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Liking Hinata and hating Sakura

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#41 DrK


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 08:17 PM

Not to mention James in the Last all of Naruto friends guilt tripped Naruto to be with Hinata.

Yeah, Naruto is a loser who allowed himself to be guilted into taking pity on someone he didn't really want to be with. This is pathetic. What is more pathetic is the fact that every character in the story, as well as the toxic fandom, sees this as a good thing. Naruto being miserable and never finding true love is a good thing. Sakura being in the same state is an even better thing because they hate Sakura. Let's reward Sasuke for hurting her because she sucks. The fact that Naruto thinks she is amazing doesn't matter to them. They used their own biases to influence Kishi to destroy the series and spineless Kishi saw no issue with this. I guess he had no investment in Naruto and Sakura despite the fact that Naruto was based on him and Sakura was based on his wife. I don't see how he can even stand it. If I were Kishi, the fact that I did this would haunt me and ruin my life forever. I would do anything to fix it even if it meant I could never work in the industry again. But he just doesn't care, I guess.

#42 James S Cassidy

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 08:19 PM

Not to mention James in the Last all of Naruto friends guilt tripped Naruto to be with Hinata.


So yeah out Of Sakura and Hinata, I still think Sakura is far better than Hinata cause if NS became Canon this BS would not have been needed and all that, but that is what I think.

Well, that just leads me to question...

If it was NS and they had a kid (Who looked like Naruto)...and that kid fell in love with Hinata's kid (whoever else she ended up with and she looks like Hinata) would the pro-enders accept that NS kid x Hinata kid as the "new age NaruHina?"

Seriously, ask this question if you ever run across someone who says "BS is like NS." I gaurentee you they would say that it is not the same thing.

"But it is not a romance manga"

Yeah yeah, that's what they keep telling us, but if that was really true....why are spending more time talking about pairings when talking about Boruto or Naruto than we do about the problems they were facing.

What is the issue that Boruto is facing right now? So far, it just seems like him going through random jibberish. So if this series weren't looking at the pairings, which is shallow within itself, then this series has nothing else going for it.

The Naruto story has become "Pairings or bust" kind of stories. Might as well make it a romance manga now.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 27 November 2017 - 08:20 PM.

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#43 Phantom_999


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 08:41 PM

Okay I'll be completely honest here. For me it was NEVER about liking one  girl and hating the other. From the beginning Both Sakura and Hinata were both very human characters that I could relate to. They both had faults and strengths that many could identify with. Sakura had self esteem issues due to being bullied and Hinata was shy and withdrawn because of the emotional abuse from her family. I  both like and appreciate what  their characters represent, it is the fandom and toxic biased opinions towards these two that I outright despise. to a Lesser extent I will give my views on their crushes and deconstruct fan opinions about what those crushes mean


First let's focus on Sakura because there is so much to talk about. She first started as this shallow Sasuke fan girl that was "followed the crowd" and did not like Naruto at first though if we are going to be honest she did not show outright hate to him like other kids who were parroting their parents. No I think part of the reason Sakura gets so much hate is that Naruto has a tragic past already and the fact that the girl he likes is dissing him and fawning over the popular bad boy Sasuke is what REALLY hits a sore spot for many viewers and it was especially bad in the anime. But back on topic. After being paired up with HER CRUSH and Naruto, Naruto tries to get Sakura's attention which she is not even giving him the time of day and is worrying more about getting to notice her. So Naruto tried pretending to be Sasuke to figure out what Sakura thinks about him. After the real Sasuke scolds Sakura about her views on Naruto and what it actually feels like to be an orphan, Sakura thought about trying to be a bit nicer to Naruto since she realized Sasuke called her "annoying" just like how she does to Naruto. Now, after going on missions spending time with her teammates, etc. etc. Sakura comes to realize just how wrong she is about Naruto and starts to accept him as a friend and member of her squad, even starting to admire him for who he is as a person, which she isn't showing for Sasuke, and they become even closer when Sasuke is gone. Now here is the thing, in acknowledging and befriending Naruto, Sakura is starting to show signs of maturity and growth as a character, and is letting go of her shallow views on Naruto and to not judge a book by it's cover. However Fans are refusing to acknowledge this and still see her a s a b---- because she did not like Naruto from the beginning and again I assume Sakura gets way more flak for this because she is Naruto's "love interest" and is going for the "bad boy" like every other fan girl Sasuke has.


