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Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 3

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#21 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 02:01 AM


If you have read the original manga from beginning to end and cannot see how the character of Naruto has been perversely twisted into something he never was simply for the sake of fabricating a flimsy excuse for why Bolt is a petulant brat, then there is no point in trying to debate the issue. For me, NS was special because of who the characters were. Naruto and Sakura, both great characters who complimented each other so well, are shells of their former selves, so slapping them together for the sake of saying NS happened would be hollow and wildly unsatisfying. 


Through the slow-motion train wreck that was Gaiden to the full blown soap opera that is Boruto, Naruto is portrayed as an absentee father who would rather assign a clone to be with his family during his daughter’s birthday party than have the same clone filing paperwork and checking emails at the office, and for no compelling reason. Compare this behavior to his behavior and ideals from the original manga. They’re polar opposites. And for Naruto, the guy who grew up as an outcast without a family, to decide to divorce his wife and abandon his responsibilities because he “made a mistake”? Again,100% the opposite of Naruto’s original character.


Having Kishi admit he made a mistake when he paired NH and SS is unlikely. Not too long ago JK Rowling made a comment that she regretted pairing Hermione with Ron, and wished she would have paired her with Harry instead. Harry Potter fans lost their minds over it, and it was simply a comment and not a rewriting of the story. NH and SS fans would jeer at the pandering to NS fans. Long time NS fans would see it as Kishi trying to put a bandaid on a botched story. So who’s happy in the end?


I’m guessing there are NH and SS fans who are disappointed with the low quality of what their pairings became, and they may not care if the families broke up. But the majority probably don’t care how ridiculous the pairings are because to them it’s more important that they simply happened. Quality of story and character are not high priorities for them. If their pairings were broken up they wouldn’t be on the edge of their seats, they’d be furious and frothing at the mouth.


Trolling pairings is what Kishi excelled at for years in the original manga. On Naruto Forums the NS vs SS debates were venomous. But it kept people reading, and now the new author and artist may likely attempt the same strategy. The difference is that in the original manga the pairings were unmarried young people with no ties or baggage. That doesn’t hold true anymore.


Which leads me to the children in both families, which you completely neglected in your post. You fail to see the negative outcome to a divorce scenario because you are not looking at the complete picture. You argued that divorce is tossing aside one spouse in favor of another. Does Naruto toss aside his children as well, for the sake of a pairing? Bolt’s fascination with and admiration of Sasuke isn’t meant to imply he should be his son; it’s about building drama and tension between him and his father while maybe offering some redemption for Sasuke for all the things he’s done in the past. Bolt can’t even deal with his dad neglecting him in favor of his duties as Hokage. Having Naruto divorce Hinata, marry Sakura and raise Salad, Bolt’s own team mate, as his daughter would be outrageous. And where does Himawari fit into all this? Is she, and all the kids, supposed to be happy by this turn of events? Salad already endured trauma during the silly "who is my real mother" arc when she thought Karin could be her biological mother (more trolling). Now the father she just reconnected with is going to dump her mother and hook up with Hinata? Even if all the adults agreed that divorce was a viable option, it doesn’t work very well when there are so many kids involved. 


At least not realistically. As we learned from Kishi, there is always Asspull no Jutsu.


I’m not trying to dissuade anyone from reading the manga and enjoying it as they see fit. Please feel free to do so. But I have no enthusiasm for a second-hand, highly manipulated version of a pairing that I love so much. 

Wow you sound like a defeated NaruSaku fan who lost his hope, well that's why i'm on these forums, if you as NaruSaku fans faith that NaruSaku can happen has expired then allow me to renew it! :)

I fail to see how Naruto was perversely twisted into something he never was for the sake of fabricating a flimsy excuse for why Boruto is a petulant brat, I'll give you my assessment, throughout the 700 chapters of the entirety of the Naruto series Naruto and his Ideals and aspirations in life haven't changed, he as always aspired and longed to become the Hokage even as a young boy, he accomplished that goal by carving a path of the trials and tribulations that stood on his path of life he walked on, However as a Hokage you are a single man governing an entire village of dense population and that is what Naruto was trying to ingrain into Boruto's mine "I have to be a father to everyone in the village" despite that all Boruto could think about was himself, Boruto is written and portrayed as a selfish character who only thinks of and for himself and what ever he can gain, that's the reason why he had no qualms about cheating with the Ninja tool

He was willing to dishonorably defeat all of the other competing ninja who actually worked hard to hone their skills, the very skills that pushed Boruto in a corner forcing him to resort to cheating with the said ninja tool in order to defeat his opponents easily for easy victories, this is another example of Boruto's Selfishness, He is willing to sacrifice everyone else's wants and needs so that only his needs can come to fruition, long story short this is a fabrication, all fictional stories are fabrications of events so what is your point ? My point is Naruto isn't completely at fault for Boruto's Petulant behavior, every person will have a different response to any situation they may face, Boruto could have said "My dad works really hard for the village such a caring man" but rather he choose to believe "My dad is selfish he doesn't care for his family but his life dream job, a Hokage, Hag, stupid, geezer, perv!" so therefore Naruto isn't completely at fault for Boruto's Petulant behavior because Boruto made his choice of how to react and respond to his life situation.

You're right Naruto and Sakura did indeed compliment each other well, However I must question about what you said "Shells of their former selves" how so ? Naruto has made it his life priority to become a Hokage, he accomplished that goal, and still is the current Hokage, Sakura's life's goal was to become a great medical ninja, she accomplished that and she currently is the head medical officer of Konoha hospital, Also both Naruto and Sakura didn't accomplish those goals alone, they always had each others back throughout their life time, Naruto wouldn't be alive without Sakura saving his life when ever he is in a grave medical situation, And Sakura wouldn't have even been alive to accomplish her dream without Naruto constantly saving her life from countless village assaults such as the Kyuubi, Pain, ect. which means both Naruto and Sakura have actual relationship development

So therefore your statement about "so slapping them together for the sake of saying NS happened would be hollow and wildly unsatisfying" has no merit because they wont be just "Slapped Together" and be "Hollow" because their relationship has actual development.

I'll also address this of what you said "And for Naruto, the guy who grew up as an outcast without a family, to decide to divorce his wife and abandon his responsibilities because he “made a mistake”? Again,100% the opposite of Naruto’s original character."

ok if you want to say this then by that logic Naruto broke his original character Ideals of never giving up by giving up on his first and ACTUAL love interest Sakura for Hinata because he "made a mistake" of thinking he loved Sakura, this shows Naruto is capable of breaking his ideal of "Never giving up" when ever romance is involved, which means this in no way deters me from believing my theory of Naruto moving on from Hinata so that he can be by Sakura's side in the new Boruto manga.

Also addressing this "Having Kishi admit he made a mistake when he paired NH and SS is unlikely. Not too long ago JK Rowling made a comment that she regretted pairing Hermione with Ron, and wished she would have paired her with Harry instead. Harry Potter fans lost their minds over it, and it was simply a comment and not a rewriting of the story. NH and SS fans would jeer at the pandering to NS fans. Long time NS fans would see it as Kishi trying to put a bandaid on a botched story. So who’s happy in the end?"

