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Naruto The Demon Within

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#1 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 03:11 PM

Everyone, it's good to see Heaven & Earth in business! happy.gif And now, for something many of you have waited for... the return of my Naruto fanfiction, The Demon Within! happy.gif I'm glad this is here 'cause I was worried about never posting it again... but at least some of my faithful readers are here! Re-enjoy Chapter 1!

-Chapter 1-

Naruto Uzumaki... 16 years old... a Chuunin of Konohagakure Village. It took him a while to get there, but he was there. About a year ago, the blonde-haired mischievous Chuunin had begun to have nightmares... nightmares where the demon fox sealed within his body, Kyuubi, had completely dominated his human soul and forced him to kill everyone in the village. In fact, someoe who worked with Naruto for a long time, Kakashi Hatake, suggested he see a friend of his to help him. A few days ago, Naruto had finally met that person, and talked with her. Today was his second meeting with her.

"...And still, I feel everything I do is not enough for myself. I still... worry about my inner demon comin' out and forcing me to do something that I'd live to regret, if I ever reclaimed my soul." Naruto spoke in the small office, a young woman about 26 years old or so with white hair and a dark blue suit, who also had a clipboard with paper on it, nodded. "Naruto, you know here, you can always talk to me about anything, and you know I will not tell anyone of what you've told me."

Naruto nodded. "I know, Yukina. We did break a bit of ground with our first session, and this being our second, maybe a bit more."
"How does it make you feel though, to be seen as a relic of the past?"
"I sometimes questioned my existence because of it, since the village wanted me to die because of that. That's why I shot for a big dream like become the Hokage. I train hard, harder than most others so I can achieve that dream someday. It's gonna take me a while, I bet, but I'll make it!! I will not quit, I will not run, and I will not go back on my promise to myself! That is my Nindo!"

Yukina smiled as she replied. "You know, I do not see you as a relic of Konoha's past, Naruto. You are a person who seeks acknowledgement, the want to be noticed by everyone other than the friends you have made thus far. You also hide who you really are because you feel if you showed the real you to others that they may see you as weak deep down. But you have the power to believe in yourself, too, and that is what make you strong... all of those qualities."

Naruto nodded as he put his hands behind his head. "Still, the hardest part is working with 11 other Chuunins who have either been your rivals or your allies at one point in life. It has been interesting to say the least. I like being able to go on missions, to be able to try and make a difference. Sure I overexert myself sometimes, but I do it because I want to try and give 200% in a mission!"
Yukina giggled a bit. "Well, at least you know you can achieve great things if you give it your all."
"Yup!" Naruto then looked at the clock and his eyes widened. "kitten!!! I'm runnin' late! The others are so gonna kill me!" Naruto quickly hopped to his feet, grabbed his dark green Chuunin vest over his black short-sleeved shirt, and then grinned as he said "Later, Yukina, sorry we gotta cut this counseling session short this time!" He then pushed the window open and waved to her.

Yukina nodded. "I know, Naruto. But with the responsibilites of being a part of a great team like you are a part of, I can understand. Just remember to live for each day without concern of your worries."
Naruto smiled. "Gotcha!" He then leapt out the window and shouted "'Bye now!!!"
With that done, Naruto began to run as fast as he could, making good time, considering right now, he had 1 minute and 05 seconds to get to where his colleagues were. He knew he had to be abit more punctual, but still, he was juggling all of his time between training, working with his fellow Chuunins from his generation since he was 13, and also seeing Yukina since 5 days ago. Naruto then leapt into the air then landed onto the ground, panting a bit as he looked up to see some of his colleagues.

One of them, a raven-haired young man about Naruto's age had his arms crossed his arms, eyes closed and scoffed. "Took you long enough, loser. What kept you!?"
"For your information, Sasuke, I had to take care of another appointment and got caught up in it is all." Naruto stood up slowly. "I did make it after all."
"So what? If you didn't show up, you were gonna be left behind." Sasuke said, turning away from Naruto as he walked off.
One of the others there, a plump young man with light brown spikey hair, two earrings, one on each, and red swirls on his cheeks, smiled and patted Naruto's back. "Aw, don't worry, Naruto! Ya know we wouldn't leave you behind."
"I know, Choji. Thanks, man."

"No biggie." Choji said as he then ate some potato chips from a bag he had with him. "Sasuke sure does seem bitter that you brought him back here to Konoha, even after all this time."
"Yeah.. you are right..." Naruto said, arms behind his head. "Sheesh, he should get over it, man! Too many people were worred about 'im when he left, and all his leaving was for power. Kinda selfish. But I guess... Naw! Forget it! We better follow."
"Right." Both Naruto and Choji then followed behind Sasuke, sprinting behind him.

After a bit of a walk, the trio along with 9 others who were familiar to them, met in a disclosed location. Shikamaru Nara, Choji's best friend and one of Konoha's brightest, even if he was a slacker, was the first one to speak. "Well, I know this seems a bit annoying for us to all be here, people, but... I heard we have a training mission to embark on today. See, the Hokage has got this abandoned building and she's setting it up to see like it were an enemy base. She asked us to do this since she feels... wellllll... that our teamwork needs serious work."
Ino then replied. "What kind of task do we gotta do?"
"Simple. We try to get in, and find 4 fake scrolls, collect them, get in, get out, it's that simple really. But not TOO simple. We are gonna need to deal with fellow Konoha Ninjas who are supposed to be enemies for this exercise. Our group really has no leader, so we're going to need to do this right."
"How so?" Sakura asked. "I mean, after all, it won't be easy."
"Well.. I've got a plan all set up... we start in an hour!" Shikamaru replied.

An hour later, inside the abanonded building, Naruto, Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, and Lee were walking along a tightrope towards the building from another building.
"Guys, seriously, think we can actually do this!?" Kiba asked, as Akamaru barked some while behind him.
"If we do things carefully, we'll be fine, I'm sure. I trust Shikamaru's plan." Naruto smiled. "He's a great tactician after all, guys."
"I am not sayin' we can't trust him, Naruto, just that, well, breakin' and enterin' and gettin' out without gettin' noticed isn't the easiest task!"
"I know, Kiba."
"Shh.. We're almost there." Shino said, one of his Destruction Bugs near his ear as he nodded. "No guards on the roof. We're good to go."
Lee then leapt to the roof of the building where the training mission would took place and looked about, then motioned to Naruto and the others. They all made it over the tightrope; Shino first, then Kiba and Akamaru, finally Naruto.

Lee walked around slowly and tapped different locations carefully. "OK, looks like it's true. No guards."
But suddenly, out of the shadows came 8 masked Konoha ninjas! Shino looked on and said "Damn! They hid in the shadows! That's why my Destruction Bug couldn't see them while they just waited for us!"
"So what, Shino?" Naruto grinned. "There's 8 of 'em! Thickbrows has got it under control. After all, he is one of the strongest of our team."
Lee smiled and then took a fighting stance, punching and kicking the 8 enemies away with ease.
Naruto smiled. "See?"
Shino nodded as he turned to Kiba. "Kiba... smell anything?"
Kiba began to sniff the air, walking forward slowly, sniffing a bit more. "There may be enemies down below us. Shino, care to examine?"
"With pleasure." With that done, Kiba's teammate began to send one of his famed Destruction Bugs through the vents, having it examine around to make sure that they could get in unnoticed, without botching the "mission".

Shino closed his eyes under his sunglasses as he looked through the eyes of his Destruction Bug while Naruto, Kiba, Akamaru, and Lee waited. However, on the inside, someone was sitting in a room, observing the four Chuunins on the roof, unbeknownst to them. This person was one of the heads of the test, but he had another agenda. This man, Ishimaru Katoh, smirked as he had looked opend his right eye, the only working eye he had since his left eye was sealed up due to the scar he had received 16 years ago when Kyuubi, the nine-tailed fox demon sealed within Naruto, had attacked Konohagakure Village. He was only 16 when it happened, but now he had harbinged a deadly hatred for Naruto, so much so that he had lied to Tsunade, the 5th Hokage, about his agenda for this test. He wasn't going to simply test the "Dirty Dozen" as the 12 Chuunins had been known as, he was meaning to kill Naruto in the process.

He smirked as he said "Good... all on schedule... now... to make it happen soon. You will pay for destroying the village AND for the murder of my family, demon fox! I will make sure that your teammates see that your death is a bloody one, and your secret exposed. Once that is done, you can then suffer... in Hell. But first, I think it will be easy to say that you... will need to begin to feel my pain before I kill you inside here." He chuckled evily, his right eye beginning to glow as he leaned back.

Naruto cried out a bit as he grabbed his head with his hands, gritting his teeth as the others looked at him, nudging him to see if he was OK. Naruto then cried out and collapsed onto his back, eyes closed, his body motionless! It was as if Naruto wasn't even there anymore! Even the nudging and calling out of his friends didn't help... Naruto was nowhere to be found.


#2 Shinyu


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 03:18 PM

Heya happy.gif

#3 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 27 September 2004 - 07:52 PM

-Chapter 2-
"Hey! Naruto-kun! Can you hear me? It's me, Rock Lee! Are you there?" Lee tried to wake Naruto up 17 times now, and each time he was unsuccessful. Naruto was gone, his mind sealed in something fierce. Naruto then shot his eyes open and screamed at the top of his lungs as Lee, Shino, Kiba, and Akamaru all fell backwards as Naruto was panting, sweat down the side of his face.

"Naruto-kun, what happened!?" Lee asked, blinking.
Kiba nodded as Akamaru came to his side. "Yeah, man, you just passed out and then all o' a sudden, you open your eyes and nearly busted our damn eardrums with your scream."
Naruto looked at them then shook his head as he stood up. "It's... nothing, guys. I'm OK now. Any word from the others while I was out?"
"Yeah. Shikamaru's team is at the north end, about to make their way in, Sasuke-kun's team is all set to make their way in also, and so is Neji's team. We're good to go." Shino said as he then had his Destruction Bugs form the uniform of a guard. Naruto looked and said "Your plan to get in, Shino..? Good call... see if you can get some uniforms for me, Thickbrows, and Dog boy, OK?"
"Will do." Shino then slipped into the building via a hatch on the roof and landed down safely, walking amonst the guards carefully until he slipped into the shadows. Some of the guards were confused as they followed Shino then Shino simply knocked them out. After that was done, he dragged the three unconscious guards somewhere where no one could find them. He then grabbed their uniforms from their bodies, folded them up, and headed back to the roof.

Naruto and the others each took a uniform as Naruto said "OK, Shikamaru said there were four scrolls in the building, guys. With the four teams, we should be able to get at least one scrolll. Look around for any doors that seem out of the ordinary, any kanji, that sort of thing, and if you make it, contact either one of us or one of the other teams... it's that simple, got it?"
Shino, Kiba, and Lee nodded as they slipped into the building again. Naruto's team was all in, and with their own methods, the others had made it in alright and safely, each of them now heading off to find the scrolls. Naruto looked about and saw a door with the Kanji for Earth on it. He then guessed it meant one of the scrolls was in there. He kicked the door open and rushed inside and smiled. 'Yes! I was right! But... somethin' stinks about this! Why is it so easy for me to get in here...? Unless it's a trap...'
"How smart... you figured it out..."
Naruto gasped as he then turned to see that Ishimaru was now standing in front of him! Ishimaru glared with an evil eye at Naruto... as Naruto shuddered, feeling something horrible emitting from him. Naruto leapt back, pulling a kunai out. "Who are you!?"
"Simple. The man who will put an end to the Youma, Kyuubi, for good. Now... STILL!!" Suddenly, as Naruto was about to move, he was paralyzed by something and couldn't move at all! Ishimaru then grabbed a kunai of his own, twirling it as he smiled insanely and shouted "DIE!!!!!" He then thrusted the kunai and drove it into Naruto's shoulder, causing Naruto's eyes to widen.

Ishimaru smiled as he whispered "You killed my family, Nine-Tails... all of them now just dust after so long... and you being alive still... now I will end your miserable existence." He grabbed the kunai in Naruto's shoulder and twisted it in deep. Naruto screamed out in agony so loudly, you would think all of Konohagakure Village could hear it... and in the building, everyone else in the Dirty Dozen heard it and rushed to where Naruto was. It would have appeared that now, the mission was through, and a life and death struggle was about to begin.

Naruto gritted his teeth, his hair beginning to raise on end as he said "You bastard... I am not Kyuubi!! I AM NARUTO UZUMAKI, A MEMBER OF KONOHA!!! A proud Chuunin and member of the famed group, Dirty Dozen! My dream is to become Hokage, the Fire Shadow, someday, and I won't let your quest for vengeance stop me from achieving that goal!"
"Ha! A brat like you Hokage...?" Ishimaru smirked. "No one, even then, would accept you as Hokage. You're worthless, and no one cares about you... they'd all rather want you dead sooner than anything else..."
"Liar..." Naruto snarled some, with his eyes becoming viciously red. It was evident. Kyuubi's power was flowing with Naruto's now. "I have people who acknowledge me now... friends... who are like my family..."
"Fine then. You can perish where you stand, while my team annihilates your 'family'." Ishiharu said, taking out another kunai and preparing to this time impale Naruto's neck! Even with his healing thanks to Kyuubi, Naruto couldn't survive an attack like that! He turned and shattered the Body Bind Jutsu that Ishiharu used on him, exploding at him with all of Kyuubi's energy fused into him. He then began to punch and kick at the Jounin, but each move of his was blocked and then Ishiharu punched Naruto hard, slamming him into a wall! Ishiharu smirked as he then did a technique Naruto was used to using... the Art of the Shadow Doppleganger aka Kage Bunshin no Jutsu or the Shadow Clone Skill.

With the use of the Shadow Doppleganger techinque, Ishiharu created 5 Dopplegangers, each of them pulling out a kunai. Naruto landed on his feet then dashed out of the door, falling down for 5 floors then landing onto the ground. The others who still resided in the building heard the thump as Shikamaru was the first to come out and saw Naruto panting. "Huh!? Naruto!? What's goin' on!?"
"Some dude is trying to kill me, Shikamaru, that's what! You better go, now!"
Suddenly, Shikamaru felt a sword to his neck as someone stepped out of the shadows, smiling. "Heh... too easy, especially for a punk like the Kyuubi kid."
"Huh? Kyuubi...?" Shikamaru said as Naruto's eyes shrunk a bit.

"What do you mean by Kyuubi?" Shikamaru asked, moving his hands into his pouch but the swordsman then grabbed his arm and smirked. "Ah, ah, ahh! Can't let that happen. You are actually the last one to be caught, Shikamaru Nara."
"Whaddya mean...? The others are..." Shikamaru turned slowly and saw as his perception of the area changed. Shikamaru then realized it was Genjutsu, Illusionary tactics, at work. He then saw Sasuke, Sakura, Choji, Ino, Lee, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, Neji, and Tenten were all knocked unconscious and bound up. The swordsman smiled and said "Dirty Dozen, huh? Pigs in a blanket for our group."

Another duo stepped into the room as they smiled. "Nice work, Hanzo. Managed to subdue Nara, the only one we hadn't gotten besides Uzumaki. Impressive." One of them, a tall man with a straw hat on his head as well as a cloak over his body.
The woman with short brown hair, and a flourish kimono smiled as she continued "Well, well, we now just need Ishimaru-san and we are all set for our plan."

Ishimaru then landed down. "I am all set, people... let's get to work." He then elbowed Naruto in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. Ishimaru then looked to the man in the straw hat and the woman. "Yoshimitsu, Ayane, take this... team somewhere special in the building, so they can witness the execution." Both nodded as Ishimaru smirked at Naruto's unconscious body then kicked him in the ribs before grabbing him by his vest and smirked.

Slowly, Shikamaru opened his eyes and cried out when he saw he was strung up by ropes, which had his arms tied up too. He then saw the others, save for Naruto. He said "I remember that guy with the sword, Naruto, and that's it... something stinks... HEY, EVERYONE!! WAKE UP!!!"

Choji shook his head and blinked. "Shikamaru, what's goin' on? Why're we all tied up?"
"Don't know... but I remember some guy mentioning 'Kyuubi'? Wasn't it that nine-tailed fox demon tbat came here 16 years ago?"
Sasuke nodded since he was awake now. "Yeah. But why go after us? But enough of that! Can anyone get loose!?"
"No good. I tried using my Destruction Bugs to cut the ropes, but they're too strong for them, Sasuke-kun. I guess we're stuck here for a while... at least until we can figure the situation out..." Shino replied.
Kiba frowned as he saw Akamaru trapped in a cage. Lee blinked as he said "Everyone is here, except Naruto-kun! Where is he..?"
"Dunno.... but whatever we do, it better be done soon!" Shkamaru said. Sakura then gasped as she said "Guys... I think I found Naruto... look!"

Naruto was bound to a stone, unable to move his arms as he cried out. "LEMME GO, YOU BASTARDS!!! Let me go!"
"Naruto!" The others all shouted. Naruto blinked and looked up. "Guys! You're alive at least! Listen, I wish I could explain what is going on, but this goes a lot deeper than this! Please..."
Ishimaru, Hanzo, Yoshimitsu, and Ayane walked up as they smirked, Ishimaru beginning to speak. "Well, this is just perfect. An audience to witness the end of Kyuubi. And who better to hate him and lead him to death than his teammates..."
"Naruto, what's this psycho talkin' about!? Why's he gone and tied us up and what does he mean by Kyuubi!?!" Kiba shouted, snarling a bit.
"Heh heh... you know, 16 years ago, after the Kyuubi attack, there was a rule made... a rule that said no one was to know the truth of Kyuubi, the Youma that decimated this village... except the villagers knew, growing up, hating Naruto, condemning him because all along he... he was the nine-tailed fox demon! And now, you see the truth... that your 'friend' is nothing more than the demon that nearly killed us all 16 years ago!"
Everyone else of the Dirty Dozen gasped a bit as Naruto hung his head. Ishimaru then smiled as he pulled out his katana. "Now, die, Naruto Uzumaki, with the knowledge that your friends hated you for knowing the truth... DIE IN THE PITS OF HELL ALONE!!!" He then slashed his sword at Narut... but...
Suddenly, Naruto screamed out, breaking his bonds and grabbing the edge of the sword. Naruto looked on, his chakra now orange, as he had tapped into Kyuubi's power. "Everyone, I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I couldn't though! If I did tell you, I was afraid... I was afraid you all would abandon me because you would hate me more than how you saw your parents treat me and learned to hate me too!! I couldn't bare to be in that hell again! I COULDN'T!!" Naruto looked down, tears down his cheeks hitting the ground.

"Naruto... that is why you were always so alone... well, don't worry! You won't be! We're all comrades and friends here... we won't abandon you because of something like that!" Sakura smiled.
"What she says is true, Naruto! Just 'cause you have a demon in ya doesn't change who YOU are!" Shikamaru added.
"So, don't think we will give up on you since you've never given up on us!" Ino added.
Naruto looked as the others nodded. He smiled then broke Ishimaru's sword. Ishimaru then said "Kill them all!!"
Hanzo, Yoshimitsu and Ayane began to make their move, but then, suddenly, ANBU appeared, cutting the ropes which held the others up and got them loose as one said "DON'T MOVE!!" Ishimaru, Hanzo, Yoshimitsu, and Ayane all stopped as one of the ANBU, one with purple hair, walking forward to Ishimaru, holding a katana.
Naruto laughed at this happily and said "Awesome timing, Sakuya! How did you guys know we were in trouble...?"
Sliding her mask off, Sakuya smiled as she said "Hokage-sama had a feeling that there was foul play involved. Good thing she acted, just in case."
"Yup!" Naruto smiled, but then looked at his team and smiled. Now they knew the truth... but they accepted him, because of who he was. He then rushed over to them and said "Guys... are you OK?"
Shikamaru nodded. "We're OK. How about you, fox boy?"
"Wellll, I can't complain..." He looked over to Ishimaru who shouted "FOOLS!! That boy will kill us all!! WHY LET HIM LIVE!?"
"Because he's a part of this village, Ishimaru... and just because he has IT sealed within him, doesn't make him IT at all. He is who he is."
Naruto smiled at his friends and then wiped his brow. "WHOO!! I am bushed... but I have to say, what a day!"
With all he had been through, Naruto knew others may try to kill him, but he was ready since he was acknowledged, and knew he was really alive. No longer would he be alone... but he'd have his friends, his teammates with him.

Here is Chapter 2, folks for anyone who hasn't read the fic and for those who have, but got a chance to re-read it! ENJOY!! And post when you can. smile.gif


#4 Smiter


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Posted 27 September 2004 - 08:11 PM

Always wanting more of the story! wink.gif

*patently waits for the rest of the story* happy.gif

#5 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 28 September 2004 - 05:28 PM

-Chapter 3-
The next day, Naruto was in the forest by himself, training, just like he did all the time. He began to move his hands rapidly around the chakra he was attempting to form. He began to grit his teeth as he screamed out, smashing his whirling chakra into a tree... this was his training with his most powerful Jutsu, the Rasengan, or Wind Spiral. The Rasengan was taught to Naruto when he was younger, by Jiraiya, one of the 3 Legendary Sennin, or Sage Ninjas, or as Naruto called him, the Pervert-Sennin.

Yondaime, the Fourth Hokage, the Hokage Naruto most admired, was the one who had developed this attack. Naruto himself learned to use it properly in a week, where as it took Yondaime 3 years to master. He knew he was able to use the Rasengan with the help of one of his Shadow Dopplegangers, but he was trying to get the hang of it without needing one. He had smashed about 15 trees so far since he made it to the forest at 8 AM this morning. He then landed on his butt and said "WHOO... I am exhausted."

"Hey..." Naruto blinked when he heard a voice and looked down.
"Was that you...?" Naruto had thought it was Kyuubi. Kyuubi's voice then rang out again into Naruto's head. "Kid, you try so hard. How come?"
"I want to be the best, ya dumb fox. I guess it's 'cause when I grew up, I had no one acknowledge me. The only one I remember really looking out for me was Sandaime... but he's gone now. He probably knew who my parents were too... I kinda wish I knew who they were, for some clarity, even after 16 years of not knowing about them. I also don't wanna seem like a failure, since I feel that failing is the one thing I'd be worried most about, since I feel I may not even achieve my dream..."

"Parents... I wouldn't understand parents since I am a demon who has lived for destruction all this time, kid. I guess that is just how things are... I even wonder if demons DO have parents."
"You probably do, Kyuubi... I mean, after all, who do you come into existence?"
"... You bring up a valid point there." Kyuubi replied as the feel of their surroundings was in Naruto's body, near the cell made to hold Kyuubi.
Naruto looked at the sky. "You battled Yondaime before, Kyuubi... since he sealed ya into me... was he tough?"
"Toughest human I've ever seen... well, next to you even with me as a kind of assist."

Naruto laughed a bit. "No way am I near Yondaime, Kyuubi! I still gotta make MY chakra strong enough. I mean, I know I have a lot of latent potential, I just gotta tap it."
"This is odd, to have us talk to each other like this. If I wanted to, I could kill you, but I don't have that urge to kill at this point."
Naruto smiled some as he stood up, dusting himself off. "Well, we could be like partners sometimes, ya dumb fox. You know?"
Kyuubi laughed as it echoed down the hall. "Maybe. Just maybe."

Naruto smiled as he then began to get back to work.on using the Rasengan. He began to focus the spiraling chakra around his left hand, the blue energy feeling like a nice gentle breeze. He began to move his hands rapidly around the chakra then smashed it into the tree, shouting out "RASENGAN!!!!!"
The tree cracked a bit at the impact and Naruto smiled, shaking his hands a bit. He then heard a rumbling, looking up at the sky and saw a fireball falling from the sky. He began to move as fast as he could, trying to see just what was coming to the ground from the sky.

A splash came near the lake, water raising up out of it from the impact. Naruto felt the water then come to the ground, like it was rain. He blinked and said "Whoa. Whatever hit the water sure hit with a lot of force. Gotta see what's goin' on!" Naruto slipped his vest off, dropping it as well as taking off his boots as he leapt into the water, swimming downward in the lake.What Naruto found was not a meteor or something else... what he saw was a human-like figure except this shape had cut off horns, with light blue skin, a dark blue wrap around its' torso, long white hair, black pants and boots, white wrapping around its' arms and that was it. Naruto gasped a bit, surprised at the shape. He then began to pull some of Kyuubi's chakra, seeing that the whatever it was in front of him needed help. He then grabbed the thing and shot to the surface at high speed, leaping practically out of the water and landing down on the grass nearby. Naruto had slung the creature over his back some then landed it down and said "HEY!! You OK?! Can ya hear me!? Wakey wakey!"

The creature slowly stirred a bit as it opened its' eyes. They appeared human, but had red irises. The creature stood up some slowly and said "Where am I?"
"You're in Konohagakure Village, bro. The Village Hidden in the Leaf. I'm Naruto Uzumaki, Chuunin and member of the group, Dirty Dozen. And you are...?"
"...Gouki." The creature said, a male tone to his voice as he smiled softly, some fangs visible.
"Nice to meetcha, Gouki." Naruto said, patting his shoulder. "Dude, what the heck are ya? An angel...?"
Gouki shook his head. "A demon, but good guess though. But they're after me... I felt it, but they're after me. I can't believe they're coming after me~!"
"Say wha-? Who is coming after you!?" Naruto blinked as he felt a rumbling around the earth. Gouki tensed as he turned. "These guys here, Naruto..."

With that, 4 cloaked beings appeared from portals tearing up through the earth, and then one demon, with spikes protruding from the shoulders and knuckles, a black poncho around the upper body and black pants, along with a scythe appeared and said "Gouki! You stand accused. What say you now before me?"
"You know I left of my own free accord, well aware of what my brothers have planned, Itami! I am sure Gozen or Goshin sent you here to kill me since I know you would come here knowing well the Council forbid anyone to come with THAT intent in mind!"

Itami, the scythe-wielding demon smirked with his hood over his face. "Tsk, tsk, Gouki... we already made sure the Council was pre-occupied so that they don't know of your brothers's coming here to Konoha to find him... so you will be exterminated first..." Itami then thrusted his arm forward, his minions charging. Gouki then punched two away but missed two as they came at him from behind! Naruto luckily saw them and kicked them away from him. "BACK OFF!!!"

"So, we find the Demon Child already... excellent." Itami smiled. "Ghouls, kill Gouki AND kidnap the Demon Child! It is a kill and capture mission and the masters will be pleased to KILL two birds with one stone!"
Naruto then said "Aw, crap. Gouki, why do these guys wanna kill you!?"
"Simple. My brothers are out to invade the human world. But the Council of Elders, the oldest Demons in existence, have forbidden it ever since Kyuubi was sealed. But Gozen and Goshin didn't care... they came for one reason, to capture you for Kyuubi's power. They planned to succeed where others failed... and I found out. I became a threat to their plan so I came to the real world to escape them, but they came after me... you should go! This is my fight! And I can't risk getting you involved when they're after you too."

Naruto smiled and said "Forget it, Gouki. I am not gonna sit on the sidelines. It's that simple!" Naruto began to channel the chakra into his left hand, beginning to move his hands rapidly, getting ready to form his Rasengan as he whispered to Gouki. "On 3... go after the Ghouls.... I almost got my best move solidifed and ready to go. So get the Ghouls, I'll hit that Itami guy, OK?"
"Right... just make it count. Some demons can heal."
Naruto smiled as he whispered. "I will. 1..."
"You boys are plotting aren't you? Big mistake!" Itami smirked and snapped his fingers. "Kill them both actually. We can still extract the Kyuubi from Uzumaki's corpse somehow!!"
The Ghouls all charged at Naruto and Gouki as he said "3!!!!" Naruto leapt over Gouki's shoulders as Gouki punched the Ghouls. Naruto landed down and dashed fast at Itami and shouted "HERE I GO!!!"

With that said, Naruto thrusted his arm forward as Itami tried to block his attack, but his scythe was hit hard as Naruto shouted out "RASENGAN!!!!!". The force of chakra used by Naruto was enough to push Itami back hard as Itami gritted his teeth. Suddenly, his scythe split in two and then Rasengan smashed him hard in the gut, causing him to scream out in pain as the spiraling sphere exploded and sent Itami flying. Itami gritted his teeth and thought 'This move...! This move that the kid used...!! HOW STRONG IS IT!?!?' Itami then smashed hard into a tree, getting indented into the tree, unable to move, unable to even feel much since the attack was that powerful. Naruto panted as Gouki finished off the Ghouls easily.

Naruto then shook his hand. "DAMMIT!!! I keep forgetting how much that may hurt!"
With the Ghouls gone, Gouki looked on as Itami began to disperse into nothing more than dust. He cried out and dropped to his knees, seeing blood dripping from his left side some, where a Ghoul had slashed him with its' claws. Naruto rushed over to him and noticed the wound. "Gouki, you alright!? How bad is it!?"
"The Ghouls... their claws can poison or paralyze... I think that these were to poison... and even if I can heal... I can't rid myself of their poison... it's meant to weaken my body..."
"Hey, can you walk!? I know someone who can help us out here."
"Y-yes..." Naruto then caught Gouki, walking with him as Naruto said to himself 'If anyone can help you, Gouki, Obaba-Tsunade could do it given how strong of a healer she is! Just hang in there, buddy...'

Naruto busted into the hospital of Konoha and said to the nurse "Nurse, let Tsunade know that I got someone who could use her special Medi-Ninja training P.D.Q.!!"
"Why? Is it some kind of an emergency?"
"Yeah, it is!! We got somethin' big on the way, and this guy I am lugging around knows about it! SO GET HER!! CHOP CHOP!!"

After some time, Naruto laid Gouki onto onto an empty bed. Panting, he looked at Gouki and slapped his cheeks a few times. "Gouki, can ya hear me, man?! You OK?"
"I... can manage... still hurts though... dunno if I am gonna make it... I wanted to at least... make it here alive..."
"You ain't dying on me, Gouki! I got a friend who can EASILY heal ya up! She's just gotta get here..." Naruto then turned to see Tsunade, one of the 3 Legendary Sage Ninjas, and 5th Hokage, or Godaime, panted as she said "Naruto...? What is going on?"
"This guy... Gouki... needs help! He got poisoned!"

Tsunade looked at Gouki and softly said to herself "A demon...?". She then looked at Naruto, who panted and shook a bit because of Gouki. With that look, Tsunade could tell Naruto was worried about Gouki and that he could be trusted. She smiled and said "I'll make sure he pulls through, Naruto. How did Gouki end up here?"
"He came crashin' from the sky, being chased by a few others!"

Tsunade then began to focus her chakra into her hand, placing them onto Gouki's body, slowly dispersing the chakra to rid Gouki's body of the poison that the Ghoul that cut him Luckily, Gouki's own natural healing abilities allowed the cut to heal, but not rid himself of the poison. Tsunade continued to focus her chakra to destroy the poison then smiled. "There... he should wake up soon."

Gouki began to stir as he heard a voice that said "he should wake up soon". He knew it sounded familiar, but he was confused since his eyes weren't open yet... but once they opened, his other senses filled the void that was Tsunade. He smiled weakly and said "An angel...? Am I dead...? Did I go to my eternal rest?"
"You are not dead, my friend. You are very much alive." Tsunade replied.
Gouki blushed a bit at seeing Tsunade, and just smiled as he had nothing to say. He then looked at Naruto and said "How did I get here?"
"I had to drag you all the way here from the lake since you were gonna collapse on me, Gouki! Luckily, Tsunade here was able to heal you completely and save your life! Think you can get up?"
Gouki simply nodded, sitting up slowly as he then turned to Tsunade and smiled warmly. "Thank you, Ms. Tsunade, for saving the life of one who is so unworthy."
Tsunade smiled back. "You are welcome, Gouki. Now... what brought you here to Konoha?"

With that in mind, Gouki grabbed his cloak from behind his back, slipping for a moment into another dimension with his hand. He then placed it on and said "Well... I came here accidently. You see, I am not a full blooded demon, even if I appear it. I am... also 50% human. I am a halfling. I... I came here because of my brothers, or rather, half-brothers, Goshin, and Gozen. They have decided to come here, to Konohagakure Village in order to find the 1st Demon Child... that is you, Naruto. But the Council, a group of elder demons, along with our father, forbid ANY DEMON without probable cause to enter the human plane ever since Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto. But they still planned to succeed, obtain that power for their agenda, to rule the Demon Plane. I found out about it, but couldn't tell Father since he and the Council left. Now, I am on the run because of that knowledge being with me... making me a target. Unfortunately... I may have endangered this village because of my coming here."

Tsunade looked at Gouki, but then smiled softly. "Do not worry, Gouki. This village will be well-protected, and also, we always bet our lives on protecting something. But... will your brothers come through after you?"
"Yeah. They have done so already... with one of Goshin's subordinates, Itami, chasing Naruto and I near the lake. More will come. On a scale of 1 to 10... this is a 20. They will not stop easily... no matter how strong your forces are. You may lose several people this way."

"So what?! We'll keep fighitng, no matter what!" Naruto smiled. Gouki looked at him, then blinked as he smiled then patted Naruto's head. "You got guts, bubba. I admire that. They'll come en masse soon. I can tell. I can feel it."
"Hey, Tsunade, how many of the Dozen are in Konoha right now?"
"Yourself included, 6. Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, Tenten, and Neji are out on missions, and Kakashi and Iruka haven't made it back from their missions yet. We're limited, but we should be OK also when they return. I will even fight if I must do so."

