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Do My Eyes Decieve Me ?! Hinata Worried About Sasuke ?! Big Step With SasuHina!

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#41 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 25 January 2017 - 07:17 PM

On the specifics? Probably not. Generally, oh, he can. As I said, your theory requires that we believe Kishimoto and Co. are engaging in a rather baffling and non-sensical manner. It requires accepting that these people do things in a convoluted, obtuse manner in further of questions that don’t really demand answers (even to accomplish your stated goal) and do it over the course of multiple properties instead of being direct and just doing it in the manga like they could of.

Anyone with a basic understanding of the series can grasp the enormity of what your theory demands they accept. And it’s way too much. If you’re right, more power to you. But I don’t think you are and for me, I’ll believe your theory when I see them do it.

Yes, they are. But for Boruto the manga, they are also largely irrelevant. I don’t expect the manga to spend all that much time with them because it’s not about them.

I disagree. Naruto loves paperwork more than people. It’s why Boruto is so pissed in Boruto (in the beginning anyway). So, I don’t think they’d converse. And since Sakura was fine and dandy with her husbands being AWOL for more than a decade and a non-entity in their daughter’s life, it’s hard to imagine she’d do anything about it.

We have no idea if Naruto is interested in Neji’s grave. It’s not important. He didn’t attend the one time it was shown. Wasn’t that visit during the time his kid was defacing the Hokage monument?

You’re observations and theories are riddled with stuff like this. You read intent things that aren’t trying to send the message you claim. His non-attendance at a scene that wasn’t trying to convey the message you give it. You are reading the worst possible intent into scenes that are intended to send entirely different messages. There is nothing about the TONE of that scene that remotely suggests that it’s trying to send a message that Naruto doesn't give a rip about Neji’s grave.

Speaking of that…Naruto and Hinata could talk about…..NEJI!! They both knew him. They both liked him and he had an impact on their lives.

This is a somewhat amusing charge to hurl at SS and NH, given you’re a SH fan. If conversations with Sasuke and Hinata would be one-sided because of their non-responsive personality, what would SH ever talk about?

As for the one thing you identify that SH could talk about…I respond to that below.

Yeah, it’s hard to imagine this going any better with Hinata. It doesn't show he’s a bad mate for Sakura, it shows he’s a bad mate for everyone. Which, in truth, he is. You think he’d stay for her anymore than Sakura? Especially considering that his reasons for doing so are rooted in his own need for penance.

One commonality does not a relationship make. After SH talked about that….what next? NH/SS both fought in the same war together. Why can’t they talk about that. The horrific nature of that war, is something they could discuss.

Not to say, I’m high on either NH/SS. I hate them both. But your complaints can be turned right back on your own pairing, so it’s not very persuasive.

I want to go to town on this so bad, but I cannot do so without getting into politics and I am not going to do that here.

I will say this much though….I can’t imagine why guys would hate the Tsundere trope when they have to watch male characters get decked for minor, inconsequential, or, in some cases, no reason at all. It’s generally used as humor in anime, but I don’t find it funny.

Even the Naruto/Sakura moment that opens with this thread….why did she sucker punch him? She’s the one who brought up her romantic interest in Sasuke and he gets gut punched because she’s embarrassed about something EVERYONE knows about?

I don’t blame guys for not liking this, especially when many reasonably feel that if the situation were reverse, and it were played for humor like the Tsundere frequently is, people would be outraged. But when it’s the dood getting decked we are supposed to go, AHAHA, how funny! They must hate this stuff because their a bunch of sexist kitten!

For me, it’s a piece of a character so I don’t necessarily hate Tsundere’s and, at least for manga Sakura, it’s such a small part of her character it has no impact on me. But from what I here, anime Sakura is much worse.

Yeah, somehow I don’t see the battle of the sexes being impacted regardless of how those pairings turn out.

Given that Boruto is about him and his relationships, I’m not holding my breath.



It’s probably because the story is about Boruto and the main area the writer’s are trying to explore are Boruto’s crappy relationship with his dad and Boruto’s relationship with Sasuke. I wouldn't expect much NH action in a movie or manga that isn’t about them or their relationship. This is the kind of stuff I mean, about reading the worst possible interpretation into something that is trying to convey something totally different. The lack of NH focus CAN be for reasons beyond what you suggest. There is a much simpler explanation beyond your convoluted theories.
Are you familiar with the concept Occam’s Razor?

Still don’t know why he needed to show that to make NS/SH. If he did, still dunno why he didn’t do it in the manga and before they got married and had kids. It’s much easier on everyone to do it that way. Makes no sense to make multiple properties to do something that could have been done quicker, easier, and cleaner in the manga.

Lets go over everything you said:

You said:"On the specifics? Probably not. Generally, oh, he can."

No... how can you have a debate with someone with content they didn't not take the time to read ? they wouldn't even know what the debate is about... as he stated... harry4e didn't take the time to read the Boruto manga

Even with general discussion about a subject you still have to have somewhat of a little knowledge about the subject or otherwise your comments will be most likely ignorant...

You said:"As I said, your theory requires that we believe Kishimoto and Co. are engaging in a rather baffling and non-sensical manner."

I don't know why you are in disbelief that Kishimoto won't engage in baffling behavior when he has shown to do so in the past, If you are consistently reading what he says in his interviews he loves making red herrings in story and he loves to tease fans with story plots to keep you guessing (NaruSaku)

So I fail to see how you find it so profound that Kishimoto will engage in baffling behavior when he has done so in the past and now he is doing it again with the Boruto manga,

You need to understand that Kishimoto writes each and everyone of the plots in Naruto with a 2nd meaning, each plot in Naruto always has a 2nd meaning and message instead of just one about it and that's what the phrase "Read underneath the underneath" means, You cannot be a superficial reader if you want to fully understand the story of the Naruto manga,

For example-> Kishimoto made us think NaruSaku was going to be cannon at the end of shippuden, but then he made NaruHina cannon that was the first meaning of that plot, but really NaruHina was ONLY made cannon so that NaruSaku can be the end pairing, the fact that Kishimoto made NaruHina's relationship doing horribly and making Naruto go to Sarada and Sakura is telling us that Naruto should have been with Sakura all along and that is the 2nd message and that's "Read underneath the underneath" NaruHina was only made cannon so that the NaruSaku ship can begin, 


And NONE of the plots in Naruto Kishimoto writes are non-sensical, you just lack the ability to see the true and deeper reason for everything and every plot he writes, for every plot he writes there is always a hidden meaning than what the surface of what he writes shows such as:

Most of the problem I have with people is that they dismiss this line "Read underneath the underneath" that line is the key to reading Naruto.. 


Kishimoto later repeated this on an interview.. don't ask me which or where it is .. since is early Naruto stuff that I think is lost now.. due to most of this was on free web accounts..

Still that lines opens a whole new world how to interpret Naruto. Many are hang up on the door and never get into Naruto as a whole and those who are branded lunatics..

People think what I say is crazy and that I'm making it up .. but yet they hardly scratch the surface of what Kishimoto hid in the story or his systematic numerical order.. 

Kishimoto only has done 2 segments of Naruto and there still a third coming up.. call Boruto.. Yet most think Boruto is a totally different storyline and can't understand that is another segment..

Until people start to realize Kishimoto's pattern of writing they are gonna be at lost and think what is now is correct and don't understand that is just the beginning of the end..

Kishimoto has laid out this beautifully that he already told the major influence in Boruto are gonna  be human clones.. yet most are not even aware of that lol..

Again.. understand see/read underneath the underneath.. and don't fall for obvious traps..

If you believe everything Kishimoto has said to be true and then you never understood what he said in the manga.. Kishimoto even explained it with graphics since Naruto fell x2 for the same trap.. 

You are just rephrasing the same thing.. all over is a trap whether you wanna see it or not its a trap.. since Naruto has not told Sakura the truth of chapter 3..

It amazing how Kishimoto plays with lies and truth and people like you fall for the lie easily..

You said:"
It requires accepting that these people do things in a convoluted, obtuse manner in further of questions that don’t really demand answers (even to accomplish your stated goal) and do it over the course of multiple properties instead of being direct and just doing it in the manga like they could of."

As I've explained within my theory:

The Naruto Manga isn't a simple Manga likewise it isn't written to be simple, All the plots that Kishimoto writes in the Naruto Manga are all convoluted and obtuse, that's his style of writing he intended for his Manga to be that way, his "Read underneath the underneath" concept in the Naruto manga is convoluted and obtuse, like i've stated above, there is always a 2nd meaning and message to every plot written in Naruto which is again a convoluted, obtuse manner so therefore that goes against your argument of "It requires accepting that these people do things in a convoluted, obtuse manner  " and debunks it because Kishimoto has ALWAYS written the Naruto Story that way, WHICH MEANS YOU'VE ACCEPTED THAT THEY WRITE THE STORY IN A CONVOLUTED, OBTUSE MANNER, You can't be a superficial reader to be able to fully grasp and understand the concepts and messages the Naruto plots try to convey to the reader.

You as a reader don't have to demand answers if you understand the writing pattern of a author and if you do you will expect what the author will write next and won't have a need to demand answers on what he/she will write next.

Naruto and Sakura's relationship HAS been developed over multiple properties, Movies, Novels, and Anime, the purpose of that was to further enhance and show what both Naruto and Sakura meant to each other and how deeply connected they were, It is true that Naruto decided to marry Hinata at the end of Naruto Shippuden but that's when you NaruSaku fans gave up on Naruto and NaruSaku but that was a wrong move and a MAJOR Mistake because you didn't see the true reason why Kishimoto paired Naruto With Hinata, it was to show that Naruto wasn't compatible with Hinata even though she wanted him, but you NaruSaku fans failed to see that because most of you are Superficial readers... who has dismissed Kishimoto's Naruto concept "Read underneath the underneath" which once again means there is a 2nd meaning and message to every plot Kishimoto writes if you NaruSaku fans truly understood that you would have know that that wasn't the end of NaruSaku.

You said:"Anyone with a basic understanding of the series can grasp the enormity of what your theory demands they accept. And it’s way too much. If you’re right, more power to you. But I don’t think you are and for me, I’ll believe your theory when I see them do it."

Again... You're not suppose to have a basic understanding of the Naruto manga series if you want to fully grasp and understand the concepts the Naruto plots try to convey to the reader.

Everything and every plot in the Naruto series is more than what it appears to be, there is always a 2nd meaning a message to every plot in the Naruto series hence "Read underneath the underneath"

So no since you are claiming you only have a BASIC UNDERSTANDING of the Naruto Manga series you do NOT grasp the enormity of what my theory is demanding for you guys to accept, And it's not way too much for you to accept as you think because Kishimoto has planned for Naruto and Sakura to be paired together romantically at the 3rd and final segment of the Naruto series the Boruto manga, And since you guys are already NaruSaku fans you pretty much accepted the pairing outcome of what will happen at the end of the Boruto manga so there is really nothing more for you to accept.

And this theory is completely right I'm sure of it, because it follows Kishimoto's writing pattern, So because the theory understands Kishimoto's writing style, you will expect what he will write next, and that is NaruSaku.

You said:"Yes, they are. But for Boruto the manga, they are also largely irrelevant. I don’t expect the manga to spend all that much time with them because it’s not about them."


The plot of the Boruto manga is being progressed by the terrible state of the current status of NarutoXHinata and SasukeXSakura's "romantic" relationship 

Naruto is a absentee father who neglects his family life in favor of spending time on his dream of being Hokage, there is a chain and domino effect with this situation, Boruto doesn't have a father figure to guide and raise him, Hinata doesn't have a man to spend time with, The reason she married Naruto was because she wanted to be by his side, but since they are separated they are not so it's not the marriage Hinata envisioned to have with Naruto so Hinata has a pretty compelling reason to dump Naruto.

Sasuke has been acting as Naruto's replacement of Boruto's father of the family, He has been keeping a watchful and vigilant eye on Boruto and Himawari Something Hinata wishes Naruto would be doing which is inevitably cause Hinata to start looking at Sasuke in a new way which is the opportunistic moment for Sasuke to get romantically involved with Hinata.

Sarada's family life parallels with Boruto's, She also has a absentee father who neglects his family life in favor of spending time on his atonement journey as a way of penance for his past crimes, again there is a chain and domino effect with this situation, Sarada doesn't have a father figure to guide and raise him, Sakura doesn't have a man to spend time with, The reason she married Naruto was because she wanted to be by his side, but since they are separated they are not so it's not the marriage Sakura envisioned to have with Sasuke so Sakura has a pretty compelling reason to dump Sasuke.

Naruto has been acting as Sasuke's replacement of Sarada's father of the family, He has been keeping a watchful and vigilant eye on Sarada and Sakura Something Sakura wishes Sasuke would be doing which is inevitably cause Sakura to start looking at Naruto in a new way which is the opportunistic moment for Naruto to get romantically involved with Sakura.

The members of these 2 families are spliting apart and going their separate ways, Boruto, Himawari and Hinata will be going to be with Sasuke, And Sarada and Sakura will be going to be with Naruto, and that's how the NaruSaku and SasuHina ships start in the Boruto manga, Do you see now ? Boruto is the key to the SasuHina ship and Sarada is the Key to the NaruSaku ship.

How could you have ignored the obvious significance NaruHina and SasuSaku has on the story plot progression in the Boruto Manga ? you must be like harry4e who didn't read and watch the Boruto manga and Boruto movie which shows obvious signs that NaruHina and SasuSaku marriages are gradually breaking apart, which is why you are in heavy disbelief that my theory that NaruSaku and SasuHina will happen in the Boruto manga, please start reading it now.

Do you understand now ? even if Naruto and Sakura are married to someone else there is always going to something that draws Sakura and Naruto together and that's the message Kishimoto is trying to convey, Sakura will always be the woman Naruto will go to no matter what happens.

You said:"I disagree. Naruto loves paperwork more than people. It’s why Boruto is so pissed in Boruto (in the beginning anyway). So, I don’t think they’d converse. And since Sakura was fine and dandy with her husbands being AWOL for more than a decade and a non-entity in their daughter’s life, it’s hard to imagine she’d do anything about it."

FALSE! The paper work Naruto works on in his Hokage office ensures the survival of the PEOPLE of the leaf village, the paper work is for the people so I guess your argument gets thrown out the window,

But you are absolutely right that it gets Boruto pissed because apparently Naruto has time for everyone else even carrying grannies on his back except for his family, and this is whats killing Naruto's romantic relationship with Hinata dooming it to a horrible demise.

And this is NOT the facial expression of a wife who is fine and dandy with her husband going AWOL for more than a decade and a non entity in their daughter's life:


Again you are dismissing the "Read underneath the underneath" concept, these are all clear indications that the only reason SasuSaku was made cannon so that the NaruSaku ship can truly start, Sarada idolizing Naruto because their dreams are the same, Sakura being grateful to Naruto for taking care of her daughter while Sasuke wont, connect the dots man SasuSaku is NaruSaku in the making.

You said:"We have no idea if Naruto is interested in Neji’s grave. It’s not important. He didn’t attend the one time it was shown. Wasn’t that visit during the time his kid was defacing the Hokage monument?"

Well the fact that Naruto NEVER VISITS Neji's grave is a pretty good indicator that he isn't interested, And the fact that EVEN YOU are saying that Naruto didn't attend the one time it was shown clearly means you acknowledge that he isn't interested in visiting Neji's grave either but here you are saying "We have no idea if Naruto is interested in Neji's grave."   :huh: You make perfect sense man!!

Now you are asking if it the visit was during the time Naruto's son Boruto was defacing the Hokage monument ? the fact that you are saying that you have no Idea if Naruto is interested in Neji's grave and asking if it was during the time Boruto defaced the Hokage monument clearly indicates that you didn't read chapter 700


You said:"You’re observations and theories are riddled with stuff like this. You read intent things that aren’t trying to send the message you claim. His non-attendance at a scene that wasn’t trying to convey the message you give it. You are reading the worst possible intent into scenes that are intended to send entirely different messages. There is nothing about the TONE of that scene that remotely suggests that it’s trying to send a message that Naruto doesn't give a rip about Neji’s grave."

Because based on the arguments you presented in this topic you lack observation skills and unable to see things beyond a shallow point of view, You don't have the ability to see hidden messages which is why you are unable to grasp a understanding of Kishimoto's "Read underneath the underneath" concept It is the key to fully understanding the plots of the Naruto Manga series as I said there is always a 2nd message and meaning to EACH plot in the Naruto manga series, The Naruto series might not be for you

And Naruto's NON-ATTENDANCE at that scene of Hinata and Himawari visiting Neji's grave WAS trying to convey the message that not only Naruto doesn't have time to spend with Hinata he doesn't share the same interest that she does Kishimoto is CLEARLY hinting to the readers that Naruto and Hinata ARE NOT a good match for each other but you won't see that because you lack the ability to see hidden messages

And how was that Scene intended to send a entirely different message ? that scene was clearly created to show that Naruto and Hinata are not closely together and the disparity between them, Again you can't see that Kishimoto is telling us that Naruto and Hinata just weren't meant to be even though Hinata wanted to marry Naruto

It's been hinted even at chapter 700 that Naruto and Hinata wasn't having a strong marriage, Not only that we didn't see them together in the epilogue or in the ongoing gaiden so far we have to take into account Himawari's words to her mom in front of Neji's grave in the epilogue (With Naruto and Boruto nowhere to be seen)

"Next time we can come together with big brother and daddy ??"

This implies the Uzumaki family never visits the grave together as such, Maybe because they are a shattered family with disconnected parents, They imply Himawari misses Boruto and maybe that she doesn't see her brother frequently, How is that possible if they're supposedly living together with their parents ? Heavy Heavy implications that their family doesn't connect as one, horrible marriage.

And how is t
here nothing about the TONE of that scene that remotely suggests that it’s trying to send a message that Naruto doesn't give a rip about Neji’s grave ? the fact that NARUTO ISN'T THERE and the fact that Himawari wants Naruto to come there with her and Hinata one day CLEARLY MEANS HE HASN'T SHOWN INTEREST IN COMING NEJI'S GRAVE IN THE PAST AND PRESENT AND QUITE LIKELY THE FUTURE IS A GOOD INDICATOR THAT NARUTO ISN'T INTERESTED IN VISITING NEJI'S GRAVE!!

And Naruto was married to Hinata and had the kids Boruto and Himawari LONG BEFORE he became Hokage so he had plenty more time PRIOR to becoming Hokage to visit Neji's grave but the fact that Himawari is saying "
Next time we can come together with big brother and daddyCLEARLY means he has NEVER visited Neji's grave with Hinata and Himawari which CLEARLY MEANS AGAIN THAT HE'S NOT INTERESTED!!!

You said:"Speaking of that…Naruto and Hinata could talk about…..NEJI!! They both knew him. They both liked him and he had an impact on their lives."

And so could Sasuke and Hinata talk about about Neji, because Sasuke and Hinata knows what it's like to lose a older brother who protected them and always made sure they were getting stronger, Sasuke and Hinata would have a mutual understanding with each other because of this and they would be able to talk about BOTH ITACHI AND NEJI as oppose to just Naruto and Hinata just talking about Neji, I hope you can see that Sasuke and Hinata have a deeper connection to each other than NarutoXHinata, Sasuke and Hinata just haven't realized it yet because they haven't had a chance to get close.

You said:"This is a somewhat amusing charge to hurl at SS and NH, given you’re a SH fan. If conversations with Sasuke and Hinata would be one-sided because of their non-responsive personality, what would SH ever talk about?"

Are we watching the same Naruto series ? Since when does Sasuke have a non-responsive personality ? please point to a time where Sasuke has never attacked physically or raged at someone verbally who insulted his clan, attacked his friends, or insulted his friends ? does "I will revive the Uchiha clan" quote of his ring a bell ? that is CLEARY a responsive action but here you are saying he has a Non-responsive personality ?   :huh: if you don't know anything about Sasuke than just don't speak about him at all.

And the fact that i've pointed out above and many of my topics on these forums in the past that Sasuke and Hinata have experienced VERY SIMILAR life scenarios CLEARLY MEANS they would have a mutual understanding with eachother, WHEN TWO PEOPLE HAVE A MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING FOR EACH OTHER IT IS NEVER ONE SIDED IN THE RELATIONSHIP!!! LIKEWISE THEIR CONVERSATIONS WOULD NEVER BE ONE SIDED!!!


You said:"Yeah, it’s hard to imagine this going any better with Hinata. It doesn't show he’s a bad mate for Sakura, it shows he’s a bad mate for everyone. Which, in truth, he is. You think he’d stay for her anymore than Sakura? Especially considering that his reasons for doing so are rooted in his own need for penance."


ok now you are crossing the line, I don't take kindly to people who attack or insult my SasukeXHinata pairing

How the hell won't the conversations Sasuke and Hinata have be any better than the conversations Sasuke and Sakura have ?

There are plenty of things that Sasuke and Hinata can converse about, their conversations will hold much more weight than Sasuke and Sakura's conversations lets go over it:

As I've pointed out above Sasuke and Hinata have experienced similar life situations which AGAIN means THEY WOULD HAVE A MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING WITH EACH OTHER IF THEY EVER TALKED!!

If Sasuke And Hinata were at the Leaf Villages graveyard together instead of it being Sasuke And Sakura, both Sasuke and Hinata would be able to BOTH discuss how their lives were with their older brothers that they have lost which means they share the same exact pain WHICH CLEARLY MEANS THAT SASUKE AND HINATA'S CONVERSATIONS WILL BE MUCH BETTER AND MEANINGFUL THAN SASUKE AND SAKURA'S CONVERSATIONS, What sibling has Sakura lost ? therefore she wouldn't be able to truly understand Sasuke's pain like Hinata could, So if Sasuke and Hinata visit their deceased brothers gravestones daily they will ALWAYS have something to talk about with each other daily EVERYDAY that is one way that will keep them eternally close to each other. this means they will always be eternally connected because they share the same pain

And the fact that Both Sasuke and Hinata visits their brothers gravestones which BOTH of them coincidentally happens to be at the Leaf Villages graveyard Sasuke would inevitably stay with Hinata MUCH MORE THAN SAKURA BECAUSE UNLIKE SAKURA SASUKE AND HINATA CAN ACTUALLY DEVELOP A RELATIONSHIP OF COMPASSION AND UNDERSTANDING!! 

You said:"One commonality does not a relationship make. After SH talked about that….what next? NH/SS both fought in the same war together. Why can’t they talk about that. The horrific nature of that war, is something they could discuss."


