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#401 Advaith


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Posted 22 March 2015 - 06:03 PM

That was nice

#402 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 12:32 AM

[summary: everyone can make sakura smile...but, only one person can make her laugh.]
*latley at sakura's house many have been sending her birthday cards, or visiting her, and telling her happy birthday, later she's walking around konoha when lee runs up, and hands her a rose*
lee: happy birthday sakura-san, you look more like a rose each year...never let the youth within you die
sakura: aw, thanks lee, -smells the rose-
*naruto runs up*
naruto: hey, lee? granny tsunade's looking for you, she said find tenten, and meet her in the hokage office!
*lee runs off*
sakura: whats going on?
naruto: nothiiing...just planned a birthday picnic for you sakura-chan!
*they sit under a cherry blossom tree and eat...ramen noodles, and dangos*
sakura: this picnic is really nice naruto
naruto: -smiles- i got you something else too...after we get done eating
*after eating he gave her a heart shaped box of chocolate*
naruto: chocolate cherries -smiles-
sakura: thanks naruto...but, aren't these valentinesday chocolate?
naruto:with you everyday's like valentines day! -smiles-
sakura: -blushes-
*later that night naruto, and sakura lay on the blanket looking up at the stars*
sakura: i love spending all day with you.
naruto: same here.
*ino comes out*
ino: hey natuto, sakura? lady tsunade wants all the rookies to meet in her office...NOW
sakura: whats going on?
naruto: guess we'll see when we get there!
*the three walk into the hokage office*
sakura: why are all the lights off? -turns it on-
sakura: oh my gosh, a surprise party!? was this your idea naruto?
naruto: yes -smiles-
naruto: -notices karui- -sweatdrop- why did you tag along?
karui: i was invited...plus i had to make sure choji didn't eat the sundae i sent -sweatdrop-
choji: it's charamel, and chocolate and vanilla!
sakura: OH MY!
naruto: but, wheres the birthday cake?
*shizune brings in a pink cake with a rose on it, and icing...they also had strawberry shortcake*
sakura: -notices christmas lights all on the walls, and party streamers, very seasonal- very christmassy in here!
naruto: with you every night is like christmas...get it? heaven, and earth.
ino: then i guess you get halloween Naruto? you wear mostly orange, and black
naruto: -sweatdrop-
sakura: i love you Naruto!
Naruto: I love you too sakura-chan!
*naruto and sakura hug*
sakura: thank you everyone, and most of all YOU naruto
*naruto and sakura kiss*

Edited by starlitestarbrite, 03 April 2015 - 08:41 PM.

#403 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 31 March 2015 - 04:51 PM

i guess everyone here's moved on from Naruto, and narusaku? seems like it. I guess I can just blog about stuff like a lot of other popular members' on here do. but, i never know what I can post about.

#404 ns.Believe.It


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 01:52 PM



i guess everyone here's moved on from Naruto, and narusaku? seems like it. 

I'm afraid this is true in my case. Ofcourse, I'll always be a NS fan at heart and Uzumaki Naruto will always be my favorite fictional character. 


Anyway, nice to see you still writing great omakes :D  





'No matter what I do, I guess Happiness is a feeling that I'll never experience'

#405 Nar123


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:00 PM

i guess everyone here's moved on from Naruto, and narusaku? seems like it. I guess I can just blog about stuff like a lot of other popular members' on here do. but, i never know what I can post about.


The omakes are still good , NS will be forever with me but since the ending  and these last arcs I lost the old passion I had with the Naruto series 

Your omakes are pretty much one of the only things regarding Naruto that I still read alongside some occasional fanfic


However you can blog about several other things too if you want, like talk about something interesting on your day or some new series you are reading/ watching, etc.



