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Kingdom Hearts: Legend of Kyuubi

Narusaku SoraxKairi

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#21 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 06 November 2014 - 09:33 PM

Chapter 11. Evil plans.

Meanwhile at Maleficent's lair in once was Orgazation XII's, She, Orichimaru, Pete, Hades and the mysterious boy were looking at the globe watching our heroes at Agrabah.

"So.... I see the two boys are at Agrabah." Said Maleficent with a evil smile.

"Yes, My dear Maleficent. And once we have both of their powers We can rule Kingdom Hearts." Added Orchimaru with a evil cackling. But Pete Scratched his head.

"So... tell me what's our plan again? I thought we were gonna get the fox brat." Maleficent sighed.

"I told you, you imbecile!!!" Maleficent seethed. "The Keybearer and the fox demon are the only ones who are powerful enough to stop us. I want that power but I can't have it unless he's dead."

"Oh." Which made Hades face palmed.

"So Witch. You summoned me here you need my help in case those twerps come to Olympus right?" Hades asked which made the main villains smirk in answer. Hades returned the smirk.

"Good.... Can't wait to take care of them and Jerkcules." Hades laughed.

"So who's gonna go to Agrabah in case Salluk fails?" Ask the boy in the tuban.

"Simple.... Sasuke, You and Pete will go down to Agrabah and assist Salluk to take down the brats." Orchimaru said to the boy known as Sasuke. Sasuke smirked.

"Perfect. Always wanted to take care of that dobe." That line made Pete Shuddered.

"That kid's giving me the creeps."

"Silence Pete!!" Maleficent screeched. "Now I want you and Sasuke at Agrabah now."

Pete Whimpered but nodded as he and Sasuke teleported to Agrabah.

"Well I gotta go back to the underworld. Gotta torture a guy who used to be a writer. A good one I heard until he screwed up by making the main boy and girl not together. I mean How stupid is that?" Hades said before he left. Maleficent and Orchimaru smirked before laughing Maniaclly.

A/N That's chapter 11. I hope you like the as TV tropes call it a "Take that" towards Kishi. Anyway I wrote the villains plans and I had planned Sasuke being the villain. I would love to see that. And if you wanna know about Riku and King Mickey, Don't worry they'll show up soon. Sorry it's short but I'm still a little disappointed to be typing long. I promise I'll try to make it longer. Until then, Bye.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 07 November 2014 - 02:05 AM.


#22 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 09:34 PM

An interesting joke at the end there. I'd say you may want to work a little on pacing and descriptions, but other than that, it's a pretty interesting concept.

#23 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 06 November 2014 - 09:41 PM

An interesting joke at the end there. I'd say you may want to work a little on pacing and descriptions, but other than that, it's a pretty interesting concept.

I try when I'm on my good days. This not a good day for writing for me.


#24 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:02 AM

Chapter 12. He is his father.

The sky was filled with a sea of glittering stars; the night air perfectly cool and quiet. Sora,Naruto and Aladdin rode on Carpet through the deserts, following the direction the Oracle had pointed to, almost a day away from Agrabah.

I shouldve stayed with the Genie, Iago whined, perched on Soras shoulder. Manual labor beats danger any day.

"Too late to turn back now," said Sora, looking downwards, and the saw something. Aladdin, look there. He pointed down along a rising tide beach where laid a heavy group of tracks. Carpet descended a few feet above the ground, giving them a better look.

"Good, the trails still fresh." said Aladdin.

"We must be pretty close by now." said Sora. Abu pointed ahead, chittering excitedly. Aladdin and Sora looked ahead and saw the rear of the Forty Thieves, riding fast behind a cliff.

"There they are." said Aladdin. Carpet stopped behind a cliff base and they hid behind it. Sora and Aladdin looked passed it and saw the Forty Thieves grouped together by the beach. Well, they got nowhere to go. "We got em trapped."

"We?" Iago shouted, but not raising his voice to be heard. "They are forty thieves. We are you two guys, a monkey, and me. Wait, wait, dont count me." Aladdin just shrugged his shoulders as Sora peaked out again.

"There just standing there." said Sora. Aladdin looked above him and saw Sora was right. Neither of them were sure why, but as the King of Thieves rode his horse into the water, they could not help but move a bit further, filled with curiosity what he was going to do.

"What are doing?" Asked Naruto.

"Open Sesame!!"
the King of Thieves howled, his hand reaching out to the cliff side far before them,

his voice echoing in the air like a god. Nothing happened at first, but then the ground began to shake as the surface of the water boiled; a burning light rising from beneath it. The cliff face began to crack down the center, the light emitting from within it. The crack burst open to a wide doorway, shooting a powerful gust of energy down the water, creating a wide-open path, the water walled on the sides.

The King led his men down the path with all haste. As they rode halfway through, Sora and Aladdin quickly hopped on Carpet, Abu and Iago grabbing their collars, and soared down the path as the walls began to close in inches behind while the doorway began to close. Iago was screaming with death-defying terror, believing they wouldnt make it. Like a mouse to its hole, they dove right in just before the doorway closed.

Carpet suddenly lost balance and threw Sora, Naruto, Aladdin, and Abu against a wall of debris, but were unharmed. After they shook the headaches away, their eyes saw a grand marvel unlike they had ever seen in their world. To them, an aged old palace was built inside the cliff, though ruined, standing pristine with wonder. Carpet then taped on Aladdin and Soras shoulder.

"I know, Carpet." said Aladdin. "Its amazing."

You can say that again, said Sora. Carpet then pulled on their collars, turning them around and pointed at the closed entrance, only to find Iago standing on the ground with his hands over his eyes.

"How bad is it?" Iago whimpered. They looked behind him and saw that his tail had gotten caught. Abu dashed up to Iago, spat in his hands, rubbed them together, and grabbed Iago in a big hug, pulling him with all his strength and were shot back, with Iago yelping. When he got on his feet, he looked over his shoulder and saw a naked stub.

"Oh this is attactive." He said sarcasticlly. He walked over to the entrance, snapped his tail feathers from the crack and stuck them back on. Aladdin and Sora just shrugged. Naruto guffawed at the bird who glared at him.

They quietly followed a trail over debris and creeks that led them to the Forty Thieves camping ground. It was well lit with torches and oil lamps, tents pitched up all around, and the thieves gathered together in a circle, listening to Saluks rant on about todays job.

"We couldve had all the loot from the wedding, but we followed the Kings plan." said Saluk. "This is what we have to show for our trouble in Agrabah: NOTHING!!" His heavy fist slammed down and shattered a perfectly good table. The thieves muttered amongst one another, most in agreement while others began to bet what was gong to happen, who was going die, and how long they had to live. Saluk reeled in his fist and walked up to the King, holding his gold claws up shoulder level, the edged faintly glittering in the light.

"Your time draws to a close." Cassim, said Saluk.

"Cassim?" Sora asked.

"My father." said Aladdin, taking a step further out of hiding.

"If youre talking about spilling my blood, well, I just dont see that happening." said Cassim, his arms folded across his chest, taking Saluks remark as a mere jest.

"Then me open your eyes!!" Saluk shouted, raising his claw high above his head as Cassim took his stance, preparing for the coming blow. Though thats not how Aladdin saw it. He jumped out of hiding and ran at Saluk, before Sora, Naruto and Aladdin had the chance to reach grab a hold of him to stop him.

"Run, I got him," said Aladdin, struggling to keep Saluk down. Cassim just looked at him with a raised eyebrow, not knowing who this boy was, or what he was doing when his gaze was met with his. "I'm Aladdin. Youre my father."

With those words, Cassim gasped with surprise, along with the Forty Thieves, conversing amongst themselves of this impossibility. Saluk then threw Aladdin off him, making him drop his dagger. Sora came at him with pulled right fist, but Saluk grabbed his coming punch and threw him aside with Aladdin, during which Cassim picked up the fallen dagger and stared at the hilt.

"I dont know about your father, boy." said Saluk, walking over to Aladdin and Sora, adjusting the grip on his claw. "But I'll send you to meet your other ancestors. Both Aladdin and Sora gasped with fear as Saluk raised his claw and drove it down, only to be stopped by Cassims grasp.

"Let him go," said Cassim. "The boy is my son." He looked down at Aladdin with a smile on his face, met with Aladdins own. He then looked out to his men, showing off the dagger. "I gave this dagger to my wife years ago. I told her to give to our newborn son Aladdin."

"It's true?" a thief asked.

"So the boy is the son of the King of Thieves." said another thief. Sora helped Aladdin up to his feet.

"Youre the King of Thieves?" Aladdin asked, unsure to take the truth so easily.

"Like it or not, boy, were blood." said Cassim, tossing the dagger back to Aladdin. He walked up to his and held his arms. "Look at you, I never thought I see you again. Has it been so long?"

"From the looks of it." said Sora. Cassim let go of Aladdin and looked at Sora and Naruto.

"And who are these boys?" Cassim asked.

"This is my friend Sora and his cousin Naruto." said Aladdin.

