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Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better title)

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#21 James S Cassidy

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Posted 09 September 2019 - 01:10 PM

This was NEVER about sexual assault or harassment. It was about jealousy. Sabat, Sean, Monica, Jamie and who knows how many at Funimation hate Vic because they're jealous of him. He's more talented and love his work and his fans more. It disgusts me how unprofessional and horrible these people are. To think they will stood so low. 



There are many VAs that hate Sabat with a passion and yet, they stay quiet because they are afraid to lose their job.

They say Vic had tons of powers, but it seems to me that Sabat is the one pulling all the strings.

I just hope the fans don't just sweep everything under the rug after Vic's case is over.

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#22 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 09 September 2019 - 01:40 PM

There are many VAs that hate Sabat with a passion and yet, they stay quiet because they are afraid to lose their job.

They say Vic had tons of powers, but it seems to me that Sabat is the one pulling all the strings.

I just hope the fans don't just sweep everything under the rug after Vic's case is over.

From what Monica said in her depo, his "power" comes from cons and people that go to them liking him more then they do "X". Cons being where they get a lot of their money from, but Sabat holds casting power which is why Vic hasn't gotten any major roles in years... at least as far as I can tell.


Well, the thing is Japan is not happy with funimation at the moment, and may look to other companies to do the dubbing. Even for Dragonball I think their is another group that does super outside the US...bang zoom:



...Though they need to work on it from what I hear.

#23 Nate River

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Posted 09 September 2019 - 02:05 PM

I've silently followed this case for a while and have a couple of thoughts:

3) The above aside, Vic has a terrible lawyer. And I mean TERRIBLE lawyer. The way he has handled this case is unbecoming of someone who has been practicing for 20 years. There is no excuse, NONE, ZERO, NADA, for a FULL FLEDGED LAW FIRM with a $250,000 retainer sitting in their IOLTA acount to be missing filing deadlines, much less being completely unprepared for an inevitable hearing they've known about for months. That's some sh-t a knucklehead wet behind the ears lawyer like me manages not to do on underpaid, overworked and underappreciated court appointed criminal cases 

You would think someone with that kind of experience and getting paid that much wouldn’t do things like miss filing deadlines, but I’ve absolutely seen worse.

The only saving grace for some of them is that trial courts and prosecutors (well some of them) may be a bit more forgiving because, if nothing else, of ineffective assistance of counsel claims. I, as their neighborhood appellate attorney (who doesn’t want to fielding those things unnecessarily), generally encourage them to be so unless they want risk their work being blown up later. Those things have the potential to blow up cases years and sometimes decades down the line.

#24 James S Cassidy

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Posted 09 September 2019 - 03:47 PM

From what Monica said in her depo, his "power" comes from cons and people that go to them liking him more then they do "X". Cons being where they get a lot of their money from, but Sabat holds casting power which is why Vic hasn't gotten any major roles in years... at least as far as I can tell.


Well, the thing is Japan is not happy with funimation at the moment, and may look to other companies to do the dubbing. Even for Dragonball I think their is another group that does super outside the US...bang zoom:



...Though they need to work on it from what I hear.

She CLAIMS this, but from what common sense and logic looks like....if Vic really did have THAT MUCH POWER he either never used it or never had it. Simply put, the fact that Monica and Jamie got Vic kicked from several cons just from their word alone proves no such power ever existed.

I mean, then why did the cons ban him if he had so much power? Why didn't Vic just say "I say they are liars" and the cons continue to host him. Again, common sense, they said this was going on for years. Fans on the internet making rumors all the time and it is only NOW they listen as being credible because coincidence? Like, you can't say that something is amiss direct proof or no proof.

Like really? What a coincidence that the year Vic got kick from cons is the same year Monica and Jamie came out with their stories. It is a kittening miracle. They all came to the light.

I don't need to be a lawyer or a judge to know kitten when I see it.


3) The above aside, Vic has a terrible lawyer. And I mean TERRIBLE lawyer. The way he has handled this case is unbecoming of someone who has been practicing for 20 years. There is no excuse, NONE, ZERO, NADA, for a FULL FLEDGED LAW FIRM with a $250,000 retainer sitting in their IOLTA acount to be missing filing deadlines, much less being completely unprepared for an inevitable hearing they've known about for months. That's some sh-t a knucklehead wet behind the ears lawyer like me manages not to do on underpaid, overworked and underappreciated court appointed criminal case


You would think someone with that kind of experience and getting paid that much wouldn’t do things like miss filing deadlines, but I’ve absolutely seen worse.

