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#29881 catsi563



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Posted 12 October 2021 - 05:31 PM

Buy me one then Ive said that umpteen dozen times on this forum alone


ill take milk and donuts 

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#29882 Derock


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Posted 12 October 2021 - 05:49 PM


Here is someone's thoughts on Hinata: https://maoam.tumblr...-good-character


And incase they delete this; also be aware incase you think they are some sort "ally" they have more posts bashing Sakura then they do Hinata. This one was just a juicy post.


I wanted to take a deeper look at Hinata’s character, considering there are a lot of claims about her out there, that she’s strong, that she’s kind, that she’s complex and relatable, that she’s the perfect woman and that she’s at least better than Sakura. I don’t really think so, and I’ll explain why. I’ll be focusing on canon, so no fillers or novels will be included in this post. I’ll say this as a warning, if you’re a fan of her character this probably won’t be something you’ll like. This will be tagged with the anti tags and put under read more so please do not complain if tumblr somehow puts this in the normal tags, it is not intentional. Also Sakura stans please don’t write lengthy comments about Sakura under this, I’m not a fan of her either and I’ll write about her later. Make your own post instead.
Hinata is generally really bad as a shinobi and I’m not sure where the claims that she is strong come from. Hinata’s entire character revolves around her being weak. This could have been fine if she actually developed, or if she found some other area for herself, yet she’s mediocre at best and a waste of panels at worst, because she never becomes good or strong at anything. She’s not only physically weak from start to finish, but she’s also the equivalent of a damsel in distress. Everytime Hinata attempts to do something, she ends up failing, getting beaten up and having to be saved. She lost to her sister who is five years younger than her, which is what marked her as a failure in her clan. She tried to fight Neji in the chunin exams and ended up coughing up blood and losing her consciousness, and Naruto had to beat Neji for her. After Kabuto heals her fully, she spends the rest of part 1 either sleeping or missing in action. Very underwhelming.
If this had been only the beginning, it would have maybe been fine, but it’s a reoccuring pattern with her character. She throws herself in front of Pain, managing to do nothing but get one-paneled and almost killed. Even at the start of the war she had to be saved by Naruto. She tried to run to Naruto and tripped over a rock. Actually, she’s so weak she got Neji killed, when he had to jump in front of her so she wouldn’t get impaled. Why is she even in the front lines when she can’t fight? Even in Naruto the Last movie she had to be saved multiple times. In Boruto the movie she is still useless and reckless, leaving her daughter’s side to help Naruto, ending up defeated and having to be healed by Sakura once again.
I can’t say she’s mentally strong either. She has the personality of someone who hates conflict and tries to avoid it as best as they can, to the point of agreeing with others on everything, as Neji pointed out. Even without him saying it out loud, most of Hinata’s moments that aren’t her thinking about Naruto are her doing exactly this. This is not the personality of someone who is strong mentally. It’s the personality of someone who is too weak to have their own mind, someone who will go with the flow and is easily led and convinced. It can be dangerous the more you think about it. Hinata is also the bystander who never stands up for Naruto despite liking and admiring him. If she’s a compassionate girl, why isn’t she showing this by reaching out to Naruto and befriending him? Why doesn’t she show he’s not alone? Why is she only drawing inspiration from him? I don’t normally watch fillers, but there was one filler scene unrelated to Hinata where this girl says if you only look at the loser and do nothing, you aren’t much better than the oppressors, which probably wasn’t meant to be a call out for Hinata, but ended up being so anyway. Another thing that’s annoying is how she is berating herself often, yet doing nothing, it comes off as self-pity. Even in the Last movie, she is talking about how she must be a bad sister for knitting a scarf when her sister is in danger. Then why are you doing it and not stopping? Of course everytime this happens Naruto must cheer her up because she just can’t stop moping around and doing something herself.
Aside from all this, from the very beginning Hinata’s honor needed to be defended by Naruto because she couldn’t stand up for herself. Of course, after Naruto’s words she did stood up for a moment, and that was good, but it should have been a wake up call which altered her course. Instead, she kept doing the same she always did. If we take the Last movie into consideration, she’s still not strong enough to do anything even about her crush on Naruto. She needs genjutsu and Sakura to do the work for her. So even when it comes to the only thing she cares about 90 % of the time, which is Naruto-kun, she can’t do anything about it. That’s really sad.
There’s one mistake I see people make often, and that’s assuming characters that are quiet and shy are automatically kind. I wouldn’t say Hinata is as kind as the fandom makes her out to be. She simply comes off that way because you don’t really see her have her own opinions or disagree with the other characters. Hinata’s shyness on the other hand is most of the time a fetishized quirk to appeal to certain subset of fans. Her shyness doesn’t stop her from taking exams or hanging around Shino and Kiba, or talking to characters other than Naruto. She also has enough attitude to rub Neji’s status as a house slave in his face during their match, but because she stutters Naruto-kun every five minutes she’s supposedly kind. Kindness is shown through actions, not through standing around and stuttering. For comparison, we see Ino befriend an unpopular kid like Sakura, and give her confidence. That’s an act of kindness. Did Hinata ever cared about helping the branch members in any way? No.
She’s supposedly “kind” but like I mentioned before she never shows this kindness by standing up for Naruto, or reaching out to him. She simply stares at him behind a tree and draws inspiration from his suffering. The only time she can actually stand up is to selfishly confess her love and die. She even said she felt like being selfish, and like I said she knew there was nothing she could do, she was told she’d only be in the way. She came there only to confess and commit suicide. This actually reminds me of another anime where this female character, after being unable to receive a male character’s love killed herself in front of him and said ”now you’ll never forget me”.
In the end, she cares about nothing but her own hormonal urges. Hinata tried to help Naruto cheat to pass an exam at the risk of disqualifying her whole team. This is the first individual action we see her character take. Did she consider Shino and Kiba during that moment? No, she didn’t even have an inner conflict on whether she should do this, whether it’s right towards her teammates. Even Naruto considers he might get Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura all in trouble if he accepts Hinata’s offer, which is why he doesn’t do it. Then when Hinata wonders if she can cheer for Naruto during his and Kiba’s match, she thinks Kiba might get mad. It’s more about how Kiba views her rather than whether she should cheer for Kiba because they are in the same team and should support each other. During the Pain attack, she left an injured shinobi, who couldn’t move, to go to Naruto, even when said shinobi told her she would only be in Naruto’s way. She didn’t try to save people, she simply wanted to confess and act in front of Naruto. This is about a threat to the entire village, which includes her comrades and her sister and she’s thinking only about her romantic feelings towards a guy she had maybe two conversations with and who barely remembers she exists. How is she better than Sakura? War arc really was the icing on the cake that Hinata’s character is only about Naruto. We should not forget the infamous ”Naruto-kun’s hand is so big… so manly…” is that really the right time to be thirsty? When Neji just died? Shikamaru mentions that he could help out Naruto as a right-hand man and then Hinata thinks “I-I want to be by Naruto-kun’s side too.” Then there’s of course the scene where she starts running to Naruto, leaving her post and teammates, even when Naruto is a mile away and already in the hands of medical ninjas, and even that ends up her pathetically tripping over a rock. Kiba has to remind her to use her byakugan because she is too busy gushing about Naruto. Eventually her only last line is “Naruto-kun”, when everyone is put into IT. It’s like a parody by this point. She doesn’t have any concern for her sister, her father, her teammates, Kurenai or her baby. It’s just “Naruto-kun” like it always is. Even in the Last movie, she is knitting a scarf for Naruto during the mission where they’re supposed to save her sister. Who brings a scarf on a mission? Why is she thinking about her romantic gift to Naruto so much she has to take it with her on a mission which focus is saving her sister? She even looks more devastated when Toneri tores the scarf apart than she ever does for Hanabi’s sake. It’s just silly and selfish.
Is she complex though? Her development goes from standing behind a tree looking at her crush she never talks to, to committing suicide for feelings that could never be reciprocated, to… waiting that a genjutsu and Sakura guilt trip Naruto enough for him to be with her? Like I already mentioned her character revolves entirely around Naruto, she has no hobbies or interests we know of aside from him. She has no motivations aside from being by Naruto’s side. She once had an interesting goal and backstory, but that was never fully explored, and it turned into her wanting Naruto’s attention and thinking about him. Her clan plot was irrelevant, she showed no interest in wanting to be a leader or even wanting to make things better for the branch members. It’s funny because immediately after the ending, no one cared about the Hyuuga branch and how the storyline was dropped and had no resolution. It was only when Hinata was being attacked for not showing to care did her fans start to over-analyze all the panels looking for the tiniest little clue that might hint at some changes.
It’s possible to be both shy, anxious and quiet and also to be strong, motivated and have interests and dreams. Hinata is never strong for herself, she’s only strong to be with Naruto, to die for Naruto, to motivate Naruto, to have Naruto look at her even for a moment. All the while Naruto doesn’t pay much attention to her unless she’s literally dying in front of him or she slapped him. Even when a big climax is happening, what’s on her mind is always her romantic feelings and her crush. I saw someone say if she were a male character, and she pulled this pointless sacrifice and theatrical confession in the final fight of an arc, she would’ve been universally mocked. Actually, I think even if it was Sakura who did this instead of Hinata the former would have been mocked, because their stans are unable to see the same flaws in their own fave as they see in the other girl. Naruto is a battle manga, characters are supposed to contribute to the defeat of the villain in some material way. The only reason people praise Hinata for what she did in the Pain arc is because they either pity her or because they’re men who think women killing themselves for a man is great because it boosts their ego.
I also notice many Hinata fans don’t notice the vanity in their own fandom. They call Hinata “princess”, ”heiress”, ”Konoha’s first lady” and draw fanart glorifying these concepts and how it makes Hinata good, because they like the superficial status, what they don’t care is the titles are unearned. I thought Hinata’s appeal was that she’s the underdog and a loser? Or maybe her real appeal is the idea of getting everything you want without doing much in order to get it?  Another claim is that Hinata is the perfect woman, which you might see from men. This is what I might dislike the most. Men judge Hinata’s worth and whether she’s a good character based on what kind of woman they want and think is the right kind of woman. Hinata has big breasts, she’s submissive, she has no other interests than the man she likes, and she’s the only girl in her class who didn’t go for the popular guy. Many men hate Sakura, Ino and Karin for being fangirls but praise Hinata for being a fangirl. Basically to them if a character is a fangirl of the wrong guy, she’s a stupid slut. If she fangirls their self insert, she’s wife material and the ideal woman. If Sakura has to be saved, she’s useless. If Hinata tries to kill herself for Naruto, she’s ”so kind”. Rin is a one-dimensional character, but Hinata saying Naruto-kun for the 50th time is depth. Hinata is also claimed to be better than the other girls because she had more kids and thus is more ”fertile”. It’s like feminism never happened and we are back to the 16th century. Why are we judging women’s worth on how many kids they have and how much they can please a man?
I could also talk about how Studio Pierrot turned Hinata into a hentai bait for otakus, which also plays a part in her popularity, but I don’t think it’s necessary, so I will just offer this picture which speaks for itself.
Hinata is simply just a sexist stereotype, a shadow of a real woman, with not much depth, and who is certainly not better than Sakura either. Both of them are fangirls whose characters revolve around men. It’s wild to me how there are women who genuinely act like one must be a misogynist if they reject Hinata’s superficial, one-dimensional and boy crazy character. Her character itself is misogynist for crying out loud. And honestly, what does it say when even the creator himself assumes that Hinata is someone’s favorite character because he must like big boobs?"