I find nothing wrong with putting a bandaid on some damage, because that will cause repairment thats the meaning of repairing, healing what is damaged, I find what Kishimoto is doing to be wise, if he is trying to cater to ALL of his fanbases then that is income and support of his manga series from multiple fanbases, The Boruto manga hasn't been serialized and released yet, which means everyone including you doesn't know of the story plot it will have, so we can't say for sure that NaruSaku will or will not be developed, However since NaruSaku development has been hinted within the Boruto Naruto the movie and Kishimoto's Interviews as I shown within this topic that means that there is footing to assume that the Boruto story plot has a high chance to put emphasis on NaruSaku development which means we can't be too doubtful about NaruSaku moments In the Boruto manga when it's been heavily hinted :):)


It wouldn't be a smart move for Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot to make an alternate ending side story for the NaruSaku and SasuHina fans where Naruto and Sakura get married and Sasuke and Hinata get married while the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans get the pairing they wanted on the main cannon story line making NaruSaku and SasuHina fans feel less important and secondary when NaruSaku and SasuHina fans have been contributing to manga sales and manga/anime ratings just as much as the NaruSaku and SasuHina fans, So how is this and would be fair to us ? That will make the NaruSaku and SasuHina fans feel like they are of little importance and getting less treatment then the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans who got what they wanted despite us NaruSaku and SasuHina fans being just as contributive the entire Naruto series as them, thats a good way to lose fans/customers because that will send a message to us that they will just take our money and not get what we wanted with the money we spent on them, We supported the manga sales for our pairings just as much as the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans for their pairing so we should get the same equal reward as the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans.
So to balance this situation out, NaruSaku and SasuHina fans should get a turn with their pairings in the main cannon storyline with Naruto/Sakura and Sasuke/Hinata as married couples, that way all the fans of each pairing will get fair treatment and get what they want and of course paid for, It looks like Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is going that route now with all the hints of Naruto/Sakura and Sasuke/Hinata getting solid moments in the up coming Boruto manga which means there is new hope for us NaruSaku and SasuHina fans to look forward to so don't lose faith and give up, we are given a sign that we may get equal treatment as the NaruHina and SasuSaku fans :)

i'll repeat this once again, Developing Naruto and Sakura's relationship romantically will not cause a huge fallout of fans as you think, As I said before it will keep NaruHina and SasuSaku fans on the edges of their seats constantly reading and buying manga volumes of Boruto manga to see if their beloved married pairings will break apart and NaruSaku and SasuHina fans will also be on the edges of their seats to see if their pairings that never happened finally comes true, this will induce alot of profit on Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot end and we will finally get the pairings that we actually want, So there will be more gain then loss in this situation :) the fact that NaruSaku is a chance means their is hope to look up to :)
I don't see why it would be damaging for Naruto and Hinata to Divorce and Sasuke and Sakura to Divorce because they are in loveless relationships, Naruto doesn't even appreciate his family and he doesn't have reasons to be compelled to because Hinata and him are nothing alike and don't share any common likes and dislikes as I pointed out, This applies Even to his kids with his DNA in them and they are nothing like him either, Boruto Idolizes Sasuke more then he does his own father making Naruto feel like he doesn't even have a family and a son at all and he even realizes his family is nothing like him either and saddened by it

So I fail to see a negative outcome with a divorce route with the new Boruto manga because the way I see it it will have more fans then Naruto currently does since there are only currently NaruHina/SasuSaku fans since most of the NaruSaku/SasuHina fans left honestly so at the moment mostly NaruHina/SasuSaku fans will be reading the Boruto manga so to expand on the fanbase Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot will have open new and old fanbases to squeeze as much profit as they can out of the new Boruto manga, No NaruHina and SasuSaku fans will not stop reading the Boruto manga when they see that Sasuke/Hinata and Naruto/Sakura are being shipped because it will actually keep them at the edges of their seats so because of that they will be constantly reading the new Boruto manga to see if their Beloved pairing will be broken apart and NaruSaku and SasuHina will also be at the edges of their seats constantly reading the manga seeing if their pairing finally comes true :) thats 4 fanbases added to read the Boruto manga instead of just the current 2 fanbases NaruHina/SasuSaku :) So because of this Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot will gain fans in addition to ones that they lost so I don't see an impending doom for the Boruto manga at the moment, And there are already hints that the divorce is set into motion from all the evidence from movie scenes/manga panels/Interviews i've provided :)
So what if Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is baiting NaruSaku and SasuHina fans to read the new Boruto manga, You don't hear anything about them baiting KibaHina, NejiTenTen, and LeeSaku fans, So that means that we NaruSaku/SasuHina fans are of more importance and value to them so feel special! they are considering the concerns of our Pairing fanbase over the others!!

Lastly i'll address this "Having Naruto divorce Hinata, marry Sakura and raise Salad, Bolt’s own team mate, as his daughter would be outrageous. And where does Himawari fit into all this? Is she, and all the kids, supposed to be happy by this turn of events? Salad already endured trauma during the silly "who is my real mother" arc when she thought Karin could be her biological mother (more trolling). Now the father she just reconnected with is going to dump her mother and hook up with Hinata?"

Judging by the current status of Naruto and Hinata's marriage even something as tragic as a divorce is a better option than being imprisoned for life in a marriage that isn't stable and failing causing your family members apart of it nothing but strife and resentment, Naruto and Hinata's marriage is doing that bad, lets examine this page from Boruto chapter one:


Judging by this scene, Situations like this within Naruto's family is on going, Look at the extreme tension in this scene, Boruto, Hinata, and Himawari's emotions have exploded which means it was built up which means once again on going, and they will have to continue to endure this pain for an eternity if Hinata stays married to Naruto because she always dreamed of marrying him and having kids and spending time with him but she's not getting that, it isn't the marriage she envisioned so she should see no point in staying married to him,

This situation will happen daily, we can assume so based on the knowledge we have of Naruto's ideal "Never Give Up" which means he will never give up being the Hokage and will continue to be the Hokage at the cost of his family, he rather be the Hokage than to spend time with his wife and kids which means a simple position of power is more important than his own flesh and blood, this is the time Hinata should come to the realization that Naruto doesn't live for her but rather for his ambitions,

Boruto is much happier with Sasuke, Sasuke is like a Boruto from a previous generation, Boruto and Sasuke think alike and have the same ambitions in life which is why they get along so well and reason why Boruto considered Sasuke a better father

I'll say this again, So essentially Boruto should have been Sasuke's son and Sarada should have been Naruto's daughter, but question is... why aren't they ? why have 2 kids of different families think like and act like the father of the other one's family ? this makes me speculate that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot are indeed trying to break the families of Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura by having the family members of these 2 families separate and go their own way to the other one's family to show us the readers that the father and kid of the other family should have been with the wife of the other family

Because of this Sasuke is being a fatherly figure to Boruto something naruto is neglecting and absence himself from causing Sasuke to spend plenty of time with Boruto, Hinata understands Naruto's position and duties as hokage but it still vacates him from his duties as a father and husband 2 things that was Hinata's dream since she was a little girl and she's not getting it! The fact that so far sasuke is replacing and fulling the role of a father to Boruto and his family something Hinata wishes Naruto could do could possibly cause Hinata to start eyeing Sasuke a little ;);) and inevitably cause them to spend time with each other and converse more :)

Happy to see him Hinata ? :)

Himawari is very fond of her mother and brother Boruto and Hinata, so she will follow where ever those 2 go, Sasuke, so I do see a place for Himawari to fit, she wont be swept in a corner alone :)

I'll put this simple as I can, It's either divorce and marry and man who you are REALLY happy with or stay with a man your NOT happy with that is causing you and your family nothing but pain and sorrow, 

As for Sarada's situation, she isn't to fond of her father either, she is a polar opposite of him, She idolizes Naruto alot more due to similarities in life ambitions "being a Hokage" so if her mother breaks the vow she made with Sasuke to be by Naruto's Side I fail to see how she would be very emotionally devastated of losing someone she isn't very fond of to begin with


I'll end my rant for now and return later, but I will say to you, never shut off any possibility you might envision sometime in your life, who knows it could be the one that has the truest form and what people will consider plausible :)

#22 Yyubie



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Posted 10 July 2016 - 03:50 AM

Wow ... Sarada panty shot ........ and that Minato photos ... that cool looking Minato turn into that !?!.