The only saving grace for some of them is that trial courts and prosecutors (well some of them) may be a bit more forgiving because, if nothing else, of ineffective assistance of counsel claims. I, as their neighborhood appellate attorney (who doesn’t want to fielding those things unnecessarily), generally encourage them to be so unless they want risk their work being blown up later. Those things have the potential to blow up cases years and sometimes decades down the line.

Ty made some mistakes and I am not going to deny that he did, but the Judge also was very absent minded of Texas law too. He was too busy looking at what wasn't there instead of looking at what there was and this was a Prima Facie case. Ty even says Prima Facie case over 10 times throughout the trial and the Judge practically ignored that which is ground to an appeal.

The judge was literally ignoring some of the more damning evidence all for the sake of...whatever reason he had. Yeah, the mistake on Ty's with Chuck Huber's and Chris Slatosh affidavid's is a problem is it really such a big problem that it can't be looked into? Especially if you have cause and make the claim that "we need to track down something because we didn't have enough time. It takes more than 3 months to tracks down any and all info and of course make rulings on cons who are unwilling to possibly share info.

Hell, some murder cases get solved 10 years down the line because no evidence comes up for anything.

J. Sean has provided NO evidence despite request and no one says anything. The judge pays no attention.
J. Sean filed supplement and more pass the due dates, but against the Judge ignores it.

There is so much going on that is either be ignored, forgotten, or the Judge refused to even listen to and yet we want to go after Ty for one mistake. Sounds a bit unfair.

Hell, they ruled that Vic was a public figure based on how many people showed up at the court house that day. How BS is that even though the judge himself didn't know who these people were. That is garbage tier logic. So either the Judge is stupid and ignored several key elements or the Law has become so inadequate that appealing this case has become almost necessary to the point of saying "time to redo the law when it comes to social networking."

And yet, a woman filed false accusations and a man gets jailed for 20 years based on ONLY a testimony. 20 years. How many times did they find out that she lied about being raped? How many times lately have so many men have been put into prison for a crime they did not commit because a women wanted revenge? Too many and society does not seem to care. The law does not seem to care. The woman gets a slap on the wrist for ruining a man's life.

Meanwhile, Funimation actually has sexual predators working for them and they do nothing. They talk about their policies as a company and yet they play favorites among who has the most power. Vic makes a joke about a jellybean....gets fired. Sabat is accused of soliciting sex for jobs aka casting couch and they get nothing. Sean Schemmel calls someone a fag...NOTHING. Sabat and Schemmel makes fun of pedophilia, rape, and sodomy....and nothing. Funimation does NOTHING.

So unless someone wants to excuse their BS once again...the law is inadequate. The law is extremely inadequate and the more these cases are brought up the more the law is shown to be inadequate when tackling the modern area. Good Men today, because of this cancel culture society, are losing their lives and jobs over lies and slander....and no one is doing anything about the unjust nature.

I am tired of bad people getting away with everything because of "circumstantial evidence." "This evidence is damning, but because you didn't cross this t or dotted that i, we have to throw it out." Meanwhile, the real bad guys act like the victims and cry in the corner their fake tears because "people are picking on them." Bunch of adults acting worse than children because a bunch of people on the internet calls them "kitten."

I got a new campaign.
Giant Meteor 2020
Just end it all.

I rather not live in this world where a man could go to jail for 20 years for even saying Hi to a girl, but a woman can lie through her teeth and get a slap on the wrist.

Susan B. Anthony is turning in her grave right now.

And remember,
According to Monica and Jamie, and the rest of the "family"...you are NOT a true anime fan unless you praise them like gods and despise Vic. That is what apparently makes you a true anime fan in their eyes. You have to lick Jamie and Monica's boots to be a "true anime fan."

Maybe this is what Ty should have done since this is all their small brains can understand.


Edited by James S Cassidy, 09 September 2019 - 03:54 PM.