There are PLENTY of things Sasuke and Hinata can talk about with each other besides discussing about there deceased brothers lets go over it:

The Byakugan Can Evolve Into The Sharingan

The Byakugan can evolve into the Sharingan if the Byakugan user experiences extreme despair such as losing a important and loved person



Sasuke can spend time with Hinata and train her to teach her how to unlock the sharingan since he knows how it activates, But logically Hinata should have already unlocked the Sharingan after witnessing the death of her beloved brother Neji right in front of her but I guess Kishimoto forgot to give her the sharingan at that scene so i guess that was omitted, Kishimoto has shown many times to forget giving his characters eye powers,hence forgetting to give Boruto the byakugan

Yes Hinata should be able to unlock the Sharingan just like Hagoromo did, because Hinata is a decedent of Hamura who is the brother of Hagoromo who shares the same amount of Otsutsuki DNA since they were both born from the same mother (Kaguya) Since Hinata is a Hyuga who is a decedent of the Otsutsuki Clan branch that lived on the moon she should be almost pure Otsutsuki Because The Hyuga clan never married people outside of their clan so they mated with members of their clan preserving their Otsutsuki DNA so Since the Hyuga clan has the HIGHEST amount of Otsutsuki DNA Hinata should be able to unlock all of there abilities, the fact that she already has the Byakugan which is a Otsutsuki clan ability is evidence.

Even though the Kaguya/Hagoromo/Hamura arc was filler it was intended to give some lore on the origins of the Byakugan, Sharingan, And Rinnegan, And since it showed us that the Byakugan can evolve in the Sharingan that means Hinata is capable of Unlocking the Sharingan.

Also listen to Neji's words about the Origins of the Uchiha Clan


So if the Uchiha Clan originated from the Hyuga clan that would mean that the Uchiha were Hyuga's at one point meaning they originally had the Byakugan but later mutated into the Sharingan when they became Uchiha, this is evidence that the Byakugan can evolve into the Sharingan.

This also means that Sasuke would no longer be the last Uchiha with the Sharingan therefore meaning Hinata would have been the BETTER candidate to become Sasuke's Wife instead of Sakura

So this proves that their is PLENTY of things Sasuke and Hinata can talk about, Also Sasuke and Hinata fought in the same war together so they ALSO could talk about that to, especially since both of their older brothers died in that very same war.

You said:"Not to say, I’m high on either NH/SS. I hate them both. But your complaints can be turned right back on your own pairing, so it’s not very persuasive."

Isn't it ironic that you claim to not be "High" on either NaruHina or SasuSaku and hate them both, But yet you are going to great lengths to Debunk NaruSaku and SasuHina within this topic to make NaruHina and SasuSaku look better in comparison,

And no my complaints about NaruHina and SasuSaku not being compatible pairing fits CAN NOT BE TURNED RIGHT BACK ON MY OWN PAIRING SASUHINA because as I've said and proven above there are MUCH MORE reasons for NaruSaku and SasuHina to be together as romantic pairings compared to NaruHina and SasuSaku currently

You said:"I want to go to town on this so bad, but I cannot do so without getting into politics and I am not going to do that here."

Don't, Because politics are completely irrelevant in this topic

You said:"I will say this much though….I can’t imagine why guys would hate the Tsundere trope when they have to watch male characters get decked for minor, inconsequential, or, in some cases, no reason at all. It’s generally used as humor in anime, but I don’t find it funny."

Again... Tsundere trope is akin to feminism, and at least 70% of males worldwide HATE AND DESPISE feminism, for thousands of years since the dawn of mankind there has always been a social standard that the men are stronger and the women are weaker, that social order was arisen due to Women being significantly weaker physically and less intelligent than men it's scientifically proven but women do not want to accept that fact... so because of that women have been oppressed for thousands of years due to being viewed as the weaker Sex, but when women formed feminism which emboldens women to be a strong and independent woman that challenges the authority and dominance of the male gender, the balance of power is shifting women are beginning to gain more power than a man so when strong female anime characters are introduced it just reminds the male viewers that women are starting to rise to power

Women are able to accuse men of rape now in days and get away with it without any form of consequence, so when Sakura viciously and violently hits Naruto constantly without any sort or form of consequence or Naruto hitting her back in retaliation it is a swift reminder to male viewers that women can get away with anything and it's infuriating to watch,

This is according to the reasons from alot of males of why they hate Sakura and Tsundere female character types in general


You said:"Even the Naruto/Sakura moment that opens with this thread….why did she sucker punch him? She’s the one who brought up her romantic interest in Sasuke and he gets gut punched because she’s embarrassed about something EVERYONE knows about?"

Because at that moment Naruto and Sakura were walking together alone under a sun set which can be considered a romantic setting for a environment, Sakura was probably enjoying spending her time with Naruto during that walk but she had to hide that fact by giving the diversion that she still likes Sasuke, Sakura is known for not being honest with her feelings hence the fake confession she gave to Naruto, But he had to point out with his big mouth calling her out on her feelings for Sasuke, She really didn't want to talk about Sasuke she just wanted to give Naruto a Distraction to hide her true feelings Naruto ruined the moment and got punched for it, I'm not saying I like Sakura physically assaulting Naruto but that was clearly the reason why she hit him

Also you have to question, Why is Naruto spending so much time with Sakura ? this filler arc is suppose to animate the "Sasuke Shiden" Novel and the Novel takes place during the time Naruto was RECENTLY married to Hinata, Surely if Naruto was TRUELY CONCERNED about Hinata's feelings for him he would have known and felt that spending time with another woman (Sakura) would make her sad and jealous, this heavily implies that Hinata's feelings are not that big of a importance to Naruto.

No matter what happens to Naruto and Sakura including who they marry, Naruto and Sakura will always be drawn to each other.

You said:"I don’t blame guys for not liking this, especially when many reasonably feel that if the situation were reverse, and it were played for humor like the Tsundere frequently is, people would be outraged. But when it’s the dood getting decked we are supposed to go, AHAHA, how funny! They must hate this stuff because their a bunch of sexist kitten!"

This relates back to feminism, I will tell you right now, A man has EVERY right to hit a woman back if she hits him first, if you want to act like a man you get treated like one, If a woman hits a man first that means she is challenging that man to a fight and if you challenge a person to a fight that means you are accepting the conditions of the fight which includes accepting the physical strength advantage of a man, and if you don't want to be hit by a man then why challenge one to a fight ? that will put you in unnecessary danger that wont end well for you

And you better not hold back ANY strength when fighting a woman because you need to let them know the difference between the genders so that the woman who assaulted you first will be demoralized from striking you again.

I don't get outraged when I see a man and a woman fight, because I am a professionally trained fighter and we are taught that strength isn't the only factor in a fight 

Any person who gets outraged when they see a man hit a woman back in retaliation for hitting him first needs to be beaten to a bloody pulp, because when we make women feel they can get away with anything that will only promote more crime among the women gender, women will be like "I can hit a man but they can't hit me back ? cool! let me hit who ever the hell I want even OLD men but they wont hit me back or defend themselves from me because I'm a girl!" When you don't give someone consequences that will only embolden them to commit more crime and wrong doings because they think nothing will happen to them.

You said:"For me, it’s a piece of a character so I don’t necessarily hate Tsundere’s and, at least for manga Sakura, it’s such a small part of her character it has no impact on me. But from what I here, anime Sakura is much worse."

Your right on this one, Sakura's violent tenancies are a small part of her character manga wise, Because Sakura has only hit Naruto once in the Manga the Anime is whats making her look like a Violent enraged ape that attacks anything over the slightest provocation, Studio Pierrot has drastically altered and exaggerated her Violent personality for a reason still unknown to this day,

But I will tell you that the altercation and exaggeration Studio Pierrot made to Sakura's violent personality is beneficial to the NaruSaku pairing, Because in many cultures in the world a woman hitting a man when he makes a mistake is viewed as a sign of deep affection and love for that male because the woman couldn't bear to see something horrible happen to that man, So it's telling alot of the viewers that Sakura deeply cares for Naruto more than anything else, Sasuke has committed FAR worse atrocities than Naruto so why doesn't Sakura hit him if she's supposedly in love with him ? See there you go this is a indication that Sakura's feelings for Naruto are MUCH stronger.

You said:"Yeah, somehow I don’t see the battle of the sexes being impacted regardless of how those pairings turn out."

??? Hell yes the battle of sexes are being impacted by the NaruHina and SasuSaku pairing, Do you have any Idea how much Women in the world are pissed that NaruHina and SasuSaku happened ? Because NaruHina and SasuSaku are completely against everything feminism stands for lets go over it:


It represents the working husband and submissive and subservient wife relationship where a woman bends to a mans every will and obeys his every command, Such as Naruto telling Hinata to stay at home all day and raise the kids while he gets to freely roam around the world and do as he pleases burdening her with all of the work and she is completely ok with it! And many woman now in days are against that relationship dynamic woman want to ascend beyond that of being the nurturer gender they want the same rights and privilages as a man so NaruHina is very unpopular amoung women world wide especially in Japan where the women there are fighting for equal rights which is also apart of the reason why NaruHina is doing deplorably horrible in the Naruto pairing pollings Japan.


It represents the abusive domestic violence relationship where a woman is suppose to stay by a mans side NO MATTER how much the man physically abuses and assaults the woman, the woman has no mind or will of her own she only exist to to belong to the man and take what ever he gives to here physical abuse included, SasuSasu is hated MUCH WORSE than NaruHina, Because in the past and even to this day women have been physically abused by their spouses for often times no reason at all, So when Sasuke physically abuses Sakura it is a swift reminder of those abusive relationships, Some women viewers might even be in a relationship like that so it is clear why this relationship isn't popular amoung women, Because this will make women worry some if they would ever be in a relationship like that one day

However many men like NaruHina and SasuSaku because it represents male dominance, so there is like a faction of male Naruto fans (Dominant Males), and a faction of female Naruto fans (Feminist) both debating on both sides of why NaruHina and SasuSaku should and should have not happen which is clearly a battle of the sexes.

You said:"Given that Boruto is about him and his relationships, I’m not holding my breath."

You are absolutely wrong!

According to Ukyo Kodachi And Masashi Kishimoto the writers of the Boruto story plot, the new Boruto manga series will revolve around the story of the protagonist Boruto and HYUGA PRINCESS HINATA, both Boruto and Hinata are being Hinted to be the main characters of this storyline, Here is the report given BY Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi:


Boruto is half Hyuga with hyuga abilities such as the byakugan, and what better person to train him with the Hyuga techs and considered amoung the strongest of the Hyuga ? his mother Hinata that means that he will have a trainer in addition to his other one Sasuke, this could inevitably cause Sasuke and Hinata to cross paths because they both spend time to train him and and they can train Boruto together and thus Sasuke and Hinata can establish a relationship footing from there :)

Do you understand by now ? Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) was about the Sharingan development Now Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) is about the Byakugan development, Sasuke was the main antagonist of Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) and Naruto and Sakura had to team up to bring him to the good side, Now in Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) Naruto is going to be the main antagonist and now Sasuke and Hinata is going to team up to bring him back to the good side, it is heavily implied that Naruto is going to be the final villain of the Boruto manga after all the theme of the Boruto manga is Boruto surpassing his father.

You said:"No.


It’s probably because the story is about Boruto and the main area the writer’s are trying to explore are Boruto’s crappy relationship with his dad and Boruto’s relationship with Sasuke. I wouldn't expect much NH action in a movie or manga that isn’t about them or their relationship. This is the kind of stuff I mean, about reading the worst possible interpretation into something that is trying to convey something totally different. The lack of NH focus CAN be for reasons beyond what you suggest. There is a much simpler explanation beyond your convoluted theories.


Are you familiar with the concept Occam’s Razor?"

Again... the Boruto manga is being progressed by the current terrible state the NaruHina and SasuSaku "Romantic" relationships are, You are absolutely right the writer's of the Boruto manga are trying to explore Boruto's crappy relationship with his dad and Boruto's relationship with Sasuke, that's one of the Key signs of how this manga is progressing you have to see and understand where the progression is leading, it's pretty obvious where it's leading to, Boruto will cut ties with his real biological father in exchange for a new one who actually is similar to him (Sasuke) And it has been stated that Himawari loves spending time with her older brother (Boruto) which means that she will be spending alot of time with Boruto AND Sasuke and Hinata seems to love spending time with her daughter Himawari which means she will be spending time with Boruto, Himawari, And Sasuke, the new relationship will be Sasuke, Boruto, Himawari, And Hinata, this is where the manga is leading, the Uzumaki family is going their separate ways from Naruto whilst Naruto is going his separate ways from his family to raise and train Sarada with Sakura, I've clarified this so many times but yet you either don't understand or just don't like how NaruSaku will be done in the Boruto manga

And definitely do NOT expect much NaruHina action in the Boruto manga chapters, because it's finished their relationship is falling apart as shown in the Boruto manga and the Boruto movie, Naruto and Hinata live very different lives their professions in life makes no room for a family life as shown this is the message Kishimoto is trying to convey: (What you want is not always best for you) meaning even though Hinata wanted Naruto, Naruto just isn't around to satisfy her so it's not the marriage she envisioned, this parallels with Sakura

Even though Sasuke and Hinata will get very close to each other in the Boruto manga they probably wont have a child together because Sasuke would probably say something along the lines like this to Boruto "Boruto I love your mother but were not going to have a child together because your the best Son I could ever ask for and Himawari is the best daughter Hinata could ever ask for" But it's very obvious that at the end of the Boruto manga Boruto and Sarada will marry each other and be the ones to give birth to the very first Byakusharingan child 

This is clearly the interpretation of the message Kishimoto is trying to convey to the readers of the Boruto manga, The families of NaruHina and SasuSaku are breaking apart, each member of these 2 families are going their separate ways, which is Boruto no longer staying by Naruto's side and will now stay by Sasuke's side, And Sarada is no longer staying by Sasuke's side and will now stay by Naruto's side, it's pretty obvious that they are and it was implied that they are at the end of (Boruto Naruto the Movie) Where Boruto wants to be a Ninja just Like Sasuke and Sarada said she wants to be a Ninja just like Naruto, 


This is clearly the reason why their is a lack of focus with the NaruHina relationship because in the Boruto manga it's back to NaruSaku focus, because I will repeat once again, Boruto is the key to SasukeXHinata happening, And Sarada is the key to NarutoXSakura happening, It is very simple explanation of how NaruSaku and SasuHina will happen in the Boruto manga, and if you still find this convoluted then well I don't know how else to explain it because this is seemingly the only highly possible way NaruSaku and SasuHina will happen in the Boruto manga.

You said:"Still don’t know why he needed to show that to make NS/SH. If he did, still dunno why he didn’t do it in the manga and before they got married and had kids. It’s much easier on everyone to do it that way. Makes no sense to make multiple properties to do something that could have been done quicker, easier, and cleaner in the manga."


Because Kishimoto is trying to convey this message to the readers "What you want is not always the best thing for you" Third segment (Boruto Manga) is not about Sakura getting to Naruto, it's about Sakura learning to compare what is to live with Sasuke and see how different it is to being with Naruto and wishing it was Naruto not Sasuke..As well for Hinata to realize that even if she gotten Naruto she is no where near to reaching him..Its more realizing they are with the wrong person even though they wanted them.. and this is why Kishimoto is showing this to sakura and hinata because he wants to show Sakura that Naruto was best for her all long, And Kishimoto wants to show Hinata that Sasuke was best for her all along, why do you think Kishimoto is having Sasuke and Hinata spend time in the Boruto manga ? because he wants Hinata to learn more about Sasuke so that she can compare what it is to be with him instead of Naruto

And Kishimoto is doing it in the Manga, the Boruto manga is just a continuation OF THE NARUTO MANGA! is it not ? and like I said he wanted Naruto to marry Hinata and have kids with her and he wanted Sasuke to marry Sakura and have kids with her because again he wants Sakura to compare what it is to live with Sasuke and see how different it is to being with Naruto and wishing it was Naruto and not Sasuke, Part of the premise of Naruto Part 2 (Naruto Shippuden) was for Hinata and Sakura to get the man that they always wanted, And Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) will be about Hinata and Sakura learning about the consequences of the men that they chose to marry hence the message Kishimoto wants to convey "What you want is not always the best thing for you"

The popularity is what is making the Naruto story line so extended and prolonged, Us the Naruto fans are to blame because we are making this Anime series so profitable that we are giving Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot compelling reason to milk the series as a cash cow, if the Naruto series wasn't so Popular the Naruto story would have ended quicker and easier without the need of multiple properties, but regardless how the story is being prolonged it is being lead to the ending of what we wanted all along NaruSaku.

#42 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 25 January 2017 - 07:20 PM

Did Kishimoto and SP, say….efficiency! kitten that, kitten. Let’s be as convoluted and meandering as possible. Let’s teach the fandom the pain of divorce and jerk our twelve year old characters through that mess, even though its totally unnecessary to accomplish our primary goal. which is to tell a story about Boruto's ninja adventures. The end game decisions in the manga for pretty much everyting…IMO, were terrible. But as I said before, your theory requires a level irrationality, and a willingness to piss on fans and piss away money, that is just impossible to accept. Maybe, they smoke crack every morning and are really this dense, but they are definitely going to do actually have to do it before I believe it.

What is the reasoning for whizzing on NS only to turn and crap on NH/SS AFTER they already ran many of the NS fans off…and do it many years later when they likely no longer care. Had they pulled this stunt in the immediate aftermath, maybe they hold on to NS fans as they run the rest out of town….but to slow roll after pissing NS fans off….? Hard to believe.

Is the animation posted in your OP supposed to build up NS, you know, they one where they talk about Sasuke and she talks about him in a romantic tone and blushes right after?

Yeah, can’t imagine why we believe they won’t break up. It’s not the ending, or the gaiden, or the movie, or the kids, or that the plot, or the insulting NS fans right after the end or that is not meant to the romantic drama fest your theory requires it to be?

I think it’s the reverse. You can do what you want and believe what you want. I, however, thinks its unfortunate there are people showing a willingness to walk that path with you. I think the lot of you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I suppose that’s your call.

I don’t think SH was a red herring. It would have had to have some inclusion in the manga beyond none at all in order to be that.

Whether NS/SH are the best fits is immaterial. It’s not the choice they made.


I think you see things that are not there.

As for me, I guess I fell for it and am now a lost cause.

You said:"Did Kishimoto and SP, say….efficiency! kitten that, kitten. Let’s be as convoluted and meandering as possible. Let’s teach the fandom the pain of divorce and jerk our twelve year old characters through that mess, even though its totally unnecessary to accomplish our primary goal. which is to tell a story about Boruto's ninja adventures. The end game decisions in the manga for pretty much everyting…IMO, were terrible. But as I said before, your theory requires a level irrationality, and a willingness to piss on fans and piss away money, that is just impossible to accept. Maybe, they smoke crack every morning and are really this dense, but they are definitely going to do actually have to do it before I believe it."

As I explained and what was shown and hinted to us in the (Boruto, Naruto the movie) a divorce or either a separation of the families of NarutoXHinata and SasukeXSakura is going to happen in the Boruto manga it is totally necessary to accomplish their primary goal this way because if NaruSaku and SasuHina are going to be the end pairings in the Boruto Manga then obviously NaruHina and SasuSaku have to be broken apart.

Yes the Boruto manga is about Boruto's ninja adventures but Sasuke will be training Boruto to be a Ninja just like him and Hinata will train him on how to use her clans Ninja techniques it's pretty obvious that they did, lets take a look at future Boruto:


Boruto appears to be wearing Sasuke's Cape and Wielding His Sword and what appears to be in his right eye is the Byakugan and Judging by the scar on his right eye heavily implies he lost his original right eye so he had a Byakugan eye transplanted into his right eye socket and Boruto was shown to not be born with the Byakugan because if he did why would he need to transplant a Byakugan into a Byakugan ? 

Sure combining 2 mangekyou sharingan's will cause those 2 mangekyou sharingans to fuse into the eternal mangekyou sharingan but the Byakugan doesn't work that way, Byakugan doesn't grow stronger by combining 2 of them, But However the Tenseigan is created by combining a thousand Byakugan eyes so combining just 2 is definitely not enough unless Hinata's Byakugan is stronger than the average one which will awaken the Tenseigan in Boruto's right eye without the thousand Byakugan combining requirement

It is very much likely that the Byakugan in Boruto's right eye was originally Hinata's because it couldn't have been some random other Hyuga because the other Hyuga clansmen have the curse seal on their forehead which prevents the removal of the Byakugan, And many years have past by during the time between Naruto Shippuden and the Boruto Manga so Hiashi Hyuga (Hinata's Father) Could have probably died of old age by Now so It couldn't have been His Byakugan, And that Hyuga Elder is probably definitely gone probably died LONG before the events of the Boruto Manga,  And Hanabi is no where to be found Seriously what happened to her ? it's like she faded from existence after the events of (The Last Naruto The Movie) Hanabi wasn't even at the chunin exams to watch her Nephew (Boruto) fight there 

And the Byakugan in Boruto's right eye is most likely NOT Himawari's because I find it unlikely that Kishimoto would kill off Himawari because the new Boruto manga is about the development of the next generation of Ninja Himawari is apart of that generation, her story is just beginning Hinata's ended which means there really isn't nothing left to do with her character that can be said for Sasuke as well

What I can theorize about Kawaki is that he is trained in a new age combat system that surpasses the Ninja Arts so he began to Hunt down any and all Ninja for a reason and motive that has yet to be explained in the Boruto manga, Boruto and Kawaki had fought once before before this fight that is being shown right now, Boruto lost the first fight against Kawaki and Kawaki was about to kill him, Kawaki slashed out Boruto's right eye then Sasuke and Hinata attempted to save Boruto from Kawaki but they failed to do so and they were killed but before they died Sasuke and Hinata gave Boruto a parting gift so that he will always have something to remember them by, Hinata gave Boruto a Byakugan to replace his lost eye, and Sasuke gave Boruto his cloak and sword and thats probably how Boruto looks the way he is in his 2nd fight with Kawaki shown above

Yes I believe Kawaki Single handedly destroyed the leaf village, because from what is shown of the leaf village at the time Boruto and Kawaki is fighting it is absolutely obliterated and destroyed with no signs of people what so ever, All that remains is Boruto and Kawaki fighting, And from what has been shown to us so far Boruto hasn't shown the power of city level destruction so it couldn't have been him, But Kawaki yes because he said "I will be sending you to meet the 7th":


This implies Kawaki is responsible for either defeating or killing Naruto and we all know what kind of power Naruto has, So if your able to defeat someone as powerful as Naruto is you have to very much likely be possessing some pretty destructive power, So yes Kawaki is likely responsible for the leaf villages destruction, or the leaf villages destruction is the aftermath of Naruto defending the leaf village from Kawaki but still if you're able to cause Naruto to be pushed to the point of using excessive power then you must be one damn powerful person

So Boruto will need more than just a mere Byakugan and a Sword/Cape to defeat Kawaki because Naruto who possesses power far greater than the Byakugan and a Sword/Cape was defeated by Kawaki So what will Boruto do to win ? Unless Boruto is now on par with Kawaki during their 2nd fight because it appears that both Boruto and Kawaki have those odd tattoos on their right arm, that could be a technique of the new age combat system that surpassed the Ninja arts that enabled Kawaki to defeat/kill all other ninja including Naruto/Sasuke/Hinata and Sakura so at some point during the events of the Boruto Manga Boruto had to learn and master this unnamed new age combat system in order to counter the other people who also practice that art (Kawaki) because he seen the Ninja arts fail such as seeing Sasuke/Hinata/ and Naruto strongest Ninja currently die right in front of him, Their deaths inspired him to come to the realization that being a Ninja just isn't enough so what better way to counter someone with power greater than your own ? gain their power!