At least somebody wrote about this and wondered why Hinata is ever popular to begin with. Kudos to them.


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#29883 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 12 October 2021 - 06:29 PM

Since It was Naruto's birthday on Sunday and kurama's death happened last week I wanted to see if there were any good post on Tumbler. Found the one on the last page and this one: https://sneezemonste...-all-those-rich


"Hinata’s character reminds me of all those rich and proper upper class girls in my class in college who would keep shut in a class meant for discussions, and the moment you talked loudly and passionately about something you cared about, that rubbed someone the wrong way even slightly, they would intervene trying to pacify kitten high handedly. Like woman, what are you even trying to de-escalate, are you even aware what the discussion is about here? Yeah we talking ethical implications of evil in a capitalist world or distribution of wealth or some such thing. So talk.
And when they did, all they would be able to do was stutter. Maybe you should have come prepared. No, nothing to contribute? Well, if you don’t get kitten, why so righteously stop me? Just because it made YOU uncomfortable?
Also, don’t need to hear your embarrassingly platitudinal opinion on child soldiers in Somalia when you strut around in super expensive branded clothes made by kids in third world countries. You whining about hungry children when you openly enjoy everything privilege can offer you on a daily basis just seems a little off.
Hinata crying over Naruto’s circumstances given that she KNOWS her own family practically owns slaves which she directly benefits from. Taunting Neji at the Chuunin exams even when he is desperately trying for her to back off so he doesn’t end up hurting her, when she knows exactly why Neji feels this bitter. Where is the sympathy? Chuckle. Couldn’t do kitten for Naruto, couldn’t do kitten for Neji, couldn’t even care for her own team mates. Had all the means but no spine. Yeah, some Shinobi.
Being a feminist also means rejecting female characterizations designed specifically from the perspective of misogynist men, Hinata is such a character and by no means am I going to excuse her behavior just because I support feminist ideologies. Being a feminist doesn’t mean excusing all female behavior which is most definitely scummy. Being a feminist also means demanding better representation of women in media, those people who defend Hinata from accusations for being superficial, cowardly, a hentai bait and boy crazy, think twice. I know you don’t get the intricacies of feminism but really, simply know that when you support female characters like Sakura and Hinata in world media and call yourself feminist for it, you are actually being the opposite. You are supporting the views of a misogynist man, not feminism. It’s a shame that I even have to point the obvious out, but it goes to show what a lot of people in Naruto fandom understand by feminism. Boy this fandom is seriously besides the point.
Being reserved and shy does not equate to or justify being spineless. What a slap in the face for all the introverts out there."
This felt less analytical and more comparing her to someone the writer knows and has issues with. So not as juicy.
Also, a lot of the SNS seem more obsessed with the evils of capitalism then analyzing Naruto-Boruto these days.
In the latest episode they did something that surprised me. They had Sakura give Naruto an exam to see the side effects of losing Kurama and it had a nice team 7 moment. Again someone complained about it on tumbler and I decided to see it with my own eyes; which meant watching Boruto for the first time in years.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 12 October 2021 - 06:35 PM.

#29884 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 12 October 2021 - 08:29 PM

I wouldn't buy the poster of that a beer. I'd buy them a whole bar.

I would go with buying them three for nailing it!

Edited by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja, 12 October 2021 - 08:32 PM.

#29885 Phantom_999


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Posted 12 October 2021 - 08:55 PM

