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My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

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#261 rocci


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:58 PM

It's unranked, like :
The first 8 chapters of new manga and the last few chapters of manga that will end.
Cover page and color page chapter don't get ranked too.
Some few manga doesn't get ranked.

What you see just is naruto gaiden position, but it actually doesn't get rank since it doesn't have enough chapter to do that.
You can search it on weekly jump ranking for more information.

#262 MistFlower



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Posted 28 January 2016 - 02:18 AM

The ending to me was terrible, and not because of the pairings. I would've been totally fine with Naruto getting with Hinata if it had been developed properly and done well, like Naruto and Sakura almost was. My problem is with the lack of character consistency and the utter disappointment Naruto as a characer became.

The overall biggest problem I have is how Kishimoto decided to portray Naruto as a parent. Naruto, having suffered a tragic and lonely past, would no way in Hell ever had "been too busy" for his children. He never would've neglected them, to the point that Sasuke, SASUKE becomes the parental figure. That's just asinine and completely ridiculous, and it's just appalling at the amount of people who have accepted that. It's so out of character and it goes against everything he ever stood for.

Also, just about every relationship that was ever significant to Naruto in the series was completely sidelined for the sake of Hinata's happiness. Where were the moments with Iruka, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sai, Yamato, Sakura, and Sasuke that should've taken place post war?? Where the heck did all the development between the main character and all those ones go? What became of those relationships?? Oh, don't worry. You won't find them in the last chapter, or in the Last movie. Instead, you'll find Hinata knitting a scarf, and all the evidence you'd need of "what was clearly the most important relationship in the series, NaruHina, even though it was never developed".

Last but not least, I have to mention the plot holes. Dear Lord, there were more plot holes than there were kids in this ending. So many threads were not connected and so many things were just...left. Team Taka just...died. All the resolution that was supposed to happen between Team 7, which is arguably the emotional heart of the series, was nowhere to be found. All the post war recovery and reconstruction was gone. The last we saw of a bunch of the characters at the end was them in freaking cocoons...agh. There's so much more I can't even list. It feels incredibly incomplete, and I am still incredibly disappointed after investing so much into this series.

I'm sorry if I sound incredibly salty with this, I just never got to express this when the final chapter came out and I guess I'm just sad because it ruined one of my favorite anime characters ever.

#263 Yyubie



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Posted 28 January 2016 - 02:25 AM


If the Gaiden's viewed as a one-shot and not supposed to be ranked, then how come I saw it ranked it's first two weeks? Just curious.


Also, sorry if some of y'all don't like us engaging a certain member. It's not that I'm trying to encourage debates due to the peace being unbearable, it's just that I find some of his views humorous and enlightening to the way people can view something the polar opposite of the way I do. How they see what they want to see. And I've never been afraid of being wrong and admitting that. I guess that's why trolls have never bothered me because I don't take anything they say personal in any fashion. Sorry guys.

You and everyone who feed him give him reason to say that NS fan still salty. Don't you see the that solid evidence master Milan Kyubi post??

He don't have any intention of having healthy debate ... no matter how hard you try to fight him with logic he will stay forever like that. His intention was just to "Bait" you and take screenshot of your reply to his statement and show it to the world and he and the rabid pro ending have reason to call us salty.

Edited by Yyubie, 28 January 2016 - 02:27 AM.

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#264 rocci


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:13 AM

He need a hobby.

#265 BlackBird19


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:33 AM


Yes, I saw Milan Kyuubi's post. It was not a surprise. But like I said, I don't take anything personal. From anybody. If he wants to copy and paste my replies on some other forum for his few friends to see, that's fine it doesn't bother me. These people have been calling NS fans salty for a year and a half whether something's said or not.


I'm sorry if it bothers you and some others but he hasn't been rude here so I'm just extending him the same courtesy of not being rude to him. I figured that would better represent the members of this forum.

#266 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 28 January 2016 - 06:22 AM

The overall biggest problem I have is how Kishimoto decided to portray Naruto as a parent. Naruto, having suffered a tragic and lonely past, would no way in Hell ever had "been too busy" for his children. He never would've neglected them, to the point that Sasuke, SASUKE becomes the parental figure. That's just asinine and completely ridiculous, and it's just appalling at the amount of people who have accepted that. It's so out of character and it goes against everything he ever stood for.

