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The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

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#30121 Derock


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Posted 06 February 2022 - 03:45 AM

Vegeta and bulma are a great couple and sasuke and sakura done right as bulma actually changed vegeta. another example is gajeel and levy from fairy tail look how they started and where they ended


Not initially at first. The only reason Bulma and Vegeta became canon was because to give a good legitimate reason for Trunks' existence.  Back then, DB fans didn't even care for Bulma X Vegeta. 


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#30122 Phantom_999


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Posted 06 February 2022 - 09:56 AM

Let's not forget that Bulma and Vegeta were VERY much the same as SasuSaku until the time skip to the Buu arc. Until then Vegeta couldn't spare a thought to Bulma and Trunks and didn't even look like he cared if they died and that persisted until the aftermath of the Cell fight. But key point is Vegeta became better about it in every sense of the word. A better father, better husband, and a better man when Z officially ended. Sasuke ticks none of those off

Edited by Phantom_999, 22 May 2022 - 05:03 PM.


#30123 Phantom_999


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Posted 07 February 2022 - 06:07 AM

To reiterate, Sasuke may be on the good side now but he is still an obnoxious anti-social kitten that has not changed or improved his ways at all. Lest we forget he was mere inches away from killing his own daughter because he IS anti-social and paranoid


#30124 Namaenash



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Posted 07 February 2022 - 10:18 AM

"... he was mere inches away from killing his own daughter."

Boruto Gaiden is another proof of plot setup that goes nowhere. At that time I can't comprehend how on earth an author capable of producing one of the most successful manga all time, to come up with Boruto Gaiden.

There's no point to the story at all. lol. A father who has never visited his wife and kids for 12 years? A wife that has little recollection whether his husband wear a glasses or not? Let's not mention she pasted her photo on top of Karin's. There's zero thought process. Zero creativity to come up with compelling story. It further exposed us that Kishi is not as good as we thought him to be. No wonder the market corrects itself.

http://namaenasuyou.tumblr.com/     ||     https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6308104/


"I'm sorry I didn't believe. But I'd given up believing in so much, until I met you. From the first day I saw you, you were everything I ever wanted to believe in. You can do this, Diana. I know you can...But I have to go."

"What? What are you saying?"

"It's okay, this is what I came here to do. I can save today, but you... you can save the world."

#30125 Phantom_999


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Posted 07 February 2022 - 05:03 PM

WEEEELLL......... it was a patch work attempt to not piss off SasuSaku fans though, admittedly. The writing was originally meant to subtlety throw the couple under the bus and ultimately portray that Sakura is Sarada's mother, blood or not. If you take that into consideration then consider the fact that editors forced Kishi to change it lest they chase off the SS too from supporting the series any further, then it kind of unfolds itself. Not that I disagree with Kishi being an incompetent writer but...

Edited by Phantom_999, 20 March 2022 - 02:12 PM.


#30126 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 07 February 2022 - 06:22 PM

"... he was mere inches away from killing his own daughter."

Boruto Gaiden is another proof of plot setup that goes nowhere. At that time I can't comprehend how on earth an author capable of producing one of the most successful manga all time, to come up with Boruto Gaiden.

There's no point to the story at all. lol. A father who has never visited his wife and kids for 12 years? A wife that has little recollection whether his husband wear a glasses or not? Let's not mention she pasted her photo on top of Karin's. There's zero thought process. Zero creativity to come up with compelling story. It further exposed us that Kishi is not as good as we thought him to be. No wonder the market corrects itself.

Largely what Phantom said.


The gaiden comes off as two things one) Kishimoto -which he has publicly admitted to in interviews- having a female focus story to show how, "not sexist," he is since he was finally hearing people accuse him of being so, and two) work off his frustration that SS exist.


Focusing on the SS part first he went to explore the problems it had in the ending and somehow made it worse. Sasuke in the ending sounded like he did come and visit his family when he drifted into the village every once and awhile to Sasuke literally has spent 12 years avoiding seeing his family to the point he has a known way of both contacting Naruto to meet him at a known meeting place outside the village just to ensure that he there is no chance of interacting with either Sakura or Salad.


