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#30881 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 06 May 2023 - 11:59 PM

Because we speak the truth on this BS because we know SS is a bad toxic relationship, teaching young women that they can change a crazy nut job into loving them, and nothing would go wrong. I even talked to my next-door neighbour yesterday, a woman, and she said Sasuke is a kitten.


So yeah, the mask is slipping from what I can see, just a NH fan or pro ender wanting a threat to go away because, again, we speak the truth on the BS manga. And that Kishi isn't a good writer and never was one.

They're def not a NH fan--that much is certain and its about the only thing I'll say in their defense--if you can even call it that since I strongly believe NH is less problematic than SS. 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30882 Therece



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Posted 07 May 2023 - 01:11 AM

If you don't like talking about NS, why are you even here?

But what's is about to talk about NS when current fandom doesn't care about NS anymore?
Most people just moved on, come to accept the final pairings or doesn't give a kitten about pairings.
Sure some of you can talk forever and agreed with themselves about how good NS was before Kage Summit Arc, how Kishimoto ruinned them, imagine NS as the perfect pairing, hates everything and refuse to see any good in series or Sakura future.     :ermm:


So yeah, the mask is slipping from what I can see, just a NH fan or pro ender wanting a threat to go away because, again, we speak the truth on the BS manga. And that Kishi isn't a good writer and never was one.


Pro Ending? I don't read or even like Burrito Manga.
Basically i just saw some Sakura and some fights scenes in Youtube, read the novels/Gaiden and this  SS manga/Popularity poll was the only thing interesting to talk about Naruto during these times. 
Don't insult me. I only come to accept SS because it's a Sakura pairing, see qualities who helped Sakura's character in these years , their popularity and appeal...
But i always will hate NH and Hinata. But i still don't consider their fans enemies and the franchise's ruin.
zaru.gif  This is totally Ikemoto and his manga fault and i'm glad NS doesn't exist in this kitten manga.

Edited by Therece, 07 May 2023 - 03:54 AM.

#30883 Moon_Girl


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Posted 07 May 2023 - 02:16 AM


If you only obligatory requirement to enjoy the sequel was just to see Sakura at Hinata's place as Naruto's housewife in Ikemoto's manga.

So you're pretty admitted you doesn't care about good writting or Sakura's character
Sakura/Kakashi are the only OG characters saved from Boruto disaster because they didn't appear in this manga.

While Sakura isn't perfect in these SS Spin Offs/Novel/Anime Episodes. It's much better than Boruto's manga.
I would prefer Sakura's death than NaruSaku in Ikemoto's universe considering Hinata's situation.

Amazing you assume that I would ever want Sakura to be a housewife. I wouldn't. And I don't think she would have in the sequel. Especially when it seems like Kishimoto set up the placements for Sakura and Hinata through Gaiden since Ikemoto didn't start on Burrito until after Gaiden iirc. 


No, I wouldn't wish this horrible ending on NS nor would I want Sakura to be demoted to a housewife. I, like all the other NS fans wanted her to be a power couple with Naruto like she used to and be a leader in the medical field by Naruto's side. Heck, I would have been happy with a 700-style epilogue. NS family and that's that. No sequel. I never even wanted a sequel for Naruto.
One of the things that hurt me the most was the assassination of Naruto and Sakura's characters. A NS ending wouldn't have done that. Even if a post NS ending ended up horrible, I would have still disowned it. I'm not the type to just suck copeium and force myself to like something if I don't like it or if it's bad. Even IF a ship I love is a part of it. I have the integrity and maturity to admit something is bad when it's bad. Even if I love it, I can admit when something is bad.
Example? I actually really like the Twilight series. Is it really bad? You bet your sweet bippy it is!! It's horrible in many ways and absolutely deserves the hate it gets. And I agree with a lot of it! But it's a guilty pleasure and I will not defend it. I don't even enjoy it in the fun-bad way.


If we had a NS ending instead, I could rest easy knowing that my two most beloved and favorite characters of 10+ years didn't have their core traits, personalities and development ripped out, spat on, stomped on and shat on to make a sequel happen. If the sequel sucked I could still call it out as such and avoid it. It didn't poison the ending of the original series and I could enjoy myself in the original series without it being tainted by the sequel.
But knowing that everything, all the development, foreshadowing and such was all for naught and ends up just completely disappearing as if it never happened, even their FRIENDSHIP, is way too depressing and upsetting. All those bonds built during the OG run were destroyed. The only relationship even remotely in tact is Naruto and Sasuke's. Sakura may as well have not even existed in team 7 in this crap sequel because Naruto and Sakura never interact anymore. Their amazing bond in the OG series is just gone. Without a trace. Amounted to absolutely nothing. Not even a solid friendship. It makes their OG relationship feel hollow, shallow and empty and kind of puts Sakura in an even worse light.
Was she just pretending to care about Naruto just so he could bring back her beloved Sasuke and once he did that, she was done with him? We know that's not true but that is what it looks like now. Her bond with him is no different from Rock Lee's or even Kiba.

