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#53761 James S Cassidy

James S Cassidy

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Posted 08 May 2022 - 02:15 PM

Boy think they are Naruto. Girls think they are Hinata. What they think is what matters not what others feel or think; that is how they have always lived.


Boys think they are Naruto and most usually are. Shy, not many friends, felt invisible etc. Eventually, they become the class clown to try and be noticed. They try to be the class clown to show they are not a threat.

Girls THINK they are Hinata, but in reality they are closer to Sakura. Try to always be pretty, fall in love and are obsessed with the kitten boi cause he is popular, and then wonder why he doesn't love her back. They constantly claim they just want the nice guy to be loved and such. "I just want a nice guy." At one point, they HAD a nice guy, but they said "he is too nice." In real life, Sakura might crawl back to Naruto with Salad begging to get back together because Naruto became stable and she is all alone penniless, and now wants the nice guy because she is desperate.

I literally had an intern that was just like Sakura. She was beautiful, smart in medical, and had great potential to be the perfect girl, but she was hung up on a guy who was a military man who cared more about career than her. She dated a nice guy once and she was like "He was too clingy." That's fine. I can understand, but then she dates this other guy because he wears a military uniform and want THAT guy to behave like the nice guy she once dated.

Didn't Sakura even say in one of the light novels she wished Sasuke behaved more like Naruto? I remember reading that and that pissed me off.

I think that is the true reason for the hate of Sakura and love of Hinata. Sakura IS them. Hinata is what they WANT to be. I have heard so many damn stories....just so many....the funny thing about Naruto and Hinata's relationship and Hinata, as she hits lates 30s, will probably want an open marriage cause the excitement is gone. 

Are boys like Sasuke? Yes, but only after girls like Sakura reject and berate boys like Naruto and then they become Sasukes.

Again, I have seen this happen so many times. And when guys become enraged about being the true nice guy and then treated like kitten; saying how they feel it is unfair for women to treat the real nice guys like kitten...they always ask the infamous question..."Who hurt you?"

See, it is apparently okay for women to be emotional and weak after a break up, but guys...we are not allowed to be emotional.
These same girls will then beg and plead for attention from the Chad and such and they will eventually get it, but years worth of love and attention mean nothing while the Chad gives one moment and they think "this is the greatest thing of my life."

It is almost like these girls WANT to be abused and starved for attention. I wish I was wrong, but it is just what I see. Also, I find it suspicious that Sakura started noticing Naruto AFTER Hinata started to push her feelings. Do girls enjoy competition? 

I don't know. Modern relationships confuse me. 


I think in Naruto its even reference that, "even the Buddha loses patience when insulted or hit in the face three times," its from Tobi introduction.


So, even in a religion that heavily influences Kishimoto's culture says there are limits; which again, he out right quotes.


The problem is that most self-reflection by Naruto would lead to serious questions. Questions kishimoto does not have answer to, so he avoids. Mostly because it would raise questions of why is Naruto still chasing after and forgiving Sasuke no matter what. Which kishimoto stuck Naruto with in part two because he decided he wanted the rematch to be both the final battle and what returns Sasuke to the village.


As for villains it ties to the talk no jutsu. At first Naruto hates them for being kitten and the enemy but then after fighting he learns about their sad past. Then he gives them a speech that they shouldn't give up. They change their lives and then their friends with everything being under the bridge. It started with Haku.

This is the massive issue with anything involving forgiveness because people can't decide what forgiveness means. People say "you can forgive, but not forget;" to many other people this is considered "holding a grudge."

I have seen two types of views on this.
Forgiving means to forget. You stop holding grudges, you don't hold it against them, and other such things. 
Then there are some that say forgiving and forgetting are two different things and you can forgives, but still hold them accountable. 

For my experience, it is the former and not the latter, but I guess it is all from perspective. If it is someone else, they can easily say "You can forgive and not forget" and this is okay, but when it involves them personally, they think forgiveness MEANS you forget their transgressions. 

I think ultimately, people will say one thing until it involves them, then they change definitions and say things like "this one is different."


