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Sky Exodus

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#361 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 03:12 PM

Zerva stared down the man, with a little chuckle he looked around the ship.

"Heh, do you really think a couple of low life's like you could stop us? Zerva asked with a grin on his face.

Flicking his finger's the scythe was surrounded by a flame.

"Why don't you try taking me down first then we'll worry about your little friends." Said the elf/hume who was getting a little angry at this guys attitude.


#362 shadow_Uzumaki


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 04:03 PM

As Ryuuji turned away from Balian to address Zerva, a Galkan Dragoon walked at Balian and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him. The other Dragoon mercs surrounded the two.

"Tahrodiis ZeyMah." The Galkan spoke, bringing Balian's face close to his snarl.

"Ah, Garrious. Still being a stuck up Dragoon-wannabe eh?" Balian gasped, causing the Galkan to squeeze harder. "Ulp...what do...you want?" Balian grabbed the large humanoid's hand, trying to loosen his grip.

"You. The Elf Tafiir demands Sos. This Nir will bring forth his prey...You. Bringing you, Tahrodiis, will right your Folaas." Garrious loosened his grip slightly, allowing Balian to breathe.

"Ha!" Balian laughed, "Your pretentious usage of the Dragon Language still happening?" Garrious snarled again and squeezed. Balian persisted, "You...think that bringing...urgh...bringing me to that Elf will yield you the mask? Ha. Ha."

"TAHRODIIS! I will be Kaal and Saviik of the Dragoons!" Garrious roared, dropping Balian in anger. Balian smiled as he landed on one leg. He then used all his momentum and jumped back, knocking down the dragoon behind him and getting Balian out of the circle.

"You always had that temper of yours, Garrious, and I've always beaten you with it." He smiled as the Galka roared and ordered the other Dragoon mercs to charge Balian. Grabbing one's spear as the dragoon thrusted, he brought down his end, causing the spear to smash the dragoon's chin, disarming him.

Balian grinned as he held the spear upright with his right and doing a 'come and get me' gesture with his left. He thrusted his spear to the closest one who also thrusted his spear. The two parried in the middle, with Balian spinning his spear clockwise, causing his oppnent's spear to turn do the same and loosening the young Dragoon's grip to his spear before knocking it away, he then followed up with a smack to the face with the blunt end of his spear.

He dodged to the left, avoiding a rather ovenergetic charge, causing his next opponent to slip and fall off the ship. Balian laughed, "You brought rookies to take me down?! HAH!" His statement caused the other dragoons to Jump and try to catch Balian in a downward stab. "HAH!" He moved around them nimbly, each one making the rookie mistake of over-charging their Jump, leaving their spears stuck through the deck. "I thought this was too easy!" He spun his spear around him, building up some air before launching a wave of air towards his opponents, blowing them off the deck.

He turned to the remaining Galkan Dragoon. "You're an idiot, y'know that? So obsessed with bringing the Dragoons to their former power. You think that returning Konahrik's mask will bring you some kind of ancient power?" He charged at the Galkan who blocked his spear and parried it aside. "Returning Konahrik's mask isn't a quest for power...." He followed up the Galkan's parry by turning around to a roundhouse kick to the face. "It's to return it to its rightful place!" He thrusted at Garrious, only for him to narrowly dodge it, getting a scar in the process. He then jumped and kneed Garrious at the nose, causing the large warrior to fall down on the floor.

"FOLAAS!" Garrious roared, kicking away Balian and standing up. "The return of the ninth mask will bring me power! I will restore the Dragoon to their power and dominate the world!" He charged at Balian with his spear.

Balian groaned, cradling his stomach from the Galkan's kick. "Oh brother...another power hungry delusional..." He rolled his eyes before ducking and tripping the larger warrior. "Ok, time to finish this...." He held his spear closer to the blade and spun, catching the Galkan in between the legs as Garrious stood up with the bottom of his spear. He launched Garrious into the air and jumped after him. Overtaking him on the air, Balian turned downwards and met Garrious.
"Dragon's Hunt!" He called out before stabbing Garrious multiple times and then skewering him as they fell. The Galkan was dead before he hit the ground.

Balian groaned as he fell to one knee. "I need rest, I've been electrocuted and choked....I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since this whole expedition happened. I need a rest....I think I'm too old for this."

Translations: Tahrodiis ZeyMah: Traitorous brother. (Brother here meaning brothers-in-arms, or comrades, they're not related), Tafiir: means thief, Sos means blood, Nir means hunt. Folaas means Wrong. Kaal and Saviik means champion and savior.

Edited by shadow_Uzumaki, 18 December 2011 - 04:05 PM.

