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Code Sharingan

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#41 digifruit



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Posted 18 March 2009 - 12:55 AM

It's pretty interesting to read someone else's continuation of a story that I started, haha... I probably would've taken the story down a darker route, so this was a refreshingly fun surprise... quite entertaining, good job, catsi

so I guess either hefster or cloud or whoever else wants to try could take a whack at the next chapter, or catsi can keep going, I'll leave it to you guys to decide... I'm kind of lazy about posting stuff in the library too, so if someone wants to post this up, be my guest

#42 catsi563



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Posted 18 March 2009 - 02:51 AM

Thanks Diji It means a lot coming from an artist like yourself. Espeically regarding my humble works.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#43 Shadow-kun


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Posted 18 March 2009 - 11:09 PM

Nice fluffy chapter Catsi! Sasuke exploding at the end after hearing Sakura stayed with Naruto was funny! tongue.gif

Edited by Shadow-kun, 19 March 2009 - 01:04 PM.

Visit my cute Dragons!

Spreading the Horoism!

#44 catsi563



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 05:33 AM

=^__^= LOL thanks shadow glad you liked it.

PS: if anyone has any questions about the direction i took it let me know and ill gladly answer.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#45 Hefster



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 06:08 PM

Catsi, I haven't read it yet so I can't really comment but maybe you should continue with chapter 3 since you seem to have taken it into a certain direction when I read your last statement.

Either way, once I read this, I'll start plotting away for chapter 4.

BTW, is it possible for digi to post up those two chapters on her ff account ? I prefer reading it that way instead of squashed into a forum frame...
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein

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#46 catsi563



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 06:32 PM

Ok Ill take a swing at it. Ive got an idea how to proceed just need to put the picture in my head to words.

Id lvoe to hear what you do think hefster when you read it.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#47 Hefster



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 08:47 PM

Ok just read it and I have to say it's very funny and I can only agree with my previous statement that you should continue. Chapter 2 didn't really reveal all too much or build up enough for someone to really take over chapter 3. Anyways, do what you have in mind. smile.gif
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein

You can find me here on FF.net.

Each topic brought to you with at least 1 spelling error.

#48 catsi563



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Posted 01 April 2009 - 06:04 AM

Chapter 3 as promised

a new evil plan by the empire and Sakura faces Tsunade

Code Sharingan Chapter 3 --Click here to view--

Code Sharingan

Chapter 3

Standing across from one of the legendary Sannin it would be perfectly logical to feel fear. SO it made perfect sense why Sakura’s knees were knocking as Tsunade’s honey brown eyes narrowed at her.

“So are you ready?” Tsunade asked her with that infuriating smirk on her face.

For a moment she didn’t respond, the terror of realizing that she a lowly genin was about to challenge one of the legendary Sannin the fear nearly overwhelmed her. Then she looked to her left and she locked eyes with Naruto who was standing near Shizune with a worried exp​ression on his face. He looked terrified for her but he smiled and gave her a small nod of approval. At that small gesture though Sakura felt her heart grow light as a feather and fill to bursting with courage. She also noted that her knees had stopped shaking.

“Hai Tsunade-sama.” She spoke and her voice was clear and confident.

She took up a fighting stance while she adjusted the shoulders of the long red cape Naruto had given her as a wedding present. It was a custom made coat with white cherry blossom embroidery on the bottom of the sleeves and hem. On the back though was the one thing that made the whole coat one of the most precious possessions she had ever received from anyone. The white circle of the Haruno clan boldly emblazoned on the back. When Naruto had presented it to her she had nearly fainted on the spot then she had tackled him and nearly squeezed the life out of him while hugging him. Afterwards the Kiss she had laid on him left him with a goofy dazed exp​ression that still made her laugh. It was a simple and sweet gesture that not only buoyed her faltering confidence but cemented her decision to stay and marry him in the first place. If she’d ever needed any more proof of whose side he was on this cape was it.

Tsunade noticed her regained confidence too and her smirk grew predatory. She’d test this girl seriously in a couple of ways, and if she proved inadequate, well then Tsunade knew other attempted marriages to Naruto that she had put a halt too personally. Holding up one finger she looked Sakura in the eye and smiled wickedly at Sakura’s raised eye brow.

“One finger.” She smiled as Naruto and Shizune both groaned”That’s all I’m gonna need to win.”

Sakura’s right eyebrow twitched dangerously at the apparent disrespect Tsunade held for her. “SHANNARO!! We’ll kick this b*tch’s ass for this!!” Her Inner persona howled vengefully.

Channeling Chakra to her feet Sakura shot off like a bullet a red and pink blur in motion. Tsunade’s eyes widened as she was surprised at the speed of the young lady closing in on her with a lighting fast punch. Still fast as it was Tsuande was faster. She sidestepped the wicked right cross and deflected it with her finger. As the finger ran down Sakura’s outstretched arm Tsunade scanned the roseate haired young woman’s chakra system, and was stunned at what she found.

“She has near perfect chakra control, even better than Ino’s. Hell it’s even better than mine.” She thought quickly before having to duck as Sakura used the momentum of her missed punch along with her natural flexibility to twist herself into a wicked fast series of spinning roundhouse kicks one of which passed so close to Tsunade’s nose that she could see the grass on the bottom of the girl’s boots. Ducking under the last one The Slug queen lashed out with her finger and caused the red headband holding Sakura’s Hitai-Ate on to go flying into the air. As Sakura’s long pink hair flared out in the wind her eyes widened as Tsunade appeared in front of her with her finger cocked.

Oh crap…!” Was the last thought to run through the Rosette’s mind before the finger flick delivered by Tsunade sent her tumbling head over heels along the ground. Stars were flashing through her vision as she tried desperately to clear it but before she could do more her headband landed with a clang in front of her. The stunned thought running through her mind was “All of that with a flick to the head?”

“Hey girl!! Before you pass out just tell me what in the hell makes you think your even remotely special enough for my godson?” the sneer in Tsunade’s voice was biting causing Naruto and Shizune to both stare in shock. Naruto moved to protest and defend his wife of all of three days but was stopped when Sakura pushed herself to her feet and glared up at Tsunade with a pair of emerald eyes all but glowing with their intensity.

“Because!” She snarled bringing her hands up in front of her. “Having someone like him that will love me unconditionally, and whom I can love unconditionally in return is one of my fondest dreams. Naruto is the most special and beautiful person I have known in my life and I WILL stand by his side no matter what!!” she shouted defiantly.

Tsunade’s eyes flew open in shock as the words of the young pink haired woman in front of her echoed the dreams she had once had with someone special so long ago. Seeing her stunned exp​ression Sakura leapt at the opening like a panther.

The thought raced through her mind “She let her guard down! I’ve got to take advantage now! Now love we’ll see if that training you’ve given me has paid off.”

