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The Great H&E Drabble Contests...The Real Deal! XD

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#21 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 09 May 2008 - 01:07 PM

Theme: Fireworks
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Deidara and Sasori
Word count: 567

“I don’t care for this piece.”

“Why not? I think the bold statement the artist made is quite intriguing. That and the woodprint is still intact after all these years.”

“It would look better blown up into bits and pieces, yeah,” Deidara said as he reached into his pouch of clay.

“We’re not supposed to draw attention to ourselves,” Sasori stated, still admiring the woodprint.

Deidara snorted crossing his arms in front of him. “Admit it, you don’t appreciate my expressive art form.”

“Though that may be true, I do have a valid reason this time.” Sasori tilted his head to the entrance of the tent.

Deidara turned to see several blushing women at the entrance to the festival’s art gallery staring at the two men. Seeing the throngs of women making eyes at Sasori as well as himself was not a good thing. The last thing they needed were to be followed around by a bunch of fangirls.

“Why are we here in this village again?”

“We’re meeting with an informant about information on our next target. They’re supposed to meet us after the fireworks are over.”

The mention of fireworks brought a dangerous glint in Deidara’s eye. “I guess going to this festival will be worth while after all. I wonder if they’ll let me help put on a few fireworks of my own, yeah.”

Sasori sighed, “I’m still not certain why they insisted on making you my partner. Come, we need to be at the meeting place before the fireworks start.”

The blond frowned watching his partner walk out of the tent while the multitude of women gazed longingly after him. Deidara casually walked towards the exit with a smirk on his face. A few of the women smiled back at him unaware of how dangerous this man was. He waved at the group letting the tongue on his hand creep out and lick the air in a grotesque manner. The women blanched and then scampered away, frightened by the unusual display.

Deidara caught up with Sasori as the fireworks were starting. The dangerous criminal paused in awe of the spectacular colors dancing across the night sky. Bright hues of color painted the village in an cacophony of beauty. Finally, at least something got to be blown up.

Sasori was also in awe of the explosive performance. The beauty in the woodprints were astounding, but there was something about the way the fireworks spread its beauty beyond the nighttime sky. People around them were smiling and basking in the brilliant display. It was as if everyone could truly appreciate this sort of art form. The puppet-master hated to admit it, but he thought he could see a bit of why Deidara was so enthralled with his explosive art. It was beauty in a fleeting moment, it was majesty magnified to a grand scale.

The next thing he knew, a clay bird floated up into the sky and with a loud “Katsu!” exploded into a large hue of colors spelling out the words, ‘Deidara was here.’

Whatever respect Sasori had for Deidara’s art vanished after seeing his artist interpretation of fireworks. However, a part of him still remembered the silent appreciation of what he saw that night. He would never tell his partner and Deidara would never know. But that night under the fireworks, the two artists finally came to a mutual agreement about art.

Edited by AchikaMiyu, 10 May 2008 - 02:23 AM.

End of line.

#22 Gena kumo

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Posted 10 May 2008 - 09:45 PM

I hope it's not too late...
(my week days are always busy...)

But even if it is...I'll post these few little things anyways...(more coming)


Theme: Fireworks

Universe: HP and the DH

Characters: Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald

Words: 158

"The Duel of a Decade"

Few…if any muggles…have had encounters with true magic in their short lives.

And even fewer…have the slightest inkling…of what exactly they encountered.

Take, for instance, the infamous duel between a headmaster…and a master of darkness…in 1945

…Such a display of power, that even the ordinary people in the surrounding hills were aware of it.

And, even though the ministry interceded and relieved most of their minds of their burden as mortal witnesses of the immortal…

…Some memories were left intact.

Of these…at least…if you took the time to ask them…

Some…would say it was a meteor shower…

Others…who were safely inside…would describe it as a thunderstorm…

A few…in denial…would insist that it was, “A trick of the light…”

But most…

…would sigh wearily, and say that it was...

“The greatest display of fireworks they had seen in a lifetime…”

Edited by Gena kumo, 18 May 2008 - 03:10 AM.

[color="#FF8C00"]My fan-writing <3 fairycloud22

#23 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 09:48 PM

New themes are up! wow.png

Week 2 keywords/themes:






#24 Derock


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Posted 12 May 2008 - 10:18 PM

I'm first with the new drabbles biggrin.gif

(And this is my FIRST angst writing so, be prepare)

Theme: Scars
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto (Sasuke, Sakura and Tsunade mentioned)
Word Count: 215

Here he was, back home again as a failure once more...

The mission was a huge disappointment. So many distractions of the Akatsuki and not only that, Sasuke was nowhere to be seen, once more.

This was the third time. They had said, "Third time is the charm," but that charm have not even came to help with his luck. Three times, three freaking times he had failed to save his friend and brother. Three times he failed to keep his promise towards Sakura...…

He doesn't know what to do now. After all of the preparations, all of the intense training, all he and his team have done, he thought nothing can stop him of saving his friend. But it turned out to be a flop. Sasuke kept moving from place to place. Itachi was in his way. Then this Akatsuki member with the orange mask distracted him as well.

Soon as he and his team reached back to the village, he immediately went home, without reporting first to Tsunade-obaa-chan. He just doesn't feel like reporting to her. He was becoming very depressed about this situation.

This burden, this scar, it keeps growing... However he doesn't realize that soon a simple turn of events will happen and more scars will soon develop and grow as well...


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#25 Yoko


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Posted 12 May 2008 - 10:24 PM

Theme: Touch

Universe: The Siren RP

Characters: Irae, Vulcan

Words: 131

He'd done it. That naive boy of a bounty hunter had managed to strike a fatal blow to Irae the Wildfire.

However, she smiles. Her lips red with her own blood, she reaches out with shaking hands, touching either side of his face.

When she speaks, she is still smiling.

"Burn with me, Vulcan Ventus.."

And from her hands (touching his face almost as a lover would, and Irae is anything but), the bounty hunter bursts into flame.

Irae collapses, smiling still as she coughs up blood. She hears footsteps... But can't see who it is.

