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Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better title)

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#1 ultranx



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Posted 16 May 2019 - 03:48 AM

reposting these 2 videos here to start things off and I'll let everyone take over from there. discuss away.


huh I wonder if I should post links to all the youtubers I go to for the info too? 'shrug'


EDIT: EDITING TOP POST WITH Court Document of lawsuit, which contains the sony investigation contents, and also kiwifarms thread with the entire saga of istandwithvic vs kickvic documented


doc: https://thedaoofdrag...-funimation.pdf


thread archive: https://kiwifarms.ne...icksback.53670/


for more info, also, check the nick rekieta  rekieta law streams.

Edited by ultranx, 27 May 2019 - 02:53 AM.


#2 James S Cassidy

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Posted 17 May 2019 - 06:12 PM

Check out Nick Rekieta as well for more of the legal side of it all. He also has videos with discussion of Ty Beard and is the man who created the gofundme for Vic.


I hate it when Vic is getting all of this hate for rumors, but when proven that these other VAs did some disgusting things in their past or what not, why are they not fired? Jamie Marchi's husband I think works for Funimation so we have some bias there.

It is just horrible that people look so deeply into Vic's stuff, but not once dive into the horrible things these other VAs do. Why? Why wasn't Amanda Win-Lee punished for her crimes or blasted on stuff? Why wasn't so many of these people called out?

You know, Funimation says they are against harassment, but they let these other VAs do whatever they want and not once fine them or fire them or anything despite doing far worse than Vic has even done. So it is okay for Monica to spew her garbage, but Vic just hugging a consenting fan is too much?

There is no consistency and no integrity and if I were Funimation right now...I'd settle with Vic to keep the damages low because if they don't...the damages could be even worse. You fire Vic for one thing, but when Monica and the rest also break their contracts and rules...you keep them on. Why? What do they have against you Funimation that you are scared of them?

My gofundme

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#3 KClaws_2


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Posted 22 May 2019 - 10:53 AM

Something of a summary of the suit, and how things could play out:



It's most likely that Funimation will try to settle this before this goes to court; justified or not, they're a business, and they don't want to spend more money than they have to. If this happens and Vic still feels vindicated because of it, in their eyes it's still the better alternative.


As the article says, it seems like Vic is confident that the victims and his former co-workers can't provide evidence of their claims. But if they can, this could open him up to some more legal trouble.


It should be noted that Sony, who is Funi's largest shareholder, conducted an investigation of their own. Whether or not they found sufficient evidence at this point in time is anyone's guess, but it's likely that however they arrived at their conclusion, they told Funimation to fire him.


Wrongful termination is something hard to argue in Texas, from what I understand (Nate River is probably more qualified to explain this than me, if he's interested). Current laws seem to allow employers to fire anyone for just about any reason. 


As for the defamation, now the burden of proof is on Vic to prove these were lies, and with malicious intent. Having a big twitter following isn't going to cut it in court.


While most I've seen discuss this say that this isn't likely going to happen, the case may even be thrown out if having the "victims" come forward would endanger them (swatting, harassment, death threats, etc)


As for Vic Mignonga himself, I see stupidity on both sides of this matter.

Because it's the most popular one to take a side on, I'm going to trigger some people by attacking IStandWithVic first (to put simple labels on the two camps respectively). I feel like the "IStandWithVic" crowd can be incredibly tone deaf in some instances. Yes, Vic should not be jailed without a proper trial, and we SHOULD value evidence over heresay. However, these accusations didn't come out all at once, but built upon for YEARS, as far back as 1989 according to some. At this point that's not solely heresay, but that's a clear pattern of something happening. You don't get this kind of rep for simply being a christian; after all, there are plenty of anime fans who are proud christians and conservatives. Vic Mignonga, as far as I know Todd Haberkon (I think) was accused of rape, but pretty much dispelled the rumor when he revealed that he and the "victim" texted after the said event. If this is some weird twitter backlash that sunk Vic's career, I'd imagine it should have affected Haberkon with even worse results. There are other voice actors just as prolific as Vic (Steve Blum and Johnny Young Bosch come to mind)

And then there's the argument that "I met Vic, and he was like this...(insert something positive)". All I'll say is that celebrities of all kinds are often one person on camera/talking with a fan and completely different with someone else. I mean, look at Watsuki. You read his author notes in RK, he seems like a very down to earth guy, even going as far as to write about being concerned about the AIDS epidemic. Then we find out he's a pedophile,and no one sees this coming.

Also, these people seem to not understand how sexual harassment often works. It's not like full-blown rape, but it's often a very quick touch, and a lot of times victims are afraid to come forward, especially with today's toxic internet culture.

I'll also speak from experience on this (and I'm a man, btw). One day at work, I approached a customer and his dog to see if they needed help with anything. I went along with my pitch, it seemed to be going well, and just as he was about to leave, OUT OF NOWHERE, he pinches my nipple and takes off. I was more shell-shocked than anything and couldn't believe it happened to me. After I calmed down, I didn't make a big deal out of it and thought it would just be a crazy story to share with friends.

I think about two weeks later, he shows up again. I didn't recognize him at first (you see a lot of faces in sales), and again patted me on the same spot. I silently kept my distance from him, and saw how he was acting friendly with the female manager there. I asked to speak with her after they were done. I figured I was going to tell her to watch out for this guy, because he's inappropriately touching other people (or at least me). To my shock, she and the other guy are friends, and sighs, saying she's not surprised by his behavior before I even tell her what happened. She tries to be nice, saying she's not going to defend whatever he does. I can imagine how uncomfortable others feel when they realize others know about one's inappropriate behavior and do nothing about it.


Back on topic, I also think there's a lot of stupidity with KickVic as well. First, I think the character attacks outside of the sexual allegations are way overblown. He's a homophobe because he refused to sign yaoi fanart? Uh, there are worse things you can do to show you're a homophobe. He made a holocaust joke? Again, bad joke does not mean anti-semitism. At least Mel Gibson literally said "Jews are responsible for all the problems in the world." Eating a jelly bean with Monica's name on it? Really? Look, I understand if you believe the accusations you want to demonize the said person as much as possible, but make it about something that really matters. Don't pick on petty stuff that can be blown off between "could have been handled better" to "yeah, he was a jerk about that". 

As I said before, Rial's and Marchie's tweets were also handled VERY badly. I'm more miffed with Marchie's, since you implied wanting to harm him. Um, threatening the accused with physical violence isn't the right way to go about accusations, plus this doesn't look good on you IF by some off-shot we can definitively prove these are all lies. For Rial, she said she was going to "come forward with my story"...and I haven't heard anything since. Then she does an about face and claims that this is hard for her, as she claims she still thinks of Vic as a friend.

Hypothetically, this is what they should have said:

Marchie: I am very upset about hearing these allegations, and feel this matter should be investigated more fully. Just remember, no matter who you are, touching someone without their permission is NEVER okay

Rial: It really saddens me to say this, as I still think of Vic as a friend, but I feel I have to come out and say I've experienced some of what he's accused of (Insert story of your choice here). We should have all come forward with this before, and if doing so would have saved others from pain, we are all so sorry for not speaking up sooner. It could have saved everyone, including Vic, a lot of trouble.

ANN should have also done their research with the photos they used, but their so-called journalism is as shoddy as always.


And ironically, I have ALSO been accused of sexual harassment (I don't think you've heard someone claiming to be on both ends, have you?). Though, I must warn you...the story is so ridiculous that it's probably not what you were hoping for in that regard.

