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#41 Codus N

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Posted 04 June 2008 - 09:33 AM

good job!!


The family that couldn't be.

[post='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EItApJttbY']An Underrated Song Worth Listening[/post]

#42 Verilance



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Posted 04 June 2008 - 09:38 PM

Epilogue time



The Chunin Exams were being held in Suna and The Hokage and his family had been invited by the Kazekage to watch the finals with him. Naruto sat on a dais beside Gaara as the final round began. Behind him was the current chief of Police in Konohagakure on leave to watch his daughter compete. “It’s hard to believe,” Gaara commented, “She is only ten years old and she has come this far, now she will be against an opponent almost twice her age.”

“I think she has far surpassed her father already,” Naruto said with a smile turning to look at his best friend standing behind him.

Uchiha Sasuke smiled back and said, “I must admit Naruto when I found out you were putting her in a genin squad led by Konohamaru, I was a bit concerned. To my surprise and delight he has brought out the best in her. I am extremely proud of her”

Naruto laughed, “Give me some credit, Sasuke. It may have taken a while but I know what I’m doing. No one has more passion for being a Konoha ninja and than Konohamaru and he has instilled it into all of his students not just Ai-chan.”

“You had better not let her hear you call her that,” Sasuke said “Hokage or no. She doesn’t like to be treated like a little girl anymore. As the heir to the Uchiha name she has informed me that it is now her duty to protect your family Naruto, she feels both Sai and I are too busy with our regular jobs.”

Naruto looked down at the stadium below, “Well judging by her skill alone, I think we are in good hands.”

Sakura was sitting far below her husband beside Temari and Shikamaru and their little girl. She was busy nursing her new daughter and was not paying attention to the match below until her other children began to shout. “Katsuo stop fighting with your sister, if you disturb Kokoro you will regret it”

Katsuo looked over at his mother with trepidation,if she became angry he would be grounded for a month. “But Mieko was teasing me, Kaa-san.” Katsuo sulked. He was blond like Naruto but his personality was more like Sakura. Mieko was almost the spitting image of Sakura but she was her father’s child through and through.

“I only said what was true; Katsuo is in love with Ai-chan.” Mieko said with an impudent grin. Katsuo began to blush furiously.

“When can I take the chunking exam, Kaa-san?” He asked quickly changing the subject.

“Well, if you listen to Iuka-sensei in class, you can biome a genin in about two years, if you pass your test. Ai was very young to do so.” Sakura replied.

“Two years,” Katsuo sulked, “Ai-Chan will be so far ahead of me.” Katsuo said dejectedly. Meiko grinned as if to say she was right all along. Sakura laughed and put her free arm around both of her children and brought them into a deep hug.

“Katsuo I don’t think you need to worry too much about Ai,” Sakura said with a serious tone. “Even after her missions and training with her squad she still always finds the time to come over to our house to help you with your training. I think she will always be there for you if you need her.”

Katsuo looked down at the sandy floor of the arena and smiled as he saw the beautiful girl he had played with almost from the day he was born. He could not remember a time when he was not in love with her. His heart began to race as he saw the size of her opponent. He was a ninja from Iwagakure and seemed to be twice as big as his mother’s best friend Ino’s husband Choji. Somehow Ai must have felt his fear because she turned around at that moment and smiled gently at Katsuo, her red eyes gleaming in the morning sun.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#43 Verilance



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Posted 12 June 2008 - 10:04 PM

I wrote this as a drabble for the contest but it doesn't really fit in with the themes this time around so I'll post it here instead. It is a continuation of the characters I created in HOKAGE and just popped into my head one morning. anyway enjoy.


Katsuo thought his heart would break; standing beside Ai was a boy that was everything he was not, Tall, Handsome and from the looks of his clothing a chunin. She was smiling and laughing as he was talking to her and he turned quickly around the corner to avoid being seen. He couldn’t go home, Kaa-san and Meika had some mysterious power to know whenever he was upset and he certainly didn’t want to talk about his jealousy to them.

Tou-san was also out of the question, he was Hokage and too busy to be bothered by pre-adolescent emotions. That left him wandering around by the river looking for a place to hide from the world. He sat down at the end of the dock and stared out at the water. He was stupid, Ai-chan was three years older than he was; she was already a chunin, and a beautiful girl as well. He on the other hand was a kid who still had to pass the exam to become a genin. He had to face reality the days that she would be always around when he needed her were gone. She probably only thought of him as a little brother anyway. Tears began to well up as he hugged his knees tightly to his chest.

