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Fanfiction Hates

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#1 Unknown Entity

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Posted 26 March 2006 - 06:25 AM

I didn't really know where to put this so I just put it here...

This isn't a topic about what couples you hate, or which specific fanfiction you dislike... but more of what general things that authors do that you hate.

Ex. Mary-Sues

Now, personally I don't only hate Mary-Sue's but I pretty much hate any OC... no matter how well done. I don't read stories with major OC's in them. That may be my loss, because I'm sure there are some good stories out there that contain them, but whatever.

I also hate stories that use Japanese words in them. Something simple like Arigatou or whatever... I just hate it. There is the rare occasion where I see that the Japanese word fits better and actually serves the purpose better than using the English word... but those are pretty much one in a million. It's just really annoying reading a whole ENGLISH story to find that the author wanted to be cool and use a single Japanese word in the dialouge.

Those are my major two.
Pretty bored.

#2 Angel



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Posted 26 March 2006 - 06:50 AM

I hate it how fan boys make more of Hinata then they hsould be, because of the a few people here in narusaku *stare*
are picking on her, when she herself has done nothing wrong!

Hinata has nothign to do with them! so back off guys *glare* anyways that what I hate, I ma fan of Hinata but Even I know shes not some godess or something.....if only everyone else can say the same thing then there should be more fanfictions that are belivable and worth reading *sigh*

#3 Vespar



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Posted 26 March 2006 - 01:30 PM

Fanfiction pet peeves, eh? Here's two of mine.

The occasional 'Sauske' or 'Tsunande' is fine. But if I consistently see that, I can't help but feel the writer has so little respect for the series to not even bother spelling a name right, that I won't even bother to pay them the same respect of reading their fic. (Additionally, I usually avoid a fic if their summary has a spelling mistake and they have more than 3 chapters)

Author's Notes
Specifically, notes in the middle of stories. Why, OH WHY must people interrupt their own story flow for something unintelligible about how they think this person's 'hawt'?

I also agree with Unknown Entity's choice of Mary-Sues and Unnecessary Japanese. To me, Japanese is fine if it's a suffix to a name or a technique (with a translation worked into the writing without looking like an Author's Note).

Course, all of the above can be thrown out the window if it's a parody.

Edit: hahah... 'ocassional'... ^^;;;;

Edited by Vespar, 30 March 2006 - 11:20 AM.

#4 Unknown Entity

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Posted 26 March 2006 - 03:18 PM

QUOTE (Vespar @ Mar 26 2006, 06:30 AM)
Fanfiction pet peeves, eh? Here's two of mine.

Author's Notes
Specifically, notes in the middle of stories. Why, OH WHY must people interrupt their own story flow for something unintelligible about how they think this person's 'hawt'?

I also agree with Unknown Entity's choice of Mary-Sues and Unnecessary Japanese. To me, Japanese is fine if it's a suffix to a name or a technique (with a translation worked into the writing without looking like an Author's Note).

Course, all of the above can be thrown out the window if it's a parody.

Ah, pet peeves... that's the word I was looking for...

Author notes in the middle don't bother me as much... they're still very annoying, but I've learned to ignore them.

I also forgot to say that Japanese suffixes are alright, it's just words people use in dialouges that really get to me.
Pretty bored.

#5 PeacefulPhoenix



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Posted 26 March 2006 - 04:47 PM

everything you said, and baisc people who cant write a fanfic right, like i read this one fanfic i wont mention, that had anruto acting like SASUKE and sauske is nowhere to be seen, Sakura is this shy girl, and Hinata like Tsunade!

#6 MBKon


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Posted 26 March 2006 - 04:48 PM


NaruHina stories. Heh, saw that comin' didntcha?
Well, they have ridiculous plots. The characters in the stories are way OOC.

What authors do? Well, they put english names as OC's. Like Bryan, Frank, that certainly pisses me off ><

#7 CloudedMemories



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Posted 26 March 2006 - 05:35 PM

My pet peeve? When about 1/10 of the chapter is actual writing and the rest of the 9/10s are Omake's and Author Notes.