Naruto's devotion and love to Sakura was beautiful and selfless like love should be.
All the Hinatards used to say Hinatata deserved Naruto's love and that's why NH should happen; but if we were to play that game (which is a horrible and degrading and disgusting game), Naruto deserved Sakura's love more than anyone else in the entire series deserved anything
Sakura's feelings growing towards Naruto was very natural, slow burn and beautiful in it's own right. She actually had real reasons to love him, unlike her ""love"" for Sasuke. It was real. It was believable. It was selfless. It was beautiful. Their chemistry was practically perfect. Seeing that being ripped apart and utterly destroyed and removed was heartbreaking. Their relationship was my top favorite thing about the series aside from them themselves.

Naruto never giving up was promptly spat on too. Granted, outside of shipping it was already being spat on since Kishimoto decided that he should just get free god powers instead of working for it after his near death experience in the final arc. But then in an attempt to keep that relevant, Studio Pierrot had to take a huge dump on him by going "Oh, yeah. That undeniable romantic love he had? That was 100% real? JK GET RETCON'D IT WAS JUST CUZ HE WANTED TO STEAL SASUKES GURL SO HE COULD HAVE A WIN AGAINST THE SAUCE HAHAHA HIS FURST LUV WUZ THE CREEPY STALKER GURL"
That pisses me off so much.

I could go on, but to save time, I'll just say this. A NS ending would have never needed to utterly destroy and crap upon Naruto and Sakura to happen. It -had- to happen to make NH/SS happen. They know, we know it, everyone knows it. The difference between us and the NH/SS fans is that we actually care. We actually cared that characters had to be unrealistically destroyed at their cores for ships that had zero real development happen simply because Studio Pierrot couldn't keep their Hinataboner under control. Coomerism and pornsickness at it's finest. 

No one can ever convince me Hinata had anything real going on that justified that level of destruction, retcons and crapshoots. Also yes, I am 99.999999% certain that SS only happened because of NH. The focus NH and Hinatatas got coupled with the whispers of what was going on in Studio Pierrot and the obvious Hinata vs Sakura bias that was shown in the anime itself has convinced me completely.


I do hope Kishimoto's wife still gives him crap about the ending to this day.

And idc if the SS novels are "better" than Burrito. If someone offers me either a pile of dog dung vs a pile of dog dung with some sprinkles on top, in the end I'm still getting a pile of dog dung.

Also I wish there wasn't a like limit. I want to give you guys all the likes.  :glare:

NaruSaku will always be better than crack and fan fiction

#30884 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 07 May 2023 - 03:56 AM

I disagree with this. Having been in a relationship with someone for years sometimes i still acted like I'm a teen all over again. That's just how it is in some relationships and often times it shows that the couple is still attracted to each other. I don't think Sakura needs to put down for that. I don't really see that as a flaw.

That's what people are complaining about according to therece. I find the edo tensei speech much more important and mockable.


I don't know your relationship with you significant other, and I'm not expecting you to share if you don't want to. But, I assume something special is required to bring this on or you notice something about them that gets you excited.


Ino notices Sasuke in the crowd far behind Sakura not even looking their direction just the back of his head. Sakura starts gushing about how hot he is. Ino question how she can feel like that when they have been married for years and how was she able to even go on a long term mission. Sakura says when she on a mission she can suppress herself but she can't in the village. Which implies she always acts like this in the village and more important to me is that it implies that Edo Tensei speech was done when she was still suppressing herself and what she really wants.


Which means Sakura: I consider reviving Sasuke with Edo Tensei if he were to die and hope he would consider doing that same. To very easily turns into, Sakura: I really want to use Edo Tensei on Sasuke, so we can be together forever.


Edited by Bail o' Lies, 07 May 2023 - 06:06 PM.

#30885 Therece



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Posted 07 May 2023 - 05:06 AM


No one can ever convince me Hinata had anything real going on that justified that level of destruction, retcons and crapshoots. Also yes, I am 99.999999% certain that SS only happened because of NH. The focus NH and Hinatatas got coupled with the whispers of what was going on in Studio Pierrot and the obvious Hinata vs Sakura bias that was shown in the anime itself has convinced me completely.





