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Why DO we like Narusaku?

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#221 Guest_Kodachi Claws_*

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Posted 12 December 2007 - 01:35 AM

Whenever I like a pairing, "they look good together" has nothing to do with it. It's all about character development.

I liked the idea of the pairing when I first started reading, but I didn't think it would really develop. I thought it would just be Naruto behaving one way, and Sakura behaving the opposite way although she wanted to act the way he did. But Sakura began to care for him as a teammate as time went on, Naruto was starting to help her, and at one point saved her life. Then came the promise of a lifetime. After that, I was sold. Naruto cared about Sakura so much, that he just wanted her to be happy, even she wouldn't love him in return. I prefer pairings where the guy does care about his romantic interest that much.

As of Shippuden, I really like the way they work together, and I especially like the changes Sakura has gone through because of him. They also continue to act like mirror images of one another (the incident in 347 counts too), and that only strengthens my love for this pairing more.

I know this is shonen, but I think it's very likely they will wind up together. I guess we'll see soon enough.

#222 Anewhope2



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Posted 13 December 2007 - 02:19 AM

I think it's the most realistic pairing i've ever seen. This is the kind of stuff you see in real life, boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl doesn't like boy at first, girl likes boy now. I just love it!

And it's so cute. it kind of reminds me of my crushes. But none of them worked out. But i can relate to it.

And i love Sakura.

#223 NaruNinpo33


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Posted 14 December 2007 - 11:13 PM

Yeah, if only it didn't take over 3 years! T.T
Well, at least they are on the same team in shippuuden..
Episodes 151-200 and something don't really have that much Sakura

#224 Manda


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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:57 AM

Oh my gosh... WHY you ask? For heavens sake, why not? tongue.gif Theres so many reasons to list, I don't know where to begin. But I guess I'll start off with:

- I've read plenty of Shoujo mangas, romance novels and watched so many idealistic romantic comedy movies, that I've always been blinded by the meaning love itself. NaruSaku was the only pairing that stopped me and opened my eyes to the true meaning behind love, friendship, honesty, trust and respect. The beautiful mutual development and understanding is so touching, its always had me crying. Especially the Promise of a Lifetime scene. ;_____; It's the only pairing thats moved me so much, thats why above any other relationships in the series, I cherish these two so much. Naruto and Sakura really mean a lot to me. <3

- I've always had a soft spot in my heart for "girl being blinded by cool guy but later falling in love with the guy whom truly cares for her" formula. Another reason why I was so captivated by the NaruSaku pairing. >w<

- Because I'm usually the type to like the GUY crushing on the girl than the other way around. Its more... cuter? 8D;; I don't know about anybody else, but thats just me. x3

- I honestly believe that Sakura would be a lot more happier with Naruto in the long-run. I think she deserves someone as caring as Naruto who knows how to support her, encourage her and make her feel special. ♥

- Because Sakura seems to be more comfortable around Naruto in my opinion. Inner Sakura merged with Sakura? Awesomeness! =^____^=

- They make good, warm and HOT smut. Seriously, they do. wub.gif I recently read two really amazing NaruSaku smut ficlets, both very well-written, and it kept both Naruto and Sakura in character. A-And... kyaaaah. >w< Naruto was so compassionate, loving, and just SO WARM. ;_____________________; *sigh* I would just die happy in heaven if the rest of their fanfics were just as good as their interaction in the manga. T^T;

- I think, asides from that one moment with Sasuke in the beginning in the Chuinin exams where he complimented her, Naruto has always been there for Sakura. I think Naruto has done more for Sakura than both Sasuke and Lee combined. He's given her encouragement, lifted up her spirit, made an unbreakable promise to her, kept renewing that promise, and has always seen the good side of her compared to other people.