#8 SweetestChick



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Posted 26 March 2006 - 10:20 PM

I just hate bashing and stories that are rushed.
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#9 tangerine_fever


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 12:04 AM

thoughtless stories, with no plotline and bad characterisation. I don't hate it, I just won't read it. And of course, english name OC's as well. Again, not too bad, just annoying.

#10 Echoside


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 12:42 AM

English names, Yaoi, so short that most of your scrolling is for adds, inter-changing japanese to english Jutsu names, OC take over, Sandiame/Yondiame mixing-up, review whores (Pardon my french), and Naruto as a secret Uchiha.

Theres more but, I don't feel like listing them.
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#11 Destiny


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 02:21 AM

I do not like:
Over-used plots, terrible detail, no originality (kind of goes with the first one), bashers, stories with no depth, and most of all Stories that have NO character development. GOOD GOD I can't stand when the characters stay the same or just randomly become strong ot smart or grown up. I'm like COME ON GIVE ME SOME DEPTH! Ok I'm done. happy.gif()

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#12 Snake


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 03:08 AM

Several things-

a) Super pairings stories, i.e. stories that simply have to have every person paired up...annoys the hell out of me.

B) Spelling mistakes IN THE SUMMARY. No excuse...really.

c) High School fics...enough said.

d) Stories with no depth, plot, or imagery. Self-insertions, Naruto-raised-by-Jiraiya/Tsunade/Orochimaru and befriends a female Haku...the list goes on.

ninja.gif ninja.gif ninja.gif ninja.gif ninja.gif ninja.gif

#13 Vespar



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Posted 30 March 2006 - 06:46 AM

Vampire fics get old too; that is, if they aren't old enough already.

Course, I also dislike not-well-thought-out serious pairings. Like ones where Sakura and Lee get together and every reason why they're together is exactly the same should it have been Naruto instead of Lee. Course, this is always explained away with a single sentence that Sakura sees Naruto as a brother only.

#14 Guest_ashleyriot_*

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 08:22 AM

You know, I never even thought about some of these things. Alot of what you guys have said have indeed annoyed me in the past. I just never thought about it until now.

But I would have to say the one thing i dislike immensely are fanfictions that use characters that have little to no chemistry. Don't get me wrong. It's fine if the writer can somehow give the characters some kind of even ground or something in common. But that seldon happens

#15 maayabee


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Posted 31 March 2006 - 06:18 PM

Fanfic pet peeves

1) High school fics
2) Mary-Sues
3) Bad spelling and grammar (No netspeak in a fic, please)
4) Canon character-rape. "When characters become an exageration of their bad qualities or good qualities."

Anyhow, if you guys want to read more fanfic peeves written by a large community of people, go to


#16 Raiya


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Posted 01 April 2006 - 06:52 AM

Poorly done OC's
-I have read several well-done OC fanfictions where the main character from a series was matched up with a character added by the author. I've noticed that they're generally poor done when the author has an obsession with some character from a series, and uses their OC as a symbol of themselves without being able to be criticized for having a self-insertion fic.

Overdone Plots
-High school fanfiction has been done to death. This type of fic is so bland and unoriginal it's basically been butchered Not to mention vampire fanfiction, another over and poorly done idea.

Character Bashing
-Just because an author doesn't approve of a certain character and sees fit to portray them as something other than what they are irks me. I once ran into an author who bashed Sakura just because she thought her OC belonged with Sasuke. It was a little irritating when they portrayed her with an absent minded 'stereotypical blonde' personality. Luckily I was able to leave some constructive crit and cured her of that.

-I just don't prefer it personally. I read the occasional one when I'm bored, but yaoi fanfiction tend to fall into the 'overdone plot' category, although I have read a few that were very well done. Sometimes the ideas presented in the story are horribly outlandish, something which kind of turned me off shonen ai.

