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What I Never Understood. Truth, Lies & Inconsistencies.

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#1 My Living Curse

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Posted 19 September 2017 - 11:21 PM

I was originally going to post this in the Naruto Discussion Thread but I didn’t want it to just get lost in there. Apologies in advance if this doesn’t warrant a new thread but we worked quite a while to compose it. We compiled this thread in order to come to a conclusion as to why certain things were done. Old news or new news, it’s something that’s always been bewildering.


Please do not read/debate this with any form of bias. We are dedicated Naruto fans, but REAL fans take the time to point out and discuss flaws and inconsistencies (Unlike 95% of youtube).  :smashy: 


Originally after 615, I thought that the manga’s fate was sealed with NH happening (Well as far as holding hands and passing chakra goes). But here’s the thing, nothing progressed with that afterwards. In fact, it was the complete opposite phenomenon. Throughout the next 30-40 chapters or so, Kishimoto composed panel upon panel of similar events which we put together.  :monocle: 


Thesis 1: First we have this parallel between Kushina and Sakura. When Minato asks if Sakura is his girlfriend, he responds “Yea!”




Why include this parallel? Why have Naruto confirm he still loves Sakura? Why have Minato compare Sakura to Kushina? (which brings us back to Kushinas words: “Find a girl like me”). If this is not the “desired” outcome, then why include it?


Now we put together more various moments/panels.





Thesis 2: Okay, we see Sakura showing concern about Naruto’s excessive use of chakra in protecting the Allied Shinobi Force. It can be done once to get that point across. But why the need to add PANEL upon PANEL emphasizing her worries and facial expressions. Take a good look at the care and detail he’s portraying. I mean it’s unnecessary at this point right? (that’s the initial thought).


Moving on, we have another composition.







Thesis 3: Ok so Naruto had his tailed beast extracted and Sakura is trying to keep him alive. Again we could have just skipped towards the part where Naruto is taken by Gaara to Minato/the point where Obito inserts the missing part of the biju inside him. But again we don’t.


Instead Kishimoto takes the time to make all these PANELS, with Sakura worrying to death about Naruto. Again take a look at the facial expressions and thoughts. She thinks about his dreams, his goals and fears of him disappearing.


Isn’t it a little overboard? Again if Kishimoto has another ending in mind why spend time on ALL these panels, details and emphasizing these thoughts and memories from Sakura’s viewpoint?




Thesis 4: Then we also have this entire page/panel dedicated to Naruto and Sakura, and Sasuke and Karin.





Again you’ll say that Sakura is Naruto’s “designated healer” and Karin is Sasuke’s “designated healer”. Ok I get that but again. WHY THE NEED TO DEDICATE AN ENTIRE PAGE/PANEL?


Usually an entire page is taken when an author wants to put greater emphasis on something happening. Again you’ll say: “Well yea Naruto and Sasuke are dying, he’s emphasizing that”. BUT AGAIN. Why the need to place Sakura and Karin crying so desperately for each. Take a look at the precise care, details and emotions he’s undertaking here. There must be a reason; you don’t just make such decisions haphazardly.  :mellow: 


Thesis 5: And finally we have this final parallel (we put the two side by side) when Naruto and Sasuke are “resurrected”.



Okay you’ll say that they’re up and ready to go fight. But again, Kishimoto is dedicating ENTIRE PANELS showcasing the same parallel. Karin by Sasuke’s side, Sakura by Naruto’s side. Again if you’re focused on finishing the manga with a different outcome, then WHY litter the manga with multiple panels and parallels of such events. There’s a point trying to be made, and it’s consistent.



So now we come to the final question: Why would Kishimoto do this if the goal is NH & SS? Why not have Hinata by Naruto’s side? Why isn’t Sakura running to Sasuke’s side? Don’t give me the excuse that they're in different areas. There’s always a way to do something if you REALLY want to. But again Kishimoto doesn’t do it.


In fact, she doesn’t even once, question about Sasuke’s well-being. She only cares about what’s happened with Naruto. Shocking isn’t it?


Now here’s the thing: After all this development and dedication towards each panel’s art and story, everything does a complete snap in 693.


