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The HMS NaruSaku

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#201 Yuriko



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Posted 28 December 2004 - 03:03 AM

another week has passed and still no update. *cries*

#202 hokuten


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 06:02 PM

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Chapter 32: Second Attack!!
Subtitle: To the bitter end! Or is it?


As I pushed Alpha down to the deck and instictively shielded her from any debris that followed the bombardment! There must have been atleast more than 3 or 4 ships out there!


It was that high pitched whistle of a cannon ball flying through the air that gave way to siege! The S***S***s' had somehow found us and used this cover of fog to lay in wait for the perfect chance to attack. It was no time to think how, but time to think on a counterattack! I quickly got up and Alpha quickly followed with me back into the ship. I rushed down to the bridge room and hit the alarm. The ship turned dark, and red lights were starting to flash. I picked up the intercom and quickly announced-

"ALL HANDS TO BATTLESTATIONS! This is NOT a drill! We're under attack by the S***S***s again! Prepare for battle-"

Soon after a minute or two, my crew had come to me with very confused and flustered looks. Smiter was the first to speak.

"Captain, what hands? We're barely even a skeleton crew!" He gave me a very worried and unsure way to tell me our situation.

I looked around and had just realized that our numbers weren't exactly the best. It was only Soritia, Ash, Alpha, Smiter, Blayze, Aethos, and myself. I just remembered that UN and HH stayed back at NF, while the rest of my crew were at H&E. Seven against God knows how many S***S*** this time ... We were heavily outnumbered, and with a ship that's nearly automated.

"I refuse to believe this! We are on the most advanced NaruSaku ship, with enough firepower to blow the Earth up, over 10 times, and we can't fight off a couple of ships?!" I slammed my fist onto the wall.

"We haven't gotten a chance to fully test all the weapons on board the ship, brother." Blayze began to explain. "If anything all the safeties are on and we don't know how to take them off."

"Sitting ducks ... we're practically dead in the water." Alpha began to speak gravely.

Aethos on the other hand, enthusiastically drew forth his dual daggers and bellowed. "ARRRRGGGHH!!! Let them come to us! I'll take 'em all on! We fight until the last man!"

"Aethos, how about those mechs? Are they ready to go yet?" Ash asked.

"No, we still need to charge their power cores. We needed at least another day or two for full power. They won't even budge if they're not at 100%." Aethos said rather disappointedly.

"Maybe we aren't meant to fight today?" Soritia began to suggest. "Perhaps we run now to fight another day?"

"Oh and I suppose that we would look SPECTACULAR, in our only flagship running with our tails between our legs from our mortal enemies?" Blayze became very agitated with that idea.

Everyone knew it was our only option, to run, but we also risk them following us back to H&E.

"Um ... boss? I think they're getting CLOSER." Alpha was keeping a look out the window.

It was true, the ship were getting closer, and moving faster. We could now see the sails of our foes. 2 Red & Blue ships, but also ... an Orange & Blue ship!? With those colors none of us couldn't believe our eyes.

"Oh just great! Not only do we have TWO S***S*** ships, but now we have a NaruSasu ship to deal with too! How kittening fantabulous!" Aethos sarcastically jested, but was still fairly angry.

Soon the ships would be upon us, and we would have a wave upon wave of pirates and rogues to deal with. I had to come to a decision, to run ... or to fight.

"Hoku, what is your order?" Smiter looked to me for an answer, strange as it was I who would go to him for answers this time around.

I put a heavy hand upon by brow and came to a final decision. "We fight."

Everyone looked at me with a very surprised look, but of course who wouldn't have made the same decision. It was either run and lose face, or stay and FIGHT TO THE BITTER END! Aethos and Blayze seemed very satisfied with my decision, and began to nod their heads with approval. Alpha and Ash, sighed, but agreed with my choice. Soritia didn't approve, but she would rather stay and fight than run. I finally looked to Smiter for his answer as well.

"To the bitter end, eh?" My first mate looked at me with this smile of (I knew you'd say that), and shook his head.

"Aye, to the bitter end!"

So it was decided, whether it was our last stand or not, we would make a stand and FIGHT! We locked down what we could of the ship, and sent out a distress signal hoping that it might reach H&E, or any friendly allies. Not that we really had any, but in hope that some kind of reinforcements would come. We all got our battle gear, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. Everyone came up onto the main deck, the three ships approaching us even faster. The first S***S*** ship would be upon us within a few minutes, followed by the NaruSasu, and then the second S***S*** ship. We would hold out as long as we could, in light that someone would come to our aid. But we all knew that no one was coming, even if our signal had reached H&E they wouldn't reach us in time to save us.