“Katsuo-kun,” he hadn’t heard her come up beside him, “I was waiting for you by Ichiraku’s but you didn’t come past there today.”

Katsuo didn’t turn his head towards her; she was so beautiful that even the sight of her would make the pain worse. He wanted her to go away but at the same time he felt that if she left he would never see her again. He felt her hand touch his shoulder and the fluid movement of her body as she sat down next to him.

“What’s wrong Katsuo-kun?” Ai asked him, “You are not yourself today.”
“Nothing,” he said grumpily, turning his head away because he did not want to show that he had been crying.

“You should know by now, that you cannot hide anything from me.” Ai said and she put her arm around his shoulders and drew him close to her.

He looked up into her beautiful dark eyes and felt his resistance crumble and he began to cry again. “I… I saw you with another boy today. He was really handsome and it made me feel so sad. It’s just that I…” he stopped dreading to say the next words but realizing he had to before it was to late even if she laughed at him. “I like you so much.”

Ai didn’t laugh though but smiled gently and leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. “He is just a friend Katsuo-kun, nothing more. It must be so frustrating for you, I’m three years older than you and a chunin.” Katsou didn’t reply but just nodded his head. “I am going to tell you something that I have never told anyone else, not even Otou-san. When I was very young, there was a ninja war and Otou-san was travelling with Sakura-sama protecting her, while she was pregnant with you. I’m not sure how but whenever I looked at Sakura-sama, I knew that the baby inside her would one day grow up to be the most important person in my life. Katsuo-kun, you will catch up to me someday, and on that day I will be there waiting for you.” Ai got up and held out her hand, “Now, weren’t we going to get some training in before you have to go home for supper.”

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#44 Verilance



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Posted 23 June 2008 - 08:54 PM

It has been two weeks and I haven't yet got an idea worth mentioning. It's kind of depressing anyway here is a story that I came up with a while ago and abandoned cuz I couldn't figure out where I was going with it but I still like it.


Teuchi did not even have to turn around; he knew the boy was here. He smiled briefly as Ayame went over to him to take his order. She had never treated the boy as the other villagers did and this made Teuchi proud. He was one of the few people in the village who knew exactly who the boy was, but Lord Hokage strictly forbade him from telling anyone. He started preparing the boys ramen but first he glanced at an old picture he kept out of sight from the customers, showing a young woman with flowing red hair playing with a little girl.

She was beautiful, was his first thought of his wife, too beautiful for a man like me. He quickly came to realize what he had been missing all the years he spent alone. After Ayame was born he felt his life complete and he doted over his little girl. Then tragedy came, his wife died the next spring of a rare illness. In his grief he thought a fresh start would be wise, so he took little Ayame and moved to Konoha and opened Ichiraku Ramen. He worked long hours but still made time for his little girl who seemed to enjoy playing in his shop.

The young woman with long red hair; She had been one of his first customers, he was always surprised by the amount of ramen she seemed to be able to eat. Most days she came alone but sometimes she brought Namikaze Minato with her. He had been the one to take the picture that he treasured. Ayame squealed with delight whenever she stopped by and the two would end up playing while Teuchi was busy in the kitchen. He had once offered her a deal of free ramen in exchange for looking after Ayame but she always refused because she looked after Ayame out of choice not because she was paid to do it.

When she her pregnancy wore on she didn’t come much out anymore but stayed in her apartment, Ayame would often visit her there going with Minato whenever he stopped by to bring her some ramen.

If anyone is interested I began a Harry Potter fanfic last year but never finished it due to a Theatre Production I was involved in last Fall which took all my time. By the time I could get back to it my muse had fled. (I hate when that happens.) Maybe one day I'll get back to it.

Harry Potter and the Quidditch League Cup

Edited by Verilance, 23 June 2008 - 08:55 PM.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#45 Verilance



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 09:05 PM

After a month of writer's block I have decided I'm going to continue with a story rambling around in my head.

It will be called Destiny

and will focus on Naruto and Sakura's children

Here is sneak preview of first sentance ha ha


“It will just be for a few weeks, Tou-san,” Katsou pleaded, “It’s not like we will be neglecting our duties. We promise to do some training together while we are gone.”