Hinata, were there is not much to say, not because of any bias towards her, but because she is not very important to the plot if we are honest. How often does she appear in the manga again? Anyway, I see Hinata as a girl that is quiet socially withdrawn and suffers from crippling issues about what her family thinks and expects of her and along comes Naruto who is also deemed a failure by his peers and teachers but is constantly trying to prove them wrong. So Hinata is vicariously living off of that and came to admire Naruto for that too. So I guess fans are sympathizing with her because she has similar circumstances with Naruto and isn't showing any deplorable behaviour to a very lonely and secretly miserable Naruto. Because of this fans seem to think she is a better choice of "love interest" because she is the girl next door who is love with the MC archetype of character, and genuinely liked him from the start. Nothing wrong with that, but here is where fans are being hypocritical. Hinata is apparently this sweet, compassionate angel, that likes and admires Naruto just because she was always like that but Sakura is a heartless bimbo that abuses him because she started the series belittling and insulting him, eve though, like I said she genuinely likes, admires, and appreciates him as a PERSON after they actually spend time together. Here is the difference that the rabid NaruHina fans A.K.A. adamant Hinata fans are missing. Sakura ends up liking and admiring Naruto as a person because she actually talks to Naruto, and spends time with Naruto even when she doesn't have have to, in other words, in civilian and casual settings. Sakura actually knows Naruto as a person, whereas Hinata did neither of those things, and doesn't know him other than what she sees; a proud failure that wants to prove his worth like she always wanted to do but never had the courage to. In other words Hinata doesn't like Naruto, she like the idea of him. If you never talked to a person, nor ever hung out with them you can't say that you like/love that person for who he/she is can you? also here is a key similarity that pro Hinata fans seems to miss or ignore. Hinata has always liked Naruto and always admired him? SO what? Did she ever talk to him as children? Did she ever comfort him in his loneliness? In other words did Hinata ever try to befriend Naruto when Naruto was going through that sad miserable childhood of his? How is that different the kids and adults who outright scrutinize Naruto? I'm not saying Naruto should resent Hinata for that, but I'm asking how does Hinata being a silent bystander that just watches on as Naruto is socially and emotionally tormented make her a better person than those that out right bully him? At least from Naruto's perspective. Just something to think about.


I will put another post about deconstructing the popular fan perceptions of Sakura and Hinata's crushes on Sasuke and Naruto respectively later    

Edited by Phantom_999, 02 December 2017 - 07:22 PM.


#44 sushi.


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 10:25 PM

The light novels also had Sakura saying she wished Sasuke was more like Naruto and Naruto telling Kakashi that Tsunade is a horrible hokage who is always drunk and he needs to take her place....

So yeah....real consistent

10 years later Naruto is a drunkie :lmao:


#45 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 10:36 PM

10 years later Naruto is a drunkie :lmao:

Which also makes him a damn hypocrite as well, more than he was already.

#46 DrK


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:53 AM

I might have been okay with BS if SS had not been repeatedly torpedoed by Kishimoto. Like if it were just the case that Naruto could not win Sakura over, or he legitimately preferred Hinata so that it was just the pairing that didn't happen a la IchiRuki. Instead the circumstances are so ridiculous and pathetic for it that it is intolerable. Character actions in retrospect make no sense at all. And the kids are a physical representation of this narrative idiocy. So it's impossible for me to like it.

Edited by DrK, 28 November 2017 - 03:54 AM.

#47 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:46 AM

Stop trying to derail my thread by character bashing. If you don't see how Sakura's willingness to leave the village to be with someone who barely cares about any of the people who care about her is shallow, self-centered, and OOC for Sakura, you never will. This is even ignoring her established level of care for Naruto that you lack the reading comprehension to understand.
This is another case where you aren't using logic to think about a point of contention. You just snap to judgment because something sounds unreasonable to you.

Save your energy, tell them to stuff their unsolicited opinion about YOUR opinion :lmao: "your subjective point doesn't have much merit anyways -spends time complaining about points they claim don't matter-" :zaru:

This person only goes for low hanging fruits, also they really love the word "subjective" Like they just learned the word recently and need to repeat it ad nauseam.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#48 Yyubie



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Posted 28 November 2017 - 01:15 PM

So you agree that Naruto should not have given up on his love for Sakura and that moving on to Hinata who he never saw in that way does make him shallow?