"You can count on me too." Gouki said, his fists clenched. "I owe it to myself and to you all for getting yourselves involved..."
Tsunade smiled as she then bowed. "We thank you then, Gouki."
"You, you are, m-most welcome, Ms. Tsunade." Gouki said, clearing his throat.

Naruto laughed some and then tensed some as he looked out the window to see the sky turn red. "Uh-oh... sounds to me they're here."
In another part of Konoha, Sasuke had his eyes closed then opened them. "Something is coming this way. Something destructive."
Choji blinked from his steamedand said "Uh-oh. Ino, I got a bad feelin' about this."
"You're not the only one, Choji. Just what is going on?" Ino's question was soon answered, as suddenly, thousands of lesser demons appeared out of the earth, landing down into hordes near the duo. "I just had to open my big mouth!" Ino responed, pulling out a kunai. Choji dropped his steam buns and got into a fighting stance.
"Well, we got about 46 of these, whatever the hell they are, Ino! I guess we plow through 'em...?"
"It's the only choice we've got, right?" Ino replied, pulling out two kunais and then charging at the lesser demons, slashing the ones she attacked easily, destroying them. Choji charged and hit two he charged with his big arms then grabbed another and threw them into the others as he chuckled. But then he got serious when he saw the lesser demons back off and blinked. "What the-?"

The further Ino made her way in through the lesser demons, the bigger trouble she'd be in.. since now, another Demon appeared in front of her, one much bigger than the last few she had easily cut through. The bigger demon looked own to her, and gave up a dumb grin. Ino blinked and said "You are...?"
"I am the welcome wagon. Nice to meetcha, girlie!" The bigger demon said, kneeing Ino hard in the gut. Ino cried out, the blow so fierce she also coughed up some blood, which splattered onto the ground. Choji turned and blinked. 'Huh!?! That was Ino's voice!'
The bigger demon then grasped onto Ino's neck and held her up. "They call me Goruju... and you, little lady, are about to get your neck snapped." Goruju ran his thumb along Ino's jawline, his rocky and husky body size being enough to intimidate her into a state of fear, even WITH her hands claspsed onto his wrist to try to make him let go. Goruju smirked and was about twist his hand when...

"YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Choji came diving down, his arm a lot larger than normal as he smashes his arm against Goruju's elbow area, causing pain in the big demon's arm, forcing him at the same time to release his grip on Ino. Choji landed and ran, sliding downward to catch Ino. Luckily, he managed to catch her. He panted and looked at Ino. "Hey! Ino! Can ya hear me? Wake up!"
Goruju shook his arm. "Damn fat ass, interferin' with Goruju's playtime. I'm gonna kill you, kill you bad!"

With the words "fat ass" said, Choji tensed and turned to Goruju. "Ohhhhh, you did NOT just call me Fat Ass!! If so, you are goin' down! BIG TIME!!!" WIth that, Choji's chakra became... erratic, blazing all around his body and Ino's. Ino groaned a bit as she then opened her eyes and said "C-Choji!?"

With her voice calling to him, Choji looked at her and smiled. "Hey, Ino." He then stood up and walked towards a tree, setting Ino down as he said "Just hang back a bit. I got this under control." Choji dug into his pouch and then pulled out parchment paper, opening it to take out a soldier pill and swallowed it, his body ready to go as he put the pills away, gave Ino a thumbs up then charged at Goruju, about to enter what might have been a life-or-death situation! Goruju charged at Choji also, smirking as he did thinking it would be an easy challenge to beat Choji.. but he had made a big mistake. And that is to underestimate Konohagakure Village's ninjas is to get beaten, and when you have taken one of them, you have taken them all on.

Chapter 3 of the fic. happy.gif ENJOY!!!

Bryon (pronounced Bryan)

#6 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


    Magnificient Bastard (aka Cliffhanger Bastard!)

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 03:13 PM

-Chapter 4-
Choji and Goruju then clashed in mid-charge, grappling as Goruju smirked and said "You got no hope, fat-boy! No demon or human alive has beaten Goruju in a battle!"
"Well, get ready 'cause there's a first time for anything!!" Choji then pulled his head back and smashed it hard into Goruju's head. Goruju cried out some, his rocky forehead cracked some, as was Choji's forehead protecter. Choji then kicked at Goruju's legs, and lifted him up, leaping into the air and then grabbed his arms with his legs, his arms around the big demon's legs. He then cried out, driving right into the earth then smashed Goruju into the earth, performing a pile-driver type technique. Choji then began to let go and leapt back as Goruju stood up wobbly. Goruju then turned and glared at Choji.

Choji panted a bit and said "Looks like you're the bigger fat ass..." Goruju then charged at Choji, crying out as he smashed Choji in the gut, shoulder first. Choji cried out some, some blood spitting out from his mouth. Ino looked on at the fight, unable to do anything but watch. 'Choji... please be careful. I don't know how strong this guy is and even if you can run stride for stride with him, you could be killed!'

After the blow from Goruju's shoulder charge, Choji began to skid back, grabbing the earth with one hand, channeling chakra into the other as he shouted "POWER WAVE!!!" With that call, Choji smashed his fist into the earth, a blasting wave of chakra coming out at Goruju. Goruju's eyes widened, and he used his demonic power to raise rocks around him, but the attack blasted the rocks and then Goruju got blasted back. Choji then did a few hand seals and put his hands together and shouted "MULTI-SIZE TECHNIQUE!!!" Choji then expanded his size into the size of a ball, following up into a run, then a leap into the air, and finally, he rolled into a ball. Choji then dived down at the somewhat flying Goruju and smashed into him. The attack smashed Goruju into the earth as Choji then got from being a ball back to normal and chuckled.

Ino blinked and said "Wow... this is Choji's true strength, huh? To think that most of the time, we underestimate him..." A rumbling then came from the earth as Ino blinked and so did Choji. With that, Goruju raised his arm out of the earth, smashing Choji's face with a rock! Choji cried out some as Goruju then punched Choji hard in his much larger gut and said "No way will I lose to a brat like you, especially one who is worthless compared to me!"

Choji chuckled a bit and said "Well... if I am so worthless... how come you're the one who is gettin' his ass handed to him on a silver platter...?"
Goruju began to get angrier at that and punched Choji rapidly in the face and then headbutted him three times, following up by kicking him into the air, jumping up after him, grabbing him and crashing into the earth still holding him.

Goruju let Choji go and landed back a few feet, standing up. "Feh. To think a worthless fat ass like you tried to stall me from my mission. My masters are here, and we have our agenda to find the Kyuubi Brat... and if we have to... we'll tear this whole village apart!"
Ino got up slowly at Goruju's remark and shouted "CHOJI ISN'T WORTHLESS!!! HE IS A LOT MORE DEDICATED THAN YOU REALIZE, YOU PIECE OF CRAP!!"
With that, Goruju turned to Ino and smirked. "Please. I heard of the Akimichi Clan, and how their techniques are. All this boy can do is increase his size and just make himself a bigger target. It's a worthless technique, and the whole clan should be exterminated for their worthlessness to this world."

"Choji's twice the person you are! He's fighting to protect his home .. while you just are a subordinate... no free will it seems." Ino pulled out a kunai as Goruju turned and
walked towards Choji who had reverted back to normal size. "Stop! If you go near him, I swear on my life, I will kill you..."
Goruju turned a bit, gazing at Ino with the back of his eye and smirked. "Go ahead and try." Goruju then picked Choji up by his neck. Choji then slowly opened his eyes and then mouthed to Ino "Move when I say now..."

Goruju pulled his fist back, forming spiky edges of rock on his knuckles as he said "DIE!!!!" He thrusted his arm forward and with that, Choji mouthed "NOW!!!"
Ino nodded and leapt away as Choji pulled back his fist and shouted "POWER.. GEYSER!!!" He then smashed his fist into Goruju's, knocking it away then smashed it into his chest, driiving him down and creating 6 massive geysers of chakra from the earth itself with that one attack! Goruju screamed out in pain as the blast hit him and Choji gritted his teeth, grunting behind them as he stood his ground to push Goruju down into the earth! It was now a power struggle, to determine who would come out victorious... and right now it seemed Choji was winning!

Goruju then passed out from the pain and he was unconscious. Choji pulled his fist back, then began to climb out of the hole his attack made, panting as he rolled to the ground, his forehead protector becoming unraveled from around his round head. Ino gasped and leapt over to him. "Choji? You OK!? Speak to me..."
"Why're you shoutin', Ino...? I am OK... just worn out a bit..." Choji chuckled then groaned some.
Ino then pulled out some healing herbs and ripped a bit of them. "Here, chew on this. This should heal your internal injuries if you have any,"
Choji lightly took it, blushing a bit as he said "Thanks, Ino", giving her a big smile, which he was known for. He then began to chew on the green herbs, trying to ignore the bad taste but felt abopit 90% when he was done. He then spat out the herbs and stood up.

"Do you think you killed him?" Ino asked, helping Choji a bit.
Choji shook his head. "May have stunned him at least with that... he's got a body as hard as stone, so I doubt even my Power Geyser was enough to take him down."
Goruju's arm then raised out of the earth as Ino gasped and Choji glared. It wasn't over yet...

Goruju stood up out of the crater Choji's attack upon him made as he was now bleeding purple blood. He smirked as his grey skin was covered. "Not bad... fat boy... but... we ain't done yet...!" Goruju then charged and sucker-punched Choji right in the face, sending him flying through some trees and along the ground. Ino then gasped, Goruju leaping after Choji, catching up to him in seconds flat and grabbing his leg and slammed him into the ground. Choji cried out of pain from that attack and Goruju prepared for the kill. But suddenly, Ino came and smashed Goruju in the face with a branch then threw some kunais onto him and smiled as they exploded, obviously laced with explosive talismans/seals on them. Goruju cried out and slammed into the earth from that attack.

Ino then rushed to Choji and knelt beside him, tapping his cheek with the back of her hand. "Come on, Choji, wake up!"
"Please... go into my pouch... pull out a special case in there... I need something from it..." Choji panted a bit, still hurting from Goruju's current assault and past attacks.
Ino nodded, going into Choji's pouch, then found what he was looking for. She blinked and said "Blue... Yellow... Red...? What are these? Soldier Pills?"
"No... 3 Colored Medicine Balls. I need... the blue one... should suffice..."
Ino nodded as she took out the blue pill then placed it into Choji's mouth. Choji began to bite down onto it, swallowing it as he then opened his eyes widely and hopped to his feet, his chakra intensified as he said "Ino, better get back and let me cut loose!"

"Gotcha... and..." Ino then gave Choji a friendly peck on the cheek as she smiled. "I'm sorry for all the times I called you a... you know. Kick his ass!"
Choji blushed a bit and nodded. "Will do!" With that said, Ino took off as Choji cracked his neck some, exploding at Goruju as the earth demon got up and the two clashed again. Choji punched Goruju hard and said "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO CRUSH MY VILLAGE!! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO KILL ME AND MY TEAMMATE!! I will not forgive you for this!"

"Ha! You don't stand... a... chance...!" Goruju then cried out some as he coughed some blood up, Choji's blow against him more severe than he had anticipated. Choji then saw his chance and leapt up some, kneeing Goruju in his chin. He then used some of his chakra to push himself into the air, twisted around and channeling more chakra into his fist, shouting "POWER DUNK!!!". Choji then smashed Goruju in the gut, and smashed him into the earth again as Choji shouted "AND NOW!!! FULL POWER!!! POWER GEYSER!!!!" Suddenly, Goruju's eyes widen as he screamed out the last breath he'd breathe as Choji's focused Power Geyser blew him into nothing. Choji's Geyser had used so much chakra it rose into the sky, cutting it. Once the chakra died down, Choji climbed out of the crater, gritting his teeth due to the pain from the blue pill.

He smiled and dropped to his knee. "I.. did it... damn, that was... hard! Hey... where, where's my...?"
Ino then came back and placed his forehead protector on his forehead and smiled. "There... feeling better, Choji?"
"Kinda... weakened, but... OK... nonetheless, Ino..." Choji smiled, and then fell onto his back, passing out. Ino then rushed over to him and patted his head. 4"You fought hard, Choji... you earned this break... really, you did."

Naruto right now was racing along the rooftops of Konoha, Gouki and Tsunade right behind as Naruto said "We gotta find some of the others! We need some major backup here, and 'sides.... three of us alone! Not too much of odds, even if we are a Chuunin, a Demon, and the Hokage!"
"Yeah, I know. My brothers are gonna send their lieutenants next... unless they already have done so.." Gouki replied.

Naruto then looked on as he saw electricity explode near them and he said "Over there!"
With the smoke clearing, they saw Sasuke, having just used the Chidori against another strong demon. Sasuke smirked a bit as he looked at his hand. "This is too easy... someone stronger should come soon so I can take them out with ease."
"It's Sasuke! Awright! Odds just got better!" Naruto smiled. But the question on his mind was... would Sasuke want to fight side by side with him? That was something Naruto would HAVE to find out soon!

Chapter 4

-Chapter 5-
Naruto, Tsunade, and Gouki all landed down near Sasuke as Sasuke turned to them, arms at his sides.
"Hey, Sasuke! Man, are we glad to see you!" Naruto grinned. Sasuke simply scoffed and said "So, what is it that is going on, dunce? I have a feeling that you may know."
"I do somewhat. Demons are comin' after me 'cause of the Kyuubi in my body... and it is gonna be bad. Gouki here knows of what is going on too."
Sasuke turned his head and glared at Gouki. "So, another demon...?"

"I'm 50/50, I'll letcha know." Gouki replied.
"Everything said is true, Sasuke. We will need anyone who can operate to handle the demons that are invading the village now. You included."
"Forget it. This guy was a weakling, so I can handle the whole thing myself. Besides, your 'golden boy' Naruto can handle it I'm sure." Sasuke then leapt off as Naruto sighed.
"Such anger in that boy... are you two enemies, Naruto?" Gouki asked.
"Teammates, Gouki. He's bitter because I stopped him from wanting to achieve his goal of revenge, but I would do it again, since he'd lose more than just his heart... he'd lose his soul itself."

Sasuke continued to run, glaring. He remembered four years ago, when he battled Naruto, and in the end, Naruto dragged him back to Konoha when he was going to side with Orochimaru. Since then, he had become a lone wolf, not wanting to be side by side with his teammates in the Dirty Dozen, wanting to fight alone to become stronger, since he had felt one couldn't become strong with "friends" thanks to the Sound Four, Orochimaru's now deceased bodyguards. He had seen everyone as a nusiance, and pushed them away a bit, especially Naruto and Sakura, despising Naruto for dragging him back to Konoha, and Sakura for her love for him when she understood nothing about him at all. He knew he had to do this, so he would do it alone. He landed on a roof, clenching his right fist as he then said "How long?"

A demon with long claws, gangly looking arms and legs smirked as the voice, female, said "Well, boy, I had followed you for the last few minutes. I am surprised one as clouded as you would have noticed I had been following you. Very well, Mistress Tsume will give you death soon."

Tsume then charged at Sasuke and slashed at the roof he was on, cutting it in half, causing it to collapse. Luckily, it was an old building and no one was inside. Sasuke landed on another roof and clenched his fists and said "If you come at me again, I will come at you with the intent to kill you, just to warn you, Tsume."
"Well, this should prove interesting..." Tsume lightly licked her claws and smiled. She then channeled her vicious green chakra into his claws, just smirking while Sasuke took a fighting stance, did some hand seals, pulled his breath back and in his head said "Fire-Style Attack! Grand Fireball! Blaze of Glory!" He then exhaled, shooting a large stream of fire around Tsume's area.

The thin-looking demon might have been incinerated... MIGHT being the key word, but she simply had used her claws to rip the flames open. Sasuke glared darkly, but had no time to react when Tsume charged and slashed against his body. The cut made him bleed, but it wasn't fatal... yet. Tsume smiled, as she was simply doing what she normally did with her prey, toy with them. She then channeled more of her chakra into her claws, impaling herself immediately as she smiled. "You ever see true fear in the eye, boy?"

"I've lived in fear too long. No more." Sasuke said as he began to run, using his great speed to get in close to her and use Taijutsu. But Tsume then pulled her claws out and shouted "Blades of Blood!" as she slashed her own blood at Sasuke, the blood forming into blade-like shapes. He dodged one, got his cheek grazed by another, and managed to also get by the last few, moving in to punch Tsume along the jaw. Tsume skidded back some, but then extended her claws, slashing Sasuke across the arms as Sasuke said "Dammit! How skilled are you!?"

"Simple. I study my weaknesses, and my opponent's talents, Sasuke-kun. To be honest, I'm not impressed with a boy from the Uchiha Clan so far. Only a small bit of your moves are long ranged, while the primary amount of strong moves, like your Chidori, or is it the Lightning Blade...?, require you to get up close to me, a luxury you woon'y get against me, given I can handle any style of fighting through adaptation. As I said... simple."
Sasuke gritted his teeth as he glared at her.

Meanwhile, Naruto, Gouki, and Tsunade had to battle their way through herds of Lesser Demons. Naruto used his Shadow Dopplegangers to help him deal with the masses of enemies coming, Gouki and Tsunade meanwhile had their incredible strength to help them just plow through the enemy with ease. Naruto soon, even with his stamina, began to pant as he said "So many! Gouki, any ideas on how to clear out their numbers!?"
"I got nothing, Naruto! So many, and well... it's hard to deal with..."
Tsunade then said "Don't worry, I am sure we will get some assistance soon."
Suddenly, as if an omen, a blast of water knocked away some of the lesser demons, while a blast of ice froze the rest.

Gouki turned and said "Water and Ice..!? Who the hell just bailed us out?!"
Naruto turned and grinned when he saw Kakashi and Iruka! Both then leapt down as Kakashi said "Hokage-sama, what is going on?"
"Nothing good, Kakashi. Demons have come to Konoha seeking out our friend Gouki here, as well as the Kyuubi. We have to defend the village the best we can, but we're low on numbers and power."
"We'll make do with what we can, I'm sure." Iruka said. "Who of the Dirty Dozen team is here?"

"Me, Sasuke, Sakura-chan, Thick Brows, Ino, and Choji. Just half of us, but that's gotta be enough, Sensei Iruka! So, what do you suggest we do?" Naruto asked.
"We need to divide and conquer, since in a mass group of enemies, seperating our attacks, AND also trying to deal with the architects behind this attack."
Gouki nodded. "Sasuke took off already ahead of us, so that lessens our numbers. We just need the other four. I have an idea. Ms. Tsunade, youi and I could go get the other members of this 'Dirty Dozen'. The three of you could figure something out, I'm sure."
Tsunade nodded. "It sounds like a plan. Let's get going then." Gouki nodded also as he and Tsunade took off.

"I'll get to Sasuke. It is best if someone else with the Sharingan get to him." Kakashi replied. "You two will handle what you can?"
Naruto and Iruka both nodded as Kakashi then took off to find Sasuke. Iruka then said to Naruto "It's just you and me now, Naruto. Any ideas of what we should do?"
"Hey, you have seniority on me, Sensei Iruka, just like Sensei Kakashi does! So it's your call 100%! I'll be ready to fight no matter what."

Iruka chuckled then playfully mussed Naruto's hair. "Good. Here." Iruka then pulled out a folded up Windmill Shuriekn and said "We may need some extra power, so take this Windmill Shuriken. I've got an extra one too, so we're set."
"Nice!" Naruto then flicked his Windmill Shuriken open, looking at the four blades as he held the ring in the center. Iruka nodded. "Our agenda should be to find the leaders of these attacks, and see if we can deal with them."
"Good call! Let's get goin'!" Naruto and Iruka then both leapt off, racing along the rooftops of Konoha at high speed in pursuit of their enemies.

Meanwhile, slowly, something approached the center of the village from the Earth. What it appeared to be was a chariot. And there they were... two large demons... one green-skinned with dark purple hair, wings, silver scales on its' arms, talons on its' feet, and a devilish glint in its' all red eyes. The other was red-skinned, glowing blue eyes, black armor, and two bone-like shapes proturding out of its' shoulders. The winged one was Goshin, the other one, Gozen. These full-blooded demons were Gouki's older half-brothers, and they had arrived personally after seeing Itami, Goruju, and another subordinate fall so easily to creatures they considered like germs.
Sasuke ducked under Tsume's claws and charged at her, pulling out two kunais and throwing them at her. Tsume smirked as she used her skill to rip claws through her body, blocking the kunais. But that's exactly what Sasuke wanted. Since Tsume had caused a new extension of her claws, she lost an old one and he had a chance to kick her in the head, then punch her in the stomach, using his Iron Fist style of Taijutsu. Tsume got up and groaned. "So... you're better than I thought..." She simply smiled.

Sasuke smirked confidently as he then said "Clever, but you are going to die here." Sasuke followed his sentence up with hand seals, channeling chakra into his right hand as he screamed out "CHIDORI!!!!!" Electricity sparked all over Sasuke's hand as he moved it along the side of his body, pulling out a kunai then throwing it at Tsume.

Tsume used her technique block the Kunai, BUT she didn't notice in that split second that Sasuke had opened his Sharingan Eyes, and exploded right at her. He then pulled his arm back and drove it right through Tsume, connecting with the Chidori. Tsume's eyes widen, purple blood dribbling down the side of her lip, the rest of her blood splattering on the ground behind her as Sasuke yanked his arm out and let her body drop. "Feh. Such weaklings. This is way too easy..." He then groaned as he felt his Curse Seal, placed onto him by Orochimaru, leader of Otogakure Village, the Hidden Sound Village, and one of the Legendary 3, years ago during the first trip into the Chuunin Exam, bother him some. Sasuke's Curse Seal hadn't bothered him too much, but now it was starting to. He didn't know why, but soon, the pain was gone, and he paid it no mind.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Iruka raced along the city streets. Naruto soon heard a noise and stopped. He turned and slowly, slowly went to where the noise was and cried out as did the person who charged at him as he then said "WAIT!! SAKURA-CHAN, IT'S ME!!!"
Sakura stopped her kunai thrust mid-point as she gasped. "N-naruto! I'm so sorry... you scared me there. I had confronted some of these demons, I suppose, and had ambushed them... I thought you were an enemy also. What is going on!?"

"These demons are after me, but also after a friend of mine who came here earlier. Look, we gotta stick together, just to be safe, OK?"
Sakura smiled softly and nodded. "Right. Master Iruka, what do you have planned?"
"We're going to see if we can find the leaders of these attacks and stop them. Even if we are just Chuunins, we can handle it, I'm sure with teamwork."
"I'll go with, since Naruto is right, we got to stick together."
Naruto turned with that said and smiled. "Then let's go find these guys, kick their asses AND save our home!" With that said, the 3 took off to find Goshin and Gozen and deal with them.

Kakashi then saw Sasuke and landed near him. "Yo."
"Kakashi! Let me guess, Naruto told you..."
"Of course. I ran into him, Hokage-sama, and Gouki earlier with Iruka, but you going off by yourself... not a very smart idea given that the enemy may get stronger."

"With all due respect, Sensei, I've handled the last two easily, and even IF I've used up 2 of my 4 Chidoris for the day, I will be able to beat more. You can count on that."
Kakashi looked intently at Sasuke then said "I will go with you, just in case, even if you..." Suddenly, a gust of wind blew Sasuke and Kakashi back some. They looked up and saw it was Goshin who smirked, his arms crossed. "Tell me where the Nine-Tails Demon Child is, or die where you stand. I am a grand Demon, Goshin. I speak for all of my comrades when I say this."

Sasuke glared up at Goshin, replying. "Why not come down here and see if you can BEAT the information out of me?"
Goshin laughed then landed on the ground. "Fine then. I accept yout challenge!"
With that, Sasuke turned to Kakashi, motioning for him to leave. Kakashi shrugged, then took off to deal with any threats he could. Goshin stared down at Sasuke as Sasuke stood there, his fists clenched as Goshin spread his wings and charged as Sasuke charged forward also, ready to attack, and prove he was superior to Naruto by beating someone who sought to fight him.

And Chapter 5. A double-header.


#7 Blayze



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Posted 29 September 2004 - 03:20 PM

Ah, the infamous Inuyasha-inspired attack scene biggrin.gif

#8 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


    Magnificient Bastard (aka Cliffhanger Bastard!)

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 03:45 PM

You're damn right it was inspired by Inuyasha, Blayze! Ms. Takahashi is just one of the creators who gives me some inspiration for my fic writing! Anyhoo, I think I'll post a double header again, so I can catch up! OK, make THAT triple trouble.

-Chapter 6-
Sasuke and Goshin's fists collided with one another in mid-air then both leapt back as Goshin slashed his left wing at Sasuke. Sasuke ducked and then kicked him hard in the side, then flipped into the air and punched him with all the strength he had. Goshin just stood there and smirked. He gazed at Sasuke's neck and noticed his Curse Seal. "I see. You have one of those infernal Curse Seals of Orochimaru's we've heard about. Pathetic, having to gain false strength instead of real strength just to achieve your goals. You're pitiful." He then kneed Sasuke in the gut, and the young Uchiha coughed up some blood. But he then smiled as he had time to plant an explosive talisman onto Goshin as he then was pushed into the air by the winged demon's kick. The note exploded and Goshin's right leg was gone! Goshin gasped in pain and screamed out.

Sasuke then landed on his feet, smirking then began to cackle as he said "I knew it! All of you are just simply weak!"
"Oh... I am just an exception. I was faking..." Goshin smirked as he then focused and in place of his old leg, a new one came out! Sasuke's eyes widened some from that as Goshin smiled, twisting his leg some. "Heh. Regeneration. A handy skill, I must say. Only the best of the best demons have it, like myself. So, you were saying.."

Goshin then dashed at the shocked Sasuke, appearing behind him, then sinking his talons into his sides, then his claws into his shoulders. Now, Goshin had the advantage as he leaned in and sunk his teeth DEEP into Sasuke's Curse Seal, sucking on it. Sasuke screamed in pain as he tried to grab Goshin, but the demon's wings made it very difficult to grab onto him so Sasuke could really do nothing.

Goshin then pulled out his teeth and whispered "Now, your Curse Seal is gone for good... normally, Orochimaru would have to rid it himself, but as a higher demon, I can do such things with ease... see if you can fight me yourself, brat." He then let Sasuke go and kicked him hard in the back, sending him skidding along the roof on his stomach. Sasuke groaned as he got up, growling as he said "No one is going to beat me... I cannot lose until I kill my brother!" He then did a few hand seals, setting up for an attack. "And I'll do it! Curse Seal or no Curse Seal!" Sasuke then began to suck his breath in, holding it as he had prepared for one of the new attacks he had learned over the last 4 years after coming to Konoha again. He then said to himself 'Fire Style! Fire Dragon Napalm!'
With that, Sasuke shot a long, extremely powerful stream of fire right at Goshin. The winged demon attempted to fly up, but the blast hit him, burning his body quite a bit.

He panted as Sasuke then charged up at him, kicking him up into the air. Sasuke smirked as he then followed with the Konoha Kagebuyo, the Leaf Shadow Dance otherwise known as the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf. Sasuke then began to punch and kick Goshin while they were in the air, the winged demon still too stunned from the Fire Dragon Napalm attack to even counter. Sasuke continued his assault with a strong puncht then slammed his right leg into his opponent's stomach and smashed him into the ground!


Sasuke smirked as Goshin cried out some, a bit of blood coughing from his mouth. Sasuke then leapt back and began to pant. "All... too easy..."
Just as if by perfect timing, Goshin stood up, groaning as he chuckled. "I'm impressed... not many people could hit me with a Taijutsu that fast... but you seem a lot stronger since I lifted that Curse Seal from you... but then again, maybe you are not... heh." Goshin simply closed his eyes, and his natural healing powers healed his burns in a heartbeat. "I still am waiting for you to REALLY cut loose against me, boy."
Sasuke's eyes widened as Goshin healed himself. 'This, this is not good! It seems every time I even hurt Goshin once, his demonic powers heal his wounds or he manages to regenerate! What the hell do I gotta do to beat him!?'

Goshin cracked his neck and said "Now I will show you how to do it!" He then dashed at Sasuke, uppercutting him then flying up and attacking rapidly. Sasuke kept blocking the attacks as best he could but it was hard given Goshin's speed. Goshin then grabbed Sasuke, spreading his wings for speed as he dived down, then released the young Uchiha, causing him to slam hard into the ground, breaking through the roof they battled on. Sasuke laid out on the broken table he had crashed onto, groaning in pain.

Goshin slid down through the roof, spreading his wings as he smirked, arms crossed. 'You were saying about this being too easy...?"
Sasuke slowly opened his eyes, but smiled as he said "Hope you like being buried... 'cause we're both gonna be in 3.. 2.. 1..." Suddenly, explosions were heard as Sasuke smiled, his explosive talismans landing all over and detonating. The whole roof began to cave in on the two enemies as Goshin looked at Sasuke and thought 'Clever little rat. But this will not stop me so simply...'

Then with that... silence.

After the explosion, for a bit of time, it was quieit, until Sasuke rose out of the rubble, groaning in pain, his Chuunin vest torn as was his all black uniform, and some scratches were on his face from the rubble landing on him. He looked around carefully. "Did I get him!?"

He wanted to know so he looked about, but then, Goshin spread his wings out then rose out of the rubble, panting also. Sasuke then snapped his fingers as he leapt out of the roof, Goshin flying up behind as they landed on the roof. Sasuke simply took a stance and said "Damn, you're persistent! Why won't you die?"
"Not gonna be killed by you, Uchiha. I cannot until I complete my mission."
"Why do you want the Kyuubi in Naruto!? The least you can do is answer me that question before we continue our battle, Goshin!"

"...Kyuubi is one of the strongest demons in the Demon World, Uchiha. Out of all the people it could have been fused with, the 4th Hokage, Yondaime, chose Naruto as a vessel. Naruto is the Fourth's Inheritance, and he will always be hunted... whether it is by the hands of myself and my elder brother, Gozen, or by the group AKATSUKI, or others who want Kyuubi's power. Naruto will be hunted for the rest of his life unless his opponents are defeated. But... you want one for yourself of AKATSUKI. I can feel it. I have observed this world for some time too with my brother."

"... None of your concern. But now I've got no remorse for killing you, since I will not let Naruto get all of the attention anymore, not from my brother, not from you bastards!" Sasuke closed his eyes and opened them as he smiled, his Sharingan visible as he said "The Sharingan is awakened... and you are toast." Sasuke then quickly did a few hand seals, beginning to slowly fade, as if he was executing a Genjutsu against Goshin. Goshin looked around and when he saw that some kind of rocks clasped around his legs, Sasuke came up and punched him hard, then kicked him up into the air, to prepare for a new combo he had made up on the spot.

He then leapt into the air, and began to use his Hard Fist style of fighting, hitting Goshin with every blow he could. He then kicked him to the ground, following up with some quick hand seals, sucking his breath in and following up with the Blaze of Glory / Grand Fireball, hoping it would take out Goshin.

Goshin lay there, motionless, bones brown, eyes widened ass his body was singed badly from the combination Sasuke had just done. Sasuke landed down and said "That was my new Kage Shishi Rendan, otherwise known as the Shadow Lion Combo. I had to come up with it on the spot so I could do some serious damage to you, Goshin. Try to heal your way out of that!"
Goshin groaned, but smirked as he then ripped his right arm off. Sasuke looked on and said "Damn... regeneration..."
With his right arm gone, Goshin quickly regenerated it. He followed up by ripping his left arm off and regenerating it, then he stood up, his healing fixing his busted bones and healing his burns as he smiled. "Best way to kill me is to go for my heart, Uchiha. I have enjoyed this battle very much, but I am going to need to end it soon."

Sasuke knew now he was in trouble. He had almost exhausted all of his chakra, and knew now, he had one last option to beat Goshin... attempt the Chidori and go for his heart! But... could he land it efficiently, even with his chakra low, and given the strength of his opponent?

-Chapter 7-
Sasuke was panting now, due to exhaustion form his long-dragged out first with Goshin. He had used quite a bit of chakra and trickery, but it seemed Goshin was unbeatable. Sasuke then thought to himself 'If I keep this up, this guy is gonna kill me! OK, calm down, Sasuke, think... you need to get his heart, but I doubt a kunai will help there... the Chidori is my only option, but with my chakra... I, I don't know if I can even land it right...!! But I got to try! I said I wouldn't let him get to Naruto, and I am gonna make sure I keep my word!'

Goshin looked at Sasuke's eyes and said "Hmmm... your eyes... they changed from how they were a moment ago. You have true concern about your comrade. It seems camaradaerie and some respect for Naruto exist in your eyes, Sasuke, like you want to beat me to protect him. You hid them well with your cold demeanor, but deep down, I can feel you are afraid to be alone anymore..."
"Shut up! That's a lie!" Sasuke said, convincing himself as he then did some hand seals, channeling chakra into his right hand as he screamed at the top of his lungs. "CHIDORI!!!"
Goshin felt the wind blow as the Chidori charged up. He looked on and said "Bring it on then! If you want to kill me so badly, land your attack and make it count!"

"WITH PLEASURE!!" Sasuke shouted, running forward as fast as he could, his hand running along the ground, the chakra charged for the Chidori cutting the ground itself. He then pulled his right arm back and thrusted it forward right at Goshin's heart, but the attack was halted suddenly when Goshin grabbed Sasuke's arm and smiled.

