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responding to reviews on ffnet

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#1 digifruit



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Posted 03 September 2007 - 04:32 PM

i've probably been around on ff.net a lot longer than most people... seven years as an evangelion author makes me a veteran i guess... and back then, we didnt have the review response function, so i'm still not totally used to using it

so do you guys actually take the time to respond to reviews? is it basic courtesy or what? sometimes it seems kind of troublesome for me because whenever i release something new, i get overwhelmed with the number of reviews sometimes

#2 chtulhu


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Posted 03 September 2007 - 05:49 PM

QUOTE (digifruit @ Sep 3 2007, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i've probably been around on ff.net a lot longer than most people... seven years as an evangelion author makes me a veteran i guess... and back then, we didnt have the review response function, so i'm still not totally used to using it

so do you guys actually take the time to respond to reviews? is it basic courtesy or what? sometimes it seems kind of troublesome for me because whenever i release something new, i get overwhelmed with the number of reviews sometimes

I try to answer any specific questions they might have (Within reason - I'm not going to give away the storyline!), but I don't say "Thank so and so for reviewing!"

#3 Jwolf0


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Posted 03 September 2007 - 06:05 PM

I think within reason you should reply to reviews. If the reviewer took the time to write something showing some thought as opposed to "Riet MOAR pleez!!11!one!" then I feel it's fair to show them the same courtesy.

Definitely don't spoil the story though. wink.gif
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(For the younger readers, a "record store" was a building that you had to go to when you wanted to buy music.)

(For the younger readers, "buying music" was the way we acquired it, since we couldn't just… you know what, let's just get back to the Bowen song. Stupid kids, you ruin everything.)

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#4 Guest_Ceras_*

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Posted 03 September 2007 - 07:39 PM

Unless the readers have basic questions in their reviews that I can answer without giving away anything, then yes, I respond to those. Otherwise, I don't reply to most of them.

And you know, if you get overwhelmed by the responses that you're getting Digifruit, you can always turn off the review alert and save your inbox from such an influx wink.gif

#5 Dart Tension

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Posted 03 September 2007 - 07:41 PM

I like responding to reviews. I like interacting with my readers.
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#6 Samantha



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Posted 03 September 2007 - 07:43 PM

Nahh, I never respond to reviews, unless the person asks a question.

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#7 SakuNaruLover


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Posted 03 September 2007 - 09:52 PM

I only do it, when I feel that it is useful. I don't respond to someone who says that it was great and that I should update. But I often do respond when I get good comments about the story or about the grammar or about the characters.
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#8 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 03 September 2007 - 10:03 PM

Haha, I've probably been around ff.net as long as you, digifruit. I've been around it since late '99 and early 2000 back in the days where Axel Terizaki's stories were the best of the little Evangelion section that could be found.

Ah, about that review responses... yeah... I don't really know what to do with that function either. I used it once but I wasn't even sure if it actually worked since I get no message or anything saying that it worked. =\ For the most part when I was still writing, I respond to those reviews that had more than "Update please!!" in the next chapter, since I was a multi-chapter author. However, for one-shots, I generally do not respond to them. Besides, it seems to be against ff.net rules to have a whole new chapter just for responding to reviews... Wait... now that I think about it... I don't even know if we're allowed to respond in chapters anymore...

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#9 Vyse


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Posted 04 September 2007 - 05:39 AM

I like to answer anyone who takes the time to give more than a couple of words (mostly: grat.. plz updat), and always if they ask questions. I would respond to flames if I got them, if they shoved that the reader had put any thought into it. Ask a question, and I'll answer it fast!

#10 Vespar



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Posted 04 September 2007 - 11:29 AM

I try to reply to every review I get. Sometimes, one slips between the cracks because I forget which ones I've already replied to. Nowadays though, I try to respond to the ones that seem to want a response, seemed really enthusiastic/disappointed about it or have some effort put into it.

Oh, and a little tidbit. I've been an Evangelion fanfic reader since Rakna's TOILI and only became a writer 2 years ago. tongue.gif

#11 Illjwamh


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Posted 09 September 2007 - 04:18 AM

I always do it. In fact, I once asked for a response function back in the days when we didn't have it because I wanted to respond to people who were reading and reviewing my stories.

I figure that if they can take the time to leave a review, I can take the time to reply to it.

The only time I don't bother is when people leave something like "UPDATE SOON!"

#12 TikiTDO



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Posted 12 September 2007 - 06:52 AM

Ahh, nostalgia. I too have been around for some time, though I grew with ffnet instead of parting for too long. The only exception being a year long break when they stopped allowing NC-17 stories. I'm a bit torn on the review response feature. It would be nice if the responses were public, or at least if the author had the option of making them public. Sometimes I'll be reading a story which raises a few questions, and a brief glance at the reviews shows me I'm not the only one to ask those. It would certainly save the author some repeated answering. The only alternative would be to answer questions in the story body which is a practice I absolutely despise to see.

