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First impressions on characters in the anime.

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#41 Thomas


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Posted 28 December 2011 - 08:22 PM

i dont think so, harry had parents not his father and mother, harry had family and lose it, he was rich .
there is nothing in harry that reminds naruto , really nothing

#42 harry4e


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 03:01 PM

QUOTE (Thomas Narusaku @ Dec 28 2011, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i dont think so, harry had parents not his father and mother, harry had family and lose it, he was rich .
there is nothing in harry that reminds naruto , really nothing

Parents don't force you to live in a cupboard under the stairs without food for days, and make you do all the chores, force you wear clothes too big for you, never buy you a birthday presents, you know you are right, they are nothing alike, Naruto got a good allowance to buy clothes that fit him, a decent size appartment, and a Hokage who made sure he wasn't abused, Harry got beaten by his cousin and his friends daily, was worked like a slave and forced to sleep under a cupboard under the stairs, Naruto had it easy.

Harry lost his parents at one, and like Naruto happened infront of his, eyes, He didn't find out about any of his wealth until he was 11 years old, before that he looked like a begger.

Edited by harry4e, 29 December 2011 - 03:03 PM.


#43 Guest_Kim_*

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Posted 29 December 2011 - 05:52 PM

Right, harry4e. And as soon as Harry found out about the wizard world, things started to look up for him big time. Naruto still has to fight for everything. He climbed from the bottom with his own two hands.

#44 tricksie


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 07:18 PM

QUOTE (harry4e @ Dec 28 2011, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not Act's like, But history wise, orphan child growing up being hated, yet not giving into the hatred and still wanting to protect everyone, and having the cause of parents (though at the time only knew about Minato) death sealed within him. No one really behaves like Harry Potter in Naruto and vice versa.

They are very different characters. They are both on hero's journeys, but they are very different kinds of heroes.

Both came from traumatic childhoods, but Harry never underwent a great character shift once he got Hogwarts. He was the same boy he'd always been, but he just finally had the sense of belonging when he discovered his wizarding life, the secrets that had been kept from him and why. The story moves quickly into the adventure that awaits him.

Naruto however is a troublemaker, slacker, prankster who acts out to get attention. He kind of bumbles through the first part of his hero's journey, making mistakes and getting scared, and still causing trouble. A big part of Naruto's story is his character development. He has to grow up, take things seriously, make friends and learn to accept their love in return.

There are some big differences in the two stories in how some of the major issues are resolved (or not resolved). And that is where the story becomes dissatisfying.

And the reader forgives the Dursleys for being a crummy family and Dumbledore and Co. for leaving Harry with them, because they understand that it was a necessary thing. And as soon as the time to fetch him arrives, the people who have orchestrated Harry's young life come clean as to their reasons why and what is expected of Harry.

However, in Naruto, the villagers were just mean for meanness sake. There's no absolving them of it. They were stupid and narrow-minded, and it's only through Naruto's goodness of spirit that he forgives them. And the ones who should have been watching him and caring for him — the Third Hokage, Kakashi, etc. — never give a reason why Naruto was abandoned to the mean villagers. There doesn't seem to be a greater plan. And when he gets to academy no one tells him he's special or explains to him why the situation was so bad. In fact, he has to be victimized be Mizuki before they go "Oh yeah, that thing he said about the demon? Uh, yeah. That's true." There doesn't seem to be a plan at all for him.

I'm not arguing the bigger share injustices here. It's just that in resolving plot points within the story, they are nicely tied up in Harry Potter allowing the reader to move on with the story. But in Naruto, they're not. The ones who were charged with caring for Naruto did the least they had to do (not the most), and there was no greater good behind it. There was no reason, and no plan for moving the hero into the next important phase of his life. And they are never held accountable for this slack manner of treating him. So it just sits there at the beginning of the story as an unresolved issue. Naruto has just been left to overcome it as the story moved on.

And this is why I write fanfic.... biggrin.gif It's just a great big what-if. What if the villains really were good at being villains and came to get Naruto when he was a kid and no one cared for him and he was ripe for the picking? Because Naruto so easily could have fallen through the cracks.