Sakura cries her eyes out, begs Sasuke to stay and that she loves him till he knocks her out and quotes how he has no reason to love her nor does she. Again, how does this come out of nowhere. It completely reduced her character back to her 13-year-old self when Sasuke was leaving the village with the Sound Ninja 5. There was no other similar interaction even when Sasuke entered the battlefield during the 4th War arc. So WHY the sudden outburst, tears and begging? And poor Naruto just standing there watching and listening.


So here’s the conclusion WE came to: Somewhere along the line, whether it was the studio/editors/crazy fan base or a combination of all, the decision was made that the end pairing would be Naruto Hinata, and Sasuke Sakura to make the most money off the Burrito series.


Hinata’s popularity was rising (primarily in the West) while Sakura was gathering way too much hate, so Kishimoto went by that regardless of his personal preference fearing backlash.


Back on topic: If so, then WHY didn’t Kishimoto spend the chapters of the War arc to flesh and establish these relationships (NH & SS) with interactions, development and whatnot.


The answer is simple. Because that was NOT his original plan.



Edit 1: Part 2 Naruto starts off with a constant theme which continues up to the Pain arc. Look at these panels which seem to have been forgotten by many:






Look at the way Kishimoto draws each other's looks and how he writes their dialogues (the blushing, gestures, etc). Then we have these other panels.



   zqOQZcu.jpg                           GFQJIlW.png


The first confirms that Sakura did indeed find Naruto attractive in appearance. And then the second panel, where Yamato quotes: " It's how strongly you feel that counts". 


Back to the topic: So ultimately, what made him steer away from this path he builds right when Shippuden starts?


 Kishimoto KNEW that the ending was inevitable, and he couldn’t get out of it (for whatever reason). But what he could do is write what he wanted AS he wanted when he made his outlines for the arc.


The panels showcasing Sakura’s/Karin's facial expressions, thoughts, and feelings about Naruto/Sasuke were not just mere coincidence. 


Otherwise it seems like a waste of time. He could’ve spent the time, energy and panel space to add NH moments or SS moments.


As we say, it’s a NaruSaku story, with a NaruHina ending. Same with Sasuke and Karin. I can't wrap my mind on any other reasoning. There's WAY too much art, development, and emotions being built throughout the manga. These things take time to draw, devise and finalize by the author. You can't just throw them out like garbage. :sad:  


Last words: Naruto’s downfall & curse will always be its popularity and toxic fan base. Most of the fans who grew up with kid Naruto 15-18 years ago gave up on the manga long ago. They knew what Naruto stood for, the meaning, the symbolism, etc. Today’s Naruto fan base is composed of kids who care only if Naruto can beat Goku, blow up a planet and big melons (yes the fruit).


Nevertheless, what is your explanation/answer to all this. Do you agree/disagree and why/why not, etc.

Edited by My Living Curse, 21 September 2017 - 06:48 PM.



Naruto on Obito: "He was the COOLEST guy..."  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

#2 Catra


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:08 AM

like i said before in other threads, no matter what NH fans and the author say or try to do, they cannot change this. the proof is in the pudding. and the truth is this story is a mess. plain and simple. i am glad that NH is stuck in this mess of a story though because orochimaru is still alive and well and running about. his child hates him. he's failed all his mothers dying wishes. and he's earned the title of the "biggest scumbag" in japan. this is not the naruto i'd want with sakura nor is this the sakura i'd want with naruto. it both pains me and pleases me at the same time. and i dont like that.

#3 Shadow Wolf

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Posted 20 September 2017 - 01:13 AM

Very well written. Just two cents to add:

-The chapter where Naruto and Sasuke die is called "The True End". Since there is no manga explanation for said title, we could say that it may have meant something else.

-Marketing Strategy is the only reason I find plausible for this series of events. After all, even though it is not as successful as Naruto, Boruto has made extra money. What other purpose has Boruto been done for anyway?

-NS and SK, plus character completion would have given Naruto a definite ending, thus not leaving anything else to talk about. In fact, after chapter 698, Kishi could have gone and fix all the remaining plot issues with a few more chapters and give Naruto a satisfactory ending. However, that was not the case. Hence the few last chapters which felt severely rushed and out of story pace. Add in the I consistent interviews and the lack of new things in Boruto and well, everything makes sense regarding marketing strategy.

