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#1 Verilance



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Posted 01 March 2008 - 05:32 PM

I have posted of few "Short" stories in the Library and am working on a few others. I find I am having the most trouble writing believable Narusaku which is a shame considering the nature of this forum.

Anyway if you would care to read them let me know what you think.

Thanks in advance


Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#2 Verilance



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Posted 02 March 2008 - 09:13 PM

I started writing this on friday. After three attempt to write a fanfic to be known as Hokage I think I have finally got it right. BTW if you read my little story The Dream that was originally to be the Prologue of the first attempt, liked the prologue the rest sucked.

Anyway here is Hokage Chapter 1 Whirlpool country

Whirlpool Country

The silence shocked both Sakura and Naruto. Behind the desk the clerk stared at them with amazement. “What did you say your name was again sir?” the clerk asked as if he hadn’t heard properly.

“I am Uzumaki Naruto and this is Uzumaki Sakura, my lovely bride.” Naruto beamed; as he looked at the pink haired kunoichi beside him Sakura returned the smile and took his hand in hers.

“Could you wait here sir and madam, I must get the owner he will handle your lodgings.” The clerk then disappeared behind a curtain. Sakura looked around and saw all the people in the room staring at them but when she met their gaze they turned away,

A burly man with a baldhead emerged from behind the curtain. He grinned as he saw the young couple in front of him. “You are Uzumaki-sama?” he asked giving a bow as he said it.

Naruto looked at Sakura with a confused look on his face and then spoke to the man. “I am Uzumaki Naruto and this is my wife Sakura, we are travelling on our honeymoon, could you please tell us what this is all about?”

“Follow me to your room and I will explain all.” The man led the two ninja up to what must have been the most expensive room in the inn. Sakura stared at the luxury and turned to look questioningly at Naruto.

“This is a little more than we wished for sir.” Naruto told the man,

“If you will allow me to explain Naruto-sama My name is Fujiyama Akira, this land though now divided between other lands was once known as the Land of the Whirlpool, it was invaded and split among other powers during the third great ninja war. Most of the people fled but slowly over the decades we have returned. We will never forget our homeland and the name of her Guardian Clan the Uzumaki.”

Sakura looked at Naruto and saw that he seemed to have trouble grasping this news, “You knew of my family here?” He asked. “My mother was Uzumaki Kushina.”

The man smiled at the name, “Yes I remember her, and she was about my age the youngest daughter of Uzumaki-doma. After the invasion, Kushina and her brother escaped leading the refugees to the Land of Fire.” The man bowed again and said, “There will be no charge for your lodging, Naruto-sama. I would like to make a request though, If possible if you and Sakura-sama could visit my aunt she lives in a small house near the water over looking the bay. She has long awaited the return of an Uzumaki.”

As he left Naruto was pacing with excitement, and then he grabbed Sakura in a bear hug and spun her around. After he put her down she clenched her fists and growled “Don’t ever do that again Baka.”

“Sorry Sakura-chan,” he said in his most charming voice, “It’s just that, I have never been able to find out that much about my mother’s family and here we stumble across them without even realizing it.”

Sakura smiled and said, “I can’t seem to stay mad at you anymore, but let’s be careful here. There may be people here not delighted at the return of an Uzumaki.”
“Don’t worry Sakura-chan between you and me we could handle an army of enemies,” Naruto grinned and went over to the bed, “Why don’t we relax before dinner?” he winked at his bride.

The next morning Sakura and Naruto climbed up to the cliff top to where the aunt of their innkeeper resided. Naruto was in cheerful spirits, and was racing ahead of Sakura. ”Slow down Baka! We are not having a race here,”

“But Sakura-chan,” Naruto explained, “I have learned so much about my father now, but except for her name I know nothing of my mother.”

“Alright Baka,” Sakura laughed, “But let’s go together.”

At the cliffs edge was a small house. In the front yard was an old woman gathering flowers, upon hearing the voices of the approaching ninja she turned towards the sound. The flowers in her hand fell towards the earth and one word escaped her mouth, “Naruto?”

Naruto saw the woman run towards him and smiled in welcome “Hello Obaa-chan, I’m...”

“I know who you are Naruto,” She interrupted, “I have been waiting for you to come here for twenty years.”

“You know me?” Naruto asked,

“Well we have never met but you look very much like your father,” She smiled at him “My name is Fujiyama Yoko; I was your mother’s nurse when she was a little girl. I traveled to Konoha with her and that is where I met your father,”

Naruto seemed to not know what to say. Sakura came forward and took Naruto’s trembling hand and spoke for him, “My husband appears to be overcome with emotion. Perhaps we could go inside Naruto must have a lot to ask you.”

“Yes I’ll just cook up some ramen, it was your mother’s favorite food and I’m sure you must like it as well.” The old woman went over to the door and opened it for Naruto and Sakura.

The inside of the house was sparse but very tidy; Naruto and Sakura sat down around the table while Yoko went to the kitchen to prepare the ramen. Sakura noticed a picture on a bookshelf, which appeared to be a much younger Yoko with a young girl with short red hair wearing an orange body suit resembling the one Naruto used to wear. “Is this Naruto’s mother Yoko-san?” Sakura asked.

“Yes, Minato took that for us the day she passed the chunin exams,” Yoko explained from the kitchen, “It was one of her happiest days as well as one of her saddest, later that day we learned her brother, your uncle Uzumaki Hikaru died on a reconnaissance mission.”

Naruto put his arm around Sakura, “This seems so unreal, Sakura-chan. I’m feeling a little frightened, all my life I have been alone and now I am learning about the family I never knew.”

Sakura kissed lightly on the cheek and took his hand again. “You will always have me be your side Baka. It’s alright to be frightened.”

Yoko returned with three steaming bowls of ramen and set them down before her guests. “You may have the picture if you like. I have been saving it for when you came here.”

“How did you know I would come?” Naruto asked.
“As the war ended Kushina-sama decided to stay in Konoha with Minato for she was pregnant with you by that time.” Yoko recalled, “She promised me though that if she could not return her son would come one day. She also told me that his name would be Naruto and he would be the greatest ninja the world had ever seen.”

Naruto felt his heart swell up with pride as he heard this. His mother, the woman who died giving birth to him believed in him so strongly while he was still in her womb. The rest of the morning was spent asking Yoko-san many other questions about Kushina until Naruto began to feel her presence beside him. It was a revelation to him as he realized she had always been with him just as his father had, only he never before had found them so readily in himself.

As the afternoon progressed Naruto felt he had taken up more of Yoko’s time than he had intended and got up to leave. “One last thing,” Yoko said, “Your mother gave this key to me as I left Konoha, It now should be given to you. The ruined Temple across the bay holds a secret chamber in which the whole history of your clan was kept. That knowledge should now be passed to you.”

“Thank you, Yoko-san.” Sakura said as Naruto took the key, “My husband and I would like to thank you for your hospitality and hope to see you again before we leave for home.”

I find it hard to write narusaku though I love the pairing so let me know if this is doing them justice.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#3 catsi563



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Posted 03 March 2008 - 04:17 AM

Looks like a good start. Id Only caution two things.

1) shes claling him baka waaaaaaay too much. She only calls him that when she's teasing him for acting alittle silly, or when he really is being one. The only time I could see her calling him baka in the story as you represented them was at this line.

Alright Baka,” Sakura laughed, “But let’s go together.”

a teasing line and well in character for her and the moment. he'd slow down and come back to her and theyd go to the house together.

2) this may be personal opinion. But I highly doubt that Sakura would get angry with him for spinning her around like he did. in fact I lay a bet shed enjoy the heck out of it. esoecially since his excitement and childish nature are some of his mroe endearing qualities to her.

Now if he did that in the middle of a public meeting or some such the sure shed defiantely let him have it with both barrels. But as newly weds in the middle of a honey moon who just got an luxurty suite for free and found out something about his past.

well Id think shed be mroe exited then he would be in that instance though obviously he'd be mroe expressive, while she was mroe reserved about it.

Over all you did ok for a start. Just remember. She only uses baka as a tease or when he really earns it by being stupid.

Second Sakuras more into PDA the you might think. Shes just mroe controlled when its important such as at meetings with the hokage etc or diplomats etc.

Edited by catsi563, 03 March 2008 - 04:17 AM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#4 Verilance



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Posted 03 March 2008 - 09:38 PM

Thanks for the Comments. It is a fair point. My thoughts were, she uses Baka almost as an affectionate name for him now. Anyway I have made a few changes.

Whirlpool Country

The silence shocked both Sakura and Naruto. Behind the desk the clerk stared at them with amazement. “What did you say your name was again sir?” the clerk asked as if he hadn’t heard properly.

“I am Uzumaki Naruto and this is Uzumaki Sakura, my lovely bride.” Naruto beamed; as he looked at the pink haired kunoichi beside him Sakura returned the smile and took his hand in hers.

“Could you wait here sir and madam, I must get the owner he will handle your lodgings.” The clerk then disappeared behind a curtain. Sakura looked around and saw all the people in the room staring at them but when she met their gaze they turned away,

A burly man with a baldhead emerged from behind the curtain. He grinned as he saw the young couple in front of him. “You are Uzumaki-sama?” he asked giving a bow as he said it.

Naruto looked at Sakura with a confused look on his face and then spoke to the man. “I am Uzumaki Naruto and this is my wife Sakura, we are travelling on our honeymoon, could you please tell us what this is all about?”

“Follow me to your room and I will explain all.” The man led the two ninja up to what must have been the most expensive room in the inn. Sakura stared at the luxury and turned to look questioningly at Naruto.

“This is a little more than we wished for sir.” Naruto told the man,

“If you will allow me to explain Naruto-sama My name is Fujiyama Akira, this land though now divided between other lands was once known as the Land of the Whirlpool, it was invaded and split among other powers during the third great ninja war. Most of the people fled but slowly over the decades we have returned. We will never forget our homeland and the name of her Guardian Clan the Uzumaki.”

Sakura looked at Naruto and saw that he seemed to have trouble grasping this news, “You knew of my family here?” He asked. “My mother was Uzumaki Kushina.”

The man smiled at the name, “Yes I remember her, and she was about my age the youngest daughter of Uzumaki-doma. After the invasion, Kushina and her brother escaped leading the refugees to the Land of Fire.” The man bowed again and said, “There will be no charge for your lodging, Naruto-sama. I would like to make a request though, If possible if you and Sakura-sama could visit my aunt she lives in a small house near the water over looking the bay. She has long awaited the return of an Uzumaki.”

As he left Naruto was pacing with excitement, and then he grabbed Sakura in a bear hug and spun her around. After he put her down she clenched her fists and growled “Naruto, you’re making my dizzy.”

“Sorry Sakura-chan,” he said in his most charming voice, “It’s just that, I have never been able to find out that much about my mother’s family and here we stumble across them without even realizing it.”

Sakura smiled and said, “I can’t seem to stay mad at you anymore, but let’s be careful here. There may be people here not delighted at the return of an Uzumaki.”
“Don’t worry Sakura-chan between you and me we could handle an army of enemies,” Naruto grinned and went over to the bed, “Why don’t we relax before dinner?” he winked at his bride.