This was in sixth grade, this one kid (another boy) kept accusing me of sexually harassing him. The teachers set up meetings with us and questioned both of us. I vehemently denied them every time of course, while he insisted. Looking back, I don't think the teachers were convinced by him either. He was EXTREMELY neurotic, insulting everyone at random, stuffing apples down his shirt and daring us to touch them, and when he didn't want to leave the class for whatever reason, got on all fours and literally behaved like a jackass. Obviously, NO ONE wanted to get near him if they could, and eventually he left the school (I don't know if his parents pulled him out or if he was expelled altogether). So, yeah. It hasn't haunted me since then; I certainly didn't appreciate it at the time (though I don't think most 12 year olds grasp the seriousness of harassment) but looking back on it now I do laugh.


I think what's really frustrating to me about this whole Vic mess is that none of us really know what happened, and none of us are getting good answers and are forced to go with our own guts and biases. On one hand, I'm skeptical with the KV side because they make a lot of other superfluous claims, the two VAs I mentioned have done their side no favors with the way they handled it, and we should be mad at people who had inside knowledge about this if true and didn't speak up sooner.

On the other, I'm not trusting ISWV either. Most of them had a very toxic attitude over the matter, and most of the youtubers covering this I've observed are not very trustworthy sources to begin with. And while they are correct we need firm evidence before we bring someone in Vic's situation to trial, they are also part of the greater problem by dismissing these as lies altogether. Again, this is why women often don't come forward with these things in the first place: people simply choose not to believe them because of lack of "evidence", and if they try, they are often threatened by others


If this trial IS taken to court, no matter what happens, some good will come out of it. Both sides will tell their stories, and hopefully it will paint a clearer picture, if not definitively prove one side or the other wrong.

#4 catsi563



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Posted 22 May 2019 - 06:54 PM

Sadly the ISWV side is acting in every way like the toxic fandumb that everyone accuses them of. Seeing threats of physical reprisals against Jamie and Monica and worse, Doesnt help Vics cause at all and only fuels the fire.


the KV side i agree hasnt done any favors by not letting the system work but in fairness to them the system has blatantly failed harassment victims so often that its hard to put any faith in it. theres only so many times you can trust lucy saying kick the ball charlie brown and having her yank it out from underfoot before you tell her to piss off.


Most of what ive seen on Vic is he seems to be a good person who doesnt quite have the boundaries he should, I can relate being a physically affectionate type myself but you have to try to learn the lines and how now to cross them. like KC above says though you never know about some people Look at Bill Cosby everyons favorite comedian and father figure right up until multple credible rape complaints were made about him which dated back for decades.


Were in an era where a lot of old attitudes are being challenged the Times up Movements and Me too may be handling things a little badly here and there but theyre just the beginning quite frankly. Well have to wait and see,

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#5 Nate River

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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:49 AM

Something of a summary of the suit, and how things could play out:
It's most likely that Funimation will try to settle this before this goes to court; justified or not, they're a business, and they don't want to spend more money than they have to. If this happens and Vic still feels vindicated because of it, in their eyes it's still the better alternative.

If there is and he does, I bet we never know since its hard to see the parties not wanting some type non-disparagement clause as part of the settlement that bans everyone from talking about it.

As the article says, it seems like Vic is confident that the victims and his former co-workers can't provide evidence of their claims. But if they can, this could open him up to some more legal trouble.
It should be noted that Sony, who is Funi's largest shareholder, conducted an investigation of their own. Whether or not they found sufficient evidence at this point in time is anyone's guess, but it's likely that however they arrived at their conclusion, they told Funimation to fire him.
Wrongful termination is something hard to argue in Texas, from what I understand (Nate River is probably more qualified to explain this than me, if he's interested). Current laws seem to allow employers to fire anyone for just about any reason. 
As for the defamation, now the burden of proof is on Vic to prove these were lies, and with malicious intent. Having a big twitter following isn't going to cut it in court.

My expertise is criminal law. I know very little about employment law. One factor would be the type of employment: it is at will and was did it involve a contract. I assume its at will if the only claim being made is defamation. Otherwise, Id assume hed also sue fumiation for breach of contact. At will employment, yes, both parties generally can terminate for any reason, although that is not absolute. At the moment, he is not suing funimation for breach of contract or wrongful terminate, so at the moment they may not think they have a case because of the likely at will nature of the employment. He still could seek damages for lost wages. And its possible discovery changes that and there are amendments later. I don;t know, again, its not my area of expertise.

Defamation cases in the United States are notoriously hard to win, although I dont think they are in public figure status (for purposes of defamation law), so that makes it a little easier.

While most I've seen discuss this say that this isn't likely going to happen, the case may even be thrown out if having the "victims" come forward would endanger them (swatting, harassment, death threats, etc)
As for Vic Mignonga himself, I see stupidity on both sides of this matter.
Because it's the most popular one to take a side on, I'm going to trigger some people by attacking IStandWithVic first (to put simple labels on the two camps respectively). I feel like the "IStandWithVic" crowd can be incredibly tone deaf in some instances. Yes, Vic should not be jailed without a proper trial, and we SHOULD value evidence over heresay. However, these accusations didn't come out all at once, but built upon for YEARS, as far back as 1989 according to some. At this point that's not solely heresay, but that's a clear pattern of something happening. You don't get this kind of rep for simply being a christian; after all, there are plenty of anime fans who are proud christians and conservatives. Vic Mignonga, as far as I know Todd Haberkon (I think) was accused of rape, but pretty much dispelled the rumor when he revealed that he and the "victim" texted after the said event. If this is some weird twitter backlash that sunk Vic's career, I'd imagine it should have affected Haberkon with even worse results. There are other voice actors just as prolific as Vic (Steve Blum and Johnny Young Bosch come to mind)
And then there's the argument that "I met Vic, and he was like this...(insert something positive)". All I'll say is that celebrities of all kinds are often one person on camera/talking with a fan and completely different with someone else. I mean, look at Watsuki. You read his author notes in RK, he seems like a very down to earth guy, even going as far as to write about being concerned about the AIDS epidemic. Then we find out he's a pedophile,and no one sees this coming.
Also, these people seem to not understand how sexual harassment often works. It's not like full-blown rape, but it's often a very quick touch, and a lot of times victims are afraid to come forward, especially with today's toxic internet culture.
I'll also speak from experience on this (and I'm a man, btw). One day at work, I approached a customer and his dog to see if they needed help with anything. I went along with my pitch, it seemed to be going well, and just as he was about to leave, OUT OF NOWHERE, he pinches my nipple and takes off. I was more shell-shocked than anything and couldn't believe it happened to me. After I calmed down, I didn't make a big deal out of it and thought it would just be a crazy story to share with friends.
I think about two weeks later, he shows up again. I didn't recognize him at first (you see a lot of faces in sales), and again patted me on the same spot. I silently kept my distance from him, and saw how he was acting friendly with the female manager there. I asked to speak with her after they were done. I figured I was going to tell her to watch out for this guy, because he's inappropriately touching other people (or at least me). To my shock, she and the other guy are friends, and sighs, saying she's not surprised by his behavior before I even tell her what happened. She tries to be nice, saying she's not going to defend whatever he does. I can imagine how uncomfortable others feel when they realize others know about one's inappropriate behavior and do nothing about it.
Back on topic, I also think there's a lot of stupidity with KickVic as well. First, I think the character attacks outside of the sexual allegations are way overblown. He's a homophobe because he refused to sign yaoi fanart? Uh, there are worse things you can do to show you're a homophobe. He made a holocaust joke? Again, bad joke does not mean anti-semitism. At least Mel Gibson literally said "Jews are responsible for all the problems in the world." Eating a jelly bean with Monica's name on it? Really? Look, I understand if you believe the accusations you want to demonize the said person as much as possible, but make it about something that really matters. Don't pick on petty stuff that can be blown off between "could have been handled better" to "yeah, he was a jerk about that". 
As I said before, Rial's and Marchie's tweets were also handled VERY badly. I'm more miffed with Marchie's, since you implied wanting to harm him. Um, threatening the accused with physical violence isn't the right way to go about accusations, plus this doesn't look good on you IF by some off-shot we can definitively prove these are all lies. For Rial, she said she was going to "come forward with my story"...and I haven't heard anything since. Then she does an about face and claims that this is hard for her, as she claims she still thinks of Vic as a friend.
Hypothetically, this is what they should have said:
Marchie: I am very upset about hearing these allegations, and feel this matter should be investigated more fully. Just remember, no matter who you are, touching someone without their permission is NEVER okay
Rial: It really saddens me to say this, as I still think of Vic as a friend, but I feel I have to come out and say I've experienced some of what he's accused of (Insert story of your choice here). We should have all come forward with this before, and if doing so would have saved others from pain, we are all so sorry for not speaking up sooner. It could have saved everyone, including Vic, a lot of trouble.
ANN should have also done their research with the photos they used, but their so-called journalism is as shoddy as always.
And ironically, I have ALSO been accused of sexual harassment (I don't think you've heard someone claiming to be on both ends, have you?). Though, I must warn you...the story is so ridiculous that it's probably not what you were hoping for in that regard.
This was in sixth grade, this one kid (another boy) kept accusing me of sexually harassing him. The teachers set up meetings with us and questioned both of us. I vehemently denied them every time of course, while he insisted. Looking back, I don't think the teachers were convinced by him either. He was EXTREMELY neurotic, insulting everyone at random, stuffing apples down his shirt and daring us to touch them, and when he didn't want to leave the class for whatever reason, got on all fours and literally behaved like a jackass. Obviously, NO ONE wanted to get near him if they could, and eventually he left the school (I don't know if his parents pulled him out or if he was expelled altogether). So, yeah. It hasn't haunted me since then; I certainly didn't appreciate it at the time (though I don't think most 12 year olds grasp the seriousness of harassment) but looking back on it now I do laugh.
I think what's really frustrating to me about this whole Vic mess is that none of us really know what happened, and none of us are getting good answers and are forced to go with our own guts and biases. On one hand, I'm skeptical with the KV side because they make a lot of other superfluous claims, the two VAs I mentioned have done their side no favors with the way they handled it, and we should be mad at people who had inside knowledge about this if true and didn't speak up sooner.
On the other, I'm not trusting ISWV either. Most of them had a very toxic attitude over the matter, and most of the youtubers covering this I've observed are not very trustworthy sources to begin with. And while they are correct we need firm evidence before we bring someone in Vic's situation to trial, they are also part of the greater problem by dismissing these as lies altogether. Again, this is why women often don't come forward with these things in the first place: people simply choose not to believe them because of lack of "evidence", and if they try, they are often threatened by others
If this trial IS taken to court, no matter what happens, some good will come out of it. Both sides will tell their stories, and hopefully it will paint a clearer picture, if not definitively prove one side or the other wrong.

