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#581 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 05 October 2017 - 12:19 AM

Ok I know you hate the left, but don't go acting like the right isn't full of people like this to, like when some stated they were glad when the protester that was run over by a car in charlottesville was killed or that in previous gun shooting incidents there have been similar  comments by people on the right have said to the gif you have posted:


#582 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 06 October 2017 - 12:27 AM

When was the last time someone on the right shot down at thousands of people?


And the Chancellorsville killer was Antifa:  http://www.snopes.co...adical-leftist/


The right very rarely ever commits these kinds of acts because most right wingers are raised disciplined by their parents. They got their asses beat when they did something bad, which is something that needs to come back in force. 


The "white supremacists" or "Nazis" had a permit to protest peacefully and were causing no trouble until Antifa and BLM showed up, then kitten hit the fan.


Also, I'm loving how it's supposedly Trump's fault that madman killed almost 60 people and wounded an additional 500+. Yeah, it's Trump's fault he stored weapons with hundreds of rounds. I'm sure he had every possible way to stop him. SMH.








Edited by Dalton.T.R, 06 October 2017 - 12:47 AM.

#583 AHK


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Posted 06 October 2017 - 01:46 AM

Football players bowing to the flag because they feel oppressed is just stupid. They make millions and millions each year, but they're oppressed? Give me a freaking break. And Trump has millions of people backing his statements up and completely agree with what he said. If you can't sand for the flag during the national anthem, then quite frankly, you get the kitten out. 
Trump limiting freedom of speech? Have you looked up what the radical left is doing lately? THAT is limiting free speech. Trump saying bad things about football players who don't stand for the flag is not limiting free speech. For Christ sake.
Also, the stock market has been at an all time high ever since he got into office. You can continue to think he's not doing a good job, blind as you may be, but I'll be voting for him again. As far as I, as a working class American am concerned, he's doing a damn fine job. I'd rather have a bully in office than another pussy who actually did nothing but lie and play golf every chance he got.

Well, isn't this just rife with hypocrisy.

First of all, the players never said they felt oppressed, they were kneeling to draw attention to issues they perceive as unjust, including but not limited to the fact that their president just called them "sons of kittenes" for excercising a right given to them under the constitution he's supposed to uphold and protect. Telling the players to stand or get out does nothing to solve the problem and makes you look ignorant.

There is absolutely no reason to say he is doing a good job. Literally none. In regards to that "pussy" who did nothing but lie and golf, Trump has already spent over 70 million golfing, when Obama spent around 97 million in 8 years per Forbes.

Edited by AHK, 06 October 2017 - 01:56 AM.


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#584 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 06 October 2017 - 08:37 AM

Not only that but he spent more money of security for him and his family more than any other president in history and all of this is coming out of the tax payers' money even if the right supports him. that's saying something. If all his properties like business gets damage. It's not coming out of his pocket :lol: Just like with Florida.



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#585 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 08 October 2017 - 08:30 PM

Love this


#586 Nate River

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Posted 09 October 2017 - 10:44 PM

I have a very strong feeling mid-term election is going to be a slaughter house for the Democrats and "Republicans" who are constantly getting in the way.

We had a user in this thread proclaim Trump had no chance, and yet, here we are. I would think the lesson would to not count your chickens....
Also stop posting memes. Just make the argument. Political memes are obnoxious and used as cheap substitutes for actual debate and reasoned argument.. Their frequent use on the Internet is unfortunate.

And to say President Obama "played golf every chance he got". I think you're confusing him with Drumpf, who golfed 19 times in his first 100 days in office compared to Obama's 1, Bush's 0, and Clinton's 5. By August of their first year, Obama golfed 11 times while Drumpf did 21. He even saw fit to go to the President's Cup rather than working to try to fix the debacle at Puerto Rico. On top of that, he spends over half his week-ends at Mar-A-Lago. This from the guy who said he'll "barely leave the office" and "won't have time for golf" and criticized others for their stamina when he couldn't even walk up stairs without needing a golf cart and complained about a nine day overseas meeting as "too much" and tried to have to cut to five.

Tricksie rightfully called out Dalton for tossing insults right and left. You even liked the post she made. And in the very first post you make following that you keep saying "Dumpf?" C'mon, I know you have more self-awareness than this. Also, Dumpf? That is so lame I'm about to doze off on the keyboard. Most of these plays on his name are pretty weak.

As for the golf, I don't personally give a crap. A guy in WSJ made a great point about that during the Obama years and it stopped being an issue for me. Besides, I little use for complaints largely rooted in "optics." This is an issue mostly because Democrats raised a huge stink about W playing golf to the point where he stopped, so Obama gots tons of crap because he played only for Democrats suddenly to stop caring. So yea, Trump supporters won't give a damn nor should they. And nobody's hands are clean, so complaints about hypocrisy probably won't stick.


It's not like this the first time a President has won by the Electoral College Vote, but not the Popular Vote as this was he case with the 2000 election with Al Gore got more votes than George Bush, but George Bush still won for better or for worse.

