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Why NaruSaku?

narusaku pairing hinata sakura sasuke

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#41 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:35 PM

Development. NaruSaku has it. SS and NH do not.

Lol the vid was funny, but actual support for your claim would have been nice. 

#42 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:38 PM

I'm going by the two bolded definitions, because the first one is pretty useless for anything pairing related.


Sakura has also done all of those things for Naruto, so what really sets Hinata apart from Sakura that would make Naruto want to fall in love with her?


Are you actually serious about the sarcasm? :mellow: Do you not see her blushing and raising her hand?


You completely misinterpreted Obito's line.







You should be able to tell from this page that the quote is obviously all about Naruto. Sakura wanted to help him if he trips on his path. Why would Sasuke have anything to do with that?


I'm going by the two bolded definitions, because the first one is pretty useless for anything pairing related.


Sakura has also done all of those things for Naruto, so what really sets Hinata apart from Sakura that would make Naruto want to fall in love with her?


Are you actually serious about the sarcasm? :mellow: Do you not see her blushing and raising her hand?


You completely misinterpreted Obito's line.







You should be able to tell from this page that the quote is obviously all about Naruto. Sakura wanted to help him if he trips on his path. Why would Sasuke have anything to do with that?

Sakura also did it, I never went against that (although Hinata did it first). *sigh* This is a very confusing post, I feel like you actually answered your own question there.

#43 Gojira



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:39 PM

If it was a real confession, I dont get how its called a fake confession then. And if she gave up on Sasuke, why would she have hesitated to kill him? Everything she said to Naruto was true such as "You make me feel safe" and "You've always been there for me", except the part where she says that she loves him. You can easily tell that she was pretending. She never gave up on sasuke, even during the war :) I personally don't like Sakura, but I'll give her credit for determination.

People call it a fake confession because

A) they choose to ignore Kishi's words

B) aren't aware of the interview which came out several years ago

the latter seems to be the case alot of the time.

She wasn't fibbing if she was the cliffhangar would have ended on him saying Sakura's not good at telling jokes instead of saying that she's lying to herself.


#44 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:40 PM

"If he had knocked her out, she would have come at him again. And he wasn't in the right state of mind, he wasn't Sasuke! He recently had the mangekyou sharingan and with that comes a lust for power, he wasn't Sasuke. It was a temporary personality change."

People don't immediately get back up again after getting knocked out. Once they do regain consciousness after a period of time, they wake up slightly disoriented. Plus, that action would've discouraged Sakura from attempting another attack (it works for batman hahaha!!). Personality change? Sasuke doesn't have dissociative identity disorder. He was showing his true colors and what type of person he really is. The situation at hand brought out his true characteristics. He was conscious of his actions and what was going on around him.


Hah. Well apparently a japanese fan translated the chapter from the raw and Sasuke was, in fact, thanking the vest/situation--NOT sakura. It wasn't respect because he didn't even have the decency to thank Sakura OR Obito! He thanked an inanimate object instead! My form of respect is when people thank ME when I do something nice and strenuous for them. My form of respect is when people give ME credit when credit is due. Way to be condescending. 

*facepalm* Sasuke may be stupid, but he's not so stupid to thank a nonliving object like a conversation. I don't know if its denial or anything like that, because you cant change what already has happened. I accept NS moments, but I don't try to change what they are. :3

#45 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:48 PM


Thats not the point, if Hinata is intended to be the love interest, why isn't she the one getting the moments that actually matter and instead she just gets these events that are constantly unresolved.


And a SS moment? It was what, he caught he from falling over and they had an eye stare, nothing else was said, they came back, not exactly a moment or something in depth.


And this SS moment, didn't we have a whole deal of negativity before, sakura mistrusting him? This moment last chapter didn't exactly solve this issue when nothing even occurred. And no NS moment occurred since the fight started? Thats why Sakura was thanking Naruto because he still believed in her and kakashi when sasuke didn't, he still saw them as important when sasuke didn't? This whole recent event with Sasuke just letting Sakura and kakashi fall is still his proof of how much he cares for them when he is acting on his own and just hinata always supported naruto? Why is it we see Sakura always having a reason for naruto, even unrelated to love, why is it sakura that always has the position to help him, why her and not Hinata? Why is Hinata the biggest supporter when we don't ever see another thought on her besides how much she wants to be with naruto? Why is it Sakura gets the bigger scenes, I mean as I said before, if Kishi is intent on NH and SS, then why the hell does he keep leaving her out?


