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The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

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#241 Gravenimage


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Posted 07 May 2012 - 02:29 AM

I personally like both Makora and Bolora. biggrin.gif At least Mako is not an emo avenger who betrays his friends and village and now wants to kill them all.

Lone Wolf of the Grave

#242 merryGOflava


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Posted 07 May 2012 - 02:32 AM

QUOTE (Gravenimage @ May 7 2012, 03:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I personally like both Makora and Bolora. biggrin.gif At least Mako is not an emo avenger who betrays his friends and village and now wants to kill them all.

i know right! i cant choose!! >:U well at least I'll be happy either way XD


#243 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 07 May 2012 - 02:32 AM

QUOTE (zacrathedemon5 @ May 6 2012, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
With quotes like these, you're quickly gaining my respect, Sakura.

Thanks~ happy.gif

#244 Ani


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Posted 07 May 2012 - 09:36 PM

So I finally started watching Korra today and watched all 5 episodes. I'm enjoying it so far. smile.gif

#245 krisk


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 09:24 AM

QUOTE (alexander @ May 5 2012, 04:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In the previous episode he was just head over hills in love with Asami and all of a sudden he have mixed feeling about his relationship with Asami and Korra now?

yeah they really shoe-horned that in. Mako's feelings for Korra are coming OUTTA NOWHERE, and are contradicting with how he treated her in the previous episodes. Imma say this tho: it's Korra, who WOULDN'T want a piece of that? I'd be questioning his sanity if he didn't at least consider her

but yeah, i really wish they'd expanded upon that. it'll feel unbalanced as hell if they're gonna go for Makorra sooner than later. hopefully we'll see some MAJOR work done on the foundation of this ship


and re: causes of the clusterf♥ck that is episode 5

EVERYONE is to blame for what transpired in this ep. these three reacted how they thought was best, and as a result, events snowballed into a huge dramatic boulder of hormones and feels and heartbreak

BUT that's okay. it's all okay because they all made understandable mistakes. These three are human, hell teenagers (which makes it even more understandable) - nobody should hold any of these characters in lasting contempt. Be glad they have flaws, you know i am; i'm so goddamn glad we have actually relatable characters instead of perfect heroes. And regardless of the conflict, they all owned up to what transpired, someway or another, AND gained experience. characters who fault and thereafter learn are kind of the point of prevailing narrative development tbh.

but still I feel like I need to break it down. if i don't sort kitten out, I feel like i'll jump to the wrong conclusions

damnninjayouexpectmetoreadalldatkitten.jpeg --Click here to view--

Korra - if she hadn't reacted the way she did, her character foundation would have drastically changed and everything she did following this episode would conflict with how we know her. The Korra we know would have 180'd into a stranger that we'd barely recognize if she had done anything differently (i.e., "stopping to think").

Summarily: Korra is used to getting what she wants as effectively as she can get it. This has been proven time and time again in the previous episodes, and this episode is no different.
She wants Mako. How does she get him? Get advice. Who's around? Jinora and Ikki. Their advice is impossible, who else? Pema (aka Pregnant Taylor Swift of Republic City) walks up, offers a bit more realistic advice (it's doable and not impossible). Korra accepts.

And I realize that I would not have it any other way. I'm incredbily glad the writers stuck true to who Korra is. They're consistent and people don't realize how rare consistency is in characters - character foundations can change so easily and it's scary how many writers get away with it. I'm amazed that I'm getting to witness this rare quality in a show on Nick of all places.

Anyway I digress, in this episode, Korra has a clear set goal as soon as the episode starts. And she follows up with her choice - falling and tumbling, making mistakes here and there until finally she picks herself up, and OWNS up to her mistakes.

the Makorra kiss - both Korra and Mako are in the wrong here, but at the same time I don't blame the way they treated the situation. Despite Korra initiating the kiss, Mako admitted to reciprocating her feelings prior to the kiss and Korra took that as her cue. I'd expect no other decision from her. BUT she knows he's with Asami - off limits, despite his deprecating viewpoint of his relationship. She should have respected Asami in the picture - but she didn't, and that's where she was wrong. And then Mako, oh boy. I will give him leeway for being conflicted with his feelings and not wanting to lie to her again, but goddamn he should have stopped and pulled away with guilt for his action. (and because he didn't do this, he's in the wrong moreso than Korra. It's implied he's just not that into Asami and should really break it off with her. He got himself into this mess, and him avoiding it with insults and insecure accusations is only proving Korra's point.)

Mako - I'm not his apologist or a sympathizer to cheaters, but having feelings outside of a relationship is reality. There's no way to deny this. Mako's problem is drenched in gray and him having trouble dealing with it is completely understandable. He's got Asami who he feels "makes sense" (and I wouldn't doubt he feels indebted to her for the sponsership either) and then Korra - mayhem and instability incarnate - who he can't help but to like. Honestly I can't blame him for breaking into Korra's kiss - he couldn't fight anymore, simple as that. Also he DID remind her twice that he was with Asami, despite him not quite believing his own reasoning. (Which reminds me of their fight after the Borra date. Korra called him out on his avoidance because that's what she does, she's honest, - and it, lo and behold, proved true as Mako admitted to her accusations by finally voicing his feelings)

BUT now that he's acknowledged his feels for both girls, he's got a decision to make. He needs to get his act together stat; this indecisive behavior isn't fair to Asami OR Korra. He srsly needs to man up, stop running and goddamn choose.

Bolin - I do agree that he got the worst of all this, but he should have prepared for it. There are too many signs that alluded to him getting hurt:
- Mako warned him not to pursue Korra and mix up in that kitten
- Korra has repeatedly friend-zoned him. Say what you will, but Korra did everything right dealing with Bolin's unwanted feelings. She deflected his advances as a friend should and strayed far away from being a complete b*tch in response (not saying this was effective in the long run, but Korra does what she feels is right at the time [I don't really blame her for putting Bolin's feels aside; she had Amon and Tarlock and Masami on her plate])
- if he watches her like his infatuation implies he does, he should've noticed that Korra had a problem the Masami

there were too many complications for his expectations to go as smoothly as he'd hoped. Not to mention the fact that he seemed to warp any contact with Korra as her potentially reciprocating his feelings. I feel like he either hoped to wear her down until she conceded defeat or was so blinded by hope that he jumped ahead before considering the present situation.

I think I'll go with the latter - Bolin doesn't seem capable of having such underhanded goals. He most likely was swooning so hard, he failed to come to terms with the ramifications of Korra possibly not reciprocating.

Prior to Borra Date: it's misconstrued as something that it definitely is not by both parties. It WAS a date - no question, both signed off on it by leaving together - BUT the expectations from this one night are very different for Bolin and Korra. (Honestly it's quite ironic that both parties would treat it as something from COMPLETELY opposite sides of the spectrum, now that I think about it.)

Korra - She went out with him to have fun, a means to ice the burn from Mako. She was feeling down, raw from rejection and instead of wallowing in the deep Bolin asked her out. She saw it as a means to feel better and - true to her character - so she took Bolin up on it. I'm only acknowledging what she did, I'm not apologizing for her action or condoning it or whatever (hell it's quite understandable why she did it) I'm just acknowledging she did what she did. As a omniscient presence, I get to try to understand her character as much as I please from what I see and I can feel myself pinpointing her with every single scene. And there's one thing that I can't deny and fault her for - oh gosh, she's confirmed to be human.