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#46 Verilance



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Posted 05 August 2008 - 11:12 PM

Because of all the wonderful changes my story Hokage can no longer be read arg.gif

I'm not sure whether to fix it all or just post in the library.

Edited by Verilance, 05 August 2008 - 11:12 PM.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#47 Xyanide


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 12:31 AM

Wow, that was actually pretty good for a fan-fic happy.gif
QUOTE (Verilance @ Aug 2 2008, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After a month of writer's block I have decided I'm going to continue with a story rambling around in my head.

It will be called Destiny

and will focus on Naruto and Sakura's children

and that's almost how I want the series to continue after this one: by focusing on the next generation of Shinobi

Edited by Xyanide, 10 August 2008 - 12:33 AM.

#48 Verilance



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Posted 10 August 2008 - 10:45 PM

Thanks for the comment.

Not many people left comments so I never really had any idea whether they thought it was any good. Anyway though I really wrote it for myself to try and finish a story I started.

I am bad for leaving stuff unfinished, cuz I run out of ideas.

With luck Destiny chapter one will appear in the library and I will stop posting stories here.

Edited by Verilance, 10 August 2008 - 10:47 PM.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#49 Verilance



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Posted 16 September 2008 - 10:04 PM

I came across this fragment today while going through my story file.

The story was abandoned and morphed into "In a Strange Town" which is found in the Library but it it's still interesting to read it.

I am a devout Shika Tem fan maybe even more than Naru Saku.

anyway here it is

Love and Shogi --Click here to view--
Love and Shogi

Travelling to Sunagakure, Shikamaru decided, was tiresome. For some reason the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade-sama had decided that his contacts with Temari the daughter of the former Kazekage and the sister of the current one; Gaara made him an ideal candidate for sending into the desert when there was need.

It was true, Temari could be overbearing sometimes, and often reminded him of his own mother, but lately, since they had been forced together by some design of their own villages, he found himself missing her when she was not around. Though he would never admit what he was feeling to any living soul including his best friend, Choji.

This time however a sudden windstorm had forced a delay and now he found himself hurrying along to their designated meeting spot, an oasis somewhat north of the village itself, where travellers often stopped when journeying through the Land of Wind.

He heard her before he saw her of course, “You’re late Nara-san by a good half day, was your mind wandering again,”

He sighed and made a show of grumbling, but secretly his heart leaped to just hear her voice. “No, Temari-san, there was a storm that I had to avoid. They come so suddenly out in the desert.” He turned towards her to see her relaxing by the spring fed pond, sitting on a large rock, her shoes off and paddling her feet in the water. Her face had the same smile she had given him when she had defeated Tayuya and rescuing him in the process. He struggled to get his mind back on the purpose he had been sent.

“Come sit here by me, Shikamaru-san, I promise I won’t bite you,” Temari said her face widening into an even larger grin, “yet, anyway.”

Shikamaru sat down on the rock on Temari’s right hand side. He could now see the large fan that she used to such great affect lying down by her feet. “I told the Gaara we wouldn’t be back until nightfall so we have a few moments together, just the two of us.”

“I have the feeling this mission is going to be tedious, Temari,” Shikamaru began, “I really don’t know why the Hokage insisted I participate in something that is clearly Sunogokure’s business. Do you know why...?”

“It really will be a drag if you keep on about it, right now isn’t about that stuff, it is about friendship and us.” Temari cut him off with a playful cuff to the shoulder. Shikamaru felt his heart skip a beat when she said us, but remained silent.

Temari reached over and took Shikamaru's hand, “I guess it is hard for you to believe but I really don’t have too many friends here. People I am friendly with, yes, but real friends...” She stopped as if considering her words, “You see as the eldest child of the Kazekage, and Gaara’s sister people were more intimidated by me, than wanting to ever be my friend.” She let Shikamaru’s hand drop and looked deeply into his eyes “I’m glad that we have become friends, Nara Shikamaru.”

The smile came back to Temari’s face as she looked down at the base of the rock.”When I was in Konahagakure last time you said you liked to play Shogi,” She reached down and brought up a Shogi board and set it down on the rock. “The loser has to treat the winner supper tonight at the best restaurant in Sunagakure.”

Shikamaru smiled and starting to arrange the pieces, he said, “It’s a deal.”

Later that night at the restaurant, looking at how empty his wallet had become, Shikamaru thought to himself, it is a good thing she doesn’t have Choji’s appetite.

