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[FINAL WEEK]The New Great "A-Z of NaruSaku" Drabble Challenge!

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#1 Smiter


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Posted 02 June 2008 - 08:39 PM

It's the return of The Great A-Z of NaruSaku Drabble Challenge!

Anyone and everyone is welcome to take part in this challenge, from newbies to accomplished writers! This is all for fun. smile.gif

The Rules - how it all works

Why A-Z?

Because we're going to try and write NaruSaku drabbles for every letter of the alphabet! XD Every prompt will be in alphabetical order, and each one can be anything (object, emotion, action, etc.).

Every week, for five weeks, there will be five prompts (with six on the last week). If we do manage to go through the whole alphabet, perhaps we could start another A-Z thread if this is popular enough. happy.gif

So, what do we write? Where do we put our drabbles?

For each prompt, you must write a 100-word drabble. 100 words, no more, no less. If you're not sure how to do that, then maybe this spoiler will give you some advice?

  1. Keep the idea simple, don't overcomplicate it. happy.gif
  2. Strip your drabble down to its bare bones. Get rid of any unnecessary scenes/descriptions/lines etc. Make every word count! If it doesn't add to the story, take it out.
  3. Concentrate your words. For example, "His voice barely above a whisper, Naruto spoke..." can be "Naruto whispered" or "Naruto breathed".
  4. If your drabble ends up under 100 words, don't worry! It's much easier to add to a drabble, than to take away from it. smile.gif

You can post your drabbles in this thread, though I also recommend starting your own drabble-fic in the Library. smile.gif That way, even if this thread falls off the first page of the forum, people will still be able to read your drabbles in the Library!

Of course, make sure to at least reply with a note if you do only post to the Library, so everyone will know what you've done. happy.gif

Who chooses the prompts?

The first person to complete ALL five of the week's prompts can choose next week's prompts. happy.gif

If nobody completes all five, then the person with the most drabbles will set the new prompts.

What can I write?

It can be anything, even AU (Alternate Universe) if you like. However, it must be suitable for a Teen audience, so explicit sexual/violent themes are not allowed. The Mods and Admins of Heaven & Earth reserve the right to remove stories that are unsuitable for viewing. If you're not sure if a drabble of yours is OK, just PM it to me and I'll let you know. smile.gif

A Winner Is You!
Congratulations to catsi563, three in a row! Also, well done to AchikaMiyu for completing her drabbles. a_dance.gif

[Week 4: P-T] Winner: catsi563 Also completed: AchikaMiyu
[Week 3: K-O] Winner: catsi563 Also completed: AchikaMiyu
[Week 2: F-J] Joint Winners: catsi563 and Sakura~Kitsune Also completed: psycho666
[Week 1: A-E] Winner: psycho666

Prompts for Tuesday 8th July until Tuesday 15th July!
This week's prompts were chosen by catsi563! These are the final prompts. smile.gif Once the deadline has passed, this contest is over but the thread will be kept open for anyone who wants to try writing.


Past Prompts
These are the past prompts for this contest, you are welcome to try them out if you like. happy.gif


Best of luck, and have fun! biggrin.gif

#2 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 03 June 2008 - 11:54 PM

Sweet, more things to work the creative writing muscles. sakura.gif

Though they keep me from working on those other stories I need to finish. But then I will take any excuse to procrastinate. a_shifty.gif


They were clearly the strongest ninjas Konoha had ever seen. With his limitless supply of chakra and her precise chakra-control, the duo could level mountains. When you consider that they were taught by Tsunade and Jiraya, it was easy to see why so many people considered them to be unbeatable. Few knew who would come out the victor in a fight between the two. But those that knew the pair intimately would say that Sakura had the advantage. Not because of her fists or knowledge of healing, but because Naruto could never bring himself to hurt the woman he loved.