And what do humans do? Err.

Before the date, she stated she could "use" some "fun" - a date with a friend (Bolin) usually promises that. She accepts. She doesn't second-guess what this would potentially do to Bolin because the lessons learned come AFTER for her (we see that when the whole episode explodes into a mess of conflict) - and that's the point of her development. For Korra, she's wittled it down to simple mathematics, potential collateral damage be damned:

Feel bad + Bolin Date = Fun = Korra - Sad = Korra Happy = Feel better = Goal

That's all she did. I know she should have considered Bolin's feelings and what her actions would do to him - but it doesn't work here for her; this is Korra's story, and in this story Korra gets real-life lessons taught to her the hard way. And if she had stopped to consider Bolin, we would not have gotten an actualized Korra at the end of the episode.

Actual Borra Date - DURING the date, we actually see how both parties will shape the results of the evening. Korra and Bolin both exhibit signs that clearly allude to the actual Borra development.

Korra - she didn't give any indications to treating their night out as anything more than just a hang-out, bro-time session AND THAT HAPPENS. First dates test the waters, and if you don't feel it you don't feel it. And Korra did nothing wrong - she was herself. She took Bolin up on the date as a means to "have fun" - and by considering the different scenes shown, she accomplished her goal. You can fault her for not treating the situation more romantically if you want, but at this point it's clearly subjective. Korra went into this looking out for number one and didn't give an outright indication for more to Bolin - but Bolin failed to realize this.

Bolin - and only because what Bolin expected to happen actually did NOT happen was he already destined for something horrifically painful and disappointing. Bolin went into this thing with completely different expectations but he came out with something he either refused to acknowledge was there, or pretended he had something else. Essentially, he went in with a bluff that only he bought, and left home with the same.

When it comes down to it, the fact that he was blinded by the stars in his eyes was simply (you guessed it) human. He crushed hard and when you crush hard, your heart has a tendency to feed your brain either a lack of information replaced with a stream of heavy sedation or blocks information from reality and replaces it with fantasy.

And with that said, he faulted by not realizing Korra's lack of romantic participation before it was too late. (BB YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS, FIND SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU)

holy craaap all this romantic narrative development giving way to personal character growth, nom nom

now for the conclusion:
Korra - so proud of her. She owned up to all that she did, saved the team in the final round and even set things smooth with Asami. Her lessons are learned (albeit with dire consequences) and she's grown from them. She hurt Bolin by her inconsideration, then she apologized for that and so much more. She took advantage of Mako's indecisiveness, then apologized and requested, in the least, friendship. She indirectly hurt Asami, then she smoothed things over with her and officially - finally - thanked Asami for what she meant to the team. Holy kitten yesss.

Bolin - I'm not fully okay with how heavily they slathered his reaction to the Makorra kiss with humor, but at least they let him drink away his depression and make up with his bro and Korra. That last scene implies that he's come to terms with Korra not reciprocating his feelings and is okay with it. Hell if you count all his dialogue concerning ~the betrayal~, it's all laden with humor undertones which tells me his crush on Korra wasn't all that serious and has run its course.

And I'm thinking this easy forgiveness on his part is a type of mercy from Bryke. Korra, unintentionally, hurt Bolin - that's a scary power there. The fact that simply because Korra failed to meet his fantastical expectations of "them" caused such kitten results for him, I think (and hope for Bolin's sake) that he's come to terms with the fact that his continued, unrequited feelings for Korra are bad news bears for him. Korra's apology was deeply rooted in her being incapable of liking him in that way and I feel like Bolin understood and has accepted through and through. Regardless I'm honestly hoping this sinks the Borra relationship since it, frankly, is not healthy for Bolin without Korra liking him back.

Now that Korra has learned her lesson, I might be willing to bet she'd take no chances on Bolin getting hurt again and - as a result - would cut ties with him to protect him from her. However this is speculation at best; I've learned what I can from Korra's character, and I'm making predictions based off of this collected knowledge. I may be totally wrong about her, so my predictions may be completely baseless. Anyway, Bolin - Korra can't give him what he deserves. It's as simple as that. Korra shouldn't be blamed for not liking him back and Bolin, to avoid being hurt again, should find someone who is willing to do so. Unless Korra reciprocates, I hope he moves on and is allowed what he deserves.

Mako - the only one who's left with more problems than solutions. Mako, my man, you need to tell Asami, come to terms with your feels for Korra and choose. I understand Mako's situation, but he really needs to decide. If he waits, he'll find himself dealing with more than he can handle and hurting the two girls involved even worse.

Unfortunately, that's all there is for Mako. He f**cked up just like everyone in this episode, but was not given full closure. Korra has alluded to reluctantely accepting the fact that he's with Asami and thus unobtainable - however, there's the one small problem: he's still has those feelings. Not sure how Bryke will take it from here on out, but I have a feeling he'll be stuck someway or another. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they did drop Mako's romantic involvement with Korra for now; the foundation for his feelings is really weak since his attraction to her came out of kitten-nowhere. It's not a strong enough start to validate his side of Makorra, tbh, and if they do decide to put Mako's Korra-feels on the back-burner, then I would understand the reason for doing so.

Asami - geez does this whole thing's gotta be sucking for her. She lacked any direct involvement, did not have any stake in the conflict AND had no faults to gain growth from. Christ is that the wost - a stagnant existence surrounded by steadily developing characters. Although, I did notice she pulled Mako's face back towards her so she has GOT to know about his straying eyes by now. She wasn't completely left out of the loop, and hopefully Mako's particular disinterest in her sparked inner-conflict for her and will lead to her potential direct involvement in the ~storm~

Much like Bolin, Asami needs to bow out or step in. She needs to confront Mako and/or drop him. Again, like Bolin, Asami deserves someone who completely wants her.

Borra - my predictions say it's sunk. Bolin manned up and accepted that Korra just doesn't feel that way for him, and only wants him as a bffs. personally I think they make better bros at this point. Korra won't give him her all, and I'm hoping someone out there will (I'm so hoping he finds someone - him being thrown aside with humor is still not sitting well with me. our bb-Bo deserves more). All in all, the way they handled his heartbreak bordered on intentional schradenfreude - I'll take that as a cue from bryke to treat Bo's former feels lightly and consider them superficial.

Makorra - still in the air and I really have no clue if Bryke will move on asap or will let it fester to be addressed at another opportune time. Key points are that kiss (kisses are huge deals in the Avatar-verse, regardless of how goddamn fast we saw one this time around), that yelling match (Korra called Mako out on what she thought was truth - her guess was right), and Mako's side (the lack of closure for Mako at the end of the episode has me deciding that Mako - at this point - is running from what he has to face [we'll see]).

Masami - same as above. but hopefully we'll get some closure on this ship. Mako obviously is with her for the wrong reasons, and he's not giving her his all - it's not fair. I'm hopeful for Asami's input on the matter, but it's Bryke so idk.