In the same interview Kishimoto mentioned some staff in Pierrot wanted NaruSaku but he refused. Pierrot made Sakura too much "Tsundere" and Hinata too much cute. This for sure helped the hate against Sakura at the time.
Neutral fans hated Sakura and SS fans made sure to join into NaruSaku hate club.
As soon NS died and SS was official. SS fans  entered into 100% Sakura support mode and this absolutely smashed Hinata.
Pierrot staff have no problem with NaruSaku. NH was just their plan "B"
Do you remember the Filler with Naruto declaring his love for Sakura? The OVA with Sasuke x Naruto. Naruto dead, Sakura crying for him and hugging after he awaken?  (Yep this was pure copy of the SS scene in land of waves arc and greatly upset SS fans)
Road to Ninja? Fillers and some fanservices in Endings or Openings?
NS have tons of fanservices. Part of Pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
Pierrot have nothing to do with SS/NH.  This was a solo decision between Kishimoto and his editors based in internal polls and public preferences at the time or maybe Kishimoto never lied and planned SS/NH since the beginning...
Who knows.
But Pierrot and their fillers has no power to influence Kishimoto and his editors.

Edited by Therece, 07 May 2023 - 06:14 AM.

#30886 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 07 May 2023 - 02:34 PM

I think its a bit silly to assume that because Hinata ended up as Naruto's housewife, Sakura would suffer the same fate in an NS ending just because Ikemoto is a POS. The difference is Hinata never had anything going for her besides Naruto, there was never really a second option for her since her only interests were him and knitting. Her own father said she lacked the will to fight and he didn't care if she died way back in part one TO KURENAI'S FACE much less. Presumably the only reason she became a ninja for even as short time was because she was forced but saw Naruto trying his best and it inspired her to do the same.

Once again I love how Hiashi being an absolute kitten bag of a father was just wiped away in this travesty of a series like so many other things.

I think SP has more control than you think considering they literally made up filler to redeem Hiashi of all this and show that princess Hinata was a hidden gem her family glossed over all along.  :zaru:

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30887 Luna



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Posted 07 May 2023 - 03:36 PM

Honestly, I feel like I should've been rooting for Sakura x Lee all these years. Like Hinata is the main character's wife and that's how she ended up. Nothing against Naruto, I still love NS but damn, the writers really did a lot of these couples and characters kitten. 


#30888 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 07 May 2023 - 04:21 PM

I'm with you on everything but this. I think it would be as equally ridiculous and stupid of Sakura to do that as I do towards Hinata. 

Hinata herself states that what she's doing is selfish and self serving and she's right. Its so unbelievably cruel to get yourself killed Infront of someone while confessing your love for them. She's "lucky" she didn't die because then that's a load of guilt only Naruto has to carry for the rest of his life.



I think Kishimoto "Originally" had the intention of there being some sort of romantic subtext between Tsunade/Orochimaru/Jiraiya since its a formula he seems to love but he never really committed himself to it. What I think's become abundantly clear is that the number one reason he edo-tensei'd Dan into the end of the story was largely to torpedo the Narusaku/Tsuraiya parallels.

Tsuraiya showed that a woman could have more than one love in her life& that some men will wait forever for their opportunity--can't have that if you want babies for a successful spinoff. 

The Minakushi/Narusaku comparison was so clear and obvious there was nothing he could do to undo it  :hehehe:  


I don't see Sakura acting quite the same way as Hinata in that scenario. Due to preexisting development from Sakura on this, the scene would play off of what Yamata and Sakura talked about in chapter 297. I definitely didn't mean throwing in a love confession just yet. I think the only proper way to do an NS confession is to have Naruto finally correct the mistake he made in chapter 3 and simply utter those words himself without being disguised as Sasuke. In my mind, Sakura is always going to have lingering feelings for Sasuke until realizing that it was Naruto who said those words in chapter, not Sasuke. :happy:


I agree with you on there not actually being much of a Tsunade/Orochimaru parallel. I was mistaken.



If he's not handsome, what of him is of interest to her? Unless the thing that really turns Sakura on is fawning over people who ignore her and playing the victim of how "She barely sees her husband" Literally don't understand what SAKURA gets from Sasuke. I understand what HE gets from her, but relationships that are successful require some sort of feedback and reciprocity that these two don't have. 


Exactly. If Sasuke came back after the first timeskip looking like a troll, SS would've been sunk right then and there. And that's sad. :chuckle:  The way they interact makes it abundantly clear that it was never intended on actually being a serious relationship.