Here is someone's thoughts on Hinata: https://maoam.tumblr...-good-character
And incase they delete this; also be aware incase you think they are some sort "ally" they have more posts bashing Sakura then they do Hinata. This one was just a juicy post.
I wanted to take a deeper look at Hinata’s character, considering there are a lot of claims about her out there, that she’s strong, that she’s kind, that she’s complex and relatable, that she’s the perfect woman and that she’s at least better than Sakura. I don’t really think so, and I’ll explain why. I’ll be focusing on canon, so no fillers or novels will be included in this post. I’ll say this as a warning, if you’re a fan of her character this probably won’t be something you’ll like. This will be tagged with the anti tags and put under read more so please do not complain if tumblr somehow puts this in the normal tags, it is not intentional. Also Sakura stans please don’t write lengthy comments about Sakura under this, I’m not a fan of her either and I’ll write about her later. Make your own post instead.
Hinata is generally really bad as a shinobi and I’m not sure where the claims that she is strong come from. Hinata’s entire character revolves around her being weak. This could have been fine if she actually developed, or if she found some other area for herself, yet she’s mediocre at best and a waste of panels at worst, because she never becomes good or strong at anything. She’s not only physically weak from start to finish, but she’s also the equivalent of a damsel in distress. Everytime Hinata attempts to do something, she ends up failing, getting beaten up and having to be saved. She lost to her sister who is five years younger than her, which is what marked her as a failure in her clan. She tried to fight Neji in the chunin exams and ended up coughing up blood and losing her consciousness, and Naruto had to beat Neji for her. After Kabuto heals her fully, she spends the rest of part 1 either sleeping or missing in action. Very underwhelming.
If this had been only the beginning, it would have maybe been fine, but it’s a reoccuring pattern with her character. She throws herself in front of Pain, managing to do nothing but get one-paneled and almost killed. Even at the start of the war she had to be saved by Naruto. She tried to run to Naruto and tripped over a rock. Actually, she’s so weak she got Neji killed, when he had to jump in front of her so she wouldn’t get impaled. Why is she even in the front lines when she can’t fight? Even in Naruto the Last movie she had to be saved multiple times. In Boruto the movie she is still useless and reckless, leaving her daughter’s side to help Naruto, ending up defeated and having to be healed by Sakura once again.
I can’t say she’s mentally strong either. She has the personality of someone who hates conflict and tries to avoid it as best as they can, to the point of agreeing with others on everything, as Neji pointed out. Even without him saying it out loud, most of Hinata’s moments that aren’t her thinking about Naruto are her doing exactly this. This is not the personality of someone who is strong mentally. It’s the personality of someone who is too weak to have their own mind, someone who will go with the flow and is easily led and convinced. It can be dangerous the more you think about it. Hinata is also the bystander who never stands up for Naruto despite liking and admiring him. If she’s a compassionate girl, why isn’t she showing this by reaching out to Naruto and befriending him? Why doesn’t she show he’s not alone? Why is she only drawing inspiration from him? I don’t normally watch fillers, but there was one filler scene unrelated to Hinata where this girl says if you only look at the loser and do nothing, you aren’t much better than the oppressors, which probably wasn’t meant to be a call out for Hinata, but ended up being so anyway. Another thing that’s annoying is how she is berating herself often, yet doing nothing, it comes off as self-pity. Even in the Last movie, she is talking about how she must be a bad sister for knitting a scarf when her sister is in danger. Then why are you doing it and not stopping? Of course everytime this happens Naruto must cheer her up because she just can’t stop moping around and doing something herself.
Aside from all this, from the very beginning Hinata’s honor needed to be defended by Naruto because she couldn’t stand up for herself. Of course, after Naruto’s words she did stood up for a moment, and that was good, but it should have been a wake up call which altered her course. Instead, she kept doing the same she always did. If we take the Last movie into consideration, she’s still not strong enough to do anything even about her crush on Naruto. She needs genjutsu and Sakura to do the work for her. So even when it comes to the only thing she cares about 90 % of the time, which is Naruto-kun, she can’t do anything about it. That’s really sad.
There’s one mistake I see people make often, and that’s assuming characters that are quiet and shy are automatically kind. I wouldn’t say Hinata is as kind as the fandom makes her out to be. She simply comes off that way because you don’t really see her have her own opinions or disagree with the other characters. Hinata’s shyness on the other hand is most of the time a fetishized quirk to appeal to certain subset of fans. Her shyness doesn’t stop her from taking exams or hanging around Shino and Kiba, or talking to characters other than Naruto. She also has enough attitude to rub Neji’s status as a house slave in his face during their match, but because she stutters Naruto-kun every five minutes she’s supposedly kind. Kindness is shown through actions, not through standing around and stuttering. For comparison, we see Ino befriend an unpopular kid like Sakura, and give her confidence. That’s an act of kindness. Did Hinata ever cared about helping the branch members in any way? No.
She’s supposedly “kind” but like I mentioned before she never shows this kindness by standing up for Naruto, or reaching out to him. She simply stares at him behind a tree and draws inspiration from his suffering. The only time she can actually stand up is to selfishly confess her love and die. She even said she felt like being selfish, and like I said she knew there was nothing she could do, she was told she’d only be in the way. She came there only to confess and commit suicide. This actually reminds me of another anime where this female character, after being unable to receive a male character’s love killed herself in front of him and said ”now you’ll never forget me”.
In the end, she cares about nothing but her own hormonal urges. Hinata tried to help Naruto cheat to pass an exam at the risk of disqualifying her whole team. This is the first individual action we see her character take. Did she consider Shino and Kiba during that moment? No, she didn’t even have an inner conflict on whether she should do this, whether it’s right towards her teammates. Even Naruto considers he might get Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura all in trouble if he accepts Hinata’s offer, which is why he doesn’t do it. Then when Hinata wonders if she can cheer for Naruto during his and Kiba’s match, she thinks Kiba might get mad. It’s more about how Kiba views her rather than whether she should cheer for Kiba because they are in the same team and should support each other. During the Pain attack, she left an injured shinobi, who couldn’t move, to go to Naruto, even when said shinobi told her she would only be in Naruto’s way. She didn’t try to save people, she simply wanted to confess and act in front of Naruto. This is about a threat to the entire village, which includes her comrades and her sister and she’s thinking only about her romantic feelings towards a guy she had maybe two conversations with and who barely remembers she exists. How is she better than Sakura? War arc really was the icing on the cake that Hinata’s character is only about Naruto. We should not forget the infamous ”Naruto-kun’s hand is so big… so manly…” is that really the right time to be thirsty? When Neji just died? Shikamaru mentions that he could help out Naruto as a right-hand man and then Hinata thinks “I-I want to be by Naruto-kun’s side too.” Then there’s of course the scene where she starts running to Naruto, leaving her post and teammates, even when Naruto is a mile away and already in the hands of medical ninjas, and even that ends up her pathetically tripping over a rock. Kiba has to remind her to use her byakugan because she is too busy gushing about Naruto. Eventually her only last line is “Naruto-kun”, when everyone is put into IT. It’s like a parody by this point. She doesn’t have any concern for her sister, her father, her teammates, Kurenai or her baby. It’s just “Naruto-kun” like it always is. Even in the Last movie, she is knitting a scarf for Naruto during the mission where they’re supposed to save her sister. Who brings a scarf on a mission? Why is she thinking about her romantic gift to Naruto so much she has to take it with her on a mission which focus is saving her sister? She even looks more devastated when Toneri tores the scarf apart than she ever does for Hanabi’s sake. It’s just silly and selfish.
Is she complex though? Her development goes from standing behind a tree looking at her crush she never talks to, to committing suicide for feelings that could never be reciprocated, to… waiting that a genjutsu and Sakura guilt trip Naruto enough for him to be with her? Like I already mentioned her character revolves entirely around Naruto, she has no hobbies or interests we know of aside from him. She has no motivations aside from being by Naruto’s side. She once had an interesting goal and backstory, but that was never fully explored, and it turned into her wanting Naruto’s attention and thinking about him. Her clan plot was irrelevant, she showed no interest in wanting to be a leader or even wanting to make things better for the branch members. It’s funny because immediately after the ending, no one cared about the Hyuuga branch and how the storyline was dropped and had no resolution. It was only when Hinata was being attacked for not showing to care did her fans start to over-analyze all the panels looking for the tiniest little clue that might hint at some changes.
It’s possible to be both shy, anxious and quiet and also to be strong, motivated and have interests and dreams. Hinata is never strong for herself, she’s only strong to be with Naruto, to die for Naruto, to motivate Naruto, to have Naruto look at her even for a moment. All the while Naruto doesn’t pay much attention to her unless she’s literally dying in front of him or she slapped him. Even when a big climax is happening, what’s on her mind is always her romantic feelings and her crush. I saw someone say if she were a male character, and she pulled this pointless sacrifice and theatrical confession in the final fight of an arc, she would’ve been universally mocked. Actually, I think even if it was Sakura who did this instead of Hinata the former would have been mocked, because their stans are unable to see the same flaws in their own fave as they see in the other girl. Naruto is a battle manga, characters are supposed to contribute to the defeat of the villain in some material way. The only reason people praise Hinata for what she did in the Pain arc is because they either pity her or because they’re men who think women killing themselves for a man is great because it boosts their ego.
I also notice many Hinata fans don’t notice the vanity in their own fandom. They call Hinata “princess”, ”heiress”, ”Konoha’s first lady” and draw fanart glorifying these concepts and how it makes Hinata good, because they like the superficial status, what they don’t care is the titles are unearned. I thought Hinata’s appeal was that she’s the underdog and a loser? Or maybe her real appeal is the idea of getting everything you want without doing much in order to get it?  Another claim is that Hinata is the perfect woman, which you might see from men. This is what I might dislike the most. Men judge Hinata’s worth and whether she’s a good character based on what kind of woman they want and think is the right kind of woman. Hinata has big breasts, she’s submissive, she has no other interests than the man she likes, and she’s the only girl in her class who didn’t go for the popular guy. Many men hate Sakura, Ino and Karin for being fangirls but praise Hinata for being a fangirl. Basically to them if a character is a fangirl of the wrong guy, she’s a stupid slut. If she fangirls their self insert, she’s wife material and the ideal woman. If Sakura has to be saved, she’s useless. If Hinata tries to kill herself for Naruto, she’s ”so kind”. Rin is a one-dimensional character, but Hinata saying Naruto-kun for the 50th time is depth. Hinata is also claimed to be better than the other girls because she had more kids and thus is more ”fertile”. It’s like feminism never happened and we are back to the 16th century. Why are we judging women’s worth on how many kids they have and how much they can please a man?
I could also talk about how Studio Pierrot turned Hinata into a hentai bait for otakus, which also plays a part in her popularity, but I don’t think it’s necessary, so I will just offer this picture which speaks for itself.
Hinata is simply just a sexist stereotype, a shadow of a real woman, with not much depth, and who is certainly not better than Sakura either. Both of them are fangirls whose characters revolve around men. It’s wild to me how there are women who genuinely act like one must be a misogynist if they reject Hinata’s superficial, one-dimensional and boy crazy character. Her character itself is misogynist for crying out loud. And honestly, what does it say when even the creator himself assumes that Hinata is someone’s favorite character because he must like big boobs?"

Uh, isn’t that what I’ve been saying though? Well not all of it but definitely the part where they confuse Hinata’s shyness for kindness as an example. Can’t remember where the post is but I did comment on that. 


Point being, Hinata is not what her fans make her out to be. It is not that she's kind, it was whom she directed her kindness to and that was blow out of proportion. she is not strong, she has no true victory to her name, nor does she show emotional or metal strength either as stated, at least not towards anyone that is not Naruto. She is definitely not complex. Why? " Naruto-kun this, Naruto-kun that." Enough said.


On another note if the writer of this analysis rags on Sakura way more than this for being an obsessed fangirl, well I just find the sheer hypocrisy laughable. Again this is one of my biggest gripes with this stupid, kitten double standard "fandumbdom". Sakura STARTED as an airheaded obnoxious fangirl, but when she was growing out of it, none of this vocal one track minded minority wants to acknowledge it. This person said Hinata is not mentally strong or emotionally strong, But Sakura does grow in those departments for the most part, So I better not see any bs comments that tarnish her dignity on those fronts. Any complaints about Sakura having a weak/not existent power set? I better not hear this person is a fan of Tsunade then. :dry:

Edited by Phantom_999, 12 October 2021 - 09:18 PM.


#29886 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 12 October 2021 - 10:08 PM

At least somebody wrote about this and wondered why Hinata is ever popular to begin with. Kudos to them.

She was in the story early on during the Chunin exam as the sacrifice to make people invested in the Neji Vs Naruto fight. People thought she would be more important. Time and their minds building up her possible story until their head-canons overtook the actual story and character. Add in the her type of character is rare in the West, and she was the moe the otaku at SP could get their hands on and well what happened, happened. 


Uh, isn’t that what I’ve been saying though? Well not all of it but definitely the part where they confuse Hinata’s shyness for kindness as an example. Can’t remember where the post is but I did comment on that. 


Point being, Hinata is not what her fans make her out to be. It is not that she's kind, it was whom she directed her kindness to and that was blow out of proportion. she is not strong, she has no true victory to her name, nor does she show emotional or metal strength either as stated, at least not towards anyone that is not Naruto. She is definitely not complex. Why? " Naruto-kun this, Naruto-kun that." Enough said.


On another note if the writer of this analysis rags on Sakura way more than this for being an obsessed fangirl, well I just find the sheer hypocrisy laughable. Again this is one of my biggest gripes with this stupid, kitten double standard "fandumbdom". Sakura STARTED as an airheaded obnoxious fangirl, but when she was growing out of it, none of this vocal one track minded minority wants to acknowledge it. This person said Hinata is not mentally strong or emotionally strong, But Sakura does grow in those departments for the most part, So I better not see any bs comments that tarnish her dignity on those fronts. Any complaints about Sakura having a weak/not existent power set? I better not hear this person is a fan of Tsunade then. :dry:

Many of us here have likely made a post analyzing Hinata in some way shape or form. They just put the points into a nice decent post that only really veered off near the end.