We were all out on the main deck now. I stood on center my long coat swooshing behind me, and my sheathed blade in my left hand. Smiter stood on my left with his overcoat swaying in the wind revealing his katana in hand. Ash was on his left with her guns in holster. Alpha was standing just behind her sister, Megaton hammer in hand. On my right, was Blayze explosives in hand, anxiously awaiting for battle. Next to Blayze was Soritia, with her sword and gun in hand. Aethos stood next to her, he had dual daggers drawn. I knew he was especially anxious to get bloody. It was like something out of the Seven Samurai, or the Magnificent Seven. Here we were, seven NaruSaku, about to face an uncountable number of foes. Would we prevail? All I knew was that it was going to be a long night...

I looked to left and then to my right, surveying my comrades. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then smiled. "Friends, should we live through this fine hour ..." I paused. "... drinks are on me."

Everyone's mood lighten just a little, as the few moments before we would be overrun with rabid fanboys/girls.

"Is that all that's on your mind, Captain?" Smiter grinned while chuckled.

"Aye, that's my brother for you, booze and NaruSaku on the mind!" Blayze answered Smiter's question.

Smiter nodded his head, and replied with. "Hm, although I wouldn't mind a good Southern Comfort right about now."

We all chuckled before our final moments. The first S***S*** ship was now upon our port side, and they were begining to board us. And I finished up with-

"Friends, it's been an honor and a privelage to fight by your sides once again. From the Flood, to our first S***S*** encounter."

We all smiled and nodded our head at each other. The enemy was already on board our ship, now moving towards us. They just kept on coming form their ship, hundreds of them, just boarding and boarding! Then they saw that there were only seven and they began to charge towards us! With one final bellow, I gave our last battle cry!

"For the HMS NaruSaku! For Heaven & Earth! For NARUSAKU!!!"

To Be Continued???


Chapter 32 is finished.

Whoohooo! Fight! Fight! Fight! But how will we last the night!? I'm not quite sure either ... wink.gif well acutally I do know, but that's in Ch33!

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#203 Blayze



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 07:28 PM

Lloyd... you evil sod biggrin.gif

Death to the enemies! YAAARRRR!

#204 Geno Calamari

Geno Calamari


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 08:47 PM

This is, without a doubt, one of the funniest things I've ever read. I originally read it on FanFiction.net, but it made absolutely no sense.

Now that I've spent some time here and met (as much as you meet anyone on the internet) all of the people here, it clicks

Jolly Good. Keep up the good work. Pip pip cheerio and all that.
I am not the person to talk to if you like Shikamaru. I am not the author to read if you want to see more Shikamaru. End of Story.

I have fanart... kind of... so there, punks.

#205 Yuriko



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 04:48 PM

QUOTE (hokuten @ Jan 4 2005, 02:02 PM)
Click For Spoiler
Chapter 32: Second Attack!!
Subtitle: To the bitter end!  Or is it?

:devil: KABOOM! :devil:

The End.

To Be Continued???


(5:25 PM. Bah!  I'll start tomorrow!  lol, I updated cuz I'm trying to get Kiera into the fic already.  I know she's been very anxious to already get in and cause a ruckus already! XD)

Damn you Lloyd, you sure are evil XD
Thanks for the update since you just gave me my early three king's day present (yea, we celebrate that XD)

oh and take your time (more than that you have already lol), I don't mind to wait longer bcz I know when you get back you will write a kick ass chapter. But if you feel up to it then go on. happy.gif

*prepares Naruto-kun plushies to cause chaos* XD

#206 hokuten


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Posted 07 January 2005 - 07:10 PM

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Chapter 33: To the Bitter End! Or is it? (part 2)
Subtitle: He lives! Unexpected Allies to the rescue!

"To battle!!! YAAAARRRRR!!!"

Seven of us against uncountable odds, well actually more like a hundred or so of them, and another hundred or more on the other two boats about to dock us as well. We tried to stick together when the madness hit. Everyone was nearly surrounded, fighting off on their own or if someone was with them holding off their own. It was a bloody massacre, we slew at least 10-20 per person, but it was still overwhelming.

Ash and Smiter were back to back. One shooting down as many as she could, while the other was covering her during her reloading time. The two of them were brilliant! Watching them fight together was like watching them dance. They moved so well and coordinatedly since our last battle. Ash would duck and dive and shoot in all directions hitting her targets. Meanwhile Smiter would cut down countless bodies left and right! They both moved in such a way that was almost like a tale of their relationship! So in tune and with much improvision, there were no mistakes in their movements. This was on the front deck of the ship, they were holding the front line, if there even was a front line.

