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Sakura Haruno: Opinion and Character Analaysis

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Poll: Sakura Haruno: Opinion and Character (108 member(s) have cast votes)

Opinion of Sakura

  1. I love her! She's my favorite! (47 votes [43.52%])

    Percentage of vote: 43.52%

  2. I really like her, she's one of my favorites (47 votes [43.52%])

    Percentage of vote: 43.52%

  3. I like her, but she's not a favorite (10 votes [9.26%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.26%

  4. She's okay, but can be annoying/useless sometimes (4 votes [3.70%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.70%

  5. I don't care about Sakura (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  6. I hate Sakura (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%


#41 ramenanmitsu


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 07:16 PM

QUOTE (Deej @ Aug 11 2012, 05:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be fair. we are near the end of the war. Individual fights are pretty much out the window. Naruto vs. Sasuke being the exception. And I LOVE the idea of the K12/Rookie 9/Naruto's buddies, or whatever you call them all fighting as a group against whatever Tobi throws at them. It totally fits with a theme of the manga. Naruto can't do everything by himself and his strength is his friends. It could turn out awesome if Kishimoto wants to let everyone shine.

But I understand what you are saying. Even fans that are neutral about Sakura point out that she is more an par with the rest of the rookies than a main heroine. And even some of them overshadow her. It is something her haters use to attack her as not being important.

Yeah, you are right that K12 with Naruto fighting with Tobi fits with the manga. But, K12 was never the important part of the story. They are just going to fight alongside Naruto to depict the theme of the manga. However, Sakura was always with Naruto, supporting him through thick and thin, and I had to see her relying on Naruto while patiently waiting for her time to come to kick ass. And when it does...she's going to fight alongside with K12 that are just there to show how Naruto gained friends that understands him? This is just not fair....to me this is even more terrible treatment than K12...At least they didn't have so many panels where they just stand there ending doing nothing and the next moment we see them fight alongside the heroine.
QUOTE (Deej @ Aug 11 2012, 05:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In this case I wish she would take after Ino more. At least the Ino we saw fight right by Shikamaru and Choji's side during the war and was there to help them. Ino, Shika, and Choji have the relationship I can only dream Team 7 will have one day in the future. Although it probably will never happen.

In topic of teamwork, team 7 sucks whereas team 10 is really cool. I blame Kakashi on this.

@merryGOflava Sorry, but Sakura vs juugo does NOT satisfy me. There is nothing that connects her with Juugo giving her any type of development, and Juugo was always like a fodder character to me. The weakest member of K12 will be enough to handle him.

Edited by ramenanmitsu, 10 August 2012 - 07:17 PM.


#42 Malverstation



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Posted 10 August 2012 - 07:22 PM

QUOTE (tricksie @ Aug 10 2012, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you know, I kind of hated that scene because it felt like a cop out to me. Like "Oh yeah, this is the reason she won't be fighting. Forgot to mention that waaaaaay earlier."

I get it, and I get that it's Tsunade's rules. It just really seems like they filled in a plot hole. Because if they didn't then it would be veeeery weird as to why Sakura wasn't fighting, if she is as powerful as Tsunade. Why would you have one of your most powerful nins sitting in a tent bandaging elbows, while waaay less capable nins are getting killed in droves on the battlefield?

That little patch of Med-nin 101 covers that plot hole. And it's kind of pointless because Sakura goes right out and fights anyway! (But maybe it's foreshadowing for Tsunade's death. Med-nins being the last to die as foreshadowing Tsunade's final sacrifice for the village. If that's the case, then it's a little better than a CYA for Sakura's frustrating, near-constant lack of fighting.)

QUOTE (Nate River @ Aug 10 2012, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd add that the rule is introduced well after Sakura fights Sasori. No mention of it is made at that time and Sakura doesn't worry about violating that code. No internal thoughts justifying her participation. Nothing.

So, she already violated it...years before it ever got introduced. It's like Minato's guard: a quick fix that creates more questions than it solves.

It serves as both an after the fact justification for her lack of participation in battle since Sasori AND a preemptive defense if she fails to engage in battle after that. It makes no sense to introduce it at that time other than to clog that particular hole.

That rule also misses the point for me. I don't want her to participate in the final battle because I want to see her show off. I want it because she is an intergral part of Team 7. I get that Naruto and Sasuke will be a clash of best friends and, really, world views and that Sakura isn't tied to overriding philosophy the way Sasuke and Naruto are, but she is a part of that team too.