I don't understand those who said "I Hope the art get better / Let's just hope the art gets better".

Instead of cursing this piece of crap ....

An out of control man needs a strong woman to control him.
And even a violent woman will become soft and tender to the man she love.

#23 harry4e


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 03:51 PM

Will you give it a rest about NaruSaku and SasuHina happenning? It's not going to happen.


The original piece of work was created by Kishi, it's his ending that sticks, and it's his creation, the current manga is not his work (well for the most part, apparently the current trash was a story he created for the movie.)


The story of Boruto done by a paycheck mangaka, he has no creative freedom over what to do, he has to stick with the guidlines of the scripts set for him. He doesn't own the charactors so he can't go about divorcing charactors and setting them up with others.


Besides this is a Manga aimed at kids, and when it comes to family situations like this it' pretty much universal, you have to endure, nearly every single manga of this situation either has killed off or one or both of the parent is nearly always an absent parent working all the time, and the lesson learnt is not the parent spending more time with the kids but the kid understand why the parent works so hard and forgiving them. the Japan overworked parents use manga as a means to brainwash their kids into accepting their parent neglect.


For years I used to think that it's the norm for parents to let the oldest child handle the household and siblings whilst the parents work. I'm still not sure if that's the norm in Japan.


#24 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 06:06 PM

Will you give it a rest about NaruSaku and SasuHina happenning? It's not going to happen.


The original piece of work was created by Kishi, it's his ending that sticks, and it's his creation, the current manga is not his work (well for the most part, apparently the current trash was a story he created for the movie.)


The story of Boruto done by a paycheck mangaka, he has no creative freedom over what to do, he has to stick with the guidlines of the scripts set for him. He doesn't own the charactors so he can't go about divorcing charactors and setting them up with others.


Besides this is a Manga aimed at kids, and when it comes to family situations like this it' pretty much universal, you have to endure, nearly every single manga of this situation either has killed off or one or both of the parent is nearly always an absent parent working all the time, and the lesson learnt is not the parent spending more time with the kids but the kid understand why the parent works so hard and forgiving them. the Japan overworked parents use manga as a means to brainwash their kids into accepting their parent neglect.


For years I used to think that it's the norm for parents to let the oldest child handle the household and siblings whilst the parents work. I'm still not sure if that's the norm in Japan.

No I will not give it a rest, Because I have evidence that supports my theory, Kishimoto is serving as a supervisor for the new Boruto manga, meaning he will have the power of approval over it, he will decide what is good and what is not good for the Boruto manga so that the readers of the manga will still have a feel of it being the Naruto series with the original creators input. 

Ikemoto Mikio a person who has worked closely as Kishimoto's assistant for the Naruto series even when it was first launched in 1999, respects Kishimoto's ideas for his manga series, Ikemoto Mikio is the writer of the Boruto manga series, he allowed Kishimoto to be a supervisor of it which gives Kishimoto the power to give approval of the content of the new Boruto manga, but since Ikemoto Mikio respects Kishimoto's idea's for the Naruto series story line and Kishimoto has already written NarutoXHinata and SasukeXSakura's marriages to be unstable and failing in the Boruto manga series it is VERY possible Ikemoto Mikio will respect Kishimoto's version of the Boruto storyline which as shown that NarutoXHinata and SasukeXSakura are in failing marriages and continue the story on from there and will consider breaking Naruto and Hinata and SasukeXSakura's marriages, you cannot deny the facts.



How you do know NarutoXSakura and SasukeXHinata will not happen in the Boruto manga series ? Are you some sort of prophet or a time traveler that has seen the conclusion of the Boruto manga ? most likely not, I myself do not know if NarutoXSakura and SasukeXHinata will happen in the Boruto manga, However there is HINTS and EVIDENCE that POINTED OUT that the Boruto manga story line is going that route of NarutoXSakura and SasukeXHinata that is more than enough to lead the readers to believe that NarutoXSakura and SasukeXHinata is highly possible.

Naruto the father of Boruto and the Husband of Hinata has seldomly spent time with his family, this becomes much more transparent when he absented himself from the birthday party he PROMISED Boruto/Himawari and Hinata to attend
Naruto you want to be a father to everyone in the village ? isn't your family also apart of the village ? :)

Then a FEW MINUTES LATER a man who's actually willing to spend time with Naruto's family appears ? coincidence ? I think not, this a huge and clear hint that a new man will bear the mantle of a father and husband to Boruto's family
So what does this tell you ? this is a clear sign that both Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is hinting that Naruto's family has a new man to admire and depend on,

So tell me how this is NOT a implication that Sasuke and Hinata have a possibility to develop a relationship, Naruto isn't fulfilling his fatherly role, Hinata is alone and burdened with the stress of holding an entire household by herself with no help, then suddenly Sasuke arrives and acts as a substitute for Naruto as a fatherly figure to help raise Boruto, How is that not MORE THAN ENOUGH TO HAVE HINATA AT LEAST START LOOKING AT SASUKE IN A NEW WAY ? 

The new Boruto manga is based off the Movie, which means the Manga scenes will be IDENTICAL to the movie scenes and the evidence that I provided above shows that, and Kishimoto stated the Boruto Naruto the movie serves as a pilot for the new Boruto manga, which means Boruto is highly likely to have a new father figure to idolize :)

This also means that where the movie left off, the Boruto manga story will continue where it left off based on the scenes/moment of the movie has shown, which means Naruto will continue to be a neglectful father while Sasuke will be a actual fatherly figure to Boruto and his family, Hinata is saddened at the fact that Naruto doesn't spend time with his family because she's unfortunately not getting the husband she always wanted, the fact that Sasuke is doing everything she wishes Naruto could do such as taking care and watching over her kids and spending time with her could most certainly cause her to start Eyeing him a little bit :)

Nothing with change with Naruto's family dynamic, Naruto is still the Hokage and he has shown NO signs of reprising that role, the very same role that has put his family in great grief and sorrow because of his absence CAUSED by his duty of being Hokage, even at the end of the movie (Boruto, Naruto the movie) he is still the Hokage meaning thus far he will continue to prioritize his duty as being Hokage, eventually Boruto and Hinata will reach a breaking point and decide to look at other ways to have a fatherly figure (Sasuke)

Hinata always dreamed of being married to Naruto and spending time with him, but she is not getting that from him which means this isn't the marriage that Hinata envisioned, so because of that I don't see how she would be so objective about divorcing him, His job (The Hokage) means more to him than his family


Hinata for the 13 years she has been married to Naruto she has been isolated and alone, Her husband refuses to spend time with her despite being "Close" to her, She never has him by her side to do what ever activities that piques her interest such as visiting gravestones of her deceased family members:

"Next time we can come together with big brother and daddy ??"