As I said a bunch of times before, one of the biggest problems with that, besides Naruto's overall attitude and all, is the fact that almost each time he's shown "being with his family", it's been a Kage Bunshin sent in his place rather than Naruto being there himself, whether it's training Boruto or even going to Himawari's birthday party or attending Boruto's graduation from the academy. Not only is it made pretty clear that Naruto does not do anything anywhere near as burdening as the previous Kages (he's just a glorified mayor) that would take up so much of his time, much less fatigue him (we're talking about the guy who, as a twelve year old, could make thousands of Kage Bunshin without being winded in the least), but it also shows just where he places his family on his list of priorities - very low.

Of course, pro-enders will try to bring up the Kage Bunshin's effect of transferring its memories back to Naruto when it dispels, so "it's just like Naruto being there", but it's not the same at all, from either end (the ones with the Kage Bunshin nor Naruto himself).

In terms of those with the Kage Bunshin, as soon as they learn it's a Kage Bunshin after thinking it was actually him up to that point, how do you think they must feel to know that their husband/father couldn't be arsed to even try to be there personally for even more important times in their lives, much less not even tell them he couldn't be there and simply thought he could just play them, lie to them, with the Kage Bunshin? I mean, who's willing to bet that Naruto even sent a Kage Bunshin to be with Hinata on their wedding anniversaries after becoming Hokage? Sure, Hinata may try to justify and downplay it in her own doormat mind because Naruto is a flawless god in her mind, but Boruto and Himawari would no doubt be quite upset.

And for Naruto himself? He may as well have just sent a different shinobi in his place with a camcorder or something and that's mostly as much as he would experience through the Kage Bunshin (along with lingering feeling of any feeling/touching of things probably), but simply "remembering" seeing and hearing (and feeling) things, and truly "feeling" and "experiencing" those things are very different, but Naruto clearly didn't care about such things if his portrayal was any indication.

Despite that single property that the Kage Bunshin has, it's still just another Bunshin - a clone, a fake, a decoy, a distraction, a lie, and yet Naruto has absolutely no compunction against using it to string along his own family which clearly shows he just does not want to be around them himself if he can help it, which, alongside his already-big scumbag status, also makes any attempts to save them at all look less like actually caring about their well-being and more about using the situation and results to bolster his appearance as Hokage to the villagers; basically, like a lot of scumbag politicians in real life, using his family as nothing more than props for his own personal and/or political gain.


#267 db84x


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 06:25 AM

@ Rocci 

I not equate NH and Junpei x Nishino pairing but Kishimoto and Mizuki Kawakittena behavior after decisive ending.  Mizuki apologize (see page 60) but Kishi made sunken ship became pinata bag


@ Bryon, TouKen4Life3g & HalfDemonInuyasha

WSJ reader majority is kid and preeten, only adult who became shipper which still became Naruto fans.


@ BlackBird19

Thanks for defense, honestly I feel sad saw how NS saw as common enemy by whole Naruto fandom when I knew good people like you or Rocci.  Actually in past, most of neutral instantly convert into NH or SS due some NS done carpet bombing disguise as "neutral" or sometimes abuse their influence to silence opposition.  So I glad narusaku.com mod is wise, if all NS act like mod I believe that end pair maybe different or at least Kishi wont use NS bashing to keep Naruto relevant.

#268 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 06:45 AM

I feel that the target audience shifted as the story progresses, but in a wrong direction. Usually, you stick to the plan and stick the ones who have been following, which means since they will grow up, so will the story. Instead, it seems like the story went from old Disney film of taking dark route but becomes light at the end, to a story that only Nick Jr will have any villains forgiven. Even the backstory got tamed. That Gaara's backstory still bothers me till this day. Actually, the whole Edo Tensei really ruined all dark nature that the series provided earlier.

#269 db84x


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 07:01 AM

That if series manage to stand their own like in USA, in Japan manga tied to manga magazine because Asian audience tend to avoid long series.  Honestly until now I amaze how some people still love decade old heroes like Superman, usually after series end I easily forget it.