#45 harry4e


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 07:47 PM

Could be argued same for Naruto soon as he became a Ninja, he got Iruka as a father figure, he got teammates he thought of as Family, his godfather returned, and he got the oppertunity prove himselfm life improved tenfolds, But that's just looking at it one way, the truth is he had to beat some heads to earn the respect. Harry had to do the same, where Naruto was seen as a beast for what was sealed inside him Harry was seen as some sort of superhero for the protection his mother gave him. One had to fight to gain achknowledgement, the other was constantly under the spotlight, and fight to stay out of it. he was constantly and turned on and accused of many thing's first year everyone turned on him because he lost points for helping Hagrid, Second year got accused of being the heir of slytherin trying to kill muggles, third year was fine, fourth year again seen as someone looking to play hero when someone else put his name in for the tournament, fifth year the media made him out to be a attention seeking boy. And the last two books everyone was suddenly looking at him to defeat the dark lord and solve their problems for them. His life started looking up, yeah but it's the exact same for Naruto.

Main difference is once Naruto earned peoples trust they saw him as a hero, Harry had to constantly fight to clear his name. Naruto wants to be seen as a Hero, Harry wants to be seen as a normal human being.

Besides This is FIRST impressions of Naruto, Not comparisons after being current with the Manga and reading all the books, I'd read all the books before I read Naruto with the exception of the last book, My first impressons of Naruto of was like Harry Potter, an orphan destined to changed the world, hated for something that he had no control over, losing out on releasing their potential early because of the lack of guidance early in their life, and someone who even though has every reason to go dark refuses to give into it, and finally someone who grew up with very little, when they should have gown up with all the luxuries, (It took one look at the kyuubi attack flashback to realise the fourth hokage was Naruto's father)...Now are you seeing where i'm coming from?

QUOTE (tricksie @ Dec 29 2011, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
However, in Naruto, the villagers were just mean for meanness sake. There's no absolving them of it. They were stupid and narrow-minded, and it's only through Naruto's goodness of spirit that he forgives them. And the ones who should have been watching him and caring for him — the Third Hokage, Kakashi, etc. — never give a reason why Naruto was abandoned to the mean villagers. There doesn't seem to be a greater plan. And when he gets to academy no one tells him he's special or explains to him why the situation was so bad. In fact, he has to be victimized be Mizuki before they go "Oh yeah, that thing he said about the demon? Uh, yeah. That's true." There doesn't seem to be a plan at all for him.

I'm not arguing the bigger share injustices here. It's just that in resolving plot points within the story, they are nicely tied up in Harry Potter allowing the reader to move on with the story. But in Naruto, they're not. The ones who were charged with caring for Naruto did the least they had to do (not the most), and there was no greater good behind it. There was no reason, and no plan for moving the hero into the next important phase of his life. And they are never held accountable for this slack manner of treating him. So it just sits there at the beginning of the story as an unresolved issue. Naruto has just been left to overcome it as the story moved on.

And this is why I write fanfic.... biggrin.gif It's just a great big what-if. What if the villains really were good at being villains and came to get Naruto when he was a kid and no one cared for him and he was ripe for the picking? Because Naruto so easily could have fallen through the cracks.

The villagers behaviour was perfectly shown this weeks manga, they ignored him and told their kids to ignore him as well, he wasn't mistreated, he was ignored, so he misbehave to prove that he existed. Villagers having a problem with him is also understandable, not right but understandable, they didn't see the boy they saw the thing sealed inside him, the being that took the lives of their family and friends. Even Iruka saw him like that, it took a talk from the Hokage and seeing for himself, to look past it, and not see the demon that killed his parents. Naruto never overcame that hatred until recently, and come to terms with it, under the fountain of truth.

Same way as Harry was hidden away from the magic world to protect him, Naruto's was hidden in plain sight and heritage was hidden to protect him from his father enemies, Iwa for example would have paid handsomely for Minato's sons head on a silver platter and the way many villagers saw him, there would have been a few willing to serve that dish.

P.S I don't think the reader ever forgave the Dursleyes, Dudley Yes but not the Dursleys, they had no reason whatsoever to mistreat Harry, apart from being jealous.

Edited by harry4e, 29 December 2011 - 08:04 PM.


#46 tricksie


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Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:27 AM

QUOTE (harry4e @ Dec 29 2011, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The villagers behaviour was perfectly shown this weeks manga, they ignored him and told their kids to ignore him as well, he wasn't mistreated, he was ignored, so he misbehave to prove that he existed. Villagers having a problem with him is also understandable, not right but understandable, they didn't see the boy they saw the thing sealed inside him, the being that took the lives of their family and friends. Even Iruka saw him like that, it took a talk from the Hokage and seeing for himself, to look past it, and not see the demon that killed his parents. Naruto never overcame that hatred until recently, and come to terms with it, under the fountain of truth.

