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#30901 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 09 May 2023 - 04:03 PM


And when she (very briefly) considered talking to her husband about their son and the rift between them, she refrained from doing so because she did not want to burden her husband with the issue.


"Burden."  That's how she views her child's thoughts and feelings of neglect and uncertainty. :facepalm:    



And before him was Sarada, to whom he expressed far more emotional investment and support to than he ever demonstrated toward either of he and Hinata's spawns.



Further proof that Naruto likes every kid more than he likes his own. Or maybe he just likes Sakura's kid more than his.  :hehehe: (I don't blame him.) Oddly, Burrito is really more of a Narusasu love child than he is NH. He's got Naruto's "looks" a chunk of his attitude for no conceivable reason since he's not really a "neglected" child and he's got Sasuke's easy achievements due to natural "Talent" ego and perceived popularity.  Hell, he's apparently got Sasuke's snake summons. 



I think a post-series Naruto should be a complete OP broken monster based on all the skills and abilities they gave him throughout the war arc.  Does this mean they would need to utilize him in the story? Nah. If I were writing the sequel series, Naruto's son (Shinachiku) would be handling smaller scale threats and we would revisit the street level strategy focused combat that made Part 1 so great. Maybe every once in a while having one of these guys try to flex on one of Naruto's shadowclones only to get utterly embarrassed. Either way, Naruto is largely out of focus and storylines won't involve stopping invincible poorly written eldritch abominations every story arc. A sequel series should involve the series getting back to its roots and actually being about ninjas once again.

I don't disagree, the whole series is broken when it comes to power which is why him struggling in Boruto is so annoying. 

The only issue I have with this is that there really aren't any stakes for Shina since his father (and his mom) are so OP, whatever happens to him they'll fix or stop right away. I mean its really the same issue with Burrito--they had to remove Naruto from the series for him to finally stand on his own. Although, it does leave room for Shina to struggle and define himself apart from his parents. 


Holy crap! 


It's been a long time since a page was so active on this site. It's kind of refreshing, not gonna lie. 

I'm like a boomerang, sure I leave but I come back eventually  :zaru: 

there is something nostalgic about Naruto for a lot of us--i mean all of us spent YEARS following it, hard not to think about it occasionally. 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30902 Therece



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Posted 10 May 2023 - 01:13 AM

Kishimoto never refused NS. Unless you're taking that from a post ending interview. If so, you absolutely have to take those with a huge grain of salt. Kishimoto has contradicted himself several times since the ending. He can't be trusted post-ending. Especially when the results of the ending blew up in his face so he was doing some hardcore damage control, along with SP and his editors.
He absolutely did lie about NH/SS being planned from the beginning. The man said he planned it "halfway" or "near the end", pick an interview.

Pierrot absolutely had something to do with it. I recall hearing that Kishimoto didn't write or plan "The Last'. It was presented to him by Studio Pierrot years before he was finished with Naruto. I'm sure he helped guide it and have some revisions. But you can't look me in the eye and tell me that Pierrot did not have anything to do with it. According to some Japanese sources, there were straight up Sakura hate campaigns in the studio. His editors were in on it, showing him bias videos of Hinata lovers and Sakura haters. His interviews before the ending happened absolutely reflect this. Having to remind people that Hinata is not the heroine and how he mentioned seeing a western youtuber video and describing the background. Turns out the Youtuber in question was an extreme Hinata fan and anti-Sakura.

You're really giving me the idea that you didn't really join in on this until after Naruto ended. All of us were there watching it all unfold and much of it is buried to time and NS fans/a lot of neutral fans leaving the series.
Yeah, Naruto lost a crapton of its fandom after the ending because people were so pissed off.

You can't tell me that he had things planned out when all the most intimate people in his life and in the series were shocked and upset over the pairing ending.
This includes the man's very own wife. Oh, and Naruto's Japanese voice actress. 
They were 100% rooting for NS and even Naruto's voice actress commented that NH/SS came out of absolutely nowhere and it shocked her. Kishimoto's wife had strong words and opinions for him at the ending.

No one can convince me this was planned. I'm 10000% certain NS was planned until some corporate meddling kicked in.

Even if you don't believe SP had anything to do with it, the evidence of them meddling is 100% there. If anything, they manipulated and formed the public opinion on Sakura.
She was poorly written in the anime, drawn poorly most of the time and they upped her smacking around Naruto by 50000%.

All the while, they had their best animators work on Hinata moments, put her on a pedestal, make her as cute, sexy and sweet and appealing as possible. And they absolutely were not hiding it. They based several of their bonus gag clips after episodes in later Shippuden about it.

Also just read the manga. NaruSaku was the obvious ship until the last arc, where Hinata was suddenly taking the spotlight way way more than she ever had and doing things that was usually Sakura's job. (I.E fixing his dislocated shoulder. Hinata has, canonically, zero medical experience. Except for that one SP filler episode where she magically learned how to do medical ninjutsu. Just another bias gift from her simps.)

If NH didn't happen, NS would have. SS needed NH to happen for it to happen. And the people who wanted NH to happen the most were the loudest and were on the inside, aggressively pushing for it. SS was just the throw away ship. But that's the one modern fans love the most because they always were a SS fan or because it's the closest thing they have to a Team 7 dynamic left.

Boruto lost sales because  Ikemoto  who are contantly kittening on Sasuke/Naruto,the ugly draws and poor story pacing.  This has nothing to do with NaruHina. Kishimoto biggest mistake was to choose his incompetent and unknown assistent to driver the sequel. Thats why i prefer Sakura's death than NS in Ikemoto's universe. Haters would blame Sakura/NaruSaku for Boruto failure.

But Naruto is still a huge franchise who never will truly die or disappear like Stars Wars or Dragon Ball and still atracts tons of views and attention. They will use this polls datas to some future project outside Boruto.

The extremely agressive and useless Sakura in fillers was bad. But Pierrot shiped NS.
How you can explain the massive ammount of NaruSaku fillers and fanservices in openings and Endings? The NaruSaku scene in the promotional Ova? For god's sake, Pierrot put a naked Sakura drawing Naruto in a ending. This is appelative as that filler with Hinata in the waterfall. NaruSaku and NaruHina are Naruto's pairings and Pierrot wanted to make fanservices for both pairings relating to the protagonist. NS was the Plan A and NH the Plan B.   Pierrot didn't influenced in Kishimoto's decision.
Kishimoto was the one who wanted to fuel NaruHina/SasuSaku when  he made Hinata declare her love, Neji's death or insisted in Sakura's love to Sasuke.. Pierrot only made the Last when Kishimoto gave the green light relating to his final plans.  About the VAs. Chie Nakamura/noriaki sugiyama are  SS shippers and always questioned Kishimoto about SS in interviews. Sakura's english VA is a SS fangirl. I don't consider VA importants, considering the own Junko said recently Naruto loved Sakura like a potato.

Kishimoto was clear when he said some staff in pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
This isn't a fake interview like the one with Kishi saying the readers could decide who is Sarada's mother. Kishi has no reasons to lie about Pierrot.NaruSaku even received a Movie focused in Sakura and Naruto, who still wasn't enough to save Sakura's popularity. Maybe because the very own movie trashed on Sakura and fans becomed furious with the  SS/Sasuke/Team 7 fake publicity..

