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Do Narusaku fans feel a smidgen of vindication with Kishi's revalation about his wife's feelings?

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#21 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 15 November 2015 - 06:38 PM

Honestly and unfortunately I have to disagree with you, as well.


As a creator may it be writer or artist; it doesn't matter, the way one tells their stories through their works are absolute. You can't simply contest kishimoto's decision by saying he has no right to tell you what to do. Of course he hasn't, but it is his story and he is behind the scenes. Why do you even care about his personal life anyway? He doesn't have one, it's been stated many times. Once he is done playing family, kishimoto will start drawing again. But, he isn't telling her that because we, the readers, are to interpret his words however we want so therefore we have your statement "has no right to tell us what his right".


It has been stated in many threads especially on this subject that he is mediocre; besides his somewhat unique drawing style he has nothing. Without his various and respectively many, many editors throughout almost two decades, his story would have ended as an one-shot based on ramen. I am sure that kishimoto knows he is bad, you ought to realize something like that after a while, ya know?


Hinata whereas she might be considered a sexy girl, that is solely up for interpretation. She is popular due to her very shy and "cute" attitude, something that the westerners and a part of the nips prefer due to the fact that they can't stand strong women. Don't come out and say she's got what she wants because she is beautiful and hot since Sakura got what she want too. How it was executed though... well, we already saw that.


Of course you'd be asking for help. Even so, you can't rely on their ideas. You never do that because you'll cease to evolve. He probably asked his wife and family for advice many times but who knows if he really applied their input to the story?  


In the end, you should just let it go after all. It got boring to watch a forum full of smart and educated people whine like little kids.

That's true but I will still say Kishi is a bad writer, as you said he can draw but doing a story is something he shouldn't do at all, I mean I will not let my niece's read Naruto,


I say this as my 10 year old niece read an old Naruto manga I have yet to get rid off mainly not had the time to do so, but when she asked was this a good manga to read I told her no and it would be a waste of her time.


No I know some will say give her a chance I just don't want her to be brainwashed by Kishi's thinking on how love and woman should be, I said this to my friend who hates Sasuke a lot who someone like that hurt my Nieces I would hunt them down. And I'm sure you guys if your older brothers or sister or unlce or antie would agree that you would want what's best for your famaly but if they get hurt all bets are off.


I just worry about Kisdhi daughter, if he has one and if she ends up with someone like Sasuke.

#22 Hanabi



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Posted 15 November 2015 - 06:43 PM

Even if they said those things, it doesn't make them anymore less false to be honest. Minus the part where they said hinata is more beautiful than sakura. different styles, different genres

he's a troll so he ought to be treated like one, this site is for those who like or tolerate ns, which he doesn't.

Edited by Hanabi, 15 November 2015 - 06:45 PM.


I can't even say good bye to you for the last time

I'm sorry

#23 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 15 November 2015 - 08:47 PM

he's a troll so he ought to be treated like one, this site is for those who like or tolerate ns, which he doesn't.

Yep I find Sakura nice just hate how nh fans just go for looks and well how much a pushover or something along the lines, remember they used to say she should be with Naruto as she has better hips for making babies.


why I just walk away and play good games still will say this feel sorry for Hinata's sister.

#24 Nate River

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 04:22 AM

Sup ya'll hope everyone is doing well, I haven't been on these forums (or naruto forums) ever since Naruto ended last year and haven't followed the anime or any of the latest developments of the series (ie; the last; boruto) that followed. I was more than a little amused :lulz:  about the latest revelation that Kishi's wife of all people and the female staff at SP were ticked off at Narusaku (the only pairing which had any REAL development) not being end game. 
If you go look at my old posts here and on naruto forums you will understand my feelings on the Narusaku pairing and why I always felt like most here that it was the most likely pairing to become canon. Of course as we all know; all the development and progress went down the toilet for reasons that are starting to become more and more clear - outside pressure and lack of conviction/honor by the author Kishimoto.
However now that we do know for a fact that Kishi's own wife and the female staff at SP supported Narusaku all along; validating everything we saw and felt during the story of Uzumaki Sasuke - uh- I mean Naruto...the story was about Naruto (at least it was supposed to be :roll:) do you guys feel just a teeny weeny bit of vindication? Thoughts

No. NH/SS could simply argue that they bit on the fake as well. You'd have to first convince that I should give her opinion special weight. Her being his wife gives it more than some dood on the Internet, but is not enough, by itself, for me to really care. My opinion of the pairings doesn't change one bit.

Personally, I felt vindication with the terrible ending and supplemental stuff. I got all sorts of crap for being negative. Now everybody is being negative because of the ending. All I had to say was welcome aboard.

#25 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 16 November 2015 - 05:49 AM

 what do you mean? 

I mean it feels like the staff who inserted that scene where Naruto said the studio is full of Hinata fans are the one who wanted NS.

#26 James S Cassidy

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:03 AM

As a creator may it be writer or artist; it doesn't matter, the way one tells their stories through their works are absolute. You can't simply contest kishimoto's decision by saying he has no right to tell you what to do. Of course he hasn't, but it is his story and he is behind the scenes.


