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#301 krisk


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Posted 04 July 2010 - 09:05 PM

It looks like this movie



well knowing the rep i have (i think people have the impression that this blog is some kind of scary enigma), i doubt many people are reading this atm. BUT if someone is, go ahead and join me if ya want. or don't whatever. like i previously stated: idgaf. i just want you to be able to share what you want, when you want.

MKAY so i still haven't seen it. from what i've read visiting my many pubs across the net, i'd benefit more from watching DB Evolution again. that's saaaaaad. nonetheless, i think i'll force myself to watch it when the internet gets off its ass and hands me a camrip or something. it's the same with twilight. i STILL have to read the books! AAAAGH

anyway. so. yes.
the backlash. funny stuff. very satisfying. sad about the movie but i dealt with it way before it was released. waaaaay before when people still had "hope" -- don't know how people did it. the more news broke out the more i was discouraged about the outcome and the more i accepted that it was gonna bomb.

but WOW didn't think it was gonna bomb THIS HARD. HAHAHA

and i laugh now sure, but inside i'll always be sad that we'll never get a reboot. studios need a light, a sure sign that the outcome will be worth the money put in. but after this... 28 mill down the drain. and so are hopes of a reboot go along with it. christ almighty i'll never see toph or jun in their glory so unfair :c

anyway postan some good stuff i picked up a few days ago.

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25 Questions You May Have About The Last Airbender

The Last Airbender is getting remarkably bad reviews. When films are received this poorly, those with a morbid sense of curiosity are ask, "Why all the vitriol?" It's kind of like those Internet videos of people viewing other Internet videos, such as "Two Girls, One Cup," with the attitude of, "Oh, how bad could this really be?" before they eventually realize their error, make a ghastly face, and leave the room. To spare you this pain, we will attempt to answer any question you may have—and many that you likely won’t—about The Last Airbender.

Q: Is The Last Airbender the worst movie that you have ever seen?

A: Are you asking if it's the worst movie that I've seen including flipping through channels at three in the morning on television, or movies within movies, like Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season (a clip of which was nestled within Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and which actually looked decent)? Or just movies that involve my getting off of my couch, walking into an actual theater, and watching the entire thing?

Q: O.K., let me rephrase, is this the worst film you've seen that required your getting off of your couch, walking into an actual theater, and watching the entire thing?

A: Yes.

Q: Worse than Jonah Hex, really?

A: I really didn't think it was possible.

Q: Do you have something against M. Night Shyamalan?

A: On the contrary. I saw The Sixth Sense pretty early in its theatrical run and, like everyone else, I loved the film. I tried dragging pretty much everyone I knew to see it with me again. Not so much because it’s a great movie the second time through. More to just to hear “The Sound" the audience made when, collectively, everyone discovered that Bruce Willis had been dead since the opening scene of the film. (Wait, should I have put a spoiler alert there? Ah, too late.) I loved Unbreakable. For Christ's sake, I even liked Signs. So, no, I have nothing against Mr. Shyamalan.

Q: What's an Airbender?

A: Someone who can control the wind by doing some sort of Pilates-like body movements. There are also Waterbenders, Firebenders, and Earthbenders.

Q: Why is there only one Airbender left?

A: Because of something called the Avatar, who can control all four elements, and who is going to be reincarnated among the Airbenders. The Firebenders, no fan of the Avatar, wipe out the Airbenders before Aang is discovered to be the Avatar. (He wasn't home when the genocide took place).

Q: Which is the coolest element to bend?

A: I would say air, because you can create things like tornadoes. Water is, by far, the lamest. (It so happens that the entire film, which I guess is intended to be the first of a franchise, focuses on water). It's kind of like the power possessed by the lame Wonder Twin, Zan, on Super Friends. His sister, Jayna, could turn into any animal she desired. Zan, could only ever morph into something lame like an icy slide.

Q: So the only Airbender they didn't kill turns out to be the Avatar?

A: Unfortunately. If they had gotten him, it would have been a much shorter film.

Q: It does sound like there's a pretty cool story in there, somewhere.

A: Yeah, you would think, right? Fans of the animated version would agree with you.

Q: Speaking of the animated version, wasn't it called, Avatar: The Last Airbender? Why did they change the title?

A: Obviously so it wouldn't be confused with the 2004 film, Avatar, starring David Warner from Tron. I've been told there's another film of the same name that came out in 2009.

Q: I see Asif Mandvi is in the film, is he as funny as he is on The Daily Show?

A: Um? This is a hard question to answer for a few reasons. Let's just say that, yes, I laughed many times when he was on screen. But considering that his character is the lead villain, I doubt that this was the intended reaction.