"I am a higher demon... just above a lesser demon, and below an Elder Demon. In other words, I can move fast. I've just held back some against you, Uchiha. Just because I wanted to see how you would fare. Impressive..." Goshin smirked then twisted Sasuke's right arm harshly, snapping it at the wrist. Sasuke screamed in agony from the breaking of his wrist, dropping to his knees, gritting his teeth, trying to hold back the tears of pain that were coming out slowly. "But still not enough for me. Your attacks are good, but not too perfect. If I decide to let you live, maybe I could actually show you perfection in an attack."
Sasuke panted as he thought 'Looks like I have done all I can... or have I..? I have gotten stronger, but why the hell do I seem like I am not as strong as anyone else sometimes, especially Naruto? It can't just be the demon within him, it has to be something that I'm missing! And what is it..??'

Goshin lifted Sasuke up by his broken wrist then punched him across the ground. Sasuke groaned as he laid there, using his left hand to get up carefully, but his body was trashed... banged up from the battling with Goshin and some from the battle against Tsume. He got up and panted some, and said "So what now, Goshin...? I won't... let you pass..."
With that, the winged demon smirked and charged, punching Sasuke a few times, unable to knock him onto his feet.
Sasuke kept standing his ground, refusing to go down so easily...

Meanwhile, in another part of Konoha, Naruto, Sakura, and Iruka had been fighting their way through the village as they sought to try and find Goshin and Gozen, but with no luck! However, while taking out some demons, they heard a familiar voice out in the distance, shouting "SHOULDER CRUSH!!!". When they heard that, they saw Lee, smashing a demon down with a strong kick to the shoulder as he then took a stance. He turned and smiled to see his colleagues. "Oh, boy, is it good to see a friendly face around here!"

Naruto chuckled. "Likewise, Thickbrows, ol' buddy! How many did you bump into?"
"100, managed to get by some, but had a b*tch of a time dealing with 50 alone! They're moving en masse for sure, but aren't attacking any villagers that left for the safety locales. They must be intent on their mission, whatever it is."
"Yeah. But in the meantime, we..." Naruto then cried out as mud formed around his legs. "What the hell!?"

"Naruto!" Sakura said. "Oh, no... that mud... is alive! What in the!?" Sakura then noticed she had mud growing around her legs too. Iruka noticed as well as he then did a few hand seals, focusing his chakra to chill the wind around them all as he shouted out "ART OF THE ICE STORM!!! KOORI ARASHI NO JUTSU!!" With that, a blast of ice shot up around the mud, freezing it and allowing the Chuunins to break free.

"Wow. Ya know, I gotta learn that from ya, Sensei!" Naruto chuckled. Iruka smiled a bit. "Maybe another time, Naruto. Something tells me we're not alone."
Suddenly, mud appeared, and roared up into a demonic looking shape and smirked. "I am Doro... one of Gozen's soldiers. I can't wait til I tell him and Goshin I found the Demon Child! This is just great news!"
Naruto took a stance and said "Oh, yeah... well, how about I put my foot in your...!" But Naruto then heard Sasuke cry out and as interrupted. "Sasuke!"
"Naruto-kun, you go! I'll handle the mud demon here..." Lee said, taking a stance.
Iruka stepped beside him. "Not alone, Lee. I'll assist too. Besides, we may not take too long, but then again.. if this thing could survive my Art of the Ice Storm attack, who knows if you could beat it alone... so I am glad to help out."
"Thank you, Sensei Iruka. I may need it..." Lee replied.
"Lee.." Naruto said but he then nodded and said "Sakura-chan, let's move!"
"Right." With that, both Naruto and Sakura took off as fast as they could. Lee and Iruka examined their opponent as Doro smiled and then shot waves of mud at them. Lee leapt to the side as Iruka leapt up into the air, pulling out his Windmill Shuriken and threw it right at Doro. Doro raised an arm and caught the Windmill Shuriken, letting it sink into his muddy body.

But then Iruka smiled, showing the wire he had placed onto his Windmill Shuriken. He then did some hand seals and smiled as he shouted "Fire Style! Dragon Fire!" He then shot a stream of fire from his mouth along the wire, blasting Doro with heat enough to solidify the mud of Doro's body. Iruka then said "Lee! Go for it!"
Lee nodded as he spun in the air and cried out "Leaf Super Spinning Wind!" Lee then spun, doing a strong roundhouse kick, smashing Doro's muddy body into dust. He landed down and smiled. "That was too easy..."
"You have a good point, Lee... something's not right..."

The hardened mud then landed onto the ground, but it soon enough reformed back into Doro's body as he smirked. "Not gonna be simple!"
Gouki and Tsunade kept running as Gouki then stopped. Tsunade looked at him and stopped too. "Gouki...? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah..." Gouki then grasped Tsunade's hand and said "Just follow!" Gouki began to run, not even caring he was holding Tsunade's hand. He knew it was a Genjutsu that she was using, but he didn't mind it at all. The Genjutsu's face reminded him of his mother, who lived almost over 1 millennium ago. He missed his mother terribly, when she was killed by his father's former wife, the mother of Goshin and Gozen. But he remembered her words "You have a kind, big heart, Gouki... use it well in life, and you will be cherished with the most important thing... friends and colleagues to protect". He then stopped and looked on as he saw Ino and Choji. He then said "I think I found two of the Dirty Dozen you spoke of, Lady Tsunade."
Tsunade nodded. "Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi. How did you..?"
Gouki turned and smiled. "I felt their chakra. Being half and half has its' perks."
Tsunade smiled back then walked over to Ino and Choji as she said "Ino... what is wrong with Choji?"
"He's just worn out, Hokage-sama. Spent a lot of chakra to beat an Earth Demon."

Gouki then walked up and said "He'll recover. I feel his chakra raising again, going up to where it was before. He'll be fine, I promise."
Ino looked at Gouki and blinked. "But you're a demon..."
"Actually..." Gouki said, clearing his throat. "I'm half human too. So it's alright, I assure you."
"O, OK..." Ino said, a bit of fear in her voice, but then once she saw Gouki's smile, she relaxed and smiled also. Tsunade then said "At least we found you two. That just leaves Lee, since I saw Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke already."
Gouki looked to the east, just gazing. He then nodded as he said "Lady Tsunade, I will need to leave now. But, I assure you, I will be OK. I felt Naruto... he is going to meet my brother, Goshin... it will not be easy. But he will need some support... and I feel Sasuke too... he is hurt. He may need attention, and I got something that can help. Will you be...?"

"I'll be OK, Gouki." Tsunade smiled. "I'm plenty strong, so I can look out for myself. You.. you just be careful yourself."
Gouki nodded as he knelt down on his right knee, left knuckles on the ground as he said "On my word as a halfling, Lady Tsunade, I will come back alive!"
With that sentence. Tsunade smiled then kissed Gouki on the forehead. A blush came over the 1,000 year old halfing, but he smiled. Tsunade smiled back and said "That is my blessing to you, Gouki. Now... go help Naruto."

Standing up, Gouki then was gone in the blink of an eye, racing to where he felt Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Goshin's chakra. He had to hurry, since he knew how truly vicious Goshin could be, and he needed to motor if he wanted to be of help!

Sasuke remained knelt in pain as Goshin smiled, raising his right hand, channeling chakra into his right hand as he was about to finish off the young Uchiha. Suddenly, a Windmill Shuriken cut through the air, slicing off Goshin's hand from the wrist! Naruto then came forward and kicked the winged demon in the head, sending him along the dirt road. Sakura landed by Sasuke and said "Sasuke-kun, are you alright?"
"He... he busted my wrist... Naruto, look out, this guy... GAH!!!... he can regenerate..." Sasuke groaned in pain, his wrist still hurting badly after Goshin snapped it like a twig. Naruto looked at Sasuke and said "Jesus, man... he looks like he could have killed you.."
"Heh... forget it, Naruto.. just watch out for Goshin... he'll heal and regenerate any wounds you place on him... gotta go for his heart to kill him..."
"Thanks for the tip, Sasuke. Sakura-chan, watch over Sasuke. I'll take over from here."

Goshin got up and smirked, his hand back as he said "Well, well, the Demon Child! I guess I finally drew you out the second I had busted one of Uchiha's ribs. It's so like you, Uzumaki... to want to protect someone who hates you so much."
"Sasuke is my teammate, and my friend. Even if he has done horrible acts for revenge, I'll always look out for him and the rest of my team. They are my most precious friends." Sasuke looked at Naruto and smiled weakly as he remembered his own words of how friends weren't needed to be stronger, and here, Naruto was still willing to help him... Sasuke chuckled softly as he thought 'Friends... maybe... they aren't so bad as I thought... have I been in the dark too long..? And.. is this why Naruto is as strong as he is..?'
"Just relax, Sasuke-kun..." Sakura said. "Naruto has it under control."
"How come you still call me that... even if you do not feel how you felt about me when we were kids?"
"Force of habit, I suppose. I may not love you now, but I'll care about you as a friend and teammate, Sasuke-kun." Sakura smiled, but then looked on, as Naruto's body began to glow in a blue blaze, as if his chakra itself was on fire! Sasuke looked on also and thought 'It's just like when he saved Sakura from Gaara's sand...'

Naruto clenched his fist charged, punching Goshin hard! From various angles, the blow looked just as painful, the winged demon getting knocked back HARD and fast, slamming into a brick wall nearby! Goshin cried out, his wings slammed into the wall with his whole body as he thought 'How did this boy get so strong!? Did Uzumaki...!? No, it wasn't the Kyuubi... it was his own chakra!'

With Goshin stunned, Naruto charged at him, crying out as he pulled two kunais out and threw them forward. Goshin's eyes widened as he pulled himself out of the wall then blocked Naruto's kunais with his wings, then flew fast right at him, as both pulled their fists back and punched each other hard in the cheek, then Naruto flipped up and kicked down at Goshin, but Goshin blocked with his wing and slapped Naruto to the side. Landing on his hand quickly, the blonde Chuunin pushed himself up and flipped to his feet. Goshin landed down and smirked. "Good. Still not as sleek and vicious as Uchiha's technique, but... equally fast."
"Well, it isn't even the tip of the iceberg, Goshin! Art of the Shadow Doppleganger!" Naruto then created 4 Shadow Dopplegangers and charged with them. Goshin smirked and before he could take into the air, a Doppleganger punched him. "U!"
Naruto raced up and leapt off the first Doppleganger's back, flipping while the others kicked Goshin in the back, all as one, as a team.
Naruto flipped up and then did a smashing axe kick right into the back of Goshin's head, finishing up by saying "Combo!" Naruto then smiled but saw as Goshin turned and spread his wings, blowing the Dopplegangers away and coming up at Naruto. With one swift punch he hit Naruto hard in the stomach. Naruto cried out, coughing a bit of blood up and then Goshin kicked him to the ground, smashing Naruto hard!
Sakura and Sasuke both gasped as Naruto groaned, getting out of the crater made from his impact and shouted. "OWWWW!!! That hurt!!!!"
Goshin chuckled evily as he landed down. "It'll only get worse unless you surrender the Kyuubi to me, Naruto... no need for this foolishness. You cannot win."

Stepping out of the crater more, Naruto wiped his lip, his other wounds healed thanks to Kyuubi's chakra. Naruto simply said "I'm not good at giving up, so you'll have to forgive me if I don't just drop to your feet and kiss 'em, Goshin. 'Sides, even if I gave you Kyuubi, you would try to kill everyone here once you had what you wanted. You're the kind of person, or should I say demon, to be that twisted and sick. So, my answer to surrendering is no."

"Fine. I can kill you then take the Kyuubi's power from your broken vessel. Whenever a demon is sealed within a human and the human dies, if posible, the seal isn't broken and the demon remains within, ripe for the picking. So... I'll make it short, sweet, and simple." Goshin spread his wings out as Naruto thought 'OK. Those damn wings of his make this bastard harder to hit! Gotta get rid of 'em. But Sasuke said he can regenerate... what if he just grows his wings back? No! I gotta take that chance!"

While thinking, Naruto carefully took an explosive talisman paper and wrapped it around the handle of his kunai, nodded and charged at Goshin as he leapt past him then impaled the kunai in his back, between his wings. Goshin turned and punched Naruto, leaving a split second window there as Naruto smiled,. a big explosion occuring, as Goshin's wings were blown to bits, as well as a good portion of his back too! Goshin screamed out in agony as Naruto barely grabbed a pole, panting to catch his breath.

With his wings gone, Goshin quickly began to regenerate. His back returned, but his wings, one of the few parts of his body he couldn't regenerate, didn't come back with his back. Goshin snarled at Naruto then screamed out a blast of energy. Naruto gulped and cried out in pain from the attack as he slammed into the earth, groaning. Goshin dashed over at Naruto and grabbed him by the throat, smirking. "Even if you took my wings, I'll definitely take the Kyuubi from you. I did, after all, remove Uchiha's Curse Seal."

Naruto chuckled. "Well... I am not gonna stop till I get you back for hurting my friend." Suddenly, Naruto exploded, revealing him to be a Shadow Doppleganger! The real Naruto came up from under and uppercutted Goshin hard, sending him flying to the ground.
Gouki came running up and stopped. "Whoa... Naruto's pounding Goshin? Great!" He then came to Sakura and Sasuke as he said "Goshin's dirty work, I take it...?
"Yes, from what we can tell. You are...?" Sakura asked, looking at Gouki, blinking some.

"Gouki, and I know you are Sakura Haruno. Don't worry, I'm a good guy, and I can help Sasuke. I have something special for him." Gouki put his hand into his interdimensional "pocket" and pulled out a pear-shaped, red and greenish piece of fruit, breaking off a bit and then giving it to Sasuke. "Now, chew."
Sasuke began to chew the fruit, feeling a sweet, but tangy flavor to the piece of fruit. He then closed his eyes and felt his wounds heal, but his chakra didn't restore and he was still exhausted. "Gouki... what was...?"

"Undon Fruit. Perfect for healing wounds, and for battling intensely. Don't get up yet though... your chakra's still low, and you need time to recover it..."
Sasuke groaned as he sat up some, watching the fight as Goshin got up, and he and Naruto punched each other at the same time, but then Naruto turned and kicked Goshin up then grabbed him and slammed him into the ground. Naruto was panting a bit as he leapt back and smiled. Goshin got up, snarling some, but then he saw Gouki, Sakura, and Sasuke.

'Perfect! I have the advantage now! One of them will make a nice hostage. The girl... Gouki would just heal and it's no fun to beat Uchiha half to death again when I had done so already, even if that pest Gouki healed him with Undon Fruit. So... let's see what you do, Uzumaki. They say the true measure of a man is how he handles defeat! Let's see you handle yours with a touch of death in the mix!!!' Goshin began to cackle as he then used his left index and middle fingers and shot a beam of chakra right at Sakura. Naruto turned and gasped as he began to run, channeling all of his chakra for added speed. He then shouted "SAKURA-CHAN!!!" He pushed Sakura to the side, as Gouki saw what Naruto was doing and grabbed her and Sasuke, leaping to the side. Naruto's eyes widened as he then screamed out in agony, the blast piercing of all places... his heart! His body then hit the ground, blood pooling under it as Goshin smirked. "Just as I thought... leap in the middle and protect her."

Sakura groaned then turned to Naruto. "You idiot, Naruto, why did you-!" Gouki then cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth. The silence gave Sakura a second... to see Naruto's body, lifeless, blood underneath it. Sasuke began to shake as he thought Naruto dead. "N-no way... he... he can't be.."
Slipping out of Gouki's arm, Sakura rushed to Naruto and said "Hey... Naruto, wake up, please! Come on, stop kidding around! This is where you get up and say 'You owe me, Sakura-chan!' or something goofy and stupid like that..." Tears slowly formed in Sakura's eyes as she had gotten no response from Naruto. "Come on, Naruto! Y-y-you can't be dead! I may have seemed like... I wanted you to be gone, even dead because you annoyed me, but I. I never wanted it at all... why did you protect me, after I've been so cold to you, you idiot!? Why..." Sakura then began to sob against Naruto's chest as Gouki hung his head, knowing Undon Fruit may not be enough.

'Stupid... fox... gimme your power to help me beat this guy...' Naruto said softly, directing it to Kyuubi. Kyuubi's eyes widened when a bit of his chakra was expelled. He looked on and said "NARUTO, NO!!!"
Suddenly, a heartbeat came as the hole in Naruto's chest healed and he got up, no expression yet. He got up to his feet, standing firm as Sakura blinked, slowly standing up also. "Naruto!? You're OK!!"
Naruto's eyes closed, and then opened to become a blood red, his irises narrowing as he began to bare his teeth, the teeth themselves becoming fangs now, as his ears became a bit pointy, his hair wilder, and his body more vicious in appearance. Sakura gasped a bit. "N-naruto? What, what is going on...?"

Naruto snarled, a feral side to him opening up, as he looked at Sakura but then he looked sad, his feral behavior calming down... walking to Sakura, Naruto stood in front of her, with his newfound darker side, and he simply said "Sakura-chan... move... I don't know... what I am capable of now.. Get over to Gouki... and stay back..."
Sakura heard the tone in Naruto's voice, and said softly "Is this... part of the Kyuubi...?"
"I don't know, just please move... I don't..." Naruto cut himself off in the middle of his sentence and lightly caressed Sakura's right cheek with his palm and the back of his hand. "I don't want to hurt you... or the others... now move.."

Gulping slowly, her cheeks a beet red from Naruto caressing her cheek, Sakura nodded then went over to Gouki and Sasuke, as Naruto, now more demonic in appearance, had turned his back to Goshin but the formerly-winged demon made a mistake by attempting a punch. But Naruto raised his right arm and grabbed Goshin's fist. Gouki looked on and then gasped. "It's... an Overshadow Metamorphosis!"
"What the hell is this Overshadow Metamorphosis, Gouki? What happened to Naruto!?" Sakura asked.
Sasuke got up slowly and nodded. "I was wondering too. Is he even there anymore? Because it seems like all that remains is a feral beast ready to kill..."

"He's in there, Sasuke, it's just..." Gouki let out a sigh before continuing. "It is a bit complicated. But I'll try. It's the demon within Naruto, the demon known as Kyuubi. Naruto must have pulled some of Kyuubi's chakra to heal, and instead, the demonic chakra coursed into his body, changing him into a demon. I don't know HOW he managed to cling onto his human heart, but he succeeded somewhere no other Overshadows have. He's kept his humanity... it's amazing..."
"It's frightening chakra... like he's ready to kill you with just one glance... ca-can he control it?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't know yet.. but... maybe with training, he could... if he wanted to..." After saying that, Gouki glanced at Sakura, who was shaking a bit, her cheeks still a tinny tiny bit red from Naruto's caress upon her cheek and thought 'Sakura... when Naruto looked at her, his human heart must have been awakened... who is she to him?'
'It was me... he, he just looked at me and it was as if a storm in his heart cleared away, and his humanity appeared again.. why is he protecting me though? I've done nothing but hurt him, insult him, and belittle him, and yet, he still protects me... why do you do it, Naruto?' Sakura thought to herself, holding her hands together. 'Please, just be careful, I couldn't stand to see you nearly dead again...'

Naruto turned to Goshin, eyes glowing as he then crushed his much bigger assailant's arm with ease. Goshin cried out as he tried to regenerate or heal, but he couldn't! "What the-!? It's an Overshadow!? How!? How can this brat...!?"
"You tried to hurt my friends... you tried to kill someone precious to me. You deserve no mercy, you bastard!" Naruto said, in his demonic tone, a mix seemingly of his and Kyuubi's voice. With that said, he then proceeded to punch Goshin hard and charge at him after sending him flying with the punch. Goshin got up and then his eyes shrunk, as Naruto had chakra around his newly-formed claws and shouted "IRON CLAW!!!!" He then slashed downward, slashing deeply into Goshin. Goshin cried out... the wind blowing as then a bit of purple blood spewed out from his clawmarks and then his body seemingly exploded, hitting the ground in a pile.

Naruto remained there, looking at his right hand as he then gasped, starting to wobble. Sakura blinked and rushed over to him, catching him before he fell. Naruto groaned and then was in Kyuubi's chamber.
"Kyuubi... what was that!? Did you take control of my body, you stupid fox!?!"
"...No. It was an Overshadow, Naruto. You see, when you took my chakra while on the verge of death, you became a demon for a short time... however, controlling it is difficult... that pink-haired girl, Sakura... what is she, your main squeeze or something? She managed to letcha keep your humanity after you made the metamorphosis."
"I guess... I mean, I do like her a LOT, but she doesn't even notice me at all. I'm just... invisible to Sakura-chan.."

"Oh, no?" Kyuubi chuckled. "When you wake up, you'll see... but it takes a few days. I'm sure she'll be there though..."
Sakura looked at Naruto's body as she brushed some hair from his face and frowned at how he ended up like this, because he was protecting her. She was still confused as to WHY he would protect her when she could be a real b*tch to him at times. She then decided she'd ask him when he woke up... but for now, she just held his unconscious body in her arms. Sasuke smiled a bit as he then said 'You did a helluva job, Naruto.. and... I guess I owe you one this time around...'
But then, the silence was broken when a footstep hit the dirt ground, as all 3 still standing turned to see Gozen as Gozen glared, determined to figure out his brother's killer... and kill them for vengeance.

-Chapter 8-
Gozen looked on and saw Goshin's broken body and said "So... my feeling was right. Goshin has been killed. That Kyuubi brat did this.. but how?"
"An Overshadow, 'brother'." Gouki said. "I suggest you leave before he wakes up and possibly comes for you next!"
"Never. I came here with a mission, and with Father distracted, I can triumph. As long as he and the Council don't interfere. Oh! By the way, little brother, I found some friends of yours while out on my way to see Goshin's fate." He snapped his fingers, and within stone barriers, Tsunade, Lee, Iruka, Kakashi, Choji, and Ino laid unconscious, their heads visible while their bodies were not.

Gouki began to snarl. "Villainous rat!"
"Heh, I call it taking an advantage, Gouki. Now, give the Demon Child to me, or suffer losing these humans you have called friends! Let's see, I had one of my spies observe you... with this one." Gozen walked to Tsunade then pulled out a blade from the bones protruding now from his back and put it up against her throat. "Ohh... this one has a lovely neck for someone who hides her true self. Very well... I needn't kill her perhaps... perhaps, just draining her life energy to turn her into what she is, is what will be needed to rile you up."

Gozen placed a hand on the stone block and began to pull back, draining out Tsunade's life energy, and after a bit, Tsunade was left, old and withered, groaning from the feeling of pain that overcame her, Gozen then swallowed the life energy and smiled. "Mmmmm... a delectable flavor, little brother... I can see why you picked her."
Gouki then glared. "That is it." He took his cloak over and then take a stance. "I will make you pay for what you did to Lady Tsunade!"

"Ha! You defeat me!? You're not as strong as me, since my blood is 100% demon, and you are just a meager halfing... a weakling!" Gouki then charged at Gozen and punched him across the cheek. Gozen ended up slammed at another end of the street while Gouki began to get the others freed, catching each of them and setting them down and finally, he broke Tsunade free and looked at her.

"Hiding your true face, eh? Well.. I don't mind at all... but needing to die so soon, it's wrong. I will give unto you some of my own life energy, Lady Tsunade, since I am gambling my life. But I knew the risks when I decided to challenge my elder brother. My mother, she said I have a kind heart. I will use it well to protect this village and you." Gouki began to channel his own life energy, then pressed the palm of his right hand gently onto Tsunade's chest, a bit above her breasts, near her heart, so it could transfer successfully. Tsunade's body then began to glow, her shape returning to the way her Genjutsu made her look; absolutely beautiful. However, when Gouki had given part of his life energy, he had made it so that like a demon, Tsunade would be young again, even with her true age of 54. He didn't have to do it, but he knew it was the right thing.

Gouki then laid Tsunade down near the others and said "I promise I will come back alive... I cannot die here. Not yet." Gouki then charged at Gozen and grabbed him as he said "Now, big brother, I will make you pay for what you did!"

"Feh..." Gozen then grabbed Gouki by his arm and flung him hard, but Gouki used his own demon power to land onto a roof carefully. Gouki stood there, arms at his sides as Gozen landed down across from him and smiled. "Gouki, Gouki, Gouki... why do you do this to me, your elder brother? Why torment yourself by sticking with humans, with their pitiful mortality, when we demons can live forever and ever..? Is it because of your mother being a human? I am glad Mother killed her when she had the chance to, even if Father had no love lost for Mother, especially when he banished her to Limbo. Heh. You forget that I was first born, a century before Goshin, and a century and 10 before you, little brother, so I have seniority over you! Why fight me when you can join me and be strong?"

"Because I already am strong. My name... it means 'bravery', and my mother knew instinctively as did Dad that I would become brave and strong on my own. And I will be that way always, Gozen. I'm not like you, because I understand humans after living around them for so long! I will always have a better understanding of what is right and what is wrong." Gouki closed his eyes, and instead of red, they were now blue! And his chakra formed into angel-like wings as he "flew" at Gozen and punched him hard. Gozen stood and then headbutted Gouki and smirked, stepping on his little half-brother's ribs, digging his foot in. Gouki gritted his teeth and then slipped out from under his brother's foot.

Gozen then smirked as Gouki was panting. He stepped slowly over to Gouki, smirking still, watching as Gouki's chakra wings shattered, leaving him a bit weakened. He then began to attack, but suddenly, a now-hardened Doro smashed into Gozen, sending him to the side some, and the Mud Demon was shattered. "You beat... Doro? What are you?"
"Persistent." Iruka smiled, arms crossed over his chest.
Lee looked up and said "I take it you're the ringleader? If so, you can tell we're here to put you down!"

"Get back!" Gouki replied. "I'll deal with my brother.. please... trust me. I can defeat him... I know I can."
Iruka and Lee looked up at Gouki and then smiled, both nodding. Gouki smiled as he got up, exhaling as he then stood up tall and proud, eyes closed. Gozen looked at him and said "Is this a damn joke!? Afraid to look your angel of death in the eyes, little brother!? VERY WELL, THEN!! Death will be your messenger this day!" Gozen then charged at Gouki, but then Gouki opened his eyes, grabbing his brother, and using his own momenteum against him, flinging him to the roof on his back.

"Something Dad reminded me of, Gozen... to remain calm in a battle, and never lose your cool. I guess he never told you or Goshin about. He and Mom always looked out for me, even if he was disguised as a human at that time. I was glad, and still am, to have him in my life. He is my guiding light, even without Mom here too.. and then I meet these people, whom I want to protect. I've found my rightful place in the world, and it's here in Konohagakure Village, with these unique people. I do not care of my own life now, but the lives of those who live here in Konoha, work here, protect it! I cannot forgive you for your acts, brother, and so help me, if I must, I will kill you..."

"Bah!" Gozen said, pulling out a longer bone, which now was much like a trident. "Strength is all that matters. And the strength I desire is here! I will kill you no matter what little brother! But first, to ensure my success..." Gozen's eyes closed, as he then opened them, feeling the combined energies of all of his fallen comrades and his fallen brother, Goshin, and channeled them into his own body, his body becoming more bony in terms of structure, like armor, as well as his becoming much taller! Gouki gulped a bit, but shook his nervous behavior away.

"Do you see what I can do, not just with Goshin's power, but also that of Itami, Tsume, Doro, Goruju... it's amazing, Gouki! Why do you not accept your true destiny to evolve beyond a halfling to a full demon and to become like me!?"
"You mean, power-hungry, obsessed? No thanks, Gozen. Not my style. In fact, all I want here is to just live a simple life, but I guess in a ninja village, that's no go. But a life on Earth is better than one in the Demon World..."
"Fine. I said I would be your angel of death, and I shall!" Gozen charged at Gouki, thrusting his spear forward, but a barrier blocked the attack, and both brothers turned to see a mysterious human-like demon girl with dark purple hair appear as she said "That's enough, Gozen! Your treachery ends here!"
"Botan!?!" Both Gouki and Gozen said, leaving everyone else dumbfounded by this newcomer. Whoever she was, she stopped Gozen's attack at least... but was she good or bad?

Botan turned to Gouki and smiled. "Hey, Gouki-kun! Been busy have we?"
"Kinda, Botan-chan! Where is Dad? He here with you too?" Gouki asked, panting still.
"Mmm-hmm! Papa is on his way now!" She then smiled and hugged her apparent brother. Sasuke blinked. "Another sibling!?"

Gouki turned and smiled. "Botan is my blood-sister from my Mom, Sasuke. She also works on a group called The Council, a group of Demons who govern the Demon World and its' 18 countries. But I can explain more about that in later days." Gouki had now smiled at Botan again and then turned to Gozen. "Shell shocked are we?"
"I... I cannot believe that Father..."
Suddenly, a portal opened up inbetween Gouki, Botan, and Gozen, as out stepped a Demon who appeared much like Gouki, but he had a more... distinguished look to him as he said "My own son... my own flesh and blood scheming against me... how could you do such a thing, Gozen? I loved you no little or no more than Gouki, Botan, or Goshin. So why scheme against me?"

"Because, FATHER, you banished our mother to the depths of Limbo for killing these weak humans! They are our cattle, meant for us to slaughter and use!"
"You are wrong, Gozen. I, Jigoku, head of the Council, do not see that as truth. We each make our own destinies, but it seems the taint of your mother's heart has affected you, made you bitter and cold, unable to understand about how humans are precious to the physical plane. They showed their true power when the man, Yondaime, also known as Kanoi, sacrificed himself, to protect this very village from the Demon whose power you wish to obtain. And you also broke the law to not enter the Human Realm."

"Gouki did also, so is he to be punished?"
"No. He had reason to come here to the Human Realm, to run from you, even if he could not contact me sooner. Now... your punishment will be simple... you are to be cast among the other Demons, like your mother, who have been sealed within Limbo, and thus your premise in the Demon World will be non-existant as of today!"
"I do not need such archaic ways, Father... but once Mother and I have found a way to escape Limbo, we will come for you... you know this."
"Of course." Jigoku said. "But you won't break Limbo, since all of your power is negated there. I hate to do this to you though.. I really believed you could change. Botan! Open a portal to Limbo, now."

And then... Gozen was gone from the world, sealed into Limbo, Botan locking the gate. She then looked at Jigoku. "Papa, did it hurt...?"
"A little... but perhaps, he will learn peace in Limbo." Jigoku smiled softly, then turned to Gouki and walked to him, and said "Gouki... what will you do now?"

"I... I plan to stay here in this village, Dad... as long as your people watch for demon threats here... as well as if Botan-chan can visit me. I'd hate to not have my little sister come and see me at least..." Gouki smiled softly.
Jigoku nodded. "Of course, son. I can do that for you easily. But I must also repair this damage... and you will be this place's guardian... or one of them." Raising his hand, the Elder Demon's powers began to restore the village's damages, as well as clear away the remains left by the Lesser Demons, and soon, Konoha was back to somewhat normal state. Jigoku then smiled at Gouki as he began to disappear. Suddenly, Botan ran up and gave Gouki a big hug as she said "I'm comin' here as soon as I can, Gouki-kun! It's not gonna be the same without you!"
"I know, Botan-chan, I know. And I look forward to it, alright?" Gouki then mussed his little sister's hair and she followed their father back to the Demon Realm.

3 days... 3 days was how long Naruto was in the hospital for after his Overshadow Metamorphosis allowed him to beat Goshin. After the 3 days, at 12:00 noon, he opened his eyes and groaned. "OW... why's it so bright?"
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Naruto!" Choji chuckled as he grinned.
"Choji?" He slowly sat up and said "Man, what happened..?"
"You were out for 3 days, Naruto-kun. Care to clear it up for us as to what caused you to conk out for 3 days?" Lee asked, arms on his elbows.

"Well... I do remember leaping to take a blast for Sakura-chan, then pulling Kyuubi's chakra... and then I became stronger, like I was a demon, guys. It was... unusual." Naruto looked around his surroundings and saw a small glass with 3 flowers in it. The 3 flowers were each lilies as Naruto pointed to them. "Hey, uhm, guys... who brought me flowers while I was out here?"
"Ms. Sakura. She came by every day, just to see if you had woken up. I think she was the most worried about you of all of us. Wellll... her and Gouki." Lee said.
"What about Gouki!? Did he make it!? I mean... I got so many questions to ask!"

"Hey, it's OK, Naruto. He's alright. Gouki in fact is Tsunade-sama's bodyguard now..." said the voice of a familiar person. All 3 boys turned and saw Sakura, who smiled as she stepped in. "I'm glad to hear you're finally awake, Naruto..."
"Hey, Sakura-chan... it's good to see you. You alright?" He began to ask, a concerned look on his face.
"Yeah. I was kinda shell-shocked by what happened to you before, what Gouki called, a Overshadow Metamorphosis... it was scary. You seemed like you were completely gone... I... I..." Sakura then began to shudder in fear, and sniffled. Naruto then leaned over and hugged her.

Lee got up and motioned to the door. He began to leave, and so did Choji as they walked out silently. Sakura sniffled again, then looked up at Naruto.
"Why, why do you protect me or do nice things for me? I don't get it... I... I thought you... you liked to see me in trouble... and to see me miserable... I thought that if you had your way, I'd never see happiness or love..."

"No way, Sakura-chan! I've never liked it! Hell, when it came to that whole faux-kiss with Sasuke, I never wanted it to happen! I... I really like you a lot, and I'd hate to see you hurt or sad! I mean, sure, I can be obnoxious, but..." Naruto then realized he had his arms around Sakura, blushed, and then let go as he cleared his throat some. "I... I don't wanna have anyone in trouble intentionally... I always want to try and help you..."