#4 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:48 AM

It feels like "insurance" in case he had second thought.

#5 My Living Curse

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Posted 20 September 2017 - 05:33 AM

like i said before in other threads, no matter what NH fans and the author say or try to do, they cannot change this. the proof is in the pudding. and the truth is this story is a mess. plain and simple. i am glad that NH is stuck in this mess of a story though because orochimaru is still alive and well and running about. his child hates him. he's failed all his mothers dying wishes. and he's earned the title of the "biggest scumbag" in japan. this is not the naruto i'd want with sakura nor is this the sakura i'd want with naruto. it both pains me and pleases me at the same time. and i dont like that.


I agree with what you're saying. The Naruto and Sakura they showcase now are NOT the same ones. They are so out of character, and they don't even have an ounce of their development left in them all for the sake of milking the part 3 series plot.


Very well written. Just two cents to add:

-The chapter where Naruto and Sasuke die is called "The True End". Since there is no manga explanation for said title, we could say that it may have meant something else.

-Marketing Strategy is the only reason I find plausible for this series of events. After all, even though it is not as successful as Naruto, Boruto has made extra money. What other purpose has Boruto been done for anyway?

-NS and SK, plus character completion would have given Naruto a definite ending, thus not leaving anything else to talk about. In fact, after chapter 698, Kishi could have gone and fix all the remaining plot issues with a few more chapters and give Naruto a satisfactory ending. However, that was not the case. Hence the few last chapters which felt severely rushed and out of story pace. Add in the I consistent interviews and the lack of new things in Boruto and well, everything makes sense regarding marketing strategy.



Yep I've always wondered about that title but it definitely has a hidden meaning. I think Kishimoto could be implying the end of his "original" writing I guess. Not that the writing was exactly "fantasmagoric" before that.  :D 


Another thing I remember reading somewhere is that during the war arc, Kishimoto spent more time drawing Sakura in order to portray her differently (as in "prettier looking" and "more caring" in her actions). This is noticeable from Volume 66 and onwards. Look at the cover and manga panels and compare it to before the war arc. (Please link the article/video if anyone finds it). I guess he was trying to alleviate some of the hate on her in hopes of swaying public opinion but by then she had already become a full blown meme sadly.


It's true that NS and SK would have given Naruto a definite ending, but not the one that they believed would bring in that juicy part 3 money. But even 3 years later Kishimoto still comes out to further support the pairings but he ends up contradicting himself even more.  :lulz: 


 it's very nicely written out and I thank you for taking the time to make it,


Aw no problem. Anything for you!  :yes:

Edited by My Living Curse, 21 September 2017 - 04:00 AM.



Naruto on Obito: "He was the COOLEST guy..."  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

#6 My Living Curse

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Posted 20 September 2017 - 07:55 PM

It feels like "insurance" in case he had second thought.


I guess that's one way to go about it. Besides, in manga it's a custom to throw in love triangles and various love interests in order to create pairing fandoms. Unfortunately these are what ultimately drive the manga (even if it's supposedly supposed to be an "action/battle" story). You can see in the interview where Kishimoto states he accepted the recommendation to create the love triangle back in the first 5 chapters where Naruto likes Sakura, Sakura likes Sasuke and Sasuke likes edgyness.


Now despite the fact we know Naruto loves Sakura and Sakura begins to turn her feelings around in Part 2, each moment where we might get something sweet, it's immediately interrupted or the topic is changed. Such as when Yamato tells Sakura: 





Yamato never gets to finish his sentence but we know what he's implying. Or when Naruto is in the hospital and he tell's Sakura: "I feel we're on the road together" and then the topic changes to Sasuke again.  :confused:


Or when Sakura goes to feed Naruto some ramen and it's leading into a sweet moment till Sai interrupts them: (Besides look at the way she looks at him. At least the way she's drawn)...




Before I ramble on too much, the point I'm trying to make is simple. After many years writing Naruto, Kishimoto had established various pairing fandoms (NS, NH, SS, SK etc). So regardless of what he originally preferred or could have wanted to finalize upon, he can't throw in strong moments without outright insulting the other fandom, and risk losing a fan base which in turn means less manga support. 