But what's is about to talk about NS when current fandom doesn't care about NS anymore?
Most people just moved on, come to accept the final pairings or doesn't give a kitten about pairings.
Sure some of you can talk forever and agreed with themselves about how good NS was before Kage Summit Arc, how Kishimoto ruinned them, imagine NS as the perfect pairing, hates everything and refuse to see any good in series or Sakura future.     :ermm:


See, this is how I know with 100% certainty that you are not an NS fan and have likely never been one. We talk about all kinds of stuff here despite NS canon having died nine years ago. We talk about what this series could have been, we talk about fanfiction, we talk about fanart, we talk about ongoing canon and how it would be better with NS. Seriously, your logic is the equivalent to saying that the Godfather came out 40 years, so it's no longer worth talking about the Godfather. That's crazy. 


And why in blue blazes should the so-called "current fandom" not caring about NS affect our ability to discuss it? Because other people don't want to talk about it, we shouldn't talk about it? You need to open your mind and stop being so fixated on what other people think. Do you realize that in the entire time you've been on this for, you haven't had a single thing to say about NS without mentioning SS in the same post? I don't even think you've even once commented on why you allegedly like NS or what you think is good about it. It's as if your goal here is just to do the same concern troll routine others have tried (and failed at) in the past. The hilarious thing is that you could be a diehard SS fan but still actually want to talk about NS here and no one here would have a problem with you. I can't believe you would let your mask slip enough to say this forum needs to be shutdown. What in the world is wrong with you? It's obvious you don't like the people here; you have nothing but CONTEMPT for us and what we believe to spout nonsense like that :lmao:


I'll let you in on a little secret: Do you see the pairing in my signature? They're from an anime called Akame ga Kill. Contrary to what is implied in my signature, this ship is NOT CANON. The author destroyed any chance of that pairing occurring with bad and lazy writing. Do you know what I did in response? I went and wrote a 300,000 word fanfic about these characters, fixed a bunch of issues with the way the story played out and ended up being pretty well received with hundreds of reviews. With even less effort, I once did the same with the Naruto ending and fixed a bunch of issues with the series all within confines of rewriting chapters 693 - 700. A bunch of fans loved the story.


Just because someone is canon does not mean that you can't talk about anything but the canon. A lot of times, it turns out that a lot of likeminded people are hungering for something beyond the canon. That is why this forum still stands, my friend. It is also why your calls to have this place shutdown fall on deaf ears.


Above all else, I reject supporting the current Naruto canon on principle. You yourself agree the current Naruto is trash. The problem, however ,is that when you support trash, you get more trash. If Kishimoto wants my readership and monetary support to his product back, he's going to have to earn it. Until then, I'm fine sitting on the sidelines and contributing to a fandom that is not supported by canon. As far as I'm concerned, the fanon far exceeds canon at this point. :thumb:


I think its a bit silly to assume that because Hinata ended up as Naruto's housewife, Sakura would suffer the same fate in an NS ending just because Ikemoto is a POS. The difference is Hinata never had anything going for her besides Naruto, there was never really a second option for her since her only interests were him and knitting. Her own father said she lacked the will to fight and he didn't care if she died way back in part one TO KURENAI'S FACE much less. Presumably the only reason she became a ninja for even as short time was because she was forced but saw Naruto trying his best and it inspired her to do the same.

Once again I love how Hiashi being an absolute kitten bag of a father was just wiped away in this travesty of a series like so many other things.

I think SP has more control than you think considering they literally made up filler to redeem Hiashi of all this and show that princess Hinata was a hidden gem her family glossed over all along.  :zaru:


Sakura is a radically different character than Hinata. If she were Naruto's wife and were written in character, the entire premise of the Boruto movie is DOA. Naruto's paper work lust will be nonexistent and he won't be out of shape either.


And yeah, Hinata's entire backstory was whitewashed, clearly proving that she was never intended to be anything more than a glorified filler character. 



Pierrot have nothing to do with SS/NH.  This was a solo decision between Kishimoto and his editors based in internal polls and public preferences at the time or maybe Kishimoto never lied and planned SS/NH since the beginning...

Who knows.
But Pierrot and their fillers has no power to influence Kishimoto and his editors.



Not a chance that Kishimoto planned SS/NH since the beginning. Unless people seriously believe the complete nonsense that the blatant parellels were red herrings. Not to mention Kishi's wife being the real Sakura and Kishimoto thinking of himself as Naruto. It's obvious what his original intentions were. :yes:


And Pierrot has plenty of influence over Kishimoto and his editors. Your own posts spells it out as far as what happened with Sakura and Hinata's popularity. NH was a poorly thought-out (though hindsight is 20/20) business decision and nothing more. Now that that business decision has clearly failed, they've packed both Naruto and Hinata onto a bus. It's embarrassing AND hilarious really. :lmao:

Edited by ThroughWithLove, 07 May 2023 - 04:23 PM.