"Blood or mud," Saluk boasted, pushing Cassim aside, threatening Sora and Aladdin with his claw. "The boys are intruders, and we have rules about intruders." The thieves muttered in agreement, and by the sinister look in their eyes, Aladdin , Sora and Naruto knew that things didnt look too good for them. At first, they thought theyd make a bee-line out of there, but they saw that Carpet, Abu, and Iago was caught and bound

"They have found our secret lair." Saluk shouted. They have seen too much. "They must all die!"

"Die?" Iago screamed. "Oh, come on! Cast a vote for mercy here!"

"Yes, Cassim, mercy would be so like you," said Saluk, looking at Cassim over his shoulder. "Soft, and weak." Cassim only scowled and glanced around to his men, then back at Aladdin and Sora.

"Kill em," said Cassim, and the Forty Thieves cheered, shouting out to Saluk what he should do as he bored his sinister grin, pulling his claw back to make the deadly, fatal blow, but all went silent when Cassim spoke again, as he paced around, scratching his beard in thought. "Or the boys could yes, the boys could nah."

Now the thieves were interested, asking him to tell.

"What? They boys could what?"

"Nothing." said Cassim, smiling with a shrug of his shoulders. "Probably just a bad idea."

"Lets here it!" they cried.

"Well, it seems to me oh, never mind." said Cassim.

"What?" asked Saluk, tired of being kept in the dark. Cassim walked in between two thieves and placed his arms around them, holding their shoulders. "The boys could face the Challenge."

The thieves agreed with one another and with Cassims idea, though Aladdin and Sora and Naruto had no idea what they were talking about. Cassim walked up to them and placed his hand on Aladdins shoulder.

Thats that, said Cassim. "My son, and his friends, shall face the Challenge."

"And I will be the one to test them." said Saluk, holding his claws out at them, level to their stomachs, as if to gut them like a pig.

"Okay, so, will it be math or gym class?" asked Sora. "Cause I got a "D" during Math class."

A/N So I'm done for now. Will Sora and his friends defeat Salluk? We'll find out next time.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 10 November 2014 - 08:26 PM.


#25 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 11 November 2014 - 04:05 AM

Chapter 13. Sora, Naruto and Aladdin vs. Saluk
The Forty Thieves gathered all around on a cliff peak where an ancient arena laid. Abu, Iago and Carpet was grounded under a giant fat man. Aladdin, Sora, and Naruto stood in the arena with Cassim behind them.

"So, whats going on, dad?" asked Aladdin.

"Oh, the challenge is simple enough." said Cassim. "Only one man survives. Well, in this case, three. if you can beat Salluk." Naruto smirked "I think we can handle this pinhead wide open." He exclaimed.

Cassim smiled as he handed Aladdin back his dagger, before he stepped back into the crowd.
"Knock him dead, boys. Seriously."

A thief stepped forward with a sword in his hands between the wide space between the three fighters. Aladdin only tucked the dagger under his belt and Sora summoned his Keyblade, which caught the thieves by surprise seeing such magic. Naruto crossed his middle and index finger together before his face and shouted

"Shadow clone Jutsu!!!"

Salluk gasped when he a dozen two more Narutos. All three of them smirked at the clawed men then charged a punch to Saluk.

Salluk got up and growled.

"Heres an idea, said Salluk. DIE!"

He lunged at at the two Naruto clones making them disappear Than charging the real Naruto, leaping from the ground, and tried to throw his claw straight but Sora stepped in and throw his blade vertical front, striking between the first space between Salluks claws, holding it back, but not without being pushed back a few feet, and the claws an inch from his eyes. Saluk kept forcing his hand against Soras blade, wanting to stick it into him, but to his surprise, he managed to hold him back. Rather than push forward, Saluk pulled his right fist, but Sora swiftly swung up his right foot at Saluks temple, but his ankle was grabbed and Saluk spun three times around and threw Sora hard against a stone wall.

The thieves cheered with Saluks blow, but he was caught off guard when Aladdin jumped up behind him, his hands held tightly together, and slammed his double fist at the base of Saluks skull, knocking him fast and hard to the ground. Salluk climbed back to his feet and turned to Aladdin. Then A Naruto clone was running and running and running to make Salluk dizzy. Sora then used Thunder against Salluk.

Aladdin scowled at Salluk as he rose to his feet and charged at him as fast as he could, his right hand grasping onto the handle of his dagger. Saluks claw came down hard but stopped by Aladdins dagger, holding Salluk back with all his strength, pushing him back from Sora. Salluk threw his claw down on Aladdin, willing striking down on his dagger as if to throw off his balance, but only pushed him back near the cliff. Salluk tried to punch Aladdin in the sides, but he grabbed his wrists and pushed it back, holding it above their heads along with his claws; both forcing their strengths against one another, driven by determination to overpower the other as if their very lives depended on it; for Aladdin, it did.

He looked over his shoulder and saw how close he was to the cliffs, the edges crumbling a little beneath his weighted feet, knowing that with one wrong step, it would mean his death. Salluk then kneed Aladdin hard in stomach three times, catching him off guard, making him drop to his knees. Salluk then raised Aladdin high above his head as he stood by the cliff, the thieves cheering on, shouting and yelling, begging Salluk to throw him down while Cassim gasped from behind, unable to believe it.

His arms threw down and Aladdin plummeted into the darkness, but unknown to them, Aladdins body was dragging along the cliff face, sticking his dagger into the surface and slowing his descent to a edge line strong enough to stand on with his back against the surface. He looked down below and saw the faint waves crashing against the pike rocks. Aladdin sighed with relief until he felt pebbles falling on his head and shoulders. Thats when he looked up and saw Salluk coming down to him, using his claws to slow his descent to him.

Sora and Naruto looked down. Naruto smiled and said to Sora. "I have an idea Sora." As he climbed down to save Aladdin. "Naruto get back here."

He landed with equal balance on the same ledge as Aladdin, filing his claws out of the stone, leaving the deep scratch marks. Aladdin felt trapped like a rat as Saluk crept his way over to him.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, its over, boy." said Saluk. "Hope youve made your peace." His claw rose high.

"Guess again, ugly!!!" Naruto shouted. Reckless and stupid, Naruto came dropping down with his dagger raised over his head and slashed down, after luckily landing on the same ledge, Salluk fell forward, which made Aladdin jump to his dagger, grabbing a tight hold of it as he raised his feet and kicked his heels at Salluks chest, further throwing off his balance. Saluk desperately tried to regain, Aladdin struck with fear, dropped down and reached out for him, hoping to save him, but Salluk fell back and dropped down to the crashing waves beneath them, his scream slowly dying down. Aladdin lowered his head in shame, feeling guilt for not being able to save him in time. Naruto couldnt help but feel the same way as Aladdin, for he didnt count on Salluk falling to his grave. He walked over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder as he knelt beside him.

"Hey, Aladdin, you okay?" Nartuo asked. Aladdin knelt up and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." said Aladdin. An end of a rope dropped down on their heads and Naruto handed it to him, letting him go first. As Aladdin began his climb up, he grabbed his dagger and pulled it out, staring Sora standing up asking "Are you guys okay?" They nodded

Then at their reflection within the blade for a moment then sheathed it and continued his way up with Sora following behind him. As they reached up to the top, they gasped in surprise to the see the Forty Thieves surround them, all wearing a sinister smile while some deftly spinning the tip of their daggers against their fingertips. This was no doubt good for them.

I thought our side won, Iago cried.

"Look, we.." Aladdin stuttered, trying to find the words to explain, along with Sora and Naruto.

"We didnt mean" said Sora, and then the Forty Thieves ganged up on them, picking them up off their feet and just carried them above them, guiding them back to their lair, along with Iago and Abu. Back in the lair, the boys were held before Cassim; his arms crossed strong and heavily across his chest, looking down at them with a sinister glare on his face as if he was looking through his mask.

"The three of you have killed Saluk." said Cassim, his voice strong. "The Code of the Forty Thieves is very clear on this point." He uncrossed his arms as he stomped down the stairs. Aladdin and Sora believed that he would do some terrible to them. He stood before them, looking hard into their eyes and a smile grew on his face.

"Your in." said Cassim. Their eyes widened up in surprise as they were let go and the Forty Thieves cheered in an uproar, some padding their shoulders and shaking their hand. Cassim walked in between The Three heroes, his arms held behind them.

"Follow me, boys, theres something I want to show you." He said.

"Sure." said Aladdin. Cassim led the way with Sora, Aladdin, Naruto, Carpet, Iago and Abu following behind them.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 11 November 2014 - 04:11 AM.


#26 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 02:16 AM

Chapter 14. Kairi loves Sora(duh)

While The Genie, Donald and Goofy fixing the Palace, Sakura and Kairi were sitting in the room they were spending the night. Kairi was discussing abilities but Sakura was too busy fading out smiling.

"Hello... Sakura!!!" Kairi yelled making Sakura snapped out of it.

"Oh I'm sorry Kairi. I'm.... just thinking." Sakura said making Kairi smirk.

"Is it because of Naruto?" Sakura smiled and nodded. "I knew it. You confessed." Kairi exclaimed.

"Yep. I did." Sakura than stood back up.

"I thought now would've been the best time to tell the baka how I really feel about him." Kairi smiled at her words.

"I'm very happy for you Sakura."