Switch-hitting between English and Japanese
-This leaves alot of readers in the dark, I find it annoying when an author uses a single Japanese word in an otherwise English story. It's like they drop it in their just to confuse the reader, it's a big trend these days and it viewed as cool. But what's the point? Some things are allowable (At least in my opinion), such as the endings of Chan, Kun, Sama.. Those are pretty generic and sometimes stress the importance of the different relations between characters. But use them correctly, or don't use them at all.

And lastly:

Giant Paragraphs Passed off as a Story
-When someone posts a huge glob of text without adding in line breaks or new paragraphs.. I don't even bother to read them. It's a total eyesore and it's not worth sifting through, time consuming and a downright lazy move on the authors part. Whenever I see these, I just leave a comment pointing out when to add spaces so readers won't have to waste time going back to reread what they might have missed. I've seen stories where people didn't even bother to put in quotation marks.. THAT was horrible.

So, that's what bothers me as far as fanfiction goes.

#17 Guest_ashleyriot_*

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Posted 01 April 2006 - 07:11 AM

I guess I had one more thing I hated about some fics. It took Raiya's dislikes to make me remember it though

I agree with Raiya 100% on the 'Giant Paragraphs Passed off as a Story' thing. I can't tell you how many stories I prepared myself to read. But the moment I click on them they have this GIGANTIC paragraph as their story. Not a single break in sight. Just ONE GIANT PARAGRAPH.

I don't even bother reading it the moment I see that. Honestly, that is something they teach you NOT TO DO in grade school.

#18 PeacefulPhoenix



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Posted 01 April 2006 - 11:53 PM

sometimes, i think the people who write it ARE stupid or somethin

every one of my dislikes is up there, but this one

YURI, over rated for me, and i've seen WAY to many so far, and one to many ideas taken from other authors, and this is just me cause i read em, but Love Hina Fanfics always have a What if Kei and Moto married, and i HATE it, like SasuSaku stories, they SUK, they have no PLOT, and they have no DEPTH

#19 Lloyd_Aurion



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Posted 02 April 2006 - 12:30 AM

The line, or some variation of, she has curves in all the right places. I have seen that stupid line so many times it makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Honestly, would it really be so difficult for someone to find another way to say the girl is hot?

Other than that, most of the things that have all ready been mentioned. Yaoi, Mary-Sues, High School fics, SELF-INSERTS, and popular pairings that have no basis.

#20 wingsover


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Posted 02 April 2006 - 01:19 AM

Well, just off the top of my head:

1) Author's Notes in the middle of the chapter: interrupt the flow of the story why doncha. It's not like your story needs all the help it can get to stay interesting. It's not like we aren't all dying to know that you find WHAT YOU'VE JUST WRITTEN YOURSELF as insanely funny or kawaiiiii. You know what I mean, the "And so Naruto gave her a flower (AN: OMG so kawaiiii! XD XD XD XD)" or "And then Sakura hit Merisu with a frying pan because she was jealous of Merisu's flawless looks and better talent. (She's such a b****, I know this girl in school just like her)"

2) Turning Naruto emo: Naruto would NOT cut himself, stare into the darkness and quote bad gothic poetry to himself. I totally understand him having moments of angst, because unlike the 'emo' tween who is writing the story Naruto has actually had a pretty bad life with ample reason for angst, but part of what makes him unusual is that he rises above that. And even if he angsts he would not do it in such an overblown pretentious way.

3) A blow-by-blow account of everyone's wardrobe: granted, description of clothing adds to the reality and the feel of the story. And it might even be a plot point. But some people (including myself in younger, more foolish years) take it to the extreme, dedicating whole paragraphs to the description of the person's clothing, taking it for granted that whatever they find stylish is also the epitome of cool for whoever is reading. And god, I do not need to know what the front of the baby-pink tee you just wasted two minutes of my life on says. I am not impressed by phrases like "Girls RULE Boys DROOL" or "Grrlz Power!" and it does not make your character hardcore.

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