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#21 James S Cassidy

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:45 AM

Props for Shadow Wolf for taking the time to write this amazing post and bring up some valid points. I want to be brutally honest for once because I want things to get better not worse and we can’t keep ignoring the major problems at hand. Despite what happened recently, this is not the first time this has happened. This has been happening months ago and many have tried raising the concern only fall on deaf ears.

After being banned I watched as the forum reacted and I saw many people stand up for me. I would like to say thanks, but I do not deny my punishment nor will I apologize for what I did. I will say I am sorry things had to end up this way, but I guess it couldn’t be avoided much longer. Anyone who knows me knows that I never do anything without reason. My reason? To preserve the website I loved so much. I watched in many threads with many people who just want to bring up counter arguments to others who try to bring others down. It is not just about differences of opinion; it is about respecting the fellow members. I myself have disagreed with some members, but it never has gotten to the point where I lost respect for them due to those opinions.

This is what I feel some miss. I get told so many times that it is “not about differences of opinion, it is about bashing.” I agree. This is not about differences of opinion. It is about bashing. Isn’t insulting ones view point bashing? I see members get told they are delusional because they remain optimistic. Is this not bashing? When is being optimistic become such a bad word around here? To some, it has become a negative connotation to those members who see people who are optimistic as delusional fans who can’t “see the truth.”

With respect, this is not right. And yes, I am aware this happens when some say this about the people who are pessimistic as well. It is wrong on both counts. Just because someone remains optimistic or is pessimistic about the manga does not mean they are delusional. It just means that they view it in a certain way. As Shadow Wolf said, we should NOT discourage people from having a view point. I have had seen so many good intelligent members leave the forum because they feel their opinion is not being respected.

I have said many of times that we are not entitled to our opinion. We are privileged to it. We also have a responsibility for that privilege. If you want people to respect your opinion, you must respect theirs. This has been a growing problem in the forum and it is just wrong. Even in the rules it says we must respect opinions of others. Call someone “delusional,” or implying they are, is NOT being respectful. That is downright bashing and should not be tolerated.

I have seen people claim that some members, especially people who like me just wanted to say what was wrong with the situation, get called being “oversensitive.” Isn’t the other side being oversensitive too? Many of times I see them complain when someone brings up these points that even when they are not bashing them accuse these members of bashing and or not accepting or respecting them. Is this not also “oversensitive” as well? Just because someone criticizes you does not mean they are bashing you. If someone points out the wrong you are doing, they are not bashing you. They are showing concern that you are not being respectful. You are not respecting them. This goes for anyone and everyone who does these kinds of actions. You just can’t claim someone is bashing because they disagree with you. Meanwhile, you’re sitting there saying “All these people are delusional. Poor souls, they have no idea and are so stupid.”

Please. From one person to another, let us try to fix this. Beyond the avatars and the mods statuses and thread counts, we are all human beings. No member, NS or not, should feel threatened to walk into this forum to voice an opinion. If anyone disrespects other members, they should be warned. If it persists, they should be punished.

We shouldn’t have to live in fear every time members want to post, feeling like just having that disagreeing idea will “hurt someone’s feelings.” No member should come to this forum thinking “If I don’t agree with everything that some say, I could be called a basher.” That’s not the kind of environment we need to be promoting.

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#22 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:48 AM

QUOTE (JoHamSandwich @ Apr 27 2013, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For someone to get banned here, it should be a crowning achievement. Even after that, it's most likely a temp-ban the first time around.

In the end, don't forget what this website is.

This is the BEST forum/community for any Naruto pairing fandom. Google NaruSaku and this website is the 2nd link in the results. What about SasuSaku/NaruHina? No forum results in the first page. Smiter is paying for the domain name, the servers, and all the behind the scenes stuff (prizes for competitions) needed to keep this website running for the past 7-8 years, and yet you don't see any ads. You know how nice it is to go to a forum that's AD-free? And he isn't even asking for any donations! That's the love that he has for this website.

The old members here built a 'enter as strangers, leave as friends' reputation to show their love for the website AND the fandom.

Don't let Smiter down. Don't let the older members down.

This is all the stone-cold, solid gold Truth.

James doesn't need an 'R.I.P'. He wracked up all of his warnings all on his own, enough to trigger his Temp ban.

As JoHam said, you have to work awfully damn hard to get warned/banned around here, as we Mods/Admins give the lot of you WAY more chances than the average forum does, which would have Perm banned a good number of people here *long* ago.

So, like Jo says a little appreciation, *especially* towards Smiter would be nice. Without him and all the dedicated hard work of our Mods and Admins, you all wouldn't even *have* a forum to be angsting and whining against.