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#25 KClaws_2


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Posted 22 September 2019 - 11:24 AM

Well, I’ve followed the case best I could over the past few months. My conclusions:

1) Vic is a creep. Let’s just get that out of the way right now. He corroborated many things he was accused of in his depo; the hair pulling, inviting young girls to his room, etc. Plus it seems it’s been confirmed in his past he’s hired sex workers when he was younger and cheated on his now ex-fiancée multiple times when they were engaged. This is s definite pattern here. Even some lady calling herself the Vic whisperer said “he really likes the ladies”, like he’s some dog who can’t help but jump a leg. There was a security officer who came out saying he saw Vic as a security threat. I also listened to a podcast recently (Nerd and Tie I believe it was called) where one of them told how he helped run a con Vic was banned from before this blew up. He explained “The last time he was invited, Mignogna violated our harrasment policy several times over. At the time I worked there, we saw him as a liability and we banned him from the con.”
Now, I don’t believe that Vic pinned someone’s arms down and stuck his man parts where they didn’t belong, but it seems he was getting too frisky with some girls, and that’s grounds enough to be fired from any company.
Also, unless more serious allegations come out, Vic isn’t going to jail. That was never the issue. There is a difference between behaving inappropriately and committing a crime. The former isn’t a crime, but your employer could potentially fire you if they don’t want to put up with your crap.

2) I don’t buy this as some sort of scheme born out of jealousy or politics. Vic hasn’t had many major roles for a while, and if Sabat really had that much power over him, what does he have to be jealous of? Most of the VAs at Funimation were as talented as him, if not more so. I ask, how was this supposed to help them? They wouldn’t have benefitted financially, Vics fans weren’t going to flock to them as a substitute, so what would the point be? If this was a scheme to get rid of him, the only thing I can imagine is that Vic was actually doing the things he is being accused of. Some have claimed they got rid of him because he was a Trump supporter. Given that Funi’s Headquarters is in Texas, I’m sure he wasn’t the only one working there, plus there are far more influential people they could have attacked. Overall, it seems that Vic’s behavior was an open secret, and once they came out to the mass public, Funimation felt they had to cut ties with him.
And I know it hurts some people for me to say this, but Vic and everyone in the English anime VA industry is a D-list actor at best. There really isn’t much to be jealous of with these guys.

3) If you donated to Vic’s legal fund, I hate to tell you this: You got scammed. I was suspicious immediately when that Reiketa guy and Ty Beard made that GoFund me page; I know lawyers are an expensive ordeal, but I would think an attorney and his client could work something out if money was an issue, and I personally think that Vic could have afforded this on his own.
But I never would have suspected the case would have went THIS bad. I read about what happened, and Ty Beard made Lionel Hutz seem competent by comparison. More specifically, the whole thing with the affidavits. He forged Vic’s signature, didn’t get it notarized (yes, you NEED a notary to see you make the signature). Plus, it seems that the affidavit he got from Sabat was fraudulent, as Sabat wasn’t present, and I heard the one lady who supposedly corroborated what Sabat was accused of had her account hacked and someone else posted it. Plus, based on what I’ve read about him, I’m not considering Chuck Huber to be a trustworthy source either. So right now, I’m wondering why Ty isn’t in some serious legal trouble right now. Apparently the GoFundMe page (which Vic denied knowing about during his depot, despite thanking his fans who donated) is even refunding the money.
In the case of Nick, this was a grift for him: he got this case started just so he could get views and profit off this debacle himself.

4)ISWV needs to take a chill pill. You got your lawsuit going, now be mature about the outcome, whatever it’s going to be. You were never interested in justice, you just wanted some validation that Vic was innocent. I’m sorry, this isn’t American Idol, where the group that screams the loudest gets what they want. It’s the attorneys’ job to prove their case, and if they don’t do a good job, it’s not the fault of the jury or the judge.
Now, I’m not saying that there aren’t bad judges out there, because there are. I don’t know enough about Chup’s history to make a conclusion either way, but I’d imagine he knew Texas law well enough to inform his decisions. Chances are he’s never heard of Vic, and I doubt he’s watched any anime to have some fanboy opinion. I admit I’m no lawyer, but I imagine many lawyers have to go through some prep in assuming judges would be very strict with them.
On top of that, other lawyers outside of the case have been saying for a while now that a defamation was going to be very hard for Vic to win while Nick was saying it would be a slam dunk (apparently not). And what does ISWV do? Claim they are not real lawyers who know nothing. I think you should be at least a little bit suspicious when people outside the case are vehemently claiming the odds are stacked against Vic.
And what good do you think threatening others with guns is going to do for your cause? Especially the judge in this case? It just confirms my point earlier.