“Where did you learn to play Shogi like that, Temari?” Shikamaru asked, “I thought I would take it easy on you because I used to win against Asuma, every time but you had me on the defensive the whole time.”

“My Uncle taught me when I was small, but I don’t play much anymore the boys don’t want to lose to me and not many girls play Shogi.” Temari responded with a grin.

“I would like to play your Uncle sometime; he must be really good as well.” Shikamaru said casually.

Temari lowered her head, and mumbled out the words slowly so only Shikamaru could hear them, “He died when I was a child…” she tried to say more but couldn’t and Shikamaru could tell she was trying to stop crying.

“Come on, Temari.” Shikamaru said gently taking her hand into his “let’s go get some fresh air.”

Together they walked in the cool desert air; Shikamaru let Temari guide him to where she wanted to go. Eventually they ended up on the roof top terrace of the home she shared with Kankuro and Gaara, “Kankuro’s away on a mission so he’s not around and Gaara is doing some work tonight so it’s just the two of us.”

Temari had brought out a couple of pillows and a blanket and laid them out on the terrace. “When I was really young my mother used to bring me out here to look at the stars, after she died I had to grow up quickly because it fell on me to look after Kankuro, father of course looked after Gaara.” She held out her hand to Shikamaru and together they lay down under the starry sky. Temari suppressed a giggle “Remember that day we spent together watching the clouds go by in Konahagakure. Everyone started looking for us because we hadn’t told anyone where we were going.” She moved a bit closer to Shikamaru than he had been prepared for and whispered in his ear, “Tonight we are going to watch the stars and let tomorrow deal with itself. “

Shikamaru woke hours later; he was startled to find his arm around Temari, who was sleeping peacefully with her head on his chest. The night was now cold but they had been covered, perhaps Temari had got another blanket without him noticing. A quite voice called out to him from the doorway back inside.

“It is just me Nara Shikamaru,” Gaara’s voice whispered I just came home and was looking for Temari, but don’t wake her, she looks very happy. I just didn’t want my sister and her friend to catch cold.”

Shikamaru looked again at Temari, Gaara had been right a smile had come to her lips as if she were dreaming about happy things. He could feel tears of joy coursing down his cheeks and without thinking he kissed her very gently on the forehead and returned to sleep himself.

“Are you going to sleep all day, cry baby” Temari’s voice woke him with a start.” I’ve made you breakfast but don’t let that fool you into thinking I have no better things to do than cook for your lazy bones.”

Shikamaru got up and saw Temari in a blue silk Kimono with her hair down instead of in her usual style, “Temari …. Uh ….; you’re beautiful.”

“If you think flattery will excuse you you’re wrong,” Temari said but her face was a little flushed. “I’ve put out some clothes for you beside the bath, after you eat you can bathe and change we can’t have you appearing before the council of Sunagakure looking and smelling like a man who has just spend three days travelling across a desert.”

He followed Temari down to the kitchen where indeed breakfast was waiting for him, Temari seemed especially pleased with herself this morning and sat down beside him casually sipping a cup of tea watching his every move.

“Well,” she said after he had eaten a few bites, “Do you like it?” Her eyes were now daring him to say anything other than how delicious it was.

“It is very good, Temari,” Shikamaru said, knowing that any other comment would be dangerous for him.
With a nod of her head she got up and handed him a cup of tea and her body brushing close to him as she went by. Shikamaru could smell the fresh smell of the perfumed soap she must have used when she took her bath that morning and his thoughts began to stray on exactly how well that Kimono fit her,

“I’m going to get ready now.” Temari said as she left the kitchen, “We have to be ready for the Sunagakure Council in two hours, so you have time to bathe and Nara-san, do put on what I have laid out; I want you to look a least a little respectable.”

Shikamaru had a very hot bath to clear his head of all confusion, one minute Temari was sweet and gentle towards him almost as if she loved him the next she was strictly business and especially good at bossing him around. He would never understand women as long as he lived.
The clothes Temari had laid out were unbelievable, Shikamaru thought they made him look like a noble from the Daimyo’s court not a chunin from Konohagakure, but he realised he had better put them on deal with Temari’s wrath.
The council meeting was not what he had expected instead of a group of elders, He and Temari were ushered into a room with only Gaara opposite them at his desk. Temari was also dressed in a formal Kimono and the two of them, Shikamaru thought, looked like quite the pair.