Sakura knows so little about Sasuke or his life that she doesn't even know if he ever wore glasses or not.


Salad looks so much like Karin that she may as well be a love child between them that Sasuke had Sakura raise so she would leave him alone.


Overall, if there is anyone love between the two it comes off as unhealthy and miserable to both sides.


Of course fans of the pairing complained and the editors put at stop to it before the gaiden ended, but it was so lazily patched up that it still sour many to the couple and continuing to support the franchise.


Now for how he did with Salad. Funny enough, she is the most popular and least divisive of the entire new generation's cast by far...the problem comes in that they don't want to use her and keep sidelining her to the point she barely exist in the plot.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 08 February 2022 - 09:48 AM.

#30127 tricksie


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Posted 07 February 2022 - 08:45 PM

"... he was mere inches away from killing his own daughter."

Boruto Gaiden is another proof of plot setup that goes nowhere. At that time I can't comprehend how on earth an author capable of producing one of the most successful manga all time, to come up with Boruto Gaiden.

There's no point to the story at all. lol. A father who has never visited his wife and kids for 12 years? A wife that has little recollection whether his husband wear a glasses or not? Let's not mention she pasted her photo on top of Karin's. There's zero thought process. Zero creativity to come up with compelling story. It further exposed us that Kishi is not as good as we thought him to be. No wonder the market corrects itself.

I have feelings about this of how they handled Sakura. And no matter how far I get from Naruto's botched ending, I think this will always be the most shocking and disappointing thing for me. 


No reader wants to see their favorite character and heroine of the series turned into a literally housewife in maids clothes for a man she's A) not married to, B) doesn't seem to care about her and C) doesn't want to see her or the child produced from apparently one night of sex (with no relationship).


It was such blatant Sakura bashing at the end. By all of them, Kishi included. He sold out his heroine. If anything, it should have been Hinata, the clan princess, at home dusting her family's memorabilia and playing the dutiful wifey. It's literally all her character was made for. Instead they took away all of Sakura's accomplishments and made her stay at home to take care of the Uchiha legacy that even Sasuke doesn't care about.


It was the ultimate scene of character destruction, and Kishimoto drew it.


Add to that the little cat-and-mouse game of did Sasuke really love her? Is Karin the mother? What they are really saying is 'look how low and desperate Sakura is to still chase after Sasuke even though he might have...possibly...probably got someone else pregnant. And now she's raising their child.' It was a gimmick to get people to read Boruto...but it's rooted in just more straight-up Sakura bashing. 


And even Naruto's nonsense speech about how you feel not what's real or not. What garbage. The guy who was regularly meeting with Sasuke, and who knew his supposed 'best friend' had left his former love interest high-and-dry with a baby and house payments. And yet he doesn't come right out and say to Sarada, "Sakura's your mom. Go home and stop hurting her feelings. She's got it hard enough since Sasuke left."


Instead his words still dance around the idea that Sarada is adopted. Total garbage from Naruto, and just more Sakura-bashing, only this time from out of the mouth of the one who said he loved her best.


You can not tell me that if they knew how popular SS was now, they would have written her this way!!! Right?!


Nobody gives a crap about Hinata or Naruto now....but the Sakura and Sasuke fans are rabid for her and for the ship. It's kinda like...uh, where ya been?!? Sakura was great before, when ya didn't care a bit about her! lol


But the morally grey, dark-haired character and the beautiful, strong heroine is soooo popular right now. Hello, Reylo much? Rhysand and Feyre from ACOTAR or Cardan from the Cruel Prince series?!


I've seen so much art about Sasuke and Sakura, so many little excerpts from their book (like where he gives her a ring), so many people saying that Sakura is their 'queen.' If they knew she was going to be this popular, and that a resurgence of SS was what was going to come out of Boruto, I think the creators would have taken an entirely different direction with Sakura. 


Kishimoto gave in to the Sakura haters and really tried to write her off at the end of the manga and the beginning of Boruto. But the SS fans have turned that over. 