6) The lawsuit has only made things WORSE for Vic. Now more mainstream media outlets know about his allegations and now the worst of the trolls are associated with him by default. The sad thing is, if Vic just went away and kept quiet for a bit, he could have made a comeback with some other company. Just enacting the lawsuit alone is going to guarantee no other major company is going to hire him to avoid being sued themselves. If anything it seems Vic’s worst enemies are his own fans.

7) The behavior of the other VAs are not relevant.
Yes, maybe you’ve shown that Schemmel and Sabat and several others are not people I want to hang out with. The difference between them and Mignoga are that they seem to conduct themselves appropriately at conventions and with fans. If they’re kitten people, at least they’re smart enough to do their kitten behind closed doors where it only affects them. Vic didn’t; he’s apparently pissed off enough people outside of work to warrant his scrutiny

#26 Nate River

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Posted 27 September 2019 - 07:05 PM

3) If you donated to Vic’s legal fund, I hate to tell you this: You got scammed. I was suspicious immediately when that Reiketa guy and Ty Beard made that GoFund me page; I know lawyers are an expensive ordeal, but I would think an attorney and his client could work something out if money was an issue, and I personally think that Vic could have afforded this on his own.

This isn’t fair. I think you underestimate just how expensive they can get. Second, even if you had it, you don’t save money, so you can burn it on legal services. What is spent here is not spent on something else. From his perspective, why should he puts his savings at risk for other people ruining his reputation and costing him job. He is no longer employed as a VA, so I dunno if he has any income coming in.

I am not offering an opinion on the validity of his claim, but I can imagine that is how he might see. The result is uncertain and there is always the possibility that he cannot recoup attorneys fees from the other party and/or ends up with a judgment that’s effectively unenforceable. I doubt the other parties were what attorney’s call “judgment proof,” but if he won and got say $1,000,000 and they didn’t have the assets to cover it, he’s not going to see it all.

I don’t think there is anything untoward about it.

But I never would have suspected the case would have went THIS bad. I read about what happened, and Ty Beard made Lionel Hutz seem competent by comparison. More specifically, the whole thing with the affidavits. He forged Vic’s signature, didn’t get it notarized (yes, you NEED a notary to see you make the signature).

I think you mean Miguel Sanchez. And yeah, that’s the whole point of a notary. I know I am personally very insistent on that the notorary witness the actual signing, not just notorize it after I’ve signed it. You’d be surprised how lazy people, including the notaries themselves, can be about this. The notary is there as a witness to the person signing the document.

Now, I’m not saying that there aren’t bad judges out there, because there are. I don’t know enough about Chup’s history to make a conclusion either way, but I’d imagine he knew Texas law well enough to inform his decisions. Chances are he’s never heard of Vic, and I doubt he’s watched any anime to have some fanboy opinion. I admit I’m no lawyer, but I imagine many lawyers have to go through some prep in assuming judges would be very strict with them.

He might be, but you cannot assume it. All Texas judges are elected and come from a variety of backgrounds. He likely is there because he won an election, nothing more. There are judge-based CLE that all new judges must go through, but that doesn’t automatically prepare you for everything. I’ve been in front of newly elected judges before. You don’t assume that role automatically prepared. Thus, you cannot automatically up assume to speed on all types of cases that could come before him. You would want to know things like how long he had been judge, prior legal work etc. District court judges handle both civil and criminal work, he could be from one background and had to learn the other as he went. I’m not making any assertions about this particular judge, but just saying you shouldn’t make those kind of assumptions without looking into it.

On top of that, other lawyers outside of the case have been saying for a while now that a defamation was going to be very hard for Vic to win while Nick was saying it would be a slam dunk (apparently not). And what does ISWV do? Claim they are not real lawyers who know nothing. I think you should be at least a little bit suspicious when people outside the case are vehemently claiming the odds are stacked against Vic.

The first amendment makes defamation cases notoriously hard to win. I’m not sure there is a civil cause of action that is more difficult to make. New York Times v. Sullivan lays out all the various types of standards. My understanding is that Vic was deemed a limited-use/purpose public figure, which would have made success very difficult.