Just Bryke? For the love of god, give Asami some substance - a two dimensional character cannot hold her own in drama like this. God, I hope they're not planning on a copping-out on the Masami ship with a whole OMGZ ASAMI IS AN EQUALIST SPYY MAKO CAN NAO DUMP HURRR conclusion. They need to give Asami the end of a relationship she deserves and have a mutual break-up with nobody coming out as evil or whatever, it's only fair to her character (from what I know she's still legit top tier waifu material)

the love-square is now a love-triangle imo. Korra's apology was loaded; she meant to apologize for more than the clusterkitten that she contributed to. I believe Bolin's accepted.

that said, we had:
Bolin > Korra >< Mako }< Asami

and now we have:
Bolin > Korra >< Mako }< Asami

tl;dr this was a great episode and was seriously needed in terms of the romantic narration in LoK. Hopefully my analysis rings true and bryan has actually resolved more on the ship front than created more chaos. I know they have a penchant for ship-wars, but goddamn does this show not have the ROOM for it. 26 episodes you god-trolls! pls grant mercy and canonize your pairings earlier than later. hm.png

aaanyway we can all agree who's really evil

poor Lin yo

QUOTE (Fliss @ May 6 2012, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I uh actually really really really liked the episode. It's one of my favorites.
But I'm a teenage girl who ships like crazy so what're you gonna do.

nah you're not the only one, fliss. I'm ranking this episode 2nd after AVITN.
idk why people seem so butthurt about CONFLICT of all things, even if it is romantic; anything that has the characters make mistakes and learn from them is a good sign for development, imo.

I feel like this episode was direly needed. again, if I'm right, Bryke has just ensured more time for Korra to concentrate on the stuff abit higher on her to-do list.

QUOTE (Greed-Sama @ May 6 2012, 09:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I agree with the fact that it's in your face and could be construed as a play for ratings, but I doubt it. With as big as A:TLA was I highly doubt that it's purposefully a ratings grab. What I think it is, is a way to complicate the dynamics for when Amon takes the spotlight. You have all of these emotionally charged problems happening. Introduce terrorist like character, and tons of problems are going to ensue.

mte you beautiful man!
ratings/improved viewership is hardly what lok needs. each episode has a constant 4mill attendance iirc

Amon is probably enjoying the hell out of this, (as am I) pimp.png

updates! (5.08.12)
- added ep.5 link
- archived old posts, old vids
- added a line test vid (may allude to season two)
- added new bryan post (brychael otp)
- added 4 factions (white lotus; ttt; red monsoons; agni kais)

Edited by krisk, 08 May 2012 - 10:09 AM.

#246 Sakura Blossoms

Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 02:35 PM

way too long to 'quote' but still want it available in reply XD --Click here to view--
QUOTE (krisk @ May 8 2012, 05:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah they really shoe-horned that in. Mako's feelings for Korra are coming OUTTA NOWHERE, and are contradicting with how he treated her in the previous episodes. Imma say this tho: it's Korra, who WOULDN'T want a piece of that? I'd be questioning his sanity if he didn't at least consider her

but yeah, i really wish they'd expanded upon that. it'll feel unbalanced as hell if they're gonna go for Makorra sooner than later. hopefully we'll see some MAJOR work done on the foundation of this ship


and re: causes of the clusterf♥ck that is episode 5

EVERYONE is to blame for what transpired in this ep. these three reacted how they thought was best, and as a result, events snowballed into a huge dramatic boulder of hormones and feels and heartbreak

BUT that's okay. it's all okay because they all made understandable mistakes. These three are human, hell teenagers (which makes it even more understandable) - nobody should hold any of these characters in lasting contempt. Be glad they have flaws, you know i am; i'm so goddamn glad we have actually relatable characters instead of perfect heroes. And regardless of the conflict, they all owned up to what transpired, someway or another, AND gained experience. characters who fault and thereafter learn are kind of the point of prevailing narrative development tbh.

but still I feel like I need to break it down. if i don't sort kitten out, I feel like i'll jump to the wrong conclusions

damnninjayouexpectmetoreadalldatkitten.jpeg --Click here to view--

Korra - if she hadn't reacted the way she did, her character foundation would have drastically changed and everything she did following this episode would conflict with how we know her. The Korra we know would have 180'd into a stranger that we'd barely recognize if she had done anything differently (i.e., "stopping to think").

Summarily: Korra is used to getting what she wants as effectively as she can get it. This has been proven time and time again in the previous episodes, and this episode is no different.
She wants Mako. How does she get him? Get advice. Who's around? Jinora and Ikki. Their advice is impossible, who else? Pema (aka Pregnant Taylor Swift of Republic City) walks up, offers a bit more realistic advice (it's doable and not impossible). Korra accepts.

And I realize that I would not have it any other way. I'm incredbily glad the writers stuck true to who Korra is. They're consistent and people don't realize how rare consistency is in characters - character foundations can change so easily and it's scary how many writers get away with it. I'm amazed that I'm getting to witness this rare quality in a show on Nick of all places.

Anyway I digress, in this episode, Korra has a clear set goal as soon as the episode starts. And she follows up with her choice - falling and tumbling, making mistakes here and there until finally she picks herself up, and OWNS up to her mistakes.

the Makorra kiss - both Korra and Mako are in the wrong here, but at the same time I don't blame the way they treated the situation. Despite Korra initiating the kiss, Mako admitted to reciprocating her feelings prior to the kiss and Korra took that as her cue. I'd expect no other decision from her. BUT she knows he's with Asami - off limits, despite his deprecating viewpoint of his relationship. She should have respected Asami in the picture - but she didn't, and that's where she was wrong. And then Mako, oh boy. I will give him leeway for being conflicted with his feelings and not wanting to lie to her again, but goddamn he should have stopped and pulled away with guilt for his action. (and because he didn't do this, he's in the wrong moreso than Korra. It's implied he's just not that into Asami and should really break it off with her. He got himself into this mess, and him avoiding it with insults and insecure accusations is only proving Korra's point.)

Mako - I'm not his apologist or a sympathizer to cheaters, but having feelings outside of a relationship is reality. There's no way to deny this. Mako's problem is drenched in gray and him having trouble dealing with it is completely understandable. He's got Asami who he feels "makes sense" (and I wouldn't doubt he feels indebted to her for the sponsership either) and then Korra - mayhem and instability incarnate - who he can't help but to like. Honestly I can't blame him for breaking into Korra's kiss - he couldn't fight anymore, simple as that. Also he DID remind her twice that he was with Asami, despite him not quite believing his own reasoning. (Which reminds me of their fight after the Borra date. Korra called him out on his avoidance because that's what she does, she's honest, - and it, lo and behold, proved true as Mako admitted to her accusations by finally voicing his feelings)

BUT now that he's acknowledged his feels for both girls, he's got a decision to make. He needs to get his act together stat; this indecisive behavior isn't fair to Asami OR Korra. He srsly needs to man up, stop running and goddamn choose.

