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#30941 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 23 May 2023 - 10:55 PM

I'm waiting your proof with Kawaki and Ikemoto's characters in game...

Did you know Itachi and Shisui have Perfect Susano'o in Storm Games right? They never had that in  manga.

They can create everything they want ignoring some aspects in the manga. In this case they are ignoring the entire Ikemoto's boruto story...  Also ins't confirmed this Susano'o is from Sarada or another game character.


I remember Sarada receiving the forehead Poke and forgeting everything bad about Sasuke just like her mother.

If you remove Sharingan, black hair and change her father. Sarada is a completely different character in this case. I'ts more easy to Boruto pretend to be a NS child than Sarada.


If they reboot Boruto manga hardly they will change SS/Sarada and NH/Boruto considering they are using these couple and characters massively in marketing and still giving spin offs and novels to SS. They are just ignoring Boruto's ikemoto. If NaruSaku is the only thing who will made the series enjoyable to you.  It's better hope for a multiverse scenario when Boruto could meet Shinachiku.


Fans wanted? Again you're confusing the pairing fandom with the ENTIRE NARUTO FANDOM and non Shippers.

I don't think Itachi, Akatsuki, Uchihas, Hokages, Madara or sannins fans cares about pairings. Only the Sakura/Hinata fandoms cares about that.

Original Naruto fanbases and SS/NH fans never wanted Boruto and Ikemoto.


Based in how Kishimoto pratically copied the Sasuke/Sakura from this old Story probably he have some plans to SS.

You have two Kishimoto interviews. In one he said he planned the pairings since the begginning and another one when he said he changed his plans in halfway. Believe in whatever you wants.


Yahagi left the series after Sasuke killed Itachi and discovered Uchihas truth.

After Sasuke and Itachi Arc you have another new editor which helps to explain the complete mess Naruto story and Sasuke's character become.

Yahagi was the main responsible for Naruto's sucess and the only editor capable to stop Kishimoto stupid ideas.

None of the new editors was able to stop or call him out.  Kage Summit arc probably would be very different with Yahagi.


AGAIN  Naruto's  HouseWife  ≠ Heroine


Relating to Sakura/SasuSaku. I think Kishimoto is pretty much satisfied  with her new level of popularity among the current SS/Sakura fans with his  comment about Sakura in the poll results. Hardly he will risk to ruin Sakura's popularity again, bring more hate to him and revive the pairings wars rebooting couples at this point. If they plan to reboot something probably is only Ikemoto's boruto.


NS only began to receive some focus in Part 2 and become universally hated by SS/NH/Non Shippers when Kishimoto made the chapter 469 and Kage summit arc.

Sakura wasn't hated in Japan before Fake Confession. Kishimoto himself brought hate to Sakura when he tried to make a NaruSaku confession.

The fact that Sakura's confession was after Hinata's " confession only made the situation worst for Kishimoto and NaruSaku. 

Sakura was abandoning Sasuke, supposedly lying to Naruto and still ignoring Hinata's feelings.



In Part 1 the main focus in romance was pretty much SS with a  love declaration in Sasuke's departure who completely overshadowed NaruSaku.

Thats why you have this big fanatical pairing fandom who never was capable to accept NaruSaku and prefered to side with Hinata fans to destroy NS.

I believe I gave you my answer. I'll make it clearer. I don't care enough to check if they are in the game. I'm not interested in buying the game. You are. If they are not, that tells me that they are making a cheap cash grab and don't want to spend to much money making new characters.


You assumed the Susanoo was for Sarada not me. I just pointed out that she only just got it in the manga and if the game gives it to her; that is a sign they are going with the manga.


Yes, but Boruto didn't have an entire story about bonding with Sakura, and making her his female role model/mother figure. Sarada did with Naruto.


Its in one ear and out the other with you. We don't want nor care for a Boruto remake. I do not know how to make it clearer than that.


Success? A minimum of 90% loses in sales is success to you? Look, I've said this already. I get the sense that the companies are sick of Boruto pathetic sales after giving it years to prove itself. So now, all the new stuff coming out is to see, what made Naruto popular? As nH/SS continue to underperform, they will become less and less impress with them, and there is a small possibility. That they may go back to NS. As it was the pairing throughout Naruto. More likely, they just can the whole thing all together.


Have I said, that I only care about Naruto due to NS? Or that people don't like Boruto solely due to the pairings? Naruto had a lot of problem and the last minute pairing swap helped highlight the problems and damage the story. So nH/SS became the face of the problems with Naruto after the ending. So, one of the things that must happen to signal to the audience they are fixing things, is to abandon nH/SS


nH/SS happened due to the promise that their fans would support Boruto/Ikemoto. That is what they promised to both the executives and Kishimoto.


Yahagi was promoted to run another of Shueisha's magazine. No, I don't remember which off the top of my head. Wouldn't you want one of the men responsible for the success of something a big as Naruto running something? He did not have a hissy fit and leave. He had already been Kishimoto's editor for 9-10 years. In the next 5-6 years Kishimoto went through 14 editors. The average time an editor spends on a manga is about 2 years in WSJ. The high turn over was because he was constantly getting into arguments with them as they wanted nH/SS and he didn't.


For once I agree, I think Kishimoto is satisfied with low sales of SS, as it is why he told his editors he didn't want them together till he was worn down over 6 years. The fact that he was right and should have stuck to NS is probably one of the few things that has satisfied him since the ending happened at least as to what relates to Naruto-Boruto. 


Even if you want to say the main romance of part one was SS. Apparently by your own understanding. He thought the romance of SS was so awful he ended it and he then switch it to NS for part two.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 26 May 2023 - 10:55 PM.

#30942 Therece



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Posted 24 May 2023 - 01:01 AM

Success? A minimum of 90% loses in sales is success to you? Look I've said this already. I get the sense that the companies are sick of Boruto pathetic sales after giving it years to prove itself. So now all the new stuff coming out is to see, what made Naruto popular? As nH/SS continue to underperform they will become less and less impress with them and there is a small possibility they may go back to NS. As it was the pairing throughout Naruto. More likely, they can the whole thing all together.

nH/SS happened due to the promise that their fans would support Boruto/Ikemoto. That is what they promised to both the executives and Kishimoto.


I'm saying the merchandising business guys completely ignores Boruto's manga characters and prefer to focus in SS/Sarada and sometimes in NH family to sell their merch because they are the only thing capable to call attention in these times.

New storm game is doing exactly that....


What proof do you have of that?  If the plan was that, Ikemoto just destroyed the entire original fanbase and even SS/NH fans. You have ZERO focus and fanservices for SS/NH in Boruto.