Kishimoto wife wasn't the fandom and doesn't have more power than his editors or the public opinion.
SS always crushed any other hetero Naruto pairing in asia and their fans are very vocal  always poor rating NS scenes, Sakura's confession to Naruto, threatening the own Kishi when he tried to troll SS fans with  Karin as Sarada's mother in Gaiden and flooding anime sites like aO3 and Pixiv with SS.. I doubt Hinata/NH were popular in japan during the original series serialization. Kishimoto himself brought hate to Sakura and destroyed NS in Kage Summit arc than pierrot ever dreammed.

I believe Kishimoto was lying too. Probably Kishimoto planned NS at the beggining of part 2.
But you have the factidic  fake confession who greatly boosted Sakura/NaruSaku hate and forced Kishimoto to change his plans. Sakura tied with the non existent Sai out of the TOP 10 at the time and still gained a massive ammount of haters in the West. This was ridiculous for a main girl. This was a cleary advice for Kishimoto didn't try NaruSaku and ignore SasuSaku/NaruHina.

So most probably Kishimoto changed his plans at the "halfway".

NH helped SS for sure.  Naruto was still the protagonist and his feelings were a huge obstacle to SasuSaku.

Kishimoto failed to show Naruto reciprocating Hinata's feelings before SS. So Hinata still looks like a Silver Medal. Hinatards and Naruto Fanboys wanted to see Naruto rejecting Sakura and show how Hinata was better than her.  This never happened. Sasuke come first and stole Sakura with the sacred forehead poke,Sakura wanted to leave the village with him and Naruto had to fall in love to Hinata in a movie inside a Genjutsu because Kishimoto didn't bother to show NH in manga.


At least half of the SS fandom were opportunists and supported NH only to remove Naruto out of the equation.

They were so emotionally invested with SS and absolutely couldn't accept NS after part 1. It's a matter of pride for SS fans.  They didn't care to support Sakura after 469 because supportting Sakura at that moment means helping NaruSaku and showing to Kishimoto he was right to try the NaruSaku route. Basically only NS fans liked Sakura at the time.  As soon SasuSaku become canon these fans simply throwed NH into the trash to support 100% SS and Sakura.


Kishimoto made NH to turn Hinata even more popular and boost Hinata/Naruto popularity  for the sequel and SasuSaku to save some Sakura popularity between SS fans and produce a  new Uchiha. NH/Hinata had a loud Fanbase in the west and the Last was their plan to make NH gain  popularity in Japan for the sequel.

But Kishimoto certainly didn't planned of how Sakura/SS would massively increase their popularity at the point to become the  franchise main Couple and Sakura the most popular living Character both in Japan and West, while the byakugan princess/NH basically died after canon with Ikemoto's/The last incompetence. Hinata only had a illusiory and fleeting popularity thanks to the Sakura's bad writting at the time and some vocal fans who wanted NaruHina. They got what they wanted and nobody wants to know about Hinata anymore.

A absolute ironic and hilarious twist of events considering SS was the  throw away ship...

Edited by Therece, 12 May 2023 - 05:46 AM.

#30903 milan kyuubi

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Posted 13 May 2023 - 06:43 PM

Sorry for the of topic question everyone. But i would be very grateful if you can help me find one fanfic I am searching for.


Here is all the info of the fanfic I can remember:


  • Oneshot
  • It was on FFN
  • NaruSaku
  • Sakura dies while they are on a mission.
  • Naruto thinks it's a genjutsu. And tries to break it with no success.
  • At her funeral he has a breakdown.
  • Only to awaken and see that it was genjutsu all along.
  • Happy ending.

I tried asking on reddit. Bot got nothing. Tnx in advance! xd


#30904 BlueStarSaber


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    Ships: Narusaku, Peter&MJ, Percabeth & Hicctrid

Posted 13 May 2023 - 07:13 PM




Sakura is still considered the official franchise Heroine and Sarada the next gen heroine...Hinata is still insignificant for Jump/Manga. 
If you consider being Naruto's HouseWife with few panels and being trapped in another dimension being more important. Yeah Hinata is more important
I still remember this OVA. SS fans become super angry  because this NS scene is basically a copy/paste of the SasuSaku scene and Sasuke's death in the land of waves arc. NH and other people just called this filler.
Pierrot shipped NS as hard as NH. While SS was negligeted as soon Sasuke left the village.
SS/Sakura fans simply hates Pierrot.
But this didn't helped  NaruSaku too much and you can consider Sakura punching Naruto a tsundere thing. But this makes Sakura being really hated because Pierrot overfocused on that.
NS have a tons of fillers and fanservices. Part of Pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
I believe Pierrot have nothing to do with SS/NH.  This was a solo decision between Kishimoto and his Editors.
Pierrot has no power for this.

About the CPR people (SS,NH and NS) tends to forget this moment since shortly after SS gained the "eyesmex", Sakura true confession 2.0, Forehad Poke and Sarada Gaiden and NH gained The Last. The scene still was super bad in anime.
Kishimoto just treated this as a normal day in Sakura medical work and made everybody forget that. 
So why he bother to show that? Just to cause more pairing wars and troll fans a little more? 

Sakura/Kushina parallel were much more efetive than that.



Do you read my posts?

Kubo's wife hates Sakura because she was in the way of SasuNaru "love", proved Sasuke isn't gay for Naruto or because she is the main girl?
So i don't think she is a incel... 



Well during the last they tried to make hinata the heroine and replace sakura and we know the results we have and its a mess.I'm not surprised they would try to dismiss the scene in the ova they always do be it canon or filler, but always highlight their own be it canon or filler.


Only the female staff at the time shipped Narusaku at the time, thats why you got narusaku scenes at times. Unfortunately, the majority of the male staff were hinata and NH fans, to say they didn't have a part in the ending I consider being naive. Because, their protrayal of hinata in scenes like in filler or 166 made her very popular with anime only watchers in the west, while sakura hated with the more flanderization of sakura's tsundere tropes in the anime like episode 3. Plus they were heavily involved in the last's production so I doubt they didn't try to influence kishimoto. Also I find it double standard how people make a big deal about sakura punching naruto yet completely ignore other tsundere couples who do it and even ship them.


No one forgot about the CPR scene, heck NH and SS made more of a big deal of it than we did trying to make all kinds of excuses for or try to say narusaku shippers were disgiusting for supporting it. Also we pretty much complained how badly Pierrot animated it, while they put much detail into hinata tripping over a rock. Also I wouldn't call this a minor scene as it paralleled kairn's attempt to save sasuke's like, with sakura's attemp to keep naruto alive while thinking how close they are to seeing his dream as hokage come life. Also given how 663 was called the real ends kinda gives hints that this is what kishimoto wanted to do. 



Boruto lost sales because  Ikemoto  who are contantly kittening on Sasuke/Naruto,the ugly draws and poor story pacing.  This has nothing to do with NaruHina. Kishimoto biggest mistake was to choose his incompetent and unknown assistent to driver the sequel. Thats why i prefer Sakura's death than NS in Ikemoto's universe. Haters would blame Sakura/NaruSaku for Boruto failure.

But Naruto is still a huge franchise who never will truly die or disappear like Stars Wars or Dragon Ball and still atracts tons of views and attention. They will use this polls datas to some future project outside Boruto.