Bolin - I do agree that he got the worst of all this, but he should have prepared for it. There are too many signs that alluded to him getting hurt:
- Mako warned him not to pursue Korra and mix up in that kitten
- Korra has repeatedly friend-zoned him. Say what you will, but Korra did everything right dealing with Bolin's unwanted feelings. She deflected his advances as a friend should and strayed far away from being a complete b*tch in response (not saying this was effective in the long run, but Korra does what she feels is right at the time [I don't really blame her for putting Bolin's feels aside; she had Amon and Tarlock and Masami on her plate])
- if he watches her like his infatuation implies he does, he should've noticed that Korra had a problem the Masami

there were too many complications for his expectations to go as smoothly as he'd hoped. Not to mention the fact that he seemed to warp any contact with Korra as her potentially reciprocating his feelings. I feel like he either hoped to wear her down until she conceded defeat or was so blinded by hope that he jumped ahead before considering the present situation.

I think I'll go with the latter - Bolin doesn't seem capable of having such underhanded goals. He most likely was swooning so hard, he failed to come to terms with the ramifications of Korra possibly not reciprocating.

Prior to Borra Date: it's misconstrued as something that it definitely is not by both parties. It WAS a date - no question, both signed off on it by leaving together - BUT the expectations from this one night are very different for Bolin and Korra. (Honestly it's quite ironic that both parties would treat it as something from COMPLETELY opposite sides of the spectrum, now that I think about it.)

Korra - She went out with him to have fun, a means to ice the burn from Mako. She was feeling down, raw from rejection and instead of wallowing in the deep Bolin asked her out. She saw it as a means to feel better and - true to her character - so she took Bolin up on it. I'm only acknowledging what she did, I'm not apologizing for her action or condoning it or whatever (hell it's quite understandable why she did it) I'm just acknowledging she did what she did. As a omniscient presence, I get to try to understand her character as much as I please from what I see and I can feel myself pinpointing her with every single scene. And there's one thing that I can't deny and fault her for - oh gosh, she's confirmed to be human.

And what do humans do? Err.

Before the date, she stated she could "use" some "fun" - a date with a friend (Bolin) usually promises that. She accepts. She doesn't second-guess what this would potentially do to Bolin because the lessons learned come AFTER for her (we see that when the whole episode explodes into a mess of conflict) - and that's the point of her development. For Korra, she's wittled it down to simple mathematics, potential collateral damage be damned:

Feel bad + Bolin Date = Fun = Korra - Sad = Korra Happy = Feel better = Goal

That's all she did. I know she should have considered Bolin's feelings and what her actions would do to him - but it doesn't work here for her; this is Korra's story, and in this story Korra gets real-life lessons taught to her the hard way. And if she had stopped to consider Bolin, we would not have gotten an actualized Korra at the end of the episode.

Actual Borra Date - DURING the date, we actually see how both parties will shape the results of the evening. Korra and Bolin both exhibit signs that clearly allude to the actual Borra development.

Korra - she didn't give any indications to treating their night out as anything more than just a hang-out, bro-time session AND THAT HAPPENS. First dates test the waters, and if you don't feel it you don't feel it. And Korra did nothing wrong - she was herself. She took Bolin up on the date as a means to "have fun" - and by considering the different scenes shown, she accomplished her goal. You can fault her for not treating the situation more romantically if you want, but at this point it's clearly subjective. Korra went into this looking out for number one and didn't give an outright indication for more to Bolin - but Bolin failed to realize this.

Bolin - and only because what Bolin expected to happen actually did NOT happen was he already destined for something horrifically painful and disappointing. Bolin went into this thing with completely different expectations but he came out with something he either refused to acknowledge was there, or pretended he had something else. Essentially, he went in with a bluff that only he bought, and left home with the same.

When it comes down to it, the fact that he was blinded by the stars in his eyes was simply (you guessed it) human. He crushed hard and when you crush hard, your heart has a tendency to feed your brain either a lack of information replaced with a stream of heavy sedation or blocks information from reality and replaces it with fantasy.

And with that said, he faulted by not realizing Korra's lack of romantic participation before it was too late. (BB YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS, FIND SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU)

holy craaap all this romantic narrative development giving way to personal character growth, nom nom

now for the conclusion:
Korra - so proud of her. She owned up to all that she did, saved the team in the final round and even set things smooth with Asami. Her lessons are learned (albeit with dire consequences) and she's grown from them. She hurt Bolin by her inconsideration, then she apologized for that and so much more. She took advantage of Mako's indecisiveness, then apologized and requested, in the least, friendship. She indirectly hurt Asami, then she smoothed things over with her and officially - finally - thanked Asami for what she meant to the team. Holy kitten yesss.

Bolin - I'm not fully okay with how heavily they slathered his reaction to the Makorra kiss with humor, but at least they let him drink away his depression and make up with his bro and Korra. That last scene implies that he's come to terms with Korra not reciprocating his feelings and is okay with it. Hell if you count all his dialogue concerning ~the betrayal~, it's all laden with humor undertones which tells me his crush on Korra wasn't all that serious and has run its course.

And I'm thinking this easy forgiveness on his part is a type of mercy from Bryke. Korra, unintentionally, hurt Bolin - that's a scary power there. The fact that simply because Korra failed to meet his fantastical expectations of "them" caused such kitten results for him, I think (and hope for Bolin's sake) that he's come to terms with the fact that his continued, unrequited feelings for Korra are bad news bears for him. Korra's apology was deeply rooted in her being incapable of liking him in that way and I feel like Bolin understood and has accepted through and through. Regardless I'm honestly hoping this sinks the Borra relationship since it, frankly, is not healthy for Bolin without Korra liking him back.

Now that Korra has learned her lesson, I might be willing to bet she'd take no chances on Bolin getting hurt again and - as a result - would cut ties with him to protect him from her. However this is speculation at best; I've learned what I can from Korra's character, and I'm making predictions based off of this collected knowledge. I may be totally wrong about her, so my predictions may be completely baseless. Anyway, Bolin - Korra can't give him what he deserves. It's as simple as that. Korra shouldn't be blamed for not liking him back and Bolin, to avoid being hurt again, should find someone who is willing to do so. Unless Korra reciprocates, I hope he moves on and is allowed what he deserves.

Mako - the only one who's left with more problems than solutions. Mako, my man, you need to tell Asami, come to terms with your feels for Korra and choose. I understand Mako's situation, but he really needs to decide. If he waits, he'll find himself dealing with more than he can handle and hurting the two girls involved even worse.

Unfortunately, that's all there is for Mako. He f**cked up just like everyone in this episode, but was not given full closure. Korra has alluded to reluctantely accepting the fact that he's with Asami and thus unobtainable - however, there's the one small problem: he's still has those feelings. Not sure how Bryke will take it from here on out, but I have a feeling he'll be stuck someway or another. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they did drop Mako's romantic involvement with Korra for now; the foundation for his feelings is really weak since his attraction to her came out of kitten-nowhere. It's not a strong enough start to validate his side of Makorra, tbh, and if they do decide to put Mako's Korra-feels on the back-burner, then I would understand the reason for doing so.

