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Drabble thread V3.0

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#241 Jwolf0


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Posted 06 January 2008 - 07:29 PM

That's a very good one, Compy. So we finally see some reason (?) behind Takeshi's madness. Interesting, and truly presentable crap. wink.gif

This, on the other hand, I fear might just be crap. I could use some feedback on this one, you'll see why in a bit.

"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."
-Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Greatness: Team Seven (Part 4 of 4)

Surveying the remains of Konohagakure, Sakura thought about Team Seven’s many impressive feats and its tragic end.

She touched her eye patch; a wound without to mirror the wound within, both incurred during her last fight. ‘Crimson Tigress,’ people now admiringly called her. Such useless, pretty words.

Naruto was a shell of himself, his spirit broken by his supposed failure to protect everyone in Konoha. To protect her. To redeem him.

Him… his path to glory led to this destruction. Sakura couldn’t forgive, not now.

Team Seven achieved greatness… but at what price?

She smiled bitterly. Shakespeare got it backwards.
Yeah, not a happy drabble. I knew going into this keyword that this arc wouldn't be WAFFy, but I didn't quite expect it to get to this level of well, 'not happily ever after.' Anyway, yes I skipped over Sakura and Sasuke's fight, it just can't be written well in 100 words. Yes, she won.

So... besides any C&C (on a 100-word drabble. Sad, I know), my question is this: Is this last one so much of a downer that it would be better to rewrite Sakura's drabble to try and emphasize her winning there and just leave this one out? Should I leave it as is, or should I do both, like a "Director's Cut" with alternative endings?

Well, if you read the first one... I offer this to balance things out. This is something I wrote on a whim* for a thread somewhere else. The premise was basically "What if Naruto was given a stack of WWE videotapes to watch and decided to emulate the different wrestlers?"

Yes, it's pure crack. Crack: It's what's for dinner.

Yes, it won't make much sense to you if you don't follow wrestling. Sorry.

So, I proudly present Ric Flair!Naruto. sweatdrop.gif

Trembling, Sakura raised her hand to bow out of the tenth question when -

“Wooooo!” Naruto stood up slowly. When he raised his head, Ibiki was surprised to see a calm expression on his face instead of the panicked or hostile glare the proctor was expecting.

Elsewhere in the room Chouji sighed happily and opened up another bag of chips, settling in to enjoy the show. He had no idea what was coming next, but when Naruto got ‘special’ loud like this it was always entertaining.

“You think that you can scare us like that? Scare me? I’ve been in this business long enough to know that I can’t give up on anything. I won’t! Do you know who I am? Do you? I’m the ‘Nature Boy’ Uzumaki Naruto! 16-time Ichiraku’s Customer of the Month! You expect me to run and hide from a piddly little statement like that? Me, the dirtiest player in the game? Wooooo!”

Naruto grinned as the gathered chuunin looked around wildly at his declaration of being ‘The Dirtiest Player in the Game.’ If he’d known that cheating was the point before the exam he could’ve set something up sooner to back up his claim, but just bluffing it to make the examiners sweat was fun too. He started to talk faster now, becoming more and more animated as he continued.

"All of you here," Naruto looked around at the crowd of genin, "All of you here want to make chuunin. All of you here want to be the best. All of you here want to be... the man! Wooo! Well, right now, you're LOOKING at the man. And I'm... not... going... ANYWHERE! If you want to be the man, you have to beat the man! Wooo!"

“So bring on your tenth question! Wooo! Hell, bring on a hundred more! Wooo! I'll never give up, not for ten, a hundred, a million questions! Wooo!
"You’re not- Wooo!- going to beat me like that! Wooo! If you want me to quit this exam, you can pull my hitai-ate – Wooo!- from my cold, dead corpse because that is the ONLY WAY –Wooo!- that you will EVER –Wooo!- get me to stop going forward and becoming Hokage! Wooooooo!”

“Wooooo!” Heads turned to look at the source of the echo. Blushing until her face matched her hair, Sakura sat back down grinning sheepishly. But that is pretty damn catchy!