Sasuke was stabed in the Eye and Sakura disappeared during 5  years and couting. Naruto was a sad hokage and lost Kyuubi and Hinata was useless HouseWife.  How do you expect SS/NH and even individual Sasuke/Naruto fans supports Boruto in this scenario?  Again SS/NH and  all the old fanbases hates Boruto manga.  On top of that you still have Ikemoto with a completely different artstyle who made Boruto manga completely unrecognizable for old Naruto's fans.




For once I agree, I think Kishimoto is satisfied with low sales of SS, as it is why he told his editors he didn't want them together till he was worn down over 6 years. The fact that he was right and should have stuck to NS is probably one of the few things that has satisfied him since they ending happened at least as to what relates to Naruto-Boruto. 


Even if you want to say the main romance of part one was SS. Apparently by your own understanding. He thought the romance of SS was so awful he ended it and he then switch it to NS for part two.




Why is so hard to you undertand that?


 "Most of the Naruto fanbase has moved on in the past 8 years thanks to Boruto trash story. Releasing a new spinoff now is never gonna give you an accurate indication of how well it would have sold back when Naruto's popularity was still huge"


This Dino spin off who only have SS fanservice was enough to get half of the boruto Sales,  millions of views and still atract a really good publicity/Image to Sakura judging her ranking in worldwide poll and even more merch for SS/Sakura. Based is your logic NS was failure too. Since Road to Ninja novel only was capable to sell 20.000 at the time. Less than a Half of the current Retsuden and still didn't made any favour to Sakura's/NaruSaku popularity They can release a spin off about Itachi. The current most popular Naruto character in Japan and i doubt this spin off will sell more than Retsuden or Boruto. Novels/Spin off are side materials to specific fans.


If they have any plan to revive the franchise. They will need to retrieve all the  original fanbases, reboot Boruto, call Kishimoto/Another Mangaka to write the manga and still make a big movie promotion for the new Series. Not just a single spin off volume for SS fans.


Sakura/SS and Hinata/NH fandom are guarented in a reboot.

Sakura is the most popular alive character and Hinata is still popular enough to enter in a worldwide TOP 10. They didn't need to change that. 


They can change SS/NH , erase Sarada/Boruto and  change everything post 699 only for NS in a possible reboot.

But probably they just will lose the SS/NH fans, turns Sakura the most hated character again and Kishimoto/editors still will receive thousends of death threats... They still doesn't even have any type of guarantee the NS fans will return after 8 years.

Edited by Therece, 24 May 2023 - 04:31 AM.

#30943 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 01:42 AM

I'm saying the merchandising business guys completely ignores Boruto's manga characters and prefer to focus in SS/Sarada and sometimes in NH family to sell their merch because they are the only thing capable to call attention in these times.

New storm game is doing exactly that....


What proof do you have of that?  If the plan was that, Ikemoto just destroyed the entire original fanbase and even SS/NH fans. You have ZERO focus and fanservices for SS/NH in Boruto.


Sasuke was stabed in the Eye and Sakura disappeared during 5  years and couting. Naruto was a sad hokage and lost Kyuubi and Hinata was useless HouseWife.  How do you expect SS/NH and even individual Sasuke/Naruto fans supports Boruto in this scenario?  Again SS/NH and  all the old fanbases hates Boruto manga.  On top of that you still have Ikemoto with a completely different artstyle who made Boruto manga completely unrecognizable for old Naruto's fans.


Why is so hard to you undertand that?


 "Most of the Naruto fanbase has moved on in the past 8 years thanks to Boruto trash story. Releasing a new spinoff now is never gonna give you an accurate indication of how well it would have sold back when Naruto's popularity was still huge"


This Dino spin off who only have SS fanservice was enough to get half of the boruto Sales,  millions of views and still atract  really good publicity to Sakura judging her ranking in worldwide poll and even more merch for SS/Sakura. Based is your logic NS was failure too. Since Road to Ninja novel only was capable to sell 20.000 at the time. Less than a Half of the current Retsuden and still didn't made any favour to Sakura's/NaruSaku popularity They can release a spin off about Itachi. The current most popular Naruto character in Japan and i doubt this spin off will sell more than Retsuden or Boruto. Novels/Spin off are side materials to specific fans.


If they have any plan to revive the franchise. They will need to retrieve all the  original fanbases, reboot Boruto, call Kishimoto/Another Mangaka to write the manga and still make a big movie promotion for the new Series. Not just a single spin off volume for SS fans.


Sakura/SS and Hinata/NH fandom are guarented in a reboot.

Sakura is the most popular alive character and Hinata is still popular enough to enter in a worldwide TOP 10. They didn't need to change that. 


Of course they can change SS/NH for NS in a possible reboot.

But probably they just will lose the SS/NH fans, turns Sakura the most hated character again and Kishimoto/editors still will receive thousends of death threats... They doesn't even have any type of guarantee the NS fans will return after 8 years.

The companies do not want excuses nor technicalities, they want their money. If nH/SS can not preform as promised, what good are they? If they are only worth 1/10 the pairing they replaced, why should the companies not go back to the old one? Why should they subsidize a failing product, when all its contemporaries are beating it? 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 25 May 2023 - 01:36 AM.

#30944 Therece



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Posted 24 May 2023 - 01:59 AM

The companies do not want excuses nor technicalities, they want their money. If nH/SS can not preform as promised, what good are they? If they are only worth 1/10 the pairing they replaced, why should the companies not go back to the old one? Why should they subsize a failing product, when all its contemporaries are beating it?


Because Kishimoto/Shueisha/Editors have a lot of more variables to blame and analyse in Boruto manga than just SS/NH

Edited by Therece, 24 May 2023 - 04:29 AM.

#30945 Therece



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Posted 24 May 2023 - 02:27 AM

Yes, we all know Kishimoto's favorite character to write was actually Sasuke. (because Sasuke is an easy character to write. Doesn't take much to make the "Avenger" cool. in fact its an almost fool proof archetype--the mistake is that he practically broke the story in service to his pet and shafted his actual main character.) I don't think Yahagi came close to approaching Kishimoto's level of fanboy in regards to Sasuke there is nothing in his  tenure as editor that shows me that. In fact, its AFTER he leaves that Kishimoto goes out of control.

Yahagi was editor until the pein arc or shortly after it and you can tell  :zaru: not only that but the same time Yahagi is leaving is when Kishimoto REALLY wants to end Naruto (probably because he knew what a struggle working on it without him would become.)

The story would have been better served if Sasuke did die but the story would have been better served by lots of things. 

I don't care about some 1960's ninja show. Naruto is a different story, with different events and character dynamics. Naruto doesn't exist in it, he's not the main character whose crush is set on her from the moment she's introduced and Sakura does not spend her time as Sasuke's sidekick in it--in fact they spend the vast majority of the series never meeting even after they're married. 

On a base level Naruto is similar to DB, but Naruto is clearly NOT dragon ball. 




Yahagi was much more a Sasuke fanboy than Kishimoto.