#23 Cloud



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:52 AM

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ Apr 28 2013, 12:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As JoHam said, you have to work awfully damn hard to get warned/banned around here, as we Mods/Admins give the lot of you WAY more chances than the average forum does, which would have Perm banned a good number of people here *long* ago.


Indeed, I still have chills of those days back then.

#24 Lid



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:54 AM

So, like Jo says a little appreciation, *especially* towards Smiter would be nice. Without him and all the dedicated hard work of our Mods and Admins, you all wouldn't even *have* a forum to be angsting and whining against.


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#25 Nate River

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:15 AM

QUOTE (MangaReader @ Apr 27 2013, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So those saying a good job is being done want the site to be known for it's negativity? I for one know that NH/SS fans stalk this site as I have a friend who ships them who's admitted they've been to the site as visitors... why do you think they're being more dominant then ever everywhere else? When your own site is basically giving up then what's the point in even coming back, yes, opinions are opinions, but when they're overpowering, it's hard to maintain confidence, unless you've been 100% from the start. So yeah, the numbers have been dropping, new members who join almost rarely post at all and so older members are barely ever seen. I'm not saying ban the negative nancys, but some form of limiting the negativity should be put in order. I shouldn't have to respect the ones who refuse to respect the manga they read tongue.gif

Perhaps you can clarify, but this sounds exactly like you are asking us to regulate a certain sub-set of opinions. Otherwise, I am unsure exactly what you would have us do to limit the negativity. So what exactly should rule be? I''m having a hard time thinking of a way to phrase that in a manner doesn't sound like were are actively trying to limit those opinions critical of Kishimoto.

#26 Zatheko


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:04 AM

QUOTE (MangaReader @ Apr 27 2013, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So those saying a good job is being done want the site to be known for it's negativity? I for one know that NH/SS fans stalk this site as I have a friend who ships them who's admitted they've been to the site as visitors... why do you think they're being more dominant then ever everywhere else? When your own site is basically giving up then what's the point in even coming back, yes, opinions are opinions, but when they're overpowering, it's hard to maintain confidence, unless you've been 100% from the start. So yeah, the numbers have been dropping, new members who join almost rarely post at all and so older members are barely ever seen. I'm not saying ban the negative nancys, but some form of limiting the negativity should be put in order. I shouldn't have to respect the ones who refuse to respect the manga they read tongue.gif

I say let the NH/SS fans say what they want, if they come here and see negativity then go off somewhere else to talk about it does it truly matter? In the end we still have NS fans who believe in our pairing, whether they are on a 100% or down in the 30% range they are still NS fans. Basically what I'm trying to say is if some NS fans show a bit of negativity and a NH/SS fan sees it and talks about it somewhere else nothing has changed at all, they are still NH/SS fans and we are still NS fans, in the end what we should really care about is our own pairing and discussing all possible view points about it with each other and less time worrying about what random NH/SS fans think about whats going on at our forums. If anything the fact that they come here just to try and see something they would like proves that they still see NS as a threat.

#27 Slextrem



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:43 PM

QUOTE (MangaReader @ Apr 27 2013, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So those saying a good job is being done want the site to be known for it's negativity? I for one know that NH/SS fans stalk this site as I have a friend who ships them who's admitted they've been to the site as visitors... why do you think they're being more dominant then ever everywhere else? When your own site is basically giving up then what's the point in even coming back, yes, opinions are opinions, but when they're overpowering, it's hard to maintain confidence, unless you've been 100% from the start. So yeah, the numbers have been dropping, new members who join almost rarely post at all and so older members are barely ever seen. I'm not saying ban the negative nancys, but some form of limiting the negativity should be put in order. I shouldn't have to respect the ones who refuse to respect the manga they read tongue.gif

I think the solution is for people to stop forcing their opinion on everyone else. It's one thing to share an opinion, but it's another thing entirely to try and shove what you want people to believe down their throats. For example, this:

The reason I have been keeping this up for so long is because some people doesn't seem to get it. Get what, you mean?? get the fact that not everything will go your way.

"...some people don't seem to get it..."

Next, I don't mind people having fun speculating, but what I mind is the fact some people go way overboard to the point their speculations evolves into expectations. That's the problem with our fandom here.

"...what I mind is the fact that some people [do this]...."

It's not about "crushing" so to speak, it's about telling people to be more open to opposing ideas because at the very least if things happen that way, people would get why things happened the way they did.

"...it's about telling people to be [more like this]...."