Well we still don't know what truly happened to Naruto/Sasuke/Hinata/And Sakura, the Boruto manga has to progress to that point but judging from this analysis made we can say that their fates are grave. 

After hearing all of this I do hope you come to the realization that Sasuke, Hinata, Naruto, Sakura play a MUCH BIGGER significant role in the Boruto manga than you think now

And again Kishimoto AND Studio Pierrot HAVE shown the willingness to piss on fans and piss away money, Have you forgotten that they did it to us NaruSaku fans ? despite NaruSaku being Significantly more profitable and popular than NaruHina in almost every country Naruto is marketed in the world especially Japan ? The United States is the ONLY country that NaruHina gives Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot significant profit, So how do you find it impossible to accept that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is willing to piss off fans in order to continue the story the way they see fit ?   :huh: only this time around the story will end with NaruSaku   :D 

You said:"
What is the reasoning for whizzing on NS only to turn and crap on NH/SS AFTER they already ran many of the NS fans off…and do it many years later when they likely no longer care. Had they pulled this stunt in the immediate aftermath, maybe they hold on to NS fans as they run the rest out of town….but to slow roll after pissing NS fans off….? Hard to believe."

The answer is simple, Kishimoto wanted a break from the Naruto manga, Kishimoto had actually already planned to continue the Naruto story line through the story of  the Boruto manga AFTER he ended Naruto Part 2 (Naruto Shippuden) back in 2014, but like I said he wanted a break and a vacation, but he still had the idea of continuing the Naruto series through the Boruto manga which was going to end with NaruSaku as the End pairing, Kishimoto even said once in a interview:

Kishimoto: I've been working on the Naruto manga for 15 years I never had time to spend with my family,My wife and I finally were able to go on a honeymoon after 15 years of myself working on the Naruto series, I even got to meet my son after a very long time and he has grown to be about as big as Boruto

And also when he was in another interview regarding the ending of Naruto Part 2 (Chapter 700) he was asked by a interviewer this:

Interviewer: Kishimoto senpai will you continue the Naruto story after Naruto Part 2 (Naruto Shippuden) ended ?

Kishimoto: I can't right now please let me rest

Clearly he was talking about continuing the Naruto story through the (Boruto Manga) but as he said he wanted to take a break and a rest at that time, Kishimoto said this in 2014 not to long after he ended Naruto Part 2 (Naruto Shippuden)

It's not that he intentionally planned for us Naruto fans to wait 2 years after he ended the 2nd segment of the Naruto story (Naruto Shippuden) so that he would get started with the Boruto manga, he just wanted a fuucking break from writing the manga because as he said he hasn't spent time with his family for 15 years as he said in that interview so the manga was put on Hiatus but now he is back to work! yes he wanted us to wait for him to continue the story but not for the reasons that you think, It wasn't because he wanted the NaruSaku fandom to die for waiting for so long, the only thing he had on his mind when he took a break from the naruto manga is what hotel he was going to take his wife to.

You said:"Is the animation posted in your OP supposed to build up NS, you know, they one where they talk about Sasuke and she talks about him in a romantic tone and blushes right after?"


It's not meant to build up NaruSaku, it's to show what Naruto and Sakura already have, I'll repeat this, Because at that moment Naruto and Sakura were walking together alone under a sun set which can be considered a romantic setting for a environment, Sakura was probably enjoying spending her time with Naruto during that walk but she had to hide that fact by giving the diversion that she still likes Sasuke, Sakura is known for not being honest with her feelings hence the fake confession she gave to Naruto, But he had to point out with his big mouth calling her out on her feelings for Sasuke, She really didn't want to talk about Sasuke she just wanted to give Naruto a Distraction to hide her true feelings Naruto ruined the moment and got punched for it, I'm not saying I like Sakura physically assaulting Naruto but that was clearly the reason why she hit him

Also you have to question, Why is Naruto spending so much time with Sakura ? this filler arc is suppose to animate the "Sasuke Shiden" Novel and the Novel takes place during the time Naruto was RECENTLY married to Hinata, Surely if Naruto was TRUELY CONCERNED about Hinata's feelings for him he would have known and felt that spending time with another woman (Sakura) would make her sad and jealous, this heavily implies that Hinata's feelings are not that big of a importance to Naruto.

No matter what happens to Naruto and Sakura including who they marry, Naruto and Sakura will always be drawn to each other.

You said:"
Yeah, can’t imagine why we believe they won’t break up. It’s not the ending, or the gaiden, or the movie, or the kids, or that the plot, or the insulting NS fans right after the end or that is not meant to the romantic drama fest your theory requires it to be?"

How has the Naruto series ended when it's continuing through the Boruto manga ?   :huh:

Naruto Gaiden has shown us signs that Sasuke and Sakura's relationship isn't very strong, he took a picture with Sakura and Sarada and deserted them yet again and returned to the village a year later which is the around the time period of (Boruto Naruto The Movie)

And the (Boruto Naruto The Movie) is the movie that is giving us significant amount of hints that the marriages of NaruHina and SasuSaku are breaking apart, which enabled me to create the theory of NaruSaku and SasuHina happening in the Boruto manga

Kishimoto isn't insulting NaruSaku fans if he is giving us NaruSaku at the end of the Boruto manga, as I said you have to understand that Kishimoto only made NaruHina cannon to start the NaruSaku ship, Kishimoto wants to show Hinata and Sakura that "What you want is not always best for you" meaning the men that they choose to marry.

You said:"I think it’s the reverse. You can do what you want and believe what you want. I, however, thinks its unfortunate there are people showing a willingness to walk that path with you. I think the lot of you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I suppose that’s your call."

Because you and a FEW others either don't understand the theory or it's that you are so consumed with doubt that you ignore every possibility that the NaruSaku and SasuHina pairing will happen, because you have ZERO reason to believe that NaruSaku and SasuHina wont happen in the Boruto manga, Because I have provided you PLENTY of reasons why it's going to happen

If you understand Kishimoto's writing pattern you wouldn't be saying that we are setting ourselves up for disappointment because the next pattern will end with Naruto and Sakura together,  but if you don't understand Kishimoto's writing pattern then well you wouldn't know that.

You said:"I don’t think SH was a red herring. It would have had to have some inclusion in the manga beyond none at all in order to be that."

??? There have been times where Sasuke and Hinata were used as red herrings, but 99% of the world seemingly ignores this fact lets take a look at the (Road To Ninja) Sasuke and Hinata red herring for example:


Why is it that SasukeXHinata is one of the least talked about pairings despite the pairing making so much sense for it to happen ?

You said:"Whether NS/SH are the best fits is immaterial. It’s not the choice they made." 

My theory begs to differ

You said:"
I think you see things that are not there. As for me, I guess I fell for it and am now a lost cause."

Everything my theory points out comes from the manga, so for you to say i'm seeing things that are not there means you either didn't read the manga fully, or it's just that you can't fully comprehend the concept Kishimoto is trying to convey to the reader "Read underneath the underneath"

I will repeat this, You need to understand that Kishimoto writes each and everyone of the plots in Naruto with a 2nd meaning, each plot in Naruto always has a 2nd meaning and message instead of just one about it and that's what the phrase "Read underneath the underneath" means, You cannot be a superficial reader if you want to fully understand the story of the Naruto manga,

For example-> Kishimoto made us think NaruSaku was going to be cannon at the end of shippuden, but then he made NaruHina cannon that was the first meaning of that plot, but really NaruHina was ONLY made cannon so that NaruSaku can be the end pairing, the fact that Kishimoto made NaruHina's relationship doing horribly and making Naruto go to Sarada and Sakura is telling us that Naruto should have been with Sakura all along and that is the 2nd message and that's "Read underneath the underneath" NaruHina was only made cannon so that the NaruSaku ship can begin, 


The Boruto manga is NaruSaku's and SasuHina's time to happen have faith that it will happen, because all these signs and hints point to these pairing finally coming true   :smile:

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 26 January 2017 - 06:50 AM.

#43 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 05:03 PM

The main problem is that you're taking one single moment of "worry for a comrade" and trying to extremely blow it up into something way, way, way more than it currently is shown to be.

Otherwise, by your attempted theory, that would mean, before the ending anyway, anyone and everyone who worried about Naruto (or any other character) could have been potential pairing material.


#44 yimiiyumi



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Posted 02 February 2017 - 02:04 AM

It is very much likely that the It's not meant to build up NaruSaku, it's to show what Naruto and Sakura already have, I'll repeat this, Because at that moment Naruto and Sakura were walking together alone under a sun set which can be considered a romantic setting for a environment, Sakura was probably enjoying spending her time with Naruto during that walk but she had to hide that fact by giving the diversion that she still likes Sasuke, Sakura is known for not being honest with her feelings hence the fake confession she gave to Naruto, But he had to point out with his big mouth calling her out on her feelings for Sasuke, She really didn't want to talk about Sasuke she just wanted to give Naruto a Distraction to hide her true feelings Naruto ruined the moment and got punched for it, I'm not saying I like Sakura physically assaulting Naruto but that was clearly the reason why she hit him

Also you have to question, Why is Naruto spending so much time with Sakura ? this filler arc is suppose to animate the "Sasuke Shiden" Novel and the Novel takes place during the time Naruto was RECENTLY married to Hinata, Surely if Naruto was TRUELY CONCERNED about Hinata's feelings for him he would have known and felt that spending time with another woman (Sakura) would make her sad and jealous, this heavily implies that Hinata's feelings are not that big of a importance to Naruto"

you're really starting to look like a very annoying troll, yeah it would be considered romantic IF the context was not about sakura feelings to sasuke so it's more like two friends walking together you know after all both of them are still friends, and all this thing of sakura wanting to hide her feelings make no sense man, sakura is not good at lying, if they wanted to tell us this sakura would have a sad face looking at naruto or blushing while walking by his side, this is just a suposition you made with your ship glasses how the hell don't sakura wanted to talk about sasuke if the whole filler episodes was about sakura wanting to see sasuke and talking about him ? cleary ? man I wonder if you even read what they say, or you just look the images and make your own-context, sakura punched naruto because she said too much about her and her stupid bad boy prince and then she got in her fangirl mode and punched him, for real it's so hard to you understand this ? even a kid can tell there was not such thing as "hidding feelings"

why they make this ? it's not because they want to show us something baout sakura and naruto ? nope it's because it's in the kittening novel dude, the same scenes you see there are in the novel dude this is why naruto and sakura were walking together for god's sake

and check a bit better your sources, naruto and hinata are NOT married, they will marry in the next episodes (I hear it will be a special episode aired 19th)

I hate ss and nh but your posts are just non-sense your contradicts yourself like "sakura don't know about her feelings about naruto and thins she loves sasuke" and "sakura is trying to hide her true feelings" for real it's just pissing off

#45 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 04:54 PM

The probability of SasuHina happening is somewhat less likely than me waking up tomorrow with a hundred million dollars in my bank account.

Posted Image


Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#46 Nate River

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Posted 10 February 2017 - 05:31 AM

No... how can you have a debate with someone with content they didn't not take the time to read ? they wouldn't even know what the debate is about... as he stated... harry4e didn't take the time to read the Boruto manga

Even with general discussion about a subject you still have to have somewhat of a little knowledge about the subject or otherwise your comments will be most likely ignorant...

I'm thinking about institutional and human behavior. Do you know of an example, particularly in the Shounen context, where someone has done what your proposing under similar circumstances? It's not unreasonable to believe that people who picked this pairing and pushed properties and characters based on it would chose to stick with it. 

I don't know why you are in disbelief that Kishimoto won't engage in baffling behavior when he has shown to do so in the past, If you are consistently reading what he says in his interviews he loves making red herrings in story and he loves to tease fans with story plots to keep you guessing (NaruSaku)
So I fail to see how you find it so profound that Kishimoto will engage in baffling behavior when he has done so in the past and now he is doing it again with the Boruto manga,

What would say is his baffling behavior? This defense doesn't really work for you because your theory is that this is all pre-planned. In addition, I think there is a huge difference between making a questionable plot decision and him (and the institution that publishs him) decided to pretend to commit to a pairing with the intent of yanking the carpet form underneath it after they have run fans of the pairing he is supposedly writing for and after the having commit to creating plots and properties in furtherance of the "false" pairing. 

You need to understand that Kishimoto writes each and everyone of the plots in Naruto with a 2nd meaning, each plot in Naruto always has a 2nd meaning and message instead of just one about it and that's what the phrase "

Read underneath the underneath" means, You cannot be a superficial reader if you want to fully understand the story of the Naruto manga,
I don't know. About the last quarter of Part 2, Gaiden, and Boruto have all been pretty simplistic. I see no secondary, hidden message. It's messaging is pretty transparent. Underneath the underneath might a fair reading for the first two arcs. The plot's ideas and themes after that were relatively straight forward. Besides, what plot point or message does moving to NH to NS accomplish? Part of the reason I call the romance a subplot is that the underlying romance really doesn't have much to do with the manga's core themes, especially once the manga starts pushing the cycle of hate and redemption ideas. Sakura's turnaround on Naruto can be seen as a minor version of this, but I never get the feeling that was the intent and even if it was...how does NH fit in to any of this? If anything chucking in another pairing just mucks up the message. SS could have pushed the core themes of the series too, but for the most part doesn't because it is Naruto who is the catalyst for Sasuke's change not Sakura. Sakura really has little to do with it. 


For example-> Kishimoto made us think NaruSaku was going to be cannon at the end of shippuden, but then he made NaruHina cannon that was the first meaning of that plot, but really NaruHina was ONLY made cannon so that NaruSaku can be the end pairing, the fact that Kishimoto made NaruHina's relationship doing horribly and making Naruto go to Sarada and Sakura is telling us that Naruto should have been with Sakura all along and that is the 2nd message and that's "Read underneath the underneath" NaruHina was only made cannon so that the NaruSaku ship can begin,

I disagree he is showing that NH relationship is poor. In fact, Boruto the manga has barely mentioned it. You older post was nothing more than an addition made by the anime team. In the actual manga, Hinata defends Naruto's absence earlier on (saying he has to there for the entire village) and there is no scene following his shadow clone incident between Hinata and their daughter. It's just Boruto being pissed off again. Hinata doesn't trash Naruto, doesn't yell at him, isn't show being upset with him for doing that. We get nothing. If the intent were to show NH is doing crappy, I'd expect scene's like that. At the time, Naruto and Boruto are doing crappy and we get those kind of things, That tells me the series is only intending to show that relationship as bad and isn't intending to comment on NH in any meaningful way. My impression is that the series doesn't care all that much about NH except as it impacts Naruto and Boruto's relationship.

And NONE of the plots in Naruto Kishimoto writes are non-sensical, you just lack the ability to see the true and deeper reason for everything and every plot he writes, for every plot he writes there is always a hidden meaning than what the surface of what he writes shows such as:

The portion you quote....I am not saying his plots are nonsense (though I think the end of the series is total nonsense). I am saying what your theory requires him to engage in behavior that is nonsense. There is simply no good reason to do what you are arguing he is doing. NH did not need to happen to get to NS. It is not necessary to show NH does not work to move to NS. As I've said, whether NH works is irrelevant to NS. Even if it were, why not show this prior to NH getting together and having kids when it would be easier and cleaner? Why not do it during either Part 1 or Part  2? Why not do it before purporting to commit to entire properties based on the NH pairing? There is no good reason to not do any of that. It would be more straight forward, it would save time, and it would have the advantage of occurring before he pissed off and ran off the fandom he is allegedly writing this for. For me, your theory has no adequate answer for this.

Most of the problem I have with people is that they dismiss this line "Read underneath the underneath" that line is the key to reading Naruto..

My problem is that this idea has been an excuse for people to read deeper into scene that is warranted. Love ninja was probably the point where I felt I had been doing to much of that with regards to pairings. For me, it presumes a depth Kishimoto has shown himself to have. The collapse of Naruto's plot had a profound and irreversible shift on my opinion of his writing. I simply don't think he has depth you claim. Boruto's story isn't helping nor did watching Gaiden stepping on its own message. 

Well the fact that Naruto NEVER VISITS Neji's grave is a pretty good indicator that he isn't interested, And the fact that EVEN YOU are saying that Naruto didn't attend the one time it was shown clearly means you acknowledge that he isn't interested in visiting Neji's grave either but here you are saying "We have no idea if Naruto is interested in Neji's grave."    :huh: You make perfect sense man!!
Now you are asking if it the visit was during the time Naruto's son Boruto was defacing the Hokage monument ? the fact that you are saying that you have no Idea if Naruto is interested in Neji's grave and asking if it was during the time Boruto defaced the Hokage monument clearly indicates that you didn't read chapter 700

No, it doesn't. That he was not present that one time does not mean he is never present. I do not acknowledge he never visits the grave. I do not know what he does about Neji's grave and neither do you. My reading of 700 is that they happened at the same time, but the manga doesn't overtly say all events are occurring at the same time. If it was, then that answers the question of where he was that one time, but it says nothing else. And you still have the issue: that he does not attend once does not mean he never attends.

According to Ukyo Kodachi And Masashi Kishimoto the writers of the Boruto story plot, the new Boruto manga series will revolve around the story of the protagonist Boruto and HYUGA PRINCESS HINATA, both Boruto and Hinata are being Hinted to be the main characters of this storyline, Here is the report given BY Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi:

Umm...you links support for your claim is really weak. You link is an article by Rosemarie Alba who stakes that someone named Yibaba was reporting that the series would revolve around Boruto and Hyuuga Princess Hinata. The link provided is to an outfit named Yibada who has an article with no named author that says:
"Mikie Ikomoto's Boruto is expected to pick up where Boruto: Naruto the Movie left off and delve deeper into the story of the main protagonist, Boruto - who happens to be the son of Naruto (now the Hokage of the Village) and Hyuga princess Hinata."[/size]
The description of Hyuua Princess Hinata appears to originate with whoever wrote that article (we don't know who that is). And all it says is that it will be about Boruto, who is described as by the unnamed author as the son of Naruto and Hyuuga Princess Hinata. [/size]
In short:[/size]
1. Alba's own article makes a claim not supported by her own cited source: i.e. that it's about Boruto and Hinata. Her link just says he is Hinata's son and says nothing about the story being about Hinata. [/size]
2. Hinata descirption as Hyuuga Princess appear to originate with Yibaba. No proof is offered that Kishimoto and company see her that way or that it means anything if they do.[/size]
3. Nothing in either article provides an actual source, let alone Kishimoto or anyone close to him, that says the story will be about Hinata.[/size]
It's 11:30 now and I have to go to bed. I will respond more later. 

#47 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 16 February 2017 - 09:36 AM

I really think you should listen to nate rivers words KIshi made it clear that he gave up his story and vision for the popular and the most vocal ship at the time. He retconned 15 years of development just to make sense out of ss and nh.


Also the anime recently announced  that they will make the boruto anime adaptation thats making it clear that they will not change the final pairs and the crappy ending. They will stick with this ending forever the damage is LONG done I suggest you moving on deluding yourself is only going to hurt you in the end.

oh shut up.

Neither I or Nate River have yet to be proven right or wrong because the Boruto manga has yet to progress to the story stage that shows the final fate of the NaruHina and SasuSaku pairings whether they break apart or not, until then don't go fuucking deciding who the winner of this debate is because again Nate River and I have yet to be proven right or wrong, If I'm right then Nate River will start listening to me and if I'm wrong then I will start listening to him so therefore don't go saying someones is the fuucking winner of this debate when it has yet to be fuucking confirmed or not, you don't know whether Nate or I is right let the Boruto manga answer that.

Yes it is confirmed that a Boruto Anime adaptation will begin to air this April but explain how does that make it clear that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot will not break apart the pairings of NaruHina and SasuSaku despite all the hints that indicate the possibility of these pairing breaking apart ? were you not fuucking paying close attention to the scenes of the (Boruto, Naruto the Movie) and the Boruto manga ? or have you even read my theories that highlights those hints ?

If you can't see those hints then it's YOU who is deluding yourself into not believing that NaruSaku now has a legit chance of happening due to you letting your doubt consume you.


The main problem is that you're taking one single moment of "worry for a comrade" and trying to extremely blow it up into something way, way, way more than it currently is shown to be.

Otherwise, by your attempted theory, that would mean, before the ending anyway, anyone and everyone who worried about Naruto (or any other character) could have been potential pairing material.

Taking one single moment ? seriously ? I have pointed out MULTIPLE instances of Naruto and Sakura's deep romantic affections for each other within this topic that are WAY beyond "worry for a comrade" And what the hell are you talking about ? how did I extremely blow Naruto and Sakura's moments way more that what they currently are ? I pointed the moments out as is without ANY altercations to them and they are shown on a romantic level:

When you learn to question images like this ... you and especially NaruHina fans will understand differently then what you think now:



Why is Sakura the only one that can bring Naruto to life..?  Why was she worried more for Naruto then Sasuke....? Why is always Naruto the one she aids not Sasuke..?

Why did Hinata trip and not made the effort to get there like Karin did..?

These are the things most don't question and dismiss over oh Hinata deserves him more then Sakura .. o Sakura has always love Sasuke since childhood.. Wanting someone is not the same as needing someone to keep living...

These girls put their lives on the line for them and bring them to life..Yet one of them never gets there the other gets there late but gets there..one of them is aiding the one she suppose to not love.. and the one she suppose to love is being aid by someone else who also loves him no matter what..If Kabuto would not have been there you bet Karin would have used her knowledge to bring him back from death..

You have to learn to question drawings if you wanna learn more of what the author meant to hide..

When your parents speak to you they look straight at you in the eyes.. they don't look away trying to hide something.. Sakura's eyes are turn away like she is hiding something .. and she is not blushing at all her blushing face is different..

Before you tell me I have not watch or have not read.. I can tell you .. you never paid attention to what was drawn.

And you said:"anyone and everyone who worried about Naruto (or any other character) could have been potential pairing material."

Are you seriously comparing other comrades worry for Naruto to the level of worry Sakura has for him ? No other shinobi not even Hinata shares that kind deep connection with Naruto 

Yeah Hinata had tons of opportunities to help Naruto out his loneliness yet she gave more into her fear then help him.. Even if you make Hinata be there since birth makes it more painful to know someone was watching you with the power to change or make a change in your life but did nothing to help you.. the countless times Naruto ate expired or rotten food.. the times he had to borrow money to eat, the times he had to fool his sensei's so he could eat.. Hinata could have directly or indirectly help.. she was of a rich family.. fact being she never did.