Naruto saw what she was doing and his smile of approval gave her a huge shot of courage. In between her hands a howl of chakra formed combined with the sound of roaring water. Naruto hadn’t been lying when he said they had been training hard. Thanks to her perfect control; she had mastered the first stage of this technique “Rotation” in a half hour. The second step “Power” had taken the better part of a day even with her control but with Naruto’s constant encouragement she had done it even though it had proven the most challenging. The final stage “Control” had taken most of the day as well, especially with her combining her water affinity with the final technique. It was unfinished but still potent and she was going to use it now. The brilliant sphere of pure blue energy mixed with the white caps of water shot off a misty spray as it rotated and churned in between her hands.

“Suiton-Rasengan!!” She shouted as she shot forward using her control to channel chakra to her feet for an additional boost of speed. She was about to drive the technique full force into the Sannin’s gut when Tsunade lashed downwards with her finger causing a lighting shaped fissure to split the ground with an ear shattering roar. Sakura yelped as her foot got caught in the fissure and she pitched forward. The Suiton-Rasengan smashed into the ground with the sound of a wave hitting the shore causing the earth to explode further and depositing Sakura into a pile of mud face first. However Tsunade didn’t escape unscathed either as the second part of the Potent Jutsu took effect. All the water compressed into that tight rotating ball suddenly was projected forward and by pure dumb luck caught the Slug queen right in the face knocking her on her rather attractive keister.

For a moment the two women sat there staring at each other before Sakura her face and pink hair covered in mud pouted as she looked at the Sannin who sat in the mud with a dumbfounded look on her face.

“So do I pass?”

The laughter that followed was amplified as Naruto finally released the anxiety that had been eating away at his gut as his two most precious people duked it out with each other. The laughter escalated as when Naruto tried to pull Sakura up she got a wicked grin on her face and pulled him down to face plant in the mud with her. Tonton joined them splashing happily through the mud puddle and squealing gleefully as she did.


Two hours later as Sakura was taking a shower Naruto and Tsuande were talking to each other quietly.

“So what do you really think of her Baa-chan?” Naruto looked at her with a soft smile on his face as a pink vision was dancing through his head.

“She’s beautiful that’s for sure.” Tsuande responded quietly “She’s strong too; I thought for sure I’d knocked her out when I hit her in the head. But she got right back up again, just like someone else I know.” She chided him softly while he chuckled at the memory of his first meeting with his godmother at the age of twelve.

“So you approve?” he asked with something resembling hope in his voice.

“Yes brat…” She sighed exasperatedly though there was a warm smile on her face at the time. “I approve of your choice of bride though I am a little worried about the timing and quickness of it all.”

“Meh don’t worry Baa-Chan…” he hugged his godmother tight and she returned it “I’m in love with her. I knew it the moment she charged me in the Hokage’s mansion.” He pulled back as did Tsunade to see her looking at him quizzically. “I knew I couldn’t hurt her, and that if she asked me I’d kill for her, hell I’d die for her.”

“Then…” she began but he interrupted “Why didn’t I fight like she asked me?” he hesitated a moment then looked up his eyes bright despite being the accursed sharingan. “Because if I did she would be alone and I didn’t even know her name.” he smiled genuinely and she smiled back as they both resumed looking out the window. Neither noticed a head of long pink hair with tears in her emerald eyes and a bright smile on her face as she closed the bathroom door behind them.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE STAYED!!” Sasuke Uchiha yelled at his Sensei and the man who had personally taught him everything he knew. “Is she insane?!! They’ll kill her!!” he roared.

“Sasuke! Calm down now.” Kakashi’s voice was quiet as ever but conveyed the message very quickly by simply altering the tone of his voice slightly. Sasuke slumped in the chair by his hospital bed just as the door opened and his other teammate Hinata, as well as Neji, Lee, and Ten-Ten and Shikamaru all entered.

“Ano Sasuke-kun.” Hinata’s quiet voice reached out to sooth his agitated nerves. “Were glad you’re ok.”

He grunted in acknowledgement before looking her and the others over. All of them seemed just fine and he looked at Kakashi questioningly.

“Ino-chan’s a very skilled medic-nin.” He replied evenly, and Sasuke noted without his ever present book in hand. That alone told Sasuke that Kakashi was serious and he needed to listen. Inwardly though he was boiling with rage and suspicion. Why had Sakura stayed? Had she betrayed them all? Had she been killed? That guy Naruto he had Itachi-oneesan’s eyes fully evolved. Had he used them to force her to stay behind? So many questions and he needed answers now.

He felt Hinata’s gentle touch as she reached down and helped him slide back into bed. He gave her what amounted to a grateful smile coming from him before looking back at Kakashi. He trusted a grand total of ten people if the truth were to be known. And six of them were in his room right now, and one, one was currently in Konoha in the middle of a nest of vipers.

“Shikamaru; what happened? Why did Sakura betray us?” his voice was cold causing Hinata to gasp out loud.

“She didn’t.” His own reply was equally cold in return. “It was troublesome but I think she actually liked that guy Naruto.”

“And your sure he wasn’t controlling her with the Sharingan?” he asked. But this time it was Hinata that answered him.

“No Sasuke-kun he wasn’t controlling her Neji-Neesan and I had the Byakugan activated and he wasn’t using any genjutsu.” She explained in her normally quiet voice. He believed her because she was Hinata and Hinata was simply not a person to lie or leave a friend behind, still he looked to Neji for confirmation and received it in the form of a small nod. He and the Hyuuga prodigy didn’t normally get along so well but he trusted Neji as a rival as much as anything.

“Well it’s not like she fell in love with him so why did she stay?” he grumbled only to receive doubtful looks which had his eyes widening and his jaw dropping.

“She seemed quite taken with him and protective of him for some reason.” Neji replied at his stunned look.

“Well at any rate she’s safe for now. That Naruto guy is incredibly strong…”Shikamaru began only to be interrupted as Sasuke snorted.

“Please He couldn’t even keep Sakura from distracting him long enough to stop me...”

This time it was Shikamaru’s snort that interrupted him in mid sentence. “Your kidding right Gaara was watching the whole thing. He let you go Uchiha.” Shikamru snarked at him. “He’s the one who used that Katon jutsu on you if he hadn’t we’d have never been able to find you. And he caught Ten-Ten’s Sniper Kunai like it was moving in slow motion.”

That last caused Sasuke’s jaw to hit the floor completely. “You’re lying!” he stared hard at Shikamaru as if to will the Nara scion to tell the truth. But Shikamaru never faltered under the intense scrutiny. Ten-Ten’s small of nod of confirmation nearly sent him into shock again. He’d been there for the test of the rail gun seen it’s effects; HELL his Lighting element had been the one to power the first few shots while Ten-Ten developed her own affinity. But for someone to have caught a supersonic projectile like it was nothing was so insane as to cause his mind to begin shutting down.