The next morning Sakura and Naruto climbed up to the cliff top to where the aunt of their innkeeper resided. Naruto was in cheerful spirits, and was racing ahead of Sakura. ”Slow down Baka! We are not having a race here,”

“But Sakura-chan,” Naruto explained, “I have learned so much about my father now, but except for her name I know nothing of my mother.”

“Alright Baka,” Sakura laughed, “But let’s go together.”

At the cliffs edge was a small house. In the front yard was an old woman gathering flowers, upon hearing the voices of the approaching ninja she turned towards the sound. The flowers in her hand fell towards the earth and one word escaped her mouth, “Naruto?”

Naruto saw the woman run towards him and smiled in welcome “Hello Obaa-chan, I’m...”

“I know who you are Naruto,” She interrupted, “I have been waiting for you to come here for twenty years.”

“You know me?” Naruto asked,

“Well we have never met but you look very much like your father,” She smiled at him “My name is Fujiyama Yoko; I was your mother’s nurse when she was a little girl. I traveled to Konoha with her and that is where I met your father,”

Naruto seemed to not know what to say. Sakura came forward and took Naruto’s trembling hand and spoke for him, “My husband appears to be overcome with emotion. Perhaps we could go inside Naruto must have a lot to ask you.”

“Yes I’ll just cook up some ramen, it was your mother’s favorite food and I’m sure you must like it as well.” The old woman went over to the door and opened it for Naruto and Sakura.

The inside of the house was sparse but very tidy; Naruto and Sakura sat down around the table while Yoko went to the kitchen to prepare the ramen. Sakura noticed a picture on a bookshelf, which appeared to be a much younger Yoko with a young girl with short red hair wearing an orange body suit resembling the one Naruto used to wear. “Is this Naruto’s mother Yoko-san?” Sakura asked.

“Yes, Minato took that for us the day she passed the chunin exams,” Yoko explained from the kitchen, “It was one of her happiest days as well as one of her saddest, later that day we learned her brother, your uncle Uzumaki Hikaru died on a reconnaissance mission.”

Naruto put his arm around Sakura, “This seems so unreal, Sakura-chan. I’m feeling a little frightened, all my life I have been alone and now I am learning about the family I never knew.”

Sakura kissed lightly on the cheek and took his hand again. “You will always have me be your side Naruto. It’s alright to be frightened.”

Yoko returned with three steaming bowls of ramen and set them down before her guests. “You may have the picture if you like. I have been saving it for when you came here.”

“How did you know I would come?” Naruto asked.
“As the war ended Kushina-sama decided to stay in Konoha with Minato for she was pregnant with you by that time.” Yoko recalled, “She promised me though that if she could not return her son would come one day. She also told me that his name would be Naruto and he would be the greatest ninja the world had ever seen.”

Naruto felt his heart swell up with pride as he heard this. His mother, the woman who died giving birth to him believed in him so strongly while he was still in her womb. The rest of the morning was spent asking Yoko-san many other questions about Kushina until Naruto began to feel her presence beside him. It was a revelation to him as he realized she had always been with him just as his father had, only he never before had found them so readily in himself.

As the afternoon progressed Naruto felt he had taken up more of Yoko’s time than he had intended and got up to leave. “One last thing,” Yoko said, “Your mother gave this key to me as I left Konoha, It now should be given to you. The ruined Temple across the bay holds a secret chamber in which the whole history of your clan was kept. That knowledge should now be passed to you.”

“Thank you, Yoko-san.” Sakura said as Naruto took the key, “My husband and I would like to thank you for your hospitality and hope to see you again before we leave for home.”

And I have now added chapter 2 A Dangerous Encounter

just as a warning there is a sexual scene here, nothing is described in any detail but it is happening

A Dangerous Encounter

Naruto was anxious to go to the temple ruin right away, but Sakura pleaded with him to wait, “I know it is important to you, Naruto but we are on our honeymoon, remember. We have spent the morning learning about your mother and that is wonderful. I want to spend the rest of the day just the two of us.”

Naruto smiled and looked at his lovely bride, “We did pass public baths on the way here, What would you say to a picnic in the park followed by a trip to the baths, Afterwards who knows what might happen.”

“That’s sounds wonderful, Naruto.” Sakura closed her eyes picturing what was to come. It had taken her a long time to realize but Naruto who in his youth she despised had grown to become first a true companion, and then her best friend, and now a lover of exquisite passion, perhaps training with Lord Jiraiya had been useful in other things as well.

Naruto himself prepared the food for the picnic while Sakura changed clothes. To Sakura relief the food was not ramen, but other some of Sakura’s favourite dishes. As they walked to the park, Naruto whispered in Sakura’s ear, “It took me a long time to get used to the looks of hate people gave me in Konoha, but people looking at me with admiration seems just as unnatural to me.”

“Baka,” Sakura laughed, “I look at you with admiration every time you get up in the morning.”

“Who is the pervert now, Sakura-chan?” Naruto said putting his arm around her.

They spent the picnic laughing and joking, just enjoying each others company. Sakura was discussing the various relationships their friends were now in and who would be the next to marry now that they had broken the ice so to speak. “If it wasn’t for Temari living in Suna, I’m sure Shikamaru would be next.” She said, “They are so much in love even though they pretend not to be. You should have seen them at the wedding playing together with Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei s child. You can tell Temari can’t wait to have children of her own.”

“Speaking of children, Sakura-chan,” Naruto asked, “what would you think about calling our daughter Kushina?”

“Don’t you think that would place too many expectations on her?” Sakura looked at Naruto, “You would be trying to replace the mother you never had.”

“No,” Naruto insisted, “it’s more like to honour her, I think if I used my father’s name that would be too much pressure but my mothers name would be okay.”

“Well since we have a while to decide on children’s names, we will keep all options opened.” Sakura laughed. She moved forward to kiss her husband and he pulled her down on the grass with him returning her kiss passionately.

She almost did not notice it being caught up in the moment but there it was two taps to the scar she got so long ago when Naruto had been in the four tails form of Kyubi. It was a prearranged sign they had decided on years ago. Danger was around and Naruto had noticed it first. She broke the kiss and looked into her husbands eyes. A smile was still on his face but his eyes darted to the left and right the directions the enemies were located in.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, there seems to be a lot of them. Unfortunately for them they aren’t so skilled that I didn’t hear the movements.”

The attack came almost as soon as he had said this but the kunai and shuriken hit only the space where the ninja had been. Naruto had been right there were at least twenty five of them rogue ninja’s all, perhaps trying to accomplish by numbers what would normally be impossible.

Sakura caught the one that was closest to her with a punch that caved in the side of his face. The others immediately drew back as they saw her power. Naruto used Kage Bunshin no Jutsu and was working his way through the attackers quickly. The battle did not seem to take long after that. Sakura had defeated the few surrounding her and her husband was eliminating the rest.

Sakura bent down to examine one of the ninja on the ground, she did not expect to find any distinguishing marks but felt she must check regardless. The ninja was female, young barely a teenager, why would someone send her on what was a suicide mission, Naruto and herself could not be defeated by someone of this level of skill.

Naruto noticed it as the last ninja crumpled before him; behind Sakura one of the ninja had drawn a kunai and was aiming for her. With no time to shout he thaught of his fathers jutsu which he had practiced but had not yet mastered. He had secretly placed a mark on all of Sakura-chan clothes just in case of emergencies. With a flash he was gone to appear in front of the kunai deflecting it with his arm and throwing one back at the ninja in return.

“Naruto!” Sakura screamed as she noticed what had happened behind her.
“I’m alright Sakura-chan just a small scratch.” Naruto said indicating a small amount of blood on his arm.

“They wear no marks but I assume they were all genin level.” Sakura said, “Whoever sent them must have known they had no hope to defeat us, it must have been just to warn us or something.”

“Your probably right, Sakura-chan,” Naruto agreed, “Anyway we will leave them here for their fellows to take care of. It looks like only a few fatalities the rest will recover in time.”

‘I think we really do need that bath know Uzumaki,” Sakura laughed, “You smell like blood. I would also like to look at your arm,”

“Its fine Sakura-chan, it has healed already,” Naruto laughed, “Let’s get out of here.”

They did not spend long in the baths for fear the rogue ninja might attack this place endangering the lives of the common people. Arm in arm they returned to the Inn. “Tomorrow we will head to the temple,” Naruto said, in an answer to Sakura’s worried face, “Then we will continue on our honeymoon. There is no point in endangering lives here for my own ego.”

Sakura smiled at her husband, again he was always thinking of others. “I seemed to remember something you said this morning about what we might do after the baths.” She playfully caressed her husband.

“No fair Sakura-chan we are still in a public place!” he joked and picked her up and carried her towards their room at the inn.

Sakura felt the great love her husband had for her most when they were together like this. She could feel it in his touch, in the gentle caress of his lips across her skin, but most of all when they had finished and lay in each others arms and she could feel the gentle beating of his heart.

“I could stay like this forever, Naruto.” Sakura sighed.

“I could as well my love but I think I need to ruin the moment by getting up.” Naruto said, and he got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. As he got to the door he turned with a confused look on his face and collapsed on the floor not even hearing Sakura’s scream.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#5 catsi563



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  • Interests:Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, pizza, dragons, tigers, wolves, cats, Slaying Ebil dragon windmill thingies, the moon, the ocean.

Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:19 PM

An good change so far. I still think your overusing the baka even as an affectionate term a little too much. Honestly shes mroe likely to simply call him Naruto then anything else. And again in the spinning scene she seems mroe angry then she should be especially consdiering the public make out scene at the picnic.

An example might be the spinning around scene. I could see it written thusly as an example of an affectionate interaction betwen them.

As he left Naruto was pacing with excitement, and then he grabbed Sakura in a bear hug and spun her around. As he spun her around. she clenched her fists and growled Affectionately “Naruto, you’re making my dizzy.” with a hint of a barely restrained giggle behind her words. Naruto could still be so childish at times. It was part of his charm she sighed inwardly.

“Sorry Sakura-chan,” he said in his most charming voice, “It’s just that, I have never been able to find out that much about my mother’s family and here we stumble across them without even realizing it.”

Sakura smiled and said, “I can’t seem to stay mad at you anymore, but let’s be careful here. There may be people here not delighted at the return of an Uzumaki.”
“Don’t worry Sakura-chan between you and me we could handle an army of enemies,” Naruto grinned and went over to the bed, “Why don’t we relax before dinner?” he winked at his bride.

The bolded words add a touch of the fun that She would feel at his childish antics ((seriously its part of why she fell for him in the first place)). while still portraying her as her normally serious self. I definately agree shed add a cauitonary note to him about the return of an Uzimaki. But shes a more playful gal then she lets on.

The second part looks good. only thing id call you on would be Sakura letting his injury slide so easilly. She's just not so easilly mollified when it comes to him. especially if shes come to know him so well that shes marriied him. Firm Sakura would come out almsot immediately and tell him to sit, and shed check him out to make sure. its just her nature, especially so with him as shes very protective of him.

the only way hed get away would be to adopt the baka persona and run off playfully laughing trying to make her catch him at the springs.

you left a good cliff hanger their at the end though. Im looking forward to more. defiantely.