Everyone blames Sakura as being a biitch hurting Naruto disregard that she was a victim of bullying herself, that Ino help her get over her forehead issues and as well help her be more secure/confident in herself..After that Sakura was never the same and anything she did not like she well make notice of it which is one of the things that made Naruto fall for her.. to see how assertive her responses were no she never had doubts of what she wants and how unselfish she was .. while he wanted to be acknowledge by an entire village she wanted to be acknowledged by he that she loved.. Still fate would have it that it would be that annoying clumsy idiot as she would call Naruto the one to acknowledge her feelings of love for she was not who she appears to be.

The problem that you don't see is that HInata was flashback into the story and not properly develop along side Naruto .. while Sakura was always with Naruto regardless of team 7...by how Naruto was drawn when Sakura was introduced he had the hots for her way way longer then any can speculate.. since he calls her name Sakura-chan.. not Sakura-sama or other honorofic.. so he most have been watching her for awhile .. While Hinata was always running from him.. hiding and feinting around him not able to say one word.. I watch the movie, watching the shows and read the manga.. I felt the movie forced.. I felt he was force onto Hinata as having no other choice cause she is a nice girl.. So what happen to all the feelings he had for Sakura and all the stuff he did for her.. Why could not fight back and face her.. like any boy his age would have or for that matter any man his age.. all he had to do was kiss her on the forehead.. why was that so hard to do.. since that was the key item that would open their relationsship.. is absurd to think love/hate relationships don't work out.. His father had one and it work out why not him.. in essence that is kishimoto's mistake not to follow what he already set in motion since the beginning and listen to whiners.

Yeah it is by choice.. and Naruto choose Sakura way way.. before Hinata was introduced in the story.. Manga wise and in anime wise the same Naruto did not know Hinata existed as lover till Pain Arc and Naruto was already head over heels over Sakura..

Point being Kishimoto doesn't do things with out leaving behind clues.. He left clues in the manga and is now giving them in the anime in form of fillers.. Pretty much here on is an assumption that Sakura is stuck in the genjutsu by either Madara or Sasuke.. Why cause somethings have been left out or belittle their effect..One of them was Naruto feelings for Sakura as a child and as young adult.. Another one was when class where writing on paper some wish or something Naruto had non one.. that was not true Naruto would have written Sakura.. but they were a relate of Hinata's memories which she did not know how Naruto felt as a child..

Still the biggest clue that Sakura is the one trap in a dream state.. was chapter 3 before Naruto appear disgusted as Sasuke she was day dreaming of the perfect encounter with Sasuke where Sasuke would acknowledge her as she is and be with her.. We are watching the same events with a different story background further develop where she is married to Sasuke and has a kid.. Yet she still clueless about who Sasuke is or his family..
Sakura is trapped some how but we wont know till kishimoto decides is time to tell the truth like Mashima is doing with Fairy Tail..

I dont wanna cite the matrix but Kishimoto gave you all the blue pill.. you are trap in the matrix LOL.. ALL who think that Hinata is the right choice think about that Sakura is cherry or red and Hinata is blue.. and we all know Kishimoto is huge matrix fan.. LOL

Wow.. Sakura loves Naruto but cant accepted why cause she thinks Sasuke has return her lover for him but it was not him.. Pain Arc who cried out for Naruto.. Sakura.. who ended the arc .. Sakura ended the arc hugging him.. Sakura knows and care more about Naruto then Sasuke but she has not realize that.. All Hinata did during the Pain Arc is put the entire village in danger of Naruto.. Who knew Naruto is over working Sakura.. who heals him when he is in the brink of death and brings him back Sakura.. .. Sakura is Naruto leading female companion.. Hinata was always the trap to fool everyone... Truth is harder to accept as lies are easy to follow.. this has been obvious in all of Kishimotos plots.. For most is harder to accept Sakura and easier to accept Hinata..

After hearing all of this, No other shinobi is good potential pairing material for Naruto, sure you can ship anyone with Naruto but no matter what Sakura will always be the most deserving of him.



you're really starting to look like a very annoying troll, yeah it would be considered romantic IF the context was not about sakura feelings to sasuke so it's more like two friends walking together you know after all both of them are still friends, and all this thing of sakura wanting to hide her feelings make no sense man, sakura is not good at lying, if they wanted to tell us this sakura would have a sad face looking at naruto or blushing while walking by his side, this is just a suposition you made with your ship glasses how the hell don't sakura wanted to talk about sasuke if the whole filler episodes was about sakura wanting to see sasuke and talking about him ? cleary ? man I wonder if you even read what they say, or you just look the images and make your own-context, sakura punched naruto because she said too much about her and her stupid bad boy prince and then she got in her fangirl mode and punched him, for real it's so hard to you understand this ? even a kid can tell there was not such thing as "hidding feelings"

why they make this ? it's not because they want to show us something baout sakura and naruto ? nope it's because it's in the kittening novel dude, the same scenes you see there are in the novel dude this is why naruto and sakura were walking together for god's sake

and check a bit better your sources, naruto and hinata are NOT married, they will marry in the next episodes (I hear it will be a special episode aired 19th)

I hate ss and nh but your posts are just non-sense your contradicts yourself like "sakura don't know about her feelings about naruto and thins she loves sasuke" and "sakura is trying to hide her true feelings" for real it's just pissing off

Shut your mouth I am not a troll I always respond with seriousness


And I highly doubt Studio Pierrot will animate Naruto and Hinata kissing in the Naruto and Hinata wedding Novel http://naruto.wikia....y_for_a_Wedding that's getting animated, Because the Sasuke Shiden Novel that was animated wasn't completely animated and adapted Studio Pierrot skipped a lot of parts of it, Because In the Sasuke Shiden Novel Sasuke was suppose to return to the leaf village and Sakura would stand at the gates of the leaf village to wait for him and then she welcomed him home when he returned but that was omitted and skipped, 

And the Shikamaru Novel wasn't fully adapted either in the anime, At the Novel Shikamaru was already married to Temari and she was pregnant with Shikadai already but yet the anime adaption left this out, another example of Studio Pierrot not adapting the Hiden novels fully

Studio pierrot is leaving alot of content out of the novels meaning they don't fully adapt them so thats why I feel the wedding wont be as bad and painful to watch as we think because who knows Studio Pierrot may not animate Naruto and Hinata kissing at their wedding that will get animated today


So yes I strongly feel Studio Pierrot wont animate Naruto and Hinata kissing in the wedding novel that's getting animated, I don't think this situation is about Money either because apparently SasuSaku is more popular than NaruHina and still they cut out the romantic SasuSaku scenes from the Animate Sasuke shiden novel.


The probability of SasuHina happening is somewhat less likely than me waking up tomorrow with a hundred million dollars in my bank account.

well then you are in for the biggest surprise of your life

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 17 February 2017 - 02:57 AM.

#48 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 16 February 2017 - 09:40 AM


This isn’t an answer. I know that you are saying he is showing that the men they are currently married to are not compatible with them. My question is why is this necessary to make NS/SH happen? As a practical matter it’s not. Whether Hinata and Sakura are not compatible with others…doesn’t matter. It’s not necessary to show that to pair them off with others


And even if it is, why not do in the Naruto manga? Why do it in Boruto—a manga in which they are supporting characters instead of the one they the main characters.


As an aside…if they want Naruto Part 3…why not make a genuine Naruto Part 3 where he remains the central character rather than making Boruto in which he is destined to shift to a supporting role? Why create what is clearly meant as a closing to Naruto’s adventures and open a chapter to someone else’s when they could just do a literal Naruto Part 3?



You and I will never agree that they will show there is a better man for her. I see no need to waste anymore time on it.


As for the other point in this paragraph.


If the endgame was SH and this was known from the beginning (which you assert) then why wait 17 years before having her show worry about him in a video game?


They don’t interact in Naruto. It’s hard to buy that a pairing planned in 1999 at the manga’s inception gets no attention for that long. They could have been friends, acquaintances…something other than the nothing Naruto gave us.





This are superficial similarities that can easily be explained as either coincidental or recycling basic ideas. It means nothing because the story never built on it.


The Hyuuga family issues stopped mattering right after the Neji fight. Once Neji made peace with Hiashi, the Hyuuga family dynamics never matter again. On the other hand, the Uchiha family issues dog Part 2 until the very end.


These similarities could have been something, but the time to work with it would have been in the manga. Ideally, it would begin during the chunnin exams where the two would have had an obvious chance to see these similarities.


Instead, the Hyuuga issues are used to develop Naruto and then dropped when that’s over. Hell, SH could have interacted during the war about this stuff. Instead the Uchiha family matters get tied up with Hashirama, Tobirama and later Naruto when it turns out Naruto and Sasuke are descended from a pair of brothers.


Are those similarities? Sure. Does it matter? Nope.


It’s simply hard to buy that they passed chance after chance to do this stuff in the original manga and then suddenly bring it in a manga about their kids as opposed to the one about their generation.



To the extent that this philosophy matters to Kishimoto….the Yang to Sasuke’s Yin is Naruto.


One of the images you past later on makes this point clear.



Do they even talk to each other one time in 700 chapters of Naruto? If they knew SH all along what’s the excuse for not doing this?



Why not? Naruto’s interest in Sakura and why it existed was openly revealed to the audience in Chapter 3. Sakura’s interest in Sasuke was as well. It didn’t take long for Hinata’s to become clear once she was introduced. Why the apparent deviation for SH?


While he tried to hide the ball on the final outcome, he made no effort to hide character’s romantic interest in one other, but he does SH in secret….because….? And he’s so subtle the two have no meaningful interaction for 700 chapters, which is highlighted by you gushing about her show worrying (an emotion that is not remotely unique to romantic relationsip) in a video game…


The answer is he hasn’t been developing them. They didn’t even get the cheap crap NH got in the latter stages of part 2.



I think the third Part is about Boruto. The manga says as much within what…the first ten pages…when Boruto says its his story and then has to add that his dad is a part of it, but that it’s still his story. They spell it out. The story is about Boruto adventures. Not expecting to see massive personal drama in which Boruto is the side-show…to the extent he even matters in your theories.


 to see it.. the last plot has always been Naruto ending with Sakura.


That was the goal at some point, but it was abandoned a long time ago. I can’t see what isn’t there.



Hard to resisting the obvious NaruSasu joke here…..


Anyway, your SS argument, in particular, is really hard to square with the tone of Gaiden’s ending. And the stuff you keep saying about NH not working out is, for me, unconvincing.






That he had a pattern in team construction doesn’t mean he does literally everything in thres and that this can be extrapolated into a pattern that applies to EVERYTHING.

You’re in Underpants Gnome territory with this. No step 2.



There are reasons why NS fans were in WTF mode from about 615 onwards. But whatever build up they made for NS they ultimately discarded. I don’t recall if it was Kishimoto or just someone associated with the Naruto team generally, but one of them called it a red herring. Yes, Sakura saw him differently and it looked headed to romance, but whether it was red herring or they ditched for another direction…in either case they didn’t stay with it.
It’s over.




Lets go over everything you said:

You said:"This isn’t an answer. I know that you are saying he is showing that the men they are currently married to are not compatible with them. My question is why is this necessary to make NS/SH happen? As a practical matter it’s not. Whether Hinata and Sakura are not compatible with others…doesn’t matter. It’s not necessary to show that to pair them off with others"

Once again... Because Kishimoto is trying to convey this message to the readers "What you want is not always the best thing for you" Third segment (Boruto Manga) is not about Sakura getting to Naruto, it's about Sakura learning to compare what is to live with Sasuke and see how different it is to being with Naruto and wishing it was Naruto not Sasuke..As well for Hinata to realize that even if she gotten Naruto she is no where near to reaching him..Its more realizing they are with the wrong person even though they wanted them.. and this is why Kishimoto is showing this to sakura and hinata because he wants to show Sakura that Naruto was best for her all long, And Kishimoto wants to show Hinata that Sasuke was best for her all along, why do you think Kishimoto is having Sasuke and Hinata spend time in the Boruto manga ? because he wants Hinata to learn more about Sasuke so that she can compare what it is to be with him instead of Naruto

And it's also necessary for Kishimoto to show Naruto that Hinata isn't best for him and Sasuke isn't best for Sakura because he planned for Naruto and Sakura to be together since chapter 3, the only reason why NaruHina was made cannon was so that both Naruto can Sakura can learn why THEY should have married each other, Naruto and Hinata just isn't working out, Same thing with Sasuke and Sakura they just aren't working out, Naruto Part 3 is about Naruto and Sakura learning about the consequences of the people that they choose to marry, Basically what my theory is trying to explain is that NarutoXHinata and SasukeXSakura is the learning lesson to both Naruto and Sakura that they have got romantically paired with the wrong person,

The fact that Kishimoto made Naruto and Hinata's relationship incompatible should be a good indicator that he is possibly planning to break them apart, 


And once again, It is necessary for Kishimoto to show Hinata and Sakura that the "CURRENT" men that they married are not compatible with them because as my theories explained Kishimoto planned for Naruto to be with Sakura and for Sasuke to be with Hinata since chapter 3 of the Original Naruto manga

Hinata will be shown that there was a better man for her out there (Sasuke) in the third and final segment of the Naruto story line (Boruto Manga) Hinata will finally learn more about Sasuke and she will compare her life to his and see that they are very similar

You have to question to yourself, Why did Kishimoto intentionally make Sasuke and Hinata parallel each other and are so similar to each other ? they are obviously being built up for something in the future, and that future was the (Boruto Manga) so that when Naruto leaves Hinata Sasuke will be her rebound husband,

like I said he wanted Naruto to marry Hinata and have kids with her and he wanted Sasuke to marry Sakura and have kids with her because again he wants Sakura to compare what it is to live with Sasuke and see how different it is to being with Naruto and wishing it was Naruto and not Sasuke, Part of the premise of Naruto Part 2 (Naruto Shippuden) was for Hinata and Sakura to get the man that they always wanted, And Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) will be about Hinata and Sakura learning about the consequences of the men that they chose to marry hence the message Kishimoto wants to convey "What you want is not always the best thing for you"

You said:"And even if it is, why not do in the Naruto manga? Why do it in Boruto—a manga in which they are supporting characters instead of the one they the main characters."

I've addressed this many times in this topic, The Boruto manga is a continuation of the Naruto manga, I have already explained that Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, And Hinata play a much bigger and significant role in the Boruto manga than you think, especially Naruto since it is heavily implied that he is going to be the final villain of the Boruto manga since the whole plot of the Boruto manga revolves around Boruto surpassing his Father (Naruto)

let me explain ONCE AGAIN why it is highly likely that Naruto is going to be the main and final villain of the Boruto manga:


The NarutoVerse has relocated to a Utopia (maybe even located on a different planet or dimension?) and Kawaki is the agent Naruto sent to retrieve Boruto.

Read exactly what Kawaki says...



He just wants Boruto to come home and stop playing ninja. Those days are over. The village itself is in ruin and people are living happily in their new world. Boruto - being the rebellious kid like he's always been - is putting up fight and just causing unnecessary trouble.

Let's hope Kawaki smacks some sense into him with his cane. 

Well I guess it is understandable that Naruto will be the villain of the Boruto manga because it fits the theme of the Boruto manga of Boruto wanting to surpass his father.

I will explain this as simple as I can, the Boruto manga will be like a reverse opposite of the Naruto Shippuden manga,

Naruto and Sakura had to work together to bring back their friend who was lost in darkness (Sasuke) in Naruto Shippuden,

Now It is Sasuke and Hinata's turn to team up to save their important person who will be lost in darkness (Naruto) there are heavy implications that Naruto is going to be the main villain of the Boruto manga:

And According to Ukyo Kodachi And Masashi Kishimoto the writers of the Boruto story plot, the new Boruto manga series will revolve around the story of the protagonist Boruto and HYUGA PRINCESS HINATA, both Boruto and Hinata are being Hinted to be the main characters of this storyline, Here is the report given BY Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi:


Boruto is half Hyuga with hyuga abilities such as the byakugan, and what better person to train him with the Hyuga techs and considered amoung the strongest of the Hyuga ? his mother Hinata that means that he will have a trainer in addition to his other one Sasuke, this could inevitably cause Sasuke and Hinata to cross paths because they both spend time to train him and and they can train Boruto together and thus Sasuke and Hinata can establish a relationship footing from there :)

Do you understand by now ? Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) was about the Sharingan development Now Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) is about the Byakugan development, Sasuke was the main antagonist of Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) and Naruto and Sakura had to team up to bring him to the good side, Now in Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) Naruto is going to be the main antagonist and now Sasuke and Hinata is going to team up to bring him back to the good side, it is heavily implied that Naruto is going to be the final villain of the Boruto manga after all the theme of the Boruto manga is Boruto surpassing his father.

It's being clearly explained that Boruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Naruto, Sakura, and Sarada are going to be the main characters of the Boruto manga, Not Supporting characters.

You said:"As an aside…if they want Naruto Part 3…why not make a genuine Naruto Part 3 where he remains the central character rather than making Boruto in which he is destined to shift to a supporting role? Why create what is clearly meant as a closing to Naruto’s adventures and open a chapter to someone else’s when they could just do a literal Naruto Part 3?"

Naruto is the central character of Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) only this time he is playing the villain role (Antagonist) Boruto's goal is to become a Ninja who will surpass his father (Naruto) the whole plot of the Boruto manga is Boruto surpassing his father, the Plot is still revolving around Naruto WHICH MAKE'S HIM THE CENTRAL CHARACTER

Also Naruto can't be a supporting character to Boruto if Boruto doesn't want Naruto to be involved in his life, because Boruto has choosen Sasuke to take the role of his father

This is how I'm predicting the reason as to why Naruto is going to be the villain in the Boruto manga please listen:

Technology is starting to take over the Naruto verse, and the power of this technology surpasses the power of a Ninja, Naruto will eventually come to realize that he will have no other choice but to start using technology or risk getting his village either destroyed or conquered by a country who is more technologically advanced, Because he would be a dumb leader if he didn't, A good world leader knows to keep their countries technology on par and up to date with the technology of other countries or they will be conquered rather easy, that's how the Native Americans were conquered by European settlers because their technology was inferior to the European settlers, Kishimoto is trying to put some real world logic in the story of the Boruto manga, and that logic is "Advancements will come and if you are not advancing you will not be on par and be susceptible to being destroyed very easy by another country who is more technologically advanced"

But when Naruto starts to use this technology his friends will turn their back on him because he wont be the Naruto that they know and the Naruto that inspired them all to become Ninja so he will have no other choice but to force them to use technology so a big battle started because of that which is why it is evident that the leaf village is destroyed, And that Boruto is fighting someone who is trying to get him to use technology after all  Kawaki's words to boruto were "The Age of The Ninja Is Over" so it's clearly a battle of Past vs Future

Naruto will join the side of the countries who are advancing with technology while a small rebel group of Ninja who are Naruto's Friends Sasuke, Hinata, Boruto, and Himawari will still be against it Boruto is one of them

Naruto sent Kawaki as a agent to retrieve Boruto to smack some sense into him and to get him to realize that the age of the ninja is over because he doesn't want to see his son get destroyed


and thats why boruto is saying he is still a ninja

Which is probably why the final arc of the Boruto manga will be a battle of Technology vs Hard work, Naruto and Boruto will have a final battle in the final arc of the Boruto manga, Naruto will fight in the name of Technology and Boruto will fight in the name of Ninja, Boruto will win this fight finally waking his father up and reminding him of that stubborn kid who would never give up being a ninja no matter what

Lets talk about Shaolin Monks and the Chinese imperial army who were trying to promote modernism in the early 20th century of china, The Shaolin Monks didn't want to advance technologically but since the Shaolin temples were large in Number and took large areas of the land of China the Chinese imperial army were forced to fight them, The Chinese imperial army had guns while the Shaolin monks only had elite level martial arts and swords and spears so it was pretty obvious who was going to win and it was the Chinese imperial army and they did win, 

Same thing with the Ninja, Guns and Bombs->Ninja, You can learn all the martial arts in the world but it will never be good enough to fight bombs and Nukes that can decimate large regions of a planet with a simple click of a button, Sure Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, Boruto, And Himawari, are exceptionally strong Ninja but they aren't the norm they are exceptional in the Naruto verse, The average Ninja will be destroyed in a matter of seconds against the Technology in the Naruto verse so basically It would be just Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, And Hinata fighting the villains who are using technology to destroy Ninja, But eventually Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, And Hinata will get over powered and outnumbered because this particular technology is made to fight ninja which will eventually over power Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata's Ninja power, And since the villains who are using this technology have been killing ninja the number of Ninja in the Naruto verse has been servery lowered and that's how Naruto Sasuke, Sakura, And Hinata will get out numbered against the Technology Villains,

And that's when Naruto will start to realize that he will have no other choice but to start using technology as well and side with the villains and other countries who are using this technology as well, or he will lose everything he holds precious and dear, His friends, His family, and His dream,


So yes Naruto will be a central character of the Boruto manga because he is going to play the role as the main and final villain of the Boruto manga.

You said:"You and I will never agree that they will show there is a better man for her. I see no need to waste anymore time on it."

Once again... you have to question to yourself why is Kishimoto finally giving Sasuke and Hinata moments together ?


And since Hinata isn't having the best time during her marriage to Naruto, why is Hinata all of a sudden spending time with Sasuke who is much more similar and more compatible with her ? Connect the dots man this CLEARLY means that Kishimoto is giving Hinata a reason to move on from Naruto.


You said:"If the endgame was SH and this was known from the beginning (which you assert) then why wait 17 years before having her show worry about him in a video game?"

Kishimoto wants to finally bring Sasuke and Hinata closer and when they learn more about each other they will see how similar they are to each other, So is it now clear to you that those 17 years of Sasuke and Hinata similarity build up wasn't just for nothing ?

those 17 years of Sasuke and Hinata similarity build up was made just for the Boruto manga, So that they could have a very strong relationship with each other.

You said:"They don’t interact in Naruto. It’s hard to buy that a pairing planned in 1999 at the manga’s inception gets no attention for that long. They could have been friends, acquaintances…something other than the nothing Naruto gave us."

Well actually Hinata was suppose to spend time and be with Sasuke as early as when team 7 was formed in chapter 3 because listen to  Iruka's words:


So if the worst students are suppose to be teamed up with the best students then why wasn't Hinata put on Team 7 ? here grades at the academy were said to be just as bad as Naruto's and Shikamaru's

Also the way Iruka says:

Iruka: The Best Student must be paired with the worst students

He says it like it's standard procedure to put the strong students with the weak ones, Yes it is true that the real reason why Sasuke was paired with Naruto on Team 7 was because the village elders wanted Sasuke to control the 9 tails inside of Naruto but still since Iruka says "The Best Student Must Be Paired With The Worst Students" once again means that it's standard procedure which means that every Ninja Squad teams up the best students with the worst students which means that Hinata should have been paired with Sasuke on Team 7 because she was one of the worst students whilst he controls the 9 tails inside Naruto

The village elders never told Iruka that was the real reason Sasuke and Naruto were put on the same team so he just thought that Sasuke and Naruto were teamed up because the best students get teamed with the worst students because coincidentally Sasuke is one of the best students and Naruto is one of the worst ones

Kishimoto should have done this, after all didn't he "Always" want Hinata to be the main heroine ? if so wouldn't it make sense for her to be on Team 7 the main protagonist team ?