#363 ForgottenBushido


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 08:41 PM

Julien continued to hack away at the cord holding them captive, all the while the other fought off the enemy assault force. The cord had begun to fray and melt away due Julien's constant hacking. Finally the last of it snapped and broke away, he then continued to kick at the heavy anchor stuck on the edge of the ship. It was much too heavy for him to lift off or move on his own and decided to just see what he could do about flying the ship since everyone else was currently engaged in defending it.

Suddenly a tall thin Elvaan dragoon pounced down in front of him, spear in hand. "Inquisitor, there is a price on your head, I am here to claim it." He held his weapon out ready to strike Julien. The dragoon charged at Julien thrusting his spear towards his heart. Julien countered quickly, his sword not quite having the weight or strength of his enemies lance however, he managed to deflect a killing blow. The lance glanced off Julien's shoulder, knocking him back. The dragoon followed up with a double-thrust, again Julien did his best to avoid taking damage. The dragoon's attacks were relentless, pushing the Inquisitor further and further back towards the edge of the ship. Julien now stood with his back to the sea with nowhere to run. He was at a tremendous disadvantage physically but not strategically. The dragoon drew his lance back ready to make his kill. Dragoons ordinarily have a common range with their jumps, certain heights and distances from which they could perform their attacks. This particular dragoon was too close to perform his attack with perfect accuracy. He leaped into the air and aimed his lance downward, ready to land on his prey. However, Julien simply stood aside and waited for him to land. He then merely gave the warrior a kick, and sent him over the side of the ship.

"Goodbye, sir knight." Julien saluted.

His path now clear, Julien made is way up to the controls and attempted to take off. The engines were already on, and the ship was running, all he had to do was lift off. He scampered about trying to discern what lever did what, and much like before he flipped the switches that looked good and pushed forward on the throttle...the ship began to rise from the water. The dashboard began to collapse before him, and transform into an entirely different set of controls. The ship itself began to shake and transform. The engines on the side of the ship began to protrude, jutting out to form turbines. Eventually the ship had become airborne, and began to climb. Julien panicked and was unsure of what to do next..

Edited by ForgottenBushido, 18 December 2011 - 09:09 PM.

#364 BlackLightning


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 10:11 PM

Ryuuji shrugs nonchalantly at the man with the scythe as he answered, "Wouldn't know, nor do I care about it. Their life and dead have no significance to me, I'm here for a job and thats all there is to it." In his mind though he added, 'That and curiousity and fun though I won't tell him that.'

Despite his act though, Ryuuji is in high alert as he eyes the scythe, taking notes of it in his mind, 'A huge scythe dressed in flame... where did I heard of it before?' he twirls his sword a few times before falling to fighting pose with his blade poised behind him, hidden from view by his body, "So, shall we fight?"

Love is not about admiring the strength or perfection of the person but to fully accept their shortcoming and weakness. - Me

Dragcave: (Mine and a Certain cat's): http://dragcave.net/user/MelisaArtemis

#365 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 10:24 PM

Zerva ran at the man.

"You sure have a cocky attitude for someone like yourself." Zerva yelled.

Grey eyes flashing towards the other's who were fighting he looked up at the bridge quickly noticing Twill, switching his eyes back to his target he looked him straight in the eyes.

"She should have stayed hidden she's to weak to be out here."He said to himself charging the man while bringing his scythe down towards the stranger.


#366 BlackLightning


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 10:54 PM

Ryuuji holds the urge to roll his eyes as he saw the man charges at him, 'Honestly...? No trick? Does he take me for an amateur or what?'

As the scythe comes down, Ryuuji swiftly sidestepped the scythe. His expression turns to shock when the flame from the blade grazed him mythril chainmail which prompt him to jumps back slightly, the flame didn't touch his flesh but his chainmail is now sporting a tear on it where the flame grazed it as he thought, 'Well, thats a surprise... the flame actually act like an extension of the blade and sharper than it looks. It cannot be a normal weapon if it can tear a mythril chainmail that easy.... Well, guess I did underestimate the man a bit....' He grins a bit though as he looks at the man like a predator against a prey, 'Well, He's not the only one with a trick or two under the sleeve....'

He changes his blade's pose as he puts the blade parallel with the ground pointing backward as if he's holding a long sword and smirks as he gathered his power on his feet before kicking off, unlike his previous jump to reach the ship, this time he used the power to launch him forward like a missile. In midflight, the blade starts to change shape, the blade becomes straight and elongate as it becomes thinner while Ryuuji commanded it in his mind, 'Water edge.'

When he reach the range, he throws a horizontal slash toward the man's torso, not even caring about the scythe which blocks its way.

Love is not about admiring the strength or perfection of the person but to fully accept their shortcoming and weakness. - Me

Dragcave: (Mine and a Certain cat's): http://dragcave.net/user/MelisaArtemis

#367 Miss Soupy

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Posted 18 December 2011 - 10:58 PM

Twill fitted an arrow to her bow, watching the fights below carefully. Many of their crew were in close combat, and it would be risky to shoot in their direction. The ship was gaining altitude, albeit slowly, and soon whoever was on the ship would be trapped.