Know something bad about Hinata, after 615, not once but 4 times, 4 freaking times, in the span from 615 to her dream, kishi couldn't give her anything else but just repeating naruto in her head like a broken record, there is nothing else in this manga for her and at the rate kishi has done the subplot, still hinting more on NS, he is just making even this an issue, theres practically little to no relevance for her if we don't even see why she supports him, fillers don't count. Hinatas love is in the same pit as lees for sakura, its just there and not much has been done with it.


But as things are going here, I can tell you are a provoker trying to get a reaction out of people here.

So your saying the handhold isn't a big matter? If I recall, the internet blew up and the database crashed down when the chapter released.


Err, Sasuke said thanks to you I made it after he caught her. 


I don't think its fair to put NH and LS in the same level. Lee's love for her is supposed to be a joke. I know you hate NH, but I get sick of fans who are so stubborn as if to look down and stomp on another fandom without any evidence, which is basically what you did. You said that NH was in the same pit as LS and you didn't even expand on it, which makes other people think that they cant trust your sources. You also said that Sasuke simply caught her and didn't say anything, which also turned out to be false. This makes people uncertain on whats true and whats not.


And about me being a provoker? Have I ever said anything against your fandom? I couldn't care less for a reaction. This isn't my forum to trample on other people's opinion in a bashing tone.

Edited by darkonanangel, 23 July 2014 - 10:49 PM.

#46 Inferno180


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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:57 PM

Guys stop feeding the trolls, they only want a reaction, its not a matter of using logic, they just want to annoy you. They began civil now its degrading.


I mean I will even say this:


if the confession in the land of iron ended NS and made naruto no longer love Sakura, made it so he wouldnt forgive her for her actions even knowing the ordeals about it after Sai told him, then you realize how sadisitic this makes naruto?


He can forgive Nagato for killing Jiraya and blowing up his village, he can forgive Obito for killing his parents and forcing him to be a jinchurki in his life, and he is never been angry at sasuke despite all the kitten he pulled, but he won't forgive sakura or just stopped loving her in this one moment?


Its even more of a paradox when its said that NS ended there and then we still get hardly any development for NH and SS still just gets presented as something negative for the majority of this manga, and then somehow the author is now again hinting NS with many events? Really to call this a red herring is just an excuse.


You only go by the confession being the end of NS because the lie to themselves line is what you like, you don't care about what Sai said because, well thats right he is Sai, like Minato giving the hint of Sakura like Kushina in 631 what the hell does he matter, its not like NH fans suddenly followed kushina a lot then blew a gasket when 631 came out because it wasn't what they enjoyed and because of that, all these conflicting crazy reasons including naruto not knowing the difference between girlfriend and girl who is a friend emerged and people went insane over it rather than just take it as a simple hint NS could come, but no they had to make a mountain out of a simple hint. But thats right, you consider Kiba a valuable source of information because he is somehow critical to the story when he doesn't even matter along with Shino.


No really it doesn't matter what anyone here says to you, because you just want to provoke people here. You started civil, now you are trying to escalate things. That deal with 631 as I put before is why I don't bother debating, NH and SS fans made such a fuss over that event, that was the high point of this pairing war where people went insane, enough that NH and SS fans shut down naruto fourms and base and many others.


Because as we said before, if kishi is serious about NH and SS then he did a crappy job, a real crappy job bringing them about and just did practically no effort, even making twlight romance better than this. That aspect of love as a complicated emotion can only be taken so much, it hits a point where it is both stupid and absurd and SS is the basis of that. Sasuke never had a purpose or need to love another, it wasn't there then, its not going to happen now. Kishi isn't giving even a freaking clue of what will happen with Hinata and never had a moment where naruto reconsidered his feelings to move on from sakura, yet why is sakura always gotten these moments with naruto where she shows more than friendship and is uneasy with sasuke? Why this negativity, I mean don't you think this makes the whole antagonism deal just, worthless like Sakura didn't even go through anything, its so mind bogglingly flawed it just makes it so if SS was to happen, realistically, it wouldnt even be any different from part 1, sasuke still would have no need or reason to love her not would sakura be granted like she learned anything about him this whole time, she still doesn't know much about him yet the SS fandom expects that it will all come at once, but it doesn't work that way.