He knew it was cliché to compare the woman of his dreams to a cherry blossom tree, but it was her namesake. Her hair matched the flowers perfectly; it was hard not to see the resemblance. Even as a young boy, Naruto knew that Sakura was going to become a spectacular woman: beautiful like the cherry blossoms. He only needed patience to wait until it was time for them to open up to him like he knew they eventually would. But unlike the cherry blossoms, Naruto would make sure that Sakura would never wilt or scatter away with the wind.

End of line.

#3 Smiter


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Posted 04 June 2008 - 10:04 AM

Cool drabbles. biggrin.gif Thanks for taking part, I look forward to seeing more from you!

I've been signed off sick from work for the rest of this week, so I'll have plenty of time to write a couple of drabbles. happy.gif Hopefully, I'll be able to post one today.

#4 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 04 June 2008 - 12:53 PM


“Naruto, put that thing down!”

“But Sakura-chan, I’m recording this important time in our lives!”

“I know that, but you don’t have to do it while I’m getting dressed,” Sakura said trying to slip into some jeans. “Ugh, I need to buy some maternity clothes.”

“Sakura-chan? Do you think I’m going to be a good father?”

Sakura smiled looking directly at the camera. “Naruto, you’re going to be a great father. Trust me when I say that.”

“I do. Say, what do you think about recording the delivery?”

“Do that and it will be the last child you’ll ever father.”

End of line.

#5 Smiter


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Posted 07 June 2008 - 05:18 PM

With thanks to Tatsu no Houou for his help in beta-ing. smile.gif


Some things never change in Konoha. But some things are very different.

Naruto couldn't take his eyes off of the pink-haired girl – woman? – standing before him.

The Sakura-chan he knew three years ago was pretty. But this Sakura-chan is beautiful.

Then, her eyes were pretty. Now they're vibrant, lit with an unbridled delight – though Naruto isn't sure why.

Then, she was stick-thin, preoccupied with diets. Now, she has subtle curves, with lean muscles that evoke power and grace.

Nice legs too.

Naruto flushes and averts his eyes, fearing her wrath.

He grins.

Sakura has blossomed.

It's good to be home.

Precisely 100 words. Will write more drabbles!

#6 Smiter


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Posted 08 June 2008 - 11:42 AM

Not totally happy with this, might edit. But it'll do for now. happy.gif;


Seeing Naruto injured scares Sakura.

She watches him sleep peacefully. Impulsively, she strokes his warm cheek.

"Taking advantage of a patient, Forehead?"

Sakura freezes. Slowly, she turns to see Ino's smirking face.

"Naruto's hot, isn't he?"

"INO!" Sakura roars, blushing. She hurls her clipboard at Ino's retreating back, but misses.

"You are so easy!" Ino's mocking laughter fades into the distance.

Damn Ino-pig had better not flirt with Naruto.

Without thinking, Sakura growls quietly, "Naruto's mine."

"Really?" Sakura jumps, eyes darting to a very awake and grinning Naruto.

Flushing, Sakura knocks Naruto out. It'll heal.

Why are blondes so frustrating?

#7 Nick Soapdish

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 04:52 PM

I think that Blossom is pretty good.

But Advantage is great! biggrin.gif

#8 Jwolf0


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Posted 08 June 2008 - 05:39 PM

I'm glad to see this back up Smiter, good drabbles from you and AchikaMiyu both! I'd like to participate (I had such a blast the last time, even if I WAS incredibly slow about it dry.gif) but I haven't been in much mood to write, well, anything.

I'll try, but no promises.
QUOTE ("Down Goes Brown")
(For the younger readers, "HMV" and "Sam The Record Man" were record stores.)

(For the younger readers, a "record store" was a building that you had to go to when you wanted to buy music.)

(For the younger readers, "buying music" was the way we acquired it, since we couldn't just… you know what, let's just get back to the Bowen song. Stupid kids, you ruin everything.)

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Or Reaper! Or Zombie Killer... or something. Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN!

