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Idealism vs Reality: Understanding why Hinata is popular with the NH fanbase.

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#1 James S Cassidy

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Posted 03 October 2014 - 05:10 PM

I think I finally understand why Hinata is popular to the NH fanbase and this is my theory based on why. First off, this is only based on their viewpoint and not what it actually is. I took some time and looked at some pro-Hinata arguments and I saw a patten among them. One such pattern is that they feel Hinata is flawless even though she clearly isn't. Take this as an example for the rest of the post. It's basically idealism vs Reality.

So to get started I want to address that yes, I will be comparing and contrasting to Sakura here and there. While many will say "You can't do that," even though you actually can and is a normal practice in reading classes, I am still going going to do it for the sake showing the opposite effect. Now some of these things will and might offend some people, but just know these are not "just my views." It is just the views that I have come to realize from many NH fans.

1. Appearance: "Beauty or the Beast?"
We all know what Hinata looks like and we all know what she wears and even her body type, but how does this all play into her popularity? Easy, because some people actually will judge a book by it's cover. It's not right, but it happens. Hinata has long black hair, a pretty face, big breasts, and basically a hourglass figure. A pretty much Idealistic view of women in media today judging on advertisements of "actual beauty." While it is not wrong to go for this kind of imaging and say it is beautiful, but it is wrong to judge other women by it saying that only this type of look is beautiful. I have seen many NH fans say that Hinata is much prettier than Sakura and thus the reason why Naruto should be with her. This is unlike the contrary where Naruto actually thinks Sakura is beautiful despite not possessing the same figure as Hinata. Some men actually favor that sort of thing especially in a pornographic way with the big breasts, nice butt, and other such things. The ideal perfection that women need to have the 36-24-36 ratio. Hinata does fill that criteria. Maybe not those exact ratios, but you get my point.

I know what you are going to think here. "What about the people who don't find Hinata sexually appealing or perhaps the females of the group?" Good Question which is what I was going to cover next. Now, with respect to the LBGT community, you can find someone cute, but not sexually attractive. That being said, this has been shown in some cases with others. Hinata is cute. She looks cute. Those puppy dog eyes, the innocent stance, the personality (will get into that later), and even her fashion sense is that of this cute girl in school who seems almost practically perfect in every way. From my understanding, this is why some of the females find her appealing. "Awwww, she is soooo cute." She is like a little puppy dog just wanted to be played with. Some guys are even into this too. However, her attire is extremely impractical. (This isn't saying much all things considering, but keep reading) There is no pouches or short sleeves so they don't get caught or even the sleeves don't hide anything if they have to be long. It would be silly to wear it outside especially on a hot day and it is not even that stealthy to be honest. I don't see Hinata using her attire to her advantage as say Nnaruto does like by hiding kunai in his sleeves or something of that sort. Compare this to Sakura's attire to where a lot of it is more functional in a situation. She has pouches to hold stuff, short sleeves and an apron that probably has pockets, gloves for hand protection, etc. Her outfit is not to show off her body so much as it is to help her in the field. Their attire even speaks of their personality a bit where Sakura wants to be useful, but Hinata wants Naruto to notice her. So Hinata's outfit is more for looks than function and it is kind of out there.

However, appearance alone does not make someone popular and this is just the first aspect. So please keep reading.

2. Personality: "What do you think, Plank?"
Hinata's personality is pretty simple: Shy, adorable, quiet, and determined when she wants to be. She is almost baby-like where she just kind of resonates innocence. She never does anything bad or loud and she usually keeps to herself. She hardly objects and mostly just goes along with whatever is going on. To put it bluntly...she is subservient. In 615, she sort of was more outspoken and objected to the situation at hand, but for the most part she was mostly just following the crowd while keeping a hidden secret.  Remember when I said she was cute? Yeah, she is also this from time to time. "Awww, it is so cute when she admires Naruto like that." I remember when people would say that Hinata was better for Naruto because she would let Naruto do whatever he wanted, he never had to be anything he couldn't be because she accepted him as he was, and she mostly followed Naruto's words to a T. Some men find this to be an idealistic women. "A women who does whatever I tell her to do and I don't have to do anything to better myself? Best girl ever." (Yes I have actually seen men like this, let's not lie. I have also seen many NH fans like her because of this.) I see NH fans say that she was very supportive of Naruto and that she cared about him a lot to where she loved him when everyone else hated him. However, she never pushed Naruto to be better which is something all humans want to do. They always want to better themselves. Naruto's personality requires that push. Something Hinata doesn't really do well. A lot of NH fans say that "Hinata gave Naruto hope," but this is a fallacy too. Naruto's hope was in himself and the support of all his friends.