This is the mentality many NH and SS fans tend to go by that somehow everything is solved at once but no story works this way, if it did it would not only be absurd but just completely makes the whole subplot go to complete convoluted crap, like okay kishi you put so much attention on NS and did nothing with it and made the other 2 canon despite not much development, dynamics, or even attention. NH can get by only by a little, but SS has no excuse and its just a disaster at this point.


But none of this matters talking with you guys about it, I've seen enough responses to know you are not here to debate, just to provoke.

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#47 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:59 PM

If you at all read the Sai/ Sasuke arc the entire time they were trying to get Sasuke back she was thinking of Naruto not Sasuke, she wanted to save him as did everyone else but was more focused on Naruto and how he was feeling the whole time.

Words can't explain how wrong you are (please don't take this offensively). The Sai and Sasuke arc was in the beginning of Shippuden, and Sakura's mind was on Sasuke the whole time. She was thinking that Naruto and Sai had to work together to bring back Sasuke. She was thinking that Sai kind of resembles Sasuke. She was going to beat up anyone who talks badly about Sasuke. She was saying that the original team had sasuke in it. She was going to attack Sai because she thought he was going to go kill Sasuke. Manga Panda has all the chapters for you to re-read this arc carefully.

#48 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:00 PM

Guys stop feeding the trolls, they only want a reaction, its not a matter of using logic, they just want to annoy you. They began civil now its degrading.


I mean I will even say this:


if the confession in the land of iron ended NS and made naruto no longer love Sakura, made it so he wouldnt forgive her for her actions even knowing the ordeals about it after Sai told him, then you realize how sadisitic this makes naruto?


He can forgive Nagato for killing Jiraya and blowing up his village, he can forgive Obito for killing his parents and forcing him to be a jinchurki in his life, and he is never been angry at sasuke despite all the kitten he pulled, but he won't forgive sakura or just stopped loving her in this one moment?


Its even more of a paradox when its said that NS ended there and then we still get hardly any development for NH and SS still just gets presented as something negative for the majority of this manga, and then somehow the author is now again hinting NS with many events? Really to call this a red herring is just an excuse.


You only go by the confession being the end of NS because the lie to themselves line is what you like, you don't care about what Sai said because, well thats right he is Sai, like Minato giving the hint of Sakura like Kushina in 631 what the hell does he matter, its not like NH fans suddenly followed kushina a lot then blew a gasket when 631 came out because it wasn't what they enjoyed and because of that, all these conflicting crazy reasons including naruto not knowing the difference between girlfriend and girl who is a friend emerged and people went insane over it rather than just take it as a simple hint NS could come, but no they had to make a mountain out of a simple hint. But thats right, you consider Kiba a valuable source of information because he is somehow critical to the story when he doesn't even matter along with Shino.


No really it doesn't matter what anyone here says to you, because you just want to provoke people here. You started civil, now you are trying to escalate things. That deal with 631 as I put before is why I don't bother debating, NH and SS fans made such a fuss over that event, that was the high point of this pairing war where people went insane, enough that NH and SS fans shut down naruto fourms and base and many others.


Because as we said before, if kishi is serious about NH and SS then he did a crappy job, a real crappy job bringing them about and just did practically no effort, even making twlight romance better than this. That aspect of love as a complicated emotion can only be taken so much, it hits a point where it is both stupid and absurd and SS is the basis of that. Sasuke never had a purpose or need to love another, it wasn't there then, its not going to happen now. Kishi isn't giving even a freaking clue of what will happen with Hinata and never had a moment where naruto reconsidered his feelings to move on from sakura, yet why is sakura always gotten these moments with naruto where she shows more than friendship and is uneasy with sasuke? Why this negativity, I mean don't you think this makes the whole antagonism deal just, worthless like Sakura didn't even go through anything, its so mind bogglingly flawed it just makes it so if SS was to happen, realistically, it wouldnt even be any different from part 1, sasuke still would have no need or reason to love her not would sakura be granted like she learned anything about him this whole time, she still doesn't know much about him yet the SS fandom expects that it will all come at once, but it doesn't work that way.