You can't make people "get it", because maybe what you want them to "get" isn't what they believe. So stop. It's not helping anyone when you're trying to tell them what to do! Don't take what people say so personally. If you don't like that they're speculating, ignore them! No one is forcing their speculations upon you, and who cares if they're letting their "speculations evolve into expectations"? That's on them! You have no right to tell them that they shouldn't think that way.

Of course, that goes for the other side as well. You can't make people love the chapter/series/characters either, so don't try. If someone says that they didn't like it, then leave them alone. Talk with someone else who did enjoy whatever it is that's being discussed. Share your reasons as to why you thought it was good, but don't tell someone that they have to love it otherwise they shouldn't post. Everyone is allowed to criticize the series when they aren't happy with it. What they shouldn't be allowed to do is criticize the perspectives of other fans.

It boils down to this: If you don't like being told what to do, or say, or think, then don't force other people to conform to your beliefs either. That's hypocrisy, and we don't take too kindly to it in these parts.

Edited by Slextrem, 28 April 2013 - 02:51 PM.

#28 Dkey


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:04 PM

I don't really remember when exactly I joined this forum, but it was around the time when the anime series reached the heaven and earth bridge and if you all recall that little l- word dattebayo added in their subs triggered me to find out what happens next. After some internet searches I found this forum, and remained on it ever since.

Now I remember I was a member and reading all those opinions when the manga reached the point where Sakura offered to feed Naruto. I remember everybody was excited, but then everything changed when Hinata showed up as a member of the team to track down Sasuke. Because I haven't visited other Naruto forums I found out from members' rants that many of them are filled with NH fans that bash and that this forum was a safe haven, but when she showed up the forum atmosphere suddenly dropped. Almost every member if not all of them was afraid of some disastrous NH moment that would occur and their hopes would be destroyed. Now this tension remained for the entire length that Sasuke was featured and as you remember he was featured a lot during that time period, but the negativity managed to rip me apart from the forum and right untill recently I only came on the forum just for the chapter thread.

Now after seeing other forums I can say that this forum has a community I enjoy, and some members really do justice to what this forum means but, as I said the fact that I came and browsed the chapter thread I still saw the same atmosphere as years before.

Now I finally realize that the chapter thread is a thread where the opinions of the chapter as a whole is very subjective and where positive and negative opinions about the chapter clash. This also usually happens right on the release day of any chapter and I can guarantee you that negative and positive opinions will clash again on the 7-8th of May.

I may be wrong but for a visitor like I was for a couple of years the chapter thread is the the thread that connects the visitor to the forum.

Anyway there is something wrong that I think also creates a lot of tension in this community and that is Kishimoto.

Many are dissatisfied with what he does, and every chapter comes under this scrutiny.

Now the issue with Kishi bashing is that for logical smart individuals the one bashing is pretty hard to debate. Why because if the one who is bashing Kishi says that he will ruin his story one who doesn't agree is powerless to this argument and all he can do is disagree. How he chooses i.e. ignore the comment or just say it doesn't really help.

Now the outburst of some member regarding the recent events is this accumulation of frustration. zacrathedemon5 and others who don't like the story anymore want to see if the story is back where they liked it, and others who are either neutral or enjoy the story are frustrated by the negativity.

We have inferno doing damage control every week and writing huge posts trying to cheer up people and I enjoy reading them like I enjoy reading other people's opinion about the story but because Kishi makes every chapter end in a cliffhanger or something like that it creates a lot of tension.

The only solution I can bring about fixing this wounds the community has is for every member to realize that even thou he can express his opinion it doesn't mean it doesn't affect others.

#29 tricksie


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:56 PM

QUOTE (Slextrem @ Apr 28 2013, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can't make people "get it", because maybe what you want them to "get" isn't what they believe.

Slextrem, who is this "you" that you are quoting and talking about?

Because it sounds to me like you have a particular issue with a particular user. And it's a bit unfair to dissect one user's posts in a community building thread, then act like it's the number one problem and that it's a problem everyone shares.

I think if you are going to quote a user, then you need to put their name up here. And if you say you don't want to because it could lead to bashing, then you need to present the issue, and the issue only, that you want to see changed, isolated away from a particular user, then address it in a way the rest of us can talk about. That's the only way to be fair.

Honestly, no one can make you feel anything you don't want to feel. If you don't like what his views about the manga, then ignore it. Don't contribute and then continue the argument. Sometimes you have to be the one to let it go. Because you will never change him, you can only change yourself and how you react.

edit: To make it clear, I do think you have good intentions in not naming the person because it will likely lead to bashing. This is good thing. But I and the other mods would prefer you didn't quote any other members at all. I don't think anyone should. There's no need to. The focus should be on solutions, not arguments for why other people should change.