The extremely agressive and useless Sakura in fillers was bad. But Pierrot shiped NS.
How you can explain the massive ammount of NaruSaku fillers and fanservices in openings and Endings? The NaruSaku scene in the promotional Ova? For god's sake, Pierrot put a naked Sakura drawing Naruto in a ending. This is appelative as that filler with Hinata in the waterfall. NaruSaku and NaruHina are Naruto's pairings and Pierrot wanted to make fanservices for both pairings relating to the protagonist. NS was the Plan A and NH the Plan B.   Pierrot didn't influenced in Kishimoto's decision.
Kishimoto was the one who wanted to fuel NaruHina/SasuSaku when  he made Hinata declare her love, Neji's death or insisted in Sakura's love to Sasuke.. Pierrot only made the Last when Kishimoto gave the green light relating to his final plans.  About the VAs. Chie Nakamura/noriaki sugiyama are  SS shippers and always questioned Kishimoto about SS in interviews. Sakura's english VA is a SS fangirl. I don't consider VA importants, considering the own Junko said recently Naruto loved Sakura like a potato.

Kishimoto was clear when he said some staff in pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
This isn't a fake interview like the one with Kishi saying the readers could decide who is Sarada's mother. Kishi has no reasons to lie about Pierrot.NaruSaku even received a Movie focused in Sakura and Naruto, who still wasn't enough to save Sakura's popularity. Maybe because the very own movie trashed on Sakura and fans becomed furious with the  SS/Sasuke/Team 7 fake publicity..

Kishimoto wife wasn't the fandom and doesn't have more power than his editors or the public opinion.
SS always crushed any other hetero Naruto pairing in asia and their fans are very vocal  always poor rating NS scenes, Sakura's confession to Naruto, threatening the own Kishi when he tried to troll SS fans with  Karin as Sarada's mother in Gaiden and flooding anime sites like aO3 and Pixiv with SS.. I doubt Hinata/NH were popular in japan during the original series serialization. Kishimoto himself brought hate to Sakura and destroyed NS in Kage Summit arc than pierrot ever dreammed.

I believe Kishimoto was lying too. Probably Kishimoto planned NS at the beggining of part 2.
But you have the factidic  fake confession who greatly boosted Sakura/NaruSaku hate and forced Kishimoto to change his plans. Sakura tied with the non existent Sai out of the TOP 10 at the time and still gained a massive ammount of haters in the West. This was ridiculous for a main girl. This was a cleary advice for Kishimoto didn't try NaruSaku and ignore SasuSaku/NaruHina.

So most probably Kishimoto changed his plans at the "halfway".

NH helped SS for sure.  Naruto was still the protagonist and his feelings were a huge obstacle to SasuSaku.

Kishimoto failed to show Naruto reciprocating Hinata's feelings before SS. So Hinata still looks like a Silver Medal. Hinatards and Naruto Fanboys wanted to see Naruto rejecting Sakura and show how Hinata was better than her.  This never happened. Sasuke come first and stole Sakura with the sacred forehead poke,Sakura wanted to leave the village with him and Naruto had to fall in love to Hinata in a movie inside a Genjutsu because Kishimoto didn't bother to show NH in manga.


At least half of the SS fandom were opportunists and supported NH only to remove Naruto out of the equation.

They were so emotionally invested with SS and absolutely couldn't accept NS after part 1. It's a matter of pride for SS fans.  They didn't care to support Sakura after 469 because supportting Sakura at that moment means helping NaruSaku and showing to Kishimoto he was right to try the NaruSaku route. Basically only NS fans liked Sakura at the time.  As soon SasuSaku become canon these fans simply throwed NH into the trash to support 100% SS and Sakura.


Kishimoto made NH to turn Hinata even more popular and boost Hinata/Naruto popularity  for the sequel and SasuSaku to save some Sakura popularity between SS fans and produce a  new Uchiha. NH/Hinata had a loud Fanbase in the west and the Last was their plan to make NH gain  popularity in Japan for the sequel.

But Kishimoto certainly didn't planned of how Sakura/SS would massively increase their popularity at the point to become the  franchise main Couple and Sakura the most popular living Character both in Japan and West, while the byakugan princess/NH basically died after canon with Ikemoto's/The last incompetence. Hinata only had a illusiory and fleeting popularity thanks to the Sakura's bad writting at the time and some vocal fans who wanted NaruHina. They got what they wanted and nobody wants to know about Hinata anymore.

A absolute ironic and hilarious twist of events considering SS was the  throw away ship...



While yes Ikemoto writing and drawing is mostly what's responsible for the boruto's series losses and overall franchises decline, NH is still played into it given how that ship was made canon they way it did to help make a potential spin off like boruto. The series was based on the foundations on what came before. It's like how many of the bad story telling for spider-man in the comics came from the foundations on what the infamous one more story line did to try and reset the character to marvel's editorials liking. 


While naruto might never really die as a franchise doesn't mean it isn't in decline, heck the naruto world wide poll 4.6 million votes is only a third of the One Piece Piece's 12 million. It was a self inflicted wound it's still paying the price for. Like I said above only the female staff shipped narusaku, the male staff shipped nh that's why there was so much filler with her when they really shouldn't have been doing so. Also pretty sure kishimoto thought the hinata confession was no big deal, given how there was never a follow-up and he had no idea why she was popular. 


Yeah I don't find any interviews with va's about the ships being planned as reliable, I doubt any them  would say otherwise and just doing damage control like many of kishimoto's interviews post ending. It's like when Mark Hamill used to say how he fundamentally disagree with what Rian Johnson did with his character but doesn't say anything now, because studios don't want their actors trashing ongoing projects and works as it's bad pr which can be used against them, Also from what I heard from Lukcyhi while sakura's english voice actor originally shipped ss, she grew to like ns over time and put more passion into her role when doing scenes involving them and didn't put much effort into the last, though ask him if you want more details. Also Junko was very much a big narusaku supporter and that recent interview is more likely to be damage control as I doubt she can trash talk the current pairings that are canon.


The Road to ninja idea came from kishimoto, as he said he got to do stuff that he didn't get to do in the manga which was sakura's parents. That movie didn't trash on sakura, the only ones that got saulty were ss and nh fans and frankly the marketing made it pretty obvious that sasuke was a playboy in the film, heck mema the evil naruto twist was shown in the promo's. People were much more angry at the false advertising of the last being a team 7 movie when kakashi and sasuke appeared very little in the film.


His wife is who sakura is based off, same with kushina. Heck he went to her for advice when writing naruto's family in the last aerc before the war. She may not be the fandom or editors, but her reaction says a lot about the ending and canon couples. Like I said before many in japan excepted ns to be canon, even some ss fans. Just because and fanbase acts vocal and threatening doesn't mean you should listen to what they say, episodically if they are a shipping fandom with a ship that is written as problematic as ss was. I don't care how bad they reacted to the confession, what sasuke did was way worse to sakura.


I'm convinced he had it planned from the beginning not just part 2, he shouldn't just change just based on some fan reaction because the reaction to ss becoming canon was alot more negative. That was just one fricking poll he should judge every decision on that, this is why I find the popularity polls being being problematic in influencing how a story goes. AT best it was around before when neji died that kishimoto changed his mind. 