Which shows that yes, they absolutely do not know how to write for their characters or even what their audience really wants. 


And Kishimoto is a terrible writer. Yes he was/is a good illustrator, and he comes up with scenes that have some dramatic plot twists. But when he really shined he had a editor with a strong sense of the whole storyline, and kept Kishimoto to that framework. When that editor left, it quickly turned into just a series of conflicts and resolutions. There was no more story.


So it doesn't surprise me that Boruto goes nowhere. After the battle with Pain, Naruto didn't go anywhere either. We just didn't know how bad it was yet. 


The fact that they bashed Sakura so badly, and yet she's turned out to be more popular than ever because of SS tells me they are still just winging it.

#30128 Luna



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Posted 07 February 2022 - 09:22 PM

I have feelings about this of how they handled Sakura. And no matter how far I get from Naruto's botched ending, I think this will always be the most shocking and disappointing thing for me. 


No reader wants to see their favorite character and heroine of the series turned into a literally housewife in maids clothes for a man she's A) not married to, B) doesn't seem to care about her and C) doesn't want to see her or the child produced from apparently one night of sex (with no relationship).


It was such blatant Sakura bashing at the end. By all of them, Kishi included. He sold out his heroine. If anything, it should have been Hinata, the clan princess, at home dusting her family's memorabilia and playing the dutiful wifey. It's literally all her character was made for. Instead they took away all of Sakura's accomplishments and made her stay at home to take care of the Uchiha legacy that even Sasuke doesn't care about.


It was the ultimate scene of character destruction, and Kishimoto drew it.


Add to that the little cat-and-mouse game of did Sasuke really love her? Is Karin the mother? What they are really saying is 'look how low and desperate Sakura is to still chase after Sasuke even though he might have...possibly...probably got someone else pregnant. And now she's raising their child.' It was a gimmick to get people to read Boruto...but it's rooted in just more straight-up Sakura bashing. 


And even Naruto's nonsense speech about how you feel not what's real or not. What garbage. The guy who was regularly meeting with Sasuke, and who knew his supposed 'best friend' had left his former love interest high-and-dry with a baby and house payments. And yet he doesn't come right out and say to Sarada, "Sakura's your mom. Go home and stop hurting her feelings. She's got it hard enough since Sasuke left."


Instead his words still dance around the idea that Sarada is adopted. Total garbage from Naruto, and just more Sakura-bashing, only this time from out of the mouth of the one who said he loved her best.


You can not tell me that if they knew how popular SS was now, they would have written her this way!!! Right?!


Nobody gives a crap about Hinata or Naruto now....but the Sakura and Sasuke fans are rabid for her and for the ship. It's kinda like...uh, where ya been?!? Sakura was great before, when ya didn't care a bit about her! lol


But the morally grey, dark-haired character and the beautiful, strong heroine is soooo popular right now. Hello, Reylo much? Rhysand and Feyre from ACOTAR or Cardan from the Cruel Prince series?!


I've seen so much art about Sasuke and Sakura, so many little excerpts from their book (like where he gives her a ring), so many people saying that Sakura is their 'queen.' If they knew she was going to be this popular, and that a resurgence of SS was what was going to come out of Boruto, I think the creators would have taken an entirely different direction with Sakura. 


Kishimoto gave in to the Sakura haters and really tried to write her off at the end of the manga and the beginning of Boruto. But the SS fans have turned that over. 


Which shows that yes, they absolutely do not know how to write for their characters or even what their audience really wants. 


And Kishimoto is a terrible writer. Yes he was/is a good illustrator, and he comes up with scenes that have some dramatic plot twists. But when he really shined he had a editor with a strong sense of the whole storyline, and kept Kishimoto to that framework. When that editor left, it quickly turned into just a series of conflicts and resolutions. There was no more story.


So it doesn't surprise me that Boruto goes nowhere. After the battle with Pain, Naruto didn't go anywhere either. We just didn't know how bad it was yet. 


The fact that they bashed Sakura so badly, and yet she's turned out to be more popular than ever because of SS tells me they are still just winging it.