She wanted be strong enough to stand with him and help him. And while she matters, I think sideline support doesn't really live up to the pledge she made and treats Itachi's own speech to Naruto as something really superficial.

It didn't feel like a cop out to me only because it was kind of logical for a medical ninja to die last (in my opinion). I guess everyone interprete it in different ways. Yamato even mentions it at the Heaven and Earth bridge arc that Sakura is their medical ninja and she is a vital part to their success (ch 299). Tsunade was also behind healing during the Pein arc which reinforces that rule and the part between Tsunade and Dan (chapter 160) when they both think Medical ninjas are important and wants each team to have at least one medical ninja to boosts mission success. For me at least, it has been a rule in the back of Kishiotos mind and only states the rules during Tsuandes battle with Madara.

Sakura knew her and Chiyo were both medical ninjas which could explain why they both fought Sasori.

If you think about it, Sakura has to defend to save herself as a medical ninja, fight the enemy and heal people. Most ninjas just need to defend and fight. That takes uber chakra amount and precision which Sakura has a limited amount compared to Naruto and Sakura has to be aware where she spends her chakra. I think Sakura knows a lot more than we know. Every time Naruto learns a new Justu, he uses it as soon as he can in his next battle. Sakura, to me anyways, is not flashy like that and would not show off all her knowledge as soon as she learns it. She stores it for later occasions. Kiishimoto stated in the 2010 interview that Sakura will get more time. I am just hoping the Sakura and Neji portion in the war was not all he was talking about.....hopefully. *fingers crossed*

#43 Transformers03


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 07:41 PM

I just want to says this right away, I HATED Sakura in Part 1. She never did anything in Part 1, even in the Forest of Death she didn't really do much. She still had to be saved by Lee, Ino's Team, and later Sasuke. Also, her crush on Sasuke was very annoying, and it felt at times that was her only character trait. What was even stupider was the fact that it actually did seemed she was falling for him, despite what little he had ever showed interest to her. She didn't have much of a back story, and what little we have seen about her back story was....dumb. She was bullied when she was kid because of her forehead, okay that's sad. Then she became friends with Ino cause she protected her, not really that interesting but adds more to both characters. Then they stopped being friends because they both had the same shallow crush on Sasuke, and decided to become rivals for his affection..........that part was stupid. It was stupid to me because 1) they were only like eight when that happen, they don't know anything about love or affections, 2) it seemed stupid to openly end a friendship, and start a rivalry, with someone just cause of a shared crush, and 3) both characters seem pretty stupid to keep not only that crush, but their rivalry, when they entered their pre-teens. My brother told me that's how normal little girls act, which is I guess is true (I'm not a girl), but compared to Naruto and Sasuke's back stories, her's was nowhere as interesting as their's.

I understood that the author just probably wanted to make Sakura a normal girl, something he later admits was his intention, but when she was placed in team with a boy who has a demon fox in him, an other boy who witness the massacre of his clan, and a famous Jounin ninja who has a nickname of being the copycat ninja, you have to wonder why she was placed in the team in the first place. She also had the least to give to the team, she really had nothing of value to give to the others as she wasn't given any special skills at all.

So not only was she the least interesting, she also was the least important. Every time I saw her, I just wanted to yell at her and say "DO SOMETHING!" Admittedly though, her character worked well when she was working with both Naruto and Sasuke. Those three had a good bond, something I strongly miss as the series enters it's climax. I also felt very sympathetic to her when Sasuke left, but I often mocked her for not being able to stop him, though really I don't know what she would have done to stop him. But by the end of Part 1, she never really did anything. However, when she made promise to Naruto, that next time she'll help get Sasuke with him, my hopes that she was actually get do something risen. I may have hated her in Part 1, but I also always wanted to see her do something important.

Then came Part 2, and she became awesome. Of all the characters, I think she was the only one that benefited in the time skip between Part 1 to Part 2. She was the only one to get whole new set of skills, her personalty changed greatly, and her new outfit was the only one that I liked more than her original outfit. However, there's a consequence of that time skip, and that consequence is that we never actually got to see Sakura developed these skills. It was just that I thought it was weird, cause all of a sudden she is super strong AND she's a great medical ninja. Sure there's that time skip, but I would have loved to see Sakura developed her skills rather than see her automatically getting this skills at the start of a new Part. Then again, she was also to busy being too awesome in the beginning of Part 2 for me to actually care.