D-darn it, Sakura-san, thought a miffed Hinata, th-that should’ve been me backing up my Nature, er, N-Naruto-kun!

“So ‘Nature Boy,’ are you done yet?” asked an irritated Ibiki. Looking around the room, he sensed that no one else would raise their hand. Seventy-eight genin. Seventy-eight! Mitarashi’s gonna have a field day with this.

“Very well,” he roared, “the rest of you here… PASS!” Ibiki started to explain the purpose of the tenth question to the assembled genin, but they were too busy watching Naruto bounce off the wall and strut in an orange feathered robe -the hell? Was he wearing that when he came in?- right up to an examiner. Naruto shouted, “Woooooo!” right in the flinching man’s face and this time more than a few of the assembled shinobi took up the cry.

Scowling, Morino Ibiki rubbed his scarred and pitted head. He felt one hell of a headache coming on. He respected the Hokage greatly….
… but if Sarutobi ever asked him to proctor another exam Ibiki would stab his eyes out with a red-hot poker first.

And so far we've also covered The Rock, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Degeneration-X, Randy Orton, and Carlito 'Carribean Cool.' Sanity is overrated.

*in other words, I woke up at 4:15AM New Year's Day for no reason whatsoever. So, mise well produce crack, amirite?
QUOTE ("Down Goes Brown")
(For the younger readers, "HMV" and "Sam The Record Man" were record stores.)

(For the younger readers, a "record store" was a building that you had to go to when you wanted to buy music.)

(For the younger readers, "buying music" was the way we acquired it, since we couldn't just… you know what, let's just get back to the Bowen song. Stupid kids, you ruin everything.)

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Or Reaper! Or Zombie Killer... or something. Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN!

#242 Recompense


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Posted 10 January 2008 - 10:19 AM

That was pretty good, Wolf-sensei.

Dun rewrite it, just because something is depressing don't mean it's bad.

i mean, look at my dra...

ok, bad examples. ummmm.... George R. R. Martin's books are really good and popular 'n stuff, so depressing isnt necessarily bad.
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#243 Sakura~Kitsune


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Posted 19 January 2008 - 03:34 AM

Well, I knew it~! XD

My Sailor Moon obsession had once again taken over me for the time being last week. And I seriously mean it XD After today though, I had finally finished reading the final volume yet again when a new idea came into my head. ((Don't ask me why, but this has nothing to do with the "epic" battle I read today XD))

You Are My Sunshine. Well, it was worth a shot~

Sakura sat at the kitchen table. In front of her was a piece of paper. She was trying to write her vows to Naruto. She knew she should've done it sooner, but it was difficult. Though this problem puzzled her to the fullest --- she was supposed to be somewhat in the rank of "genius", right?

So why so much stress over something like this?! "Ino!" It seemed childish, but soft whimpering escaped from her pouted lips when she turned to the girl next her. "Help me!"

Sky Blues belonging to Yamanaka Ino looked up from the magazine they were actually interested in and over at Sakura. "What's troubling you now, Forehead?" Ino asked as she shut the magazine.

"I know this is on short notice... but can you help me with these vows?" Sakura asked. "I want them to be extra special. I want to say something like... "Naruto, you are my love". Only without the word love. That's too overused."

"Oooh! I know! I know!" The blonde cheered happily as she jumped up and down. "You can say... Naruto, you are my sunshine!"

Narrowing her eyes for the moment, Sakura shook her head soon after. "I am NOT copying a children's song for my wedding vows." She strictly told her best friend. "You know what, I'll just use love."

Softly giggling as Sakura began scribbling her vows on the paper, Ino began venturing through her magazine yet again. The blonde still thought that sunshine would've gone better. But she just shrugged it away.

Hey, it wasn't her wedding, now was it?


No matter how dark it is, you’re not alone you know?

