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The Great H&E Drabble Contests...The Real Deal! XD

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#1 Sakura Blossoms

Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 03 May 2008 - 08:28 AM

Okay, because I want to kickstart this thing this weekend, the Great H&E Drabble Contests have now officially begun! a_spaz.gif

This thread is for posting your drabbles entered in the weekly contests ONLY. For comments, questions, reviews, and everything else concerning the Drabble Contests, please see this thread here:

Drabble Contests Discussion Thread

Okay! Let's get this whole thing started!

Week 1 keywords/themes:






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#2 Yoko


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 09:01 AM

Okay, This is Irae and a tiiiny bit of Hikari from the Siren thread. ♥ The prompt is Fireworks.

Irae sits upon.. Something. A corpse, a crate, she's not sure anymore.

She'd lost her vest some time ago. Along with her new sunglasses, and guns. Fire surrounds her, on the buildings, on the bodies around her, everywhere. Like a twisted sort of fireworks show.

The wildfire hears footsteps and looks behind herself, a sideways glance, almost. The remains of inky blackness fading from her eyes.

She doesn't move much, most of the scar on her back mostly revealed with the sleeveless red shirt she wears.

"Hikari." She smiles, just a little. "What took you so long?"

#3 YonderBeyonder



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Posted 03 May 2008 - 09:07 AM

Four. I got over-enthusiastic.

Theme: Strawberries

Universe: The Siren RP

Characters: Irae, Hikari, Kap

Words: 137

"This is boring."

Hikari looked over at Irae, who was staring blankly at the bowl of plastic fruit sitting in front of her, the fake foods melting together and bubbling, the flames eating through the plastic like it was nothing but silk.

"What do you suggest we do?" Hikari asked, raising a slender eyebrow from her place on the couch beside the other woman.

Irae looked contemplative.

Twelve minutes later, the two women were sitting back on the couch, a strawberry suspended from the ceiling by a piece of string. Kap was under said strawberry, jumping with all the effort she had; flailing at said fruit, trying to grab it, but at least four feet short.

"Gah!" cried Kap, continuing to jump. "COME TO US!" she cried. "WE'RE HUNGRY! GAAAAAH!"

Irae and Hikari shared a sardonic smirk.

Theme: Ice Cream

Universe: Family Guy

Characters: Stewie, Rupert the teddybear

Words: 92

"Rupert!" cried Stewie, pointing at the little brown teddy-bear. "Did you place that bid on that abandoned nuclear wasteland on ebay?"

Rupert sagged a little from his place; propped up against the leg of the couch.

"You didn't?" seethed Stewie. "You incompetent, textile-packed, ludicrously taciturn caniform!"

Stewie slapped Rupert across the muzzle.

Rupert flopped onto the floor.

"Well," said the genius baby, rubbing his hand. "You know what this means..."

That night at dinner, Rupert was left in Stewie's bed, while Stewie smugly licked at his dessert: chocolate ice cream.

Rupert's favourite.

Theme: Rain

Universe: The Siren RP

Characters: Hikari, Kap

Words: 249

Rain threw itself down upon The Empire Of Evil Fire in sheets of grey; flooding the streets in an ankle-deep layer of Cold that bit you right down to your core: tearing into your clothing; your muscles; your mind.

Hikari walked through the one of the streets, her thin clothing weighed down from the heavy water; already soaked to the bone. Her emerald eyes snapped around, looking for something in particular.

At last, she found it.

Kap sat in a narrow alleyway between two buildings, her knees hugged to her chest, her face shielded from the outside world by a curtain of matted wet hair.

She was making the rain worse.

She was making it penetrate the minds of everyone in the empire. Make them sad. Heartbroken.

Like she was.

Hikari waded through the flooded street and sat next to the young girl, slowly and carefully curling an arm around her small shoulders.

With a feeble sniff, Kap turned and curled against Hikari's wet chest, nuzzling her nose as deep as she could to the warmth.

"Shh," whispered Hikari, letting her slender fingers rake through Kap's wet hair. "He didn't mean it, shhhh... It's okay..."

"We hurt..." the illusionist whispered in a trembling voice. "We hurt."

With gentle, warm fingers, Hikari tilted Kap's childlike face up to her own and placed soft, feather-light kisses down the other girl's cheeks, Kap's small hands gripping Hikari's shirt.

Even if the tears couldn't be seen in the rain, they were still there.

Theme: Starlight

Universe: Naruto

Characters: Naruto, Sakura

Words: 374

Naruto stared up into the dark sky, the stars twinkling above him.

It was a cold night in Konoha. He couldn't sleep. He needed some air.

He'd woken up because of the feeling of red, furry tails curling around his throat; constricting him; suffocating him; adding to the silky brush of red fur against his stomach.

He didn't like it when he awoke in the night. It was like his empty apartment was mocking him. Mocking his loneliness.

He stood atop the Hokage monument looking over Konoha: upon the Fourth's head, in his pyjamas, staring up at the twinkling sky.

Why was he so alone?

Slowly reaching a hand up, Naruto spread his fingers: reaching for the stars. Won't they keep him company? Help him? Love him? The stars twinkled at him. He felt his muscles along his shoulders and back burn as he reached higher and higher- but, the stars refused him.

Letting his hand drop to his side, Naruto sighed, blue eyes reflecting the far-away jewels in the sky.

A shooting star danced past and the teen closed his eyes.

I don't want to be alone anymore.


The blonde jumped a good four feet in the air, whipped around, staggered, and swore all at the same time. If he hadn't been so surprised, he would've congratulated himself at multitasking.


His crush stood there, clad in a fluffy pink night-gown, staring at him from by the bushes behind the Hokage monument's heads. "What are you doing, Naruto?" she asked.

Naruto glanced away, his cheeks burning a little. He mumbled something. The starlight splashed down upon Sakura's soft pink hair and pale skin like liquid silver. She looked like an angel. A beautiful, holy angel.

The beautiful girl rose an eyebrow in an unimpressed fashion. "Didn't catch that," she said flatly.

"Couldn't sleep," the blonde said a little louder. Why did it have to sound so corny?

Sakura smiled a little. Shuffling forward in her night-gown, she came up beside him and let her fingers brush his hand. Bright blue eyes staring at her, she rose a slender eyebrow in question.

"Wanttogooutforsomeramen? Naruto blurted.

Sakura grinned and walked off. "No~"

"Sushi?" Naruto tried again at her retreating back.




Edited by YonderBeyonder, 05 May 2008 - 06:06 AM.

#4 Sakura~Kitsune


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 04:45 PM

Well~ 'Sailor Moon Fiasco' kicked into me after enjoying a Creamsicle! happy.gif

~Theme: Ice Cream
~Universe: Bishoujo Senshi Sera Myu
~Characters: Tenou Haruka & Kaiou Michiru (Tsukino Usagi)

"Ruka, I told you not to get the mile high sundae," Michiru said as she demurely licked her double scoop ice cream cone.