There are in general two types of SNS fans' view on Sakura. The ones that knew SNS was unlikely (since its a shouen manga aimed at young Japanese boys) and therefor tolerated Sakura; since, she didn't interfere too much with the SNS bond. And, the ones that despise her for getting in the way of the totally completely gay relationship that wasn't overblown or misinterpreted at all that if it wasn't for her they would had full blown gay sex by chapter 4 due to how gay Naruto and Sasuke were. The writer is one of the latter. 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 13 October 2021 - 09:33 AM.

#29887 James S Cassidy

James S Cassidy

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Posted 16 October 2021 - 02:31 PM


Here is someone's thoughts on Hinata: https://maoam.tumblr...-good-character


And incase they delete this; also be aware incase you think they are some sort "ally" they have more posts bashing Sakura then they do Hinata. This one was just a juicy post.


Let's be real here...while we all agree Kishimoto just royally screwed Sakura over...their criticisms of her are correct thanks in most part to the ending. Yeah, we can make arguments here and there, but she still ended up being obsessed over a boy to the point that if you told me she would abandon her kid because Sasuke told her to, I would definitely believe she would do it. Hell, Naruto is able to abandon his family when Sasuke comes calling, so would you be that surprised?

The Sakura we all loved was killed by the ending. Same with Naruto, Sasuke, and all characters that are not Hinata.

I wanted to take a deeper look at Hinata’s character, considering there are a lot of claims about her out there, that she’s strong, that she’s kind, that she’s complex and relatable, that she’s the perfect woman and that she’s at least better than Sakura. I don’t really think so, and I’ll explain why. I’ll be focusing on canon, so no fillers or novels will be included in this post. I’ll say this as a warning, if you’re a fan of her character this probably won’t be something you’ll like. This will be tagged with the anti tags and put under read more so please do not complain if tumblr somehow puts this in the normal tags, it is not intentional. Also Sakura stans please don’t write lengthy comments about Sakura under this, I’m not a fan of her either and I’ll write about her later. Make your own post instead.

At least they don't do this "Hinata is bad, but Sakura is worse" post like so many others do and openly expresses they both such. There we have equality. lol

Hinata is generally really bad as a shinobi and I’m not sure where the claims that she is strong come from. Hinata’s entire character revolves around her being weak. This could have been fine if she actually developed, or if she found some other area for herself, yet she’s mediocre at best and a waste of panels at worst, because she never becomes good or strong at anything. She’s not only physically weak from start to finish, but she’s also the equivalent of a damsel in distress. Everytime Hinata attempts to do something, she ends up failing, getting beaten up and having to be saved. She lost to her sister who is five years younger than her, which is what marked her as a failure in her clan. She tried to fight Neji in the chunin exams and ended up coughing up blood and losing her consciousness, and Naruto had to beat Neji for her. After Kabuto heals her fully, she spends the rest of part 1 either sleeping or missing in action. Very underwhelming.


The only thing massive about Hinata is her hospital bill. Even in the beginning of the Boruto movie, she is scene in a hospital bed with Sakura healing her and this is supposed to be the Goddess of the Byakugan? Please. Chi-Chi is more powerful than her. She is a failure and it is pity. She is SO pitied that people literally have to guilt trip someone else to let her win. It is sad.

If this had been only the beginning, it would have maybe been fine, but it’s a reoccuring pattern with her character. She throws herself in front of Pain, managing to do nothing but get one-paneled and almost killed. Even at the start of the war she had to be saved by Naruto. She tried to run to Naruto and tripped over a rock. Actually, she’s so weak she got Neji killed, when he had to jump in front of her so she wouldn’t get impaled. Why is she even in the front lines when she can’t fight? Even in Naruto the Last movie she had to be saved multiple times. In Boruto the movie she is still useless and reckless, leaving her daughter’s side to help Naruto, ending up defeated and having to be healed by Sakura once again.



This is the biggest problem with all characters at this point. Their worst traits are also their most reoccurring ones. With Naruto and Sakura, it was this Sasuke obsession that kept them from being much better characters. Why were they so stagnant? Why couldn't Kishimoto just develop them? I can at least understand, albeit not condone, Naruto obsession, but the fact that for a long time they didn't develop ANYTHING is just garbage. Naruto didn't learn why being Hokage is important, why Sasuke's actions are occurring, and why things are the way they are and try and change them. He just kept saying "if I can't bring Sasuke back, then I don't deserve to live." Yeah, Naruto,....once Sasuke decided he wasn't a stay at home dad, you gave up on life, married whoever was to spread their legs, and just buried yourself in work and cheap alcohol. (Confirmed Naruto is a lightweight in liquor which is odd seeing how he has a faster healing rate thanks to Kurama. He should have been MORE resilient to alcohol.) 

Same character coming in...same character going out...all they did was grow older age wise.


I can’t say she’s mentally strong either. She has the personality of someone who hates conflict and tries to avoid it as best as they can, to the point of agreeing with others on everything, as Neji pointed out. Even without him saying it out loud, most of Hinata’s moments that aren’t her thinking about Naruto are her doing exactly this. This is not the personality of someone who is strong mentally. It’s the personality of someone who is too weak to have their own mind, someone who will go with the flow and is easily led and convinced. It can be dangerous the more you think about it. Hinata is also the bystander who never stands up for Naruto despite liking and admiring him. If she’s a compassionate girl, why isn’t she showing this by reaching out to Naruto and befriending him? Why doesn’t she show he’s not alone? Why is she only drawing inspiration from him? I don’t normally watch fillers, but there was one filler scene unrelated to Hinata where this girl says if you only look at the loser and do nothing, you aren’t much better than the oppressors, which probably wasn’t meant to be a call out for Hinata, but ended up being so anyway. Another thing that’s annoying is how she is berating herself often, yet doing nothing, it comes off as self-pity. Even in the Last movie, she is talking about how she must be a bad sister for knitting a scarf when her sister is in danger. Then why are you doing it and not stopping? Of course everytime this happens Naruto must cheer her up because she just can’t stop moping around and doing something herself.
Again, this is another annoying BS like mentioned above. They say how bad stuff is and how things need to change, but they are unwilling to do anything about themselves or they just sit back and wait for it to change. Naruto did alot of self-pity over Sasuke too to the point he hyperventilated over the thought that other people see him as a terrorist and want to take him out. I am reminded of a quote from Hellsing abridged

"I don't know shy she is angry. I told her I would support her no matter what she chose."
"That doesn't sound like a partner, that sounds like a crutch"
-Random guy soul and Alucard.

Hinata is the epitome of crutch characters. In a way, she has a passive aggressive victim mentality where she is not bad...it is everyone else who treats her bad and it is just wrong. She was bad because she refused to improve herself despite even Naruto telling her she needs to improve herself first before anything else. Also the reason why I think Neji has good reason to be angry with Hinata and why the "talk-no-jutsu" Naruto gave Neji was just insensitive and victim blaming. Hinata is the golden child....both in the story AND with her fandom. "Oh, it is okay if you family doesn't think you're strong and everyone else has to save you. You take your time with all the support we got until you are ready." That's why she never changes because she was told that it was okay for her to be this pathetic. I am surprised she picked up Naruto's idea of "Never give up," but never picked up Naruto drive to want to change things. (Even though I'd argue later down the road Naruto kind of just let go of himself.)

Naruto is basically twitter. The entire story is twitter in a nutshell. 
Aside from all this, from the very beginning Hinata’s honor needed to be defended by Naruto because she couldn’t stand up for herself. Of course, after Naruto’s words she did stood up for a moment, and that was good, but it should have been a wake up call which altered her course. Instead, she kept doing the same she always did. If we take the Last movie into consideration, she’s still not strong enough to do anything even about her crush on Naruto. She needs genjutsu and Sakura to do the work for her. So even when it comes to the only thing she cares about 90 % of the time, which is Naruto-kun, she can’t do anything about it. That’s really sad.


Hinata cannot do anything by herself. Not even win the supposed "love of her life." Then people wonder why Naruto ignored her for 5 years. I am also so sick of the Pain Arc confession because the canon blows down this scene. Naruto didn't know what love was and didn't think anything of the confession apparently. So I guess it was pointless. According to Naruto's own canon...she fails so hard that she ends up succeeding. Great story.

There’s one mistake I see people make often, and that’s assuming characters that are quiet and shy are automatically kind. I wouldn’t say Hinata is as kind as the fandom makes her out to be. She simply comes off that way because you don’t really see her have her own opinions or disagree with the other characters. Hinata’s shyness on the other hand is most of the time a fetishized quirk to appeal to certain subset of fans. Her shyness doesn’t stop her from taking exams or hanging around Shino and Kiba, or talking to characters other than Naruto. She also has enough attitude to rub Neji’s status as a house slave in his face during their match, but because she stutters Naruto-kun every five minutes she’s supposedly kind. Kindness is shown through actions, not through standing around and stuttering. For comparison, we see Ino befriend an unpopular kid like Sakura, and give her confidence. That’s an act of kindness. Did Hinata ever cared about helping the branch members in any way? No.



I HATE it when people confuse shyness with kindness. It is like when people confuse apathy with confidence. It is NOT the same thing. Again, Neji gets the scolding from Naruto and blamed for his own misery, but Hinata doesn't get the same talk even though she causes herself or even her own families misery. "It's okay. You don't have to be special" Hinata may not have started Neji's mistreatment, but she didn't stop it either. In fact, she FUELED it more, but Neji is the one in the wrong. 