Reading this only reminded me how the bashing was. I remember so many people praising Hinata and calling Sakura barren and other nasty names.


#30129 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 07 February 2022 - 11:14 PM

To reiterate, Sasuke may be on the good side now but he is still an obnoxious anti-social kitten that has not changed or improved his ways at all. Lest we forget he was mere inches away from killing his own daughter because he IS anti-social and paranoid

that's my point basically vegeta grew as a character overtime and it shows in super for all it's flaws vegeta is a better character than goku.

and my point with gajeel and levy stands to

#30130 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 08 February 2022 - 12:30 AM



Exactly, and that's the thing I've always kept thinking about.... People want to say it all boils down to pairings which yeah that's one aspect of it, but lets face it changing the pairings wouldn't fix the abundant of plotholes we have in Naruto... Like yeah it does something with Sakura getting over Sasuke, but that's it really.  That wouldn't fix the 4th Great Ninja War,  or Naruto hyperventilating like a little kitten!  <-  Ya I said what I  said!  


Well and let's face it the big line is drawn from Naruto as the main protagonist...... Does he really develop at all throughout Part 2?  Yeah, here and there, but there's nothing drastic that showcases "Wow he's really developed...."  His ideology was tested against Pain yes, but it was never really a continous thing...


The biggest one to be always come back to Sasuke  "All that time you spent chasing after me, would've been better spent in training right, Naruto?" and you know what he's right.... that by itself should've been turmoil conflict for Naruto like what if "Sasuke is right? What exactly have I been doing for the last 2-3 years? Have I lost sight of what I desired?" and that could've been a really cool struggle to see in Naruto....


Even beyond that like when Naruto loses control and goes into his 4 tails state when he attack Sakura without realizing it.... There could've been something where He distances himself from Sakura because he sees what kind of a monster he can be, and that scares him because he doesn't want to hurt the people he cares about. 


None of that was present in Part 2, and that is honestly one of the most infuriating things about Naruto as a protagonist the more I look back on it. 





I couldn't agree more Chatte,  there's a beautiful saying in life we like to say "All good things have to come to end.." and honestly that is something I wish was more relevant in todays era than it was 10-20 years ago.  


Like a let story end when it's meant to reach it's conclusion, and as someone whose writing a story that encompasses a fixed trilogy of books when that story comes to a close for me that'll be it... there isn't gonna be we're finished, but there's a new generation on the horizon..... 


I mean the best example I could probably give is Full Metal Alchemist... when that story came to a close that was it.... We didn't get a story of Edward of Winry's child and exploring their adventures and the continuing cycle of Alchemy that's somehow mysteriously still in the air.  None of that happened!



Like yeah we still get some sort of content of Fullmetal Alchemist today, but a lot of that is just like a 2 in 1 editions of Manga Volumes, or like side stories that are novels that take place during the course of the story.  There hasn't been like a continuation after the series ended. 




There is no better way of describing it then what you just said Tricksie! 


It's honestly no surprise that Kishi's appreciation for Sasuke grew heavily since he's mentioned before that he emphasized more with Sasuke's characte and considered to be too idealistic...


People wanna say no... Naruto wasn't really idealistic he's wrong, but honestly though.........  Is Kishi really wrong in saying that? because given what we got throughout Naruto especially during the timeskip it shows it really just shows how idealistic Naruto really is, and he never really gives a thought to question any of the hard hitting questions when it comes to the world and the grips he has to face in becoming a better person... It's always about about No  I need to show them that we're exactly the same.... there's still good in people.... I hate to break it to some people, but that's not how life is ... people can be cruel and selfish and have their desires they want to see come to fruition even during their darkest hour.  Once you trend that line... there is ultimately no going back, and that is something we've seen other protagonists from other series learn. Naruto didn't have that luxury and unfortunately he never will. 


That's why even as a main protagonist I feel like Naruto is a such a wasted potential!   


While I do agree that not making SS canon won't fix all of Naruto's plot problems I do think at the very least it was fix the problems with Sakura's character in terms of personality and character growth at the very least. Though in terms her lack of action and sometime absents in plot that would take alot more work and a couple of rewrites. 