Edited by catsi563, 04 March 2008 - 06:23 PM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#6 Verilance



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Posted 05 March 2008 - 09:05 PM

I have finished chapter three A Familiar Voice

Sasuke warning lol he becomes a major character after this chapter.

A Familiar Voice

Sakura carried Naruto into their bed and had treated him by removing the toxin in his system. She felt helpless after that because she dare not leave him in his unconscious state to prepare the medicine she needed. She also did not trust the people in the inn enough to bring her any of the components. Her exhaustion only seemed to make matters worse.

She put her arms around her husband and began to cry, “Don’t you dare leave me, Naruto. I’ve made you wait for so long. This can’t be all the time we have together.” As the tears rolled down her cheeks she heard a gentle knock on the door.

Sakura clenched her fists and went to open the door, standing outside was a member of the Konoha ANBU his face covered with a mask resembling a cat.

Sasuke could not believe what he was hearing from the Hokage. “You want me to accompany Sakura and Naruto on their honeymoon?”

Tsunade looked a bit uncomfortable with the suggestion, “No,” she said, “Not accompany, no, but I want you to follow them at a distance and discretely, Naruto is too valuable to our village too risk anything happening to him. As well I love Sakura like my own child. I want you to protect them in case of danger.”

“You do realize Hokage-sama, that if they can’t handle it. I probably couldn’t either.” Sasuke said with a wry grin.

“Enough,” Tsunade began to grow angry. “Naruto I would expect arguments from, you are in ANBU now and this is your mission.”

“I was just trying to understand your will, Hokage-sama.” Sasuke said, “I will leave at once.”

“Sasuke!” Sakura cried throwing her arms around both her and her husband’s greatest friend, “Why are you here?”

“Tsunade-sama had a premonition of danger and sent me to keep a watch over the pair of you. I came across the remains of your little picnic tonight and thought I might be needed closer by.” Sasuke said, drying Sakura’s tears with his sleeve. “What happened to the dobe over there?”

“I don’t know, He got a scratch from a kunai. It was poisoned.” Sakura began to cry again, “I have tried everything Tsunade taught me, I’ve removed the poison, but he hasn’t even responded. I didn’t want to leave him to prepare anything in case the rogue ninja returned”

“It will be alright Sakura, We both know Naruto never quits even when the odds are stacked against him. You, however need sleep, I’ll watch him,” Sakura made to protest, “You will do him no good if you push yourself past exhaustion, I promise I will wake you if there is any change,”

Sakura reluctantly agreed and crawled into bed beside her husband. Sasuke took the chair across from Naruto and waited for Sakura to fall asleep. When she had he got up and approached his best friend. “I know you can hear me in there, dobe. You finally have Sakura; you have to fight this drug, whatever it is and come back to her.” He put his hand on Naruto’s forehead and sighed to himself. Come back to us, he thought, I need you almost as much as Sakura, both of you are the only ones who will believe in me.

Naruto was trapped in a maze, he had been here before but he couldn’t remember when. He heard a familiar voice calling to him and crying. He wondered who she was. Her voice sounded beautiful and he wished he could find her so he could stop her from crying but everywhere he had turned so far seemed to be a dead end. The more he tried to find her, the fainter the voice became.

He stopped and tried again in vain to listen for the girl whose voice he had heard. He could not remember her but somehow he felt that she was the most important person in the world to him,

A new sound had begun to block out the girl’s voice. It was a low rumbling noise; as if he thought something very large was breathing heavily. Not knowing what else to do he decided to follow the noise.

The maze opened up immediately as if whoever designed it wanted him to go that way. Naruto was suspicious but with his memory in a fog he had no other choice. As he turned however he heard another voice calling with the female voice, this one was male and he again felt that this voice was important to him but there again was no way that led towards it.

“If I can’t find you what good is it if you call me,” he said in frustration.

Somewhere near him he heard another more sinister voice, “I can help you, Uzumaki.” The voice laughed evilly, “but first you need to help me.”

Around the corner he saw what he had been looking for. Someone had caged a large beast here with a paper seal. The beast radiated power and Naruto felt afraid for the first time in a very long time.

“Free me,” the voice said, “and I will lead you out of this place.”

Naruto did not answer, but he felt compelled to do what the beast asked of him. He jumped up to where the seal was and began to reach out for it.

“Naruto, stop!” Naruto turned it was a young boy with dark hair, Naruto knew him, he was sure, but he could not remember his name, He turned back to the seal his eyes stinging with tears, all would be clear to him the moment he let the beast out of his cage.

“No!” it was the boy again only this time he had changed, he was older and snakes twisted around his body. ”Kyubi is too dangerous to be set free!”

“Do not listen to him, Naruto,” the beast said, “He has tried to kill you three times. while I have given you the power to fulfil your desires.” Naruto reached out again and took hold of the seal,

Naruto began to thrash about violently on the bed. Sasuke was using all his strength to hold him down. Sakura had been jolted awake by her husband’s movements and looked questioningly at Sasuke. “Sakura!” Sasuke called out to her, “I need your help!”

“Naruto, please,” someone whispred, the voice was different now, it was the girl’s again, she was now standing right beside the boy. She was the most beautiful girl Naruto had ever seen, her long pink hair was held back by a ninja headband. He remembered her; she was his S…

“Sakura-chan,” he said weakly to the woman whose arms were tightly wrapped around him. He felt her tears mingling with his as their faces pressed against each other. He slowly raised his own arms and returned her embrace.

“You’ll be fine now Naruto,” a voice came from close be. Naruto looked around and saw his best friend.

“Sasuke “ Naruto said, “why are you here?”

“I’m saving your life for once, dobe.” Sasuke smiled and came up to the pair on the bed, Naruto could see his sharingan, were still on making his eyes glow red, “Kyubi was using your illness in an effort to force you to free him.” I tried to stop you but in the end only Sakura’s love for you was strong enough to bring you back.”

“Thank you Sasuke,” Sakura said through her tears, “If you hadn’t come here I don’t like to think what would have happened.”

“My mission is to protect you both,” Sasuke said modestly, “Now I will leave you two alone.”

“Are you crazy Sasuke, we have more than enough room in here.” Naruto said.

“You two are on your honeymoon, dobe,” Sasuke said shaking his head, “you know. Two’s company three’s a crowd.”

“You don’t have to sleep in the same bed as us, Sasuke,” Naruto said shaking his head, “This is the luxury suite, we have a spare bedroom over there.” He pointed to a door near the bathroom. “I’m not kicking you out in the middle of the night while there are unknown dangers around just because you have some misplaced sense of honour.”

Sasuke looked at Sakura to see if she agreed with her husband’s foolishness. She nodded her head and Sasuke realizing it was two against one walked over to the spare bedroom and opened the door. “Try not to keep me awake all night.” he joked, and quickly ducked under the pillow Sakura had sent flying towards him.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#7 Verilance



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Posted 08 March 2008 - 12:10 AM

Without futher ado or whatever. I present da next chapter

The Temple of the Whirlpool

The Temple of the Whirlpool

Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura had just finished a late breakfast in one of the restaurants in the village. Sasuke had changed from his ANBU uniform to better blend in with his companions. Naruto stood and began helping Sakura with her pack so they could continue the trip.

“Where are we heading now?” Sasuke asked, “Seeing as you both insist I travel with you.”

Naruto grinned, “It’s a lot easier for you to follow us if you are right beside us Sasuke.” He put his own pack on, “After all the three of us started this journey together when we were twelve. It just got sort of complicated along the way.”

“We plan to head to Suna next, Sasuke.” Sakura said.

“Suna?” Sasuke asked, “You just saw Gaara at the wedding.”

“This isn’t about Gaara, Sasuke.” Naruto replied.

“We want to visit Chiyo-Sama’s grave and tell her how things worked out for us.” Sakura said.

“First we need to go to the ruined temple on the cliff though.” Naruto added. “My mother left me the key that leads to the secrets of the Uzumaki Clan.”

The climb to the temple was steeper here than on the other side of the valley. In places the path had almost disappeared. “I don’t think anyone has been here in years.” Naruto commented.”

“Remember, Yoko-san told us that the temple was where your Grandfather went with most of your clan to protect the villagers who would not leave during the invasion.” Sakura reminded him, “They fought the enemy ninja there and were defeated but it slowed them down enough to allow the refugees led by your uncle and mother to flee to Konoha.”

“I remember that Sakura-chan,” Naruto said, “I was just thinking that no one has been tending the graves of my ancestors, Yoko-san did say they were buried there by what few survivors there were” He stopped and turned back to look at Sakura. “I just hope they will forgive me, after all I didn’t even know they existed until yesterday.”

“I’m sure they will understand Naruto,” Sasuke said from farther up the path, “Don’t judge the people here to harshly either, I think this place represents a memory to painful to be endured.”

The temple roof was no longer there. Naruto could see scorch marks on some of the walls left over from the final battle. In places the walls had simply caved in. “I don’t think it is going to be easy to find anything here.” Naruto said.

They split up and began searching the ruins for a place the key might fit. The search seemed long and fruitless, there seemed to be nothing left in the temple just an empty shell. Naruto felt cheated, he had come so far only to be defeated by time.

Then Sasuke’s voice came from the other side of the ruin, “Sakura, I have found something but I think I need your help.” Naruto and Sakura went over to where Sasuke had been searching. He was pointed to a stone dais, “I think this used to move but I can’t budge it Sakura will have to smash it.”

Sakura gathered her chakra and concentrated it into a single punch fracturing the stone and revealing a hidden room below. Naruto gasped and sank to his knees as he saw the symbol of the whirlpool laid out in blue tile on the floor below. He remembered seeing that same symbol many years ago.

Naruto was four when he sat in the old man’s office the first time. The old man himself was tending to the wounds he had received. “Old man,” Naruto said through his tears, “Why does everyone hate me?”

“Everyone does not hate you, child.” The old man said, “Because I do not hate you.”

“I just asked her who my parents were and she started hitting me with her cane.” Naruto said, crying louder now.

“You needn’t worry. I have now made other arrangements for your care.” The old man said, “You will not be sent back to her.”

Naruto looked up at the only person who had ever been nice to him, “Did you know my parents?” he asked.

“Your parents?” The old man got up and walked over to the window and looked up at the stone carvings, sighed. “Your parents were among the many that died when the Kyubi came to destroy the village.” He turned back to Naruto, and smiled, “That night there was a very brave man and he sacrificed his life to save the people. He was the Yondaime Hokage. I am the Sandaime Hokage. So it is my misfortune to have been before and after him.”

“What is a Hokage?” Naruto asked.

“The Hokage is the leader of the village,” the old man said, “but there is much more than that. The Hokage must guard all the people of Konohagakure even if it cost them their own life, as did the Yondaime Hokage.”

“If I became Hokage, “Naruto said brightly, “maybe no one would hate me any more.”

The old man chuckled, “It is a worthy goal, but not everyone can be Hokage.” He walked over to his desk and pulled out a book. “That reminds me, we were talking about your parents.” He opened the book and gave a piece of paper to Naruto. “This is a letter your mother sent me. The contents are unimportant just trivial matters but I wanted to show you this.” He pointed to a spiral drawn at the top of the page. “That was a symbol your mother used instead of signing her name. It is the symbol of your family name Uzumaki. If you use this symbol as well, it can remind you of how strong your parents love for you was.”