Posted Image


Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#30889 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 07 May 2023 - 06:58 PM




Honestly, I feel like I should've been rooting for Sakura x Lee all these years. Like Hinata is the main character's wife and that's how she ended up. Nothing against Naruto, I still love NS but damn, the writers really did a lot of these couples and characters kitten. 



It seems to be the MAIN characters of the OG that are really kittened over. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke. 

I'd say Hinata but 1. she's not a main and 2. she got everything she ever wanted until her hubby got snatched up and sealed away  :zaru: 

Lee's out there living his best life with his mini clone, Orochimaru got what he always wanted and never deserved. Temari and Shika are fine, Ino and Sai are living the life one might have hoped for Sakura to have. Tenten's got a kitten failing weapons business, Konohamaru's basically...useless and Gaara's life isn't what I expected but meh, it could be worse? 

TBH I pissed off about Mei. Mei wanted to get married and it should have happened instead of being treated as a joke  :hm:


I don't see Sakura acting quite the same way as Hinata in that scenario. Due to preexisting development from Sakura on this, the scene would play off of what Yamata and Sakura talked about in chapter 297. I definitely didn't mean throwing in a love confession just yet. I think the only proper way to do an NS confession is to have Naruto finally correct the mistake he made in chapter 3 and simply utter those words himself without being disguised as Sasuke. In my mind, Sakura is always going to have lingering feelings for Sasuke until realizing that it was Naruto who said those words in chapter, not Sasuke.  :happy:


I agree with you on there not actually being much of a Tsunade/Orochimaru parallel. I was mistaken.



Exactly. If Sasuke came back after the first timeskip looking like a troll, SS would've been sunk right then and there. And that's sad.  :chuckle:  The way they interact makes it abundantly clear that it was never intended on actually being a serious relationship.




Okay, well I agree that swapping Sakura in place of Hinata doesn't mean that the scenario plays out the same. It probably wouldn't have mattered much to the fandom if Sakura swooped in there though because they would have said "oh look Sakura is abandoning her duty to administer medical aid to get herself killed. Useless kitten" Or something  :hm: 

And you're absolutely right that coming full circle to chapter 3 and finally revealing that it was NARUTO not Sasuke who loved the thing about her Sakura hated most would have tied the whole thing up. It explains why Sakura couldn't let go of Sasuke and it would be the thing that could finally let her move on. but alas. 

Its an easy mistake to make tbh, Kishimoto did the love triangle teams so many times  :argh: 

Again, its easy to see why SASUKE would want to be with Sakura. She accepts every bad thing he does, lets him do whatever he wants, fawns all over him and when he wants it (and probably even when he doesn't  :twitch: ) he's got it. WTF does Sakura get FROM HIM? He's not around, he's not emotionally supportive because that's just not in his character, they don't share any common interests, their attitudes are complete opposite...

I actually DO understand why the fandom "likes it" because dark mysterious guy with a traumatic past+ healing, supportive long suffering woman who brings him into the light is a common trope for a reason...  but what people really seem to like about SS is the headcanons they project onto and into what's actually happening. "Oh Sasuke is really super into Sakura, its just no one call tell except her! And he's like, the best daddy evaaaa super protective and supportive." despite all evidence otherwise. 

Since I write Sasosaku I run into a lot of people who ship all sorts of things. I get people who hate Sasuke, I get people who ship SS and Multisaku's but the one thing almost everyone agrees on is that they don't like how SS comes across in CANON and that's gratifying. 

I think the biggest issue Narusaku would have faced as a married couple with kids is actually finding time together. You'll never convince me that Orphan From Birth Naruto would prefer paperwork to family time even as Hokage--that man would be using Kagebunshin to do the village work and nagging his workaholic wife to come out of the hospital for a few hours and play hookey with him and the kids   :hm:

Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 07 May 2023 - 07:00 PM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30890 Derock


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Posted 07 May 2023 - 09:44 PM

I think the biggest issue Narusaku would have faced as a married couple with kids is actually finding time together. You'll never convince me that Orphan From Birth Naruto would prefer paperwork to family time even as Hokage--that man would be using Kagebunshin to do the village work and nagging his workaholic wife to come out of the hospital for a few hours and play hookey with him and the kids   :hm:


Actually, they can work. First off, you will definitely have Naruto NOT do paperwork and he will definitely bribe Shikamaru or maybe Kakashi to do it. He can still be mischievous as an adult. Also, ignoring the Kage Bushin, because he will definitely abuse the jutsu, work and at home. Plus, at least it would showing him as a diligent husband towards Sakura, especially either playing hookey or even showing up at Sakura's office lunch/break hours. Even with their kid(s), at least he won't be as ignorant as how Masashi and Ikemoto portray him in Boruto by being the doting and loving father without the BS that was showing in this current canonicity. I think many will question or concern about NaruSaku as a married couple with kid(s) is their issue of balance (but it can potentially can solve straight away).