6) The lawsuit has only made things WORSE for Vic. Now more mainstream media outlets know about his allegations and now the worst of the trolls are associated with him by default. The sad thing is, if Vic just went away and kept quiet for a bit, he could have made a comeback with some other company. Just enacting the lawsuit alone is going to guarantee no other major company is going to hire him to avoid being sued themselves. If anything it seems Vic’s worst enemies are his own fans.

I’m doubtful he could have done that as easily as you say. Every time word got out that he’d gotten work, the KickVic would almost certainly have mobilized to get him fire. Seen it way too many times, and social media makes it easy to do. Whoever had employed would have to have the stones to ignore them, something I doubt they’d have.

7) The behavior of the other VAs are not relevant.
Yes, maybe you’ve shown that Schemmel and Sabat and several others are not people I want to hang out with. The difference between them and Mignoga are that they seem to conduct themselves appropriately at conventions and with fans. If they’re kitten people, at least they’re smart enough to do their kitten behind closed doors where it only affects them. Vic didn’t; he’s apparently pissed off enough people outside of work to warrant his scrutiny

C’mon man. You admit earlier in the post you disbelieve Chuck Huber based on what you’d heard about him. That’s relevance. To say, it is irrelevant is to overstate it. You are right to the extent, that the ultimate question is whether Vic was defamed and thus, whether what was said about his was true. That Sabat may be bad doesn’t mean Vic was defamed, but its going to be looked at determining whether anyone should believe him.

I think when people complain about it, its more about perceived fairness or justice, i.e. “These turds who are tossing him under the bus suck too, why is he only punished, it must be because.....[insert theory here]”

#27 Gravenimage


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Posted 04 October 2019 - 04:37 PM

There are many VAs that hate Sabat with a passion and yet, they stay quiet because they are afraid to lose their job.

They say Vic had tons of powers, but it seems to me that Sabat is the one pulling all the strings.

I just hope the fans don't just sweep everything under the rug after Vic's case is over.


True it's all a big conspiracy to take down Vic and Sabat is the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes.


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#28 catsi563



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Posted 04 October 2019 - 05:37 PM




My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#29 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 05 October 2019 - 03:33 AM

From what I understand the Judge is kicking the can to the appellant court. 


In the hearing a month back he made a lot of "firing from the hip" rulings he shouldn't have made. For example he dismissed the claims' against Marchie due to lack of evidence, but when vic's lawyer presented evidence minutes later (took a bit due to bad organizing on that first doc) -which he admits should overturn his ruling- he ignored it because he already ruled on it.


Neither side was happy after that was over so supporters on one side sent him a threatening letter. I never read it so I don't know which side they support. This unnerved the judge so he called the lawyer to set up a mediation in the middle of this to try to solve this without him having to make a ruling. That mediation happened yesterday. Nothing was resolved.


So that left Chupp with three option:

Reverse his decisions and let vic have everything and after trial defense tries to appeal whatever Vic wins.

Keep his ruling and both side have to appeal after the trial.

Vic lose everything, have to appeal everything, and whatever the appellant court decides passes goes on to trial.


No matter what. There would have been appeals because of how badly he did the TCPA hearing. He was apparently going off what made sense to him instead of the letter & spirit of the law, was treating it like it was a trial instead of a hearing, had higher standards of evidence & facts then what is set for TCPA. Apparently, from what I understand, there are thing that are appeal-able from his latest ruling alone. He considered someone a general purpose public figure when that hasn't been decided on in court and considers someone else a contractor when they were a best an agent. Among others.


What he has essentially done is have the appellant court rule on the TCPA so he doesn't have to. He more of less admits to that from that meeting I mentioned.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 05 October 2019 - 03:48 AM.

#30 Nate River

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Posted 05 October 2019 - 04:45 AM

From what I understand the Judge is kicking the can to the appellant court. 

Who is saying this? It makes no sense. The idea that hes kicking the can by failing to rule on the Anti-slap claim baffles me. I dont understand. An appellate court reviews a courts decision, for them to get involved in that capacity he must have ruled, which he did. He dismissed Vics claim.

Besides, he cant kick the can because unless he wants to be have a writ of mandamus issued on him. Those can be issued by appellate courts as well, but they are essentially an order from a higher court to a lower public officer to do or refrain from doing something. The same court would rule on both in this case, but they are fundamentally different concepts. Writs of mandamus are almost never granted, but one area where its relatively easy to get one is when a court refuses to rule on a motion before it.