Unfortunately, Hinata began to grow in popularity (including his new editors), so Kishi has to reel in his writing to appease that part of the Naruto fan base as well. Which in turn only fed those desires to the point where Sakura became the hated/flat meme and Hinata became the ultimate waifu/sex symbol. Especially how Sakura is the heroine of the series but in recent interviews he states that Hinata is meant to be the main heroine (Oh jeez.)


Then in the end we see characters doing a 360 spin around in 693 and 699/700 because by then the manga is nearing completion, the money has been made, and the poor cow has been over worked. So whatever pairing they believe will bring the most payday for the part 3 series is the one that is finalized upon.


Phew, that's a mouthful. I need some rest!  :sweat:



Naruto on Obito: "He was the COOLEST guy..."  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

#7 sushi.


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 08:41 PM

It's not a flaw, when Sakura's shift is an argument in of itself.. ^


#8 sushi.


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Posted 20 September 2017 - 09:25 PM

It is a flaw in the sense that because this variable is false, the rest of the elements (No 360 degree turns) falls in line, and the argument has no water at that point. 

You have no water.

Let me guess you will now say "Actually I consist of 60% water."


#9 MoonStar



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Posted 20 September 2017 - 11:03 PM

Read this interview http://naruto.wikia....i/Thread:164031


It explains a lot and highlights the inconsistencies in Kishimoto's statements regarding Sakura at the end of the manga.


It essentially reaffirms all our suspicions of Naruto. Kishimoto had no idea what he wanted from Sakura's character. He claimed he never truly thought of Sakura as a main character when pressed about why she fell into the background in the final arc but it's really because he'd simply just given up on her because he realised how hated she was. He thinks girls are superficial so he makes Sakura obsessed with Sasuke for no other reason than his good looks, and tries to draw her pretty on a cover so people like her more. He didn't have a good reason for the pairings other than which girl was more popular, and poor Neji was sacrificed for to bring together two characters who rarely spoke the whole manga. Not that anybody cared since Neji was a he was a background character in Part 2. This manga will always hold a special place in my heart but boy did it have obvious problems. I expect him to open up more and more as time passes, just like Toriyama admitted he forgot Saiyans had tails and forgot Launch. The Kushina parallels with Sakura were written and drawn there for a reason. He simply decided to push it to the side because he'd already made Sakura an unlikable mess.


I mean, was it so hard to NOT write her breaking off her friendship with her best friend Ino because they both liked the same guy who had no idea either of them existed? Was it so hard to NOT make her whole character revolve around liking Sasuke? Was it so hard to NOT write her still carry those feelings after he tried to kill her? Was it so hard to NOT make her cry all the time over Sasuke? Was it so hard to NOT make her fake confess to Naruto? Did no alarms go off at any point when writing this trash? If little Japanese girls can see her faults and told him they hated her, why couldn't he see them?

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#10 My Living Curse

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 01:51 AM

Read this interview http://naruto.wikia....i/Thread:164031


It explains a lot and highlights the inconsistencies in Kishimoto's statements regarding Sakura at the end of the manga.


It essentially reaffirms all our suspicions of Naruto. Kishimoto had no idea what he wanted from Sakura's character. He claimed he never truly thought of Sakura as a main character when pressed about why she fell into the background in the final arc but it's really because he'd simply just given up on her because he realised how hated she was. He thinks girls are superficial so he makes Sakura obsessed with Sasuke for no other reason than his good looks, and tries to draw her pretty on a cover so people like her more. He didn't have a good reason for the pairings other than which girl was more popular, and poor Neji was sacrificed for to bring together two characters who rarely spoke the whole manga. Not that anybody cared since Neji was a he was a background character in Part 2. This manga will always hold a special place in my heart but boy did it have obvious problems. I expect him to open up more and more as time passes, just like Toriyama admitted he forgot Saiyans had tails and forgot Launch. The Kushina parallels with Sakura were written and drawn there for a reason. He simply decided to push it to the side because he'd already made Sakura an unlikable mess.