"Thank you Kairi. Now if I marry Naruto and you marry Sora, we'd be cousin in laws." Sakura said making Kairi blush.

"Wh-what? I don't feel that way about Sora." Denied Kairi. Sakura crossed her hands and shook her head than put her hand on Kairi's shoulder.

"Really Kairi? I may have known you for three days but you are like a best friend to me. And from what the stories you told me when he sacrificed his heart for you then you saved him from becoming a Heartless." Sakura told her making Kairi think about it.

"In fact I think the idiot's in love with you too. Why wouldn't he do all that stuff?"

"Because he's got a good heart?" Kairi asked. Sakura deadpanned making Kairi sigh.

"You're right Sakura, I do love him. I've always had ever since we first met. But I'm not sure how to tell him." She said making Sakura smirk.

"I got a good idea. When they get back for the Wedding I can..." She whispered in Kairi's ear. Kairi was confused at first then nodded her head.

"That's a great Idea Sakura!!!" Exclaimed Kairi.

That's it for right now. Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to write about Kairi's feelings before the next chapter. Can't wait to write again. See ya later.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 13 November 2014 - 05:36 PM.


#27 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 14 November 2014 - 04:07 AM

Chapter 15. Hand of Midas.

"Got something on your mind?" asked Aladdin.

"I find my son, and lose my enemy." said Cassim. He stopped and looked back at him. "You did your old man proud, Aladdin." "You, too, Boys."

"We were just trying to stay alive. said Sora, not trying to make a big deal out of it. Naruto nodded.

Ha, if you boys didnt fight, you wouldve been killed, said Cassim. So says the Code of the Forty Thieves.

"Does this code have any rules that dont end in death?" Iago asked.

"It's a strict code." said Cassim, walking to a tall door that had an engraving of a seat turtle etched into it. "But there is one I have added. We never hurt the innocent."

"Uh, for future references, Im as innocent as the day was hatched." said Iago, perching on a stone with smile on his face and his hands folded behind his back. Sora and Naruto rolled their eyes.

Cassim lit a few oil bowls and the fiery light revealed them an open room fit for prince: fine furniture, silk tapestries and cloths, hand carved wardrobe, and among the bare wall, were carvings of an ancient writing that seemed to describe something about some kind of turtle.

"Listen, boys." said Cassim, tossing his torch into a water bowl. "This is a treasure; the ultimate treasure." This caught the ears of both Iago and Abu.

"What so great about it?" asked Sora.

"Compared to it, a pharaohs tomb is a paupers grave, a sultans fortune nothing but lunch money, and I am this close to it." said Cassim, comparing his distance by the small space between his finger and thumb.

"Wow, that is close." said Sora. "Where is it?"

"On island that never appears in the same place twice." said Cassim, reaching into his wardrobe and pulling out a rolled carpet. "It is known as the Vanishing Isle."

"Now that would be a problem" said Iago.

"What is this ultimate treasure?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah what is it?" Sora asked "Cause I barley passed Greek class."

"The big one, boy." Cassim replied as he unfurled the scroll. "The Hand of Midas."

But Aladdin wasn't impressed. "It's just a myth."

"It's not a myth, boy." said Cassim. He picked up a wet torch, lit it, and led them to a ledge where the sea water settled in. The light reflected against walls and into the water. Lying underneath it was a long Viking ship, glittering and glistening solid gold. "There's your proof. From stern to stem, every piece of rigging, every plank and board, all of it: solid gold. Touched by the Hand of Midas."

"And sunk by it." said Aladdin, like he even cared, walking away. Cassim just sighed.

"You don't understand." said Cassim, bringing up a broken and hard past as he threw his torch into the water. "You dont know what its like to have nothing, to stare up at the palace, knowing your deserve more; to be called street rat." With those words, Aladdin felt the same pain as his father, feeling remorse and pity for him.

"Yes, I do." said Aladdin. Sora and Naruto followed after with Cassim.

"I knew exactly what I wanted for my family." said Cassim. "I couldnt go back to Agrabah and come back empty handed. But weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. Cassim stood before the carvings on the wall, looking up at them with regret as his hand brushed against the surface. I came back to Agrabah one night, and I couldnt find my wife nor my son. I thought my family was gone forever."

At that moment, Aladdin no longer believed that this man was selfish person anymore, for the sound in his voice told him how broken hearted he was.

"At that moment, I wouldve traded anything to get your mother back." said Cassim.

"We never wanted gold." said Aladdin.

"We wanted you." Cassim turned with his son walking to him. "I wanted a father. I still do. Come to my wedding. This time you have an invitation."

"All right, Aladdin!!!" Sora cheered, along with Naruto,Abu and Carpet.

"Aladdin, I dont know." said Cassim, not too keen on the idea. Aladdin put his hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"Dad, We're not for Agrabah until morning." said Aladdin. "Well you just think about it." Cassim sighed with his hand running his hair back. He looked back at Aladdin again and gave him a nod. Aladdin smiled and left with Sora Naruto, Abu, and Carpet.

"Aladdin wouldn't understand, said Cassim, pacing steadily around the room. It just wouldn't work. I dont belong to his world."
The Oracle doesnt belong to his world either." said Iago, perching on Cassims right shoulder. "It belongs to two enterprising treasure hunters: you and me."

Cassim didnt buy and just shooed Iago off his shoulder.

"The Oracle." Cassim groaned. "Probably just another dead end."

"It works." Iago shouted, trying to get his point across. "Thats how the kid found you. It knows everything." That rang in his ears like a bell.

"Everything?" Cassim asked, smiling happily, turning to Iago who was wearing the same smile as him.

"And I know where they stashed it." said Iago, with Cassim looking right down at him. "Cassim, were talking about the wedding of your only son. Its a once in the lifetime opportunity."

"How could I pass it out?"

Sharks were swimming in the calm, silent sea with the moon reflecting its shine on the watery surface. The sharks started to circle something that could be seen under the water when one of the sharks was suddenly dragged under. The other shark went to swim under when something dug its black claw in its chest and threw the dead shark on the beach. The figure slowly approached the shore of the beach. The light of the moon then shined on his face, revealing the appearance of this creature.

It was Salluk. After he killed the shark he stopped to catch his breath.

"So.... The dobe defeated you." Salluk looked up to see who's voice that was and sees two figures. One's a sixteen year old boy with a turban on his head. The other is a big cat wearing Suspenders He wears what seems to be armor colored in shades of blue and purple overtop a red, short-sleeved shirt with a vertical pink stripe descending from the neck. He wears navy blue and white sneakers with light blue fronts and two periwinkle straps keeping each one secure.

"Pete..... Sasuke." Salluk said while panting. Sasuke smirked while Pete giggled.

That's it for now. I hope you loved this chapter. I'm thinking about getting Riku and two Ninjas from Konohoa to help Sora and the gang. Who should join Riku?

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 14 November 2014 - 05:36 PM.


#28 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:22 AM

Chapter 16. Thirteenth member

Standing on stain platform that depicted Sora and himself. Naruto looked around and panic. Was he dreaming?

"Naruto." A voice called him from behind. It was his cousin Sora.

"Sora. What's going on?"

"I don't know but I know I had this kind of dream before. It was the day before the Heartless..." But before he continued to talk Sora sees..... a young boy that resembled him with spiky blonde hair with an Organization XIII coat. Sora narrowed his eyes then widen it.

"Roxas?" The boy nodded then revealed his keyblade.

"Hello, Sora. Good to see you again. And Nice to meet you... Naruto." Naruto was confused.

"Just who the heck are you?" He asked.

"This is my Nobody Roxas? Remember I told you about him? Anyway Roxas did you summon us?" Roxas nodded.

"Yep, I came to warn you guys about a guy name Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto's eyes widen.

"Sasuke is coming to Agrabah guys. He's planning to kill you so he can use the Kyuubi's power to obtain Kingdom Hearts." Roxas explained. Naruto couldn't believe it.

"But why?" Asked Naruto.

"Revenge, Naruto. Roxas said. "He's planning to destroy Konoha for revenge for killing his family." Naruto gasped.

"There's more bad news. It's about Xehanort."

"Oh don't tell me that the Kyuubi's power will bring that guy back to life." Roxas nodded.

"It will but it has to be released by Sasuke."

"Why?" Asked Naruto.

"Because Xehanort was an Uchiha." Sora and Naruto's jaw dropped.

"WHAT!!!!" The Uzumaki's screamed

"Yep. He used Maleficent and Orichimaru to use the Heartless to find your mom 16 years ago. Luckily a force field sent him to Radiant Garden with no memories. But Sasuke summoning the fox could lead him back to life. Guys you can't let Sasuke get to the fox demon near Kingdom Hearts. Who knows what might happen." Sora and Naruto nodded.

"We'll do our best Roxas." Naruto yelled with his fist pumps in the air.

"Good. Now I must go. Goodbye." Roxas said as he faded away.

I know I'm ignoring Birth By sleep and some parts of the Manga but I have too if it fits my story. I know Jiryia died before Itatchi but I decided to let Jiryiya live because I like him and Itatchi's death is part of the story. Well I'll see ya later.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 16 November 2014 - 04:23 AM.


#29 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:34 AM

Chapter 17. Arrested.