If Enduring love isn't shallow, then moving on from that enduring love has to be shallow because it is the opposite of enduring and holding onto that love. So Naruto only got with HInata over shallow reasons and never truly loved her because his "love" for her wasn't enduring.

Good, glad we finally agree on something.

Hahaha , check mate , i wonder what kind of B.S shes going to counter this post ..... or maybe already nigete!?! :lmao:

Let's see .... Lee moved on from liking Sakura , Ino moved on from Sasuke , Karin moved on from Sasuke , so they are all F-ing terrible person because they move on from their first love.

Edited by Yyubie, 28 November 2017 - 01:17 PM.

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#49 Kasimir38



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Posted 28 November 2017 - 02:56 PM



First: T'was not love, and second, the Last creates the implication that Naruto held unknown feelings for quite some time. The argument doesn't work.


We see why Naruto did get with Hinata. The difference is that Kishimoto is showing that having enduring love for someone lost, and switching to the next cool guy, when Sasuke was originally such a cool guy, is shallow. That's the point of "shallow" here. Not whatever you are  trying to mean by it, given you misattribute NH completely here.



Well, it was love.  :ohmy: 

Or would you agree with Sakura's words that he only liked her because of a competition with Sasuke? Actually, If you pay close attention, it is something Sakura says while encouraging Naruto to go after Hinata. It is nothing Naruto ever confirmed nor it's something Sakura had to mean serious since she only tried to help Hinata here.

Second, The Last doesn't really link to the main stories, we remember the scene with the scarf? I don't remember it from the main story, so the Last can come up with some things that don't make sense. Sadly, are still canon. I give you that: Naruto's love for Hinata and their great chemistry is something Kishimoto made canon with his words, but not something that makes sense for most of us here.  - Third, love is also the love friends have for each other. :nsdance:


Sakura wouldn't have been shallow moving on from Sasuke because she wouldn't do it just because Sasuke was "lost" or Naruto became "cool", she stood loyal to Sasuke as you see. She would be shallow if she stopped thinking Sasuke was cool and jumped over to the next cool guy in the town - Naruto. But we all know that they had been friends for many years, and developing feelings for someone who has gone through so much with you isn't shallow. I disagree with Kishimoto's fear of making Sakura shallow with a change of heart. :thumbsup:


Naruto forgetting about his crush on Sakura and moving on to Hinata isn't shallow, too. It's most likely hard to believe, but if we listen to Sakura's word for once, "girls" don't change their heart so easily. She kind of excluded boys so let's assume that Naruto can change his feelings easily. Shallow would be if Hinata would become a princess or something like that and Naruto would kind of think of her more highly and forget about Sakura in an instant. 

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#50 DrK


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:26 PM


First, this isn't character bashing by any stretch, given nothing negative was said about any characters. Your first sentence though? Fits it better.


OOC? Do you know Sakura better than the author now, because Sasuke was always part of Sakura's character in this way. Self-centered? Not really, unless all initiations of love are self-centered affairs, in which we're all self-centered then. Shallow? Certainly not by any stretch.

If you actually read these other posts instead of ignoring them because they're too hard for you, you might have actually understood why it was OOC. And your eye statement is a joke. We weren't talking about being cool, we were talking about attractiveness. Your criticism of the eye statement stems from a desire to attack opinions instead of facts, because if you acknowledge the facts you'll realize that Kishimoto changed his plans.


Yes, it's possible that I understand Sakura better than the author, because I wouldn't have made her end up with Sasuke after she did a number of things that would have made it completely OOC for her to end up with Sasuke. Of course focusing on your own desires with no thought as to how it could affect people who care about you is self centered. How could it not be?


You have the reading comprehension of a plate of steak fries.

#51 James S Cassidy

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:39 PM

So, Analyzer, you're saying that Naruto IS shallow because he moved from Sakura, who was a cool girl to him, to move on to Hinata, who he thought was also a cool girl, because she was cool? Okay, I can agree with that. It's a bit weird looking at it this way, but okay.