Edited by db84x, 28 January 2016 - 07:01 AM.

#270 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 15 February 2016 - 01:05 AM

As I said a bunch of times before, one of the biggest problems with that, besides Naruto's overall attitude and all, is the fact that almost each time he's shown "being with his family", it's been a Kage Bunshin sent in his place rather than Naruto being there himself, whether it's training Boruto or even going to Himawari's birthday party or attending Boruto's graduation from the academy. Not only is it made pretty clear that Naruto does not do anything anywhere near as burdening as the previous Kages (he's just a glorified mayor) that would take up so much of his time, much less fatigue him (we're talking about the guy who, as a twelve year old, could make thousands of Kage Bunshin without being winded in the least), but it also shows just where he places his family on his list of priorities - very low.

Of course, pro-enders will try to bring up the Kage Bunshin's effect of transferring its memories back to Naruto when it dispels, so "it's just like Naruto being there", but it's not the same at all, from either end (the ones with the Kage Bunshin nor Naruto himself).

In terms of those with the Kage Bunshin, as soon as they learn it's a Kage Bunshin after thinking it was actually him up to that point, how do you think they must feel to know that their husband/father couldn't be arsed to even try to be there personally for even more important times in their lives, much less not even tell them he couldn't be there and simply thought he could just play them, lie to them, with the Kage Bunshin? I mean, who's willing to bet that Naruto even sent a Kage Bunshin to be with Hinata on their wedding anniversaries after becoming Hokage? Sure, Hinata may try to justify and downplay it in her own doormat mind because Naruto is a flawless god in her mind, but Boruto and Himawari would no doubt be quite upset.

And for Naruto himself? He may as well have just sent a different shinobi in his place with a camcorder or something and that's mostly as much as he would experience through the Kage Bunshin (along with lingering feeling of any feeling/touching of things probably), but simply "remembering" seeing and hearing (and feeling) things, and truly "feeling" and "experiencing" those things are very different, but Naruto clearly didn't care about such things if his portrayal was any indication.

Despite that single property that the Kage Bunshin has, it's still just another Bunshin - a clone, a fake, a decoy, a distraction, a lie, and yet Naruto has absolutely no compunction against using it to string along his own family which clearly shows he just does not want to be around them himself if he can help it, which, alongside his already-big scumbag status, also makes any attempts to save them at all look less like actually caring about their well-being and more about using the situation and results to bolster his appearance as Hokage to the villagers; basically, like a lot of scumbag politicians in real life, using his family as nothing more than props for his own personal and/or political gain.


Yeah, which is why I have said that it feels like Naruto has become jaded by his "happy marriage" since his kids cost him his dream to officially be Hokage, and Hinata doesn't help much either, and so he just doesn't give a damn anymore, which is why he's become the pathetic scumbag the fans who like the ending wanted. Well, screw them, they can have him! XP

#271 Namaenash



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Posted 21 February 2016 - 05:56 PM

This is just a simple rant about what truly disappointed me about the last third of the original manga, including the ending. Just a realization I had to get off my chest.


I started the manga because it began as an apparent hero's tale. It started off as the story of a boy who refused to accept his place in the world, and refused to accept the world as it is. That what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. This is made abundantly clear in the Land of Waves arc.


However due to the popularity of certain characters the story started to evolve from that hero's tale to one of acceptance and settling. Naruto started off showing our hero to be someone who endured all that life threw at him, but still standing ready to fight back no matter what. Refusing to accept fate, the evils of the shinobi world or giving up on the girl he loved no matter how often he got rejected. His story was supposed to be about how he becomes a great man who makes the world a better place by continuously fighting for it. But that just never came to fruition.


Instead we were left with a protagonist who accepts things as they are more often than not. He accepts fate and becomes the child of prophecy. He accepts the evils that men do so long as they say they're sorry and have a sob story in their background. And he settles for some other girl that he doesn't really have a strong bond with just because he was shown memories of her loving him, usually from afar. But most infuriating, he becomes Hokage and that's it. He rests on his laurels and only concentrates on expanding his village and continuing the ninja line as it has always been. He's never shown initiating any real change in the world.