"I know that..." Sakura smiled softly, her cheeks a slight red. "I realized that when you went to get Sasuke-kun back... You said to me, you understood how I felt about him being gone... and I'd like to apologize for all I did to you, all the insults, everything. I want us to start clean, Naruto... without any of our past issues... if you'd like." Naruto looked on at Sakura as she wiped a small tear from her eye. He then smiled and nodded.

Even if things seemed bad for a time, Naruto had believed in himself, and he pulled through, also learning something new about Kyuubi inside of him and what his powers may do. Kyuubi just chuckled some. But unbeknownst to Naruto, he had been helping the Demon Fox too... to lose some of the pure evil in his heart, even if it seemed like it couldn't be done, that it was impossible. But if anyone could shatter "impossible" and make it "possible", it'd be Naruto.


:naruto: + sakura.gif RULEZ!!! happy.gif

#9 Smiter


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Posted 29 September 2004 - 04:57 PM

All together!

NaruSaku FC members: AAAWWWWWWWW!!

Can't wait to see more, Bryon. happy.gif It's really nice to see the early chapters without the weird formatting that plagued them in the NT days!

#10 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


    Magnificient Bastard (aka Cliffhanger Bastard!)

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:24 PM

Tell me about it, Smiter! It's good to see that Heaven and Earth can handle Demon Within without me needin' to format it to some cackamamie word limit like Naruto Talk had. happy.gif

-Chapter 9-
Morning came to Konohagakure Village, as Gouki, the young (in human terms) halfling rolled out of his bed and hit the ground. He groaned as he got up some, rubbing his head. After being appointed Tsunade's official bodyguard, Gouki had opted to move in with Naruto, making his own space with his demon powers. It was... interesting. But Gouki chose that path because he looked to Naruto as a good friend, the first human friend he had made when he came to the Earth Realm for the first time in 1,000 years or so. He then yawned as he stood up, going to the faucet, grabbed a cup, then got himself some water, sipping it slowly.

Naruto was now just stretching in his room as he got finished with getting his uniform on. He then dashed for the door and stopped as he said "Yo, Gouki! How'd you sleep, buddy?"
"Oh, I can't complain, til I rolled outta bed, Naruto. Where ya head? Mission briefing?" Gouki asked, sipping water again.
"Nawww, I'm gonna go train. I usually do that til we get some kind of signal of a mission about to start. That would mean a bird, a small white one, would come by. Anyway, I'm outtie! See ya whenever, dude!" Naruto grabbed his house key, then began to head out as he locked the door behind him, then dashed off to go train. Gouki chuckled some as he then placed his cup in the sink, grabbed his cloak and cracked his neck. "Time I got goin' too." With a blink of an eye, Gouki transported himself out of Naruto's apartment.

Walking down the streets of Konoha was different for Gouki. He noticed all of the people looking at him and being in shock at his massive height as well as his appearance. But he didn't mind as he kept walking to the Hokage Tower. Sure, he could have teleported there, but he thought it wouldn't be a good thing to do since he wanted to get used to walking around Konoha, to walk among the humans there, as he did when he was growing up with his mother a millennium ago. He also decided to forgo a human disguise, since he felt he had no need to hide his true self, even if people may have been a bit scared or intimidated by him.

When he finally made it in, he immediately went to Tsunade's office. Every Genin, Chuunin, Jounin, and ANBU member knew of Gouki's position so he was never stopped, except to say hello ocassionally. The first one to do so was Sakuya of the ANBU.
"Good morning, Gouki." Sakuya said.
"Hey, Sakuya. You and your team on a mission, I take it?"
"Yeah. Bodyguard job for a Daimyo. You know how it is, I guess, having to guard Tsunade-sama quite abit."
"I don't mind it. I think I'm meant for a bodyguard job. But I need to get going."
"So do I. I need to meet my team anyhow. Later." Then in a burst of wind, Sakuya was gone, and Gouki was walking down the hall again. He then came up to Tsunade's office and rapped on the door a few times with his index finger curled.
"Come in."

Gouki opened the door and stepped inside, as he bowed. "Good morning, Lady Tsunade."
Tsunade looked up from her paperwork and smiled. "Gouki, it's good to see you. Have you adjusted well here in Konoha these last four days? I've meant to ask, but I never got the time."
"I can't complain. It's been interesting here. I guess I may not fit in too much since I am used to a whole different world."
"Being immortal must suck." Tsunade chuckled at that and smiled. She then got up and continued to speak. "Gouki, I need to ask a favor of you."
"A favor? What is it?"

Tsunade turned to the window and said "I was going to consider seeing an old friend of mine out in the north a bit of Fire Country, small town really. But I'm being swamped with paperwork so it seems impossible for me to do that. I wanted to ask if you could go in my stead and let my friend know I am sorry I couldn't come personally?"
Gouki blinked and then nodded. "Of course. It'd be alright with me... how far north?"
"About a day's run for you, I bet!" Tsunade smiled as she walked over and then hugged Gouki. "Thank you again for this, you big lug. Now, you better get going. You will need this to find my friend." She then held out a slip of paper for him to take.
Gouki blushed some, took the paper, and then nodded. "Yes'm..." He was then gone in a flash. Tsunade chuckled a tiny bit as Gouki disappeared, just surprised by his blushing.

As he was running, Gouki had a bag on his back, his cloak off of his body. He felt the wind breeze against his body and smiled. He had packed something to eat as well as something for Tsunade's friend. He wondered about Tsunade's friend, and just if he or she would accept the fact he was a half-human, half-demon. But Gouki paid it no mind. He kept running, hoping to make it to his destination sooner than just one day.

Meanwhile, back in Konoha, Sakura sat on a roof, just looking at the sky. She was also evaluating a bit... mostly, of how things with her and Naruto have been. Since she was starting fresh in a sense with him, she wanted to evaluate everything bad she had done to him, but also remember moments when Naruto confused or surprised her. She had remembered perhaps the most painful thing she had said to Naruto; "You are annoying" when he accidently got bumped into Sasuke while staring him down and "kissed" him. She felt the most ashamed by that, by the way she probably made Naruto feel then, but there were a few moments for Naruto that made her smile. One was when she had learned Sasuke that it was Naruto who had battled Gaara of the Sand, saving her life from the sand of his that threatened her life. Another that mostly surprised her above all was during their first real mission... where they had to protect Mr. Tazuna, and they first met Zabuza Momochi, aka the Demon of Kirigakure Village. Naruto had lost his Hitai-Ate Leaf Headband, his forehead protector, and he had risked his life to get it back from Zabuza, and Sakura was shocked by that, feeling strange when she had seen Naruto do that.

"And now I've seen more and more of Naruto's true side... all this time, I just assumed he was a nuisance, but... he isn't really. He is genuinely..." Sakura blushed a bit as she felt her heart beat race a bit. It confused her, but she felt, over time, perhaps, she'd figure out WHY her heart raced like that.

Gouki kept running until he had arrived at a small town, just like Tsunade said. The town had mostly houses, and a few other buildings, but not so many. He began to walk around, until he pulled out the paper Tsunade gave him. He began to look around, trying to find the house of her friend. He looked about then saw the address he needed and walked to the door, knocking. He heard rustling inside and then the door slowly opened. Gouki looked down to see an elderly looking man, holding a cane, with glasses over his eyes. He then said "Hello?"
"Yes, are you Mr. Takada?"
"I am... whe-where are you?" Mr. Takada said, looking around.
Gouki blinked and then realized Mr. Takada was blind. He then knelt and said "In front of you, sir. My name is Gouki, and Tsunade sent me here."
"Tsunade, eh? It's been a while since I've heard from her... I heard she is in Konohagakure Village now, as the 5th Hokage. Tell me, Gouki, are they true? The rumors of that?"
"Very accurate, Mr. Takada. May I come in?"
"Of course, of course!" Mr. Takada stepped aside and Gouki stepped inside, but smacked his head on the ceiling, giving out a quick "OW!!". He then looked around the house a bit and said "How long have you... been, well you know?"

"Blind? Oh, a little over 20 years now, m'boy. I don't mind it, not when I have my pets to keep me company." Mr. Takada said, smiling.
Gouki saw a bird perched on the back of a sleeping bear, and a dog laying near them too as he said "So I see... who are the names of your pets, sir?"
"The dog is Yoshi, the bear is Kumatachi, and the bird is Kaze. Simple names, I assure you, but names I am fond of. These 3 are my companions, my dear friends. I am grateful for them all. Please, please, have a seat, alright?"
Gouki nodded. "Yes, sir." Gouki knelt down near a table, just resting his hands on his knees. Mr. Takada chuckled as he then sat down also.
"Your posture and movement seems different for a human, Gouki. What are you exactly? I ask because I wonder just about you, and why Tsunade sent you."

"Well, I'm her bodyguard, Mr. Takada. And, well, I hope you don't freak out, but... I am a half-human, half-demon." Gouki replied, clearing his throat as he then saw Kumatachi, Kaze, and Yoshi wake up. The dog walked over to Gouki, sniffing him as he then gently petted the dog softly, smiling. He then saw Kumatachi sit next to him, Kaze landing on his head as he blinked. He chuckled some as he then said "Mr. Takada, have you... ever heard of a place called The Lake of Heaven and Earth?"

"Why yes... I have heard of that place. Mizuumi no Tenchi. A beautiful place. It is here in Fire Country, although it has been some odd years since I last saw it. Before I lost my sight, I loved to gaze at the lake's clear waters, to feel most at ease. You must have grown up there, given the fondness in your voice when you mentioned it, Gouki. Even without my sight, I can deal with my other senses, and understand body language from feeling chakra itself. That is why I guessed you were not human completely, and also know your aura is a gentle one. A kind-hearted one."

"Wow..." Gouki said, blinking as he then cleared his throat. "How do you know Lady Tsunade?"
"She trained under me for some time... healing techniques, medicinal skills, the like. 12 years she trained with me, Gouki. I was most impressed by her heart, even if she was a bit... anxious sometimes. I see that you speak fondly of her too."

Gouki blushed a bit when Mr. Takada had mentioned that. Gouki hadn't realized it sometimes, but it was true... he did speak of fondness for Tsunade, since she was like an angel to him for having saved her life. He did also see someone whom he could easily protect, with his life being at stake because of it. He then nodded. "I do, Mr. Takada. She saved my life, and for me, I owe a lot to her."
Gouki and Mr. Takada simply talked that night, just enjoying one another's company, but unbeknownest to them... something was waiting... and it was not good...

Gouki felt something shaking him in the middle of the night, while he slept. He woke up to see Mr. Takada. He then whispered. "Mr. Takada, what's going on?"
"Smoke, m'boy. I smell smoke. That means..."
"Fire!" Gouki and Mr. Takada stepped outside to look upon a blaze that was engulfing the town and parts of the woods near it. Mr. Takada could feel the heat emanating from the flames, and Gouki just watched it. He then turned to the elderly man and asked "Mr. Takada, where is the nearest river?!"
"It's 3 miles east! But can you...?"

"I will make it back. You just help the other villagers organize against this fire. I can tell this was no natural fire. It's man-made. Someone wanted this to happen, so I want to know when I get back, if you don't mind." Gouki said.
Mr. Takada simply nodded as Gouki then dashed off.

Gouki ran as hard and as fast as he could, the ground thundering under him. He kept running until he sniffed the air and smelt fresh water. He ran the direction of the water and dove right into the water. He began to mutter under his breath, then began to form a large bubble of water, and once completed, Gouki grasped it, leapt out of the water and ran as fast as he could to the village.

Mr. Takada had managed to gather the other villagers together to help clear the fire, but all they managed to do was stop smaller fires, not the larger ones. But when Gouki showed up, he smiled, holding the bubble of water he made into the air, spinning it around then began to use more of his demon powers to channel electricity into it and then hurtled it into the clouds, creating... rain. The villagers all gasped but began to celebrate as the rain cleansed the fire away, steam rising from the burnt areas of the villagers' homes, and as well as the forest nearby. Gouki smiled as he walked forward then towards Mr. Takada.

"Who caused this, sir?"
Mr. Takada tapped his cane down softly and sighed. "Bandits. They've been coming by for a while now. They said if we did not pay them for 'protection' they'd burn our village down. We refused, and this is what happened.. we almost lost our homes, and our lives because of it."
Gouki sighed some, arms at his sides as he then snapped his fingers and said "But you needn't worry about bandits anymore, Mr. Takada! I actually have something that could help..." Gouki then slipped his hand into his interdimensional "pocket" and pulled out something, a small pouch and showed it to him. "These are spell markers. Once placed, only people you invite into the village and yourselves will be able to leave and enter it. And if anyone else comes within their range, once they touch it, they cannot enter again, no matter what. Plus they will protect your villagers if those bandits try to use them as bait to get in. It is something from being half and half."

Mr. Takada smiled at what Gouki had said as Gouki pulled the spell markers, small stone tags out and threw them in various direction, watching as a barrier came over the village slowly. He smiled at that as all of the villagers looked in awe at this. With that done, Gouki just gazed about at all the faces, and he in turn smiled a unique smile, one that reminds you he is not completely human, but one that also lets you know he wouldn't harm.

The morning to come, Gouki gathered his things and left for Konoha again. It was a short run, and once he got back, he had just simply placed a journal onto Tsunade's desk, bowed respectfully, and he left. Tsunade blinked when she saw the journal and picked it up, opening it to a page. The first page to be exact... as if the journal was new.

"I wanted to gather my thoughts for you, Lady Tsunade, so that perhaps you could understand me more. In the day I spent with Mr. Takada, I saw many sides to humanity like I saw centuries ago when I lived near the Lake of Heaven and Earth. It still amazes me as to how people can be so different, but appear so similar sometimes. After clearing a fire to the village, and using a special barrier to protect it, I had just sat with Mr. Takada, talking with him over a bowl of rice. I asked what he remembered of the Lake of Heaven and Earth, the place I lived near centuries ago, to talk more with him about my own life experiences... and as such, I learned one thing I remembered back then... that no matter how hard it seems to get, life always moves on somehow."
After reading that small, but plentiful entry, Tsunade smiled and whispered "You're more human than you realize Gouki. I... just want you to find happiness here in Konoha... that's all. Please... I hope you can find that happiness." Tsunade blinked as she looked into the journal, turning to the next page to see... a flower.
She blinked at the flower, which was a kind of white lily, and picked it up, smelling it as she smiled and whispered "Thank you, Gouki."
Gouki stood by the door, just smiling, his cheeks a bit red as he then walked forward and off for home, just smiling.

-Chapter 10-
In the woods of Konoha, the same day Gouki returned, a thunderous boom echoed through the trees. That boom had come from Sasuke Uchiha, who was in the middle of his training. He had just unleashed his first Chidori of the day, working to increase how many he could do in a single day past 4, which was his current limit. His usual uniform of all black with his Chuunin vest, and his wrapping around his right arm was singed due to the intensity and chakra used for his first Chidori. He stood straight up and exhaled softly.

He had his eyes closed, the wind just blowing against him as he said "Not good enough. Nowhere near Naruto. I don't get how he just blows right by me. It's been this way ever since the Chuunin Exam was interrupted by the Oto and Suna Ninjas Orochimaru cut loose on the village... when he battled against Gaara. And then he managed to even beat me when I surpassed him in terms of power... and once more his Overshadow allowed him to beat Goshin, who I couldn't even beat. Just why is Naruto surpassing me? Why can't I get past him for very long?"

A rustling came from the leaves in the trees and Sasuke turned to the rustling as he saw Neji. Neji leaned against the tree in his karate Gi and then leapt down to the ground and smiled softly."It's not that hard to figure out why Naruto passes you, Sasuke. It's something you may need to discover. Besides, some of us in the Dozen have done some... digging on Naruto's past a bit. Luckily, Hokage-sama allowed us to do so. She said it is because we were his teammates we could do that. I learned something interesting about his heritage."

"When the demons came, Neji, Jigoku, Gouki's father, said that Yondaime's name was Kanoi Uzumaki... ..." Sasuke was silent after he had said that. "Did you find out any connections with THAT piece of info?!"
Neji nodded. "A little. Not too much. But it seems likely so far. No information as to who his parents were 100% is available yet. Even for the Hokage, files and scrolls with that kind of information are hard to find."

Sasuke remained there, motionless as Neji turned and said "But if it is true... who knows? Right?" With that, the young Hyuga Lower House member disappeared and standing there still, Sasuke Uchiha grasped his Hitai-Ate, his headband, sliding it off, and looked down at it. He sighed, and then rubbed his forehead with his free hand. On his forehead, there was a scar there now... a scar Naruto gave Sasuke when they fought one another a second time, when Sasuke was attempting to join Orochimaru to gain power, just to kill his brother Itachi.

Naruto had given Sasuke that scar with a headbutt so strong it almost cracked Naruto's Hitai-Ate. Perhaps it was because when Naruto did it he drew some of Kyuubi's chakra forth to do so. Sasuke clenched his fist and then cried out and punched the ground hard, shouting out "WHY IS THERE SUCH A GAP BETWEEN ME, NARUTO, AND ITACHI!? WHY AM I NOWHERE NEAR WHERE I COULD BE IN STRENGTH!? I SHOULD BE THE STRONGEST KONOHA CHUUNIN RIGT NOW! So... why am I not there...? Why is it that someone I've seen up close... has blown past me..?"
Kakashi Hatake, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura's former teacher, looked on and shook his head, arms crossed as he leaned against a tree softly, his visible right eye closed.

He had been concerned about his former students for a time now, since they all had advanced to Chuunin. Sasuke especially since he was just like Sasuke once, confused soemtimes... but he was different since he was able to become a Chuunin at 6, where it was different for his students. Naruto became a Chuunin at 14, Sasuke was one at 13, and Sakura became one at 14 also. Sasuke, though, still needed to learn one last important lesson... how to achieve a serene state of mind.

The next day, Sasuke walked in the village, heading to Yukina's office. He'd heard of how Yukina was a skilled psychologist, how she had helped many people in various situations. However... he told no one he was going to see her. She didn't even know, but Sasuke knew she was able to see walk-ins. He closed his eyes, entered her office and then knocked on the door. The door opened and Yukia looked in surprise. "Sasuke Uchiha!? What brings you here...?"
"I... wanted to come talk, and I know you were able to see walk-in appointments if you don't mind."
"Not at all." Yukina gave Sasuke a warm smile and the young Uchiha just stepped inside, as Yukina closed the door.

Yukina walked to her desk, grabbing her notepad and a pencil as she sat down, and Sasuke did so as well. He had his elbows on his knees, eyes closed as he said "I... didn't want to think about coming here, you know. I just feel I'd be considered weak if I did come here. I'd hate that."
"No one would, Sasuke. Besides, what is said here doesn't leave this office. Doctor-patient confidentiality. It is the same with you as it is with everyone else here."
... Sasuke remained quiet as he sat there, closing his eyes as he said "I... used to look up to my brother, Itachi a lot. He was the strongest, the best Konoha had. I wanted to be just like him, so I trained so hard to be the best, to impress my father and to get up to Itachi. But my father told me not to catch up to him... perhaps it was because he was becoming... distant. He then caused 'that day'. The day everyone in the Uchiha Clan save for me and him was killed by Itachi. I couldn't do a damn thing. I was only 7 then. I couldn't even save my own parents. Itachi had said hours before the massacre that he felt he couldn't grow in the clan, even if it wasn't those exact words."

Yukina nodded, writing notes. "And you... what about you, Sasuke?"
"... I said this place would hold me back after I had faced the Oto Four, Orochimaru's bodyguards, and they beat me. I joined them to get power just to kill Itachi... but HE stood in my way."

Sasuke remembered it... 4 years ago. He had knocked Naruto into the water with his power again and was walking away. Suddenly, he stopped and the water exploded as Naruto leapt out, his right fist pulled back as he punched Sasuke so hard, blood came out of his mouth from the impact of his knuckles against his teammate's jaw. Sasuke looked in shock as Naruto landed opposite of him and said "How can you be such a damn fool!?"
"Fool? Ha! I am not being a fool, Naruto... I am seeing things clearly for the first time in my life. I cannot be attached to such foolish things like clans or friendship or villagers... Itachi showed me that. All that matters is yourself, and power!" He then got up and kicked Naruto hard but Naruto stood his ground this time, not getting flown back by Sasuke's strength again as he then kicked Sasuke in the jaw.
"I am gonna knock some sense into you whether you like it or not, Sasuke!" Naruto shouted as he leapt back on the statue's head.

"Try." Sasuke then punched Naruto in the gut, then grabbed him by the collar of his jacket. "The future is nothing to me. Only the past..."
"Blah, blah, blah! The past, the past, the past! You b*tch as much as Neji did!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arm and tried to break free but Sasuke then punched him hard and glared at him. Naruto coughed up some blood and groaned as Sasuke smiled. He then dropped Naruto and let him drop on his knee. Sasuke smirked. "Give up, dunce. You can't beat me."

"Won't do it... I made... a promise... and I never go back on my word... it's my Nindo..." Naruto coughed some more blood but looked up, smiling. Sasuke gritted his teeth and then punched him. "Damn you! Stop smiling! You don't understand a sense of pain at all!"
Naruto got up and panted. "Yeah... I can... you at least had people acknowledge you, Sasuke... I never had a damn person acknowledge me for 12 years... so don't you say I don't understand pain."

Sasuke leapt back and scoffed. "Bah. Time to end this..." He began to channel chakra into his right hand, gritting his teeth as his Curse Seal began to spread around his body a smirk on his face. "I'll use my Chidori and kill you. Forget what Sensei Kakashi said about it not being an attack to use on comrades, but you stand in my way to kill my brother and avenge my clan!"
"All I see..." Naruto groaned, getting up slowly. "Is an Itachi copycat. You're becoming as wicked as he was when he came after me... and just as evil."
Sasuke snarled as the chakra exploded around his arm. "HOW DARE YOU SAY I AM LIKE ITACHI!? I WILL NEVER BE LIKE HIM!!"

"Sorry to say... but you already are." Naruto then closed his eyes. "Please... give me the chakra needed to save Sasuke from the dark... give me your chakra, fox!
Please..." Naruto then opened his eyes and orange chakra exploded around his body as he charged very fast. Sasuke could barely follow Naruto's movement until Naruto pulled his head back, and Sasuke's eyes shrunk when Naruto's words "Sorry to say.. but you already are." rang into his head and then he thought instead of Naruto, he saw Itachi. Naruto then appeared and gave Sasuke a BIG headbutt. Sasuke stood there as Naruto said "You told me the last time we fought I wouldn't lay a finger on you, let alone your forehead. Guess what? Just did, dumbass."

Sasuke remained in shock. "I... don't get it... I... should be... stronger than you... how do you...?" He then passed out as Naruto caught him and sighed. Sasuke then came back to reality. "I don't remember much about that since I passed out, except that Kakashi placed a seal to block my Curse Seal... and I was in Konoha again. As soon as I was fully awake, I came after Naruto, but the Jounins and Hokage stopped me. Since then, I've distanced myself, from EVERYONE. I didn't want friends at all... and..." Sasuke took his Hitai-Ate off, a scar on his forehead from where Naruto had headbutted him. "I just don't get it..."

Yukina looked at the notes from what Sasuke said and smiled. "Perhaps you're afraid to be left back in strength. But trust me, Sasuke... strength is not everything."
Sasuke got up and said "How can you say that? Strength is all that matters!"

"Not at all. You see, I am not a very strong Ninja, but..." Yukina then raises her hand and the scenery in the office changed... changing into a lakeside view and she smiled. "Genjutu is my speciality. Now... let's see what I can do to help you." Reaching out, Yukina then tapped the side of Sasuke's neck with her left index and middle fingers as Sasuke stood there, blinking as something overcame him. He gasped, looking around in his all black uniform, save for some straps around his legs for various weapons, and his Chuunin vest. He then saw an image of himself and Itachi from when they were younger. He had hurt himself and Itachi helped him up to his feet and he said "Sasuke, you gotta remember that no matter what, someone with you is always better than being alone since you can rely on them for help when you need it."

It was sometime, long before that day. And Sasuke looked away then saw another memory, from when he was struck with fear over Orochimaru, disguised as a Kusagakure Village ninja, and Naruto showed no fear, and then he fought back, thanks to a bit of goading from Sakura, with no fear of death. Naruto also had shown great courage and friendship to him and Sasuke felt a warmth from Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi, who treated him with friendship, and at sometimes, making him forget about his want for revenge. He then saw himself and Itachi and he began to look on as he saw... two versions of himself. "Wh-what the-??

Sasuke looked on at the two versions of himself, one in white, the other in black. Sasuke blinked and realized that these were his two warring sides, the one that wanted to remain in Konoha with his friends to become stronger and the other who wanted to go to Orochimaru for power, just for revenge, no matter how empty he would feel afterwards. He wondered what to do... to have his two sides become one if possible since he was feeling too much pain. He held his head and Yukina said ?Do you understand yet how you can truly become strong, Sasuke??
?No! I... I...?
?I?ll explain then. A serene state of mind... a mind that is as clean as a drop of water... or a deep lake. That is how you must be.? Yukina replied.

Sasuke blinked as he saw images of himself angry, unable to be as strong as he could be. He then looked on and remembered that Kakashi told him that revenge wasn?t the answer, and that he would end up empty, creating more and more anger if he accomplished it... like he felt now. He then walked to his two selves and said ?No more. Please... I cannot deal with this anymore. I cannot do this. I felt something that day... the day I saw Itachi for the first time in 5 years. He would have killed me. He didn?t do it because he wanted me to avenge the clan... he did it because deep down, he still loves me. I can feel it... please. Serenity is what I need, no more of this need of power. If my brother can be saved, he?ll be saved, I pray.?

Sasuke then opened his eyes and came back to reality as he smiled, wiping a tear. Yukina smiled. ?How do you feel??
?Free for the first time in 9 years.? Sasuke stood up slowly and said ?I, I gotta go now. Th-thank you though.? He began to walk out of the door, then sprinted for home, panting as he did. ?I need to find another way to do this... to confront Itachi. I still have some anger in my heart towards him, but can he be saved from his evil? If so... I don?t know...?
Sasuke pushed open the door to his home, walking inside of it slowly. He knew what he had to do... it was time for a change. He walked into his room, closing the door.

Now, with the intent of NOT killing his brother and perhaps having a small understanding of the true power Naruto possessed came from something within and without, not the Kyuubi, but something more, Sasuke began to change his appearance, in order to express his rediscovered self.

Soon enough, while waiting, Neji crossed his arms a bit, eyes closed as he waited for Sasuke so they could get to the meeting that the Dirty Dozen was set to have soon. He then opened his clear eyes when he heard footsteps and said "Sa...suke?"
Sasuke stood there, his arms at his sides, but his look was different. He had a short sleeve, black coat, with the coat-tails at the waist or so, bandages around his right arm, a single fingerless glove on his left hand, white shirt, dark blue shorts, his sandals, and his Hitai-Ate back on his forehead as he said "What?"
"You changed your look. Why?"
"No reason in particular... just that I feel... cleansed of something, Neji. Come on, we better get going since we got work to do right?"
Neji blinked and nodded. "Right." He turned, smiled gently and walked off, Sasuke following as the young Uchiha felt cleansed as he said, but wonder what would happen if he confronted Itachi again... would he be tempted to kill him, or would he try to see if he could be saved if possible? He didn't know the answers, so his destiny laid out on a new path before him, one he himself would make.

-Chapter 11-
After the meeting with the whole Dirty Dozen, Neji Hyuga was walking along by himself, since he had a prior engagement to make. He kept walking, then stopped and groaned in pain as he looked at his right arm, and said "Damn... those nerves still tend to freeze up... Kidomaru sure did a number on me that day... but once I'm at physical therapy, it should be all good."

"Brother Neji..?"
Neji blinked and turned to see his cousin, Hinata, standing there, her arms down, and her hands together as she said "Are you alright?"
"Ye-yeah, Hinata. I've just been through a lot of pain. My right arm is acting up again." Neji looked at it. "It could even backfire on me in battle, and I cannot take that risk so I need to get going to physical therapy. Also, once that's done, don't forget your training with the Gentle Fist and Byakugan, OK?"
"I won't. I am in fact going to do a bit of solo training if you do not mind." Hinata smiled softly. Neji just nodded and began to head to his physical therapy appointment.

Neji walked to the training facility in the center of the village, entering the door slowly as he saw Minoru who just nodded. The 34-year old man stroked his beard a bit, as he walked to Neji in his all white uniform. "Good afternoon, Neji. Here for your appointment?"
"Yeah, I sure am, Minoru. It's been getting a bit worse recently. Sometimes, my right arm ends up freezing up on me like if I am writing or something. I need to work with it to lose that stiff feeling."
Minoru nodded as he said "I know, so follow me to the back. We can get to work immediately." Minoru then turned and headed to the back, Neji following him.

After a bit, Neji began to work as Minoru had him lifting weights with his right hand, getting himself adjusted to the pain, to the feeling of freezing up when he used his right arm. Minoru had often said to Neji "You gotta work through the pain in order to achieve success", and Neji worked very hard. It impressed Minoru to see just how skillful, hard, and determined Neji was. He was reminded a bit of himself as he worked. Neji then cried out as he dropped the weight. Minoru walked over to Neji, kneeling in front of him.
"You alright?"
"I am... just working through the pain like you said. It still is kind of tough, even with your words and therapy."
"Come on... we'll stop for now."

Meanwhile, in another part of Konoha, Naruto was sitting, waiting for Sakura. When he saw her, he got up slowly. Sakura panted and said "You... wanted to see me? What's goin' on, Naruto?"
"Well... Sakura-chan, I gotta tell you something. I mean, if we are going to be startin' clean with each other, we need to be honest with one another. Do you remember 4 years ago after our Genin teams got selected?"
"I'm sure you remember talking to Sasuke, right?" Naruto sighed as he thought 'I hate doing this, but it's got to be done!'
"Yes. How come you ask about that, Naruto? He asked how I felt about you, and then left, then came back. When he came back he said I was annoying because I thought you were better off without anyone since you didn't have parents... why...?"
"Look, for the first bit of that, it wasn't Sasuke you were talking to. It was me. I only disguised myself as Sasuke to see how you felt about me. I only did it 'cause I was sick of being treated like crap. So... if you're mad... I'm gonna let you hit me. I was the one who walked off from that, and the real Sasuke was the one who told you were annoying. It wasn't me whatsoever. So... like I said..." Naruto then closed his eyes. "I'm gonna let you hit me."

Sakura's left eye twiched a bit as she cracked her knuckles and Naruto thought 'See, I knew it... once she hits me, things are gonna be the same as they were days ago... she's gonna hate me, and be a bit of a b*tch to me... I can just feel it!' Sakura then pulled her fist back and punched Naruto. Naruto took it, hopped on his right foot a bit, then landed on his back.

Sakura blinked and then frowned as she walked over slowly as Naruto got up onto his butt, wiping his lip. "I knew it. Things are gonna be the same as they were days ago and you are gonna hate me like you did when we were kids" Naruto got up but before he could even speak again, Sakura placed her left index finger on his lips to stop him.
"That... was just one last time."
Naruto blinked at that, wondering if Sakura meant that was the last time she was gonna hit him, or something else.

"No more, alright? We're starting with a clean slate. We'll forget about all that's happened in the past and look towards the future, because I really do want to change, Naruto... I was always so hard on you, even hitting you when you didn't deserve it... I just hated you because I didn't understand you. But... I guess I realize now that you were in worse pain than anyone of us, you just hid it better so you wouldn't have us worry about you. So please... no more, OK? I swear, I am not gonna hit you again." She then moved her index finger from his lips and hugged him. Naruto stood in a bit of shock at this, then nodded. "Alright. Clean slate."

Neji soon was done with his physical therapy and rushed off to the woods to meet up with Hinata for her training. He then stopped and heard a large cracking noise. He walked towards it, and saw Hinata, using the Byakugan, and a type of Gentle Fist, but this version wasn't with an open palm, it was with a closed fist. The chakra exploded out from her closed fist, since the chakra seemed to be more concentrated around her fist, rather than being pushed out, like with the palm style of Gentle Fist. She pulled her left fist back, then punched the tree in front of her, making a rather big indent in it, and then with her right, made another, inches above it.

After that display, Neji clapped his hands and stepped forward. "Nice. That was impressive, Hinata."
Hinata turned and blushed some out of embarassment. "Oh! Neji, I... I didn't see you there."
"One of the few times you've simply called me Neji, Hinata. I saw that Gentle Fist you were using. When did you learn to handle your chakra with a closed fist?"
"A bit after our 4th training session, back when I was still a Genin. When we parted ways, I began to experiment, and thus came upon this discovery. It was most remarkable. Not even Father may know aboutthis kind of potential." Hinata smiled.
Neji nodded. "I concur. I bet Uncle would be most surprised by this developement you've made. After all, you've grown a lot from the shy girl you were."
Hinata smiled softly. "I am still a little shy, Brother Neji, but I am working on that a little. What are we to work on today?"

"Well, we know you've gotten the hang of the Byakugan so you can now see the 64 opening points to which chakra flows through. So... now we just need to give you some more techniques. I think the most important one I should go with is the Hakkeshou Kaiten, the 8 Divinations Palm Heavenly Spin. You are aware of how this one works, yes?"

Hinata nodded. "You course chakra through your opening points in the body, then spin to have the chakra surround you. A perfect defense. I've seen Father try to teach Hanabi it once. Do you think I can...?"
Neji cut her off by simply saying. "Yes. I've seen you make great progress in the last 3 years since I began to teach you all the secrets of our Clan's Main House. I feel you can get to surpass your father, your sister... and me if you push yourself. You have a great latent potential in you. Now... I want you to give me 110% and let's see you try to do the Kaiten! Alright?"