#31 KClaws_2


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Posted 06 October 2019 - 10:49 AM

Regarding a comeback, it would take time, but if he would just take a break and wait for the controversy to die down, try to avoid the things that may have landed him in trouble to begin with, he could have at least get a small role or two and build himself back up. Many celebrities have gotten in all sorts of trouble before, and usually get back in the game eventually (though to be fair, most said celebrities were much more well known and richer than Vic)

And ooh boy, this fallout. Seriously, the Vic Stan’s are such sore losers, and need to think about this. Little Nicky told you this was a slam dunk, yet every other lawyer following this case was telling you guys this wasn’t going to go the way he said it was. Now why do you think that is? Did this Nick guy know something these other lawyers didn’t? No, it was because he was lying to you so he could get your views. And then there were the Death Threats on the Judge’s Facebook page. Really, how did you think that would turn out?

This whole thing should have been a red flag from the get-go. I read Reiketta’s little rant before this case started, and it’s not a piece I’d expect from an educated lawyer. If you were to ask me who wrote it before I knew who, I would have guessed it was from a 14 year old edgelord who found his dad’s liquor cabinet. He’s also not taking criticism well, calling others “mutants” and telling them “Go back to Greenland! (For those who don’t get this, Greenland has a high rate of suicides). Plus, he’s insisting that there’s a path forward from here. Considering this was dismissed with prejudice, the only way that’s going to be possible is if they can prove to a higher court that the judge did something wrong, which is going to be another uphill battle. Seriously, this guy is proposing legal challenges that are by most accounts almost impossible to win. This is a grift that he’s desperate to have keep going, because he didn’t anticipate this would be over so quickly, and all he had outside of this is traffic court. A valid profession, but I guess no one gets famous doing that.

It’s time for you all to let this go. If you never want to watch a Funi dub after this, that’s your business. Fact is, Vic didn’t have a case. All they had was Rial and Marchie liking a post. That’s not evidence of a conspiracy; if anything it’s evidence AGAINST Vic. Fact is, he’s been having these accusations against him for years. He had every opportunity to stop and think “You know, I’m upsetting some people. Maybe I should watch myself.” Even if he meant no harm, he was too full of himself for that self awareness and kept going, and now this is the result.

#32 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 08 October 2019 - 06:16 AM

Who is saying this? It makes no sense. The idea that hes kicking the can by failing to rule on the Anti-slap claim baffles me. I don't understand. An appellate court reviews a courts decision, for them to get involved in that capacity he must have ruled, which he did. He dismissed Vic's claim.

Besides, he cant kick the can because unless he wants to be have a writ of mandamus issued on him. Those can be issued by appellate courts as well, but they are essentially an order from a higher court to a lower public officer to do or refrain from doing something. The same court would rule on both in this case, but they are fundamentally different concepts. Writs of mandamus are almost never granted, but one area where its relatively easy to get one is when a court refuses to rule on a motion before it.

Did I say he didn't rule? I said he made a lot of firing from the hip ruling in that first hearing based on his own whims that ignored the letter & spirit of the law that were appeal-able. Which left him with the three options I mention all which led to one side needing to appeal his rulings. So he picked the easiest option for himself. Have the plaintiff lose everything. Have him either give up or appeal it. Then let the appellant court decided what passed TCPA. Then have it return to him if anything passed.


He said to them he will probably see them again in Three Months. He knows at least some of rulings he he did will be appealed. He even lamented that a lot of his ruling in other cases get appealed as well.


Regarding a comeback, it would take time, but if he would just take a break and wait for the controversy to die down, try to avoid the things that may have landed him in trouble to begin with, he could have at least get a small role or two and build himself back up. Many celebrities have gotten in all sorts of trouble before, and usually get back in the game eventually (though to be fair, most said celebrities were much more well known and richer than Vic)

...This part confused me. He just had to wait for the controversy to die down then he could comeback? You realized that they did this because they wanted him gone. Preferably for good. They wanted him out of the voice acting industry. They wanted him out of the the convention circuit. They wanted him out of everything they were involved with in anyway shape or form. You don't accuse someone of these sorts of allegations they put on Vic to help them get better out of the goodness of your heart. You do it to either destroy them (if false) or you want them arrested (if true).