When James first posted this stuff, I tried to find something that could even look like a neutral recitation of the basic facts. That has proven rather elusive. Im not terrible interested in hearing the advocates view because every bit of evidence is going to be colored by that perception. I dont really mean to dump on anyone, its human nature to do so.

Ive learned from my years as a lawyer, that in most cases, the evidence that is publicly known is generally only a piece of the whole. This is especially true early on. Ive only had a few high profile cases where the media contacted me, and I had to tell them I cant say anything. All they could do was attend hearings and write what was said. So for the moment, Im just standing back and observing. I dont really have an opinion on that culpability at the moment.

#6 ultranx



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Posted 27 May 2019 - 02:23 AM

Something of a summary of the suit, and how things could play out:



It's most likely that Funimation will try to settle this before this goes to court; justified or not, they're a business, and they don't want to spend more money than they have to. If this happens and Vic still feels vindicated because of it, in their eyes it's still the better alternative.


As the article says, it seems like Vic is confident that the victims and his former co-workers can't provide evidence of their claims. But if they can, this could open him up to some more legal trouble.


It should be noted that Sony, who is Funi's largest shareholder, conducted an investigation of their own. Whether or not they found sufficient evidence at this point in time is anyone's guess, but it's likely that however they arrived at their conclusion, they told Funimation to fire him.


Wrongful termination is something hard to argue in Texas, from what I understand (Nate River is probably more qualified to explain this than me, if he's interested). Current laws seem to allow employers to fire anyone for just about any reason. 


As for the defamation, now the burden of proof is on Vic to prove these were lies, and with malicious intent. Having a big twitter following isn't going to cut it in court.


While most I've seen discuss this say that this isn't likely going to happen, the case may even be thrown out if having the "victims" come forward would endanger them (swatting, harassment, death threats, etc)


As for Vic Mignonga himself, I see stupidity on both sides of this matter.

Because it's the most popular one to take a side on, I'm going to trigger some people by attacking IStandWithVic first (to put simple labels on the two camps respectively). I feel like the "IStandWithVic" crowd can be incredibly tone deaf in some instances. Yes, Vic should not be jailed without a proper trial, and we SHOULD value evidence over heresay. However, these accusations didn't come out all at once, but built upon for YEARS, as far back as 1989 according to some. At this point that's not solely heresay, but that's a clear pattern of something happening. You don't get this kind of rep for simply being a christian; after all, there are plenty of anime fans who are proud christians and conservatives. Vic Mignonga, as far as I know Todd Haberkon (I think) was accused of rape, but pretty much dispelled the rumor when he revealed that he and the "victim" texted after the said event. If this is some weird twitter backlash that sunk Vic's career, I'd imagine it should have affected Haberkon with even worse results. There are other voice actors just as prolific as Vic (Steve Blum and Johnny Young Bosch come to mind)

And then there's the argument that "I met Vic, and he was like this...(insert something positive)". All I'll say is that celebrities of all kinds are often one person on camera/talking with a fan and completely different with someone else. I mean, look at Watsuki. You read his author notes in RK, he seems like a very down to earth guy, even going as far as to write about being concerned about the AIDS epidemic. Then we find out he's a pedophile,and no one sees this coming.

Also, these people seem to not understand how sexual harassment often works. It's not like full-blown rape, but it's often a very quick touch, and a lot of times victims are afraid to come forward, especially with today's toxic internet culture.

I'll also speak from experience on this (and I'm a man, btw). One day at work, I approached a customer and his dog to see if they needed help with anything. I went along with my pitch, it seemed to be going well, and just as he was about to leave, OUT OF NOWHERE, he pinches my nipple and takes off. I was more shell-shocked than anything and couldn't believe it happened to me. After I calmed down, I didn't make a big deal out of it and thought it would just be a crazy story to share with friends.

I think about two weeks later, he shows up again. I didn't recognize him at first (you see a lot of faces in sales), and again patted me on the same spot. I silently kept my distance from him, and saw how he was acting friendly with the female manager there. I asked to speak with her after they were done. I figured I was going to tell her to watch out for this guy, because he's inappropriately touching other people (or at least me). To my shock, she and the other guy are friends, and sighs, saying she's not surprised by his behavior before I even tell her what happened. She tries to be nice, saying she's not going to defend whatever he does. I can imagine how uncomfortable others feel when they realize others know about one's inappropriate behavior and do nothing about it.


Back on topic, I also think there's a lot of stupidity with KickVic as well. First, I think the character attacks outside of the sexual allegations are way overblown. He's a homophobe because he refused to sign yaoi fanart? Uh, there are worse things you can do to show you're a homophobe. He made a holocaust joke? Again, bad joke does not mean anti-semitism. At least Mel Gibson literally said "Jews are responsible for all the problems in the world." Eating a jelly bean with Monica's name on it? Really? Look, I understand if you believe the accusations you want to demonize the said person as much as possible, but make it about something that really matters. Don't pick on petty stuff that can be blown off between "could have been handled better" to "yeah, he was a jerk about that". 