Hinata smiled and nodded. Neji stepped back some, as Hinata closed her eyes, opening them again to begin the Byakugan. Her blue chakra slowly flowed all around her body and then, with the amount of chakra she needed, she stepped forward, and spun as fast as she could. "HAKKESHOU KAITEN!!!" A blast of spiraling chakra wrapped around Hinata, almost like an egg. She kept spinning then stopped and panted a bit. Neji looked on in awe.

'Amazing... even when I was learning the Kaiten, I could have managed that controlled of a shape. She did well, I must say.'
He then smiled and spoke aloud "Excellent work, Hinata. I see much progress in this. Think you can muster another one?"

"Maybe. I did expand about 30% of my chakra with just that one. It seems as I am now, I'll only get to use it 3 times."

"Trust me, that's progress, Hinata. I told you, you can do this. Besides, you have another reason to train so hard, don't you?"

Hinata blushed a bit and nodded. "I... I do. To impress Naruto-kun. But... I've always wondered.. why do you want to help me become stronger?"
"To show you people can change, Hinata, like Naruto said. I know now you cannot judge one's destiny, and that you make the choices in life that shape destiny. And besides, I'd like to change as well. To show I am not a vengeful soul, or one who believes destiny cannot change. So... I want to help you become strong. To show everyone you are no longer a timid mouse, but a roaring lion. You want the same as well!"

"Yes! I do! I will become the kind of lion that can handle the power of the Hyuuga well!" Hinata's chakra began to expand extremely around her as she then began to spin, shouting out "HAKKESHOU KAITEN!!!!" She spun as fast as she could, her chakra expanding so much it shot all over the forest, and when she stopped, her crater was rather deep, about 16 inches, and the length of it was 18 inches. Neji stood there, blinking as all he had to say about that was "Whoa."
Hinata smiled, wiping her brow. "Was that satisfactory?"
"Oh, yeah..." Neji chuckled as he said "Let's call it a day, alright?"

"Very well." Hinata bowed, and walked off as Neji smiled, watching her walk off. 'Trust me, Cousin... you showed an awesome potential today. You definitely dropped your mousy exterior for that moment, and showed the true strength and bravery you have. I'm sure if we keep going with your training, you'll surpass anyone of the Main House perhaps. I know you can do it... I have faith in you. And your teammates, the rest of the Dozen, know you can change as well.' Neji then smiled and headed for home himself, as he knew he would overcome his pain, much as Hinata would overcome her fears, to become stronger than before.

-Chapter 12-
Running on the rooftops of Konoha, came Kiba and Akamaru as Kiba was on what he liked to see as a walk for Akamaru. He kept running, grinning as he then leapt off the roof, howling with joy as he then landed down, and Akamaru, right behind, came down at him, and Kiba leapt up, catching him. "GOTCHA!!! Damn, you are gettin' faster, Akamaru!"
"Arf!" Akamaru barked happily, then licked Kiba's cheek happily. Kiba smiled then heard a voice say "Kiba!"

Kiba gulped and turned slowly, looking to see who called his name. He let out a sigh when he saw who it was... it was Ritsuko, his older sister. Ritsuko had her arms at her side, her Jounin vest on and her hair tied up in a ponytail as usual. She smiled and chuckled. "There you are, little brother! What are you doing?"
"What's it look like, sis?! I was takin' Akamaru out for a run. Gotta make sure he is at 100% too when I go into battle, whenever that is." Kiba smiled.

Ritsuko chuckled. "I guess so. Hey, listen, I had to tell ya, I needed to teach you some techniques, since after all, you barely made it back alive from that big mission couple of years ago when you had to go get Sasuke Uchiha back with that Shikamaru kid. So, whatcha say about it?"

"Sounds awesome! Lemme guess, these are some big bad techniques that I bet Mom and Dad know!! I'm right, aren't I!?" Kiba grinned as he almost dropped Akamaru when he moved his right arm, but then quickly caught him, placing his trusted partner onto his head.
Ritsuko laughed. "Yes, but unfortunately, some of these require something special. And that's gotta wait for tonight. Since it's gonna be a full moon tonight..."
"Full moon...?" Kiba blinked when he heard that.
Ritsuko chuckled then winked. "Oh, you'll see, little brother." Kiba just scratched his head, a bit confused as he saw his sister walking off. He followed right behind, blinking a bit.

At home, Kiba was just relaxing, sitting on the porch as he gazed at the birds flying overheard. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see a man who looked a bit like an older version of himself, with spikier, longer hair, and some of it in braids as he grinned.
"Hey, Pop." Kiba smiled. His father, Raizo, sat down right next to his son and smiled.
"Ritsuko told me you were gonna be learning some of our clan's key techniques, huh?"
"Yeah... I still don't get the thing about the full moon though, Pop! I mean, it seems kinda odd to hear somethin' about a full moon."

Kiba sighed and said "And I even wonder if I can learn it. Took me a bit of time to learn techniques like the Quadruped Jutsu, as well as the Beast-Human Doppleganger. I doubt I'll last long if I can't learn these new techniques Ritsuko wants to show me, even if you've showed me some cool ones, like the Double-Headed Wolf."

"I know, Kiba. I know. But you need to remind, as one of the recognized Dirty Dozen, you have to honor your clan and our clan's techniques will help you in that path."
"Right." Kiba sighed. Raizo got up, mussed up his son's hair, and headed back inside. Kiba looked along at the birds as they flew over

At night, Kiba and Akamaru headed into the woods, looking around to find Ritsuko and Kuromaru. Kiba then sucked his breath in and shouted "HEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY, RITSUKO!!!!!!"
All the night wildlife shot out of the woods and then coming out were Ritsuko, and the Inuzuka Clan's trusty dog familiar, Kuromaru. She smiled and said "What took you so long?"
"Hey, I was wonderin' these woods for hours til we came lookin' for ya, sis! Don't tell us that we're early!" Kiba said as Akamaru barked lightly.

"Ha ha haha haha! Nope. You're right on time." Ritsuko smiled as she opened the small scroll pouch of her vest, then slid out a small rolled up case, and then slid out a small metal case, opening it. She took out a small pill and said "Time for you to see one reason that the Inuzuka Clan has some of the most intense techniques. As you might know, at birth, we of the Inuzuka share a blood bond with dogs and wolves. As such, we have a special technique which can only be activated on full moons. Just watch and learn, little bro." She took the pill and swallowed it. Her eyes closed, the full moon came into view and then she opened her eyes and she began to howl, her body beginning to get taller, as parts of her pants and her boots ripped, as did her gloves. Soon, her face and her arms all began to get fur, her ears becoming more dog-like.

Kiba looked on in shock and said "What the hell!?" He didn't know what was going on, and it worried him about just what was happening to Ritsuko!

Soon, the metamorphosis was complete and Ritsuko smiled, her voice deeper thanks to the metamorphosis. "This, Kiba... is our clan's greatest secret... the Full Moon Metamorphosis. Once that pill has been swallowed, thirty minutes is all we have in these forms, with our stamina, strength, senses... everything enhanced beyond all levels. You can even give them to your dog partners, and they'll become werewolves too for a time. Go ahead... try it. It won't hurt, I promise."

Kiba took the pill, examining it as he then said "Ok. What the hell!?" He then popped the pill, swallowing it and then his eyes shrunk back some as he howled also, his jacket ripping to shreds as well as the bottom of his pants, along with boots, as the metamorphosis began to take place in him. He snarled as fur began to come onto his body, along with his ears becoming wolf-like as gritted his teeth and Akamaru watched on, backing up some.

After what felt like eternity, Kiba came through the transformation, with flying colors. He looked at his hands and said "Whoa..."
Ritsuko chuckled. "See? Now come on! Let's run!" She then began to sprint as fast as she could. Kuromaru then began to race right behind her, and with that, Kiba and Akamaru raced right behind too, trying to keep up to their fellow Inuzuka Clan comrades. The
dogs and the now-werewolves kept running until they reached the highest point in Konoha... looking out over the whole village.

Kiba sat on a rock face and smiled softly in his new werewolf form as Ritsuko mussed his hair. "So, bro, how have things been with the rest o' your team? Ask that Hinata girl out yet?"
Kiba blushed as best as he could and said "Ritsuko!!"
"What? It seems like ya like her, that's all. Just the way you look at her, the way you try hard to impress her, I guess. Trust me, a sister knows these things."

Kiba sighed. "Why should I bother, Ritsuko? Hinata likes Naruto. It's one reason besides being in touch with my inner wild man that I can act so loud and boisterous. I want her above all else to notice me, but all she notices is Naruto. Just 'cause he manages to get up off his feet after a failure and keeps goin'. So what!? I ain't perfect either..."

Ritsuko chuckled and said "Don't be such a quitter already, Kiba. Just have faith! That's all you ever need. If you never give up, I'm, sure there is hope for success!"
Kiba smiled a bit. "At least you're optimistic about it, sis... maybe I could try, but still..." Ritsuko then stood up and said "Just try then! You never know til you do!"

"Right." Kiba got up also and said "I'll try. Soon, I hope." He then began to race off, Akamaru behind him. Ritsuko and Kuromaru saw it was a race, and raced after them, Ritsuko laughing as she ran.
Kiba and Ritsuko, along with their dog familiars, arrived back at the Inuzuka Clan's home in the northwest part of Konoha. After the 30 minute limit, both of them returned to normal as Kiba said "Ya know, maybe I should ask for some more advice before asking Hinata out. Whatcha think?"

Ritsuko nodded. "Alright, but for now, little brother... we should get some sleep. OK?" She then smiled, kissing his cheek, then headed inside.
Kiba nodded in return, heading inside of their house.

The next day, Kiba was walking along the path of Konoha, hands in his pockets, Akamaru on his head, watching as dragonflies landed on his nose. Kiba then stopped as he said "Not smart to try and sneak up on me, Shino."
"Not bad... I almost got close enough to kill you perhaps." Shino replied, as he smiled under the collars of his coat, which covered his mouth.
Kiba turned. "Soooo, what brought you to see me, man? Gonna come talk?"
"I did think so. Ritsuko sent me after she told me."
Kiba laughed a bit. "Figures. She had to stick her nose in personal business o' mine."
Shino chuckled. "I suppose... but that is how siblings are. So, you like Hinata, right?"
With that said, Kiba nodded as Akamaru leapt off Kiba's head, chasing dragonflies as the two teammates from Team 8 sat down on a bench.
"How long?"

"How long what, Shino?"

"How long have you had feelings for Hinata?"

"Well..." Kiba leaned back, sliding his jacket's hood off and looked at the sky. "For a while. I think since we all got paired onto our team... maybe before then. I may not have shown it, but hey, I still did like her. Still do. I guess it's her whole shy persona that makes me like her, Shino... she's so cute, and well... ya know..."

"I get it. And this is, besides being linked to dogs and wolves, why you act the way you do. To get noticed by her."
"Yeah. I guess 'cause I am the runt of my clan that... heheh... I gotta get noticed anyway I can. But she's the one who matters most to me."

Shino stood up and said "One word of advice. Patience. You cannot rush such things, Kiba. Just to let you know."
Kiba nodded as he stood up too. "Thanks, Shino. So, what now? Do we gotta briefing?"
"No. Naruto's parents... Sakura has begun to look into who they were. She said she wants to make up for never understanding Naruto by trying to help him know who his parents are. She and some of the others have been in the archives for a while now... they started at 6, and have gone on for a long while. You want to come with?"
Kiba shrugged. "Yeah, sure, sounds like fun. Akamaru!"
Akamaru heard Kiba's call, then rushed right after him and Shino as they began to walk off to join the others... to learn who Naruto's parents were.

A few more chapters comin' atcha at lightning quick speed, I bet! Enjoy once more, everyone.


#11 Blayze



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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:37 PM

Ah, the full moon business. I had forgotten about that lot tongue.gif

#12 Smiter


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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:56 PM

Ahh, lots of TDW goodness. biggrin.gif Yeah, it's nice not to worry about the character limit!

At this rate, it won't be long before we catch up to the latest. wink.gif

#13 Blayze



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Posted 29 September 2004 - 09:20 PM

C-c-character limit? That is OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE!! biggrin.gif

#14 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 01 October 2004 - 03:18 PM

And it's my own version of the story at least. happy.gif So I can do all sorts of stuff with it. Anyhoo, more chapters at you guys, plus Chapter 16 is among 'em, and it has the first real glimpse at NaruSaku.

-Chapter 13-
Sakura dug through some of the scrolls in the Archives at the Hokage Tower, looking at all kinds of information, but not what she wanted. Lee, Tenten, Ino, Choji, and the soon arriving Shino and Kiba began to look through also. After what felt like hours, Choji said "Man! Not a thing! Anyone else get something!?"

Tenten stood up, brushing one of her bangs from her face. "Not a thing, Choji. Sakura, you sure Tsunade-sama let you do this? Because it seems odd she would, given that this is Naruto's private life we're digging into here."

Sakura nodded. "She did, Tenten. She saw how I wanted to help Naruto in my eyes, I think, then she allowed us to be here now to do some digging. We need some kind of clue as to who Naruto's parents are... I mean, even if he hasn't known for 16 years, it's better if he did learn sometime. That's why I am doing this. And I'm not about to give up!"

Kiba then sniffed the air. "Hmmm?" He sniffed the air again as Ino blinked at him. "Kiba, what is it?"
"I think I got a small whiff of Naruto's scent. Akamaru, time to play fetch, boy! Find that resembles Naruto's scent, then grab whatever it's on, OK?" Akamaru barked and then leapt down to the ground, rushing to where he smelt Naruto's scent. Akamaru then grasped onto a book with his teeth and smiled, wagging his tail. Kiba walked over and patted his head. "Good boy!" Akamaru opened his mouth as Kiba took the book and saw a kanji on it. "Huh!? Uh... no way... GUYS!!!"

Everyone soon stopped as Sakura rushed over first, saying "Kiba, what is it?"
"Get this! This is a journal of some kind! And... it says Yondaime on it! But Akamaru got Naruto's scent on it... what's the deal?"
"Mind if I looked at it?" Sakura asked. Kiba nodded, handing the book to the pink-haired Chuunin. She opened it up slowly, examining it, blinking a bit as she read. She suddenly gasped once she was done reading it. She dropped the book, which bounced.

In another part of Konoha, Naruto was training, using his Rasengan to smash a bit of a tree, leaving the famed whirlpool-like symbol in the bark of the tree as he shook his hand a bit. "Nice! I'm getting better and better at this! Alright, one more!" Naruto began to concentrate his chakra into his left palm, gritting his teeth as he moved his right hand along the chakra, leapt back, and then charged at the tree, moving his hands rapidly and then smashed the Rasengan into the tree, creating an even bigger spiral into the bark.

"Alright. Now... time to do a little Summoning!" Naruto bit his right thumb a bit, just enough to draw blood, wrote out some formations on the ground, following up with some hand seals, and with that done, Naruto slapped his right hand down on the ground and shouted "ART OF SUMMONING!!!"
A big explosion of smoke appeared, and then Naruto looked on to see which of the toads he called this time... the smoke cleared and Naruto looked down to see Gamakichi. Gamakichi shook his head and then rubbed his head with his right webbed foot and blinked up.

"Hey, Gamakichi. Good to see ya, doofus." Naruto grinned.
"Doofus!? Look who's talkin'!" Gamakichi leapt up and then landed on Naruto's head. "Why'd ya call me out?"
"I was just practicing my Summoning technique is all, Gamakichi. What, you expecting a snack to be out here? If so I could take us to get some ramen or riceballs."
Gamakichi smiled. "Naw. I still owe ya a bit for saving my life when that dude with the sand almost killed me. Soooo, how have things been?"
"Alright. I just am a bit worried since it's a few months till my birthday... and I hate my birthday 'cause it's the same day the Fourth Hokage died placing Kyuubi into my body. I still don't know why he chose ME to be the vessel. Was it just 'cause I was his first choice?"
Gamakichi shrugged. "I dunno, Naruto... I can't figure it out either. Dad told me he used to fight with the Fourth when he was alive, but not much else. Those two never did hang out. 'Sides, it was Jiraiya who taught the Fourth that kinda technique, especially as hard as it is to call out a Summoning. You must be special since you were a Genin when you called my dad out."
"You can peg that to Kyuubi's chakra, Gamakichi." Naruto then sighed.

While leaning against a tree, Naruto gazed up at the sky, arms crossed. Gamakichi looked on also and then patted Naruto's head a bit. "Doesn't it get better?"
"Not all the time. Sometimes, sure, but not all the time."
"Naruto!" Naruto turned and Gamakichi looked with him when Naruto heard someone call his name. Running up was... "Sakura-chan!?"
"Huh? Your main squeeze?" Gamakichi replied.

Sakura came running up and panted. Naruto looked at her. "Whoa, whoa, Sakura-chan! What's goin' on?"
"We... just come with me! Please! I'ts important."
"Alright. Lead the way!" Sakura caught her breath then began to sprint back towards town. Naruto raced right behind her, Gamakichi resting on his head still.

Back at the archives, Kiba, Choji, Ino, Lee, and Tenten waited for Sakura to come back with Naruto. Naruto then entered the room with Gamakichi on his head as Sakura said "Alright, everyone. Who has the journal?"
Kiba held the journal up and said "Right here, Sakura. Naruto... you ever wonder about your parents, man?"
"Yeah, soemtimes, Kiba. How come you're askin' me this?"
"Simple." Sakura said. "We found out who they are. The journal is rightfully yours. Read it at home. And one of us will come by in a little while to see what your thoughts are. If you don't mind that at all."

Naruto slowly took the journal from Kiba and said "OK. I trust you guys on that, Sakura-chan. Why do you want me to read it at home? Privacy reasons?"
Sakura nodded simply and then placed a hand on his shoulder. "Besides... we know, and if we need to do so, we can tell the others." She then gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek and then turned to the others. "Come on, guys. We better go."

Naruto stood there, looking at the journal as the others all took off. He looked up at Gamakichi. "Hey... should I read it?"
"Go for it! It's gotta mention who your parents are! And you did say you wanted to know sometimes."
"I'll... wait til I get home. Won't take more than a bit." And in a heartbeat, Naruto was gone, racing for home. Luckily, he knew Gouki was going to be on duty at the Hokage Tower for a while. After entering the apartment, Naruto sat down on his bed, Gamakichi blinking. "Uh-oh. Gotta book for now, Naruto. Another day!" Gamakichi then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Naruto looked at the journal, shaking a bit, but then, he closed his eyes, exhaled, and read the book.

Naruto looked at the first page he turned to, and saw a picture of the Fourth Hokage, or Yondaime, with two other people, a beautiful looking young woman, and a man who looked like he was related to Kakashi a bit, expect that his hair covered his right eye and he looked to be a bit older. He then pulled the picture out, looking at it for a moment before setting it down. He then flipped through and came to a page.

"It is a glorious day. Keiko just told me she was pregnant... with a son. She seemed to look absolutely radiant when she gave me the news. I am absolutely happy too. This is the happiest day in my life, even more so than the day I earned the chance to be Hokage after Sarutobi-san retired. I hope I can make this world a good place for my chid. Also, Keiko and I are working on names for the baby... and whether it is a boy or girl. Either way, we hope we can be good parents."

Naruto continued to read through until he came to the last entry.

"A bad storm is coming... a demon known as the Kyuubi... the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon is coming towards the village. All sorts of people have gone out to try to hold it off, but I worry about it. Also, I am concerned since Keiko was one of them. But I need to be here to protect the village... and our son. But if things come to pass horribly... I hope people will look out for Naruto, and take good care of him..."

With that last word, Naruto dropped the journal onto the ground and whispered. "No... you mean that-!? Oh, man... this, this can't be right! IT CAN'T!!"
A knocking came from his door, and Naruto turned to it, getting up slowly. He walked to the door and opened it. He blinked when he saw Sakura standing there. "S-sakura-chan...?"
"Naruto, you OK? You look... awful."

"Yeah... when you find out your dad is Yondaime and you killed him, well... S-sakura-chan, mind if we just... I can't... sorry. I, I gotta go." He then closed the door as Sakura frowned sadly at what happened, standing there, until she left. Naruto walked to his bed, laid down, hugged his pillow, and just remained there... reading that brought out the real him, the one who hid behind his mask of a
former prankster, the one who was quiet, and now... truly alone, since he knew who his father was, but it hurt... since he was told that Yondaime sealed Kyuubi into him, and died doing it. Now... Naruto was hurting more, since he felt it was his fault that his dad was now dead, that he'd never get to see him again, as well as the fact that he was semi-responsiblefor the death of Yondaime. It was too much to take for him... even more so than learning Kyuubi was in his body...

-Chapter 14-
The next day, Naruto wasn't his usual self, walking down the streets of Konoha, not even going to Ichiraku for some ramen, not even going to train, like he normally did. It really worried the others when they saw him walking, especially Sakura, since she felt it was her fault that Naruto was so down because she wanted to help him know who his parents are. She had a sad expression on her face, while some of the others looked on at Naruto a bit. Sasuke had his arms crossed, eyes closed as he said "I don't see why he is so upset about finding out his lineage."

"Sasuke-kun... it's because of the Fourth that Kyuubi is in Naruto's body, and he died doing so. It hurts, especially since Naruto feels he was the one who killed the Fourth... not directly, but still, it's a horrible kind of pain." Sakura said, frowning.

"Besides which, out of all of us, he's known pain in the worst way... no family, no one to acknowledge him until he was 12, everyone seeing him as a monster. It's a horrible existence, and he cannot help but feel worse than before." Shino added in.

Choji bit one of his potato chips and then swallowed. "We could try to cheer him up, but I dunno if that's the wisest thing to do, especially if he looks like he's gonna snap any minute.."

"Forget it. I just say, we leave 'im be, til he feels better." Shikamaru replied. "Besides, tryin' to cheer him up would be a real pain in the ass."

"You think that about everything, Shikamaru, no offense!" Kiba added.

"We should try to help Naruto-kun if you ask me... he could use his friends right now." Hinata said, her hands clasped out in front of her as she frowned.

"No. I say we wait." Neji added. "No offense, guys, but right now, Naruto's the only one who can really help himself. So I say we let him do so. Just trust me. He can see the world better than most of us. May take a bit of coercing, but he'll break the funk he is in right now. He's no ordinary kid."

Naruto kept walking until he eventually made it to the roof of his apartment, just sitting on it, gazing out of the village. Soon, he heard a noise and turned. He looked up and said "Sensei Iruka..." He quickly looked away, staring at the roof. Iruka sat down next to Naruto and said "What's up? You look down in the dumps, Naruto."

"...I found out who my dad was, Sensei... but it hurts since he was... Yondaime."

"What!? Your father was the Fourth Hokage, Naruto? But why does it hurt? I thought you'd be happy to know who your father was." Iruka responsed, hugging his left knee to his chest gently, resting his chin on his knee.

"I am happy deep down, but the worst part is I killed him! I may not have caused his heart to stop beating physically, but I did it nonetheless, since I was the one who had that damn fox placed inside of me! It's my fault he's dead!"

"Naruto... it's not. Your father died protecting this village because he loved it so much, just like I know you do. You can't be so hard
on yourself because of what your father did. Being human sometimes means we need to make sacrifices. And being a Ninja period asks for the same thing."

"Is that why you haven't chosen to become a Jounin yet, when clearly you could easily be one, Sensei?"

"Yup! It's because I love teaching so much at the academy that I'd sacrifice my chance to be a stronger teacher to 3, when I can teach several students at once at the Academy. Another thing is priorities. Tell me, what kind of priorities do you have, Naruto?"

"Well... you know I wanna become the greatest Hokage, Sensei... but... right now, I don't know. I'm so hurt and confused, I don't know what the hell I should do!" Naruto then placed his head in his hands, eyes closed, trying to hold back the tears he was feeling, gritting his teeth.

"Maybe I can help..." A familiar voice said. Both of them turned as Naruto opened his eyes slowly. "Tsunade?"
"Tsunade-sama? What do you mean you can help perhaps?" Iruka asked, standing up slowly.
"There is... something in the Hokage Tower I saw in there, and Gouki pointed it out to me. It's something he himself found, to help Naruto after he heard about how he felt when he learned who his father was. If you want to come with, Naruto, you can..."
Naruto thought about this heavily, until he nodded. "Let's do it."

Walking to the Hokage Tower, Naruto, Iruka, and Tsunade soon came to a door where Gouki was waiting for them. Gouki smiled a bit and said "Naruto! Glad you decided to come."
"Yeah. Glad to be here Gouki. Uhm, what's with the giant door?"
Tsunade patted his shoulder. "This is something special, Naruto. Gouki told me he recognized it from some old mythologies he heard growing up. The encryptions on the door say 'Open a path to this world and the next for anyone whom wishes to do so, may speak with any souls for a time, to cleanse and understand the truth of life and death'. I am not so sure what it means. Any luck with that, Gouki?"
"A little. I think it means... it's a place inbetween life and death, Lady Tsunade. One steps in and then... I don't know it all, but it's a hunch. I can open it, but Naruto... do you want to go in?"
Naruto walked up to the door and said "Whatever it means, I don't care. I'm gonna go for it. Pardon me for being my brash self." He began to push the door open and everyone there watched on as Naruto then closed the door behind him.

In the room Naruto had entered, it was completely black, save for a light in the center of the room. He walked forward slowly, looking around and then stopped in the middle of the room. He looked about, feeling a cold air around his body. "I got a bad feeling about this..."

Suddenly, Naruto heard some words from so long ago.... from when he learned that Kyuubi was sealed in him. It was a conversation that took place between Iruka and Mizuki, the Chuunin who told Naruto the horrible truth, as well as tried to betray his village for power.

"Hee-hee-hee-hee! So noble! Saving your parents' murderer... and for what? What happens if we let him live?"
"Then maybe the scroll is safe from a complete scumbag."
"You're a fool. Naruto and I are two of a kind."
"Two of a kind?"
"I can use that scroll to achieve the same kind of limitless power! The demon within him hungers for that kind of strength. You were right to fear him... despise him..."

Kyuubi listened from inside and said "Whoa... kid, when did this...?"
"Before I became a Genin, before I was officially considered a Ninja, or Shinobi, Kyuubi... I thought after Mizuki said that, that Sensei Iruka really held me in contempt. But..."

"Maybe I do hate the fox... but not Naruto. Not the boy. For him, I have nothing but respect. He's an excellent student. ...He works with all his might... but sometimes even so, he's awkward, clumsy... a screw-up... people have mocked and shunned him... and it's given him empathy. He knows what it is to be in pain. That boy is no longer your Demon Fox!"

Naruto then spoke the last lines along with the voice of Iruka. "He is... a citizen of Konohagakure Village... Naruto Uzumaki!" He then smiled, wiping a loose tear.
But soon enough, Naruto heard what sounded like footsteps and he turned to say "Who's there!?"
Walking out of the shadows, was a beautiful looking young woman, with long light blue hair, tied into a ponytail, as well as an elegant looking kimono on, with painted lips, that were a crimson red. Naruto looked at her and blinked. "Hey... I know you! You're that woman from the picture I saw of my pop!"

"Kanoi?" The woman then walked over to Naruto and looked at him, cupping his cheek as she then looked at him. "No... you are not my husband. But your face... you look so much like my dear Kanoi... the face, the expression, the same style of hair, of determination in your eyes. You... you must be our son. Our little Naruto... I only saw you a bit after you were born..."
"Wait a second... you're my...!?" Naruto gasped a bit at the realization to who this woman was... she was his mother, Keiko, the woman that the Fourth mentioned in the journal!

Soon, the whole room changed into a grassy-like hill as Naruto looked about. Keiko slowly turned then walked softly, smiling as she did. However, Naruto followed a bit, blinking when he saw another soul appear in front of him and then said "Naruto..."
Naruto cried out, falling back onto his butt, looking up at the soul. Keiko turned and smiled as she said "Kanoi, is that you, dear? Why are you scaring Naruto-chan?"
"Sorry, it just has been so long since we last saw him." The soul said, until it then took the shape of Yondaime, the Fourth Hokage... otherwise known as Kanoi Uzumaki.

Naruto looked at him and said "Dad?"
"Hey, squirt. Well, it HAS been a long time. You look like you're an adult now." Kanoi said, hands in his pockets.
"Nope." Naruto hopped to his feet. "Actually, I'm only 16." Naruto's lips quivered and then he leapt at his dad and hugged him. Kanoi blinked, but smiled softly, hugging him back. "You don't know how hard it is for me... to not know who you and Mom were, Dad... to not get the chance to know if you guys loved me or not..."
Keiko walked over to her husband and son, patting her son's head, smiling. "Naruto-chan, we did always love you. We fought the Nine-Tailed Fox in order to save you and the village we loved so much. Tell me... have you become strong, dear?"

The 3 Uzumakis all sat down on the hill, Naruto crossing his legs, elbows on his knees as he said "Wellll, Mom, I am now, but I didn't start out that way! I mean, I was actually not very good at all kinds of things when it came to bein' a Ninja. Guess I didn't inherit any o' your genius, Pop!"
Keiko giggled a bit. "Not all children are like their parents, Naruto-chan, dear. I believe that is why you are growing a bit slowly."
"But, Mom, I'm not that weak!! I can do some techniques Dad could do! I can summon toads as well as use the Rasengan! I owe that Pervert Sennin for teachin' me that stuff! I mean, I didn't suspect I would get to learn such awesome techniques though!"
"Pervert Sennin? Ohhhh... you mean Jiraiya." Kanoi said, smiling. "I'm glad he trained you. What about the villagers... do they see you as a hero for having been the vessel to Kyuubi, like I wanted?"

"No... they all saw me as Kyuubi itself, Dad. I was completely ignored in life, so to get attention, I pulled a lot of pranks, just to get someone to pay attention to me. Heck, the only one who looked out for me at first was the Third. He actually helped me find a place to live, helped me get enrolled into the Academy at 9. I was shootin' high... to become Hokage, so I could get noticed and respected. But thankfully, others have acknowledged me, and I'm no longer as alone as I was before."

Kanoi patted Naruto's head and smiled. "At least you are not seen as Kyuubi in my eyes, son. Tell me... is it hard having it sealed in you?"
"Yeah, but there is some advantages. I can use its' chakra, and it can heal whenever I've been injured. It's some amazing stuff, I gotta say..." Naruto smiled a bit, then said "Besides, I'm just a Chuunin right now, but I will work hard to become a Hokage! I won't lose that easily."

Kanoi chuckled and smiled at that. "Good enthusiasm. To let you know, squirt, I graduated to Genin at 8, then to Chuunin at 10. It took me two years to make it that far, but Jiraiya said I had all sorts of potential to grow. And I was considered a genius by some of my classmates, even if I failed the Chuunin Exam twice before finally graduating. See, that is just how it is, Naruto. Geniuses come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. I'm sure deep down, you yourself have the potential to surpass me if you try."

Naruto smiled a bit. "Thanks, Dad. Well, I have to say... it was nice to meet you and Mom... to get to talk with you. Trust me, I'll be back, and we can talk some more!"
Keiko smiled then kissed her son on the cheek and said "Just take good care of yourself, Naruto-chan. We will be here waiting for you to come back."
Kanoi nodded and patted Naruto's shoulder. "Good luck, kiddo. And do me proud!"

Naruto saluted then rushed towards the door, looking back to see the images of his parents fade slowly, and then he came out of the room.
Gouki, Iruka, and Tsunade all turned at once as the door opened. Naruto came out, smling as he waved. "Hi."
Iruka looked at him and said "You seem... different, Naruto. What happened in there?"
"I saw my parents, Sensei Iruka. And... damn it felt good to get to know 'em! I mean, I now got a lot of resolve! But I gotta get goin'! LATER!!!" Rushing off, Naruto laughed as he ran. Gouki smiled and then said "It seems like this little trip was a good experience for Naruto, I have to say, Lady Tsunade."
"Mmm-hmmm. I agree, Gouki. That at least gave him some peace. And he also was able to get to know his parents. He may come back here, of course, and that is understandable. After that, he probably would have to do that... to just forget this place." Tsunade said, smiling also.

Naruto continued to run, smiling as he actually finally had some peace due to what he learned about his parents from meeting them. He would go back, of course, to see them again, to let them know how he was doing, as well as to just spend time with them, since the In-Between was a place that was special to him and them, since they could be a family there... and be happy, even if their time together would be short.

=Chapter 15=
Coming back to Konohagakure Village, Shikamaru Nara was with 3 other Chuunins, except his expression seemed of depression. The other Chuunins looked at him, as one of them, the lone girl named Sayoko said "Shikamaru, sir, are you OK?"
"... I'm fine." Shikamaru had his head hung, eyes closed as he remembered back to the mission he and his team were on. It was supposed to be a simple operation, to scout on Otogakure Village, the Village Hiding in Sound. However, during the scouting job, Shikamaru made a small miscalculation, and some Oto Ninjas came out, killing one of the 4 Chuunins he was assigned. Shikamaru then walked off, hands in his pockets as he looked down, his head hung.

Soon, he came to the Dirty Dozen's "home", their meeting place for whenever they were called to action. Shikamaru looked around and said "Hello? IS ANYONE IN HERE!? ANYONE!?" When he got no response, he clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and then cried out, smashing one of the chairs in the room, as he grabbed another, screaming at the top of his lungs as he smashes part of the broken chair into the table. "Dammit! WHY THE HELL DID MY PLAN MESS UP!? I THOUGHT I HAD NO ROOM FOR ERROR!! WHYYYYY DID SENBEI HAVE TO DIE!?!"