What you wrote, "I think the solution is for people to stop forcing their opinion on everyone else," is a valid thought, but what if the people who you want to change don't listen? Then what? If they're not bashing or breaking any rules, then how would you want the community members react?

#30 Kadardi


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:45 PM

On the likely chance I bet banned forever for the pm I just sent tricksie, just want to say I am forever thankful this thread has been started and I agree particularly with Slextrem, James, sushi., and others that I am probably forgetting because I read a lot. I'm on Narutoforums(same name) if anyone wants to talk to me there and I'm thinking of making a tumblr. Just saying in case anyone 'cares'.

Lastly, one point I really like about sushi.'s post is the idea that mods stick to warning thru PMs. That sounds absolutely fantastic. It's been great these...past 11 posts lol.(if I don't get banned I would like to say more. But in case I do I'll treat this as my last post).

EDIT: tricksie read the damn quotes they were said in the very same chapter thread you yelled at me in. And do not try to pass me off as a troll again for what I said.

EDIT 2: And I hope this next volume uplifts people's spirits here. A grand majority of you are wonderful.

Edit 3: Hurrah I can expand and reply some more!

Slextrem, who is this "you" that you are quoting and talking about?

Because it sounds to me like you have a particular issue with a particular user. And it's a bit unfair to dissect one user's posts in a community building thread, then act like it's the number one problem and that it's a problem everyone shares.

No it is not unfair. It may not be a problem in all parts of this website but it IS a problem in the debate thread and the latest chapter threads. It IS a problem.

I think if you are going to quote a user, then you need to put their name up here. And if you say you don't want to because it could lead to bashing, then you need to present the issue, and the issue only, that you want to see changed, isolated away from a particular user, then address it in a way the rest of us can talk about. That's the only way to be fair.

It's Codus okay? Co-dus. Codus. Codus' quotes are the ones Slextrem is posting. I honestly have to ask why you are trying so hard to defend him. She did post the issue: people forcing their opinions on others and arrogance over their own opinion run amok. It just so happens that Codus is the worst offender of this.

Honestly, no one can make you feel anything you don't want to feel. If you don't like what his views about the manga, then ignore it. Don't contribute and then continue the argument. Sometimes you have to be the one to let it go. Because you will never change him, you can only change yourself and how you react.

That is not good advice. You cannot tell people to just ignore what goes on the community they frequent or else they'll 'ignore' it by going somewhere else. You can't even ignore people who post their views on other people's views so why are you demanding members blindfold themselves and keep on scrolling when they come across an opinion they don't agree with?

Forums are created for the specific purpose of discussion and so when you post your opinion prepare to have it talked about. If you post your opinion in an arrogant and obnoxious way(and continually insult those who disagree with you(LOOK AT THE QUOTES)) then prepare to have people get offended and tell you to stop.

Mods have the power to ban but you are NOT the only people who post here nor do you even post that much. This is the members' playground and if something or someone is causing trouble and discomfort they have every right to speak up about it without worrying about being warned or banned for doing so.

Finally how are you so sure they cannot change if you NEVER let people talk about how they feel to Codus and others? Whenever they try you swoop in and stop them so they give up. They don't let it go they just feel they have to shut up.

edit: To make it clear, I do think you have good intentions in not naming the person because it will likely lead to bashing. This is good thing. But I and the other mods would prefer you didn't quote any other members at all. I don't think anyone should. There's no need to. The focus should be on solutions, not arguments for why other people should change.

You AND the other mods? Or just you? Do you not want people to acknowledge the fact that CODUS can get away with anything he says? You can't talk about solutions if no one knows what the problem is. Slextrem brought up one of the main problems, and once again you are telling her(and others) to shut up. That is another big problem. Your modding ability is not up to standard and what you are saying now is exactly why none of the members wanted to start up this thread in the first place. You show up and start telling everyone what to say and what not to say instead of letting them freely expressing their feelings.

What you wrote, "I think the solution is for people to stop forcing their opinion on everyone else," is a valid thought, but what if the people who you want to change don't listen? Then what? If they're not bashing or breaking any rules, then how would you want the community members react?

I don't understand this question at all but let me say that sometimes they are bashing and breaking rules and making others feel uncomfortable but they get a free pass from you.

1-Members: do you feel like the mods and admins are doing their job? If yes or no? What supportive comment/constructive criticism/advice do you have for them?

I cannot speak for most of the mods who don't frequent the places I do, but I do have a problem with the way the chapter threads are modded. And you all can probably tell I have a HUGE problem with the way tricksie mods things. Have any of heard of the "10 rules for being a Bad Moderator"? It's kinda funny but I feel it fits here. I'll bold the issues I've seen.