“W-w- what do we do now? It’s impossible to get past that one guy much less Tobi…” his voice was shaking with the rest of him but he managed to steady himself as Hinata put a tentative yet reassuring hand on his shoulder. He smiled at her genuinely in that moment. In many ways Hinata was the heart of their team, its quiet conscience and strength, the inner voice which kept both him and Sakura honest and on the road to their goal of taking down the Empire without falling to the road of revenge. Before he could contemplate further a loud voice promptly interrupted as Ino shooed them out and double checked that he hadn’t aggravated any of his injuries or worse. Then with the admonition to stay in bed or she’d tie him too it she turned and left him to his thoughts. Those thoughts though turned dark as he had the image of Sakura his teammate—and though he wouldn’t admit it his friend—at the mercy of a man with his brother’s eyes.


Sakura screamed as Naruto was showing no mercy to her. He was using the most diabolical torture on her anyone could use.

He was tickling her.

“Naruto!! Stop it!!” she managed to gasp out between fits of laughter. He persisted for only a moment more before pulling her close to him and stilling her struggles with as long and as deep a kiss as he had ever given her.

“Hmmmmm” she hummed softly as he broke the kiss for air “What was that for? You’re in awfuly playful mood today.” She giggled slightly before noticing his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I have to go on an errand for his highness.” Naruto spat the last word like it was a curse.
Noticing her face falling and the frown on her face he quickly moved to reassure her though. “It’s nothing to worry about Sakura-chan just a quick trip to wave country. I need to see Iruka Sensei and Anko-Niichan his wife who are governing there for me. “he smiled genuinely at her reassuring her.

“Are they Uchiha?” she asked only to be taken aback as Naruto snorted while laughing at the absurd notion.

“Naaah…” he snickered. “Iruka Sensei was my first teacher. And Anko-niichan was one of my protectors and teachers when I was younger.” He leaned in conspiratorially and whispered softly for her to hear. “Anko niichan despises the Uchiha and she makes sure to screw them any chance she gets.” He winked at her and she smiled back before kissing him deeply causing a tingling sensation to roll down both their spines.

As they broke and Sakura snuggled into him she mumbled comfortably about accompanying him which caused him to chuckle happily.

“I know you want to, but Baachan wants you to learn some stuff from her, probably boring medical books or something like that.” he scrunched up his nose adorably at her. “Besides the Anbu are suspicious enough about you as it is. As long as I’m around or Baa-chan’s around they wont touch you So I’d rather you stay safe.”

He looked down to see if she’d heard him then smiled warmly as she seemed to have fallen asleep in his arms. Leaning down he kissed her gently on her forehead before whispering softly to her sleeping form.

“I love you Sakura-chan. I swear I’ll always protect you.”


Naruto leapt through the trees at a non-hurried pace which is to say that he was covering huge amounts of ground in mere moments. The truth was with his mastered wind element he could put on bursts of speed which would make the cheetahs of the Suna savannahs look like snails. Finally he arrived at his destination near the wave country. Walking up to the small house he reached up to knock on the door then suddenly blurred and vanished as the door was peppered with shuriken made of solid crystal. Within a split second he was on the roof where he lashed out his hand and stood still pointing his hand at a tree nearby. For a moment nothing happened then the trees leaves fell from it as if blown in a strong wind and the top part of the trunk slid off and fell towards the ground to reveal a woman with purple eyes and black hair.

“You could have just asked who it was Gurren.” Naruto smirked at her

“Not really.” She replied before shattering into small pieces of crystal and reappearing next to him on the roof.

“How are you holding up?” he asked her cooly.

“Fine for now; the supplies from Tazuna-san have been helpful thanks for that.” She replied looking tired.

“How’s Yukimaru?” he asked his voice a little softer now.

“Why not ask him yourself?” she replied evenly gesturing to the house. “He’s inside, I think he misses you.” She smirked at him though it was strained. These two hadn’t really gotten along with each other ever since Naruto had slaughtered Orochimaru so many years ago. Still Naruto had saved her life and given her a new purpose so she supposed she owed him.

“I cant I have to get back soon I just needed to check on Iruka sensei and Anko-Niichan to make sure they’re doing ok governing Wave. You know doing my duty as a loyal Uchiha.” He practically spat the name like a curse.

“Dammit!! Why don’t you do something about them then!” she snarled at him only to be quieted by his Sharingan as hit spun like a shuriken in flight.

“Don’t you think I want too!?” He snarled pulling down the collar of his jacket revealing the seal around his neck.” You know what they can turn me into if I don’t obey them thanks to this!”

“I still say you’re using it as an excuse to avoid killing anyone. You were always too soft…” she sneered at him.

“Well my being soft saved you ass didn’t it?” he smiled at her though it was a pleasant one. She didn’t reply instead looking out over the lake they were living near for the last 2 years.

“You have to move Yukimaru immediately.” He spoke clearly but with a hint of sadness in his usually bright voice.

“What!! Why?!!” she protested only to be silenced by a wave of his hand.

“The Amateratsu are coming for him. Or they will be soon.” He answered her coolly mentioning the black vested Anbu that were one of the three elite squads tasked as the personal guard of the Hokage himself. The red vested Tsukyomi—Genjutsu specialist—and white vested Susanno—protection specialists—were the other two. “They’re going to take him and extract the Sanbi from him.”

“They can’t!! He’ll die!!” She snarled at him the jade crystal blade she favored manifesting on her arm.

“No he won’t not if I have anything to say about it but we have to be smart about it.” He answered her coolly. “I learned their plan earlier this week just after the assassination attempts at the Chunin exams. The Bijuu are all accounted for now either sealed in the Statue of Tobi’s or in a Jinchuriki.” He explained.

“Fugaku wants to remove them all from their current hosts and seal them in fresh infants. Each infant will then be raised and trained virtually from birth as a living extension of the Hokage’s will. A new Red Dawn they’ll be nine of them and the group will be named Akatsuki.”

“He’s already begun the plan.” he explained at her horrified look. “He intends to send Tobi to Iwa to try and force their surrender early so he can get the Yonbi, and I’m sure he means to send me to Kumo to take out the Nibi and Hachibi. After that he’ll take the Ichibi and Sanbi and with the rest already sealed he’ll have them all.”

Gurren was horrified at the mere prospect. “Now listen I have an idea but I need you to move Yukimaru and do it fast.”Get him to Suna. I know the Ichibi is there and together they might be able to hold off Konoha if they come for them.”

She opened her mouth to protest but he cut her off. “There isn’t any time for this. The Amateratsu will be here soon.” He handed her a scroll with a special seal on it. “Take this and give it to the Suna guards. Now leave and don’t bother packing.” He commanded and she hesitated for a second as if thinking of arguing further but rapidly changed her mind when she saw his eyes all but glowing red.