Also he forgave Nagato. He said he still hated him for killing Jiraiya when they finally met despite him remembering Jiraiya's teachings. But remembering them he decided to ask about his tragic back-story. Learned it. Talk no jutsu. Nagato revives everyone. Naruto forgave Nagato and when they met again during the war, they're buddies. 

Bold: Ummm...not according to this panel he didn't...and he said this after Nagato's whole story

This is was the last time I saw Naruto as...well...Naruto. There are things that are too severe to be forgivable and it is easy for Naruto to do this for Sasuke and not others. Sasuke got NO punishment. "Well, he got exiled." How is that a punishment for him? He never wanted to be there in the first place. 

and worse, he can make it excuse everytime he is not home and people do make it so...."He is still exiled, that is why he is not home." Yet Naruto asks him if it would kill him to be home every now and then.

People really piss me off with this double logic whether it be forgiveness and punishments....and they always say the three big words that TRULY piss me off: "Well, this is different."
It is the most selfish statement to make. Oh so when it is YOUR friend/kid/spouse/family in trouble and breaks laws or whatever evil act, you want to defend them and say "they didn't know," but when it is someone else's friend/kid/spouse/family then they say "kitten them, they deserve 100% of what they get...no exceptions."


Naruto forgave Nagato and when they met again during the war, they're buddies. 



And we all agree that this is kitten since he was basically forgiving everyone who just said "sorry." This is why I say Pain Arc Naruto is truly the last time Naruto was Naruto. 

The massive altruism from Naruto past that is just ultimate form of naivety and makes Naruto more like Jesus Christ of the ninja world. No, possibly even more ridiculous as that cause even Jesus Christ was said to smite the horrible people and punish them. 

We also have this panel

Revenge? Punishment and revenge are two very different things and you are unwilling to let people who commit crimes be punished because you feel it is revenge. It is not. People MUST be punished for crimes and to show that treating others this way is not acceptable. You can't just go around and kill people, torture, or even use them for experimentation without repercussions. It will send the world into chaos. A purge if you will. You are essentially telling people that they can do whatever they want and have NO consequence or at worse a slap on the wrist telling them "don't do it again." What happens if someone kills your family...should they not be punished? Oh wait, we just had a scene of Naruto forgiving someone for killing his own son, but get MAD at people if they even attempt to kill your best friend. You kittening scumbag. 

If someone means to do you harm they are not your friend period and I think this is where it breaks down. So, if a person commits a crime, if they are your friend, then they should be let off? That's not how this works. Especially when Naruto says "my friends will want to seek revenge." Umm, no, Naruto, because right after this convoy all your friends agree that Sasuke needs to be punished and want him to stop trying to kill them...that is where Naruto hyperventilates because he realizes that his friends want his best friend dead BECAUSE he has become a terrorist and they don't want their own family and friends in danger by them.

This is how stupid this logic is and why I call Naruto truly selfish. He makes everyone else follow his rules while never understand the true people that are suffering. Some people don't want revenge, they want justice; they want the person to be locked up because they feel they deserve to not be apart of society EVER. This is why when people truly exile people, they can NEVER return. Naruto wants to understand the villains, but never understands the people he is trying to protect. Why? And why does Sasuke ALWAYS get a pass while you tell others to never seek revenge, but instantly lose your kitten if someone even INSULTS Sasuke? You hypocrite.

What if there was a villager who keeps calling Sasuke a C--t everytime he shows up or punches Sasuke everytime he shows up? Is Naruto going to punish that one villager because how dare he hurt Sasuke? Isn't that revenge?

The Punisher said it best:
"In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue... natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance. Punishment."

So, if I could ask Naruto one question, it would be "To you, what is the difference between revenge and punishment?" What if death is the only true punishment for someone so vile?


Edited by James S Cassidy, 08 May 2022 - 03:24 PM.

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#53762 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 08 May 2022 - 06:42 PM

A lot of what you said in your last post also shows major flaws in the writing after everything with Pain is in the series, James.

#53763 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 08 May 2022 - 07:04 PM

Reminds me of how Team 10 was allowed by, and even assisted by, Kakashi to go out and seek revenge on Kakuzu and Hidan for Asuma's death, yet he tries to stop Sasuke from seeking revenge on Itachi.