1. Don't visit the forums you are moderating often. Twice a month is enough. Nobody cares.
2. Don't start new threads at your forum. That's the users' responsibility. You are only there for editing and deleting threads.
3. Argue with users as much as you can. You don't have anything to loose since you are the moderator. Never bring personal matters to private messages. And remember that your opinion is the only one that counts.
4. Don't respect the other members, make fun of them. If they make spelling errors then criticize them, if they have a poor or unargumented opinion destroy them with words. If they ask for help about using the forum don't help them.
5. If nobody answers a thread don't answer yourself, the user didn't wanted an answer anyway.
6. If a user makes a dupe thread in the forum don't be nice, it's the users’ fault not to know the 40+ pages that the forum has in search of a similar thread. And never ever give him a link to the content he is searching for.
7. Don't edit the bad words in posts. Fights are fun!
8. If a user is misbehaving ban him immediately, don't try sending him a private message or a warning, it's useless.
9. Close all the threads you want. Users love to see closed threads.
10. A way to be cool is to talk about the private forum threads in the public forum. Administrators love the fact that you tell all the users about the content of the private threads.

Again I'm NOT applying this to all mods since I really only frequent the Naruto discussion section, but those up there are some of the problems I see.

1. I don't see mods actively participating in discussion there and it appears they only show up to warn people. THis in and of itself is not a horrible thing because discussion between members moves fine on its own. But it DOES become a problem when controversial decisions are made like banning members with no regard or even consideration towards the people who ACTUALLY talked to the member and have grown to like him/her(no I am not talking about me. I'm talking more about James and Crimson/Baguttee since they were active and well liked members before you banned them).

2. This problem is obvious especially since this very thread was started by a member. And tricksie you yourself when asked to do something like this told Slextrem straight up that the MEMBERS should be doing something like this themselves. I would actually like to agree that the members should be able to start threads like this on their own when there is a problem, but the problem is it was NEVER clear that this was an option for them. Whenever they try and solve a problem themselves(an unruly member for ex.) a mod would show up and yell at them for not just reporting the guy. So as a result it appeared that problems can ONLY be addressed and solved by the mods(which was not done and so the members had to take the wheel).

3. Tricksie this so obviously applies to you it is not even funny. You do this constantly with people who do not deserve it and never at all with people who do(COUGH). JUST right now you blast Slextrem for quoting others and you you yourself quote her. You tell me and others not to derail a thread, then you derail a thread to distribute warning(s)(even after the matter has been dealt with or wasn't even an issue in the first place). This is really bad when you are only warning a single person since that can easily be done in PM. It makes me believe you have an ulterior motive for public warnings(namely scaring members). Those aren't your only hypocritical actions either.

5. Like number 1 this isn't so much a problem because hey you don't always know what to say and members are capable of carrying on a convo without you by now. But it becomes a problem when you make decisions that affect the active community when you are not active yourself.

8. This is a problem in another sense. If I have to keep explaining why then I will. Members who bring up their discomfort with the constant negativity are yelled at and banned and members who contribute to the unfriendly atmosphere are left alone entirely.

I honestly feel there might be a disconnetion between some mods and the members. For example Nate River in the quote by you that Shadow Wolf posted in the opening, you completely misunderstood the problem at hand. It isn't the negative opinions themselves it is the WAY they are expressed and the RATE at which they are expressed(a lot. Every week every day and every minute).

Things have slowly been turning around and becoming happy again(I noticed the debate thread and the RtN thread especially have become fun) but not because mods were warning people to shut up and ignore each other. But because problems were brought up by members and talked about.

It's been said over and over that "I know mods have lives and can't watch over this place 24/7" and that there is a problem. If you can't keep up with discussion, can't read every post before making a decision, and can't be bothered to talk to your members before you do something then why be a mod? If you don't want to activately participate that's fine but I think the Naruto section definitely needs a new mod and one who HAS been talking a lot and keeps an eye on everything that goes on(and wants a job).

And I'm bringing it up again just because, tricksie I feel you can't do that and you've shown you can't do that over the past few months.

Members are afraid to talk and speak up because of mods and if the goal of this site is to create a safe, fun, and friendly atmosphere then just the flipping opposite kinda happened. I feel like things are only getting back on track in the Naruto section thanks to the members not the mods.

Okay I'm done for now. Sorry for the huge ass post and as always if you disagree with me I am not speaking for you and I apologize if it comes across that way.

Edited by Kadardi, 28 April 2013 - 08:42 PM.