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#30891 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 07 May 2023 - 10:30 PM

I'm not arguing that they can't work, I'm just saying that if they "needed" Family issues of contention that would probably be their biggest issue. Sakura is way more work driven than Naruto and considering how high-strung she tends to be, everything is a crisis that needs immediate solving. Just my thoughts tho. 

I'm not sure Kakashi can be bribed into that, but Shikamaru? He'd be left miserably holding the bag because someone has to do it  :zaru: 
On the subject of Naruto being ignorant; Its just very odd to me that Naruto, despite hardly ever being home and soooo busy, whose having issues with his own son just picks up some random kid and plops him into his house. (And don't get me wrong, what little I know of Kawaki makes me like him more than Burrito, he's infinitely more sympathetic than "waaaah my daddy skipped dinner to work again.") but If that's the way that you're adopting kids, you're doing it wrong. 


                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30892 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 08 May 2023 - 04:53 AM

I always foresaw Hokage Naruto mastering the shadow clone jutsu to the extent that it was not only impossible to tell the difference between the clones and the real one (with a running gag being that Sakura was probably the only person in the world who could immediately distinguish the clones from the real one), but that Naruto would have at least 10,000 clones active at ALL TIMES. One clone in the hokage's office, one clone teaching at the academy, one clone running the orphanage, one clone helping run Ichiraku's ramen, one clone helping the guards stand post at the village gates, etc etc etc. And his mastery would be such that Naruto would've overcome the mental drain side effect we saw when this training was used during the Kakuzu arc. I also always foresaw Sakura as handling most of the administrative work in the hokage's office (with another running gag being that she was more or less the real hokage most of the time). They would certainly have time for their kids under this scenario And I don't see anything unethical about having clones do the paper work. That's just stupid Boruto writing. :lmao:

Edited by ThroughWithLove, 08 May 2023 - 04:55 AM.

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Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#30893 Phantom_999


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Posted 08 May 2023 - 09:30 PM

I'm not arguing that they can't work, I'm just saying that if they "needed" Family issues of contention that would probably be their biggest issue. Sakura is way more work driven than Naruto and considering how high-strung she tends to be, everything is a crisis that needs immediate solving. Just my thoughts tho. 

I'm not sure Kakashi can be bribed into that, but Shikamaru? He'd be left miserably holding the bag because someone has to do it  :zaru: 
On the subject of Naruto being ignorant; Its just very odd to me that Naruto, despite hardly ever being home and soooo busy, whose having issues with his own son just picks up some random kid and plops him into his house. (And don't get me wrong, what little I know of Kawaki makes me like him more than Burrito, he's infinitely more sympathetic than "waaaah my daddy skipped dinner to work again.") but If that's the way that you're adopting kids, you're doing it wrong. 



That really is one double standard I will never understand. He's too busy to spend time with his kids but he can afford to adopt another one and gives the adopted kid his undivided attention. 

Edited by Phantom_999, 09 May 2023 - 12:00 AM.


#30894 Nostradamus


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Posted 08 May 2023 - 09:40 PM


That really is one double standard I will never understand. he's too busy to spend time with his kids but he can afford to adopt another one and gives the adopted kid his undivided attention. 

Well that's what happens when don't love the person you are with. And just get together because of different reasons.

I've seen it plenty of times in real life. And having a kid with them won't help the situation. It won't make you fall in love with that person or the kid. It just makes the entire situation worse than it already was.

Edited by Nostradamus, 09 May 2023 - 05:58 PM.

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#30895 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 08 May 2023 - 10:14 PM

I always foresaw Hokage Naruto mastering the shadow clone jutsu to the extent that it was not only impossible to tell the difference between the clones and the real one (with a running gag being that Sakura was probably the only person in the world who could immediately distinguish the clones from the real one), but that Naruto would have at least 10,000 clones active at ALL TIMES. ...

And I don't see anything unethical about having clones do the paper work. That's just stupid Boruto writing. :lmao:

seems a little OP to me but then again considering the how kittened the power scale became in this series--why not?  :zaru: Its an interesting idea even if its not necessarily something I would write. 

Meh, nah Sakura needs to have like something for herself outside of Naruto. Her own little kingdom in the hospital where she can play Dr. Tyrant to her little hearts desire.