On the next level, Blayze and Alpha were holding their own. They're movements were also very fluent, but also semi-hysterical. Blayze would pitch his explosives over to Alpha, and she would whack them over into the masses of S***S***. It was as if they were playing cricket with a Megaton hammer, instead of a paddle! Of course by the time the foes reached them, Alpha would simply take a big swipe at them knocking nearly five or six people ten feet into the air! Blayze would throw caltrops, and whatever homemade explosive concoctions all about! Although in that confusion, I think Alpha might have whacked him once by accident, but he only got a slight bump on the head.

Aethos in his mad bloodlust simply cut down every fanboy and girl within his sight. He was in almost in a frenzy, just going at his own pace with such speed and skill! He moved from one target onto the next with such acrobatics and his speed was almost like an instant flash for every body that fell to the deck. I believe he was cheering and shouting madly with a big grin upon his blood soaked face. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!! COME ON!!! Is that all you wusses got!? 1!? 10!? 100!? I'll slay you all! AHAHAHAHAAAAA!" Even in this dire time, he was certainly enjoying himself!

And finally in back ranks was Soritia and myself. We were back to back, swords drawn as we were both surrounded by nearly 20-30 S***S***s. The enemy circled around us, and we shifted in our position to get a good count and look at the faces we would soon cut down. And then Soritia made one last comment before we began our fight; she spoke in a tone that only I could hear, since we were still back to back.

"First one to 50 wins."

I grinned, chuckled at her words, and replied with-

"Heh, only 50?"

And then we rushed to our opposite sides cutting into all the enemies all around us! Five, ten, twenty, thirty! Blood would stain our ship scarlet tonight! Soon the second ship would be upon us, those damned NaruSasu(s). If there's anything worse than S***S*** it's those yaoi loving b*tches.

"YARRRRR!!! Death to those Hetero-Sakura pairings! We all know Naruto belongs to-"

But just as the NaruSasu ship was a few meters from docking onto our ship, there was a great explosion! The NaruSasu ship had exploded! Something unbelievable had just happened and we couldn't quite explain it. It was as if someone from somewhere had fired upon them saving us from an immediate second wave of attack! With the little time I tried to look for any ships in the chaos, but could see none near by. We were all confused, but in our minds we had to keep fighting. Whoever had saved us we were forever in their thanks, but suddenly the second S***S*** ship was already upon us within that time!

We all tried to regroup near the center of the deck, all of us back to back as the second wave of S***S***'s had come. We were all nearly exhausted. Everyone had reached their limits. Ash and Blayze were nearly out of munitions, and everyone else was nearly fatigued to fight, but we still held our grounds. A new fresh army of S***S*** came and had us completely surrounded. They knew we were nearly spent and on the verge of collapse. Just then their commander came to confront us.

"Lay down your arms, proclaim that S***S*** is canon, and perhaps we may let you live."

Naturally, Aethos, Alpha, and Blayze spat at the commander. We all gave a good laugh, and the Commander couldn't believe this.

"Surrunder, you're hopelessly outnumbered. Just give up and we'll let you join our ranks."

I stood foward and too spat at the commander's feet. Then I replied to him with-

"Give my regards to your fallen soldiers, once we send you too them!"

"Heh. Fools, you will never beat us. For every one of you, there will always be 10 more S***S***." The S***S*** commander than stood back into his men, and waved forward at us. "Kill them."

All of us stood backs to one another, waiting for this final charge as the enemy began to close the circle around us their swords in front of them. But suddenly there was a voice to which we thought we would never hear again in this lifetime!


And from the dark sky fell a shadowy figure that cut through the masses of S***S*** and straight for their commander! Soon followed by the one shadow fell a whole horde of more soldiers! All of them were shouting-

"Viva La NaruSaku!"

We couldn't believe our eyes! Someone had come to our aid! We were all still shocked that reinforcements came! But we shook out of our surprised state and charged into the S***S***s our second winds had just bursted! We all felt like we had just been rejuvenated and felt a new fire burning! Someone had actually gotten our distress call and came to our aid! Soon we were finally beating off the S***S***, this unexpected turn of events forcing them to retreat for now. Unfortunately their commander also narrowly escaped, shouting back to us some sort of expression of disbelief, but none of us really cared what she had to say.

As the battle died down, we finally got to meet our rescuers. We were all fairly covered in our enemies blood, some minor wounds and thank God that none of us were fatally wounded. They were also a type of naval group, they wore colors of blue on blue. But where did they come from? Who were they? Why did they choose to help us? Just then their commanding officer came to confront me. It was a girl that came forward. She wore the outfit of a submarianer captain, and had a look of ruggedness, but she had a very kind face about her.

