It works, but the you can't have the spoiler have a title to it (spoiler=*words*).
I've now adjusted it, you can have spoiler titles again. :) Not as pretty as it used to be, but it works!
It should also make it easier to change the old spoiler code, I just hope that the SQL server will be steady enough to do that.
So are we supposed to comment on things we would like to be fixed here?
If so, I noticed that when you click on a topic in the front page it takes you to the opening post instead of taking you to the last post. Just wondering if it was done on purpose or if it's going to be fixed later. It's far easier to go directly towards the most recent post.
Also, I noticed that it doesn't have grammar correction (the wiggly red line when you write a word wrong). Just wondering if that problem is on my end or it comes from the site.
Hmm, where did you click? When I click on the topic on the front page, I go to the first new post. Clicking on a little star next to a topic title inside a forum also gets you new posts.