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The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

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#29921 Uzumaki9000


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 11:27 PM

man what the hell Bollywood is?

Indian version of Hollywood.

#29922 BlazingDynamo


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 11:30 PM

I wonder if somehow if that silhouette in chapt 687 will appear?

#29923 Transformers03


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 11:39 PM


The anime is not an accurate representation of the source material.


Anyways, I've been thinking a lot about the pairing, the way it's developed, rival pairings etc, and I'd say out of all the pairings I've supported, this one has always been the one where I have never been sure it'd be endgame 100% (despite what I've posted here and on other forums).


I can understand the doubt members here have when it comes to NaruSaku's chances of being endgame. The facts are that Sakura has not fully moved on from Sasuke (or atleast it hasn't been made obvious that she has), Hinata is a character that is a viable alternative to Naruto, and should Sasuke return to the village with things returning to the old days, then it's entirely possible that he could pursue a relationship with Sakura. These are things are what worries most fans of the ship (and what has worried me on some occasions). With the sheer amount of western support (with it outclassing NaruSaku as a ship), sometimes I get the feeling that they're seeing something I haven't, cause based on what the manga has given us, I just can't see why SasuSaku and NaruHina can still have so many followers. Kishimoto still throwing hints towards both pairings don't help either.




Most of these fears are easily elevated when you also consider the following things:


At this stage in the manga, neither Naruto nor Sasuke have any interest in pursuing a relationship with Hinata and Sakura. Both girls have confessed to them and neither have been interested in taking their relationship further. The manga is close to ending and with no sort of foundation laid out the chances of them being endgame (outside of horrendous writing and pandering to western support) is slim.


The conditions for Naruto to return Hinata's feelings are that he needs to redeem Sasuke and confess to Sakura, for her to reject him. Then the foundation for another pairing with another character needs to be built on screen so the reader has a good idea of who will end up with who.


Such a relationship has not been built with NaruHina and SasuSaku. Western supporters seem to believe that all that matters is who the girl likes, while disregarding what the males in the pairing actually want out of a partner. I think this a dangerous way of thinking, as it's not a relationship if only one person wants it. Takes two to tango and Naruto/Sasuke are simply not interest. I concede that this has also been the case with my own pairing however atleast NarusSaku has the luxury of the relationship building up over the course of part 2.


For any pairing to work both people need to want it. We already know Naruto loves Sakura, and Sakura has shown that she might be harboring feelings for him (which has been hinted at by the characters in the story). At best, Sasuke acknowledges Sakura as a friend/ally on the battlefield while with Naruto it's the same with Hinata. Not that I am downplaying their feelings for the boys, but the foundation is weak when neither want anything more than friendship.


After Pein's attack on Konoha was the perfect time for some response from Naruto to Hinata about her confession. People that say he hasn't had time to respond because of the war conveniently ignore this fact. Kishimoto could have built up the pairing from that moment as there was downtime and nothing serious going on, but instead of doing that, he had Sakura hug Naruto infront of the entire village in a romantic way and then followed up with him spending time with her. Sorry but the war being an excuse for Naruto not responding to Hinata does not hold up.


Sasuke is not stupid. He knew how Sakura felt about him in part 1, he just wasn't interested in returning those feelings. That is a fact. If he has "secret feelings" as SasuSaku supporters claim, then either Kishimoto has done a really poor job of showing it or they are twisting what has been shown to us to suit their pairing (most likely this). Despite having a teammate he's spent time with confess to him, he still left the village with the enemy that just attacked your village. He prioritized leaving in pursuit of power and revenge (even going as far as to side with the enemy of the village) over living a life of peace with a girl that loves him, so how can you sit there and claim Sasuke has secret feelings for Sakura. lol.


Saying he hasn't been himself/consumed with rage also doesn't hold up when on two occasions he made two attempts at Sakura's live. This was their first reunion when Sakura proceeded to attack Sasuke and when Sasuke was about to use Kirin to kill everyone on the field (only to be stopped by Orochimaru). I won't mention when he was completely consumed with hate as there is no need, we all know what happened, but I will mention the war arc where Sasuke has made no apologies to Sakura for trying to take her life but has berated her as a ninja as well as prioritizing killing the enemy over her safety. He's quiet happy sacrificing her if it means getting a shot at the enemy (something Naruto sensed) so I am having a hard time seeing how Sasuke has feelings for Sakura when you consider everything I've said.