“This is it,” Naruto whispered, tears running down his face. “Mother, I have come home at last.”

Naruto and Sakura climbed down and walked arm in arm the shrine looking at all the graves containing the graves of his ancestors. At each grave he read the name and bowed in reverence. Soon they came to the grave of his Grandfather. Naruto knelt down and took an offering bowl from out of his pack and placed it by the stone. “Grandfather, My name is Uzumaki Naruto; I wish I had met you. Yesterday I heard such stories of your life. How you were kind to all the villagers under your care but were a mighty shinobi when duty called. I live in Konohagakure now so I can’t stay here I hope you understand but I will return again when I can.”

Sakura knelt down beside Naruto and took his hand in hers. “Grandfather, I am Uzumaki Sakura, the wife of Naruto. He has grown to be everything you once were and I know you would be proud of him.” She looked at her husband’s face and smiled. “When the time comes, we will bring our children to this place so you will never be forgotten. The Uzumaki Clan will again return to Whirlpool Country I promise.”

Naruto looked up from his Grandfather’s grave and saw what he had come here for. Hidden in the shadows was a large cabinet with an ornate lock. With trembling hands he approached and fit the key in the cabinet and opened the doors. Inside were several small scrolls and one large one. Naruto reached in and removed them putting them in his pack until later when he had time to read them.

The Uzumaki’s stood arm in arm together looking again at the grave of Naruto’s Grandfather when Sasuke’s voice came from above. “Naruto, Sakura, We have company.”

Hope ya like it

I have posted a reworked chapter 1 in the library.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#8 catsi563



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Posted 08 March 2008 - 07:54 AM

looking good so far. cant wait for updates
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#9 Verilance



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Posted 08 March 2008 - 10:07 PM

Next chapter

The Enemy Revealed

It is a little short and I thought about combining it with the previous chapter but felt it was better separate.

The Enemy Revealed

Naruto and Sakura jumped out of the hidden room to confront the enemy. Sasuke had been right, there were at least fifty of the rogue ninja surrounding them standing upon the ruined walls of the temple. They were dressed as the genin were from yesterday, all in black with no distinguishing marks to identify their allegiance.

“I do not know how you managed to survive the poison, Uzumaki; it has never failed me before.” A voice came from high above. Naruto looked up to the tallest section of the wall still standing and saw their real foe. The Old Man was dressed all in black as were his followers but had the symbol of Kumogakure around his neck. “It is fitting though that I finish you off here. The last of the Uzumaki will die among his ancestors.” He chuckled at the thought. “I have spent years playing the feudal lords of this shattered country against each other until I had control over all of them. I had to keep a low profile of course; it wouldn’t do if one of the five powers felt obligated to stop me. Then you had to appear, an Uzumaki alive gives the people hope and the will to resist my rule.”

He gestured at the ninja around him, “Unlike the people you encountered yesterday these are no mere genin hoping to wound you with a poisoned kunai. These are my elite ninja followers and will be your doom.”

Sasuke looked at Naruto, “A plan would be helpful now.”

“Here’s a great one.” Naruto grinned, “You and I each take half, and Sakura-Chan can judge us on whose fighting skills had more style.”

Sakura playfully punched her husband on the shoulder, “I have a better idea. You two rest while I defeat them all myself.”

“No Sakura-Chan I can’t let you fight by yourself.” Naruto sighed, “I guess we will just have to divide them equally. Sasuke, you take the right side, Sakura-Chan, you go to the left. I will take the centre and the Old Man.”

At a prearranged signal the enemy ninja attacked. Sasuke speed was incredible, the combination of his Sharingan and his Katana proved too much for the ninja he was facing.

Sakura used a different method though no less effective. The last few years she had honed her use of Genjustu becoming very adept at it. She had developed a jutsu which she called Blossom Swarm Jutsu, which so clouded the senses of her opponents they began to see her image all around them. Most of their attacks ended up striking their own side while the real Sakura danced her way through the attackers disabling anyone who managed to resist.

Naruto used the jutsu he had become famous for, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu and stormed into the enemy with fists flailing. The real Naruto however avoided the minor threats and headed straight for their leader. “The people of this country are now under my protection, Old Man. As the last Uzumaki I will no longer allow you to use them as your playthings.”

The Old Man laughed and prepared himself for battle. ”I am no rank genin to be defeated by an upstart like you. In my day I was the pride of Kumogakure.”

“Well your day is over; I am going to end it.” Naruto said calmly.

“There is no defense against my Jutsu, Uzumaki.” The Old Man laughed. With blinding speed he went through the hand signs and called out, “Lightning Demon Jutsu!” A bolt of lightning hit the ground in front of Naruto and left in its wake a being of pure energy. “If you attack me now, my demon will destroy you.” The old man laughed again “If you attack the demon I will destroy you. In either case you are finished your wife and friend cannot help you in time. Soon however they will join you in death.”

Naruto smiled and reached for the kunai he always carried in his pack. He had never succeeded at this before, stationary targets were easy but a moving target still gave him trouble. He knew deep down though in this place he would not fail. He judged his target and through the kunai past the demon towards the old man.

The old man laughed maniacally, this is the best you have, Uzumaki. I had heard rumors of your skills but I see now you are a mere joke. Demon, attack him!”

“Rasangan” a voice from behind him yelled, the old man turned to see an orange an black figure illuminated by a ball of pure chakra in his hand. It was the last thing he would ever see. Naruto had finally mastered the last aspect of his father’s Hiraishin no Jutsu.

I like Sakura's genjutsu but then I realized I really ripped it off from Itachi's with Cherry Blossoms instead of ravens (or crows). I think a picture of Sakura dissolving into cherry blossoms and blowing into the wind would be cool though. (hint Hint for any artist types out there reading) also I'm not happy with the name of the jutsu but i coudn't think of a better one. If someone can I would be grateful.

Edited by Verilance, 14 March 2008 - 11:31 PM.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#10 Verilance



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Posted 14 March 2008 - 12:37 AM

Here is the next bit of the story it focuses a bit on Sasuke because one of the themes I wish to deal with is Sasuke's redemption after the betrayal.

There is a bit where Naruto and Sasuke hug but they are like brothers and I have hugged my brother during times of emotional stress.

The next Chapter A Pleasant Interlude

A Pleasant Interlude

“Remember the last time we did this, Naruto?” Sasuke asked. Naruto and Sasuke were catching fish for dinner. Sakura was busy setting up their campsite.

Naruto smiled thinking back eight years earlier to a day quite similar to this one during the chunin exams. “Thinking back on it we had a lot of fun back then didn’t we?”

“Yeah,” Sasuke agreed, “we just didn’t know it was fun at the time.” He picked up one of the fish they had caught and began to clean it. “As I remember, Sakura cleaned the fish last time didn’t she?”

“Things change Sasuke.” Naruto replied with a smile.

There was silence for a little while as they both gutted the fish they had caught. “You two are good for each other,” Sasuke said in a low voice, “I’m happy for you,”

“Thanks Sasuke,” Naruto said not knowing what else to say.

“I’m serious,’’ Sasuke said, “I think the first time I realized who perfect you were for each other was when we met again for the first time after three years.” Sasuke paused again for a minute, “Of course I was busy trying to kill both of you at the time.” He paused again his head bowed in shame, “I’m sorry Naruto.”

“Forget it, Sasuke.” Naruto said, “Most of my friends have tried to kill me at least once.” he joked. Then his face became serious, “Sakura and I forgave you a long time ago for all that stuff.”

“It’s not easy, Naruto!” Sasuke said, “I’m ANBU now that’s true, but I’m not trusted. When I walk down the streets of Konoha I can feel the hate in the people’s eyes as they look at me. Then I start to hate myself a little too.”

“We should start a club.” Naruto said laughing.

Sasuke stared at Naruto in surprise and then he realized what he had just said and began to laugh as well. “We really are a pair aren’t we?”

“Why are my two favorite men laughing instead of working?” Sakura said as she came over to join them.

“Sasuke said something funny Sakura-chan.” Naruto said howling even more.

“Really?” Sakura said as she sat down beside her husband, “I didn’t think he knew how.” and she began to laugh as well.

When the laughter died down Naruto gave Sasuke a wink and began to pull Sakura towards the river. She was resisting until Sasuke came from behind and pushed, sending her and Naruto both tumbling into the water. “No fair,” she shouted as she surfaced, “Two against one.” She waited for Naruto to surface and gave him a kiss before tripping him into the water. Then she grabbed his arm and pulled him up and pointed towards Sasuke on the bank. “Why is he still dry?” she said and sent a large wave towards in his direction drenching him as well.

They ate their supper wrapped in blankets as their clothes dried on tree branches nearby. “The next time,” Sakura said “we change into our bathing suits first.” This brought another round of laughter from all three of them.

After supper Sasuke looked troubled and quickly made an excuse to leave by saying he had to make sure the area was secure. Naruto gave him a quizzical look but Sasuke held up his hand and walked out into the night.

That evening Naruto and Sakura lay entwined in each others arms. Sakura was running her fingers through his blond hair humming happily. “Sakura,” Naruto said. This made her stop, there were only a few times she could remember he had not called her Sakura-chan and it was only when he was serious. The last time was when he proposed to her.

“What is it Naruto?” Sakura said looking deep into his blue eyes.

“I’m worried about Sasuke,” Naruto said, “He’s almost more alone now than before. When he was young, at least there were people who admired him. Now he really just has us.” Naruto kissed Sakura’s forehead. “You and I are the only ones who trust him now.”

“I know, Naruto.” Sakura said, “But I’m not sure how we can change the attitudes of the people in the village, after all there are some of them who still hate you, after all you’ve done for Konoha.”

“Yeah, you’re right of course,” Naruto said, “but I hate to see him hurting.” Naruto fell silent for a little while. “I just think I should do something”

Sakura kissed him on the tip of his nose, “You know what I think I love most about you.” Naruto shook his head, “With all the pain you have suffered since you were little, you still always put the needs of others before your own.” She wrapped her arms around her husband and brought his head to her chest while stroking his hair, “Sasuke just needs time to heal himself, but I think you can be there to help him if he wants it.”

Naruto thought about those words for a long time staying awake even when he saw that Sakura was asleep in his arms. Maybe he could do something right now. It was always good to have someone to talk to; sometimes he could be a good listener.

Naruto found Sasuke easily; over the years he found he had developed a knack for finding people he didn’t smell them like Kakashi-sensei or Kiba he just knew where they were. He was sitting on a large boulder staring up at the stars. “Nice night for it.” Naruto said, climbing up the rock beside the raven haired man.

Sasuke turned towards Naruto and nodded and turned back “Shouldn’t you be in bed beside Sakura.” He said with a trace of bitterness in his voice.

Naruto grinned and said “I am.” He pointed towards his chest “Kage Bunshin.” He sat down beside Sasuke and put his hand on his friends shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Sasuke was silent for a long time. “I was thinking about what Kakashi-sensei said to me a long time ago. I didn’t come back to you two empty handed. I am burdened by many regrets.” Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, “When I see you with Sakura, I am happy because I know you both are perfect for one another.” His voice quieted down, “Sometimes though a part of me wishes that I was with her instead of you.” Naruto watched a single tear run down Sasuke’s cheek. They were both silent for awhile then Sasuke spoke again. “Then I feel ashamed because you are my best friend, without you I would have been dead or worse.”