Most NH fans didn't care how NH became canon as long as it did, same with ss fans. They don't care if it took a movie  to make them canonm and I doubt ss fans would if it was the case with them. They were as bad as eachother ignored the problematic aspects of their ships development and how they both got together. When that was done they turned on eachother, which frankly shows how unstable becoming these two pairing canon when the only thing uniting their fandoms was hating narusaku.

I don't care how emotionally invest ss fans were in the ship, they should have the self respect to realize that after the kage summit arc they ship had become very toxic to become canon after sasuke trying to kill her the way he did wouldn't be good for her character. If they want to enjoy it do it in fanon or hope for a multiverse where sasuke isn't a jerk to sakura. As a result of not supporting sakura at the expense of making sure ns didn't become canon had her role in the story reduced and damge the reputation of her character and fandom.


Yeah we knew that they made NH canon because they thought that since they were apparently popular in the west, though they didn't realize that most of them didn't actually fiance the series that well due to being able to read and watch stuff online and just alienated their domestic base in Japan. While yes Sakura has shown to be a lot more popular in recent than kishimoto realized, the damage has been done to her character by many outside the ss fandom. Yes they have gotten bigger than nh in recent years, but that is mostly due to the overall fanbase of naruto in decline and that new sakura fans just ship ss because its canon. If Narusaku was canon they would probably have shipped them, that what happens with long term series new fans tend to ship or accept what came before without much question. Plus frankly the Naruto franchise would probably be more stable in the long term if NH and SS  canon because their shipping drama help cause quite alot of damage for the franchise.

Edited by BlueStarSaber, 14 May 2023 - 02:16 AM.

#30905 Therece



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Posted 14 May 2023 - 05:18 AM



While naruto might never really die as a franchise doesn't mean it isn't in decline, heck the naruto world wide poll 4.6 million votes is only a third of the One Piece Piece's 12 million.


I don't know the One Piece poll rules. Naruto in the WorldWide is more popular than OP.
One Piece is only strong in Japan.
But probably the Naruto poll had a tons of bots, fake votes and duplicates IP.
They tallied the votes during three months just to remove bots and fakes.
If bots and fakes votes are allowed certainly Naruto poll would have much more than 10.000.000 votes. A  spin off with Dinos but with Sasuke/Sakura   got  more than 18.000.000 views  in the Jump app.


The Road to ninja idea came from kishimoto, as he said he got to do stuff that he didn't get to do in the manga which was sakura's parents. That movie didn't trash on sakura, the only ones that got saulty were ss and nh fans and frankly the marketing made it pretty obvious that sasuke was a playboy in the film, heck mema the evil naruto twist was shown in the promo's. People were much more angry at the false advertising of the last being a team 7 movie when kakashi and sasuke appeared very little in the film.



Kishimoto's ideas was just the character's design, Tsukyomi and inverted personalities.  The Movie plot and NS fanservices most likely were Pierrot and Yuuka ideas. (Yuka Miyata was the roteirist and she was a NS fan).
Kishimoto had no time for the movie when he was writing the manga weekly.
Honestly they never should use in marketing one of the most popular pairings and the most popular deuteragonist/character at the time. They pratically trolled the entire Sasuke/SS fandom with this false advertisement and the Hinata/NH fanboys from the west. Just look at this:

Road to Ninja


Road to Ninja

God Charasuke was so popular that even today, he is still receiving merch.
They mades looks like Sasuke/SS/Classic Team 7 were important in this movie when in the reality Sasuke has less than 2 minutes of screentime. Hinata/NH fans were baited too.
They should used Naruto carrying Sakura in the marketing if they are trying to boost NaruSaku. Why they were afraid to use that?To use this type of bait they were fully aware of Sasuke/SS popularity and tried to use them in the movie. Sakura was always blushing or close to Sasuke in these merchs too.
Obvious this will result in a massive backlash. This is as bad as The Last false adversetiment. So maybe this is another reason who influenced Kishimoto's decision to SS/NH.
This type of scene helped to bring even more hate to Sakura. Haters have a huge argument to hate even more Sakura.
This is worst than Chapter 3 Sakura or the Fake Confession.  Luckly this was a movie
I'm not a fan of RTN because that. The only good movies was the first one if you ignore the SS fanservices and Boruto Movie.

Edited by Therece, 14 May 2023 - 06:00 AM.

#30906 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 14 May 2023 - 08:16 AM

By the time that magazine cover was produced they had long since back away from making Hinata the heroine of Naruto. Pretty sure by years. It was a short timeframe during and after the ending that Hinata became the heroine. By the time Boruto got started she had long since been pushed back into the background. Due to her not being able to sell what SP was promising she would. 


One Piece at the time of Naruto's ending was less successful internationally. However, it and many other WSJ manga have long since surpassed Naruto in sales due to streaming and people fleeing western media for their entertainment. The One Piece movie Red made around $5 million on its opening day in the US. That's about ten times more than what The Last made in the US total despite the fact that nH was suppose to be huge in the US. Which is one of the reasons they are getting sick of Boruto failing as again, it is what SP fans said the fans wanted. Also that SS manga flopped and that edo tensei mess. If that's what fans wanted, why aren't they making those companies any money? Why was money only being made when NS was the main pairing?

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 03 June 2023 - 11:57 PM.

#30907 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 14 May 2023 - 12:26 PM



I don't know the One Piece poll rules. Naruto in the WorldWide is more popular than OP.
One Piece is only strong in Japan.
But probably the Naruto poll had a tons of bots, fake votes and duplicates IP.
They tallied the votes during three months just to remove bots and fakes.
If bots and fakes votes are allowed certainly Naruto poll would have much more than 10.000.000 votes. A  spin off with Dinos but with Sasuke/Sakura   got  more than 18.000.000 views  in the Jump app.



Kishimoto's ideas was just the character's design, Tsukyomi and inverted personalities.  The Movie plot and NS fanservices most likely were Pierrot and Yuuka ideas. (Yuka Miyata was the roteirist and she was a NS fan).
Kishimoto had no time for the movie when he was writing the manga weekly.
Honestly they never should use in marketing one of the most popular pairings and the most popular deuteragonist/character at the time. They pratically trolled the entire Sasuke/SS fandom with this false advertisement and the Hinata/NH fanboys from the west. Just look at this:

Road to Ninja


Road to Ninja

God Charasuke was so popular that even today, he is still receiving merch.
They mades looks like Sasuke/SS/Classic Team 7 were important in this movie when in the reality Sasuke has less than 2 minutes of screentime. Hinata/NH fans were baited too.
They should used Naruto carrying Sakura in the marketing if they are trying to boost NaruSaku. Why they were afraid to use that?To use this type of bait they were fully aware of Sasuke/SS popularity and tried to use them in the movie. Sakura was always blushing or close to Sasuke in these merchs too.
Obvious this will result in a massive backlash. This is as bad as The Last false adversetiment. So maybe this is another reason who influenced Kishimoto's decision to SS/NH.
This type of scene helped to bring even more hate to Sakura. Haters have a huge argument to hate even more Sakura.
This is worst than Chapter 3 Sakura or the Fake Confession.  Luckly this was a movie
I'm not a fan of RTN because that. The only good movies was the first one if you ignore the SS fanservices and Boruto Movie.



Given how they are both done by jump they would have the same rules apply, heck I remember the voting system was similar to the vote a day that naruto poll used for the few times I did it. so those 12 million votes are legitimate, don't try to use bots just to make naruto more popular otherwise you are just giving proof to the sakura haters right on that poll being rigged. 