Also from how I understand it. Vic initially did what you suggested, he wanted this to die down, he stayed off social media as much as he could, he even got a PR firm to try deal with the damages. Guess what. Monica, Marchie, and Ron wouldn't stop to the point the only way he felt he could get his reputation back was to sue them. This is where the Marchie wanting his balls post came from. Someone asked when it would be enough since they already got him fired, and Marchie post made it clear; nothing would never be enough.


Now, then I have a question for you, do you believe someone should never fight against false allegations? Or if you don't think that a good question how about, do you believe people should not help someone fight against false allegations?


So Vic believe the allegation were false and felt the only way to restore his reputation was to sue them for Defamation. Now then Monica story involved someone coming into the room to "rescue" her after finally giving a name that person quick sent a official document saying that the event never happened because if it did he would have never invited Vic to another convention. The Hair pulling. According to Marchie he pulled her hair and whispered "Something sexual" into her ears. Vic said he was touching her hair to feel it while complimenting her about her new hair cut, and rejected the word pulling to describe it. He said she said with no other person to see it. Their was a con organize that in a official document said that Ron and Monica called him to have Vic removed from the con due to the fact that he was going to be arrested soon for all the crimes he committed, and told him that they were calling other cons telling them the same thing. The Young women were twins of legal age. We never saw what was in the Sony investigation that got him fired. Though we do have Vic saying they agreed that they would keep the reason for the firing quite. All it took was, Monica asking a friend in HR in a email for them to make that tweet that drew them into the lawsuit. although they apparently only asked Vic question once during the investigation; To confirm the jelly bean story.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 08 October 2019 - 06:25 AM.

#33 Gravenimage


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Posted 08 October 2019 - 12:26 PM

The judge who dismissed the case is so incompetent. I hope another judge steps in more experience and takes the case. It's not over. Like Ty Beard said on his twitter "Halftime".


Lone Wolf of the Grave

#34 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 08 October 2019 - 09:08 PM

The judge who dismissed the case is so incompetent. I hope another judge steps in more experience and takes the case. It's not over. Like Ty Beard said on his twitter "Halftime".

If it is appealed it will go back to him unless he either recuses himself or Ty Bread goes out of his way to request another judge. The thing is after TCPA he doesn't really have to do anything other then rubber stamp stuff like he was doing before, and bringing it to trial. At Trial it's Vic versus the defendant in a contest to see who the jury likes more. The handsome man with a soothing voice filled with grief tells a story of how people he trusted stab him in the back. Or A thin-skinned werido, a woman who can't hide her petty grudges when she talks, and the company that entire defenses relies on a investigation no one has seen.


Here is a memorable moment for appeal; Ty was about to hand some evidence to the judge and he more or less said "I don't need you evidence, I have theirs."

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 09 October 2019 - 06:06 AM.

#35 Gravenimage


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Posted 09 October 2019 - 11:45 AM

If it is appealed it will go back to him unless he either recuses himself or Ty Bread goes out of his way to request another judge. The thing is after TCPA he doesn't really have to do anything other then rubber stamp stuff like he was doing before, and bringing it to trial. At Trial it's Vic versus the defendant in a contest to see who the jury likes more. The handsome man with a soothing voice filled with grief tells a story of how people he trusted stab him in the back. Or A thin-skinned werido, a woman who can't hide her petty grudges when she talks, and the company that entire defenses relies on a investigation no one has seen.


Here is a memorable moment for appeal; Ty was about to hand some evidence to the judge and he more or less said "I don't need you evidence, I have theirs."


The funny thing is there's still plenty of evidence to use against Funimation. Specially Jamie Marchi who is still talking BS on twitter the woman don't know when to shut up. 


Lone Wolf of the Grave

#36 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 09 October 2019 - 11:50 AM

The funny thing is there's still plenty of evidence to use against Funimation. Specially Jamie Marchi who is still talking BS on twitter the woman don't know when to shut up. 

There main defense for their firing of him is an investigation no one has seen. They will have to put up that document as evidence if this trial continue past appeals.


Beyond that, its convincing the jury (again if this passes appeals) that their post helped lead to people concluding that the accusation must be true; therefor defamed him if false. Also through that email between Monica and HR conspired to do so.

#37 Nate River

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Posted 14 October 2019 - 08:45 PM

Did I say he didn't rule? I said he made a lot of firing from the hip ruling in that first hearing based on his own whims that ignored the letter & spirit of the law that were appeal-able. Which left him with the three options I mention all which led to one side needing to appeal his rulings. So he picked the easiest option for himself. Have the plaintiff lose everything. Have him either give up or appeal it. Then let the appellant court decided what passed TCPA. Then have it return to him if anything passed.