"Oh, but Hinata is so shy. She would never be so outspoken." Uh huh...I feel like fans have forgotten all of this in favor of superficial ideas. 


She’s supposedly “kind” but like I mentioned before she never shows this kindness by standing up for Naruto, or reaching out to him. She simply stares at him behind a tree and draws inspiration from his suffering. The only time she can actually stand up is to selfishly confess her love and die. She even said she felt like being selfish, and like I said she knew there was nothing she could do, she was told she’d only be in the way. She came there only to confess and commit suicide. This actually reminds me of another anime where this female character, after being unable to receive a male character’s love killed herself in front of him and said ”now you’ll never forget me”.


Sakura did more for Naruto and support him more than Hinata did. Again, another argument I am so sick of hearing. "Hinata supported Naruto since the beginning." No, she didn't. She was quietly sitting behind a tree and making mental remarks. Being selfless means caring about someone more than you care about yourself. Sakura wanting to give up on the exam for Naruto's sake was actual kindness albeit kind of a dumb way of going about it. She was willing to sacrifice her own image and chances to let Naruto walk with some dignity. Intent means everything. Hinata only does things because she wants to be noticed. Sakura does things out of real kindness and care and Hinata openly admits she does it to be noticed.

"Notice me, Senpai."

Hell, RtN Hinata feels like it it is Hinata when something snaps and starving for attention. Imagine Hinata as a yandere and it seems to almost fit her better,

In the end, she cares about nothing but her own hormonal urges. Hinata tried to help Naruto cheat to pass an exam at the risk of disqualifying her whole team. This is the first individual action we see her character take. Did she consider Shino and Kiba during that moment? No, she didn’t even have an inner conflict on whether she should do this, whether it’s right towards her teammates. Even Naruto considers he might get Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura all in trouble if he accepts Hinata’s offer, which is why he doesn’t do it. Then when Hinata wonders if she can cheer for Naruto during his and Kiba’s match, she thinks Kiba might get mad. It’s more about how Kiba views her rather than whether she should cheer for Kiba because they are in the same team and should support each other. During the Pain attack, she left an injured shinobi, who couldn’t move, to go to Naruto, even when said shinobi told her she would only be in Naruto’s way. She didn’t try to save people, she simply wanted to confess and act in front of Naruto. This is about a threat to the entire village, which includes her comrades and her sister and she’s thinking only about her romantic feelings towards a guy she had maybe two conversations with and who barely remembers she exists. How is she better than Sakura? War arc really was the icing on the cake that Hinata’s character is only about Naruto. We should not forget the infamous ”Naruto-kun’s hand is so big… so manly…” is that really the right time to be thirsty? When Neji just died? Shikamaru mentions that he could help out Naruto as a right-hand man and then Hinata thinks “I-I want to be by Naruto-kun’s side too.” Then there’s of course the scene where she starts running to Naruto, leaving her post and teammates, even when Naruto is a mile away and already in the hands of medical ninjas, and even that ends up her pathetically tripping over a rock. Kiba has to remind her to use her byakugan because she is too busy gushing about Naruto. Eventually her only last line is “Naruto-kun”, when everyone is put into IT. It’s like a parody by this point. She doesn’t have any concern for her sister, her father, her teammates, Kurenai or her baby. It’s just “Naruto-kun” like it always is. Even in the Last movie, she is knitting a scarf for Naruto during the mission where they’re supposed to save her sister. Who brings a scarf on a mission? Why is she thinking about her romantic gift to Naruto so much she has to take it with her on a mission which focus is saving her sister? She even looks more devastated when Toneri tores the scarf apart than she ever does for Hanabi’s sake. It’s just silly and selfish.



*shrugs* See? Even I am predicting this post as I am reading. This is exactly what I have been saying. She only does things if it is for Naruto's sake. Everyone and everything else is secondary at best. Even her own kids are secondary to Naruto. Hinata is the ultimate Naruto THOT. She is everything beta males love. "She is beautiful, sexy, and only loves me no matter what I look like or pathetic I am." A golden child where she can do no wrong because of this misguided sense of how great she is when she is actually the most selfish, self-centered, obsessed girl in the entire series. 


Is she complex though? Her development goes from standing behind a tree looking at her crush she never talks to, to committing suicide for feelings that could never be reciprocated, to… waiting that a genjutsu and Sakura guilt trip Naruto enough for him to be with her? Like I already mentioned her character revolves entirely around Naruto, she has no hobbies or interests we know of aside from him. She has no motivations aside from being by Naruto’s side. She once had an interesting goal and backstory, but that was never fully explored, and it turned into her wanting Naruto’s attention and thinking about him. Her clan plot was irrelevant, she showed no interest in wanting to be a leader or even wanting to make things better for the branch members. It’s funny because immediately after the ending, no one cared about the Hyuuga branch and how the storyline was dropped and had no resolution. It was only when Hinata was being attacked for not showing to care did her fans start to over-analyze all the panels looking for the tiniest little clue that might hint at some changes.


When I can describer her entire character in one word....she is not complex. "Naruto-kun."
It is so bad, she makes Bella from Twillight have more personality and THAT is saying something.


It’s possible to be both shy, anxious and quiet and also to be strong, motivated and have interests and dreams. Hinata is never strong for herself, she’s only strong to be with Naruto, to die for Naruto, to motivate Naruto, to have Naruto look at her even for a moment. All the while Naruto doesn’t pay much attention to her unless she’s literally dying in front of him or she slapped him. Even when a big climax is happening, what’s on her mind is always her romantic feelings and her crush. I saw someone say if she were a male character, and she pulled this pointless sacrifice and theatrical confession in the final fight of an arc, she would’ve been universally mocked. Actually, I think even if it was Sakura who did this instead of Hinata the former would have been mocked, because their stans are unable to see the same flaws in their own fave as they see in the other girl. Naruto is a battle manga, characters are supposed to contribute to the defeat of the villain in some material way. The only reason people praise Hinata for what she did in the Pain arc is because they either pity her or because they’re men who think women killing themselves for a man is great because it boosts their ego.


Yeup. Like I said...Golden Child. She can do no wrong.
I also notice many Hinata fans don’t notice the vanity in their own fandom. They call Hinata “princess”, ”heiress”, ”Konoha’s first lady” and draw fanart glorifying these concepts and how it makes Hinata good, because they like the superficial status, what they don’t care is the titles are unearned. I thought Hinata’s appeal was that she’s the underdog and a loser? Or maybe her real appeal is the idea of getting everything you want without doing much in order to get it?  Another claim is that Hinata is the perfect woman, which you might see from men. This is what I might dislike the most. Men judge Hinata’s worth and whether she’s a good character based on what kind of woman they want and think is the right kind of woman. Hinata has big breasts, she’s submissive, she has no other interests than the man she likes, and she’s the only girl in her class who didn’t go for the popular guy. Many men hate Sakura, Ino and Karin for being fangirls but praise Hinata for being a fangirl. Basically to them if a character is a fangirl of the wrong guy, she’s a stupid slut. If she fangirls their self insert, she’s wife material and the ideal woman. If Sakura has to be saved, she’s useless. If Hinata tries to kill herself for Naruto, she’s ”so kind”. Rin is a one-dimensional character, but Hinata saying Naruto-kun for the 50th time is depth. Hinata is also claimed to be better than the other girls because she had more kids and thus is more ”fertile”. It’s like feminism never happened and we are back to the 16th century. Why are we judging women’s worth on how many kids they have and how much they can please a man?


It is one thing when a certain group of men see this, but it is worse when WOMEN see this as well. You know how many women treat Hinata as a self-insert fantasy? I swear, the biggest reason everyone hates Sakura is because she is TOO much like them in real life...boy obsessed over the popular guy, pushed the actual guy who likes her into the friendzone, and then after she is left broke and a single parent she blames everyone, BUT the guy she is in love with and wonders what went wrong. Chapter 693 always rings so much truth in my head. Why should these two boys love the girls who are obsessed with them? Hinata is the fantasy a lot of modern girls WANT to be. Do very little effort and the boy she wants to instantly fall in love with her. It is borderline THOT process. 

These two female characters are literally being based on their love interest and their men trophies they win. Their value is based on how hard and how many times they are sexing their men...

"Stand there and cry....CRY FOR YOUR MAN....as feminism marches on."
-Retrospect Greg

Naruto is the twitter anime. Say one thing...behave the next.

I could also talk about how Studio Pierrot turned Hinata into a hentai bait for otakus, which also plays a part in her popularity, but I don’t think it’s necessary, so I will just offer this picture which speaks for itself.


Not other words needed.

Hinata is simply just a sexist stereotype, a shadow of a real woman, with not much depth, and who is certainly not better than Sakura either. Both of them are fangirls whose characters revolve around men. It’s wild to me how there are women who genuinely act like one must be a misogynist if they reject Hinata’s superficial, one-dimensional and boy crazy character. Her character itself is misogynist for crying out loud. And honestly, what does it say when even the creator himself assumes that Hinata is someone’s favorite character because he must like big boobs?"



They are not in love with Hinata as she is...they are in love with how they want Hinata to be and all the excuses they make is proof. The same people who tell me to read the manga are also the same people who can't remember the very Pain Arc confession. You don't know how many times I had a conversation with a someone that went like this: 

"Hinata is not selfish. The Pain Arc confessions shows how selfless she is."
"Hinata called herself selfish though. She admitted she is selfish"
"When did she say that?"
"In the very confession you brag about."