Like Bail of lies said naruto at when it was ongoing was more popular intentionally, however due to its ending and spin off materiel it gone in decline, while One piece has gotten way more popular in recenty years as people checked out and found it's quality to be consistent than naruto's. Heck one piece still sold more than naruto back when both were ongoing due to how popular one piece was domestically, especially during the hype of marineford arc and the final saga appears to draw much interest similar to marineford.

I don't know all the details of this Jump app and how it handles these views, though from what I have seen from the tweet of jigokuraku saying on the app it's got 200.000.00 views, which is alot more impressive than the 18.000.000 views you say retsuden has.



Where did you get that info about Road to Ninja from TV Trope? if so you do relaise that that site is full of hinata fans who always put stuff that bashes sakura and narusaku and always put them in the worst light and always hyping up hinata and nh. The marekting was pretty obvious that Sasuke being a playboy was very likely to flirt with other girls given the road to charasuke audio drama that came out around the promotion of the fim and they even showed the clip of sasuke flirting with the girls in one of the many promos they had for the film.


Heck the yundere hinata marketing was clear that naruto was uncomfortable with how aggressive hinata was, like in the road to ninja one shot tie in cover. It should have been obvious that Narusaku was going to be the main focus when both were sent to the genjutsu world and marketed as the two main characters along with minato and kushina. Heck the most anger I saw was from the misleading advertising about how involved the opposite k11 was going to be in the film. Otherwise I didn't see anyone really hate this film except die hard shippers of NH and ss.


First of all the movie for sakura was pretty much retelling sakura's entrie character arc in the series, with that scene showing sakura at the beginning of part 1 not understanding what it's like to have parents when she is getting mad at her own for embarrassing her. By the the time she experince what its like to not have them she starts to understand how naruto feels and even considered willing to stay to let naruto stay in this world to enjoy finally spending time with his. Plus once she is back she apologises to her parents afterwards and her and naruto remain cool with each other. Also this movie isn't canon heck it clearly contradicts the timeline of stuff knowing like his parents and Bee, so fans shouldn't be using it as an excuse to base sakura.


Frankly I think you're just trying to find reasons to dismiss this movie. In regeards to the first movie sakura was more busy being infatuated with the famous actors in the inverse movie, than she was flirting at all with sasuke. I find the boruto movie to be overrated as it shows naruto being a neglectful father when he could easily spend time with his kids and have shadow clones due the work, instead of the other way around. Plus the villains are bland and only good for a few action pieces. 


#30908 Therece



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Posted 14 May 2023 - 03:08 PM

 Also that SS manga flopped and that edo tensei mess. If that's what fans wanted, why aren't they making those companies any money? Why was money only being made when NS was the main pairing?


I don't think 50.000 sales in Japan is a flop considering this is half of Boruto current Sales and got much more attention from the public and merch  than any Boruto material got in these years aside Boruto Movie/Sarada Gaiden both written by Kishimoto at 2015.

Most of the fans moved on after Boruto manga disaster or simply isn't interest to buy anymore, hardly any material especially a spin off will sell as good as 8 years ago. Even Dragon Ball Super volumes are selling around 100.000...


Road to Ninja Novel  only got 20.000 sales and the Movie not even a half of the Boruto's movie box offices. The franchise was at the peak popularity with every main volume selling 800.000/1.000.000. So RTN e NaruSaku flopped? This isn't a good logic.





Given how they are both done by jump they would have the same rules apply, heck I remember the voting system was similar to the vote a day that naruto poll used for the few times I did it. so those 12 million votes are legitimate, don't try to use bots just to make naruto more popular otherwise you are just giving proof to the sakura haters right on that poll being rigged. 


Like Bail of lies said naruto at when it was ongoing was more popular intentionally, however due to its ending and spin off materiel it gone in decline, while One piece has gotten way more popular in recenty years as people checked out and found it's quality to be consistent than naruto's. Heck one piece still sold more than naruto back when both were ongoing due to how popular one piece was domestically, especially during the hype of marineford arc and the final saga appears to draw much interest similar to marineford.


Where did you get that info about Road to Ninja from TV Trope? if so you do relaise that that site is full of hinata fans who always put stuff that bashes sakura and narusaku and always put them in the worst light and always hyping up hinata and nh. The marekting was pretty obvious that Sasuke being a playboy was very likely to flirt with other girls given the road to charasuke audio drama that came out around the promotion of the fim and they even showed the clip of sasuke flirting with the girls in one of the many promos they had for the film.


Heck the yundere hinata marketing was clear that naruto was uncomfortable with how aggressive hinata was, like in the road to ninja one shot tie in cover. It should have been obvious that Narusaku was going to be the main focus when both were sent to the genjutsu world and marketed as the two main characters along with minato and kushina. Heck the most anger I saw was from the misleading advertising about how involved the opposite k11 was going to be in the film. Otherwise I didn't see anyone really hate this film except die hard shippers of NH and ss.


First of all the movie for sakura was pretty much retelling sakura's entrie character arc in the series, with that scene showing sakura at the beginning of part 1 not understanding what it's like to have parents when she is getting mad at her own for embarrassing her. By the the time she experince what its like to not have them she starts to understand how naruto feels and even considered willing to stay to let naruto stay in this world to enjoy finally spending time with his. Plus once she is back she apologises to her parents afterwards and her and naruto remain cool with each other. Also this movie isn't canon heck it clearly contradicts the timeline of stuff knowing like his parents and Bee, so fans shouldn't be using it as an excuse to base sakura.


Frankly I think you're just trying to find reasons to dismiss this movie. In regeards to the first movie sakura was more busy being infatuated with the famous actors in the inverse movie, than she was flirting at all with sasuke. I find the boruto movie to be overrated as it shows naruto being a neglectful father when he could easily spend time with his kids and have shadow clones due the work, instead of the other way around. Plus the villains are bland and only good for a few action pieces. 




Obvious One Piece is more popular now. Naruto ended 8 years ago and got a kitten Boruto Spin off writted by the incompetent Ikemoto while the One Piece manga is still running with the original author. But Naruto is still a very popular franchise. Only Dragon Ball/Bleach/One Piece is comparable worldwide to Naruto. This is a  Online Poll. A poll with this proportions can easily have bots. If they want to inflate the numbers were very easy to consider fake votes...





Where did you get that info about Road to Ninja from TV Trope? if so you do relaise that that site is full of hinata fans who always put stuff that bashes sakura and narusaku and always put them in the worst light and always hyping up hinata and nh. The marekting was pretty obvious that Sasuke being a playboy was very likely to flirt with other girls given the road to charasuke audio drama that came out around the promotion of the fim and they even showed the clip of sasuke flirting with the girls in one of the many promos they had for the film.


Heck the yundere hinata marketing was clear that naruto was uncomfortable with how aggressive hinata was, like in the road to ninja one shot tie in cover. It should have been obvious that Narusaku was going to be the main focus when both were sent to the genjutsu world and marketed as the two main characters along with minato and kushina. Heck the most anger I saw was from the misleading advertising about how involved the opposite k11 was going to be in the film. Otherwise I didn't see anyone really hate this film except die hard shippers of NH and ss.