The Next morning Aladdin tried to get Cassim to ride the Magic Carpet but he refused so they rode horses instead to Agrabah. Unknown to them, The three villains were leading the Heartless to the hideout.

The beautiful pavilion had been completely restored since the Forty Thieves had attacked the wedding.

"Looks like Genie and the others have everything ready." Aladdin said.

"Genie! You have a genie have you used all three wishes yet?" Cassim asked.

"Oh please don't go into it it's just too painful." Iago said.

"Sora, Aladdin, Naruto!" A voice yelled. Sora and Naruto turned around to find Kairi, Sakura, Donald and Goofy running towards them. Donald and Goofy tackled Sora making them laugh. Sakura hugged Naruto and kissed him passionately making Naruto grinning like an idiot. When she stopped she smiled at Sora and Aladdin. "It's great to have you back too guys."

"Yeah Jasmine has been lonely without you, Aladdin." Kairi said. Aladdin was about to say something but Genie popped out of knowhere hugging Aladdin.

"Oh Al! You're back, and your front! You're both here!" Genie said hugging him.

"That's great Genie uh-" Aladdin was saying.

"Security's tight. No big crowd. Immediate family and closest friends only." Genie said.

"Perfect! Because this is my-" Aladdin was saying

"No lowlifes this time! Other than the parrot of course observe." Genie said.

From beneath the ground a few meters away, a panel opened, and a large blue very futuristic robot with Genie's face emerged from it. Arming two laser cannons on either side of its head

"You have violated the perimeter of the Aladdin and Jasmine wedding. Prepare to be vaporized. Thank you!" The robot said. It then fired and everyone ducked just in time. Unfortunatly hit Donald's tail.

"Sniff Sniff is something burning?" Asked Donald before looking behind his tail and screaming over in circles.

"Wakk my tail is on fire. My tail is on fire." Donald screamed until Genie gave a bucket of water on Sora's hands who threw it at Donald. Donald then sighed with relief.

"Armed and dangerous!" Genie said proudly. "I'd like to see one of those Forty Thieves or even the Heartless get within an inch of this wedding!"

"Allow me to introduce-" Iago began.

"The King of Thieves." The King chuckled.

While this news surprised the majority of the group Genie took it to the extreme. After a second of stunned silence a walkie-talkie appeared in his hand.

"All units we have a code red!" Genie yelled.

Within seconds, several dozen Genies in SWAT team uniforms, and carrying assault rifles were swarming over the area. Somewhere an alarm klaxon was going off. Helicopters were hovering overhead snipers inside. Dozens of Genies surrounded Cassim clumped close together and rifles aimed.

"Do not attempt to move or we will be shooting ourselves." Genie said.

"Genie." Aladdin said squeezing through the mass of Genies.

"Back off Al this creep's got a yellow sheet as long as my arm." Genie said getting ready to fire.

"Genie, meet my dad." Aladdin said. He gaped at Cassim in surprise. All but one Genie disappeared, and this one got rid of his SWAT uniform.

If you're Al's dad and the King of Thieves I just want to know one thing." Genie said as he marched up to him.

"Yeah?" Cassim asked defiantly. Genie then put his waiter's suit back on.

"Will you be having the chicken or sea bass?" Genie asked.

"Come on Dad you've got to meet Jasmine and the Sultan." Aladdin said taking his father's arm.

"Hold on. Don't you think we should lose the Agrabah's most wanted look first?" Genie said.

"What's wrong with the way I look?" Cassim demanded.

"When you're here you're not the King of Thieves you're my dad." Aladdin said.

"I've had more practice being the King of Thieves." Cassim said.

"Well let's forget the dark past and try something new." Genie said snaking his fingers. Then Cassim's cloths changed. "And I think a new wardrobe is a good start."

"Okay now let's meet Jasmine and the Sultan." Aladdin said. They then started walking towards the palace. As they did Kairi whisper to Sora.

Naruto and Sora explained their double dreams to Kairi and Sakura.

"If Sasuke is here. We'll be ready." Said Sakura.

Later before the wedding Sora was in Aladdin's room staring at the Palace. Aladdin sees him by himself. He wonders what he's thinking.

"Hey Sora, is something wrong?" Aladdin asked. Sora shook his head.

"Yeah.... It's Kairi. I'm thinking about how many times I tried to tell her how I feel but I just keep getting side-tracked. Aladdin put his hand on his chin then snapped his fingers. He whispered on Sora's ear.

"What? But don't you need Carpet for your Honeymoon?" Asked Sora

"It's okay. I'll use Carpet in the morning." Sora smiled. "Thanks Al."

Later after the gang introduced Cassim.

The pavilion was ready and everyone was in place except for Cassim and Iago and they were starting to get worried.

"Don't worry Aladdin. You're dad will be here." Said Naruto.

"Do you think something is wrong?" Jasmine asked Aladdin.

"Genie could you go and find them?" Aladdin asked. Then the door opened and Rasoul the guard from earlier walked in with a few guards with Cassim in chains.

"Rasoul what id the meaning of this?" The Sultan asked.

"Cassim or should I saw the King of Thieves tried to steal the Oracle again. He also had some help." Rasoul said. Then one of the guards showed them Iago stuck inside of one handcuff with his feathers sticking up at odd angles.

"Big misunderstanding! It's a slap on the wrist and community service kind of thing." Iago pleaded.

"Now I know why you really came back." Aladdin said with bitterness and anger in his voice.

"Your father is the leader of the Forty Thieves?" The Sultan said in shock.

"Aladdin did you know?" Jasmine asked.

"I thought I could change him. I had to try." Aladdin asked.

"You can change my clothes, Aladdin. But you can't change what I am." Cassim said lowering his head.

"I'm afraid that you leave me no choice. Take the prisoners to the dungeon for life." Sultan said. The Guards then took Cassim and Iago away.

Naruto and Sora looked at Aladdin who was looking sad but angry at the same time.

I'm done for right now. Pretty soon is the first Naruto and Sora vs. Sasuke fight. I bet you're excited. Later Riku will fight him.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 20 November 2014 - 02:39 AM.


#30 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 05:52 AM

Chapter. 18. Rescue

"The Oracle was right," Aladdin slumped over on a stone, "My dad was trapped in the world of the Forty Thieves. Trapped by his own greed. I was so stupid to think I could change him."

The boys, Genie, Carpet, and Abu were with him, hoping to cheer him up. Sora put a hand on his friend's shoulder,

"Trying to show him a better life wasn't stupid, Aladdin."

"Leaving him with the Parrot. That was stupid." Naruto murmered. Earning a hit from by the staff by Donald.

"Everything was perfect into my life until he came..... Genie I need my father's clothes. Aladdin said which made Genie confused.

"Al, did you wrap the turban too tight?" Genie argued. "Come on! Why would you wanna dress in the King of Thieves ensemble? Might I suggest something that doesn't say ARREST ME?"

Aladdin, regardless of Genie's warning, proceeded to put on his father's cape and cowl.

"It fits. Good."

Naruto's eyes went wide. "Whoa, no! I know where this is going!" "Yeah. You're gonna break your dad out of jail." Squawked Donald.

I'm breaking my father out of the dungeon. The guards'll never know I was there. Tonight, the King of Thieves will make the most miraculous escape ever out of my life." He leapt out the window and was gone.

Donald pointed after him with a raised eyebrow, "It's the cape talking, isn't it?"

Aladdin broke his dad out of jail but got caught by Rasoul. His dad tried to get Aladdin back with him but Aladdin refuses to leave Jasmine, gave the dagger back to Cassim. He returned to an angry Sultan while the others were pleading for mercy.

Meanwhile Cassim returned to the 40 thieves but got caught by Salluk, Pete and Sasuke and 39 Heartless. They tied them to a Wooden ship so they can ask where the Vanishing ailse is But Iago slipped out of the ropes and flew back to Agrabah. The Oracle told them that the Vanishing isle will appear at dawn.

This is unfortunate, Your Majesty," Razoul agreed with Sultan, "but it seems the so-called savior of Agrabah cannot be trusted after all. I told you from the very beginning."

"That you did, Razoul." Sultan conceded. "And in due time, you shall be commended for your insight."
Genie, on the other hand, instantly leaped to Sora's defense. "Your honor, if I may enter a plea of insanity... 'cause I'm just crazy about this kid! Ha ha ha ha!" As he gave Aladdin the noogie but Aladdin got out of it and said he can take care of it. "It was my fault!" Aladdin amended. "I tried to change him,
just thought if he had a chance... maybe it'd be better if I'd never known him."

"Aladdin, you found your father!" Jasmine protested. "A father who risked everything to see your wedding. And you risked everything to help him. Just as I would for my father.

"Please you're highness." Said Sakura. "These two have the guts to come back here. Sultan mulled it over for a bit before answering.

"Aladdin, I could not overlook your father's crimes, but what you've done... well, you did it out of love. And you came back to take responsibility for your actions. Let us put these matters behind us. I believe we have postponed the wedding long enough."

Then they see a flying figure. It was Iago as he landed down on Carpet.

"Al's... dad..." he managed to wheeze.