This implies the Uzumaki family never visits the grave together as such, Maybe because they are a shattered family with disconnected parents, They imply Himawari misses Boruto and maybe that she doesn't see her brother frequently, How is that possible if they're supposedly living together with their parents ? Heavy Heavy implications that their family doesn't connect as one, horrible marriage

Hinata's love for Naruto isn't as absolute obsessive and unbreakable as many people mainly NaruHina fans think, She is willing to cut any ties with him just to ensure the survival of her and the people close to her, like when she rejected Naruto's love confession in the Last Naruto the movie in order to get closer to Toneri so that she could attempt to save her sister kidnapped BY Toneri
This shows that Hinata is capable of breaking any ties she has to Naruto including love ties if she is given a good reason, But I believe Not spending any time with her and their kids and both Naruto and Hinata not sharing any common qualities and likes and dislikes and thinking his family and kids are nothing like him seems to be a compelling enough reason for Hinata to start looking to break ties with him because their family is dysfunctional with no dynamic what so ever

So if you look at it this way, Not only Naruto but Hinata as well have valid reasons to initiate a Divorce, Based on the current state of the Uzumaki family affairs a divorce wouldn't be such a bad option, the family is disconnected and dysfunctional, No one in the Uzumaki family have any thing in common so they lack any chemistry.

So tell me again why Hinata would be very against separating from Naruto ? I have provided cannon facts that she is indeed capable of leaving Naruto if she is given a good reason.

Now lets talk about Boruto:

I'll repeat this, Naruto isn't present in his family life to do fatherly duties so well Sasuke is acting as a substitute, in addition to Sasuke spending more time with Boruto than Naruto has throughout his life despite Naruto being his father! Sasuke and Boruto think alike and have the same ambitions in life 


So essentially Boruto should have been Sasuke's son and Sarada should have been Naruto's daughter, but question is... why aren't they ? why have 2 kids of different families think like and act like the father of the other one's family ? this makes me speculate that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot are indeed trying to break the families of Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura by having the family members of these 2 families separate and go their own way to the other one's family to show us the readers that the father and kid of the other family should have been with the wife of the other family



I think that's what Kishimoto mean't when he said in the interview he partaken in about Sasuke and Sakura not being happy with their marriage and can separate and go their own way:



Sakura's VA: Like OMG "Our Sakura" finally got a happy ending. I am so happy. Thank you sensei.
Kishimoto: Yeah, I don't know for sure if they are really happy. They can seperate and go their own way, I still have not decided yet


This is like Kishimoto telling us that Boruto doesn't belong to Naruto's family but belong's to Sasuke just as Sarada doesn't belong to Sasuke's family belongs to Naruto, I can foresee in the future of the Boruto Manga that this will cause some major conflict between these 2 families because the wife and kid of these 2 families rather spend time with the husband of the other family and the father of these 2 family with become jealous and envious of it because like Kishimoto said (They can seperate and go their own way)

So Kishimoto is seemingly gradually breaking up the Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura marriages because as Kishimoto shown to us in the (Boruto Naruto the movie) and the Boruto manga  Boruto and Hinata and Sakura and Sarada are not happy and content with the marriages and families they are currently apart of due the the father of these 2 families absenting themselves from Fatherly/Husband duties, So Boruto and Hinata will go their own way (Sasuke) Just as Sarada and Sakura will go their own way (Naruto) just as Sasuke will go his own way (Boruto and Hinata) and just as Naruto will go his own way (Sarada and Sakura) this is what Kishimoto mean't (They can seperate and go their own way)

So tell me how both Boruto and Himawari would be so against separating from Naruto ? they are practically separated from him now as I explained so it wouldn't come as a BIG SHOCK if Boruto and Himawari learns that Hinata is separating from because there wouldn't be a change they will still be separated from Naruto regardless if Hinata leaves Naruto or not. so Hinata might as well leave a man who cares more about his work than his own family which is the marriage Hinata DIDN'T envision.

If Kishimoto wanted to keep Naruto and Hinata's marriage permanent then why did he write their marriage in both the (Boruto Naruto the movie) and the (Boruto manga) to be poor and failing that is a clear sign that he could be possibly considering breaking that marriage up, Need another look ?:

Here's a page from the official Boruto manga that shows a sign that Naruto and Hinata's marriage is failing

Hinata crying due to Naruto not spending time with his family and getting his kids infuriated because of it

And you talk about kids relating to the manga with their own life situations ? ok then at the beginning of the Naruto manga series Naruto was AN ORPHAN, his parents WERE KILLED, HE WAS CONSTANTLY BULLIED AND BELITTLED by 98% of the entire Leaf village, Kids-Adults read the manga, the VERY SAME Kids-Adults that were left with a good impression given by the manga causing the Naruto manga series to be popularized on a global scale, the point is, real life relations a story don't hinder book sells as severe as you think, Infact if a reader can relate a story to their own life situation it will make them feel like they are not alone, and if the person in a story they are relating to with the same life situation as the reader progressed and advanced in the world in the story, it will give the reader a sense of encouragement to do the same by giving the reader a message that you can always work hard to reach your dream no matter what terrible situation life throws at you, the Naruto series did a excellent job with that by having a boy who had nothing worked hard to reach the top no matter what was on his path of life, Naruto touch the heart of millions world wide because he is a symbol and paragon of courage and confidence for people who don't believe and doubt they can accomplish something, because millions in the world today are in Naruto's situation of having nothing and having a dream, the readers self insert themselves in Naruto giving them courage that no matter how cruel and horrible life is, you as a person can do everything in your power to accomplish your goal.

So therefore you cannot deny these facts that leads to the assertion that SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura is VERY possible in the new Boruto manga series, if you have lost your hope then that's what I have been doing during my entire time on the NaruSaku forums, giving you all new hope.

What the hell is wrong with a good majority of the NaruSaku forums, they deny the chances of a pairing happening despite evidence provided that leads to the assertion that a pairing has a possibility of happening ?I'm not that weaked minded like some of you, I will continue to prove Sasuke and Hinata has a chance and if it happens in the Boruto manga you all owe me a million dollars.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 10 July 2016 - 06:35 PM.

#25 harry4e


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 06:46 PM

What would be the point of Sasuke x Sakura and Naruto x Hinata breaking up? Their role in the manga is done, they are adults, married with kids, the manga has moved on with the lame Burito.


This is not a Daytime drama, where someone is having a relationship with their best friend, who is also sleeping with their wife behind their back, with their child sleeping with their teacher. This is manga, a Shounen manga at that, not even a Shoujo (no matter how much Kish tried to make it one at the end) young boys are not going to pick up this manga to read about boring things like marrital problems of their former heroes.


This drama that is created is to try to justify the new heroes bahaviour, nothing else, no one would care for a hero is he was moaning his luck if his father was always there for him and his family was always happy, so some drama is created, but there is no mention of the couples splitting up, if it hasn't happened already there is no reason for it to happen later.


This doesn't happen in a Shounen manga, just deal with it, no matter what you want to beleive, which is fine, but the rest of us, don't care, infact even if it does end up in divorce we don't care, we cared for the end of the original manga, this half-ar**d win would not be satisfactary at all. Because no matter the situation, I don't like taking pleasure in seeing a broken home or in this case two. It's depressing, I've seen the after effects it's had with my own nephews and neices, I have no desire to read it in a manga.