"You're a hard man to keep up with, Hokuten. We've been trailing behind you for about two days now. Just now we recieved your distress call for assistance and we came at full speed." She came forward covered in a bloody mess as well.

"And too whom do I owe such gratitude, miss?" I stepped forward and gladly welcomed our rescuers.

She stood straight up and gave me a salute to introduce herself. "Captain Hinata--chan of the SasuHina."

My crew members gave a small gasp of surprise to whom our rescuers where.

"SasuHina, eh?" I put a hand upon my chin as I was intrigued by this new revelation.

She nodded and smiled as she got this reaction quite a lot. "Aye. I present to you the submariner crew of the Typhoon class sub, the Red October, also known as the SasuHina. My crew is very limited, but we have strong believers."

I took my hand away form my mouth and gladly welcomed our friends at the moment! "We are forever in your gratitude. If you hadn't come, we probably would have been here all night!"

Everyone had a good laugh and cheered all around.

"You know, Captain Hoku, there's someone else here who wishes to so hello as well. You may know him." She stepped back to let way for a familiar face to step foward.

"NO!" Aethos was the first to react upon this shocking sight, shaking his head in pure disbelief. I believe we were all in a state of shock to see this person infront of us. "No way! No kittening way, YOU SON OF A B*TCH!"

"Good to see you still as spirited as I left you. Eh, Aethos?"

We all gathered around the man who was supposed to have died to that horrific storm that God had sent to us. It was Arashi, alive and standing before our very eyes. Ash and Alpha quickly went over to hug him and started to poke him to see if he was really real. They were both tearing, but were also extremely glad to see him.

"Ow ow! Okay okay! I'm real! I'm not a ghost!"

Smiter and Blayze came over to put a firm hand on his shoulders and they all nodded at each other, acknowledging each other. Just then Aethos came forward and punched him in the face. We were all a little shocked to see him hit him. But Aethos helped Arashi get back onto his feet. They stood before each other and Arashi held out his hand to shake his hand. As they shook hands, Aethos pulled him in for a one handed hug.

"You bastard! You should've let me die by your side!" Aethos held him as if he had just found his lost brother. The both of them began to laugh and were happily reunited.

Finally Arashi came forward to me, Soritia stood beside me as she didn't quite know him, but had the general idea of who he was.

"Captain." He saluted me, and held his head high as he always used to.

I saluted him back, and told him to be at ease. "How is this possible? We lost you to that storm and the sea!"

"I have no memory of what how, but I do know who." Arashi answered and looked in the direction of Hinata--chan.

I began to walk towards the SasuHina(s), and made an announcement. "Crew of the SasuHina, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and bid you welcome aboard the HMS NaruSaku."

"Hear Hear!" Everyone cheered.

I continued again. "But know that you are not guests aboard this ship." Everyone had a strange look of confusion upon my words. "Here you are among friends."

Then they understood my words and cheered even greater than before.

"Please let us dine together! You are all welcome to rest as we have all just won a fierce battle."

We all warmed up to each other, and got cleaned up as best as we could. We tended to any wounded and such. Soon afterwards everyone, both my NaruSaku and Hinata-chan's SasuHina, began to gather into the galley. We all sat down and began to eat the food that UN had prepared before we left NF. It wasn't much, but it fed everyone which was enough. Then we began to discuss our ideals and what not amongst each other.

"So tell me Arashi, how is it that you survived that maelstrom? We saw the ship, or what was left of it." Aethos asked curiously.

"Well I'll tell you ..." Arashi sat up, leaned over the table, and began his tale. "Just after I had sent you off the ship, I plummeted to my doom. Of course I wouldn't give up without a good fight, so I tried to stablize the ship by flying with the winds. The wind was blow this way and that! Whoosh! I couldn't tell left from right and which way was that! Chaos, twas pure chaos! Just before the propellers/mast gave way, the last thing I remember was hitting the water a nearly full force. I remember the ship shattering as if it was glass. I don't know how, but I was thrown off the ship, and landed in the water nearly 50 feet away. My last thoughts were of everyone and H&E. After that the storm had passed, and I blacked out."

Alpha began to speak. "Then you should have drowned, yet you are sitting here with us!"

"That was when we had found him." Hinata--chan interrupted.

Arashi nodded his head, and took a drink of his rum. "Aye, if not for the SasuHina I would have been dead."

"So then tell us your side of the story, eh Hinata--chan?" Smiter smoothly asked.