The moonlight is shining on us


#244 SakuNaruLover


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Posted 19 January 2008 - 05:56 PM

Nice drabbles everyone happy.gif
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#245 Recompense


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Posted 26 January 2008 - 06:08 AM

I have no idea what this is. All i know is its forced writing to keep my creativity alive

Sometimes... Sometimes she kissed him
Sometimes... Sometimes she punched him
Sometimes... Sometimes she laid him down right there and made him the happiest man alive
Sometimes... Sometimes she laid him down and got to work fixing his bones she had just broken

Peeping on his wife in the shower was always a crap-shoot



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#246 Recompense


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Posted 28 January 2008 - 04:49 AM

Well. It's taken me <Too lazy to insert Correct date here>, but i've finally finished with Takeshi. This last Drabble didnt come to me like the others did, but i've finally forced it out. Feels really good and really bad that i'm getting rid of Takeshi for good, but meh.

The Blonde Tempest crouched above him. A spiraling orb of energy dissipated and cleared, as Naruto calmly exhaled, releasing all the adrenaline that had built up during the fight. He had known his sensei was skilled. He had seen the man himself, slaughtering opponents far faster and far stronger than he was. He knew that Takeshi wielded the skill of a god. But now he knew the truth. Takeshi was no god. He was powerful. More powerful than a human being had any right to be, but he was no god. Naruto had fought a man who had the collective experience of over four hundred shinobi. A man who knew every dirty trick, every Taijutsu nuance. A man who could walk through a snowstorm with only his sword, and not be touched by a single snowflake. But Takeshi was no god.

Naruto stood, blood staining his skin and the tattered remains of his clothes. He stood wearily with the weight of a man who has done something he loathed out of necessity. It wasn’t raining. Why wasn’t it raining?

Naruto turned his head upwards. The sun was shining, here, at the front gates of Konoha, the sun was shining. He looked back down at the dead body before him. The blood, the entrails, the smiling face of Takeshi… they all looked so out of place here. Takeshi should have died on a dark, grey day, shouldn’t he have?

Naruto decided not to think about how Takeshi should have died. He was dead now, and that’s all that mattered.


He looked up, that was Sakura-chan, and if Sakura-chan called his name like That, he better damn well listen.

“Naruto! Are you ok!?”

She was yelling. Why was she yelling? He was obviously alright.

Well, except for the blood.

And the missing arm; he would’ve healed that already, but he guessed his body was tired from having regenerated sixteen pairs of eyeballs, eight pairs of lungs, five kidneys, three legs, twenty two pairs of ears, regrowing his skin eighteen times, and healing miscellaneous cuts and broken bones.

ok, maybe she had reason to yell.

And it was with that that Uzumaki Naruto, the first Demon-Kage of Konoha, collapsed, next to the body of his former sensei.

I'm just sitting here. Wondering what it'd be like To be with you.

#247 Recompense


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 12:42 AM

Well, don't everybody post at once!

He loved her.
He loved her so much, it hurt sometimes.
He loved how beautiful she was, no matter the time or weather.
He loved the way her hair caught the light.
He loved the sound her feet made on the carpet.
He loved the smell of her, as she came home from the hospital.
He loved the feel of her as they sealed their love.
He loved it all.

I'm just sitting here. Wondering what it'd be like To be with you.

#248 Jwolf0


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Posted 12 February 2008 - 12:05 AM

It's... been a while since I've done anything on the forums. That 'Real Life' thing, it really sucks, eh?

I see Takeshi is done with Compy, although I think I would've liked to have seen the fight as well. A battle where that much damage is being dealt out must've been a really good one. And those short NaruSaku tidbits kinda sound like poems - expand on them please.

Well, I haven't done much writing at all lately, but I managed to squeak this one out.

Doll. She only kept it to be polite. Really.

She didn’t know what was worse; that there existed a plushy resembling Naruto or that the idiot actually gave it to her, to “watch over her” while he trained with Jiraiya for three years.

Sakura kept it only because trashing a gift was impolite. The doll’s bright blue eyes had nothing to do with it, of course.

It stayed on her nightstand simply as a convenient outlet, something she could talk to and hit when needed.

And when Sakura slept holding it tightly? Merely because the Naruto-plushy was soft and warm.

Not because she missed the real thing, you understand.