Asami - geez does this whole thing's gotta be sucking for her. She lacked any direct involvement, did not have any stake in the conflict AND had no faults to gain growth from. Christ is that the wost - a stagnant existence surrounded by steadily developing characters. Although, I did notice she pulled Mako's face back towards her so she has GOT to know about his straying eyes by now. She wasn't completely left out of the loop, and hopefully Mako's particular disinterest in her sparked inner-conflict for her and will lead to her potential direct involvement in the ~storm~

Much like Bolin, Asami needs to bow out or step in. She needs to confront Mako and/or drop him. Again, like Bolin, Asami deserves someone who completely wants her.

Borra - my predictions say it's sunk. Bolin manned up and accepted that Korra just doesn't feel that way for him, and only wants him as a bffs. personally I think they make better bros at this point. Korra won't give him her all, and I'm hoping someone out there will (I'm so hoping he finds someone - him being thrown aside with humor is still not sitting well with me. our bb-Bo deserves more). All in all, the way they handled his heartbreak bordered on intentional schradenfreude - I'll take that as a cue from bryke to treat Bo's former feels lightly and consider them superficial.

Makorra - still in the air and I really have no clue if Bryke will move on asap or will let it fester to be addressed at another opportune time. Key points are that kiss (kisses are huge deals in the Avatar-verse, regardless of how goddamn fast we saw one this time around), that yelling match (Korra called Mako out on what she thought was truth - her guess was right), and Mako's side (the lack of closure for Mako at the end of the episode has me deciding that Mako - at this point - is running from what he has to face [we'll see]).

Masami - same as above. but hopefully we'll get some closure on this ship. Mako obviously is with her for the wrong reasons, and he's not giving her his all - it's not fair. I'm hopeful for Asami's input on the matter, but it's Bryke so idk.

Just Bryke? For the love of god, give Asami some substance - a two dimensional character cannot hold her own in drama like this. God, I hope they're not planning on a copping-out on the Masami ship with a whole OMGZ ASAMI IS AN EQUALIST SPYY MAKO CAN NAO DUMP HURRR conclusion. They need to give Asami the end of a relationship she deserves and have a mutual break-up with nobody coming out as evil or whatever, it's only fair to her character (from what I know she's still legit top tier waifu material)

the love-square is now a love-triangle imo. Korra's apology was loaded; she meant to apologize for more than the clusterkitten that she contributed to. I believe Bolin's accepted.

that said, we had:
Bolin > Korra >< Mako }< Asami

and now we have:
Bolin > Korra >< Mako }< Asami

tl;dr this was a great episode and was seriously needed in terms of the romantic narration in LoK. Hopefully my analysis rings true and bryan has actually resolved more on the ship front than created more chaos. I know they have a penchant for ship-wars, but goddamn does this show not have the ROOM for it. 26 episodes you god-trolls! pls grant mercy and canonize your pairings earlier than later. hm.png

aaanyway we can all agree who's really evil

poor Lin yo

nah you're not the only one, fliss. I'm ranking this episode 2nd after AVITN.
idk why people seem so butthurt about CONFLICT of all things, even if it is romantic; anything that has the characters make mistakes and learn from them is a good sign for development, imo.

I feel like this episode was direly needed. again, if I'm right, Bryke has just ensured more time for Korra to concentrate on the stuff abit higher on her to-do list.

mte you beautiful man!
ratings/improved viewership is hardly what lok needs. each episode has a constant 4mill attendance iirc

Amon is probably enjoying the hell out of this, (as am I) pimp.png

updates! (5.08.12)
- added ep.5 link
- archived old posts, old vids
- added a line test vid (may allude to season two)
- added new bryan post (brychael otp)
- added 4 factions (white lotus; ttt; red monsoons; agni kais)

Whoa! 10+ points for your essay happy.gif
You brought up many good points, and it was interesting to read your take on the whole 'shipping/drama/conflict'.

My heart goes out to Bolin and Asami completely in this whole mess, as they are the unlucky victims who will suffer the most from this 'relationship' fallout.

#247 Gravenimage


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 03:14 PM

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ May 8 2012, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
way too long to 'quote' but still want it available in reply XD --Click here to view--

Whoa! 10+ points for your essay happy.gif
You brought up many good points, and it was interesting to read your take on the whole 'shipping/drama/conflict'.

My heart goes out to Bolin and Asami completely in this whole mess, as they are the unlucky victims who will suffer the most from this 'relationship' fallout.

Totally agree with you Sakura. Yes I can see that they will experience heart break because it has been cleared out by the Makora kiss that they will get together in the future but I can see Bolin and Asami forming a friendship with a long development between them until falling for each other, as long as its not rush I will approve of it.

Lone Wolf of the Grave

#248 KoolKat


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 09:40 PM

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ May 8 2012, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My heart goes out to Bolin and Asami completely in this whole mess, as they are the unlucky victims who will suffer the most from this 'relationship' fallout.

I think its safe to say that Bolin is probably okay by now and is over it and maybe has even accepted that korra has feelings for mako and not him. Im worried about what Asami will do though when or if she finds out they kissed. Maybe brake up the relationship between her and mako?

#249 Fliss



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Posted 08 May 2012 - 10:06 PM

QUOTE (krisk @ May 8 2012, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah they really shoe-horned that in. Mako's feelings for Korra are coming OUTTA NOWHERE, and are contradicting with how he treated her in the previous episodes. Imma say this tho: it's Korra, who WOULDN'T want a piece of that? I'd be questioning his sanity if he didn't at least consider her

but yeah, i really wish they'd expanded upon that. it'll feel unbalanced as hell if they're gonna go for Makorra sooner than later. hopefully we'll see some MAJOR work done on the foundation of this ship


and re: causes of the clusterf♥ck that is episode 5

EVERYONE is to blame for what transpired in this ep. these three reacted how they thought was best, and as a result, events snowballed into a huge dramatic boulder of hormones and feels and heartbreak

BUT that's okay. it's all okay because they all made understandable mistakes. These three are human, hell teenagers (which makes it even more understandable) - nobody should hold any of these characters in lasting contempt. Be glad they have flaws, you know i am; i'm so goddamn glad we have actually relatable characters instead of perfect heroes. And regardless of the conflict, they all owned up to what transpired, someway or another, AND gained experience. characters who fault and thereafter learn are kind of the point of prevailing narrative development tbh.

but still I feel like I need to break it down. if i don't sort kitten out, I feel like i'll jump to the wrong conclusions

damnninjayouexpectmetoreadalldatkitten.jpeg --Click here to view--

Korra - if she hadn't reacted the way she did, her character foundation would have drastically changed and everything she did following this episode would conflict with how we know her. The Korra we know would have 180'd into a stranger that we'd barely recognize if she had done anything differently (i.e., "stopping to think").

Summarily: Korra is used to getting what she wants as effectively as she can get it. This has been proven time and time again in the previous episodes, and this episode is no different.
She wants Mako. How does she get him? Get advice. Who's around? Jinora and Ikki. Their advice is impossible, who else? Pema (aka Pregnant Taylor Swift of Republic City) walks up, offers a bit more realistic advice (it's doable and not impossible). Korra accepts.