Same way as Harry was hidden away from the magic world to protect him, Naruto's was hidden in plain sight and heritage was hidden to protect him from his father enemies, Iwa for example would have paid handsomely for Minato's sons head on a silver platter and the way many villagers saw him, there would have been a few willing to serve that dish.

P.S I don't think the reader ever forgave the Dursleyes, Dudley Yes but not the Dursleys, they had no reason whatsoever to mistreat Harry, apart from being jealous.

again, I was not comparing who had the bigger share of injustices, but how their world was different from the start and how they moved forward.

In HP, the ones who banished Harry to live with the Dursleys explained why they excluded him from the life he was destined for. It was part of a plan, and when it was the right time they returned him to the wizarding fold.

However in Naruto, there is no explanation for his treatment and it seems there really was no plan on how to raise him, when to tell him about the kyuubi, etc. They just let him live. He had the neccessities, but wasn't shown enough attention to make him feel like he was in any way special. When Kakashi and the Third took an active interest in Naruto's life, neither spoke to him about the Kyuubi. At the academy, Iruka didn't tell him. It took Mizuki. So my question is...where were they going with that? When were they going to tell Naruto? What were they thinking?

To put Naruto's upbringing in Harry Potter terms, it would be as if Harry Potter grew up in Hogwarts, saw Dumbledore and Co. quite often, but was always treated as if he was different (in a very negative way). Then when he's 12, Dumbledore descends and says it's time to start classes, without ever explaining a thing to Harry about why he's different. He's left to discover the horrid truths on his own.

In Naruto, his neglect was never part of a plan, and it was perpetrated by more than just the villagers. Naruto would have grown up right next to shinobis like Kakashi, Genma, the other dude, and the Third...people who knew exactly who Naruto was. Yet none of them seem to have reached out to him. To the point that Naruto identifies with Gaara more than his own classmates, Iruka or Kakashi. His isolation was complete, yet he grew up alongside the ones who were supposed to protect him.

Again, I can see how the two stories share a lot of similarities — like I said they are both on hero's journeys — but they are very different heroes. The adventures and the effect they have on their own worlds is the same. But Harry Potter's storyline has a lot less snags and potholes than Naruto's. Mainly, that some of the main characters have never been accountable for their questionable actions (Itachi's behavior to Sasuke and Sarutobi/Kakashi/Genma's responsibilty for Naruto).

The first time I read/watched Naruto was in Shippuden. So then I had to go back to the start. What a shock. I liked all the characters better in shippuden.

Edited by tricksie, 30 December 2011 - 12:37 AM.

#47 Anguyen92


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Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:56 AM

QUOTE (tricksie @ Dec 29 2011, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The first time I read/watched Naruto was in Shippuden. So then I had to go back to the start. What a shock. I liked all the characters better in shippuden.

Its so much easy to really like/love/like to hate the characters in Shippuden than it is in part 1. Time is always a good medicine to cure most situations/scenarios/negative perspective on a character .



#48 Dragunov



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Posted 12 January 2012 - 06:57 AM

I dont even remember the first time I started following the series tongue.gif

#49 Madz


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 06:42 PM

Started watching the series in 2004 - in french dubbing (which I find horrible, by the way, and quickly changed into downloading the original japanese version with English subtitles.)
My first impressions were a bit biased because my husband, who started watching the series before me, gave me a short character summary and I sort of adopted his summary because he is always very right on spot with characters.
So, it was like this (bare in mind this perspective was based on watching up to the 10th episode of the first series):

Naruto - A (future) very powerful obnoxious idiot who manages to befriend everyone.
Sakura - A future strong charactered girl in building (I didn't know about the term tsundere then.) She was already my favorite character because I KNEW she would become strong emotionally. Unrequited love bounds to toughen you up, in my opinion happy.gif .
Sasuke - The handsome, cold hearted friend who one day will DO something big for the idiot hero.
Hinata - the poor rich little princess.
Shikamaru (at a much later stage when he was properly introduced) - among my favorite character. I have a HUGE thing for geniuses biggrin.gif
Lee - the hard worker.
The rest of the 11 - just fillers.
Kakashi - Liked / still likes him a lot.
Gaara - OMG love him after Naruto managed to convert him into good. I LOVED the Sasuke rescue arc, when Gaara came to help the gang, and I loved him at the start of the shippudden even more.