Japoneses fans regonizes that.
During Yahagi supervision Naruto becomed a side Character and Sasuke the protagonist. Also Yahagi was responsible for Sasuke giant popularity at the time when Sasuke constantly ranked #1 and SS  scenes over NS in Part 1.
Created SS scenes like Sasuke's death. Forest of death arc, hospital hug and personally helped Kishimoto to make 181 chapter.
- He made Sasuke defeat Naruto's at the end of Part 1.
- He made Sasuke humiliate Naruto in the reencounter in Part 2.
- Yahagi was the one who shortened the immortal arc because he wanted to bring Sasuke back as soon as possible.
- Created a entire giant arc for Sasuke when Sasuke create a team and defeats Orochimaru, Deidara and Itachi with cool technics and fights while Naruto can't even defeat a single snake of Orochimaru.
Probably Yahagi wouldn't allow Kishimoto to make the Fake Confession or transform Sasuke in a crazy Uchiha and try to kill Sakura in Kage Summit arc.
Sasuke basically concluded his entire character arc with Itachi's death . 
Just like Naruto was acknowledged by everyone after the Pain fight so thats basically most of his character and dream right there. 
So basically the story could end right in pain arc.
Yahagi left before Pein Arc at the end of Sasuke's arc. But Kishimoto/New editors wanted to milk the franchise.
You only had Tobi and Sasuke's return at this point.
So he created the stupid child of profecy garbage for Naruto, Itachi's truth for Sasuke and the fourth war to continue the story and move the plot.
Basically what ruinned the series after Pein arc was Yahagi exit , Naruto the Jesus Ninja, flip/flop with Sasuke, Tobi = Obito the simp and Kaguya. None of the new editors stopped him like Yahagi used to stop him... Everthing after Pein Arc especially the war arc was garbage..

Edited by Therece, 24 May 2023 - 04:28 AM.

#30946 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 12:12 PM




Yahagi was much more a Sasuke fanboy than Kishimoto.

Japoneses fans regonizes that.
During Yahagi supervision Naruto becomed a side Character and Sasuke the protagonist. Also Yahagi was responsible for Sasuke giant popularity at the time when Sasuke constantly ranked #1 and SS  scenes over NS in Part 1.
Created SS scenes like Sasuke's death. Forest of death arc, hospital hug and personally helped Kishimoto to make 181 chapter.
- He made Sasuke defeat Naruto's at the end of Part 1.
- He made Sasuke humiliate Naruto in the reencounter in Part 2.
- Yahagi was the one who shortened the immortal arc because he wanted to bring Sasuke back as soon as possible.
- Created a entire giant arc for Sasuke when Sasuke create a team and defeats Orochimaru, Deidara and Itachi with cool technics and fights while Naruto can't even defeat a single snake of Orochimaru.
Probably Yahagi wouldn't allow Kishimoto to make the Fake Confession or transform Sasuke in a crazy Uchiha and try to kill Sakura in Kage Summit arc.
Sasuke basically concluded his entire character arc with Itachi's death . 
Just like Naruto was acknowledged by everyone after the Pain fight so thats basically most of his character and dream right there. 
So basically the story could end right in pain arc.
Yahagi left before Pein Arc at the end of Sasuke's arc. But Kishimoto/New editors wanted to milk the franchise.
You only had Tobi and Sasuke's return at this point.
So he created the stupid child of profecy garbage for Naruto, Itachi's truth for Sasuke and the fourth war to continue the story and move the plot.
Basically what ruinned the series after Pein arc was Yahagi exit , Naruto the Jesus Ninja, flip/flop with Sasuke, Tobi = Obito the simp and Kaguya. None of the new editors stopped him like Yahagi used to stop him... Everthing after Pein Arc especially the war arc was garbage..


Were you living in Japan at the time Naruto was being serialized? Do you speak Japanese? How would you know what the "Japanese fans" recognize if none of those things are true? Its really tiring that you make claims like this without any proof.

Sasuke was never the protagonist, at most he'd be classified as an Deuteragonist. Did he get an undue amount of focus? Yes. But he was never THE SOLE focus of the story. Its awfully funny that you highlight all these events where Sasuke "shines" but ignore all the other events going on for Naruto and every one else and not only that but Sasuke isn't painted in a good light in the vast majority of these scenes. One might call him a colossal kitten. 

-Sakura and Sasuke are at the hospital, Sakura is carving Sasuke some apples. Whats he do? Slap them out of her hand. Latter, while he and Naruto are on the rooftop, he AND Naruto nearly recklessly double punch Sakura with Chidori and Rasengan. Wow. So cool Such a fanboy thing to write for your pet-char. 181 is Sasuke REJECTING the comfort and comradery that's being offered by both Sakura and team 7 and cutting ties with them.

How does this demonstrate how much Yahagi and Kishimoto love him? (it doesn't.)

-Why is Sasuke defeating Naruto at VoE an issue? If Naruto had won the story would be over. That isn't favoritism, its a necessity. 

-Again, If Naruto blew Sasuke out of the water immediately in part 2, the story would be over.

You know what, I'm not going to go through all of this piece by piece since you seem to be under the impression that EVERY TIME Sasuke has a success, its because Kishimoto and Yahagi are showing him favoritism. I think Kishimoto is a kitten writer with a Sasuke boner but even I don't go that far. 

In a lot of these you're confusing what's necessary for the STORY as fanboy antics. You want to know how to tell Kishimoto was a fanboy? its not in Sasuke's fights or his power ups, its because no matter what Sasuke did to the people around him, at the end of the story its all just hand waved away. Neither Naruto nor Sakura are allowed to have any resentment towards him. Everything is forgiven and no one is allowed to act like a normal human being because no matter what, Sasuke has to live and get his "happy ending" despite being unworthy  :zaru: and the WORST of Sasuke's acts all come after Yahagi has left. 



                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30947 Therece



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Posted 24 May 2023 - 02:18 PM

Were you living in Japan at the time Naruto was being serialized? Do you speak Japanese? How would you know what the "Japanese fans" recognize if none of those things are true? Its really tiring that you make claims like this without any proof.



Sasuke was more a Yahagi idea than Kishimoto. Do you undertand Japonese?  you're  free to go Japonese forums and search that or look in Reedit about people who do that. Any article or analyses about Yahagi is clearly to say how he and Kishimoto favoreced Sasuke story over Naruto in his period. For god's sake Naruto only returned with a bigger Rasengan after the timeskip.


Sasuke was never the protagonist, at most he'd be classified as an Deuteragonist. Did he get an undue amount of focus? Yes. But he was never THE SOLE focus of the story. Its awfully funny that you highlight all these events where Sasuke "shines" but ignore all the other events going on for Naruto and every one else and not only that but Sasuke isn't painted in a good light in the vast majority of these scenes. One might call him a colossal kitten. 