I mean, was it so hard to NOT write her breaking off her friendship with her best friend Ino because they both liked the same guy who had no idea either of them existed? Was it so hard to NOT make her whole character revolve around liking Sasuke? Was it so hard to NOT write her still carry those feelings after he tried to kill her? Was it so hard to NOT make her cry all the time over Sasuke? Was it so hard to NOT make her fake confess to Naruto? Did no alarms go off at any point when writing this trash? If little Japanese girls can see her faults and told him they hated her, why couldn't he see them?


That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for posting the link!


Here's some of my favorite highlights from that article:


1) Kobayashi asks if it was too late to drop her, and Kishimoto says that he just had to persevere with her, and thought about how to raise her popularity. In the 4th volume, a cover page shows her with Katsuyu, so this was the direction he tried to work in. In later volumes, he tries to draw her more beautifully. On the cover page of Vol 66, he drew Sasuke and Naruto quickly, but with Sakura he took a long time to draw her beautifully and was using source materials as guides. But he says that in the end no one really took notice (it had no effect), and Hinata’s popularity just kept going up on its own.


2) Kishimoto explains that Hinata, like Sakura, never really did anything but her popularity just kept going up and up, so part way through the story he started to wonder whether he should make her the main heroine instead, or at least gradually write her into the direction of the heroine.


3) The Edo Tensei was mostly a way to draw Madara out into the story. (I knew it.)


4) About the final battle, Kishimoto says he didn’t want them to use ninjutsu. He said he wanted it to end in a boys’ fist fight, despite it not being in the usual spirit of Jump (and they bothered him about it). (This was probably the sentiment throughout the whole ninja war arc when everything became about biju bombs, megazord samurais, and laser fox).


And my favorite part:


5) On Neji’s death - Kobayashi comments that there were many casualties during the war, but he was surprised about Neji, and asks Kishimoto why he was chosen. Kishimoto explains that because he decided to make Hinata into the lead heroine a while back, he used Neji’s death as a way to bring her and Naruto together.


Well there you have it. Neji died for a pairing. What a waste of his character...


These are not theories or guesses. These are the LITERAL words from Kishimoto himself as he is being interviewed by Kobayashi. Try and debate that. Although I'm sure some will find a way...  -_-



Naruto on Obito: "He was the COOLEST guy..."  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

#11 Qia


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Posted 21 September 2017 - 02:18 AM


That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for posting the link!


Here's some of my favorite highlights from that article:


1) Kobayashi asks if it was too late to drop her, and Kishimoto says that he just had to persevere with her, and thought about how to raise her popularity. In the 4th volume, a cover page shows her with Katsuyu, so this was the direction he tried to work in. In later volumes, he tries to draw her more beautifully. On the cover page of Vol 66, he drew Sasuke and Naruto quickly, but with Sakura he took a long time to draw her beautifully and was using source materials as guides. But he says that in the end no one really took notice (it had no effect), and Hinata’s popularity just kept going up on its own.


2) Kishimoto explains that Hinata, like Sakura, never really did anything but her popularity just kept going up and up, so part way through the story he started to wonder whether he should make her the main heroine instead, or at least gradually write her into the direction of the heroine.


3) The Edo Tensei was mostly a way to draw Madara out into the story. (I knew it.)


4) About the final battle, Kishimoto says he didn’t want them to use ninjutsu. He said he wanted it to end in a boys’ fist fight, despite it not being in the usual spirit of Jump (and they bothered him about it). (This was probably the sentiment throughout the whole ninja war arc when everything became about biju bombs, megazord samurais, and laser fox).


And my favorite part:


5) On Neji’s death - Kobayashi comments that there were many casualties during the war, but he was surprised about Neji, and asks Kishimoto why he was chosen. Kishimoto explains that because he decided to make Hinata into the lead heroine a while back, he used Neji’s death as a way to bring her and Naruto together.


Well there you have it. Neji died for a pairing. What a waste of his character...


These are not theories or guesses. These are the LITERAL words from Kishimoto himself as he is being interviewed by Kobayashi. Try and debate that. Although I'm sure some will find a way...  -_-

If this is true...this makes me really sad. *holds Sakura*  :unsure: But it does make sense considering she got shoved in the background after the Sasori fight. Feelsbad. 