*shows panel*

Then they just derail the conversation or try to say how selfish Sakura is and I have to remind them..."No, we are talking about Hinata here. Sakura is a different conversation. If you have to compare, then you are admitting that the only reason why Hinata is good is because everyone else is worse. You're not raising the bar for Hinata...you're just lowering everyone else's"

I also had a convoy about the same thing, but slightly different.
"Hinata called herself twice. One was even in Naruto the Last."
"Naruto debunked that though so she doesn't think she is selfish. He said so himself."
"Okay, but he didn't debunk that in the Pain Arc Confession."

They just can't any negative aspect of her while they demand I accept everything bad about Sakura. If you have to value someone based on something they don't do or have, then you're just pathetic and pushing victim mentality.
It's like praising overly obese people for beating anorexia. 

Hinata’s character reminds me of all those rich and proper upper class girls in my class in college who would keep shut in a class meant for discussions, and the moment you talked loudly and passionately about something you cared about, that rubbed someone the wrong way even slightly, they would intervene trying to pacify kitten high handedly. Like woman, what are you even trying to de-escalate, are you even aware what the discussion is about here? Yeah we talking ethical implications of evil in a capitalist world or distribution of wealth or some such thing. So talk.
And when they did, all they would be able to do was stutter. Maybe you should have come prepared. No, nothing to contribute? Well, if you don’t get kitten, why so righteously stop me? Just because it made YOU uncomfortable?



It is essentially how woketivist on twitter operate. They talk about how capitalism is bad, how slavery is horrible, and all these other things while being on devices that were created in third world countries by slave labor and ignore all the issues that they have benefited from. They also talk about issues, but never offer solutions and they never think that they have to do anything. 

Oh and if you point this out to them, they believe that them just voicing their word absolves them from taking responsibility or allows them to continue to do the very things they abhor. 
"Men and women are equal, but when it comes to responsibility men need to sacrifice and help women more."
"We need to stop racism and POC lives matter, but then attack POC if they voted wrong or don't politically agree with them."
"Xenophobia is wrong, but are okay with attacking other cultures like Japan because they don't follow the same standards as their woke views."

Personal political opinions aside because I am not trying to start a political debate, I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of how people operate on twitter and modern political views. You have to practice what you preach and Hinata is always exempted. They will hold ALL other Naruto females to a high standard, but try to apply it to Hinata and they lose their mind. Hinata is even personified as a 4th dimensional level. "How DARE Naruto not want to instantly be with her. Naruto is not a real man if he doesn't get with Hinata." Meanwhile, Sakura is a terrible woman if she gave up on Sasuke and her love for him. What the hell? I guess Karin, Ino, and so many others are all terrible women then.

Meanwhile, the male characters are just seen in bad light UNLESS they do what they are told....give me a break. It is the most toxic ideology I have ever seen. It reminds of OnlyFans complaining about how men objectify women while wearing revealing clothing to gain money. I guess everything is great if it can be profitable, If you can't gain from it, then it is bad.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 16 October 2021 - 02:53 PM.

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#29888 sushi.


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Posted 16 October 2021 - 09:28 PM

Let's be real here...while we all agree Kishimoto just royally screwed Sakura over...their criticisms of her are correct thanks in most part to the ending. Yeah, we can make arguments here and there, but she still ended up being obsessed over a boy to the point that if you told me she would abandon her kid because Sasuke told her to, I would definitely believe she would do it. Hell, Naruto is able to abandon his family when Sasuke comes calling, so would you be that surprised?

The Sakura we all loved was killed by the ending. Same with Naruto, Sasuke, and all characters that are not Hinata.

I think the only fans still defending Sakura are SS people. But in gaiden, she comes to her daughter's aide and runs up to hug her. Sasuke is also there and they haven't talked to eachother in 12 years. It's not a romantic reunion, lol. If you ever wonder whether he magically fell in love with her Kishi shoves that answer in our faces.


And in Boruto while I don't consider it Kishi's work, Sakura never hugs Sasuke, but they sometimes have trio hug with their daughter. Salad is between them, they look like a divorced couple co-parenting.. Sakura isn't as obsessed with Sasuke as shippuden, and neither is Naruto. Sakura does other detestable things such as covering up Taka's photo with her own. She also trie to get a kiss or hug from Sasuke and gets all  :cry: when he acts like she doesn't exist. This is all in gaiden, 100% Kishi's work.


Hinata, in the Boruto movie when some enemy invaded and both Naruto and Boruto was inside, she said Naruto's name only. Whenever both return from a dangerous mission, she hugs Naruto first. I'm not sure if she hugs Boruto after. This all makes me wonder if Kishi really endorses NH. I think he loathes SS and expressed much resentment in gaiden. NH, not sure, he did come up with the scarf idea because his wife made him a scarf once.


And about the last part, I think Hinata's character was also killed. She may have had a purpose long ago. Whatever it was all her flaws were erased to mold her into a perfect love interest. There's nothing wrong with a glow-up but it's obvious she was made 10x more gorgeous to be worthy as the love interest. She didn't have much personality to begin with, but Kishi took that away and in the blank period she's just a doll. Then in Boruto, she's scary? lol. Boruto is scared of her. SP transforms Hinata into whatever is needed of her. Because Naruto isn't the strict parent, someone has to become Sakura.


In this sequel, the only ones that gets to shine are Naruto and Sasuke. They often lose so Boruto can save the day, but I mean they get arcs and screentime. Sakura and Hinata are usually at home, mothering etc, while S&N are on the battlefield. I say usually, because once in a while we see Sakura in a hospital.


#29889 Kagomaru


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    NaruSaku (Naruto x Sakura)
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Posted 17 October 2021 - 04:26 AM

I think the only fans still defending Sakura are SS people. But in gaiden, she comes to her daughter's aide and runs up to hug her. Sasuke is also there and they haven't talked to eachother in 12 years. It's not a romantic reunion, lol. If you ever wonder whether he magically fell in love with her Kishi shoves that answer in our faces.


And in Boruto while I don't consider it Kishi's work, Sakura never hugs Sasuke, but they sometimes have trio hug with their daughter. Salad is between them, they look like a divorced couple co-parenting.. Sakura isn't as obsessed with Sasuke as shippuden, and neither is Naruto. Sakura does other detestable things such as covering up Taka's photo with her own. She also trie to get a kiss or hug from Sasuke and gets all  :cry: when he acts like she doesn't exist. This is all in gaiden, 100% Kishi's work.


Hinata, in the Boruto movie when some enemy invaded and both Naruto and Boruto was inside, she said Naruto's name only. Whenever both return from a dangerous mission, she hugs Naruto first. I'm not sure if she hugs Boruto after. This all makes me wonder if Kishi really endorses NH. I think he loathes SS and expressed much resentment in gaiden. NH, not sure, he did come up with the scarf idea because his wife made him a scarf once.


And about the last part, I think Hinata's character was also killed. She may have had a purpose long ago. Whatever it was all her flaws were erased to mold her into a perfect love interest. There's nothing wrong with a glow-up but it's obvious she was made 10x more gorgeous to be worthy as the love interest. She didn't have much personality to begin with, but Kishi took that away and in the blank period she's just a doll. Then in Boruto, she's scary? lol. Boruto is scared of her. SP transforms Hinata into whatever is needed of her. Because Naruto isn't the strict parent, someone has to become Sakura.


In this sequel, the only ones that gets to shine are Naruto and Sasuke. They often lose so Boruto can save the day, but I mean they get arcs and screentime. Sakura and Hinata are usually at home, mothering etc, while S&N are on the battlefield. I say usually, because once in a while we see Sakura in a hospital.

Considering that Kishimoto has said that he does not understand Hinata's appeal, stated that NaruHina is a couple that was created out of "pity", and illustrates Naruto as a negligent husband and father towards his family(even rejecting Hinata's bento, which is considered quite offensive in the culture of Japanese couples), among other things?  No, I doubt he endorses NaruHina. The fact that he was relatively locked out of the Last during its production speaks for itself(and in the novelization, where he had more creative control and had Naruto admit that the basis of his newfound feelings for Hinata was due to guilt, also indicates his opinion on the couple). And Hinata's concern for her children's welfare is non-existent in the movie.  She even told Boruto to take care of her husband for her(yeah, have your son "protect" your husband, who is a demi-god; great parenting, Hinata), and pretty much told him (after he rightfully called his father out and reduced her to tears) that his grievances with his distant father were irrelevant because "Naruto-kun suffered more" and should get a pass for his lack of domestic presence. She prioritized him over her children more than once in the movie.


And for all the criticism towards SS in Boruto, we at least see them interact in the manga. Naruto and Hinata barely share a panel together, let alone meaningful dialogue.  If anything, Kishimoto has gone out of his way - within reason - to express how dysfunctional both main couples are without outright saying it, especially since we know that they were not what he intended for the series.  He only "endorses" NaruHina in interviews to cover his ass since we know he can't just tell people that it only happened due to editorial interference from WSJ and Shueisha since that would get him blacklisted.

Edited by Kagomaru, 17 October 2021 - 05:32 AM.

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#29890 Phantom_999


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Posted 17 October 2021 - 07:35 AM

He's not endorsing it. He's BEING TOLD to endorse it, and since he figured he' not gonna win either way, he probably thinks "why not." He THOUGHT he was giving the fans what they wanted after all.


Many of us here have likely made a post analyzing Hinata in some way shape or form. They just put the points into a nice decent post that only really veered off near the end.
There are in general two types of SNS fans' view on Sakura. The ones that knew SNS was unlikely (since its a shouen manga aimed at young Japanese boys) and therefor tolerated Sakura; since, she didn't interfere too much with the SNS bond. And, the ones that despise her for getting in the way of the totally completely gay relationship that wasn't overblown or misinterpreted at all that if it wasn't for her they would had full blown gay sex by chapter 4 due to how gay Naruto and Sasuke were. The writer is one of the latter.
That is true. Well my point is that while it an analytical post, what is said is not necessarily ground breaking, it is full of topics many of us here have discussed before. Once again Naruto's fandumb is only posting or stating what we've already said years before. I'm just saying. 