So if Kishimoto wanted Hinata to be the main heroine why wasn't she put on Team 7 which is the main team, And also if Kishimoto's goal was to make NaruHina make sense Why wasn't Hinata given a role in the story be closer to Naruto like being on the same team as him ?   

I know I've said that Hinata was introduced in later chapters and she didn't exist in this time of the manga but regardless if that's the standard proceedure of how Ninja squads are suppose to be set up then Hinata should have been on team 7 with Sasuke.

You said:"This are superficial similarities that can easily be explained as either coincidental or recycling basic ideas. It means nothing because the story never built on it."

Superficial similarities ? seriously ? it would be superficial similarities if they were wearing the same clothes or had the same hair color, but both losing older brothers ? nope

It's to much of a coincidence that Sasuke and Hinata share this much similarities, it can easily be assumed that the reason for making Sasuke and Hinata this similar was because they were planned to develop a relationship of compassion and understanding, I would understand that it would be coincidental if Sasuke and Hinata only shared 1 or 2 similarities but god damn Sasuke and Hinata are at least 80% similar, Losing their beloved brothers, Fathers looking down upon them for being weak, Fathers ignoring their presence in favor of their stronger sibiling (Itachi, Hanabi), Eye power based abilities, Bird shaped hair why do you think that people always call Sasuke and Hinata duck butt hair ? This is WAY to much similarities to be coincidental  it has to be intended, now we will finally see what Kishimoto will do with those similarities Sasuke and Hinata share now that he has given us signs that he plans to bring those 2 closer in the Boruto manga which means that will be the manga that will build on Sasuke and Hinata's similarities,

So it's not conicidental that they are this similar, they were INTENDED to be this similar

You said:"The Hyuuga family issues stopped mattering right after the Neji fight. Once Neji made peace with Hiashi, the Hyuuga family dynamics never matter again. On the other hand, the Uchiha family issues dog Part 2 until the very end."

Have to agree on this one, Where the hell is the Hyuga clan ? when chapter 700 and (Boruto, Naruto The Movie) arrived it's like they faded from existence, Hanabi no where to be seen, there wasn't even 1 Hyuga in the Audience of the chunin exam Boruto participated in, I hope they return them in the Boruto manga, if not then Sasuke and Hinata now share the Similarity of being the last remaining pureblood of their clan

You said:"These similarities could have been something, but the time to work with it would have been in the manga. Ideally, it would begin during the chunnin exams where the two would have had an obvious chance to see these similarities."

Once Again.... now we will finally see what Kishimoto will do with those similarites whether they are intentional or just coincidence from like you said recycling basic ideas, because as shown in the Boruto manga and the Boruto movie Kishimoto wants Sasuke and Hinata to get closer together, and because of that we will finally get to see what those similarities Sasuke and Hinata have are for.

And you are completely wrong, Sasuke and Hinata both went to the chunin exams together, In fact they stood RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER there:


And after Sasuke won his preliminary match against Yoroi everyone spectating the match was left impressed including Hinata, Hinata even said Wow! Sasuke Kun was Amazing!:


Hinata was even blushing while saying it! So Hinata may have a little subtle feelings for Sasuke but she just hasn't realized it yet, but she will in the Boruto manga!

So for you to say that they have never seen each other's similar abilities in battle is utter blatant ignorance.

You said:"Instead, the Hyuuga issues are used to develop Naruto and then dropped when that’s over. Hell, SH could have interacted during the war about this stuff. Instead the Uchiha family matters get tied up with Hashirama, Tobirama and later Naruto when it turns out Naruto and Sasuke are descended from a pair of brothers."

on the contrary the Uchiha issues is what was used to develop Naruto, Sasuke has made 90% of the Naruto manga revolve around him and the trouble he was causing for Naruto and his friends, Because of that Naruto made it absolute priority to get stronger to one day bring his friend back (Sasuke) to the village, Sasuke was causing all of his friends to better themselves with their strength to bring him back to the village, Sasuke is responsible for most of the growth of the Ninja of the leaf village, and the very fact that Naruto has ignored Hinata's presence for like 95% of the manga pretty much means the Hyuga clan wasn't that big of a importance to him, 


You said:"Are those similarities? Sure. Does it matter? Nope."

ONCE AGAIN.... now we will finally see what Kishimoto will do with those similarites whether they are intentional or just coincidence from like you said recycling basic ideas, because as shown in the Boruto manga and the Boruto movie Kishimoto wants Sasuke and Hinata to get closer together, and because of that we will finally get to see what those similarities Sasuke and Hinata have are for.

You said:"It’s simply hard to buy that they passed chance after chance to do this stuff in the original manga and then suddenly bring it in a manga about their kids as opposed to the one about their generation."

It is already confirmed that Boruto, Hinata, and Sasuke will be the main protagonist in the Boruto manga so clearly the story content will not be limited to just the kids, Boruto will be the main leading character, Sasuke will be his master, And apparently Shonen Jump and Studio Pierrot wants Hinata to have the main heroine role, But she can't get any big roles in the manga if she stays by Naruto's side because all she has been doing while being married to him is being a 24/7 house wife and that wouldn't make for a interesting main character, so that could also be a good indicator that Hinata will have to be seperated from Naruto, So obviously if she is going to be a main character she will have to be involved with the other main characters (Boruto and Sasuke) 

I know Kishimoto missed so many chances to bring Sasuke and Hinata closer together in Naruto part 2 (Shippuden) such as Sasuke and Hinata's older brothers (Itachi, Neji) dying which would have been a great chance to bring Sasuke and Hinata closer together because after all Sasuke and Hinata's older brothers died IN THE VERY SAME WAR!

I guess Kishimoto didn't feel it was the right time to bring Sasuke and Hinata closer in Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) because that would conflict with his plot of making NaruHina and SasuSaku cannon, Then as he gave Hinata exposer to Sasuke and Sakura exposer to Naruto in the Boruto manga that would make Hinata and Sakura realise they got married to the wrong men, Third segment (Boruto Manga) is not about Sakura getting to Naruto, it's about Sakura learning to compare what is to live with Sasuke and see how different it is to being with Naruto and wishing it was Naruto not Sasuke..As well for Hinata to realize that even if she gotten Naruto she is no where near to reaching him..Its more realizing they are with the wrong person even though they wanted them.. and this is why Kishimoto is showing this to sakura and hinata because he wants to show Sakura that Naruto was best for her all long, And Kishimoto wants to show Hinata that Sasuke was best for her all along, why do you think Kishimoto is having Sasuke and Hinata spend time in the Boruto manga ? because he wants Hinata to learn more about Sasuke so that she can compare what it is to be with him instead of Naruto

You said:"To the extent that this philosophy matters to Kishimoto….the Yang to Sasuke’s Yin is Naruto.


One of the images you past later on makes this point clear."

Sasuke and Hinata fit Yin and Yang to perfectly for Kishimoto to have made the mistake of inadvertently making them Yin and Yang, it has to be intentional that Sasuke and Hinata are Yin and Yang, Read this topic:


If Kishimoto really didn't intend to make Sasuke and Hinata like Yin and Yang then it's one hell of a fluke that they PERFECTLY are Yin and Yang, They were intended to be Yin and Yang.



You said:"Do they even talk to each other one time in 700 chapters of Naruto? If they knew SH all along what’s the excuse for not doing this?"

It's because Sasuke and Hinata live very different lives, they were too distanced from each other to develop a significant relationship in the Naruto manga, Sasuke Isolated himself from his friends so that he could pursue his selfish ambition to get stronger to kill Itachi to avenge the Uchiha clan, Hinata had no connection to the Uchiha clan so she didn't have much of a reason to get involved with Sasuke's revenge journey, However she would have been a asset to it due to her Byakugan being the ultimate tool for tracking someone down.

Now Sasuke is now stable and no longer planning any revenge journeys, He is much more involved with his friends back at the village, especially with Boruto and his family, Hinata doesn't have Naruto around to take care of Boruto, Sasuke is now fulling that role, I hope you can see that is the key factor that is going to bring Sasuke and Hinata closer

Boruto was created to bring Sasuke and Hinata closer together, The similarities that Kishimoto created Sasuke and Hinata to share was that so they will have something to talk about and have a strong bond when they start to get closer to each other, Kishimoto planned the SasukeXHinata pairing since the beginning of Naruto but he wanted to wait a little longer before he began to establish it

After hearing this Hope you can understand by now that the Boruto Manga is about Hinata and Sakura learning about the true men they should have married

You said:"Why not? Naruto’s interest in Sakura and why it existed was openly revealed to the audience in Chapter 3. Sakura’s interest in Sasuke was as well. It didn’t take long for Hinata’s to become clear once she was introduced. Why the apparent deviation for SH?"

Because Sasuke had one goal and one goal only at the time, avenging the Uchiha clan, he prioritized all his time and effort into that so he had to ignore everything else including his friends and including getting to know the person that best fits him the most (Hinata)


And most of the time during Naruto manga both Sasuke and Hinata were on like the other sides of the world with different objectives, Would it make sense for Sasuke to just drop everything he's doing and say:

Sasuke: Hey Team Hebi! I'm going to stop going on this revenge quest just to spend a few moments to talk with Hinata!

That wouldn't make any sense, even though Sasuke and Hinata are perfect fits for each other it just wouldn't have made sense for them to get close at the time,

But now that Sasuke is now stable and no longer planning any revenge journeys, He is much more involved with his friends back at the village, especially with Boruto and his family, Hinata doesn't have Naruto around to take care of Boruto, Sasuke is now fulling that role, I hope you can see that is the key factor that is going to bring Sasuke and Hinata closer

Boruto is whats bringing Sasuke closer to the village and Naruto's family because he see's Boruto as the son he always wanted but never had, Boruto is so important to Sasuke that he is willing to neglect and Ignore his own daughter (Sarada) in favor of spending time with Boruto:


Understand now ? I'll say it simple and easy for you to understand, Sasuke wants to be the father of Boruto and his family, And Naruto wants to be the father of Sarada and her family, And since Naruto isn't around to take care of Boruto,Himawari, And Hinata, Sasuke gets to get closer to Hinata which is the chance for Sasuke and Hinata to learn more about each other which clearly Indicates the Similarities Sasuke and Hinata share aren't for nothing because Now the Boruto manga will show us what those similarities are for.

This is the opportunistic moment for Sasuke and Hinata to get closer and learn more about each other because they have a mutual goal now, to raise Boruto.

You said:"While he tried to hide the ball on the final outcome, he made no effort to hide character’s romantic interest in one other, but he does SH in secret….because….? And he’s so subtle the two have no meaningful interaction for 700 chapters, which is highlighted by you gushing about her show worrying (an emotion that is not remotely unique to romantic relationsip) in a video game…"

Where in the Naruto manga has there ever been SaiXIno and ChojiXKarui romantic build up ? there is not a SINGLE panel showing Choji and Karui flirting with each other or even acknowledging that they even exist, But yet they got married at the end of Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) which clearly shows Kishimoto hid Choji's, Karui's, Sai,  And Ino's romantic interest and which also shows Kishimoto hid ChojiXKarui, And SaiXIno's feeling for each other in secret but yet you say he made no effort to hide his character's romantic interest ?   :huh: 

But Kishimoto left hints and reasons in the manga why Choji and Karui were good fits for each other such as chips:


The name is a combination of "pote" for "potato" and "karu" for "karui" which means "light" in Japanese. 

Meaning that Karui is the japanese name for potato chips and Choji has always been shown to love potato chips:


Meaning that Karui will always be Choji's bag of potato chips   :love: 

Thats why I feel SasukeXHinata is next to happen because Kishimoto left so much reasons why Sasuke and Hinata are a compatible fits for each other which means they are ALSO set up to get together romantically in the Boruto manga

Kishimoto apparently loves to surprise people when it comes to romantic pairings, like how he made you all think that NaruSaku would happen at the end of Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) but it ended with Naruto and Hinata getting married, but once again it's about Sakura learning to compare what is to live with Sasuke and see how different it is to being with Naruto and wishing it was Naruto not Sasuke..As well for Hinata to realize that even if she gotten Naruto she is no where near to reaching him..Its more realizing they are with the wrong person even though they wanted them.. and this is why Kishimoto is showing this to sakura and hinata because he wants to show Sakura that Naruto was best for her all long, And Kishimoto wants to show Hinata that Sasuke was best for her all along, why do you think Kishimoto is having Sasuke and Hinata spend time in the Boruto manga ? because he wants Hinata to learn more about Sasuke so that she can compare what it is to be with him instead of Naruto

Let me tell you, the reason why Kishimoto had Naruto marry Hinata was that it would help Sakura further realize she should have married Naruto instead, Her husband Sasuke doesn't want to spend time with her so she's lonely, her daughter Sarada thinks of Naruto as a father so Naruto fills the void of the father/husband of Sakura and Sarada's family, this is all messages to Sakura that she should have married Naruto all along and to get Sakura to say:

Sakura: I've made a terrible mistake... Naruto I see it now it should have been you all this time 

Part of the reasons of Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) is about Hinata and Sakura marrying the men that they had romantic feelings for and Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) is about learning the consequences of the choices of marrying those men, that's why Hinata is now spending time with Sasuke to learn more about him to show her that it should have been him that she should have married all along and Same with Sakura, she is getting closer to Naruto than ever now that he is the replacement father of Sarada and her family so that Sakura can see that it was Naruto that she should have married all along, 

NarutoXSakura and SasukeXHinata is set to happen in the Boruto manga, you just got to stop letting the doubt consume you.

You said:"The answer is he hasn’t been developing them. They didn’t even get the cheap crap NH got in the latter stages of part 2."

The development starts in Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) As I explained Sasuke and Hinata will be brought closer together due to their mutual goal to raise Boruto, as they spend time with each other they will learn more about each other and they will come to realize how similar they are which will lead to a scenario such as this:

Hinata: Sasuke Kun.. your just like me

Sasuke: And you are just like me...

which means those similarities weren't for nothing, Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) 

Kishimoto didn't want Sasuke and Hinata to get together romantically in Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) he wanted them to get togethe romantically in Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) it seems

You said:"I think the third Part is about Boruto. The manga says as much within what…the first ten pages…when Boruto says its his story and then has to add that his dad is a part of it, but that it’s still his story. They spell it out. The story is about Boruto adventures. Not expecting to see massive personal drama in which Boruto is the side-show…to the extent he even matters in your theories."

ONCE AGAIN... It is already confirmed that Boruto, Hinata, and Sasuke will be the main protagonist in the Boruto manga so clearly the story content will not be limited to just Boruto, Yes Boruto will be the main leading character, But Sasuke will be his master so therefore Sasuke will be given a significant prominent role the Boruto manga getting alot of Panel and screen time, And apparently Shonen Jump and Studio Pierrot wants Hinata to have the main heroine role, But she can't get any big roles in the manga if she stays by Naruto's side because all she has been doing while being married to him is being a 24/7 house wife and that wouldn't make for a interesting main character, so that could also be a good indicator that Hinata will have to be seperated from Naruto, So obviously if she is going to be a main character she will have to be involved with the other main characters (Boruto and Sasuke)

You said:to see it.. the last plot has always been Naruto ending with Sakura.


That was the goal at some point, but it was abandoned a long time ago. I can’t see what isn’t there."

ONCE AGAIN... Part of the reasons of Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) is about Hinata and Sakura marrying the men that they had romantic feelings for and Naruto Part 3 (Boruto Manga) is about learning the consequences of the choices of marrying those men, that's why Hinata is now spending time with Sasuke to learn more about him to show her that it should have been him that she should have married all along and Same with Sakura, she is getting closer to Naruto than ever now that he is the replacement father of Sarada and her family so that Sakura can see that it was Naruto that she should have married all along,

So the thing that you aren't seeing that is there is that the real reason that NaruHina and SasuSaku happened was that so NaruSaku and SasuHina pairings can begin.


You said:"Hard to resisting the obvious NaruSasu joke here…..


Anyway, your SS argument, in particular, is really hard to square with the tone of Gaiden’s ending. And the stuff you keep saying about NH not working out is, for me, unconvincing."

So ? the Gaiden chapters was about Sasuke being reunited with Sarada and Sakura, the Boruto manga will show how Sasuke isn't a compatible fit for that family regardless if he is reunited with them or not.

Why do you think Sasuke is being written to spend time with Boruto and his family including Hinata instead ?

You said:"
No. NaruSaku will not happen in the Boruto Manga"

Not my fault you don't have the mental acuity to understand hidden messages, and hints, and where things lead to... this is all about what "Read underneath the underneath" means which so far you lack a understanding of it seems...

You said:"
That he had a pattern in team construction doesn’t mean he does literally everything in thres and that this can be extrapolated into a pattern that applies to EVERYTHING.


You’re in Underpants Gnome territory with this. No step 2."

And this is why you don't have the ability to see the finer details... the rule of 3 was applied to much more than just the Ninja squads, Lets go over it yet again....

First understand that everything was done in view point of 3 angles or 3 steps

Naruto has had 2 love interest his first love interest was Sakura thru the first segment we see him trying to get to her but she is in love with Sasuke but she then from Sasuke to look at Naruto differently.. So even though she doesn't really openly say I like him she starts to understand him and care for him to say this words "As long as I am alive you will not die" or alike she said that when she kept him alive. So Sakura has said she cares deeply for him yet why go back to Sasuke..  Naruto's own fault for disguising as Sasuke back on chapter 3.. She thinks he can save Sasuke cause she saw him doing something good to her which she still longs for.. The kiss on the fore head.. 

The kiss on the forehead is the key to when NaruSaku happens.. You can see at 699 Sasuke saying good bye and Sakura saying to the likes you are gonna make me wait.. She gets flip on the forehead and not the kiss she desperately wants.. This was repeated in Naruto Gaiden at the end same line..(I have heard anybody questioning what does she have to wait for? answer she is waiting for the kiss on the forehead and again she gets a flip)

Pain arc.. Sakura screams Naruto he shows up Hinata confesses. and Sakura ends the arc hugging him in front of the whole village.. 

Hope by now you can see Sakura always is reflected at the end or has a bigger role towards the end..

Lets talk Hinata she was introduce in later part of the manga not at the beginning like the anime suggested.. She has always been 2nd..  she was introduce as Naruto's second love interest but in reverse order Naruto did not love her she loved him.. Naruto has always been on one clear girl in his mind Sakura.. . So far Naruto has ended with Sakura.. Shippuden ended with Sakura and Boruto began with Hinata.. Yet the story has not ended.

The actual last chapter of Shippuden was 699 and 700 began Boruto.. but many wont see it that way.. 

You said:"There are reasons why NS fans were in WTF mode from about 615 onwards. But whatever build up they made for NS they ultimately discarded. I don’t recall if it was Kishimoto or just someone associated with the Naruto team generally, but one of them called it a red herring. Yes, Sakura saw him differently and it looked headed to romance, but whether it was red herring or they ditched for another direction…in either case they didn’t stay with it.



It’s over."


The NaruSaku build up hasn't been ultimately discarded, In fact it's going to be enhanced in the Boruto manga because Sakura will learn the cost of marrying Sasuke and she will regret the decision to realize it should have been Naruto that she should have married all along.

So it looks like IT IS YOU that is saying things that wont happen in the Boruto manga because NaruSaku is going to happen and as my theory shows it is set in motion to happen

Whether you like it or not NaruHina was the red herring for NaruSaku to happen, The weddings of NaruHina and SasuSaku were made to teach Naruto,Hinata,Sakura,And Sasuke that they got married to the wrong people and with the new man Hinata will be spending time with (Sasuke) and the new man Sakura will be spending time with (Naruto) they will learn that they were the men that they were suppose to be with all this time, 

Sasuke spending time with Boruto and raise and his family since Naruto is absent from doing it is the excuse for Hinata and Sasuke to grow closer in the Boruto manga and as she gets to know him she will see how similar and compatible they are which means the similarities Kishimoto made Sasuke and Hinata share wasn't for nothing we will finally see what they were made for 

You keep thinking that the Naruto story ended at Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) when there is a clear Part 3 right in front of us (Boruto Manga) the married couples are not meant to be permanent, Sakura rejected Naruto but her feelings for him never changed the marriages help Sakura realize it should have been Naruto she should have married all the time, again the marriages are a learning lesson for Hinata and Sakura

#49 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 16 February 2017 - 09:43 AM





The forehead poke was sign of affection. It’s was an SS moment and it was meant to be romantic. Even if she desperately wants the kiss? So what? That scene was SS and not some super secret calling to NS. That he didn’t kiss her means nothing because they are so obviously paralleling that with Itachi’s gestures of affection.



And…it went nowhere. Red herring, ditched under pressure from editors….don’t care the specific reason for purposes of this post. It did not materialize into NS. It’s that simple.






As for Naruto interest in Sakura….That’s certainly what it looked like until the very end of the manga and The Last. That movie sure showed us, I guess.


As for the series ending with Sakura and Boruto beginning with Hinata. It’s insignificant. This sounds like you trying to create patterns out of nothing.



I agree, but I also think its insignificant for purposes of pairings beyond stating who had kids with who.



Be more specific about change of heart. Because there were signs of changes before the end of the first arc.



Not feelin’ it. Looks like basic nostalgia with respect to their own chunnin exams. Context matters and the context is that SS and NH are canon while Sakura and Naruto remain good friends. Nothing about this screams change of direction

You said:"The forehead poke was sign of affection. It’s was an SS moment and it was meant to be romantic. Even if she desperately wants the kiss? So what? That scene was SS and not some super secret calling to NS. That he didn’t kiss her means nothing because they are so obviously paralleling that with Itachi’s gestures of affection."

Just the flip on the forehead nothing more, he didn't even find it romantic when he did that, the flip on the forehead just meant he finally acknowledges her as a important friend,

I'm tired of SasuSaku fans (Not saying that you are) thinking that flip on the forehead means something romantic, Sasuke learned flipping someone on the forehead from his mother, So are they going to say that Sasuke's mother mikoto has romantic feelings for Sasuke ? because she flips him on the forehead... the flip on the forehead means you deeply care about someone not anything romantic...

Yes the flip on the forehead means love but love as in someone important to you, Itachi flips Sasuke on the forehead but because he considers Sasuke as Someone very dear to him but did Itachi ever have romantic feelings for Sasuke ? no ? So How can Sasuke flipping Sakura on the forehead be a romantic parallel to Itachi flipping Sasuke on the forehead when Itachi never had romantic feelings for Sasuke ? how would you even come up with that thought ? are you a SasuItachi shipper ?   :wot: 

When has Sasuke ever hugged Sakura ? When has Sasuke ever kissed Sakura ? When has Sasuke ever said he loves Sakura ? the answer is never which is clear that there isn't anything romantic involved and Kishimoto perfectly highlights that hint in the SasuSaku relationship, Sasuke and Sakura's marriage isn't about love it's about reviving and repopulating the Uchiha clan, Sakura will eventually realize this and come to her senses and start looking at Naruto in a new way, she will see that Naruto has been looking out for her and Sarada during Sasuke's absence from it she will compare what it is to live with Naruto compared to living with Sasuke to see who truly loves her and her family,

Sarada sees Naruto as her actual father, he fills the void of the father/husband of Sakura and Sarada's family, while Boruto sees Sasuke as his actual father, Sasuke fills the void of the father/husband of Hinata, Boruto, and Himawari's family, understand now ? Kishimoto didn't completely neglect NaruSaku and SasuHina he practically put these 2 relationships together without having them marry each other simply meaning that NaruSaku family and SasuHina families happened without a marriage actually happened, But many NaruSaku fans aren't looking at it that way they aren't looking at it as deeply as I am and only looking at it simple mindedly like "NaruHina and SasuSaku won it's over boo hoo hoo hoo" when as I pointed out Kishimoto basically gave us NaruSaku and SasuHina family life.