Q: Dev Patel is in the film. Does he win a million dollars like he did in Slumdog Millionaire?

A: If you count his Airbender salary, yes, you can probably classify that as "winning," considering that he has no business being cast as a villain in any film.

Q: These sounds like bad casting choices. How are the other actors?

A: Shyamalan got in some hot water for not casting actors of East Asian descent to play the East Asian characters from the animated version. He has gone on record saying that the white actor who played the lead role of Aang, Noah Ringer, was perfect for the role, and the choice had nothing to do with race.

Q: Was he right?

A: I think there are plenty of East Asian actors that are breathing a sigh of relief that they have absolutely nothing to do with Shyamalan's version of this story. While watching the film, I caught myself thinking, “You know who would have been better in this? Jake Lloyd."

Q: Aang is a child. Isn't Jake Lloyd 21 years-old now?

A: I still would have preferred Jake Lloyd.

Q: Well, at least it's in 3D. right? How is the 3D?

A: Halfway through the film, I remember thinking, "Why am I wearing glasses? Did I forget to put my contacts in today?" There is not one scene in the whole film in which I actually noticed that third dimension.

Q: So should I see the film in 3D or 2D?

A: Do you have a third option?

Q: What's the best part of The Last Airbender?

A: You're going to have to give me some time to think about that, can you ask me again later?

Q: Sure. What's the worst part?

A: That's like asking a parent to pick a favorite between his 137 children. But, If I have to pick one: Asif Mandvi wants to kill something called the Moon Spirit because it will help his people, the Firebenders, gain power. It turns out this mystic Moon Spirit is a fish. Not a large, CGI style fish. No, just your average-sized trout. So, the most dramatic scene in the film involves Asif Mandvi stabbing a fish. I never realized the gravitas involved when I used to watch my grandfather do the exact same thing after returning from being out on his boat. Perhaps it was the lack of a swelling orchestral score.

Q: O.K., so what's the best part about The Last Airbender?

A: After the film, watching the wide-eyed looks of astonishment of every single person that I saw leaving the screening. I feel like we all went through something pretty horrific together. As time goes on, with years and miles between us, it will have been a long and lonely ride.
But if I got that call in the dead of the night, I'd be right by their side

Q: Aren’t those pretty much the lyrics to Bon Jovi's "Blood on Blood"?

A: I feel they are appropriate to this situation.

Q: M. Night Shyamalan always casts himself in his films. What does he play in The Last Airbender?

A: As far as I could tell, The Last Airbender is Shyamalan-free.

Q: That's odd. Do you know why he didn't appear in the film?

A: He probably read the script.

Q: Should I see The Last Airbender?

A: Are you someone who enjoyed "Two Girls, One Cup"?

Q: Was that the sitcom that starred Ryan Reynolds? The one with the pizza place?

A: You know, maybe you should see The Last Airbender.

i don't really think some of this stuff would include one of my twenty five questions, but eh they still suffice. also the 2girls1cup touch is gold.

also this video:

this man. this fedora man.

it must've been so fun to do this interview. all the nerd rage <3

oh and OT (in my blog? oh my never!) but i recommend stuff from Free the Robots, especially their jazz stuff, it's nice chill out stuff. i'm loving it more and more.

#302 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 09:21 PM

That question you asked me waaaaaayy waaaaay back.... I wanna stick with my original answer: NO!

T^T I'm sad... I invited a few friends already to watch that movie... I think I'm just gonna change it to Disney's Sorcerer's Apprentice instead since that looks to be pretty good and I don't want my friends to complain to me about what an awful movie The Last Airbender was. Darn you, ( I can't even remember the director's name and does want to look it up)!!! You just dashed my hopes of watching an awesome movie!

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#303 Black Rose

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 09:24 PM

Bump because that slowed down my cell phone madam! Everytin' okei with ya teeth? An' thankz for helpin' me help you help us all with portal. Glados is dead now. I will start playin' Half-Life 2. Promise, I am not gonna cheat dis time. But don't take meh seriously



#304 krisk


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Posted 04 July 2010 - 10:48 PM

QUOTE (Onionhead Attacks @ Jul 4 2010, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That question you asked me waaaaaayy waaaaay back.... I wanna stick with my original answer: NO!

T^T I'm sad... I invited a few friends already to watch that movie... I think I'm just gonna change it to Disney's Sorcerer's Apprentice instead since that looks to be pretty good and I don't want my friends to complain to me about what an awful movie The Last Airbender was. Darn you, ( I can't even remember the director's name and does want to look it up)!!! You just dashed my hopes of watching an awesome movie!