-Sakura and Sasuke are at the hospital, Sakura is carving Sasuke some apples. Whats he do? Slap them out of her hand. Latter, while he and Naruto are on the rooftop, he AND Naruto nearly recklessly double punch Sakura with Chidori and Rasengan. Wow. So cool Such a fanboy thing to write for your pet-char. 181 is Sasuke REJECTING the comfort and comradery that's being offered by both Sakura and team 7 and cutting ties with them.


You know Sasuke need a great reality chock to abandon  the village and the plot move on to Part 2 right? Itachi's torture and Naruto's fight ot the hospital root were that trigger. At least you regonize how Naruto and Sasuke together almost killed Sakura in roof. 
In Part 1 the only bad SS scene was Sasuke slapping  the apples for Sakura's hand but not so long after that you have chapter 181. If some NS fans blame Kishi's new editors for Hinata importance and declaration.  They should blame Yahagi for Sasuke's favoritism, SS in part 1 and chapter 181. It's not a coincidence why SS fandom grown much bigger than NS/NH in Japan and during part 1.

In a lot of these you're confusing what's necessary for the STORY as fanboy antics. You want to know how to tell Kishimoto was a fanboy? its not in Sasuke's fights or his power ups, its because no matter what Sasuke did to the people around him, at the end of the story its all just hand waved away. Neither Naruto nor Sakura are allowed to have any resentment towards him. Everything is forgiven and no one is allowed to act like a normal human being because no matter what, Sasuke has to live and get his "happy ending" despite being unworthy  :zaru: and the WORST of Sasuke's acts all come after Yahagi has left  



This isn't a solo problem related to Sasuke. 
Kishimoto will make every redeem character be forgeted for everything: Gaara, Nagato, Itachi and even Obito who is the most ridiculous exemple of a redemption in a manga. Obito killed 40.000 people, Killed Minato and Kushina, Killed Neji and some hours later Naruto was calling him the coolest guy.       :zaru:
More than anything Yahagi never would allow Kishimoto to ruin Sasuke in Kage Summit period and he would have a much better redemption.


-Why is Sasuke defeating Naruto at VoE an issue? If Naruto had won the story would be over. That isn't favoritism, its a necessity. 

-Again, If Naruto blew Sasuke out of the water immediately in part 2, the story would be over.


Actually you can apply the same logic to end of the manga.  Kishimoto need Sasuke and SS for Part 3. 
Kishimoto needed Sasuke alive because he  and the Uchihas are a easily cash cow and Another Uchiha Child  with Sakura for Part 3? Unstoppable
It's much better than Sasuke death or put Sakura's with lee or alone while Naruto got the byakugan princess  :zaru:
This go so well that he didn't planned  how SS and Sarada would destroy NH and Boruto/Himawari. 

Edited by Therece, 24 May 2023 - 02:42 PM.

#30948 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 02:36 PM

Because Kishimoto/Shueisha/Editors have a lot of more variables to blame and analyse in Boruto manga than just SS/NH

According to you, everything is the fault of Ikemoto. It is all his fault, no one & nothing else is to blame, for anything, and if they just made Kishimoto the mangaka again; all will be fixed. Of course if they did that and it flops; you'll come out with another excuse.


For one thing, which even I assume you will agree with, Kishimoto is at fault, if for nothing else, trusting him to take over. He did it, because he was done with Naruto, due to being worn out after his constant fights with his editors and pressure to change his story. Now afterwards, he did not just up and leave never to touch Boruto again. He has been involved in Boruto as an advisor to Ikemoto, giving him ideas when asked. In interviews, Ikemoto has been more than willing to say what ideas were Kishi's.


If Kishimoto was such a gifted writer, why did Samurai 8 flop? If you go with his art, his style is very easy to copy just look at both those side manga, and how poorly they sold. Also if he takes over and reboots Boruto that is stabbing both Ikemoto and SP in the back. NS gives him an excuse to work around that.


Its not 2014 anymore, Naruto-Boruto cannot just be compared to itself and assumed it did well or good enough. It has contemporaries that it has to be compared to now. Why waste money on something that could be beaten by manga that haven't even been running for a full year yet?


Even if they magically do what you want, it will take years to go through a reboot of Boruto and kishimoto is 50 next year. A decade working on a Boruto reboot he will be 60 for something that is likely to flop.


The companies are doing these projects to figure out, what of Naruto actually sells. The more these nH/SS projects flop, the less impress they will be, and the more willing they are to drop them. Kishimoto only went with them because he was told they are what the fans wanted. If they aren't, why stick with them? Since they were only made canon at the last second?


Sasuke was more a Yahagi idea than Kishimoto. Do you undertand Japonese?  you're  free to go Japonese forums and search that or look in Reedit about people who do that. Any article or analyses about Yahagi is clearly to say how he favoreced Sasuke story over Naruto in his period.

You know Sasuke need a great reality chock to abandon  the village right and plot move on to Part 2 right? Itachi's torture and Naruto's fight ot the hospital root were that trigger. At least you regonize how Naruto and Sasuke together almost killed Sakura in roof. 
In Part 1 the only bad SS scene was Sasuke slapping  the apples for Sakura's hand but not so long after that you have chapter 181. If some NS fans blame Kishi's new editors for Hinata importance and declaration.  They should blame Yahagi for Sasuke's favoritism, SS in part 1 and chapter 181. It's not a coincidence why SS fandom grown much bigger than NS/NH in Japan and during part 1.
This isn't a solo problem related to Sasuke. 
Kishimoto will make every redeem character be forgeted for everything: Gaara, Nagato, Itachi and even Obito who is the most ridiculous exemple of a redemption in a manga. Obito killed 40.000 people, Killed Minato and Kushina, Killed Neji and some hours later Naruto was calling him the coolest guy.       :zaru:
More than anything Yahagi never would allow Kishimoto to ruin Sasuke in Kage Summit period and he would have a much better redemption.
Actually you can apply the same logic to end of the manga.  Kishimoto need Sasuke and SS for Part 3. 
Kishimoto needed Sasuke alive because he  and the Uchihas are a easily cash cow and Another Uchiha Child  with Sakura for Part 3? Unstoppable
It's much better than Sasuke death or put Sakura's with lee or alone while Naruto got the byakugan princess  

God, his spelling and grammar are getting worse. How about you learn to spell, "Japanese," first.


You know, this is the first time I think someone has tried casting all the blame on Yahagi.


Yes, he told Kishimoto to come up with a rival, but Kishimoto was the one who came up with Sasuke. Yahagi tended to give direction/guidance then have Kishi do the work. If he was such a big fan of Sasuke and wanted Sakura to be with him or something; why did he allow the NS switch, according to you?


The reason Sasuke got all those power ups is Kishimoto thought as a rival he needed to be equal to Naruto. 


The reason Sasuke didn't return to the village earlier is because kishi wanted the SNS rematch to be the final battle of the manga. Anyone who has ever read the manga at any point could tell you that.


