Lmao all that's true, but I meant that SOMEONE can't seem to tell when people are being sarcastic, hyperbolic, or even flat out joking, or read the subtext to the commenta people are making. They also refuse to acknowledge all that you posted, all while claiming they hold some degree. And that they know what a retcon is while refusing to accept obvious retcons for what they are.
If they have a degree their professors really dropped the ball.
Yeah, I know, but Analyzer is just one in a whole group of people just like her and every single one talk just like her. I see it. I see it on facebook mostly.
And it is not just the pairings, but the entire series. Naruto as a character became just as pathetic if not more than Sakura and Hinata combined. If we truly want to talk about "obsessive behavior," then Naruto is far more than anything and that is not subtext...he talked about Sasuke NON-STOP to the point that even Kiba saw it.