The relationship does not develop if only one person is carrying the ship. Same applies to NaruHina.


I don't understand how you can be a Sakura fan and still support SasuSaku, cause if you call yourself a Sakura fan, then I don't know why you would support a pairing where the male doesn't respect her as a ninja or a person, has made several attempts at her life and in general is not interested in pursuing any relationship. If you still call yourself a Sakura fan and a SS supporter,, then you're a crappy one. Sorry but that's just how I feel.


Can't really say a lot about NaruHina. It's all Hinata. Naruto hasn't shown any interest, at all. Comparing her to Kushina even after Minato, her husband, has made the comparison between her and Sakura is silly. The author has outright said through other characters that Sakura and Kushina are similar. The point of Hinata not being around when Minato said that and that Minato was mistaken IS IRRELEVANT. Kishimoto set up that scenario to make the comparison. You are just twisting aspects of Kushina's character (which exists in most characters in the story) and applying them to Hinata because it's convenient to your preferred ship, no matter how wrong and silly it is. Your analysis and opinions on whether Hinata is more like Kushina than Sakura has not standing anymore as the only character that can even make the comparison has shot your argument down.


I especially like the argument that Naruto and Hinata have supported eachother in battle countless times. I would like said battles with supporting manga pages where this has been the case, as from what I've read, there has only been 3 times this has been the case Pein's arc (though I wouldn't really count this) and the war (twice, when she nearly died again and that time when they were boosted by Naruto's chakra). Naruto and Sakura are teammates and have gone on more missions and supported eachother more times than that. I can also recall times where Hinata has doubted Naruto's abilities as a ninja (Chunin exams, followed by Sakura and Kakashi still having confidence in Naruto winning) and when they first met up with Obito. At that time Sakura had to tell her to relax and point out that it'd take more than that to beat Naruto.


BUT, even with all of this, as the outlook of both pairings seem bleak, I can't help but shake this feeling at the back of my mind that Kishimoto will end up pairing Naruto and Sasuke with the girls that have feelings for them. Maybe it's staying here for too long, or being ganged up on by both supporters that has done this, but I wish Kishimoto would just spell out what the endgame pairing is so we can all move on from this, as being a supporter since 2006 has made me exhausted/tired of the constant.


Just throwing random thoughts out there.


Thank you.

I was about to make a post expressing almost the exact same thing, but you beat me to it.


My opinion on this pairing has been like this for awhile, possibly since I first came on this site two years ago. Everything I have read, analyze, and believe about the series points to Naruto getting with Sakura. It matches theme with the series, they have the most developed relationship out of the entire cast (and, personally, the best development), and it personally matches my own desire to see the two characters get together, which is based on my own opinions of love should be.


Not only that, but I have constantly written about posts of how I don't think Sasuke or Sakura are going to end up together. I even made a thread when I first joined two years ago in how I think Sasusaku is dead. I made a point how that Sakura and Sasuke's relationship doesn't match with any of themes of how romantic relationships work in the Naruto universe, using Minato's and Kishina's relationship as the primary comparison. Their relationship doesn't match with theirs, nor with other (like Tsunade and Dan's relationship). Not only does SS don't match with any of the morals or common motifs scene in the sereies, it also doesn't follow any themes or common patterns found in other literature. From excellent blog found on bodegacowboy's tumblir (which it could be found here: http://bodegacowboy....nd-it-cannot-be), the blogger compares the SS relationship to other romantic relationships found in classical literature, for example Odysseus and Penelope's relationship from the Odyssey. So not only does it not match with the common themes with the manga itself, it also doesn't match with cliches found in literature.


While the series has had some inconsistencies, with some of the morals and themes becoming contradictory at this point. However, there isn't really anything to suggest that the SS relationship has change gradually enough for it to match with already establish relationships found in the manga and in other forms of literature. Since now I am under the belief that Sakura will not get with Sasuke, then by simply by process of elimination she should get with Naruto because her relationship does match with common themes found not only in the manga but other stories about love. Sasusaku should not happen (unless Kishiomoto had a change of heart, or got pressured to make it happen by fans and/or publishers), so I shouldn't worry about NS not happening, because I know Sakura will get with at least one Naruto or Sasuke in the end.