"Well ..." Hinata--chan scratched her head and felt a little embarassed as we all saw her as a hero. "Just as I had said, we've been trying to catch up to you for quite some time now. Seeing as we are SasuHina, not many people really approve of us, but that doesn't stop me and my crew from believe in it. Since we were not as heavily populated, we chose to take the more shadowy route as submariners. We've been in the sea for quite some time, but never really made any commotion to actually be known. But then we learned wind of your revolution and how the NaruSaku's were on the up-rise. So we thought that if we could somehow get to you and perhaps ... form an alliance?" Seeing as how we both like all of the characters, its only right that they should have their own pairings. Anyway back onto the subject as Arashi had hit the water, we were surfacing-"

After hearing this, Aethos almost immediately jumped up and began to speak frantically. "I knew I saw a long shadow in the water! I wasn't just delirious!"

"Heh, yes that was us. But you probably just saw us as we were surfacing, or just below the sea line." Hinata--chan chuckled, and continued. "So pretty much as we reached topside, he was on the hull of our sub. We quickly got him into our infirmary and tended to him. We thought he was the only survivor from that storm so we lost hope. But as we were taking Arashi to our infirmary, all he kept on muttering was ... Heaven & Earth, home. We took this a sign that you were possibly traveling to a new home, and people were waiting. So with our hope rekindled, we tended to Arashi. He was lucky to walk away from that cursed storm with only a few broken ribs and a bad bump on the head. For the next few weeks or so, we spend time recooperating Arashi, and trying to figure out where your location might be. We couldn't find this H&E, even after Arashi's recovery, he must have lost partial memory from the fall. So we lost sight of ever gaining allies, but when we had learned about NF and the sudden return of the NaruSaku, we didn't believe it at first, so we traveled as quickly as we could, only to find that you were leaving to return back to your home. And thus was how we came across your distress signal. It was only luck that we came in time.

"Aye, and we are forever grateful for your assistance." I tipped my mug of rum to Hinata--chan. But then face expression changed. "So, you've been following us all this time? And yet you couldn't just confront us directly?"

"Yes, we have." She looked away as soon as she saw the dark look upon my face, as if they had done something wrong. "I-I was afraid that you might have looked at us the wrong way!"

I had a very grim look, but then looked up with a big grin, smiling at her. "You could've just come to us directly! We are always glad to look for more friends and allies in this fight!"

Hinata--chan looked as if she had just been suckered, while everyone else was laughing. I gave a harty laugh, and raised my glass.

"Come now! To new comrades! To new friends! To Arashi's return from the dead! For NaruSaku and SasuHina!"

"Hail! Hail! Hail!" Everyone in the galley cheered greatly and drank to our health!

"You are all welcome to our humble island of Heaven & Earth. And if you should ever need our assistance, all you need to do is call, and we shall answer! But until then, Let's Party!"

The rest of the night, we busted out the Super Karaoke bar that was built into the galley. Naturally everyone was excited and began to sing, even Smiter was trying to enjoy himself. Only this time it was Smiter who was drinking Ash under the table! Blayze and Alpha were up on stage singing a duet. Aethos and Arashi were catching up on what they had missed. Soritia sat with those two, getting to know the man she had replaced as the helms, and they discussed their many techniques of piloting and such. Meanwhile I got to speak more with Hinata--chan and learn more about her travels as well as her captain experience. It would be a good night, and we all celebrated.

So we had gotten back a faithful member and gained an even greater ally, the SasuHina. It was time to return home, back to comfort ... or was it?

To Be Continued.


Chapter 33 is finished.

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Yeah, okay, i'm sure everyone saw that coming! Arashi can't die!? I mean he did disappear for a while, but he came back to us! So Yeeah! And yes, I was planning to make the SasuHina a submarine, ever since Paul spoke about it a while back. If i remember the quote correctly, something like this...


HAH I found it on page 13!!! lol, so yea we have a cameo with Hinata--chan! yay!

*Naruto Plushie attack!*

AHHH!!! okay okay, Keira i'm working on it i'm working on it! Next chapter I promise!

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#207 Blayze



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Posted 07 January 2005 - 07:28 PM

*bloodfreeze* Scratch what I said last time. It counts for this time instead biggrin.gif

Let's kick some ass!

#208 hokuten


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Posted 11 January 2005 - 07:04 PM

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Chapter 34: Twists, Turns, & Traitors
Subtitle: New Blood! More Members!