This is esepcially true when a lot of fans point out the undeniable fact that Hinata has bigger breasts than Sakura is one reason why Hinata was better for Naruto in the first place. It is truly remarkable how I missed these great details. So maybe instead of "cool" it is more like moving from one Hot and Sexy girl to the next Hot and Sexy girl because that new girl is even more Hot and Sexy.

Got it, Naruto is shallow. Thanks. I guess this also makes Sasuke shallow since he moved on from Karin to Sakura and doesn't even talk to Karin anymore. Totally totally shallow.

I wonder if this makes Rock Lee and Toneri shallow. Well, maybe not Toneri since he didn't move on to another girl that we know of. Rock Lee definitly got someone, probably Ten-Ten, so I guess he is super shallow too. As you know, he really loved Sakura thanks to the IT that he was put in., and he gave up on that Enduring Love. Damn, and I really liked Rock Lee. He is just too shallow for me now. You think for a guy that never gives up wouldn't have enduring love?

I wonder if Minato has someone else who loved him....hmmm...would be funny if some other girl has the hots for him only for him to go to Kushina. No wonder where Naruto gets his shallow nature from. Like father like son.


Hahaha , check mate , i wonder what kind of B.S shes going to counter this post ..... or maybe already nigete!?! :lmao:

Let's see .... Lee moved on from liking Sakura , Ino moved on from Sasuke , Karin moved on from Sasuke , so they are all F-ing terrible person because they move on from their first love.

Well, as you know, woman can never be shallow, at least in this series, because they have that "Enduring Love." And Enduring Love is never shallow.

Who knew Naruto was such a complex romance story about Enduring Female Love and the shallow men they fall for .

Edited by James S Cassidy, 28 November 2017 - 03:45 PM.

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#52 DrK


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:42 PM

Can't fault you with disagreeing with Kishimoto. To me, it sounds like he doesn't like the trope of "Hero gets the girl he always liked by being nice to her", because to him it rubbed off as her switching to this new cool guy, rather than always seeing him that way. Though he also said he did toy with the idea but found they didn't mesh, so its likely several factors, really boiling down to preference in the end.

Then why did he set up a huge part of Sakura's character development around Sakura growing to care more about Naruto than she does about Sasuke? He already got her at that point. So Kishimoto already made her switch. He just backtracked later because everyone around him told him to do so. Well done ignoring more posts btw. And when you reply to this, you will make an argument that ignores even more posts. You're such a great poster. You also believe Kishimoto's lies even when people have already established that he was not consistent in his story. You are willfully ignoring people who are trying to save you from the fate of being gullible. This is extremely ungrateful of you.

Edited by DrK, 28 November 2017 - 03:46 PM.

#53 James S Cassidy

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:55 PM

When was Naruto ever "the cool guy?" I mean, it wasnt until Naruto the Last did anyone ever refer to Naruto as "the cool guy," but in the manga there was never the point that he was popular because he "looked cool."

I don't think Sakura ever saw Naruto as the "cool guy" nor even referred to Naruto as such. If she didn't say it then Naruto isn't the cool guy. Isn't that how it works? I remember Naruto seeing Sakura as cool long before anyone ever did esepcially when she was healing Kankuro from the poison.

The only person that ever saw Naruto as "cool" was Hinata since the beginning. So Kishimoto was not okay with a girl moving on from one cool guy to the other, BUUUTTT Kishimoto was okay for the hero to move from one cool girl to the other.

If Naruto is based off Kishimoto himself and Sakura is based off his wife....does he think he doesn't deserve his wife who he sees is a "cool girl?" Maybe he feels like the real loser and thinks he deserves to suffer.

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#54 DrK


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:19 PM

It's not like that, again. It's about Naruto realizing feelings he's always had, and moving on from someone who did not want a relationship with him.

Now you're bashing Naruto as well. And you continue to bash Sakura. You should change your name to Bashalyzer.


You make Naruto and Sakura out to be insincere and frankly horrible people. If Naruto was being insincere with his affection for Sakura, he's a bad person. This is because Sakura herself is insecure and needed someone to care about and support her. You don't care about how she felt, though. You only care about defending Kishimoto. If Sakura didn't really want a relationship with Naruto when she acted as if she did, she's a bad person. If you do not acknowledge that they became OOC you are bashing the characters that they were. 