And again according to you, he thought SS was so awful, he switch to NS for part two.


SS happen to put Sakura somewhere after she was too hated to be the love interest/heroine. Sarada exist to be Boruto love interest made by Kishimoto. All she did in the Kishimoto approved sequel is constantly be questioned if she loved Boruto and beg her father to protect him.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 25 May 2023 - 07:24 PM.

#30949 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 02:48 PM


Sasuke was more a Yahagi idea than Kishimoto. Do you undertand Japonese?  you're  free to go Japonese forums and search that or look in Reedit about people who do that. Any article or analyses about Yahagi is clearly to say how he favoreced Sasuke story over Naruto in his period.



You know Sasuke need a great reality chock to abandon  the village right and plot move on to Part 2 right? Itachi's torture and Naruto's fight ot the hospital root were that trigger. At least you regonize how Naruto and Sasuke together almost killed Sakura in roof. 
In Part 1 the only bad SS scene was Sasuke slapping  the apples for Sakura's hand but not so long after that you have chapter 181. If some NS fans blame Kishi's new editors for Hinata importance and declaration.  They should blame Yahagi for Sasuke's favoritism, SS in part 1 and chapter 181. It's not a coincidence why SS fandom grown much bigger than NS/NH in Japan and during part 1.



This isn't a solo problem related to Sasuke. 
Kishimoto will make every redeem character be forgeted for everything: Gaara, Nagato, Itachi and even Obito who is the most ridiculous exemple of a redemption in a manga. Obito killed 40.000 people, Killed Minato and Kushina, Killed Neji and some hours later Naruto was calling him the coolest guy.       
More than anything Yahagi never would allow Kishimoto to ruin Sasuke in Kage Summit period and he would have a much better redemption.


Actually you can apply the same logic to end of the manga.  Kishimoto need Sasuke and SS for Part 3. 
Kishimoto needed Sasuke alive because he  and the Uchihas are a easily cash cow and Another Uchiha Child  with Sakura for Part 3? Unstoppable
It's much better than Sasuke death or put Sakura's with lee or alone while Naruto got the byakugan princess  


So no, you didn't live in Japan, You don't understand japanese but you DO just spout off whatever you want and claim it as fact  :zaru:  thanks for clearing that up. Yahagi telling Kishimoto to create a rival for Naruto doesn't equal "YAHAGI IS A FANBOY." I recognize lots of things you refuse to. 

Oh yes, that was the ONLY bad SS scene. I mean, the scene where Sasuke tells Sakura to GTFO out of his face after she complains about her parents and Naruto wasn't bad at all. Sasuke telling Sakura to keep her mouth shut about the curse seal or he'd never forgive her, also not bad at all. Nope, these two had no problems at all. 

Did I say it was a problem relegated to only Sasuke? The difference is all those other characters got what they deserved. Death. (Except Gaara who you seem to conveniently forget was a child at the time of his "Crimes" and actually turned his life around and NOT in the 11th hour. like Obito or Itachi who only did it after he was already dead.)

Sasuke could have had a kid with Karin, whose already shown she's more or less a masochist, so having a hole blown through her by him was a-okay. 

Its apparently not unstoppable since the sales blow. There was no reason from a story telling point that it HAD to be Sakura other than outside pressure. Where as NH lacks development, SS has it in spades, but all in a negative spectrum. 

Ah yes, the complete destruction of Sakura's character and evolution from a Sasuke fangirl into a strong, capable, mature woman is soooo much better than her being alone. Because like, women are defined by their relationships (according to you and Kishimoto.) No, no, no we wouldn't want her to be with someone whose actually shown an interest in her and hasn't treated her like kitten. Women are meant to be obsessed with looks and sit around waiting for their husband to spare them 20secs every 12 years.


According to you, everything is the fault of Ikemoto. It is all his fault, no one & nothing else is to blame, for anything, and if they just made Kishimoto the mangaka again; all will be fixed. Of course if they did that and it flops; you'll come out with another excuse.





SS happen to put Sakura somewhere after she was too hated to be the love interest/heroine. Sarada exist to be Boruto love interest made by Kishimoto. All she did in the Kishimoto approved sequel is constantly be questioned if she loved Boruto and beg her father to protect him.

No one can honestly read Sarada Gaiden and think that Kishimoto WASN'T mocking Sakura and SS. The whole thing kind of drips with contempt. Not necessarily FOR Sakura but because of what he felt he was forced to do to her. "Oh "everyone" wanted SS so bad? Okay let me show you how "wonderful" it is." and what we get is a disgusting mess of an absentee father, overworked mother and a confused, suffering child.

The other day I was rolling around the internet and I came across some Manga panel of Salad, Sumire and Ada having some weird sleepover and all being in bed together discussing their crushes like its some kittening shoujo. And Salad is still dressed like a hooker.  :argh: 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30950 Therece



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Posted 24 May 2023 - 05:08 PM


God, his spelling and grammar are getting worse. How about you learn to spell, "Japanese," first.



 I write japonese with j how many times i want and you have nothing to do with that. 


According to you, everything is the fault of Ikemoto. It is all his fault, no one & nothing else is to blame, for anything, and if they just made Kishimoto the mangaka again; all will be fixed. Of course if they did that and it flops; you'll come out with another excuse.

I ts not 2014 anymore, Naruto-Boruto cannot just be compared to itself and assumed it did well or good enough. It has contemporaries that it has to be compared to now. Why waste money on something that could be beaten by manga that haven't even been running for a full year yet?


Even if they magically do what you want, it will take years to go through a reboot of Boruto and kishimoto is 50 next year. A decade working on a Boruto reboot he will be 60 for something that is likely to flop.


The companies are doing these projects to figure out what of Naruto actually sells. The more these nH/SS projects flop the less impress they will be and the more willing they are to drop them. Kishimoto only went with them because he was told they are what the fans wanted. If they aren't why stick with them, since they were only made canon at the last second?