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#406 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 11 April 2015 - 02:45 AM

i wish i could go back to the days naruto was popular, and that narusaku happened. seriously kishi has done nothing but, destroyed his own work on purpose for "personal reason". how can anyone enjoy anything naruto-related anymore? what else did/are studio pierrot destroying? are they trying to destroy the anime/manga subculture so they can bring in the next big thing?


what'll replace it? maybe j-drama?, thrillers? whose going to recreate the anime/manga subculture next? i used to think it would be china, or south Korea...but it MIGHT be the u.s since most of the fan arts, fanfics' come from here, or it could be europe, OR it can go world wide every country having their own version of anime, and manga. if this is the case i just hope future comic writers, anime creators everywhere don't screw up like kishi/SP did.because Naruto: the last, and boruto


are nothing but trash. kind of sad when one mangaka, and studio can just destroy the whole entire anime/manga subculture. Too bad kishi let stupid naruhina, and sasusaku otaku take over his manga/anime. guess as long as SP is around the japanese anime/manga subculture as we all once knew it is over.

Edited by starlitestarbrite, 11 April 2015 - 02:52 AM.

#407 Nar123


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Posted 11 April 2015 - 02:57 AM

i wish i could go back to the days naruto was popular, and that narusaku happened. seriously kishi has done nothing but, destroyed his own work on purpose for "personal reason". how can anyone enjoy anything naruto-related anymore? what else did/are studio pierrot destroying? are they trying to destroy the anime/manga subculture so they can bring in the next big thing?


what'll replace it? maybe j-drama?, thrillers? whose going to recreate the anime/manga subculture next? i used to think it would be china, or south Korea...but it MIGHT be the u.s since most of the fan arts, fanfics' come from here, or it could be europe, OR it can go world wide every country having their own version of anime, and manga. if this is the case i just hope future comic writers, anime creators everywhere don't screw up like kishi/SP did.because Naruto: the last, and boruto


are nothing but trash. kind of sad when one mangaka, and studio can just destroy the whole entire anime/manga subculture. Too bad kishi let stupid naruhina, and sasusaku otaku take over his manga/anime. guess as long as SP is around the japanese anime/manga subculture as we all once knew it is over.


We can still enjoy the real Naruto through the fandom, a lot of marvelous, incredible IC fanfics are out there, waiting.


Besides I don't think Kishimoto's failure with Naruto destroyed the whole manga/anime subculture, there are still a lot of good ones, which you can easily search, learn about it and like :D

Edited by Nar123, 11 April 2015 - 02:57 AM.



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#408 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 06:30 AM

*all i see is you*
[summary:AU! minakushi! how i would think minato, and kushina's first date would have been like both are 16]
*minato walks up to kushina looking up at the stars*
minato: you know they are looking right back at you -smiles-
kushina: -sadly- isn't everyone?...minato?
minato: yes...why wouldn't they? your beautiful!?
kushina: -eyes water- i'm the reason my village was destroyed!...the whirlpool village is gone!
minato: why? because they ran away from an increadably beautiful girl?
kushina: no...i'm a jinchuuriki! they DIED because of a beast!
minato: but...all i see is YOU!...there IS no beast within you!
kushina: -eyes water- then...i DID kill them?
minato: NO! their FEAR killed them...YOU survived...guess why?
kushina: i guess...i wasn't afraid
*minato hugs kushina*
minato: and you'll never have to be
*they kiss*
*years later sakura talks to a twelve year old naruto out by the swing sets*
sakura: -sighs- naruto? i'm going to tell you something i heard...but, don't take it the wrong way...
naruto: -sadly- what sakura-chan?...did i fail again?...i knew i would...that's okay,
sakura: no...they think your some nine-tailed-demon
naruto: WHAT! -tears up- THAT WAS MEAN SAKURA-CHAN! -cries-
sakura: -blinks- but...THEY DO!...i don't...i actually like your fun personality!
naruto: -sniffs- really?
sakura: yeah!...even if there IS one...maybe it's protecting you! like a spirit animal!
naruto: how?
sakura: well...from bullies, and meanies...and idiots who say your a monster!
naruto: THEY SAY WHAT!
*sakura hugs naruto*
sakura: but, all i see is YOU naruto!...i like you...please don't change
naruto: -blushes and smiles- i wont change sakura-chan!...i like you to!
*years later sakura and naruto are on the hokage monuement*
naruto: you know sakura-chan?...i'm glad we found eachother
sakura: me to naruto!
*within naruto's subconscious*
*naruto and sakura kiss *

Edited by starlitestarbrite, 24 January 2016 - 03:16 AM.