QUOTE ("Down Goes Brown")
(For the younger readers, "HMV" and "Sam The Record Man" were record stores.)

(For the younger readers, a "record store" was a building that you had to go to when you wanted to buy music.)

(For the younger readers, "buying music" was the way we acquired it, since we couldn't just… you know what, let's just get back to the Bowen song. Stupid kids, you ruin everything.)

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Or Reaper! Or Zombie Killer... or something. Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN!

#249 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 06:32 PM

Taking a break from work. I really should be working but oh well! tongue.gif

She really should have been working, but lately it had been harder for her to concentrate. I'll only take a minute, was the thought running through her mind. She walked into the room and smiled seeing him resting in bed peacefully. The minute stretched into five, and five into ten until eventually she forgot about work entirely letting herself be wrapped up in the warmth his arms brought to her. She had been especially distracted today since he had come back injured from a recent mission. He could handle himself, but that never did cease the worrying. It was her job as the head of the hospital to make sure all shinobi were in good health and it was her job as his wife to make sure her husband was loved.



"Are you feeling better?"

"Now that you're here, yeah."

"Good," Sakura smiled.

Yes, she should go back to work; however, work could wait. The most important thing to her was holding her in his arms and she intended to stay like until dawn. Work could wait until tomorrow.

End of line.

#250 Wilson


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:57 AM

QUOTE (AchikaMiyu @ Feb 14 2008, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Taking a break from work. I really should be working but oh well! tongue.gif

She really should have been working, but lately it had been harder for her to concentrate. I'll only take a minute, was the thought running through her mind. She walked into the room and smiled seeing him resting in bed peacefully. The minute stretched into five, and five into ten until eventually she forgot about work entirely letting herself be wrapped up in the warmth his arms brought to her. She had been especially distracted today since he had come back injured from a recent mission. He could handle himself, but that never did cease the worrying. It was her job as the head of the hospital to make sure all shinobi were in good health and it was her job as his wife to make sure her husband was loved.



"Are you feeling better?"

"Now that you're here, yeah."

"Good," Sakura smiled.

Yes, she should go back to work; however, work could wait. The most important thing to her was holding her in his arms and she intended to stay like until dawn. Work could wait until tomorrow.

Good fluff! wink.gif
You try to know everything , yet in the end, you truly understand nothing ....
Wilson's fanfic account : weixuan18

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#251 Gnosismaster


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 04:05 PM

Yep, very good fluff.

#252 SakuNaruLover


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 04:45 PM

That was a nice little drabble happy.gif
I am neither good nor evil, I am awake yet I dream

#253 Recompense


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Posted 23 February 2008 - 05:38 AM

I Shall resuscitate this Thread!

Hell, i don't have any idea what resuscitate means, but it SOUNDS doctorly, doesnt it?

Darkness. Eyes aren't working anymore
"This guy's a train wreck!"
Who was that? The voice wasn't familiar, didn't sound like the Konoha medic-team"
"Remain calm, stop that bleeding!"
Huh, it didn't FEEL like he was bleeding...
"Five bullets to the liver"
What in the name of kami was a bullet?
"Jesus Christ, what happened to this guy!?"
What happened? Why can't I remember?
"Let me through! I need to see him!"
Sakura-chan? She's okay?
"Ma'am, I'm sorry, no visitors are allowed in the room at this time"
Let her in you bastard! Let me see Sakura-chan!
"What's he mumbling about? Chakra?"
Not enough Chakra, I Can't get up! I can't
"Delusions, Probably, we DID find some shrapnel in the brain stemâ."
Shrapnel? explosive Shrapnel?
"The Kyyubi project was never meant to take this much damage!"
Sakura-chan? I'm... I'm a project?


His eyes opened, and immediately closed, The operating light was too bright. It hurt.

He opened them again, this time to be met by the visage of a man’s face hovering above him. Brown hair and eyes, Glasses. Very doctorly in appearance.
“Hello, Mr. Uzumaki.”

I might one day make a fic out of these ideas.
Or maybe not.

Edited by Recompense, 18 May 2008 - 04:50 AM.