Yet despite that, I'm still unsure.


I don't understand it really, logically it does seem that Naruto and Sakura will get together, at least that is what the manga seems to be pointing at. Which is why I guess is the reason why I am not sure; the manga is only really implying that they would get together. Sakura's feelings on both Naruto and Sasuke have been rarely touched opun for awhile, and Naruto's crush on Sakura hasn't really been as prominent to his character as it is to Sakura's feelings for Sasuke and Hinata's feelings for Naruto.


Not only that, but Hinata's feelings for Naruto are still the same. Usually for a character like Hinata, a shy background character with a crush with one of the main characters, will have another character to fall in love with or just get over their crush. However instead of getting over it, she seems more determine to get with Naruto. She still doesn't have another love interest to fall back on, and there doesn't seem to be anything to make her change her mind. It's really Hinata's role in the manga that has me stumped, as I simply don't understand it really. It also doesn't help that she is really popular among fans for no reason.


I also think my unsurety comes from the fact, like what Silent storm said, is the fact that the other fandoms soo much larger than us and seemed more confident then us. I always question if they know something that we don't know, or are we the delusional fans in this scenario, failing to see through our own bias and beliefs for things that don't match it?


I pretty sure NS is the endgame, and there has been no recent developments that have make me think other wise. Yet I'm still worried. Will Sasuke start showing signs of liking Sakura in the upcoming chapters? Will Hinata's dream come true? Will their be an interview by Kishi soon that will finally reveal his intention of what direction he was taking with the romantic subplot, and reveal NH and SS were always his intended endgames? Despite how irrational these maybe, these are things I am really afraid about.

#29924 Sprite


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 11:43 PM

yeah Sasuke gone start liking Sakura-Chan but she got news for him and that's the fact that she loves Naruto.

#29925 Change


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 11:50 PM


The anime is not an accurate representation of the source material.


Anyways, I've been thinking a lot about the pairing, the way it's developed, rival pairings etc, and I'd say out of all the pairings I've supported, this one has always been the one where I have never been sure it'd be endgame 100% (despite what I've posted here and on other forums).


I can understand the doubt members here have when it comes to NaruSaku's chances of being endgame. The facts are that Sakura has not fully moved on from Sasuke (or atleast it hasn't been made obvious that she has), Hinata is a character that is a viable alternative to Naruto, and should Sasuke return to the village with things returning to the old days, then it's entirely possible that he could pursue a relationship with Sakura. These are things are what worries most fans of the ship (and what has worried me on some occasions). With the sheer amount of western support (with it outclassing NaruSaku as a ship), sometimes I get the feeling that they're seeing something I haven't, cause based on what the manga has given us, I just can't see why SasuSaku and NaruHina can still have so many followers. Kishimoto still throwing hints towards both pairings don't help either.




Most of these fears are easily elevated when you also consider the following things:


At this stage in the manga, neither Naruto nor Sasuke have any interest in pursuing a relationship with Hinata and Sakura. Both girls have confessed to them and neither have been interested in taking their relationship further. The manga is close to ending and with no sort of foundation laid out the chances of them being endgame (outside of horrendous writing and pandering to western support) is slim.


The conditions for Naruto to return Hinata's feelings are that he needs to redeem Sasuke and confess to Sakura, for her to reject him. Then the foundation for another pairing with another character needs to be built on screen so the reader has a good idea of who will end up with who.


Such a relationship has not been built with NaruHina and SasuSaku. Western supporters seem to believe that all that matters is who the girl likes, while disregarding what the males in the pairing actually want out of a partner. I think this a dangerous way of thinking, as it's not a relationship if only one person wants it. Takes two to tango and Naruto/Sasuke are simply not interest. I concede that this has also been the case with my own pairing however atleast NarusSaku has the luxury of the relationship building up over the course of part 2.


For any pairing to work both people need to want it. We already know Naruto loves Sakura, and Sakura has shown that she might be harboring feelings for him (which has been hinted at by the characters in the story). At best, Sasuke acknowledges Sakura as a friend/ally on the battlefield while with Naruto it's the same with Hinata. Not that I am downplaying their feelings for the boys, but the foundation is weak when neither want anything more than friendship.