This was all done so the most popular characters (both author's personal favorites and fans')  are able to achieve their acceptance in the story. Most importantly Sasuke's redemption without consequences and Hinata getting the guy she's always wanted. Which then allows for the franchise to get milked by creating a next generation.


This is what bothered me more than any other thing about the manga. In the end the moral of the story we were left with is to just accept it.  And that moral seems to be continuing in everything that's been released since the original story's end.


Yes, for those of us who followed this manga since the start, the end was really upsetting -- to say the least. I suppose lots of people have moved on since the ending was revealed. Regrettably, it's not so much because my preferred pairing didn't happen, but the morale of the story that was literally thrown out of the window. It went exactly the opposite of the story's premises. All those never give up theme and actual hard work towards your goals are just a big nonsense in the end... And no, the next generation didn't help at all...


If you're talking about 'acceptance', I suppose different people cope in different ways... Believe it or not, DABDA cycle *was* applicable when one is facing a disappointment. And parting with this series is not an exception --at least in my case.


At first, when I saw the post about the last two chapters, I was in a great denial. How can it be? It's impossible. Kishi would've never done it that way. I myself, and probably lots of people back then was so much in denial about chapter 699+700. So much so that people started to think that it may just be a genjutsu trick. I won't be ashamed to admit it, there was a small hope in me that it was really a genjutsu, and the last movie will resolve the things left open in the air.


Obviously, I realized was so wrong, as the events unfold. Even my ex-university colleagues in Japan, a small bunch of people who shared the same passion about this series, were also upset about the events that followed. Looking back, this was probably the anger phase. Mainly triggered by many interviews which belittle NS and Sakura as the female lead. Needless to say, I'm not the type of person who can easily gets angry, but so much interviews have revealed how ridiculously short-sighted the author's views about female are... The most upsetting part was: whatever he said contradicted to the manga panel he has inked in the past 15 years! What a joke... a bad one at it...


Bargaining phase didn't exactly kicked-in, since we were just consumers of the content. If anything, I started to wonder the what-if scenarios in my head... It's a way for me to 'bargain' with the situation back then. A series that I loved and supported so much in the past 15 years, ended up to went the exact opposite direction it was once promised....


Same goes for depression phase. It never really happened. God forbid, I would never ever be depressed just because of a fictional series. Haha... If anything, there's a certain time where just seeing NS poster made me feel a bit sad. Sad because there's so much wasted potential and so much wasted energy and time to build something that was never meant to be. During this time, I tried to channel my thoughts to something else: writing a fanfiction. My first clumsy attempt to write such thing. You can read it here if you will (granted, it's just a personal opinion, wrapped in story-telling mode ---nothing but a personal take on what could have been. Just an attempt to flush those thoughts out of my head...


I suppose, for me the acceptance part was started when I inked the final bits of my fanfiction and to start seeing the events that follow through. That this series was not as great as I thought it was. That the author was not as good as I initially thought.


I accepted the fact that The Last booked more financial income than Road to Ninja, but I also accepted the fact that it was rated as the lowest Naruto movie ever produced; it has helped Naruto TV series to be out of the top 10 favorite anime in its home country. Some rumors said, it barely managed to cover its production cost.. God knows, but then, I personally don't really believe in it, since nobody but the studio holds all the financial figures.


I accepted the fact that Boruto movie made as much as it did, but I also accepted the fact that it didn't seem to manage to get the intended number of audience it's trying to get. Check eiga.com for stats. That's probably the closest thing you'll ever get to an estimate of movie tickets sold and box office. They promised 2 million freebies for the audience on first come first serve basis, that number is very huge. As if they are "confident" they will get at least that much viewers. Or, if you thinking like I'm thinking, they are desperately need at least 2 million viewers for some reasons... Yet when you extrapolated the numbers, they are far behind it. Roughly 250k-300k viewers below their 2 million target viewers, depending on how much you assume the average price for the movie tickets. News flash: Japan, world's 3rd largest economy, has one of the highest average price for a movie ticket. Checkout the interweb and you'll realize how much those news about how successful this movie was, suddenly means nothing.