- They both compliment each other's personality so well, its amazing. ♥ Both brash, loud, but kind and caring individuals who aren't afraid to express themselves around each other's presence, and I think thats important in a healthy relationship. happy.gif

- I absolutely love their teamwork ethic. I would be extremely happy if Kishimoto included even more moments in the manga where they both work together. ♥

- Theres so much chemistry between them, its amazing. wub.gif I always love how they interact around each other, and the way Sakura's always hitting him is so eiffin' hilarious. xDDD I mean, a canon pairing or not, how can people hate their friendship? Its pure crack material, lmao~

Gosh, I just finished Lovely Complex recently, and now I'm feeling the NaruSaku love all over again thanks to this thread. >w< Eeee, eeee ~ *fangirlspasm* NaruSaku squee squee much? wub.gif wub.gif

EDIT: Wow, this was by far my longest post here. laugh.gif

Manda. → Dana

#225 Sesshou No Kon

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Posted 30 December 2007 - 01:07 PM

Ah, well.
It all started with me trying to explain to a couple of friends why, no, NaruHina isn't absolutely a canon pairing. Though I'm still trying to make the said friends admit it, that was my first time thinking about NaruSaku ( I would make you read the debate, but it's in Italian =\ ). And it was like... 2 months ago. Then my self-convertion to the pairing began. I started reading essays... mainly Heronite's ones. I wonder why I didn't start to consider the pairing before... ah, well~
I'm not a "classic" fan of the pairing. I used to prefer yaoi before xD I still like it of course, but I'm more--- open minded now. xDD
I am a girl.

#226 aa_lithium


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Posted 30 December 2007 - 05:11 PM

I liked it when Sakura turned like I THINK I'LL HAVE SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT now in the Chunnin exams, I didn't like her at all before that. Then I realized that, that girl has a lot of potential as a character. Then I thought about Naruto, he got some development too.

Ah, then there's my sister. My sis is SO much like combination of Sakura and Naruto, she's a loud, hyper ADHD kid at times (like Naruto). But at the same time, she has Sakura's...overall attitude. I admit, she's a little bit more of Sakura's kind and compassionate side (because Naruto can be so clueless sometimes but isn't it so CUTE when he finally figures it out? ^^). But at the same time when she's angry she really is, she has that mad side about her. And again, like before timeskip Sakura she keeps that mad side of her inside (Inner!Sakura ^^'). It's so weird to describe...xD (She's smart like her too, it's so weird. But then she doesn't want to do it even when she has a good idea. sleep.gif')

But anyway, she totally adores Naruto, to bits. And that got me thinking more, and Sakura and Naruto's personalities totally go with eachother. They're alot like eachother, but at the same time they are not alike in the way that screams: I'm an individual! So really, this means that when they grow up and they become their own person...

Well, you know.
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And I go up to him and say, "Hey that's my fish!" After that I kicked him in the shin and ran all the way to the Eiffel tower, and he goes, "It was a peanut butter sandwich!" Instead he gives me a cow so I can have some chocolate milk, when clearly I wanted some fish. I didn't get any chocolate milk and instead assaulted a carton instead and gave him back the cow to get back my fish, in turn he gave me back his three wives who wanted their other husbands back from Reno because they feared if they didn't, they'd lose their Italian accents.

So then I had to go to Reno...that's why I was absent from school on Monday and Tuesday!

--My Sister (Yeah, I memorized that)

#227 catsi563



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Posted 15 February 2008 - 07:54 PM

one word.


Their relationship is the most unselfish relationship I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. Its not about her wants and his wants. Its about their wants. the couple as a whole. each giving of the other.

These 2 are in love and its only a mtter of time, slow steady and patient before all the obstacles fall away and they know it too.

Its easy to become close to someone in battle. But if you watch these two interact in peace time out sid eof fights. They get along so well that its a joy to watch. the ease with which they interact amd the care they show is so heartfelt and genuine. love.gif

OH and I want to comment on Narutos so called "cluelessness". I think his so called "Cluelessness" is best described by a simple phrase.

Crazy like a fox tongue.gif

Edited by catsi563, 15 February 2008 - 07:56 PM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#228 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 15 February 2008 - 08:53 PM

How to describe this... personally, I just saw it hit me back when I read my first chapter of Naruto, when Naruto got back his headband from Zabuza. And as I read back more, and further ahead, I saw in spite of how Sakura treated him that Naruto always was by her side, willing to help her, and soon, she began to return the favor, especially after he risked all to keep his promise to her.