Naruto watched as she ran inside gathered up Yukimaru who looked like he’d been sleeping and rushed off with him on her back. He didn’t worry too much about her since he knew that she could handle herself nicely. All she’d need would be a head start and he could give that to her easily. First he created a pair of Kagebushin and henged them into the pair before sending them North West towards Kumo. Then he looked downwards before channeling his chakra into one of his Signature jutsu and if the old pervert was to be believed probably the most powerful Jutsu in existence.


As the Amateratsu Anbu arrived on the scene they discovered nothing but a charred patch of ground that had been all but turned too glass. Their tracker quickly signaled that he had the pair moving towards Kumo and trying to use genjutsu to hide their tracks. This of course got a laugh out of them as they knew genjutsu was useless against the might of the Sharingan. Quickly they leapt off in pursuit of their quarry baying like hunting dogs as they caught the scent.

Smiling nicely Naruto whistled a happy tune as he knew he’d one upped the empire nicely and delayed their plans for a short time. Now he had to get back to Sakura-chan so he could hold his pink haired wife again. Also he needed to make sure Tsunade Baa-chan didn’t turn her into a gambling, Sake addicted, crazy woman with Monstrous strength like she was. Smiling brighter at the thought of his blushing bride he picked up the pace and was soon within sight of Konoha.


Shikamaru was a simple man. He’s lazy they say, or not motivated, or he doesn’t appreciate the value of hard work. But He knew they were all wrong. All his detractors saw was the cloud watching laziness. One person however saw beyond that, one person whom he hadn’t been able to see in over two years now. A beautiful, and highly troublesome Blond who was now animatedly and happily chatting away at him as she dragged him too and fro shopping her life away while she chatted about all sorts of things that he found too troublesome to really listen too.

It was endearing in a way how the two of them had been childhood friends, and then separated by the invasion, then reunited in Suna, before being separated again as Ino had left to join her father before being taken on as an apprentice by the Legendary Sannin Tsunade herself.

“How troublesome…” He muttered softly to himself as Ino squealed gleefully as she rushed to try on a tight purple dress that did all the right things to her figure in all the right places, and caused his body to react in all the right ways at all the wrong times. That would make thee troublesome blondes in his life now.

There was Ino of course, and her Master Tsunade, and now there was this Blond guy Naruto. Something about the name seemed familiar, as well as the face even with those odd whisker marks. Something he’d read somewhere in an intelligence briefing or a conversation overheard between his father and Kakashi. He couldn’t quite place it but for some reason he trusted the blond shinobi. It was instinctive like he was just someone Shikamaru felt he could trust without it being too troublesome. He wondered if things were different if he and Naruto would have been friends like he was with Choji and Ino.

Speaking of Ino she was now stomping her foot in a huff because he was thinking instead of listening to her. He thought quickly about his options at that moment. He could listen to Ino berate him, ignore her and possibly be beaten within an inch of his life by her incredible strength. Or he could take a considerably more interesting option to shut her up.

He chose option three. Walking up to her he looked her in the eyes and spoke in a calm clear voice. “Ino… Shut up.” He then took advantage of her gaping surprised mouth to kiss her as long and deep and passionately as he could. His tongue wrapping around hers as he explored her mouth which was now emitting soft moaning sounds. Finally after what seemed like an eternity but was really only a few short moments. He released her and began to walk back to the hotel so he could have dinner and check in with the rest of his team. He smirked as Ino fell into step beside him with a dazed exp​ression on her face as if she were trying to wrap her brain around what had just occurred. She was so quiet the whole way back that she never noticed when Shikamaru took the rest of her bags from her.


Back in Konoha Naruto had just opened the door to his home.

“Sakura-chan? Baachan? I’m home!” he called out. No one answered him so he figured that maybe they were out at the training field. After all Tsunade-Baachan had said something about accepting Sakura as her new apprentice something Sakura had gleefully accepted. Naruto didn’t know why she’d want to honestly. I mean sure Baachan was strong, heck she was the strongest Kunoichi he knew and believe it he knew a few. But Sakura was already one of the strongest he’d ever met. He shrugged and started cooking dinner so he’d have it ready for her when she got back. After all if there was one thing he was good at it was cooking.

Actually there were multiple things he was good at thanks to Itachi’s implanted last gift to him. In many ways he thought Itachi’s sharingan was the only thing keeping them from extracting the Kyuubi already. He remembered Itachis last words to him the night he had given his sharingan to him the night of the coup.


“Remember me Naruto-Kun. Remember my Sacrifice for one day you must save Konoha from itself.” He whispered to the small boy standing protectively in the arms of Mitoko Uchiha.

“Protect Sasuke, Naruto-Kun he won’t understand...” He had spoken again in the quiet calm voice before the blood had come up from his chest into his mouth. No one else had heard his last words but Naruto had.

“Good bye… little brother”


Naruto sighed sadly then deciding he didn’t want to be sad right now. Not with Sakura-chan soon to come home to him. No he needed to be happy so he could see the smile that had enchanted him. Sitting down at the Piano in his home he cracked his knuckles and began to belt out the keys in a quick rapid fire series of notes in a song filled with hope about a beautiful dancer in a music box and the joy she brought to all who listened to her.

“I’ll remember Itachi-Oneesan. I’ll save Konoha and protect Sasuke for you. And I will protect Sakura-chan with all my heart.”

As he finished the song he whirled around at the sound of clapping the sight of which caused a brilliant smile to light up his face and dispelled all his dark thoughts immediately.

“Naruto!!” she chirped before leaping into his arms and kissing him long and lovingly. “You’re home!” she whispered to him while leaning her forehead on his.

He chucked briefly then whispered softly “Yeah; I’m home."

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#49 SageNaru


    Chakra Tree Climber

  • Chakra Tree Climber
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  • Gender:Male
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Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:41 AM

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Apr 1 2009, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chapter 3 as promised

a new evil plan by the empire and Sakura faces Tsunade

Code Sharingan Chapter 3 --Click here to view--

Code Sharingan

Chapter 3

Standing across from one of the legendary Sannin it would be perfectly logical to feel fear. SO it made perfect sense why Sakura’s knees were knocking as Tsunade’s honey brown eyes narrowed at her.

“So are you ready?” Tsunade asked her with that infuriating smirk on her face.

For a moment she didn’t respond, the terror of realizing that she a lowly genin was about to challenge one of the legendary Sannin the fear nearly overwhelmed her. Then she looked to her left and she locked eyes with Naruto who was standing near Shizune with a worried exp​ression on his face. He looked terrified for her but he smiled and gave her a small nod of approval. At that small gesture though Sakura felt her heart grow light as a feather and fill to bursting with courage. She also noted that her knees had stopped shaking.

“Hai Tsunade-sama.” She spoke and her voice was clear and confident.