#409 Nar123


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:00 PM


I died here







10/10  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:



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#410 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 15 April 2015 - 09:03 AM

*confession from the soul*
[summary: a "what could have been" my retelling of "sakura's confession"]
*naruto's looking shocked at sakura*
naruto: w-what did you just say sakura-chan?
sakura: what i said naruto was...i love you!
naruto: but...why NOW?
sakura: i'm going to look for sasuke-kun for you naruto...you don't have to stress yourself out anymore
naruto: NO!, i need to save sasuke!
sakura: no,..it's MY turn to make YOU a "promise of a lifetime",
kiba: but, i thought you were going to-
sakura: SHHH!
naruto: going to what?...what's going on? i KNOW there's something going on
sakura: i want you to let me go after sasuke-kun! you stay in the village, and stay safe okay? please naruto?
naruto: i made a promise to you...and i NEED to keep the promise
sai: i think sakura just wants to lesson your burden...we have been ordered to terminate sasuke
naruto: -eyes water- sakura-chan? is this true?
sakura: -eyes water- yes...if i lost sasuke-kun...yes, that's horrible...but, if i lost you -sniffs- it would be the worst feeling ever
naruto: but, i can save sasuke! i'll bring him back to you!, and make you smile like the old days sakura-chan! -sad smile- promise of a century!
*naruto kisses sakura's forehead*
naruto: you still have a charming forehead
sakura: -blushes- wait...that was YOU that day?...you henged into sasuke-kun!?
naruto: now, i must hurry before the kage kill sasuke for real!
naruto: -sweatdrop- i'm sorry sakura-chan! i'll still bring him back to you!
sakura: grrr YOU IDIOT! -grabs his shirt- DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THIS ALL MEANS!?
sai:-jokingly- it means your more shallow than i thought
sakura: grrr SHUT UP SAI! it means i was falling for YOU all this time naruto.
naruto: -blushes-
sai: now, would be a good time for YOUR confession naruto -smiles-
naruto: wait...-narrows eyes- sai?...what did you tell sakura-chan?
*sakura hugs naruto*
sakura: you do so much for me naruto...and i just want to do something for YOU this time around...to thank you
sai: just that the promise you made her is a burden...but, it was because you love her...was that wrong?
naruto: grrr THAT IS THE LAST TIME I TELL YOU ANYTHING!...sakura-chan? if this is all out of guilt, and worry you don't have to...plus it's not really about the promise anymore -smiles-
*astral world/afterlife jiraiya, kushina, and minato are watching the scene*
kushina: -eyes water- this is such a bittersweet moment!
*back to naruto*
naruto: i'm the only one who can...i mean...-tears fall- he can't be saved anymore -wipes eyes- i keep lying to myself saying i can save him...jiraiya-sensei couldn't save orochimaru, and look what happened -cries- but, i can't give up! i will find a way to stop the cycle of hate...but, i can't do it alone!
kakashi: -thinks- and i think...after all this time...he finnally gets it
naruto: shinobi of konoha? together...WE can end the cycle of hatered! if we can all work TOGETHER...we can bring down sasuke, and restore konoha back to it's once was safe little village...-grins- what do you all say? you all in!?
kiba: i'm in!
sakura: -smiles- your going to make a great hokage someday naruto -smiles-
naruto: i wanted to tell you after i braught sasuke back...but, i love you sakura-chan
lee: -eyes water- -thinks- she deserves only the best!
kakashi: well, it looks like konoha's little knucklehead is all grown up -ruffles naruto's hair-
*everyone laughs*
sakura: i have to! i actually DO want to kick the crap out of sasuke-kun for betraying us! i didn't train with lady tsunade just for nothing!...i can crush boulders with one hand!
naruto: -glups- -thinks- note to self: don't piss of sakura-chan anymore- -smiles-
kakashi: wait...i taught you two to!
yamato: are you forgetting someone!?
sai: -snickers- guess they chose the path of the legendary sanins'
naruto: wait till sasuke sees me in sage mode!...theres also something else you all need to know...
*then it all ends with the next generation surpassing the previous for REAL, and defeating maadara, and sasuke*
*epilouge a year later sakura's putting flowers on a grave*
sakura: -wipes tears- -smiles-
*naruto in a hokage cloak comes up behinde her, and puts flowers on the grave to*
naruto: -smiles- we finnally did it
sakura: yeah...your dreams have all come true...all it took was never giving up, and learing to let go, and move on
*the gravestone says: here lies sasuke uchiha..."never learned to let go of revenge...became a shadow of hatred"*
*naruto and sakura kiss*

Edited by starlitestarbrite, 16 April 2015 - 04:58 AM.