Jasmine rushed to Iago and scooped him up into her arms. "Take a deep breath, Iago." she told the parrot. "What about Aladdin's father?"

"It's Sa'luk!" Iago gasped. "The guy the guys beat... he ain't beat! He's back! The Heartless are on his side now... and he's got Cassim!"

Sora and Naruto gasped.

"And they teamed up with that fat guy that tried to free Jafar."

"Pete!!!" Donald and Goofy exclaimed thought they're not surpised.

"And a boy that has blackish hair with really black eyes and is wearing a turban." Sakura gasped.

"Sasuke is here!!!" Sakura gasped. Sora tightend his fists.

"Roxas told us that he would come."

Aladdin however was too mad to notice.

"That's his problem!" Aladdin fumed. "He chose to go back to that life."

"Al, I know your dad made a lot of bad choices." Said Genie as he put his hand on Aladdin's Shoulder. "But it doesn't mean you have too." Finished Goofy. "Yeah." Exclaimed Donald.
He is your father!" Jasmine added. "How could you do anything else?"

Aladdin stepped away from his friends. "I'm being as stubborn as he was." he muttered. "Show me the way."

Everyone cheered at Aladdin's determation to rescue his father.

Next chapter is the one you've proably been waiting for..... The Sora and Naruto vs. Sasuke fight. It's gonna be an epic fight.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 20 November 2014 - 05:54 AM.


#31 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 23 November 2014 - 04:54 AM

Chapter 19. Reunited and it feels so bad

Dawn. The beam of light indicating the Vanishing Isle's next appearance was not hard to miss, and Sora and company soon found themselves near the ship where Cassim was being held captive.

Aladdin and Jasmine were riding Carpet, while everyone else was in a hovercraft that Genie had transformed himself into. "Thank you for flying Air Genie," Genie announced as their goal became closer, "please keep your tray tables up and your seats in the full upright position until the vehicle comes to a complete stop."

Look." Said Donald and Goofy as what they witnessed is the Oracle again. You have arrived." the Oracle announced before disappearing. Sa'luk's stolen vessel was rocked from side to side in a sudden rush of undersea turbulence, and then...


"I've had enough of your trickery, Cassim!" Sa'luk growled, holding his knuckleduster at his captive's neck.

"No," Cassim replied. "This is it... the Vanishing Isle. Watch."

Just then, another violent surge rocked the ship, and something that appeared to be a rock rose from the depths of the sea. But as the rock continued to climb, one could see that it was not a rock at all... but a building! More buildings followed, until an entire city emerged.

The city was seemingly on a small island, until a head poked out from the water! The Vanishing Isle was on top of a giant sea turtle! That was why it was never in the same place twice.

Sa'luk, Pete and a few Heartless left the boat before it fell back into the sea. Some of the Heartless stayed with the ship to prepare for Sa'luk's escape. Sa'luk dragged Cassim along while his Heartless kept their antennae perked. They sensed something. Something they had not sensed in a very long time... Sora, Naruto and the Ganged Jumped From The Genie transformed back into who made false Keyblade like Sora's last adventure. "You're Sure you don't need a Keyblade Naruto? You too, Sakura?"

The couple shook their head.

"No thanks Genie. We'll use our Ninja powers." Naruto smirked.

"Fine, whatever."

When Aladdin saw Sa'luk and Pete dragging Cassim away, he whispered to Genie, "Genie! We need a distraction!"

"Survey says..." Genie shouted, "show me turtle!" Genie then turned to Donald and presented his false keyblade. "Hold this will ya?" When Donald held it he dropped it on his feet making him scream. Naruto and Sakura giggled.
"Yeeee-haw!" and flew inside the turtle's mouth. Sora though he could make out a muffled "Tickle tickle tickle!" from inside the turtle before a large tremor shook the entire Isle. Aladdin took advantage of the opportunity and leaped down to where Sa'luk and Cassim were standing.

The central chamber was an enormous room, decorated with enormous granite statues of griffins. Near the doorway, a large statue of the rod of the Oracle presided over the room. But the real eye-catcher was a floating golden hand, suspended fifty feet in the air and rotating slowly.

Sora and Naruto realizes something. Sasuke wasn't there. He must be setting a trap or something. Sora went to Kairi.

"Listen we need to guys to stay here in case and take care of Pete and the Heartless. Sasuke must me here somewhere so we're gonna go with Aladdin."

Kairi nodded.

"Got it Sora."

As Naruto and Sora was running and landed just in time to hear Cassim ask, "You came to help me?" Sa'luk, Sora noticed, was unconscious.

"How could I do anything else?" Aladdin answered. "Now let's get that treasure of yours." He smirked.

A few mintutes after the boys left Donald, Goofy split up with the girls were defeating the Heartless with ease. Kairi's battle skills got better and better as she used a finishing leap while Sakura Sucker punches a shadow. Kairi then used thunder on a Heartless until there were no Heartless left. Kairi and Sakura looked at each other and smiled.

Meanwhile the boys are at the power chamber which was an enormous room, decorated with enormous granite statues of griffins. Near the doorway, a large statue of the rod of the Oracle presided over the room. But the real eye-catcher was a floating golden hand, suspended fifty feet in the air and rotating slowly.

Suddenly, another tremor shook the entire Vanishing Isle, knocking everyone off their feet.

"It's the Vanishing Isle! The turtle is diving! We must climb higher!" Cassim shouted. Naruto smirked "No problem." As he jumped to higher ground. Higher then Sora, Aladdin and Cassim. Sora scoffed.

"Show off."

When they were up and began looking around, they saw that they were only ten feet away from the floating golden hand! Now they could see that the hand held in its palm a statue of what appeared to be the Oracle, holding the Hand of Midas in its stony grip.

"A pity I didn't find this place years ago." Cassim commented. "This would be much easier if I were much younger."

Naruto and Sora jumped and landed beside the statue. Be careful!" Cassim warned. "Don't touch the golden hand!"

Sora nodded and picked the Hand of Midas up by its wooden handle. He was looking at in awe.

"Oh Cassim, catch." Sora yelled. As he threw the hand of Midas to Cassim who caught it with his cape. Instantly, the cape turned to gold on contact with the Hand.

"Ha ha! The Hand of Midas!" Cassim laughed and touched the Hand to the griffin statue beneath his feet. Instantly, the entire room--even the water--was turned to gold. But then, water began to break through the walls of the room as the turtle dove deeper into the abyss. "Time to go, boys!" Cassim called.

Suddenly, Salluk and Pete appeared seemingly from nowhere and landed beside Sora. "Nobody's going anywhere." To Cassim, he called,

"Give me the Hand of Midas, Cassim!" Salluk says.

"Or these punks dies." Pete yells.

"Salluk you're battle is with me.

"Just go, you guys." Said Sora.

"We can finish him alone." Naruto finshied.

Cassim looked from Sora to Aladdin, then finally back to the Hand. At last, he reached his decision. "You want the Hand of Midas, Sa'luk?" he called. "Take it!"

Cassim tossed the Hand across the room. Sa'luk instantly pushed past Sora and seized the golden hand.

"The Hand of Midas is mine!" Sa'luk cackled. "And also the life of your friend."

No one moved. Their eyes were fixed upon the Hand of Midas. "What are you staring at?" Sa'luk demanded.

"You're turning into gold, moron." Said Naruto.

Sa'luk watched in horror as his entire body slowly turned to gold, beginning where his hand touched the Hand of Midas. In another second or two, his entire body was a golden statue, frozen with its last horror-stricken expression on its face. The statue fell from the large hand and into the amber-colored waters below.

Sora held tightly to the Hand of Midas and leaped to where Cassim and Aladdin stood. Aladdin tore off one of his sleeves and used it to wrap the Hand before tucking it into his belt. The trio then began to work their way out of the flooding room, making for what appeared to be a skylight at the very top of the spire.
Sora was the first to leap out of the skylight, with Aladdin and Cassim close behind. Aladdin removed the Hand of Midas from its makeshift wrapping and handed it to Cassim. "After all these years, you finally have your treasure."

"No." Cassim refused . "This wretched thing almost cost me the ultimate treasure. It's you, son. You are my ultimate treasure. I'm sorry it took me this long to realize it. The Hand of Midas can take its curse to the bottom of the sea!"

To emphasize his point Cassim threw it down to the sea.

"Sora, Naruto, Aladdin."

Sora turned around and got hugged by the beautiful red haired girl Kairi, making him blush. Sakura ran up to Naruto and kissed his cheeked. Making him blush and Jasmine hugged Aladdin.

"Well that takes care of that but where's..."

"Hello Naruto." A voice said. Naruto's eyes widen and turned around and looked up at a boy with a turban. Laying near him is an unconscious cat. It was....

"Sasuke." Naruto seethed.

"It's good to see you too. And nice to meet Sora. But enough games. I'm here to kill you two so I can use your power to obtain Kingdom Hearts." Sasuke said.

"Forget it Sasuke!!" Sora said as he wielded his Keyblade.

"Yeah. You might as well give up cause WE'RE GONNA BEAT YOU!!!" Naruto screamed.

Donald and Goofy was about to charge but the girls put their hands in front of them.

"This is their fight guys." Kairi whispered.