She took up a fighting stance while she adjusted the shoulders of the long red cape Naruto had given her as a wedding present. It was a custom made coat with white cherry blossom embroidery on the bottom of the sleeves and hem. On the back though was the one thing that made the whole coat one of the most precious possessions she had ever received from anyone. The white circle of the Haruno clan boldly emblazoned on the back. When Naruto had presented it to her she had nearly fainted on the spot then she had tackled him and nearly squeezed the life out of him while hugging him. Afterwards the Kiss she had laid on him left him with a goofy dazed exp​ression that still made her laugh. It was a simple and sweet gesture that not only buoyed her faltering confidence but cemented her decision to stay and marry him in the first place. If she’d ever needed any more proof of whose side he was on this cape was it.

Tsunade noticed her regained confidence too and her smirk grew predatory. She’d test this girl seriously in a couple of ways, and if she proved inadequate, well then Tsunade knew other attempted marriages to Naruto that she had put a halt too personally. Holding up one finger she looked Sakura in the eye and smiled wickedly at Sakura’s raised eye brow.

“One finger.” She smiled as Naruto and Shizune both groaned”That’s all I’m gonna need to win.”

Sakura’s right eyebrow twitched dangerously at the apparent disrespect Tsunade held for her. “SHANNARO!! We’ll kick this b*tch’s ass for this!!” Her Inner persona howled vengefully.

Channeling Chakra to her feet Sakura shot off like a bullet a red and pink blur in motion. Tsunade’s eyes widened as she was surprised at the speed of the young lady closing in on her with a lighting fast punch. Still fast as it was Tsuande was faster. She sidestepped the wicked right cross and deflected it with her finger. As the finger ran down Sakura’s outstretched arm Tsunade scanned the roseate haired young woman’s chakra system, and was stunned at what she found.

“She has near perfect chakra control, even better than Ino’s. Hell it’s even better than mine.” She thought quickly before having to duck as Sakura used the momentum of her missed punch along with her natural flexibility to twist herself into a wicked fast series of spinning roundhouse kicks one of which passed so close to Tsunade’s nose that she could see the grass on the bottom of the girl’s boots. Ducking under the last one The Slug queen lashed out with her finger and caused the red headband holding Sakura’s Hitai-Ate on to go flying into the air. As Sakura’s long pink hair flared out in the wind her eyes widened as Tsunade appeared in front of her with her finger cocked.

Oh crap…!” Was the last thought to run through the Rosette’s mind before the finger flick delivered by Tsunade sent her tumbling head over heels along the ground. Stars were flashing through her vision as she tried desperately to clear it but before she could do more her headband landed with a clang in front of her. The stunned thought running through her mind was “All of that with a flick to the head?”

“Hey girl!! Before you pass out just tell me what in the hell makes you think your even remotely special enough for my godson?” the sneer in Tsunade’s voice was biting causing Naruto and Shizune to both stare in shock. Naruto moved to protest and defend his wife of all of three days but was stopped when Sakura pushed herself to her feet and glared up at Tsunade with a pair of emerald eyes all but glowing with their intensity.

“Because!” She snarled bringing her hands up in front of her. “Having someone like him that will love me unconditionally, and whom I can love unconditionally in return is one of my fondest dreams. Naruto is the most special and beautiful person I have known in my life and I WILL stand by his side no matter what!!” she shouted defiantly.

Tsunade’s eyes flew open in shock as the words of the young pink haired woman in front of her echoed the dreams she had once had with someone special so long ago. Seeing her stunned exp​ression Sakura leapt at the opening like a panther.

The thought raced through her mind “She let her guard down! I’ve got to take advantage now! Now love we’ll see if that training you’ve given me has paid off.”

Naruto saw what she was doing and his smile of approval gave her a huge shot of courage. In between her hands a howl of chakra formed combined with the sound of roaring water. Naruto hadn’t been lying when he said they had been training hard. Thanks to her perfect control; she had mastered the first stage of this technique “Rotation” in a half hour. The second step “Power” had taken the better part of a day even with her control but with Naruto’s constant encouragement she had done it even though it had proven the most challenging. The final stage “Control” had taken most of the day as well, especially with her combining her water affinity with the final technique. It was unfinished but still potent and she was going to use it now. The brilliant sphere of pure blue energy mixed with the white caps of water shot off a misty spray as it rotated and churned in between her hands.

“Suiton-Rasengan!!” She shouted as she shot forward using her control to channel chakra to her feet for an additional boost of speed. She was about to drive the technique full force into the Sannin’s gut when Tsunade lashed downwards with her finger causing a lighting shaped fissure to split the ground with an ear shattering roar. Sakura yelped as her foot got caught in the fissure and she pitched forward. The Suiton-Rasengan smashed into the ground with the sound of a wave hitting the shore causing the earth to explode further and depositing Sakura into a pile of mud face first. However Tsunade didn’t escape unscathed either as the second part of the Potent Jutsu took effect. All the water compressed into that tight rotating ball suddenly was projected forward and by pure dumb luck caught the Slug queen right in the face knocking her on her rather attractive keister.

For a moment the two women sat there staring at each other before Sakura her face and pink hair covered in mud pouted as she looked at the Sannin who sat in the mud with a dumbfounded look on her face.

“So do I pass?”

The laughter that followed was amplified as Naruto finally released the anxiety that had been eating away at his gut as his two most precious people duked it out with each other. The laughter escalated as when Naruto tried to pull Sakura up she got a wicked grin on her face and pulled him down to face plant in the mud with her. Tonton joined them splashing happily through the mud puddle and squealing gleefully as she did.


Two hours later as Sakura was taking a shower Naruto and Tsuande were talking to each other quietly.

“So what do you really think of her Baa-chan?” Naruto looked at her with a soft smile on his face as a pink vision was dancing through his head.

“She’s beautiful that’s for sure.” Tsuande responded quietly “She’s strong too; I thought for sure I’d knocked her out when I hit her in the head. But she got right back up again, just like someone else I know.” She chided him softly while he chuckled at the memory of his first meeting with his godmother at the age of twelve.

“So you approve?” he asked with something resembling hope in his voice.

“Yes brat…” She sighed exasperatedly though there was a warm smile on her face at the time. “I approve of your choice of bride though I am a little worried about the timing and quickness of it all.”

“Meh don’t worry Baa-Chan…” he hugged his godmother tight and she returned it “I’m in love with her. I knew it the moment she charged me in the Hokage’s mansion.” He pulled back as did Tsunade to see her looking at him quizzically. “I knew I couldn’t hurt her, and that if she asked me I’d kill for her, hell I’d die for her.”