You are willing to completely savage characters who were once great to defend the image of a greedy man who sold out his greatest creation. Why? What do you gain from this soulless pursuit? But you've already derailed the thread so mission accomplished. Are you proud of yourself?

Edited by DrK, 28 November 2017 - 04:21 PM.

#55 James S Cassidy

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:23 PM


Not saying that at all, my friend. Nowhere was cool mentioned as a reason, given you're ignoring he's loved her for quite some time.

Oh I see. Sorry, I forgot that Naruto loved Sakura for quite some time. Naruto is selfish because he did love Sakura for quite some time and thought she was amazing and is shallow because he moved on to Hinata who he never thought was amazing at all. I see. Man, am I glad you are setting me straight. It's like I wasn't reading the manga at all.

It makes perfect senses. Naruto never kept that enduring love for Sakura, the one he thought was amazing, and becomes shallow because he moves on to Hinata, the person he never noticed, until she herself became cool thanks to Toneri coming down and taking her away.

So Rock Lee isn't shallow because he actually fell in love with someone else and not just because someone was trying to take her away. Thank god for you, Analyzer, because I was almost ready to hate on Rock Lee too and he was my favorite.

Well guys, it seems we all took the Naruto the Last movie for granted. The whole time we thought Naruto was OOC and here he was finally being himself. You see? Naruto started out as selfish and shallow, ran his life seflish and shallow, and got with Hinata because someone else was taking her away and thus he coveted her and became his true self again of being that jealous selfish and shallow person. We can't have Naruto becoming a selfless person because that would undermine his real character and actually be OOC for him.That was Naruto the entire time in this manga and we didn't even realize it.

This also explains why he cared so much about Sasuke because someone else was trying to take Sasuke away. Orochimaru was taken something from Naruto and Naruto just can't have that happen so he goes out and retreives his lost property because he is selfish and shallow. We all thought Naruto was about a selfless boy who wanted to care about people and instead we have a story about a manboy who can't stand people taking his stuff. After Sasuke became his again, there was no need to keep watching Sasuke because everyone now knows that if anyone takes Sasuke away....he will just beat them till they give it back.

This also explains why Obito is the "coolest guy" because he stole from Madara and gave it back to Naruto who is its rightful owner. It all makes perfect sense.

Thank you so much, Analyzer. Without you, none of this would be possible.



Now you're bashing Naruto as well. And you continue to bash Sakura. You should change your name to Bashalyzer.


You make Naruto and Sakura out to be insincere and frankly horrible people. If Naruto was being insincere with his affection for Sakura, he's a bad person. This is because Sakura herself is insecure and needed someone to care about and support her. You don't care about how she felt, though. You only care about defending Kishimoto. If Sakura didn't really want a relationship with Naruto when she acted as if she did, she's a bad person. If you do not acknowledge that they became OOC you are bashing the characters that they were. 


You are willing to completely savage characters who were once great to defend the image of a greedy man who sold out his greatest creation. Why? What do you gain from this soulless pursuit? But you've already derailed the thread so mission accomplished. Are you proud of yourself?


Here let me put this back on track.

Sakura is hated because she isn't Naruto's property, but Hinata is liked because she IS Naruto's property and she willing to become that property. Woman's worth in this story is based only on who they belong to and because Naruto is the selfish and shallow main character and Hinata is his property...this is why they love her so much.

And here we were thinking these characters were actually....well, characters.They are possessions.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 28 November 2017 - 04:48 PM.

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#56 DrK


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:27 PM

Sakura is hated because she isn't Naruto's property, but Hinata is liked because she IS Naruto's property and she willing was able to become that property.

And Sakura was made Sasuke's property when she no longer wanted to be. In fact she never wanted to be. She wanted to selfishly possess Sasuke herself.


This is what happens when you let other people decide what the ink that you put to paper means.

Edited by DrK, 28 November 2017 - 04:29 PM.

#57 James S Cassidy

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:35 PM

And Sakura was made Sasuke's property when she no longer wanted to be. In fact she never wanted to be. She wanted to selfishly possess Sasuke herself.


This is what happens when you let other people decide what the ink that you put to paper means.

Exactly. Because Sakura wanted to own property instead of being property...she is hated by the Naruto community. Even more so, she wanted to selfishly take Naruto's property which is why he moved on from her.