And I realize that I would not have it any other way. I'm incredbily glad the writers stuck true to who Korra is. They're consistent and people don't realize how rare consistency is in characters - character foundations can change so easily and it's scary how many writers get away with it. I'm amazed that I'm getting to witness this rare quality in a show on Nick of all places.

Anyway I digress, in this episode, Korra has a clear set goal as soon as the episode starts. And she follows up with her choice - falling and tumbling, making mistakes here and there until finally she picks herself up, and OWNS up to her mistakes.

the Makorra kiss - both Korra and Mako are in the wrong here, but at the same time I don't blame the way they treated the situation. Despite Korra initiating the kiss, Mako admitted to reciprocating her feelings prior to the kiss and Korra took that as her cue. I'd expect no other decision from her. BUT she knows he's with Asami - off limits, despite his deprecating viewpoint of his relationship. She should have respected Asami in the picture - but she didn't, and that's where she was wrong. And then Mako, oh boy. I will give him leeway for being conflicted with his feelings and not wanting to lie to her again, but goddamn he should have stopped and pulled away with guilt for his action. (and because he didn't do this, he's in the wrong moreso than Korra. It's implied he's just not that into Asami and should really break it off with her. He got himself into this mess, and him avoiding it with insults and insecure accusations is only proving Korra's point.)

Mako - I'm not his apologist or a sympathizer to cheaters, but having feelings outside of a relationship is reality. There's no way to deny this. Mako's problem is drenched in gray and him having trouble dealing with it is completely understandable. He's got Asami who he feels "makes sense" (and I wouldn't doubt he feels indebted to her for the sponsership either) and then Korra - mayhem and instability incarnate - who he can't help but to like. Honestly I can't blame him for breaking into Korra's kiss - he couldn't fight anymore, simple as that. Also he DID remind her twice that he was with Asami, despite him not quite believing his own reasoning. (Which reminds me of their fight after the Borra date. Korra called him out on his avoidance because that's what she does, she's honest, - and it, lo and behold, proved true as Mako admitted to her accusations by finally voicing his feelings)

BUT now that he's acknowledged his feels for both girls, he's got a decision to make. He needs to get his act together stat; this indecisive behavior isn't fair to Asami OR Korra. He srsly needs to man up, stop running and goddamn choose.

Bolin - I do agree that he got the worst of all this, but he should have prepared for it. There are too many signs that alluded to him getting hurt:
- Mako warned him not to pursue Korra and mix up in that kitten
- Korra has repeatedly friend-zoned him. Say what you will, but Korra did everything right dealing with Bolin's unwanted feelings. She deflected his advances as a friend should and strayed far away from being a complete b*tch in response (not saying this was effective in the long run, but Korra does what she feels is right at the time [I don't really blame her for putting Bolin's feels aside; she had Amon and Tarlock and Masami on her plate])
- if he watches her like his infatuation implies he does, he should've noticed that Korra had a problem the Masami

there were too many complications for his expectations to go as smoothly as he'd hoped. Not to mention the fact that he seemed to warp any contact with Korra as her potentially reciprocating his feelings. I feel like he either hoped to wear her down until she conceded defeat or was so blinded by hope that he jumped ahead before considering the present situation.

I think I'll go with the latter - Bolin doesn't seem capable of having such underhanded goals. He most likely was swooning so hard, he failed to come to terms with the ramifications of Korra possibly not reciprocating.

Prior to Borra Date: it's misconstrued as something that it definitely is not by both parties. It WAS a date - no question, both signed off on it by leaving together - BUT the expectations from this one night are very different for Bolin and Korra. (Honestly it's quite ironic that both parties would treat it as something from COMPLETELY opposite sides of the spectrum, now that I think about it.)

Korra - She went out with him to have fun, a means to ice the burn from Mako. She was feeling down, raw from rejection and instead of wallowing in the deep Bolin asked her out. She saw it as a means to feel better and - true to her character - so she took Bolin up on it. I'm only acknowledging what she did, I'm not apologizing for her action or condoning it or whatever (hell it's quite understandable why she did it) I'm just acknowledging she did what she did. As a omniscient presence, I get to try to understand her character as much as I please from what I see and I can feel myself pinpointing her with every single scene. And there's one thing that I can't deny and fault her for - oh gosh, she's confirmed to be human.

And what do humans do? Err.

Before the date, she stated she could "use" some "fun" - a date with a friend (Bolin) usually promises that. She accepts. She doesn't second-guess what this would potentially do to Bolin because the lessons learned come AFTER for her (we see that when the whole episode explodes into a mess of conflict) - and that's the point of her development. For Korra, she's wittled it down to simple mathematics, potential collateral damage be damned:

Feel bad + Bolin Date = Fun = Korra - Sad = Korra Happy = Feel better = Goal

That's all she did. I know she should have considered Bolin's feelings and what her actions would do to him - but it doesn't work here for her; this is Korra's story, and in this story Korra gets real-life lessons taught to her the hard way. And if she had stopped to consider Bolin, we would not have gotten an actualized Korra at the end of the episode.

Actual Borra Date - DURING the date, we actually see how both parties will shape the results of the evening. Korra and Bolin both exhibit signs that clearly allude to the actual Borra development.

Korra - she didn't give any indications to treating their night out as anything more than just a hang-out, bro-time session AND THAT HAPPENS. First dates test the waters, and if you don't feel it you don't feel it. And Korra did nothing wrong - she was herself. She took Bolin up on the date as a means to "have fun" - and by considering the different scenes shown, she accomplished her goal. You can fault her for not treating the situation more romantically if you want, but at this point it's clearly subjective. Korra went into this looking out for number one and didn't give an outright indication for more to Bolin - but Bolin failed to realize this.

Bolin - and only because what Bolin expected to happen actually did NOT happen was he already destined for something horrifically painful and disappointing. Bolin went into this thing with completely different expectations but he came out with something he either refused to acknowledge was there, or pretended he had something else. Essentially, he went in with a bluff that only he bought, and left home with the same.

When it comes down to it, the fact that he was blinded by the stars in his eyes was simply (you guessed it) human. He crushed hard and when you crush hard, your heart has a tendency to feed your brain either a lack of information replaced with a stream of heavy sedation or blocks information from reality and replaces it with fantasy.

And with that said, he faulted by not realizing Korra's lack of romantic participation before it was too late. (BB YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS, FIND SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU)

holy craaap all this romantic narrative development giving way to personal character growth, nom nom

now for the conclusion:
Korra - so proud of her. She owned up to all that she did, saved the team in the final round and even set things smooth with Asami. Her lessons are learned (albeit with dire consequences) and she's grown from them. She hurt Bolin by her inconsideration, then she apologized for that and so much more. She took advantage of Mako's indecisiveness, then apologized and requested, in the least, friendship. She indirectly hurt Asami, then she smoothed things over with her and officially - finally - thanked Asami for what she meant to the team. Holy kitten yesss.

Bolin - I'm not fully okay with how heavily they slathered his reaction to the Makorra kiss with humor, but at least they let him drink away his depression and make up with his bro and Korra. That last scene implies that he's come to terms with Korra not reciprocating his feelings and is okay with it. Hell if you count all his dialogue concerning ~the betrayal~, it's all laden with humor undertones which tells me his crush on Korra wasn't all that serious and has run its course.