After a bit, Choji came by to see what was going on. "Huh? Hey, anyone in here?!" He then stepped into the meeting room and said "Whoa. What the-?" Before he could continue to speak, he turned to see Shikamaru. "Shikamaru!"
Shikamaru was sitting down now, panting as he had his head hung.

Choji came walking up slowly and said "Hey, Shikamaru. Dude, it's me. I heard about what happened from Sayoko, and I came to look for you, to see if you need a friendly ear."
Looking up, Shikamaru nodded. "Sure.. grab a seat."

Choji sat next to Shikamaru. Shikamaru began to speak softly. "It was a simple job, Choji. Check up on the Sound Ninjas since Orochimaru has been quiet for a while now. Me, Sayoko, Kenta, Haro, and... Senbei, were sent to check it out. I looked around, planned carefully, but there was an ambush... we were attacked by about 4, 5 Sound Ninjas. Senbei leapt to protect me, and got killed. He told me that I was more important than he was since I was leading the operation. I was so confident that we could get out alive... I'm such an idiot."

Choji looked at Shikamaru but Shikamaru spoke again "And I know you're gonna say that I didn't anticipate an ambush, that I managed to get some info, that I saved the others, but it doesn't make me feel any better, Choji. It doesn't. I could have used my Shadow Bind Jutsu to stop the Oto Ninjas... he could still be alive."

"Shikamaru, we know the risk of losing our lives on missions, but we still do what we can do since we're ninjas." Choji said, patting his best friend's back.

"Man, I screwed up big though... Senbei's dead, and I could have saved him. It also reminded me a bit of when we went after Sasuke, and you and Neji almost didn't come back alive. I thought I had screwed up as a leader almost that time, but you guys were lucky."
"And Senbei wasn't. It's a roll of the dice, Shikamaru. Sometimes, things happen for no reason. I know that for a fact. Heck, that day you came to hang out with me and my dad, I didn't expect you to show up. And I'm glad you did, since we did end up being best friends after all. So... what I gotta say is, just take some downtime, man. Try to think of something to do, no matter how troublesome in your mind."
Shikamaru looked at Choji, that same lazy look in his eyes, but then he smiled. "Thanks for listening, Choji. It means a lot."
"No biggie, Shikamaru. We are friends after all, and we gotta look out for one another."

Shikamaru got up and dusted himself off. "I'm gonna head home, see if Dad can do somethin', anythin', to help me get my mind off o' this, man. You helped out a bit, I just wanna ask my dad if he knows anything. Later." Shikamaru headed out as Choji said "Later, man."

After getting home, Shikamaru was now playing Go with his dad, Shikato. He was black, his dad was white. He then placed his piece down onto one of the star points and said "Dad, you ever accidently get someone killed during a mission?"
"Once when I was a part of a team, son. But that happens sometimes. But something else is troubling you." Shikato placed his piece down softly.
"Just that I could have saved the guy, but I didn't."
"Son, it happens. That's all you need to know. You panicked, and even the smartest men in the world can panic. It's not too uncommon." Shikato added in. Then, there was a call out. "Shikato!"
Shikato looked a bit timid for a second when he turned to his wife, Yuri and said "Yes, dear?"
Yuri tapped her rigyht arm softly then said "Could you please get me some milk? I need it today!"
"Yes, dear." Shikato stood up, and said "And by the why Shikamaru... you were going to lose in the next move I made. Still, not bad work, kid." He walked to the door, Yuri with him as Shikamaru shook his head, then stood up slowly. He was going to his room, but then stopped when he saw his mom and dad at the door.

Yuri smiled and then kissed Shikato's cheek as she said "Thank you for doing this, dear."
Shikato blushed a bit but chuckled and smiled. Shikamaru blinked. 'Huh?'
"Just run along now, alright? And I did put a bit extra yen in there, so if you want to get yourself something, feel free to do so."
"Thanks, Yuri-chan." Shikato kissed his wife on the cheek softly, then he stepped out the door. Shikamaru blinked. 'Was that whatcha meant by how even the toughest women are tender to the men they love, Dad..? That was like a whole 'nother side to Mom I saw.' Shikamaru then went upstairs, but he had plans. He was going to sneak out from his window, and go see if he could pay his respects to Senbei for saving his life.

After getting outside, Shikamaru headed to a small part of his clan's estate, taking some incense and candles with him. He soon found a good spot, knelt down, took the candles and incense out, setting them in an arrangement, then lit them as he said "Thanks, Senbei... for saving my life. I wish I could have saved you though. May your soul rest easily, my friend... and... I think now I have a little bit of resolve to consider. To make sure no one else I lead into missions die on me. I think... I may ask Dad to willingly train me. Normally, it'd be bothersome, but for this... to get a chance to let others gaze at the clouds. I'll do it."

Shikamaru got up, dusted himself off, then headed back for his house, arms behind his head, a soft smile on his face. He felt some ease now, thanks to his dad and Choji. Even if he still just wanted to mostly gaze at the clouds, he wanted to give others around him that same chance too, and in order to do so... he would need to get stronger than he was. But when he thought about it, he then said "Oh, man, what a pain in the ass this is gonna be... I can't believe I am actually gonna want to go through with this! What am I, an idiot!?" So it seemed, he felt it would be pointless, just like most everything to him seemed.

=Chapter 16=
Sitting near her window, Sakura Haruno gazed out at the open sky, smiling softly. The last few days had been most interesting. Besides having gone through some briefings here and there with the rest of the Dirty Dozen, she had been spending some time with Naruto; going to the forest, just chatting with one another over ramen at Ichiraku, that sort of thing. Right now, she was waiting for him so they could go on another "date". Her mother looked at her as she was picking some things up. "Sakura, dear, how come you are just gazing at the clouds?"

"Oh, sorry, Mom." Sakura said, smiling. "I'm just waiting for Naruto to show up so we can go out."
"Naruto..? Why HIM?" Sakura's mother said.
"Mom, he's really a nice guy. I don't get why people get so uppity about him when they just judge him for the You-Know-What! I have to say that's idiotic!" She then heard a doorbell ring and rushed to the door, opening it. She then smiled and said "Naruto!"
"Hey, Sakura-chan! You ready to go?" Naruto said, smiling.

Sakura smiled and nodded, grabbing a small bag as she headed to the door. "Mom, I'm heading out! Be back soon!" She then closed the door as she looked at Naruto, smiling. "You seem a lot happier."
"Yup! So, whatcha wanna do today? Anything in particular?" Naruto said, hands in his pockets as he smiled.
"Nothing comes to mind, but... one place comes to mind. We are quite familiar with it I'm sure. Let me lead the way, and once we get there, I'm sure you'll recognize it... Naruto-kun." She then began to walk ahead of Naruto as Naruto blushed a bit, then followed her.

After a bit, they came to a bench that was near the Academy, and both sat down as Naruto said "This is..."
"Yeah. Where you were disguised as Sasuke talking to me. Naruto-kun... I was wondering, when you said that my brow was noble, so charming you could kiss it... did you mean that?" Sakura asked, blushing a bit, but giggled at how silly it sounded.
"Wellll, sssyeah! I really did. It sounds corny though, doesn't it?"
Sakura shook her head. "Not at all. It... it actually sounds rather romantic."

Hearing that from Sakura's lips, Naruto smiled, his cheeks a bit red. "Thanks, Sakura-chan. It's nice of you to say that."
"You're welcome, Naruto-kun. And... about when we were here, and you were Sasuke... I'm sorry I said all those horrible things. It took me so long to realize you DID understand me better than I thought, and while I knew nothing about you and only was mean to you because of how my parents were. When the real Sasuke-kun showed up... I... I told him you were lucky to not have any parents. And I asked him if he envied you not having any parents?"

"Actually, I envied everyone else, Sakura-chan, since they had people to acknowledge them, while all I had was nothing. I was always by myself when not at class. And sometimes, when I was 11 or so, I'd be accompanied by Sandaime, and he also helped me get into the Academy and get my apartment. But sometimes I wonder if he resented me because of Kyuubi. But then I figure, if he didn't care about my safety, he wouldn't have done all he did for me. I wonder if it was 'cause he also owed my dad." Naruto stopped talking once he felt Sakura's head land on his shoulder, her eyes closed as she smiled. Naruto gulped a bit as Sakura said

"I hope you don't mind... but right now, I am feeling a bit comfortable."
"S-sure. G-g-go ahead." Naruto said, a bit of a stutter in his voice, but he soon shook off all signs of feeling nervous. "I still am sorry for what I did, Sakura-chan. I knew though if things between us were gonna start fresh, we had to keep no secrets from one another, right?"

"Yeah. That does make logical sense." Sakura smiled, just keeping her head on his shoulder. "Naruto-kun... you remember how you as Sasuke-kun and I almost kissed her before you ran off? I... I wanted to know if you'd like to continue that."
"Huh? How come, Sakura-chan?"

"Well... I'm curious is all..." Sakura lifted her head up and smiled at him. Naruto blushed a small bit and smiled gently. Sakura said "Tell me, when you were talking to me here as Sasuke-kun, uhm... what were you thinking when I had told you all I did?"
Naruto blushed abit and said "Well... I figured out why I.." Naruto hesistated some.

Sakura looked at him and said "Why you what? You can tell me. I won't laugh."
"Alright. I figured out why I love you so much... it's 'cause deep down, you're like me. You just want someone to notice you."

Sakura blushed when she heard Naruto say that. "You... what?"
"You heard me, Sakura-chan... well, the thing is, I've always had a crush on you, but you were just obsessed with getting Sasuke that you never noticed, and never gave me a chance. I guess I wanted to tell you, shout it out from the tallest roofs in all of Konoha, but back then, you probably just would have punched me or something."

Sakura then kissed Naruto lightly on the lips while he was talking and then smiled, her cheeks a slight red when she pulled back. "Not anymore. Now I know you're a very sweet guy... who just gets a bad rep."

Naruto sat there, dumbfounded after Sakura kissed him, his mouth slightly open from that. He then said "Uhm, what made you want to...?"
"Kiss you...? J-just a feeling is all, Naruto-kun." Sakura looked at Naruto, her green eyes never leaving contact with Naruto's blue eyes, and then she spoke again. "And to make it up for me saying you made me sick. You know... Sasuke-kun said the same thing, and I wondered if you felt the same way. But at least now... I know that..."

Naruto nodded. "I don't, and I never did."

Sakura still looked into Naruto's eyes as she whispered. "So then, do you want to continue?"
"Uhm... yeah." Naruto blushed abit, then slowly both Chuunins leaned in towards one another, their hearts beating quickly at this moment. But then, just inches before their lips would touch...
Naruto and Sakura then turned as Sakura said "Mom!?!"
"Your mom!?" Naruto responsed.

Naruto and Sakura sat there, shock in their eyes when they saw Sakura's mother. Mrs. Haruno had her arms crossed as she said "I... I don't see why you need to be with HIM!! I should have stopped you the minute you went to see this monster!"
"Moooooommmm!! Naruto is NOT a monster!" Sakura said, standing up quickly.
"Hmph. That brat doesn't deserve to have anyone near him at all! Now, you are coming with me this instant, young lady!" Mrs. Haruno then walked over to Sakura, then grabbed her arm, trying to drag her off as Sakura shouted "LET ME GO, MOM!! Naruto-kun, help!"

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto tried to grab Sakura's hand, but with that, she was dragged off by her mother, looking back at Naruto, sadness in her eyes, as well as in Naruto's eyes. Naruto then got up himself and rushed after the now ahead Sakura and Mrs. Haruno, trying to catch up to talk to Mrs. Haruno. He then nodded as he did the motions for the Art of the Shadow Doppleganger, creating 1 single Doppleganger as he leapt in front of Mrs. Haruno, arms at his sides as he said "Hold up!"

"Out of the way, little fox! I won't ask twice!"
Sakura then yanked her arm from her mother's hand and said "Mother, that is enough!"

"Mom, listen to me. I don't care what you think about Naruto, what matters to me is what I think of him! And I think he's a lot nicer than you realize! And he isn't the monster you see him as! Why can't you stop the cycle of hatred that people have had against Naruto!? He is a hero since he was used to help contain the Nine-Tails!"

"Why should I!? He has done no good whatsoever and furthermore..."
"HEY!!! I ain't some thing!" Naruto's Doppleganger stepped inbetween the Harunos as the real one walked up. "I am a person and I will not be treated like that! At least some people here have seen me as a person, like your daughter does, Mrs. Haruno. And if you do not wish for her to see me, forget it! If I know Sakura-chan, she's gonna see me regardless of that 'cause we're friends, and friendship is thicker than any hatred shown at anyone! SO BACK OFF!!!!"

Mrs. Haruno flinched at that, blinking in shock as Sakura blinked and said "Naruto-kun..."
"Sakura-chan, I believe you and I were out and about." Naruto said, smiling. Sakura nodded as they both began to walk. "Mom, I'll see you at home."
"A...alright." Mrs. Haruno said, watching Naruto and Sakura walk off.

After a while, Sakura came home, to see her mom in the kitchen, working on something for dinner. Sakura walked over to her mother and hugged her, resting her cheek against her back. "Mom... I'm sorry for telling you off, but I am practically an adult now... and I need to make my own decisions to be happy."
"...I apologize too for how harsh I was to you. I should have considered that you are responsible enough to make your own decisions. And that even if I worry that you will be safe since you really want to be a ninja."
Sakura smiled as she said "To be honest, when I was younger, I just wanted Sasuke Uchiha to fall in love with me, and never once gave thought of going to be a full ninja. But since then, I've changed. I really want to let my true self cut loose, and show I can be a ninja."
Mrs. Haruno turned and smiled at Sakura as she said "Dear, all you need is faith in yourself to become stronger. That's all. Would you like something to eat? Dinner should be done soon. It's domburi with some tempura."
"I'd like that, Mom. After that... I'm gonna go train!" Sakura smiled, raising her arm up into the air, then blushed when she realized she sounded a bit like Naruto when she said that.
Mrs. Haruno smiled, then giggled at her daughter's reaction and said, "Alright then, dear. But don't eat too fast."
"Of course."

Once she was done eating, Sakura came to the forest near the village, to do something no one suspected her to do... train. She was sick and tired for how everyone saw her and so she tried her hardest to become much stronger, working her hardest to push out of the shell everyone saw her in. She actually began to work especially on her chakra and stamina, to make the most of Jutsus. In fact, she estimated with her current chakra being about 3 times stronger than it was when she was 12. She had even begun to work with more advanced Jutsus.

One Jutsu Sakura was particularly surprised by what she knew. She leapt back, and then with the one motion most familiar from Naruto as she shouted "ART OF THE SHADOW DOPPLEGANGER!!"
Suddenly, an explosion occured and 3 Shadow Dopplegangers appeared, but Sakura was panting heavily as she said "Damn... still get exhausted when I use the Art fo the Shadow Doppleganger... gotta get my chakra up so I can handle it!"
"You got good control, Sakura-chan. You just gotta work up your AMOUNT."

Sakura turned slowly and saw Naruto standing on a branch as he smiled, waving.
Naruto leapt down and said "What if I helped you get the hang of your chakra, Sakura-chan? I mean, I got a huge amount of chakra, not just my own but Kyuubi's also. Soooo, helping you would be a good thing to do."
"It could be a good idea, Naruto-kun, but I still think back to when Sasuke-kun said that I was no better than you. Maybe I should..."
"Forget what Sasuke said then! He did at least mention you knew of the Genjutsu first, even if he probably just said it to get into the Chuunin Exam, I don't know how that was meant to be, but what I know is you got the absolute potential to be better than you think! And I wanna make sure I see that come to pass! Whaddya say?" Naruto said, smiling as he extended his hand to Sakura.

Sakura looked at Naruto, blushing at what he said. "Naruto-kun..." She then smiled and took his hand. "Alright then. But... I think I got something better to seal with besides a hand clasp. After all..." She blushed as she spoke. "We did get to almost really do it. What do you say...?"
"Well... yeah, I guess we did almost. But ya think we can wait a bit? At least until we consider really dating?" Naruto said.
Sakura smiled then kissed Naruto on the cheek. "Alright, Naruto-kun. But I still want to give you the respectful term of 'Kun' if you don't mind."
"Not at all!"
Naruto and Sakura smiled as they then began to get to work, with Naruto teaching Sakura some of the concentration techniques he used to increase his chakra, so that her chakra would be increased, and so that she could become a better ninja. Sakura also got to see more of Naruto's true power, to see him in ways she hadn't done before so. And yet... it intrigued her a lot. She just smiled the rest of the night and also, she was now going to become stronger, and for once, show off to the others.


#15 Smiter


    ... WHAT?

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Posted 01 October 2004 - 04:46 PM

Like that lager ad said, NaruSaku refreshes the parts other pairings can't reach. wink.gif

I remember that meeting between Naruto and his parents! It would be nice if his father sealed a message within a scroll for him in the manga...

And I always like the part where Naruto and Sakura train together. happy.gif

#16 Blayze



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Posted 01 October 2004 - 05:21 PM

QUOTE (Smiter @ Oct 1 2004, 05:46 PM)
Like that lager ad said, NaruSaku refreshes the parts other pairings can't reach. wink.gif

I remember that meeting between Naruto and his parents!  It would be nice if his father sealed a message within a scroll for him in the manga...

And I always like the part where Naruto and Sakura train together. happy.gif

Probably some hidden message in the spiral of the seal, that only becomes visible for twenty seconds once every full moon, when bathed in the light of the moon...

And the keyword to open the seal? 'Mellon.' :rolleyes:

#17 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 01 October 2004 - 05:46 PM

Thanks for the compliments, guys. I hope it feels good to re-read Demon Within so you can catch up before I get the latest chapter out! happy.gif I wanted to make sure anyone who is new to reading it could also read it, but the old fans who've read it before, re-reading it, I'm glad. Thanks a bunch! happy.gif And I will enjoy your continued support!


#18 Smiter


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Posted 01 October 2004 - 05:56 PM

QUOTE (Bryon_Konoha_Ninja @ Oct 1 2004, 06:46 PM)
Thanks for the compliments, guys. I hope it feels good to re-read Demon Within so you can catch up before I get the latest chapter out! happy.gif I wanted to make sure anyone who is new to reading it could also read it, but the old fans who've read it before, re-reading it, I'm glad. Thanks a bunch! happy.gif And I will enjoy your continued support!


Ah, you deserve the support. happy.gif I hope Naruto and Sakura are soon able to go out on a proper date! If I remember right, they still hadn't done that where we left off (the Sasuke recall - won't say any more).

#19 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 02 October 2004 - 02:58 AM

Don't worry, Smiter, I'll get to that since you just reminded me I need to do a date between Naruto and Sakura. A real deal one! But... speaking of romances in Demon Within, among these chapters I will post now, I've got the date of Choji and Ino inside. Enjoy, guys and girls! happy.gif Plus, some of the more comical side stories.

-Chapter 17-
Working in the laboratory of his family's home, Choji was looking at some of the Undon Fruit he had asked to borrow from Gouki. He took a small bit of the fruit, and placed it into a mortar, using a pistle to grind it up with medicinal herbs, trying to making some kind of formula to make new soldier pills, some that not only increased the chakra of the consumer so they could fight for 3 days and 3 nights, but also get healed once after that was devoured. He had been working at this for a few hours now, just examining everything he did to make out the best formula.

After some time, he finally cracked the core of the formula, then mixed it together to form some soldier pills. He was about to make about 30 from the processing as he said "Bingo. Gotta try these out."
Racing out of the laboratory, Choji looked at his mom, who was a rather petite looking woman compared to how he and his dad looked.
Sayoko, his mother, turned and smiled at him. "Choji, dear, have you been in that lab all day!?"
"Yeah, I was busy workin' on something new. Where is Dad? I am curious to have him test something for me."
"New soldier pills?" Sayoko said, blinking a bit.
"Yup!" Choji said, a smile on his face as he said "I got the idea of mixing up some Undon Fruit from Gouki, with some of the medicinal herbs used for the soldier pills. I kinda hope it works out well..."

Hearing a bell near the door ring, Choji and Sayoko turned to the door as Chomaru entered the door, smiling as he waved.
"Hey, Dad! Listen, I gotta ask you to try somethin'!" Choji said, walking up to his dad, pulling out a soldier pill.
"What is this? A soldier pill?" Chomaru took the soldier pill between his index finger and thumb, popping it into his mouth, swallowing it slowly.
"Yeah. With something else added to the mix. Can ya tell that extra kick yet?" Choji asked, a big smile coming onto his face.
Chomaru snapped his fingers and smiled. "I got it! It's some of that Undon Fruit Gouki began to show all the ninjas in the village, isn't it? Son, this is amazing! How long did it take you to make this?"
"About 6 hours, Dad. I worked rather hard to get this all worked out. Sooooo... whatcha think?"

Chomaru smiled as he nodded approvingly. "I see you worked hard. Oh! Before I forget, I came by the Yamanakas to see my friend, Inoshi. And he said Ino was looking for you, Choji. Tell me... isssss my little boy dating!?"
"Oh, this is such wonderful news!" Sayoko said, grabbing Choji into a big hug as Choji blushed furiously.
"Mom! Dad!"
Chomaru laughed and then patted Choji's head. "We didn't mean to tease you, kiddo. So, you gonna go see her?"
"Hell yeah, I am!" Choji said, beginning to move his legs. "I better bolt to see what Ino-chan wants. LATER!!!" He bolted out the door at high speed as Chomaru and Sayoko chuckled at their son as he ran out as fast as he could.

Choji kept running as fast as he could, despite the fact his husky weight made him rather slow. He then made it all the way to the Yamanakas, panting as he walked to the door, and just as he was about to knock, Ino opened the door and smiled as she said "Hey, Choji! Did your dad give you the message?"
"Y-yeah! I... I came... as fast... WHEW... as I could. So.. what is... up...?" Choji panted, smiling.
Ino leaned in and then kissed him on the cheek. "What? Can't I want to see you without thinking I want something from you, Choji?"

"Good point, Ino-chan." Choji exhaled, smiling as he said "Ya know... I did think we could go on a date now that I'm here!"
"A date? Well, come in, grab a seat, and we can go on a date!" Ino grabbed Choji's arm and dragged him inside and said "I do need to get ready though, sooooo.. just give me a moment, OK?"

Choji nodded as he sat down, leaning back, arms on the back of the couch as he watched Ino walked upstairs. He just began to tap his thumbs together, whistling as he waited for Ino. Soon enough, Ino came down, her hair done differently, her lips in red lipstick, and she was now decked out in a purple kimono, some zori sandals on as she smiled.

"Whoa..." Choji said, looking at Ino as he got up slowly.
"I thought you would like this, Choji. Sooo, what to do? Hmm? Walk around Konoha?"
Choji nodded vigorously as he said "Wow... you look great!"

Ino blushed abit and said "No need to flatter me, Choji."
"I'm not flattering you, Ino-chan! If I were, you'd know." Choji said, smiling, as he walked with Ino, side by side with her. Ino smiled as she said "Would you actually flatter me if it would make me smile, Choji?"
"Yeah! I hope it isn't that wrong..."
"No. Not at all. Originally, all I wanted was for Sasuke-kun to notice me, and just to poke fun at you and Shikamaru since I was kind of a scrooge. We did make the most unusual team though. You, me, and Shikamaru. Dad told me how he and your dads all were teammates and friends too. It's amazing that we managed to do that, you know. I think it'd also be great if our kids and grandkids probably did the same thing, end up on a team together, and their children's children... well, you get the point!"
Choji nodded and then smiled a bit. "Now, Ino, did you mean, OUR children? As in you and me?
Ino winked. "Maybe.. Choji-honey."

Choji blushed at that, then heard a slight chuckle. Both Ino and Choji turned and saw "Shikamaru!"
"Yo. Ino, do you realize how corny that sounded?" Shikamaru replied, hands in his pockets, his thumbs being the only digits on his hands visible. "But... should I get a wedding planner already, guys? Since it seems you're dating, and we know what that leads to! I better get invitations and..."
"Shikamaru, just shut your mouth right now... OK, dude!?" Choji said, cracking his knuckles.
"Yes, or else we are going to hurt you... badly!" Ino replied.
Shikamaru just snickered as he then stepped onto a shadow and waved. "Well, guys, that's not gonna happen, 'cause I'm out here! DON'T FORGET TO INVITE ME TO THE WEDDING!! LATER DAYS!!!" With that done, Shikamaru sunk into the shadows as Choji leapt at him, smashing the ground face-first, groaning as he did.
"That musta been... that Shadow Movement art his dad was teachin' him... Uhhhhggghhhh..." Choji said, his eyes now swirling from the impact.

Ino walked over to Choji, just kneeling and patted Choji's head, helping him up, just giggling a bit as Choji groaned, rubbing his face a bit. Ino then looked at Choji and smiled, as Choji blinked at her, and then she gave him a slight peck on the lips. She then smiled. "You know, I've not noticed it so much, but you actually are cute with your pudgy cheeks, Choji. As well as the goofy smile of yours. Sure, I made fun of you, but now I've gotten to see the real you. And especially that you really are strong, like when you fought Goruju that time. So, thank you."
Choji smiled at that, but then looked on when he saw other people walking by, some muttering as one said "Oh, man, look at fatty over there! I don't get how he got such a babe like that to go out with him!"
"Yeah, I bet fatty ain't no good for a foxy girl like that!"
After that, the boys looking at them laughed and Choji's left eye twitched some. No one got away with callling him fat. He was about to step forward before Ino placed her hand out and said "Don't worry, Choji. I got this one under control. Something new my dad taught me."
Ino then placed her hands into a simple formation, her index fingers and thumbs extended, with her left thumb on her right index finger, and her left index finger on her right thumb.

She smiled and then said "Shinranshin no Jutsu!" With that, Ino then manipulated one of the boys, causing him to punch the other out cold then run into a wall, rendering them both unconscious. Ino smiled and dusted her hands off. "No one gets away with calling my Choji-honey fat!"
"So, I take it it's official that we're a couple, Ino-chan?"
Ino nodded, grabbing Choji's collar and smiled. "Of course." She then leaned in and kissed him, Choji looking at her wide-eyed, blushing as well. He then closed his eyes, kissing Ino back, placing his hands softly on her back.

The next day, Choji was walking to the woods, with a small box and a bottle with him too. Something delicious for himself to snack upon when his energy was low while he trained. He then set it down, along with his bottle of soda, then exhaled, shaking his arms loose and he began training. He then placed the palms of his hands together, closing his eyes and began to focus his chakra, beginning to expanding it around his body, eyes closed, gritting his teeth as he did. He kept focusing his chakra, trying to concentrate on increasing his chakra amount. He gritted his teeth then stopped. He then exhaled and then did some hand seals and said "Ahhhhh!!! BAIKA NO JUTSU!!!"

Choji's body then expanded into a much larger shape, save for his arms and legs. He then sucked his arms and legs inside of his pants and shirt respectively and then began to roll as fast as he could and then shouted "MEAT BULLET TANK!!" He then shot as fast as he could, blasting down the dusty path, pieces of dirt blasting up as he kept rolling. He then turned as fast as he could and then rolled back the way he came, then hopped up, returning back to normal and then slammed his foot into the ground, and expanded the size of his arm, and then punched some of the earth up, then grabbed the pieces of rock and crushed them in his hands.

"Choji, how long have you been working on that?"
Choji turned around, his arm shrinking back to normal as he said "Shikamaru. Hey, just for a few years now. About 2 and even after I became a Chuunin, I had to keep it up. So, what brings you out here?"
"...I came to chat is what. Mind if we grab a seat and talk?"
"No biggie!" Choji smiled as he sat down, grabbing his bottle of soda, opening it and sipped it softly then opened his box of riceballs and offered one to Shikamaru. "Want a rice ball? My mon placed some tuna in the center if you are interested."
"Sure, why not?" Shikamaru shrugged, then took a riceball and bit it softly, Choji doing the same. Shikamaru then said "Look... about you and Ino... I..."
"Hey, it's cool. I know you don't like women that much even after hittin' puberty. I guess it's from your mom, huh?"
"Well... actually, I'm happy you got someone who you can love, Choji. I just don't want you to forget about me, since I am your best friend after all."

Choji looked at Shikamaru. "Man, I would not forgetcha! You were the first one to be my friend, and I'm damn proud to call you my best friend, Shikamaru Nara, and just because Ino and I are dating doesn't mean we're not gonna forget our duties or our friends!"
Shikamaru smiled and chuckled. "OK, OK. I guess I was acting kinda hasty in my judgement. So, when did Ino start to actually like you?"
"Well, I think it was during that Demon attack... I protected her from this big dude named Goruju and beat him, letting out my true power vs. him. Not an easy task, but I did it. I now just wanna better myself so that Ino-chan can be proud of me."
"I think after you protected her... that you did, Choji."

Choji smiled and said "Yeah. I think so at least."
Shikamaru then said "So, what now, Choji?"
"I train, and then..." He looked up and saw a bird fly up above them. "Looks like we're gonna need to get goin'!"
"Already? Oh, dammit..." Shikamaru said, walking to the shadows. "Wonder who is callin' us." He then sunk downward as Choji grabbed his things then raced off.

After a bit of time, the whole Dirty Dozen were together as Naruto smiled, saying "I bet you guys are wonderin' why we're all here. Well, I was the one to call us together. See, we've been kinda slacking off in our training I feel."
"So, what do you got in mind, o fearless one!?" Kiba shouted out, Akamaru barking with him.
"Simple. A game... of Capture the Flag!"
Everyone looked in surprise then all at once said "CAPTURE THE FLAG!?!"

The look of shock on everyone's face as Naruto smiled at his unusual idea, thinking he had lost it. However, they would soon realize that as insane as the idea sounded, it was going to actually be something interesting to do.

-Chapter 18-
The next day, at around 5, Naruto was up, as was Gouki as they were getting some flags rolled up, one red, one blue. Gouki nodded and said "That's that, Naruto. So, what is the deal with the flags?"
"The Dozen is gonna play a game of Capture the Flag today in order to train and also for something fun to do!" Naruto said.
"Unusual idea, Naruto, although brilliant in a way. I wish you the best of luck. Lady Tsunade in the meantime has been doing some planning of her own. For something... special to occur."
"Cool. Well, I hope that goes well, dude. And if you do kiss her, lemme know 'cause I am curious." He then leapt out of the window as Gouki stood up, blushing a bit, but then shook it off. Naruto raced along Konoha, getting his teammates together, and after he did, at around 6 or so in the morning, everyone else was rubbing their eyes as Kiba then walked over and punched Naruto upside the head. "Hey! What's the big idea of wakin' us up so early!?"

Sakura then grabbed Kiba by his coat and yanked him back as she said "Down, Kiba! Naruto-kun knows what he is doing!"
"Naruto-kun? Since when did you start to refer to Naruto as 'Naruto-kun', Sakura?" Ino said, scratching her head.
"A few days ago, and there is nothing wrong with that!"
"Naruto-kun knows what he is doing after all... I hope at least." Hinata said.

"I do, Hinata! It's simple! We're gonna divide into teams and basically go against one another. The way I see it, we get to work on our individual skills, and also work on our teamwork at the same time. Now, the chosen team leaders are gonna be myself and Sasuke."

"Fair enough with me. So, how do we choose team members, Naruto?" Sasuke asked, arms crossed over his chest.
Naruto pulled out the two flags. "Simple. We got two flags. I'll be Red Leader, Sasuke, you're Blue Leader. And I'll give you first rights when it comes to choosing who you want on your team, Sasuke. So we basically alternate who chooses who. OK? Everyone else, in a line, alright?"

The line then appeared in front of Naruto and Sasuke, with the order being Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Neji, Tenten, Kiba, Hinata, and Shino. Sasuke looked among the people that were in front of them, his hands in his pockets, and then nodded. "Shikamaru."
Shikamaru walked forward and smiled some as he walked over to Sasuke.

"Alright, I pick Sakura-chan!" Naruto said, smiling. Sakura walked over to Naruto, smiling as she stood by his side.
"Alright, I'll take Ino." Sasuke said. Ino walked over towards Sasuke, lining up next to Shikamaru. Naruto nodded and said "Shino!"
Shino walked towards Naruto, then stood right next to Sakura.

Sasuke looked over who else were there and nodded as he said "I'll pick Lee."
Lee then appeared right next to Ino as Ino jumped a bit and said "Don't scare me like that, Lee! I nearly had a heart attack when you popped up"
Lee rubbed his head and chuckled a bit. "Sorry, Ms. Ino. Just excited."

"Alright, I'll take Choji!"
Choji walked over to Naruto's team, smiling, standing beside Shino. Sasuke looked over his choices and said "Alright, I'll pick Tenten."
Tenten walked over to Sasuke's team, making it 5 right now; himself, Ino, Shikamaru, Tenten, and Lee.
Naruto looked at his team which was himself, Sakura, Choji, and Shino. He then nodded and said "Kiba!"
Kiba walked over to Naruto's team, grinning as Akamaru barked happily.

Sasuke then said "Hinata. And that means Neji is with you, Naruto. So that's that."
"Yup!" Hinata went to Sasuke's team, and then Neji to Naruto's as Naruto smiled. "6 vs. 6. Excellent odds. Alright, Sasuke, you and your team go deeper into the woods, and set up an HQ while we set one up as well."
"Right. See you guys soon as the game is go. How long do we got before we go?"
"Once you see the sun shine. It's about 5:30 right now, so we got... I'll say... 25 minutes to plan before sunrise hits. Let's do it to it."