#53764 James S Cassidy

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Posted 08 May 2022 - 11:31 PM

A lot of what you said in your last post also shows major flaws in the writing after everything with Pain is in the series, James.


The more I look deeper the worse it looks now. Naruto is extremely naïve, altruistic, stupid, and does not understand what he is truly talking about. Does he really think that every single person other than him would seek revenge and HE is the only one who knows better? The other Konoha KNEW that Sasuke was dangerous. They all knew and he essentially ignored all the people he so calls "friends."

So you scold the good guys for wanting justice for the crimes done to them, but when a bad guy wants to kill or enslave everyone then we should not do anything, try and understand them, pat them on the head, and tell them it is not their fault?

Naruto is the WORST hero ever.  I thought Goku was bad, but Goku is just dumb. Naruto actively thinks he is a good person while damning the actual good people around him. 

The only thing I know at this point is is that I can kill his family, rape his wife, and destroy his village, but as long as I don't go after Sasuke he will forgive me.


Reminds me of how Team 10 was allowed by, and even assisted by, Kakashi to go out and seek revenge on Kakuzu and Hidan for Asuma's death, yet he tries to stop Sasuke from seeking revenge on Itachi.

Makes me wonder if Kakashi knew the whole time that Itachi was a good guy. Would explain so much.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 12 May 2022 - 12:08 AM.

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#53765 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 09 May 2022 - 02:42 AM

Makes me wonder if Kakashi knew the whole time that Itachi was a good guy. Would explain so much.

Doubtful, since when Obito told him, Naruto, and Yamato the truth, he didn't want it getting out which tells me he didn't believe it OR just didn't WANT to believe it given his sort of fanaticism to the way the Leaf Village was, even after how it treated his dad for doing what was right rather than the mission and that crap.

#53766 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 09 May 2022 - 05:53 PM


The more I look deeper the worse it looks now. Naruto is extremely naïve, altruistic, stupid, and does not understand what he is truly talking about. Does he really think that every single person other than him would seek revenge and HE is the only one who knows better? The other Konoha KNEW that Sasuke was dangerous. They all knew and he essentially ignored all the people he so called "friend."

So you scold the good guys for wanting justice for the crimes done to them, but when a bad guy wants to kill or enslave everyone then we should not do anything, but try and understand them; pat them on the head; and tell them it is not their fault?

Naruto is the WORST hero ever.  I thought Goku was bad, but Goku is just dumb. Naruto actively thinks he is a good person whole damning the actual good people around him. 

The only think I know at this point is is that I can kill his family, rape his wife, and destroy his village, but as long as I don't go after Sasuke he will forgive me.


Makes me wonder if Kakashi knew the whole time that Itachi was a good guy. Would explain so much.

Also can't forget that you must also be some sort of "foil" of Naruto for him to forgive you and let you off the hook - being a "tool" for someone / the village (Haku / Gaara), being a "lonely child" (Sasuke / Gaara), being a Jinchuruki (Gaara), and/or wanting to be (Ho)kage (Obito). Otherwise, your reasons for whatever "evil" thing you did / are doing / are going to do are wrong and you must be stopped.

Unfortunately, also being Jiraiya's student doesn't count, so Naruto "couldn't forgive" Nagato since he didn't fit any of the other criteria.


#53767 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 10 May 2022 - 04:06 PM

as for it being suspicious as to how she started noticing him after Hinatas confession. I think its more about her heart getting that jump that she could lose him now. It made her more so realize her feelings for him. Thats how it always was with her. It took something but her her to realize her feelings for Naruto.


I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

Always have the spirit and the guts to never ever give up no matter what.

#53768 Luna



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Posted 10 May 2022 - 09:06 PM

Honestly, If Sasuke treatment of Sakura was written differently throughout the series MAYBE I would have been a huge SS shipper but I just can't get behind a ship that has so many inconsistencies and GLARING flaws and the same goes for NH. If we're being real, the only consistent interaction in a ship was NS if we're strictly speaking couples. Hell, even SasuNaru was consistent.


#53769 LuckyChi7


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 12:42 AM

Ladies and Gents the prodigal son returns!  :party:








No it's not bleach related.



Just wanted to make my first post in a while kinda grand lol!