That really is one double standard I will never understand. he's too busy to spend time with his kids but he can afford to adopt another one and gives the adopted kid his undivided attention. 

I wonder how that conversation went with Hinata. (oh wait no I don't because it was probably; "Of course Naruto-kun, whatever you say Naruto-kun~" ) This IS the woman who told her son, with his hurt feelings to suck it up because his dad had more important things than their family. 


                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30896 Kagomaru


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    NaruSaku (Naruto x Sakura)
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Posted 09 May 2023 - 12:26 AM

seems a little OP to me but then again considering the how kittened the power scale became in this series--why not?  :zaru: Its an interesting idea even if its not necessarily something I would write. 

Meh, nah Sakura needs to have like something for herself outside of Naruto. Her own little kingdom in the hospital where she can play Dr. Tyrant to her little hearts desire.


I wonder how that conversation went with Hinata. (oh wait no I don't because it was probably; "Of course Naruto-kun, whatever you say Naruto-kun~" ) This IS the woman who told her son, with his hurt feelings to suck it up because his dad had more important things than their family. 


And when she (very briefly) considered talking to her husband about their son and the rift between them, she refrained from doing so because she did not want to burden her husband with the issue.


"Burden."  That's how she views her child's thoughts and feelings of neglect and uncertainty. :facepalm:    



That really is one double standard I will never understand. He's too busy to spend time with his kids but he can afford to adopt another one and gives the adopted kid his undivided attention. 


And before him was Sarada, to whom he expressed far more emotional investment and support to than he ever demonstrated toward either of he and Hinata's spawns.


Light and Shadow are the only static creations of this universe. 

#30897 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 09 May 2023 - 12:41 AM

seems a little OP to me but then again considering the how kittened the power scale became in this series--why not?  :zaru: Its an interesting idea even if its not necessarily something I would write.


I think a post-series Naruto should be a complete OP broken monster based on all the skills and abilities they gave him throughout the war arc.  Does this mean they would need to utilize him in the story? Nah. If I were writing the sequel series, Naruto's son (Shinachiku) would be handling smaller scale threats and we would revisit the street level strategy focused combat that made Part 1 so great. Maybe every once in a while having one of these guys try to flex on one of Naruto's shadowclones only to get utterly embarrassed. Either way, Naruto is largely out of focus and storylines won't involve stopping invincible poorly written eldritch abominations every story arc. A sequel series should involve the series getting back to its roots and actually being about ninjas once again.

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Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#30898 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 09 May 2023 - 02:03 AM

Holy crap! 


It's been a long time since a page was so active on this site. It's kind of refreshing, not gonna lie. 

#30899 Therece



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Posted 09 May 2023 - 05:34 AM

We see this paralleled with Rin and Kakashi, Tsunade and Orochimaru and so on and so on. This is part of the reason Sakura was hated. She was shallow. We NS fans supported her to great lengths because the story kept hinting that she wasn't shallow, that she slowly growing up and that with time and effort, she would blossom into the mature young woman she was always meant to be.


Sakura was hated because fillers and Naruto self inserts.
Pierrot making Sakura being useless and needed to be rescued at every second  and still punching Naruto didn't do any good to her image. Sakura was hated way before than Kage Summit arc and fake confession destroyed any chance to Sakura redeem her image at the moment.
But now at least the current SS/Sakura fans are much more vocal than Haters or Hinatards.



Okay.  Okay.

But when did Tsunade loved Orochimaru? Tsunade coudn't care less about Orochimaru and never helped Jiraiya to bring him back.  Actually Tsunade left the Village before Orochimaru. So this parallel didn't work too much well. 

You have Tsunade x Dan and Tsunade x Jiraiya.

NaruSaku isn't both pairings.


Madara/Hashimara/Mito could be a interesting pararell. But at this time i think Kishimoto was already tired of love Triangles and didn't bother to show Mito. Madara and Hashirama were just true bros who didn't needs womans in their relatioship.


Minato/Kushina is good. But Kushina never have a first love interest before MInato and neither was into a love triangle. 

Obito the Naruto's parallel was the one who killed Kushina and ruinned MinaKushi.

Kakashi/Rin x Obito/Rin is the only true pararell related to SasuSaku x NaruSaku.

Kakashi and Obito recognized and saw their past selves in Sasuke and Naruto.

Kakashi is the Sasuke who never becomed Evil, Obito the Naruto who turned Evil and Rin a bland Sakura.

The exact same dinamic as a team 7.


So at the time i was surprised of how Sasuke did the exact opposite of Kakashi who tried at least tried to push Rin to Obito after his death.   The Sauce just come back and stolen Sakura while giving zero kittens to Naruto's feeling.
Kakashi made sure to Sasuke don't repeat the same mistake as him and supported Sakura.