“Temari,” Gaara began, “You have been asked to perform a mission for the Daimyo himself, it is very important that you succeed for both the villages sake and the Land of Wind itself, because of the nature of this mission you have been asked and granted to ask another to accompany you on the mission, You have chosen to ask Nara Shikamaru because of his skills and the nature of his friendship to you, I have informed the Godaime Hokage of your request and she has agreed to send Shikamaru here to decide for himself whether he will accompany you.” Gaara turned to Shikamaru and began to address him. “Nara Shikamaru, you are a citizen of Konohagakure, I cannot therefore order you to accompany Temari on this mission the choice remains yours neither can I tell you the details of it, save, that you are to accompany Temari aid and protect her as best you can.”

Shikamaru remembered the Godaime Hokage’s words as much the same, “Your mission Nara Shikamaru is to go and listen to the request of the council of Sunagakure. What you choose to do from that moment on is entirely your own decision.”

There was silence in the room for a little while and Shikamaru could hear Temari’s quiet breathing in anticipation. “I wouldn’t be much of a man if I refused to help one of my friends when they asked me.” Temari let out a long breath. “Whatever the mission I’m ready to do it.”

“Thank you, Shikamaru, the entire village indeed the Land of Wind would thank you if they knew of your efforts here,” Gaara allowed a smile to briefly appear on his face “and may I add you look very dignified in my father’s old Kimono as Temari looks beautiful in my Mother’s.”

Later on as the approached the rock wall that formed the perimeter of Sunagakure, Shikamaru listened in disbelief as Temari explained her plan “We will be pretending we’re newlyweds, Temari!” he began to sputter, “But that means we will be sharing the same room, the same bed…”

“Yes,” Temari responded with her smile and a twinkle in her eye, “but if you’re worried about your virtue, Shikamaru, I promise to stay on my side of the bed.”

“Now as I was explaining the easy part will be entering the Land of the Earth, they don’t know who to look for and we will make it seem like we are coming from The Land of Fire.” Temari was explaining various strategies she had already devised but Shikamaru wasn’t really listening, “Married,” he thought, “what a troublesome beginning for a mission, I really like this girl that’s true but to act in love and all, what if it changes our relationship, I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

Temari stopped and put her hand on Shikamaru shoulder, “Are you listening to me Nara-san, because I don’t like to repeat myself.”

“Yes, Temari-san you were explaining how we were going to join a group of travellers going to the Land of Fire and from there journey to the Land of Earth.” Shikamaru replied.

Temari’s eyes narrowed while he was talking but then she smiled and said, “Relax Shikamaru, It will be like a vacation together at least at the start. We can even bring the Shogi board along and play a game when we stop for the night.”

Anyway feel free to comment if you wish btw Hokage in its entirety is in the library now.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#50 Verilance



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Posted 15 October 2008 - 11:26 PM

Sorry a little time for celebration 1000 views yay me!

(of course a lot of them were me doing updates and such)

ah well I guess it is not as special after all tongue.gif

Edited by Verilance, 15 October 2008 - 11:27 PM.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#51 Verilance



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Posted 18 October 2008 - 01:49 AM

I am trying to write a new story featuring Naruto and Sakura's daughter from Hokage Mieka the catch is I want to write in a Shoujo style (a coming of age love story) and my attempts so far have been rather stale, if anyone has some advice I would be more than willing to listen.


Mieka finds her self placed in a genin squad with the boy she hates more than anything in the world, Hyuga Hiroki. In truth she finds most boys anoying anyway and would rather hand out with her best friend who is the daughter of Temari and Shikamaru. Thankfully Shikari is also on her team. At the chunin exams though she meets a boy from the village hidden in the clouds who she falls deeply for. Meanwhile Hiroki has always been in love with Mieka and only treats her so meanly becuase he can't form the words of his true feelings.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#52 Verilance



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Posted 12 February 2009 - 02:47 AM


I haven't written anything worth a **** in months. It's not that I don't have any ideas just no GOOD ones. Anyone have a suggestions? I am work cheap (free actually I just want to write something again that isn't crap)

btw my Nihongo lessons are coming along nicely. I can read hiragana and katakana now, next step is Kanji then i get to try to figure out what the words mean lol

Edited by Verilance, 12 February 2009 - 02:49 AM.

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#53 iwant2bnaruto


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 03:47 AM

Have you looked through the Challenges section? There may be something there that interests your muse.

Edited by iwant2bnaruto, 12 February 2009 - 03:49 AM.

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