Edited by Phantom_999, 22 November 2021 - 12:45 PM.


#29891 James S Cassidy

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Posted 17 October 2021 - 12:55 PM

I think the only fans still defending Sakura are SS people. But in gaiden, she comes to her daughter's aide and runs up to hug her. Sasuke is also there and they haven't talked to eachother in 12 years. It's not a romantic reunion, lol. If you ever wonder whether he magically fell in love with her Kishi shoves that answer in our faces.


She tries to make it romantic reunion and many SS constantly try to push anything and everything to be a romantic reunion especially constant mention of the light novels, but I am convinced that most romantic reunions are merely a fantasy of Sakura in her head. Hell, Salad has this idea of Sasuke taking care of her as a young child, but that was all in her head because Sasuke has both arms.


And in Boruto while I don't consider it Kishi's work, Sakura never hugs Sasuke, but they sometimes have trio hug with their daughter. Salad is between them, they look like a divorced couple co-parenting.. Sakura isn't as obsessed with Sasuke as shippuden, and neither is Naruto. Sakura does other detestable things such as covering up Taka's photo with her own. She also trie to get a kiss or hug from Sasuke and gets all   :cry: when he acts like she doesn't exist. This is all in gaiden, 100% Kishi's work.


This I have to disagree because it all depends on whether or not Sasuke is around. When Sasuke around, they talk crap about him and such, but the moment he shows up they get stars in their eyes and all the past sins get washed away. Naruto, when Sasuke is around, can barely think of his own son let alone the rest of his family. Sure, when Sasuke is not around then yeah pay attention to everything else, but when Sasuke is around...hindsight is 2020. Something about Sasuke just being in the room makes everyone forget their own lives.


Hinata, in the Boruto movie when some enemy invaded and both Naruto and Boruto was inside, she said Naruto's name only. Whenever both return from a dangerous mission, she hugs Naruto first. I'm not sure if she hugs Boruto after. This all makes me wonder if Kishi really endorses NH. I think he loathes SS and expressed much resentment in gaiden. NH, not sure, he did come up with the scarf idea because his wife made him a scarf once.



The scarf idea I believe was just something he shared and they just used. Since Kishimoto is "not comfortable writing romance" there is no way he would have written a scene like that and he said he looked away during Naruto the Last. 

Edited by James S Cassidy, 19 October 2021 - 06:02 PM.

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#29892 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 17 October 2021 - 03:54 PM

Let's be real here...while we all agree Kishimoto just royally screwed Sakura over...their criticisms of her are correct thanks in most part to the ending. Yeah, we can make arguments here and there, but she still ended up being obsessed over a boy to the point that if you told me she would abandon her kid because Sasuke told her to, I would definitely believe she would do it. Hell, Naruto is able to abandon his family when Sasuke comes calling, so would you be that surprised?

The Sakura we all loved was killed by the ending. Same with Naruto, Sasuke, and all characters that are not Hinata.

I know. If Sakura was beyond criticism she wouldn't have been replaced. I just making sure that before people read the post they knew that they don't like Sakura in-fact they probably hate Sakura more then Hinata, due to the whole believes she got in the way of SNS, and is planning on doing a post similar to Sakura like this one they did of Hinata; they just haven't done it yet. Granted Hinata kind of easy since you just have to ask, "what has she actually done?" For Sakura to do a fair analysis you have to go what was intended, how was it seen at the time, how was it changed due to the ending, and how does it look now over and over.


I think the only fans still defending Sakura are SS people. But in gaiden, she comes to her daughter's aide and runs up to hug her. Sasuke is also there and they haven't talked to eachother in 12 years. It's not a romantic reunion, lol. If you ever wonder whether he magically fell in love with her Kishi shoves that answer in our faces.


And in Boruto while I don't consider it Kishi's work, Sakura never hugs Sasuke, but they sometimes have trio hug with their daughter. Salad is between them, they look like a divorced couple co-parenting.. Sakura isn't as obsessed with Sasuke as shippuden, and neither is Naruto. Sakura does other detestable things such as covering up Taka's photo with her own. She also tries to get a kiss or hug from Sasuke and gets all  :cry: when he acts like she doesn't exist. This is all in gaiden, 100% Kishi's work.


Hinata, in the Boruto movie when some enemy invaded and both Naruto and Boruto was inside, she said Naruto's name only. Whenever both return from a dangerous mission, she hugs Naruto first. I'm not sure if she hugs Boruto after. This all makes me wonder if Kishi really endorses NH. I think he loathes SS and expressed much resentment in gaiden. NH, not sure, he did come up with the scarf idea because his wife made him a scarf once.


And about the last part, I think Hinata's character was also killed. She may have had a purpose long ago. Whatever it was all her flaws were erased to mold her into a perfect love interest. There's nothing wrong with a glow-up but it's obvious she was made 10x more gorgeous to be worthy as the love interest. She didn't have much personality to begin with, but Kishi took that away and in the blank period she's just a doll. Then in Boruto, she's scary? lol. Boruto is scared of her. SP transforms Hinata into whatever is needed of her. Because Naruto isn't the strict parent, someone has to become Sakura.


In this sequel, the only ones that gets to shine are Naruto and Sasuke. They often lose so Boruto can save the day, but I mean they get arcs and screen-time. Sakura and Hinata are usually at home, mothering etc, while S&N are on the battlefield. I say usually, because once in a while we see Sakura in a hospital.

We defend who Sakura was and who she was suppose to be. As for what she is currently. She still comes better off then Hinata, Naruto or Sasuke (not that it is even hard to do) but that's mainly because of how well her daughter turned out when and it is clear she raised her on her own. She barely exist in the manga, and the anime is forced to use her because she brings in the ratings in Japan.


SS comes off as, Sasuke pity kittened Sakura once when she went searching for him when all their friends were getting married. That led to a child. To make sure the Sharingan stayed in the Uchiha clan, Sasuke made Sakura an Uchiha. Kishimoto always hated SS and thought it was cliché. 


Think that was the writer; even if it was Kishi I think it was a scarf and they turned it into the battle of the competing scarves of love.


Hinata's true story died with Neji. She was suppose to get married to him, so he could become clan head and end the cage bird seal system.


Considering that Kishimoto has said that he does not understand Hinata's appeal, stated that NaruHina is a couple that was created out of "pity", and illustrates Naruto as a negligent husband and father towards his family(even rejecting Hinata's bento, which is considered quite offensive in the culture of Japanese couples), among other things?  No, I doubt he endorses NaruHina. The fact that he was relatively locked out of the Last during its production speaks for itself(and in the novelization, where he had more creative control and had Naruto admit that the basis of his newfound feelings for Hinata was due to guilt, also indicates his opinion on the couple). And Hinata's concern for her children's welfare is non-existent in the movie.  She even told Boruto to take care of her husband for her(yeah, have your son "protect" your husband, who is a demi-god; great parenting, Hinata), and pretty much told him (after he rightfully called his father out and reduced her to tears) that his grievances with his distant father were irrelevant because "Naruto-kun suffered more" and should get a pass for his lack of domestic presence. She prioritized him over her children more than once in the movie.


And for all the criticism towards SS in Boruto, we at least see them interact in the manga. Naruto and Hinata barely share a panel together, let alone meaningful dialogue.  If anything, Kishimoto has gone out of his way - within reason - to express how dysfunctional both main couples are without outright saying it, especially since we know that they were not what he intended for the series.  He only "endorses" NaruHina in interviews to cover his ass since we know he can't just tell people that it only happened due to editorial interference from WSJ and Shueisha since that would get him blacklisted.

Kishi likely went along with the ending pairing of nH because he was told by the people around him the fans wanted it. Then backlash happened and all the kitten that's happened to him because of it; I don't think he at the very least particularly cares for nH.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 17 October 2021 - 05:43 PM.

#29893 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 17 October 2021 - 05:22 PM

Kishi likely went along with the ending pairing of nH because he was told by the people around him the fans wanted it. Then backlash happened and all the kitten that's happened to him because of it; I don't think he at the very least particularly cares for nH.


He's shown that too in Naruto Gaiden, when Naruto is willing to ditch Boruto when he brings a bento Hinata made, and how he just basically avoids his family, showing he hates them, and I still theorize it's because of how Boruto and Himawari's fighting cost him actually becoming Hokage! Which also ties into why he spends so much time in the office, even when Hiruzen, his dad, and Tsunade never were shown to be THAT busy and still made time to be able to interact with the other villagers and have a life outside of work.

#29894 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 17 October 2021 - 05:51 PM

He's shown that too in Naruto Gaiden, when Naruto is willing to ditch Boruto when he brings a bento Hinata made, and how he just basically avoids his family, showing he hates them, and I still theorize it's because of how Boruto and Himawari's fighting cost him actually becoming Hokage! Which also ties into why he spends so much time in the office, even when Hiruzen, his dad, and Tsunade never were shown to be THAT busy and still made time to be able to interact with the other villagers and have a life outside of work.

I wouldn't say hate. Given up, is more appropriate.


Before he became Hokage he seemed tired. Afterwards, well having a son constantly berating you would get old no matter who they are. Don't spend time with the family, Bolt yells at him. Spend time with the family, Bolt berates him. So, by the time of the gaiden he wanted to avoid his son giving him the bento because he would probably yell at him for committing the horrible sin of not getting on his hands and knees everyday and thanking her for making him those lunches. By the time of the chunin exam barely even tries and rather just focus on being hokage despite not being trained due to spending the past 12 years as a family man.