LOL I remember that question. It's up perfectly in my mind. I can't believe I was inbetween "well..." and "maybe" then, oh how I wish I could go back in time and shake myself to my senses and not waste any more energy on it. :/

I'm sorry, leechwan. I really am. I know you seemed indifferent to the growing pile of poo this movie was producing in the beginning. In fact you kept your chin up and always kept hope up even when I repeatedly slammed out sadfax and articles and news. I know it hurts, man. I know. It sucks for the fans. One of the greatest shows is turned into this! Gah I'm sorry a_comfort.gif

and well hey if it makes you feel any better, more and more people will watch the original series now! There are so many fans out there for this franchise, and I repeatedly keep on seeing people asking if the "series is any better?" And then thankfully they get recommended it and THEN MORE FANS TO JOIN THE RANKS! In fact I may just marathon it again to soothe the aftertaste of this abomination.

also nothing really good is out. Sorceror's Apprentice doesn't look that bad, tbh. But if you're gonna wait for something, I'd wait for Inception. That looks promising!

QUOTE (Sakura_1_ @ Jul 4 2010, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bump because that slowed down my cell phone madam! Everytin' okei with ya teeth? An' thankz for helpin' me help you help us all with portal. Glados is dead now. I will start playin' Half-Life 2. Promise, I am not gonna cheat dis time. But don't take meh seriously

LOL yeah sorry about that. I didn't know honest! I thought everyone here had superior set-ups than I. Honest. XDXD



but i'm cool. i have medicine.

i'm running out though argh1.png

and LUL no prob at all. it was a bad solution sure, but a solution nonetheless amirite? And GLaDOS aint dead gurl. GUURRRRL you know she's alive. gurl.

#305 shadow_Uzumaki


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 12:05 AM

I'm indifferent. Truly. The movie wasn't "Banish to Tartatus" bad, but it wasn't good. Then I move a long..... Now Sorcerer's Apprentice, yesss.... If for nothing to see Nick Cage's surely to be deliciously hammy acting. Alfred Molina too.... Guess when he died as Doc Ock, he was reborn as an evil sorcerer! Oh and love the unadulterated nerd rage of Fedora Man. laugh.gif

Edited by shadow_Uzumaki, 05 July 2010 - 12:08 AM.

#306 krisk


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 12:10 AM

I'm wondering if it was Eragon bad. AND BUT BUT BUT -


isn't that awesomeeeeeeeee? I might even pay the 14 bucks to see this on the big screen. Wait I don't even know if it's in 3-D. Nowadays you just assume it is. IF IT WAS IN 3-D?! Now that would be worth it argh1.png

#307 TheBerserkMoogle


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 02:09 AM

If I remember correctly, when I went to see Iron Man 2 a second time I saw the trailer and I think it said it was available in 3D.

#308 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 10:35 PM

LOL you can always check during the night/day it premieres. With the recent 3-D craze, almost everything is in 3-D! Even TOY STORY!

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#309 Black Rose

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 11:31 PM

QUOTE (krisk @ Jul 5 2010, 01:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LOL yeah sorry about that. I didn't know honest! I thought everyone here had superior set-ups than I. Honest. XDXD



but i'm cool. i have medicine.

i'm running out though argh1.png

and LUL no prob at all. it was a bad solution sure, but a solution nonetheless amirite? And GLaDOS aint dead gurl. GUURRRRL you know she's alive. gurl.

LOL I am on a D-I-E-T dude! Now all dis f00d... ~Aw....Delicious pizza~ LMAO I didn't run 2 teh kitchen, for bikini's sake. But I would neva resist 2 the 2nd sentence of the 7th line. GURL THAT'S BETTA THAN ANY KIND OF FooD~. And cappuccino. YUP, that's awesum, how can u resist 2 a cup full of cappu?? And it aint a bad solution. It iz the ONLY solution.






Whoa, you helped meh come around... REALLY. I had made myself believe that dis freakin' robot is DEAD. IT'S NOT. I am happeh she iz alive coz I am gunna play Portal 2, "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~" but who can stand her sarcastic quotes?

Good luck with ur teeth. DUDE be STRONG! You can stand it 4 sure. I had to eat only soup and milk 4 about 40 days after a surgery. And I couldn't even eat bcz my throat and earz hurt REALLY MUCH. Gurl, it was teh best diet eva. And I couldn't even talk much. About 5 sentences per day. My mom should have been happy. I luv talkin' and dis was finally teh best time 4 her 2 relax. Mom ty 4 teh soupz~. They were so tasty~. <3 <3 <3

I hate coke >.< My mom's addicted 2 it.