"Fine if that's the way you want it then so be it." Sasuke said as he leaped down and snapped his fingers to summon more Heartless. There were Heartless surrounding them. Naruto and Sora looked at each other and nod. He nodded back.

"Guys We'll deal with Sasuke. You take care of the Heartless again." They all nodded while Sora and Naruto jumped on Sasuke.

"You honestly think you two can take me on? You're as pathetic as Pete." Sasuke mocked.

"WE'LL SEE SHADOW CLONE JUTSO!!!" Naruto screamed as he cloned twenty of himself. hand and a knife in the other, "come and get me!"

"Gladly!" said the real Naruto, while twenty of his copies charged at Sasuke, all of them throwing kuni and shuriken. Sasuke blocked most of the incoming blades with his sword and knife and dodged the rest. He then countered by throwing the knife and four of his own shuriken, destroying five of the clone Narutos'.

He then attacked the remaining copies, destroying them with single sword strikes. But then another twenty Naruto's attacked with Sora supporting them. Sora then leaped at Sasuke with a mighty blow. Then Sasuke tried to hit him with his sword but Sora counterattacked.

Naruto then punched him on this face then kicked him making Sasuke fall down. Sasuke was really angry. Sora used his Trinity limit as his fininshing move knocking him down again. Sasuke got up but his chakra got weaker.

"Damn it. I'm running out of Chakra. I can't  destroy them both unless I have more. I have no choice. I'm gonna grab Pete. and  retreat." 
Sasuke jumped down to Pete and grabbed held on his unconscious body as he about to teleport. Sora and Naruto chased them down but it was too late as Sasuke and Pete were gone. Naruto dropped down and hit his fists on the floor. Sora put an hand on his cousin's shoulders.

"Where's Sasuke?" Sora looked behind to see his friends again who took care of the Heartless.

"He's gone Sakura. And he took Pete with him." Sora said sadly. Sakura shook her head in disbelief. Naruto then got up and looked left and right.

"Where's Genie?" Asked Naruto.

Then the Turtle's mouth opened up and Genie flew out of it, again transforming into a hovercraft. Sora and his friends took seats inside Genie's roomy cockpit.

"Let's go home." Aladdin sighed, turning toward Jasmine. "We have some unfinished business." As they flew right back to Argabah.

Woo That was a long chapter. I'm sorry if the Naruto, Sora and Sasuke fight felt short guys. I promise you this though... The final battle will be better. Next chapter though is gonna be a romantic one.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 23 November 2014 - 06:39 PM.


#32 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 23 November 2014 - 05:36 AM

Chapter 21. A Whole New World

A/N warning this chapter has a famous Disney song.
Aladdin and Jasmine got married and everyone congratulated them. During the reception Sora was leaning on the table drinking punch and looking at Kairi. He walks up to Aladdin and whispers to him. Aladdin gave him the thumbs up. Sora walks up to Kairi.

"Hey Kairi would you like to go to the balcony with me?" He asks with a blush. Kairi smiled sure. As they walked up to Jasmine's room and balcony. Sakura and Naruto were dancing with other and looking at Sora smiling.

"Good luck cuz."  Naruto said in his thoughts.


Kairi was leaning her arms on the balcony

"It sure is a beautiful sight isn't Sora?" She asks. Sora nodded.

"Yeah, I wish I can show the whole word." Then Carpet flew up from under the balcony.

"Oh Hi carpet what brings you here?" Carpet used his sign language that Sora understood but Kairi didn't.

"Oh so you want me and Kairi to ride you around the world?" The carpet gave a thumbs up.

"What do you say Kairi? You wanna do it? I'll protect you from falling. Please?" He begged then jumped on carpet. Kairi smiled and shook her head.

"Sure but is it safe?" She asks while petting the carpet.

"Sure do you trust me?" She looked back at him with confusion.


"Do you trust me?" He asks again but this time reaches for her hand. She pauses then gets a sly grin.

"Yes." Kairi tooks his hand then Carpet just flew up. Kairi giggled, which turned into a gasp when they nearly ran into a wall. When Carpet flew over it, Sora began to sing.


I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us "No"
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But now from way up here
It's crystal clear
that now I'm in a whole new world with you

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world

Sora: Don't you dare close your eyes,

Kairi: A hundrend thousand things to see.

Sora: Hold your breath it gets better.

Kairi:I'm like a shooting star. I've come so far. I can't go back to where I used to be

Sora: A Whole New World.

Kairi: Every turn a surpise.

Sora: With New Horizons to pursue.

Kairi: Every moment gets better

Both: I'll chase them anywhere it's time to spare. Let me share this whole new world with you.

Sora: A Whole New world.

Kairi: A Whole New world.

Sora: It's where we will be.

Kairi It's where we will be.

Sora: A Thrilling chase.

Kairi: A Wonderous place.

Both: For you and me.

As they both finshied singing they started to hold hands. Later on after their ride they got tired and flew back to the palace.

Carpet turned his feet into stairs so Kairi couild walk safely to her room while Sora spends the night at Aladdin's.

"Good night... my Keyblade Master." She said blushing.

"Sleep well Kairi." Sora said.

The two got closer to each other. It was now or never for Sora. Carpet caught Sora off guard by sending him closer to her, and the two kissed passionately.

Kairi soon left, sparing one last loving glance at Sora. Sora had a huge grin on his face. "Yes!" As the carpet flew him to Aladdin's house as he sees a sleeping Donald Goofy but his cousin Naruto awake.

"Let me guess the date went well?" Sora didn't say anything. Instead he layed on his bed and covered up happily. Naruto sees him smiling.

"I guess it did." Said Naruto as he too went to sleep.

Wow two chapters in a row. I hope you liked how I got Sora and Kairi together. Next chapter is gonna be the first meeting between a father and his son. That's all for now. Good night.


#33 BooChans



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Posted 24 November 2014 - 04:55 AM

That would be awesome is Naruto was actually in KH *Slams hand on table* GET HIM ON A DISNEY CARTOON AND WE ARE SET!

#34 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 05:22 AM

That would be awesome is Naruto was actually in KH *Slams hand on table* GET HIM ON A DISNEY CARTOON AND WE ARE SET!

Just don't let Kishi get his hands on KH. He would make Riku with Kairi even thought that's better than SS.


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 02:48 AM

Chapter 22. Father and son meet

The next day Sora and his friends said goodbye to Aladdin and Jasmine. They are flying through different worlds until they see a world with a train station.

"Hey there's Twilight Town." Donald pointed out.

"Ayuck we can see Hayner and those guys again." Goofy laughed. Sora smiled.

"And.... I can meet my dad."

They landed at the Usual Spot in Twilight Town. They see a boy with blond hair, A girl with brown hair and orange shirt. And a boy with a bandanna and red shirt that says "Dog Street.

"Hayner, Pence, Olette." Sora yelled. The three looked behind and smiled.

"Sora, Kairi, Donald, Goofy. It's good to see you." The girl named Olette said.

"Likewise." Kairi said as she introduced them to Naruto and his girlfriend Sakura.

"So... What brings you guys to Twilight Town?" Asked Pence. Sora and Naruto explains their stories to Twilight town gang. They finished at Sora and Kairi's date.

"Aww that's so romantic." Olette smiled holder her hands making Sora blushed. Kairi smiled and kissed his cheek making him even more redder.

"So... Your dad here in Twilight Town? Now that you mention it I have seen a 38 year old looking guy that looks like you. Only his hair red." Hayner said.

"The Oracle said he lives in the Sunset Terrace." Sora explained.

"Well then let's take the train." Hayner said.

They ran to the Train station and paid for their tickets to Sunset Terrace. As soon as they arrived at the Sunset Terrace Sora is running with Naruto behind him until they see a small house like the Oracle described Sora sighed then knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal a man that looks like Sora only he has red hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a similar outfit like him only it's blue and has a Uzumaki sign on the back.

"What do you want?" Asked the man.

"Are you Masaru Uzumaki?" Asked Sora.


"Is your sister named Kushina?" Masaru's eyes widen.


".... Hi Dad." Masaru's jaw dropped.

"So...Sora?" He asked. Sora nodded.

"It's me Dad. I'm..." He was interrupted by Masaru hugging him with tears in his eyes.

"My boy. My boy. I'm reunited with my boy." Cried Masaru. Sora was in tears as well. They stopped hugging and let his son and friends in.

"How did you find me?" Asked Masaru. Sora once again explained their story to his dad. Masaru then laughed.

"My son is also a Keybearer. I'm so proud and he found a girl like his mother." He said while ruffing his hair. Sora was confused. Masaru said that before he was born his mother said that find first girl that you are friends with. That make sure she's like her. A sweet but spunky girl. He then looks at Naruto.

"So... You're my nephew Naruto." Masaru asked. Naruto nodded. "So How's Kushina?" Naruto had his head down then explained his life and adventures.

"So Maleficent and Orchimaru are back?" The gang nodded.

"And they teamed up with a former friend of yours to take over worlds?"

"Right, Masaru." Said Kairi.

"Well. You guys need my help." Masaru said. He reached out his hand and summoned a Keyblade. Sora smiled at his father.