"But... I was hungry for ice cream," Haruka murmured around a mouthful of double chocolate fudge. She sucked of the top scoop of ice cream, trying to whittle down the Tower that she had been served. "How was I supposed to know that it was five scoops?" The ice cream wobbled, and Haruka lurched forward to keep from dropping her ice cream.

She licked the melted strawberry off her hand, and prayed that the waffle cone wouldn't collapse.

"Just don't get me all sticky. I hate it when you run your fingers through my hair and they're still sticky from the ice cream." the Neptunian finished her ice cream and nibbled on the cone.

"Don't worry, Michi, I won't get any on you." Haruka playfully held her cone closer to Michiru, then drew it back to take a bite out of the pralines and cream. Haruka always had a problem deciding on which flavor of ice cream to get. She liked them all, and it drove Michiru crazy when she had to decide. Maybe the five scoop cone was a blessing in disguise, because then she could compare her top five flavors at once.

"WAUGH! LOOK OUT!" A blond blur suddenly crashed into the older blonde. Haruka went down, and the ice cream went up. She watched the double fudge, vanilla, pralines and cream, mint chip, and strawberry trace a neat arc through the air, then with a splat... cover-coated the 'mermaid'.

Haruka pushed Usagi and her brand new Rollerblades off her leg, and ran towards Michiru...

The Outer Soldier was surprised that the ice cream residing upon Michiru had not evaporated already. With that steam coming out of her ears, she was bound to be quite hot.

Michiru was shaking with anger. She opened her mouth to say something when, plop!, a drop of vanilla landed on her nose. Aqua orbs glanced towards the white blob cross-eyed for a moment, then broke down into giggles. Haruka drew her close, and slowly kissed the ice cream off her nose.

"You know what, Michi?" Haruka said. "This is my favorite flavor of all."

~Theme: Strawberries
~Universe: Bishoujo Senshi Sera Myu
~Characters: Tsukino-Chiba Usagi (Secret Admirer)

Usagi quickly turned the water faucet off when she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn’t expecting anyone at a time like this. Confused, she walked to the door and opened it. “Hello?” She asked once the door was open.

Standing in front of her was the usual postal man. In his arms, he held a large white box, her name engraved on the side. “Is this the Chiba residence?” He asked as he tried his best to look at 'Odango-atama' with the box in his hands.

“Yes.” Usagi replied cautiously with a nervous hue. Was it an early wedding present? Did that 'secret admirer' send yet another present?

“This is for you then, Chiba-san.” The postal man said as he handed her the package.

The blonde blinked a few times as she went inside the apartment a bit carefully. She set it down on the coffee table and went into Mamoru’s desk to retrieve a pair of scissors. When she came back, she placed herself on the couch and took the box off the coffee table. In it's newest position, Usagi slipped her fingers in the scissors and cut through the packaging tape with the blade.

Once the tape had been cut through she pulled back a flap and peered inside. There was a sea of chocolate coated strawberries. Right then it hit her. She and Mamoru had ordered them a while ago for their guests at the wedding since they were a huge favorite.

Usagi stuck a hand inside and took one out. Mamoru would never know, besides, there were billons of strawberries in that secured box. One chocolate-strawberry treat wouldn’t hurt her.

Although, another treat slipped into her possession... and after that another. Until she had already eaten ten! Maybe Mamoru wouldn't notice --- she could always say that there was a delivery screw-up.

Mamo-chan would believe her!


Edited by Sakura~Kitsune, 04 May 2008 - 08:44 PM.


No matter how dark it is, you’re not alone you know?

The moonlight is shining on us


#5 Miss Soupy

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Posted 03 May 2008 - 05:55 PM

yay drabbles!

Theme: Rain
Universe: D. gray-man
Characters: Lenalee & Kanda

And there she sat, water droplets mixing with tears until the two were indiscernible. No one wanted to touch her, to face the anguish that lay beneath pale skin within a heart that was almost fathomless. No one was brave enough because no one could love like she did, and there were no words that could be said to dull such grief as she had.

There were no words that could be said, but he had no words to give anyways. Instead, he gave her his company, a grumpy frown, his hand at her chin as he inspected a cut on her cheek. There were no words, because she didn’t need them. Only the living could speak, and when had exorcists ever really felt alive?

She looked up at him and he looked back, his coarse thumb rubbing her cheek as he tried to swallow her grief with a look alone. Her eyes moved back to the battlefield, where bodies were being put into coffins and he felt her shiver underneath his hand.

There were no words he could say, because nothing could erase the possibility that one day she would be here, crying in the rain, watching as his body was placed in his own coffin.

There were no words, so he said none.

Theme: Starlight
Universe: Bleach
Characters: Orihime

Never before had she felt so separated from everything. She was like the distant star watching the world but unable to really be a part of it. Orihime hugged her body from the chill of the night, or even to assure herself she was still there. Everyone else would be sound asleep in their beds, tired from a hard days work. They were all improving at a rate she could never match, and as they drew ahead she felt herself fall even further behind. The connection she had once felt as so strong, that she had counted on so many times in the past, was growing thin, even as she desperately clung to it. But she was losing her will for even that. If she let the threads go, surely they would be strong again.

Once the weakness was cut out.

(She was their weakness.)

She was the star that didn’t fit in their constellation. A tear rolled down Orihime’s cheek as she took a staggering breath, slow and full of the anguish held in her heart. Even Ichigo, who she had always felt the strongest for, felt miles away, on the other side of the Milky Way where she was unable to reach. Her heart could never reach his with the dim strength it held.

(It would be like grasping for starlight.)

The loneliness had returned, and she surrendered herself up into it so that the world could be blurred by her tears.

Edited by Miss Soupy, 04 May 2008 - 02:47 PM.

#6 Vyse


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 08:19 PM

Theme - Strawberries

Universe - Naruto

Pairing - NaruSaku

Genre - Humor/Parody

Words - 391


Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Uzumaki Naruto. He took a walk in the village. After a while, he came upon a house. The boy knocked and, when no one answered, he walked right in.

At the table in the kitchen, there were three plates of food. Naruto was a growing boy, and thus he was always hungry. He tasted the food from the first plate.

“This food is too posh!” he exclaimed with a frown.

So, he tasted the food on the second plate.

“This food is too tasteless,” he said.

So, he tasted the food from the last plate.

“Ah, this food is just right!” he said with a smile, and he ate it all up.

Naruto was very tired by this time, and decided to find a place to rest. He went into the first bedroom and laid down on the futon in the room.

“This bed is too traditional,” Naruto cried.

He went into the second room and laid down on the bed.