Again, only the studio has the knowledge about the financial success of a movie. And I won't spend my time arguing which ones are more profitable.We all know majority of the cost is spent on the marketing effort of the movie. Just follow the events that flow through... The facts that only for RTN, Kishimoto drew a picture of Naruto and the film antagonist Menma to commemorate the film's achievement, suddenly the pieces gel together :)


I also accepted the fact that Boruto mini series sold as it did. But I also accepted the fact that WSJ experienced quite a number of loss in their subscriber. Someone did a rough calculation (http://www.animenews...n-1-year/.87596) , and guess what? coincidentally with Naruto's horrible ending, WSJ sales in those period dropped a whopping ~182500 copies, around 5 times bigger than Kodansha’s WSM drop on the same period.


So, to me, the acceptance part came when I realized that I'm not alone in "accepting" the fact that this series was not great at all in the end and it won't be great going forward. Definitely not the one who attracts people looking for a great story-telling material.

http://namaenasuyou.tumblr.com/     ||     https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6308104/


"I'm sorry I didn't believe. But I'd given up believing in so much, until I met you. From the first day I saw you, you were everything I ever wanted to believe in. You can do this, Diana. I know you can...But I have to go."

"What? What are you saying?"

"It's okay, this is what I came here to do. I can save today, but you... you can save the world."

#272 Advaith


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 06:32 PM


Yes, for those of us who followed this manga since the start, the end was really upsetting -- to say the least. I suppose lots of people have moved on since the ending was revealed. Regrettably, it's not so much because my preferred pairing didn't happen, but the morale of the story that was literally thrown out of the window. It went exactly the opposite of the story's premises. All those never give up theme and actual hard work towards your goals are just a big nonsense in the end... And no, the next generation didn't help at all...


If you're talking about 'acceptance', I suppose different people cope in different ways... Believe it or not, DABDA cycle *was* applicable when one is facing a disappointment. And parting with this series is not an exception --at least in my case.


At first, when I saw the post about the last two chapters, I was in a great denial. How can it be? It's impossible. Kishi would've never done it that way. I myself, and probably lots of people back then was so much in denial about chapter 699+700. So much so that people started to think that it may just be a genjutsu trick. I won't be ashamed to admit it, there was a small hope in me that it was really a genjutsu, and the last movie will resolve the things left open in the air.


Obviously, I realized was so wrong, as the events unfold. Even my ex-university colleagues in Japan, a small bunch of people who shared the same passion about this series, were also upset about the events that followed. Looking back, this was probably the anger phase. Mainly triggered by many interviews which belittle NS and Sakura as the female lead. Needless to say, I'm not the type of person who can easily gets angry, but so much interviews have revealed how ridiculously short-sighted the author's views about female are... The most upsetting part was: whatever he said contradicted to the manga panel he has inked in the past 15 years! What a joke... a bad one at it...


Bargaining phase didn't exactly kicked-in, since we were just consumers of the content. If anything, I started to wonder the what-if scenarios in my head... It's a way for me to 'bargain' with the situation back then. A series that I loved and supported so much in the past 15 years, ended up to went the exact opposite direction it was once promised....


Same goes for depression phase. It never really happened. God forbid, I would never ever be depressed just because of a fictional series. Haha... If anything, there's a certain time where just seeing NS poster made me feel a bit sad. Sad because there's so much wasted potential and so much wasted energy and time to build something that was never meant to be. During this time, I tried to channel my thoughts to something else: writing a fanfiction. My first clumsy attempt to write such thing. You can read it here if you will (granted, it's just a personal opinion, wrapped in story-telling mode ---nothing but a personal take on what could have been. Just an attempt to flush those thoughts out of my head...


I suppose, for me the acceptance part was started when I inked the final bits of my fanfiction and to start seeing the events that follow through. That this series was not as great as I thought it was. That the author was not as good as I initially thought.


I accepted the fact that The Last booked more financial income than Road to Ninja, but I also accepted the fact that it was rated as the lowest Naruto movie ever produced; it has helped Naruto TV series to be out of the top 10 favorite anime in its home country. Some rumors said, it barely managed to cover its production cost.. God knows, but then, I personally don't really believe in it, since nobody but the studio holds all the financial figures.