“Then…” she began but he interrupted “Why didn’t I fight like she asked me?” he hesitated a moment then looked up his eyes bright despite being the accursed sharingan. “Because if I did she would be alone and I didn’t even know her name.” he smiled genuinely and she smiled back as they both resumed looking out the window. Neither noticed a head of long pink hair with tears in her emerald eyes and a bright smile on her face as she closed the bathroom door behind them.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE STAYED!!” Sasuke Uchiha yelled at his Sensei and the man who had personally taught him everything he knew. “Is she insane?!! They’ll kill her!!” he roared.

“Sasuke! Calm down now.” Kakashi’s voice was quiet as ever but conveyed the message very quickly by simply altering the tone of his voice slightly. Sasuke slumped in the chair by his hospital bed just as the door opened and his other teammate Hinata, as well as Neji, Lee, and Ten-Ten and Shikamaru all entered.

“Ano Sasuke-kun.” Hinata’s quiet voice reached out to sooth his agitated nerves. “Were glad you’re ok.”

He grunted in acknowledgement before looking her and the others over. All of them seemed just fine and he looked at Kakashi questioningly.

“Ino-chan’s a very skilled medic-nin.” He replied evenly, and Sasuke noted without his ever present book in hand. That alone told Sasuke that Kakashi was serious and he needed to listen. Inwardly though he was boiling with rage and suspicion. Why had Sakura stayed? Had she betrayed them all? Had she been killed? That guy Naruto he had Itachi-oneesan’s eyes fully evolved. Had he used them to force her to stay behind? So many questions and he needed answers now.

He felt Hinata’s gentle touch as she reached down and helped him slide back into bed. He gave her what amounted to a grateful smile coming from him before looking back at Kakashi. He trusted a grand total of ten people if the truth were to be known. And six of them were in his room right now, and one, one was currently in Konoha in the middle of a nest of vipers.

“Shikamaru; what happened? Why did Sakura betray us?” his voice was cold causing Hinata to gasp out loud.

“She didn’t.” His own reply was equally cold in return. “It was troublesome but I think she actually liked that guy Naruto.”

“And your sure he wasn’t controlling her with the Sharingan?” he asked. But this time it was Hinata that answered him.

“No Sasuke-kun he wasn’t controlling her Neji-Neesan and I had the Byakugan activated and he wasn’t using any genjutsu.” She explained in her normally quiet voice. He believed her because she was Hinata and Hinata was simply not a person to lie or leave a friend behind, still he looked to Neji for confirmation and received it in the form of a small nod. He and the Hyuuga prodigy didn’t normally get along so well but he trusted Neji as a rival as much as anything.

“Well it’s not like she fell in love with him so why did she stay?” he grumbled only to receive doubtful looks which had his eyes widening and his jaw dropping.

“She seemed quite taken with him and protective of him for some reason.” Neji replied at his stunned look.

“Well at any rate she’s safe for now. That Naruto guy is incredibly strong…”Shikamaru began only to be interrupted as Sasuke snorted.

“Please He couldn’t even keep Sakura from distracting him long enough to stop me...”

This time it was Shikamaru’s snort that interrupted him in mid sentence. “Your kidding right Gaara was watching the whole thing. He let you go Uchiha.” Shikamru snarked at him. “He’s the one who used that Katon jutsu on you if he hadn’t we’d have never been able to find you. And he caught Ten-Ten’s Sniper Kunai like it was moving in slow motion.”

That last caused Sasuke’s jaw to hit the floor completely. “You’re lying!” he stared hard at Shikamaru as if to will the Nara scion to tell the truth. But Shikamaru never faltered under the intense scrutiny. Ten-Ten’s small of nod of confirmation nearly sent him into shock again. He’d been there for the test of the rail gun seen it’s effects; HELL his Lighting element had been the one to power the first few shots while Ten-Ten developed her own affinity. But for someone to have caught a supersonic projectile like it was nothing was so insane as to cause his mind to begin shutting down.

“W-w- what do we do now? It’s impossible to get past that one guy much less Tobi…” his voice was shaking with the rest of him but he managed to steady himself as Hinata put a tentative yet reassuring hand on his shoulder. He smiled at her genuinely in that moment. In many ways Hinata was the heart of their team, its quiet conscience and strength, the inner voice which kept both him and Sakura honest and on the road to their goal of taking down the Empire without falling to the road of revenge. Before he could contemplate further a loud voice promptly interrupted as Ino shooed them out and double checked that he hadn’t aggravated any of his injuries or worse. Then with the admonition to stay in bed or she’d tie him too it she turned and left him to his thoughts. Those thoughts though turned dark as he had the image of Sakura his teammate—and though he wouldn’t admit it his friend—at the mercy of a man with his brother’s eyes.


Sakura screamed as Naruto was showing no mercy to her. He was using the most diabolical torture on her anyone could use.

He was tickling her.

“Naruto!! Stop it!!” she managed to gasp out between fits of laughter. He persisted for only a moment more before pulling her close to him and stilling her struggles with as long and as deep a kiss as he had ever given her.

“Hmmmmm” she hummed softly as he broke the kiss for air “What was that for? You’re in awfuly playful mood today.” She giggled slightly before noticing his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I have to go on an errand for his highness.” Naruto spat the last word like it was a curse.
Noticing her face falling and the frown on her face he quickly moved to reassure her though. “It’s nothing to worry about Sakura-chan just a quick trip to wave country. I need to see Iruka Sensei and Anko-Niichan his wife who are governing there for me. “he smiled genuinely at her reassuring her.

“Are they Uchiha?” she asked only to be taken aback as Naruto snorted while laughing at the absurd notion.

“Naaah…” he snickered. “Iruka Sensei was my first teacher. And Anko-niichan was one of my protectors and teachers when I was younger.” He leaned in conspiratorially and whispered softly for her to hear. “Anko niichan despises the Uchiha and she makes sure to screw them any chance she gets.” He winked at her and she smiled back before kissing him deeply causing a tingling sensation to roll down both their spines.

As they broke and Sakura snuggled into him she mumbled comfortably about accompanying him which caused him to chuckle happily.

“I know you want to, but Baachan wants you to learn some stuff from her, probably boring medical books or something like that.” he scrunched up his nose adorably at her. “Besides the Anbu are suspicious enough about you as it is. As long as I’m around or Baa-chan’s around they wont touch you So I’d rather you stay safe.”

He looked down to see if she’d heard him then smiled warmly as she seemed to have fallen asleep in his arms. Leaning down he kissed her gently on her forehead before whispering softly to her sleeping form.

“I love you Sakura-chan. I swear I’ll always protect you.”


Naruto leapt through the trees at a non-hurried pace which is to say that he was covering huge amounts of ground in mere moments. The truth was with his mastered wind element he could put on bursts of speed which would make the cheetahs of the Suna savannahs look like snails. Finally he arrived at his destination near the wave country. Walking up to the small house he reached up to knock on the door then suddenly blurred and vanished as the door was peppered with shuriken made of solid crystal. Within a split second he was on the roof where he lashed out his hand and stood still pointing his hand at a tree nearby. For a moment nothing happened then the trees leaves fell from it as if blown in a strong wind and the top part of the trunk slid off and fell towards the ground to reveal a woman with purple eyes and black hair.