But what really made Sakura work for me, was her new dynamic with Naruto. Of all the characters, I think they had the best interactions, and in my opinion, one of the most drastic changes from the beginning of the series. Remember, she didn't like Naruto at the start, but now he's the person she trusts the most. I usually love seeing character drastically change into someone better (I only hate changes when I don't agree with those changes, or if the change for the worst (Sasuke)), and Sakura is the one who changed the most.

Probably one of the aspects I like about the summit arc was actually Sakura.......for the most part. I liked that she felt very bad for what she felt she had done to Naruto, showing how much she actually grew to care for Naruto over the course of the series. In fact, I would have interpreted it as love at that point, but the series SEEMS to be showing a different direction. I also personal really enjoyed her confession in that arc, cause it showed how far she is willingly to go for Naruto, even IF it means she was lying to him in that confession. Hell, I even liked how she was able to find Sasuke, and was almost able to stab him. Though I understand why she couldn't bring herself to kill Sasuke, I felt she was placed in the sideline so that the rest of the arc can be about Naruto and Sasuke. In fact, I think she still is in the sidelines so that the focus could be more on Naruto and Sasuke.

I know Sakura got a lot of slack for her actions in the summit arc, particularly her confession. Her action where little bit more questionable for a main character to do, and, even though I greatly sympathized with Sakura in that arc, I never said what she did was the right thing. But the fact she was doing these things with good intentions, makes her a lot more interesting. It makes her a little bit more complex, and fact she is wasn't able to pull through with them because she felt she has a weak will, makes her a lot more sympathetic and human.

Now the only thing that bugs me about her is that she has been in the sidelines for awhile, though I feel like she'll have her moment again. An other thing is that she STILL has feelings for Sasuke. I don't care how other people see her feelings for Sasuke, she still has feelings for him in some form. It could be simply a teammate bond feeling, but I don't think she would be thinking about Sasuke after the whole love nin thing in 540 if wasn't anything romantic. The fact she still has those feelings for him like that, despite what little interest he has showed to her in Part 1 and the fact that he has tried to freaking kill her on multiple occasions in Part 2, makes her seem......immature. It makes even less sense now that the fact that she now KNOWS what Naruto feels for her. Why would she be in love with a murder, who never cared for her outside of friendship, when there is someone close to you, who you personally care for and loves you so much that he's willing to do anything to make sure you're happy? At this point, I don't know why the author is dragging this love triangle still, and no I don't care if it's to prevent the other pairings fans from stop reading the manga, cause pairing fans make up only a small minority of fans and I doubt he cares.

Well those are my feelings on Sakura. I love her character, probably second favorite in the series, next to Naruto of course. Now I just wish we get to see more of her. But seeing as my complaint in Part 1 was that I felt we saw too much of her, I guess now wishing we get see more of her is a good job from the author to make me actually care for a character that I originally despised. In fact, I would rather see more of her now than Naruto or Sasuke, because I want to see her character develop more. She is one of the few characters who's character development isn't done yet, so I rather see that now than to see Naruto act more all-powerful or to see Sasuke act.......actually I don't care for Sasuke anymore.

#44 Toasty Warrior

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Posted 11 August 2012 - 01:28 AM

I'm not going to sugarcoat anything and state that I use to hate Sakura. You could say it almost border lined on what some of the haters for her have today. When I first saw her in the manga and anime I thought she was just another character that was around to give the main character some progression, but to be honest Sakura irked me more in the anime than in the manga they brought out more of her negative qualities. I really don't see how Naruto could love someone like her. She was useless as far as Part I and did nothing but cry and whine about her precious Sasuke-kun. I'm glad the manga chose not to bring out those qualities. It's perhaps what made me hate her even more during part one of Naruto.

Things do have a way of changing and starting in Shippuden I warmed up to Sakura, but kept my distance since she didn't do anything useful up until she fought Sasori and beat him. That gave me more respect for her character, but the big turning point for Sakura and why I couldn't hate her anymore was during the Heaven and Earth bridge where Sakura watched Naruto transform into his four tailed state just to fight Orochimaru and how Kabuto told her it was all for her. It was when she ran at Naruto and told him she'd rescue Sasuke. It made me realize for the first time that Sakura just didn't care about Sasuke, but Naruto and Yamato's speech was definitely the icing on the cake when he said her feelings for Naruto were something more than just friendship.

If anything that moment showed the selfless and human part of Sakura and I really couldn't hate on a character for that. After that I started putting asides my hate for Sakura and now she's one of my favorite characters in Naruto. She deserves a bit better I think if she's suppose to be one of the main characters. Give Sakura her moment to shine Kishimoto!