As I said before, Rial's and Marchie's tweets were also handled VERY badly. I'm more miffed with Marchie's, since you implied wanting to harm him. Um, threatening the accused with physical violence isn't the right way to go about accusations, plus this doesn't look good on you IF by some off-shot we can definitively prove these are all lies. For Rial, she said she was going to "come forward with my story"...and I haven't heard anything since. Then she does an about face and claims that this is hard for her, as she claims she still thinks of Vic as a friend.

Hypothetically, this is what they should have said:

Marchie: I am very upset about hearing these allegations, and feel this matter should be investigated more fully. Just remember, no matter who you are, touching someone without their permission is NEVER okay

Rial: It really saddens me to say this, as I still think of Vic as a friend, but I feel I have to come out and say I've experienced some of what he's accused of (Insert story of your choice here). We should have all come forward with this before, and if doing so would have saved others from pain, we are all so sorry for not speaking up sooner. It could have saved everyone, including Vic, a lot of trouble.

ANN should have also done their research with the photos they used, but their so-called journalism is as shoddy as always.


And ironically, I have ALSO been accused of sexual harassment (I don't think you've heard someone claiming to be on both ends, have you?). Though, I must warn you...the story is so ridiculous that it's probably not what you were hoping for in that regard.

This was in sixth grade, this one kid (another boy) kept accusing me of sexually harassing him. The teachers set up meetings with us and questioned both of us. I vehemently denied them every time of course, while he insisted. Looking back, I don't think the teachers were convinced by him either. He was EXTREMELY neurotic, insulting everyone at random, stuffing apples down his shirt and daring us to touch them, and when he didn't want to leave the class for whatever reason, got on all fours and literally behaved like a jackass. Obviously, NO ONE wanted to get near him if they could, and eventually he left the school (I don't know if his parents pulled him out or if he was expelled altogether). So, yeah. It hasn't haunted me since then; I certainly didn't appreciate it at the time (though I don't think most 12 year olds grasp the seriousness of harassment) but looking back on it now I do laugh.


I think what's really frustrating to me about this whole Vic mess is that none of us really know what happened, and none of us are getting good answers and are forced to go with our own guts and biases. On one hand, I'm skeptical with the KV side because they make a lot of other superfluous claims, the two VAs I mentioned have done their side no favors with the way they handled it, and we should be mad at people who had inside knowledge about this if true and didn't speak up sooner.

On the other, I'm not trusting ISWV either. Most of them had a very toxic attitude over the matter, and most of the youtubers covering this I've observed are not very trustworthy sources to begin with. And while they are correct we need firm evidence before we bring someone in Vic's situation to trial, they are also part of the greater problem by dismissing these as lies altogether. Again, this is why women often don't come forward with these things in the first place: people simply choose not to believe them because of lack of "evidence", and if they try, they are often threatened by others


If this trial IS taken to court, no matter what happens, some good will come out of it. Both sides will tell their stories, and hopefully it will paint a clearer picture, if not definitively prove one side or the other wrong.

the sony investigation was already leaked, you may want to look into the videos on that, all 3 of the incidents can't even be considered good evidence, 1 was a consentual kiss, and 2nd one, the biggest one out of the 3, was the incident where monica had a bag of jellybeans at a con and vic wanted one so she autographed it and tossed it to him and he ate it, eating poison, then he made a joke saying he ate monica, which he stated was not meant as a sex joke. the contents of these and everything in the investigations is in the leaked court documents, both the monica response documents and the original lawsuit documents, all of which are uploaded online with people covering it.


also for others not in the know on the situation, this will catch you up:


Kclaws, I think you should read up on the doc and the thread I just linked, you're uninformed on alot of info, and I mean alot, and keep bringing up the sony investigation when james and I have told you it was already leaked in the court doc, the contents of the  investigation was even in the response doc in the video. literally it can't even be called a real investigation, the biggest thing is the jellybean thing, and this is the so called sony investigation.

Edited by ultranx, 27 May 2019 - 02:26 AM.


#7 KClaws_2


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Posted 02 June 2019 - 11:20 AM

the sony investigation was already leaked, you may want to look into the videos on that, all 3 of the incidents can't even be considered good evidence, 1 was a consentual kiss, and 2nd one, the biggest one out of the 3, was the incident where monica had a bag of jellybeans at a con and vic wanted one so she autographed it and tossed it to him and he ate it, eating poison, then he made a joke saying he ate monica, which he stated was not meant as a sex joke. the contents of these and everything in the investigations is in the leaked court documents, both the monica response documents and the original lawsuit documents, all of which are uploaded online with people covering it.


also for others not in the know on the situation, this will catch you up:


Kclaws, I think you should read up on the doc and the thread I just linked, you're uninformed on alot of info, and I mean alot, and keep bringing up the sony investigation when james and I have told you it was already leaked in the court doc, the contents of the  investigation was even in the response doc in the video. literally it can't even be called a real investigation, the biggest thing is the jellybean thing, and this is the so called sony investigation.

Excuse me, how am I uninformed by trying to look at reliable sources instead of youtube videos from a bunch of angry incels? 

The first form is just the legal proceedings: it hasn't PROVEN anything as of yet, and I heard it was even filed incorrectly the first time.

I'm more than a little bit skeptical of Kiwifarms: it has a reputation on par with 4chan and a long history of doxxing people, with New York Magazine calling it the "Web's Biggest Stalker Community". Plus, the site had 2 mass shooters as members. I won't go as far to say that they were directly responsible for those things, but that's not a coincidence that at least 2 individuals predisposed to that sort of thing were part of them. So yeah, no thank you on Kiwifarms. Try to find me a forum that at least TRIES to make sure their members are not complete creeps.


The articles from Dao of Dragonball to me are the best ones to get a clue about what's going on, because everyone else is so high up on their emotions both for and against Vic while those remain neutral and just give out the facts as we know them. 

And too many people are not using common sense. Whether Vic did these things or not, in the end Funimation fired him specifically to save their own hide. Even assuming they're a stereotypical greedy company, I'd like to think they wouldn't do this unless they had SOME reason to believe the veracity of Vic's accusations. Either there was some truth to these claims, or they just really didn't like Vic and used this as an excuse to fire him. Also, why is only VIc the one getting landed with these rumors for years? Again, Vic isn't even the most famous voice actor in the west. I haven't heard bad things from too many others, save the one guy who used to voice Issei. So why is Vic singled out?

Sadly, we're not going to know the full truth for years, if ever. I want to give Vic the benefit of the doubt; there's a good chance that he meant no harm but has no concept of boundaries that it just exploded into this (people like that DO exist). But knowing what can go on in the real world and based on my experience, this is a matter I personally wouldn't take lightly.


And if it is a case of good intentions going wrong, this should be a lesson to everyone to reevaluate their behavior when certain people complain before it crashes down on you


I'm also more than a bit suspicious about Vic's legal team in this case. First off, this Reiketa guy seems to be more of a free speech specialist, so this seems to be out of his expertise. The fact that he had a GoFundMe page for Vic's legal fees instead of negotiating with him upfront just reeks of suspicion. Reiketa ALSO seems to have a history of doxxing people, or something close to that nature, as well as slandering others. Oh, and his FB page apparently has him in blackface. For some reason the forum won't allow me to post it, so just google it and you'll see it for yourself.



Ignoring the politically incorrect nature of this, this is something you just don't do if you're trying to get into a respected profession like law. I just showed this to my friend today, and called it the worst blackface he had seen in his life. It's like he dunked his head into a septic tank.


Another reason to be suspicious of this guy: He seems to be VERY eager to share any new info he gets on the case. Again, law is not my specialty, but I imagined lawyers to be very protective of the findings they are bringing to court (as Nate said). Not to mention he seems to get very defensive on twitter with rather unprofessional language. So, yeah, if I were Vic, I would probably be panicking right about now.