Edited by Qia, 21 September 2017 - 02:19 AM.


#12 My Living Curse

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 03:24 AM

If this is true...this makes me really sad. *holds Sakura*  :unsure: But it does make sense considering she got shoved in the background after the Sasori fight. Feelsbad. 


Yep it is true. MoonStar found the link to the interview I was talking about. It was between Kobayashi and Kishimoto.


It's a long one but it's definitely worth reading!  I highlighted a few of the interesting things he said in my previous post.


It also shows how much of the story was actually written/created by Kishimoto. At the start, his editor was mostly responsible for guiding him and fixing certain elements in his story.


In another interview Yahagi stated he was ready to leave after the Part 1 Tsunade Arc, but he ended up staying till the Pain Arc. When you think about it does make sense why the story got so bad afterwards.


Edit for Link: http://naruto.wikia....i/Thread:164031

Edited by My Living Curse, 21 September 2017 - 03:32 AM.



Naruto on Obito: "He was the COOLEST guy..."  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

#13 sushi.


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Posted 21 September 2017 - 08:33 AM

Actually the average is between 50% and 75% water. 

..aaaand that completely depends on a number of factors for example age. A kid may have 70%, but as an adult you should have around 60.

See, you're not as factual or *correct* as you think you are. Your horse is too high.

Edited by sushi., 21 September 2017 - 08:33 AM.


#14 The Doctor forever

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 01:58 PM

If this is true...this makes me really sad. *holds Sakura*  :unsure: But it does make sense considering she got shoved in the background after the Sasori fight. Feelsbad. 


Man poor Sakura like you said this makes me feel so sad for her, but I wish that Kishi had just killed her in the Sasori fight send her out in a blaze of glory, at least if she died she would have gone out as a bad ass or even in the Gaara fight, but I would pick Sasori she still fights and gets stabbed but Chiyo does what Sakura says and runs off.

#15 T XD


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Posted 21 September 2017 - 02:18 PM

Kishimoto's post-ending  interviews are contradictory when he's not pressed. This interview that MoonStar posted reveals many obvious inconsistencies and turnarounds through the final arc of the Naruto manga that we always talk about when Kishimoto got pressed by Kobayashi.


He should have been more aware.

#16 The Doctor forever

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 02:52 PM


I really like Sakura, I would have been saddened if he had been removed so early. 


Most of her complaints are about her part one behavior. She could just never shrug it off. I think her being the "realistic girl" was also an issue in a world full of unrealistics. It was neat but didn't really fly her off. I feel like if later Sakura was early Sakura, she'd have a lot of different thoughts. 

People would still have hated you see it with all her haters she has small breasts she has no kekkei genkai healing people is useless she speaks her mind.


Its the same with Misty from pokemon and other girls from other anime as well cause they stick up for themselves they don't take crap, and the males hate this, well most males at least that have a big kittening ego that think women are just there to please them nothing more nothing else.


it was around before the ending with haters saying Sakura should be alone as she has no kekkei genkai to have powerful babies she does not have big breats to feed her kids people have said that about her.

#17 Nostradamus


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Posted 21 September 2017 - 05:34 PM

At this point we're past the whole "I wonder why this ending is like this?", now after everything it's very clear that the ending was decided by the marketing department that looked at charts and polls, their own charts and polls and based on that decide that the a continuation with NH/SS, primarily NH, would be the most profitable of them all.

Thing is like a lot of business decision that some companies and even governments do, they only thought about short-term gains and didn't instead of long-term gains. They were also scumbags that when they announced the movie, they continued to advertise it as a Kakashi/Naruto/Sasuke movie for months only to shift it to a Hinata movie in the last month. And not allowing people to get refunds when they saw it's actually a Hinata movie, which no one asked for or wanted.

It's clear that he ones who made this decision had no idea what they were doing, what they were trying to sell. Like a lot of the time, they don't know anything about the product, only what they think based on certain perimeters will be successful.


No one who actually knew the story of "Naruto" was a part of that group. This is obvious not from the pairings that happened, but from everything else. Every single mistake, retcons, or just things that don't make sense in the universe of "Naruto".