Sasuke nodded as he and his team headed deep into the woods while Naruto and his team began to set up their HQ up. Naruto set the flag into the ground as the others all got themselves set up. After that, Naruto motioned everyone together. "OK, everyone, here's what we gotta do. There's 6 of us with each bringing something different to the table. We need to capitalize one one another's skills. Kiba, Sakura-chan, you two will be the ones to really get the flag through some caution."

Kiba nodded and smiled. "Ah, so you actually need my magnificent nose, huh?! I thought as much!"
"Me?! Why me, Naruto-kun? I mean..."

Naruto placed his hand on Sakura's shoulder and smiled. "This isn't a matter of anything else, Sakura-chan. You got the best eye for Genjutsu in case Sasuke's team decides to go with that tactic to get past us. I trust you enough to do this. So all in all, you can do this. I believe in you."

Sakura smiled, blushing a bit as she said "Thanks, Naruto-kun."
Naruto smiled back, then began to plan again and said "Alright, I'll be in the middle of the woods, making the most of the vicinity."
"Why you in the middle, Naruto?" Neji asked, elbows on his knees as he squatted down some. "Your Shadow Dopplegangers?"

"Yup. With them, I can get to either Sakura-chan or Kiba or even back here to our homebase, where Choji and you are going to guard the flag if I gotta, Neji. Your Byakugan will be handy with scouting since you can see 360 degrees around yourself. And Choji's got some of the best strength out of our current team, and he can use his Baika no Jutsu to get bigger so he can run defense just in case. Shino is the last one. He'll be holding back near the flag too, and can use his Destruction Bugs to scout about."

"It's a very solid plan, Naruto, but what if Sasuke has something planned to counter it?" Shino asked.
"Don't worry. We can handle it. Even if it seems like we got the disadvantage thanks to Sasuke having Shikamaru on his team, we can handle it since we got quite a few smart people on this team. Now let's get set up since we got little time left."
"Right!" Everyone else said, Choji and Neji taking their positions near the flag, Shino hiding behind a tree, Sakura and Kiba side by
side, and Naruto in the center between Choji / Neji and Sakura / Kiba, ready to go when it comes down to it.

In Sasuke's HQ, he began to examine the strategy set up by Shikamaru as he said "So we clear that we're making the best of each other's skills?"
"Absolutely." Shikamaru said, going through the diagram in the dirt again. "I'll be going with Ino to get the flag, since my Shadow Movement Art, and Ino's Shinranshin and Shintenshin Jutsus make the best choices to get the flag one way or another. You, Sasuke, as team leader, can also assist us when it comes down to it. Lee and Hinata have their individual skills to protect the flag; Hinata with her Byakugan and Lee with his skillful Taijutsu and strength. And Tenten can easily snipe anyone else with her skills in shurikens and kunais."

"But... Sasuke-kun, I was wondering why you even chose me to be on your team... I mean, even with my training with Brother Neji, I am not sure if I can..."
"Don't worry, Hinata. I think you being a diamond in the rough is why you can be a good teammate to us. Your Byakugan has got to be good after having trained with it all of your life, right?"
Hinata blushed at that and smiled softly as Lee patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, Hinata, Sasuke-kun has something well planned out for our team. I'm sure Naruto-kun's team won't be able to stand a chance against us."

"Alright, Blue Team, let's get to work." Sasuke said, getting up as he, Ino, and Shikamaru got set up to go, Lee and Hinata near the flag, and Tenten sitting in the tree as Tenten said "We got about a minute before sunrise! I can start to see the sun come up!"
Both teams waited on, as the sun began to slowly rise up into the sky and then... it was go time as the Capture the Flag Game at dawn began!

"OK! Here we go!" Naruto said, motioning to Sakura and Kiba to get moving. Sakura and Kiba nodded as Kiba said "Let's do our best, Akamaru!"

Akamaru barked approvingly then dashed forward, Sakura right behind. Shino stepped from behind his tree, his long coat covering his arm sleeves, but then he pulled them out, letting one of his male Destruction Bugs go to scout ahead. The Destruction Bug did manage to get ahead of Sakura and Kiba, to scout on. It floated over the trees, then dived down into the foilage, scouting around, but it was then impaled to a tree by a shuriken... which Tenten threw. Tenten looked on and said "Uh-oh! Guys, looks like Naruto's team has begun to move!! What do we do?"

"Simple. We get moving in return. Shikamaru, Ino, you two get goin'! I'll shadow you, just in case."
"Gotcha, Sasuke-kun! Ready, Shikamaru?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah.. dammit..." Shikamaru then walked to the shadows and sunk down using his Shadow Movement no Jutsu, and Ino raced along the trees, Sasuke racing along the branches after counting to 10.

Naruto waited in his position and then used the Art of the Shadow Doppleganger aka Kage Bunshin no Jutsu to make 4 Shadow Dopplegangers. He then began to give orders. "Alright! Left Doppleganger 1, you go ahead to Sakura-chan and Kiba, helping them out. Left Doppleganger 2, go back to assist the others. Right Dopplegangers with me! We move in case we hear something."
"Got it!" All the Dopplegangers said, as Left Doppleganger raced up to Sakura and Kiba easily, while the 2nd Left Doppleganger raced back to where the flag was, while Naruto and the two remaining Dopplegangers stayed their ground.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru made it out of the Shadow World, appearing about... 2 miles or so in his opinion from the Blue Team HQ. He looked about, walking around carefully to not try draw any attention. He slowly looked around, double checking for traps, but then he saw something come at him. He leapt back and it was... "Naruto! Or one of his Shadow Dopplegangers."
"Good call, Shikamaru! But that ain't gonna stop me from kicking your ass." The Doppleganger leapt at Shikamaru, punching the ground since Shikamaru moved. Shikamaru then flipped back and said "Alright, even if this is gonna be a pain in the butt, but I gotta use it!" Shikamaru quickly did some hand seals and then placed his hands on the ground, looking around and saw some shadows. Not many, but they would do. "Kage Ayatsuri no Jutsu! Art of Shadow Manipulation!"

Naruto's Doppleganger stopped in his tracks as he thought it was some big Jutsu coming from Shikamaru, but instead, some shadows from the trees shot around one of Konoha's laziest but most intelligent ninjas. The shadows then began to take shape in an obsidian-colored liquid. Shikamaru then grabbed the liquid and formed it into a ball, eyes closed as his chakra around the ball, creating purple sparks as he said. "Alright, here we go! Nara Clan Secret Technique! Kage Dama! Shadow Ball!" Shikamaru then threw the ball forward with both hands.

Naruto's Doppleganger looked up at it and said "Oh, boy!" As it hit him then exploded into a cloud of smoke! The shadows hit the ground, then began to spread back to the trees as Shikamaru smiled and said "Even if it was a pain in the butt to learn that, Dad, thanks. Took me a bit of time to learn it, but still got the hang of it rather well..."

He then began to move, until out of nowhere, another Doppleganger appeared and punched Shikamaru and then the real Naruto popped up and smiled. "Helloooooooo!"
"The real you this time!?"
"Yeah. I got forces all set up to protect my team and to keep yours from getting the flag."
"Tenshinten No Jutsu!" Ino's voice echoed and then Naruto was hit hard with a force, that dispersed his Doppleganger as Ino's voice came out from his body. "Shikamaru, get my body, would you? Don't wanna have it too far behind. I'm gonna head to their base, and see what the sitch is."
Shikamaru nodded as he ran to Ino's body and picked it up slowly. "Got it." He slowly followed Ino as she came towards Red Base, then speaking with Naruto's voice.

Neji and Choji looked up as Neji said "Naruto. What are you doing from your post? Aren't you worried about Kiba and Sakura?"
"Kiba and Sakura will be fine, I'm sure. I came to see how things were going here."
Choji got up slowly as Neji said "Huh? Choji, what is it?" Without a word, Choji leapt forward and said "Sorry!" as he then punched Naruto's body, sending it down to the ground. Getting up, Ino in Naruto's body said "So, you knew it, eh, Choji-honey?"
"Yeah, Ino-chan! Naruto always calls Sakura Sakura-chan so he wouldn't just start calling her Sakura immediately! And I'm guessin' someone else is around. Neji? Care to examine?"
"With pleasure." Neji did some hand seals, eyes closed as he then opened them. "BYAKUGAN!!" The Byakugan opened and Neji scanned around the area, zooming in as he said "Bingo, Choji. I see Shikamaru, and he's got Ino's body too."

"Not much time left but we at least know the sitch here ar your base, boys, so later!" Ino said, blowing a kiss while in Naruto's body til she "escaped" and entered her body again. She then pushed from Shikamaru, standing up as she said "We got 2 big problems at Naruto's base, Shikamaru. Choji-honey and Neji are there, guarding the flag. We may need to get to Sasuke-kun and let him know, in case he didn't catch up yet."
"Right." Shikamaru then raced to the shadows, leaping into them as Ino ran back the way she had come.
Naruto shook his head as he said "Hey, guys. Man, that sucked! Having Ino take control of my body like that! OK, I'm gonna go after Kiba and Sakura-chan, but I will make a few Dopplegangers here, 'cause I got a plan..."

Meanwhile, Shikamaru and Ino ran into Sasuke as Sasuke said "Guys, what's going on?"
"We found out the set-up of Naruto's base, Sasuke. Just saw Choji and Neji. I wonder what that means about Shino... he was nowhere to be found."
"I still think he's there, Shikamaru. We gotta be careful just in case he is. So... we need a new plan."

Back at Naruto's camp, he had left a Doppleganger to cover the base, Shino had come out of hiding or so it seemed, and Choji and Neji kept their positions. However, racing into the woods was Naruto, with a backpack on his back as he said "You OK as a backpack, Choji?"
"Yeah. Dude, this almost looks like a plan!"
"Hey, I only act dumb. My plan is that with one of my Shadow Dopplegangers still looking like me, and one using Art of Transformation to look like you, we can trick the enemy, and also get to Sakura-chan and Kiba. Did you remember to give Soldier Pills to the other guys?"
"Sure did!" Choji then transformed to normal and landed on the ground, in Blue Team territory. Ahead of him, Akamaru popped out and then Kiba and Sakura followed, Akamaru on Kiba's head as he whispered "Naruto? Choji? Guys, what are you doing!?"
Choji smiled and held out a bag. "Got a present for you, Kiba. Can you say Soldier Pills?" Kiba grinned and took one "Don't mind if I do."

"You guys see anything, Sakura-chan?"
Sakura nodded as she whispered. "Yeah. Kiba thought he and Akamaru smelt Tenten, but then the scent was gone. He also smelt Hinata and Lee-san there at their base, but no Sasuke-kun, Shikamaru, or Ino."
"I already ran into them, but I covered Neji and Shino with a couple of Shadow Dopplegangers. So, we move in in a bit, OK?"

Tenten grabbed one of the kunais she had stuck into the tree she stood in and looked around, spotting Kiba as she then threw a kunai at him. Naruto heard it and said "Kiba, heads up!"
Kiba turned and supposedly got hit, but then, boom! A log of wood took his place! With quick timing, he used Art of Substitution to avoid getting hit as he shouted "OK, Tenten, all bets are off as of now! You're gonna pay for that!"
Tenten smiled as she shouted out to Kiba. "Sorry, Kiba, but all's fair in love, war, and that goes for war games too!"
"Don't say I didn't warn ya!" Kiba then did some hand seals, slapping his hands onto the branch he was on and snarled. "Quadreped Technique!"

Akamaru smelt his way around to where Kiba was then raced up into the tree, landing on his back, barking as Kiba smiled "Human Effect Ninpou for Akamaru and Beast Effect for me! Beast Man Doppleganger!" An explosion surrounded Akamaru, turning him into a clone of Kiba! Both then raced along the large tree branch, snarling, while Naruto, Sakura, and Choji were on ground level racing towards the Blue base. Akamaru leapt in front of Tenten, slashing the air in front of her, but she blocked it with her kunai, then kicked him in the face when he came close and said "Stupid mutt!"

"Not that stupid, Tenten!" Kiba was then coming right at her as he spun around at high speed, shouting out "TSUUGA!!! Piercing Fang!!" He spun so fast that wind seemed to spiral around him as he blasted the tree branch to dust, and managed to cut Tenten in the process, sending her down to the ground.

Kiba landed down, and Akamaru, still in his Beast Man form, came racing up as Kiba smiled "Sorry to play rough, but like you said... All's fair in love, war, and that goes for war games too. C'mon, Akamaru, we better..."
Tenten then slapped Kiba in the face with what appeared to be sleeping powder, then hit Akamaru with the same stuff, causing them both to fall asleep as Tenten chuckled, then groaned, saying "Yeah... but I got you just as good..."

Naruto, Choji, and Sakura kept running as Naruto said "Choji, can you leap into the trees?"
"No prob!" Choji pushed himself into the air with some of his chakra, then ran along the branch, stopping once he saw the blue flag. He slowly peeked his head out and said "Hinata and Lee... gotta go for Lee, he's the heaviest hitter. OK. Time for a new technique." Choji focused his chakra into his feet, then nodded as he raced up the tree to the top then leapt off of it and followed it with his Multi-Size technique, expanding his weight.

Hinata gasped when she heard a noise then looked up, using her Byakugan. "I see Choji! Incoming!!" She leapt to the side as Choji cried out, hitting Lee with a big belly flop. He grinned as Hinata gasped, her hands over her mouth as she said "L-l-lee-san...!"
But then Choji blinked as he said "Whoooo, boy, that can't be good..."
Suddenly, Choji felt something lifting him up into the air. He began to flail his arms and legs as he cried out. He had figured that Lee opened up two of the Celestial Gates; the Initial and Heal Gates. He then began to spin Choji onto his palm as he said "Don't underestimate us that easily, Choji-san, or else you may get hurt."

"SOMEBODY GET ME OFF THIS MERRY-GO-ROUND CALLED LIFE!!!!" Choji shouted until Lee threw him to the ground, and he laid there, swirls in his eyes, his tongue sticking out some as he returned to normal size. Suddenly, two shurikens shot out of the bushes and Lee caught them, but Naruto came behind and said "Never let your guard down!" as he then kicked Lee in the chin, knocking him up for a second.

He then raced for the flag, but Hinata appeared in front of him, her Byakugan active as she began to attack at him. He dodged as fast as he can until he then exploded and Hinata gasped. "Sakura-san!?"

"Sorry to deceive you like that, Hinata, but this is a war game." Sakura then did a sweeping low kick and Hinata blocked it, while Naruto leapt forward and grabbed the blue flag! Hinata then turned to try and get Naruto, but Sakura grabbed her and said "Naruto-kun, go!"
"OK!" Naruto then took off as fast as he could, hoping to get back to his team's home base soon to win the game.

However, at Naruto's base, Sasuke, Ino, and Shikamaru made it as Shikamaru said "I see Naruto, Shino, Neji, and Choji... but... I don't know... something doesn't seem right. Sasuke? It's your call as leader."
"We go in, and carefully." Sasuke then ducked under the bush, and Ino and Shikamaru followed. Choji turned and said "Huh?"
Ino then smiled as she leapt out and said "Choji-honey!" She then hugged him as Choji then returned to a Naruto Shadow Doppleganger and said "Bzzzzz! Wrong, but nice try!" The Shadow Doppleganger then grabbed Ino and threw her right at a tree, but she managed to land on it and pushed off it, her chakra in her feet as she then punched the Doppleganger, destroying it. "Everyone, go!"

Shikamaru leapt out of the bush, landing down as he did some hand seals and then said "Kage Mane no Jutsu! Shadow Copy Technique!" With that done, his shadow reached out and grabbed onto Naruto, and he began to make some movements to hold Naruto in place, but then... turns out, it was a Shadow Doppleganger, as it then exploded, and Shikamaru lost control of his Shadow Copy skill. Shino then leapt from the trees, some of his Destruction Bugs shooting at Shikamaru. Shikamaru attempted to leap into the shadows, but found a Destruction Bug on his neck, slurping slowly at his chakra.

He gulped as he slapped the bug off, but then Shino had more of them swarm around Shikamaru. Sasuke, however, had managed to get behind Shino, placing an explosive tag/talisman on his back, and then leapt back as it exploded, stunning Shino, and causing his Destruction Bugs to tend to him. The young raven-haired Uchiha then raced towards the flag and was stopped when Neji appeared in front of him.

Ino rushed to Shikamaru and then helped him up some and then turned to see Sasuke and Neji staring each other down. Sasuke then closed his eyes, and opened them, showing his 3-dot Sharingan. Neji closed his own and thus, his Byakugan was open. Both stared each other down as they then charged, Neji punching at Sasuke with a closed fist, and Sasuke blocking it. Sasuke then came with a kick to Neji's ribs, but then Neji countered and swung Sasuke right at a tree, but luckily, Sasuke had a kunai out quickly and impaled it into a tree, gritting his teeth as he turned his leg and smashed Neji against it, leaping away to grab the Red flag, tossing a few smokeballs down, and running as fast as he could.

Racing into the woods, Sasuke stuck the red flag along his waistline, fists clenched, feet hitting the ground quite quickly. He kept running until he stopped and saw Naruto. Naruto held the blue flag in his left hand and both looked on at one another, as the wind began to blow slowly.
"So... you got my flag, and I got yours, Naruto."
"Yep. I kinda figured it'd go this way a bit, Sasuke."
"Ditto. But you can't take the flag back..." He then did the hand seal for Tiger and added. "If you can't take it back in one piece!" He then sucked his breath in as Naruto thought 'Uh-oh!'
Sasuke then thought "Fire Style! Blaze of Glory!" He then let his breath out, and a large stream of fire came at Naruto. Naruto then turned and began to run as fast as he can, until he saw a tree, focused his chakra, then raced up, leaping off of it, getting behind Sasuke. He planted his hands on the ground, turned around, and kicked Sasuke in the back, breaking the Blaze of Glory and sending Sasuke stumbling.

Naruto then countered by throwing shurikens at Sasuke, but Sasuke pulled out a kunai and blocked each shuriken, until Naruto leapt forward and punched him. Sasuke then got his leverage back and kicked Naruto hard, leaping back to get some distance as he then did.

Naruto himself pulled out a kunai and both leapt at one another and slashed past each other. Silence broke out in the forest, until suddenly, the blue flag was cut in half. And Sasuke smiled at that. But... when he looked down, he saw the red flag was too! Both Naruto and Sasuke then cried out at this, both in absolute shock at this!

After about 30 minutes, every member of the Dirty Dozen was together as Hinata said "I still find it shocking that both Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun ended up cutting the flags in half. It is such an astounding find!"
"I call it competitive spirit." Shino said, hands in his pockets, but then he pushed his sunglasses up. "Obviously, after feeling more... alive than in the past, Sasuke had felt a burning spirit to outshine Naruto, to just be better than he was."
"Well, yeah! I don't want to lose to this dunce!"
"Dunce!? You're the moron who tried to burn me!" Naruto responsed.
"Well, if you had just been a good boy and chose to stand still so your flag could be burnt, none of this wouldn't have happened!"
Naruto then snarled, leaping at Sasuke as the two began to wrestle on the ground, punching one another as they roll onto the ground.

Everyone else looked on as Kiba said "Fight, fight, fight, fight!"
Choji smiled and shouted "Use the choke hold! Hey, anyone got popcorn!?"
As the others looked on, trying to stop the fight, Sasuke and Naruto began to laugh as they wrestled, the first time Sasuke had really laughed in a good way in a long time. The others all laughed a bit too, as it seemd Naruto's plan to make the Capture the Flag game help camaradarie and teamwork as well as the team's individual skills, but with helping them relax and have fun. Despite the fact Sasuke right now had him in an arm lock and he was screaming at the top of his lungs, he was just glad that the others were having too much fun as they tried to seperate the two.

-Chapter 19-
The next day in Konoha, Naruto was just barely getting up, barely coherent for the matter, but once he began to get going, he was more rared to go as he slowly still was waking up. He then finally was back to 100%! He had gotten his usual gear on, his Chuunin vest, his Hitai-Ate, his orange pants, his boots, and his kunai and shuriken holster, going around his right leg. He then began to go to his door, closing it, then locking it as he knew Gouki was already at work.

Once done, he bolted off down the road, smiling as he was prepared to do whatever it took. He leapt onto a guard rail, racing as fast as he could, arms moving from side to side as he grinned. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a rooster appeared, and he leapt over it, but then barely got his foot as he cried out, slamming onto the ground near the railing.

Getting up, Naruto rubbed his head then blinked at what he saw, to see it was real. "A rooster...? The hell..??" He hopped to his feet and looked at the rooster as he then heard a "YEE-HAW!! COME HERE, ROOSTER, ROOSTER!!!!" Naruto blinked and then out of nowhere, someone Naruto was most familiar with grabbed the rooster, grinning, but the rooster pecked the young man on the head, causing him to let go as he groaned. Chuckling, the Chuunin walked over to his friend and said "You OK, Konohamaru?"

"Yeah, yeah, big guy. Just been at this since... ohhhhh... 6:30 now. Stupid rooster refuses to be caught!"
"Lemme try something." Naruto said, doing a few hand seals, then transformed into a rooster, saying "OK, when I give the 'SQWAK!' cry, come and get it tied up."

"OK." Konohamaru said, a bit weirded out to talk to a chicke, or a rooster. Naruto began to make his way over to the rooster. The rooster stood still as Naruto then said "SQWAK!!!" The rooster blinked and then, Konohamaru grabbed and tied its' legs together, shouting "NICE!!"

Naruto then turned back to normal and chuckled. "Gotta be sneaky and smart, right?"
"Right!! So, what were you up to, big guy!?"
"I was gonna go get breakfast until I bumped into you, Konohamaru. What the heck are you going on about?"
Konohamaru chuckled. "Mission, big guy! Not that easy of one! Udon and Moegi went to go try and get the other animals, but I dunno even if we can do this! Especially since Sensei Kurenai just went off somewhere."
"Kurenai...? Well, for you three, yeah, she'd need to be the best teacher since she's got the most patience."

Konohamaru then punched Naruto in the gut lightly and said "What's THAT supposed to mean, Big Guy!?!"
"It means what it means, man!" Naruto chuckled as he then patted Konohamaru's head. With that done, Naruto and Konohamaru turned when they heard some noise. Both looked to their rights, and what they saw... was a whole group of cows stampeding right at them. All they had to say was "OH, CRAP!!!" when they saw all the cows, but luckily, the cows collapsed. Looking on, the young Chuunin and the younger Genin blinked, with Konohamaru being the first to speak. "OK... what just happened??"

"I don't know..." Naruto responsed. Then, he blinked and said "Waiddaminute... I get it now! You put 'em to sleep, right, Kurenai?"
Kurenai then appeared and smiled softly as she said "Correct, Naruto. Konohamaru, how are you doing?"
"Got a rooster with the help of the Big Guy here, Sensei Kurenai! I hope that's OK... I mean he just got involved the minute that he ran into the rooster... not literally of course, but..."
Kurenai giggled a bit then raised her hand. "I get it, Konohamaru. I found Moegi and Udon earlier, and they managed to subdue some of the other animals. We just need to return them now."

Naruto nodded. "Hey, Kurenai, if you don't mind, I'd like to have Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi for some ramen at Ichiraku. If you'd like, you could come to make sure your charges don't cause too much trouble."
"No, I trust you enough with your fanclub to keep them safe, Naruto. Konohamaru, we better get going."
Konohamaru nodded, carrying the rooster as he followed Kurenai, who woke up the cows, and guided them back to where they needed to go.

Naruto stood there, surprised by what Kurenai said about her students being his "fan club". He blinked and stood there, a tad dumbfounded. He then shrugged it off and headed off to Ichiraku for breakfast, since he had heard his stomach growl quite a bit while helping Konohamaru get the rooster!

At the Ichiraku Noodle Bar, Naruto was sipping down some noodles down for his breakfast as he smiled at it. Swallowing the last bit of these current noodles, he then turned when he saw the Konohamaru Corps. All of them had grown a bit in the last 4 years, having matured, somewhat, but somewhat being as much of nutcases as they could be. Konohamaru sighed. "Man, we got another crappy mission! All I want is some acton, dammit! It's getting annoying!"

"You gotta admit, Konohamaru... -sniff- that the roundup this morning was pretty tough." Udon said, pushing his glasses up a bit.
"Yeah, yeah! Besides, we may get something more impressive if we keep working, Konohamaru-chan!" Moegi replied, smiling as she did.

"I just am BORRRRRED with these mediocre missions!"
Naruto laughed a bit. "You can't want to move ahead too fast, Konohamaru! I told you, stupid, it doesn't work like that. There's no shortcuts in life. I had to work hard to get to a Chuunin position, and it wasn't easy!" Naruto said as he grinned.
"Yeah, but you are pretty impressive, Big Guy! I bet when you were in a cell, you got all kinds of super cool missions to go on!"

Naruto shook his head. "Not really..."
"Say what!?" Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi all said at once.
"It's true. I mostly got some crappy missions when I was with my cell, Team 7. I mean, we had to find cats, babysit, garden, dogsit, it was boring! I even complained about it once, and we actually got more than a D-Rank mission. We had gotten a C-Rank mission that would prove to be a bit more than we thought."

"What happened, Naruto-senpai?" Moegi asked, leaning over some.
Udon nodded frantically then sniffed. "Yeah, what'd you guys have to do?"
"DON'T KEEP US IN SUSPENSE, BIG GUY!!! WHAT HAPPENED!?" Konohamaru said, shaking Naruto rapidly. Naruto smiled and said "We had to escort a bridgemaker from the Land of Waves named Mr. Tazuna back there."

The Konohamaru Corps were all silent when they heard that. They then all fell backwards as Konohamaru shot up and shouted "JEEZ, WHAT KIND OF LAME-ASS CRAPPY MISSION IS THAT?!?!" Konohamaru shouted.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn't get to tell you what else happened! I thought I did try to mention this to you 4 years ago."
"Well, you didn't, Big Guy. So, what happened...?" Konohamaru asked, arms crossed over his chest, huffing a bit.

Naruto then began to explain what had happened... the confrontation with the Demon Brothers, Zabuza Momochi, his prodigy, Haku, the businessman Gato, Inari, everything. As they listened, the Konohamaru Corps nodded as Naruto continued to explain the story, doing his best to make sure he didn't get too ahead of himself. He'd grown some modesty in the past 4 years, and he preferred to be honest, especially with a trio of Genins that were his fanclub so to speak.

After he was done, Naruto sipped some water gently. Konohamaru smiled and said "COOOOOOOL!!!!"
"That sounds so awesome, senpai!" Moegi said, clasping her hands together to the side.
Udon nodded. "Amazing stuff, I gotta say..."

"Yeah, it was wild though, you guys. Really dangerous too. But now, you guys should wait for bigger stuff when you are ready. I'm sure Kurenai will feel you're ready soon enough, so just pray to God you get something good soon, alright? And... don't think it is rude if you don't get any C-Rank missions yet." Naruto stood up and said "I gotta get going now, guys, so take it easy!" Naruto then disappeared as Konohamaru smiled and said "I wonder if I am gonna end up as cool as Big Guy when I get older... well, only one way to find out! I gotta get stronger by training!"

Naruto smiled as he walked off, whistling as he did. He had his hands in his pockets, and kept walking, unaware that 5 shadows watched over the village. One of them, a taller one, nodded and said "Let's begin... we need that distraction now." The 5 shadows then disappeared, and whatever their plot, it could not be good for the village of Konohagakure, the Village Hiding in the Leaf.

But next, I get my most intense story so far; Riot in Konoha posted. Enjoy this for now.


#20 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


    Magnificient Bastard (aka Cliffhanger Bastard!)

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Posted 05 October 2004 - 12:46 AM

=Chapter 20=
Konoha Prison. This place housed some of Konoha's worst traitors, the worst of the worst. They all had been there for a long time, many of them waiting for their chance to escape... one in particular. That man was named Mizuki. Out of all the prisoners there, he wanted to get out the most. He had his arms crossed, eyes closed as he sat at the table during lunch rounds. The other prisoners had feared him some, since he changed a lot in terms of appearance and power. Ever since he was brought in for attempting to betray the village, he had honed his skills for one thing; revenge against Naruto.

He had his eyes closed still, but then... the lights went out and screams were heard in the dark as someone brushed against Mizuki and whispered. "I need use of your particular skills, Mizuki... as a distraction for something we need to accomplish... besides, I know that you want out of here... want revenge... go and show me... show me how bad you want to live. Go... and cause a riot."
Mizuki turned as the lights came on, and saw the guards dead.

He then leapt onto the table in the cafeteria and shouted "EVERYONE, LISTEN UP!!! I got an idea... what do you say... about breaking out of here and causing some hell in the village? I'm sure all of you want out, but... we need to do this right. We need to do this right. We need to make sure that any potential threats... the ANBU, the Dirty Dozen, the Jounins, whatever... are dealt with. You know, I heard rumors of things... and I will look into these personally. But the rest of you... hell, there are thousands of us, so we could run riot easily! Gentlemen and ladies... go and let's cause some chaos!"

All the prisoners cheered, raising an arm at what Mizuki said as they rushed off, cackling as they rushed off deep into the prison, to deal with any guards that remained. Mizuki smiled as he leapt down, sitting with his legs crossed at the ankles, arms crossed over his chest as he smiled. "Whoever these people that did this... I am prepared to keep my end of the bargain."

As the other prisoners dealt with the guards, Mizuki thought to who his key targets would be in this attack... he then decided as he stood up and then stepped out to join the other guards, arms behind his back as he smiled, looking about at the dead guards. He smiled and said "Gentlemen and ladies... good work. Now... we begin Phase 2, which is where we overrun the village, and create massive pandemonium. What we need to do is simple... just attack, then we'll work it out from there. I myself will deal with one of our most potential threats... everyone else... go forth and riot!"
The prisoners rose their hands and cheered after Mizuki said that. He smiled and chuckled, arms crossed over his chest as he said to himself "It begins now... my revenge."

While walking still, Naruto stopped when he heard a noise. He slowly pulled a kunai out and held it tightly as he took a fighting stance.
There was no sound whatsoever... until Naruto heard some yelling, then he dashed towards it, wondering what was going on! He then turned and saw them... prisoners with uniforms on still, breaking into stores, causing mayhem, like Mizuki asked. He thought. 'Prisoners. What the hell is going on? And how'd they get out? I figured that the guards there had the sitch under control. Guess not. Time to go to work!' With that said, Naruto used Art of the Shadow Doppleganger, then made his move, racing at the prisoners, knocking them out effortlessly. Naruto then exhaled, his Shadow Dopplegangers exploding as he slid his kunai away and scanned the scene again then saw the prison just overhead. However, he didn't know that Mizuki had been behind this, and set a plan into motion.

Meanwhile, at the Hokage Tower, Gouki had met with some of the ANBU, just coming back from fighting some of the prisoners. He then raised his hand to quiet everyone. "Listen, at this time, we are a bit short-handed in this situation, but handle it as best as you can, everyone. Find Naruto, others in the Dirty Dozen, other Jounins, and get to work, since we are in a very tight spot with all these riotters and Lady Tsunade is not here to assist in any way possible, so I am just suggesting we take another approach to handle this. Do not worry, this will be dealt with..."
"What makes you think that even the famed Dirty Dozen can handle this situation, demon?" One of the ANBU said, disrespect in his tone.
Sakuya looked at the ANBU and replied. "Sen, that's enough. They can handle this. After all, all 12 are just Chuunins, and have handled S-Rank Missions before! And this kind of work is A or S at least. Besides, we also have a job to do, and that's stop this. I'll take a team to find the Dozen, Gouki."
"Just be careful, Sakuya, all of you. This is not just some plan that the prisoners thought of... someone thought this up carefully and let someone to call the shots out. If you can, check out the prison itself.."

"Let us handle that." The voice of Kakashi said, as he stepped out from the shadows, along with Kurenai, Asuma, and Gai. Gouki nodded. "Alright, but like I said, be careful. Something about this doesn't seem right."
"Trust us, Gouki, this is gonna be a piece of cake if you ask me." Asuma said, taking his cigarette and exhaling some smoke.
"Don't be cocky. Now's not the time for that. Besides, it could be worse than we imagined. Everyone, please dismiss and get to work."
"Right." All the ANBU and the Four Jounins said as they left in a flash. Gouki sighed as he sat down in a chair. 'Lady Tsunade, how do you handle this? It must be hard to have to do this, but with you gone, someone has to take charge, and I.. hmm?' Gouki turned when he heard footsteps. He slowly got up and saw 5 shadows, and he glared at them. He knew... that something was wrong. But... the last thing Gouki would hear for several hours was a flute playing... and nothing else.

Getting to the Hokage Tower as fast as he could after running into Sakuya, Naruto gritted his teeth, wondering just what was going on! He then heard an explosion. With that, he gazed up to see 5 shadows leaping out of the hole, carrying... something. He didn't know what, but he had no time now. He leapt up the side of the Hokage Tower and ran as fast as he could, leaping inside and then he turned to see Gouki against the wall, some blood smeared along it, as well as along his body. Naruto rushed over to his fallen friend and said "Gouki! C'mon man, wake up! You gotta be OK! Come on! WAKE UP!!!" Naruto then slapped Gouki, who groaned a bit then his eyes slowly came to as he said "N-N-naruto... A flute..."