And then Irae the wildfire closes her eyes, welcoming the darkness. Just as she begins to lose conciousness, she hears someone call her name.

But she cannot see them, and they sound so far away.

Theme: Cold/Warm

Universe: The Siren RP

Characters: Irae, Takeshi

Words: 130

She was going to die. And it would be Takeshi who would kill her.

Irae stares at death(in the form of someone she'd once thought of as family), wide-eyed.

She was afraid.

She was terrified.

She was going to die.

And death scared her. More than anything else could.

Her back is warm against the cold steel walls of the Obliterator. Death was not even three feet away from her, and her fire was useless.

Takeshi the Immortal was far too used to pain. He was burning--- Skin melting, his hair burnt away..

And he still moved towards her. Slow, heavy steps.

Takeshi raises a sword, a claw, something, she's not quite sure. The fire engulfs him, but it's pointless, useless.

Irae swears she can see him smile.

#26 Derock


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Posted 12 May 2008 - 11:13 PM

Theme: Flowers
Universe: Set after Street Fighter II but right before Street Fighter IV
Characters: Chun-Li (M.Bison(Vega) mentioned)
Word Count: 346

The World Warrior Tournament...It has been officially halted due to a turn of events...

M. Bison is still around, leading Shadaloo as Grand Master and continuing his plot to conquering the world with his Psycho Power. As much as the tournament was soon leading to the final round of facing the Shadaloo's Grand Masters, the contestants will have to leave and prepare for the announcement of the tournament's continuation.

And it gave plenty of time for a certain contestant to visit her special loved one...…

In her homeland, China, the beautiful but deadly Interpol agent, Chun-Li, decides to visit her decease father one last time. She carried a bouquet of flowers and placed it in front of her father's gravestone.

"Hello Father... I'm here once again to tell you that the tournament was halted. I didn't receive enough information why, but it must be Bison's doing." She looks up in the clear blue skies.

"I swear, Father, I will defeat Bison with my own hands for your sake. I know from your teachings that vengeance will only lead to the path of misery. But I want justice. I want Bison to understand the meaning of justice in his corrupted mind." She felt her tears falling down on her face.

"I hope you'll understand," she wiped her tears away. "...because I missed you so much..." She felt the wind to pick up a bit. A couple of leaves were blown in the air. As Chun-Li felt the wind blowing, she notices a flower from a couple of meters away from the cemetery.

She remembers the time when she always picks up flowers for her father when she was a young girl, a young girl that always makes her father very proud and happy. She picked up the flower and placed it on top of her father’s gravestone.

"Don't worry, Father. I swear I will destroy Bison and Shadaloo. I'll make sure of it. Take care for now..."

As she prepares to leave, a single tear fall from her face and lands on top of the flower...


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#27 Denim88


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 03:38 AM

Theme: Present/Gift
Universe: Naruto
Characters: NarutoxSakura
Word Count: 585

An eighteen year old Naruto looked at the ceiling of his room, his face neither sad nor happy. Just...content.

A tuft of pink rolled into his peripherals, and he sighed. Here it came.

Sakura blinked, a confused look on her face. She looked around, and then turned to see Naruto to her right. She then smiled.

Wait, smiled?

“Morning, Naruto.”

He blinked at her, and raised an eyebrow, “You're not going hit me?”

She rolled her eyes, “Why would I do that? It's your birthday, and I have no complaints about last night. The sake may have played a part...but I don't regret it...”

Naruto blushed a bit, thinking back to the 'present' she had for him that night at his party. Well, one of the many presents she had gotten him. First was the set of kunai. Then the coupons for Ichiraku. Then the larger wallet (shaped like a orange toad) among other small things.

It had been a very difficult past two years for Naruto. First Jiraiya's death, then Tsunade was killed defending Konoha from an attack by Pein himself. Naruto spent the following year training alone in the mountains, taking only the scrolls of Jiraiya and his father Minato Namikaze. At seventeen, Naruto returned, and killed Pein and Madara Uchiha. Sasuke's whereabouts remain unknown to this day...

Naruto would have to wait for Kakashi to step down from the seat of Hokage before his dream could finally be a reality. Kakashi reluctantly took seat of Rokudaime Hokage only a week after Tsunade's death. All this happened in only a year's time.

Truth was...Naruto wasn't as anxious to be Hokage anymore. Now that things had settled down he was more interested in getting a steady foothold in his career as a Jounin. That, and he had other important things in his life.

A gentle nudge from the young woman next to him shook Naruto from his thoughts, “What's the matter? You have that distant look on your face again.”

Naruto shook his head, and smiled to Sakura, “Thanks for putting that party together for me, Sakura.”

Sakura smiled back slyly, “What was you favorite gift?”

Naruto gave her a grin, “Oh, I think you know the answer to that question.”

Sakura raised an eyebrow, and draped an arm over Naruto, “Hmmm...can I have a hint?”

Naruto laughed, “Heheh. I guess you could say that the present is the most important thing in my life. It's always there for me when I need it most. It can heal you, or beat the living snot out of you.”

Sakura snorted, and laughed a bit, “Wow, Naruto, way to describe me.”

Naruto pulled his girlfriend into his arms and breathed in her scent, “Yeah, I think I like this gift best of all.”

Sakura looked up at Naruto, and the two kissed briefly before parting, “I try, Naruto.”

“I'll say. That was quite a night last night. I never thought you could be so aggressive in the-”

Sakura put a finger on his lips, and smirked, “Just to let you know...today is officially the morning of the tenth of October. So technically it's your real birthday...so I can give you another 'gift'.”

Naruto laughed as Sakura rolled on top of him, a loving smile on her face, “I love you, Sakura.”

Naruto pulled her in and spoke, “I can't wait until next March...”

Sakura hummed in agreement, nuzzling her face into Naruto's neck.

“Happy Birthday, Naruto.”

Edited by Denim88, 13 May 2008 - 03:38 AM.