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#45 tricksie


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 03:24 AM

lol - truth be told, I didn't care for any of Part 1. I started watching Naruto with Shippuden and the Gaara arc, and it was sooooo good! I naturally wanted to watch the beginning of the series. And it was soooo disappointing! laugh.gif Well, not really disappointing, but it was certainly not as good. I didn't connect with any characters or have any strong feelings about the plot or content. So if I'd started from the beginning I don't know if I'd have stuck with it. Because I already like the characters so much when I went back to the beginning, it was a little of a shock to see how immature and self-centered they were. The good traits were there, but there was a lot of bad.

I liked Sakura, but I thought the continual harping on her love of Sasuke was a little much. But there was enough of a balance through character development that I never truly dislike her character...just was anxious for her to move on.

#46 merryGOflava


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 04:14 AM

i feel like the only person that thought sakura was funny in part 1 XD.....


#47 GlucoseGlutton


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 05:20 AM

QUOTE (merryGOflava @ Aug 10 2012, 11:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i feel like the only person that thought sakura was funny in part 1 XD.....

I thought she was sorta funny too especially when Kakashi was asking them their likes and dislikes and she was like, " I dislike Naruto," with such a serious face. tongue.gif. I don't know if its just me but I didn't hate her in part 1 mostly because a) she's twelve and most kids that age I know can be like that (heck I was even worse at that age sweat.gif ) and b) unlike most of the other Konoha 11 she isn't even from a ninja clan so she was at a disadvantage.


#48 merryGOflava


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 07:40 AM

QUOTE (Bubbleyum @ Aug 11 2012, 06:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought she was sorta funny too especially when Kakashi was asking them their likes and dislikes and she was like, " I dislike Naruto," with such a serious face. tongue.gif. I don't know if its just me but I didn't hate her in part 1 mostly because a) she's twelve and most kids that age I know can be like that (heck I was even worse at that age sweat.gif ) and b) unlike most of the other Konoha 11 she isn't even from a ninja clan so she was at a disadvantage.

i didnt hate her cause i knew she'd get over it :3

and besides XD when i look back at the manga she really wasnt that bad :3 she was actually really kind-hearted smile.gif


#49 Nefertieh


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 09:40 AM

QUOTE (Transformers03 @ Aug 11 2012, 07:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then she became friends with Ino cause she protected her, not really that interesting but adds more to both characters. Then they stopped being friends because they both had the same shallow crush on Sasuke, and decided to become rivals for his affection..........that part was stupid. It was stupid to me because 1) they were only like eight when that happen, they don't know anything about love or affections, 2) it seemed stupid to openly end a friendship, and start a rivalry, with someone just cause of a shared crush, and 3) both characters seem pretty stupid to keep not only that crush, but their rivalry, when they entered their pre-teens. My brother told me that's how normal little girls act, which is I guess is true (I'm not a girl), but compared to Naruto and Sasuke's back stories, her's was nowhere as interesting as their's.

I have friends who have said the same thing. I don't think Sakura's backstory was to show how shallow she was, instead, it was to show that she wanted to be equals with her friend, rather than the baggage that has to be protected. It can be really hard to be in a relationship with someone who is not standing on equal grounds with you.

Sakura's story is definitely not as tragic or interesting as the majority of the other characters, nor does she have a lot of special skills. Unfortunately, if she did, people would just label her a Mary Sue.

QUOTE (Transformers03 @ Aug 11 2012, 07:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now the only thing that bugs me about her is that she has been in the sidelines for awhile, though I feel like she'll have her moment again. An other thing is that she STILL has feelings for Sasuke. I don't care how other people see her feelings for Sasuke, she still has feelings for him in some form. It could be simply a teammate bond feeling, but I don't think she would be thinking about Sasuke after the whole love nin thing in 540 if wasn't anything romantic. The fact she still has those feelings for him like that, despite what little interest he has showed to her in Part 1 and the fact that he has tried to freaking kill her on multiple occasions in Part 2, makes her seem......immature. It makes even less sense now that the fact that she now KNOWS what Naruto feels for her. Why would she be in love with a murder, who never cared for her outside of friendship, when there is someone close to you, who you personally care for and loves you so much that he's willing to do anything to make sure you're happy? At this point, I don't know why the author is dragging this love triangle still, and no I don't care if it's to prevent the other pairings fans from stop reading the manga, cause pairing fans make up only a small minority of fans and I doubt he cares.

