doing CPR that is the most romantic and sweet moment ever happen in the entire romance anime.


Every NS moment is there naturally , they are not feel forced. Sakura is part of Naruto's dream , so naturally he should end up with her. This pairing is by far the one i feel attach the most , when i saw the ending i feel like i just lost it , part of me feels like dead and i can't sleep for 2 whole days it really devastate me.


An out of control man needs a strong woman to control him.
And even a violent woman will become soft and tender to the man she love.

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