I accepted the fact that Boruto movie made as much as it did, but I also accepted the fact that it didn't seem to manage to get the intended number of audience it's trying to get. Check eiga.com for stats. That's probably the closest thing you'll ever get to an estimate of movie tickets sold and box office. They promised 2 million freebies for the audience on first come first serve basis, that number is very huge. As if they are "confident" they will get at least that much viewers. Or, if you thinking like I'm thinking, they are desperately need at least 2 million viewers for some reasons... Yet when you extrapolated the numbers, they are far behind it. Roughly 250k-300k viewers below their 2 million target viewers, depending on how much you assume the average price for the movie tickets. News flash: Japan, world's 3rd largest economy, has one of the highest average price for a movie ticket. Checkout the interweb and you'll realize how much those news about how successful this movie was, suddenly means nothing.


Again, only the studio has the knowledge about the financial success of a movie. And I won't spend my time arguing which ones are more profitable.We all know majority of the cost is spent on the marketing effort of the movie. Just follow the events that flow through... The facts that only for RTN, Kishimoto drew a picture of Naruto and the film antagonist Menma to commemorate the film's achievement, suddenly the pieces gel together :)


I also accepted the fact that Boruto mini series sold as it did. But I also accepted the fact that WSJ experienced quite a number of loss in their subscriber. Someone did a rough calculation (http://www.animenews...n-1-year/.87596) , and guess what? coincidentally with Naruto's horrible ending, WSJ sales in those period dropped a whopping ~182500 copies, around 5 times bigger than Kodansha’s WSM drop on the same period.


So, to me, the acceptance part came when I realized that I'm not alone in "accepting" the fact that this series was not great at all in the end and it won't be great going forward. Definitely not the one who attracts people looking for a great story-telling material.

Great to see u again.


Ur awesome fanfiction brought tears to my eyes.

#273 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 22 February 2016 - 04:52 AM

Nanaenash. I think most of us have long since reach the acceptance stage by this point. Mine was the realization that the reason why kishi went with nH was most likely because he was handing off the series to that pedophile who wanted nH. Since he was done with the series.

#274 James S Cassidy

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Posted 22 February 2016 - 08:49 AM

At the end of the day, I am not sure of Naruto ever was a good series and I wonder if I wasted my life on it....or maybe not...maybe I learned something much more valuable.

I look at ONE's One Punch man and the like and you see these stories with crappy art, but the stories is far more engaging with the hero being able to stand strong and not waver and yet still be believable. Stories where you want the hero to succeed and not just anti-climatically get out of situations, but through true power and strength. Hell, in the OPM webcomic, we are going through a Saitama vs Tornado fight and it is FAR more engaging than the Sasuke vs Naruto fight. Saitama, being the laid back guy he is, finally tell this childish 28 year old to grow up and stop being a brat. "You just can't get your way because you throw a temper tantrum" and I am reminded of myself and the Naruto fandom. No matter how angry we get, it won't change Naruto, but maybe indifference would.

Maybe, like Saitama, if we took the blows and just stood their saying "How weak" and not care about or fear them...maybe they would see the true audience in this fandom and maybe change it all. Maybe if they saw beyond the pairing fans and saw the fans who just said "So what? Naruto sucks. We are into such and such now." Maybe they would realized they finally messed up. Or maybe I am just talking dreams. I don't know.

This is why i want to throw all my money at ONE. because his work and his story, despite his drawing skills being mediocre, is still far more interesting than Naruto ever was.

There are parts I like about Naruto. Maybe, one day, we can have a Minato Gaiden and watch what Naruto should have been with despite with the tragic end it has. (I don't think Minato is a bad father, I just think he made the wrong choices...like we all do....He meant well, but hindsight...it wasn't that great.)

I look at all the other supposed "popular" series and I realize...it is all the same thing. DBZ with a catch.

Naruto: DBZ with Ninja
One Piece: DBZ with pirates
Bleach: DBZ with swords.