And I'm thinking this easy forgiveness on his part is a type of mercy from Bryke. Korra, unintentionally, hurt Bolin - that's a scary power there. The fact that simply because Korra failed to meet his fantastical expectations of "them" caused such kitten results for him, I think (and hope for Bolin's sake) that he's come to terms with the fact that his continued, unrequited feelings for Korra are bad news bears for him. Korra's apology was deeply rooted in her being incapable of liking him in that way and I feel like Bolin understood and has accepted through and through. Regardless I'm honestly hoping this sinks the Borra relationship since it, frankly, is not healthy for Bolin without Korra liking him back.

Now that Korra has learned her lesson, I might be willing to bet she'd take no chances on Bolin getting hurt again and - as a result - would cut ties with him to protect him from her. However this is speculation at best; I've learned what I can from Korra's character, and I'm making predictions based off of this collected knowledge. I may be totally wrong about her, so my predictions may be completely baseless. Anyway, Bolin - Korra can't give him what he deserves. It's as simple as that. Korra shouldn't be blamed for not liking him back and Bolin, to avoid being hurt again, should find someone who is willing to do so. Unless Korra reciprocates, I hope he moves on and is allowed what he deserves.

Mako - the only one who's left with more problems than solutions. Mako, my man, you need to tell Asami, come to terms with your feels for Korra and choose. I understand Mako's situation, but he really needs to decide. If he waits, he'll find himself dealing with more than he can handle and hurting the two girls involved even worse.

Unfortunately, that's all there is for Mako. He f**cked up just like everyone in this episode, but was not given full closure. Korra has alluded to reluctantely accepting the fact that he's with Asami and thus unobtainable - however, there's the one small problem: he's still has those feelings. Not sure how Bryke will take it from here on out, but I have a feeling he'll be stuck someway or another. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they did drop Mako's romantic involvement with Korra for now; the foundation for his feelings is really weak since his attraction to her came out of kitten-nowhere. It's not a strong enough start to validate his side of Makorra, tbh, and if they do decide to put Mako's Korra-feels on the back-burner, then I would understand the reason for doing so.

Asami - geez does this whole thing's gotta be sucking for her. She lacked any direct involvement, did not have any stake in the conflict AND had no faults to gain growth from. Christ is that the wost - a stagnant existence surrounded by steadily developing characters. Although, I did notice she pulled Mako's face back towards her so she has GOT to know about his straying eyes by now. She wasn't completely left out of the loop, and hopefully Mako's particular disinterest in her sparked inner-conflict for her and will lead to her potential direct involvement in the ~storm~

Much like Bolin, Asami needs to bow out or step in. She needs to confront Mako and/or drop him. Again, like Bolin, Asami deserves someone who completely wants her.

Borra - my predictions say it's sunk. Bolin manned up and accepted that Korra just doesn't feel that way for him, and only wants him as a bffs. personally I think they make better bros at this point. Korra won't give him her all, and I'm hoping someone out there will (I'm so hoping he finds someone - him being thrown aside with humor is still not sitting well with me. our bb-Bo deserves more). All in all, the way they handled his heartbreak bordered on intentional schradenfreude - I'll take that as a cue from bryke to treat Bo's former feels lightly and consider them superficial.

Makorra - still in the air and I really have no clue if Bryke will move on asap or will let it fester to be addressed at another opportune time. Key points are that kiss (kisses are huge deals in the Avatar-verse, regardless of how goddamn fast we saw one this time around), that yelling match (Korra called Mako out on what she thought was truth - her guess was right), and Mako's side (the lack of closure for Mako at the end of the episode has me deciding that Mako - at this point - is running from what he has to face [we'll see]).

Masami - same as above. but hopefully we'll get some closure on this ship. Mako obviously is with her for the wrong reasons, and he's not giving her his all - it's not fair. I'm hopeful for Asami's input on the matter, but it's Bryke so idk.

Just Bryke? For the love of god, give Asami some substance - a two dimensional character cannot hold her own in drama like this. God, I hope they're not planning on a copping-out on the Masami ship with a whole OMGZ ASAMI IS AN EQUALIST SPYY MAKO CAN NAO DUMP HURRR conclusion. They need to give Asami the end of a relationship she deserves and have a mutual break-up with nobody coming out as evil or whatever, it's only fair to her character (from what I know she's still legit top tier waifu material)

the love-square is now a love-triangle imo. Korra's apology was loaded; she meant to apologize for more than the clusterkitten that she contributed to. I believe Bolin's accepted.

that said, we had:
Bolin > Korra >< Mako }< Asami

and now we have:
Bolin > Korra >< Mako }< Asami

tl;dr this was a great episode and was seriously needed in terms of the romantic narration in LoK. Hopefully my analysis rings true and bryan has actually resolved more on the ship front than created more chaos. I know they have a penchant for ship-wars, but goddamn does this show not have the ROOM for it. 26 episodes you god-trolls! pls grant mercy and canonize your pairings earlier than later. hm.png

aaanyway we can all agree who's really evil

poor Lin yo

nah you're not the only one, fliss. I'm ranking this episode 2nd after AVITN.
idk why people seem so butthurt about CONFLICT of all things, even if it is romantic; anything that has the characters make mistakes and learn from them is a good sign for development, imo.

I feel like this episode was direly needed. again, if I'm right, Bryke has just ensured more time for Korra to concentrate on the stuff abit higher on her to-do list.

mte you beautiful man!
ratings/improved viewership is hardly what lok needs. each episode has a constant 4mill attendance iirc

Amon is probably enjoying the hell out of this, (as am I) pimp.png

updates! (5.08.12)
- added ep.5 link
- archived old posts, old vids
- added a line test vid (may allude to season two)
- added new bryan post (brychael otp)
- added 4 factions (white lotus; ttt; red monsoons; agni kais)

AWESOME post krisk.

I just want to say, I know how nearly everyone feels bad for Bolin in episode 5. But to be honest I really feel like Mako and Korra should not be getting nearly has much hate as they have.
Mako told him that it wasn’t a good idea to date a teammate, but he went and did it anyways.

Throughout the whole episode, Bolin was trying to force something with Korra, when really her attraction to him just isn't there. He kept on trying to make it blatantly obvious that they were perfect for each other (the water tribe food, etc). And it just seemed...forced. Korra NEVER acted flirty or appeared to be after anything other than just a good time, it seemed to be Bolin who read into it romantically.

Don't get me wrong, it was sad he was so heartbroken, but he definitely seemed to get over it in the end. I think that little talk between him and Korra as she's healing him was his closure. I don't see much more for Borra in the future other than an amazing friendship, which is the way it should be between them. It would just be odd for them to pursue something romantic from here on out.


#250 CloudMountainJuror


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 10:08 PM

You know, I was talking with a friend earlier today who is not biased towards any pairing in the series, and he said that both the MaKorra and Borra ships sunk in this episode. His explanation for MaKorra? "They wouldn't dare try it again after what happened."
You know what? I'm inclined to agree.

"The time has come at last for you to learn everything . . .

Fare thee well, Albert, my friend."