Sakura, on the other hand, supported Naruto, but she also openly rejected some of Naruto's behavior. When he acts out of line, she knocks him back in. When he was willing to give up, she pushed him forward. She wanted for him to get better in who he is as a person and who he is as a ninja. Hinata just accepted Naruto how ever he was which is okay, but considering how Naruto is it's not really a good thing for him. However, because most of the pairing fans I run into only care about the romance aspect of the relationship, then of course Hinata looks favorable. She supposedly is the ideal woman, but she isn't. Sometimes men need a kick in the ass to push them to their greatest. Not abuse, just a push here and there. I know I am one of those kind of men. Hinata is also too willing to do anything for Naruto. Whether this be jumping in front of a bullet or doing what he says, she is so willing to just bend over backwards for him. Again, what seems like a good thing can be a bad thing as well because she looks....clingy. She is so occupied to do whatever it is that makes Naruto happy and alter her way of life just for him that she loses focus on everything else in life. I understand the need to wanting to make someone happy, but there is a limit to it. You just can't force onto them and expect them to accept it or to notice you like some crazy fangirl, but many see this as a good thing. "She wants to be Naruto's so badly that she is willing to do anything. Naruto would be a fool to reject her." Naruto doesn't want a slave to be at his beck and call. He wants a partner to share his life with.

It reminds me a lot of Spongebob when he was trying to win over Kevin from the jellyfish club and even willing to embarrass himself for it. At the end though, Spongebob learns that idol worship can be a bad thing if you give up yourself for it.

3. Goals and Ambitions: "Desire is irrelevant, I am a machine."
I am going to be blunt: Hinata's goal is to be Naruto's. That's it. Everything she does, wants, becomes is all for the sake of Naruto's attention. So Naruto can notice her, so Naruto can see her, so Naruto can hold her hand. She expresses this desire a lot. "She cares for Naruto so much that she wants to do anything for him."  I see a lot of NH fans say that this is what true love is and that she is so willing to put him over her, but she doesn't really do that. She puts her own fantasies above even Naruto himself and instead of thinking about Naruto's actual needs she is too busy concerned with her own. I see a lot of people mistake this, but the questions stack up: Why wasn't Hinata there when Naruto needed someone? Why didn't learn techniques to actually support Naruto's goals? Why wasn't she actively trying to help with the Sasuke business? There are many things she could have done different to support Naruto besides just standing in the way of a bullet. People think this is cute how she puts Naruto above herself, but she has also neglected a lot of other things and is very flawed at. She ends up being flat.

Sakura on the other hand was doing things not for her own desires or for her own sake only, but truly for Naruto's. She wanted to be stronger and not be burden. She wanted to ease Naruto's already burden and not let him fight alone. Yeah, Hinata fought beside Naruto in the war, but so was everyone else. Even Shikamaru laid claim to his support of Naruto. The difference is outside of those situations. What does Hinata want besides Naruto? Nothing. Nothing else matters to her, but her obsession with Naruto. Many people say this is cute because she devoted her life to him and it's not bad to want to help someone. It is not bad to want to be there for someone, but what is bad is attention seeking.

She is a robot here to serve Naruto's ever whim and that's all her goals ever were.

and the final reason

4. She is a Mary Sue. "My name is Sue, how do you do?"
Let me clarify again that she really isn't a mary sue and she actually is flawed in many areas as pointed out, but her fans see her as perfect. Whenever I bring up a flaw with her, they brush it off. Whenever I showcase how something can be bad, they call me delusional. They believe that a Mary Sue girl is a girl who is extremely devoted to her man, never complains, never demands stuff, always does what he wants, always is doing things for him, and never combative. She has to be practically perfect in every way which leaves her character very flat. They refuse to admit that she has problems and that flaws actually are a good thing, but they want that ideal woman who is that perfect. Actually, in a way, she is a Mary Sue because she has revolved her life around him. Her goals and ambitions are all about Naruto, she has always loved Naruto without second thought and he never needed to do anything, she never once criticized him and actually thought he was perfect from the beginning even though he wasn't and she basically seems like she was created to try and satisfy him. There is nothing else in her life, but Naruto. This really is a bad thing and might be the reason why Naruto doesn't see her. Because she is that perfect romance partner means that is her definite flaw. No one is that perfectly in love with someone and noone really perfectly falls in love without first knowing who that person is. That is too convenient.