Or do the smart thing and fire them before any more damage is done to his image.

#8 Nate River

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Posted 03 June 2019 - 04:41 AM

Excuse me, how am I uninformed by trying to look at reliable sources instead of youtube videos from a bunch of angry incels? 
The first form is just the legal proceedings: it hasn't PROVEN anything as of yet, and I heard it was even filed incorrectly the first time.
I'm more than a little bit skeptical of Kiwifarms: it has a reputation on par with 4chan and a long history of doxxing people, with New York Magazine calling it the "Web's Biggest Stalker Community". Plus, the site had 2 mass shooters as members. I won't go as far to say that they were directly responsible for those things, but that's not a coincidence that at least 2 individuals predisposed to that sort of thing were part of them. So yeah, no thank you on Kiwifarms. Try to find me a forum that at least TRIES to make sure their members are not complete creeps.

I think you mean pleadings. Yes, both that filing and the answer are just pleadings. The civil equivalent of an indictment or complaint and information. They lay out things like the cause of action and the evidence the parties expect to provide in support of their claims. That it wasnt filed correctly doesnt mean much without knowing why. I mean its not like Ive never had to amend a charging instrument.

I dont know anything about kiwifarms, but I dont trust New York Magazine either, especially on anything that even sniffs of culture war stuff. I do lack faith in the link for your other reason: emotions are high and everything is filtered through by people whove already determined culpability. That poster is a Vic supporter, so Im skeptical of certain interpretations and definitely skeptical that its giving me the full picture. I was just as skeptical of ANN article on the answer and for the same reasons.


The articles from Dao of Dragonball to me are the best ones to get a clue about what's going on, because everyone else is so high up on their emotions both for and against Vic while those remain neutral and just give out the facts as we know them. 
And too many people are not using common sense. Whether Vic did these things or not, in the end Funimation fired him specifically to save their own hide. Even assuming they're a stereotypical greedy company, I'd like to think they wouldn't do this unless they had SOME reason to believe the veracity of Vic's accusations. Either there was some truth to these claims, or they just really didn't like Vic and used this as an excuse to fire him. Also, why is only VIc the one getting landed with these rumors for years? Again, Vic isn't even the most famous voice actor in the west. I haven't heard bad things from too many others, save the one guy who used to voice Issei. So why is Vic singled out?

You have more faith in Funimation than I do, My understanding was that the investigation was a week. That is rather brief and seems more like the actions of someone who wants to try and make this go away as fast as possible. Corporations are incredibly squeamish bunch and prone to knee jerk reactions, especially when faced with accusations of this nature. But we dont really know what they did. Stuff about their findings have leak, but the details havent.

Sadly, we're not going to know the full truth for years, if ever. I want to give Vic the benefit of the doubt; there's a good chance that he meant no harm but has no concept of boundaries that it just exploded into this (people like that DO exist). But knowing what can go on in the real world and based on my experience, this is a matter I personally wouldn't take lightly.

Im not a touchy or expressive person and fear of misunderstandings is part of the reason I almost never initiate physical contact with others.

I'm also more than a bit suspicious about Vic's legal team in this case. First off, this Reiketa guy seems to be more of a free speech specialist, so this seems to be out of his expertise. The fact that he had a GoFundMe page for Vic's legal fees instead of negotiating with him upfront just reeks of suspicion. Reiketa ALSO seems to have a history of doxxing people, or something close to that nature, as well as slandering others. Oh, and his FB page apparently has him in blackface. For some reason the forum won't allow me to post it, so just google it and you'll see it for yourself.
Ignoring the politically incorrect nature of this, this is something you just don't do if you're trying to get into a respected profession like law. I just showed this to my friend today, and called it the worst blackface he had seen in his life. It's like he dunked his head into a septic tank.
Another reason to be suspicious of this guy: He seems to be VERY eager to share any new info he gets on the case. Again, law is not my specialty, but I imagined lawyers to be very protective of the findings they are bringing to court (as Nate said). Not to mention he seems to get very defensive on twitter with rather unprofessional language. So, yeah, if I were Vic, I would probably be panicking right about now.

The bar complaint about Reikta was to the Minnesota bar. THe lawsuit was filed in Tarrant County, Texas (Ft. Worth). The pleadings were filed by law firm in Tyler, Texas. That attorneys name is Ty Beard. I think Reikta was just a support who happened to be a lawyer. It wasnt clear to me that Vic ever actually retained his legal services. And even if he did, hes already switched to more local counsel, although why a firm in Tyler, I dont know. That 3 hours away from Ft. Worth and we lawyers charge for travel as do our expert witnesses (if one is needed).

As far as being tight lipped, Beard and his firm hasnt said anything that Im aware of.

#9 ultranx



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Posted 03 June 2019 - 10:15 PM

I think you mean pleadings. Yes, both that filing and the answer are just pleadings. The civil equivalent of an indictment or complaint and information. They lay out things like the cause of action and the evidence the parties expect to provide in support of their claims. That it wasnt filed correctly doesnt mean much without knowing why. I mean its not like Ive never had to amend a charging instrument.

I dont know anything about kiwifarms, but I dont trust New York Magazine either, especially on anything that even sniffs of culture war stuff. I do lack faith in the link for your other reason: emotions are high and everything is filtered through by people whove already determined culpability. That poster is a Vic supporter, so Im skeptical of certain interpretations and definitely skeptical that its giving me the full picture. I was just as skeptical of ANN article on the answer and for the same reasons.

You have more faith in Funimation than I do, My understanding was that the investigation was a week. That is rather brief and seems more like the actions of someone who wants to try and make this go away as fast as possible. Corporations are incredibly squeamish bunch and prone to knee jerk reactions, especially when faced with accusations of this nature. But we dont really know what they did. Stuff about their findings have leak, but the details havent.

Im not a touchy or expressive person and fear of misunderstandings is part of the reason I almost never initiate physical contact with others.
The bar complaint about Reikta was to the Minnesota bar. THe lawsuit was filed in Tarrant County, Texas (Ft. Worth). The pleadings were filed by law firm in Tyler, Texas. That attorneys name is Ty Beard. I think Reikta was just a support who happened to be a lawyer. It wasnt clear to me that Vic ever actually retained his legal services. And even if he did, hes already switched to more local counsel, although why a firm in Tyler, I dont know. That 3 hours away from Ft. Worth and we lawyers charge for travel as do our expert witnesses (if one is needed).

As far as being tight lipped, Beard and his firm hasnt said anything that Im aware of.

to be fair, I didn't even know who vic was til this incident started, I was more of a vegeta fan, didn't even know the voice actors by name, I'm just a supporter of due process. also I only posted the kiwi farms post because it had all the twitter posts and stuff from both sides. I don't trust kiwifarms either. I just thought it was easier to use that post from a simple google search than try to backtrack all the way to january and post half a year's worth of videos of the situation(and before anyone asks, I didn't know kiwi farms was a thing til it was mentioned in nick's streams, all my info I got from the youtube videos from nick and others since january.).....

even so though, I don't see why this kiwifarms post is untrustworthy when all it is is a archive post on the whole situation. I don't care if a website is said to be untrustworthy, I'd still look and make judgement for myself. I look into all sources of a situation before making a judgement.

also, that isn't the only court document, the hearing already actually started and the court documents continue to be uploaded online, that one and the response docs and the desposition doc are already posted online as pdfs and showcased in rekeita's streams. and yeah, he's not vic's lawyer, tye beard is, nick just is a third party youtube lawyer who has been helping with the go fund me and everything and helping expose all the stuff with the conventionsand helping document incidents from fans for tye and speaking on things tye lets him tell to the public(tye's appeared on his streams a few times)

seriously I don't know why people still think nick is vic's lawyer, or vic is the defendant instead of the one suing.