#9 Smiter


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Posted 08 June 2008 - 08:40 PM

Thank you very much, Nick. I was happy to hear you enjoyed them. biggrin.gif

Thanks, Wolf. biggrin.gif I'd really like to see more of your stories! It's a shame you're in a little slump at the moment, I hope you find that spark again soon.

Here's my 3rd. smile.gif Not sure if more will be done tonight, I'm feeling a little sleepy.


I hate paperwork.

Naruto grumbles as he stares at the ever-growing towers of paper on his desk.

He became Hokage to protect all he loved. Not to rubberstamp endless documents, each one with neatly-written notes by his wife.

The blonde considers pushing aside the papers, going home, and snuggling up to Sakura in bed.

She’d scold him. But she couldn’t stay mad if they had a wonderful night.

Naruto giggles, shoving away a pile.

It reveals a note, which he’d written.

“Anniversary Thursday!”

Crap! Today!

No, past midnight...


Scold him? She’d crucify him.

...Maybe he’d better stay and finish.

#10 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 09 June 2008 - 12:38 AM


She didn’t really remember when she carved the initials into her desk. She just remembered that she was young and naïve thinking she would eventually marry Sasuke. So, like the giddy school-girl she was, she carved the letters “S” and “U” into her desk, branding her intentions into the wood. Strange how the letters somehow fit with whom she actually married.

“Sakura-chan, where do you want me to move the couch?”

“How about in front of the mantle Naruto?” Sakura asked as she set down a framed picture of her wedding day onto her old desk next to her initials.

Jwolf0, you've gotta write a few! It can't be just Smiter and I representing. Join us! th_glomp.gif
End of line.

#11 psycho666



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 03:02 AM


Uzumaki Naruto, for as long as his body had walked the Earth, had always been an unwavering opportunist. The outgoing nature that he no doubt inherited from the ever-honored Fourth Hokage striving most of his decisions in life. It is this never faltered fact that most must consider when contemplating his own reasoning.

With her hair drawn up and her lips parted with speech, it is not hard to figure out why, in that moment, leaning over and kissing her on the lips in front of the village was in Naruto’s best interest at the moment.

He saw an advantage.


“It’s pink.”

“It’s light-pink.”

“No, it’s just pink.”

“Sakura-chan, you know I love you, but it’s light-pink.”

“Naruto, if you really loved me you’d say it was pink.”

“Now Sakura-chan is cheating.”

“It’s not cheating, I’m stating my feelings.”

“As am I, and I say it is light-pink.”

“Pink. “


As we all know, true to heart, whatever importance our words may be, Mother Nature shall take her course, and with a gust of wind, the deep discussion of two dark silhouettes against the sky prevailed no longer. However, philosophical revelations forever commence shaping our world.

“It’s blossom colored!”


Haruno Sakura had always cherished her memories, and took care in recording them, as she knew it was important never to forget the past. However, she was aware that not every sight was to be stored for safe-keeping. The slight flex of muscles on a currently very bare chest and the touch of golden tresses falling messily in the most irresistible way was possibly the only thing she could not fight against. Rightful morals had kept her at bay, until now. She knew it dishonerable, taking advantage, but staring down at such a vulnerable sleeping face, she grabbed her camera.


Sakura ran her fingers furiously across the keyboard, stopping only for seconds to grab from the bowl of nuts sitting parallel to her hunched over, bedraggled, self. Konoha is really the pushiest of villages concerning her latest romance novels. Which is why our pink-haired kunoichi could’ve died from shock when the front door to her apartment was slammed open and the stacked up crates she used as surface came crashing to the floor, scattering papers everywhere.

“ ‘With tanned whiskered cheeks, deep cerulean eyes and soft golden tresses falling…’ Hey that’s me!”

Damn, she really needed to get a desk.


It was an early morning, just before sunrise when Naruto took it upon himself at the young age of twelve to make a life long vow. After being assigned to clean out a chicken coup, he would never eat eggs again.

Fast-forward 3 years.

“Gee, Sakura-chan, thanks for inviting me over.”