If anything Sasuke being absent from his family life with Sakura and Sarada while Naruto takes care of both Sakura and Sarada is a parallel to the relationship Sakura and Sasuke had when they were young, Sasuke being absent and away from the village while Naruto looked after and protected Sakura while he was away on his revenge quest, this is one of the hidden messages that many Naruto fans ignore, Sasuke will never be there for Sakura Naruto always will, The Boruto manga will finally have Sakura come to realize this fact

Yes the weddings of NaruHina and SasuSaku happened but they are not about true love the Boruto manga is the manga that shows Naruto,Sakura,Sasuke,and Hinata who their true loves really are, I don't know how many times I must clarify this to you...

Boy I can't wait to see how pissed off Sarada will be that the only reason she was born and the only reason Sasuke protects her is because she is for reviving the Uchiha clan nothing more, Understand now ? Naruto finds Sarada important to him because she is exactly like him he sees her like a daughter to him because she wants to be the Hokage just like him there is a actual legit connection between them, Unlike Sasuke who just sees Sarada as the child to revive his clan nothing more, So is now blatantly obvious why Naruto and Sarada are so close ? Naruto is her actual father, Sasuke is not and Sarada will see that in the Boruto manga. 


You said:"And…it went nowhere. Red herring, ditched under pressure from editors….don’t care the specific reason for purposes of this post. It did not materialize into NS. It’s that simple."

Once again... NaruHina is the red herring for NaruSaku to happen

Naruto never cared for Hinata to him she didn't exist outside of being a weirdo.. as he called her several times..

If Naruto would care for Hinata he would have hugged her at the end of Pain arc.. Naruto only show compassion and support towards somebody who all gave her the look as inferior including her cousin Neji.. From there people came to the conclusion he had feelings for her.. He was compassionate for someone who was struggling like him, He gave raves of admiration for her courage while being weak.. He did the blood oath to get revenge for someone who was being oppressed..

If Naruto would have really cared for Hinata he would have paid more attention to her confession.. her confession would have a harder impact on him it did nothing.. She confess to him x2 for him to notice.. Yet at the time he notice he was being pushed towards her big time all dialogue was meant to push him that way..After he spoke to Sakura he gave in.. and said he had to settle down.. He settle for Hinata he did not loved her.. he settle for someone who loved him yet he did not love her.. He may have grown to love her but that is unknown yet.. While on Naruto Gaiden she hardly appear but a picture.. During Boruto the movie she did nothing to stop him from overworking from crashing and trashing her daughters party.. People are mistaken on the relationship between Naruto and Hinata its not working just like Sasuke and Sakura doesn't even exist.. There still too much missing information to create a beginning for the third stage..

All I can conclude Kishimoto has written all the character that will be remain in the story at the end and he will modify them as he wishes and create disposable characters or characters meant to just die to a purpose..
Also I doubt this will be conclude in the manga Boruto but the final movie the last movie he can create without damaging his math equation with the number 3.. So far been 2 manga segments (Naruto, Naruto Shippuden) 11 movies and 2 anime chapters name like the manga.. All right now is ending in 2.. the next ending is 3 and final.. All will end when Manga, Anime and Movie all equal to 3..

001 which is the hex word for 3 also fall into Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto.

His love has been Sakura, Hinata, X which will be Sakura following the same code.. This pattern is written in the major arcs too.. Pain arc Sakura screams naruto shows up.. Hinata confesses .. Sakura ends the arc..

War Arc.. cant recall the first but then follows Neji making hinata and Naruto hold hands..Sakura saves Naruto, Naruto Saves Sakura Even when Neji makes them hold hands does not over shadow the way Sakura saves Naruto nor when Naruto saves Sakura..

Right now even though Hinata is Naruto's wife she hardly has air time and has been all about Sakura and Naruto being drawn to misery..

BTW most of the flash backs have been altered to benefit the relationship of Naruto and Hinata they don't exist outside the realm they are shown.. As well most are incorrect and are inconstant with what really happen. Which makes me believe we are viewing the genjutsu world of someone who doesn't know how Naruto and Sasuke feel about each girl.. Some of it looks like is been viewed from a female perspective and not a male one.. So we may be looking thru the view of someone female who lacks some knowledge of how the males feel about them. Yet we see the males settling in accepting the fate without a fight but rather wanting to escape their prison.. Naruto overworks and Sasuke is not around and have not been part of Sarada's life for years.. Most try to give a reason but they don't see them as failed marriages and make excuses. Bottom line these are failed marriages and is not what each of the males wanted.. They wanted family and children and peace..it doesn't exist yet..

So as many don't want to realize Kishimoto has left back doors open to reset all of this.. just I don't know when he will use them.. The biggest one and most Hinata fans fear and Naru/Saku fans want is genjutsu trap world..

This is all part of Kishimoto's idea of the love plot.. During the first segment Naruto .. we met him and he was utterly alone.. then he went to school got assigned a group and we saw him getting along with them and a love interest was introduced and love triangle that has not been broken yet.. It seems that it has been solved just like everyone thought Itachi was so corrupt he killed his own clan.. from the beginning it was too good to be true.. and it was not..

So far Kishimoto has laid out a foundation for the outcome of the final third segment. The first was acceptance the second segment was unrequited love which had to end the way it did to close the Hinata segment.. So we have him alone then he was accepted by everyone including Sakura.. yet one line in the whole War Arc was set in motion.. said by Sakura "as long as I live you will not die" so by this line alone Sakura has stated she cant live without him.. now can she live not been around him as close as she was part of his life so close.. can she live knowing he belongs to someone else.. can she stand watching him from afar like he did for so long..

This are all part of the last segments took me awhile to figure it out.. Yet it has all been calculated that way by Kishimoto. I am basically waiting for him to start doing a 360 on this story with the like this all was in Sakura and Hinata's mind as they wanted men that were not in love with them or never return their love do to different reasons..

I have seen several indications this could all be inside Sakura head.. as some relevant information has been omitted for awhile now and replace with absurd reasoning..

You said:"by now you can see Sakura always is reflected at the end or has a bigger role towards the end..  Okay….?"

Yes there is.. Sakura's time to shine will be when Naruto is lost..Sakura never shines outside of that .. Her name is key Sakura trees only blossom in season out season they are dried up trees..

Most follow what Kishimoto says on interviews but never paid attention to what he shows in the manga. He will never come out straight to give you the ending of the story so most of his answers fall in the realm of general knowledge not really what he wants to say. He can generalize an answer without giving you the answer to the likes of Sakura being Sarada's mothers.. he said everything except tell you "Yes she is her biological mother" those words he never said. He gave an elongated answer but never touch the true topic.. So he can say he detest her and be all a lie to cover the truth..

Kishimoto is about uncovering truth not he telling you the truth. So I can tell you .. you can watch all Kishimoto's interviews and when you read his work you will be like this is not what he said.. Many have encounter that to which they call him a troll.

Every event in Naruto has been systematically and mathematically calculated into the story. So Kishimoto has the freedom to say whatever and wont alter the story timeline.. His continuous use of the base value of 3 and hex form allows to show a different way to read Naruto..

So is my assumption that everything he wrote in first 3 chapter of the manga are the original main plots. As of now 2 are finished and 1 still missing and he is toying with it. Yet if you use chapter 3 as road map for everything that has happen in Naruto so far you will understand something else.. As well he gave away the ending to Naruto in that chapter that many dismiss and even want to degrade Yet is the road map to what is to happen in the whole story love wise. This is just like RTN was the road map to what has happen so far in this current so call end still some were fooled by the line that is not to be taken as canon lol..

Ok.. Hmm nope.. Hinata was not protecting anybody. She was being selfish she put her feelings against the entire village at risk. Sakura was healing the injured which included Tsunade and Kakashi among others. She took it upon herself to command or take charge and told no one should go near Naruto at all to prevent him from going nine-tails.. Since with just 5 he almost kill Jiraiya, Sakura knew the out come and try to prevent Naruto killing the entire village and loosing himself to madness. Hinata did nothing but reckless selfish actions that endangered all. Lets do switch roll what would have happen if Sakura was not healing and saw Naruto being trap like that.. she would have jump and broken the floor with a single punch .. Sakura's massive strengths would have free Naruto from anywhere in a huge radius.. Leaving Naruto only to remove the pins and regenerated all wounds..

It did not take Naruto that much he accepted Hinata after he talk to Sakura where he said he had to settle.. Naruto settle for Hinata when he saw her memories in the genjutsu pool but it was amazing his memories of Sakura never came to play.. Since she was a major part of his life as child.

Sakura has been in loved with Naruto for awhile now.. It started during the chuunin written exams where she was about to throw the test for him to have a chance to take it next year and not ruin his dream of Hokage.. Its kinda the first signs where Naruto became more important then Sasuke.. You got also the fight at the hospital Naruto vs Sasuke where you can see a Sakura more worried of Naruto then Sasuke to the point of screaming his name.. On shippuden you have a Sakura worried when Naruto will come back asking everyday the guards if he has comeback.. She is the first to greet him back.. and so on..

The subplots of Hinata being with Naruto and Sakura being with Sasuke is done.. There is nothing more they go downhill from it to show how it doesn't work both are dysfunctional families.. absentee fathers.. etc..

Pretty much you have a Naruto out control and a Sasuke who doesn't care for the family he so cherish to have.. Hinata got death flags risen around her.. She was suppose to die during Pain arc (no one who fought pain got out alive except Naruto most ended in death or in comma.. Tsunade was in comma and so was Kakashi if you wager their strengths vs Hinata she should have died right there).. and when Momoshiki and his friend attack she almost die too.. Doubt she will be save on the third time..

You said:"As for Naruto interest in Sakura….That’s certainly what it looked like until the very end of the manga and The Last. That movie sure showed us, I guess.


As for the series ending with Sakura and Boruto beginning with Hinata. It’s insignificant. This sounds like you trying to create patterns out of nothing."

The main problem why Sakura is so bent on Sasuke is the lie on chapter 3..she is waiting for the kiss on the forehead..but sasuke is clueless of this and only flips her forehead and says thank you like a good boy.. then she gets this puzzled look when the flip happens why cause is not what she is waiting for ..

I was waiting for a long time that Naruto would have done it already.. Cause he knows she is expecting that.. Would have been the perfect ending to 699 Sasuke flips Sakura's head and leaves .. Naruto sees that goes to her telling her "Sakura I forgot to give you something from long ago lowers her forehead and kiss it" then leaves too..She is puzzle by it and then remembers back to chapter 3 and starts crying as all the memories of the dumb things he has done for her comes pouring in as her tear start flowing faster realizing it was him that said those words and running towards him hugs him call his attention to turn around and gives him what was left pending on chapter 3 the kiss from her.. would have been the perfect ending in the manga or the movie...

That is all ruined now..

Some people think Naruto as a story is cut and dry but is really not.. there is a lot of info hidden which follows up with his chuunin written exam logic.. About gathering information and concealment.. both written exams versions on the base level are the same is bout how you obtain information and what you do with it.. So most take what Kishimoto says on interview as his true words but I realize he has always given generalize answers so not to give the plots away and still be truthful in releasing information to the fans.. Kushina and Sakura share more personal traits then with Hinata.. as females they do share some traits but on the personal individual levels Sakura share more traits with Kushina then Hinata.. Kushina was tailor around Sakura very carefully why would I say that cause no one knew what Kushina was gonna be like since before she was mention to be his mother there was no information about her at all.. the only information available that most could compare was Naruto to Minato and Jiraiya.. as the share the same spikey haircut.. then later on we found out Minato was his father and Jiraiya was his godfather.. I thought he was his grandfather but I was close lol .. Jiraiya was a father type to Naruto.. But many call me absurd an idiot.. Naruto was so dumb he could not be the 4th son.. and disregarded the logic that he was not brought up as a normal kid.. he was brought out in fear of him breaking the seal so he was taught stuff to make him happy.. Hey you give a kid wooden car and he will be happy as if it been the most expensive toy car..Hence he was keep at bay from important jutsu so he became kinda of dumb.. As well his level of learning curve was so high that easy stuff bore him to hell and he did not care whether or not he did it right unless it was use for pranking hence learning sexy no jutsu while not able to make clones.. then he was given something a lot harder and uncommon that force him to use his max chakra pool so of course he would master it and become his most useful jutsu..cause basically became his learning aid as we discover later on..

Overrall Kishimoto is far from over with the story but something funny is that he has a thing for number 3.. Naruto first time period ended around chapter 350 and the second period ended as well 350 chapters later yah I haven't seen anybody picking up on this.. lol I pick it up while watching doing a collage with page 663 page 6 and 693 page 6 something cool he did with it lol..Also remember there are 3 sanin.. every group has 3 people in it.. lol so on..


You said:"Be more specific about change of heart. Because there were signs of changes before the end of the first arc."

Why are the feelings/scenes of Naruto and Sakura omitted?

Since the end of Shippuden this has been omitted and taken out.. When the village link to Naruto all saw his memories yet no one saw what happen between Sakura and Naruto not even Sakura herself or Sasuke..

When Octopops told Iruka he has seen who is in naruto's heart  he never mentions Sakura which we know has always been in his heart..

Sakura and Karin are lying about Sarada.
Sasuke may not be aware of it. May be he is?
When Sasuke talk to Sarada about being there daughter there is big panes of Sakura and Sasuke.. He is facing and looking at Sarada.. but Sakura is facing away like she is hiding something may be from him or he does know..
The entire questioning of her birth is the biggest clue..

Why have Sakura nostalgic over Naruto doing errands in Boruto.. There is no need for that she plainly ignores Ino and watches Naruto.. 

Why was RTN made non-canon.. when is clear all that is happening till now came from it Tsukyomi world.. the pairing.. all comes from it.. 

So if RTN was not cannon everything that came after is also non-canon.. hence this is not the end..

When in the last movie Naruto had to write something in that piece of paper.. he would have written Sakura he was crazy over her.. 

As of now Sakura is lying.. Sasuke is missing always. Naruto is not at home and overworking Hinata does nothing to stop him or make him aware of it.. Then you have the opening of boruto manga total destruction.. not a happy ending ..

Talking outside of it .. I think he planned it that way.. it may look like he doesn't but is all in his plan.. 

I have discover stuff that may would not pay attention and easily dismiss.. 

The more in depth I go the more I discover. His fascination with the number 3 makes me wonder he even uses the hex value.. 001 to write patterns.. 

This is the chapter number for Promise of Lifetime which is chapter 183..
If you use single digit math you get 1 + 8 + 3 = 12 .. 1+2 = 3..

This both links are about life and death in one Sakura is saving Naruto by holding his heart


This one Sasuke the love of her life is ending her life with a blow to her heart


You can also see that he has used top frame for one and bottom frame for the other.. 

When people say Kishimoto has no control over it or doesn't know what he is doing I remember this images..  This images are parallel to each other in different ways..

The last which clear shows an ending pair is this one


Sakura kneeling beside Naruto and Karin kneeling besides Sasuke..  Why put that pane like that side by side.. why the need to put another pair of parallel panes.. 


You said:"Not feelin’ it. Looks like basic nostalgia with respect to their own chunnin exams. Context matters and the context is that SS and NH are canon while Sakura and Naruto remain good friends. Nothing about this screams change of direction"

What I wrote before is some explanation of what I have found.. 

Yet this is all base on same principal..

Naruto's main plots are 3.. 

Naruto acknowledged by the village
Naruto becoming Hokage
Naruto having a love interest

each chapter of the manga cover each point..  2 of those plots have been closed.. Apparently the third plot also.. I say apparently cause is not.. The story breaks or branches out from the third plot.. rescuing Sasuke was never a main plot.. its a sub plot from the third plot..

Now the third chapter.. Naruto is introduce and goes to school when he sees Sakura for the first time he is drawn with a little heart while excitedly saying her name.. (We have no idea of rivalry yet) pay attention to that Naruto is not aware that Sakura likes Sasuke..) Once he is bump and she goes over to him then we see him jealous yet still no rivalry when teams are made boom rivalry but it's not over Sakura it's over who is top student or power.. (Hence the last movie Narutos feelings for Sakura where over rivalry gets blank out as lie) Sasuke and Naruto always fight over power but not for Sakura..  Move foward to when Sakura is along day dreaming of Sasuke is Naruto who shows up as him..

Ok keep that in mind.. Now During the war arc when Team seven gets together to fight Madara.. you don't get this effect in the manga but you do see it in the anime.. Madara flicks his eyes with Rinnegan and Sakura jumps to him.. To me that is an indication she may have fallen for genjutsu right there.. and we been following what Sakura knows and feels trap in genjutsu world she may not be aware off..  Why just like when she was day dreaming Sasuke was hers.. She has the man of her dreams that has giving her a daughter would you think she be aware that it was a dream no.. Kabuto and Itachi said to understand you are trap in it.. you have to be aware of your honest self and Sakura has been blinded by a lie made by Naruto back in chapter 3 that Sasuke likes her and even try to kiss her.. 

Then there is the time when Sasuke puts her in genjutsu and strikes her heart so hard that even Naruto feels it.. This another time where She may have fallen yet she wakes up but we dont see Kakashi waking her up and she gives this alarm face..

This also happens in the last we never see her wake up from genjutsu we only hear how she wakes up.. While we see how the others wake up we dont see how or what she saw in her genjutsu..
So going back into chapter 3 I can see how this relates back to her being daydreaming of Sasuke. Also everything about naruto and sakuras relationship has been silence by a lie.. 

So far Naruto has not achieved his third goal which has always been Sakura.. Sakura always in base values matches third while Hinata matches 2nd..

#50 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 16 February 2017 - 10:28 AM

You are very easy to trigger. It doesn't matter Naruto hasn't achieved his goal. He is a failure. His marriage is in shambles. Or anything else. It doesn't matter how many overly long post you can write. In order to change it into what you want it to be Sasuke and Hinata ending up together. There has to be a will within the companies to change the pairings. There is no such will. Kishimoto is done with the series and wants to move on to his new series. His successors don't care and even if they did they think they could bring back the SNs SH NS fans with BS. SP are die hard Hinata fans and they were the ones that were forcing Hinata into the spot light, which they chose to be nH. SJ and Shueisha don't care if Boruto falls they will drop it and find something else.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 17 February 2017 - 02:52 AM.

#51 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 16 February 2017 - 06:37 PM


You said:"The forehead poke was sign of affection. It’s was an SS moment and it was meant to be romantic. Even if she desperately wants the kiss? So what? That scene was SS and not some super secret calling to NS. That he didn’t kiss her means nothing because they are so obviously paralleling that with Itachi’s gestures of affection."

Just the flip on the forehead nothing more, he didn't even find it romantic when he did that, the flip on the forehead just meant he finally acknowledges her as a important friend,

I'm tired of SasuSaku fans (Not saying that you are) thinking that flip on the forehead means something romantic, Sasuke learned flipping someone on the forehead from his mother, So are they going to say that Sasuke's mother mikoto has romantic feelings for Sasuke ? because she flips him on the forehead... the flip on the forehead means you deeply care about someone not anything romantic...

Yes the flip on the forehead means love but love as in someone important to you, Itachi flips Sasuke on the forehead but because he considers Sasuke as Someone very dear to him but did Itachi ever have romantic feelings for Sasuke ? no ? So How can Sasuke flipping Sakura on the forehead be a romantic parallel to Itachi flipping Sasuke on the forehead when Itachi never had romantic feelings for Sasuke ? how would you even come up with that thought ? are you a SasuItachi shipper ?   :wot: 

When has Sasuke ever hugged Sakura ? When has Sasuke ever kissed Sakura ? When has Sasuke ever said he loves Sakura ? the answer is never which is clear that there isn't anything romantic involved and Kishimoto perfectly highlights that hint in the SasuSaku relationship, Sasuke and Sakura's marriage isn't about love it's about reviving and repopulating the Uchiha clan, Sakura will eventually realize this and come to her senses and start looking at Naruto in a new way, she will see that Naruto has been looking out for her and Sarada during Sasuke's absence from it she will compare what it is to live with Naruto compared to living with Sasuke to see who truly loves her and her family,

Sarada sees Naruto as her actual father, he fills the void of the father/husband of Sakura and Sarada's family, while Boruto sees Sasuke as his actual father, Sasuke fills the void of the father/husband of Hinata, Boruto, and Himawari's family, understand now ? Kishimoto didn't completely neglect NaruSaku and SasuHina he practically put these 2 relationships together without having them marry each other simply meaning that NaruSaku family and SasuHina families happened without a marriage actually happened, But many NaruSaku fans aren't looking at it that way they aren't looking at it as deeply as I am and only looking at it simple mindedly like "NaruHina and SasuSaku won it's over boo hoo hoo hoo" when as I pointed out Kishimoto basically gave us NaruSaku and SasuHina family life.

If anything Sasuke being absent from his family life with Sakura and Sarada while Naruto takes care of both Sakura and Sarada is a parallel to the relationship Sakura and Sasuke had when they were young, Sasuke being absent and away from the village while Naruto looked after and protected Sakura while he was away on his revenge quest, this is one of the hidden messages that many Naruto fans ignore, Sasuke will never be there for Sakura Naruto always will, The Boruto manga will finally have Sakura come to realize this fact

Yes the weddings of NaruHina and SasuSaku happened but they are not about true love the Boruto manga is the manga that shows Naruto,Sakura,Sasuke,and Hinata who their true loves really are, I don't know how many times I must clarify this to you...

Boy I can't wait to see how pissed off Sarada will be that the only reason she was born and the only reason Sasuke protects her is because she is for reviving the Uchiha clan nothing more, Understand now ? Naruto finds Sarada important to him because she is exactly like him he sees her like a daughter to him because she wants to be the Hokage just like him there is a actual legit connection between them, Unlike Sasuke who just sees Sarada as the child to revive his clan nothing more, So is now blatantly obvious why Naruto and Sarada are so close ? Naruto is her actual father, Sasuke is not and Sarada will see that in the Boruto manga. 


You said:"And…it went nowhere. Red herring, ditched under pressure from editors….don’t care the specific reason for purposes of this post. It did not materialize into NS. It’s that simple."

Once again... NaruHina is the red herring for NaruSaku to happen

Naruto never cared for Hinata to him she didn't exist outside of being a weirdo.. as he called her several times..