It had been nearly a week or so since the S***S***/NaruSasu incident and things were starting to settle down once again. But since the attack, there were still thoughts and questions stirring in my mind as to how we had been caught so off guard. It was when I finally realized that the only possible way anyone could have known our where-abouts was if someone ...

"No ... not one of my members. They would never." I spoke to myself in my private lounge.

To think that perhaps one of my own, a NaruSaku, would be a traitor and leak information about us. The very thought of it made me sick, I trust each and everyone of my members. I would never even consider calling any of them out for such betrayal. But still ... something is amidst, something is going on, or perhaps someONE is leaking information. But onto more joyous matters!

We've gained two more wonderful, strong, and spirited members! Both of which have their own individual notations to them. They are Keira the Naruto Girl, and Occasionalutopia (aka Mel). I'll begin with Keira, because how she came to us was of a very interesting way.

Just about a few days after we reached H&E after the Raid, we returned back to NF to show whomever had sent them that we were still here and strong. Our daily activities went on as usual; Blayze & I would stay at the Club, Ash would go manager her Kakashi Club, and Aethos & Smiter returned to the debating section of NF. But one day as we all returned to the club for the usual gathering, Aethos & Smiter came home with +1 guest, well more like Smiter came in with her. A young spirited girl who was very enthusiastic about NaruSaku. At that time it wasn't surprising at first since Smiter had that certain charm, but also shocking since we all knew that he and Ash were very close. Naturally we all welcomed the girl, but midway in welcoming her all hit the floor for Inner Kyuubi to strike.

But Smiter quickly came to his defense!

"She followed me home!?" He quickly replied as Inner Kyuubi gave him her death stare. He then realized the excuse he had just used, as if the poor girl was some kind of a lost pet.

"Oh really?" As Inner Kyuubi slowly made her way over to her prey.

Smiter slowly backing up against a wall, his face was sweating profusely, unsure of what punishment he might have to submit to this time! But on his behalf the new girl jumped infront of him!?

"Please stop! It's not Smiter-sama's fault!" The new girl spoke in his defense!

Blayze and I looked at each other as to what she had just called our First Mate. We both spoke softly at the same time. "Smiter ... sama?"

The girl contiuned, and actually held her ground against the terrorifying Inner Kyuubi! "It's true, I followed him to the NaruSaku FC, although I've always been a NaruSaku believer myself! He's even taken me under his wing as his apprentice. Please milady, do not harm him on my behalf. But perhaps I may take his place."

It was a valiant stand, and most of us would have simply ran from Inner Kyuubi, but this girl ... she had a certain bravery about her. Her comradery for Smiter, now her Master & Teacher, had somehow touched Inner Kyuubi. Soon Ash slowly reverted back to her normal self. Then she came up to the trembling young girl who was awaiting what horror she might have had to suffer, but instead put soft hand on her cheek and smiled.

"Your name, little one?" Ash spoke in her calm and kind voice.

The new girl opened her eyes to see no harm, and replied. "Keira. I'm a Naruto girl, and an artist."

Ash gave her a heart warming smile and welcomed her into our ranks. "Welcome to the NaruSaku, Keira ..."

Keira closed her eyes and sighed in pure relief, but as she opened them again ... she was face to face with Inner Kyuubi again.

"... time for your hazing!" Inner Kyuubi gleefully replied.

And that was the end of that eventful day. We gained another young member among our ranks, and another artist at that! Before Ash could inflict more punishment, Keira got away by using her special technique!

"Go my minions!!!"

And out of no where, about a hundred Naruto plushies sprung out from Keira's jacket, swarmed all everywhere causing chaos and she got away. Smiter did get a good punishment after we welcomed Keira (although I'll let the details up to your own imagination), but he did take her in as his apprentice and teaches her many things. Although we all know the REAL reason why she came! wink.gif

Just as we were about to begin celebrating, Ash wasn't finished speaking. "Hey, since we're in the good mood and introducing new members ..."

She then formed into a dynamic pose and annonced yet another new member to our growing numbers!

"Everyone meet - OccasionalUtopia! Tadaa~!"

And just as Ash had finished this dynamic intoduction, another girl about Ash's age, jumped out from behind her and did the same dynamic pose!

"YOSH! Hello everyone! The name's OccasionalUtopia, but you can all call me Mel! I'm a strong believer in NaruSaku and hope to join this illustrious club that my good friend Ash has invited me to!"

She spoke all of this in such a way that you would have thought her and Ash were twins. Hell they even moved in the same way! Just then Ash formally introduced her friend.

"Everyone, this is my friend Mel. We've been long time friends for a while, and she's been meaning to join for a long time now. We've only just bumped into each other today!" Ash happily spoke and was very excited for Mel to join us.