“Naruto, it’s the least I could do. Besides, if your going to be Hokage you’ve gotta have a better breakfast than just ramen.”


“And what’s better than a secret Haruno recipe of Scrambled Eggs!”

It had come down to this. His nindo, or the love of his life?

Phew. I did these all in 5 hours after having second thoughts on participating in the contest laugh.gif.

#12 Sakura~Kitsune


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Posted 09 June 2008 - 03:35 AM


He still kisses her frantically, with such a need that he cannot get a hold of himself.

He grabs her by her shoulders, his inner demon leaving slight bruises on her soft skin, and brings her mouth to his, doing anything that he could to try and express everything that felt inside.

Her clothes plastered against her body. She herself, shining as platinum rays of the moon peeked at them through the shadeless window.

Her words are a mere whisper that is suffocated by his chest, but he hears them nonetheless;

"You're taking advantage of your duties...and mine..."


Uzumaki Naruto stared in awe at the woman he was proud to call his wife.

The sway of her rosette mane as it stood against her pale face, the tips of her locks stained with blood.

Bruised, battered, but not yet beaten.

And the darkened gaze of her emerald orbs proved that to be a unforgettable fact. Sakura stood before him; Before the man she believed she loved...

...with nothing but pure determination.

Tightening the kunai in possession, she spoke.

"You're coming back with us, Sasuke."

Tsunade was correct --- Sakura had truly blossomed.

'Somethings simple' in which came to mind. I guess this is what happens when I have too much NaruSaku Ice Cream Cake~! 8D Ah. I love quick thinking at times~

Edited by Sakura~Kitsune, 09 June 2008 - 03:50 AM.


No matter how dark it is, you’re not alone you know?

The moonlight is shining on us


#13 Smiter


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Posted 09 June 2008 - 06:51 AM

Wow, I go to sleep, and there's plenty to read when I wake up! biggrin.gif

Congratulations to psycho666 for being the first to complete all five prompts! Just post your chosen prompts for F-J, and I'll also add them to the list in the first post. smile.gif Damn, an average of one drabble per hour, and all in one sitting..?

Thank you very much, AchikaMiyu, psycho666, and Sakura~Kitsune! I enjoyed reading your drabbles, you all had great ideas! I look forward to seeing more from you guys. a_dance.gif

#14 psycho666



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 03:23 PM

Thank you! And here's the next five prompts!


#15 Smiter


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Posted 09 June 2008 - 06:59 PM

Thanks for the prompts, psycho. smile.gif I have now updated the list in the first post.

Good luck to everyone!

#16 catsi563



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 07:54 PM

heres mine



A NaruSaku Drabble

The challenge was simple.

Do not fall no matter what. If you fall she dies

If he fell his Sakura-Chan would die. So he stood there, and took a beating from the massive warrior in front of him, strike after strike rained down upon him but he would not, could not fall.

Sakura watched in morbid fascination as her blond teammate took the beating of his life for her, and yet as much horror as she felt at the pain he was enduring, she felt an equal measure of pride for him.

Because no matter what; he would not fall.



A NaruSaku Drabble

No doubt about it Naruto loved his Sakura-Chan.

He loved her looks, the way her pink hair blew in the wind, the way she stuck her tongue out when she concentrated, and the way her emerald eyes sparkled when she laughed.

He even loved her in all her moods, happy, sad, angry, and depressed. Because he knew he could make her feel better.

Right now though she was very grumpy, and so he set out to make her feel better in his own way.

POOF he used Sexy-No-Jutsu

KAPOW she used her fist.

Voila his Sakura-Chan wasn’t grumpy any more.



A NaruSaku Drabble

It is an unusual fact of Konaha history that of the 8 current Hokage 3 were brunettes, and 5 were blonds.

The Shodaime Hokage was a brunette with long brown hair.

His brother the Nidaime was a striking platinum blond.

Sarutobi; the Sandaime Hokage was a dark brown.