I just don't feel like having to look up all the countless videos and twitter posts and pdfs, especially when someone could do it themselves and research themselves like I do. I'd rather have fun with my younger brother and do my own thing  than waste my day away doing all that, I get enough of that kick vic I stand with vic stuff just watching the videos on my youtube sub feed watching streams once in a while, I like to take a break from it.

if kclaws doesn't want to look the stuff up and believe he knows everything about it already, fine, not gonna stop him. also my last post above wasn't meant to offend him, I was trying to be polite, not my fault I'm typing instead of speaking in person so its taken the wrong way.


Edit. also speaking of tye beard being on nick's stream, he's gonna be on the stream tonight at 9:30pm eastern time.


also, did you even watch the first video I posted in the top post btw kclaws? I'm starting to wonder, since that was monica's lawyer's response doc and had all those things I talked about in it just like the first doc, and this was from the funimation side, their so called evidence. let me ask, did you even read the doc, or watch the video? because if  you did why would you be arguing  it wasn't filed correctly as an excuse to debunk the first doc when the response on funimation's end contained the same stuff you say is false and filed incorrectly by tye, but coming from monica's lawyer this time? I would get it if the same stuff wasn't being documented as accusations against vic from the funimation response. I mean I have watched rekeita's streams where he showcases the docs and goes over the entire thing, having the video set up where we read it with him,  unlike that yellowflash video that only skims through it, so I know the entire contents of the so called evidence by funimation. but sure, I don't know what I'm talking about even though I've read the docs for myself right? since here's the thing, you read that one doc and are judging it as being wrong because it was filed incorrectly. I on the other hand, have read all the docs up to the actual hearing, from BOTH sides. guess what? that stuff is still in BOTH sides' docs, and the one pushing that stuff is monica's end, tye didn't make the stuff up, they did.

Edited by ultranx, 04 June 2019 - 04:03 AM.


#10 James S Cassidy

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 03:37 PM


Yes, let's keep believing fake victims who accuse people of false rape or false sexual harassment because that doesn't deter real victims from coming out at all right? All those vindicative women who wanted to get revenge for the guy not wanting to be with her by accusing him of rape even though he wasn't there.

I'll be honest, I am tired of this "too afraid to come out and say something" crap all based of what "could happen" rather than what actually happens. Here is a huge important fact. The quicker you report the vile acts of rape or sexual harassment to the police, the easier proof can be found and also the quicker the person pays for their crime. It is PROVEN that over time memories and evidence fade and are harder to prove. I am so sick of people saying "well...you have to understand..." No, YOU have to understand that pretending to a victim to a crime that can be proven NEVER HAPPENED is NOT A GOOD THING.

Monica Rial says Vic did something to her. All we have is her word. That's it. Well, I need something more than her word especially when you can go back through her history and see that over 10 years after said incident she continued to hang out with Vic, call him her best friend, get drinks with him, continue to associate with him. How?

Tell me, honestly, and I know real victims. How many real victims still hang out with their rapist and call them their best friend? How many victims WILLINGLY hang out with their rapist and get drinks with them? How many victims seem to "forget details of when and where" it all occurred? Honestly, since people are so intelligent and aware of this. How many real victims act or behave around the perp that did it as casually as Monica has with Vic? I can't think of a single god damn one.

Anime New Network reported "victims" of Vic that they themselves came out and said "No, that never a happened. I never felt uncomfortable around him and he was very nice and even my mom liked him." What about them? Oh I guess that evidence doesn't count right?

What about Marzgurl committing actual malice by saying she wanted to ruin Vic's career before any of this even started and she was the one that started the Kickvic hashtag in the first place? What about that? Does that not matter?

"I stand with vic is just as toxic." Well, maybe they are, but can you blame them? These are people who are sick of liars and disgusting human beings doing these objectively illegal acts on others and acting like the victims like playing the victim gives them a get out of jail free card. They tried being nice and all anyone does is spit in their face. How would you feel if some one said to you "I was raped" and you asked "Who, what, when, where, why, and how?" and they respond "You're harassing me. I am calling the FBI on you." Do you really want to treat these people like decent people when they act like spoiled brats throwing a temper tantrum? These people are NOT victims. They are extortionist.

Nick Rekieta is constantly being sent BAR complaints from people who they have no association with.
That Umbrella Guy has people doxxing his address and threatening to go after his kids because he stands with Vic.
Yellowflash is trying to be doxxed by both Marzgurl and people associated with her and are being threatened to.

"However, these accusations didn't come out all at once, but built upon for YEARS, as far back as 1989 according to some. At this point that's not solely heresay, but that's a clear pattern of something happening."

And yet, not ONE PERSON has any physical evidence of any of it. Not ONE CASE of evidence other than hearsay. Modern Technology; Everyone has a film studio in their pocket and yet NOT ONE ever caught anything on film or pictures or anything. 5, 10, 20,000 people at a con at any given time and NOT ONE SCRAP OF EVIDENCE. I am not even talking about Monica Rial's or Pridemore's case, but ANY of the so called "victim's" of Vic's sexual misconduct streak. Isn't THAT a little suspicious? And any evidence they do post...people saw it...and can easily say "You had no objection to it at the time and you said to people up til now that you had a good time and never felt anything uncomfortable. It is not like security wasn't there and got him. It is not like the whole crowd would have went against you and no one else said anything at the time either.Nothing, but 'I now feel uncomfortable 5-10 years after the fact.'" I'm sorry, that's not good enough.

They have footage of Amanda Win Lee taking off her shirt and both blowing and dry humping a guy in a PenPen suit on stage from 1999, but can't get a single bit of evidence of ANYTHING they accuse Vic of doing? Doesn't THAT raise up some suspicions? Why aren't you asking THOSE kind of question?

WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE BEYOND HEARSAY? ANYTHING. ANYTHING AT ALL. Oh, they can't seem to produce it or "they are too scared to show it." Why? What are they afraid of? They won't be ridiculed for it especially if it legit. There is a massive movement in support of victims so what are they afraid of? Tell me.

(I mean, they have evidence of ProJared doing all this kitten and all his underage victims came out without fear. Some even posted the photos of his junk for all the world to see.)

Also. "I am too afraid to go to the police," but NOT afraid to post it on social media like twitter? ARE YOU kittening KIDDING ME?!!!


Also, how does it feel knowing Shane Holmberg, a con director I guess, tells people "yeah, we just throw out the paperwork claims after the cons are over?" So I have to wonder, if Vic is getting all of this MAYBE we should investigate all the other voice actors as well. Do a purge and see what skeletons are in Sabat's, Schemmel's, Rial's, Marchi's, maybe even Toye's closet and see what is there. I have to wonder what dirty laundry they have and maybe see if they should be fired as well for lewd or sexual misconduct...or does this only count for the male VAs and not the females because of this false narrative that females cannot be perpetrators. What happens if Sabat and Schemmel are caught actually doing this they accuse Vic of doin and Monica and Jamie DEFEND them? Seems hypocritical....and this has happened.

Sure, you got pictures of Vic hugging and kissing fans on the cheek, BUT there are pictures of Monica Rial, Chris Sabat, and even Sean Schemmel doing the EXACT SAME THING and yet not one person said anything about them or "feeling uncomfortable." It is ONLY Vic. Why? What makes what Vic was doing different from what the others were doing? Honestly. Tell me what is the difference? What if I acted like some of the Kickvic-ers and said "I felt uncomfortable on their behalf." Does that mean Monica Rial and the gang should be arrested and lose their jobs too?