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#28 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:29 AM

I wasn't going to write a drabble for I have lots of homework and exams to study for, but argh... this came out anyway XD I wanted the mid-end part to go a little differently, but since a drabble is a little limited, I had to go with what I have written.

Theme: Scars
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Naruto and Sakura
Word Count: 545

As they lay on the green plastic tanning chairs by the local pool, Sakura could not help but stare at her best friend with envy. He was sprawled on the chair haphazardly with bright orange swimming trunks, fairly large sunglasses and a glass of lemonade in one hand. His skin was flawless, she noted to herself as she stared at his face and worked her way down to his bare chest, then all to the way to his legs and feet. Not a single flaw, she noted enviously. How was it that a boy was capable of having finer skin than she? The thought was preposterous! But yet, the sad truth all the same.

With a sigh, Sakura glanced down at her own tanning figure, clad in a dark navy bikini. There were little scars and blemishes randomly scattered through her body that a sense of self-consciousness overtook her at times when she was in the mood for a swim or wear something that revealed a bit more skin than what her usual attire covered. If it weren’t for the fact that this pool was littered with Konoha shinobis and kunoichis like Naruto and herself, she wouldn’t have even bothered stepping anywhere near the pool.

Sakura stole another glance at his flawless skin and fumed. It really wasn’t fair! What she’d give for skin like that, but knew that the days of smooth childlike skin were gone years ago and sadly would never return.

After sensing his teammate steal glances at him for the past few minutes, Naruto could not help but cast his friend a questioning look. “Is there something on my face?”

“No,” she answered bitterly, earning her another questioning look. Sighing, Sakura raked her hand through her hair briefly and turned to face her blond teammate.

“It’s not fair,” she started out and at his confused expression she continued, “How can a boy have better skin than a girl? No blemishes, no scars, no nothing! Your skin is flawless!”

Sakura wanted to hit him over the head the moment those words left her lips and a smile etched itself across his face.

Sakura scowled at her teammate. She noticed that his smile and laugh had died out some time ago, replaced with a thoughtful and guilty expression. She wondered what could have stopped his laughter until she realized that he was staring at her arm. The scar from when he injured her in his four-tailed form was still there, though not as noticeable as before. She could tell where his thoughts were drifting for he had yet to remove his gaze from her arm let alone blink.

She decided that she needed to break his train of thoughts before he started to mope again. “I’ve told you many times that it’s not your fault, Naruto. You weren’t in control and I know that you’ll never hurt me.”

It seemed to calm him slightly for his offered a slight smile. “But you know one thing the fox is good for?”

She couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow at his question.

“I don’t need make-up to cover my scars and blemishes!” he said with a cheeky smile.

Needless to say, Sakura did not feel the least bit guilty for shoving him into the pool.

Fanfiction.net C2: Heaven & Earth: A NaruSaku Library

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#29 YonderBeyonder



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 10:18 AM

Theme: Touch
Universe: The Siren RP
Characters: Yevyn, Aysu
Words: 317

She lay on the bed. She was hurting. She was used to it. She lay on her back amidst the sea of silken sheets, the soft, yet unyielding material clinging to her bruised, sweaty skin like dry leafs.

She felt dirty. She felt used. She felt like a foul creature.

Yevyn strolled through the streets a little while later. It was night. The sky was a pure black which clawed at every shadow, making it bigger, deeper, and more threatening; eating away nearly all light- claiming it for it's own- stealing it for those far-away, jewel-like stars.


Red eyes looked up just in time to see a half-Elvaan tear around the corner, her silver hair shining in a way only liquid silver had a right to- gleaming up at the dark night sky- taunting it. The sky couldn't take away the light in that person.

A large man tore around the same corner a moment later, screaming profanities-

At an empty street.

Aysu couldn't breathe.

One moment, she was running from some jackass with a gun –not that she'd done anything wrong to merit being shot–, and then she was being held, like a hurt child, against someone, her face placed against a warm chest, a heart beating under her lips.

Long, slender fingers raked through Aysu's hair, and for some strange reason, she didn't try to hurt the person. Their touch- their warmth-

It was so gentle.

Very slowly, the half-Elvaan rose her head.

An almost saddened Viera held her, eyes closed, head bowed. They stood in a dark alleyway, away from the man who was looking for Aysu, hiding. Safe.

She didn't know what made her do it.

"Aysu," the half-Elvaan said.

Red eyes opened and stared at her in confusion.

"My name," the thief clarified.

The Viera stared at her for a moment longer before a small smile tugged at her lips.


Theme:Present / Gift
Universe: The Siren RP
Characters: Sakura, Kap
Words: 269

The empress lay on the ground, foul creatures holding her down with blistered, bleeding, broken, bandaged hands. Their claws pierced her skin, but she never bled. She just felt the pain.

The Pain stood there before her, pure black eyes staring down at the empress.

She was nothing.

She was just another Mind.

The Pain breathed.

"We hate you," it said, slowly lowering itself onto it's knees- onto all fours- like it's terrible creatures. It's terrible, mind-creatures.

"We hate you," the pain said again, slowly crawling up Sakura's unmoving body. She wanted to move. To fight. To scream-- but she couldn't. "We hate you. We hate you."

Two hands covered in two long sleeves placed themselves on either side of the empress's head. The pain-- the Child before Sakura stank of blood. Of Death. Of Suffering.

But Kap was clean. Perfectly clean.

"We hate you," she whispered again, leaning down, her sweet, deceptively angelic face mere millimetres from the empress's own, more mature, but none the less beautiful face. "You killed our family. You hurt us."

Kap stared down at Sakura with pure black eyes, her small mouth sweetly widening into a smile.

"Your mind is going to be ours," Kap whispered, spreading her body out, covering Sakura's own, her small nose nudging against the empress's. "and in return, we're going to give you a gift."

"We're going to kill you. Over and over. We're going to make you die. We're going to make you beg."

She smiled.

She smiled so sweetly Sakura felt warm.

"We are going to make you feel nothing. That is our present to you."

Edited by YonderBeyonder, 13 May 2008 - 10:42 AM.