Again, this is unlike Sakura who cares about Naruto, but Naruto is not her whole life. Notice when she did revolve Sasuke around her whole life it was bad and it made her miserable more often than not. Sakura was willing to do things for Naruto, but she didn't breathe the guy. She just knew what she had to do and did what she needed to do. The best relationships usually are the ones that have a few bumps in the road because that is a test to how they can be with eachother both good and bad times. It is not always rainbows and butterflies, but that doesn't mean love is always perfect.

Anyway, that's my theory. They see her as this "perfect ideal woman."


Edited by James S Cassidy, 06 October 2014 - 02:12 AM.

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#2 elmas


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 05:22 PM

God bless this post.


#3 narulsaku



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Posted 03 October 2014 - 05:41 PM

Wow .. mighty scott has returned with interesting strong theory. XD.

Well actually i think the same . Most of the nh fans base their argumrnt on the points u ve stated. Honestly sometimes they seem irrational and unrealistic.
But still i like hinata's character. She has many qualities a man will want in his lifepartner but she doesnt have everything a man need in his life partner .

On the other hand as you ve menttioned sakura. She has the potential to push someone as naruto to achive his goals. Tho he is well achived but still sakura is just like the other half of naruto that completes

But again there are some fans who say . Hinata isnt the same hinata as she was in part 1. Her character devlopments are huge . She isnt shy when she confessed to naruto.she strongly supportef naruto from the begining. Where sakura hated him. She stood for him alone in the pain arc. She gave many inspiring moments to naruto even in the recent war arc. She rightfully deserve naruto. What is ur thought on this scotty?

Edited by narulsaku, 03 October 2014 - 05:42 PM.

god is sweet.......
doesn't always roar.............
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end of the day saying,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'll try again tomorrow"

#4 Swagkura



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Posted 03 October 2014 - 05:54 PM

Perfect post. The same reasons you said are most of the ones I see most people love her for. And I agree, NH/a lot of Hinata fans usually ignore Hinata's many flaws, but love to roast a fire on Sakura's . It's just this big double standard when comparing these two in the Naruto fandom.


#5 elmas


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 06:01 PM

Wow .. mighty scott has returned with interesting strong theory. XD.

Well actually i think the same . Most of the nh fans base their argumrnt on the points u ve stated. Honestly sometimes they seem irrational and unrealistic.
But still i like hinata's character. She has many qualities a man will want in his lifepartner but she doesnt have everything a man need in his life partner .

On the other hand as you ve menttioned sakura. She has the potential to push someone as naruto to achive his goals. Tho he is well achived but still sakura is just like the other half of naruto that completes

But again there are some fans who say . Hinata isnt the same hinata as she was in part 1. Her character devlopments are huge . She isnt shy when she confessed to naruto.she strongly supportef naruto from the begining. Where sakura hated him. She stood for him alone in the pain arc. She gave many inspiring moments to naruto even in the recent war arc. She rightfully deserve naruto.

These events are parts of her development.

  • She was a stalker but she is not hiding now.
  • She was very shy and she barely made a sentence when she spoke up to Naruto but now she can tell him the right things
  • She stood for him and encouraged him but still she doesn't understand him
  • She loved him when he was hated by everyone,Sakura disliked him but then it wouldn't be nice cuz Naruto is a boy who never gives up and tries to achive his dreams and Hinata isn't a thing he should achieve.She's already there and waiting for him so it would be awkard.
  • Hinata said she will be beside of him,hold his hands and walk with him and she already did but her development isn't complete yet.It will be complete when she gets over him

NH fans should see her flaws too.Me,a NS and especially a Sakura fan can see its and her flaws.

Edited by elmas, 03 October 2014 - 06:03 PM.


#6 James S Cassidy

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Posted 03 October 2014 - 06:05 PM

Wow .. mighty scott has returned with interesting strong theory. XD.

Well actually i think the same . Most of the nh fans base their argumrnt on the points u ve stated. Honestly sometimes they seem irrational and unrealistic.
But still i like hinata's character. She has many qualities a man will want in his lifepartner but she doesnt have everything a man need in his life partner .