I hope you like Sora's reunion between him and his father. If you wanna know Masaru's personality. He is like Sora only more smarter. Well next chapter is at Master Yen Sid's. See you.


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 04:32 AM

Chapter 23. Return of Yen Sid

After their reunion, Sora, Naruto and the gang went back to the train station only instead of the orange train they decide to ride on the blue train that would lead them to the King's teacher Master Yen Sid. As soon as they arrived they see a silver haired Young man with a Mouse with big long ears talking to each other.

"RIKU!!! YOUR MAJESTY" Sora greeted. The King turned and smiled until he saw Masaru.
"Sora!!" Riku greeted back as he gave Sora a handshake. He introduced Riku to Naruto and Sakura.

"It's nice to meet you." Riku shook Naruto's hands.

"It's nice to meet you too." Naruto shook his hands back.

"Masaru? Is that you?" The King asked.

"Yes it is. Good to see you. King Mickey. Thank you for helping my son." Masaru said. The king put his head down.

"So... I take that Sora found out about his past. I knew this day would come. I'm sorry Sora. And I'm sorry too Masaru for not about to find you." The King apologized. But Sora and Masaru smiled and hugged the Mouse king.

"It's okay your Majesty I forgive you. After all I wouldn't met all my friends if you hadn't brought me to Destiny Islands. I guess they call it that for a reason." Sora joked making everyone laugh.

"All right but no fooling around fellows We better go see Master Yen Sid." The king said.
"All right your majesty but can Kairi and I talk to Riku alone for a second?" Asked Sora. The King nodded then Sora,Riku and Kairi walked near a tree. Naruto tried to follow but his girlfriend pulled his ear and scolded him.

"Uh Riku, there's something you know now." Said Sora. Riku sighed.

"Let me guess you and Kairi are dating." He guessed making Sora and Kairi widen their eyes.
"But how did you know?" Kairi asked. Riku just laughed at her question.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I knew you guys since we were 4 and 5 years old. I know I used to like you, Kairi but I foolish to believe that we had a chance. I'm happy for you both. I just wish I can find a girl." He said that last sentence sadly. Kairi put her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Riku. One day you will find some lucky girl." She said with a smile. Riku smiled back at her until they heard Donald yelling at them to hurry up.

The King led the gang up to the highest room of the tower to see a man with a gray beard a blue tall hat and a magican's clothes. They all bowed down but Yen Sid waved his arms down.

"So, Sora. I see you reunited with your father Masaru and cousin Naruto." The Wizard said. Sora nodded.

"Well I am glad for you. Now we must get down to basics of our enemies." Yen Sid said as he used his magic to show a vison of Maleficent, Orichimaru and Sasuke together.

"Sora, Naruto. I've seen your battles against a young man by the name of Sasuke Uchihia and defeated him. However I felt that he, Maleficent, Orchimaru and Hades are going toa world Sora has been too.... Radiant Garden." The gang gasped.

"What can we do Master?" Asked Goofy. The Wizard was silent for a minute then spoke.

"I want you all to go to Radiant Garden now and go to my friend Merlin's house to help him, Leon and the others in case they attack. And I've talked to the Hokage in a vision. I need you to get more two more Konoha Ninjas to help." The Wizard said. The heroes nodded then salute.

"King Mickey, Riku and Masaru I need you though to stay in Konoha for the time being." Yen Sid. Ordered.

"Why?" Asked Masaru.

"Because Konohoa is in danger and needs two keybearers to help." Yen Sid explained.

"All Right. C'mon fellows." The King said then everyone saluted the Wizard and left to the Gummi Ship.

That's it for now. Which Ninjas will join Sora and his friends? We'll find out next chapter. Who would you like it to be? Only two will join. See ya.


#37 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 06:09 AM

Chapter 24. Closure

"So Sasuke is teaming up with Maleficent and Orchimaru?" Asked the Hokage, after The King and the gang showed up, explaining the situation.

"Yep. And he's planning to use the fox's blood to revive Xehanort Uchiha." The king said making Tsuande gasp.

"But... I thought Sora destroyed his Heartless and his Nobody."

"I did but my Nobody, Roxas said that when he summons the fox's blood and his blood in Kingdom Hearts, It will revive Xehanort." Sora said. Tsuande sighed.

"Very well I am sending two ninjas with you to the Radiant Garden to help the civlilans there." She said. "Until then you are all excused."

"Yes Ma'am." They all exclaimed then left.

An hour after The meeting with the Hokage, Sora and Naruto was walking to Naruto's favorite Ramen restraint called Ichikaru's. They see a girl with purple long hair and white eyes. It was a girl named Hinata Hyuuga. Naruto started to sweat.

"Uh Naruto Are you okay dude?" Asked his cousin. "You're sweating."

"You see that girl over there Sora? That's Hinata Hyuuga. A nice but weird girl. You see a few weeks ago she told me that she loved me after Pein attacked. But I haven't responded her, and I haven't told her that Sakura and I are dating. What's worst is that I had a nightmare that if some jerk is controlling my life, making me not love Sakura anymore and making me pair up with her just to satisify some insane fanbase." Naruto yelled. Giving Sora a sweatdrop.

"Wha- First of all what kind of idiot would make a main character not go with the main girl after years of loving her? Second of all, Naruto if she's a nice girl I'm pretty sure she can understand if you tell you don't feel the same about her." Sora said. Naruto's head went down.

"But I don't wanna hurt her feelings, Sora."

"Look I'm sure you'll hurt her feelings even more if you don't talk to her." Sora said. Naruto sighed.

"Yeah I guess you're right Sora. I'll go talk to her." Naruto said as he walked up to the white eyed girl who was surpised when she saw him.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata said.

"Hey, Hinata. I came to talk to you about something. About that time at the Pein attack." He said. Hinata gasped. She thought he forgotten about that confession.

"Look, I really like you but I just came to tell you that Sakura and I are dating and Ijust came to tell you..." She touched his mouth with her fingers.

"It's Okay Naruto. I understand. I'm glad you're telling me the truth about your feelings." She said then turned around.

"I think ever since Sakura hugged you after Pein attacked I figured you too are meant for each other. I'm glad if anyone else loves you like I did it's Sakura." She turned back around with a sad smile. Naruto smiled back.

"Thanks Hinata. I'm glad you understand and don't worry, someday you'll have some lucky guy to love you." He said with a goofy grin. Hinata smiled back.

"Thank you Naruto. Just promise me that you'll love Sakura as long as you live."

"I promise I will." He said. They shook hands then hugged then after Hinata left. Sora joined him again.

"So how did it go?" He asked.

"She took it well and got me to promise to love Sakura as long as I live." He smiled.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter with Hinata because even though I hate her, I'm at least making her move on from Naruto. And I hope you like my smear at Kishi again.

I promise that is the last time I'll do that. And which two Naruto characters would you like to join to save Radiant Garden? I'm leaning towards Rock Lee as one but I can't decide who to join him. And also I'm planning to pair Riku with a female Naruto character. Which one should be with? Anyway I'm done here see ya.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 01 December 2014 - 06:36 PM.


#38 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 07:51 PM

Chapter 25. Meet the Parents.

After their conversation with Hinata, Sora and Naruto decided to stop by Sakura's house. Naruto knocked the door and the door opened revealed a beautiful girl with Pink Hairand another beautiful girl with red hair.

"Hi guys. C'mon in." Sakura greeted as the boys walked inside to see a man with dull pink hair which is styled like a cherry blossom and blue eyes sitting on the couch.

"Sora, Naruto this is my father, Kizashi." Sakura introduced. Kizashi stood up and hugged both boys, suffocating them.

"It's nice to meet my future son-in-law and his cousin." Kizashi said then letting them go making Sora and Naruto catch their breathes. Then they went to the kitchen to see a woman with shoulder length hair and the same eyes as Sakura. She greeted them with a smile.

"You must be Naruto and Sora. It's nice to meet you. I'm Mebuki, Sakura's mother. Just feel right at home. Dinner's ready in a few minutes." She said then she went back to the kitchen cooking.

Sora and Naruto sat on the floor while Kairi and Sakura watching a sports game on TV. Then Mebuki called for them saying dinner's ready. They sat at the dinner table eating chicken and dumplings which is Kairi's favorite food.

"So Sora, Your Dad's name is Masaru? And Naruto your dad is Minato?" Asked Kizashi. Sora nodded. Kizashi chuckled.

"I thought so. The three of us were best friends when we were little. I remember Minato was nervous around Kushina but Masaru at first was overprotective." Said Kizashi.

"But after Minato saved her life, Masaru finally approved of his sister dating his best friend."

"But what about my mom? What was she like? I forgot to ask my dad about her." Sora said with a frown. This time Mebuki cut in.

"Your mother's name Kokoro. She was a princess from another world." Mebuki explained. Sora gasped. That's what his father meant by a girl similar to his mom. Mebuki continued the story.

"She remembered she was from another world. But she don't remember the world was called. She had brown hair and blue eyes. She was very close with me and Kushina." She smiled at the memory.

"So... How did she and dad fall in love?" Sora asked.