Edited by LuckyChi7, 11 May 2022 - 12:43 AM.





#53770 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 02:16 AM

Ladies and Gents the prodigal son returns!  :party:
No it's not bleach related.
Just wanted to make my first post in a while kinda grand lol!

Hey Chi, welcome back to the party.

#53771 LuckyChi7


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 02:43 AM

It's good to be back, and also just wanted to share this extremely long overdue podcast I did with the crew months ago, but well lets just the last end of 2021 & about 3 & a half months of 2022 weren't exactly great. 



It's one where Vanitas and Narusaku fan in kentucky joined for the very first time, and more so talking about the journey vs the destination as whole when it pertains to Naruto as a character and as a series. 



Edited by LuckyChi7, 11 May 2022 - 03:23 AM.





#53772 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 11 May 2022 - 04:42 AM

It's good to be back, and also just wanted to share this extremely long overdue podcast I did with the crew months ago, but well lets just the last end of 2021 & about 3 & a half months of 2022 weren't exactly great. 
It's one where Vanitas and Narusaku fan in kentucky joined for the very first time, and more so talking about the journey vs the destination as whole when it pertains to Naruto as a character and as a series. 

Good to have you back... wanna do another Kingdom Hearts podcast?


#53773 RulesofNature


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 04:51 PM


The more I look deeper the worse it looks now. Naruto is extremely naïve, altruistic, stupid, and does not understand what he is truly talking about. Does he really think that every single person other than him would seek revenge and HE is the only one who knows better? The other Konoha KNEW that Sasuke was dangerous. They all knew and he essentially ignored all the people he so called "friend."

So you scold the good guys for wanting justice for the crimes done to them, but when a bad guy wants to kill or enslave everyone then we should not do anything, but try and understand them; pat them on the head; and tell them it is not their fault?

Naruto is the WORST hero ever.  I thought Goku was bad, but Goku is just dumb. Naruto actively thinks he is a good person whole damning the actual good people around him. 

The only think I know at this point is is that I can kill his family, rape his wife, and destroy his village, but as long as I don't go after Sasuke he will forgive me.


Makes me wonder if Kakashi knew the whole time that Itachi was a good guy. Would explain so much.



In my time away, I played TLoU and these kinds of arguments are always so, so, it's like the people writing them don't understand how people actually work but want to say this is how people should be. That Ellie was wrong in 2 for seeking revenge on Abby, that Abby shouldn't face repercussions hunting down and murdering Joel. That a character players cared about is brutally killed by someone we don't know, then the game tries to make players care for her and that she's a good person, but she still comes across as unlikable and even horrifying with how she treats her friends and allies. But Ellie is supposed to be wrong for not walking away.


You know, back in the 80's Gundam's creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino, created a series called Xabungle. In that series, the MC was seeking revenge against the person who killed his parents in a world where people are just expected to let slights go after three days. People treat the MC like he doesn't make sense, but the point was that the "forgive after three days" rule was meant to be challenged when it was set up by the ancient people as a test for the people they created



It just really feels like modern writers don't understand people anymore. Like again with Tomino, he said with regards to modern anime boys are written nowadays as always reaching out for the girl's hand, when in his day they were written as reaching for their crotches. That romance has been desexualized, ironic considering how more sexualized modern anime is. That pacifism is the ideal, and the best way to be pacifist is to fight for what you believe in while not killing people except when you decide you have no choice but to kill people (as RE:Creators put it, that is no different from killing for fun because you're making a conscious decision to kill someone). That beating up bad guys is the best way to make them see the error of their ways (again, RE:Creators says that doing so will just make them more likely to dislike you. Man, that show was great before it went up it's own ass.)


Or maybe it's just what Miyazaki said, the problem is that these stories are being created by people (otaku) who don't like looking at other people. They like looking at anime characters.


Just making your day a little brighter.

#53774 James S Cassidy

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Posted 12 May 2022 - 12:21 AM

Doubtful, since when Obito told him, Naruto, and Yamato the truth, he didn't want it getting out which tells me he didn't believe it OR just didn't WANT to believe it given his sort of fanaticism to the way the Leaf Village was, even after how it treated his dad for doing what was right rather than the mission and that crap.