I think if Naruto instead of doing boruto as a sequel/spin off series they should had done some more like Fairy Tail 100 year quest I think you'd have a more justified case for continuing the story, as that it's got it's own original plot while continuing the character growth from the previous series and addressed things from the original run that was left open 


If you ask me the problem isn't Naruto is naive or too idealistic, the the problem that Kishimoto was too sympathetic towards Sasuke that he ended up sided with him and not working on Naruto's arguments and ideals. To me Naruto should one of those characters that tries to see the best in people and give them a chance to turn over a new leaf if possible; in similar manner I'd say characters like Luke Skywalker, Captain America, Superman and I believe an extent Spider-man. After all we have seen multiple stories with these character were they are questioned about their ideals and how naive or out of touch they are, but they stand by their beliefs and try to make it work and while it may not always work in their favor they pull through and show people that they can be right. If Kishimoto tried to give more thought into Naruto's ideals and arguments instead of focusing too much on Sasuke I think he could made it work.


I know it's been mentioned a couple times up the thread, but his attitude towards true criminals in the end is just totally ick. Let's take a moment and remember: 


Obito killed his father, stole his mother from her pregnancy bed, STRUNG HER UP BETWEEN TWO ROCKS and RIPPED A HOLE IN HER MIDDLE to pull out the kyuubi, which then wiped out half the people in the village before his parents died sealing into their minutes-old infant son. 


It's horrifically brutal. It's such a violation of a woman and a mother. How does Kishi address that? Eh, he has Naruto forgive his mother's murderer with breezy 'cool dude' speech about Obito. It's such a wholesale destruction of everything Naruto stands for. And until that moment, I didn't realize how much Kishimoto had lost his way with this story. But he did.


Imagine if Minato came to Naruto not as the Kage, but the way he looked when he died, with a bloody hole in the middle from where he was speared through by the kyuubi? 


Imagine if Kushina came to Naruto looking the way she did when she died? Standing there, blood dripping from her mouth, eyes with huge purple circles from exhaustion of labor, blood smeared down her legs from just giving birth, and a GIANT BLEEDING HOLE torn in her stomach from where the kyuubi was ripped out.... All this before being gutted by the kyuubi to save Naruto's life.....


Imagine if that Kushina was standing there, saying that she loved him, speaking through the blood that just won't stop bubbling out of her mouth.... 


How would Naruto feel about Obito then? Probably not a 'cool guy.'


I'm not against the idea of Naruto trying to save Obito, the problem I think is that Naruto forgave Obito too easily. Granted this was probably due to going from Obito straight to madara afterwards instead given time to breath on this. In many ways Naruto should of been like Asta when he confronted patoli where he hasn't forgiven him for his crime but tells him not give up and try to make amends in regards to Obito.




I have feelings about this of how they handled Sakura. And no matter how far I get from Naruto's botched ending, I think this will always be the most shocking and disappointing thing for me. 


No reader wants to see their favorite character and heroine of the series turned into a literally housewife in maids clothes for a man she's A) not married to, B) doesn't seem to care about her and C) doesn't want to see her or the child produced from apparently one night of sex (with no relationship).


It was such blatant Sakura bashing at the end. By all of them, Kishi included. He sold out his heroine. If anything, it should have been Hinata, the clan princess, at home dusting her family's memorabilia and playing the dutiful wifey. It's literally all her character was made for. Instead they took away all of Sakura's accomplishments and made her stay at home to take care of the Uchiha legacy that even Sasuke doesn't care about.


It was the ultimate scene of character destruction, and Kishimoto drew it.


Add to that the little cat-and-mouse game of did Sasuke really love her? Is Karin the mother? What they are really saying is 'look how low and desperate Sakura is to still chase after Sasuke even though he might have...possibly...probably got someone else pregnant. And now she's raising their child.' It was a gimmick to get people to read Boruto...but it's rooted in just more straight-up Sakura bashing. 