#31 Chatte


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:55 PM

This is the advice I gave to a NH hardcore fan that said because of my Tumblr, she is now a multishipper. Guess who she is dealing with in contradiction to NH. Yes, NaruSaku. Why? Just because on my Tumblr, I started to point out everything in a positive light for NaruSaku, because if I point out the negative, this will be used against us.
I am not saying to go overboard and be some fanatics and chase others and not accepting criticism, however, between criticism and negativity it's a thin line, that's why everybody here has a problem of doing a difference between criticism and negativity and why some of us perceive it one way, while others, the other way.
I, personally know what I did these days? Ignored ALL posts that weren't joyful about Sakura's return and the way it was done. I wasn't satisfied either, but I was glad she was back, so I didn't let ANY negativity shadow this for me. So I enjoyed that and ignored anything else that was going to make me sad about the way Sakura was presented. In the end, the effect of what I wanted was in the manga, just not the way I wanted. But, so what? She is back, that's what it matters, people! Not to mention it needs a set-up, but anyway.
I want to copy what I said to that Harcore NH fan which told me I made her/him ship hard NS too and that now she/he can't decide which one she/he wishes to be cannon because she/he feels that she will win on one part, but lose on the other.
My response?
This one:

Contains references to multiple ships, especially NaruHina!

Awee, that’s so sweet to hear, darling! *blush* And I know how it is because at a time [I was initially NH too] I felt the same way, however, you know what? I still ship them both though more prominent NaruSaku as they are my OTP. I find NH cute, actually, as I said and it has some basis to it which I understand, but to me, they are a beautiful friendship with romantic implications from Hinata, but because of the admiration shehas for him and the strength of will and not only, Naruto has.
Not for Naruto, the human, which Sakura knows -> which was proved in the latest chapter, at least to me. This is what made me define NS as the OTP.
Look at it this way. Both will be one way or another cannon even if NS becomes cannon in the real sense. Naruto and Hinata have a beautiful and innocent friendship and this is something that no one can take out of NaruHina. Not even the other shippers, the anti-s, the NS fans, no one.
But on the other side, same with NaruSaku. They have something of theirs no one can compete with. However, we don’t need to compete. That’s the beauty of shipping. Focus only on your ship and enjoy their moments without concentrating to other character or ships that may contain one of the characters you’re shipping together.

This way, you will be full of positive and will think positive and no one gets hurt, everybody enjoys their piece of cake, so to say, without having to get in this war.
I wish everybody would just do this. NaruSaku fans, NaruHina fans, SasuSaku fans, SasuKarin fans, SasuHina, NejiHina, NejiTen, LeeTen, LeeSaku, ShikaTema, ShikaIno, ChoIno, I don’t know. Everybody!
Just do like this. Enjoy the little moments offered to your ship without comparing to other ships because it gives you more positiveness. Because if you are comparing it with other ships, you might enjoy one of the other ship moments and this way, you’ll get envious, one way or another and you would wish that your ship would have had the same moment, but it doesn’t. So you get sad. You have already, by now, introduced negative thinking inside you because you didn’t concentrate on the beauty of your ship’s moment, you just had to go there. And then you get frustrated, you hear someone saying something about your ship not having the moment the other ship had so you start a fight with that person and start downplaying that ship and then the other person fights back, so, in the end, you basically…end in a fight which filled you with negativity when, instead, you could’ve revisit those moments, start make edits about those moments, write about why did you like that moment, what did it mean to you as a shipper, plenty of other nice things that would made you enjoy even more your moments.

That’s what I do to get away from the negativity. Enjoy my ship, read about them, debate about them with good and wrong perspectives, do an edit of them….just enjoy them. Every time someone tries to shove on my throat some other pairings, in the bad sense, of course, I just ignore them and go revisit some moments of my ship and remind myself why I love them. And this way, I don’t get myself filled with negativity, just positivity.
It works wonders, trust me!

Meh, I wish everybody would be like this, not because I do this, just because it benefits. This way, this fandom would be better.

I wish to everyone who reads this message, because I plan to tag it multiply, just do that. Enjoy your ship’s moments, fantasize about them, do anything that brings you pleasure when it comes to them and you’ll see how good it is, rather than to fight with the fans from the opposite ship and bring negativity inside you. You’ll see the difference, it’s huge!

So just enjoy your ship(s) and let the love flow.

Anyway, thanks dear anon once again for your message! Really! I highly appreciate it! If you want, we can always talk about other stuff as well.

Lots of love! xoxo


Edited by Chatte, 28 April 2013 - 07:55 PM.