They all use the same stupid techniques, the same tired cliche shonen tropes, and they at their core are the same mediocre story. The only difference is whether or not it was all successfully executed. It's like playing FPS. At their core, all FPS are the same, but some can nail that FPS fun whiles other fall flat into mediocrity....Naruto...is like the Call of Duty of Shonen stories. It all the same with only a new coat of paint and stupid gimmick that got VERY old.


Edited by James S Cassidy, 22 February 2016 - 08:56 AM.

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#275 db84x


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Posted 22 February 2016 - 09:25 AM

So what you expect form manga which their core audience is kid and preteen ? One-Puch Man is seinen and issued in WYJ which targeted young male audience, and fact that One-Puch Man is from webcomic is another thing which must be take for account.

#276 James S Cassidy

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Posted 22 February 2016 - 08:48 PM

So what you expect form manga which their core audience is kid and preteen ? One-Puch Man is seinen and issued in WYJ which targeted young male audience, and fact that One-Puch Man is from webcomic is another thing which must be take for account.

And what's your point? A story is a story is a story. My Little Pony is meant for girls, but more males are into now than ever before. So I am going to draw a line and say the difference between intent and result are two VERY different things.

One Punch Man is actually a webcomic. The MANGA is actually a Shonen despite it supposedly being classified as a "seinen." You know why? Because it is published by Shonen Jump and is featured in the Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine. The same magazine that Naruto was published in and One Piece, and Bleach, and so many others. If they are going to be published in the same magazine, then I will treat them like they are the same. I don't care what anyone says at this point. Naruto is a big boy manga, it should be able to fight for itself and if it can;t even stand up to a webcomic turned manga...then I guess it really is THAT pathetic of a story.

(Boy, look who is on the list of a Shonen manga. Gee wiz)

So they can call it a seinen all they want, but it is actually a Shonen. Don't kid yourself. A real seinen is Outlaw Star which as far as I know was never published along side Naruto. Hell, the manga wasn't even translated to english.

So, they are both Shonen. No "ifs" "ans" or "buts."

That's like saying you're a liberal, but every view you have is a conservative one.

As for "taking things into an account." Again, A story is a story is a story. Shall I break down to "Well, they are both manga..." or are we going to continue the semantics game? Honestly, I don't care and you should be lucky I am even responding to this at all.

But apparently who are any Naruto fans to use the words "to take into account." Naruto was in love with Sakura for 99% of the manga, but no one ever took that one into account did they? Sasuke hated Sakura, but no one ever took that into account. THey just did whatever they wanted and said kitten all to the rest...so at this point Naruto fans have no right to say these words. I think you need to take THAT into account.

So all I have to say is...tell me another one.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 22 February 2016 - 09:23 PM.

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#277 db84x


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 10:33 AM

One Punch Man create by mangaka which already have solid fan-base despite his art is suck and he don't need to bow to editor or attract kid and preteen (since genre is seinen).


One choose published in WYJ because he knew how vicious WSJ to mangaka ?


(Boy, look who is on the list of a Shonen manga. Gee wiz)


Do you see One Puch Man issued in WSJ Japan in this list ?  Btw the parenthesis below name in list said (Weekly Young Jump Digital).  So in Japan One Puch Man considered as seinen, in USA Viz issued it in shonen because only One Puch Man in their seinen catalog which popular in Western.


Manga in Japan categorize based on demographic groups, consist of Children, Shōnen, Shōjo, Seinen and Josei.  And every demographic groups have own manga magazine, for more detail don't be lazy read wiki and don't forget to click demographic groups in "Part of a series onAnime and Manga".  

Edited by db84x, 23 February 2016 - 10:46 AM.

#278 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 10:58 AM

The funny thing is I almost forgot OPM is originally created by ONE, so I thought when you said his art sucks, I thought of Muruta and close to say, "get out."

#279 db84x


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 11:17 AM

@ TouKen4Life3g

There are web novel original version and WYJ (Murata version), so do you ever read the original version ? One Puch Man is example art isn't everything.

#280 rocci


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 12:03 PM

Opm is a seinen because the magazine where it publish is a seinen magazine.
But in term of story, it's truly a shonen story.

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