“You could have just asked who it was Gurren.” Naruto smirked at her

“Not really.” She replied before shattering into small pieces of crystal and reappearing next to him on the roof.

“How are you holding up?” he asked her cooly.

“Fine for now; the supplies from Tazuna-san have been helpful thanks for that.” She replied looking tired.

“How’s Yukimaru?” he asked his voice a little softer now.

“Why not ask him yourself?” she replied evenly gesturing to the house. “He’s inside, I think he misses you.” She smirked at him though it was strained. These two hadn’t really gotten along with each other ever since Naruto had slaughtered Orochimaru so many years ago. Still Naruto had saved her life and given her a new purpose so she supposed she owed him.

“I cant I have to get back soon I just needed to check on Iruka sensei and Anko-Niichan to make sure they’re doing ok governing Wave. You know doing my duty as a loyal Uchiha.” He practically spat the name like a curse.

“Dammit!! Why don’t you do something about them then!” she snarled at him only to be quieted by his Sharingan as hit spun like a shuriken in flight.

“Don’t you think I want too!?” He snarled pulling down the collar of his jacket revealing the seal around his neck.” You know what they can turn me into if I don’t obey them thanks to this!”

“I still say you’re using it as an excuse to avoid killing anyone. You were always too soft…” she sneered at him.

“Well my being soft saved you ass didn’t it?” he smiled at her though it was a pleasant one. She didn’t reply instead looking out over the lake they were living near for the last 2 years.

“You have to move Yukimaru immediately.” He spoke clearly but with a hint of sadness in his usually bright voice.

“What!! Why?!!” she protested only to be silenced by a wave of his hand.

“The Amateratsu are coming for him. Or they will be soon.” He answered her coolly mentioning the black vested Anbu that were one of the three elite squads tasked as the personal guard of the Hokage himself. The red vested Tsukyomi—Genjutsu specialist—and white vested Susanno—protection specialists—were the other two. “They’re going to take him and extract the Sanbi from him.”

“They can’t!! He’ll die!!” She snarled at him the jade crystal blade she favored manifesting on her arm.

“No he won’t not if I have anything to say about it but we have to be smart about it.” He answered her coolly. “I learned their plan earlier this week just after the assassination attempts at the Chunin exams. The Bijuu are all accounted for now either sealed in the Statue of Tobi’s or in a Jinchuriki.” He explained.

“Fugaku wants to remove them all from their current hosts and seal them in fresh infants. Each infant will then be raised and trained virtually from birth as a living extension of the Hokage’s will. A new Red Dawn they’ll be nine of them and the group will be named Akatsuki.”

“He’s already begun the plan.” he explained at her horrified look. “He intends to send Tobi to Iwa to try and force their surrender early so he can get the Yonbi, and I’m sure he means to send me to Kumo to take out the Nibi and Hachibi. After that he’ll take the Ichibi and Sanbi and with the rest already sealed he’ll have them all.”

Gurren was horrified at the mere prospect. “Now listen I have an idea but I need you to move Yukimaru and do it fast.”Get him to Suna. I know the Ichibi is there and together they might be able to hold off Konoha if they come for them.”

She opened her mouth to protest but he cut her off. “There isn’t any time for this. The Amateratsu will be here soon.” He handed her a scroll with a special seal on it. “Take this and give it to the Suna guards. Now leave and don’t bother packing.” He commanded and she hesitated for a second as if thinking of arguing further but rapidly changed her mind when she saw his eyes all but glowing red.

Naruto watched as she ran inside gathered up Yukimaru who looked like he’d been sleeping and rushed off with him on her back. He didn’t worry too much about her since he knew that she could handle herself nicely. All she’d need would be a head start and he could give that to her easily. First he created a pair of Kagebushin and henged them into the pair before sending them North West towards Kumo. Then he looked downwards before channeling his chakra into one of his Signature jutsu and if the old pervert was to be believed probably the most powerful Jutsu in existence.


As the Amateratsu Anbu arrived on the scene they discovered nothing but a charred patch of ground that had been all but turned too glass. Their tracker quickly signaled that he had the pair moving towards Kumo and trying to use genjutsu to hide their tracks. This of course got a laugh out of them as they knew genjutsu was useless against the might of the Sharingan. Quickly they leapt off in pursuit of their quarry baying like hunting dogs as they caught the scent.

Smiling nicely Naruto whistled a happy tune as he knew he’d one upped the empire nicely and delayed their plans for a short time. Now he had to get back to Sakura-chan so he could hold his pink haired wife again. Also he needed to make sure Tsunade Baa-chan didn’t turn her into a gambling, Sake addicted, crazy woman with Monstrous strength like she was. Smiling brighter at the thought of his blushing bride he picked up the pace and was soon within sight of Konoha.


Shikamaru was a simple man. He’s lazy they say, or not motivated, or he doesn’t appreciate the value of hard work. But He knew they were all wrong. All his detractors saw was the cloud watching laziness. One person however saw beyond that, one person whom he hadn’t been able to see in over two years now. A beautiful, and highly troublesome Blond who was now animatedly and happily chatting away at him as she dragged him too and fro shopping her life away while she chatted about all sorts of things that he found too troublesome to really listen too.

It was endearing in a way how the two of them had been childhood friends, and then separated by the invasion, then reunited in Suna, before being separated again as Ino had left to join her father before being taken on as an apprentice by the Legendary Sannin Tsunade herself.

“How troublesome…” He muttered softly to himself as Ino squealed gleefully as she rushed to try on a tight purple dress that did all the right things to her figure in all the right places, and caused his body to react in all the right ways at all the wrong times. That would make thee troublesome blondes in his life now.

There was Ino of course, and her Master Tsunade, and now there was this Blond guy Naruto. Something about the name seemed familiar, as well as the face even with those odd whisker marks. Something he’d read somewhere in an intelligence briefing or a conversation overheard between his father and Kakashi. He couldn’t quite place it but for some reason he trusted the blond shinobi. It was instinctive like he was just someone Shikamaru felt he could trust without it being too troublesome. He wondered if things were different if he and Naruto would have been friends like he was with Choji and Ino.

Speaking of Ino she was now stomping her foot in a huff because he was thinking instead of listening to her. He thought quickly about his options at that moment. He could listen to Ino berate him, ignore her and possibly be beaten within an inch of his life by her incredible strength. Or he could take a considerably more interesting option to shut her up.