#30 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 02:04 PM

Theme: Flowers
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Itachi, Kisame and Mikoto
Words: 412

It was a sight to see. Two of the most powerful criminals walking through the woods with one holding a bouquet of flowers. Oddly enough the blood-red hue of the carnations matched the color of the clouds painted on their black cloaks. The two men stopped at an abandoned temple where the shorter man lay the bouquet on the ground and prayed.

After the silent prayers were over, the larger of the two turned to his partner and asked, “Why carnations, why the same thing every year?”

Itachi didn’t even turn to face his partner as he spoke, “Today is my mother’s birthday and she liked carnations. They were her favorite.”

“You’re a very complicated man Itachi,” Kisame snorted. “You are the very son who murdered his mother, yet you still honor her. Do you regret killing her?”

“No, I don’t regret it. In fact, I never loved my mother. I hated her.”

“Then why give her flowers on her birthday?”

Itachi turned to face Kisame, his sharingan eyes revealing no emotions. “Because she gave birth to me, because she gave birth to my brother and because she loved my younger brother so much that when I killed her, he turned all that love into hate. That is the reason why I still honor her.”

Kisame laughed at Itachi’s cryptic answer. “You certainly are a better man than I am.”

“I am merely a man who is giving my mother the only honor she deserves.”

“Indeed. Just make sure that you don’t put any flowers on my grave if I happen to die before you do.”

“And what would you prefer instead?”

“A bottle of sake!” Kisame said with a toothy grin.

Itachi smirked as he walked ahead gaining as much ground between himself and the temple where he put the flowers. “Let’s go, we’ve wasted enough time here.”

The blood-red carnations rested peacefully in front of a shrine, brightening the landscape. One would think that the flowers were a symbol of gratitude hoping to bring happiness to souls of the departed. But there was no peace in the heavens where a trouble spirit wept at the utter cruelty of her son’s love. The lone woman hated this day where every year he would remind her of her faults and shortcomings with his perverted sense of honor. And every year he gave her an offering of her favorite flowers mixed with the bitter taste of hatred and spite, tearing her soul asunder.

Edited by AchikaMiyu, 13 May 2008 - 02:05 PM.

End of line.

#31 Derock


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 11:48 PM

Theme: Touch
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura (NaruSaku)
Word Count: 203

Naruto loves touching Sakura's skin. Though she will never admit it, Sakura also loves touching her soon-to-be-husband's flawless skin. Well actually, Naruto already know about that. She always lay on top of him every night, even right before and after their "pursuit of making ultimate intimate relationship".

But one thing that she will never admit is that she is jealous. Here her fiancé has no scars, marks or even blemishes on his skin. Hell, back when they were teens, he hasn’t shown any breakouts or acne on his face. How she always wish for that type of flawless skin?

"Man..." Naruto heard her while both of them are lying down together in their bed. "Why can’t I have this kind of smooth skin? It’s not fair!"

Naruto blinked and begins to laugh at his soon-to-be wife’s whining about his skin.

"Damn, Sakura-chan, you must’ve really loved touching my skin! Including down..." He hasn’t finished what he was saying because she shoves him out of the bed and lands on the floor.

As he rubbed his head, an idea came up. He startled his lover by tackling her on the bed and they soon begin to "wrestle". The night was still young for them...


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#32 catsi563



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Posted 14 May 2008 - 07:53 PM

Theme: Scars

Universe: Naruto

Characters: Naruto, Sakura (SakuNaru)

Word count: 420

A NaruSaku Drabble
Keyword: Scars

Sakura loved watching Naruto sleep.

Ever since they had started sharing apartments she had insisted on spending the night in the same bed. It was warmer she’d say, or more comfortable then the couch. But she really did it so she could watch him sleep.

Nothing would happen though instead she would lie awake and watch him sleep she’d reach out and touch him. Gently brushing her hand across the whisker marks on his face, across his full lips, down his muscular chest and smooth abs. All the while her face would blush pink as Inner Sakura had dirty thoughts that belonged in one of Jiraya-Sama’s books.

She’d noted that his skin was flawless. Soft and smooth despite being tanned and spending as much time in the sun as he did.

Even after all the beatings, and injuries he’d taken in his career as a Ninja—Many of which she’d healed herself—he had no scars on him what so ever.

Save one. A fist sized spiral scar on his upper right breast that matched a similar one on his back. A scar where a friend had stabbed a lighting chakra enhanced fist right through him.

As tears welled up in her eyes she studied the scar with a medics trained eye. She knew she shouldn’t but she always did every night. Her hand brushed over the scar, as her mind analyzed the injury which for some reason the Kyubi never healed like it did the other scars.

It was a lethal injury. For anyone else it would have been a slow painful death as their lung collapsed and they drowned in their own blood.

But somehow he’d survived. The Kyubi had saved his life and so here he was lying beside her. For oncee she gave thanks to the “Bastard Fox” as her Naruto described it.

This injury though was just one of many. She knew he’d had a hard life, and that the flawless skin on the outside concealed the scars that no one could see. The scars that no medical jutsu could heal; only time and love could heal those scars.

Finally she lay down and wrapped her arms around him snuggling into him. She allowed the slow rise and fall of his chest and the steady beating of his heart to lull her to sleep.

As she drifted into slumber she had one thought on her mind.

“I’ll heal those scars no matter how long it takes Naruto. I promise.”

Theme: Touch

Universe: Naruto

Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Team 10

Word count: 383

A NaruSaku Drabble
Keyword: Touch

Naruto loved to touch her Sakura had discovered in her time dating the hyperactive blond ninja; holding hands, caressing her cheek, squeezing her shoulder, Hugs, and kisses. It all came back to one simple fact. Naruto loved no needed to touch her.

She understood why though. He’d had such a hard and lonely life. He’d been deprived of love and affection for so long that when ever he’d been given the chance to be touched he’d leap at it.

She noticed that different people in Naruto’s life touched him in different ways.

Tsunade when she wasn’t swatting him on the noggin for being an idiot would hug him close like a mother to a child. Sometimes she would kiss him on the forehead.