#411 narusaku256


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Posted 16 April 2015 - 04:49 AM

DAMN!!!! Both of these omakes are real good :o


#412 Nar123


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 05:52 PM

Every time you write I feel you keep improving, keep it up :D


And also why do you write like this "hey.."


Just a curiosity :P

Edited by Nar123, 17 April 2015 - 05:52 PM.



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#413 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:33 PM

i don't know. i just like typing in bolder/sharper colors lol.

#414 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 18 April 2015 - 12:50 AM

*war of the roses*
[summary: a funny idea that naruhina sooo deserves to do! i can see them doing this. hinata makes her obsession with naruto go too far that she calls a radio station to see who naruto would send roses to. sidenote: konoha city radio, and its personalities are from my imagination]
*in this one bolt, and himawari do not exsist, and they don't live together, and are NOT married*
hinata: -online- theres a segment on konoha city radio called "adam, and eve's war of the roses"?...-sweatdrop- why are we going western?...
*meanwhile on the radio*
adam: ...those JUST tuning in i'm adam
eve: i'm eve!
adam: it's time to do a war of the roses!
eve: all you do is call in, and tell if your spouse, fiance, or soulmate is cheating, or if they love only you!
adam: we have hinata hyuuuga on the line! hi hinata
eve: hello, hinata! what's going on?
hinata: well, naruto-kun's always busy at the hokage office, and i wanted to make sure i was the only one he still thinks about.
eve: has he given you a reason to think he would cheat, or lie to you?
hinata: he's not his hyper sunshiney self anymore! but, i don't think he would cheat, but giving up? maybe
adam: okay, on the other line eve's gonna call naruto, and pretend to offer to sell roses for him to send to a special someone! and we'll see if it's you! but, don't say anything untill i chime in
hinata: okay
*announcer: "now it's time for adam & eve's war of the roses if they're not creating sparks, they're breaking hearts!"*
*ring ring ring*
naruto: hello? hokage office
eve: hello, my name is "ai" from the new flower shop called hearts, and roses in konoha, and i would like to offer you thirteen velvet red roses for being our hokage
naruto: the only flower shop i know is the yamanaka flower shop
eve: well, they are our competition
naruto: this village changes everyday! anyway,so, your selling me roses?
eve: well, we can't send them to you, but, we CAN send them to someone important in your life!
naruto: okay,
eve: i just need a name, and what to write on the card.
naruto: okay, the card can say "even if we're not together i'll still watch over you forever"
eve: aw, she must be a very special girl, her name?
naruto: yes she is indeed, sakura haruno
eve: is she your girlfriend?
naruto: i was hoping she would be someday, but, to see her happy is what makes me happy. wheather it's platonic, or romantic i'll always love her
adam: hey? naruto? your actually on a radio show called "war of the roses" i'm adam, and that was eve
naruto: so,...sakura-chan's not getting roses?
eve: no, sorry but, you should send her some with what you said on a card,girls' love to feel appriciated! enspecially your other girlfriend
naruto: my other...wait...what the heck is going on!?
hinata: hi naruto-kun, i just wanted to see who you would send roses to. i wanted to make sure i was the only one you loved, and thought about.
adam: sounds like his heart belongs to a girl named sakura
eve: shhh!
naruto: hinata why do you think we're going out?
hinata: hello? the movie!
naruto: that out of character parody spoof the last?
eve: wait...you two aren't even dating?
naruto: no! she said she would stop chasing me after the war
adam: -laughs-nothing like a guilt-trip
eve: hinata? do you think it's possible this love you have is one-sided?
hinata: but, naruto-kuuun!
eve: wait, are you a tsundere?
hinata: no
naruto: sakura-chan is
hinata: naruto-kun sakura apparently don't care about you! just give up on her, and love someone who does!
eve: well...that was rude!
adam: oh...yandere! naruto? better be careful this girl sounds like a stalker!
naruto: she is, this has been going on since the academy days when we were twelve,she's not even on our team! we've never even talked! hinata you used to be so, sweet, and kind, now you act weird, and creepy
eve: she hang up?
adam: well, naruto you still on the line?
naruto: yes, i was only trying to be her friend not her boyfriend!
adam: by any chance did you got dumped by sakura? i THINK hinata might be taking advantage of your heartbreak that's what this sounds like
eve: sounds like she wants to be "rebound girl" not "first choice"
naruto: no, but sakura-chan does love someone else
eve: does she even know how you feel?
naruto: no, i haven't confessed to sakura-chan yet
*later that night naruto decided to for read send sakura roses, and a card confessing his love*
sakura: -blushes- too be honest i love you to naruto!
naruto: but, i thought you still loved sasuke
sakura: i never knew what love was untill you came along -smiles- your the sunshine in my life
*naruto and sakura hug and kiss*