As for Itachi - well I LOVE him on the spot. Why? because he is a genius - duh - AND because he has the same hairstyle as my husband tongue.gif (and the the same face structure, sort of, lol). In fact, I always tease my husband "Itachi."

Edited by Madz, 12 January 2012 - 06:43 PM.

#50 Phantom_999


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:25 PM

QUOTE (zacrathedemon5 @ Nov 20 2011, 08:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Naruto - Needed a boot to the head
Sasuke - Needed a bigger boot to the head
Sakura - Needed the biggest boot to the head
Kakashi and Zabuza - Are the ones giving everyone else the boots to the head

Well that IS oversimplifying it but non the less true. pictureem0.gif


#51 Inori


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:38 PM

hmmm my first impressions of the Naruto characters:

Naruto - stupid, ugly, weak boy... and I just kept on watching too see how strong he's gonna get..

Sakura - pathetic,useless but still cool..didn't like how she treated Naruto..

Sasuke - i loved him.. idk why biggrin.gif he looked cool and sexy biggrin.gif

Gaara - freaked me out.. I didn't like him biggrin.gif

i don't remember what my first impressions of the other characters were ;d

#52 Dragunov



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Posted 07 February 2012 - 12:09 AM

Naruto: an obnoxious s.o.b who made kitten interesting and fun
Sakura: girl who needed a spine
Sasuke: emo with a angst problem

#53 Phantom_999


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Posted 20 February 2012 - 09:13 PM

QUOTE (Dragunov @ Feb 6 2012, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Naruto: an obnoxious s.o.b who made kitten interesting and fun
Sakura: girl who needed a spine
Sasuke: emo with a angst problem

And don't forget needed his ego smashed down a few levels cool.gif


#54 Naruhina488


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Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:59 PM

To be honest, my first character impressions are not that different from most of you...

Naruto- I first looked at him as this cute ignorant boy trying to get some attention, pulling pranks etc. Then I started getting more and more into the series. Soonly after, I started to really like him.

Sakura- I first looked at Sakura as the snob. The girl who went for the cool guy. I never liked those types of character. For a while I thought "Fangirl Sakura" was going to be a permanent thing. But then, she started to change and become more independant, more stronger, more of a shinobi. It touches my heart how the characters have grown over the years. <3

Gara- Ok. He scared the life out of me. He was terrifying. ;_; That's all I can say about him - scary.

Hinata- Love at first site. I really liked her. No, not out of pity, but because I like her character. I geuss those shy-types apeal to me. For Hinata, I saw her as the shy girl who had a crush on the main character. I thought her crush was cute.

Sasuke- What can I say.... He was my hero. Don't take it the wrong way. I had a little bit of a crush on him.... Back in part 1. My first impression of him was that he was the cool guy. The calm one. The very serious one. So stern looking, so mature.

Edited by Naruhina488, 21 February 2012 - 01:15 PM.

#55 Don-kun


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Posted 21 February 2012 - 04:14 PM

QUOTE (Anguyen92 @ Nov 20 2011, 02:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've always thought that Naruto was very annoying, cocky (but has some of that humbleness to it), and subtly funny. Sakura, as this very attractive person, who's trying to find a purpose and meaning in her life, and, yes, she was annoying as well in a different way (Heck, that's probably the other reason I've started watching the series in the first place other than Naruto's main story). Kakashi, as this somewhat elitist, doesn't really want to train a couple of young kids, person (Obviously, after the time-skip, where he realizes that his former students are better than him, he, in turn, became very awesome in his own merits). Eh, as for Sasuke, my first impression of him is still my impression of him now. Thinks he's better than everyone else, doesn't seem to be humbled and really hates to think that there are someone better than him.

Agree 100% with this.

#56 Phantom_999


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Posted 22 February 2012 - 10:30 PM

Okay I remember my first impressions.