First of all the movie for sakura was pretty much retelling sakura's entrie character arc in the series, with that scene showing sakura at the beginning of part 1 not understanding what it's like to have parents when she is getting mad at her own for embarrassing her. By the the time she experince what its like to not have them she starts to understand how naruto feels and even considered willing to stay to let naruto stay in this world to enjoy finally spending time with his. Plus once she is back she apologises to her parents afterwards and her and naruto remain cool with each other. Also this movie isn't canon heck it clearly contradicts the timeline of stuff knowing like his parents and Bee, so fans shouldn't be using it as an excuse to base sakura.


Frankly I think you're just trying to find reasons to dismiss this movie. In regeards to the first movie sakura was more busy being infatuated with the famous actors in the inverse movie, than she was flirting at all with sasuke. I find the boruto movie to be overrated as it shows naruto being a neglectful father when he could easily spend time with his kids and have shadow clones due the work, instead of the other way around. Plus the villains are bland and only good for a few action pieces. 


it's very hard to find reactions from a ten years old movie. Well you can see the reaction in these TV trope sites and forums at the time and was very bad...


Do you really think Sakura's haters give a dawn about the movie development? Most of them only uses this first scene  without any context just to hate Sakura.  Luckly this was just a movie. A 16 years old Sakura saying this type of thing is a absurd Character regression.  She supposed learned this lesson in CHAPTER 3. This is Much worst than the Edo Tensei thing (Who i still didn't see anyone hating on Sakura because of that, not even in reedit, ,only Bail o' Lies here.)


Just like Sasuke/Kakashi/SS/NS fans poor rated  The Last .The Entire SS/NH/Hinata/Sasuke fans poor rated and destroyed Road to Ninja. If Sasuke have less than 1 minutes of screentime. They never should have used him (Or Hinata) so heavily in these merchs including official Kishimoto's art. This is  false advertment too.


Thats why Boruto the movie was the best rated and have the biggest franchise box offices. You have no false advertment using popular characters and couples. You just have people interested to see Sasuke/Naruto/Sakura as adults, their sons: Sarada/Boruto and finally Sasuke returns in a movie.


(I don't like Sakura's parents too. IMO they are too much ugly. Kishimoto wanted to troll Sakura when he created them. Mebuki is ok. But Kizashi is horrible. Kishimoto really thought these type of parents would help Sakura at all?)

Edited by Therece, 14 May 2023 - 10:12 PM.

#30909 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 14 May 2023 - 04:04 PM

50,000. Naruto used to do at least 1 million first week on a poor volume. So not even a Fifth of Naruto's old first week sales are impressive to you? The companies don't want a fifth of Naruto's old sales. They want Naruto's old sales at a minimum. The fact its doing half the sales of Boruto is why the companies are also getting sick of that series too, and why they did the poll and manga that brought you to this site. Naruto when it ended was either the second or third most successful manga ever (the others were Dragon ball and One Piece). Its not any more. The new generation has surpassed it.


For future reference, I did a box office comparison topic. First, why yes a hyped up canonical internationally distributed movie did better than a non-canonical primarily (I think it was also shown in Korea) domestic movie. Do you want a cookie for realizing that? Second, doesn't matter to the execs as it only made about $20,000,000, because every other WSJ movie that has been released since The Last has sold more that it. Naruto is suppose to be this big international seller and nH/SS are what those fans want. So, why isn't it making money? Why was money only being made when NS was the pairing?


My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen have already replace Naruto-Boruto in the sales chart. Those are the series Shueisha cares about.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 14 May 2023 - 04:56 PM.

#30910 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 14 May 2023 - 04:20 PM

In all honesty I don't think talking about what Kishimoto said matters much unless you can pinpoint when he said it and where we were in the story because he's proven to be an unreliable liar to the public. You have to look at the story and match it to his words to see what the real intent was. Its really the same issue with the VA's. Junko was routing for Naruto to get his girl and then after the ending she kinda complained and griped but in order to keep voicing Naruto she had to change her tune.

The VA's are just voices, what they want doesn't matter--not if they want to keep a paycheck. 



At least half of the SS fandom were opportunists and supported NH only to remove Naruto out of the equation.

They were so emotionally invested with SS and absolutely couldn't accept NS after part 1. It's a matter of pride for SS fans.  They didn't care to support Sakura after 469 because supportting Sakura at that moment means helping NaruSaku and showing to Kishimoto he was right to try the NaruSaku route. Basically only NS fans liked Sakura at the time.  As soon SasuSaku become canon these fans simply throwed NH into the trash to support 100% SS and Sakura.



I'm going to say kitten to this. The one thing every one should realize about Sakura fans by now is that they are DIE-HARD fanatics. Doesn't matter who she's with, what they're supporting is SAKURA first and foremost. If SS fans are first and foremost Sakura fans, 469 wouldn't turn them on her. In fact there isn't much Sakura could do to turn away her fans since so many of them still support her despite SS being canon.

And even if you HATE SS and whats happened to Sakura since, as her fan you just ignore all the bad kitten and make your own story up. 

In fact, I'd argue its not SS that's "boosted" Sakura's popularity, its just that Sakura's fans like her REGARDLESS of her kitten husband and come out in force from every angle to support her when given the opportunity. We tend to be so hardcore we remain invested years after the fact. 


                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30911 milan kyuubi

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Posted 14 May 2023 - 04:47 PM

Played with ChatGPT. Here you go.



Thought, opinions everyone? :sweat:


#30912 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 14 May 2023 - 05:20 PM

Played with ChatGPT. Here you go.



Thought, opinions everyone? :sweat:

You had to go through and cut out Sasuke and Hinata because it was probably already programed to see only nH and SS by someone else. 






Could not find the other two fanfiction it recommended.


It was an interesting idea. Now have it review Boruto and it problems. I am terrible with new technology.

#30913 Therece



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Posted 14 May 2023 - 06:38 PM

50,000. Naruto used to do at least 1 million first week on a poor volume. So not even a Fifth of Naruto's old first week sales are impressive to you?


Most of the Naruto fanbase has moved on in the past 8 years thanks to Boruto trash story and Ikemoto.  They  just read or watch some scenes online. Some of them buy Boruto. This loyal Boruto fanbase is just the 10% (going by japonese sales) of the original fandom that stuck around. Plus some new Boruto fans  and only a percentage of them is gonna spend the money on  new spin offs. So approximately  50% of the current japonese fandom is willing to spend money in this recent Spin Off and considering the recent polls datas they are using the right characters.


Releasing a new spinoff now is never gonna give you an accurate indication of how well it would have sold back when Naruto was still fresh and its popularity still huge.

So it's not realistic you try to compare the current sales for a novel spin off with the old period sales.

(RTN and other novels back in 2012 sold less than 30.000/20.000 if you want a comparison)


They can release a Itachi, Kakashi, NaruSaku, NaruHina, KakaIru spin offs and hardly these material would sell half as that.

At this point only a Big movie promoting a new Material or Kishimoto's return can revive the franchise...

Edited by Therece, 14 May 2023 - 09:36 PM.

#30914 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 14 May 2023 - 08:24 PM



I don't know the One Piece poll rules. Naruto in the WorldWide is more popular than OP.
One Piece is only strong in Japan.
But probably the Naruto poll had a tons of bots, fake votes and duplicates IP.
They tallied the votes during three months just to remove bots and fakes.
If bots and fakes votes are allowed certainly Naruto poll would have much more than 10.000.000 votes. A  spin off with Dinos but with Sasuke/Sakura   got  more than 18.000.000 views  in the Jump app.