Okay, let's ignore Ikemoto, Boruto's manga terrible drawn, the poor story pacing, the complete destruction of Sasuke and Naruto characters,  uncharismatic Ikemoto's new characters and kitten fights. The only problem in Boruto is just SS/NH. (Actually just show me a single panel with SS/NH in Boruto manga)
According you just need to erase SS/NH and then create a reboot with  NS and all the Boruto problems are magically solved. 
This is just a hardcore NaruSaku dream.
Sakura is the most popular alive character and Hinata is still popular enough to enter in a worldwide TOP 10. SS is the biggest current Naruto fandom and NH still have some popularity. .  They can change SS/NH , erase Sarada/Boruto and  change everything post 699 only for NS in a possible reboot. But probably they just will lose the SS/NH fans, turns Sakura the most hated character again and Kishimoto/editors still will receive thousends of death threats... They still doesn't even have any type of guarantee the NS fans will return after 8 years. Change SS/NH for NS  only will bring more damage at this point. 
The only time window possible for NS  was in 2014.
Again the Same thing? Then I will repeat the same thing again:
 "Most of the Naruto fanbase has moved on in the past 8 years thanks to Boruto trash story. Releasing a new spinoff now is never gonna give you an accurate indication of how well it would have sold back when Naruto's popularity was still huge"
This Dino spin off who only have SS fanservice was enough to get half of the boruto Sales,  millions of views and still atract a really good publicity/Image to Sakura judging her ranking in worldwide poll and even more merch for SS/Sakura. Based is your logic NS was failure too. Road to Ninja novel only sold 20K and wasn't enough to save Sakura's popularity at the time.  Itachi is  current most popular Naruto character in Japan and i doubt a spin off about him could sell more than Retsuden or Boruto. Novels/Spin off are side materials to specific fans."


You know, this is the first time I think someone has tried casting all the blame on Yahagi.


Yes, he told Kishimoto to come up with a rival, but Kishimoto was the one who came up with Sasuke. Yahagi tended to give direction/guidance then have Kishi do the work. If he was such a big fan of Sasuke and wanted Sakura to be with him or something; why did he allow the NS switch, according to you?


The reason Sasuke got all those power ups is Kishimoto thought as a rival he needed to be equal to Naruto. 


The reason Sasuke didn't return to the village earlier is because kishi wanted the SNS rematch to be the final battle of the manga. Anyone who has ever read the manga at any point could tell you that.



God i'm not blaming Yahagi for nothing.  I fully recognize how Yahagi was important to Naruto's success and his guidance was fundamental to Kishimoto. 
Kishimoto wanted Sasuke x Naruto as a final battle.
But he didn't have any long plan for that. Kishimoto was completely lost after Pein arc.
Sasuke's character becomes a completely mess withiout Yahagi.
Sasuke wanted to use Akatsuki, destroy Konoha, gave up his plan, help alliance, become Hokage and finally revolution Plan.
Actually do you have any proof of how new editors  forced Kishimoto to put Hinata more in the story or this is just a NS crazy theory? Yahagi actually forced much more Sasuke and SS in the story than Hinata ever dreammed.


And again according to you, he thought SS was so awful, he switch to NS for part two.


SS happen to put Sakura somewhere after she was too hated to be the love interest/heroine. Sarada exist to be Boruto love interest made by Kishimoto. All she did in the Kishimoto approved sequel is constantly be questioned if she loved Boruto and beg her father to protect him.

No, according to me he used SS in part 1 and try to switch  to NS in part 2 when Sasuke was away from Sakura.. 
But something went something wrong in his plans. He didn't count the giant SS fandom, the louder NH in the west and how the Kage summit  nuked NS/Sakura popularity.  NS become so  awful even more than SS  he was obligated to return to SS/NH pairings after Fake Confession.
SS fans couldn't care less about Naruto's love interest.  He could have Hinata, Tenten or even granny Chiyoo.
Sasuke is the best male character for them and the true protagonist worth for Sakura. They just wanted to remove Naruto from SS way, used Hinata for that and they are more happy than ever now.
The true Sarada is the Gaiden Sarada who give zero kitten to Boruto and just wanted to be Hokage. That Sarada is the popular one.  Ikemoto's Sarada?
Do you really think Uchihas, Sasuke, SS and the new Sarada fans likes Ikemoto's Sarada after the Gaiden Sarada?  They prefer Sarada's death than see a Uchiha hook up with Naruto's and Hinata brat. They curse Ikemoto every day for Sarada's slut new outfit. 
This is another reason for Boruto's fiasco. Ikemoto ruinned the only new Uchiha in the Next Gen. Everybody wanted to see a New Sasuke or itachi, not a pairing fodder to Burrito.

Edited by Therece, 24 May 2023 - 07:40 PM.

#30951 Therece



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Posted 24 May 2023 - 07:25 PM

So no, you didn't live in Japan, You don't understand japanese but you DO just spout off whatever you want and claim it as fact  :zaru:  thanks for clearing that up. Yahagi telling Kishimoto to create a rival for Naruto doesn't equal "YAHAGI IS A FANBOY." I recognize lots of things you refuse to. 



If you don't understand Japanese, doesn't live in Japan too and neither is  willing to make a 5 minutes research about Yahagi. Then don't try to demand the japanese knowledge for me.    :zaru:
Yahagi wanked Sasuke much more than any new editor ever  favored Hinata simply as that.


Oh yes, that was the ONLY bad SS scene. I mean, the scene where Sasuke tells Sakura to GTFO out of his face after she complains about her parents and Naruto wasn't bad at all. Sasuke telling Sakura to keep her mouth shut about the curse seal or he'd never forgive her, also not bad at all. Nope, these two had no problems at all. 

Sakura was being a brat insulting orphans and her parents and Sasuke call out her attention?
He is a abusive kitten.  :fu:


Did I say it was a problem relegated to only Sasuke? The difference is all those other characters got what they deserved. Death. (Except Gaara who you seem to conveniently forget was a child at the time of his "Crimes" and actually turned his life around and NOT in the 11th hour. like Obito or Itachi who only did it after he was already dead.)


Don't try to excuse Gaara. He deserves death like everyone and never should become the Kazekage.
If you hate Sasuke because that, you should hate Gaara too.
He killed thousends of people of his own Village and tried to destroy Konoha with Shukaku. Gaara was still aware of his actions. He just didn't think it was wrong, or didn't care because he'd established he only cared about himself. 
The only difference was that Gaara's decline to insanity, and his conversion, was quick, while Sasuke's fall and redemption was slower. Sasuke couldn't be easily converted because he still retained a mindset, which continued to reason against Naruto's advances until the end of the manga in their final battle.
 Itachi and Obito commited true genocides. But Kishimoto made sure to reendem and still wanks Itachi/Obito ignoring their crimes before and after their deaths.
Sasuke  wanted to destroy Konoha and he simply gave up his plan before killing any Konoha citizen. Kishimoto never allowed Sasuke to become a true killer outside the murder attempts in Kage Summit.
Sasuke was the deuteragonist,  the only character who constantly ranked #1 and one of the franchise symbols. Kill him is not the same thing as killing generic Uchiha villains like Obito and Madara who are destined to die. Thats why Kishimoto refused any idea with his death at the time. Killing Sasuke it's the same as imagine  Dragon Ball Super without Vegeta. Sasuke is necessary in any project relating Naruto's future.


Sasuke could have had a kid with Karin, whose already shown she's more or less a masochist, so having a hole blown through her by him was a-okay. 


Karin? SK and Karin is much more more kittened up than SS and Sakura. Karin doesn't  have a fandom.
She was out of top 60 in the poll.  She can disappear in a hole and nobody will cares. Put Sasuke and Karin never will have any effect.  Sakura was the only possible option for Sasuke after NH.   Plus SS fandom demanded that.