“I don’t think it is Sakura you want Sasuke.” ”Naruto said, “I think it is love.” He reached over and put his arm around his friend. “I think you want someone to love you, so you can love yourself.” Sasuke began to cry in earnest and Naruto held him tenderly until it subsided. “You realize Sasuke, Sakura and I do love you, we have a bond so strong that no one can ever break it.”

“Don’t tell Sakura, Naruto please.” Sasuke said, “About what I was feeling, I mean. I don’t want her to ever know.”

“I give you my word Sasuke.” Naruto said, and he got down of the rock and disappeared into the night.

I think I will go back and post some of these in the library I have the first drafts of the next bit done but it need a re write before it appears here.

Edited by Verilance, 14 March 2008 - 12:39 AM.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#11 Verilance



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Posted 18 March 2008 - 10:59 PM

Here is next chapter

A New Threat

This really is llike an end to the introduction as the main plotline begins here.

A New Threat

Naruto and Sakura stood silent at the grave of Chiyo-sama for a long time. Sasuke had chosen to remain outside the cemetery to allow his friends there private moment. When it was time Sakura spoke for both of them. “Chiyo-sama, Naruto and I were finally married a few weeks ago. We wanted to come here and tell you in person because you helped both of us as much as we helped you. You told me to protect what was important to me though it took me a little while to figure out the most important person in my life has never left my side even when I told him to.” Sakura ran her finger across Chiyo-sama’s gravestone just like she did so long ago. “Thank you Chiyo-sama.” Sakura put her arm around her husband and walked towards Suna.

Sasuke had rejoined them and they saw that a group of Sand Shinobi were waiting for them. “When I go on my honeymoon, Sakura, I think I’ll be only able to take one man.” Temari teased as she came forward to greet them.

“Temari!” Sakura cried as she ran forward to embrace the sand kunoichi. “Wait, what you just said, does it mean…”

“Yes.” Temari said, showing Sakura an engagement ring, “Just after you left Tsunade-sama gave Shikamaru an important mission to Kirigakure. Before he left he took me to his favourite spot and asked me to marry him.” Temari started to giggle, “He said, it’s troublesome to be apart all the time so I’d like you to marry me so we can always be together.” She began to laugh even harder, “How could I say no to him, he had probably been planning it for months since you two announced your engagement.”

“That’s wonderful Temari,” Sakura said hugging her again, “Are you going to move to Konoha? What about your ties to Suna?”

“Gaara worked it out with the Jonin Council.” Temari answered, “Apart from missions I cannot refuse, my main task is the ambassador from Suna representing Gaara to Tsunade-sama. I’m going to live in Konoha most of the year but I’ll get a place here where Shikamaru and I can stay when we come to visit my brothers.”

“Let’s go, Gaara wants to meet with you.” Temari took Sakura by the arm and started to lead her through the streets of Suna. Naruto and Sasuke trailed behind as Naruto was telling Sasuke about their first trip to Suna. Temari looked back and then whispered to Sakura, “So why is Uchiha with you, Sakura.”

“Tsunade-shishou thought that Naruto and I were in danger travelling around by ourselves and so she assigned Sasuke to be our bodyguard.” Sakura explained, “She wasn’t wrong though, we ran into trouble already. Knowing my husband like I do, it’s only a matter of time.”

Naruto and Sasuke picked up the pace to catch up to the kunoichi, “Temari,” Naruto said, “Could you take us to a hotel before we see Gaara, I wouldn’t mind getting rid of our packs after carrying them across a desert.”

“Uzumaki Naruto,” Temari said, “You think Gaara is going to let you stay in a hotel when there are plenty of extra rooms at our house?” She signalled to a couple of chunin who were following them at a discrete distance. “Take the Uzumaki and Uchiha luggage to the Kazekage’s residence, please. When you are done you may return to your previous duties.”

“Yes Temari-hime.” The two responded and left immediately to the Kazekage’s residence.

“Gaara did say he wanted to see you the moment you arrived, so now you will be comfortable.” Temari said.

Gaara was sitting at his desk behind what appeared to be a mound of paper. As he saw Naruto enter he joked, “Are you sure you want to be Hokage still, Uzumaki-san? The paperwork never stops.”

Naruto grinned at Gaara’s comment and quipped back, “That’s what Kage Bunshin no Jutsu’s for Gaara. I’ll be able to do twice the work in half the time.” He went over to the Kazekage and clasped his hand. “It’s great to see you again.”

“Matsuri!” Gaara called for his aide. Temari had mentioned to Sakura about their relationship when they had arrived as a couple for the wedding, “Closer than friends,” she had said, “but not yet lovers.”

“Yes Gaar… I mean, Kazekage-sama.” Matsuri had grown into a beautiful young woman. Looks could be deceiving though as she was now almost as lethal in battle as her sensei as well.

“We are among friends, Matsuri. There is no need for formality.” Gaara said, “Could you please bring some tea for our guests.”

“Right away, Gaara.” Matsuri said, and turned to leave the room.”

Gaara looked at Naruto as if he was struggling to say something, but then shook his head and turned to Sakura, “Your journey has been pleasant?”

“For the most part Gaara,” Sakura answered, “There is still some things we had planned to see but I think we are going to head back to Konoha.”

“We had a stroke of luck though,” Naruto continued, “We were travelling through the border countries and we came across where my mother was born. I found out about the Uzumaki clan for the very first time.” Naruto gave a grin, “Then we ran into some trouble and luckily Baa-chan had assigned Sasuke to be our bodyguard.”

The friends spent the afternoon discussing news from the various lands that were allied with Suna and Konoha. Gaara had an extensive network set up to keep him informed of any changes that happened in the smaller countries.

The Kazekage’s residence was large but as most of the houses in Suna, modestly furnished. The desert did not allow for luxuries and it was considered poor taste to have them. The highlight of most of the homes was a central pool. Around this pool they shared a meal prepared by Temari. Naruto was amazed she was an excellent cook, she had learned cooking for her father and brothers in the years since Gaara had been born. Kankuro was away on a mission so Sasuke was given his room, while Naruto and Sakura slept in the room once used by the Sand Sibling’s Father.

Naruto had an uneasy feeling about something. It seemed that Gaara had wanted to say something to him all afternoon but had avoided it for some reason. Sakura was already fallen asleep worn out by the long journey across the desert. She was huddled up against her husband with her head resting on his shoulder. Naruto was loath to move her so he could get out of bed but he felt he needed some fresh air to clear his head.

Naruto quietly got up out of the bed. “Naruto…” Sakura was mumbling in her sleep.

“It’s okay Sakura-chan,” Naruto whispered to his sleeping wife. “I’m just going unto the balcony for a bit of air.”

The balcony over looked the central part of Suna. Naruto was amazed how quiet it was. In Konoha there where always people about in the middle of the night. Here all was still.

“Night time is quite cool this time of year most people stay indoors.” A voice said from above him. Naruto turned and saw Gaara sitting on the roof watching the village below him.

“I still don’t sleep well,” Gaara said, “The only remaining remnant of Shukaku. My night are filled by watching my people and wondering how best to care for them.” Gaara used his jutsu to come down beside Naruto. “I was hoping for a chance to talk just the two of us. I would rather not worry Sakura with what I am about to tell you.” He paused for a minute gathering his thoughts, “The mission I sent Kankuro on is to Iwagakure. There are rumours coming from there that a meeting between ninja of Iwa and Kumo will take place to discuss a new threat to the balance of power.”

“A new threat?” Naruto said, “Whatever it is I’m sure we can defend Suna and Konoha from it.”

“You don’t understand, Uzumaki Naruto.” Gaara said sadly, Word of your abilities has spread throughout all the countries. The fact that you are the only Jinchuriki left alive is also being discussed. With the destruction of the other Bijou at the fall of the Akatsuki it will be years before the other tailed beasts are strong enough to create new ones. Also you are now recognized as the son of Namikaze Minato, Iwa has never forgotten the ninja who caused their defeat in the Third Great Ninja War.”

Naruto looked confused, “All what you are saying is true Gaara, but I don’t understand where you are leading me too.”

Gaara looked Naruto in the eyes and said quietly “To the other nations Naruto, The new threat is you.”

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#12 Verilance



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Posted 24 March 2008 - 11:13 PM

Here is latest update It is really confusing for me now cuz I have four chapters currently being written and I am not sure which order they will go in, I have to think on it some more. (They all occur at about the same time with different characters.)

The Storm Approaching

A Storm Approaching

“I thought I would find you up here.” Sakura said as she came over to Naruto. He was on the Academy roof staring at his father’s face carved in stone above him. “You forgot your lunch this morning,” Sakura continued sweetly, “so I went over to Ichiraku’s and brought you some ramen.” Handing his the hot bowl she was holding in her hands.

“Thanks, Sakura-chan,” Naruto mumbled placing the bowl down beside him.

Sakura frowned slightly and then tried a different approach, “Tsunade-shisou told me she assigned you some work here at the academy. I couldn’t believe it, you always complain when she tries to get you to do this stuff.”

Naruto was still staring at the Hokage monument but said quietly, “It’s not that bad Sakura-chan. She has me going over the missions to evaluate which teams should be assigned, but my main focus is assessing the prospective genin. She’s asked for my opinion on who should be given to which Jonin for training.” He turned and gave Sakura a weak smile. “She thinks it good training for when I become Hokage.”

Sakura sighed and decided that the friendly supportive wife method wasn’t working and reached over and grabbed her husband by the collar holding him above her head. “I have given you two wonderful chances to tell me what has been bothering you, Uzumaki. Unwisely you have decided to ignore them both. You have been distant ever since we were in Suna and I want to know why. I haven’t hit you in years Naruto but if you don’t start talking, I just might start again.”

Naruto looked into Sakura’s eyes and knew he no longer had a choice. “Okay, Sakura-chan” he said, “Just put me down my ramen is going to get cold.” He sat down on the railing on the edge of the roof and motioned for Sakura to join him. “I came up here to decide how to tell you anyway.” Sakura came over and sat beside him and he put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. “Gaara thought it would be better if I didn’t tell you because it would worry you. I felt bad though keeping it secret from you.” He motioned towards the carving of his father. “I thought maybe if I really thought hard he would give me advice. Y’know.” Naruto laughed a little, “The only thing that came to me was, you had better tell her before she kills you.”

Sakura put her hand gently on Naruto’s cheek and smiled, “I always thought your father was a smart man, Naruto.”

Naruto smiled than after a few seconds continued, “In Suna, Gaara told me that the Shinobi of Iwa and Kumo are meeting to determine the best way to handle a perceived threat to the balance of power.” He pointed towards his own chest, “Me. I thought that maybe I would go and straighten out their thinking but by the time we got back here, Baa-chan heard of it as well and won’t let me out of the village. She seems to think that their first attempts will be assassination. If that doesn’t succeed it may come to war.”