Forget whether there is actual evidence or not, let's looks at this
Why should I believe Monica when she hanged out with Vic and called him a friend 10 years after the fact? Why should I believe her when she THREATENED the con owner of Kamehacon along with Sabat that she was breaking her contract because "Vic was going to be there and she didn't like that" and yet she had NO PROBLEMS being with Vic at cons for the past 10 years UNTIL NOW?  Why did she wait ten years to report something and only say something NOW? She has plenty of opportunities.

Why should I believe these people when they do kitten like this?

Does these sound like stable adults to you? To me, they are power hungry crazy people. Why make jokes about this?  These same people that look at you, Klaws and Nate, and say you are pathetic because you are a fan of Dragonball. That being a fan is a pathetic waste of existence, but still demand money from you. They hate you, but demand money from you.

Marzgurl worked for Channel Awesome and defended JewWario, an actual convicted rapist, and who knows how much other stuff. Some of the other former employees have come out and said that there is a lot more they are not revealing and that there was A LOT of sexual deviance behind the scenes. Marzgurl who said that Black people were 3/5ths a human being on a live podcast. Marzgurl who said that Vic can't sue because nothing she did was malice, BUT wants to sue other Youtubers for the SAME CRIME because they called her fat? Why should I believe her? Oh and did I mention she has said that Vic was only the beginning of her list of people to go after? Who knows how many others she wants to destroy.

Jessie Pridemore LIED saying that Vic raped her when it was proven that she was a drunken alcoholic mess who came on to Vic and he tried to avoid her. Todd Haberkorn proved this by showing text messages she sent. Then she turned around and accused him of rape to which he is with Ty Beard as well suing her.

ANN keeps writing reports based on PROVEN false evidence and MANY people have come out and said "stop using my image and such to destroy Vic. He did nothing wrong."

What about that one confirmed Funimation employee who FAKED A SWATTING blaming Istandwithvic when it never happened?

What about the website Pretty Ugly Little Liars that have been proven to be all fake by the people themselves and then using this as evidence of his misconduct?

How about the Kickvic side who have conversations about purposely making and forging evidence to get Vic arrested and even photoshopping evidence?

So tell me....WHY should I believe anything these people have to say when time after time in the past 3 months have been proven to lie over and over again? One after another. Why should I believe anything? Because they claim they are victims? If anything...this is hurting the reputation of ACTUAL victims. How come no one ever mentions how FAKE accusations cause harm to real victims? Has no one ever heard the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf? Shouldn't these people be punished for it as well? Make it known that false rape accusations, if proven false, will NOT be tolerated, but no, they get a slap on the wrist and a pat on the head.

How can I believe somebody when they say
"At the time I was okay with it about 5 years ago, but now I felt I was comfortable?" How is that logical? Are you sure that THAT is not brainwashing? How can that even be proven? KClaws, imagine if that happened to you. Some person you had a fling with and it was consensual at the time, but you broke off and then 10-20 years down the line they come back and say "You raped me back then." Should you be thrown in jail automatically?

We KNOW memory can easily be altered as time progresses. WE KNOW FOR A FACT that memory gets less reliable as time goes by.

Monica says Vic did this.
Vic says that it never happened.

Why is Monica's word more valuable than Vic's?

". However, these accusations didn't come out all at once, but built upon for YEARS, as far back as 1989 according to some. At this point that's not solely heresay, but that's a clear pattern of something happening."

Uh huh, and what about all the people who said nothing happened? I guess their voices don't count? So, you have 10,000 people who says Vic did nothing wrong vs 100 people who say he raped or sexually assaulted them with 95 of them being proven false and made up stories and the other 5 having no evidence or even counter evidence to say they are wrong. 

Sean Schemmel was accused of upskirting someone at a 2011 con. I don't people automatically going after him. Chris Sabat was seen fraternizing with cosplayers and some underage and when brought up some people were like "Oh it was nothing, but jokes."

INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. That is the bottom line in the American Justice system. This is NOT Salem 1642 or do you guys want to go back to "killing innocent people based on hearsay alone," but I guess people want the justice system to be "Better safe than sorry."

Here, let me do one myself:
Did you know Monica Rial grabbed my butt and made me feel uncomfortable at a 2017 Kamehacon? Yeah. I went in cosplay as Future Trunks and went to go see her. While there I met her and got her autograph and took a picture with her and that is when she grabbed my butt and said softly in my ear "I'll be your mommy" in a sexual tone. I felt so uncomfortable thinking about it now and I threw away both the autograph and deleted the picture because is traumatized me. I still take hot showers every time I think about it and feel so horrible whenever I see Bulma on Dragonball. #KickMonica.

"It was all a joke"
-Monica Rial. Jamie Marchi. Sean Schemmel.

Look at the actual evidence and tell...do these people really seem like victims?
"I distanced myself from him after he did horrible stuff to me" -Monica Rial
*has footage of her willingly hugging Vic in front of thousands and playing with him*

Casually interacting and laughing with him? Victim?

Don't believe people, believe the evidence. SHOW ME EVIDENCE. It is not that hard...UNLESS there is no evidence to give.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO PROVE VIC DID ANYTHING. I don't care about opinions. I don't care about "believe all victims." I don't care about virtue signaling or whatever. All I care about is evidence.

I have been accused of kitten too and it is just as horrible when you know you are innocent and no one will believe you. When vile disgusting horrible people who will do anything for money accuse you of kitten that you didn't do. This is why I am angry about all of this. I have been on the other side of the fence and I am tired of people believing other because they put on a victim face. I was abused by someone and not one person believed me because "you're a man. A man can't be abused by a woman. They are not physically strong enough." It nearly ruined my life and got me in jail, but because there was no evidence to prove I was the one who did it....the case was dropped, but I will never forget when I am pleading on my hands and needs for people to believe and not one person did because of this sexist notion that men can never be raped or abused or harassed by women. (By the way, the person who did abuse me did get her karma. She had a threesome and got herpes.)

That is the most unbiased as I can be. GIVE ME EVIDENCE OR SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTHS. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

"I mean, look at Watsuki. You read his author notes in RK, he seems like a very down to earth guy, even going as far as to write about being concerned about the AIDS epidemic. Then we find out he's a pedophile,and no one sees this coming."


Here is the REAL Ironic thing about that.

Hear about this guy; an actual pedophile and rapist? Yeah, he was an advocate for SJW movement and MeToo. Isn't it ironic that most of the pedophiles, rapist, sexual deviants, racists and more are the from the group that are trying to fight AGAINST pedophiles, rapist, sexual deviants, racists, and more?

Ben Affleck, George Takei, Cardi B, Neil Degrasse Tyson, and on and on and on.


Edited by James S Cassidy, 11 June 2019 - 04:29 PM.

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#11 James S Cassidy

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 04:46 PM

Look at all this sexual assault going on. Look at these victims who are obviously too afraid to admit how uncomfortable they are. Such a disgrace. These people should all be fired and thrown in jail.

So tell me...what is the difference in all of these pictures?







Again, can you really trust these people when their followers are impersonating lawyers which highly illegal aka fraud and identity theft.

and accuse ISWV of using a Go Fund Me to support "harassment" when it used for paying legal bills

AND YET...Marzgurl, the person who started the #kickvic thing in the first place, also used Go Fund Me to, by their own definition, harass Yellowflash and TUG with legal threats.

So in conclusion, regardless of anything else, this is a group of people who think "I can do it to you cause it is my right, but if you do it to me it is harassment and illegal."

Seriously, how do you guys define harassment? If harassment is criticizing someone for their actions, then I guess we all should be thrown in jail and sued.


Edited by James S Cassidy, 11 June 2019 - 10:35 PM.

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#12 James S Cassidy

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Posted 20 July 2019 - 06:48 PM

Major Update:
Ron Toye deposition:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Monica Rial deposition:

Vic Mignogna deposition.
Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

These are full video depositions. These are the ONLY complete unedited sources for the deposition save for paper depositions. So regardless if you like Nick or not...he is the one who is in close connection with this case.