Oh and correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the writer of The Last Retcon admit that he didn't read the manga at all and knew nothing about Naruto?

Edited by Nostradamus, 21 September 2017 - 05:36 PM.

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#18 T XD


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Posted 21 September 2017 - 05:51 PM

At this point we're past the whole "I wonder why this ending is like this?", now after everything it's very clear that the ending was decided by the marketing department that looked at charts and polls, their own charts and polls and based on that decide that the a continuation with NH/SS, primarily NH, would be the most profitable of them all.

Thing is like a lot of business decision that some companies and even governments do, they only thought about short-term gains and didn't instead of long-term gains. They were also scumbags that when they announced the movie, they continued to advertise it as a Kakashi/Naruto/Sasuke movie for months only to shift it to a Hinata movie in the last month. And not allowing people to get refunds when they saw it's actually a Hinata movie, which no one asked for or wanted.

It's clear that he ones who made this decision had no idea what they were doing, what they were trying to sell. Like a lot of the time, they don't know anything about the product, only what they think based on certain perimeters will be successful.


No one who actually knew the story of "Naruto" was a part of that group. This is obvious not from the pairings that happened, but from everything else. Every single mistake, retcons, or just things that don't make sense in the universe of "Naruto".


Oh and correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the writer of The Last Retcon admit that he didn't read the manga at all and knew nothing about Naruto?

I remember I've read something along the line of this statement somewhere.

Edited by T XD, 21 September 2017 - 05:52 PM.

#19 My Living Curse

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 05:53 PM

The breast part has nothing to do with her hate. A few loud immature boys making the remark doesn't make it a substantial thing. Anti's bring up this more than anyone else, but it's really not a serious aspect. He sources girls saying they don't like her in the interview. It's going to deal more with her execution.


Dear Analyzer. I say this in the nicest way possible.


I know you are pro ending and like NH and SS. I get it and it's ok, that's your preference and I accept that. You can deny that or twist words around but your actions say otherwise.


You KNOW that this is a NaruSaku website, and you KNOW our stance on Naruto's ending and pairings. And that's exactly why you joined. You say we never provide valid substance behind what we say or that we never offer you ANY panels or chapters from the manga itself but WE DO.



The reason you joined was just to constantly debate and disagree on anything we say. Whatever we might say or present you have a method of going on about it. You read it all, analyze (get it?) and look for anything you can pick out of it to choose to write your rebuttal. If you cannot do so then you will create a response perpendicular to the theme of each thread/comment and expand on that. If you also fail to do that then you will try to change the topic completely and try to derail it with an entirely different thesis.


I'm new but I know because I've encountered numerous people similar to your characteristics and personality throughout my high school and college years. Again, I understand you have your own opinions and that's perfectly fine. But the truth is you refuse to point out various inconsistencies. You are here purposely to debate and insult people (in the most subtle way you can devise) to no end. Use of fancy grammatical and sentence structures isn't enough to hide your true intentions. I can already expect what your response will be because I know how you think.


My sincerest apologies to the mods if this comes out harsh and as bashing, but it's hard not to sound like it when addressing such a person. Please forgive me and thank you.



Naruto on Obito: "He was the COOLEST guy..."  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

#20 gamma


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Posted 21 September 2017 - 06:41 PM

Sakura's appearance in part 1 & 2 is what makes up 75% of her hate; it's the root of it. The other 25% is actual criticism towards her lack of background, few fights and just her wasted potential overall. Naruto is primarily targeted to adolescence boys, and what do they like? Flashy fights, powerful dudes for self-insert, pretty girls and big boobs, duh. It's not complicated.




I've come to the conclusion that Kishimoto knew exactly what he was doing, cause I know he did this for drama and monetary purposes. Romance/drama to pull in the girls and dumb deus ex machinas to pull in the boys.


Why focus so much time on red-herrings and fooling your audience instead of redirecting that energy into further developing the endgame pairings? Hell, the red-herrings and illogical asspulls are much more developed than the pairings themselves. He put so much thought into pulling the rug from underneath us that he ended up tripping over his own feet and hurting himself as well.

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