Don't forget that even now, Naruto also cares for Sasuke, despite the fact that Sasuke was far closer to killing him that to Sakura. The fact that both she and Naruto share that same feeling is another thing they have in common. I'm not sure what Kishimoto is planning at this point, but she does look devastated when that love letter ninja reminds her how awful Sasuke is now.

Edited by Nefertieh, 11 August 2012 - 09:51 AM.

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#50 Branden


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 09:31 AM

Wow, I am a very small minority here apparently. I think Sakura has been severely neglected by Kishi which is why she disappoints me. She's officially a main character but is borderline on side character. Honestly, if Kishi could pull off a Sakura arc in the manga then I would be satisfied, but for now whenever I think of Sakura's character I get disappointed. On second thought I'm probobly being a bit harsh but that's just because I had high hopes for her, especially after that comment Sasuke made. Sasori fight helps, but in the end she ended up winning because of Chiyo. And yes Sakura is a healer and is suppose to stay out of fights but I just really wanted her to be a genjutsu specialist and do some awesome fight scenes using Sakura leaves like in that one Naruto movie.

See what I mean? If Sakura used genjutsu like that girl did then I would be much more enthused about seeing her fight (same as I feel about Itachi). Sharingan Crows are awesome, and Sakura Leaves are awesome.
(btw for those who don't know Sakura is another name for the cherry blossom tree)

However, Sakura's absence in fights was never the only thing that bothered me, it's just a part that I was disappointed with. Time to get to the reason why I don't really like Sakura as a character. Keep in mind I don't dislike her either, it's a sort of Neutral feeling when it comes to her.

Well it all began with the first few chapters.

Naruto had a whole emotional fiasco about not having parents and being alone in the first chapter. So 2 chapters later what do we get? Sakura stating that Naruto's lucky not to have parents. I was literally pissed that she had the audacity to say that. This was also the first time I started rooting for Sasuke, he wasn't afraid to put someone in there place. Sakura was being very insensitive and Sasuke reacted with equal force. This is one of the reasons why I really hope that in RTN Sakura isn't her current canon self in the beginning, because if she was then that would mean she didn't learn anything from that scene. I didn't really notice it before since I was already mad at Naruto, but that's irrelevant.

Then, there's that scene where Sakura realizes that she's weak. I thought that scene would have been a wakeup call to her that she needs to train like Naruto did, but instead she continues to be weak until she finally decides to do something about it, AT THE END OF PART 1! It took her that long when it took Naruto like half a chapter.

Next up is her confused feelings. Every time she's set her mind to something she just changes it later. She desperately wants to get Sasuke back, goes as far as to say she will do literally ANYTHING, and this includes betraying the leaf village, to be with Sasuke. She even begs Naruto to bring him back, thus starting the POAL. What happens then? Well she gives up on him entirely and decides to kill him. She is willing to confront him, poison her kunai, and decieve him, only to change her mind AGAIN and decide not to. Oh but it get's better, she changes her mind again, yep, again (seeing a theme here?) and decides to try to kill him. Guess what though? You wouldn't believe this, she changes her mind again. Now she once again wants to save him, but that's not all, then she gives up all hope that she'll find the answer and decides to let Naruto handle things (about damn time).

Don't take that the wrong way, I was trying to make it clear how I felt when reading those chapters, and the best show that was to try and reenact what I first felt and copy it down.

The reason why I don't hate Sakura is because past all her flaws and mistakes there's alot of good. I would explain it but considering that almost all of you (according to the pole that is) like Sakura, I think you already know.

The problem of course is that the disappointment I have with her kind of overshadows that.

I guess you could say that, in a way, I like her as a character but she still disappoints me.

All of that said, I think we've all had our ups and downs with the Naruto characters.


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#51 HalfStarStudios



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Posted 15 August 2012 - 03:04 PM

QUOTE (Branden @ Aug 12 2012, 05:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, I am a very small minority here apparently. I think Sakura has been severely neglected by Kishi which is why she disappoints me. She's officially a main character but is borderline on side character. Honestly, if Kishi could pull off a Sakura arc in the manga then I would be satisfied, but for now whenever I think of Sakura's character I get disappointed. On second thought I'm probobly being a bit harsh but that's just because I had high hopes for her, especially after that comment Sasuke made. Sasori fight helps, but in the end she ended up winning because of Chiyo. And yes Sakura is a healer and is suppose to stay out of fights but I just really wanted her to be a genjutsu specialist and do some awesome fight scenes using Sakura leaves like in that one Naruto movie.