The Yondaime was blond, as of course were the Godaime Hokage Tsunade, and the Rokudaime Hokage Naruto Uzimaki. The Nanadaime Hokage Konohomaru Sarutobi was a brown haired young man breaking the blond string.

But the most unusal was the Yadaime Hokage the second female and the first Orange haired one.

Hana Uzimaki.



A NaruSaku Drabble

“He’s an idiot.” That’s what Sakura was thinking .

“He’s an idiot and he’s going to get himself killed.”

Whether by falling off the painting scaffold he was goofing off on or by her fists she had yet to decide.

As he went through yet another set of foolish acrobatics though she smiled a soft smile that she quickly hid. He always made her laugh no matter how bad the situation. He made her laugh and made her feel better even if he had to make himself feel bad in the process.

He was an Idiot.

But he was her idiot.



A NaruSaku Drabble

She had to jump; it was the only way she’d survive the collapsing Cliffside.

Naruto held out his hand across the way his sapphire eyes burning with intensity.

“Jump Sakura-Chan!! I’ll catch you. I promise I won’t let you fall.”

She closed her eyes and with a prayer on her lips she jumped. She flew across the wide chasm and knew she’d missed. She could feel herself falling, down and down into the wide gaping canyon below.

Then she felt a strong pair of arms encircle her pulling her to safety.

His arms; Naruto saved her, just like he promised.

Edited by catsi563, 11 June 2008 - 04:19 PM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#17 Smiter


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Posted 09 June 2008 - 08:14 PM

Nice drabbles, cats. smile.gif But I have to break it to you that almost all of your drabbles are not 100 words.

Grumpy is exactly 100 words and OK, but Fall has too few, and the others have too many.

Please could you edit them until they're all 100 words long, not including the "NaruSaku" or "NaruSaku drabble" subtitles?

Thanks. smile.gif

#18 Sakura~Kitsune


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Posted 09 June 2008 - 08:43 PM


She was broken from his grasp.

He watched the tears escape his beloved's eyes. She was being a burden yet again, wasn't she?

It would've been such a simple mission if she had not tagged along...

Emerald gazed upon that familiar blue, blue sky as Haruno Sakura watched it scale by. Limbs reached for any form of support, she was falling from a great length.

And at great speed.

I'm not going to make it, am I?

Screams were muffled by the deafening winds... but Naruto still heard her.



"Please, Sakura-chan?!"


"But, Sakura-chan!!!"

"Naruto... NO!"


"Was I stuttering?! NO!"

The Rokudaime Hokage's wife was enraged.

Her swollen belly let the entire village know of her early pregnancy, although Naruto was surely confused by her actions.

All he wanted to know was why they could not enjoy Ichiraku's tonight for dinner?! She's been eating it for weeks!

And all he recieved was a punch in the face by the grumpy, three months pregnant, Uzumaki Sakura.

"We're not eating that stuff because I. Want. Veggies~!"


Their history told an amazing story.

Densetsu no Sannin were an amazing group of three. Student and Mentor both shared similarites... but, there were differences.

Sasuke followed a similar path of Orochimaru. Both Snake Sannins shared superiors skills, but it took years for the Uchiha to return.

Naruto and Sakura shared a strong similarites to Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Both women kept the men in check with their forceful blows, whilst both Toad Sages kept their eyes wandering (just for fun~)

Although, the Neo Toad/Slug Sannins shared a different bond rather than the formers.

They shared a bond of amore.


She had caught him in the Female Hot Springs, yet again!

But who could blame him... Uzumaki Naruto spent 2.5 years with the Legendary Pervert Jiraiya-sama.

"S-sakura-chan. You know I didn't mean to do that! S-sasuke-teme d-dared me...!"

Oh yes, Sasuke had dared Naruto to do something.

Although it was something she rather not talk about.

How would you feel to see the Oiroke no Jutsu form of your boyfriend in the Female Springs?!

"You're an idiot..."

She flicked his forehead before kissing the mark she left.