There was movement to her lower left, and she saw a stray Dragoon trying to ascend the stairs to get to the control room. Lacing her arrow in weaker magic, she shot at the man. He gave a strangled yell of surprise as the arrow stuck in his shoulder, and the force of the magic pushed him over the edge of the railing to the sea below.

Looking around, she saw that most of the Dragoons had been dealt with. Just then, there was a deafening noise, and her equilibrium was briefly thrown of, sending her to her knees. The airship lurched to the side before righting itself, but then another exploding sound filled the air as it absorbed the impact of another hit.

The ship that was hunting them seemed to have realized their Dragoons were not enough, and had instead opened fire on the airship as it tried to gain altitude.

#368 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:03 PM

Holding the Scythe in a defensive position to block the water he was pushes back by the force of the attack.

"Damn guess I overlooked this guy." Zerva told himself.

With a smirk on his face Zerva spun the scythe. "That was pretty good." He said feeling the heat of the scythe get hotter.

"Next time, use a move that will stop me." Zerva paused. "Flame Whirlwind!" He yelled whipping the flame covered scythe towards his enemy.

As flames flew through the area Zerva jumped back. "Oops maybe I over did it..."


#369 BlackLightning


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:24 PM

Ryuuji's eyes widened as he saw the mass of flame approaching and cursed under his breath, 'The hell....? Gotta act fast....' He turns his upper body and widen his legs position so that the blade is held horizontal behind him as he concentrates his power to it. The long sword starts to glow blue and several water rings appear around the edge. From the position, he swipes the sword in a wide diagonal arc with a shout, "Water Dragon Fang!"

A massive deep blue arc escapes from his slash toward the approaching flame right at the same time as the whole ship shakes like an earthquake. Just as the two attacks hit, an explosion rocks the entire ship, throwing him backward as the force of the two attacks colliding coincides with the canon blast hitting the airship. He bounce off the deck several times before finally manage to right his position and looks up before sighing in relief as the two attacks somehow cancelled each other. He turns toward the edge of the airship and cursed, "Those a**holes!! Are they trying to kill the ones on board too?"

Love is not about admiring the strength or perfection of the person but to fully accept their shortcoming and weakness. - Me

Dragcave: (Mine and a Certain cat's): http://dragcave.net/user/MelisaArtemis

#370 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:31 PM

As the ship rocked in the air Zerva fell to the ground, as the ship steadied he stood slowly looking at the stranger.

"What the hell is wrong with your friends?" Zerva yelled running over to the man.

"Tell them to hold there fire!" He said grabbing the stranger by the shirt.

Edited by Fyuria'sLeo, 18 December 2011 - 11:31 PM.


#371 BlackLightning


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:39 PM

Ryuuji rolls his eyes for real this time as he turns to the man, "Point one, they aren't my friends, we just happen to be on the same job. Point two, do I look like I want them to open fire?"

He slaps the man's away from himself as he looks down toward the transport which had took him there and cursed, "Best I can guess is that the non-dragoons deduce they won't get any action now that this thing is going airborne and try to claim credit by killing all of us."

He turns back to the man before continuing, "Look, like it or not, right now we got the same problem. You want to still duke it out now while this thing is blown to smithereens or
deal with those bastards down there first then continue?"

Love is not about admiring the strength or perfection of the person but to fully accept their shortcoming and weakness. - Me

Dragcave: (Mine and a Certain cat's): http://dragcave.net/user/MelisaArtemis

#372 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:45 PM

Looking at the damage Zerva turned his head to the man.

"Help now, fight later." He said looking back over the ships side.

As another shot was fired at them, the ship rocked causing Zerva to trip a little.

"So got any idea's of stopping them?" He asked steadying himself.


#373 shadow_Uzumaki


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:46 PM

Balian tried to stand up, using his borrowed spear to prop himself, but the cannon blast knocked him down again, losing his hold on the spear as it slid away. "Oh great...." He tried to get up himself, "I think....I've over-extended myself." He murmured. "I think I'm just...gonna lie down here," he groaned as he rolled so he was lying on his back. "I'll let the kids do all the fighting."

#374 Miss Soupy

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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:54 PM

She regained her feet, her knees throbbing, and made her way to the stairs, gripping the rails tightly as she went to keep balance. The ship moaned as it took a strong hit, and smoke billowed from its side.

Noctua shrieked as he flew, calling their attention. “They are preparing another hook cannon!” he called down. “And there is a fire. If it makes it to the core, this whole ship will explode.”

She ran to the side and looked over the edge, trying to peer through the smoke. A flaming ball stuck stubbornly in the side of the ship, and the odd thing was, it was on fire. Already a circular area around the impact was melting the metal of ship, digging itself more firmly into the side.