I'm just sitting here. Wondering what it'd be like To be with you.

#254 Recompense


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 06:06 AM

Well, Sakura-chan challenged me, saying that i can only start fics.

She's right, y'know.

Anyways, she challenged me to do anything more with the last drabble... so........

“Could you please turn that light down? It’s really really bright.”

The doctor looked at Naruto for a second, before finally looking down at his paperwork.

“Excuse me? I asked if you could-“


Two letters and Naruto was effectively shut off. his head dropped in resignation. He’d been stuck in this weird-ass hospital for two weeks now, and all they’d done was take blood tests and ask him what he last remembered.

“So. Mr. Uzumaki, let’s run through what happened one more time.”

Naruto sighed, not even bothering to lift his head.

“I’ve told you Kami only knows how many times! I was fighting some weird-ass Grass nin, he called on a crap-load of Chakra, like, five times a Rasengan, big white flash, BAM! I’m here.”

the doctor simply stared at him. Naruto met his stare.

“Can I go now?”


“Well, I can only conclude that the Kyuubi Project’s healing capabilities have evolved once more. He has recovered from extensive damage to many critical areas of his body.”

The doctor paused, briefly opening his portfolio to confirm what he was going to say next.

“However, due to damage to his brain caused by shrapnel from an enemy RPG, he is suffering from delusions, amnesia, and invented Memories. He claims to be a ninja, can walk up walls, able to breathe fire… the list goes on.”

The pink haired woman at the end of the table raised her hand with both respect and eager anticipation, the question was important to her, after all.

“What about his memories of… past acquaintances? squadmates, friends… family?”

The Doctor smiled genially at the woman.

“Yes, Mrs. Uzumaki, he remembers you all. But he has shaped your influence to his own hallucinatory world. He remembers all of us.”

there was a pause. Everyone, even Commander Tsunade could feel the ‘but’ coming on.

“He remembers everyone but me.”

Blargalarg, I didn't seperate the scenes enuff. It's edited nao! wow.png

Eva+A Beautiful Mind+ Late Night Dares by a Kagess= WTF IS THIS!!??

Edited by Recompense, 25 February 2008 - 05:37 AM.

I'm just sitting here. Wondering what it'd be like To be with you.

#255 Gnosismaster


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 03:41 PM

Great snippet but who's the guy?

#256 Recompense


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Posted 25 February 2008 - 07:58 AM



Can't stop these things




“For F*ck’s sake! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!”

The Doctor stood behind the Bullet-proof Glass, watching as the blond prepared once again to smash into the glass.

“Alright, Naruto. Time to calm down.”



The Doctor jumped back, his flanking Security guards stepped forwards, their automatics trained on Naruto through the glass.


Naruto stumbled backwards, Blood falling from the side of his head, where it had impactedalong with his shoulder.

The doctor took several steps to the side, observing the room from a different angle. and there he saw the proof he needed. Cracks in the floor. Naruto was stronger than before the head trauma. Excellent.

He immediately jotted down a note.

“The Kyuubi Project has unlocked its potential. It’s muscles have advanced far beyond the Human boundaries.”

He lowered the clipboard, walking until his face was inches from the bloodstained cracks in the glass.

“I’m here. You’re safe.”

SLAM!! The Glass held, The cracks extended, and Naruto collapsed on the ground, panting and bleeding.


Please note he's not the Yondaime


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#257 jim1982


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 04:21 AM

so it isn't Minato? darn but be cool for a story this little web ya weeve
Funny Naruto Comic: http://nekoni.devian...nowman-73499115

[size=7]Picture done by Nekoni (nekoni.deviantart.com)

#258 Derock


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 05:08 AM

Holy S***! This is good.

Write more damnit!!! wow.png


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#259 Wilson


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 07:54 AM

I'm guessing Danzo recomp. happy.gif
You try to know everything , yet in the end, you truly understand nothing ....
Wilson's fanfic account : weixuan18

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#260 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 08:01 AM

You see Compy...I told you that actually writing ficcy would makey good story wow.png

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