#26 elishalicious


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 06:59 PM

This might be my first reply on here......


I have to say I absolutely agree with Nicholas. Personally, I'm not looking forward to anything Naruto/Burrito related. I'm not looking forward to it whatsoever and I refuse to, and I'm especially not wanting NS to actually happen now in a series that turned to utter turmoil for various reasons.


Why? Because I believe that the characters that I use to admire and cherish as a little kid are no longer considered characters to me. Towards the end of the manga, these characters no longer serve a function on having their story truly come complete. All of the characters in the end just serve a purpose of delivering some sort of fan service to the wide fan masses. The amount of how much and how much milking the character can receive, ultimately depends on their amount of popularity they obtained and how much money they can generate from said popularity and/or who they are paired with. It doesn't matter if their motivations, developments, journeys, morals, and/or interactions are terribly downgraded, spat on, and turned hypocritical. What matters to the wide masses is truly what matters to the story. And from what I've seen, it isn't mostly quality story telling and true character progression what the majority desires for. Or rather, some fans have their own distorted view of what quality story telling and true character progression looks like. What matters to some consists of who gets to bang who, why said person deserves to bang who, and lazy story/character closings that have too much holes that some fail to see the bigger picture.


That's why I think people say that the current Naruto and Sakura are not the true Naruto and Sakura. They are just caricatures of their former selves who in the the later parts of the original manga and finale, were molded into distorted version of characters that they either were never shown as before or were shown to progress against in various parts of the story, but were later regressed to something that is beyond unapproachable. This character derailment combined with lazy story closings or rather little to none closings at all, to weak resolutions, to hypocritical story themes, and etc are all purposed so it can pander to the majority fan's wants. (Or rather, what they BELIEVE what the majority fans in the US wanted.) Now, NH and SS happened because that is what they believed the majority fans wanted to happen. Does it matter how it was executed? Eh, to some, of course. I'm sure there are plenty of fans of those pairings who are sure disappointed at how they came out at the end, as I don't like to generalize. But at the same time and like I said before, there are a lot of fans who don't care how it happened, how it was written, and the negative contributions it did to the story. It happened and that's all they care about. It doesn't matter how Naruto became the opposite of what he use to stand up for or he became a "child of prophecy" or how he demonstrated little real change to the system. He is finally slapped with the title as hokage, made a family with hinata who he regularly is absent for despite yearning for a family all his life, and that's about it. Does it matter how all of this is a contradiction to his original character background? It doesn't. All that matters is what the majority fans wanted. I guess the end pairings are more significant than the writing itself.  I'm not even going to talk about Sakura's regression because that is another paragraph to write in itself. Now, everybody gets to poop out a kid like they had bad taco bell for lunch so they can supply for the next generation. Naruto's end is used to pander to Burrito's background for drama purposes. It is to give Burrito a story line. As readers and fans, are we suppose to content with that? 


This story has truly turned from a theme of refusing to accept fate, providing true change and resolution to the world, and fighting back with your beliefs to a theme of acceptance, fighting back on your OWN beliefs, no initiation of true change and resolution, and that fate will always find its way back to you. 


NS was indeed special. Not only because the story wrote NS all on its own, but because we saw the two individual characters grow together. There was an appreciation and fondness for both characters and their own bond. And now with this ending, the horrible writing has spat on their bond and who they were/about to become. It proved in the end that their relationship held little to none significance, just depicted as two teammates who wanted Sasuke back and that's it. Everything is retconned and destroyed to make it seem like Naruto and Sakura never had real attachment and that their only true attachment was with Sasuke and Hinata. All of what they felt for each other throughout the manga was spat on and accused as being a false depiction, even stating that Naruto's love for Sakura has always been really just for a cheap "rivalry" with Sasuke. Which is a pathetic reasoning beyond belief. Their relationship and characters (Sakura's character, definitely) were both spat on to fit a mold of what the majority fans wanted in the end (NH/SS). Why would I want NS now when Kishimoto/Studio Perriot/etc did the job on providing the saliva? No matter how much I could want it, what would a divorce of NH and SS/NS and SH confirmation really bring to a story that is already destroyed? What would a divorce of NH and SS/NS and SH confirmation (or rather, any other pairing that didn't happen in the end) really bring to a story that already destroyed its characters? What would it solve? What would it resolute, because there are countless things that are wrong with this ending? A divorce is not even a plausible option in this type of story. What's done is done. And even if they decide to do something that wants to bring the NS/SH/SK/etc fans back to the atmosphere, best believe they will do it in a cheap way through Burrito and Salad. That's all they would do. They don't care about the NS/SH/SK/etc fans. Their only demographic they choose to worry about is their main money grabbing source, and that is their hardcore fans, SNS, and NH/SS. 


An NS/SH confirmation after the end pairing divorces is not a true resolution to this train wreck. I'm not saying this in means of me not being a "real NS fan", that I lost hope, or that I'm "weak minded", I'm saying this because if Kishimoto or the overall marketing of Naruto decide to some NS pandering, they will cheapen it in the worst way possible through Burrito/Salad like how NH/SS was executed. And I don't want NS to happen now of all the times they could've made it canon all just to say, "Hey! My pairing happened too!". Kishimoto had his chance and he blew it big time. 


This ending and storytelling has no resonance and resolution to me. Not just because NH and SS happened, but how everything of the story was executed and the countless merits of storytelling lost. Overall, this ending is horrible and changing the end pairings as a cheap way to bring back some fans and risking the hardcore ones in exchange, will not satisfy me in any way. I'm not trying to discourage anybody for wanting to read Burrito and/or wanting NS to happen. You do what you want to do. But, I will say this.


Kishimoto/Studio Perriot/etc handed me a raisin cookie when I was told I would get chocolate chip. Now, they're trying to hand me a chocolate chip when I was lied to and was given raisin the first time? I don't want it and I'm not eating either.

Edited by elishalicious, 10 July 2016 - 07:31 PM.


#27 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 10 July 2016 - 07:22 PM

One thing is are they going to continue with this Bolt hates Naruto because he neglects him thing? That has been his main characteristic since chapter 700, and in every story so far had a bit where it should have been fix, but instead it right back to zero for him. I know they just going to be recapping the manga for the rest of the year, but i really hope that bolt issues with his father get dropped after this. I'm legitimately sick of it by this point.


Also well come Eli. And your are right with what you are saying. the thing is a lot of other people know it and that way Naruto has fallen so much because even if they made some nH/ss fans happy. They did it by turning off any appeal Naruto had to any other fan. Which is why in the bolt movie was SNS, because nH/ss fans weren't worth much and they were desperate to get any of the other group of fans they abandon back.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 10 July 2016 - 07:27 PM.

#28 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 07:28 PM

What would be the point of Sasuke x Sakura and Naruto x Hinata breaking up? Their role in the manga is done, they are adults, married with kids, the manga has moved on with the lame Burito.


This is not a Daytime drama, where someone is having a relationship with their best friend, who is also sleeping with their wife behind their back, with their child sleeping with their teacher. This is manga, a Shounen manga at that, not even a Shoujo (no matter how much Kish tried to make it one at the end) young boys are not going to pick up this manga to read about boring things like marrital problems of their former heroes.