Still rambling about Naruto/NaruSaku stuff on


#32 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:47 PM

QUOTE (Kadardi @ Apr 28 2013, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On the likely chance I bet banned forever for the pm I just sent tricksie,

You are a *real* piece of work, Kadardi. A real ass. Great job of verbally assaulting one of our best Mods, to the point where she is now taking a break from the forum. And mark my words, you are now banned. The only thing that is keeping me from personally doing it myself, is that I am in the hospital, have been for the last few days with a serious/critical condition, and am trying to type all this out on my cellphone. I physically can't ban you myself, as my cell just can't access the systems to do it. But you...are...OUT.

And you know what and this is to EVERYONE, James is *not* a martyr. The Mods/Admins are NOT trying to 'target' anyone. And ALL of this bullsh** has infuriated me so much my hands are shaking as I try to type all this. Half of you are coming off as such ungrateful BRATS, who have absolutely NO clear appreciation for when you have something damn good.

So, here is my recommendation.

I'm going to ask Smiter to lock the forum for a few days.

Yes, that's the ENTIRE forum.

Most people don't realize how damn good they have something until it's taken away. You'll all most likely hear from Smiter himself soon enough. And for the few good, decent, civil-acting members we have left, pray that for you he'll decide to keep the forum going. Because if it was up to me, today would the LAST day *anyone* would be allowed on for a good...long...time.

#33 Greed-Sama


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:55 PM

QUOTE (Kadardi @ Apr 28 2013, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's Codus okay? Co-dus. Codus. Codus' quotes are the ones Slextrem is posting. I honestly have to ask why you are trying so hard to defend him. She did post the issue: people forcing their opinions on others and arrogance over their own opinion run amok. It just so happens that Codus is the worst offender of this.

That is not good advice. You cannot tell people to just ignore what goes on the community they frequent or else they'll 'ignore' it by going somewhere else. You can't even ignore people who post their views on other people's views so why are you demanding members blindfold themselves and keep on scrolling when they come across an opinion they don't agree with?

Isn't that what you're doing right now? Forcing your opinion of how the moderators do things down the throats of others? I've been here for two years now? The problem with the debate thread and the chapter threads comes down to the people posting in them. The people who feel that they are entitled to argue against an opinion that they don't agree with. No, you don't have to. Unless you are mentally sick, you can scroll past that argument...and guess what? You can ignore it. It is easy. It's called choosing your battles. And those who are unable to do so, are going to have one hell of a time in the real world.

QUOTE (Kadardi @ Apr 28 2013, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mods have the power to ban but you are NOT the only people who post here nor do you even post that much. This is the members' playground and if something or someone is causing trouble and discomfort they have every right to speak up about it without worrying about being warned or banned for doing so.

Actually this is Smiter's playground. He pays the rent, he along with the much older mods, choose the new mods. So you are under their house, you play by THEIR rules. No ands, ifs, or buts. Period. If you want a new forum, go make one.

QUOTE (Kadardi @ Apr 28 2013, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Again I'm NOT applying this to all mods since I really only frequent the Naruto discussion section, but those up there are some of the problems I see.

1. I don't see mods actively participating in discussion there and it appears they only show up to warn people. THis in and of itself is not a horrible thing because discussion between members moves fine on its own. But it DOES become a problem when controversial decisions are made like banning members with no regard or even consideration towards the people who ACTUALLY talked to the member and have grown to like him/her(no I am not talking about me. I'm talking more about James and Crimson/Baguttee since they were active and well liked members before you banned them).

3. Tricksie this so obviously applies to you it is not even funny. You do this constantly with people who do not deserve it and never at all with people who do(COUGH). JUST right now you blast Slextrem for quoting others and you you yourself quote her. You tell me and others not to derail a thread, then you derail a thread to distribute warnings(even after the matter has been dealt with or wasn't even an issue in the first place).

5. Like number 1 this isn't so much a problem because hey you don't always know what to say and members are capable of carrying on a convo without you by now. But it becomes a problem when you make decisions that affect the active community when you are not active yourself.

1. The opinion of the majority does not matter when the minority are persecuted. If someone doesn't like it or reports the post, then the mods have to deal with it. End of story.

3. Reread the post. Seriously. She got onto Slextrem because she quoted someone without naming them. Slextrem tried to pass it off as a community problem when she quoted ONE person without having the courage to point them out by name.

5. Just because they don't talk all the time doesn't mean they aren't active. Next.

QUOTE (Kadardi @ Apr 28 2013, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's been said over and over that "I know mods have lives and can't watch over this place 24/7" and that there is a problem. If you can't keep up with discussion, can't read every post before making a decision, and can't be bothered to talk to your members before you do something then why be a mod? If you don't want to activately participate that's fine but I think the Naruto section definitely needs a new mod and one who HAS been talking a lot and keeps an eye on everything that goes on(and wants a job).