#29895 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 17 October 2021 - 06:06 PM

I wouldn't say hate. Given up, is more appropriate.


Before he became Hokage he seemed tired. Afterwards, well having a son constantly berating you would get old no matter who they are. Don't spend time with the family, Bolt yells at him. Spend time with the family, Bolt berates him. So, by the time of the gaiden he wanted to avoid his son giving him the bento because he would probably yell at him for committing the horrible sin of not getting on his hands and knees everyday and thanking her for making him those lunches. By the time of the chunin exam barely even tries and rather just focus on being hokage despite not being trained due to spending the past 12 years as a family man.


Yeah, no kidding.

#29896 milan kyuubi

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Posted 18 October 2021 - 10:38 AM

You know even if NaruSaku did happen, the other stuff would still be there.


Naruto/Sakura chasing Sasuke to the ends of hell and beyond not caring about anything else. Well certainly Naruto.

Itachi/Madara/Kaguya/Obito/Zetsu would still be there with plot holes and retcons everywhere.

Side characters like Rock Lee, Ino, Choji etc would still be underused and ignored.

Neji would have still died for bs reasons.

And all the other crap that happened.


Thats bad. No lying about it. But the end we got did much worse stuff. Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke character personality's were all massacred to make that ending to justify ships. Just look at Bolt. 15 years flushed down the toilet for not even a side character, but a character that can be erased from story and nothing would change. A character that did not show up even 3% in manga. A character that has what? 30 pages of 700 chapters. It's mind boggling when you realize how atrocious that is.


So yeah if NaruSaku did happen there would still be crap left behind. But the difference is, we would still call out things like that. But NaruSaku happening would not massacre the main characters personality's. Would not retcon 15 years of storytelling. Would not butcher every character/theme/message the manga had. Would not make fans from Japan declaring that "Naruto's the biggest scumbag". We would not have those disgusting contradicting interviews etc.


NaruSaku would not ruin everything. It would have even raised the quality considering post Pain arcs. Kishimoto is no different then current nut jobs in Hollywood remaking everything into trash because they all folded like paper to small annoying twitter mob.


It's 2021 (soon to be 2022). Kishimoto is disgraced writer who nobody gives a crap anymore about. Look at his new manga getting axed because he betrayed his own home fans and lost their trust. For someone who wanted to get out of making Naruto for years. The guy is stuck writing a spinoff where everything positive he created is crapped upon. All those characters based on himself, his wife, his friends. Getting butchered left and right for a brat nobody gives crap about. And the sales/ratings are dropping down like flies. His international audience of tens of millions fans has been reduced to few fans who keep the spin of on life support. Well them and Shueisha who refuse to admit they made a mistake. Well publicly. You know they were/are eating their own pants over what happened.


Which leads to this conclusion. Just like Hollywood. You know that in 1 year or even 10 or 20 years Naruto will be rebooted. Brought back in some manner. Imo much sooner since I doubt anyone would care about Naruto that far into the future. Least of all the old fans. It's already been 7 years since Naruto ended. And everything is falling apart for Kishimoto and Bolt for Shueisha. So you can expect them remaking stuff to please the fans who left. Would people care? Sure. Many would want to see them admitting mistakes and correcting the end. I know I would. Just so I can troll current pro-enders with waving my canon ship around like a flag.

Edited by milan kyuubi, 18 October 2021 - 10:40 AM.


#29897 Namaenash



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Posted 19 October 2021 - 03:14 PM

It's 2021 (soon to be 2022). Kishimoto is disgraced writer who nobody gives a crap anymore about. Look at his new manga getting axed because he betrayed his own home fans and lost their trust. For someone who wanted to get out of making Naruto for years. The guy is stuck writing a spinoff where everything positive he created is crapped upon. All those characters based on himself, his wife, his friends. Getting butchered left and right for a brat nobody gives crap about. And the sales/ratings are dropping down like flies. His international audience of tens of millions fans has been reduced to few fans who keep the spin of on life support. Well them and Shueisha who refuse to admit they made a mistake. Well publicly. You know they were/are eating their own pants over what happened.
Which leads to this conclusion. Just like Hollywood. You know that in 1 year or even 10 or 20 years Naruto will be rebooted. Brought back in some manner. Imo much sooner since I doubt anyone would care about Naruto that far into the future. Least of all the old fans. It's already been 7 years since Naruto ended. And everything is falling apart for Kishimoto and Bolt for Shueisha. So you can expect them remaking stuff to please the fans who left. Would people care? Sure. Many would want to see them admitting mistakes and correcting the end. I know I would. Just so I can troll current pro-enders with waving my canon ship around like a flag.

I don't think there will be any reboot. Here's why.

Economists use the concept of opportunity cost to explain decision-making and the potential for regret. In other words, it's the regret you anticipate having for not making a choice.

Opportunity cost is the forgone benefit that would have been derived by an option not chosen.

The metapoint of being consistent with the story (in which making NaruSaku happens was part of it) is an opportunity cost. The publisher went ahead serving the loud minority, thrown away character development of 15 years and gave the loyal fans one of the most attricious, unsatisfactory ending in manga history. Of course they paid a hefty price for it, with now Naruto sales merely 10% of the original series, or even less.

In 15 years, Naruto original manga sold ~250 million copies. Whereas Boruto barely sold ~5 million in its 7 years run.

Now, here's the thing: you can't recover opportunity cost.

No matter what they do, the ship has sailed and whatever benefits they may realize are no longer there. Course correct now would be a waste of effort.

Look at how Kishi's new manga got axed within 5 volumes. Its first volume barely sold 10k copies in the first week. He can try again and I'll guarantee he'll get the same treatment from Japanese readers. I bet you that no sane editor out there in WSJ would want to put Kishimoto's name in their project. It'd be a good recipe for project failure. It's been more than a year since Samurai 8 was cancelled and there's a good reason no rumors of Kishi starting a new work or series.

So, why bother making a reboot when they don't even treat their loyal customer right?

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"I'm sorry I didn't believe. But I'd given up believing in so much, until I met you. From the first day I saw you, you were everything I ever wanted to believe in. You can do this, Diana. I know you can...But I have to go."

"What? What are you saying?"

"It's okay, this is what I came here to do. I can save today, but you... you can save the world."

#29898 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 19 October 2021 - 05:36 PM

I don't think there will be any reboot. Here's why.

Economists use the concept of opportunity cost to explain decision-making and the potential for regret. In other words, it's the regret you anticipate having for not making a choice.

Opportunity cost is the forgone benefit that would have been derived by an option not chosen.

The metapoint of being consistent with the story (in which making NaruSaku happens was part of it) is an opportunity cost. The publisher went ahead serving the loud minority, thrown away character development of 15 years and gave the loyal fans one of the most attricious, unsatisfactory ending in manga history. Of course they paid a hefty price for it, with now Naruto sales merely 10% of the original series, or even less.

In 15 years, Naruto original manga sold ~250 million copies. Whereas Boruto barely sold ~5 million in its 7 years run.

Now, here's the thing: you can't recover opportunity cost.

No matter what they do, the ship has sailed and whatever benefits they may realize are no longer there. Course correct now would be a waste of effort.

Look at how Kishi's new manga got axed within 5 volumes. Its first volume barely sold 10k copies in the first week. He can try again and I'll guarantee he'll get the same treatment from Japanese readers. I bet you that no sane editor out there in WSJ would want to put Kishimoto's name in their project. It'd be a good recipe for project failure. It's been more than a year since Samurai 8 was cancelled and there's a good reason no rumors of Kishi starting a new work or series.

So, why bother making a reboot when they don't even treat their loyal customer right?

Shounen Jump apparently has a three strikes rule as far as flops are concern; from what I understand. Samurai 8 was his first, unless they are really petty I don't think Boruto will count. So, he can try two more times with new manga before he has to work somewhere else. Which if he does try, would be trying to write stories other then Naruto-Boruto. Since, he will probably be mid fifties when he is done with Boruto.


As for the companies, they saw an easy choice. Naruto was their international seller, nothing else seemed to be selling internationally anywhere near its level, and nothing coming up seemed to be able to replace it. They can get manga to replace its sales domestically but not internationally easily. So, if the international fans wanted nH to continue to support the franchise that what they would get; the upset domestic fans can just read another manga. Then the backlash domestically and the realization the nH fans were mostly pirating it, but they couldn't abandon course due to being on their Path to Boruto plan (that year between Naruto ending and the start of Boruto) they cooked up. By the time they could change, other manga came out and replace Naruto internationally due to streaming reviving interest in anime and manga in the West. So, then it became, "what would be the point?" Just milk the people supporting it for what its worth and focus on other IPs.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 12 November 2021 - 06:37 AM.

#29899 James S Cassidy

James S Cassidy

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Posted 19 October 2021 - 06:07 PM


He's shown that too in Naruto Gaiden, when Naruto is willing to ditch Boruto when he brings a bento Hinata made, and how he just basically avoids his family, showing he hates them, and I still theorize it's because of how Boruto and Himawari's fighting cost him actually becoming Hokage! Which also ties into why he spends so much time in the office, even when Hiruzen, his dad, and Tsunade never were shown to be THAT busy and still made time to be able to interact with the other villagers and have a life outside of work.

Hate implies he still somewhat cares. More like he is indifferent to them unless they do something to praise his name.

The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 19 October 2021 - 06:07 PM.

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#29900 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 19 October 2021 - 06:08 PM

Hate implies he still somewhat cares. More like he is indifferent to him unless they do something to praise his name.

Touché. I just imply hate because of the way he acts and avoids his family by even just sending Shadow Clones to events he could go himself.

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