“This bed is too soft,” he frowned.

Then he went into the third room and laid down on the bed.

“Ah, this bed is just right.” Naruto yawned.

As he was sleeping, the three girls came back home.

“S-someone’s been eating m-my Sukiyaki,” Hinata stuttered.

“Someone’s been eating my salad,” cried Ino.

“Someone’s been eating my strawberries and they ate them all up!” Sakura raged.

The girls, kunoichi as they were, decided to look around for the intruder. When they got to the first bedroom, Hinata stuttered “S-someone’s been s-sleeping on m-my futon.”

Ino walked into the next room and cried “Someone’s been sleeping on my bed, too.”

Sakura walked into the last room and said “Someone’s been sleeping on my bed, too,” and she lowered her voice “and he’s still there.”

As silent as she could be, Sakura eased herself onto her bed to lie beside Naruto. He smelled of ramen and strawberries. A weird scent indeed, but to Sakura it was the best thing ever to tickle her senses.

Just then, Naruto opened his eyes to stare at Sakura. “I ate your strawberries,” he admitted with mischief in his eyes, daring her to say something. The pink haired girl smirked and lowered her face to taste his sweet lips.

“Shannaro,” she whispered.

The End

#7 Denim88


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 09:07 PM

Theme- Fireworks
Universe- Naruto
Characters/Pairing- NarutoxTayuya
Word Count- 439

"What are you doing up here?"

Tayuya turned to the inquiring voice, and gave a snort before turning back, "I hate crowds..."

Today was the tenth day of October, and as it had always been for the past sixteen years, the day Konoha had a huge festival in remembrance for the defeat of the Kyuubi and to honor the Yondaime Hokage. In fact, the two were standing on said Hokage's Monument right now.

"Yeah...I'm not really welcome down there on this day."

Tayuya nodded, and fiddled with the Leaf hitai-ite on her bicep, "Naruto, you don't have to keep me company you know. I'm fine."

"I know, but I felt like it. You're my friend, and aside from a few others, one of the few people that I trust."

She smiled, "Heh, you really are too nice to be a shinobi..." She scooted closer and rested her head on his shoulder, "...but I guess if you weren't I wouldn't be here right now."

Naruto wrapped an arm around her, and kissed her neck right where her Curse Mark had been. It had taken years of research, but Tsunade and Jiraiya had figured out how to remove it...right before the Toad Sage died.

"Baka...stop it...you know how much that..." her words were caught in her throat, and she gasped as he nipped at her collarbone, "Damn it...why'd I have to fall for an idiot like you...?"

Naruto pulled back, and grinned, "Probably the same reason why I fell for a girl who swears like a sailor and punches almost as hard as Sakura; just because you can."

Tayuya rolled her eyes and they decided to lie on their backs to watch the fireworks start up. The reds, blues, yellows, purples, and other colors mixed together as the two teens watched from their seats. Naruto took a minute to look at the redhead, and smiled when he found her looking at him as well. The sparkling lights caught in each other's eyes, and seemed to reflect the two teens' feelings.

"Tayuya...after we defeat Akatsuki...well, uh...would you...um..." his words became a jumble of nonsense after a minute or so.

Tayuya smirked as she laughed, "Yes, of course I would. Aside from Sakura and Tsunade-sama, no one else can keep you on a leash in this village except for me. "

The two shared a kiss under the sparkling fireworks display, and Naruto was glad that he spent that money at the jeweler the other day. He was hoping he wouldn't regret getting the fourteen karat ring. He'd show it to her later.

Edited by Denim88, 03 May 2008 - 11:54 PM.

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#8 Sakura Blossoms

Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 04 May 2008 - 12:57 AM

This drabble continues the scene set, in the drabble written by Yoko:

Here happy.gif

Theme - Starlight

Universe - The Siren RPG

Word Count - 499

Characters - Hikari, Irae, Kap, Rai

I walked silently up to Irae, and sat down quietly beside her.

I hurt...everywhere...it was a very wearying and bloody battle, and all around me...all that I could see...smell...taste on the back of my tongue...was the rancid taste of burnt, dead bodies. As the carrion birds circled slowly overhead, waiting for their turn to partake in the death and destruction that surrounded us, I just leaned forward, rested my head against Irae's shoulder...and just...cried.

I cried because we had almost lost another member of our slowly-dwindling family...I cried for the fact that we had all lost control on our restraints, and all had awakened so very violently...and I cried for the fact that all our futures were so very uncertain...I didn't want to lose anymore of my Forgotten family...I didn't want to be left alone in this cold, cruel world...they...my family...brought life and laughter to my life...and if I had to kill each, and every single person standing in my way of that continued family happiness...then I would do so, without a single shred of regret in my heart.

The soft, crunching sound of loose gravel under someone's feet, broke the silent tableau that Irae and I were in, and I looked up with shadowed, hazel eyes to the person who was approaching us. Once I saw who it was, the shadows quickly fled from my eyes, and I held out my arms to welcome the other piece of my soul...Irae, Rai, and the others occupying equal amounts of my heart and soul...and gently and lovingly wrapped Kap tightly up into my arms.

And then the three of us just sat there...alone...together...with no one else around to disturb us, except the now smoldering dead bodies, and they didn't have anything left to say to us.

We stayed there like that...just huddled together...drawing closeness and strength from one another, until the sun set on the now destroyed city...an entire city completely wiped off of the face of this planet by us...by our blood-drenched hands...and we continued to sit out there, in the middle of the burnt out, bombed out city until the moon rose slowly up into the starlit sky, and we heard a second set of slowly approaching footsteps.

We all looked up to see Rai's tall, strong, silent form standing before us, and without a word from him, he slowly held out his hands, and all three of us reached up, grasped his hands, and were all easily pulled to our feet.

We then began walking back towards our airship, which would take us all onto an even bigger, deadlier, and bloodier battle than the one we had all just been in...Empire of the Sun...Empress Sakura, and her Airship Siren crew...they were all waiting for us...waiting to try to annihilate us...and we'll be ready for them...ready and prepared to take on, and take out anything that the Empress, her Kingdom, and her crew decided to throw at us...why...because we were the Forgottens...and we would always get our enemies...always.

#9 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 04 May 2008 - 06:53 AM

Haha, I'm glad the limit got extended to 600 words, I don't know what I could've cut out to make it fit 500 XD.

Theme - Rain
Universe - Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters - the gAang
Word Count - 543

It had been weeks since they began their journey to the land of no return: the Fire Nation. It was unbelievably warm and the group couldn’t help but groan at the sweltering heat. Toph at some point exploded about the way her clothes kept sticking to her until Aang so kindly created a few breezes for their group when their were no onlookers. Poor kid had not realized that even the air he bended was dry and arid, sending the group to a state worse than before, much to the airbender’s dismay and embarrassment.