Unlike Hinata who never wanted to own anything and just wanted to be Naruto's big tittied servant.

"Yes, Master Naruto, I shall clean your house, produce your children, and never speak up about your actions again. If I do speak up, please feel free to hit me because I am incompetant. The only thing I am allowed to say is "I love you, Naruto-kun.""

Edited by James S Cassidy, 28 November 2017 - 04:37 PM.

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#58 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:45 PM

Oh I see. Sorry, I forgot that Naruto loved Sakura for quite some time. Naruto is selfish because he did love Sakura for quite some time and thought she was amazing and is shallow because he moved on to Hinata who he never thought was amazing at all. I see. Man, am I glad you are setting me straight. It's like I wasn't reading the manga at all.
It makes perfect senses. Naruto never kept that enduring love for Sakura, the one he thought was amazing, and becomes shallow because he moves on to Hinata, the person he never noticed, until she herself became cool thanks to Toneri coming down and taking her away.
So Rock Lee isn't shallow because he actually fell in love with someone else and not just because someone was trying to take her away. Thank god for you, Analyzer, because I was almost ready to hate on Rock Lee too and he was my favorite.
Well guys, it seems we all took the Naruto the Last movie for granted. The whole time we thought Naruto was OOC and here he was finally being himself. You see? Naruto started out as selfish and shallow, ran his life seflish and shallow, and got with Hinata because someone else was taking her away and thus he coveted her and became his true self again of being that jealous selfish and shallow person. We can't have Naruto becoming a selfless person because that would undermine his real character and actually be OOC for him.That was Naruto the entire time in this manga and we didn't even realize it.
This also explains why he cared so much about Sasuke because someone else was trying to take Sasuke away. Orochimaru was taken something from Naruto and Naruto just can't have that happen so he goes out and retreives his lost property because he is selfish and shallow. We all thought Naruto was about a selfless boy who wanted to are about people and instead we have a story about a manboy who can't stand people taking his stuff. After Sasuke became his again, there was no need to keep watching Sasuke because everyone now knows that if anyone takes Sasuke away....he will just beat them till they give it back.
This also explains why Obito is the "coolest guy" because he stole from Madara and gave it back to Naruto who is its rightful owner. It all makes perfect sense.
Thank you so much, Analyzer. Without you, none of this would be possible.
Here let me put this back on track.
Sakura is hated because she isn't Naruto's property, but Hinata is liked because she IS Naruto's property and she willing to become that property. Woman's worth in this story is based only on who they belong to and because Naruto is the selfish and shallow main character and Hinata is his property...this is why they love her so much.
And here we were thinking these characters were actually....well, characters.They are possessions.


Damn, James, that was amazing!!

But seriously, the irony here of You-know-who and her claims of Naruto always having feelings of love for Hinata is that it isn't said so in the series itself, and that effectively he only wanted her because Toneri wanted her, like the stupid ass claims Naruto only wanted Sakura to beat Sasuke, when that ain't true since the bench scene shows Naruto figuring out he loves Sakura because they are so similar, not because she's some prize to beat a rival, like how The Last contradicts itself by saying Naruto "loves" Hinata, when his actions show him guilted into it as well as to beat Toneri since he wanted her.

Guess You-know-who will now come at me, but she isn't worth it to me since she isn't a fact checker, she is a fact dodger, who deflects and I have seen the type elsewhere iponline, and have just figured screw what they say or think.

#59 Gravenimage


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:47 PM

Whoa Analyzer got burned lol.


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#60 DrK


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 04:51 PM

Guess You-know-who will now come at me, but she isn't worth it to me since she isn't a fact checker, she is a fact dodger, who deflects and I have seen the type elsewhere iponline, and have just figured screw what they say or think.

She's failing to even come at me anymore. She replies to the replies to my posts, not the posts themselves. What good is a fact checker who won't even come at you? They let your facts stand without bothering to check them. This shows a lack of fastidiousness in the arena of fact checking which belies a lack of integrity in all aspects of life. If I call myself a fact checker I am damn well going to check all facts. Not opinions. It's called a fact checker for a reason. Not an opinion checker.

Edited by DrK, 28 November 2017 - 04:54 PM.

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