I doubt it too, but who knows? Kishimoto has openly admitted that he has changed alot of details since the early days of Naruto. Itachi wasn't meant to be a good guy in the first place, but that changed due to...guess what...popularity. 

At least Kakashi wouldn't look like a hypocrite if he knew Itachi was a good guy the whole time.



Also can't forget that you must also be some sort of "foil" of Naruto for him to forgive you and let you off the hook - being a "tool" for someone / the village (Haku / Gaara), being a "lonely child" (Sasuke / Gaara), being a Jinchuruki (Gaara), and/or wanting to be (Ho)kage (Obito). Otherwise, your reasons for whatever "evil" thing you did / are doing / are going to do are wrong and you must be stopped.

Unfortunately, also being Jiraiya's student doesn't count, so Naruto "couldn't forgive" Nagato since he didn't fit any of the other criteria.

Oh yeah, can't forget that little detail huh? 

"Hashirama is a Naruto. Jiraiya is a Naruto. Obito is a Naruto. Tsuande's little brother is a Naruto. Naruto is a Naruto. Too Many Narutos"
-Plague of Gripes.





In my time away, I played TLoU and these kinds of arguments are always so, so, it's like the people writing them don't understand how people actually work but want to say this is how people should be. That Ellie was wrong in 2 for seeking revenge on Abby, that Abby shouldn't face repercussions hunting down and murdering Joel. That a character players cared about is brutally killed by someone we don't know, then the game tries to make players care for her and that she's a good person, but she still comes across as unlikable and even horrifying with how she treats her friends and allies. But Ellie is supposed to be wrong for not walking away.


Combine with the fact that you can literally kill every person between you and Abby, but Ellie "isn't a monster like Abby"

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#53775 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 12 May 2022 - 05:08 AM

I doubt it too, but who knows? Kishimoto has openly admitted that he has changed alot of details since the early days of Naruto. Itachi wasn't meant to be a good guy in the first place, but that changed due to...guess what...popularity. 

At least Kakashi wouldn't look like a hypocrite if he knew Itachi was a good guy the whole time.


No kidding. Still doesn't mean he isn't one since he hinted he KNEW Naruto was Minato's son but did NOTHING to help him. Just like virtually others. At least in Hiruzen's case, besides to avoid showing favoritism, you can at least see he probably let his bitterness at his wife's death at Obito's hands get the better and lay that blame on Naruto since Obito killed Miwako during his birth when she acted as Kushina's midwife!

#53776 sushi.


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Posted 12 May 2022 - 10:17 PM

No kidding. Still doesn't mean he isn't one since he hinted he KNEW Naruto was Minato's son but did NOTHING to help him. Just like virtually others. At least in Hiruzen's case, besides to avoid showing favoritism, you can at least see he probably let his bitterness at his wife's death at Obito's hands get the better and lay that blame on Naruto since Obito killed Miwako during his birth when she acted as Kushina's midwife!

This was all to give nrt the most tragic, lonely childhood. So that he could connect w/ villains and understand loneliness and whatnot. It wasn't done to make Hiruzen questionable cus it was never rl brought up in that context


#53777 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 12 May 2022 - 11:32 PM

This was all to give nrt the most tragic, lonely childhood. So that he could connect w/ villains and understand loneliness and whatnot. It wasn't done to make Hiruzen questionable cus it was never rl brought up in that context

True, I just am pinting out reasons why Hiruzen didn't do more for Naruto or truly honor Minato's wish for his son to be seen as a hero. We may not get the context, but the hints are there as we learn more.

#53778 James S Cassidy

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Posted 13 May 2022 - 07:40 PM

This was all to give nrt the most tragic, lonely childhood. So that he could connect w/ villains and understand loneliness and whatnot. It wasn't done to make Hiruzen questionable cus it was never rl brought up in that context

That is the funny part. We think Kishimoto was a genius writer for a long time only to realize that he would easily change any aspect of the story because of either popularity or some contrived basic writing instruction.

Let's make a villain. Make the villiain super evil. Then give the villain a simple back story to explain why he is evil. Rinse repeat. 