I still like Hinata's character too, but she still has major flaws she needs to overcome. She has gotten better, but she still...can't seem to understand things. She doesn't have to stop loving Naruto, but she needs to stop trying to get his attention all the time. She should let it happen naturally.


On the other hand as you ve menttioned sakura. She has the potential to push someone as naruto to achive his goals. Tho he is well achived but still sakura is just like the other half of naruto that completes
But again there are some fans who say . Hinata isnt the same hinata as she was in part 1. Her character devlopments are huge . She isnt shy when she confessed to naruto.she strongly supportef naruto from the begining. Where sakura hated him. She stood for him alone in the pain arc. She gave many inspiring moments to naruto even in the recent war arc. She rightfully deserve naruto. What is ur thought on this scotty?


I think they need to reread the manga and realize that she stayed mostly the same for most of the manga. That her development is few and far between she is kind of "late to the party" so to speak. Sakura may have hated him, but she didn't understand him. When she finally understood Naruto, she began to open up and actually liked Naruto really. He wasn't a bad guy, just a trouble maker that needed some guidance. Hinata though loved him without even knowing him. All she knew was his nindo, but never did she really "know" who Naruto is. It is hard to base love on an enigma. Inspiring moments? Not really. 615 was really Neji's moment that was inspiring and Hinata was just there. The Pein Arc...I don't know. I mean I guess it is inspiring to stand up for what you believe in, but Naruto was already filling that role. He already stood up for his beliefs. So the inspiration is kind of lost on me.

She also didn't really stand for him so much as she stood for herself. She said so herself "I am just being selfish." It wasn't to inspire Naruto, it was to confess her love for him.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 03 October 2014 - 06:06 PM.

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#7 narulsaku



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Posted 03 October 2014 - 06:10 PM

These events are parts of her development.

  • She was a stalker but she is not hiding now.
  • She was very shy and she barely made a sentence when she spoke up to Naruto but now she can tell him the right things
  • She stood for him and encouraged him but still she doesn't understand him
  • She loved him when he was hated by everyone,Sakura disliked him but then it wouldn't be nice cuz Naruto is a boy who never gives up and tries to achive his dreams and Hinata isn't a thing he should achieve.She's already there and waiting for him so it would be awkard.
  • Hinata said she will be beside of him,hold his hands and walk with him and she already did but her development isn't complete yet.It will be complete when she gets over him
NH fans should see her flaws too.Me,a NS and especially a Sakura fan can see its and her flaws.
haha .
I tried every point u mentioned to convince them they said to us her devlopment is when she would overcome narutos feelings for us its complete when she will be with naruto.
And they said" u r saying it ll lead a bad message if naruto doesnt end up with sakura. Then what about sakura and hinata's feelings. Sakura loves sasuke if she doesnt get him it ll lead a bad message too. Hinata loves naruto if she doesnt get up with naruto this will send a bad message too. While they have also tried hard to get their love interests. Just like naruto. Abd then i was blank for a moment . Tho i managed it to make them convince that time will tell everything then.

I think they need to reread the manga and realize that she stayed mostly the same for most of the manga. That her development is few and far between she is kind of "late to the party" so to speak. Sakura may have hated him, but she didn't understand him. When she finally understood Naruto, she began to open up and actually liked Naruto really. He wasn't a bad guy, just a trouble maker that needed some guidance. Hinata though loved him without even knowing him. All she knew was his nindo, but never did she really "know" who Naruto is. It is hard to base love on an enigma. Inspiring moments? Not really. 615 was really Neji's moment that was inspiring and Hinata was just there. The Pein Arc...I don't know. I mean I guess it is inspiring to stand up for what you believe in, but Naruto was already filling that role. He already stood up for his beliefs. So the inspiration is kind of lost on me.She also didn't really stand for him so much as she stood for herself. She said so herself "I am just being selfish." It wasn't to inspire Naruto, it was to confess her love for

Yes i did try this too . But couldnt convince them so . I honestly avoided them.

Edited by narulsaku, 03 October 2014 - 06:14 PM.

god is sweet.......
doesn't always roar.............
sometimescourage is quite voice at the
end of the day saying,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'll try again tomorrow"

#8 FoolishYoungling


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 06:23 PM

I don't think Hinata is perfect. She is far from it because of her obsession with Naruto. If we are going to say she can't still be a really good character because of that one lone fact, then Sakura is even worse because of how long she loved Sasuke. Why worse? Because at least Naruto is a 99999x better guy to love. Sakura flaws of Sasuke are gone or mostly faded. As for Hinata, her annoying love for Naruto is still present. Hinata should focus on impressing her clan and lead them, and not focus on impressing Naruto-kun. Hinata is far from perfect, but she is still a good character. She will be a lot better in the end. That is what I believe.