They had been traveling from town to town, city to city, helping people along the way and actually having fun in the Fire Nation, something they would have never dreamt of. Aang remembers most prominently the time he enrolled in a Fire Nation school and how that turned out, along with the time Toph had conned a large fortune from the scammers on the streets.

Aang had thought that he would collapse from the heat one particular day when the sun was high up in the sky and was quite unrelenting with its heat to the civilians of the town. Toph had passed out minutes ago, preferring to sleep away under the shade rather than to stay awake during the duration of the day. It would be cooler at night, she had reasoned and because of that, Sokka, Momo, and Appa had followed suit. It was times like these that Aang wondered if the Fire Nation ever rained, but it must, he reasoned, for the water had to have come from somewhere or else the lakes and oceans would have dried up. He vaguely remembered visiting Kuzon one time when the rain was particularly hard, they had ended up playing indoors that time.

He had abandoned his shirt hours ago and was tempted to do the same with the pair of pants that stuck uncomfortably to his legs. What he would give for a little rain right about that moment. As he lay on the grassy ground, relishing what little moisture the grass offered, Aang couldn’t help but wonder why Katara had yet do nap like he was about to do.

Katara was off to the side of the campsite staring off into distant sky as if seeing something that only she could see. Her face was calm and blank as if she was not the least bit bothered by the sweltering heat. She remained that way for what seemed hours to Aang until finally, he felt something cool hit his face, then another came, this time almost hitting him in the eye. He looked over at Katara and noticed how her face had suddenly lighted up as she danced around the falling droplets of water. It was then he realized that the rain he had been asking for finally came.

He lied there watching the girl of his dreams twirl around in the gently falling rain with a smile that set his stomach in knots. He contemplated waking up the others to relish in his new found discovery, but as Katara turned to him with that same smile beckoning him to join her, his selfish side won out. The others could wait just a little longer, he decided.

Fanfiction.net C2: Heaven & Earth: A NaruSaku Library

Colored by me

#10 True


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 08:24 AM

Theme: Ice Cream
Universe: Naruto x Bleach Crossover
Characters: Naruto and Orihime, or NaruHime
Words: 600

“Double chocolate scoop with gummy worms, Oreos, and ogura on a waffle cone please!”

The store owner looked at the orange haired, big breasted girl like she was crazy, but she kept on smiling with a ditzy expression.

He turned to the blond teenager standing next to her. “And what can I get you?”

“I’ll have vanilla with cinnamon swirls and ramen noodles all on a sugar cone!” he said.

The owner’s left eye twitched as he heard the order. These two were by far the weirdest couple he had ever met. Nevertheless he got their strange orders ready and gave it to them.

Naruto paid and left with Orihime outside the ice cream shop. The two of them walked together with ice cream cone in one hand, and their fingers entwined with the other.

They decided to enjoy their ice cream while having a stroll in the park.

“MMM I love this ice cream. It has my favorite flavors all in one! Thanks a lot Naruto-kun!”

Naruto grinned as he had another lick of his own ice cream. “No problem Orihime-chan! This ice cream really is the best. It almost tastes as good as you!” he finished with a grin.

Orihime blushed at his comment and gave an embarrassing laugh. “Don’t say that Naruto-kun. You’re going to make my face look like a tomato”

“Hehe, well it is true. Wanna try some of my ice cream? I bet you’ll really like it!”

“No thanks. I’m enjoying my own”

Naruto’s lips turned into a pout. “Oh come on Orihime-chan just try a little bit! Or at least let me taste some of yours. It looks delicious!” and he leaned over with his tongue sticking out trying to get a taste.

Inoue laughed as she moved her ice cream cone away from the eager blonde. “No way! I have mine, and you have yours!”

Naruto tried to pull her in closer as she struggled against his grip. Naruto kept on tugging her left hand with his right as she held her ice cream up in the air waving it away from him.

It wasn’t too long before gravity took over and both her chocolate scoops fell out of the cone and landed right on her top! Orihime shuddered at the cold touch and looked down as her ice cream dripped down her chest and all over her breasts!

Naruto stood there with his mouth wide open. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry Orihime-chan I didn’t mean for you to drop your ice cream! Here let me clean it up for you!” and he reached for some napkins.

Orihime put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him. “It’s ok Naruto-kun, you don’t need to clean it up or else it’ll all go to waste! Think about all the poor little kids in the world who don’t have anything to eat! I don’t want to be a no gooder ice cream waster person!” she said.

“Well what should we do then?”

Orihime got in a thinking pose. Before not too long a solution popped right into her head.

She slightly blushed before speaking. “Well…you did say you wanted a taste right?”

Naruto blinked a few times before he understood what she was getting at. He blushed himself. “Hehe I guess I could finish it off for you...”

Inoue gave him a big smile. “Now you can decide once and for all which one tastes better huh?”

Naruto had a mischievous look on his face. “Oh I think I already know the answer to that. But it still wouldn’t hurt to find out!”

And they lived happily ever after! :teehee:

Edited by TrueSalvation, 04 May 2008 - 08:36 AM.

#11 Recompense


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 12:15 AM

Theme: Rain
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Iruka And Naruto
Length: Under 500

A streak of steel gray flashed through the air.

A meaty sound was heard. The sound all ninja are trained to either ignore, or enjoy.

Naruto looked dumbly at the blade, it had cut deep. The wound started at his left ribcage, had slipped between the bones, cut both lungs open, and was now firmly lodged in his right lung. He screamed out as the blade was twisted, and then forced out his back, joining him to the earth beneath. Blood had burst out of him, yet now it was simply pooling, slowly pouring out of him like water from a cracked cup. He gasped for breath, his kunai slipped from now numb fingers.

Rain poured down, mixing with the blood and the sweat on his face, turning the blood-stained dirt around them into a muddy pile of blood, mud, and water, sticking to him. His enemy breathed a deep sigh, wearily pulling himself up, using the blade as a crutch while simultaneously twisting it in Naruto's wound. His brown hair hung low, covering his face as he panted from exertion.

A gurgle came from Naruto, as he struggled to find air


Iruka looked down at the boy he once loved as a son.

“I did it all for her..."

And then he died.
I'm just sitting here. Wondering what it'd be like To be with you.

#12 True


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 04:11 AM

Theme: Strawberries
Universe: Naruto x Bleach Crossover
Characters: Naruto and Rukia, or NaruRuki
Words: 310

“I want ramen!”

“Well I want strawberries!”

The couple continued to argue inside the store and caused all the other shoppers to stay away from them as they knew how violent the two could get.

“Why do you have to be so damn annoying Rukia-chan? I only brought enough money for one thing, and that’s ramen!” Naruto yelled.

“Well I don’t care! We are getting strawberries and that’s final!” she yelled right back.