#251 Phantom_999


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 10:13 PM

I'm up for it cause then they won't pull this off again......


#252 Lid



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Posted 09 May 2012 - 11:12 AM

I'm enjoying Korra so far. Animation and writing is solid which I figured it would be. Characters are cool so far, Korra is a good protag.

Surprisingly though, I haven't taken a liking to any pairings really. Which is odd cuz back when I was a young blood on the scene I was right into AangxKatara right away, you know what I'm sayin?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

#253 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 09 May 2012 - 12:57 PM

QUOTE (Fliss @ May 8 2012, 06:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

AWESOME post krisk.

I just want to say, I know how nearly everyone feels bad for Bolin in episode 5. But to be honest I really feel like Mako and Korra should not be getting nearly has much hate as they have.
Mako told him that it wasn’t a good idea to date a teammate, but he went and did it anyways.

Throughout the whole episode, Bolin was trying to force something with Korra, when really her attraction to him just isn't there. He kept on trying to make it blatantly obvious that they were perfect for each other (the water tribe food, etc). And it just seemed...forced. Korra NEVER acted flirty or appeared to be after anything other than just a good time, it seemed to be Bolin who read into it romantically.

Don't get me wrong, it was sad he was so heartbroken, but he definitely seemed to get over it in the end. I think that little talk between him and Korra as she's healing him was his closure. I don't see much more for Borra in the future other than an amazing friendship, which is the way it should be between them. It would just be odd for them to pursue something romantic from here on out.

But this is Bolin, it's how he acts in general you cant place it on him, also I dont think that was the last of Borra to be honest I see a lot more in the future, last but not least BOLIN IN THE DEEEEEP!

Also Lid, I know what your sayin. (my god VC all day errday with you drunk)

Edited by Fyuria'sLeo, 09 May 2012 - 01:00 PM.


#254 LinksmaLope


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Posted 09 May 2012 - 01:17 PM

Bolin's Heart Sinks like the Titanic --Click here to view--
B e w a r e

Bolin in the Deep --Click here to view--
Bolin In The Deep

There’s a firebender in your heart
He is my brother
Should’ve seen this from the start
Actually I only had eyes for you
Can’t blame me for the shock when I saw you two

I have never before been in love
It’s like a disease I just can’t get rid of

There’s a firebender in your heart
He is my brother
Should’ve seen this from the start

When I brought flowers I wanted to ask
If we could go somewhere together real soon
But when I saw you kissing my brother
My heart shattered

We could have had it all
Bolin in the deep
You had my heart from the very start
But you broke it
Now it bleeds

Korra, I know I’m just a silly guy
But I really like you
And I promise you that’s no lie
Be happy together with my brother
He’ll love like no other
And don’t worry about me
When I brought flowers I wanted to ask
If we could go somewhere together real soon
But when I saw you kissing my brother
My heart shattered

We could have had it all
Bolin in the deep
You had my heart from the very start
But you broke it
Now it bleeds
We could have had it all
Bolin in the deep
You had my heart from the very start
But you broke it
Now it bleeds

I know I’ll find a girl some other day
But for now I will love you everyday
I’ll just be standing at the sideline
I won’t come between you and claim what should be mine

We could have had it all
We could have had it all
It all, it all, it all
We could have had it all
Bolin in the deep
You had my heart from the very start
But you broke it
Now it bleeds

We could have had it all
Bolin in the deep
You had my heart from the very start
But you broke it
You broke, you broke, you broke it, now it bleeds

This masterpiece is created by...some guy from Tumbrl.

Why BORRA hasn't sunk yet

Edited by LinksmaLope, 09 May 2012 - 01:33 PM.

#255 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 09 May 2012 - 01:58 PM

QUOTE (LinksmaLope @ May 9 2012, 09:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bolin's Heart Sinks like the Titanic --Click here to view--
B e w a r e

Oh Bolin, how I luff thee~ wow.png love.gif

QUOTE (LinksmaLope @ May 9 2012, 09:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I agree with this statement made -

(Let’s just start with a basic fact: all three main characters areincrediblyimmature. They have no clue what in the heck they are doing with themselves. Which leaves us Korra fans with infinite feels while Bryke cackles in the corner.)

*shakes fist at the ship-trolling!Bryke* 111193.gif


And I like this statement~ =3

(Asami offsets Mako's personality very nicely. She lets him be protective/caring for her, she is more of a passive character than Mako so they get along fine. This is why Makocalms his kittensaround her, and why I like them together.)

And truthfully, though I believe Bolin would be great for Korra as they mesh well together, can laugh and have amazing fun together, and he treats her right, I really don't see the Borra ship sailing at this point. Bolin would make a better 'bro' figure for Korra that a 'bo'. And it's almost painfully obvious the series will end up as Makorra, as they'll have their angsty 'I-like-you-though-you-drive-me-crazy-but-all-this-smexual-tension-will-eventually-drive-us-together' crap that Bryke seems to be enjoying stringing out >.>!

#256 Fliss



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Posted 09 May 2012 - 02:11 PM

QUOTE (Fyuria'sLeo @ May 9 2012, 06:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But this is Bolin, it's how he acts in general you cant place it on him

I realize this. That doesn't mean it makes their 'romance' seem any more natural.

QUOTE (Fyuria'sLeo @ May 9 2012, 06:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
also I dont think that was the last of Borra to be honest I see a lot more in the future

What makes you say this? I don't think it would make sense. They already tried to pursue something romantic in this episode, we all saw how that turned out. Korra wasn't interested and Bolin got hurt. But their talk in the end calms the waters between them, and Bolin isn't heartbroken anymore. It seemed to be closure.


#257 Forlong


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Posted 09 May 2012 - 02:18 PM

On Mako's feelings toward Korra, I honestly think he doesn't know what he feels yet. He knows that he likes her and enjoys being with her, but can't yet tell if it is platonic or romantic. And, you know what? That's just fine. He has time to figure it out. Better for him to think about it before he does something stupid, like what Korra did. Still what Korra did was understandable, because she's a teenager. Teenagers are stupid. I know; I used to be one of them.

#258 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 09 May 2012 - 04:42 PM

QUOTE (Fliss @ May 9 2012, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I realize this. That doesn't mean it makes their 'romance' seem any more natural.

What makes you say this? I don't think it would make sense. They already tried to pursue something romantic in this episode, we all saw how that turned out. Korra wasn't interested and Bolin got hurt. But their talk in the end calms the waters between them, and Bolin isn't heartbroken anymore. It seemed to be closure.

I just didnt see it like that thats all just pointing out that things will still be there, it just doesnt instantly go away like that.


#259 Ani


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Posted 09 May 2012 - 06:31 PM

QUOTE (LinksmaLope @ May 9 2012, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Dat link. I can't agree enough with what they said.

#260 LinksmaLope


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Posted 09 May 2012 - 06:56 PM

A very strong Asami Equalist theory

I really like Asami and all (She is my 2nd favourite character in the show) ,but i think Asami would be A LOT more interesting if she were an Equalist or something,because right now she's nothing more than a mary sue and it kinda makes me sad...

P.S.There are even more facts in the comment section of that page.

That's totally how the meeting happened... --Click here to view--

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