See what I mean? If Sakura used genjutsu like that girl did then I would be much more enthused about seeing her fight (same as I feel about Itachi). Sharingan Crows are awesome, and Sakura Leaves are awesome.
(btw for those who don't know Sakura is another name for the cherry blossom tree)

However, Sakura's absence in fights was never the only thing that bothered me, it's just a part that I was disappointed with. Time to get to the reason why I don't really like Sakura as a character. Keep in mind I don't dislike her either, it's a sort of Neutral feeling when it comes to her.

Well it all began with the first few chapters.

Naruto had a whole emotional fiasco about not having parents and being alone in the first chapter. So 2 chapters later what do we get? Sakura stating that Naruto's lucky not to have parents. I was literally pissed that she had the audacity to say that. This was also the first time I started rooting for Sasuke, he wasn't afraid to put someone in there place. Sakura was being very insensitive and Sasuke reacted with equal force. This is one of the reasons why I really hope that in RTN Sakura isn't her current canon self in the beginning, because if she was then that would mean she didn't learn anything from that scene. I didn't really notice it before since I was already mad at Naruto, but that's irrelevant.

Then, there's that scene where Sakura realizes that she's weak. I thought that scene would have been a wakeup call to her that she needs to train like Naruto did, but instead she continues to be weak until she finally decides to do something about it, AT THE END OF PART 1! It took her that long when it took Naruto like half a chapter.

Next up is her confused feelings. Every time she's set her mind to something she just changes it later. She desperately wants to get Sasuke back, goes as far as to say she will do literally ANYTHING, and this includes betraying the leaf village, to be with Sasuke. She even begs Naruto to bring him back, thus starting the POAL. What happens then? Well she gives up on him entirely and decides to kill him. She is willing to confront him, poison her kunai, and decieve him, only to change her mind AGAIN and decide not to. Oh but it get's better, she changes her mind again, yep, again (seeing a theme here?) and decides to try to kill him. Guess what though? You wouldn't believe this, she changes her mind again. Now she once again wants to save him, but that's not all, then she gives up all hope that she'll find the answer and decides to let Naruto handle things (about damn time).

Don't take that the wrong way, I was trying to make it clear how I felt when reading those chapters, and the best show that was to try and reenact what I first felt and copy it down.

The reason why I don't hate Sakura is because past all her flaws and mistakes there's alot of good. I would explain it but considering that almost all of you (according to the pole that is) like Sakura, I think you already know.

The problem of course is that the disappointment I have with her kind of overshadows that.

I guess you could say that, in a way, I like her as a character but she still disappoints me.

All of that said, I think we've all had our ups and downs with the Naruto characters.

I completely agree with this.

#52 Gravenimage


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 07:04 PM

QUOTE (Branden @ Aug 12 2012, 02:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, I am a very small minority here apparently. I think Sakura has been severely neglected by Kishi which is why she disappoints me. She's officially a main character but is borderline on side character. Honestly, if Kishi could pull off a Sakura arc in the manga then I would be satisfied, but for now whenever I think of Sakura's character I get disappointed. On second thought I'm probobly being a bit harsh but that's just because I had high hopes for her, especially after that comment Sasuke made. Sasori fight helps, but in the end she ended up winning because of Chiyo. And yes Sakura is a healer and is suppose to stay out of fights but I just really wanted her to be a genjutsu specialist and do some awesome fight scenes using Sakura leaves like in that one Naruto movie.

See what I mean? If Sakura used genjutsu like that girl did then I would be much more enthused about seeing her fight (same as I feel about Itachi). Sharingan Crows are awesome, and Sakura Leaves are awesome.
(btw for those who don't know Sakura is another name for the cherry blossom tree)

However, Sakura's absence in fights was never the only thing that bothered me, it's just a part that I was disappointed with. Time to get to the reason why I don't really like Sakura as a character. Keep in mind I don't dislike her either, it's a sort of Neutral feeling when it comes to her.

Well it all began with the first few chapters.

Naruto had a whole emotional fiasco about not having parents and being alone in the first chapter. So 2 chapters later what do we get? Sakura stating that Naruto's lucky not to have parents. I was literally pissed that she had the audacity to say that. This was also the first time I started rooting for Sasuke, he wasn't afraid to put someone in there place. Sakura was being very insensitive and Sasuke reacted with equal force. This is one of the reasons why I really hope that in RTN Sakura isn't her current canon self in the beginning, because if she was then that would mean she didn't learn anything from that scene. I didn't really notice it before since I was already mad at Naruto, but that's irrelevant.