And even Naruto's nonsense speech about how you feel not what's real or not. What garbage. The guy who was regularly meeting with Sasuke, and who knew his supposed 'best friend' had left his former love interest high-and-dry with a baby and house payments. And yet he doesn't come right out and say to Sarada, "Sakura's your mom. Go home and stop hurting her feelings. She's got it hard enough since Sasuke left."


Instead his words still dance around the idea that Sarada is adopted. Total garbage from Naruto, and just more Sakura-bashing, only this time from out of the mouth of the one who said he loved her best.


You can not tell me that if they knew how popular SS was now, they would have written her this way!!! Right?!


Nobody gives a crap about Hinata or Naruto now....but the Sakura and Sasuke fans are rabid for her and for the ship. It's kinda like...uh, where ya been?!? Sakura was great before, when ya didn't care a bit about her! lol


But the morally grey, dark-haired character and the beautiful, strong heroine is soooo popular right now. Hello, Reylo much? Rhysand and Feyre from ACOTAR or Cardan from the Cruel Prince series?!


I've seen so much art about Sasuke and Sakura, so many little excerpts from their book (like where he gives her a ring), so many people saying that Sakura is their 'queen.' If they knew she was going to be this popular, and that a resurgence of SS was what was going to come out of Boruto, I think the creators would have taken an entirely different direction with Sakura. 


Kishimoto gave in to the Sakura haters and really tried to write her off at the end of the manga and the beginning of Boruto. But the SS fans have turned that over. 


Which shows that yes, they absolutely do not know how to write for their characters or even what their audience really wants. 


And Kishimoto is a terrible writer. Yes he was/is a good illustrator, and he comes up with scenes that have some dramatic plot twists. But when he really shined he had a editor with a strong sense of the whole storyline, and kept Kishimoto to that framework. When that editor left, it quickly turned into just a series of conflicts and resolutions. There was no more story.


So it doesn't surprise me that Boruto goes nowhere. After the battle with Pain, Naruto didn't go anywhere either. We just didn't know how bad it was yet. 


The fact that they bashed Sakura so badly, and yet she's turned out to be more popular than ever because of SS tells me they are still just winging it.


The biggest problem I think for them realizing that they have a market for SS fans who will buy anything if it promotes their ship, is that they have made everyone else who is not an SS hate the ship so much that they don't care as it's too late because this paring has so much baggage behind it. Shippers maybe the loudest fanbase, but not the largest. Best example is star wars with Reylo, no one liked that kiss between them unless they shipped rey and ben together. So despite what many SS fans say about how that novel that's getting adapted fixes SS no one outside of them is excited for that book. Frankly if Sakura didn't end up with Sasuke and was ether with anyone else or single I think her character would have a better reputation and more people would be willing to check out more content involving her that are not die hard shippers.

#30131 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 08 February 2022 - 02:19 AM

I'm not against the idea of Naruto trying to save Obito, the problem I think is that Naruto forgave Obito too easily. Granted this was probably due to going from Obito straight to madara afterwards instead given time to breath on this. In many ways Naruto should of been like Asta when he confronted patoli where he hasn't forgiven him for his crime but tells him not give up and try to make amends in regards to Obito.

It also reminds me of how Naruto was with Nagato and how he did want to understand him but he couldn't forgive him because of the terrible things he did.

But given how things tended to fall apart after Pain's defeat...

#30132 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 08 February 2022 - 05:33 AM

When Sai started going back on what he said during the confession scene, thats when I knew Kishi was being forced to do something he didnt want to do.


I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

Always have the spirit and the guts to never ever give up no matter what.

#30133 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 06:10 AM

When Sai started going back on what he said during the confession scene, thats when I knew Kishi was being forced to do something he didnt want to do.


It sure does feel like it, considering he's the one who could tell Naruto loves Sakura, and then suddenly what he said about Sakura and things with Sasuke just because of what Naruto said because he couldn't deal with the possibility deep down Sakura was in love with him if it meant she was giving up on Sasuke, which is sad too.

#30134 sushi.