But Sakura will be perfect. :hehehe:

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#9 elmas


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 06:32 PM

haha .
I tried every point u mentioned to convince them they said to us her devlopment is when she would overcome narutos feelings for us its complete when she will be with naruto.
And they said" u r saying it ll lead a bad message if naruto doesnt end up with sakura. Then what about sakura and hinata's feelings. Sakura loves sasuke if she doesnt get him it ll lead a bad message too. Hinata loves naruto if she doesnt get up with naruto this will send a bad message too. While they have also tried hard to get their love interests. Just like naruto. Abd then i was blank for a moment . Tho i managed it to make them convince that time will tell everything then.

Yes i did try this too . But couldnt convince them so . I honestly avoided them.

This series is about NARUTO.NARUTO'S dreams,NARUTO'S goals are important.Hinata's love is obssesed,Sakura's negative and abusive.So I don't think these two loves would send a good message.


#10 BlazingDynamo


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:05 PM

I don't think Hinata is perfect. She is far from it because of her obsession with Naruto. If we are going to say she can't still be a really good character because of that one lone fact, then Sakura is even worse because of how long she loved Sasuke. Why worse? Because at least Naruto is a 99999x better guy to love. Sakura flaws of Sasuke are gone or mostly faded. As for Hinata, her annoying love for Naruto is still present. Hinata should focus on impressing her clan and lead them, and not focus on impressing Naruto-kun. Hinata is far from perfect, but she is still a good character. She will be a lot better in the end. That is what I believe.



But Sakura will be perfect. :hehehe:

But NH fans say she shouldn't focus on her clan because her father was rude to her.

#11 Sedna



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Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:27 PM

I officially love the person who made this.

#12 Gojira



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Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:30 PM

To my understanding with being in the middle of the pairing wars NH prefers Hinata over Sakura because


-Sakura is abusive

-Hinata has always been there for Naruto and Sakura hasn't



^this is there explanation with it atleast.


#13 FoolishYoungling


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:40 PM

But NH fans say she shouldn't focus on her clan because her father was rude to her.

I doubt that her father will continue hating her after this war.

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#14 elmas


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:56 PM

I doubt that her father will continue hating her after this war.

Yeah,he won't hate her and I'm sure he will respect and appreciate her and she will be clan leader and with this move,her development will be complete I guess.


#15 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 03 October 2014 - 08:11 PM

I doubt that her father will continue hating her after this war.


Agreed he was seen watching her during her battles alongside Neji before he died.

Edited by Lifeless Leo, 03 October 2014 - 08:11 PM.


#16 hirudora


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 08:59 PM

The problem with NH as a pairing for me is that while Hinata's character needs someone like Naruto to grow, get stronger and be confident, she can't give same development to Naruto. Sure, she is very cute, adorable, caring, even attractive to some, though I think she is too soft for him, she just can't stay on the same level as him, can't oppose and argue with his ideas. She's just like a mindless doll and I absolutely agree that there are men who find this kind of women perfect. But this relationship would be very boring and unusual for Naruto, no matter what he says, she will agree, no matter what he does, she will support him. To me it's pretty parasitic on Hinata's side, since Naruto can get love and care, but no further character development. Most of Hinata's development, however, comes from chasing Naruto and I will not call her character developed until she can move forward without him always standing in front of her.

Go go Sakura-chan! Naruto surely needs couple kicks in the butt :D

#17 James S Cassidy

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Posted 03 October 2014 - 09:11 PM

Well, this wasn't really a topic on which coupling was better, but rather why I feel NH love her so much or why she is so popular among the people.

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#18 elmas


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 09:22 PM

I just wonder how NH got so popular and made in big 3 pairings.Because of Hinata's popularity? 


#19 James S Cassidy

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Posted 03 October 2014 - 09:23 PM

Probably. Remember, most NH fans don't really care about Naruto at all. They just love Hinata and whatever Hinata wants Hinata gets.

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#20 elmas


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 09:26 PM

Yeah,probably.Lol,I remember when 631 happened some NH fans were mad at Naruto and talking bad about him.He's the small part of this ship and that's why I call this naruHINA.


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