We all came up to her and welcomed her in our own ways, and got to know more about her later that night. But as it was Aethos' turn to welcome her, he noticed something that we all didn't at first.

"Hey! Welcome to the NaruSaku -" Aethos was shaking her hand just as he had saw that color that drove him mad. " ... blue? You're a Sasuke GIRL! Get her!!!"

Aethos immediately backed away form her and drew forth his daggers. We were all alarmed at this and all drew forth our weapons, except for poor Ash who jumped in front of friend.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Stop it all of you!? What is this madness!?" Ash jumped in front of Mel and drew her guns against us.

Aethos began to speak. "She supports that wretched Sasuke! How could you bring her into our ranks!?"

"Everyone please stop! I can explain myself." Mel moved in front of Ash who was shielding her, and tried to calm everyone down. "Yes, I do like Sasuke, but I AM a loyal supporter of NaruSaku. I shouldn't have tried to hide it at first, but this is the truth. If you would not have me, I understand."

Just then I stepped forward. "Everyone stay this madness. She is one of us, and we will not throw her out. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, we all know that."

Aethos and everyone in the club put their weapons away, and as if nothing had happened, went back to their own business. After that Ash holstered her guns, and sighed in relief. Aethos didn't like the thought of her being a Sasuke-girl, but he accepted her as one of us for now.


After a few days of welcoming our new recruits, we continued on with our business and I began to go over my crew's profiles. As I was saying earlier, somehow we have a mole within our ranks. I wouldn't believe this, but it was a fact that someone was giving out our position and course of direction. Soon enough, I would hold a very private meeting with my senior members. These were the core crew members that I trusted more than anyone else, and now I would let them in on my troubling thoughts.

All of the following attended: Smiter, Blayze, Ash, Alpha, Aethos, and Arashi. I explained the problem, and let them discuss the matter as well.

"It was pretty fishy that those S***S*** were waiting for us in position to attack." Smiter was the first to speak.

"But ... one of our own?" Ash was the second to reply.

"Aye. There's no way they could have known our exact location unless someone told them. I know it's mad, but ... they were waiting for us, in a offensive position to strike. At first I thought it was just bad luck, but then again only NaruSaku know the way back to H&E. For all we know, they might know the location of our home. I've called you all here, because I trust you all the most."

"And what if one of us is the traitor, eh Boss?" Blayze poked at me.

"Heh, then I suppose I would have to kill you here and now dear brother." I said with a very serious face.

Blayze looked at me with a face of "oh crap what did I just get myself into!", but then I couldn't hold it anymore and we all got a good laugh at how paniced Blayze looked. After we all loosened up a bit, I continued with the meeting.

"All of you are my most trusted, your loyalty is unquestioned. That is why I have only asked for you few."

Everyone nodded their heads, and grinned at each other. So I continued-

"Getting along now. I don't want to start pointing fingers, but yes, we do have a mole. Any thoughts upon who you might suspect, or anyone who's been behaving more unusual than then they are?"

"Well, I don't like that Hinata boy!" Aethos announced his obvious first choice and continued bantering. "Ever since he joined us, I always knew might be a leak!"

"Yes, but he warned us about the N***H*** revolt-"

"Oh come off it boss! You know LHG came to us first, only the boy confirmed it!" Aethos continued.

"Even so, even he has fought with us against his own. Aethos, we all know you don't trust him yet, but even if he is N***H*** has he not proven his worth to us?" Smiter replied calmly.

"Whatever! I'm just saying, what everyone's thinking. I don't doubt the boy's loyalty, but then who else is there to accuse!?" Aethos started again.

"What about that new girl? Mel! She's a Sasuke girl-" Blayze began to start, but almost immediately Ash jumped in.

"Whoa whoa whoa! No one accuses MY friend! She may like Sasuke, but that doesn't mean she's a traitor!" Ash fired back. "And besides, she wasn't even with us before this attack! So ha! You wanna blame someone, let's blame that Keira girl-"

Smiter without thinking intervened. "What does this have to do with MY apprentice?" Then he realized that he just retorted Ash. "I-mean...um." Then he realized again, yes he should defend his student. "Yeah! She just joined us too, plus she's a Naruto girl, on OUR side! What's wrong? Jealous?"

Ash laughed, and put an elegant finger on Smiter's chin. "Heh, you may have a pretty young thing at your side, but she can't drink you under the table, love!"

We all gave a good laugh about that, and continued the discussion.

"What about you Alpha-chan? Do you have any suspects?" Blayze asked Alpha, who was sitting about, mumbling to herself.