Naruto- simple minded, hyperactive, mischievous,rude etc. nothing unique from other shonen protagonists. kinda annoying but I empathized with him. I was like that too. sort of. Felt sadness for the way he was treated and wanted him to quickly prove others wrong about him being weak by beating the F***ing S*** out of those villains, opponents, or anyone who mocks him. AND BOY did he. cool.gif

Sakura- QUITE annoying. -__- treated Naruto like dirt and picked the WORST possible guy for a first crush but I found something endearing about her. smile.gif besides chakra control, had no fighting technique which was disappointing but my opinion of her improved as she's shown more development throughout the series and started to support her, hoping she would grow stronger and not be left behind by her teammates anymore. ALWAYS crossed my fingers hoping she would return Naruto's feelings. laugh.gif

Sasuke- DARK ANGSTY, anti-social rival. big surprise rolleyes.gif wanted Naruto to kick his elitist a** and am still waiting for said moment. Didn't like him for for any reason except for being the rival. Cool but not awesome and wouldn't associate with him if I was in the manga. Sakura only paid attention to Him which annoyed THE hell out of me. took 400+ chapers for her to finally give Naruto a hug. dry.gif Any ways lastly I was happy when Kakashi pointed out his arrogance.

Kakashi- Cool but did not like his attitude at first. Did not seem to enjoy life enough to live. Also found his philosophy self contradictory somewhat when he emphasized teamwork. Shinobi must be adaptable and carry out missions regardless, as well s complete them, with or without comrades. you WILL lose comrades on missions and in life so individual skills are NOT less important than teamwork, Team works just fundamentally comes first. That's all.

Edited by Phantom_999, 24 February 2012 - 02:02 AM.


#57 T XD


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Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:52 PM

this is how i thought and i was like 90% right hehe :

naruto : annoying- bad temper- joker - good heart- ambitious - has 2 personalities ( i dunno why i thought such a thing !!!! )

sasuke : calm - mysterious - boring - helpful - dark - will change his dark personality

sakura : tsundere - lovely - think about the others - will fall in love with naruto in the end of part 1 biggrin.gif

i will continue later about the others

Edited by T XD, 24 February 2012 - 06:52 PM.

#58 merryGOflava


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Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:58 PM

am i the only one that loved all of team 7 on the get-go?? biggrin.gif

naruto was awesome
sakura had a spunky attitude
sasuke was cool
kakashi was funny XD

i loved them all XD

im surprised that I never saw sakura as annoying.


#59 Jenskott


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:20 AM

I have only read the manga, but my first impressions were:

Naruto - "Alright, he is loudmouthed, bratty, hot-blooded, hotheaded and apparently clumsy. And I would bet he is gluttonous, too. Obviously he is hiding a huge power and has a huge potential, and he will become a great hero before the end of the story."

Sakura - "Let's see: right after the main character tells he likes her, she acts hostile towards him. Future official couple. And she seems short-tempered and bratty, but nice and not a bad person deep-down. It is only the main character apparently sets her fuse on. Yes, she is a tsundere. And at the end of her first appearance she reconsiders her opinion about the main character? Official couple, definitely. Hotblooded Idiot hero and Tsundere, I have seen that one thousand times. And given the kind of series Naruto seems being, I guess she will not be weak per se, but she will be the weaker on her group."

Sasuke - "He is grumpy and seems being a loner. And he seems more competent and more level-headed than the main character, -and Naruto claims he can not stand him-, so I guess he will become his rival."

Kakashi - "Alright, he seems the kind of lazy-but-deadly-when-he-can-be-bothered-to-act character. And he is a big pervert (WHO reads a pornographic novel in front of minors?). He seems a funny character."

That is all for Team 7.

am i the only one that loved all of team 7 on the get-go??

I do not think you are the only one, but there is many people hated one or other member. In that sense, the worst offenders are Naruto fans hate the whole team 7 for -supposedly- dealing Naruto like crap (in spite of Naruto told repeatedly they saved him from the loneliness).

Me? I found the Team 7 dynamics funny at the beginning, but I never was a Sasuke fan. And to be honest, Team 7 was dead as soon as the Forest of Death (or the fight between Naruto and Garada fight at the latest), not matter what Naruto told himself or Sakura remembered fondly.


im surprised that I never saw sakura as annoying.

I never saw her like annoying, either. She came across me like bratty, but that was all. I could tell her "hatred" towards Naruto and her fangirlism towards Sasuke would not last long (although the fandom distorted both of them and blew them out of proportion). And I did not expect much maturity from a twelve-years old girl, either, so her behaviour never bothered me (and truthfully, Naruto was just so bratty -which is understandable because he WAS a brat-, but neither of the people lambasts Sakura for being bratty seems having a trouble with Naruto being the same. I do not get that).

Edited by Jenskott, 27 February 2012 - 09:26 AM.


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#60 goshadowking


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 07:41 AM

My first impression Naruto and then Sakura

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