Sakura felt hot tears cascade down her cheeks, “What are we going to do then Naruto?” She asked pulling her husband tightly against her.

“That’s just it; I’m not sure what we should do. Baa-chan is looking into it her own way and doesn’t want me involved. The only action I have taken was to ask Sasuke to go and look into things for me. Sai went with him on Baa-chan’s orders and Sasuke agreed.”
“That’s surprising they don’t get along at the best of times.” Sakura said.

“It just indicates to me how seriously Sasuke is treating this.” Naruto responded.

“So now we wait while the storm approaches, is that it?” Sakura asked her husband.

“They may decide to take no action at all” Naruto assured her. “Only the combination of Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri have any hope at defeating the allied nations if it comes to war. Kiri may still remain neutral in this.”

Sakura hoped her husband was correct. She was more afraid of war than assassination attempts. Naruto was now perhaps the greatest shinobi in the history of Konoha, only his inexperience with the duties performed by the Hokage kept him from the title now. He also had many friends in many nations who would help protect him if it came to that. Konoha was the safest place he could be.

Naruto gave Sakura a grin and picked up the book he had been writing in. “So Sakura-chan guess who made the short list for Jonin to be assigned a Genin team. After Graduation next week we might be calling you Sakura-sensei.”

“Sakura was stunned, she had put her name in of course but was sure, Tsunade-shishou would keep her at her present duties. “Are you serious Naruto?” She asked, “What about you, Where you chosen.”

“No, Sakura-chan I was forced,” Naruto frowned, “Iruka-sensei asked Baa-chan to assign me three of the more difficult students. I think he just wants revenge for all the pranks I used to do at the Academy.”

Sakura put her arms around Naruto and sighed, “I’ve got to get back to the Hospital now,” She gave him a lingering kiss. “I’m due in surgery this afternoon and I have to prepare. Don’t forget it’s your turn to cook tonight so don’t start it too early in case I’m late. Don’t go to Ichiraku’s either you always spoil your supper if you do.” She started to leave and then turned back, “I love you, Naruto.”

“I love you too, Sakura-chan,” Naruto smiled. “I think I’ll start supper a little late tonight, then if you get home early…”

“You’re incorrigible Naruto, you know that?” Sakura laughed at her husband. “Our friends seem to think that is how we spend all our time together as it is.”

“I was just trying to give you something to look forward to after a long afternoon in surgery.” Naruto pleaded innocently.

“Get back to work, Baka.” She said kissing him again.

After she had left Naruto turned and looked again at the face of Namikaze Minato. “You were right; I do feel much better now that I have told her. Now if only you could help me with these reports Baa-chan wants me to finish.”

In Kirigakure, Shikamaru was waiting to meet with an aide to the Mizokage. He hated this place. He had been here once before on a joint mission with Temari and he didn’t like it then either but at least he had Temari to keep him company the first time.

Tsunade-sama had asked him to negotiate a dispute with Kiri thought that was not all. “There are strange rumours coming out of Iwa lately that greatly concern me.” Godaime-sama told him in her office. “This dispute is a trivial matter; you have my approval to deal with it in whichever manner you choose. The real reason I have chosen to send you is to observe the situation there. If Kiri is moving towards Iwa we need to know.”

“This is troublesome,” Shikamaru thought, “I have been here for two weeks and I haven’t seen or heard anything that would be useful.”

He looked out of the window at the grey sombre clouds passing overhead, even they looked unfriendly here. The he saw something that made him pause there were two shinobi having an animated discussion on the next roof. If only he had a better view to see who they were.

“Nara Shikamaru,” The aide said coming up silently behind him. “Shall we resume our discussion from where we left of yesterday.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#13 catsi563



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Posted 25 March 2008 - 02:59 AM

Good chapter. And I think you did real good with your Naruto/Sakura interactions. Much improved from the first chapter and much more in character. Excellent work.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#14 Codus N

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Posted 28 March 2008 - 09:53 AM

Good chapter, but I have vibes telling me that Shikamaru's gonna gat into trouble. Hope he doesn't end up like his sensei


The family that couldn't be.

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#15 Verilance



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Posted 29 March 2008 - 01:15 AM

Haven't had the heart to kill anyone yet (except baddies) But anyway here is the next bit

New teams Assembled

New Teams Assembled

Naruto had spent all day training trying to master some of the Uzumaki clan’s secret jutsu. By the time he arrived back at their apartment Sakura had already finished cooking. “Since you have been working hard all day,” She said giving him a quick kiss, “I decided to make you some ramen.” Naruto grinned and gave his wife a big hug in return. “First though,” she added, “I think you need to take a shower, Naruto. You’re filthy.”

Later that evening Sakura sat on the couch, her back to Naruto as he gave her a massage. “You really do get tense working at the Hospital, Sakura-chan. I’m glad Baa-chan is allowing you to be sensei to a team of genin. It will do you a lot of good to be in the fresh air again.”

“I’ll still have my patients to see, Naruto. They are also going to call me back in case of an emergency. “Sakura said, “But I agree, it will be nice to be on missions again. The last time I was on a mission with you was when we got engaged.” Sakura laughed, “Remember!”

“How could I forget Sakura-chan?” Naruto said grinning, “At one point I didn’t know who would kill the Daimyo’s daughter first, you or the ninja who were after her.”

“Well,” Sakura said sheepishly, “She was the most annoying client ever; she spent the entire journey trying to seduce you.”

Naruto chuckled, “What made it worse for her was I didn’t even notice. I had a ring in my pocket trying to get you alone so I could ask you to marry me.”

“I must admit the remnant of a battlefield was not the location I had picked in my dreams as a young girl.” Sakura said thoughtfully, “but somehow even though we were covered in blood and dirt it was the most romantic moment of my life.”

Naruto came around and looked into his wife’s beautiful green eyes and kissed her gently on the forehead. “We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, Sakura-chan. Why don’t we continue this discussion in the bedroom?”

Iruka was waiting for them at the Academy the next morning, “You two are late,” He smiled, “What else can I expect from Kakashi’s former students?”

“It’s my fault, Iruka-sensei,” Naruto admitted “I went to check on a few things with Baa-chan and lost track of time.”

“Your Genin are waiting for you in the classroom you two,” Iruka said, “I want to wish you luck, especially you Naruto. You’ll need it.”

Naruto checked the door of the classroom just in case, “You never know, Sakura-chan?” He said to his smiling wife. The classroom held six students, three boys in an argument in one corner and two girls and a boy in the opposite corner. A small blonde girl gave a gasp when she saw who entered the room and had to be comforted by the boy beside her. The arguing boys took no notice of their Sensei and continued the argument. “Well I can see which ones are mine Sakura-chan, don’t bother waiting up for me I’m going to teach these boys a lesson.” He told the three boys to follow him outside.

Sakura gathered her team and led them to the bridge where She, Naruto and Sasuke had often waited for Kakashi-sensei. She smiled at the three young genin in front of her. “Well since we will be together for a while perhaps we should introduce ourselves. I’ll start. My name is Uzumaki Sakura; and my goal right now is to help my husband achieve his goal. Now you three go ahead.

A tall girl with long hair tied back in a braid went first. “Sakura-sensei, I am Tanaka Aoi, My goal is to become a great kunoichi.

Next came the boy, Sakura remembered watching him comforting the girl with short blonde hair when she was upset earlier. “Sakura-sensei, I am Ishii Daisuke my goal is to use my abilities to help my teammates as best as I can.

The blonde girl was last, Sakura thought she looked like she was about to cry but Daisuke took her hand and she found strength. Aoi made a sharp sound and turned away. S..sensei, I..I am Yamato Minata, though everyone just calls me Mina. I was named after the Yondaime Hokage by my parents and my goal is to someday live up to my parents expectations of me.

Sakura smiled at the young girl. “Do you know who I am, Mina?” she asked.

“Yes Sakura-sensei, you are one of the finest medical ninja in Konoha at a par with Godaime-sama and Shizune-san and you are married to the son of the Yondaime Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto.”

“Thank you for the kind words, I know it sounds impressive but when I was a genin, my skills were very poor. I usually allowed my teammates, my husband and our friend Uchiha Sasuke to fight while I guarded someone. With training and belief in yourself all of you can accomplish your goals. Now starting tomorrow we will have a little training exercise. I want you all to meet me at eight o’clock in training area three.”

Naruto predictably took his new team to Ichiraku’s for some Ramen. “Iruka-sensei told me that all three of you did nothing but fight all the time at the Academy. In fact the only reason you graduated at all was because each of you possess well developed ninja skills for your age. However you each need to learn to trust those around you and that means each other. We are going to begin with our training right away. So sit and eat because you will not have anything else before breakfast tomorrow.”

He did not speak another word to them while they ate which made the boys a little nervous. When they were done he led them to Training Area Three. “Just to make it clear to you three, I have no interest in your names until you prove something to me. What you must prove is that you are capable of being Shinobi. My wife has reserved this training field tomorrow for the bell exercise with her genin. I don’t think we need to do that exercise because it would be beyond you. Instead we are going to do a little exercise I did with Ero-sennin a long time ago.” He paused to create a Kage Bunshin, which turned to the original and grinned, “This will be fun.” And then went into the trees, “You have until dawn to defeat my Kage Bunshin.” Naruto stared at all three of the boys. “This is important so listen, my Kage Bunshin cannot be defeated by glancing blows; a strike that would seriously wound a living person is needed. If you do not attack it with intent to kill you will not succeed. The one who defeats it will earn my respect the other two will not advance to Genin level but instead go back to the Academy for retraining. Good Luck”

Naruto sat back beside the heroes’ monument and pulled out some of the reports he still had to finish for Baa-chan. As he expected the three immediately ran off in different directions to look for his Kage Bunshin, he shook his head and thought how he must have aggravated Kakashi-sensei. “Well they have to learn sometime.”

The three boys had been assigned to Naruto for a reason other than the one he had supposed, all three had lost one or both of their parents. Despite his efforts Iruka had been unable to get through to them that their overly aggressive nature would be a danger to them if they wished to continue as ninja. As Naruto had surmised since each thought of himself as the best of the three they would refuse to work together unless forced to.

Sakamoto Naoki had inherited only one thing from his father, his sword. His mother had not been a ninja but had fallen in love with one and moved to Konoha to be with him until he died during Orochimaru’s attack on the village eight years ago. He took out his sword and held it in front of him, “Father, I swear by your sword that I will become a true ninja this night.” He crept up on the Bunshin carefully it seemed to be ignoring him. One blow with the sword was all he needed and victory would be his. He slowed his breath down to avoid getting to excited and swung the sword with all his might.

“This is a nice sword.” a voice said behind him, It was Naruto-sensei. He had the sword in his hand and Naoki looked at his hands and found he was swinging a branch. “I hope you can swim well,” Naruto-sensei said and threw the sword with all his might into the small lake in the centre of the training area.

Naoki was overcome by rage an attacked Naruto blindly, “That sword was my father’s!” His attacks though were all blocked all and sensing an opportunity Naruto threw Naoki in the lake to join his sword.