This is the mentality many NH and SS fans tend to go by that somehow everything is solved at once but no story works this way, if it did it would not only be absurd but just completely makes the whole subplot go to complete convoluted crap, like okay kishi you put so much attention on NS and did nothing with it and made the other 2 canon despite not much development, dynamics, or even attention. NH can get by only by a little, but SS has no excuse and its just a disaster at this point.


But none of this matters talking with you guys about it, I've seen enough responses to know you are not here to debate, just to provoke.

If you honestly think that, please don't reply to my thread :)

#49 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:02 PM

People call it a fake confession because

A) they choose to ignore Kishi's words

B) aren't aware of the interview which came out several years ago

the latter seems to be the case alot of the time.

She wasn't fibbing if she was the cliffhangar would have ended on him saying Sakura's not good at telling jokes instead of saying that she's lying to herself.

Sai confirmed it was fake.

#50 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:04 PM


Except you admit your post is flaming and call NaruSaku fans an "ignorant fandom". You can't tell that's not an intention to bash.



Please, show me panels that prove Naruto's feelings for Sakura are decreasing. Give me some solid evidence that he views Hinata in a romantic light, otherwise your argument that a real pairing is when love is returned from both sides just doesn't hold water.


As for Sakura being focused on Sasuke in recent chapters, I believe it's just part of resolving her feelings for him once and for all. Just a few chapters back Sasuke was insulting Sakura for asking him a question and she reacted like an abused woman, but since he caught her before she fell, it's all good now? Yeah, Sasuke's a real knight in shining armor.


And "simply ditch Sasuke for Naruto"? Since when does Sakura owe Sasuke any loyalty just because she had feelings for him? He threw that away when he chose to defect from Konoha. Sakura wouldn't be immediately changing her mind from Sasuke to Naruto, she's been growing and changing throughout the manga and part of her final maturity will be letting go of that childish part of her that clung to an idealized version of Sasuke as an arbitrary love object (those are actually Kishimoto's words about Sakura's feelings for Sasuke, by the way). 

Yeah he tried to kill her too, but she still held on to him :T

#51 BakeNeko-Chan



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:07 PM

Yeah he tried to kill her too, but she still held on to him :T


I asked you to actually give some real evidence to back up your claims. You're not even trying. Oh well.


Where did she hold on to him?

Edited by BakeNeko-Chan, 23 July 2014 - 11:09 PM.

#52 sushi.


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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:16 PM

OP, double posting is not allowed. You seem to be unaware, you can copy the quotes or edit your posts.


Also, you started out with asking us why we like NS. Some of us shared our thoughts, then you denied and corrected it all. Is what you really wanted a massive flame war? If you truly want to understand, you'll never get anywhere like this.

Edited by sushi., 23 July 2014 - 11:27 PM.


#53 deviouslyChaotic


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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:25 PM

*facepalm* Sasuke may be stupid, but he's not so stupid to thank a nonliving object like a conversation. I don't know if its denial or anything like that, because you cant change what already has happened. I accept NS moments, but I don't try to change what they are. :3

I was referring to this: http://www.narutofor...0&postcount=346

A japanese fan translated the chapter. How does going by this translation make me in denial?


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#54 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:26 PM


I asked you to actually give some real evidence to back up your claims. You're not even trying. Oh well.


Where did she hold on to him?

Sorry, thats just because I'm kind of tired of typing nonstop, I didn't feel like adding anymore sentences. She was worried about Sasuke-kun more than Naruto when both of them were fighting against Kaguya. She was constantly shouting Sasuke's name and asked Naruto how Sasuke was doing every single time. She also smiled and cried for whatever reason when Sasuke said somethig (i still don't get why she did). Don't get me wrong, I'm not a very big SS supporter, but I think its likely to become cannon after the moment and the cover page. Thats just my opinion. Sushi, sorry for double posting! I dont think it'll happen again, but thanks for the warning 

Edited by darkonanangel, 23 July 2014 - 11:26 PM.