Then we got her willing to risk her life when it comes to helping Naruto and willing to do anything to do so; learning the Jutsu Tenzo/Yamato used on Naruto (even if it was impossible), risking her life to tell him that she'd rescue Sasuke, be willing to face off with someone like Itachi...

It just goes to show how these two developed in part thanks to each other. smile.gif And that kind of connection over time is why I like NaruSaku especially. Just because it feels right.


EDIT: I know I just repeated myself, but it still holds true. Besides, everyone else has made some good points, like how they can help each other stronger than they are. So I won't say anything else.

Edited by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja, 15 February 2008 - 09:13 PM.

#229 NaruSakufan18


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Posted 01 March 2008 - 09:41 PM

The reasons I like NaruSaku is because:
1.) Naruto would do everything in his power to make his Sakura-chan happy.She is his pillar of strength. And he is Sakura's as well.
2) The reason why Sakura trained with Tsunade in the first place was because of Naruto. She wants to be stronger so she can help him bring back Sasuke. Sakura is always aiming to be as strong as Naruto.He makes her want to improve herself.
3)When Naruto is defending Sakura in battle and she is in PERIL, Naruto is unstopable.
4)Naruto thinks Sakura's body is perfect in every way, and looks very beautiful.(not many guys are like that)
5)Sakura will someday surpass Tsunade, and Naruto will be Hokage. Imagine their kids. Their Children will have Naruto's enormous chakra reserves with Sakura's near perfect Chakra control.
6.) Their children would also have super strength, medical ninjutsu, and along with Naruto's ninjutsu skills, like Rasengan.(those are some pretty powerful offspring)
7.) Imagine a student at the academy with Naruto's determination, along with Sakura's super strength to go along with it.
8.) Naruto is my favorite character, and since he is the main character and the series is named after him. Shouldn't he be able to have the girl of his dreams? Come on, now, am I right?

Those are the only ones I can think of at the moment.

#230 naruto_han


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Posted 02 March 2008 - 08:09 AM

i would say because narusaku feels natural. i admit i like other parings but narusaku is the only one that seems to have the makings of a true relationship. no relationship has gone through all the different phases that they have had.

they've had:

and even there share of fluffy borderline romantic moments

i guess the perfect word for there relationship is "dynamic"

for someone who says there not very good at romance kishi has wrote a very believable start to one in naruto and sakura. lets just hope it continues tongue.gif

Edited by naruto_han, 02 March 2008 - 08:10 AM.

#231 TheVileOne


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Posted 02 March 2008 - 10:56 AM

I used to be a Naruto/Hinata shipper when I would read Dave-D's fics . . . which are still fun. But when I got more into the time jump era characters, it felt like Naruto/Sakura just started to make more sense. Sakura seems to have grown so much as a character, and I just really liked the idea of getting together with Naruto.

More than anything, I love the idea of Naruto putting Sakura's happiness ahead of his own and trying so hard for her, and ultimately Sakura is able to truly return his feelings, but it can't be out of pity or because Sasuke is gone, evil, or a traitor. Those cop it out to me.

Joe Is Gonna Kill You.

#232 descentfighter


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 02:36 AM

Goodness, I would like to say I was one of those people who "knew all along" from taking away from the events in Chapter 3, but although I started to think about it then, I really didnt care or even like the pairing for a period of time, mostly cause for awhile Sakura's obsessive fangirlness and uselessness, as well as Naruto being a little too annoying for my taste at the beginning really turned me off to thinking about it. I became a huge NaruSaku fan basically during and after the Chuunin exams. Seeing Sakura's growth an development, inspired largely by Naruto's encouragement and actions as well as the realization of her own worth were truly a sight to behold. That she could be motivated to call Sasuke a coward because of what Naruto did basically sent a jolt of realization up my spine that maybe this friendship/relationship could happen.