"A flute?"
"I heard... the playing of a flute... it played and then I don't remember much else, save that I was bleeding horribly. Voices said they... ahhh... wanted a scroll of some kind..." Gouki slowly got up, gritting his teeth as he then wobbled forward some and was luckily caught by Naruto as he said "I tried to stop them... but I couldn't... I am healing, but it hurts... it hurts so much... I feel I can barely move..."
"Take it easy, man... take it easy... it's gonna be OK. You're gonna be OK..." Naruto said. He then heard footsteps and said "Oh, great, here we go again!!"
But luckily, it wasn't a riotter, it was... "Tsunade!"

"Naruto, what is... Oh, my God! Gouki! What happened to him?" Tsunade rushed over to her bodyguard, brushing some of his hair from his face, a saddened expression on her own as Gouki groaned. "5... ninjas... came out of nowhere... a flute... came and nearly killed me... I couldn't stop them..."

Tsunade shushed Gouki as she helped Naruto lay him down as she said "Don't worry... I'll make sure you're OK..." Tsunade began to then use the Mystical Hand technique to begin to heal Gouki's wounds, some tears down her cheeks as she said "I... I should have been here! Then, then... Gouki wouldn't..."
In response, Gouki reached his right hand up to her right cheek, caressing it as he said "Do not... blame yourself, Lady Tsunade... I was just doing what was asked of me... and that was to be responsible for safeguarding the tower and the village when you were away... and I'd do it again... regardless of how I ended up..."

"It's not good, Tsunade. It's massive riot! The prisoners are coming out of the woodwork and are hitting hard and fast, with our groups divided!" Naruto said. "I was thinking of heading over there to see what was going on at the prison so I could see what was going on... but I still gotta find the others.."
"Go on, Naruto." Tsunade smiled weakly, wiping her tear away gently. "I'll make sure Gouki is alright."
"Gotcha." Naruto patted Gouki's shoulder. "You're gonna be OK, man... I promise." Naruto then took off as fast as he could, gritting his teeth as he thought 'Whoever the sick bastards are that hurt Gouki... I'm gonna make them pay! But right now, I gotta find the others so we can all handle this... wherever they are...'

He ran as fast as he could until he heard an explosion and got sent flying some, slamming onto the ground, groaning. Slowly getting up, Naruto got up and turned as his eyes shrunk a bit as he saw some old faces... Yoshimitsu and Hanzo. Hanzo had his sword over his right shoulder, smirking as Yoshimitsu's face was covered by his straw hat as Hanzo said "Well, well... it's the Little Fox. Awesome. Now we can kill two birds with one stone."

Looking up at the two, Naruto glared as he thought 'Great... as if things weren't any worse!' Slowly, the young Chuunin pulled a kunai out, ready to fight for his life at this time... because he had to find the others, and soon. But... would he make it was the question running in his mind at this time... he would have to find out.

=Chapter 21=
Hanzo smiled at Naruto as he slashed the ground, a blast of chakra flying at Naruto. Naruto gulped and leapt over it, right at the Jounins until Yoshimitsu grabbed Naruto by his vest and slammed him hard into the ground. Naruto groaned, but then he twirled his kunai and impaled Yoshimitsu with it! The taller Jounin cried out as Naruto twisted out of his arms and landed down, leaping backwards from them as Hanzo said "Sheesh. You do not wish to die, do you? What a persistent brat you are..."

"I'm not good at quitting... so don't expect me to do so." Naruto said, smiling. He then got serious and said "So, is Ishiharu behind this riot at the prison? If you guys are loose, I am gonna say yes..."
"Not really." Hanzo smiled, sheathing his katana. "We work for someone who is much better, who gave us all the idea to run riot as it were. And we are gonna decimate this whole village. Killing you is a plus though..." He then smiled, as his arms exploded and became blades!

Naruto gulped at this sight. Hanzo smiled and said "A special surprise... for you!" He then charged at Naruto, slashing the air. Naruto barely bent backwards and dodged the slash. He then leapt up and kicked Hanzo in the jaw until Yoshimitsu grabbed him, then slammed Naruto hard into the ground, forcing the young Chuunin to cough up blood from the impact.

Yoshimitsu then let Naruto go and his hand began to glow. He then pressed it onto Naruto's chest, forcing his ability to work.. the ability to reopen old wounds. He had thus felt the wounds Naruto previously had and smiled when he felt a few good ones... with that, he opened up the wound Naruto had given his left hand years ago during Team 7's first C-Rank Mission. Naruto groaned in pain, gritting his teeth as his left hand began to drip with blood from a wound made by the blade of a kunai.

Yoshimitsu felt again, then nodded. In the process of that, Naruto pulled some of Kyuubi's chakra to heal the impaled mark. Naruto continued to grit his teeth until Yoshimitsu felt the wound that his heart had received back a few weeks. The large silent Jounin smiled softly then let that wound open. Naruto gritted his teeth then screamed out, his chakra becoming violent as Hanzo looked on. "What did you do, Yoshimitsu!?"

Yoshimitsu shook his head as Naruto snarled, his hair, teeth, fingernails, hair becoming wilder and his eyes glowing red as he used his chakra and blasted the two Jounins away. Kneeling now, his back turned to them, his vest burning off slowly from the huge, HUGE amount of chakra rising from his body. His fists were clenched as he slowly got up and turned to the Jounins, having completed his Overshadow.

"Good lord... what...?" Hanzo quickly slashed the air, but Naruto blocked his attack with his hand and said "Not a wise idea to let your friend open old wounds when I pulled Kyuubi's chakra, Hanzo. 'Cause I'll just grow a lot stronger... A LOT stronger than I do before... Get a good look at this Overshadow, 'cause the way I am going, I'm gonna show you guys no mercy at all!"

Hanzo began to quiver when Naruto moved his arm back and ripped the blade arm completely off! All of it was cybernetics, but it still hurt Hanzo a lot as Naruto then kicked him in the jaw! Hanzo slammed into the ground hard, skidding along back. However, on the roof nearby, someone observed this and with great concern.

Naruto continued to walk cautiously, his chakra expanding as he then snarled, suddenly, his human heart being consumed by the chakra. Yoshimitsu looked over at Hanzo, thinking he was dead, then back to Naruto as he stepped back, but then tried to grab him. Naruto dodged, then grabbed Hanzo's arm, sinking his fingers into his opponent's arm, then yanked back, breaking his arm AND dislocating his shoulder! A look of agony came to Yoshimitsu's face as he stumbled backwards, dropping back, eyes widened. Naruto walked over to him, snarling as he did, but with that done, Yoshimitsu grabbed Hanzo with his good arm, and leapt off, as fast as he could!

Naruto continued to snarl, but then he felt something holding him... or someone holding him. He turned slowly, then saw "Sakura-chan... How did...?"
"It... should be obvious now, Naruto-kun. My heart led me here to you... please... calm down..."
Naruto looked at Sakura, and slowly, the Overshadow's power faded, and surprisingly this time, the extraordinary stamina Naruto possessed kept him up, and his wounds were healed immediately. He smiled at Sakura and said "Sakura-chan... what about the others?"

"They've been busy due to the riotters and I barely got away when I felt your chakra surge like the first time you Overshadowed..." Sakura slowly let Naruto go and said "But the prison is what I am most worried about... that's where this whole mess started. Sensei Kakashi and the other Jounins went ahead to there, but there's been no response from them yet, and it's got the rest of the team worried."
"Yeah. I got to agree."

However, there was a reason why Kakashi, Kurenai, Gai, and Asuma were not back yet. They had been defeated surprisingly by Ishiharu and Ayane. Mizuki smiled as he had seen them tied up by chains, as Kakashi was bloodied from a beating one of the other prisoners had givien him.
Kakashi groaned as he spoke, barely sounding coherent. "I... why are you doing this...?"

"Simple." Mizuki said. "The village needs a strong power, and people like you don't have what it takes to do that. But those of us who have REALLY faced Hell itself can, Kakashi-sama. You need to realize what we plan to do really is cause insanity, but there is something deeper to that... a new vision." Mizuki turned to Kakashi, wiping some of the blood off of his cheek and licked it. "That vision is a strong military power that can dominate the other countries. To be strong, Fire Country will need a good step in the right direction from us."

Ishiharu nodded. "You act so high and mighty, Kakashi, but deep down you are scared..." He walked over and rested his hand on the platnium-haired Jounin's forehead, and used his telepathy to show Kakashi horrifying images of his past. Kakashi screamed out as Gai tried to break the bonds, but he couldn't even open any of the 7 Heavenly Gates he was capable of... and Ayane smiled as she said "Try all you want, 'Mighty Gai', but you cannot use your Gates, not when I can lock Jutsus for a time."

Kakashi then was sobbing his head off as Ishiharu smiled and said "Fear can control everything, even the most emotionally constipated person like you are, Kakashi. Fear will make this village stronger, and with what myself and Mizuki have planned, it should be fun." With that, the 3 villainous Ninjas turned to see Hanzo and Yoshimitsu come in.

Hanzo panted horribly from the dripping blood where his arm used to be... and he spoke. "Uzumaki... got to us... before we could... kill him, Sirs..."
"What? How the hell could you not kill a Chuunin, even one that was able to use Kyuubi's power?!" Ishiharu said, arms at his sides.
"He did something called... Overshadow... we do not know what it was... but... he ripped my arm off and broke Yoshimitsu's arm and dislocated his shoulder!"

"Hmmm... well, it seems things will need to change before the Little fox comes to the prison... since I know he will come here once he learns who is behind this." Mizuki replied, arms across his chest. "Ishiharu... dispose of these two. Then we prepare to go after the Hokage herself."

Ishiharu nodded as he walked over to Yoshimitsu and Hanzo, using his telepathy to short out their brains and in short, killed them. The bodies hit the ground with a thud as Ishiharu smiled and said "So, Mizuki, you want me to go personally with Ayane to face the 5th?"
"Yes... I do believe you two can handle her. Trust me on this, Ishiharu. You two have the skills needed, and I am still waiting for Naruto to come... so I can take my revenge upon him for putting me in this hell trap."

"Naruto... will stop you.." Kakashi said as then Mizuki kicked him hard, blood hitting the ground as Mizuki said "Silence. Ishiharu, Ayane, go."
Both Jounins nodded as Mizuki turned to the window, gazing out it, his arms behind his back as he did.
Tsunade had brushed some of Gouki's hair while he laid his head on her lap as he was now fast asleep, even with her healing his wounds and his own woulds healed by his healing powers. Tsunade looked down at him, just saddened that someone so near and dear to her had been brought to the brink of death. It was reminded her of seeing her brother, Nawiki, dead... and her first love, Dan. She softly whispered. "Why does everyone who gets close to me always end up hurt or near death..?"

"Perhaps it is fate trying to tell you to die, girl." Ishiharu said, as Tsunade turned to see Ishiharu and Ayane, both standing there, ready to attack at a moment's notice. With Gouki down, Tsunade got up slowly, setting him down as she took a fighting stance, and was ready to fight for the village and die if she needed to.

=Chapter 22=
Tsunade stood tall as Ishiharu said in a very dark tone "Well, 'Tsunade-sama', I guess this is good-bye, since someone wants you dead. And that way, this village will be hurt even more than when the 3rd Hokage died at Orochimaru's hands. This time, however, you deal with two Jounins, who even beat the famed Kakashi Hatake within an inch of his life, so what makes you think you can handle us?"

Tsunade glared, silence from her as she then said "Simple, Ishiharu. Becauise I am willing to gamble my life to protect this village. Naruto made me realize that. And I will make sure what he taught me and showed me isn't in vain."

Ayane stepped forward, holding a fan out over her mouth as she said "Ishiharu-sama, may I have the honor of fighting Tsunade-sama first? After all, ladies first as they say."
"Of course, Ayane. Feel free to do what you wish." Ishiharu said, stepping backwards slowly.

Ayane closed her fan and smiled as she undid the sash around her kimono, now wearing a black jumpsuit underneath. She tossed it down to the ground and smiled as she pulled out two fans, these with blades on the ends. She then charged at Tsunade, crying out and slashing at her. Tsunade dodged the attack, but some of her hair flew to the ground. Ayane smiled and closed her left fan, saying "I guess you forget this generation is a little more adapted than yours is, old woman. Plus we hit harder, faster, and stronger than you did."

"Care to try that!?" Tsunade then swung her leg right at Ayane. The younger ninja barely dodged the Hokage's attack, which cracked the floor of the office itself. Ishiharu looked on and thought 'Dammit. That strength of hers. But... why worry? Ayane has the skills needed to drop her down a few pegs.'

Ayane smiled as she then charged at Tsunade, and hit 5 specific points, one on her left arm, one on her right, one under her left breast, up closest to the chest cavity, another on her stomach, and the last one on her neck. Tsunade stopped suddenly then coughed up blood, feeling her whole body tremble. She slowly stumbled back and said "Wh-wha...?"

"My special ability... Pressure Point Paralysis... it means I hit specific parts of a body's pressure points, WHICH I can see mind you, then hit them to paralyze particular skills or Jutsus." Ayane smiled as she opened her fan again, then charged at Tsunade. Tsunade barely had time to recover when she got slashed along the cheek, a small bit of blood running down it. Tsunade said "Shouldn't have left yourself open!" Tsunade then kicked Ayane in the jaw, but Ayane smiled as she barely fell over. Tsunade gasped and said "My.."

"That's right. The thing I paralyzed was your physical strength. Now all you have is the approximate physical strength of a Chuuinin, so I am safe to say that you cannot do a thing when I do this!" Ayane quickly raised a hand and paralyzed Tsunade, leaving her unable to move as she smirked, walking over to Tsunade, closing her fan as she pulled back and was slashed down at the Hokage!

The impact caused a splatter of blood to appear and hit the floor, but... it wasn't Tsunade's. It was Gouki's. Gouki had just gotten up and glared at Ayane and said "You... get... away from her!!"

Ishiharu, Tsunade, and especially Ayane were all surprised by this developement, as Gouki was breathing hard, blood dripping down slowly from his hand, but it was beginning to heal already. He had heard everything and now, he was pissed, despite the injures he had sustained earlier when Naruto and Tsuande found him. And now, he was going to make sure NOTHING happened to Tsunade while he was still alive!

Gouki then felt his hand heal completly. With that, he cracked his knuckles, groaning a bit as he did. Tsunade looked at him as he smiled and said "I'm alright... but let me help you." He walked over to her, and tapped the points where Ayane hit, and said "There..."
Tsunade shook her body a bit, and then smiled as she said "Thanks, Gouki..."

Gouki nodded, smiling still as he then charged at Ayane, but Ishiharu appeared in front of him and blocked his attack. Ayane leapt over the two then slashed at Tsunade. The Hokage barely dodgesd the attack, and she retaliated with a kick which hit Ayane in the jaw! The Jounin skidded along the ground as she then hit the wall, coughing up some blood then spat some out... along with a tooth. Ishiharu tried to use his telepathy to harm Gouki, but he soon felt feedback due to Gouki's brain and was blown backwards, hitting the wall himself.

With an opening, Gouki charged at Ishiharu and punched at him, but he had used Art of Substitution to avoid the attack. He appeared behind Gouki with that, pulling out a kunai and aiming for him. Gouki dodged and then grabbed Ishiharu, moving behind him, twisting his arm a bit. Gouki then said "Give up peacefully and I'll let go."
"Not a chance..."
Gouki closed his eyes and then said "Sorry then... but I will have to deal with you the only way I can." Gouk then let Ishiharu go and punched him so hard he was knocked out.

Tsunade, however, had her own problems as Ayane came at her with sheer intensity, slashing at her rapidly while the Hokage dodged. Tsunade then grabbed and slammed Ayane down, then lifted her up as she said "You really got lucky this time... if we wanted to, we would have killed you. Now, how about some answers for us, Ayane? Who's the one who started the riot!?"
"I... I refuse to talk!"

Gouki dropped Ishiharu's unconscious body and walked to Ayane and said "You better start talking before... before.." Gouki dropped to a knee and panted some. He groaned, due to some strain on his body, despite it having all healed. Tsunade then turned to Gouki, kneeling beside him as she said "Gouki, you shouldn't be moving.."
"I'll be alright... Lady Tsunade... just tired a bit."

Ayane smiled, knowing Tsunade let her go and then she grabbed her fan and charged at them, but suddenly, a fist smashed against her face as the one who had done it was Naruto, accompanied by Sakura. Naruto dropped to a knee and said "We heard a noise from where we were... and..."
Sakura looked on and said "It's Ishiharu... he's the one behind this?"
"We were going to... ask that same question... Sakura-chan.." Gouki said, getting up slowly, coughing while Tsunade stood at his side, resting an arm against his chest to keep him straight up.
Naruto walked over to Ishiharu then grabbed him, slapping him once as he said "HEY!! Wake up!!"
Ishiharu felt the slap and groaned as he slowly opened his eyes and glared at Naruto. "You..."
Naruto then looked to the others. "Would you excuse us, please?"

Gouki, Sakura, and Tsunade nodded all at once while Naruto began to drag Ishiharu off to another room. Sakura cleared her throat then said "I'll, see if I can interrogate Ayane..." Walking to Ayane, the pink-haired Chuunin tied Ayane up carefully, then lead her to another room.

With the two gone, Gouki groaned and dropped to a knee as Tsunade knelt next to Gouki, saying "Gouki... I've... never asked you this because it's never come to mind... but I want to know now. What makes you want to stay here in Konoha, when you could easily be home with your family in the Demon Realm? What makes you want to defend this village with your life?"

Gouki panted heavily, some sweat dropping down his forehead as he smiled. "It's simple... I... I do it because I want to protect those precious to me... Naruto for accepting someone like me as his friend, and... you as well, for saving my life. I owe so much to all of you for wanting to let me stay here in Konoha, even when I am Demon."
Tsunade smiled softly and replied. "You are only part Demon. Your personality is all because of the kind of upbringing you had, Gouki. And we're glad to have you here... me especially..." With that said, the Hokage gently hugged Gouki against her, as Gouki blushed, but then smiled, just relaxing as he had his head on her chest, ear resting above her heart.

In the other room, Naruto looked at Ishiharu as he said "OK, Ishiharu, it's gonna be like this. You tell me what I know, or I beat your face into hamburger. So, with those two choices, and the fact you've already had your butt handed to you twice, you don't got much to work with. So tell me what I want to know!"

Ishiharu scoffed and said "Not a chance, Naruto. I will never tell a monstrosity like you what you want to know." With that, Naruto snapped and grabbed Ishiharu by the throat and slammed him against a wall, shouting "I've just about had it with you! You've got until 5 to give me what I wanna know! ONE..." Naruto's body then began to change to become more feral as he then said "FOUR..."
Looking into naruto's eyes, Ishiharu began to tremble as he then said "OK, OK, I'll talk! I'll talk... it was Mizuki... he was the one who started all of this... he let the prisoners out, and now, they are running riot in Konoha as part of his plan to take over the village this time... we do not know who killed the first guards at the prison! It happened in the dead of darkness..."

Naruto smiled as he then headbutted Ishiharu, knocking him unconscious as he then dropped him and turned. "Mizuki...?"
In the past, Naruto had had a bad encounter with Mizuki, once a Chuunin teacher at the Academy. Using Naruto, Mizuki planned to take a scroll that contained the Demon Sealing Technique and a variety of other dangerous Jutsus, in order to gain power. He also had told Naruto the truth, that he had Kyuubi sealed inside of him, and that that was the reason everyone hated him. Clenching his fist in anger, Naruto shook his fist as he stepped out of the room and said "Tsunade, Gouki. I found out who's behind this little riot that's going on thanks to the prisoners."

In another section of Konoha, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Neji had their hands full dealing with prisoners, but luckily, for them, it was nothing that they couldn't easily overcome.
After the last prisoner fell down, Sasuke began to tie them up as he said "Dammit. No matter how many we stop, it never seems enough!"
"You're right about that, Sasuke. But we need to figure out the why, the who, and the how portions of the puzzle. We know where it started, or an idea of where, as well as the when. But it's hard to say what else we need to figure out before it's too late and we experience casualities..." Neji replied.

Sasuke nodded then said "Shikamaru, head to the Hokage Tower, see if anyone is there to give a new rundown."
Shikamaru nodded in return and thusly, leapt towards a shadow, then sunk into it, disappearing into the Shadow World, making his way around until he found a portal that could lead into the Tower. He leapt out and saw Naruto, Gouki, Tsunade, and Sakura.

Naruto chuckled as he said "Shikamaru! Man, what brings you here?"
Shikamaru dusted himself off then stretched his arms. "Sorry, guys, but I need an update. Gimme the 411 if there is any kind of new information on this situation, Naruto."
"We got the idea of who did this. It was Mizuki who's behind this. And what we gotta do now is get there and end this once and for all. Sakura-chan..."

Sakura blinked as Naruto then placed a hand on her shoulder. "I need you to stay here and look out for Tsunade and Gouki, then get to anyone else and tell them who's behind this. I need to deal with this personally. I hope you can understand that..."
Sakura smiled softly and nodded. "I can, Naruto-kun. Just be careful."

Naruto then looked at Shikamaru and said "Shika, I need you to get me to the prison, PDQ!"
Shikamaru was a bit surprised at that and then said "Alright, well, hang on..." Naruto grabbed Shikamaru's arm as Shikamaru sunk into the shadows, disappearing, as did Naruto.

In the prison, Mizuki looked out and saw smoke from the riotting and smiled. "Excellent. The riot is going well."
"You... son of a b*tch... what makes you think you can...?" Kakashi said, groaning.
"Why do you even keep us here when you could just as easily as kill us!?" Gai replied.

Mizuki had an evil smile on his face and said "To bear witness to the full fruiation of my plan. You see, I will allow the riot to continue, Kakashi, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, until..." He then paused, chuckling as he did.
"Til what? What do you have fully planned with this riot, Mizuki? What is it you are truly after at this time?" Kurenai asked.

"A scapegoat. Only then will I stop the riots, and thus convince the public that Tsunade-sama is not fit to be the leader of Konohagakure. But who to choose as my scapegoat to say that the riot was started by that person's hands? Will it be one of you... perhaps one of the other Jounins that exist." Mizuki smiled as he began to think and then smiled. "Or perhaps I will play with Konoha's trust on the Dirty Dozen and pick one of them to be my scapegoat, to be the one who takes the blame for the riot. I have it. It will be Naruto. He will be the first to fall to my new regime... and since everyone will believe he did it due to hatred from his being the vessel to Kyuubi... it will work out."
After that, Naruto and Shikamaru appeared in the prison, Naruto having an evil glare in his eyes as Mizuki turned and smiled. "Naruto! I was just talking about you little fox..."

=Chapter 23=
"Naruto. You will be the one whom will be blamed for this riot. You will be hunted down and slaughtered, like the animal you are." Mizuki said, smirking as he did.
Naruto glared at Mizuki, tensing as he heard what Mizuki had planned. Shikamaru looked at him and said "Come on, Naruto, you got to ignore him. We need to get to Kakashi and the others. They have been here for a while, and Kakashi looks like he's lost a lot of blood."
However, Naruto had just inched forward to Mizuki then charged, leaping up to pull a kunai and slashed past him, ripping part of his uniform as Shikamaru blinked and said "OK.. you can keep him busy while I get the others loose."
Shikamaru made his way as fast as he could towards the four Jounins. He then said "OK, Sensei Asuma, let's get you guys loose while Naruto keeps Mizuki busy." Digging into his pocket, Shikamaru smiled as he pulled out a small senbon and began to use it to pick the lock slowly that had held Asuma's chains together, sticking his tongue out as he began to wiggle it around. "What a pain in the ass you guys have been, taking off and getting kidnapped."

"Think you coulda done better!?" Asuma shouted. "And could you hurry up?"
"Hey, I'm working as fast as I can... so just chill out." Shikamaru retorted, beginning to move it around and then heard a click. "Got it!"
Naruto came at Mizuki again, but then Mizuki grabbed a chair, and smashed Naruto with it and smiled. "You know, Naruto, I had overheard a lot of thoughts from the four Jounins while Ishiharu develed into their minds when we first kidnapped them. One key thought came to our attention... and this one from your sensei, the man who called you student. He hates you deep down, you know... he just merely tolerates you because the 3rd Hokage asked him to train you, since he was the best candidate. He deep down hates you because you killed his sensei the day the 4th Hokage sacrificed himself in order to seal Kyuubi into your body. He deep down wishes you were dead."

Naruto slowly got up, silence from his lips as he wiped the blood from his lips.

"That... is not true..." Kakashi groaned as Mizuki then turned to him and kicked him hard, more blood hitting the floor. Naruto got up slowly, clenching his fists tightly. Mizuki then turned to Shikamaru, grabbed him and then smashed his head into the wall, causing the older of the Chuunins to fall unconscious, his nose now bleeding, as he could do nothing to defend himself as Naruto clenched his teeth, his fists shaking.

Mizuki stopped and then turned to Naruto, a grim look on his face as he said "Have you nothing left to say, you worthless animal, before I kill you?"
Slowly, the blonde Chuunin took his fingerless gloves, sliding them off, letting them drop as he also dropped his vest and said "Only one thing, Mizuki. For all you've done, the least I can do is break your face in." Naruto cracked his knuckles then charged at Mizuki, punching at him. Mizuki dodged and glared. "Those hands! I WILL NOT LET YOU HIT ME WITH THOSE HANDS!!!" Mizuki then brought his right leg around and smashed it hard into Naruto's gut as Naruto gritted his teeth, grabbing Mizuki's leg and slammed him against the wall.

"I don't care how you got free, Mizuki, but I do know you're gonna be leaving here on a gurney, or even in a coffin if it feels right!"
Mizuki smirked, grabbing Naruto, and smashed Naruto's head rapidly against the stone walls that comprised the prison itself. Naruto groaned in pain, blood dripping from his nose as the platnium-haired criminal smirked and said "You're not as tough this time, Naurto. I guess the years have been making you slower... and weaker. Weak enough for me to kill you!"
With that said, Naruto punched Mizuki a bit in his knee, and then with Mizuki letting go of his hair, Naruto hit Mizuki HARD with a right straight, some blood stuck on his fist from that punch.

Mizuki groaned as he wiped his blood from his nose, getting face to face with Naruto as he then grabbed Naruto and kneed him in the jaw as the Jounins all could only watch this fight, as Naruto and Mizuki attacked each other vigorously. Mizuki then smashed Naruto's head against the wall as he said "Just die."

Kakashi noticed Mizuki near him and got up slowly, rushing as fast as his chains could take him and then he kneed Mizuki in the ribs. Naruto looked in surprise as Mizuki stumbled back from him. Kakashi, without his mask on, smiled weakly and said "Na..ru..to... I may have... hated you at first... but you grew on me... your exburant attitude, your own feelings of how things should be done, everything about you... you challenged everything I believed in... and I came to respect you a lot for that... now... I see you are not a soldier.. but a loyal citizen of this... village..." Kakashi then fell backwards, groaning from loss of blood.

Mizuki turned to Kakashi as Naruto then turned him around, and began to punch him a few times, saying "You keep underestimating me, like you did years ago, Mizuki. You've become hateful, and spiteful 'cause of what you experienced 4 years ago from me. But guess what? Enough is enough. You have caused too much pain and I won't let you get away with it anymore." Naruto punched Mizuki many times in the face and then kicked him in the chest, twisting to kick him in the face hard, causing him to stumble backwards. Naruto then channeled some of his chakra into his fist then said "I said I was gonna break your face in... and I meant it!" Pulling his fist back, the young Naruto thrusted his fist forward with great speed and punched Mizuki HARD in the face, and with a crack, a great portion of Mizuki's face crushed in as he then fell backwards and hit the ground with a thud, some saliva and blood dripping from his mouth and nose, respectfully.

Naruto shook his hand, then walked over to the Jounins, getting the senbon Shikamaru dropped as he began to get Kakashi unlocked and said "It's OK, Sensei Kakashi... I got you..."
"Naruto... you..."
"Yeah, I got him, Sensei." Naruto smiled as he walked over to a wall and laid Kakashi gently against it, taking some Undon Fruit from his pocket and gave it to Kakashi, helping him chew it by moving his sensei's jaw for him. He then smiled as Kakashi coughed up softly, then said "Thank you..."

Naruto nodded and said "No big. Just hang tight while I get the others loose." Racing over to the others, Naruto felt that it was over, since the others probably would have dealt with the rioters, and he took care of Mizuki. For now, just getting everything back in order was more important.

Meanwhile, in the village itself, Sasuke, Neji, Sakuya, and some of the ANBU had to deal with the riotters. The fight was tough, given the sheer numbers of the prisoners.
"We got a lot of trouble here, people! We need to try to calm these guys down!" Sasuke said, punching one in the face. "Either that, or just knock them unconscious!"

Neji had a group of prisoners around him as he then used the Hakkeshou Kaiten, and blew them all away from him as he said "That means we cannot let them wipe us out because of their sheer numbers."
"Right!" Sakuya replied, kicking one in the jaw that had came towards her.

They kept fighting on hard, until, suddenly, Naruto appeared, with the 4 Jounins as he said "OK, boys and girls, this is all done!! Your boss is beaten, and that means this riot is over! So, you wanna go peacefully, or do we kick your heads in then take you to the prison? Your choice..."
With that said, the prisoners turned to Naruto as they then charged at him.

Naruto sighed as he then pulled some of Kyuubi's chakra, moving his hands rapidly around the swirling force of chakra he was forming as he muttered "Don't ever wanna do this the easy way, do ya..."
He then solidified the chakra as he pulled his hand back and smashed it into the first prisoner, shouting "Rasengan!!" Then the chakra ball Naruto form exploded, sending the prisoners all flying backwards, all unconscious. Naruto shook his hand and said "Sakuya... do you and the ANBU think you guys can handle this, cause right now.. I am about ready to collapseeee...." Naruto then fell forward, hitting the ground with a THUD.

After about a day or so, Naruto was groaning as he sat up, rubbing his head. He then turned to a mirror, seeing what the damage was to himself. He noticed his knuckles on his right hand were wrapped, he had some bandages over cuts on his faces as well. He then looked around the room and saw flowers and cards. He looked at the cards, as he saw that Shikamaru, Choji, everyone had written them to Naruto. He smiled as he then heard a knocking on the door of the hospital. He turned and saw it was Kakashi, who was using a crutch to walk around a bit.

"Hey, Naruto."
"Sensei." Naruto bowed respectfully. Kakashi chuckled, waving his hand. "No need to consider me that anymore. You've already proven yourself to not need me as a sensei, Naruto." However, Kakashi had looked a bit worse than Naruto, his face having bandages over it, as well as his right arm wrapped up too. "I had told you that I did hate you at first... I guess because I wanted to be angry at someone for my own incompetence... because I couldn't help my own Sensei that day... despite how skilled I was..."

Naruto smiled and said "Hey, no need to hate yourself, Sensei. You can't be repsonsible for everything, ya know. It's unhealthy to do something like that, since it just means you'll end up trying too hard, and failing in the end. I know a lot about failure, so trust me when I say that. Maybe Yukina could help you if you want to see her."

"... I'll think about it." Kakashi said, smiling a bit as he limped off out the door. He then stopped and turned to Naruto. "You're a lot like him, you know. You should know that..."
Naruto nodded softly and smiled, as Kakashi began to limp out of the room. While limping, he saw Tsunade. Tsunade walked up to Kakashi and said "Kakashi, how is our little former hellion?"

"He's alright, thank God. He managed to pull through. I do need to know, Tsunade-sama..." Kakashi asked, limping as Tsunade walked down the hall. "What about Mizuki and the other prisoners? How are we going to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again? Because if we keep them in the prison just as it is, they could riot once more."

Chuckling softly, the Hokage turned to the platnium haired Jounin and smiled. "Don't worry. A new system in the prison is in effect, so we keep all the prisoners within a new series of cells so that even getting out will be an impossibility. But something worries me... what Gouki said. About a flute, and being attacked in the Hokage Tower while the riot was going on. It worries me that someone else was behind this... that someone WANTED a distraction."

"Don't worry. We can look into it, Tsunade-sama. Besides... right now, having some peace is a good thing." Kakashi said, looking into Naruto's room, as Naruto was being visited by Iruka, as the former teacher-pupil were talking, chuckling a bit, as well as just bonding...

In naother part of the world, in Sound Country, deep in Otogakure Village, the Village Hiding in Sound...

Someone walked down a dark corridor, holding a bag under his/her arm, as they headed down to the end of the chamber, seeing someone sitting in what appeared to be a throne. The person kneeled down and held out the bag. "Orochimaru-sama... we succeeded in collecting what you wished of us to collect."
"Excellent..." the person in the throne said, his skin completely pastey white as he smiled. "You did well, Hyo. No one suspected a thing about your attack?"

"Yes, sir." Hyo replied, standing up as he had armor on, much like that of a samurai, except for a white yin-yang symbol on his chest plate, and two katanas at his side as he also wore a mask over his face, arms behind his back. "We did have to deal with the halfling, but he was no challenge, Orochimaru-sama. Do these scrolls hold significance to you?"

Orochimaru chuckled evilly. He then looked at the bag and nodded. "Yes, Hyo... these hold some great significance for me..."
With that done, Hyo bowed and left the room, as Orochimaru began to laugh, his laugh echoing down the halls of his lair, as he continued to laugh devilishly, knowing that whatever he had planned, it was no good for Konohagakure Village, or the world in general.

The Riot in Konoha arc, which will probably have reprecussions in the futrue. I hope youi all re-enjoy this one. happy.gif


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