#55 BakeNeko-Chan



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:28 PM

Sorry, thats just because I'm kind of tired of typing nonstop, I didn't feel like adding anymore sentences. She was worried about Sasuke-kun more than Naruto when both of them were fighting against Kaguya. She was constantly shouting Sasuke's name and asked Naruto how Sasuke was doing every single time. She also smiled and cried for whatever reason when Sasuke said somethig (i still don't get why she did). Don't get me wrong, I'm not a very big SS supporter, but I think its likely to become cannon after the moment and the cover page. Thats just my opinion. Sushi, sorry for double posting! I dont think it'll happen again, but thanks for the warning 


She also showed many instances of concern over Naruto, and being impressed by him. Sasuke has hardly been exclusive in her mind, and even in the last chapter her attention was on Naruto, not Sasuke.

Edited by BakeNeko-Chan, 23 July 2014 - 11:30 PM.

#56 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:31 PM

I was referring to this: http://www.narutofor...0&postcount=346

A japanese fan translated the chapter. How does going by this translation make me in denial?

You shouldn't trust any of those resources, its like a wikipedia. Sometimes its right, and sometimes it isn't. If you go to credits, it says the chapter was translated by BrownBear. No idiot would let a random japanese fan translate a naruto chapter. 


"She also showed many instances of concern over Naruto, and being impressed by him. Sasuke has hardly been exclusive in her mind, and even in the last chapter her attention was on Naruto, not Sasuke."


I don't think I even need to explain how Sakura feels for Sasuke. In the last chapter, Sakura had like one or two words to say so you can't predict that all her attention was on Naruto. 

Edited by darkonanangel, 23 July 2014 - 11:35 PM.

#57 PhenixElite



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:40 PM

Sorry, thats just because I'm kind of tired of typing nonstop, I didn't feel like adding anymore sentences. She was worried about Sasuke-kun more than Naruto when both of them were fighting against Kaguya. She was constantly shouting Sasuke's name and asked Naruto how Sasuke was doing every single time. She also smiled and cried for whatever reason when Sasuke said somethig (i still don't get why she did). Don't get me wrong, I'm not a very big SS supporter, but I think its likely to become cannon after the moment and the cover page. Thats just my opinion. Sushi, sorry for double posting! I dont think it'll happen again, but thanks for the warning 

Long time since i last posted but this stuff here is just too hilarious XDD.

One so called SS moment makes SS canon by just them locking eyes with no follow up and tons of development on NS are worth like nothing. Dat logic OP.


Last time i checked, for a pairing to happen two person needed to have some interest in each other, but i cant remember sasuke showing any in sakura. In NS case thats different.

Edited by PhenixElite, 23 July 2014 - 11:42 PM.


#58 sushi.


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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:42 PM

You shouldn't trust any of those resources, its like a wikipedia. Sometimes its right, and sometimes it isn't. If you go to credits, it says the chapter was translated by BrownBear. No idiot would let a random japanese fan translate a naruto chapter.

That is so hypocritical. :lmao:

You bring up a fantranslation and then you say this(unless it is VIZ but they have proved to be not much better). Also you should rephrase your last sentence.

Edited by sushi., 23 July 2014 - 11:43 PM.


#59 Gojira



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:42 PM

Words can't explain how wrong you are (please don't take this offensively). The Sai and Sasuke arc was in the beginning of Shippuden, and Sakura's mind was on Sasuke the whole time. She was thinking that Naruto and Sai had to work together to bring back Sasuke. She was thinking that Sai kind of resembles Sasuke. She was going to beat up anyone who talks badly about Sasuke. She was saying that the original team had sasuke in it. She was going to attack Sai because she thought he was going to go kill Sasuke. Manga Panda has all the chapters for you to re-read this arc carefully.

Can't say i'm surprised at your selective reading, she punched Sai so Naruto wouldn't do it this was later revealed by Sai when he said that she's very tender towards Naruto, she said she was doing it for Sasuke but she clearly was doing it for Naruto and Sai caught on. Literally not once has she ever thought about Sasuke without also thinking about Naruto during that arc.


#60 darkonanangel



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:44 PM

How is it different when Sakura clearly still has feelings for Naruto @Summoning Master

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