"But you're my idiot..."


"Come on, Sakura-chan! Jump already!"

"Are you serious, Naruto?! I don't do death-defying stunts like you! I'm not insane!"

Her toes hung from the edge of the cliff, gazing down towards the water below her.

Pulling at her swimsuit, Sakura was thinking likewise.

They had found themselves near Takigakure, and decided to enjoy the scenery before them. They were having fun here and there before Naruto decided to 'dive'.

"I'll catch you 'tebayo!"

"...You will?"


Face flushed, the ripples of water tickling her feet as she jumped.

Right into the safety of his arms.

...Wow! happy.gif;

Can't believe I actually finished all of them!

And it only took 2 hours~ XDD

Edited by Sakura~Kitsune, 11 June 2008 - 02:22 AM.


No matter how dark it is, you’re not alone you know?

The moonlight is shining on us


#19 catsi563



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 09:08 PM

QUOTE (Smiter @ Jun 9 2008, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nice drabbles, cats. smile.gif But I have to break it to you that almost all of your drabbles are not 100 words.

Grumpy is exactly 100 words and OK, but Fall has too few, and the others have too many.

Please could you edit them until they're all 100 words long, not including the "NaruSaku" or "NaruSaku drabble" subtitles?

Thanks. smile.gif

Each one is now 100 words exactly not including the title and NaruSaku Drabble
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#20 psycho666



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 11:34 PM


Naruto had always been there for her. It seemed ludicrous, to think that a solitary person could always save the other, but it was true. Racing feverishly through vast forests of large trees and nature, kunai flying past her skull and a gaping wound held only by one hand. Now it was even more ludicrous. It is inevitable that everyone should die. Finally being forced to halt in her tracks, Sakura met with the deep looming edge of the cliff. Could he pick her back up this time? And, at last, without a look back at her oppressors, Sakura fell.


It is well known that a small series of oddities are not rare to be recorded when it comes to the Fire Country’s admittedly bizarre Konohagakure. Among these, one character has realized, is that irate emotions were oddly vacant in the mornings concerning a particular blonde. She didn’t understand it. Even the bitterest, gray 6:00AM, Uzumaki Naruto showed up like he’d never been asleep in the first place. Bright and humorous, energized to the maximum, but most importantly, always looking like the brightness of sunshinesat upon his shoulder. Naruto was never grumpy. She wouldn’t admit it, but Sakura was jealous.


As we all know, Naruto and Sakura are prominent for many things. Having undoubtedly been through much together they have experienced vast unthinkables. Namely the unwavering devotion to always helping friends. So perhaps it was wrong. Without a care, exposing the intimacy of lips with another on a park bench when having previously sworn her love for a very far away third party. Perhaps she shouldn’t be running her hands through blonde hair with everyone else quite under the impression she was in love with another. Perhaps she shouldn’t giggle when he bit softly and…

Whatever, they had a history.



“What color is my hair?”

“Uh, pink?”

“Really? Just pink?”


“Are you sure? Just plain old boring pink?”

“I…Well it’s…”



“Naruto, I don’t think trying to dislodge your neck is going to tell you the answer.”

“I’m not dislodging it, I’m just trying to see it from all angles!”

“Does that change the natural pigments of your eyes?”

“Sakura, do you want me to tell you or not?”


“Okay, so I’d say it’s…um…”

“Is it something exotic? Something pretty?”

“Yeah, of course, I mean it’s…Is this because you’re pregnant?”

“Just think!”

“It’s…Hair colored!”




The final kunai plunged deep through the center of his heart and the now limp body fell down at last. Looking up, Naruto waltzed over the fellow corpes littering the forest floor and grabbed his bloodied weapon from the depths of his last enemy. He was too late. Darkness settled in and you could barely see against the dim moonlight, but Naruto managed to follow the small tracks of blood leading him amidst the trees till he finally loomed over the edge. How deep it was, he didn’t care, she was down there now, and he would have to jump.

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