After Pein's attack on Konoha was the perfect time for some response from Naruto to Hinata about her confession. People that say he hasn't had time to respond because of the war conveniently ignore this fact. Kishimoto could have built up the pairing from that moment as there was downtime and nothing serious going on, but instead of doing that, he had Sakura hug Naruto infront of the entire village in a romantic way and then followed up with him spending time with her. Sorry but the war being an excuse for Naruto not responding to Hinata does not hold up.


Sasuke is not stupid. He knew how Sakura felt about him in part 1, he just wasn't interested in returning those feelings. That is a fact. If he has "secret feelings" as SasuSaku supporters claim, then either Kishimoto has done a really poor job of showing it or they are twisting what has been shown to us to suit their pairing (most likely this). Despite having a teammate he's spent time with confess to him, he still left the village with the enemy that just attacked your village. He prioritized leaving in pursuit of power and revenge (even going as far as to side with the enemy of the village) over living a life of peace with a girl that loves him, so how can you sit there and claim Sasuke has secret feelings for Sakura. lol.


Saying he hasn't been himself/consumed with rage also doesn't hold up when on two occasions he made two attempts at Sakura's live. This was their first reunion when Sakura proceeded to attack Sasuke and when Sasuke was about to use Kirin to kill everyone on the field (only to be stopped by Orochimaru). I won't mention when he was completely consumed with hate as there is no need, we all know what happened, but I will mention the war arc where Sasuke has made no apologies to Sakura for trying to take her life but has berated her as a ninja as well as prioritizing killing the enemy over her safety. He's quiet happy sacrificing her if it means getting a shot at the enemy (something Naruto sensed) so I am having a hard time seeing how Sasuke has feelings for Sakura when you consider everything I've said.


The relationship does not develop if only one person is carrying the ship. Same applies to NaruHina.


I don't understand how you can be a Sakura fan and still support SasuSaku, cause if you call yourself a Sakura fan, then I don't know why you would support a pairing where the male doesn't respect her as a ninja or a person, has made several attempts at her life and in general is not interested in pursuing any relationship. If you still call yourself a Sakura fan and a SS supporter,, then you're a crappy one. Sorry but that's just how I feel.


Can't really say a lot about NaruHina. It's all Hinata. Naruto hasn't shown any interest, at all. Comparing her to Kushina even after Minato, her husband, has made the comparison between her and Sakura is silly. The author has outright said through other characters that Sakura and Kushina are similar. The point of Hinata not being around when Minato said that and that Minato was mistaken IS IRRELEVANT. Kishimoto set up that scenario to make the comparison. You are just twisting aspects of Kushina's character (which exists in most characters in the story) and applying them to Hinata because it's convenient to your preferred ship, no matter how wrong and silly it is. Your analysis and opinions on whether Hinata is more like Kushina than Sakura has not standing anymore as the only character that can even make the comparison has shot your argument down.


I especially like the argument that Naruto and Hinata have supported eachother in battle countless times. I would like said battles with supporting manga pages where this has been the case, as from what I've read, there has only been 3 times this has been the case Pein's arc (though I wouldn't really count this) and the war (twice, when she nearly died again and that time when they were boosted by Naruto's chakra). Naruto and Sakura are teammates and have gone on more missions and supported eachother more times than that. I can also recall times where Hinata has doubted Naruto's abilities as a ninja (Chunin exams, followed by Sakura and Kakashi still having confidence in Naruto winning) and when they first met up with Obito. At that time Sakura had to tell her to relax and point out that it'd take more than that to beat Naruto.


BUT, even with all of this, as the outlook of both pairings seem bleak, I can't help but shake this feeling at the back of my mind that Kishimoto will end up pairing Naruto and Sasuke with the girls that have feelings for them. Maybe it's staying here for too long, or being ganged up on by both supporters that has done this, but I wish Kishimoto would just spell out what the endgame pairing is so we can all move on from this, as being a supporter since 2006 has made me exhausted/tired of the constant.


Just throwing random thoughts out there.

It's defiantly because of being ganged up on by NH/SS

Before I went on Naruto forums, I always thought NS is the end game and that everybody knew that

When I started going to some forums, I saw people shipped NH and SS

At first it didn't really bother me, but as time went on I started to have my doubts(on kishimoto, not NS)("Am I wrong? Are they seeing something I'm not?,etc."