In the end, you should just let it go after all. It got boring to watch a forum full of smart and educated people whine like little kids.

Bold #1: Actually that is false within itself. It is not his story anymore because he let go all rights to being the writer of said story. When you do a half-assed job of your story and just let everyone else write the story for you and just selectively pointing at the story that anyone writes and says "That is canon" because of your own cowardice of writing or finishing aspects of a story....then you don't have the respect of being called an author nor the respect of people to "accept your work."

"It's Kishimoto decision," well, if it is his decision, then by all means he should accept the consequences of those decisions and not just cower behind lies and blaming everyone else for what he failed to do as a writer. That's like me cheating of someone else's test and then saying that I do not deserve the F because THEY got the answers wrong. No, that is just stupid and obvious lie to cop-out of responsibility. I have every right to be mad at this ending and for his blatant lacks of wanting to write the best story he could make. There are no Kishimoto decisions....there is only Kishimoto's lack of decisions.

It was HIS decisions to make this manga and publish it. It was HIS decision to boost up these pairings wars and leaving everything ambiguous. It was HIS decisions that he never followed through with anything out of his own embarrassment. The criticism he gets...are the consequences of those decisions.

This whole "accept and move on" is the whole reason why mediocrity is being pushed so hard. Why work so hard when people should just buy the kitten anyway and have to accept whatever you produce? It gives a bad name to real writers who really want to make stories that last and entertain. Stories of real heroes who fight against real odds and make those hard decisions instead of just using some kitten tactic.

Books can and will inspire people if they read and believe in it. Books, especially ones people hold religiously, have inspired so much in people and people will take them seriously. But if you truly believe that nobody should ever have a right to complain about anything...then I guess you shouldn't have that right either. You shouldn't have the right to come here and criticize people for what they want to do or feel. You shouldn't have the right to call anyone childish or anything of that nature.

As you said yourself...."You should just accept and move on instead of complaining with flames and childish behavior."

"I am just giving an opinion."
Well, so are we. Accept it and move on.

Bold #2
Well, if you find it boring, then why not just leave? You can go and do other things. "You can't simply contest our decisions and opinions when it is our decisions. So accept it and move on."
Don't like what we have to say?
Accept it and move on.

See? Doesn't feel so good now receiving it, does it?


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#27 Anthony



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Posted 16 November 2015 - 02:50 PM

The point still remains there, James.


Would you have cared if NaruSaku were end-game? Would you have put so much time and dedication in writing a 4 sized texts about how the author is wrong and we, the ns fans are right even though despite being so it wouldn't change a thing?


Come on, let's get real. You are judging him way too much for something he couldn't care less about. Yes, he probably wanted narusaku to be endgame. Yes, his wife nudged him on too. And it didn't work too well, did it now?


Anyway; there is a huge difference between giving an opinion and stating the same thing all over again. I have been doing it, too for the past month. Of course I don't like it when the forum is infested with ns kittenposting and the need to belittle a man that's god-knows-how many kilometers away from you.


I won't be moving on, why should I? 


"Don't like what I have to say?"

Accept it and move on.


I saw, it doesn't work too well now, does it?

#28 TerrorKing


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Posted 16 November 2015 - 05:03 PM

If NS had been canon but everything else about the ending had been exactly the same, yes I would have been upset. I care more about the dignity of individual characters then i do about my OTP becoming canon.



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#29 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 05:18 PM

"THAT doesn't matter to the story, she has no right to tell him what to do; wife or not."


I think she has more than anyone right to complain about her husband's work. For one thing she is his wife and if your spouse can't be honest with you what does that say about you're relationship?  And two here is an important really thing to remember Kishi's message since the ending to his children he been "Stop complaining that I don't/didn't spend time with you. Suck it up and love and respect me now, while I do nothing to actually gain your love or respected, and make several stories where this is the message i wanted you to ultimately gain from about 16 years of my time as a mangaka. Since this seems to be the one thing consistent with the manga ending, the gaiden, and the bolt movie." He even admits that they stories are messages to his children. So kishi is sending a negative message directly to her kids and she is suppose to just lay down and take it? What type of parent would she be if she didn't try to protect her kids from this


Also everyone has the right to voice their opinion about a product. Which is what Naruto ultimately is a story that people are paying to read, and or watch for over 15 years. If I working at a store gave a family spoiled milk that they fed their baby. The parents are in their right to complain to the store about us not making sure our stuff is up to standard/code. Or are you telling me the store should just tell the parents to stop being "soo salty" and then force more spoiled milk down the babies throat? 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 16 November 2015 - 05:37 PM.

#30 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 05:28 PM

*some female staff


sp has said that they are bias for hinata

Part of the staff is pro hinata part of it isn't apparently.

#31 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 05:47 PM

That's true but I will still say Kishi is a bad writer, as you said he can draw but doing a story is something he shouldn't do at all, I mean I will not let my niece's read Naruto,


I say this as my 10 year old niece read an old Naruto manga I have yet to get rid off mainly not had the time to do so, but when she asked was this a good manga to read I told her no and it would be a waste of her time.