I became super-obsessed of course after the whole business with Gaara and seeing Naruto's determination to save her during that fight. I began to admire Naruto more as a character because of his iron willed determination to protect his friends and those he loves (which for him can be argued are largely the same thing). I really relate to him on this point more than anything else as I have always been very close to my family and have grown up with 3 friends who have basically been like brothers to me. All of us for different reasons have had very difficult and troublesome times growing up and in many cases only the fact that I was there for others without fail, and that they were there for me kept us from giving up, making bad decisions, or in one case possibly dying. My father has always been the kind of person who said to me that family and not friends or anyone else is the only relationship that can last a lifetime. Given the people that I have lived with over my young but rather eventful life, I have in many ways made it my life goal to prove him wrong. My friends and of course my family are everything to me, and I will always give my all to help them in anyway I can, regardless of the cost to me, because at least the way I have grown up to see the world everything else it truly worthwhile in life if you can die knowing that there were people who you truly loved and trusted, and who wholeheartedly returned those feelings to you everything else is worth it. My friends inspire me, challenge me, and push me to do my best in everything, and I loved the way that Naruto and especially Sakura felt inspiried to do better and become stronger because of their friends.

I have also loved the way their relationship has developed since then. It was a great day for me reading Promise of Lifetime and watching Sakura finally truly understand and acknowledge Naruto for the kind of person he really truly is, especially in relation to her. All the moments since then have been pretty much priceless for me and it has been great to see their relationship develop especially post TS where they have both matured and their relationship, deepened by the common cause that drives them, as well as a healthy dose of typical adolescent flirtatious (some would say perverted to most tongue.gif ) moments. I love the progress of their relationship now because it has become of kind of deep and caring friendship, where love is not something being actively sought by either party but rather their love is something that is developing and growing out the way they interact, understand each other all too well, and how deeply they care for each other and their common friend. To me it is the description of how and what true love should be (at least the best you can get from a manga source), when two people accept and care for each other for exactly what they both represent and find reason to be together because of those very feelings. I will be a NaruSaku fan till the end, and can only hope that a Shonen weekly publication gives the author the ability to give us fans at least one truly meaningful and touching scene by the end between these two, in addition to the great moments of insight into their feels we have seen post TS. Sorry for it being so long lol

#233 wakatebayo


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Posted 06 March 2008 - 10:44 PM

dry.gif well i guess il write a whole essay about this then tongue.gif....

first off, naruto has loved sakura from the start. sure sakura treated naruto like $hit at first but sasuke leaves and she isnt a big crazy fangirl of sasuke like b4 and she starts to develop feelings for naruto cuz she understands the pain that he went through in life. also she worries about naruto him being a jinchuuriki with the akatsuki tailing him and all which means she cares about him. Notice that she has never cried for anyone about to die other than naruto (except for sasuke but thats in part 1 -.-) also notice that she doesnt cry everyday now that sasuke is gone. now lets talk about the manga. at the beginning of part 2 sakura acknowledges that naruto hasnt changed at all and that if he changed he just wouldnt be naruto anymore. she has gotten used to naruto and is comfortable around him. Sai also mentions that sakura is gentle around naruto and that saku doesnt use suffixes after narutos name like chan or kun. Kakashi even compliments naruto and sakura's team work during the second bell exercise. naruto asks sakura on a date and sakura accepts... now onto logic.. sasuke treats sakura like dirt AND ACTUALLY TRIED TO KILL HER WHEN SHE TRIED TO BRING HIM BACK hinata doesnt do anything with naruto cept stalk him and faint around him like a fangirl. wat happens after sasuke kills itachi.. gameover and sakura and sasuke live happily ever after with 3 kids right? WRONG! sasuke is too ambitious for love and will probably lead otogakure IMO. btw CHAPTER 297 yamato speaks for himself...
k i got a few more then il stfu... sakura and naruto look cute together... ever notice why kishimoto brought naruto and sakura's eyes the same style(shiny and colored) naruto=yellow sakura=pink pink+yellow are both bright colors that complement each othersasuke=dark blue dark blue often doesnt belong with other colors... why do u think kishimoto left those two alone(as in why wasnt naruto the one who wanted revenge and have the sharingan and go with orochimaru)? was he drunk? no he wanted make the evidence point to narusaku.... and there personalities o yes almost forgot naruto and sakura act like a married or unmarried couple alrdy cuz they always bicker and quarrel(in a somewhat caring way) k im done tongue.gif