Stan Dahlin's, supposed witness to Vic's assault on Monica, affidavit.
(Spoilers: He says Monica's story never happened)


And for the lulz

Edited by James S Cassidy, 20 July 2019 - 06:50 PM.

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#13 James S Cassidy

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Posted 16 August 2019 - 01:39 AM

"It was a case of mistaken identity"

Turns out it wasn't Vic that Hanleia was going after, but another Funimation VA named Illich Guardiola

This has brought to light several important facts.

1. SJWs never do research.
2. They are easily manipulated and refuse to accept that they messed up.
3. Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, and the rest have been trying to get Vic fired FOR YEARS and lied until they had a moment to do something. This literally proves civil conspiracy right here.

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#14 catsi563



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Posted 07 September 2019 - 12:18 AM

Looks like Vic needs new lawyers



My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

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#15 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 07 September 2019 - 12:43 AM

Looks like Vic needs new lawyers



The reporter from what I understand is bias in favor of Kick Vic.


Vic is at a con for a movie he is in today, so he couldn't show.


Marchi is dropped from the case as a defendant since all they had were a few tweets, one which she says she wants someone ball's ripped off she does not explicitly say she talking about Vic's balls (well not without the tweet she was replying to), she had the weakest case against her because of that, maybe a phone call but the affidavit that may have claim that wasn't accepted by the judge for this hearing, but she is still going to be a witness since her "assault" is one of the few thing the defense has, and its a "he said, she said." Which means, it become who the jury believes at that point if this goes to trial. Marchi's lawyer job was getting her off the case and he was the most (/Only) competent lawyer the defense had. She can also be brought back into the case through appeals.


Monica and Ron are still in as are Funimation. Those two are spending a lot of money on three lawyer from two firms. One which is a suppose expert on TCPA, means if they fail at that he useless from here on out. Also, Funimation is in trouble outside the court room due to what has been dredged up as this case has gone on or have you not heard of, "Mr. Popo's sacred ointments?"


Edit: Apparently, the judge was being super strict on the plaintiff demand a higher standards then is prescribe in the law.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 07 September 2019 - 07:48 AM.

#16 sushi.


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Posted 07 September 2019 - 08:48 PM

What makes monica rial a sjw?


#17 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 07 September 2019 - 11:09 PM

What makes monica rial a sjw?

*Shrug* I don't go on twitter. So, other then James over reacting and considering all people that disagree with him such. From what I understand, she seems to support the cause and people that are considered SJWs and she used the Metoo movement to get pay back against Vic for some minor slights over the years they have known each other.


I watched the deposition and the main thing to take away from it was she is an old women with a lot of grudges against her so called friends for friendly jokes she took as slights or in Vic case upstaging her. In his case's, his name was put on a limited DVD instead of her's. She is also desperate to pretend she is still young attractive in her 20-30's and could get any guy she wants despite that biological clock ticking for her.


Instead of thinking of her in a political sense. Just think of her as that one aunt you have that everyone dreads to interact with, due to her: holding a grudge against your parent because she feels they once got a better/bigger birthday cake than she got, will complain to the manager at every store or restaurant at any provocation, and calls every young woman she knows a slut despite dressing and behaving more provocative then them.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 08 September 2019 - 04:10 AM.

#18 James S Cassidy

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Posted 08 September 2019 - 01:44 PM

What makes monica rial a sjw?

She dyes her hair rainbow colors.
She pushes the agenda of "Believe all women." (Unless they are against HER friends, then she tells them they are wrong.)
And she is hypocritical of Stephanie Nadolny who claims that Chris Sabat told her to have sex with him or she won't get the part in Dragonball Kai. (Also supported by Chuck Huber of Android 17)
She along with Jamie Marchi dialogue in anime to be more misandrist and anti-patriarchal propaganda in them. (Dragon Maiden and Prison School for examples.)
They also made DMs and tweets lately telling fans that if you are not on their side then you are not "true anime fans."

There is so much.
She also told some women who are victims of rape that they are not real victims because they were on Vic's side and not hers.

There are women now coming out against Chris Sabat for sexual misconduct in Funimation and she is saying that they are betraying her.

You have to look into all of it.


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#19 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 04:56 PM

I've silently followed this case for a while and have a couple of thoughts:


1) Funimation is without a doubt a corrupt cesspool of very bad men and women at the top. I sincerely believe that the decision to fire Vic had nothing to do with his sex addiction and everything to do with office politics. Ron Toye, Monica Rial, Jamie March, Chris Sabat and Sean Schemmel are, from what I can tell, very bad people who will get what is coming to them sooner or later. I believe they tortiously conspired to ruin Vic's life.


2) This practice of twitter mobs getting together and ruining people's lives needs to end.


3) The above aside, Vic has a terrible lawyer. And I mean TERRIBLE lawyer. The way he has handled this case is unbecoming of someone who has been practicing for 20 years. There is no excuse, NONE, ZERO, NADA, for a FULL FLEDGED LAW FIRM with a $250,000 retainer sitting in their IOLTA acount to be missing filing deadlines, much less being completely unprepared for an inevitable hearing they've known about for months. That's some sh-t a knucklehead wet behind the ears lawyer like me manages not to do on underpaid, overworked and underappreciated court appointed criminal cases


Marchi is dropped from the case as a defendant since all they had were a few tweets, one which she says she wants someone ball's ripped off she does not explicitly say she talking about Vic's balls (well not without the tweet she was replying to), she had the weakest case against her because of that, maybe a phone call but the affidavit that may have claim that wasn't accepted by the judge for this hearing, but she is still going to be a witness since her "assault" is one of the few thing the defense has, and its a "he said, she said." Which means, it become who the jury believes at that point if this goes to trial. Marchi's lawyer job was getting her off the case and he was the most (/Only) competent lawyer the defense had. She can also be brought back into the case through appeals.

She had the weakest, but it was perfectly winnable at this stage and there's no telling what Ty could have found out about her during discovery. Ty didn't introduce the entire twitter thread containing Marchi's statements as an exhibit, allowing her lawyer and the judge to go with this absurd notion that there's no proof she was referring to Vic. There was clear and specific evidence for each element against Marchi, but Ty didn't present it because reasons.


Edit: Apparently, the judge was being super strict on the plaintiff demand a higher standards then is prescribe in the law.


I take issue with a lot of what I've read about this judge, but here's the problem on this in particular: Ty was supposed to present clear and specific evidence of each element he was trying to prove for each cause of action. He didn't need to prove his case; he just needed to show some clear and specific evidence of each element of each cause of action.. This means that on Tortuous Interference, he would not only need to provide specific evidence of the existence of the contract, but also damages. For some reason, he did not bring any of Vic's convention emails establishing the existence of a contract, much less bring any receipts to say there was damages. That's all he had to do and he couldn't be bothered to do it for some reason. All that crap the defendants raised in their motions would not have meant jack squat! That's why the judge threw it out. Ty's best bet is to file a motion to reconsider including all of said evidence at this point, but given that judges temperament, I doubt he'll grant it. Missing the deadline and the notary fraud stuff really pissed him off and he already refused to consider Ty's amended response.


Ty might be able to do something on appeal, but his laziness and procedural screw-ups have turned what should have been a small bump in the road into an uphill battle on a 90 degree incline. :err:

Edited by ThroughWithLove, 08 September 2019 - 04:59 PM.

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#20 Gravenimage


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 11:59 PM

This was NEVER about sexual assault or harassment. It was about jealousy. Sabat, Sean, Monica, Jamie and who knows how many at Funimation hate Vic because they're jealous of him. He's more talented and love his work and his fans more. It disgusts me how unprofessional and horrible these people are. To think they will stood so low. 




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