Jiraiya before his death, and Kakashi-Sensei both would either squeeze his shoulder or ruffle his wild blond hair affectionately.

Iruka would also ruffle his hair affectionately or he would pat him on the back much as a father would do.

But the touches he most longed for she knew came from her. Kisses, or hugs, gentle touch’s on the arm, holding her hands or resting her forehead against his; It didn’t matter. Even the times when she’d clobber him he’d cherish. Usually because she would heal the bruises later, but also because he knew he’d get to feel her gentle touch.

So she watched now as he wrapped his arm around a blank faced Shikamaru and a wide grinning Choji as he laughed that long loud laugh that could be heard clear across Konoha at some joke he’d made. Ino glomped him and draped herself across him whispering something into his ear which caused him to turn beet red, and Sakura’s right eye to start twitching dangerously.

She stalked over and decided to stake her claim to Naruto by grabbing him by his jacket and yanking him out of the pile he was in causing Ino and the rest of Team Asuma to tumble into a pile.

She then kissed him as long and deep as she could, before dragging him off by the hand to Ichiraku Ramen for dinner.

“HAH!! Take that Ino pig nobody touches my man!! SHANNARO!!” Inner Sakura howled in Triumph.

Yep Naruto loved to touch. But so did she.

Edited by catsi563, 14 May 2008 - 07:55 PM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#33 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:22 PM

Theme - Touch

Universe - Naruto

Word Count - 177

Characters - Naruto/Sakura

The sensual feel and touch of his body next to mine. The soft, gentle feel of his thumb grazing lightly along my shoulders. The light touch of his hand smoothing lovingly down my back.

I wanted to feel more of his body next to mine.

His power…his strength...his passion...this feeling...I wanted him and no one other. Only he can make my blood boil like this...only he can make me gasp out loud like this...wanting...pleading for more...my golden-haired fox...full of mischief and life…and I cherished him completely.

And so as his smooth, heated skin passed gently over mine, and he entwined his arms around my body, and pulled me close, the only thought that passed through my mind was…I love him.

I love him…he loves me…and there can be nothing more beautiful than the two of us together…like this.

I love you my golden-haired fox...may we be together forever…like this…always…and may I taste your lips, hot against my own like this forever...for you are mine... and I am yours... and may we never be apart.

I love you.

#34 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 15 May 2008 - 02:49 AM

I should have made this into one-shot instead. There was so much stuff I wanted to add in but couldn't and then I had to cut some stuff out since I went over the word limit. Gah, enjoy anyways.

Theme: Cold/Warm
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Naruto and Sakura
Word Count: 574

There was only one word to describe what she was feeling at that exact moment. Freezing. Sakura shivered to herself and tugged on her jacket and scarf tighter in vain as the cold air hit her face, sending shivers down her spine. She hated the cold. Ever since she was little she’d always hope for summer to come and that it would never end. Summer had to end eventually, which had left her disappointed and scowling during the change of seasons until the next summer came around.

Sakura scurried down the streets faster, in dire need of shelter for the snow was soon to fall and she didn’t want to get caught in the middle of it. A scowl covered her features as a few flakes entangled themselves in her hair and sprinkled across her nose. She wrinkled her nose in irritation and rounded the last corner, stopping at an apartment complex she knew too well.

This was the closest place to where she was staying and she didn’t feel like running across the village in the middle of the snow just to go home. So, she settled for the next best thing. Sakura blew on her quickly numbing fingers and rubbed them together in hopes of heating them up even though her efforts were in vain. Knocking on the door, she waited for the familiar blonde hair of her teammate to enter her line of sight.

“Hey,” she greeted with a small wave all the while trying her best to warm her hands up.

Naruto was clearly surprised to see his teammate and crush standing by his doorway, shivering half to death. After what seemed like an eternity of staring, Sakura ground out irritably, “Some people invite guests in instead of leaving them standing outside in the freezing cold.”

Snapping to his senses, Naruto offered an embarrassed and apologetic smile before ushering her inside his cozy apartment. “So, what brings you around here this time of day?” questioned the blonde as he offered a hot cup of tea in her chilly hands.

“It’s snowing,” she commented and at his confused look, she elaborated, “I don’t like the cold, snow, or winter.” He chuckled at her response, knowing exactly what she was talking about since she always complained about the cold during missions.

Sakura asked if she could stay the night which he readily agreed by dashing to the linen closet, returning with pillows and blankets.

It was close to midnight when she and Naruto had sprawled out across the couch watching whatever pointless nonsense there was on TV. She felt exhausted and ready to drift off to sleep but was unable to since she never really slept well during winter or any cold weather at that. She felt a shiver run down her spine at the draft that swept through the small apartment and tugged the blanket draped across her shoulders even closer. She had no idea how chilly Naruto’s apartment was since she rarely visited let alone step foot outside of the house unless necessary during the winter.

But when she felt a pair of warm arms embrace her, she couldn’t help the small smile that crept along her lips or the blush across her cheeks. She felt sleep claim her a little later. That night, Sakura slept better than she had in weeks. She figured that she didn’t mind the cold that much if Naruto was there to keep her warm.

Fanfiction.net C2: Heaven & Earth: A NaruSaku Library

Colored by me

#35 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 15 May 2008 - 03:16 AM

It seems that I'm on a small roll with the drabble thing this week. XD Too bad this one didn't come out like I wanted. Oh well, enjoy anyways.

Theme: Flowers
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Naruto and Sakura
Word Count: 458

Sakura could not help but wonder why Naruto had never given her flowers. Ever. Even when they were younger and he was trying to court her, he never offered her a flower, let alone a single petal. Sakura could not help but feel a bit put out at that thought, especially as she watched Ino squeal over the bouquet of daises that Chouji gave her moments ago.

When she approached Naruto about the topic, he had laughed sheepishly and the exited the room as humanly possible. Sakura could not help but wonder what he was hiding from her when he had fled the room the other times she broached the subject.