This drama that is created is to try to justify the new heroes bahaviour, nothing else, no one would care for a hero is he was moaning his luck if his father was always there for him and his family was always happy, so some drama is created, but there is no mention of the couples splitting up, if it hasn't happened already there is no reason for it to happen later.


This doesn't happen in a Shounen manga, just deal with it, no matter what you want to beleive, which is fine, but the rest of us, don't care, infact even if it does end up in divorce we don't care, we cared for the end of the original manga, this half-ar**d win would not be satisfactary at all. Because no matter the situation, I don't like taking pleasure in seeing a broken home or in this case two. It's depressing, I've seen the after effects it's had with my own nephews and neices, I have no desire to read it in a manga.

Sorry but I must refute what you said "What would be the point of Sasuke x Sakura and Naruto x Hinata breaking up? Their role in the manga is done, they are adults, married with kids, the manga has moved on with the lame Burito."

According to Ukyo Kodachi and Ikemoto Mikio Boruto AND Hinata will receive big roles in the new Boruto manga series

According to Ukyo Kodachi and Ikemoto Mikio the writers of the Boruto story plot, the new Boruto manga series will revolve around the story of the protagonist Boruto and HYUGA PRINCESS HINATA, both Boruto and Hinata are being Hinted to be the main characters of this storyline, Here is the report given BY Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi:

Boruto is half Hyuga with hyuga abilities such as the byakugan, and what better person to train him with the Hyuga techs and considered amoung the strongest of the Hyuga ? his mother Hinata that means that he will have a trainer in addition to his other one Sasuke, this could inevitably cause Sasuke and Hinata to cross paths because they both spend time to train him and and they can train Boruto together and thus Sasuke and Hinata can establish a relationship footing from there :)

So therefore no Hinata and Sasuke's roles in the Naruto series aren't finished.

If there wasn't a point of NarutoXHinata's and SasukeXSakura's marriages to break up then why were there so many Hints and Implications that NarutoXHinata's and SasukeXSakura's are failing a breaking apart, Meaning THERE IS A POINT TO THEIR MARRIAGES BREAKING UP but it hasn't been revealed yet we will have to wait for the Boruto storyline to progress, thats why i'm always telling you NaruSaku fans TO NOT GIVE UP AND HAVE HOPE!!

I've already addressed this earlier in the topic "This drama that is created is to try to justify the new heroes bahaviour, nothing else, no one would care for a hero is he was moaning his luck if his father was always there for him and his family was always happy, so some drama is created, but there is no mention of the couples splitting up, if it hasn't happened already there is no reason for it to happen later."  guess I have to do it again...

So essentially Boruto should have been Sasuke's son and Sarada should have been Naruto's daughter, but question is... why aren't they ? why have 2 kids of different families think like and act like the father of the other one's family ? this makes me speculate that Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot are indeed trying to break the families of Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura by having the family members of these 2 families separate and go their own way to the other one's family to show us the readers that the father and kid of the other family should have been with the wife of the other family



I think that's what Kishimoto mean't when he said in the interview he partaken in about Sasuke and Sakura not being happy with their marriage and can separate and go their own way:



Sakura's VA: Like OMG "Our Sakura" finally got a happy ending. I am so happy. Thank you sensei.
Kishimoto: Yeah, I don't know for sure if they are really happy. They can seperate and go their own way, I still have not decided yet


This is like Kishimoto telling us that Boruto doesn't belong to Naruto's family but belong's to Sasuke just as Sarada doesn't belong to Sasuke's family belongs to Naruto, I can foresee in the future of the Boruto Manga that this will cause some major conflict between these 2 families because the wife and kid of these 2 families rather spend time with the husband of the other family and the father of these 2 family with become jealous and envious of it because like Kishimoto said (They can seperate and go their own way)

So Kishimoto is seemingly gradually breaking up the Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura marriages because as Kishimoto shown to us in the (Boruto Naruto the movie) and the Boruto manga  Boruto and Hinata and Sakura and Sarada are not happy and content with the marriages and families they are currently apart of due the the father of these 2 families absenting themselves from Fatherly/Husband duties, So Boruto and Hinata will go their own way (Sasuke) Just as Sarada and Sakura will go their own way (Naruto) just as Sasuke will go his own way (Boruto and Hinata) and just as Naruto will go his own way (Sarada and Sakura) this is what Kishimoto mean't (They can seperate and go their own way)

I'm sorry by I have to refute this point "This is not a Daytime drama, where someone is having a relationship with their best friend, who is also sleeping with their wife behind their back, with their child sleeping with their teacher. This is manga, a Shounen manga at that, not even a Shoujo (no matter how much Kish tried to make it one at the end) young boys are not going to pick up this manga to read about boring things like marrital problems of their former heroes."

And it's fairly easy to refute, because you state that marrital problems of their former heroes don't occur in shounen ? may I ask if Naruto is the only Shounen series you read and watch ? Look at dragon ball z for instance, Goku is a deadbeat father constantly abandoning his fatherly duties in favor of honing and sharpening his martial arts skills, his wife constantly Nags and scolds him for not fulfilling the fatherly role to his kids he went to great lengths to do it to since he went on a 10 year training journey to train uub which means HEAVY FAMILY NEGLECTION which of course means MARRITAL PROBLEMS, but despite that dragon ball z is still a popular series world wide for people of all ages, It's ironic because THE SERIES IS AIMED AT YOUNG BOYS!!

Lastly I'll address this "This doesn't happen in a Shounen manga, just deal with it, no matter what you want to beleive, which is fine, but the rest of us, don't care, infact even if it does end up in divorce we don't care, we cared for the end of the original manga, this half-ar**d win would not be satisfactary at all. Because no matter the situation, I don't like taking pleasure in seeing a broken home or in this case two. It's depressing, I've seen the after effects it's had with my own nephews and neices, I have no desire to read it in a manga."

Well it's happening now, I've shown you all evidence that NarutoXHinata's and SasukeXSakura's marriages are failing and perishing, no matter what I believe ? well my belief of SasukeXHinata and SasukeXSakura happening is sturdy strong thanks to the evidence that supports my theory of these pairing coming to fruition, And if you don't care about what course and route the Boruto manga takes with Pairings then you don't really have a reason to be posting in a topic that revolves around pairing-eccentric theories that could possibly happen in the Boruto series right ?

Before you consider SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura dissatisfactory see how the pairing function and grow before giving a pre judged analysis, who knows you may take a liking to SasukeXHinata thats for you to decide, that's why I encourage you all to not give up because your favorite pairing NaruSaku in addition to my own favorite pairing SasuHina has a considerate chance to possibly occur :)


#29 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 08:02 PM

SH Supporter@ In the end. You are going to be disappointing in just like one of our former members here by the Name of Chatte.



"My name is Sung Ji-woo. Some called me the Assassin of Death. A Necromancer Deity... My journey has been nothing but walking over a mountain of corpses. My legion of the dead reigns supreme. None shall block my way or... face the wrath of my blades!" --Solo Leveling.

#30 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 08:25 PM

SH Supporter@ In the end. You are going to be disappointing in just like one of our former members here by the Name of Chatte.

Alright then we will see what sort of story will be planned for the Boruto manga series after it progresses past the (Boruto, Naruto the movie) phase, there is footing to believe SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura has a considerable chance to occur base on the evidence both (Boruto, Naruto the movie) and (Boruto manga series) has provided us, 

If I am proven wrong by the Boruto manga not pairing SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura throughout the entirety of the story then I will yield to defeat, but since that hasn't happened yet and plenty of evidence supports my theory of SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura possibly happening I will stay highly hopeful from this moment on,

Sasuke and Hinata look better together than Naruto and Hinata does apperance wise anyways...