Its apparently not unstoppable since the sales blow. There was no reason from a story telling point that it HAD to be Sakura other than outside pressure. Where as NH lacks development, SS has it in spades, but all in a negative spectrum. 

Ah yes, the complete destruction of Sakura's character and evolution from a Sasuke fangirl into a strong, capable, mature woman is soooo much better than her being alone. Because like, women are defined by their relationships (according to you and Kishimoto.) No, no, no we wouldn't want her to be with someone whose actually shown an interest in her and hasn't treated her like kitten. Women are meant to be obsessed with looks and sit around waiting for their husband to spare them 20secs every 12 years...


Then you should try to demand the current SS/Sakura fandom and new fans to stop to  support  Sakura and convice them of how Sakura is ruinned...Because of them Kishimoto is satisfied with how he wrote Sakura character and her ending.
Boruto's manga isn't the same thing as secondary novels and merchs.Sakura/SS doesn't exist in Boruto manga.  She disappeared during 4 or 5 years and counting. But they are satisfy to milk the current SS fandom and produce spin offs, novels and merch about them...
Much more than any other current character or couple and this produced  very  goods results in Sakura's popularity.


No one can honestly read Sarada Gaiden and think that Kishimoto WASN'T mocking Sakura and SS. The whole thing kind of drips with contempt. Not necessarily FOR Sakura but because of what he felt he was forced to do to her. "Oh "everyone" wanted SS so bad? Okay let me show you how "wonderful" it is." and what we get is a disgusting mess of an absentee father, overworked mother and a confused, suffering child.



Kishimoto barely have time to pass time with his wife and sons when he was writing the Manga.
So he wanted to retract the same problem with Sasuke in Gaiden and after Naruto in Movie. 
Thats why the secondary cast have better marriages. Not because he Hates SS/NH.
Kishimoto probably thought he was a genius for doing that.


The other day I was rolling around the internet and I came across some Manga panel of Salad, Sumire and Ada having some weird sleepover and all being in bed together discussing their crushes like its some kittening shoujo. And Salad is still dressed like a hooker.   :argh: 




This is another reason for Boruto's fiasco. Ikemoto ruinned the only new Uchiha in the Next Gen. Do you think SS/Sakura/Sasuke and Uchiha fans supports or even cares about Sarada in Boruto manga?


Everybody wanted to see a New Sasuke, itachi or at least the Gaiden Sarada.   Sarada was reduced to hooker fanservice and a pairing fodder in Boruto manga.


Edited by Therece, 24 May 2023 - 07:58 PM.

#30952 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 08:44 PM



If you don't understand Japanese, doesn't live in Japan too and neither is  willing to make a 5 minutes research about Yahagi. Then don't try to demand the japanese knowledge for me.    :zaru:
Yahagi wanked Sasuke much more than any new editor ever  favored Hinata simply as that.
Sakura was being a brat insulting orphans and her parents and Sasuke call out her attention?
He is a abusive kitten.  :fu:


Don't try to excuse Gaara. He deserves death like everyone and never should become the Kazekage.
If you hate Sasuke because that, you should hate Gaara too.
He killed thousends of people of his own Village and tried to destroy Konoha with Shukaku. Gaara was still aware of his actions. He just didn't think it was wrong, or didn't care because he'd established he only cared about himself. 
The only difference was that Gaara's decline to insanity, and his conversion, was quick, while Sasuke's fall and redemption was slower. Sasuke couldn't be easily converted because he still retained a mindset, which continued to reason against Naruto's advances until the end of the manga in their final battle.
 Itachi and Obito commited true genocides. But Kishimoto made sure to reendem and still wanks Itachi/Obito ignoring their crimes before and after their deaths.
Sasuke  wanted to destroy Konoha and he simply gave up his plan before killing any Konoha citizen. Kishimoto never allowed Sasuke to become a true killer outside the murder attempts in Kage Summit.
Sasuke was the deuteragonist,  the only character who constantly ranked #1 and one of the franchise symbols. Kill him is not the same thing as killing generic Uchiha villains like Obito and Madara who are destined to die. Thats why Kishimoto refused any idea with his death at the time. Killing Sasuke it's the same as imagine  Dragon Ball Super without Vegeta. Sasuke is necessary in any project relating Naruto's future.



Karin? SK and Karin is much more more kittened up than SS and Sakura. Karin doesn't  have a fandom.
She was out of top 60 in the poll.  She can disappear in a hole and nobody will cares. Put Sasuke and Karin never will have any effect.  Sakura was the only possible option for Sasuke after NH.   Plus SS fandom demanded that.
Then you should try to demand the current SS/Sakura fandom and new fans to stop to  support  Sakura and convice them of how Sakura is ruinned...Because of them Kishimoto is satisfied with how he wrote Sakura character and her ending.
Boruto's manga isn't the same thing as secondary novels and merchs.Sakura/SS doesn't exist in Boruto manga.  She disappeared during 4 or 5 years and counting. But they are satisfy to milk the current SS fandom and produce spin offs, novels and merch about them...
Much more than any other current character or couple and this produced  very  goods results in Sakura's popularity.



Kishimoto barely have time to pass time with his wife and sons when he was writing the Manga.
So he wanted to retract the same problem with Sasuke in Gaiden and after Naruto in Movie. 
Thats why the secondary cast have better marriages. Not because he Hates SS/NH.
Kishimoto probably thought he was a genius for doing that.


This is another reason for Boruto's fiasco. Ikemoto ruinned the only new Uchiha in the Next Gen. Do you think SS/Sakura/Sasuke and Uchiha fans supports or even cares about Sarada in Boruto manga?


Everybody wanted to see a New Sasuke, itachi or at least the Gaiden Sarada.   Sarada was reduced to hooker fanservice and a pairing fodder in Boruto manga.



I'm not the one claiming that Japanese Naruto fans believe something that I've provided no evidence for. You made that claim, so maybe you should IDK, support it instead of getting pissy because no one will take your word for it. 

You: 9c9.gif

You said "Oh there was no issue with Sasusaku in part one!!" I showed you numerous issues and instead of admitting that there WERE ISSUES you deflect and make it all Sakura's fault  :zaru: typical. 

Oh no, Gaara killed people in his own village who were literally trying to kill him, when he essentially had split personalities and nearly no ability/will to control it after being deprived of ANY affection or value other than a weapon? And where did you get "He killed thousands of his own villagers" from? Literally, that exact number. Oh, let me guess you made it up too. Sasuke and Gaara are two different characters, and despite what you think--Sasuke HAD CHOICES. He actually had people who cared about him. He could have pursued his revenge within the village, but he was a jealous little kitten and greedy for power and said kitten'em instead. And he continues to kitten THEM all through the series. 