Naruto gave her a dismissive wave. “Psh and what makes you think I’ll go along with that?”

“It’s either ramen or sex. Which one can you live longer without?” she asked.

Naruto gave a horrified gasp that caused Rukia to smirk in victory. He just stared at her for a minute before speaking.

“You’re a cruel kitten you know that?”

“Thanks for noticing”

Naruto cursed under his breath as he walked with her to pay for the strawberries and leave the store.

The two walked home together while Rukia decided to eat some of her strawberries and make loud moaning noises as she indulged in the scrumptious red fruits. Her little charade was driving Naruto off the edge causing him to grit his teeth in frustration.

“Why must you torture me by doing that?”

Rukia couldn’t help but laugh as she moved closer to him. “You know Naruto, these strawberries might be sweet…but you’re still the sweetest thing in my life”

“Yeah, yeah whatever” he grumbled.

Rukia giggled as she got closer to the blond and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Well thanks for getting me an appetizer. But I’m really looking forward to the main course” she winked.

“Did I ever tell you how much I loved you Rukia-chan?”

She smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. “Save it for tonight”

And indeed it was one of the sweetest nights they ever had together.

Edited by TrueSalvation, 05 May 2008 - 04:28 AM.

#13 Derock


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 04:33 AM

Theme: Ice Cream
Universe: Sonic the Hedgehog
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose; SonAmy (Knuckles mentioned)
Word Count: 588

He can't believe he was doing this...just for a bet with that damn echidna...…

Sonic the Hedgehog is at Station Square to prepare for what he should, scratch that, would never do in a million years...ask his self-proclaimed girlfriend, Amy Rose on a date. He was never the "lovey-dovey" type. Hell, he was trying to avoid that kind of life. But he has no choice, all because of that stupid bet he and Knuckles had made the other day. He is going to kill the echidna soon...

Sooner or later, he reached the front door of Amy's apartment. He knocked on the door, hopefully thinking that she is not home. But curse his luck when she opens the door…

"Sonic!" Amy immediately hugged him, almost choking him.

"...C-can't...br-br-breathe...," Sonic barely spoke, trying to tell Amy to stop hugging him, more like killing him.

"Sorry," Amy apologized. "What brings you here all of the sudden?"

As he said before, he can't believe he was doing this…

Sonic sighed. "Amy, would you like me to take you on a date?"

Silence came from the two. The pink hedgehog just stood there in shock. Then hearts begin to form in her eyes. One of her dreams has come true; she finally has a date with her number 1 hero!

"Oh my gosh! YES!" Amy immediately jumps on the blue hedgehog. "Dear me, I have to get ready!" She was about to run back into her apartment to change her clothes, but Sonic stopped her.

"Uh...can't you just go out with me with what you are wearing now?"

Amy was wearing the regular red dress she always wore every day. But today's weather is very warm outside and she was ready to wear something else. But if Sonic doesn't mind what she is wearing, she doesn't really care.

A few minutes later, the two hedgehogs left the apartment, holding hands. Sonic begins to worry as they started walking down the street. He doesn't have any clues of where he wants to take Amy for a date. And if she finds out about this situation, it is going to be trouble, especially if her hammer comes along.

Amy, however, felt a bit sticky. She heard that today was going to be very warm and hazy but it feels like it is very hot, more like 90 and above degree weather. But then, she suddenly has a taste for ice cream…

She immediately grab Sonic's arm and led him to her favorite ice cream parlor. Sonic was confused as first when she grab him like that. His thoughts were off when he heard her calling him.

"Hey, Sonic, what kind of flavor you want?"

"Huh?" Sonic just realized that they were next to order. "Wait! I suppose to ask you what you want and pay for it!"

"Don't worry about it! I know you’re gonna save it for a big dinner later on," Amy winked at him.

"I take Vanilla then."

She ordered and paid for their ice cream and sat down at the table. Sonic began to lick the ice cream; though he is not the ice cream lover, the treat tasted pretty good.

"This is not that bad," Sonic commented the treat.

"They are very good," Amy said while licking her strawberry ice cream. "This is the best ice cream shop in town."

"Maybe I'll take you back here, next time." Sonic grinned. As he said this, he was thinking maybe this date is not that bad after all.


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#14 Denim88


    I have my moments, believe it or not.

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  • Interests:Hm, interests...well, I was one of those crazy nuts that knew all the pokemon back when that was the big thing...still do know them all (cough). I happen to be a very strong supporter of NarutoxSakura pairing. I really enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I'm a gamer I guess...yeah, okay, I am. Let's see, what else could I put down...um, I love reading, writing, and biking too. Comedy movies are the best...um yeah. Kind of a weak interests section, but whatever.<br /><br />Ah, yes, I guess I should mention that my stories are also able to be viewed on fanfiction.net. You can find me under the name Denim88 on there too.

Posted 05 May 2008 - 05:08 PM

Theme- Starlight
Universe- NarutoxBleach crossover
Characters/Pairing- NarutoxRukia (sort of) NarutoxSakura (also...sort of)
Word Count- 586

He still couldn't believe it. He was dead...

He had killed off Pein, Madara Uchiha, and the remaining Akatsuki members...but it cost him. He used too much of the Kyuubi's chakra, and had caused an explosion that lit up the sky of half of the mainland for a brief moment...but now...

Naruto watched as Konoha went to bed on the night of his funeral. The day had been filled with mourning over his death, and joy for the end of Akatsuki...mostly mourning though.

Now he stood on the stone monument of his father, Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage. He let a few ghostly tears fall, but he didn't sob. He only wished he could be with his friends longer...he still promised to become Hokage to Tsunade...he still had planned on helping Sakura with bringing back Sasuke...but now he was dead...

"Naruto?" spoke a feminine voice. The blond whirled around to face a short, black haired woman with a black battle kimono of sorts with a sword on her back.

"In a moment, Rukia." Naruto replied to the newcomer. She claimed to be a Soul Reaper, and she had been assigned to bring him to the Soul Society personally, seeing as the Kyuubi's soul, while dead as well as him, was still inside Naruto.

Rukia walked over to the blond, and placed a hand on his shoulder. She was given a brief description of the young ninja; he was a boy that, despite his troubles, was kind beyond understanding, "Naruto...they would want you to rest in peace..."

Naruto nodded, "I know." Rukia felt the teen shake a bit, and heard him try to hold back the tears, "It's just...it's just...I'll never..."

"Naruto, you will see them again someday, I'm sure of it. Those are kind people down there...I'm sure that someday you'll be reunited with them."

Naruto nodded, and let out a ragged breath, "Okay...I'm ready to go."

Rukia noticed the last of Konoha's lights go out, and she was amazed to see the starlight visible in the boy's eyes. His eyes were truly the gateway to his soul...or they would have been if he was still alive. Now, he seemed to radiate that calming light similar to the heavens above.