Kishimoto's ideas was just the character's design, Tsukyomi and inverted personalities.  The Movie plot and NS fanservices most likely were Pierrot and Yuuka ideas. (Yuka Miyata was the roteirist and she was a NS fan).
Kishimoto had no time for the movie when he was writing the manga weekly.
Honestly they never should use in marketing one of the most popular pairings and the most popular deuteragonist/character at the time. They pratically trolled the entire Sasuke/SS fandom with this false advertisement and the Hinata/NH fanboys from the west. Just look at this:

Road to Ninja


Road to Ninja

God Charasuke was so popular that even today, he is still receiving merch.
They mades looks like Sasuke/SS/Classic Team 7 were important in this movie when in the reality Sasuke has less than 2 minutes of screentime. Hinata/NH fans were baited too.
They should used Naruto carrying Sakura in the marketing if they are trying to boost NaruSaku. Why they were afraid to use that?To use this type of bait they were fully aware of Sasuke/SS popularity and tried to use them in the movie. Sakura was always blushing or close to Sasuke in these merchs too.
Obvious this will result in a massive backlash. This is as bad as The Last false adversetiment. So maybe this is another reason who influenced Kishimoto's decision to SS/NH.
This type of scene helped to bring even more hate to Sakura. Haters have a huge argument to hate even more Sakura.
This is worst than Chapter 3 Sakura or the Fake Confession.  Luckly this was a movie
I'm not a fan of RTN because that. The only good movies was the first one if you ignore the SS fanservices and Boruto Movie.


that line sakura says that sasuke would understand what is she basing that off when has he ever shown he'd care about that or her problems at all

#30915 Phantom_999


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Posted 14 May 2023 - 09:43 PM

Not only does he not concern himself with her problems, he shuts off her concern with his own, Like when they were doing the third round preliminaries for the Chuunin exam tournament, he told her what happened with Orochimaru putting the cursed seal on him is not her concern. Meaning he does not open up to her. that is already a death flag

Edited by Phantom_999, 14 May 2023 - 09:44 PM.


#30916 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 15 May 2023 - 03:09 AM

Not only does he not concern himself with her problems, he shuts off her concern with his own, Like when they were doing the third round preliminaries for the Chuunin exam tournament, he told her what happened with Orochimaru putting the cursed seal on him is not her concern. Meaning he does not open up to her. that is already a death flag

Not only that, he used her feeling towards him to make her keep quite about it and not tell Naruto. Since he knew that he could not pressure Naruto to keep quite and leave it alone if he found out. Which she did, until the day he left the village where she got so concern and worried about him she finally broke her silence and told Naruto.


Most of the Naruto fanbase has moved on in the past 8 years thanks to Boruto trash story and Ikemoto.  They  just read or watch some scenes online. Some of them buy Boruto. This loyal Boruto fanbase is just the 10% (going by japonese sales) of the original fandom that stuck around. Plus some new Boruto fans  and only a percentage of them is gonna spend the money on  new spin offs. So approximately  50% of the current japonese fandom is willing to spend money in this recent Spin Off and considering the recent polls datas they are using the right characters.


Releasing a new spinoff now is never gonna give you an accurate indication of how well it would have sold back when Naruto was still fresh and its popularity still huge.

So it's not realistic you try to compare the current sales for a novel spin off with the old period sales.

(RTN and other novels back in 2012 sold less than 30.000/20.000 if you want a comparison)


They can release a Itachi, Kakashi, NaruSaku, NaruHina, KakaIru spin offs and hardly these material would sell half as that.

At this point only a Big movie promoting a new Material or Kishimoto's return can revive the franchise...

They were already leaving before Boruto started. If nH/SS is what all fans truely wanted, why were they leaving? Why is barely a tenth of the minimum left?


So SS was only 5% of the original fanbase, another 5% was nH support, and 90% was NS supporting or might as well be because they suck around when it was the pairing and left when it wasn't.


Right Character, Wrong Pairing, apparently.


Kishimoto being brought back isn't going to do what you hope. He was involved in Boruto then left for a new manga Samurai 8. Which flopped. Now he back again. And sales dipped even lower when he returned, because the quality did not improve when he came back.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 16 May 2023 - 09:59 AM.

#30917 Therece



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Posted 15 May 2023 - 04:28 AM



They were already leaving before Boruto started. If nH/SS is what all fans truely wanted, why were they leaving? Why is barely a tenth of minimum left?



Final Volume : 1.200.000

Sarada Gaiden sold high as any Naruto previus Volume:  900.000/1.000.000
Boruto the Movie have the biggest box offices of the entire franchise. 
Novels/Spin offs at the time had the biggest sales from any period .
Storm 4 with a Boruto DLC is the most successfully Naruto game.
If Kishimoto continued the series and never give the responsibility to his assistant. Probably Naruto never would lose these massive sales.   Based on this logic Kishimoto should had see the  decline 1 year after the ending.  Not 8 years later with Ikemoto...
Naruto lost Kurama. Sasuke was stabbed in the eye.
Hinata is a sad housewife. Sakura disappeared during 4 years in Boruto manga.
Naruto and  Hinata are now trapped in another dimension.
You still have the horrible Ikemoto's art. Why SS/NH/Sasuke/Naruto/Sakura and old fans should care about Boruto?
Obvius these fanbases will abandon Boruto.  NS fans would do the same at this situation.
The Boruto manga focus aren't SS/NH or original Naruto characters.  Is just Boruto , Kawaki and the new villains.



So SS was only 5% of the original fanbase, another 5% was nH support, and 90% was NS supporting or might as well be because they suck around when it was the pairing and left when it wasn't.


Everybody just  blame Ikemoto and the Boruto  story for the franchise decline. Even NH fans recognize how kitten Boruto is and hopes for a reboot. SS fans just ignores Boruto, lives in their novels/Spin Off/Fanarts universe and hates Ikemoto for Sarada's new outfit. Sasuke/Naruto fans hates ikemoto for Sasuke rinnegan  lost and kurama's death. When i saw the first image from Boruto manga with goblin Himawari, snape Sasuke, slut Sarada and deformed characters back at 2016. I knew this sequel was destineted to damage the Naruto franchise.  
But let's hope to Kishimoto/Jump/Neutral/SS/NH/Others Characters Fandoms recognize this mathematic and stop with all SS/Sarada/Boruto merch in Japan and makes a part 3 reboot with NS. Then they will magically recover these 90% of NS fans who never are vocal enough in Japan on in the west.
I still think NS was just a pairing fandom who simply moved on after the ending. Not 90% of the original manga sales.

Edited by Therece, 15 May 2023 - 05:06 AM.