No I know some will say give her a chance I just don't want her to be brainwashed by Kishi's thinking on how love and woman should be, I said this to my friend who hates Sasuke a lot who someone like that hurt my Nieces I would hunt them down. And I'm sure you guys if your older brothers or sister or unlce or antie would agree that you would want what's best for your famaly but if they get hurt all bets are off.


I just worry about Kisdhi daughter, if he has one and if she ends up with someone like Sasuke.

To be honest from what i understand kishi kids currently don't respect him (which is why he keeps complaining in his story and has message in his stories about kids should love their absent parent), and if his wife is anything like sakura she probably has her head on straight and can take care of the kids protecting them from his increasing stupidity. 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 16 November 2015 - 05:51 PM.

#32 Anthony



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Posted 16 November 2015 - 06:04 PM

"THAT doesn't matter to the story, she has no right to tell him what to do; wife or not."


I think she has more than anyone right to complain about her husband's work. For one thing she is his wife and if your spouse can't be honest with you what does that say about you're relationship?  And two here is an important really thing to remember Kishi's message since the ending to his children he been "Stop complaining that I don't/didn't spend time with you. Suck it up and love and respect me now, while I do nothing to actually gain your love or respected, and make several stories where this is the message i wanted you to ultimately gain from about 16 years of my time as a mangaka. Since this seems to be the one thing consistent with the manga ending, the gaiden, and the bolt movie." He even admits that they stories are messages to his children. So kishi is sending a negative message directly to her kids and she is suppose to just lay down and take it? What type of parent would she be if she didn't try to protect her kids from this


Also everyone has the right to voice their opinion about a product. Which is what Naruto ultimately is a story that people are paying to read, and or watch for over 15 years. If I working at a store gave a family spoiled milk that they fed their baby. The parents are in their right to complain to the store about us not making sure our stuff is up to standard/code. Or are you telling me the store should just tell the parents to stop being "soo salty" and then force more spoiled milk down the babies throat? 

I'll gladly take a moment to say a big thank you and that I am stepping out of this debate. My intention never was to fight with anybody here, but to help ceasing every pointless thread that now became a commodity in this subforum. You are right, I am wrong.


Good day;

#33 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:35 PM

Why should i feel vindicated? it should have happened, but it didn't. Not only did it not happen but the whole freaking story and all the characters went down in flames and burning ash.

I am still crying about Itachi.  :hm:

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#34 Lady Lys

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:48 PM

Ah, well, at this point I kind of feel sorry for those NHers and SSers who are still as militant as they were one year ago. Must suck not to have anything else to do, no? friends? Hobbies? any stimuli? Nah? None whatsoever? ​apart from Hinata's boobs apparently.


Apparently Kishicash married a woman with common sense. I don't know why, but I'm really surprised.  :chuckle:

- L'inguaribile ottimismo di un dodo.

Hungry for glory - AS Roma 1927



But they were all of them deceived, for another canon was made. In the land of Japan, in the fires of Studio Pierrot, the dark Lord Kishimoto forged in secret a master canon, to control all others, and into this canon, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. One canon to rule them all.

#35 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:57 PM

Apparently She doesn't have too much sense if she married him -cough cough-

Lol if you are still hanging onto SS and NH in light of the catastrophe that they are....WELL Militant is an apt word. 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#36 Lady Lys

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:05 PM

Uhm, mhm, you might have a point here dah-ling. But let's just hope she married him for the monnies, and then she'll kill him and inherit the whole caboodle. (such a forward-planning lady!)



Militant indeed. Just for the sake of Science! I'd like to watch them one day in their natural habitats. It'd surely be plenty educative on both a psychological and social point of view.  :lulz:

- L'inguaribile ottimismo di un dodo.

Hungry for glory - AS Roma 1927



But they were all of them deceived, for another canon was made. In the land of Japan, in the fires of Studio Pierrot, the dark Lord Kishimoto forged in secret a master canon, to control all others, and into this canon, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. One canon to rule them all.

#37 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:06 PM

Nononno Dear Lys, You might catch what they have and that would be bad!

Better to observe them from satellite or something. Much safer. 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#38 Lady Lys

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:20 PM

Puh-lease. After all these years, I'd say I've become immune to stupidity. 


Still, if you were able to cable me a satellite, I'd probably wouldn't say no. 

- L'inguaribile ottimismo di un dodo.

Hungry for glory - AS Roma 1927



But they were all of them deceived, for another canon was made. In the land of Japan, in the fires of Studio Pierrot, the dark Lord Kishimoto forged in secret a master canon, to control all others, and into this canon, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. One canon to rule them all.

#39 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:24 PM

Dang if i had a satellite of my own i would have better internet presumably...

But short story; There is nothing to feel vindicated about. 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#40 rocci


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Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:58 PM

I'll gladly take a moment to say a big thank you and that I am stepping out of this debate. My intention never was to fight with anybody here, but to help ceasing every pointless thread that now became a commodity in this subforum. You are right, I am wrong.
Good day;

I agree with you.
No matter how happy I'm that kishi wife want NS at the of the of the day it doesn't matter because the one with the final say is kishi.

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