Then, there's that scene where Sakura realizes that she's weak. I thought that scene would have been a wakeup call to her that she needs to train like Naruto did, but instead she continues to be weak until she finally decides to do something about it, AT THE END OF PART 1! It took her that long when it took Naruto like half a chapter.

Next up is her confused feelings. Every time she's set her mind to something she just changes it later. She desperately wants to get Sasuke back, goes as far as to say she will do literally ANYTHING, and this includes betraying the leaf village, to be with Sasuke. She even begs Naruto to bring him back, thus starting the POAL. What happens then? Well she gives up on him entirely and decides to kill him. She is willing to confront him, poison her kunai, and decieve him, only to change her mind AGAIN and decide not to. Oh but it get's better, she changes her mind again, yep, again (seeing a theme here?) and decides to try to kill him. Guess what though? You wouldn't believe this, she changes her mind again. Now she once again wants to save him, but that's not all, then she gives up all hope that she'll find the answer and decides to let Naruto handle things (about damn time).

Don't take that the wrong way, I was trying to make it clear how I felt when reading those chapters, and the best show that was to try and reenact what I first felt and copy it down.

The reason why I don't hate Sakura is because past all her flaws and mistakes there's alot of good. I would explain it but considering that almost all of you (according to the pole that is) like Sakura, I think you already know.

The problem of course is that the disappointment I have with her kind of overshadows that.

I guess you could say that, in a way, I like her as a character but she still disappoints me.

All of that said, I think we've all had our ups and downs with the Naruto characters.

Oh I get what you're trying to say you obviously want Kishi to make Sakura a super saiyan defeat Tobi, defeat Madara, defeat Sasuke and the ten tails and bring peace to the shinobi world right??? To me Sakura hasn't disappointed me you're obviously not seeing her change and development in a more characteristic way. Like for example her personality I see the tremendous change of her character from part 1 to part 2 and I don't known what the heck is with you about Sakura changing her mind back and forth about Sasuke, maybe you forgot the MAIN reason why she wanted to help Naruto bring Sasuke back to Konoha it was to help him in anyway possible, She's only doing this for Naruto alone, Naruto is her main focus and his happiness means everything to her. You're complaining that you want her having a major epic battle and honestly I don't think Kishi will do that. Because as I see it Kishi focus more in developing Sakura emotionally than psychically. Right now in the war do you see her crying looking for Sasuke desperately wanting to run into his arms and kiss him? No she's desperately trying to reach Naruto and only Naruto to help him in the fight. If Naruto gets heavily wounded in the fight against Tobi of all the ninjas who will be the one to heal his wounds aside from Kurama??? Hinata will kiss him and heal him rolleyes.gif. Sakura will be the one to treat his injuries, she might assist Naruto in upcoming fights but it won't be something that will put her in the same spotlight as Naruto.

Don't get me wrong I would love to see her in a major battle but after everything Kishi has shown I doubt it. Just because Sakura isn't getting the fighting treatment as Naruto and Sasuke DOESN'T make her weak. You only see her as weak because she's not beating villains in every chapter. She's Tsunade's apprentice she has developed her strength and has proven to have surpassed her, she's the smartest among the rookies next to Shikamaru she managed to figure out Zetsu's secret. I'm going to stop here I don't like when people accused characters for being weak just because they haven't had a fight.

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#53 merryGOflava


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 07:43 PM

>w> i still think sakura could take jugo.

her determination in a fight is crazy like naruto, and if she gets mad she will go all out.


#54 Verilance



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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:24 PM

It has always bothered my when people say Sakura won because of Chiyo, she didn't, they each had something to contribute in the battle. Chiyo would not have won without Sakura as much as Sakura would not have won without Chiyo.

Sakura alone could have destroyed Sasori's outer shell, Chiyo admitted she couldn't do it.

Sakura devised the strategem to eliminate the puppet third Kazekage, Chiyo had no defense against it so would have been defeated right there.

after awhile Sakura didn't even need Chiyo's help in dodging Sasori's attacks as she had figured out his moves by analyzing his finger movements much as Shikamaru did against Tatuya.

Edited by Verilance, 15 August 2012 - 08:37 PM.