If Naruto would care for Hinata he would have hugged her at the end of Pain arc.. Naruto only show compassion and support towards somebody who all gave her the look as inferior including her cousin Neji.. From there people came to the conclusion he had feelings for her.. He was compassionate for someone who was struggling like him, He gave raves of admiration for her courage while being weak.. He did the blood oath to get revenge for someone who was being oppressed..

If Naruto would have really cared for Hinata he would have paid more attention to her confession.. her confession would have a harder impact on him it did nothing.. She confess to him x2 for him to notice.. Yet at the time he notice he was being pushed towards her big time all dialogue was meant to push him that way..After he spoke to Sakura he gave in.. and said he had to settle down.. He settle for Hinata he did not loved her.. he settle for someone who loved him yet he did not love her.. He may have grown to love her but that is unknown yet.. While on Naruto Gaiden she hardly appear but a picture.. During Boruto the movie she did nothing to stop him from overworking from crashing and trashing her daughters party.. People are mistaken on the relationship between Naruto and Hinata its not working just like Sasuke and Sakura doesn't even exist.. There still too much missing information to create a beginning for the third stage..

All I can conclude Kishimoto has written all the character that will be remain in the story at the end and he will modify them as he wishes and create disposable characters or characters meant to just die to a purpose..
Also I doubt this will be conclude in the manga Boruto but the final movie the last movie he can create without damaging his math equation with the number 3.. So far been 2 manga segments (Naruto, Naruto Shippuden) 11 movies and 2 anime chapters name like the manga.. All right now is ending in 2.. the next ending is 3 and final.. All will end when Manga, Anime and Movie all equal to 3..

001 which is the hex word for 3 also fall into Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto.

His love has been Sakura, Hinata, X which will be Sakura following the same code.. This pattern is written in the major arcs too.. Pain arc Sakura screams naruto shows up.. Hinata confesses .. Sakura ends the arc..

War Arc.. cant recall the first but then follows Neji making hinata and Naruto hold hands..Sakura saves Naruto, Naruto Saves Sakura Even when Neji makes them hold hands does not over shadow the way Sakura saves Naruto nor when Naruto saves Sakura..

Right now even though Hinata is Naruto's wife she hardly has air time and has been all about Sakura and Naruto being drawn to misery..

BTW most of the flash backs have been altered to benefit the relationship of Naruto and Hinata they don't exist outside the realm they are shown.. As well most are incorrect and are inconstant with what really happen. Which makes me believe we are viewing the genjutsu world of someone who doesn't know how Naruto and Sasuke feel about each girl.. Some of it looks like is been viewed from a female perspective and not a male one.. So we may be looking thru the view of someone female who lacks some knowledge of how the males feel about them. Yet we see the males settling in accepting the fate without a fight but rather wanting to escape their prison.. Naruto overworks and Sasuke is not around and have not been part of Sarada's life for years.. Most try to give a reason but they don't see them as failed marriages and make excuses. Bottom line these are failed marriages and is not what each of the males wanted.. They wanted family and children and peace..it doesn't exist yet..

So as many don't want to realize Kishimoto has left back doors open to reset all of this.. just I don't know when he will use them.. The biggest one and most Hinata fans fear and Naru/Saku fans want is genjutsu trap world..

This is all part of Kishimoto's idea of the love plot.. During the first segment Naruto .. we met him and he was utterly alone.. then he went to school got assigned a group and we saw him getting along with them and a love interest was introduced and love triangle that has not been broken yet.. It seems that it has been solved just like everyone thought Itachi was so corrupt he killed his own clan.. from the beginning it was too good to be true.. and it was not..

So far Kishimoto has laid out a foundation for the outcome of the final third segment. The first was acceptance the second segment was unrequited love which had to end the way it did to close the Hinata segment.. So we have him alone then he was accepted by everyone including Sakura.. yet one line in the whole War Arc was set in motion.. said by Sakura "as long as I live you will not die" so by this line alone Sakura has stated she cant live without him.. now can she live not been around him as close as she was part of his life so close.. can she live knowing he belongs to someone else.. can she stand watching him from afar like he did for so long..

This are all part of the last segments took me awhile to figure it out.. Yet it has all been calculated that way by Kishimoto. I am basically waiting for him to start doing a 360 on this story with the like this all was in Sakura and Hinata's mind as they wanted men that were not in love with them or never return their love do to different reasons..

I have seen several indications this could all be inside Sakura head.. as some relevant information has been omitted for awhile now and replace with absurd reasoning..

You said:"by now you can see Sakura always is reflected at the end or has a bigger role towards the end..  Okay….?"

Yes there is.. Sakura's time to shine will be when Naruto is lost..Sakura never shines outside of that .. Her name is key Sakura trees only blossom in season out season they are dried up trees..

Most follow what Kishimoto says on interviews but never paid attention to what he shows in the manga. He will never come out straight to give you the ending of the story so most of his answers fall in the realm of general knowledge not really what he wants to say. He can generalize an answer without giving you the answer to the likes of Sakura being Sarada's mothers.. he said everything except tell you "Yes she is her biological mother" those words he never said. He gave an elongated answer but never touch the true topic.. So he can say he detest her and be all a lie to cover the truth..

Kishimoto is about uncovering truth not he telling you the truth. So I can tell you .. you can watch all Kishimoto's interviews and when you read his work you will be like this is not what he said.. Many have encounter that to which they call him a troll.

Every event in Naruto has been systematically and mathematically calculated into the story. So Kishimoto has the freedom to say whatever and wont alter the story timeline.. His continuous use of the base value of 3 and hex form allows to show a different way to read Naruto..

So is my assumption that everything he wrote in first 3 chapter of the manga are the original main plots. As of now 2 are finished and 1 still missing and he is toying with it. Yet if you use chapter 3 as road map for everything that has happen in Naruto so far you will understand something else.. As well he gave away the ending to Naruto in that chapter that many dismiss and even want to degrade Yet is the road map to what is to happen in the whole story love wise. This is just like RTN was the road map to what has happen so far in this current so call end still some were fooled by the line that is not to be taken as canon lol..

Ok.. Hmm nope.. Hinata was not protecting anybody. She was being selfish she put her feelings against the entire village at risk. Sakura was healing the injured which included Tsunade and Kakashi among others. She took it upon herself to command or take charge and told no one should go near Naruto at all to prevent him from going nine-tails.. Since with just 5 he almost kill Jiraiya, Sakura knew the out come and try to prevent Naruto killing the entire village and loosing himself to madness. Hinata did nothing but reckless selfish actions that endangered all. Lets do switch roll what would have happen if Sakura was not healing and saw Naruto being trap like that.. she would have jump and broken the floor with a single punch .. Sakura's massive strengths would have free Naruto from anywhere in a huge radius.. Leaving Naruto only to remove the pins and regenerated all wounds..

It did not take Naruto that much he accepted Hinata after he talk to Sakura where he said he had to settle.. Naruto settle for Hinata when he saw her memories in the genjutsu pool but it was amazing his memories of Sakura never came to play.. Since she was a major part of his life as child.

Sakura has been in loved with Naruto for awhile now.. It started during the chuunin written exams where she was about to throw the test for him to have a chance to take it next year and not ruin his dream of Hokage.. Its kinda the first signs where Naruto became more important then Sasuke.. You got also the fight at the hospital Naruto vs Sasuke where you can see a Sakura more worried of Naruto then Sasuke to the point of screaming his name.. On shippuden you have a Sakura worried when Naruto will come back asking everyday the guards if he has comeback.. She is the first to greet him back.. and so on..

The subplots of Hinata being with Naruto and Sakura being with Sasuke is done.. There is nothing more they go downhill from it to show how it doesn't work both are dysfunctional families.. absentee fathers.. etc..

Pretty much you have a Naruto out control and a Sasuke who doesn't care for the family he so cherish to have.. Hinata got death flags risen around her.. She was suppose to die during Pain arc (no one who fought pain got out alive except Naruto most ended in death or in comma.. Tsunade was in comma and so was Kakashi if you wager their strengths vs Hinata she should have died right there).. and when Momoshiki and his friend attack she almost die too.. Doubt she will be save on the third time..

You said:"As for Naruto interest in Sakura….That’s certainly what it looked like until the very end of the manga and The Last. That movie sure showed us, I guess.


As for the series ending with Sakura and Boruto beginning with Hinata. It’s insignificant. This sounds like you trying to create patterns out of nothing."

The main problem why Sakura is so bent on Sasuke is the lie on chapter 3..she is waiting for the kiss on the forehead..but sasuke is clueless of this and only flips her forehead and says thank you like a good boy.. then she gets this puzzled look when the flip happens why cause is not what she is waiting for ..

I was waiting for a long time that Naruto would have done it already.. Cause he knows she is expecting that.. Would have been the perfect ending to 699 Sasuke flips Sakura's head and leaves .. Naruto sees that goes to her telling her "Sakura I forgot to give you something from long ago lowers her forehead and kiss it" then leaves too..She is puzzle by it and then remembers back to chapter 3 and starts crying as all the memories of the dumb things he has done for her comes pouring in as her tear start flowing faster realizing it was him that said those words and running towards him hugs him call his attention to turn around and gives him what was left pending on chapter 3 the kiss from her.. would have been the perfect ending in the manga or the movie...

That is all ruined now..

Some people think Naruto as a story is cut and dry but is really not.. there is a lot of info hidden which follows up with his chuunin written exam logic.. About gathering information and concealment.. both written exams versions on the base level are the same is bout how you obtain information and what you do with it.. So most take what Kishimoto says on interview as his true words but I realize he has always given generalize answers so not to give the plots away and still be truthful in releasing information to the fans.. Kushina and Sakura share more personal traits then with Hinata.. as females they do share some traits but on the personal individual levels Sakura share more traits with Kushina then Hinata.. Kushina was tailor around Sakura very carefully why would I say that cause no one knew what Kushina was gonna be like since before she was mention to be his mother there was no information about her at all.. the only information available that most could compare was Naruto to Minato and Jiraiya.. as the share the same spikey haircut.. then later on we found out Minato was his father and Jiraiya was his godfather.. I thought he was his grandfather but I was close lol .. Jiraiya was a father type to Naruto.. But many call me absurd an idiot.. Naruto was so dumb he could not be the 4th son.. and disregarded the logic that he was not brought up as a normal kid.. he was brought out in fear of him breaking the seal so he was taught stuff to make him happy.. Hey you give a kid wooden car and he will be happy as if it been the most expensive toy car..Hence he was keep at bay from important jutsu so he became kinda of dumb.. As well his level of learning curve was so high that easy stuff bore him to hell and he did not care whether or not he did it right unless it was use for pranking hence learning sexy no jutsu while not able to make clones.. then he was given something a lot harder and uncommon that force him to use his max chakra pool so of course he would master it and become his most useful jutsu..cause basically became his learning aid as we discover later on..

Overrall Kishimoto is far from over with the story but something funny is that he has a thing for number 3.. Naruto first time period ended around chapter 350 and the second period ended as well 350 chapters later yah I haven't seen anybody picking up on this.. lol I pick it up while watching doing a collage with page 663 page 6 and 693 page 6 something cool he did with it lol..Also remember there are 3 sanin.. every group has 3 people in it.. lol so on..


You said:"Be more specific about change of heart. Because there were signs of changes before the end of the first arc."

Why are the feelings/scenes of Naruto and Sakura omitted?

Since the end of Shippuden this has been omitted and taken out.. When the village link to Naruto all saw his memories yet no one saw what happen between Sakura and Naruto not even Sakura herself or Sasuke..

When Octopops told Iruka he has seen who is in naruto's heart  he never mentions Sakura which we know has always been in his heart..

Sakura and Karin are lying about Sarada.
Sasuke may not be aware of it. May be he is?
When Sasuke talk to Sarada about being there daughter there is big panes of Sakura and Sasuke.. He is facing and looking at Sarada.. but Sakura is facing away like she is hiding something may be from him or he does know..
The entire questioning of her birth is the biggest clue..

Why have Sakura nostalgic over Naruto doing errands in Boruto.. There is no need for that she plainly ignores Ino and watches Naruto.. 

Why was RTN made non-canon.. when is clear all that is happening till now came from it Tsukyomi world.. the pairing.. all comes from it.. 

So if RTN was not cannon everything that came after is also non-canon.. hence this is not the end..

When in the last movie Naruto had to write something in that piece of paper.. he would have written Sakura he was crazy over her.. 

As of now Sakura is lying.. Sasuke is missing always. Naruto is not at home and overworking Hinata does nothing to stop him or make him aware of it.. Then you have the opening of boruto manga total destruction.. not a happy ending ..

Talking outside of it .. I think he planned it that way.. it may look like he doesn't but is all in his plan.. 

I have discover stuff that may would not pay attention and easily dismiss.. 

The more in depth I go the more I discover. His fascination with the number 3 makes me wonder he even uses the hex value.. 001 to write patterns.. 

This is the chapter number for Promise of Lifetime which is chapter 183..
If you use single digit math you get 1 + 8 + 3 = 12 .. 1+2 = 3..

This both links are about life and death in one Sakura is saving Naruto by holding his heart


This one Sasuke the love of her life is ending her life with a blow to her heart


You can also see that he has used top frame for one and bottom frame for the other.. 

When people say Kishimoto has no control over it or doesn't know what he is doing I remember this images..  This images are parallel to each other in different ways..

The last which clear shows an ending pair is this one


Sakura kneeling beside Naruto and Karin kneeling besides Sasuke..  Why put that pane like that side by side.. why the need to put another pair of parallel panes.. 


You said:"Not feelin’ it. Looks like basic nostalgia with respect to their own chunnin exams. Context matters and the context is that SS and NH are canon while Sakura and Naruto remain good friends. Nothing about this screams change of direction"

What I wrote before is some explanation of what I have found.. 

Yet this is all base on same principal..

Naruto's main plots are 3.. 

Naruto acknowledged by the village
Naruto becoming Hokage
Naruto having a love interest

each chapter of the manga cover each point..  2 of those plots have been closed.. Apparently the third plot also.. I say apparently cause is not.. The story breaks or branches out from the third plot.. rescuing Sasuke was never a main plot.. its a sub plot from the third plot..

Now the third chapter.. Naruto is introduce and goes to school when he sees Sakura for the first time he is drawn with a little heart while excitedly saying her name.. (We have no idea of rivalry yet) pay attention to that Naruto is not aware that Sakura likes Sasuke..) Once he is bump and she goes over to him then we see him jealous yet still no rivalry when teams are made boom rivalry but it's not over Sakura it's over who is top student or power.. (Hence the last movie Narutos feelings for Sakura where over rivalry gets blank out as lie) Sasuke and Naruto always fight over power but not for Sakura..  Move foward to when Sakura is along day dreaming of Sasuke is Naruto who shows up as him..

Ok keep that in mind.. Now During the war arc when Team seven gets together to fight Madara.. you don't get this effect in the manga but you do see it in the anime.. Madara flicks his eyes with Rinnegan and Sakura jumps to him.. To me that is an indication she may have fallen for genjutsu right there.. and we been following what Sakura knows and feels trap in genjutsu world she may not be aware off..  Why just like when she was day dreaming Sasuke was hers.. She has the man of her dreams that has giving her a daughter would you think she be aware that it was a dream no.. Kabuto and Itachi said to understand you are trap in it.. you have to be aware of your honest self and Sakura has been blinded by a lie made by Naruto back in chapter 3 that Sasuke likes her and even try to kiss her.. 

Then there is the time when Sasuke puts her in genjutsu and strikes her heart so hard that even Naruto feels it.. This another time where She may have fallen yet she wakes up but we dont see Kakashi waking her up and she gives this alarm face..

This also happens in the last we never see her wake up from genjutsu we only hear how she wakes up.. While we see how the others wake up we dont see how or what she saw in her genjutsu..
So going back into chapter 3 I can see how this relates back to her being daydreaming of Sasuke. Also everything about naruto and sakuras relationship has been silence by a lie.. 

So far Naruto has not achieved his third goal which has always been Sakura.. Sakura always in base values matches third while Hinata matches 2nd..


You brought up one instant of Hinata worrying about Sasuke and tried to pass it off as if it means there is a "possibility" of them having feelings for each other, to which I said that if that were true, then the same could be applied to Naruto with all the ones who showed worry about him, or anyone who had someone worry about them.


#52 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 16 February 2017 - 08:15 PM

You brought up one instant of Hinata worrying about Sasuke and tried to pass it off as if it means there is a "possibility" of them having feelings for each other, to which I said that if that were true, then the same could be applied to Naruto with all the ones who showed worry about him, or anyone who had someone worry about them.

My theories are not about blowing up one moment in the manga than what it's shown to be, I point out moments as they are and MAKE PREDICTIONS ON WHERE THEY CAN POSSIBILITY LEAD I never change or alternate a scene in the manga, I have always been transparent with this on all my theories, My theories are more about predictions not about fabricating what is not there.

My theories are about looking at one moment in the manga and making theories about those moments and make predictions on where they can possibility lead to

And when you said:

"one instant of Hinata worrying about Sasuke and tried to pass it off as if it means there is a "possibility" of them having feelings for each other, to which I said that if that were true, then the same could be applied to Naruto with all the ones who showed worry about him, or anyone who had someone worry about them."

No because out of all the Ninja that Sasuke has yet to develop a deep relationship with, Hinata is the most eligible choice for pairing material for Sasuke lets go over it FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME:


The Byakugan Can Evolve Into The Sharingan

The Byakugan can evolve into the Sharingan if the Byakugan user experiences extreme despair such as losing a important and loved person



Sasuke can spend time with Hinata and train her to teach her how to unlock the sharingan since he knows how it activates, But logically Hinata should have already unlocked the Sharingan after witnessing the death of her beloved brother Neji right in front of her but I guess Kishimoto forgot to give her the sharingan at that scene so i guess that was omitted, Kishimoto has shown many times to forget giving his characters eye powers,hence forgetting to give Boruto the byakugan

Yes Hinata should be able to unlock the Sharingan just like Hagoromo did, because Hinata is a decedent of Hamura who is the brother of Hagoromo who shares the same amount of Otsutsuki DNA since they were both born from the same mother (Kaguya) Since Hinata is a Hyuga who is a decedent of the Otsutsuki Clan branch that lived on the moon she should be almost pure Otsutsuki Because The Hyuga clan never married people outside of their clan so they mated with members of their clan preserving their Otsutsuki DNA so Since the Hyuga clan has the HIGHEST amount of Otsutsuki DNA Hinata should be able to unlock all of there abilities, the fact that she already has the Byakugan which is a Otsutsuki clan ability is evidence.

Even though the Kaguya/Hagoromo/Hamura arc was filler it was intended to give some lore on the origins of the Byakugan, Sharingan, And Rinnegan, And since it showed us that the Byakugan can evolve in the Sharingan that means Hinata is capable of Unlocking the Sharingan.

Also listen to Neji's words about the Origins of the Uchiha Clan


So if the Uchiha Clan originated from the Hyuga clan that would mean that the Uchiha were Hyuga's at one point meaning they originally had the Byakugan but later mutated into the Sharingan when they became Uchiha, this is evidence that the Byakugan can evolve into the Sharingan.

This also means that Sasuke would no longer be the last Uchiha with the Sharingan therefore meaning Hinata would have been the BETTER candidate to become Sasuke's Wife instead of Sakura


She Has The Best Genes Available


Again Uchiha is said to be Hyuga’s descendants so Sasuke’s Uchiha genes will be more preserved if he married a Hyuga. Hinata is the only Hyuga who fits his criteria (not fangirl, not noisy, long hair) so it is clear that they should be together to procreate better Uchiha children. Since Sasuke is the last Uchiha, he should preserve his genes as much as he can, right? Maybe his decendants can marry each other as cousin later to preserve the genes more but for now, Hyuga is the best choice to restore his clan.
Not to mention Hyuga has the traits to produce twins so Sasuke’s clan can be revived much faster than if he tried it with an ordinary girl. Also, think about the power that can be obtained by the mix of Uchiha-Hyuga!


Sasuke clearly needs powerful succesor to revive the clan. And as the renowned clan, Hyuga can help to protect and assist Uchiha both inside or outside the council/court in its journey to restore its former glory.
Now see the result of OOC canon? Uchiha is alone in its rebuilding path (Naruto is so distant, Sakura is clanless) and the only heir is a girl who wears glasses! Wow!
Why does an Uchiha descendant wear glasses? Won’t she go blind if sharingan is activated like Itachi that actually had NORMAL eyes? Yeah, this is the most screwed out scenario from the so-called “new flame of Uchiha” whatsoever or SALAD. Not only she doesn’t have that cool Uchiha looks but her genes are so bad that her supposed-to-be-family’s-techniques now perhaps is useless on her. An Uchiha with glasses? That is unheard of! Maybe she is really adopted afterall?
If she by any miracles managed to not blind activating sharingan, that means OOC card is used again. And how can she revive Uchiha if she will change her family name once she gets married? (most likely to an Uzumaki, nonetheless). Yeah… yeah… good bye forever, Uchiha! Not only your sharingan will only be a distant memory but your family name too! The flame looks so deem already!

Sasuke And Hinata Will Have A Relationship Of Compassion And Understanding

Lets go over it:


Yin Yang is a dual concept of Taoist belief, one that tells of how two opposing but interdependent forces exist in all things in the world, living or non-living.

In Naruto, the taijitu (Yin Yang symbol) can be seen surrounded by the Bagua (Eight Trigrams) in the divination field of the Hyuga Clan, whose fighting style may have been based on Baguazhang (Eight Trigram Palm), one of the three Chinese 'internal' martial arts. 

On the other hand, the Uchiha Clan’s Sharingan is symbolized by the three tomoe. The mitsu-domoe may also hold a similar meaning to Yin Yangwhere the three tomoe separately represent earth (Yin), heaven (Yang) and the union of earth and heaven (third tomoe).

Yin, among others, is symbolized by:
Female, deficient, passive, dark – characteristics fitting Hinata 
Season: Winter
Primary Element: Water

Birth month: December
Season: Winter
Element: -

Yang, among others, is symbolized by:
Male, excessive, active, bright – characteristics fitting Sasuke
Season: Summer
Primary Element: Fire

Birth month: July
Season: Summer
Elements: Fire , Lightning

The Major Numbers  of Yin and Yang
8 is the major number of Yin
Hinata's team number: 8

Hyuga Clan: 
The Hyuga clan and it's members are well known for the use of eight divination signs, hakke (八卦), where hak is synonymous to hachi (八), meaning eight.
7 is the major number of Yang
Sasuke's team number: 7

Uchiha Clan: 
The best kept secret of the Uchiha is the ability of the Mangekyou Sharingan to control the nine-tailed demon. This information was hidden in the Uchiha clan's secret meeting place, located at the Nakano shrine under the seventh tatami mat. 

The Minor Numbers  of Yin and Yang
6 is the minor number of Yin and 9 is the minor number of Yang
Hinata's birth date: December 27 (12 27);
Sasuke's birth date: July 23 (07 23). 