They had been dating for three years now and he had yet to give her a single flower, much to Sakura’s displeasure. He usually surprised her with a box of chocolates or when he had enough money saved up a nice piece of jewelry. All Sakura wanted was a single flower and yet, Naruto didn’t seem to get the idea even though she had hinted at it many times.

It wasn’t until one day on their four year anniversary when she meeting Naruto up at a particularly fancy restaurant that she realized the reason why Naruto always fled from the topic of flowers. That night she had waited for over half an hour for her date and she had been fuming at having been kept waiting until she saw him running down the street with something in a box.

She had noticed that his skin was rather red and he kept scratching at it every chance he got when he gave her the box and apologized for his tardiness. Kakashi wouldn’t let him get off early from training even though he had told him what the special occasion was.

When Sakura opened the box, she was absolutely surprised, yet delighted to see a bouquet of roses resting on a small bed of tissue paper. She wanted to voice her appreciation and love for the gift but was rendered speechless when Naruto had started sneezing and scratching his neck, then his face, anything he could reach.

It then dawned on Sakura why Naruto had never given her any flowers before tonight. The poor boy was allergic to them, but she had failed to come to that realization since she had been too busy being put out by him not giving her any in the past. She also realized that the reason why fled the room when topic of flowers came up was because he had been too embarrassed to admit it to her.

Suffice to say, she did not hold it against Naruto when he gave her a faux bouquet and a giant teddy bear the following date.

Edited by Onionhead Attacks, 15 May 2008 - 06:38 PM.

Fanfiction.net C2: Heaven & Earth: A NaruSaku Library

Colored by me

#36 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 15 May 2008 - 02:23 PM

Theme: Touch
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Kakuzu and Hidan
Words: 513
Warnings: Crude and vulgar language, lots of cursing

“Stop me if you’ve heard this one. So a sadist and a masochist are on a date together and the masochist says to the sadist, ‘Beat me! Beat me!’ Then the sadist turns to the masochist and says with a smile, ‘No.’” Hidan said laughing.

“Shut-up Hidan.”

“Ah, come on Kakuzu! Just because you have a stick up your ass, doesn’t mean that I can’t at least amuse myself.”

“Personally, I don’t want to hear about how you amuse yourself. Now keep quiet, you’re pissing me off.”


Kakuzu glared at Hidan silently seething.


“Hidan, shut it!”

Hidan smirked and put his index fingers and thumbs together moving them as he spoke in a high pitched voice, “I’m Kakuzu’s kitten. I don’t have the balls to tell Leader that I don’t want to suck his fat c*ck.”

“That’s it!” Kakuzu screamed as he punched Hidan in the face.

The fallen Akatsuki member lay on the ground several yards away from his partner with a smile on his face and blood leaking out of his nose and mouth. “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.”

Kakuzu walked up to his partner and kicked him in the stomach for good measure. He didn’t even say a word to him as he proceeded down the path towards the next village.

“Hey, you didn’t do enough damage to kill me this time,” Hidan whined as he got up to follow his partner.

“You can’t die you sick kitten!”

“Yeah, but you can still touch me,” Hidan paused giving Kakuzu a feral look, “down there.”

Hidan finally got his wish as he was beaten by Kakuzu into a bloody pulp. Death for him was slow and painful, just the way he liked it. Of course, the dead part never lasted long and the foul-mouthed member was back on his feet walking alongside his partner after his body regenerated itself.

“Hey Kakuzu?”


“Remember the time when we first met how you told me to be quiet, behave and to never touch you?”

“Yeah, I do. And when I told you that, you starting spouting off about how great Jashim is, you attracted a few enemy ninja and you wouldn’t stop poking me in the ribs. That was probably two hours into us meeting. I drove a kunai through your heart at least fifteen times that day only to find out you couldn’t die. Good times, good times,” the masked man chuckled.

“Hey, not as bad as that one time you barbequed me along with some other enemy ninjas who were in the area.”

Kakuzu shrugged, “It was the easiest way to take them all out at once and besides, it’s not like you cared.”

Hidan and Kakuzu continued their journey laughing about anecdotes of past missions. They were a strange pair. Bickering and fighting one minute and then laughing with each other the next. They interacted like the best of friends who were the worst of enemies. And such was the tenuous relationship between the two Akatsuki members who catered to their own whims, which oddly enough worked together.

End of line.

#37 psycho666



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Posted 16 May 2008 - 04:15 AM

Theme: Cold/Warm

Universe: Naruto

Characters/Pairing: NaruSaku

Word Count: 594 ( wow.gif It tis the truth!)

It was most difficult to see through the drudge of pouring rain coming down harder than hail amidst the now almost barren streets of Konohagakure. If you were perhaps one poor soul walking among such liquid pandemonium you would most definitely have some excruciating time finding your way back home. Blubbering and stomping victimized, this was indeed the sad case of a certain pink-haired kunoichi. Haruno Sakura had always been an honest person and slashing furiously through the falling pellets, she stuck dutifully to long time resentment toward one particular oddity of her beloved hometown of inconsistently defying the proper seasonal weather-tendencies. Such a trait was most discouragingly strengthened when finding herself in a literal state of ‘lost in the rain’ after, quite consequently, forgetting her umbrella that early morning. They never told you in the ninja academy that there is a danger in putting training before everything else.

Somewhere briefly between her brooding thoughts on how injustice this situation was, Sakura however realized that trucking along through the wind and rain was quite the pathetic sight as evidently, even with seemingly no one around, humanity always takes it upon itself to save you.


Who would’ve guessed that such a childish voice of an aspired prankster would ever sound so angelic.

Sakura turned around through the rain and searched vainly for the source of the voice, or any sign of a dark silhouette that possibly could’ve spoken the hope of her rescue. To her misfortune however, she hadn’t three seconds of a chance to realize anything visible as her wrist was grabbed rather abruptly and yanked downwards. Sakura felt a powerful tug and closed her eyes, expecting to be beckoned to the ground and fall in a splashing puddle on her. When she dared a peek at the expected down fall occurring, she found herself in a large, what appeared to be, cut out indent in the wall of one of the buildings. However after further inspection, the medic nin quite oddly found herself under a staircase that seemed to be covered enough to keep the rain out.