Edited by starlitestarbrite, 20 April 2015 - 06:37 PM.

#415 narusaku256


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Posted 20 April 2015 - 05:04 PM

What are you talking about LOL? :sweat: Its a very nice omake...as always :sweat:


#416 Nar123


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Posted 20 April 2015 - 06:52 PM

This is a nice omake once again :D


Strange I feel I commented here right after this omake was posted...but now I see no comment :v

Edited by Nar123, 20 April 2015 - 06:53 PM.



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#417 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 21 April 2015 - 10:06 AM

The dream, got broken
Seemed like all was lost
What would be the future
Could you pay the cost
You wonder,
Will there ever be
a second time around?

Woah-a, woah-a
When the tears are over
And the moment has come
Say "My lord,
I think I found someone"
And no one would be better
To be putting it together
For the second time around

Step by step
Day by day
A fresh start over
A different hand at play
The deeper we fall
The stronger we stay
And we'll be better
The second time around

Step by step
Day by day
{Day by day}
A fresh start over
A different hand to play
Only time will tell
But you know what they say
We'll make it better
The second time around

the step by step theme song remindes me of naruto, and sakura's bond i think the reason kishi, and SP are trying to keep those two separate is cause their bond is superstrong, and wheather it be friendship, or romance they'll only get even closer...the second time around lol

Edited by starlitestarbrite, 21 April 2015 - 10:50 AM.

#418 narusaku256


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Posted 22 April 2015 - 04:11 AM

Nice song!


#419 Nar123


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Posted 24 April 2015 - 08:00 PM

Maybe in a world where kishi isn't a kitten writer...*sigh*



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#420 starlitestarbrite


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 11:27 AM

*what was the point?*
[summary: naruto, and sakura's reactions' to the naruto gaiden]
*naruto, and sakura are each reading a naruto gaiden manga*
sakura: so...i don't get a happy end?...THEY TURNED ME INTO HINATA!
naruto: she's not in this one
sakura: no, i mean i faint in this one...I've never done that!
naruto: -eyes water- how could they write you so unhappy sakura-chan?...AND ME NOT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!?
sakura: the same way they retconned the team 7 bond...they even retconned the retcons'
naruto: they keep changing the story!
sakura: it's hard to imagine the one who wrote "road to ninja" is the same one who let SP tear our series to shreds'
naruto: i know.they turned it into a cheesy romance soap opera!
sakura: i can't believe i had to go back to being a fangirl, and choose sasuke-kun over you when my feelings' have been away from him, and closer to you since your homecoming!
Naruto: -blush- and i can't believe i never got to confess that i have loved you, and still do ever since we met!
sakura: -blush-
naruto: this might be the first case in anime, and manga history where the fanon is better than the canon!
sakura: i know!...what was the point in all this?
naruto: i guess there isn't one...retcon gaiden's like a really bad doujinshi!
sakura: such a waste, our series has been reduced to fan fiction.
naruto: well, that could be a good thing, there are some creative minds' out there!
sakura: yeah.
*naruto and sakura hug and kiss*

Edited by starlitestarbrite, 27 April 2015 - 11:31 AM.

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