Take any moment in Naruto, something we all wanted to know the truth behind, and give it the most stereotypical reason ever. Don't explain the actual reason, just say that's the reason.

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#53779 Phantom_999


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Posted 14 May 2022 - 01:10 PM

to illustrate that, let's take a look at Naruto himself. if you strip away his character and reasons to sympathize with him and look at the actions themselves, plus any reasoning behind it it is clear he is a preachy hypocritical self entitled brat. he wanted to be hokage because he wanted acknowledgement and approval, not understanding the actual responsibilities behind the title, not to mention when you look at when the chips are down he doesn't actually have other people's interests at heart. Twice over this has been proven, Sasuke can kill any number of people he wants and can commit mass genocide but as long as he's willing to be Naruto's best friend/rival/ the D* that Naruto has plug in his A*H* he's perfectly willing to let any atrocities slide. Same thing with Obito once NAruto found out he wanted to be Hokage once it's all water under the bridge even though Obito killed his parents, almost destroyed the village and also no matter how many soldiers died because of a war Obito started and the latter's side had no actual causalities by the way, it was all zetsu fodder or edo tensei zombies. Even Obito's reasoning for his actions warrant no merit since there was no more Rin for him to kitten and let's be honest that motivation is completely unreasonable and selfish. Naruto forgives these actions despite again wanting to become Hokage, being responsible for all those lives lost that he is not even going to let the perpetrator be held accountable for, and if Sasuke had done the same thing Naruto would still beg pardon on his behalf. Naruto is completely for allowing the burning of the forrest if he can save the tree, nay, the leaf and his actions perfectly demonstrates that and also he is the ultimate "Uchiha martyr". THIS is the same guy that wants to overlook the lives AND livelihood of an entire village. Naruto preaches about love and wanting it due to his childhood BUT He can't distinguish love of a person to love of food "the last" says, and the fact that it was not Kishi writing it does not excuse the fact that that was made canon. So Naruto did not want love for love, he wanted love to stroke his ego, and again perfectly demonstrated when he decided he wanted Hinata as his trophy wife and did not give a damn the moon was going to hit the planet when she rejected him for Toneri. And ultimately Naruto's compassion is a big fat lie, to make himself feel self important but his enemies circumstances actually mean nothing to him, "he just wants to be right". he claims that he understands why the villains did what they did and it was all the fault of the ninja system. Did he change the ninja system? Is it actually realistic, to be fair? No, but that was the reasoning he is so forgiving to his enemies in the end, yet doing nothing to improve the circumstances to prevent future repetition of said villains, so this never the less paints him as a big hypocrite and liar now doesn't it? Same thing with Sasuke, Naruto has to twist Sasuke's arm until Sasuke comes back to the village to "make love to him", AND THEN SASUKE has his permission to leave AND THEN Naruto accepts it as the latter's choice. When you think about, and I know I'm am a broken record at this point but I can never stress it enough, the entire story is a completely pointless fallacy. 


Then you got him claiming in the Boruto manga that he would happily kill his own flesh and blood if he were ever to betray the village (whether it was of his own initiative or not). Yet he couldn't dare conceive of doing such a thing to his "Best Friend, Brother, Secret Lover" Sasuke, even though he attempted to destroyed his home, his allies, and loved ones of his own will on several occasions.  Kishimoto just continues to illustrate why people in Japan call Naruto "The Worst Scumbag".
What's funny about that, is that he was telling Boruto that he has to look after the village and that is why he can't spend time with his family. So he's a scumbag liar either way. His family doesn't mean anything to him but his village doesn't  either since he said that but Sasuke got a pass for threatening the village before and Kawaki is hinted to do that in the future but Naruto loves him more that his own flesh and blood and definitely puts him above the village on his priorities, and if Naruto were still alive at that poiont he'd hands down advocate for Kawaki to be forgiven. yet he's willing to be a ninja, if it were anyone else and kill/ assassinate for the village, but again, he's preaching love and compassion.

Edited by Phantom_999, 20 November 2022 - 02:12 AM.


#53780 LuckyChi7


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Posted 14 May 2022 - 03:34 PM

So I just happened to come across this in my reccomendation section on Youtube, and I am speechless in a good way. 






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