“Magic,” she said breathlessly. “We need a water spell!”

Edited by Miss Soupy, 19 December 2011 - 12:02 AM.

#375 BlackLightning


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:10 AM

Ryuuji looks at the ship under the airship as he try to gauge their rate of ascend and distance from the target ship. Plans formulate in his brains, 'I don't have any attack that can destroy something that big but...' He throws a glance of the other man from the corner of his eyes before continuing, 'If he can do his last attack once more, it should be enough to burn that ship down. The problem is that he doesn't look like a dragoon, chance that he can reach the ship without being splattered is little to none. The only way I can think of to get him there is if I jump with him. Once he did it, I can jump up again if this thing doesn't get too far out of reach... the question is if he trust me enough to do it... and if I can made the leap back before we both got roasted like pigs.'

Ryuuji shrugs at the other man, "Dare to take a gamble?"

Love is not about admiring the strength or perfection of the person but to fully accept their shortcoming and weakness. - Me

Dragcave: (Mine and a Certain cat's): http://dragcave.net/user/MelisaArtemis

#376 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:15 AM

"I'll do whatever you need me to do, If it means protecting the people on this here ship then im in." Zerva said giving the man a firm nod.

Picking up his scythe and hooking it to his back he brought his grey eyes up to the man.

"Lets do this." He said.


#377 Miss Soupy

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:39 AM

Twill gawked at the two. “Are you crazy?” she implored, looking between Zerva and a man she thought was their enemy. They had no reason to believe he wouldn’t just drop Zerva in the ocean, or directly in the hands of the men on the other ship. She could tell, however, that Zerva had made up his mind.

She sighed, knowing it wasn’t her risk to take, so she had little choice but to accept it. “You really are crazy, but if you pull it off…we might be in the clear.” Then she looked up at the unknown man with a threatening look. “If you betray us, I swear I’ll shoot you down.”

#378 BlackLightning


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 02:20 AM

Ryuuji is aware of the presence of the girl at the upperdeck with a bow aimed at him as she threaten to shot him down. Part of him wants to roll his eyes for the third time for the day while retorting with some sarcastic line along the line of: "Do I look suicidal to you?" or "Don't worry, I'm a bad liar". Major part of himself though decide against it as in their situation, it would just be a waste of time and breath, neither are something that he has to spare if his plan is to succeed. Contrary to what it look like, power jump drains lots of stamina and power, the higher or farther it is, the more they consume, with baggage? even more so.

In his condition after two power jumps and throwing a special move, it would drain most of the rest of his power to do the plan, and the fact that the airship is steadily increasing its ascend speed isn't helping either. Steeling his resolve, Ryuuji grabs the other man by the back of his shirt as he step up to the edge of the airship and took off. As he descent toward the transport, he eyed something which nearly made his heart stop: A flaming cannonball lodged at the metal part of the hull and its somehow eating away the metal around it, 'YOU GOTTA BE sh**ting ME!!'

As soon as he and his unwilling partner landed, he immediately turns around as he draw his still water element sword once again, just as before, water rings formed around the blade but instead of slashing it, this time he thrust the blade while spinning it like a spiral, "Water Dragon Burst!". Instead of the previous arc, a blast of blue energy escaped from the blade halfway before it burst into several miniature dragon missiles, all of them aimed to hit the cannonball from multiple angles at the same time, effectively dousing the flame while the cannonball is cracking before finally collapse down to the see as metal debris without penetrating the hull.

Love is not about admiring the strength or perfection of the person but to fully accept their shortcoming and weakness. - Me

Dragcave: (Mine and a Certain cat's): http://dragcave.net/user/MelisaArtemis

#379 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 02:30 AM

Spinning his scythe Zerva flicked his finger's.

"Flame Whirlwind!" He yelled letting go of his scythe.

As it flew it burned the deck of the ship slicing the bridge as it hit.

Pulling his sister's blade out he slammed it into the deck, "Time to blow this kitten up.....Flame Burst." He said making the hull of the ship ignite with flames.

"What now?" Zerva asked turning to the stranger as his scythe flew back to his hand.


#380 shadow_Uzumaki


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 02:46 AM

"Hrm?" Balian was slightly roused by the commotion going on. "What's happenin'?" He rose, angling his neck to see what was going on. Not seeing anything, he sighed before he got up. The brief rest restoring some vigor into his body, but he could still feel aches and pains all over. He went back inside, saying hi to the befuddled Julien staring at the transforming controls before entering the room he slept in and retrieved his Lance. Balian walked back outside, saying Hi to Twill this time as she passed her and went to the railing.

"HEY! WHAT'RE YOU KIDS DOING?!" He yelled to Zerva and the guy who electrocuted him.

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