#234 Yoshimoya


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 05:34 PM

Many of the reasons are told here.
Sorry if I repeat them, but

1. They are made for eachother
2.Yamato analyzed that Sakura has feelings for Naruto
(He's in ANBU, that means he can easily analyze things)
3.They are too cute tongue.gif
4.They are the only couple that makes sense
(besides shikatema)
5.They are perfect in supporting eachother
6.Their personalities are the same, which will lead to lots of happiness biggrin.gif
7.They will have crazy smex laugh.gif

^Adam Couple. KPOP couple <3 google them! They're like an anime couple I swear to God. Watch their show. PM me for link :]

#235 ChibiChan



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Posted 26 March 2008 - 07:52 AM

Ahhh my god, there are not enough words invented in the English language that describe how much I love this pairing, nor why it it is so darn amazing ... laugh.gif

I don't even konw where to begin...
First of all, their relationship, no matter how people want to look at it, is just the most selfless and devoted thing i have ever seen in my life. It's like the perfect relationship i would want with whoever i choose to date/marry smile.gif Not only can they make a GREAT romantic relationship, they're able to be like, best friends at the same time, and that just makes my heart glow love.gif There's no pressure between them; even though Naruto is like, in total love with Sakura, she's aware of it, and they've become so comfortable around each other that it's like no big deal happy.gif And further, no matter how much Sakura beats him up or gets on his case, Naruto never seems to change his high respect and love for her. Such a beautiful, pure thing.... shamefulcry0js.gif ...!!

Naruto would literally live and die for Sakura without a second thought and risk it all just to see her smile. And Sakura knows this, and has come to love him very much (and would probably risk her life for him too). Even more so, what really gets me is that their relationship GREW. It wasn't something that just came out of no-where, they have become incredibly closer through each experience and have come to love each other on their own terms, in their own ways. It wasn't like a typical cliché experience; they worked hard to where they stand on each others' terms.
And what I admire a lot about their relationship is that they are both able to develop incredibly as characters and benefit from each others' being there, just as much (even more actually) than if they weren't near each other happy.gif They help each other and care for each other, but still leave enough space to trust each other and let each other grow. I've thought about it, and NH and SS don't seem to do that for me.... sad.gif


And then also, who could deny; they are insanely cute, and also INSANELY HOTT O___O;;; I'm not just saying that, or even for comic relief/effect, it is!! xDD I have other favored pairings, but none of them seem to pull off those lemon fanfics with such...PASSION....xDD;;

As a sidenote, I always looked out for this pairing and thought it made logical sense smile.gif Heck, there's hints everywhere, there's happy, sad, comical, and angsty moments all in one pairing, even side characters that ship hint at their developing/existing relationship x3

Plus, their colors remind me of summery citrus/sweet fruity godness a_dance.gif
私はLittleであり、それはあなたが知る必要があるすべてである <3 ;D

#236 roninmedia



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Posted 27 March 2008 - 04:30 AM


How do people still stay in the three cases of unrequited "love", I'm using the term loosely that Naruto's is the most platonic? Naruto, you're still the underdog. shamefulcry0js.gif But it's part of the reason I cheer for your unrequited loved, it's a guy thing. 111191.gif

#237 Thewolf11


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Posted 31 May 2008 - 08:22 PM

I think because its a good cooparative love, they work good together,
I mean i have never seen naruto happy around hinata exept for when she fixs him food.

And plus its a smexy love

#238 kabu-chan



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Posted 01 June 2008 - 09:04 AM

They're smexy, thats all.

1. Their development. Need I say more?
2. Their relationship. Selflessness, friendship, trust, inspiration, being there for each other in bad and in good
3. They complete each other. Well, duh, Heaven and Earth. tongue.gif
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.

#239 alucard


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Posted 14 June 2008 - 02:33 AM

Theyre bonding together and theyve been through alot so they really do care about eachother. I think sakura admires naruto because of what he does and she wants to be like him^^ that just makes them so much better for eachother. they work very well with eachother during battle. + they look great together

#240 light.keyblade.master


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Posted 22 June 2008 - 01:05 PM

after naruto saves sakura from garra she developes feelings for him and in that battle against 4 tailed naruto and orochimaru what else was yamato sop[posed tosay that andDIESASUKEDIE
Ah Daniel. #7. He always was my favorite.

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