"Fat Sasuke, I will have my vengence!..." Then she realized that we were all silent and waiting for her response. "Um..."

"Gah! Come on people! Stay on topic here!" I put hand to my head and began shaking it. "Arashi! Have you seen anything unusual around us, since you've came back?"

Arashi scratched his head, and replied. "I'm sorry Captain, but when upon my return ... everything felt like fairly normal."

"Great. We have a leak and we don't know who, or where it is."

We just concluded the meeting at "keep an eye out, but don't let anyone know yet" kind of situation. Our tensions were growing, someone was taking us apart from within. It was only a matter of time before they reveal themselves.

I returned to my office afterwards, and Yoko came by later that evening. My chair was turned around, so that she was facing the back it.

"You missed an important meeting today. Where were you?" I simply asked her in a disappointed tone.

"I'm sorry Hoku. I had some important business with my brother." She simply replied.

This answer simply brought on more questions because, "I thought you didn't like your brother?"

"I'm sorry, but it was important." She replied again, bowing over to apologize.

I wheeled my chair around, to face her with disappointment, but it was understandable. "Even though we are your family too, blood family does comes first..."

She bit her lip slightly, and looked away for a second, but then gave me her full attention again. I gave her the usual small speech of responsibilities, priorities, and just updated her on the "insider" business. She nodded her head understanding everything I had told her as serious business. After I dismissed her, I began to think about her small reaction to when I said "blood family". But then after a moment of realizing I was starting to accuse MY own pupil, I simply threw the very notion away and shook my head.

"Yoko would never. But something must have happened between her and her brother. I guess I'll ask her about it another time."

Afterwards I went to the bar to have a drink with my brother, who already had a mug of whatever concoction he came up with today. And the rest of the night we drank it away.

To Be Continued.


Chapter 34 is finished.

lol, Uh oh! People are starting to accuse one another ... but everything always works out in the end! And of course I always end things with a good drink or two!

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#209 Blayze



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Posted 11 January 2005 - 09:56 PM

Well, that was cool tongue.gif And you found THAT post again, Lloyd? God, it's almost like being in an anime. 'Flashback time!' biggrin.gif

And me... and Alpha-chan... SINGING? Ouch. That's one of the things I *really* suck at. The others are drawing and cooking XD

#210 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 03:15 AM

SWEEEEEEEET chaps hoku biggrin.gif can't wait for the next and whats up with the whole writeing chaps thingy?


Which character are you test by Naruto - Kun.com

#211 Soritia


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 08:31 AM

Egads, I had no idea I'd entered already! *runs back to reads the rest*

#212 sharingank


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 01:18 PM

Hee-hee. Nice work, Hoku! XD This is such a fun story. It never ceases to amuse me...XD XD XD

#213 Smiter


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 01:30 PM

Nice to see this updated! biggrin.gif

Ahh, the lovely Hinata--chan makes her entrance with her team of SasuHina swashbucklers...

#214 Nikko


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 01:05 AM

So much to read to catch up and so danm lazy...meh...maybe later

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#215 Shinyu


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Posted 18 January 2005 - 07:41 PM

Finally caught up and i realyl wanna be more active, i havent said anythin in the entire fic :'( Would love to kick some S***S*** or N***H*** Ass with dual blades too :/
If you want i could give you a Char profile as to make me easier (Sorry if i sound pushy >_<)

#216 Nikko


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Posted 18 January 2005 - 11:56 PM

I'm just to busy/lazy to catch up. Is there a place I can go and download it all to read when I have freetime? Please say yes

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#217 Guest_Aethos_*

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Posted 19 January 2005 - 01:05 PM

Man I wanna know who the traitor is I just can't wait >.<

#218 Yuriko



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Posted 26 January 2005 - 02:45 AM

hey hoku, I thought you were dead.

it's nice to see chapter 34 updated even just a little, I can't wait to see who the traitor is.

EDIT: WTF?!!???!? lol me shy?!!!?! that would make me just like Hinata 0_o oh the horror !!!@___@

I thought I was going to come in a violent way or something like that but I still get the feeling Hoku is hiding something. unsure.gif

#219 Guest_Aethos_*

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Posted 05 February 2005 - 09:01 AM

Ahh things are getting good. Come on Hoku don't leave us in suspense!

#220 Eagle8819


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Posted 07 February 2005 - 06:23 AM

wow. o_o

Amazing story you have here. You are making me regret not joining the naruto forums ages ago, dammit. And you are keeping us in suspense! XD

I got a rather stupid question though... ^__^;;

What forum is BK, NT and NF?

Edit : -____-;;;

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