#31 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 11:35 PM

Alright then we will see what sort of story will be planned for the Boruto manga series after it progresses past the (Boruto, Naruto the movie) phase, there is footing to believe SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura has a considerable chance to occur base on the evidence both (Boruto, Naruto the movie) and (Boruto manga series) has provided us, 

If I am proven wrong by the Boruto manga not pairing SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura throughout the entirety of the story then I will yield to defeat, but since that hasn't happened yet and plenty of evidence supports my theory of SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura possibly happening I will stay highly hopeful from this moment on,

Sasuke and Hinata look better together than Naruto and Hinata does apperance wise anyways...


So you are confident that SH and the remnants of NS fans which are the hardcore/maniacs (no different that NH/SS shippers) will revive this franchise to its former glory? I guarantee they are not confident to gamble that, after failing to cater over seas to the NH fandom. Not only they are going to lose the pro enders, the Naruto fadom gets diced up even further, in which the Boruto manga will be facing cancellation and stupid death threats from the NH fans once again. Making NS canon will not restore the fandom to the point where it was before volume 71. They--the creators--will have to cut of the afflicted stem that is the sole cause of negativity this franchise has be fallen. The only way to do that is to reboot from the conclusion of the Pain Invasion arc with another 3 year time skip (without the Kage summit and 4th ninja war arcs). That takes too much time to do. That is the only way you'll bring back the true fans of Naruto.

Edited by Konoha'sCrimsonFox, 10 July 2016 - 11:37 PM.



"My name is Sung Ji-woo. Some called me the Assassin of Death. A Necromancer Deity... My journey has been nothing but walking over a mountain of corpses. My legion of the dead reigns supreme. None shall block my way or... face the wrath of my blades!" --Solo Leveling.

#32 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 11:46 PM


So you are confident that SH and the remnants of NS fans which are the hardcore/maniacs (no different that NH/SS shippers) will revive this franchise to its former glory? I guarantee they are not confident to gamble that, after failing to cater over seas to the NH fandom. Not only they are going to lose the pro enders, the Naruto fadom gets diced up even further, in which the Boruto manga will be facing cancellation and stupid death threats from the NH fans once again. Making NS canon will not restore the fandom to the point where it was before volume 71. They--the creators--will have to cut of the afflicted stem that is the sole cause of negativity this franchise has be fallen. The only way to do that is to reboot from the conclusion of the Pain Invasion arc with another 3 year time skip (without the Kage summit and 4th ninja war arcs). That takes too much time to do. That is the only way you'll bring back the true fans of Naruto.

*Blows breath* guess I have to repeat this once again i'll make this as brief and easy to read as possible:


If Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura marriages divorce It wouldn't be a tragedy, It will also show the fans of NaruSaku and SasuHina that both Masashi Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot came to the realization of their mistake of even pairing Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura as married couples which will tell us that they are looking to redeem themselves :) and that will show that they actually care how we feel about the manga making us feel wanted :) the fact that are catering to our wants or even hinting it means that we are of significant importance :) even if bringing NaruSaku and SasuHina fans back as a result of divorce doesn't return ALL NaruSaku/SasuHina fans it will bring back some, which means this is a Win Win situation for both NaruSaku/SasuHina fans and Kishimoto, We will get the pairing that we always wanted and Kishimoto will get yet another influx of fans and returning fans to read and buy his new manga which means more profit for him and Studio Pierrot :)
So I fail to see a negative outcome with a divorce route with the new Boruto manga because the way I see it it will have more fans then Naruto currently does since there are only currently NaruHina/SasuSaku fans since most of the NaruSaku/SasuHina fans left honestly so at the moment mostly NaruHina/SasuSaku fans will be reading the Boruto manga so to expand on the fanbase Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot will have open new and old fanbases to squeeze as much profit as they can out of the new Boruto manga,

No NaruHina and SasuSaku fans will not stop reading the Boruto manga when they see that Sasuke/Hinata and Naruto/Sakura are being shipped because it will actually keep them at the edges of their seats so because of that they will be constantly reading and purchases volumes of the new Boruto manga to see if their Beloved pairing will be broken apart and NaruSaku and SasuHina will also be at the edges of their seats constantly reading the manga seeing if their pairing finally comes true :) thats 4 fanbases added to read the Boruto manga instead of just the current 2 fanbases NaruHina/SasuSaku :) So because of this Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot will gain fans in addition to ones that they lost so I don't see an impending doom for the Boruto manga at the moment, And there are already hints that the divorce is set into motion from all the evidence from movie scenes/manga panels/Interviews i've provided :)
So what if Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot is baiting NaruSaku and SasuHina fans to read the new Boruto manga, You don't hear anything about them baiting KibaHina, NejiTenTen, and LeeSaku fans, So that means that we NaruSaku/SasuHina fans are of more importance and value to them so feel special! they are considering the concerns of our Pairing fanbase over the others!!


Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 11 July 2016 - 12:01 AM.

#33 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 01:13 AM

So you are confident that SH and the remnants of NS fans which are the hardcore/maniacs (no different that NH/SS shippers) will revive this franchise to its former glory? I guarantee they are not confident to gamble that, after failing to cater over seas to the NH fandom. Not only they are going to lose the pro enders, the Naruto fadom gets diced up even further, in which the Boruto manga will be facing cancellation and stupid death threats from the NH fans once again. Making NS canon will not restore the fandom to the point where it was before volume 71. They--the creators--will have to cut of the afflicted stem that is the sole cause of negativity this franchise has be fallen. The only way to do that is to reboot from the conclusion of the Pain Invasion arc with another 3 year time skip (without the Kage summit and 4th ninja war arcs). That takes too much time to do. That is the only way you'll bring back the true fans of Naruto.

Most of the NS fans left after the ending. The only reason we are around is because of bile fascination. and we are not longer paying for any of the product so there no reason to try and sucker up to use because we are no longer part of the consumer base of Naruto.


Oh they "catered" to the nH fans. It's just they have always pay for less stuff then even we do now. Which is why they are trying to appease the Japanese fans in hopes they will return to the series.

#34 Azor Ahai

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 02:00 AM

You know, how things are going on right now, by the end of this whole thing Sasuke and Nardo are going to be on the ground, and by that I mean underground. While I, well I will be laughing.

Edited by Azor Ahai, 11 July 2016 - 02:00 AM.


#35 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 11 July 2016 - 02:26 AM

You know, how things are going on right now, by the end of this whole thing Sasuke and Nardo are going to be on the ground, and by that I mean underground. While I, well I will be laughing.

Were aware that there is a possibility that Kawaki ended Naruto and Sasuke's lives, however before that tragic conclusion we have yet to see what sort of relationships were developed between the characters before the arc which leads up to the scene of Naruto and Sasuke's presumed deaths, which is why my hope of SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura possible romance is full of vitality!

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 11 July 2016 - 02:27 AM.

#36 12771a


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Posted 11 July 2016 - 05:53 AM



Still ridiculous that they are going over the movie. I'm not too fond of the art but I may get used to it. 