“Woah, Sakura-chan, you look ridiculous.”

A moronic angelic voice.

“Mah, whatever you were doing out there, I guess it’s good I found you, eh?” Her secret, not so chivalrous savior grinned obliviously when she finally turned to face him. Unfortunately, once again, suddenly, before Sakura had a chance to reprimand his unintended offenses, she felt herself drifting rather closer to another human body than she previously remembered being.

“Sheesh, Sakura-chan, you’re all wet, well, that means you’ll have to wait here with me till the rains stops!”

Sakura blinked. Looking down, she recognized a firm pair of self-invited arms that she didn’t recall ever being there before. It took more than one second of a while for the successful kunoichi to gather her thoughts back up again as she analyzed the current situations she was finding herself in. Less than a minute ago Sakura was pretty certain she was outside trudging miserably through vast blows of wind and rain. That couldn’t have been logically possible however, because to counter that she was now resting rather warmly in the arms of a certain subject. Though later she would deny this, looking up at her fateful captor, a rising heat that actually had nothing to do with the others generosity in exchanging temperature, affected her with the now very real placement she was currently adorning.

That was the day Haruno Sakura discovered she liked rain very much.

“Hm? Sakura-chan? You’re all red are you okay?”

Very much indeed.

(I am able to compete in this one right?)

Edited by psycho666, 18 May 2008 - 11:51 PM.

#38 Gena kumo

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Posted 16 May 2008 - 10:17 PM

Yup...I did another one....
(But THIS time it actually is ON TIME…
I FINALLY didn't procrastinate like I usually do!!!! biggrin.gif
I feel accomplished. happy.gif)

Theme: Scars
Universe: The Narusaku one!! (A.K.A. Naruto)
Characters: Naruto and Sakura...narrated from Sakura’s P.O.V.
Word count: exactly 599 words (just barely got inside the word limit… it's 577 words w/o the spaces between the “…”s)

Here it is.....

"The Marks that Will Not Fade with Time"

Sometimes......I envy him.

I know, I know...why the HECK would I be jealous of Uzumaki Naruto?

Dead-last Naruto, Baka Naruto, Stupid Naruto, you name it.

But, the thing is...I envy him for his ability to heal.

Whenever someone hurts him, or cuts him, or.......burns…him, it never leaves a mark.

He doesn’t have a single scar on his entire body!!

(Ehem...not like I’ve seen...it all...seen him...naked...or something! Who do you think I AM...?!? An unattractive-moron-stalker? Paleeeeez...)

No matter how many battles he’s been through... how many times he’s been cut to shreds...
Heck...if someone put him through a CHEESE GRINDER he’d come out in one piece.


I’m not so lucky.

Healing ninjutsu can only get you so far.

I still have a little white line of puckered skin on my stomach and the small of my back, where Sasori stuck a sword through my gut...

...A 3rd degree burn mark on my leg from when Tsunade set a BOMB off in my face (Training...I didn’t get out of the way in time...)

...A red bump on my temple from the sound-nin attack...

...And a permanent bruise on the nape of my neck from when Gaara threw me against that tree...and after...

Sasuke-kun......left me...unconscious.

They’re not exactly beauty marks, if you know what I mean.

But...they do leave memories...

Memories of victory, memories of sadness...
...Memories of strength and weakness and loss...
All written in permanent writing on my skin.

In a way, I’m glad to have them..to remember...


I wish he didn’t have to.

There is this one mark…

That I know will never come off.

I’ve tried everything, but the burned tissue just won’t heal...won’t go away.

And why do I care?

Because...even though Naruto doesn’t have any scars to remember by...

I do.

He can look at me...and remember.

It the rare quiet moments between us...waiting...his eyes sometimes travel to that place, when he thinks I won’t notice, where I was...burned...by the Kyuubi.
Though, I don’t believe that.
I know Naruto would never hurt me.
I know that...I don’t blame him...so why doesn’t he?

Then he looks so sad...so...defeated, as he turns away again, staring at the ground...

And I know he’s blaming himself.

It makes me want to cry...


I can’t.

I need to be strong...for the both of us.

Still, I don’t want him to have to see that pink mark on my shoulder...a constant reminder...and then to blame himself...for something he didn’t do...

But it’s a scar.

So, in my case, there it will stay.

(It sounds like such a harsh word...forever)

What I want him to remember...

...is the times I’ve healed him.

It’s a bit selfish...and vain...but I like to see the awe in his face as his cuts and bruises disappear “magically” before his eyes, and he says, “Thanks Sakura-chan, I’ll feel much better now. You’re amazing!!!”

It’s...good...to feel as if I can do something for him, no matter how insignificant or small…when he’s done so much for me....

Instead of him looking at my scars and seeing how I've been hurt, I wish I could look at his marks and remember the times I’ve healed him....

It’s selfish...but it doesn’t make it any less true.

Everything heals with time...

Cuts, bones, bruises...



They always leave a scar.

Just, with Uzumaki Naruto...

You can’t see the marks left behind.

Edited by Gena kumo, 18 May 2008 - 01:50 PM.

[color="#FF8C00"]My fan-writing <3 fairycloud22

#39 Deidara Lover

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Posted 17 May 2008 - 02:22 AM

Theme: Present/Gift
Universe: Shakugan no Shana
Characters: Sakai Yuji, Shana
Pairing: YujixShana
Rating: K
Word Count: 394

“W-What is this…?”

Yuji looked at the smaller girl with disbelief in his eyes. The brown haired school boy’s eye squinted, and took a step back. What was going on? He knew today was a special day; it was his birthday. The day the real Sakai Yuji was born, not the mistes Yuji. But he had thought that before he met the Flame Haze that wielded Nietono no Shana. Taking a small deep breath, Yuji took the bag of the familiar bread from the girl.