"Funny you should that Sora." Mebuki said. "When they were 15 years old. Masaru realized he had feelings for Kokoro but was shy about it and vice versa. Kushina wanted them together so me and her tried to get them together many times but never worked. But then one day some strange black creatures came in and attacked the village. they were surrounding your mother. She tried to fight them but their were too many. Then your father summoned the Keyblade and saved her from them. They confessed their feelings for each other and that's how they fell in love." She finished. Kairi squeezed her hands together.

"That's so romantic." Sakura teared up.

"So what happened to her?" Mebuki's head then went down.

"It was a week after you were born. A witch named Maleficent and Orchimaru started attacking the village with the Heartless. Your mother was in no condition to fight and your father disappeared to another world. Maleficent attacked your mother with her staff after she found out that she were Masaru's wife. But luckily for you. She hid you from Maleficent then King Mickey beamed her and himself to another world. But unforunatly your mother was dying from Maleficent's attack." Kairi and Sakura started to tear up.

"But Sora, before she died she held on to you one last time. I'll never forget it...


"Sora. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna be there for you. I'm not gonna love you like any normal mother should. I want you to listen to me before I go.... I want you to eat your vegtables. Sure you can eat some chicken and ice cream but more veggies. And I want you to bathe a lot. I also don't want you to drink ever. Take care of your future cousin. And if your a keybearer like your father and go on adventrues be careful out there. And if you make some friends make sure their nice. And if you are searching for something or someone, never give up on finding them. And one more thing. If you ever be friends with the first girl you meet, well I hope you fall in love with her like I did with your father. I don't care if she's a princess or from another world. Just make sure she's a kind, sweet girl, someone like your mother." Kokoro finished then closed her eyes while her child sleeps.

*End of flashback*

Sora started crying while his girlfriend was comforting him. Naruto did the same with Sakura.

"I can't believe it. I did it nearly all of that. Except for taking care of Naruto. I promise though Mom if you can hear me that I will do whatever it takes to stop Maleficent, Orchimaru and Sasuke once and for all." He said as he wiped his tears. Naruto then stood next to him and said that they will do it together.

That's it for now. I hope you like the orgins of Sora's mother. Well see ya later.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 01 December 2014 - 08:15 PM.


#39 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 06:08 AM

Chapter 26. Return to the Garden.

A creature named a moogle was flying on the sidewalk in the world Called Radiant Garden. Then comes Sora, Donald, Goofy, Kairi, Naruto, Sakura, a boy with bushy eyebrows and a green shirt with brown pants by the name of Rock Lee. And a girl with dark brown hair and buns. Her name is TenTen. They were both sent by the Hokage. They were looking at a dark castle where the Old ruler Ansem the Wise studied the Heartless.

"Guys, Welcome to Radiant Garden." Said Sora. Kairi walked up next to him and smiled.

"The town where I was born. But I know what my home is." She said looking at Sora.

"HEY C'mon we gotta go see Leon." Yelled Donald ruining their moment.

"Yeah Yeah we're coming Donald." Said Sora glaring at the tempered duck. They see a girl with short black hair and a metal bandana, eating sea-salt ice cream.

"Yuffie." Sora yelled. Yuffie turned around and squeezed Sora's neck, making him choke.


"GRREAT TO SEE YOU TOO BUT CAN YOU LET GO? YOU'RE CHOKING ME!!" She let go and apologizes. She looks at Kairi.

"Is that your girlfriend Sora?"

"She's not... oh wait she is." Kairi slapped her face. Her boyfriend can be so stupid.

"Hi Kairi, long time no see."

"Good to see you, too Yuffie. How are the others?"

"Everyone's doing great. Cloud defeated Sephiroth and came back." Sora, Donald and Goofy's jaw dropped then smiled.

"That's great. Oh I almost forgot these are our friends from Konoha. This is Rock Lee."

Rock Lee gave her a thumbs up then held Yuffie's hand.

"My God you are beautiful. Yuffie deadpanned then punched Rock Lee to the ground.

"I ONLY DATE NORMAL GUYS!!" The other ninjas winced.

"Uh hello I'm TenTen." The girl with buns shook her hand.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and this is my girlfriend, Sakura." Sakura frowned.

"I can introduce myself baka." She said then shook Yuffie's hand. Sora then explained their predicament. Yuffie nodded then ran to Merlin's house with the others following her.

"Hey guys. Look who's back." She said opening the door revealing Sora and his friends. Inside the house was a guy with a toothpick and blond hair named Cid working on the computer. A girl named Aerith with long brown braided hair watching. And a guy with blond hair named Cloud sparring with Leon. Leon put his gunblade down and touched Sora's shoulder.

"Sora. What's going on?" He asked. Sora explained the troubles.

"...And that's why we're here." Leon had his hands crossed.

"We'll do whatever can Sora." Sora smiled at his longtime friend.

Meanwhile at the castle Maleficent and Hades are at the villain's lair plotting.

"You're ready Hades?" Hades rubbed his hands.

"Been ready for this for a couple years babe." Maleficent smirked.

"Very well then!!! Release the Titans!!!"

Hades then snapped his fingers to reveal the three large titans that Sora defeated in his first adventure.




"DESTROY HIM." The rock titan yelled.

"Good Answer." Hades simply replied.

"MELT HIM." The lava titan yelled.

"FREEZE HIM." The ice titan yelled. They've been yelling "Sora" over and over.

"Uh guys?" They turned around seeing Hades deadpanned.

"Radiant Garden would be that way." He jabbed his thumb towards the town.

"SORA!!!" The Rock titan continued.

Maleficent and Hades looked at the Titans walking through the town. Maleficent smiled evilly.

"Mmmmmmmhaaaa!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Hades just stared at her and sighed.

"Sheesh you're as bad as Jafar."

Uh-oh the titans from Olympus are back. What will happen next? You'll find out next chapter. Also I hoped you liked the homage to the funny Hercules scene.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 04 December 2014 - 04:20 AM.


#40 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 05:36 AM

Chapter 27. War of the Titans part 1: Sora and Naruto vs the Ice titan.

Meanwhile Sora and Donald was being trained by Merlin the wizard while Naruto,Goofy, Rock Lee and TenTen were sparring, Kairi and Sakura were on the computer gathering information when suddenly.... *stomp!! Stomp!!! Stomp!!!!* They felt the ground shake. Sora and the gang ran to the baily and were shocked at what caused the ground to shake. It was the 3 titans that Sora, Donald and Goofy fought at Olympus walking through the Great maw.
"Oh no. The titans are here." Groaned Sora.

"But that means...." Pondered Donald.

"Hades is in this world." Goofy finished their sentences.

"Oh Goofy I'm Home." They heard a voice at the top of the cliff. The voice was none other than....

"Hades." Sora snarled. "You're here. And you're teaming up with Maleficent, Orchimaru and Sasuke."

"Bingo, Keyboy." Hades snickered on a chariot. "And these boys here would like a rematch here. Only this time you all are going on a free trip to the underworld."

"Forget it Hades. It is you going back to the underworld." Sora said, summoning his keyblade. Hades yawned.

"I'm getting bored with you guys." He teleported back to the Castle.

"We'll take of him later Sora!!! Right now we gonna destroy the Titans." Naruto said. Sora nodded.


"Sora!!!" He heard a voice call him. It was Aerith in a worried tone.

"There's Heartless attacking the town." Sora nodded.

"All right. Donald and Goofy. You go with Aerith to town to fight off the Heartless. The rest will stay here and take care of the titans. Donald and Goofy agreed and ran back to town. Naruto then stood next to his cousin.

"Well this is it Sora. It's now or never. You up for this?" He asks with smirk. Sora smirked back.

"No problem Naruto let's do this. Now here's the plan. Naruto and I will fight the Rock Titan. Kairi, You and Sakura fight the ice titan. Rock Lee and TenTen you fight Lava titan. Any questions?" No one answered Sora.

"Good then Let's rock and roll." Sora said and summoned his Keyblade while Naruto summoned his clones to the left. Kairi summoned her keyblade while Sakura uses chraka enhanced fists. Ten summoned her kunais while Rock Lee uses his nunchucks.

Sora and Naruto stood in front of the much bigger ice Titan. The Titan growled at Sora amd threw some ice crystals at him but Sora Jumped up and used his fire hitting the Ice titan. It worked as The monster winced and growled.

"RASENGAN!", Naruto yelled, flying forward, ready to thrust it. Then throws the Rasengan at the titan's head. The Titan causing it to burn his eyes. Sora then leap on the mountain and whacked the ice titan. He then later grabbed Naruto's arm and said....

"DOUBLE CLONE LIMIT!!!!" 1000 Clones of Naruto and Sora popped up and then The Sora clones used their keyblades to cast a fire spell at the titan's head and arms. The Narutos used their fire spit Justus at the titan as well. The two powers burned up the Ice Titan until it was no more.

Sora and Naruto called off the clones and pulled a thumbs up at each other. Meanwhile Hades was literaly heating up.

"Grr I hate those jerks. Oh well the others are no match for the rock and fire titans." He smirked.

End of the first battle with the titan. I plan to write part 2 tomorrow. How will the other titans be beaten? You'll find out.

Edited by NaruSaku fan in Kentucky, 04 December 2014 - 06:27 AM.


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