Worst anime I have ever watched? Umm, I would have to give it to Dragonball Z and Gurren Lagann.
I notice a lot of people mention Evangelion, Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan and such with the reasons of how the plot kind of shallow and at times confusing, it is more about the gore, or the characters are too flat and too perfect or something like that. While I am not arguing that they are right or wrong, I am just want to say this...
All those complaints I see people make about those anime, Dragonball Z and Gurren Lagann crank all that up to 11.
I have a love-hate relationship with DB since I was a little kid. I enjoyed the first part, but when we got to DBZ my enyjoyment and fun decreased the longer it went on. I missed the comedic moments, the fights that were about who the best martial arts is rather who shoots the bigger blast...
Let's tell that I kind of like it up to the Freezer saga (no, I am not going to call him Frieza). The Cell saga was already getting boring and the plot was a mess but I still found some redeeming qualities. But the Buu saga... Good God, you can tell what the creator was sick and was being forced to go on.
I would not call it worse than Evangelion, though. Evangelion -or the hype- promised me a complex, deep and well-narrated story with not plotholes and I had the exact opposite to that. DB never pretended to be anything other than an adventure/comedy series and later an action/fighting series, so I raised or lowered my expectations accordingly, and I think that as long as someoine is aware of that, it is watchable up to the Freezer's death in Namek.
I have no opinion about Gurren Lagann. I have not watched it. I have a long list of anime robot to watch and TTGL is way down on it.
That's what they said about Gigantor, Voltron, Sailor Moon, and a few other old series too when they came out, but people see them as classics. Hell, Superman is a classic too and yet there are people like you who think just like you do about some anime. "He is a Gary stu, he is OP for no reason, his stories are boring, Desu Ex Machina."
I agree (and you earn awesome points for naming Gigantor and Voltron). Many people does not understand that classic is not necessarily what you find good, what you like or what you think that is not dated.
Not long ago I ran into someone claiming Mazinger-Z/Tranzor-Z was crap and not a classic. It did not matter to him that it was wildly successful, it completely changed a genre, it started the giant robo craze and their characters and relationship dynamics were new and fresh in 1972 and they became a staple in anime (The main character is a loud-mouthed, obnoxious jerkass and a delinquent? The female lead is a tsundere? And they argue the whole time? What madness is this?). It was not a classic because HE TOLD SO, the series was crap and was not innovative because HE TOLD SO, the characters were crap because HE TOLD SO, and their success was due to be watched by kids that were too young to recognize garbage and any other sci-fi series might have become just so successful (you have to love when someone uses hypotetical events and parallel universes to prove a point about events what actually happened. Would... Could... WAS NOT!) and all of this was the objective and factual TRUTH. And of course, the series that he liked were objectively better and true classics and they had not got dated because HE TOLD SO.
Many works that are considered classic nowadays got lambasted back in their time by people that people that were comercial trash to feed the ignorant masses with. Still they are called classic because people liked them.
You know, how the works of Shakeaspeare, Twain and kittenens. They were considered trash by critics and experts back then.
People like whatever what they want for whatever reason, and they decide what becomes a classic. I do not like Evangelion and I think that it is crap, but it IS a nineties classic, one of the few series from that age that younger fans remember. I can at least acknowledge that.
Senkoku no Dragonar
Heh. For one second I thought that you were talking about this Dragonar.
wait wait, the A-Team anime it only lasted like 3 episodes
The... WHAT?
There is an A-Team anime?