“Take it before I change my mind,” Shana said bluntly, the skirt she wore that was required for the school uniform fluttered with the wind. Shana held her skirt in place with her hand; she gave faint smirk before pointing to the bag of melon bread with her other hand. “You should last a day with that, make sure to eat it all mistes.”

Yuji sighed heavily, was this the reason why the girl had stopped buy the store before school started? He recalled being commanded to wait outside for ten minutes before Shana quickly rushed home and told him to go to school.

She’s so commanding, jeez…

Shaking his head slightly, Yuji had removed the several strands of hair that had fallen into his hazelnut eyes. He might as well accept the gift, why not? It would not hurt…And plus, he could share it. Thinking something in his head, Yuji stopped in front of his house and turned to face Shana in the eye.

He gave a sincere smile at first, before leaning down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Thank you Shana, for the melon bread.”

Shana’s face flushed, and dipped her head down. She hid her large blush, and Yuji chuckled at this. Saying thank you again, he turned on his heel and started his way inside. Shana’s mind had been filled with that small kiss, and her face become as crimson as the flames she manipulated when battling.

It seems like you have fallen for the mistes…

“…N-No I-I am not! Alastor! Ho-How could you think such a thing?!”

Alastor merely chuckled and Yuji beckoned for the girl to come in. A bright smile was on his face, and he grinned. Watching Shana walk up briskly and pasted him, she muttered something that had not caught up with his ears.

“You are welcome…”

Theme: Scars
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke
Pairings: NaruSaku (on Naruto's part) SasuSaku
Word Count: 261


“Aikitteneru, Sakura.”

I gave a low growl, how disgusting…

Watching from a near by fruit stand, I could see my two teammates. The Uchiha had an arm wrapped protectively around her waist; she had leaned closer to his touch. My hands fisted, anger boiling inside. My eyes narrowed, and a picked up an apple and paid the stand owner for the piece of fruit.

My caught them walking away, a small bag in Sakura’s hand. What was that? What was in the bag? Being my curious self, I quietly followed them; I was hidden in the crowd of people in the main street. Good thing the main street was always busy.

There was something not right.

Absolutely not right.

A pain in my heart.

What was this feeling?

I watched as my two teammates quietly turned a corner, straight into an alley. I arched a blond eyebrow, where were they going? Quietly jumping up onto a rooftop with much ease, I eyed them.


I could hear her silent whispered, why are they…?

I saw her…He was engulfing her exposed neck with small kisses, muttering something that I could not here. Something hurt in my chest, something knotted in my stomach, and something made my throat hoarse.

I lost something precious…

I continued watching my teammates; they looked so…

Happy together.

I grimaced, before jumping down from the rooftop and onto the dirt ground, making my way to Ichiraku’s.

As long as she was happy, so am I.

But the scar that is left will never heal.

Scars never healed.

Edited by Deidara Lover, 18 May 2008 - 01:59 PM.


#40 Sakura~Kitsune


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Posted 17 May 2008 - 07:53 AM

Theme~ Scars
Universe~ Noir
Characters~ Kirika / Chloe (Mentions of Altena)
Rating~ K+ (or even T)
Word Count~ 573

Chloe sat under a tree, watching the wind. A month had changed nothing in her vigilant face, except her eyes, faint as a reflection on moving water. Chloe looked up towards the drifting clouds and dashed into the manor. Kirika was sitting in a sun-drenched window, gazing whilst pondering upon the thoughts of Altena's ceremony.

"Good morning! I finally understood those Hapkido stances... Arigatou. But for you to just be sitting here, something must actually be giving you a problem..."

"The Bouquet girl."

"Oh, I loved her dress! Such delicate fabric. You taught me why all we do should be perfect. We protect, and destroy, out of love."

Kirika shook her head, eyes blinking wearily.

"Why...? What is love, anyway, Chloe?"

"...When you can’t live without something."


For Altena, Chloe would have done her best, but Kirika’s honesty could only be met direct.

"I...don’t know."

Kirika sighed with such monotone, fingers glided themselves through her bob-cut hair before looking towards the one whom possessed a purple mane. Both eyes as glassy as the gigantic mirror in their room.

"I’ve never felt either... All of our tasks are necessary, but that girl must hate me– perhaps it will save her. She opened that door, and saw the mother who must have looked at her like that–"

"Kirika? Her parents were sinners, that must be worse than being alone–"

"Then we should all be alone, and feel nothing. Why don’t I understand? Why didn’t Altena tell me to kill her?!"

Chloe leapt onto the window ledge, grasping Kirika’s shoulders.

"You haven’t changed! It’s still you, you know the Truth, tell me, Kirika–"

"That's not even my real name. But whoever I am, I promise to stay with you until I am placed upon my deathbed."

Chloe made words hold their shape in the heat of her mouth. "Then please, don’t be unhappy–it hurts. Knowing I cannot heal your scars, or that you cannot fullfill your dream of becoming Noir-"

"A name for two."

With heads down, they watched the sun come down and disappear like a burning city.

Kirika felt that familiar burning sensation flowing within her centre, that tightness within her chest which constantly sent her into a state of pain. Those tender wounds across her back reminded her of that silver weapon ---that gun--- was now her seer. And she was to deal with such reminders alone, Chloe did not deserve such an experience, she deserved to be with her 'parents' even if they did abandon her those years before.

"Chloe…what were your parents like?"

"Altena is my mother."

"And your father?" Like a bird tarrying in a garden, Chloe laughed. "Could it be you?"

Kirika smiled with surprising ease.

"Chloe…I’m not like Altena. I can’t raise people like a vine, or show them their real strength. Or even leave wounds in such an unbearable state that they end up like me." That smile still bore her face looking towards Chloe. "She’s left me ugly and scarred...but I won’t allow the same to happen to you... I won’t allow to see your pretty face convert to impurity like mine."

A red hue from the darkening horizon covered their tilted faces as if they resided in the depths of hell. But Chloe decided that life in hell was fine if Kirika was there with her.

Edited by Sakura~Kitsune, 17 May 2008 - 11:41 PM.


No matter how dark it is, you’re not alone you know?

The moonlight is shining on us


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