I luv chewin' pencilz, like lil kidz~



#310 TheBerserkMoogle


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 02:00 AM

Die coke hater!

#311 Black Rose

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 12:01 PM


Yup, I don't like it. But I love coke lollipops. For a strange reason. LOL Seriously, I hate drinking it, I like licking it



#312 KonaKonaFan



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Posted 08 July 2010 - 03:18 PM

I like Diet Coke better than actual Coke, personally. Yum....Coke lollipops.


#313 TheBerserkMoogle


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Posted 08 July 2010 - 04:54 PM

Same here! My parents always had me get Diet Coke instead of Coke at restaurants, plus all they ever bought was diet coke, so it really grew on me.

#314 KonaKonaFan



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Posted 08 July 2010 - 07:42 PM

I didn't grow up with it, but it's been my favorite drink since I was nine.


#315 krisk


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Posted 11 July 2010 - 08:37 AM

oh god i don't even

but i totally will try.

LOL I am on a D-I-E-T dude! Now all dis f00d... ~Aw....Delicious pizza~ LMAO I didn't run 2 teh kitchen, for bikini's sake. But I would neva resist 2 the 2nd sentence of the 7th line. GURL THAT'S BETTA THAN ANY KIND OF FooD~. And cappuccino. YUP, that's awesum, how can u resist 2 a cup full of cappu?? And it aint a bad solution. It iz the ONLY solution.

LOL WTF i laughed so much at this. why.


i don't like coffee. OOOOOH argh1.png

but I do like a really complicated choco-whipped creme-caramel-white chocolate with an extra shot of espresso on cold winter mornings right before a test

- frap. ngl I'd pay for one twice.






Whoa, you helped meh come around... REALLY. I had made myself believe that dis freakin' robot is DEAD. IT'S NOT. I am happeh she iz alive coz I am gunna play Portal 2, "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~" but who can stand her sarcastic quotes?


dude. LOL IKR even though she'll probably have a full new script of insults and sarcastic MENTAL ABUSE, it'll be worth it for new portal.

Good luck with ur teeth. DUDE be STRONG! You can stand it 4 sure. I had to eat only soup and milk 4 about 40 days after a surgery. And I couldn't even eat bcz my throat and earz hurt REALLY MUCH. Gurl, it was teh best diet eva. And I couldn't even talk much. About 5 sentences per day. My mom should have been happy. I luv talkin' and dis was finally teh best time 4 her 2 relax. Mom ty 4 teh soupz~. They were so tasty~. <3 <3 <3



what did you get done, your whole mouth? Jeez that's crazy. and LFMAO YES. actually my mom did the same. threw a party since I couldn't talk to her about my day and what I did and how I felt when I did what I did and what I'm planning on doing the next day and

- yeah I can' understand where she's coming from. I tried telling her that the anesthesia was the best thing ever and she just grinned since I couldn't talk. so I wrote it down and she took my marker away :c


QUOTE (TheBerserkMoogle @ Jul 5 2010, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Die coke hater!

diet coke is disgusting omg it tastes like dying.

the end.

QUOTE (Sakura_1_ @ Jul 6 2010, 07:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Yup, I don't like it. But I love coke lollipops. For a strange reason. LOL Seriously, I hate drinking it, I like licking it

this reminds me of the superior licking and sucking material:


#316 krisk


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Posted 11 July 2010 - 09:09 AM

wanted to add this to my TLA bender sh!tstorm spree. Zuko's VA (RUFIOOOOOOOOOOOOO) D. Basco speaks out.

Today is the opening of the film “The Last Airbender”, a show based on Avatar, the animated series that I played the role of Prince Zuko, one if the lead characters. Now, with this event happening, I have been getting numerous emails and questions of how I feel on the casting of the film and ultimately does it warrant a boycott.

Now some come from fans that would have like to see me play the role I originated for the series, they want to see me play Zuko on the big screen, and I must admit, I would have loved to do the role. I was told many of the producers were pushing to make that happen but M. Night Shymalan, the director of the film had another vision. Also him casting his country man Dev Patel, doesn’t bother me, he’s a fine young actor and I’m sure he’ll do a great job. For other’s the question of boycott comes from the casting of the other character, mainly, Ang, Katara and Sokka. For those that may not know the series, when you break it down to the bottomline, many feel that “white” kids were cast as roles that were supposed to be “asian” kids from the series.