Above in a tree, Kondo Tayu was watching that arrogant fool Naoki get tossed into the water. He smirked knowing that he had a much better chance to defeat a weak Kage Bunshin. He was a taijutsu specialist and while he also could perform ninjutsu, he always thought that martial arts would be his key to victory. They were only fighting a Kage Bunshin after all; he would drop out of the tree as his sensei passed by and with a kick to the head it would all be over. “Any minute now,” he thought to himself and launched himself at Naruto’s back as he went by the tree.

“That must have hurt,” Naruto said to the young boy knocked senseless after kicking a log Naruto had used for a Substitution Jutsu and landing on his head. “Remember guys, an ambush is only an ambush if your opponent doesn’t know you are there.”

There is only one left to make an attempt at me, Naruto thought. And this one was much better than the others at stealth, it had taken him moments to find the others but this one remained hidden. While it didn’t worry Naruto it did give him pause. Where could the last boy be?

Shindo Rin had what he thought was a brilliant idea. He had witnessed the other two fail at their attempts to take out the Kage Bunshin and realized it was futile. No he had decided to change targets for what he thought was an easier one. He had gone back to where the true version of his sensei sat and watched him for a while. He was sitting cross legged before a stone monument of some kind a lamp lit behind him illuminating the papers he was working on. The monument left a lengthy shadow which he could use to great effect. If he could land a blow on Naruto-sensei it would prove he could do it on any Kage Bunshin. On his hands and knees he quietly began to sneak up on the figure to busy with his work to notice. Any minute now he would be right behind him. He got out his kunai from his pouch and prepared to strike.

“Looking for someone,” Naruto voice came from behind him, “Never turn your back to an enemy, Kakashi-sensei’s Secret Technique Ten Thousand Years of Death. The boys scream rang through the training area.

It was almost dawn and the prospect of failure was now dawning on them. Each had tried and failed several times to land even a glancing blow on the Kage Bunshin but all had been unsuccessful. Even their sensei must have given up on them because when the three figures staggered out to the clearing where the monument was there was no one there.

“What’s wrong with you,” Naoki growled, “How can you guys be this pitiful.”

“I was the closest to hitting him.” Tayu bragged.

Rin was deep in though, ignoring the other’s taunts. “I think I have found a way to defeat him, but you guys might not like it.”

“You’re not going to win and leave us back at the academy,” Naoki said beginning another argument.

Rin held up his hand to get silence, “I have three sticks here, one is shorter than the others. Whoever gets the short stick gets to take the blow the others distract him even if they fail one of us gets to pass.” Reluctantly the boys agreed. One would advance while the other two sacrificed their dreams for a little while. Naoki and Tayu each reached out and grasped one of the sticks.

When Sakura entered Training Area Three with her team, her husband was laughing and joking with three bruised and bleeding boys. “It took them all night Sakura-chan but they passed.” He gave her a quick kiss then said to the boys “Let’s celebrate with some ramen, my treat.”

“Tsunade-shishou would like to see you after you have registered your team.” Sakura said with a slightly worried look on her face. “Shikamaru is overdue from his mission and she would like to hear your input.”

Naruto at once became serious and told the boys to go on ahead. “I think I’ll send a message to Suna as well. She will want to know.” He kissed Sakura again “Don’t worry he’s probably found someone to play Shogi with. Good Luck with your team.”

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#16 Codus N

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Posted 29 March 2008 - 04:40 AM

Oh jeeez!! I told you something would happen to Shikamaru I just hope he really doesn't end up like his sensei unsure.gif


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#17 Verilance



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 08:54 PM

This is really just filler(but important to the plotline), as neither was long enough to be on their own I lumped them together in one chapter.

Unwelcome Truths

Unwelcome Truths

Hyuga Hinata stood before the door unsure of what would happen inside the chamber, she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see the man she considered her brother standing next to her smiling. “I’m glad you decided to accompany me, Neji Nii-san, this is going to be hard enough as it is. Your presence will give me courage.”

“We must both have courage, Hinata-hime for the sake of our friends and of the village.” Neji replied calmly. “Shall we enter?”

She pushed open the door to her first meeting as head of the main branch of the Hyuga Clan. Her father had come to realize that his eldest daughter indeed possessed the qualities necessary to lead the clan. Hanabi had actually been relieved for she had not wanted to assume such a burden and decided to become a shinobi like her cousin and sister.

In the room her father sat at the far end of the table. He alone of all the elders knew what Hinata had decided and though he gave his tacit approval, he told her he would not support her in this matter. To justify his faith in her she must argue the decision before her elders to make them understand this unwelcome truth.

As she walked in with Neji, one of the elders objected “Why is Neji here? He is not a member of the main household and thus is unwelcome in our council.”

Hinata started to tremble but then she remembered, she had faced darker and more threatening enemies during her days as a shinobi than this. “He is here, respected elder, because I wish him to be, as is my right as head of the Hyuga Clan.”

Hiashi smiled and felt as if he was looking at his eldest daughter for the first time. He had judged her too quickly as a youngster ignoring the fire that burned deep within.

Hinata continued “I wish today to announce that I have come to a decision involving our clan that has been a long time overdue.” There was uproar among the elders, some complaining that decisions were to be made at the council not be the Head of the Clan alone. Hinata held up her hand demanding silence. “We have become arrogant in the desire to protect what we believe is rightly ours. Respected elders you need only look towards the tragedy that befell the Uchiha Clan to understand the mistake we are making. Henceforth I am forbidding the use of the curse mark jutsu and will strive to bring both branches of the family together as one.”

Again there was an uproar, “How we will protect the secret of the Byakugan from outsiders then?” one of the elders asked angrily.

“Does the respected elder forget that we are a clan of the village of Konohagakure.” Hinata’s voice began to grow stronger. “We have for too long used our elite status to distance ourselves from our fellow clans of this village. The protection of the Byakugan is the duty of all the clans of Konoha just as guarding their secrets is ours. We have heard rumours that again war might come to our land. We must together, take up the burden given to us by the Shodaime Hokage and use it not only to protect ourselves but all of the clans within Konoha and indeed all the citizens of the Land of Fire.”

The council quieted down much impressed not only by Hinata's words but with the passion she poured into them. Neji smiled to himself, “This is going much better than even Naruto thought it would. I’m very proud of you Hinata.”

They had eluded their pursuers once again. In the week since they had left Iwagakure, they had been followed no less than four times. Only once did they have to fight quickly dispatching the team that had discovered them. Sasuke was washing his face in the small stream near where they had set up a camp for a while until they had decided their next move. What they had learned in Iwa disturbed Sasuke, he was unsure of the future a war would bring. He feared greatly for the life of his friend.

Back at the camp Sai was busy drawing. It was one of the things that seemed to irritate Sasuke most. It wasn’t that he wanted conversation, after all he didn’t much like the person who replaced him in Team Kakashi, but being ignored completely was different all together.

“Are you sending reports back to Tsunade-sama again?” Sasuke asked grimly.

Sai looked up and gave him a faint smile,”No just a picture for Naruto and Sakura, I promised them I would draw one when they came back but this mission came up.” Sai again resumed his drawing and Sasuke gave up and decided to check the perimeter again for unwelcome guests.

It was dark when Sasuke returned and Sai sat staring at the remains of the small fire they had used for cooking, “Uchiha Sasuke, We don’t much like each other and I trust you only because Naruto does.” Sai looked up into Sasuke eyes. “This is strictest confidence there are only two other people who know this truth, The reason that I have been allowed to remain on Team Kakashi with Naruto and Sakura is that I am an informant to Danzou-sama about the strengths and weaknesses of Uzumaki Naruto.”

Sasuke’s eyes widened, “You’re spying on him?” He moved angrily towards Sai.

“Yes,” Sai nodded smiling, “However that is not all of the truth, the real truth is I am actually spying on Danzou-sama for Naruto and Sakura, Which is why I must tell you what I have discovered. Danzou-sama has decided he doesn’t want to be the visible power in Konoha, he feels that if he can control Naruto, he can allow him to be Hokage after Tsunade-sama. However there is one obstacle in his way, someone who has the most influence on Uzumaki Naruto.”

The unwelcome truth dawned on Sasuke, “Sakura.”

“Yes,” Sai agreed, “If what Danzou-sama plans happens and the five Great Nations are pushed to the brink of war, He will make his move. He will order ROOT to assassinate Uzumaki Sakura but make it look like the work of the enemy. If war does break out Sasuke your mission will be to protect Uzumaki Sakura.”

“What about Naruto, Does he know of this?” Sasuke asked Sai.

“Both Sakura and Naruto know only that he is a danger to them.” Sai explained. “To unmask Danzou-sama, we must wait for him to strike and then cut off his head. If we move too quickly the council will not believe us.” Sai got up and walked over to Sasuke. “You and I are the only ones that know his plan. I will take upon myself to guard Naruto from all of his enemies. You must do the same for Sakura.” He extended a hand out towards Sasuke.

Sasuke after a moment’s consideration took Sai’s hand, “For the future of Konoha we must do what we can.”

Thanks for reading

Edited by Verilance, 30 March 2008 - 08:58 PM.

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#18 Verilance



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Posted 31 March 2008 - 10:21 PM

With the little interlude done. We are ready for the begining of the attempt to find (and possibly rescue) Shikamaru from the Land of Water (Mizu no Kuni)

Into the Mist

Into the Mist

It had been raining for days. The two travellers were covered in cloaks to keep their clothes dry. The lodge had been built on the land side of the bridge for travellers who wished to stay the night before journeying on. Inside the door, the large man stopped to take the cloak off his companion, a pretty blonde woman. “Let’s get something to eat, Ino.” Akimichi Choji said “I’m really famished.”

Yamanaka Ino smiled gently at Choji, and led the way into a nearby booth. “I think we should stay here for the night Choji. It’s too late at night to visit Naruto’s friend and I really need to dry off and warm up.”

They both ordered a large meal from the server when she came to the table. Choji still had the appetite he had when he was younger but since he became close to Ino he did not race through his food anymore. In reality they were both good for each other, Ino no longer was obsessed with her appearance as she had been a few years ago. Choji had remained large as most of his family was, but it was now muscle more than anything else.

“I was beginning to wonder if you would ever show up.” A blonde woman sat down beside Ino. “I expected you here this morning.”

“I’m sorry Temari,” Ino said, “Choji thought we were being followed and we had to double back to lose them. As things are going you just don’t know who to trust anymore. Naruto said that…”

“Wait Ino!” Choji said with uncommon fierceness, “As you said we don’t know who to trust these days. Temari I’m sorry but we have to do this. I know you have it because Shikamaru told me he gave it to you. Ino, Temari on the count of three we identify ourselves.” All three shinobi reached into their packs as Choji counted down. On the count of three all produced in their hands one of the earrings that Asuma-sensei had given them when they became chunin.

“Whew,” Ino breathed a sigh of relief. “Let’s get rooms for tonight and continue our discussion there.”

In Ino’s room the three shinobi sat down to discuss their mission. “Naruto said we can only trust our friends for now, so he pretended to give Choji and me an entirely different mission, then sent a message to Suna to summon you here, Temari.”

“Tomorrow we will cross the bridge and meet with Inari,” Choji added, “He will arrange for us to take one of the ferries that travels to Mizo no Kuni. We will not land though but leave the ship just before port to sneak in. After that it is just a matter of finding him.”