Adding these numbers, like two halves of a whole, the sum would be 69. Moreover, by mere appearance, the number 69 closely resembles theYin Yang symbol.

Yin and Yang are Complementary Opposites I
The similarities of Hinata and Sasuke
Noble birth: Hyuga
Bloodline Limit: Byakugan (eye technique)
Sought the acknowledgement of a parent
Noble birth: Uchiha
Bloodline Limit: Sharingan (eye technique)
Sought the acknowledgment of a parent

Relationship with the "Older Brother"

In his younger days, Hizashi asked Neji to protect Hinata and 
the Hyuga.

Before his death, Fugaku asked Itachi to take care of Sasuke.

Rivalries despite the promises.

Teamwork with Sibling in the 4th shinobi war.
Neji and Hinata against White Zetsu
Sasuke and Itachi gainst Kabuto

A White Zetsu clone captured Neji

In a subsequent but separate event, Hinata protected Neji from a White Zetsu clone (see second panel).

Kabuto's technique temporarily incapacitated Itachi

Subsequent to Itachi's temporary incapacitation, Sasuke protected Itachi with Amaterasu, stopping Kabuto from a distance.

Neji died protecting Hinata (and Naruto) from Jūbi's attacks.

Itachi died protecting Sasuke from Orochimaru 
(essentially freeing Sasuke from the Cursed Seal).

Relationship with Naruto Uzumaki

Hinata protected Naruto from Pain

Sasuke protected Naruto from Haku

When Hinata appeared to have died, 
Naruto fully transformed into the eight-tailed demon fox
(image shows the six-tailed transformation).

When Sasuke appeared to have died, 
Naruto awakened the nine-tailed demon fox in him 

Teamwork with Naruto in the 4th Shinobi War
Jūbi used Wood Style: Cutting Sprigs on the Shinobi Alliance.
Princess Kaguya unleashed an attack on Team 7.

Hinata and Sasuke (Susanoo) raised their hands to protect Naruto when others were unable.

Regrettably, some efforts are never enough.
Important Note: The following should be viewed only as Neji's metaphor, the caged bird.
Neji took the attack aimed at Hinata and Naruto.
Sasuke's Susanoo and his Hawk summoning took the attack. 
Susanoo wasn't as effective while the Hawk's vital points were hit.

Neji's death caused Naruto to falter.

Previously, Shikamaru's near-death state caused Naruto to falter.

Obito attempted to give him doubts, however,
Hinata woke him from his stupor.
Sasuke woke him from his stupor.

Naruto thereafter reflected upon everyone's sacrifices. Having decided not to let them go in vain, he moved forward.

Yin and Yang are Complementary Opposites II
The opposition of Hinata and Sasuke
Hinata (Hyuga successor) is 5 years older than Hanabi.

Hinata performed Jūho Sōshiken
Gentle Fist - Yin
Sasuke is 5 years younger than Itachi (Uchiha successor?).

Sasuke developed Shishi Rendan based on Rock Lee's Front Lotus, Strong Fist - Yang

Kabuto Yakushi healed Hinata during the chūnin exams.

Kabuto Yakushi tried to kill Sasuke during the chūnin exams.

The Village Hidden in the Clouds once attempted to kidnap Hinata, 
in hopes of unlocking the secrets of the Byakugan.

Sasuke tried but failed to capture Killer Bee (the 8-Tails jinchūriki
of the Village Hidden in the Clouds for Akatsuki.

Hinata tried to protect Naruto from Pain, 
and confessed how she felt about him.

Sasuke tried to protect Naruto from Haku, 
and confessed how he felt about him.

Right is Yin and Left is Yang
With reference to Zetsu,
Yin - Black (right) ; Yang - White (left)

With reference to Hinata's JuuHo: Soushiken
Yin - komainu, right hand ; Yang - shishi, left hand
Note how the boxed lion seemed to have a relatively closed jaw compared to the other.

JuuHo: Soushiken may possibly be inspired by komainu (literally, Korean lions), a pair of lions usually found at the entryway of shrines. They are believed to ward off evil, and are almost identical in appearance except one lion has it's mouth closed (komainuYincounterpart), the other open (shishiYang counterpart). During the Heian period, they were identified separately but eventually, both became known as komainu.

With reference to Sasuke's Sharingan (appearance of second tomoe)
Yin - even number, right eye ; Yang - odd number, left eye

Presumption 01: When one eye technique is not in combination with another (this includes Madara's Rinnegan which both progressed from Sharingan shortly before his death), the polarity (Yin/Yang) takes into consideration the family of origin of the eye technique. These are:
Yin - Hyuga, emphasis of right Byakugan
Yang - Uchiha, emphasis of left Sharingan

Hinata and the Right Eye in Ch 437

Sasuke and the Left Eye in Ch 218, 397 and 673, respectively.

Ao and his Byakugan

Kakashi and his Sharingan

Shisui and Koto Amatsukami

Madara and his Sharingan
(*following the transplant of his Rinnegan to Nagato)

Presumption 02: Although irrelevant, in an interview wherein Mr. Kishimoto was asked, "If a Hyuga and an Uchiha had a child together, what eyes would s/he get?" Mr. Kishimoto answered, "His right eye would be a Sharingan. Meaning that the left one would be a Byakugan!" 

In the combination of the Byakugan and the Sharingan, the polarity of the eyes themselves may be taken into consideration. That is:


Yin - Sharingan on the right eye
Yang - Byakugan on the left eye

In Chapter 671: Naruto and the Sage of Six Paths...!!, Naruto and Sasuke were the receiving ends of the powers of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki. Asked to lift their dominant arms, Naruto raised Right (Yin) while Sasuke raised Left (Yang).
Emphases of the dominant arms may be similarly seen whether Naruto and Sasuke are fighting each other or together against someone else.
There was no depiction of dominant arms with regards to Hinata and Neji. However, briefly shown in the combined technique, Hakke Kūhekishō,
Hinata raised her Right hand (Yin) while Neji raised his Left hand (Yang).

There is a Yang in Yin and a Yin in Yang
There are no absolutes in Yin and Yang
The Hyuga Clan

Yin: Gentle Fist
inner Yang: Byakugan
The Uchiha Clan

Yang: Fire
inner Yin: Sharingan
Within the Hyuga Clan
Chapter 79: The Hyuga Clan
Yin: Cadet Branch, inner Yang: Neji
Yang: Main Branch, inner Yin: Hinata
Within the Uchiha Clan
Chapter 384: Two Paths...
Yin: Itachi
Yang: Sasuke
Yin: Hinata
inner Yang: "Sunny Place"
Yang: Neji
inner Yin: Darkness 
(Naruto saved him)
Yin: Itachi
inner Yang: Will of Fire
Yang: Sasuke
inner Yin: Darkness
Yin Hinata: Jūho Sōshiken
Jūho Sōshiken is a Gentle Fist (Yin) technique. 
Yin Itachi: Water
Based on the Five Elements, Water is Yin.
Yang NejiHakkeshō Kaiten
While also a Gentle Fist (Yin) technique, 
Kaiten literally means rotating heaven; Heaven is a symbol of Yang.
Yang Sasuke: Lightning
Based on the Five Elements, 
Lightning (synonymous to Heaven) is Yang.

As Hyuga, Hinata and Neji may be predominantly Yin but Neji's ability to perform Kaiten may also make him inclined to Yang.
As Uchiha, Itachi and Sasuke may be predominantly Yang but Itachi's affinity with Water may also make him inclined to Yin.

On a similar but separate note, when Naruto and Sasuke received the Yang and Yin powers from Hagoromo, respectively, it may appear that:

The power of Yang within Yin (Naruto).

The power of Yin within Yang (Sasuke).

Yin is passive where Yang is active
Yin Hinata: Hakke Rokujūyon Shō
Yin Itachi: Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi

Yang Neji: Hakke Rokujūyon Shō 

Yang Sasuke: 
Enton: Kagutsuchi and break-through of Tsukuyomi

Based on developments, the Yin counterparts may seem passive while Yang counterparts may seem active (i.e. surpassing).

Other characters seen to symbolize Yin and Yang
Sasuke and Naruto
Yang: Fire, Lightning
inner Yin: Sharingan
Yin: Wind
inner Yang: Life Force
Madara and Hashirama
Yang: Fire
inner Yin: Sharingan
Yin: Water
inner Yang: Wood *kekkei genkai
Gaara and Rock Lee
Yin: Wind

Yang: Strong Fist

Danzō and Hiruzen
"Foundation hidden in 
the darkness"
"Leaf upon which light shone"


4th Character Official Databook
online leak: first week of November 2014

In theory,

Yin: Gentle Fist
inner Yang: Byakugan

Yang: Fire, Lightning
inner Yin: Sharingan

Based on the 4th Character Official Databook, 
Hinata and Sasuke  have gained  chakra nature types with polarities which may theoretically compensate for what they lacked previously: 

Yang: Fire, Lightning

Yin: Water, Wind
*Sasuke has also gained Earth (Yin Yang), 
Yin Style
 and Yang Style.

From being predominantly Yin (Hinata) or predominantly Yang (Sasuke) to a full Yin-and-Yang.

Yin: Gentle Fist
inner Yang: Byakugan
Yang: Fire, Lightning

Yang: Fire, Lightning
YinYin Style
Yin: Wind, Water
inner Yang: Yang Style

Yin Yang: Earth

After hearing all of this it doesn't matter if other Ninja want to be pairing material for Sasuke, Because Hinata trumps them all because she is made for Sasuke even if they didn't get together, So if Hinata worries about Sasuke that should be seen as more romantically impactful than if any other Ninja that want to be with Sasuke if you understand how compatible Sasuke and Hinata are,

And Sasuke learns how similar and compatible he is to Hinata he will show and feel the most cocern to Hinata worrying and caring about him and choose her over any of the other Ninja that because she fits the Criteria of the woman he has always wanted, May I remind you that:


Hinata is Not Noisy


Sasuke doesn’t appreciate too much noise, while almost all Konoha’s kunoichis are talkative or/and loud EXCEPT for Hinata. Karin is not a quite one as well. So, if you wanna make that oh-so-canon-Sasuke’s-pairing, a noisy girl is a big NO NO for him. Again, the “real canon” is OOC because everybody knew that Sakura is noisy.

Even though Sasuke and Hinata did not marry each other at the end of Naruto Part 2 (Shippuden) they will always be compatible for each other and you and the rest of the posters on the these forums need to understand and accept that fact.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 16 February 2017 - 08:18 PM.

#53 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 17 February 2017 - 06:56 PM

They are not compatible.

One only needs to look at how the two normally are to realize that.

Sasuke only wants a "strong" woman, basically one who can take care of herself without him having to essentially babysit her while she is still being able to speak her mind without having to hide behind some sort of mask, and also to be able to see him as himself. This is why he didn't care at all for any of the fangirls, including Sakura (who all saw him as little more than "the last Uchiha" and only acted based on their fantasies and mentally ideal versions of him rather than who he really is), and yet found solace with Karin. Karin didn't go out of her way to act how she thought Sasuke would like and also wasn't afraid to talk back to him, stand up for herself, and so on, despite not being the strongest kunoichi fighter or anything.

Hinata is nothing like that at all. She has always needed to be protected and never able to speak up for herself.


#54 sushi.


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Posted 17 February 2017 - 10:17 PM

They are not compatible.

One only needs to look at how the two normally are to realize that.

Sasuke only wants a "strong" woman, basically one who can take care of herself without him having to essentially babysit her while she is still being able to speak her mind without having to hide behind some sort of mask, and also to be able to see him as himself. This is why he didn't care at all for any of the fangirls, including Sakura (who all saw him as little more than "the last Uchiha" and only acted based on their fantasies and mentally ideal versions of him rather than who he really is), and yet found solace with Karin. Karin didn't go out of her way to act how she thought Sasuke would like and also wasn't afraid to talk back to him, stand up for herself, and so on, despite not being the strongest kunoichi fighter or anything.

Hinata is nothing like that at all. She has always needed to be protected and never able to speak up for herself.

I agree with this. Moreover, as mentioned Sasuke doesn't like noisy girls, but none of the examples shown were of Sasuke being irritated by Karin. She didn't bother him. At best he smiled back and at worst he asked in a neutral tone if she could give him some space.


Being someone's type is quite complicated. There are some people in my life that are noisy and they bother me, and there are others who are just as, but don't bother me at all..because I like them and I like their noise. So the assumption, Sasuke doesn't like Karin without panelproof, because she has a trait he does not like in other girls, doesn't hold water.


In my opinion, Sasuke likes simple direct girls who speak their mind. Hinata fails to do exactly that. She is not calm, she is shy. She makes no noise because she does not dare. If they spent more time together, I think her stuttering would drive him nuts.


Not sure where this argument came up, but I read it somewhere here..


I think a lot of SH fans like the ship because Hinata was the only one who did not fangirl Sasuke, and it's not because of true love, it's because she fangirled Naruto instead. lol.


#55 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 18 February 2017 - 02:03 AM

They are not compatible.

One only needs to look at how the two normally are to realize that.

Sasuke only wants a "strong" woman, basically one who can take care of herself without him having to essentially babysit her while she is still being able to speak her mind without having to hide behind some sort of mask, and also to be able to see him as himself. This is why he didn't care at all for any of the fangirls, including Sakura (who all saw him as little more than "the last Uchiha" and only acted based on their fantasies and mentally ideal versions of him rather than who he really is), and yet found solace with Karin. Karin didn't go out of her way to act how she thought Sasuke would like and also wasn't afraid to talk back to him, stand up for herself, and so on, despite not being the strongest kunoichi fighter or anything.

Hinata is nothing like that at all. She has always needed to be protected and never able to speak up for herself.

Shut up you sound very ignorant right now, I will not tolerate any attack on SasuHina!


They are not compatible.


Are you blind ? despite all the reasons shown within this topic that Sasuke and Hinata are compatible you still have the audacity to say "They are not compatible" ? looks like I have to repeat how they are YET AGAIN....


Hinata is Not Noisy


Sasuke doesn’t appreciate too much noise, while almost all Konoha’s kunoichis are talkative or/and loud EXCEPT for Hinata. Karin is not a quite one as well. So, if you wanna make that oh-so-canon-Sasuke’s-pairing, a noisy girl is a big NO NO for him. Again, the “real canon” is OOC because everybody knew that Sakura is noisy.


The very fact that I even need to repeat this to you shows you didn't read how I explained how Sasuke and Hinata are compatible which is why your opinion about SasuHina remained ignorant by still believing that Hinata isn't a girl that Sasuke could like



Sasuke only wants a "strong" woman, basically one who can take care of herself without him having to essentially babysit her while she is still being able to speak her mind without having to hide behind some sort of mask, and also to be able to see him as himself.


Now where in the hell in any manga chapter has Sasuke ever said he wanted a strong woman ? Sasuke has NEVER once stated who is Ideal woman is, In fact Sasuke has never once flirted with any woman 

And even if Sasuke wanted a strong woman then HINATA FIT'S THAT CATEGORY, being shy and being a coward are 2 entirely different things

Hinata is home alone with her kids (Boruto, And Himawari) due to her absentee Husband (Naruto) who neglects his family life in favor of living his dream as the Hokage of the leaf village, She had to practically hold the household together all by herself for most of the years she's been married to Naruto, She is doing that all by herself which shows independence and which also means she can CLEARLY take care of herself and yet you have the audacity to still say she needs to be babysited ? what the fuuck is wrong with you dude ?

Hinata is not a liar she does not hide behind some sort of mask to hide her true feelings, Hinata never lies, Hinata has always been able to speak her mind truthfully on anything she sees that needs her word heard,

Hate to admit these examples:

Hinata was brave enough to tell Naruto that she loved him while putting her life on the line to protect him from pein



Obito attempted to give him doubts, however, Hinata woke him from his stupor.



As a SasuHina fan I really hate using Naruto as a example of her being able to speak her mind but it's because it's the only examples really because Naruto is the only thing on her mind  :bash:  but regardless it's still examples of Hinata being able to speak her mind.

And Hinata ignored all of Naruto's looks (Something he doesn't have anyways...) to see what kind of person he is in the inside unlike the fan girls who only paid attention to Sasukes looks, That means Hinata is NOTHING like those fan girls so surely that should get Sasuke's attention since she doesn't behave like a person that he dislikes, which clearly means Hinata is capable of seeing what a person is on the inside which is how Hinata can see Sasuke FOR HIMSELF!!! but yet you try to imply that Hinata won't look at a person for who they are on the inside ?



This is why he didn't care at all for any of the fangirls, including Sakura (who all saw him as little more than "the last Uchiha" and only acted based on their fantasies and mentally ideal versions of him rather than who he really is), and yet found solace with Karin.

Hinata was living on her own just fine without Sasuke independent of him which goes against your argument of Hinata needing to be babysited by Sasuke, Sakura was the one acting like she needs Sasuke can't live without Sasuke so really Hinata is the one Sasuke can find Solace with.

And the fan girls didn't have a mentally ideal version of Sasuke they liked how he looked and acted how he was already, If they would be thinking about a mentally Ideal version of him it would be something like if Hinata Imaged Sasuke to look exactly like Naruto and behaving like him such as Sasuke shouting:

Sasuke: I want to be the Hokage


Which he actually said during the 4th great Ninja war, Why didn't that get Hinata's attention ? she was right next to him when he said it, Isn't Naruto working hard to be the Hokage what she likes about him ? Why wasn't Sasuke saying that he wanted to be the Hokage be a swift reminder of Naruto to her ?

But no the fan girls didn't alternate how Sasuke was they liked him how he was already.


 Karin didn't go out of her way to act how she thought Sasuke would like 


Hell yeah she did may I remind you of the bath scene ?:


She acted this way because she thought that Sasuke would be a typical hormonal boy that would like that kind of stuff which means she acted how she thought Sasuke would like.

I'm sorry but so far your counter arguments are making as much sense as gorilla zombie aliens invading the earth.


and also wasn't afraid to talk back to him, stand up for herself, and so on, despite not being the strongest kunoichi fighter or anything.



Sasuke went on a killing spree after his brother Itachi died, And she didn't approve of any of the kills he committed (Although most of the people that he "Killed" killed themselves through via suicide) and yet she did nothing to stop him on that path of darkness that she couldn't bear to see him walk on and yet she went along with him despite not liking Sasuke being a sadistic murderer which means she didn't speak out against a man that was turning into someone she didn't approve of



Hinata is nothing like that at all. She has always needed to be protected and never able to speak up for herself.


This is already addressed above.

I know I've said that Sasuke never stated what his Ideal girl is like but I'm looking at what he likes and dislikes to get a general Idea of what kind of woman Sasuke wants So far Hinata fits his description of what he likes which is why she is the most plausible choice of his soul mate, learn to accept it

I hate SasuKarin fans, I hate SasuKarin pairing in general because it's to much of akin to the SasuSaku pairing, 

I definitely do not favor SasuKarin because it heavily parallels with the SasuSaku pairing, because both Sakura and Karin both share a mutual reasoning for liking Sasuke because of good looks, cool demeanor, and being exceptionally strong, trust me a relationship based on good looks and high status are never strong and never last because what if a guy even better looking, cooler, and stronger than Sasuke comes along and if those girls see that better guy they will not hesitate to dump Sasuke for the better guy because again girls like that only go for the looks and status, Understand ? the feelings Sakura and Karin have for Sasuke are not based on love, SasuKarin is like a clone to SasuSaku which is why I could never love that pairing

SasuKarin is 100% akin to SasuSaku, the Manga and Anime perfectly highlights this fact:


So if you guys are against SasuSaku why are you for SasuKarin ? shouldn't it be a swift reminder of SasuSaku ?

Hinata however is able to see what a person truly is beyond superficial traits, She will able to see Sasuke at a much deeper level of connection and understanding because both she and Sasuke have experienced similar life events and if they were to ever converse about it they would have a relationship of compassion and understanding.  

So please get more educated on SasuHina before attempting to debunk it please ? thank you.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 18 February 2017 - 02:12 AM.

#56 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 18 February 2017 - 02:11 AM

It's like going through an endless cycle of a tape recorder replaying its self over and over.



"My name is Sung Ji-woo. Some called me the Assassin of Death. A Necromancer Deity... My journey has been nothing but walking over a mountain of corpses. My legion of the dead reigns supreme. None shall block my way or... face the wrath of my blades!" --Solo Leveling.

#57 James S Cassidy

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Posted 18 February 2017 - 02:49 AM

It's like going through an endless cycle of a tape recorder replaying its self over and over.

Meh, people feel what they want to feel.

I don't really know if SasuHina is compatible. Actually, I am not sure if Sasuke is compatible with any female. He's just....so disinterested in females. All he seems to value is purpose. If you can fill a purpose to him, then you're viable, but if you're not...well, out you go.

I am not saying this based on how I feel, I am more saying this how Kishimoto portrayed him. Seeing how the writing really doesn't matter in this series, you can have Sasuke be with Hinata and really nothing major would happen. Heck, I'd support it at this point as long as NS was canon, but it is not in the bag.

It is a little shallow for me to say that, but at this point....my feelings or hopes for good writing went down the toilet.

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#58 sushi.


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Posted 18 February 2017 - 03:23 AM

Are you seriously using filler-episodes as evidence when you write like this is a bible? The anime changed Karin for comedy purposes, just like they made Sakura hit Naruto 1000x more times than necessary. You're falling for the same trick that a lot of NHers do when hating on NS. http://fuckyeahsasuk...-anime-vs-manga


Like we don't really know why Sakura began to like Sasuke, because it's not important. The assumption that it's due to his looks is groundless but logical because he's supposed to be handsome..there isn't much else. With Karin it's different, their first moment was really in-your-face significant. She got infatuated with him because he saved her life and smiled to her, and it grew from there. Their first meeting is a simple and sweet moment. And Sasuke doesn't really smile to people with exception of Naruto, and guess - Karin. So, that's one of 1000 differences from SS.


ps have sasuke and hinata even met :roll:

Edited by sushi., 18 February 2017 - 03:27 AM.


#59 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 18 February 2017 - 04:28 AM

Meh, people feel what they want to feel.

I don't really know if SasuHina is compatible. Actually, I am not sure if Sasuke is compatible with any female. He's just....so disinterested in females. All he seems to value is purpose. If you can fill a purpose to him, then you're viable, but if you're not...well, out you go.

I am not saying this based on how I feel, I am more saying this how Kishimoto portrayed him. Seeing how the writing really doesn't matter in this series, you can have Sasuke be with Hinata and really nothing major would happen. Heck, I'd support it at this point as long as NS was canon, but it is not in the bag.

It is a little shallow for me to say that, but at this point....my feelings or hopes for good writing went down the toilet.

The only reason he would have sex with a woman going off he never settled down nor made peace with his past or the village by the end of the manga; is only if he is doing it for reproduction.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 18 February 2017 - 08:52 AM.

#60 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 18 February 2017 - 05:46 PM

well time to post more counter arguments yet again....

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