#13 TonyG


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Posted 12 September 2007 - 04:54 PM

QUOTE (Onionhead Attacks @ Sep 3 2007, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Haha, I've probably been around ff.net as long as you, digifruit. I've been around it since late '99 and early 2000 back in the days where Axel Terizaki's stories were the best of the little Evangelion section that could be found.

Ah, about that review responses... yeah... I don't really know what to do with that function either. I used it once but I wasn't even sure if it actually worked since I get no message or anything saying that it worked. =\ For the most part when I was still writing, I respond to those reviews that had more than "Update please!!" in the next chapter, since I was a multi-chapter author. However, for one-shots, I generally do not respond to them. Besides, it seems to be against ff.net rules to have a whole new chapter just for responding to reviews... Wait... now that I think about it... I don't even know if we're allowed to respond in chapters anymore...

LOL good old axel. I saw a video of him singing the lucky star song in a french comic expo o.O good old times. when fanfiction in eva was small with people like Axel, Strikefiss, Rakna, Hotwire, etc. also it was the time of the most ugly fanfics I have ever had the atorcity to read came too.

To this day I still a cold shiver down my spine when I hear the workd Hellstorm evangelion...

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#14 shiroihato


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Posted 29 September 2007 - 10:17 PM

If I have the time...then maybe.

Mostly I only reply if the reviewer gives advice/has a question. Exception: I have a few reviewers (like Winter-Rae) who leave something every time I update, always has good advice, and is prompt about responding.
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#15 Traekor


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 12:25 AM

I started writing recently myself, and find that many reviews don't warrant a response to.

While I'm thankful for the confirmation that someone enjoys and is waiting for the story, I don't see those "good chap, update soon" reviews as being useful to the system.

If I have the time and desire, I'll answer a quick question or even clarify to someone who has mistaken something in my story. However that said, I don't really like giving spoilers to my own story - and I kind of follow Robert Jordan's "Read and Find Out" policy when people ask if soandso lived/will xx happen, etc.

Longer reviews that actually discuss the piece and/or offer criticisms I always try to give a decent reply to. These are my favorites, and it tends to be the same people who write these great reviews that make the entire process more enjoyable for myself.

So I suppose I'm in the "when it is useful" boat tongue.gif

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#16 Tohno Shiki

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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:11 PM

To be honest, I respond only to reviewers have queries or give me constructive criticism. Something like "UpDaTez sOOn PloX KkThx" doesn't warrant a response.

#17 Shouri no Hana

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Posted 09 October 2007 - 10:10 PM

depends on the review, if it's like "OMFG GREAT STORY UPDATE SOON!" I blow it off, if it's a flame I tell them

"Burn in hell, it's my story and I will do want I want to do, your hatred towards this has no effect towards other people's interest towards this story."

If it's a really descriptive review, like one's predictions, thoughts, what they like about the story I'd respond, answering the questions, even spoiling the plot a little as well, and how I came to write that one line or something. Like...

"Yea well... it was either that or making Kakashi fall off a roof, if you ask me, a hungover Kakashi seems to be a better reason to get him off his feet then something as lame as a Jounin ninja falling off a roof."

However, whenever I spoil a crumb of the plot, I always end up changing it anyway... tongue.gif

#18 Tsunade


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Posted 09 October 2007 - 11:57 PM

Back when I first started as a author, which was before the review button was made, I used to respond to my reviewers with short, one maybe two sentences. Unless they said something like that was a awesome chapter update soon then they'd just get a shout out.

Now that they have this review button I only respond when I really feel like I need too. Reason being that I have to change the web browser that I am using and I find that painful, time consuming and more or less annoying.

#19 DasDeke


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Posted 10 October 2007 - 12:44 AM

More then likely it depends on the review. There are some peeps that have been giving me wonderful reviews, and I'm more glad to reply. I've had some questions about the story, or pointers how to write like that, and I'll share it. I'm not too greedy, depending on their pairing of choice.

I used to reply to all of them, with something short and sweet. Sometimes it's hard though, to reply to them all. I have missed one or two at time. If its a story I'm trying a different style with (like my "Only Needed" story or my first Lemon"Summer Heat") I tend to reply more.

I do love getting reviews, and since they take the time to leave a review, rather then just favorite it like most do, I tend to respond in kind.

#20 Illjwamh


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Posted 13 October 2007 - 09:20 PM

You know, it's funny. I was thinking about this the other day as I was typing out my closing comments to the latest chapter of Shinobi Wars, and it occurred to me that I would probably get more use out of this feature if more people would actually review my story. 111193.gif

The hit count is up, so I know they're reading it. @_@

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