Rukia smiled, and placed the end of her zanpakuto's handle on the boy's head. A small seal appeared on Naruto's head.

He gave her a small smile, "Hey, Rukia?"


"Well...um...would it be possible for me to maybe see you again sometime?"

Rukia smiled softly. In the few hours that she met this Jinchuuriki, she had seen the reason why Soul Society was so concerned in him being found immediately. He seemed to radiate with kindness and life. She liked the feeling he gave her, "Count on it."

Naruto grinned, and the two disappeared in a glow of blue light.

That night, Sakura had sworn she felt a chill run down her spine...a good kind. Something told her that despite the death of her dear friend...he was happy wherever he was. She held the necklace that he had worn not too long ago around her neck. Tsunade said that Naruto had proclaimed his trust in Konoha in her now. Naruto may have died...but his dream to protect Konoha would live on in the pink haired girl's heart. She would make sure of it.

Sakura looked to see a single star shine brightly among the others that night...

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#15 psycho666



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Posted 06 May 2008 - 01:12 AM

Theme: Ice Cream

Universe: Naruto

Characters/Pairings: NaruSaku

Word Count: 599 - (Actually 699 words)

The sun glared down spitefully against the stark blue sky of Saturday morning. Birds sang harmoniously throughout Konohagakure and one could’ve smelt the coffee brewing if they were standing in the middle of Suna. Young children chased each other about the streets, defying the laws of adulthood as their parents kept half an eye on them while sipping ice tea and chatting about their neighbors. It was the average summer day in Konoha indeed, one you’d be especially hard pressed in finding another living being indoors at the particular time. However, as peaceful as it sounds, reveling in such pleasantries as this was reserved almost strictly for the sane.

“Goddammit! Goddammit! Goddammit!”

A loud ricocheting crash came echoing through the tranquility of the village as something of a large crater became visible through dissipating clouds of dust and gravel. Scruffy blonde hair peeked through gradually in the center of fore mentioned catastrophe and one could barely make out the shape of a young 16-year-old shinobi panting heartily in result of the mess.

“Naruto! Stop tearing up the training grounds! Other people have to use them too ya know!”


The reprimanded boy now known as Naruto turned his head exasperatedly toward the source of the voice, catching as many breathes as possible before replying.

“Like…*pant* you should talk! You’re the one always smashing the ground apart like there’s no tomorrow Ms. Monster Muscles!”

The lone silhouette he had addressed, standing at the head of the crater ‘hmphed’ defiantly before making her way in slipping down the dirt slopes towards her blonde and exhausted subject.

“I prefer Goddess Of All That Is Hot And Kick-Ass, actually.” Bubblegum pink hair flip.

Cerulean blue eye-roll.

“Well, aside from the obvious means to show off your fallacious dignity, what brings ye a forth thy good lass?”

A small giggle escaped the kunoichi’s mouth at the faux Shakespearian accent and she shook her head briefly before obliging with an answer.

“I heard you were out here so I thought I’d come be a dear and offer you some water.” Sakura brought out an ice cold bottle of H2O from her bag and presented it to Naruto before her with a broad and proud smile on her face.

Naruto blinked a couple seconds as he stared at the Aquafina right before his face, as if trying to understand what it was, until a very large and eerily sly grin came creeping across his whiskered cheeks.

“I think I have a much better idea”

Sakura’s own grin faltered a little as she stared at her blonde companion, her hand holding the water bottle slowly dropping back down again to her side. There was a suspiciously mischievous glint in the opposite set of crystal eyes in front of her and Sakura had no doubt in her mind that by the way the blood was rising to her cheeks, her face would resemble nothing short of Gaara’s hair in a couple of seconds.

Before the pink-haired medic had a fraction of a second to even blink, Naruto’s hand was wrapped around her own and she seemed to be drifting unearthly closer to him. Coupled with the obvious state of her face in that moment, Sakura could barely hear her thoughts through the erratic beating of her heart as she felt herself becoming near enough to kiss him. And from the way he was looking at her, that was probably what was going to happen. As Sakura felt the breathe of her Kyuubi containing teammate opon her neck she hadn’t a second thought in her mind that she knew exactly what was going down, and she gradually started to close her eyes as she practically floated toward Naruto, awaiting his lips.

Unfortunately, that's not how life goes.

Sakura’s emerald orbs shot open like rockets shooting off when she felt Naruto’s hand steering her around and quite past previously inviting form as he stalked off out of the vandalized training grounds, pulling her along behind him while he went with sudden determination.

“Super Double Fudge Banana Sundae With Extra Sprinkles here I come!”

It wouldn’t be far off to say that all four countries sweat-dropped simultaneously at that very moment.

Theme: Rain

Universe: Death Note

Characters: Misa, Light (not a pairing, unless you want to see it that way)

Word Count: 598 - (Actually 761 words)




Yagami Light had forever been known, ever since popping out of his mother’s womb, for being an unmistakably deep sleeper. Quite literally, the only thing that would wake him up was the incessant whining of his most loathed alarm clock, and in all honesty, for anyone it was hard not to with the phonic sensation of a chainsaw driving through your skull every morning. However, the one other thing that would potentially snap a teenage genius awake was perhaps something reminiscent to a wet stray dog scratching a, very finely painted mind you, front door down so that it crashed rather dramatically into the pristine white walls of the living space.


Or rather a soaking wet 98-pound supermodel would work better.

A loud splintering crack was heard audibly from the fore area of a certain 18-year-old God-wannabe’s apartment. Unfortunately for us, the usual chronic dose of unaltered collectiveness had been temporarily on pause in this moment, and the owners eyes snapped open like they were never closed in the first place and left a reaction to our small catastrophe that was most displeasing.

Light felt himself wake with an adulterated start from one of his rare and treasured, undisturbed catnaps. Flinging himself feverishly from the sprawling perch he had previously been on top of his bed, he raced the wind down the small hallway from his room to the banging monstrosity before him. As hurriedly as he could, without giving away any slight vibe of discomfort, he reached out and gratefully stopped the door from ricocheting of his chipped walls once again. Not bothering to mask, however, the subtle death glare he decided to ricochet toward a certain dripping culprit.

Oblivious as always, proclaimed renegade gave a large and rather goofy grin toward her glowering partner and ran exuberantly to give him what she imagined to be a loving and well acceptable bear hug.

Our megalomaniac had a different opinion however. Holding her back by the shoulders once she had come quite too close for comfort, Light put on his best polite smile with blatantly pissed off eyes combo across his features and posed the inevitable question.

“What are you doing here Misa?”

She appeared not to catch the gritted teeth bonus as she giggled excitedly and started stalking into his used-to-be holily clean apartment.