And I'm bringing it up again just because, tricksie I feel you can't do that and you've shown you can't do that over the past few months.

And leave it to immature individuals who flip out when someone reprimands them? The mods do a fine job. You're just fussing to fuss.

And again with my first point. You are shoving your opinion down the throats of everyone. Look at that.


#34 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:14 PM

You know what's the problem? Emotionless. Not people but the Internet. Most of the time, you don't know if you're expressing it with attitude or kindness. The user that pointed out mods for example is giving me an image of a guy who is giving a finger to all, even though I don't really know if he is acting like that. For me, I have to make sure if I wrote it in a proper manners and/or make sure I say my true intention. For example, when I write back at SS fan, I won't say it like I know best, rather say this is my opinion and trying to bash you but question SS in general. Agree to disagree. Why you think I'm like checking back and see if I sounded dumb. Heck I did so in the recent event, wanting to bash NH/SS, but I have to apologize on my own because one is not me and two is rather immature. Don't gather a group of bashers, just stay as one.

That said the only rules I get is when a user says something bad about another user without saying anything like "I don't want to bash you, you're entitled your opinions, but don't try to put others down by shoving it, whether intentional or not. To each of their own." That's where it becomes a problem when there's no "no offense" or "sorry to be rude, but..." but instead, trying to be the man who wants to split the faction. That's why when I puty input I don't get trouble because I explain beforehand on my intention of writing this post in proper manner. That's why I don't really get trouble. Do I do this to prevent trouble? Yes and no. Yes, because I don't want to get in trouble, of course. No, because this is my nature of myself. I'm very respectful as you may think I'm cocky when I say that but no matter. Would I have hard time with members? Deep down, yes but will I point at someone? Of course not. I remember how Don-Kun feels down and I was there to help. I guess I'm like Jesus in here. Lol. But seriously, we should keep it steady.

Now that a shutdown may be coming, do I blame you guys? To be honest, I don't care. One thing for sure is that these mods don't have it easy too you know. We made them like they're robots, but they're human too. Heck, reading that post made me feel guilty, even though I didn't do anything to fight back. But oh well. What's done is done. If it goes shutdown, so be it. I will be doing something as well as thinking what could have prevented this. Who knows, but I hope all of you come down with a truce. May not be friends but you better just settle in with an agreement.

Take care.

#35 Derock


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:15 PM

Very, very disappointed here. And your post, Greed-sama, wasn't actually needed anyway because he's off the site.

I'm going to ask Smiter to lock the forum for a few days.

Yes, that's the ENTIRE forum.

I'm actually surprised at this motion. mellow.gif Disappointed, yet shocked.


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#36 Cloud



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:18 PM

Easy, Shauna... easy. You're still recovering.


It's come to this.. really?

#37 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:19 PM

QUOTE (Derock @ Apr 28 2013, 05:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Very, very disappointed here. And your post, Greed-sama, wasn't actually needed anyway because he's off the site.

I'm actually surprised at this motion. mellow.gif Disappointed, yet shocked.

I'm afraid so. Well, you can read my last post. See what you think about it. Not that I hope you guys change your mind, but just want you to know how I feel about this.

#38 Nate River

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:41 PM

QUOTE (Derock @ Apr 28 2013, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Very, very disappointed here. And your post, Greed-sama, wasn't actually needed anyway because he's off the site.

It's appreciated nonetheless.

#39 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:44 PM

QUOTE (Greed-Sama @ Apr 28 2013, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Isn't that what you're doing right now? Forcing your opinion of how the moderators do things down the throats of others? I've been here for two years now? The problem with the debate thread and the chapter threads comes down to the people posting in them. The people who feel that they are entitled to argue against an opinion that they don't agree with. No, you don't have to. Unless you are mentally sick, you can scroll past that argument...and guess what? You can ignore it. It is easy. It's called choosing your battles. And those who are unable to do so, are going to have one hell of a time in the real world.

Basically this Greed-sama, i started ignoring the whole NH/SS posts when suddenly i realized that i passed an entire day on the forum arguing against NH/SS and at night i had a headchache then when someome pumps up saying it's a NH/SS fan i just ignore, and read other's people posts.
I think it's a problem that is happening lately, if you make a new account on the forum and post "NH/SS > NS" you'll see the amount of replies and can even be used as a derail on a thread or forcibly change a topic.( as an example).

BUt yeah you made a very good point and i agree with.

Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 28 April 2013 - 09:54 PM.


#40 Chatte


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:14 PM

Oh come on, it has came to this? Well, I guess my suggestion wasn't good enough. Meh. sad.gif


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