He chose option three. Walking up to her he looked her in the eyes and spoke in a calm clear voice. “Ino… Shut up.” He then took advantage of her gaping surprised mouth to kiss her as long and deep and passionately as he could. His tongue wrapping around hers as he explored her mouth which was now emitting soft moaning sounds. Finally after what seemed like an eternity but was really only a few short moments. He released her and began to walk back to the hotel so he could have dinner and check in with the rest of his team. He smirked as Ino fell into step beside him with a dazed exp​ression on her face as if she were trying to wrap her brain around what had just occurred. She was so quiet the whole way back that she never noticed when Shikamaru took the rest of her bags from her.


Back in Konoha Naruto had just opened the door to his home.

“Sakura-chan? Baachan? I’m home!” he called out. No one answered him so he figured that maybe they were out at the training field. After all Tsunade-Baachan had said something about accepting Sakura as her new apprentice something Sakura had gleefully accepted. Naruto didn’t know why she’d want to honestly. I mean sure Baachan was strong, heck she was the strongest Kunoichi he knew and believe it he knew a few. But Sakura was already one of the strongest he’d ever met. He shrugged and started cooking dinner so he’d have it ready for her when she got back. After all if there was one thing he was good at it was cooking.

Actually there were multiple things he was good at thanks to Itachi’s implanted last gift to him. In many ways he thought Itachi’s sharingan was the only thing keeping them from extracting the Kyuubi already. He remembered Itachis last words to him the night he had given his sharingan to him the night of the coup.


“Remember me Naruto-Kun. Remember my Sacrifice for one day you must save Konoha from itself.” He whispered to the small boy standing protectively in the arms of Mitoko Uchiha.

“Protect Sasuke, Naruto-Kun he won’t understand...” He had spoken again in the quiet calm voice before the blood had come up from his chest into his mouth. No one else had heard his last words but Naruto had.

“Good bye… little brother”


Naruto sighed sadly then deciding he didn’t want to be sad right now. Not with Sakura-chan soon to come home to him. No he needed to be happy so he could see the smile that had enchanted him. Sitting down at the Piano in his home he cracked his knuckles and began to belt out the keys in a quick rapid fire series of notes in a song filled with hope about a beautiful dancer in a music box and the joy she brought to all who listened to her.

“I’ll remember Itachi-Oneesan. I’ll save Konoha and protect Sasuke for you. And I will protect Sakura-chan with all my heart.”

As he finished the song he whirled around at the sound of clapping the sight of which caused a brilliant smile to light up his face and dispelled all his dark thoughts immediately.

“Naruto!!” she chirped before leaping into his arms and kissing him long and lovingly. “You’re home!” she whispered to him while leaning her forehead on his.

He chucked briefly then whispered softly “Yeah; I’m home."

It's a great story. Really like it. Keep it going. happy.gif

#50 catsi563



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  • Gender:Not Telling
  • Location:Sneaking behind the orange ninja
  • Interests:Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, pizza, dragons, tigers, wolves, cats, Slaying Ebil dragon windmill thingies, the moon, the ocean.

Posted 02 April 2009 - 12:40 AM

If anyones curious

The song naruto plays in chapter 3
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#51 Shadow-kun


    Sage Wolf

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  • Gender:Male
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Posted 02 April 2009 - 02:00 AM

Chapter 3 was great Catsi! Can't wait for chapter 4! tongue.gif

Edited by Shadow-kun, 02 April 2009 - 02:01 AM.

Visit my cute Dragons!

Spreading the Horoism!

#52 catsi563



  • Legendary Ninja
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  • 3,195 posts
  • Gender:Not Telling
  • Location:Sneaking behind the orange ninja
  • Interests:Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, pizza, dragons, tigers, wolves, cats, Slaying Ebil dragon windmill thingies, the moon, the ocean.

Posted 02 April 2009 - 04:39 AM

=^__^= thanks Shadow and Sage Im glad you liked it. I think Hefster is supposed to take chapter 4.

I tried to provide a little direction for the story this go around as well as touch on some of the things naruto is doing to help. Also some of the changes that would occur in the Naruto world.

I have an absolutely brilliant idea regarding Narutos Sharingan that I may try depending on who takes one of the next couple of chapters.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#53 digifruit



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Posted 02 April 2009 - 06:03 AM

Nice chapter, catsi, the story is coming along pretty nicely... you've come up with a lot of good material that I would probably not have ever thought of, haha

So is hefster up next for chapter 4? And is cloud still up for contributing a chapter?

And does someone want to be sort of the "representative" author of this fic on FFnet and the H&E library? I'd nominate catsi for it, if everyone is cool with that.

#54 catsi563



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Posted 02 April 2009 - 07:31 AM

Id be fine with that or with Digi. and thanks Digi im glad you approved. =^__^=
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#55 Hefster



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Posted 02 April 2009 - 05:48 PM

Fine with Catsi being the representative.

Um, well... sort of running a writer's block but I told myself that this weekend I will get writing done and out of the way. So once I read chapter 3 (later tonight), I will start planning chapter 4.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein

You can find me here on FF.net.

Each topic brought to you with at least 1 spelling error.

#56 catsi563



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Posted 02 April 2009 - 11:11 PM

Ok All posted on FF.net. I adjusted a little to fit it into a multichapter format. but stillr etain the feel of the story. It should be in good shape.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#57 catsi563



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Posted 05 April 2009 - 12:52 AM

Also added it to my Deviant art account as well. gotten good positive reviews on both.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#58 Sora no Kitsune

Sora no Kitsune

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Posted 05 April 2009 - 04:08 AM

This is an awesome story biggrin.gif I love your writing style catsi and your fics are defenitly some of my favorites. The only thing i dislike about this story is the fact that none of them seem to remember each other, when i know they knew each other during the time of the take over. Other than that, great job biggrin.gif

Get Chance and Luck!!~

#59 catsi563



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Posted 05 April 2009 - 07:02 AM

Thanks Z I appreciate it a bunch.

And as to them not knowing each other actually there is an explanation for that. remeber that the uchiuha coup took place when all the rookie 9 etc were 8. this was roughly before the acadamey or before their separate classes were merged into mizuki and irukas class.

some of them do remeber each other (ino shika choji), and others dont remember them (sakura) but there's a very good reason sakura doesnt remember at least as far as ive written.

The night of the coup it self would have caused a lot of confusiona nd damage and it can be hard for people to remember others they met when they wer eonly 8 years old after not seeing them for so long.

If anyone wants Id be glad to answer any questions for the direction i took the story and am planning on taking the story for future chapters.

Edited by catsi563, 05 April 2009 - 07:04 AM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#60 Sora no Kitsune

Sora no Kitsune

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Posted 05 April 2009 - 04:38 PM

Ok thanks for answering the question. Although i think they did know each other (remember during the Naruto vs. Sasuke fight in part 1, it had that flash back showing him smiling at Sasuke and vise versa) im not going to argue with it. Keep up the nice work. :thumbs:

Get Chance and Luck!!~

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