“Well, see Misa-Misa was walking back from the coffee shop, because she didn’t want to ride on one of those bus things, and she was getting completely soaked to the bone so she decided she’d wait somewhere for the rain to let up, and then Misa-Misa suddenly thought of your place to crash, so she turned around and stalked all the way from the other end of town!”

“…To crash, huh?”

Giddy blonde head bob.

Light repressed a long sigh as he deliberated with himself and decided that, despite the horrendous state of her apparel, she was, after all, his girlfriend and it’d be risking an act of unattractive rudeness if he pushed her out now. So without further ado, keeping his pearly whites hidden with a light grin he complied and quickly thrust a very long and very water absorbent towel in her direction, steering her as far away from the carpet as possible. She squealed in delight as he went to the kitchen to put on some tea and make sure every strand of flawless hair was properly in place. During his tasks of being a host, Light found himself quite proud of how lenient he was being as he poured the steaming green tea into one of the small cups and figured it’d only be right to serve her one as well.

The auburn-haired, young mass murderer re-entered only a few minutes later with two cups in his hand and gave one, a little reluctantly, to his girlfriend. She cheered at the accommodation and plopped down on the small chair lining the wall of the hardwood floor area. Forcibly sitting down next to his Lolita maladroit pawn, despite all the squeals and giggles, Light came to the conclusion that on a rainy day as such, he could tolerate her bubbly presence long enough to maintain his reputation and…

“So, since it seems to be raining pretty hard and it probably won’t be till a while, I brought some of my most faavoorite romance novels for us to read together and…”

And Light saw that his long held prominence for being a deep sleeper was far too delicate a trait to be discarded in the years to come.


Edited by Sakura Blossoms, 14 May 2008 - 07:38 PM.

#16 AchikaMiyu


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Posted 07 May 2008 - 02:09 PM

Damn you people and your contests that I simply can't refuse! I should be working right now! 111193.gif Oh well. Here's an angsty one.

Theme: Rain
Universe: Naruto
Characters: Konan/Pein
Word count: 451

He was always around her, but never there. He surrounded her with his presence, yet he was always miles away. When did things become so constrained between them? Maybe it had always been like that. Holding her hand out into the cool rain, she felt the sensual kiss of the rain: his rain. It glided down her fingers like joyful tears, it splattered against her palm playfully. She liked to think that she was the only one privy to these sensations. But he was a God and God loves all.

Their was once a time when she was the only one he loved. When she was the only one that they loved. Yahiko was the more demonstrative one while Nagato favored being the silent protector. They meant the world to her. In a way, she could consider herself lucky that she would always see Yahiko’s face everyday and when see looked into his eyes, Nagato would be the one staring back at her. She should feel lucky.

She pulled her hand out of the rain and stared at her damp skin. It glistened, mocking the fact that she wasn’t the only one blessed by his gift. Because even though she could always see her two precious people everyday, they spared her the same courtesy as all of Amegakure no sato. She clenched her fist in frustration, digging her nails into her palm.


She turned to face the man who embodied everything she lived for, “Yes, Pein-sama.”

“You shouldn’t stay so close to the rain, it will ruin your jutsu.”

“I know. I only wanted to feel it, to remember.”

The Akatsuki leader nodded briefly, “we leave tomorrow to go after the Kyuubi. I trust that you will be ready and rested?”

“Of course,” she said bowing, letting a few strands of blue hair fall in her face. A gesture that once elicited the rarest and rawest emotions from that man.

He said nothing else and did nothing as he left her to her thoughts. That was how things were between them now. She was paper and he was rain. He would be her downfall, her ruin. He would only drench her with his ambitions until she would become a fragile mess, easily torn and washed away. Pulling her wet hand to her face, she let the moisture wet her dry lips. It was the closest she would get to him: to Yahiko, to Nagato, to Pein . . . it didn’t matter who he was anymore because to her, he would always be hers. Hers to love, hers to protect and hers to die for, because she loved the rain and she wanted nothing more than to drown in it.

End of line.

#17 Vyse


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:20 PM

Theme - Starlight

Universe - Naruto

Pairing - NarutoYukie

Wordcount - 599


It’s hard.

Leaving behind everything and everyone you’ve ever loved. How could anyone stay smiling after you lost the privilege of being with your precious people?

Uzumaki Naruto knows.

Four months ago, Konoha decided he needed to disappear. The council and Tsunade had proof about Akatsuki getting into the final stages of their plan, and Naruto was simply not safe in Konoha anymore. He was a wild card, and he would put his friends in risqué if he kept going on missions with them. It’s not like Pein would mind killing a couple of enemy shinobi to get what he wanted.

No, Naruto had to go. He had to go far from Konoha, to a place where he could train his mind and body until the day came when he could return to his home. Maybe he hadn’t lost his precious people, but being separated from them still hurt.

Kakashi sent Pakkun to ask Queen Yukie of the Spring Country if she would offer amnesty, something she was happy to give. The blonde had saved her and her country all those years ago, and Yukie had never forgotten those piercing blue eyes so full of warmth and kindness.

It took Naruto a while to get there, but upon his arrival he was welcomed by the entire village and the Queen herself. Never before had Naruto met so many smiling faces. Their faces radiating with love and gratitude.
Eyes filled with admiration and trust.

Everything Naruto had ever wanted in Konoha, he found there in the Spring Country. So far away from home, yet it felt more like home than Konoha ever had. Maybe leaving his old life behind wouldn’t be so bad after all?

It didn’t take long for Naruto to get reacquainted with the former princess. Yukie had taken the title of Queen for herself, and ruled the Country of Spring with a loving hand. All her subjects adored the girl, like they had adored her father before her. She had led the village through prosperity and claimed a place among the world’s richest countries.

Naruto was awed with how much she had changed, but he could tell he liked it. The Queen had blossomed into an incredible beauty. Her pale skin shone in contrast with her silky locks of dark hair. Her violet eyes shone with life, and her smile could light up the darkest of nights.

As Jiraiya’s price student, he had to admit her body left him fighting his inner beast for control. She was absolutely perfect in any way, and he wanted her.

To this day, Naruto had lived his life to the fullest. At the young age of 19, he had grown strong enough to take down the Akatsuki, and he was asked to be Hokage.

A smile graces his vulpine features as his blue eyes glanced up at the starry sky. Did his parents watch him from up there? He liked to think that the light of the stars were his parents’ love for him shining down. Would his father have accepted Naruto’s choice?

A presence made itself known as a slender form laid down beside him and cuddled close. Yukie’s eyes shone with love as she watched the man who gave up everything for her. He gave up his dream when he decided not to return to Konoha. He might not be theirs anymore, but he belonged to Spring now.

He belonged to her.

The starlight seemed to shine with glee as the stars watched the king and queen of the Spring Country gaze upon them.

