Really? I know the anime is not for everybody but I thought it was pretty original in terms of its presentation and spectacular transition from LN to anime.
It is crazy how opinions can differ, right? I know what some of my opinions about "bad" anime shows would raise several brows.
Personally I have a hard work tellilng what is the worst anime than I have ever watched. Throughout the years I have become pretty good spotting and/or avoiding shows that surely I would consider tripe. And when I watch some show that is exceptionally boring, dumb or whatever I erase it from my memory right away.
Moreover, I may be very forgiving with flaws IF I am entertained enough. Hence, if I do not like a show it is likelier than I think that it is dumb and dull rather plainly bad.
But if I have to name a show that I watched and I found real bad, so bad that it stuck into my mind... The first that comes to mind is Evangelion.
... I heard that loud "WHAT?", you know.
Let me explain. I began watching it due to the hype that swore that it was absolutely great. And I like sci-fi and giant robot shows, so it could not fail, right?
The first half was entertaining but it was not at all great like fansites and websites proclaimed. Then the second half came... and it was a disaster. It was convoluted, full of plotholes and incoherences, mindscrews... and real boring (like I have said, I can forgive a lot if the show is funny). And I had not idea of why people thought that it was original. Everything -and I mean EVERYTHING (deconstructions, character archetypes, manipulative bastard parents, mentally unsound soldier kids that become steadily more unstable, organic sentient berserker mechas, souls locked into mechas, apocalypse where all dies, souls traveling to a higher plane of existence... you name it)- of that series had already been done many times before. Geez, Anno himseld said that Evangelion was a mix of Ideon and Devilman. And since we are on it, Asuka is a gender-flipped version of Tetsuya Tsurugi (same personality, background and motivations), a character created twenty years before. (I only can assume that many fans were young and they had never watched a robot show before -or they watched one or two shows when they were kids-, and their opinions of the mecha genre were based on preconceived ideas and archetypes. Thus, when they finally watched a show and it did not fit with their preconceived ideas of what a robot show is, they thought that it was fresh, different and original).
However, dozens of mediocre shows are made in Japan every year. This was only one of them. So I could have forgotten all about it. Buuuut, unlike other mediocre shows, fans of this particular mediocre show were VERY loud, praising anything about it, many proclaimed that it was the most mature anime show with the most complex characters made EVER, it was absolutely new and original (I have watched robot shows for three decades. It is not new or original. Nothing is) and many of them insulted me in a very offensive and pedantic fashion when I explained why I thought that it was bad ("you just hate it because you are too stupid to understand its extraordinaire complexity, maturity and depth") and they were uncapable of praising their favourite series without dissing other series or the whole genre (Honestly... "Show A is great because Genre B totally sucked before it" is never a good argument; actually it is probably factually fake).
So... you can tell what I was a victim of hype (I raised my expectations due to it) and fandom (I know, I know. Disrespectful, obnoxious zealots are always a -sadly- loud minority, and I should not judge the series or the whole fandom basing on them. I am not telling all Evangelion fans are like this. If you are an Evangelion fan that has always treated non-fans respectfully, then I am not talking about you, and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings) increased my disgust of a poor series, making that it stuck into my mind, unlike all other dull series that I have watched (and I have watched many dull series).