I think it's the 4th time, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

First of all, the players never said they felt oppressed, they were kneeling to draw attention to issues they perceive as unjust, including but not limited to the fact that their president just called them "sons of kittenes" for excercising a right given to them under the constitution he's supposed to uphold and protect. Telling the players to stand or get out does nothing to solve the problem and makes you look ignorant.

They were kneeling as a middle finger to Trump generally, not protesting injustice. However, like the golf thing, I don't really care, except for the fact that they get the support of their employer and can protest and given the proverbial middle finger to many of their customers on company time. The rest of us? We'd probably be canned for this. How many of them would stand up for my first amendment rights if I got canned? Or would they just remind be it only applies to government action as I'm shown the door? And, no, Trump simply flapping his gums is not, itself, state action. 
The best part of this spectical is watching a bunch of people who have a history of not defending the first amendment suddenly wrapping themselves in the text of an amendment they do not believe in. Do not misunderstand, I do not think Trump is friend to the first amendment. He is not. But the players and especially their enablers? Screw them. When they worry about the first amendment rights of people besides their own and that of their allies, let me know.

#587 James S Cassidy

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 09:46 PM

I don't like talking politics much because everyone turns into babies on both sides of the spectrum so I will just post this long post I made and it will be my only political view on how things are now.

What am I politcally? I am a independant neutral. I got conservative views and I got liberal views.

I don't want to be political anymore and honestly, the political nonsense I see everyday on the news, social media, and more is tiresome and disheartening. Politics break things more than they fix them and all because people claim something that isnt. Like "all white people are racist" or something like that. After a while it feels like people are causing more problems than actually solving problems. Instead of coming to a middle ground, we keep arguing who is right or wrong.

I want to give probably my last politcal view point I have ever.

Dont make assumptions about someone all because of what they are. For example, just because someone is white doesnt mean they are racists. Just because someone is a man does not mean they are sexist. Just because someone says they are conservative doesnt mean they are a nazi and likewise just because someone is a liberal does not mean they are a communist.

This whole kneeling for the anthem, rioting in the streets, and accusing everyone of stuff they dont do is not standing for what you believe...it is being a child.

We are supposed to be Americans. We are supposed to fight against tyranny, not cause it. We can blame the president all we want, but at the end of the day the president doesnt force us to make these decisions that hurt people. We need to be accountable for our own actions.

People like MLK jr and Ghandi didnt fight using violence and calling everyone racist and kneeling against a flag. They fought by showing actions of what real Americans should be doing. Love and respecting each other. We may have different views, but it is not right to act like babies and cry over everything because you didnt get your way.

We cant keep fighting with each other like this. We are causing more problems than solving them. If you want a nation based on equality, than start treating people as equal. This goes for both sides no matter what political agenda you are.

No snowflaking or safe spaces takes away from the fact that we are all humans and we all want a place in this world. It is our responsibility and it is our job to make sure our kids and future have their own opinions without us brainwashing them to think the way we do. This whole "you have to agree with me or your gonna get beaten up and killed" is not the American way. We already had a civil war in our nation and it had more casualities than any other American war combined. Is that what you want again? Do lives actually matter when you kill an innocent just because you disagree?

I am tired of these sports players and so many other whining over nothing. Especially over things that they caused themselves or any insults they recieve. You have so much and yet claim you have so little. Pay me $45 million there aint kitten you can say to me to offend me, because I know what the real truth is all you are doing is biting the hand that feeds you. Keep biting and noone wants to give you food anymore.

It feels like we lost all values as a nation and honestly, I have no idea what side is worse. Maybe both sides suck equally. We call ourselves intelligent, but as soon as someone insults us or disagrees with us we seem to break down crying calling for our mommies that people are being mean to us. Our intelligence dwindles over our own foolish pride.

I am an American and I stand for American values. What American is supposed to be. I will fight against bullies and will not be one. I will stand for everyone's happiness, but not for the sacrifice of others as well. I am not perfect, but then again I dont claim to be.

I am done after this. I just want to live my life, pay my taxes, have fun with my friends, and live a happy life without stress and fear. If you think your political views are more important than our friendship and love then maybe you need to rethink your values and what actually matters. I made that mistake myself, but I dont want to anymore. It is not worth it. Right or wrong, what does it matter if you are miserable and alone?

Everyone can kneel if they want to, but I will always stand because I can. Because I want to. Because I believe in something more. I stand because I want to touch the stars and not just gaze at them. To reach for better and brighter things. If anyone wishes to join me, I will cherish the company. If you wish to stay and keep kneeling I will not fight against you anymore, but I can no longer stay with you. I dont want to leave people behind, but I cant stop moving either.

I have to follow my dreams.

"I have a dream..."
-MLK jr.


 I think it's the 4th time, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

Though people love forgetting this one...

So why did Hillary Clinton run when she didn't win the popular vote? Hmmmm....(This is rhetorical. Don't need an answer. I am just pointing out a hypocrisy)

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#588 Nate River

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Posted 23 October 2017 - 04:07 AM


Though people love forgetting this one...