#37 Nicholas Wolfwood

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 09:19 AM

Wow you sound like a defeated NaruSaku fan who lost his hope, well that's why i'm on these forums, if you as NaruSaku fans faith that NaruSaku can happen has expired then allow me to renew it! :)

I fail to see how Naruto was perversely twisted into something he never was for the sake of fabricating a flimsy excuse for why Boruto is a petulant brat, I'll give you my assessment, throughout the 700 chapters of the entirety of the Naruto series Naruto and his Ideals and aspirations in life haven't changed, he as always aspired and longed to become the Hokage even as a young boy, he accomplished that goal by carving a path of the trials and tribulations that stood on his path of life he walked on, However as a Hokage you are a single man governing an entire village of dense population and that is what Naruto was trying to ingrain into Boruto's mine "I have to be a father to everyone in the village" despite that all Boruto could think about was himself, Boruto is written and portrayed as a selfish character who only thinks of and for himself and what ever he can gain, that's the reason why he had no qualms about cheating with the Ninja tool


etc etc etc



You could have stopped at "I fail to see" and saved yourself a hell of a lot of writing. 


Again, please enjoy the manga as you see fit. Buy the books and watch the movies. Kishi wishes he could clone a million more like you. But if you really believe Sasuke and Hinata, Naruto and Sakura or whichever your favorite pairing is will get together, you're going to be disappointed just as you were at the end of the original manga.

#38 Hanabi



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Posted 11 July 2016 - 10:40 AM

Wow you sound like a defeated NaruSaku fan who lost his hope, well that's why i'm on these forums, if you as NaruSaku fans faith that NaruSaku can happen has expired then allow me to renew it! :)


"defeated"? quit labeling people. you wouldn't like it if others call you 'delusional' will you? as of now i'll just assume you're very enthusiastic about SH.


most of us are not hoping for the manga to turn around and change the story for an utterly insignificant matter that is pairing issues


sorry, but it sounds more like you're trying to troll what with all the LAP and the repeated images.. your username is dubious enough.. if you're honestly a SH fan you would keep posting SH pics in a SH thread to share the love for that pairing instead of posting all these LAP about divorces or whatnot

Edited by Hanabi, 11 July 2016 - 10:47 AM.


I can't even say good bye to you for the last time

I'm sorry

#39 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 11:59 AM

There is a deference between being "defeated" and being realistic. Naruto is down the tube. It is done. It is dead. The main reason they made so much money last year is because the shoved so many products into the market. That eventually it made some money back. But beyond that Naruto is dead. They cannot and could not maintain the number of new products year after year. They spent their load over the last year and a half. They no longer have the games -as far as I understand it-. They haven't announce a new movie -probably waiting to see if bolt is worth another movie-. Kishi may be the editor but he can't make another one shot or gaiden without getting egg on his face. They can continue to spew out light novels but their 'success' is hit or miss depending on the novel. So all that is left is the anime, and the new bolt manga. The anime is spinning its wheel in on again off again filler waiting on the bolt manga to kick off. While with the bolt manga since they have so little confidence in it. That they decided to copy their popular movie as filler for the first year to see if it will survive or not. Naruto is done SP and SJ destroyed it over the past year and a half. It is a shell of it former self. Limping along till it no longer even makes them a profit. Where the executives will finally give it the mercy of ending it.


And here the thing. Why should they make it NS or SK or NejixHinata or what you want SH? Those fans left over the events last year especially in Japan. They have already gotten burned because of guessing how international fans will react to their product. Currently, they are desperately trying to win back and maintain the Japanese fanbase because they can get a more reliable feel off of them. They manage to get back SNS with the Bolt movie. After abandoning SS and nH for the most part because they are worthless. But if they are/will trying/try to bring back the old fans they are probably going to attempt it by replicating NS with BS and having SNS scenes and SNs like scenes. They are not going to retcon the entire story over the last year and half for a fanbase that is long gone. and they are especially not going to risk experimenting with SH to see if that brings the fans back.


Boruto and the ending is not about art or the story. It never was and it never will be. It is only about selling manga volumes. They will do what ever they think will bring them the most volume sales. As far as they are concern with the success of the Boruto movie. That is SNS and BS as pairings.


If this was ever about the art or the story nH and SS would have never had happened.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 11 July 2016 - 10:50 PM.

#40 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 11 July 2016 - 12:38 PM

"defeated"? quit labeling people. you wouldn't like it if others call you 'delusional' will you? as of now i'll just assume you're very enthusiastic about SH.


most of us are not hoping for the manga to turn around and change the story for an utterly insignificant matter that is pairing issues


sorry, but it sounds more like you're trying to troll what with all the LAP and the repeated images.. your username is dubious enough.. if you're honestly a SH fan you would keep posting SH pics in a SH thread to share the love for that pairing instead of posting all these LAP about divorces or whatnot

Well such a fiery hostile girl you are  :sweat: when I said "Defeated NaruSaku fan" I was trying to raise the spirit of one who has lost his hope, those words never had any intent to insult,

I wouldn't be enraged if someone called me "Delusional" because I would find that insult to be hollow, My theory is supported by evidence of scenes and scenarios shown in the (Boruto Manga) And Boruto Naruto the Movie:

Hinata and Sasuke's first ever manga interaction, Something that has never occurred in the original Naruto manga series for it's 15 year long run, this became big shock to not only especially the SasuHina fans such as myself but generally all of the Naruto fans, and we will continue to get Sasuke/Hinata/Boruto scenes in the near future of the Boruto manga, Naruto isn't around to fulfill his fatherly role to both Boruto and Hinata, Sasuke is replacing him for that role by taking care of Boruto and keeping him under his watch, which can indeed cause Hinata to start eyeing Sasuke in a different way, which means Sasuke and Hinata now have footing to establish a relationship  :yes: 





I'll address this:

"most of us are not hoping for the manga to turn around and change the story for an utterly insignificant matter that is pairing issues"

Well then I suggest finding a new forum to open discussions on then, this forum is named NaruSaku.com do you know what that name entails ? the essence of opening discussions about NaruSaku which means POSSIBILITIES of that pairing to happen, which is what I have been doing during my 3 months as a active member on these forums, you don't sound like NaruSaku forums members if you refuse to open discussions of the pairing this forums is about  :huh: 

Lastly i'll address this:

"sorry, but it sounds more like you're trying to troll what with all the LAP and the repeated images.. your username is dubious enough.. if you're honestly a SH fan you would keep posting SH pics in a SH thread to share the love for that pairing instead of posting all these LAP about divorces or whatnot"

I don't see how i'm trolling when i'm providing legit and actual facts from the scenes of both the (Boruto Naruto The Movie) and the (Boruto manga) So I can't be trolling or miss leading any of you if i'm providing facts which provides footing to speculate that SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura has a chance, and i'm always saying "Possible" never have I said it has a 100% chance of happening, their is a reason for the meaning of the word "Speculation"

You think username is dubious and you believe I don't create topics of the reasons why Sasuke and Hinata should be together ? well i'm going to enlighten you will information right now on that my friend, Perhaps you should take a look at these topics I created:



After skimming and reviewing these topics of mine can you honestly call me dubious ?

I'm just a guy who doesn't see a reason to give up on NaruSaku and SasuHina given the amount of sense it makes for these pairing to happen and now with the new evidence that gives footing to speculate that they now have a chance to happen in the new (Boruto Manga) which will keep me hopeful from this moment on


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