Temari seemed distracted, “That sound reasonable I suppose,” She moved over to the door, “I’m a little tired from my journey I think I would like to get some sleep.”

Ino woke up in the middle of the night. She smiled as she heard Choji snoring next door; she thought that was what must have woken her up. She got out of bed and went out to the bathroom since she was awake. As she passed the next room she could hear the faint sound of someone sobbing. “Temari are you all right?” she asked opening her door. Temari was sitting huddled against the far wall with tears streaming out of her eyes. Ino rushed over to comfort her, “It will be alright, Temari.”

The Sand Kunoichi stared right ahead of her but her tears subsided. “Sometimes he’s lazy still, but it’s not like him to be this late.” Temari said, “I look for him in every shadow. I don’t know what I’ll do without him.”

“Shikamaru is really smart, Temari.” Ino said putting her arms around her, “You have to believe he is still alive; we just need to find him.”

Ino stayed with Temari until she fell asleep and then started back to her own room. Choji was standing by her door waiting for her, “Your room was empty and I was worried.” he said. Ino didn’t say a word but put her arms around him and led him into her room and closed the door.

There was no mention of the previous night as they started across the Great Naruto Bridge the next morning. Choji went first with Ino and Temari trailing behind him. Ino thought about Asuma-sensei’s words to her years before; don’t lose to Sakura in either Ninjutsu or Love. As she looked at Choji she realized she hadn’t. Neither girl ended up with the boy that had been the cause of their rivalry yet both of the men in their lives were kind, gentle, and would do anything for them. Love was indeed a strange force in this world yet very powerful, Ino knew in her heart that it would be love that would lead them to Shikamaru, Temari’s love and Choji’s and Ino’s love both.

The town had greatly prospered from how Sakura had first described it to Ino; the bridge had done wonders for the people of the Land of Waves. Ino led her two companions to a house near the water where Tazuna, Tsunami and Inari still lived. Inari answered the door and quickly let them in. “You don’t need to worry too much,” he said, “The Land of the Waves owes Uzumaki Naruto a large debt, none of the people will mention that you were even here.” Tsunami had food already prepared for them so they sat and ate while Inari explained the journey. “I have a boat waiting outside; I decided it would be better than taking the public ferry, there may be outsiders who would sell information to Kiri Shinobi. We can leave as soon as you like.”

“I think we should leave right away, well maybe after Choji finishes eating,” Ino said, “We really can’t afford to waste too much time here.”

The three Shinobi kept to themselves mostly on the voyage, not many of Inari’s grew seemed that interested in a conversation anyway, Ino began to get a little worried about Temari she hadn’t said anything since they got on the boat and just spent her time staring out the approaching shape that was the Island of Misu no Kuni. Choji told Ino not to worry as Temari was dealing with this mission in her own way.

As darkness fell they approached the cliff, “Are you sure you want to do this the hard way, Ino.” Temari said coming out of her reverie. “I could probably take you on the fan.”

“No Temari thanks but Choji and I are used to this.” Ino said with a smile. Temari opened her fan and used the winds to sail up to the top of the cliff. Choji dove into the water and used Baika no Jutsu to enlarge himself, then swam beside the boat waiting for Ino to jump on his back. “Ready Choji!” she said as she grabbed hold of what they had jokingly referred to as his Ino hook. With Choji’s increased strength the swim and climb would pass by quickly but there would be a great cost. Ino had remembered to bring a large amount of HyourouGan to restore Choji’s strength after the climb.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#19 Verilance



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Posted 01 April 2008 - 11:40 PM

Things are beginning to heat up in Konoha.

Here is next bit Prelude to War.

Prelude to War

Somewhere underneath Konoha, there was a room of which few people knew existed. In this room two men sat across from each other, One was young and showed due deference to his elder. The older man was tapping his cane on his chair a habit he had picked up when he was deep in thought. The tapping ceased as he spoke. “You are certain that it all has been arranged then.”

“Yes Danzou-sama he assured me personally,” The younger man said. “The Great Nations have been pushed into war thanks to your operatives in each country. Soon the Enemy Shinobi will invade one of the border nations and the Hokage must act to ensure the treaties with the rest of them do not crumble. When war comes Uzumaki Naruto will be sent into the field by the Tsunade, she will no longer be able to keep him sheltered.”

“And the other matter?” Danzou said in a low voice.

“It has been arranged that neither Uchiha Sasuke nor Uzumaki Sakura will be with him in the field, he will be effectively isolated from them and your operative with him will begin to influence him towards our purpose.”

“Very good,” Danzou said, “Once he is isolated take care of the matter we discussed previously.”

“Yes,” Danzou-sama,” The younger man said, “for the good of Konoha both of them will be dispatched.”

Shizune was not having a good morning; Tsunade-sama was in a particularily foul mood. What little news she was receiving from her Jonin these days was all bad. When Kakashi returned from his mission last night, he discussed the matter in private with Shizune and Tsunade but after wards she retired to her room with only a sake bottle to keep her company. The Shinobi of Konaha were being stretched farther than they had been at any other time since the death of the Sandaime Hokage, and this made them particularly vulnerable to the threat now posed by Iwa and Kumo.

“Shizune,” Tsunade’s voice called out from her chamber. “I need you to send someone to fetch Naruto and Sakura here for me. And while you’re at it send for Kakashi as well.”

Naruto and Sakura were sitting together watching there genin teams train. It had been a few days since they were together because Team 3 had been assigned a mission to accompany Sakura as she provided medical help to a village near the ocean. Naruto still was unable to leave the vicinity of the village so all his team’s missions were done locally, though this problem was giving them ample opportunity to train. “Daisuke is showing signs of wanting to learn medical ninjutsu.” Sakura said to her husband.

“You were saying that he might have an aptitude for it right after you met them.” Naruto commented. “How is Mina doing?”

“At times she reminds me of how you used to be. She’s awkward and clumsy but she has such passion hidden underneath her shyness.” Sakura answered, “If she had more confidence in herself she probably could defeat Aoi one on one. But whenever they spar she second guesses her abilities and that lets Aoi win.” She put her arm around her husband, “How about your genin?”

“On our missions they still spend more time arguing than performing the actual job, but they show sparks of greatness. I’m going to ask Baa-chan to loosen up the restriction on me and see if we can take a mission farther afield. After all it’s been a month and we haven’t heard anything from anyone.”

“I’m a little worried about Sasuke and Sai,” Sakura said, “They should have been back by now. As you said it’s been a month.”

“Sai has been sending reports to Baa-chan, Sakura-chan,” Naruto assured her, “they just were delayed by some Iwa ninja following them and had to give them the slip. They should be back in Konaha any day now.”

A ninja came out of the trees and leaped over to where Naruto and Sakura were sitting, it was Hagane Kotetsu “Naruto, Sakura you are summoned to the Godaime Hokage’s office immediately.” Then he left just as quickly as he came.

“What shall we do with the kids?” Sakura asked.

“I’ll watch them don’t worry Sakura-chan,” Naruto said.

“Naruto!” Sakura said warningly, “The last time you sent a Kage-Bunshin to meet with Tsunade-shishou I had to spend the next two days helping you recover.”

“No my Kage Bunshin will stay here.” Naruto said with a grin, “Let’s go.”

Naruto had a grin on his face when he entered Tsunade’s office, “Hi Baa-cha…”

“You two sit down now,” Tsunade looked furious, behind her Shizune looked then in the eye and nodded her head as if to say she is in no mood for a discussion. Tsunade walked over and sat in her chair and glared at the couple in front of her. Naruto was about to say something but Sakura’s hand squeezed his to get him to stop.

“Uzumaki Naruto, I allowed you to take over some of the more tedious chores I have in preparation for when you succeed me. At that time I made it perfectly clear I was to be consulted on all matters before you proceeded.” Tsunade took a sheet of paper of her desk and tossed it at Naruto. “Where are Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Choji?”

Naruto looked down at the paper he had signed detailing the false mission he had supposedly sent them on. He glanced up at Sakura and then turned back to Tsunade and put on a brave front, “I sent them to a village by the ocean on a minor mission, they should return soon.”

“Don’t lie to me Uzumaki, Where are they?” Tsunade persisted.

“Tsunade-shishou,” Sakura said “We sent them to Mizo no Kuni to find Shikamaru.”

“You sent two chunin alone into a possibly hostile nation,” Tsunade’s fist smashed down so hard on her desk it cracked.

“Not alone,” Naruto said “Temari went with them. She is a Jonin from Suna.”

“Why did you do this without consulting me for my opinion, did you think I was going to abandon him, if you must know I was waiting for Kakashi to return to send him to look for Shikamaru.” Tsunade said.

“But Baa-cha…”

“I am the Godaime Hokage and I demand respect even from you, brat.” Tsunade said her temper rising again.

“Godaime-sama,” Naruto said respectfully, “I do not deny Kakashi-sensei is a highly skilled and experienced ninja. Please allow me to explain my reasoning before I am to be disciplined.”

Tsunade looked slightly mollified by Naruto new tone of voice. “You may continue.”

“I apologize for not consulting you Godaime-sama,” Naruto began, “but I was trying to do this as quietly as possible. I have come to believe that Shikamaru was in danger the moment he set foot in Mizu no Kuni and so I did not want it known that we were sending more ninja there. As for sending Ino and Choji, Ino’s very accomplished at scouting; she can use her abilities to quickly search a large amount of area, Choji is possible the strongest ninja in all of Konoha excepting perhaps you Godaime-sama and Sakura-chan. He will defend Ino with all of that strength. With them I asked Temari to go, she loves Shikamaru and will do all in her power to find him. All three know Shikamaru better than anyone else Godaime-sama, if they can’t find him no one can.”

Tsunade was quiet while she considered the explanation. After a while she did speak, “I am impressed, you have grown Naruto, I do not agree with your reasoning but I understand why you chose the way you did.” There was a knock on the door, “Come in Kakashi. I just want to finish with these two.” Tsunade waited until the familiar form of Kakashi-sensei entered and took his place leaning against the far wall. “As for disciplining you both, tomorrow you will be separated, not by my will but by necessity. Last night I learned that the fourth ninja war is much closer than I expected. Naruto you and you genin team are to travel with Kakashi to set up a plan to respond to whichever of the border countries is attacked. Sakura you and your genin team will assist Shizune in the establishment of a field Hospital to tend to both wounded Ninja and any refugees that may find their way here. At no time are your genin to be involved in fighting the enemy if it comes to that they are to be used for Liaison work only.” Tsunade appeared to have tears in her eyes and walked over and hugged both Sakura and Naruto. “Since this is the last day you might see each other in a while,” she said whispering to them both, “I wouldn’t waste it if I were you.”

Next we go back to Ino, Choji and Temari looking for Shikimaru.

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

#20 Verilance



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 10:17 PM

Of all the times to have writer's block, had to scrap next chapter twice now cuz it was going nowhere. The awful thing is I have written two later chapters already but can't post them yet.


oh well that's my rant for today

Goes back to singing "Still Alive" to himself.

Don't you hate it when you can't get a song out of your head It's been two bloody weeks

......Aperture Science da da da......

Yotsubato! - Enjoy Everything!

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