#30918 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 15 May 2023 - 05:01 AM

I wouldn't say the series collapsed and lost its fanbase because NS did not happen, but I will say that NS not happening is a symptom of the reason the series collapsed and is in the miserable state its currently in. Kishimoto's original editor left the series at around the Pain arc and things slowly started falling apart since then. Perhaps Kishimoto's new editor gave him free reign? Perhaps too many hands began stirring the big fat Naruto pot (i.e. Studio Pierrot?) Perhaps all of the above? Either way, the tone of the writing post chapter 450 (perhaps arguably even several dozen chapters earlier than this) HEAVILY suggest that the Naruto steam train was slowly descending off the smoothly maintained rails it had been gliding on for 400+ chapters. I've gone over this before page by page and panel by panel in a separate thread here, but the entire fake confession sequence (everything leading up to it and everything afterwards) has to be some of the worst writing in this entire series. Characters literally contradict themselves in the span of a single chapter, Naruto's dialogue about wanting to die with Sasuke is blatant character assassination and it all ultimately serves no purpose (almost as if the author is telling us to pretend this part of the story never happened). Everything post 450 makes it abundantly clear that Kishimoto has no idea what he wants to do with this series. Sasuke is a member of the Akatsuki after the Itachi fight, but literally after the Pain arc, he spouts nonsense about no longer being a member since he upheld his end of the bargain to capture Bee. It was made clear that he was going to attack the leaf village (which would have been a better set piece than the bloated war arc) (hell, I don't even think Pain should have been given the opportunity to enter the leaf village since it undermines Sasuke's desire to do this). Not to mention all of these villains who are really being controlled by surprise surprise other villains (Pain < Obito < Madara < Zetsu < Kaguya < Aizen < Marijuana). The love, care and attention this shounen manga had been given over the course of 400+ chapters was erased and Naruto quickly devolved to same escalation/power-level/beam-spam nonsense you can find in any other series. Boruto takes these problems and makes them EVER WORSE with this whole Otsutski clan sh_t. That and Boruto is crappy and lazily written character. A lot of us grew up on Naruto because he was RELATABLE.  Boruto is not relatable. Just another edgelord gary-stu who is a dime a dozen these days. Even Boruto's entire angst angle is IDIOTIC given that it is a result of a problem even part 1 Naruto would know how to solve within ten seconds.
Under these circumstances, there is little wonder NS did not happen. The magic responsible for the original series' success disappeared 2/3 of the way through the original series. NS (and MANY other plot elements) needed this magic to work. Kishimoto got lazy and started getting writing advice from overseas YouTubers who have never written a single story in their entire lives. Over time, people began to sense that the magic emanating from the series they had fallen in love with had disappeared. Some of us noticed this in the form of the fights no longer having any real complexity to them and instead being glorified DBZ fights. Some of us noticed this in the form of previous plot lines either being abandoned outright or having no satisfying conclusion whatsoever (I like how all of the previous buildup about Danzo got reduced to nothing after having him quickly get killed after becoming Hokage; it's almost as if him becoming hokage did not matter). And some of noticed noticed this in the form of Naruto and Sakura's character arcs suddenly going in weird directions; if I'm reading chapter 459, 469 and 470 correctly, Naruto basically GAVE UP on his promise of a lifetime and confirmed to Sakura that he was saving only Sasuke for himself (keep in mind that Naruto's whole retarded 'lets die together' speech with Sasuke is an implicit acknowledgment that he is willing to accept an outcome where he fails to keep his promise to Sakura)---698 and 699 appear to be consistent with this, as the POAL is never referenced throughout these chapters despite it having been broadcasted as a pretty big moment for Naruto and Sakura throughout the end of part 1 and the beginning of part 2. Hell, even putting romance aside, the whole crap about Naruto being the child of prophecy and a bunch of other stuff that incidentally proves part 1 Neji right. A lot of people in the fandom saw these cracks and pipe-leaks forming in the series, but decided to keep watching/reading the series just to see how things ended or shipping. Believe it or not, even if a restaurant is bad, a lot of people will stick around and finish their meal at the restaurant. But once they're done, you can rest assured that those people will not come back. This is what happened to Naruto. People stuck it out to the end, but gave up on it afterwards and the thought of an emo gary-stu version of Naruto being the main character in a sequel didn't catch a lot of people's interest.

Edited by ThroughWithLove, 15 May 2023 - 06:09 AM.

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#30919 Tsuki Hoshino

Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 15 May 2023 - 03:59 PM

I think everyone is discounting the biggest fandom demographic of all; The nonshippers. They didn't CARE who ended up with who, they cared about the story and the specific characters they liked. The story quality declined+ended and they all moved on. Burritto didn't feature their favs enough to bother keeping up with, and if they had they would be sorely disappointed with what they got.  :zaru: 

From the get go you were only ever going to get a TINY fraction of the original Naruto fanbase to follow this kitten. By the Time Naruto ended most of the people who followed it from the start were entering or already in adulthood and had little interest in KID characters. 



Characters literally contradict themselves in the span of a single chapter, Naruto's dialogue about wanting to die with Sasuke is blatant character assassination and it all ultimately serves no purpose (almost as if the author is telling us to pretend this part of the story never happened). Everything post 450 makes it abundantly clear that Kishimoto has no idea what he wants to do with this series. Sasuke is a member of the Akatsuki after the Itachi fight, but literally after the Pain arc, he spouts nonsense about no longer being a member since he upheld his end of the bargain to capture Bee. It was made clear that he was going to attack the leaf village (which would have been a better set piece than the bloated war arc) (hell, I don't even think Pain should have been given the opportunity to enter the leaf village since it undermines Sasuke's desire to do this). Not to mention all of these villains who are really being controlled by surprise surprise other villains (Pain < Obito < Madara < Zetsu < Kaguya < Aizen < Marijuana). The love, care and attention this shounen manga had been given over the course of 400+ chapters was erased and Naruto quickly devolved to same escalation/power-level/beam-spam nonsense you can find in any other series. 

I'm pretty sure I recognized that the series was starting to get wonky right after Sasuke "Killed" Itachi and the whole reveal happened. I'm convinced Kishimoto did not originally intend for Itachi to be "A good guy all along." what he needed was a REAL reason for Naruto and Sasuke to fight to the death because the whole "I'mma bring Sasuke back to Konoha" Just wasn't cutting it as a justification. There is no reason for ANYONE who "loves" Sasuke to stop him from revenge. 

Reason #1 why SasuKarin would have been better than Sasusaku. Karin actually supports him in his goal instead of moralizing about things she can't understand. 

Essentially, the more Akatsuki members dead=the worse the story got  :hehehe: 

Also, The War Arc made ABOSULUTELY NO SENSE ANYWAYS. You're gonna make squads of ALL long distance fighters and then Squads of all short range fighters? What the ever loving hell is that about? Tactically its the stupidest thing i have ever heard of. Kishimoto played RPG'S before, he should have known better. You always want a well rounded group. It was lazy because he couldn't be bothered to think about which character's skills would play off another's best. 

And I'm still salty that Sakura and Sasori+Chiyo (if you count filler) didn't get a 2nd match up, (not that it would have lasted long since Sasori without puppets and poison is kinda useless :chuckle: ) those were the people SHE emotionally impacted, not Zabuza and Haku. Which brings me back to Kishimoto being a liar since it was around this time that he said "I want to Focus on Sakura and Kakashi" and he didn't  :hm:

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30920 Phantom_999


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Posted 16 May 2023 - 03:16 AM

Well like i said. I was a fan if the series before I'm a fan of the ships. since the story ened on such a kitten fest note and lies and hypocrisy, I decided I wasted my time with it , and am not bothering with it anymore. I may chck out new chapter leleases here everynow and then to see how low it can sink but I'm not investing my time and certainly not my money anymore. 


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