To this day I still have doubts on Kishimoto(not NS) and like you just want Kishimoto to end this pairing war madness 

Though, I still think NS is going to happen :/

Edited by TheMagicConch, 28 August 2014 - 11:52 PM.

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#29926 Uzumaki9000


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:04 AM

It's defiantly because of being ganged up on by NH/SS
Before I went on Naruto forums, I always thought NS is the end game and that everybody knew that
When I started going to some forums, I saw people shipped NH and SS
At first it didn't really bother me, but as time went on I started to have my doubts(on kishimoto, not NS)("Am I wrong? Are they seeing something I'm not?,etc."
To this day I still have doubts on Kishimoto(not NS) and like you just want Kishimoto to end this pairing war madness 
Though, I still think NS is going to happen :/

I hope NH/SS fans accept NS being canon, deal with it and let Kishi and us NaruSaku fans be in peace from this insane pairing war.

#29927 Swagkura



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:07 AM

I hope NH/SS fans accept NS being canon, deal with it and let Kishi and us NaruSaku fans be in peace from this insane pairing war.

They won't. I can tell you that right now.


#29928 Uzumaki9000


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:10 AM

They won't. I can tell you that right now.

*Sighs* like I said before, they're like the insane twilight/ Justin bieber fans.

#29929 Swagkura



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:14 AM

*Sighs* like I said before, they're like the insane twilight/ Justin bieber fans.

As long as we win the pairing wars(which I'm sure we will), they can rage for as long as they want. They can't change Kishi's mind, so it would be pointless at the end anyway.


#29930 六道仙人


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:16 AM



yeah, SS fans youre right... Sakura was clearly staring at Sasuke. :thumb:


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#29931 BlazingDynamo


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:34 AM

As long as we win the pairing wars(which I'm sure we will), they can rage for as long as they want. They can't change Kishi's mind, so it would be pointless at the end anyway.

The thing is Kishimoto could give 2 kittens about what the NH/SS fans will say about him on Youtube I mean its his story after all.

#29932 Change


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:45 AM

I hope NH/SS fans accept NS being canon, deal with it and let Kishi and us NaruSaku fans be in peace from this insane pairing war.

It won't happen, not everybody will be happy



yeah, SS fans youre right... Sakura was clearly staring at Sasuke. :thumb:

I just fail to see how they even think that, but I'm not surprised 

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#29933 Swagkura



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:48 AM

The thing is Kishimoto could give 2 f**cks about what the NH/SS fans will say about him on Youtube I mean its his story after all.

Exactly, I just don't see the point in them complaining over it. He's not gonna care if they get mad. But, it's guaranteed that they will be seriously pissed once NaruSaku becomes canon.


#29934 六道仙人


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:51 AM

because they are deceived by the bad quality of the mangapanda's scans (they uses a lot of bluring filters on PS for cleaning the raw)


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#29935 BlazingDynamo


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 12:58 AM

Some NH/SS fans can't see right through a NS moment like we do.

#29936 Sedna



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 01:16 AM

You better believe NH/SS will start a war when NS becomes canon.

#29937 Swagkura



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 01:21 AM

You better believe NH/SS will start a war when NS becomes canon.

I'm ready for it. Once NS is canon, they're not gonna be able to counter it with anything.


#29938 Sedna



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 01:29 AM

I'm ready for it. Once NS is canon, they're not gonna be able to counter it with anything.

Well they'll probably say something like this:

"WHAT THE HECK KISHIMOTO!? I swear I will kill him for making that crack couple NS canon. Say goodbye to life Kishimoto!"

I've seen NH/SS fans say that exact sentence before. :O

#29939 Swagkura



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 01:31 AM

Well they'll probably say something like this:
"WHAT THE HECK KISHIMOTO!? I swear I will kill him for making that crack couple NS canon. Say goodbye to life Kishimoto!"
I've seen NH/SS fans say that exact sentence before. :O

Lmao, it's pretty sad to threaten a guy because he didn't make your favorite fictional couple canon. At least they'll still have fanart and fanfiction :lol:


#29940 Khaleesi


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 01:36 AM

I hope when NS becomes canon and they say "he was pushed to do it! he has no other choice! he changed the history!", Kishimoti would say on an interview "NS was already the endgame since chapter 3, why there are confusion about it? it wasn't pretty clear? read the manga again!"



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