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#55 HalfStarStudios



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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:36 PM

QUOTE (Gravenimage @ Aug 15 2012, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh I get what you're trying to say you obviously want Kishi to make Sakura a super saiyan defeat Tobi, defeat Madara, defeat Sasuke and the ten tails and bring peace to the shinobi world right??? To me Sakura hasn't disappointed me you're obviously not seeing her change and development in a more characteristic way. Like for example her personality I see the tremendous change of her character from part 1 to part 2 and I don't known what the heck is with you about Sakura changing her mind back and forth about Sasuke, maybe you forgot the MAIN reason why she wanted to help Naruto bring Sasuke back to Konoha it was to help him in anyway possible, She's only doing this for Naruto alone, Naruto is her main focus and his happiness means everything to her. You're complaining that you want her having a major epic battle and honestly I don't think Kishi will do that. Because as I see it Kishi focus more in developing Sakura emotionally than psychically. Right now in the war do you see her crying looking for Sasuke desperately wanting to run into his arms and kiss him? No she's desperately trying to reach Naruto and only Naruto to help him in the fight. If Naruto gets heavily wounded in the fight against Tobi of all the ninjas who will be the one to heal his wounds aside from Kurama??? Hinata will kiss him and heal him rolleyes.gif. Sakura will be the one to treat his injuries, she might assist Naruto in upcoming fights but it won't be something that will put her in the same spotlight as Naruto.

Don't get me wrong I would love to see her in a major battle but after everything Kishi has shown I doubt it. Just because Sakura isn't getting the fighting treatment as Naruto and Sasuke DOESN'T make her weak. You only see her as weak because she's not beating villains in every chapter. She's Tsunade's apprentice she has developed her strength and has proven to have surpassed her, she's the smartest among the rookies next to Shikamaru she managed to figure out Zetsu's secret. I'm going to stop here I don't like when people accused characters for being weak just because they haven't had a fight.

You should try to debate without sarcasm and insults. Just because you don't share the same opinion as him doesn't mean you have to be like that. Just saying, let's not start another fight, ok? Cool.

#56 HalfStarStudios



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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:37 PM

QUOTE (Verilance @ Aug 15 2012, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It has always bothered my when people say Sakura won because of Chiyo, she didn't they each had something to contribute in the battle. Chiyo would not have won without Sakura as much as Sakura would not have won without Chiyo.

Sakura alone could have destroyed Sasori's outer shell, Chiyo admitted she couldn't do it.

Sakura devised the strategem to eliminate the puppet third Kazekage, Chiyo had no defense against it so would have been defeated right there.

after awhile Sakura didn't even need Chiyo's help in dodging Sasori's attacks as she had figured out his moves by analyzing his finger movements much as Shikamaru did against Tatuya.

I agree with you except for the bolded part. Without Chiyo, Sakura would have be killed by Hiroku's tail when she was going for that attack. It was teamwork that took out Sasoris outer shell.

EDIT:Dang, sorry for the double post.

Edited by HalfStarStudios, 15 August 2012 - 08:38 PM.

#57 Nate River

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:39 PM

Yes, easy on the sarcasm and HalfStar, easy on the double posting.

#58 Gravenimage


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:45 PM

QUOTE (HalfStarStudios @ Aug 15 2012, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You should try to debate without sarcasm and insults. Just because you don't share the same opinion as him doesn't mean you have to be like that. Just saying, let's not start another fight, ok? Cool.

No double posting and I'm as cool as a lettuce I just don't think Sakura's weak that's all. There's a big difference between a character with flaws and a character who is weak.

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#59 Verilance



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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:45 PM

QUOTE (HalfStarStudios @ Aug 15 2012, 04:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with you except for the bolded part. Without Chiyo, Sakura would have be killed by Hiroku's tail when she was going for that attack. It was teamwork that took out Sasoris outer shell.

EDIT:Dang, sorry for the double post.

Without Sakura Chiyo would have lost without even cracking the shell sad.gif my point is not that they didn't aid each other my point is that neither could win without the other...

it was a good example of teamwork

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#60 sushi.


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:47 PM

QUOTE (HalfStarStudios @ Aug 15 2012, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with you except for the bolded part. Without Chiyo, Sakura would have be killed by Hiroku's tail when she was going for that attack. It was teamwork that took out Sasoris outer shell.

EDIT:Dang, sorry for the double post.

It was Chiyo's knowledge and Sakura's strength that defeated Sasori. Chiyo gave Sakura information, and she used it against him. Never take information about your opponnent's abilities for granted, it might save your life you know. th_tongue.gif

(basically though)

Edited by sushi., 15 August 2012 - 08:49 PM.


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