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 02:16 PM

When Sai started going back on what he said during the confession scene, thats when I knew Kishi was being forced to do something he didnt want to do.

when did he go back on that?


#30135 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 04:51 PM

when did he go back on that?

I think he means when Sai quickly agreed with Naruto on why Sakura was going to kill Sasuke and feeling she was doing it out of love for him.

#30136 tricksie


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 05:01 PM


The biggest problem I think for them realizing that they have a market for SS fans who will buy anything if it promotes their ship, is that they have made everyone else who is not an SS hate the ship so much that they don't care as it's too late because this paring has so much baggage behind it. Shippers maybe the loudest fanbase, but not the largest. Best example is star wars with Reylo, no one liked that kiss between them unless they shipped rey and ben together. So despite what many SS fans say about how that novel that's getting adapted fixes SS no one outside of them is excited for that book. Frankly if Sakura didn't end up with Sasuke and was ether with anyone else or single I think her character would have a better reputation and more people would be willing to check out more content involving her that are not die hard shippers.

I see so much art for Sakura and Sakura with Sasuke now.... It's crazy. The SS shippers were non-existent by the end of the original manga. (And actually I think the ones now aren't the old SS shippers but brand new ones.) But I always just wonder when I see SS art.... I'm like, Have you actually read the original manga? Like from the beginning....? lol 


Sasuke's not nice to Sakura. Not ever. I mean sure he saves her a couple times...but he also tries to KILL HER a couple times!!!!!!

#30137 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 05:17 PM

I see so much art for Sakura and Sakura with Sasuke now.... It's crazy. The SS shippers were non-existent by the end of the original manga. (And actually I think the ones now aren't the old SS shippers but brand new ones.) But I always just wonder when I see SS art.... I'm like, Have you actually read the original manga? Like from the beginning....? lol 
Sasuke's not nice to Sakura. Not ever. I mean sure he saves her a couple times...but he also tries to KILL HER a couple times!!!!!!

Plus I feel he only calls her his wife because he is trying to mock Naruto at times since some hints from the Gaiden were Naruto still is in love with Sakura, and for Sasuke, being with Sakura could be a way to "win" over Naruto, in spite of "The Last" claiming Naruto was the one who wanted Sakura to "best" Sasuke when he's NEVER had a thing for Sakura! Closest woman Sasuke had any attraction to as miniscule as it was goes to Karin, who I still see as Sarada's biological mother.

#30138 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 09 February 2022 - 06:46 PM

I see so much art for Sakura and Sakura with Sasuke now.... It's crazy. The SS shippers were non-existent by the end of the original manga. (And actually I think the ones now aren't the old SS shippers but brand new ones.) But I always just wonder when I see SS art.... I'm like, Have you actually read the original manga? Like from the beginning....? lol 


Sasuke's not nice to Sakura. Not ever. I mean sure he saves her a couple times...but he also tries to KILL HER a couple times!!!!!!

"But...but...that's because Sasuke is just being a tsundere!"   :facepalm:


#30139 tricksie


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 09:37 PM

Plus I feel he only calls her his wife because he is trying to mock Naruto at times since some hints from the Gaiden were Naruto still is in love with Sakura, and for Sasuke, being with Sakura could be a way to "win" over Naruto, in spite of "The Last" claiming Naruto was the one who wanted Sakura to "best" Sasuke when he's NEVER had a thing for Sakura! Closest woman Sasuke had any attraction to as miniscule as it was goes to Karin, who I still see as Sarada's biological mother.

Yep - I stand by "The True End" chapter being the pairings that Kishi wanted to end with. Sasuke and Karin, Naruto and Sakura. And Sarada could totally have been Karin's daughter and it wouldn't have changed a thing about Boruto. 

#30140 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 11:07 PM

when did he go back on that?

He literally went from advocating for Narutos feelings to Sakura-Chan and vice versa to talking about how shes only doing it because she doesnt want Sasuke to sink any lower. Also, Shizune mentioning how hes not only doing it for the promise was something as well. Like a whole 360 from what was happening in 457-459. Their dialogue in 469-470 felt like it was trying to undo all of it for some reason.


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