So why did Hillary Clinton run when she didn't win the popular vote? Hmmmm....(This is rhetorical. Don't need an answer. I am just pointing out a hypocrisy)



1. Where is this graphic from? It couldn't be any later the aftermath of the third primary because only 3 States are mentioned. Hillary Clinton won the most states and the popular vote for the Democratic Primary.


2. This graphic also ignores how the process works on the Democract side. The total number of Delegates consists of those awarded by the States + the Super delegates. Super delegates are party regulars who may vote as they see fit. They were created after the  1972 primary produced George McGovern and he got wiped out in the general. They exists explicitly as a check on what the primary voters do, but they typically swing where the popular vote goes. This system could very easily produce nominees who don't win the popular vote, though I don't think it ever has.


3. This graphic also conflates primaries and the general. The political parties are permitted to select their nomimee however they want. They could draw if from a hat if they wanted to. They might be legally bound to honor whatever rules they set, but they can largely set their own rules. The current primary system on really got going after 1968 and were a response to the disaster that was the Democratic National Convention in 1968. For most of the nations history nominee's were selected by party insiders. The parties could go back to that if they wanted. There is nothing legally stopping them.


4. Sanders supporters had a right to be unhappy, but the reason you cite isn't why.


We were talking about Presidential Elections. And as I said I think there have been 4 instances. I think they are GWB 1st Election, Trump's election, Rutherford B. Hays, and John Quincy Adams. But I am not 100% sure I'm right about that....And wikipedia says I wrong.


Wikipedia says it happened 5 times. The four I cited plus Benjamin Harrison. 

#589 James S Cassidy

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 05:35 PM

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#590 sushi.


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Posted 02 November 2017 - 04:50 PM

This is absolute gold I've not seen so many burns in a while. :lmao:



#591 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 08 November 2017 - 07:40 PM

For those in the United States who are Democrat, pro transgender or just against the Republican Party the Democrat and openly transgender woman Danica Roem was elected over Republican Bob Marshall in Virginia yesterday to represent the 13th District. Marshall is Virginia's most socially conservative state lawmaker and wrote an anti-trans bathroom bill. Roem will be one of the first openly transgender elected officials in the US.





Edited by BlueStarSaber, 08 November 2017 - 07:42 PM.

#592 sushi.


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Posted 13 November 2017 - 12:37 AM

New gold comes everyday when potus is a living breathing meme

He just called kim jongun fat
On accident
And after threatening to bomb his land he says he wants to be friends
with north korea

I cant stop laughing I think Im ded absolutely gone poof


#593 James S Cassidy

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Posted 08 December 2017 - 07:25 PM

I have to admit....this made me laugh. This dude baited a trap and the person fell for it and he knows it.

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#594 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 08 December 2017 - 07:54 PM

I have to admit....this made me laugh. This dude baited a trap and the person fell for it and he knows it.

I respect women and do wish for equal treatment (as in supporting actual feminism and not the extremist feminazis), but yeah, seeing his widening grin as she starts going off does make me chuckle, lol.


#595 sushi.


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Posted 08 December 2017 - 10:57 PM

I respect women and do wish for equal treatment (as in supporting actual feminism and not the extremist feminazis), but yeah, seeing his widening grin as she starts going off does make me chuckle, lol.

I don't like the feminists you are describing, I assume it's people like that wild red haired woman idk her name. But, they don't make an actual threat to society - everyone knows they don't make sense, and they're all just laughing stocks people use to argue against feminism, or make it seem like there is a good feminism and a bad one. We have no idea if the woman in the video is an extremist because getting riled up doesn't make you one. From a my perspective I don't see the value in posting videos where people "destroy feminazis" in a politics discussion thread. Bottom line is I hate that stupid trend and that word even more. You are worse than those "feminazis".


Of course I didn't come here to scold you, just wanted to post the murder of the day;


(technically it's last year but he was charged, surprisingly, and now found not guilty). I advise to watch the video(graphic) more than read the article about how sad this cop was for killing someone.

Edited by sushi., 08 December 2017 - 11:02 PM.


#596 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 14 December 2017 - 09:33 PM

Breaking News The FFC has just Repealed Net Neutrality!


Edited by BlueStarSaber, 14 December 2017 - 09:34 PM.

#597 Nostradamus


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Posted 14 December 2017 - 09:48 PM

Breaking News The FFC has just Repealed Net Neutrality!


It's the end.

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#598 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 14 December 2017 - 09:49 PM

It's the end.


How will this Effect The form?

#599 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 14 December 2017 - 10:08 PM

It won't. Net Nuetrality is not a doomsday event. Things just go back to how they were 2 years ago, worst case.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#600 Nostradamus


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Posted 14 December 2017 - 11:31 PM

It won't. Net Nuetrality is not a doomsday event. Things just go back to how they were 2 years ago, worst case.

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

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