Well at least Naruto becomed Hokage and still got the Byakugan princess




Edited by Therece, 10 May 2023 - 02:09 PM.

#30900 Moon_Girl


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Posted 09 May 2023 - 07:53 AM

In the same interview Kishimoto mentioned some staff in Pierrot wanted NaruSaku but he refused. Pierrot made Sakura too much "Tsundere" and Hinata too much cute. This for sure helped the hate against Sakura at the time.
Neutral fans hated Sakura and SS fans made sure to join into NaruSaku hate club.
As soon NS died and SS was official. SS fans  entered into 100% Sakura support mode and this absolutely smashed Hinata.
Pierrot staff have no problem with NaruSaku. NH was just their plan "B"
Do you remember the Filler with Naruto declaring his love for Sakura? The OVA with Sasuke x Naruto. Naruto dead, Sakura crying for him and hugging after he awaken?  (Yep this was pure copy of the SS scene in land of waves arc and greatly upset SS fans)
Road to Ninja? Fillers and some fanservices in Endings or Openings?
NS have tons of fanservices. Part of Pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
Pierrot have nothing to do with SS/NH.  This was a solo decision between Kishimoto and his editors based in internal polls and public preferences at the time or maybe Kishimoto never lied and planned SS/NH since the beginning...
Who knows.
But Pierrot and their fillers has no power to influence Kishimoto and his editors.

Kishimoto never refused NS. Unless you're taking that from a post ending interview. If so, you absolutely have to take those with a huge grain of salt. Kishimoto has contradicted himself several times since the ending. He can't be trusted post-ending. Especially when the results of the ending blew up in his face so he was doing some hardcore damage control, along with SP and his editors.
He absolutely did lie about NH/SS being planned from the beginning. The man said he planned it "halfway" or "near the end", pick an interview.

Pierrot absolutely had something to do with it. I recall hearing that Kishimoto didn't write or plan "The Last'. It was presented to him by Studio Pierrot years before he was finished with Naruto. I'm sure he helped guide it and have some revisions. But you can't look me in the eye and tell me that Pierrot did not have anything to do with it. According to some Japanese sources, there were straight up Sakura hate campaigns in the studio. His editors were in on it, showing him bias videos of Hinata lovers and Sakura haters. His interviews before the ending happened absolutely reflect this. Having to remind people that Hinata is not the heroine and how he mentioned seeing a western youtuber video and describing the background. Turns out the Youtuber in question was an extreme Hinata fan and anti-Sakura.

You're really giving me the idea that you didn't really join in on this until after Naruto ended. All of us were there watching it all unfold and much of it is buried to time and NS fans/a lot of neutral fans leaving the series.
Yeah, Naruto lost a crapton of its fandom after the ending because people were so pissed off.

You can't tell me that he had things planned out when all the most intimate people in his life and in the series were shocked and upset over the pairing ending.
This includes the man's very own wife. Oh, and Naruto's Japanese voice actress. 
They were 100% rooting for NS and even Naruto's voice actress commented that NH/SS came out of absolutely nowhere and it shocked her. Kishimoto's wife had strong words and opinions for him at the ending.

No one can convince me this was planned. I'm 10000% certain NS was planned until some corporate meddling kicked in.

Even if you don't believe SP had anything to do with it, the evidence of them meddling is 100% there. If anything, they manipulated and formed the public opinion on Sakura.
She was poorly written in the anime, drawn poorly most of the time and they upped her smacking around Naruto by 50000%.

All the while, they had their best animators work on Hinata moments, put her on a pedestal, make her as cute, sexy and sweet and appealing as possible. And they absolutely were not hiding it. They based several of their bonus gag clips after episodes in later Shippuden about it.

Also just read the manga. NaruSaku was the obvious ship until the last arc, where Hinata was suddenly taking the spotlight way way more than she ever had and doing things that was usually Sakura's job. (I.E fixing his dislocated shoulder. Hinata has, canonically, zero medical experience. Except for that one SP filler episode where she magically learned how to do medical ninjutsu. Just another bias gift from her simps.)

If NH didn't happen, NS would have. SS needed NH to happen for it to happen. And the people who wanted NH to happen the most were the loudest and were on the inside, aggressively pushing for it. SS was just the throw away ship. But that's the one modern fans love the most because they always were a SS fan or because it's the closest thing they have to a Team 7 dynamic left.

Edited by Moon_Girl, 09 May 2023 - 08:26 AM.

NaruSaku will always be better than crack and fan fiction

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