Gaara spent his whole life just trying to avoid getting murdered by his own family, looked at Naruto, whose life was similar, saw a better way and decided to get a handle on himself. Sasuke had a family, knew what it was to be loved, lost his family, had NEW PEOPLE come into his life and make him happy and then threw it all away like a prick. 

He killed Danzo, blew a hole through Karin (what did SHE do to deserve that? not a damn thing.) Tried to merk Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto (again) Tries merking a bunch of other Kage, potentially causing another ninja war and leading to an untold number of deaths but noo its totally good and relatable writing for none of them to have lasting issues with this.

Why does Karin's popularity matter in regards to Sasuke having a spinoff baby with her? It doesn't. Its still a Uchiha. And since she has no fandom, it doesn't matter what Sasuke does to her or how unhealthy it is. Sasuke being a hermit was an option. Sasuke meeting some random unknown woman was an option. ANYTHING was an option if Kishimoto wrote. 

Again, its like the only thing that matters to you is "Popularity." You'd probably lick an electrical socket if you thought it was popular.  have you considered that SS isn't being carried by SS shippers but by people who just love Sakura? It wouldn't matter WHO she was with, what matters is that SAKURA is in the pairing.

Yea, I'm sure Kishimoto's kids don't know what their dad looks like and question their mom if they're actually married too. I'm sure some random guy is keeping his kids umbilic cords and his own wife can't remember if he wears glasses or not and faints "All the time" as well. 

He shouldn't be satisfied because he did a kitten job. 

Most of Sakura's merchandise isn't even tied to Sasuke, it's solo, grouped as team 7 packs or more amusingly; paired with Sasori. 

Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 24 May 2023 - 08:47 PM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30953 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 08:44 PM

"SS is the biggest current fandom," is not impressive when it has been shrunken to such an extent that it has. Sakura was so hated because of nH/SS fans. Now, they know to just ignore them, as they are worthless. Wait, so according to you, Kishimoto switched to NS because Sasuke was simply gone?...Wow, I didn't think you could come up with an argument that bad, but clearly I didn't lower my standards of your ability to present an argument enough. You know what, out of kindness, I'm going to stick with he replaced it because he thought part one SS was awful. Much more reasonable and respectable stance for you to have. We will all just forget about that bad excuse you just posted. Cause with that "logic" wouldn't she go back to loving Naruto whenever Sasuke is not in the village.


Kishimoto was not satisfied with Sakura by the ending. As far he knew, she was too hated for him to do anything with, no matter what he tried, and he just had to give up on her for the far more beloved Hinata. Then, that backfired.


Gaiden Sarada also bonded with Naruto to the extent that he became her role model, and father figure inspiring her dream to become hokage. She ended it with not caring who her real parents were as Sakura was her mother figure & Naruto was her father figure. And, she was always the intended love interest to Boruto. That's been the case since their introduction.


Views are not sales. They want money, not piracy. They want customers, not pirates. If people can not put their money where their mouth is, why should they make products for them?


Kishimoto is helping Ikemoto with Boruto. What magic touch does he have that will fix Boruto they he can't just advise Ikemoto on? Why is he stabbing him in the back by not helping Ikemoto? Changing to NS, saves Kishimoto from having to blame Ikemoto, by just blaming the pairings for the failure of Boruto. "It couldn't be help because nH/SS were not really the fanbases desires, and they had been misinformed." Then, they can gamble on NS, granted a big gamble. A Boruto reboot is just going to look like more of the same. Since, Kishi is already involved with the current Boruto manga; which is not going make disinterested former customers interested. Only something big like dropping nH/SS will.


I went back and check and I know you already had these arguments with Namaenash. What the Companies care about is Naruto (NS) was a big international seller, and ever since they switched to Boruto (nH/SS) they have lost that. They are checking that with current products but as these products do not impress them they will either switch back to NS or drop the whole franchise. As they have other franchises that are outselling Boruto, that they didn't have in 2014 because of streaming. Boruto is not cut off from that, it has the same access other IPs have, and its failing despite being the sequel to Naruto. 


Demon Slayers' movie made over $500 million, and One Piece Red made $5 million in the US in one day and $246.5 million over all. Why couldn't The Last or Boruto make that kind of money before the dreaded Ikemoto got involved? And before you think of bringing up Road of a ninja it was not a international release like the others.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 02 August 2023 - 12:07 AM.

#30954 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 09:13 PM

You'd think that since SS is SOoooooOooooo popular, they would have made an SS movie by now. Or since Sasuke and SAKURA are so popular they would have put the two of them in a movie together but instead they get ONE kitten tier spinoff manga and a novel almost no one read. 


                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30955 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 09:19 PM

You'd think that since SS is SOoooooOooooo popular, they would have made an SS movie by now. Or since Sasuke and SAKURA are so popular they would have put the two of them in a movie together but instead they get ONE kitten tier spinoff manga and a novel almost no one read. 


Well, lets see. He seems quite happy with that 50,000 number. So, lets use that.


Current ticket price is going high $20. So 50,000 customers times $20 and hell lets double it for international, something most movie dream of  as well as something neither The Last nor Boruto did. $2,000,000 So a 1/10 of The Last and 1/9 of Road to Ninja. Clearly, this a movie they are just dying to make, because the idiot who suggested it will be dying by their bosses' hands.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 24 May 2023 - 09:27 PM.

#30956 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 09:38 PM

WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? SS is clearly what's keeping Burrito afloat, it could never fail  :umm:

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30957 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 09:45 PM

WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? SS is clearly what's keeping Burrito afloat, it could never fail  :umm:

Sarcasm: What do you mean clearly the companies want only $2 million in maximum earnings. What company would want their products to make hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars. No, only enough pocket change to ride a bus is what CEOs dream of not yachts.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 24 May 2023 - 09:48 PM.

#30958 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 24 May 2023 - 09:57 PM

Oh I see. What you're really saying is that the CEO'S (don't) want to do a charity movie for the terminally ill Sasusakus...?  :chuckle: 

I really wish Kishimoto had gotten (and followed) some advice from Tite Kubo on how to handle having a "hated" female character. if he just had half that spine, I feel like Naruto as a franchise would be in a very different place right now--regardless of his pitfalls as a writer.

I'll say it again, Yea NH lacks development, but at least its not overtly disturbing. Kishimoto took EVERY opportunity he had to show how bad SS was and continued to do it in Sarada Gaiden. Its a weird thing to do for a pairing you "like" 


Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 24 May 2023 - 09:58 PM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30959 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 25 May 2023 - 10:37 PM

Why does HighScholl DXD have the highest amount of cross over stories of Naruto crossovers on fanfiction.net?

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 25 May 2023 - 11:02 PM.

#30960 Phantom_999


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Posted 26 May 2023 - 01:13 AM

Highschool DXD is an... interesting choice.


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