The stars were content.

#18 Derock


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:52 PM

Theme: Rain
Universe: Virtua Fighter (anime version)
Characters: Pai Chan, Akira Yuki (Jacky Bryant mentioned)
Word Count: 226

Rain begins to pour down...The sky was very gloomy as the rain falls... Pai Chan watches the rain pours from the window of the van driven by her friend, Jacky Bryant. The rain, as it falls, makes her very sleepy. She soon doses off like her other friend, Akira Yuki, who passed out an hour ago.

She wakes up a little bit later, realized they had stopped at a rest stop probably for a half-hour or so. Jacky was sound asleep on the driver's wheel. Alexander, the pet flying squirrel, was also asleep on her lap. As she focuses on her surroundings, she realized that Akira was missing and it was still raining but it became worse. Worrying about him, she quietly grabs a jacket and opens the van door. She rushes outside with her jacket on and began to search for the missing martial artist. The search was quickly finished though when she heard a battle cry; Akira was just a few feet away from the van, practicing his Hakkyoku-ken, in the stormy weather.

Pai was fuming with anger. Here she is worrying about the guy, yet he was just a few feet away, plus with no coat on! She really gonna pound him when he gets back to the van.

...Although she will never admit it, Akira looks sexy training in the rain...


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#19 Denim88


    I have my moments, believe it or not.

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  • Interests:Hm, interests...well, I was one of those crazy nuts that knew all the pokemon back when that was the big thing...still do know them all (cough). I happen to be a very strong supporter of NarutoxSakura pairing. I really enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I'm a gamer I guess...yeah, okay, I am. Let's see, what else could I put down...um, I love reading, writing, and biking too. Comedy movies are the best...um yeah. Kind of a weak interests section, but whatever.<br /><br />Ah, yes, I guess I should mention that my stories are also able to be viewed on fanfiction.net. You can find me under the name Denim88 on there too.

Posted 08 May 2008 - 10:32 PM

Theme- Rain
Characters/Pairing- Aysu and Vulcan (slightly paired, I guess)
Universe-Airship: Siren
Word Count- 568

Rain battered down on the two glaring opponents. Some where say this was their way of solving problems...others would say they hated each other...however only a few knew the truth...

...they fought with each other because it was the way the showed trust in each other.

The younger of the two, a teen of nineteen years named Vulcan forced himself to stand as his boots slid in the mud. Across from him was his opponent Aysu, a demi elf of three years his senior. Neither was moving, each holding their respective weapon in hand.

"Hey, Bounty Hunter, are you going to attack or do I have to make you eat more mud again~?" she asked in a sing song voice that aggrivated Vulcan so.

"Heh...I'd like to see you try, Elf."

As the lightning flashed, Aysu seemed to dissapear. Vulcan cursed and whirled around to meet her knife with his massive sword. He glared at her, and pushed her back a few inches. She simply smiled. The smile taunted him, insulted him...let him know she acknowledged him...a little at least.

"Had enough?" she asks, looking at his bleeding arms and single gash running down his back. Vulcan smirks. Aysu had a few small cuts of her own. Nothing that would scar badly though. Part of him was glad for that.

"No..." he replied, staring her down. She frowned, and sighed.

"Idiot, you're having trouble standing. You've been sparring with me for two hours straight, not including the time you spent out training by yourself earlier. What's the point of training when you can't even raise your sword without straining yourself further?" she spoke with an annoyed tone. Seriously, how stupid was he?

"If I don't try harder...I'll never become stronger...and some day it will cost me more than just a few scars and lacerations..." he replied, "You know all to well how unskilled I used to be...you could have killed me two years ago."

The demi elf rolled her eyes, "What's your point?"

"You let me live...I still don't know why, but you did. I don't plan on letting that happen again. I'm sure the Forgotten won't be so merciful as you." he spoke, and he began to feel light headed. He dropped to his knees, and groaned, "Ugh...used too much power..."

Aysu walked over to her fallen sparring partner and offered a hand. Vulcan looked at her, unsure if she was playing a trick on her. He took it, and she helped him up. She smiled as she helped him back to the palace of the Sun, "I expect something good for dinner to pay for this." she spoke, looking over to him with a rare bit of sincerity in her expression.

"Sure thing, Aysu..." Vulcan replied with a chuckle.

The downpour continued on as Aysu and Vulcan ate some roasted chicken and vegetables. It had been a good sparring session afterall, Vulcan thought as he ate peacefully with his friend. Guess the Elvaan thief could be nice too from time to time.

A small smile crossed his features, and Aysu noticed. She raised an eyebrow, but didn't ask anything further about it. That bounty hunter was a weird one. He was okay though, she thought. At least he wasn't making threats to kill her anymore.

Maybe he had changed over those two years afterall...

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#20 Derock


    H&E Interpol Agent

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  • Location:From Brick City to Lone Star, USA
  • Interests:Video games (fighting), NaruSaku, Naruto, Sonic, Street Fighter, DOA, Darkstalkers, Tekken, computers, MHA

Posted 08 May 2008 - 11:58 PM

Theme: Strawberries
Universe: Dead or Alive
Characters: Kasumi
Word Count: 350

It was a gorgeous day to walk outside. Kasumi, the runaway kunoichi of the Mugen Tenshin clan, was heading towards the Seaside Market. She had remembered the place because it was one of the arenas during the fourth DOA World tournament. It was so sad that most of the market had been damaged by the contestants, so many fruits and vegetables had been wasted. But after the tournament, the Market was back in business.

And that’s why she is there today, while wearing her cherry blossom sleeveless sweater, a blue skirt, a white scarf around her neck and white boots, to pick up her most favorite fruit, strawberries. She loves how the fruit tastes since she was little. She is hoping that the strawberries are ripe enough to make her favorite dessert, strawberry millefuile.

A few minutes later, she leaves the market with a bundle of strawberries in a bag. She was so lucky today. She managed to pay for the most fresh and ripen strawberries. She can’t wait to get back to the apartment to start cooking.

Though she was living in paradise, she always has to keep her guard up. She is not a normal person in real life. She is a ninja, a runaway in fact, and the clan may find her any minute now, even when she is at least expected.

She reached her apartment with no danger of the ninja in sight. She takes her boots off and puts her bag of strawberries on the counter in the kitchen. She then begins to find her utensils.

Two hours and twenty minutes later, her favorite dessert dish was done. She cut a piece of the pastry and sat down outside in the balcony with a cup of tea and a bowl of strawberries on the table. The sun was shining bright and there was no cloud in the sky. It was so beautiful yet so peaceful. She took a bite of her dessert..."Mmmm...so delicious..."

The day was very peaceful indeed. Kasumi's worries were carried away from her by the taste of her strawberry millefuile.


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

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