Now here is where the boycott question comes in, especially from the Asian American community and it’s weighed heavy on my mind in these last few months. And this film is not alone in this problem. Recently “Prince of Persia” had the same dilema with Jake Gyllenhaal playing the lead, and my fiance is Persian, so I was able to hear the point of view of that community.

Should Hollywood be able to cast “white” actors to play “ethnic” roles?

Believe me, as an actor, it’s no easy answer. My first gut feeling is, the best actor should be cast for the job no matter race… But maybe that’s just an ideal that is unreal when it comes to making a movie, and making a big budget movie at that. See, my whole career is based on playing roles that were not written race specific, matter fact, if I had to wait for Hollywood to come along with a script for a Filipino American, I would have no career at all.

The fact of the matter is, in Hollywood… it’s not fair. It’s not fair at all, the tables are tipped unfavorably for ethnic actors. The percentage of roles for ethnic actors to white actors is something to the effect of: in 100 roles, there may be 12 roles for black actors, maybe 7 for latin actors and only maybe 2 for asian actors. And with stats like this, its a little distressing that when actual roles for Asians come in a big budget film, they don’t get cast. Now I understand if you have to cast a big star like a Jake Gyllenhaal to warrant a budget in the hundreds of millions, but I think its different when you are casting unknown actors and children at that, with a franchise with an almost guaranteed. I think it’s a missed opportunity for the voice and the face of the Asian community, when will a project like this and of tis magnitude come along again? I don’t know the young actors they cast, I hope they do a great job, I myself was a child actor and I know the stress and joy booking a big film like this could be. but the crime is not giving the opportunity some Asian kids. See, we wonder why there are no real Asian stars in America, part of the reason is because of things that happen like this. Stars don’t just happen out of thin air, Hollywood helps make them. This was an opportunity to give the chance to some Asian kids to become stars for the future generation and we missed it. See, if you can get some Asian actors in the machine of Hollywood and they exist as a viable commodity, it can spark more projects that can support the voice and face of the Asian community and level the playing ground a little. But when we can’t even land roles that were so clearly created as Asian roles, its a bit disheartening. At least Dev Patel got cast, even though, I wanted to play the role, originally they had Jesse McCartney cast to play Prince Zuko.

So… to boycott or not? I still feel a loyalty to the whole project, I helped to make it popular and I hope the film does justice to a near perfect animated series. Boycott is a strong word, but I do know that I won’t go see it opening weekend. I’m sure I will see it sooner or later, but my money won’t be apart of the opening weekend tally. In this day and age, in America 2010… I just don’t think it is at all viable for white actors to play ethnic roles… at least until they let us play white roles.

this man. I would do inappropriate things to him.

oh and he's completely right. We did miss our chance. even if the movie was balls and critics assured those asian actors/actresses that they dodged a bullet, the chance was available and it was missed. completely.

and it's still getting to me on how people are neglecting the bs the movie promotes. my cousin today said he wanted to watch it. I WTF'd and judged hardcore.

mn it

also I heard that Shyamalan wants to make the sequel darker. HAHA THIS MAN. I CAN'T DO IT. I JUST CAN'T.



as in skin color? pictureem0.gif

in other news:

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 09:18 AM

QUOTE (TheBerserkMoogle @ Jul 8 2010, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Same here! My parents always had me get Diet Coke instead of Coke at restaurants, plus all they ever bought was diet coke, so it really grew on me.

Too bad diet is unhealthier than regular.

#318 krisk


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Posted 11 July 2010 - 09:40 AM

QUOTE (Shirosaki @ Jul 11 2010, 04:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Too bad diet is unhealthier than regular.

yup co-signed. not to mentioned again it tastes like dieing.

#319 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 11:15 PM

QUOTE (krisk @ Jul 11 2010, 01:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this reminds me of the superior licking and sucking material:


I just had this the other day... the non-sour version though. yummy. smile.gif

Anyways... nice find with the essay written by Dante Basco! It's nice hearing one of the original voice actor's opinions of the movie and I totallyyyyy agree that they missed their chance at making an awesome movie and providing a chance for asian actors to make a breakthrough! Heck, they could've casted that girl from Disney, Brenda Song for one of the roles too! Then again, she probably got her fame from Disney shows *shrug* Now that I think about it... I think I've seen more asian actors in Disney shows and original movies than ever for the big screen! Well... this is just disheartening... >.>

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 03:13 AM

Now that you say it, Brenda Song would have been pretty good for a role, as one of the few Disney actors I respect nowadays. Maybe a Kioshi warrior or somethin'.


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