You also said this:

What he has essentially done is have the appellant court rule on the TCPA so he doesn't have to. He more of less admits to that from that meeting I mentioned.

I am not sure how else to interpret the line about the appeals court ruling on TCPA so he did not have to.

He said to them he will probably see them again in Three Months. He knows at least some of rulings he he did will be appealed. He even lamented that a lot of his ruling in other cases get appealed as well.

Because the initiation of an appeal is from the litigants, frequent appeals are not necessarily significant. Frequent reversals are.

#38 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 15 October 2019 - 02:16 AM

You also said this:
I am not sure how else to interpret the line about the appeals court ruling on TCPA so he did not have to.

Because the initiation of an appeal is from the litigants, frequent appeals are not necessarily significant. Frequent reversals are.

Like I said before his firing from the hip ruling made a lot of appeal-able action for both sides of the case no matter how he ruled. So he dismissed everything forcing it to go to appeals -if Vic decided to continue (from what I understand he has)- so they can decided what passes TCPA instead of him. Then return it to him so they can continue the trial without him ever making a ruling on TCPA that would enrage certain people. So he passed the buck (ruling) to the appellant court and kicked the can (case) down the road by three months.


Sorry, I didn't realize you were a lawyer. I'm not. So, when I said he was complaining about his cases being appealed by the appellant court I meant they often reverse his rulings. Which he lamented in that meeting about forcing a mediation before he made his passing the buck ruling before telling them he will likely be seeing them again in three months.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 15 October 2019 - 02:17 AM.

#39 Gravenimage


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Posted 15 October 2019 - 12:15 PM

Vic has chosen to go for appeal yep it's not over yet. It's only just beginning. 


Lone Wolf of the Grave

#40 James S Cassidy

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Posted 15 October 2019 - 09:20 PM

If you think Vic is a creep, then what does that make Sean Schemmel when girls accused him of touching them underneath their skirts? What about Sabat's casting cough? I guess we can ignore these.

"There is no evidence" right?


It’s time for you all to let this go. If you never want to watch a Funi dub after this, that’s your business. Fact is, Vic didn’t have a case. All they had was Rial and Marchie liking a post. That’s not evidence of a conspiracy; if anything it’s evidence AGAINST Vic. Fact is, he’s been having these accusations against him for years. He had every opportunity to stop and think “You know, I’m upsetting some people. Maybe I should watch myself.” Even if he meant no harm, he was too full of himself for that self awareness and kept going, and now this is the result.

Oh, but we should ignore Chuck Huber's affidavit that Funimation is a HIGHLY SEXUALIZED environment and that Sabat having a casting couch is not beyond reason? Sean Schemmel reaching underneath girl's skirts? And the hundreds of stories that have been debunked literally by the people who have not only have actual footage, but posted remarks saying that Vic never did that to them, but it was the exact opposite and Vic was a good man?

You are going to ignore Stan Dahlin saying that the events that Monica Rial described never happened or the fact that the hotel they were staying at never had a balcony or patio that was described in Monica's "story?"

Got it, you believe in Guilty until Proven Innocent circa 1642.

Let's also ignore that Sony put in a no hugging policy that Jamie Marchi and Monica Rial admit to ignoring and hugging anyone anyway WITHOUT consent which according to them is sexual assault.

Double Standards. Double Standards everywhere.

If you're going to hold Vic to this standard, then you got to hold them all to this standard. NO EXCEPTIONS and chances are they all got skeletons in their closets they don't want people to find out.

Vic is a homophobe for not signing fan art, but Sean Schemmel as the voice of Goku can call his son a kitten.
Vic can't eat a jellybean, but if Marchi forcibly hugs and kiss Vic then it is no big deal.
Vic can't crack jokes, but Sabat can make a gay porn using Dragonball Z characters with pedophilia and incest.

If Vic should be fired, then they ALL should be fired. Every...single...one of them.

Fact is, you can't keep holding one person to such a standard, but then everyone else get away with just as bad or worse. You either hold them all to the same standard or you are corrupted and playing favoritism.

LACK OF ETHICS is the reason why they are in this mess in the first place.

Everyone apparently knew about this, but had no problems making a profit off of it.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 16 October 2019 - 03:43 PM.

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