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The Marketing of Naruto

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#1 tricksie


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 05:45 PM

I have some theories about what is going on with Naruto's marketing lately.


That the redesigns, the merchandise, the final chapters, the retcon and subsequent hard-sell of NH in the movies are all pointing to a larger project on the horizon. Or at the very least higher ticket and product sales in the short run.


One of the biggest indicators, to me, has been Hinata's redesign as a possible way to bring in new viewers to the fold, specifically girls. Hence the flat-chested, self-confident girl that looks nothing like the manga Hinata. They're hoping that girls will want to be her, while guys will want to be with her.


Trang95 posted an excellent post from planknojutsu on tumbler about the potential marketing from Ch. 700 on, and his theories about what is happening. 


Honestly, I think NaruSaku is over, yes.  I have a lot of reasons why, and I’ve thought so since chapter 700 came out.  For a brief period of time, I thought there might be some trick here, a genjutsu, and I vaguely held onto that hope up until Chatte posted her theory about it.  However, although she had GREAT points and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt why NaruSaku SHOULD be canon, she went at it from a purely art/storywriting perspective, which doesn’t explain the motives behind WHY it might be a genjutsu or WHY it might just be the real ending.

You see, as soon as I looked 700 over I immediately theorized a motive for why it was so off the wall.  Whoever decided to make it obviously wouldn’t be sitting there thinking “How can we make a shitty ending to Naruto??” and laughing with maniacal glee.  That’s not how these things work.  The person/people would have to have SOME kind of reasoning that should explain this ending.  The moment I connected the dots to the New Era Project and the sequel—that’s when I knew.

Chapter 700 is not an ending at all.  It’s not intended to be.  Chapter 700 is an advertisement.  It’s a teaser, and it’s all about money.  Chapter 700 is the beginning of a sequel.  I already made a post about that (linked above), but I’m going to go into even greater depth this time and explain exactly why I am 100% positive about this.

Let’s look at what we have:

  • A main character who is a young, spunky boy with a very sympathetic chip on his shoulder: he isn’t taken seriously, his voice isn’t heard, and he is lonely.  To combat this, he seeks attention, even if it is negative.
  • A co-star who is a young, quiet girl that has a strange affinity to the spunky young boy.  He doesn’t seem to notice her, but she seems alright with simply watching him.  She finds his behavior relatable due to her own family issues.
  • An array of (very) conveniently peer-aged characters with different personalities, dynamics, and various opinions about one another.  We get a brief look into each of their lives and get a feel for their character types very specifically.  Note: This is one of the most telling signs that his is a sequel intro and not—in any way, shape or form—a proper ending.
  • An excuse for our (former) main characters to be just a little too busy to immediately intercede in the zany adventures of the children.  The women are waysided as housewives which is a decidedly disempowering move, relegating them to “at home” by design.  Naruto and Sasuke are so preoccupied that they barely see their own children.
  • A new villain.  In Sasuke’s panels, he appears to have someone following him.  This implies a potential villain to me, and the fact that even he is not able to properly detect this threat shows that it must be someone/something extremely skilled.  Something that could pose a threat to Sasuke could also pose a threat to Naruto—convenient!  Something so strong that our (former) main characters are in danger, making way for new characters to do something about it!
  • A fresh new take on the Naruto world with updated technology that will help the current youth relate more closely to the children on screen.  This also serves as a way to make the most likely extremely unoriginal sequel stand on its own a little tiny bit more.
  • A name for the main character that translates perfectly into something “cool” in English.  Meet Bolt, American [NaruHina] fans!  I can’t speak for how the other names will be localized because Salad is a fucking joke.
  • A new set of problematic adults for the youth to “fix.”  We have our new pre-Godaime Tsunade in Naruto, a jaded adult who has accepted and been beaten down by the unfortunate realities of the world—like the idea that there will always be lonely, neglected children.  We have the unsettled Sasuke who still hasn’t found what he’s looking for, apparently.  I don’t think he has as nice of a parallel to compare to, but it seems as though some of his childhood problems are yet unsolved.  Bolt and Salad to the rescue!
  • A new set of clan logos to hock off onto people as merchandise.

We are also getting, as we all know, a film to kickstart interest from a whole new set of viewers (and plenty of old ones) which portrays our heroes and heroines in this new light.  It will and establish their “out-of-character” selves as a new status quo.  I put OOC in quotes specifically because this entire ending is the beginning of an un-canon sequel series, so technically in this new continuity, they are all in-character starting around chapter 699.

There is no need to take the sequel as canon.  Many of us deny the canonical nature of sequels like Black Butler 2, the Escaflowne film, and so many other strange sequels that somewhat butcher the characters for the sake of fanservice or the weird fantasies of the [new] writers/creators.  After all, we all know that there are only two Terminator films.

I believe what happened to create this ending are two things:

1. The Naruto team screwed up big time and were more out of touch with their fandom than they realized.  All of the character polls lately have listed Hinata as the most popular female, if I’m not mistaken.  I am willing to guess that foolish corporate goons wouldn’t distinguish the love of a character from the love of a ship.  “THAT’S the popular one?  Then make the main character get with her.”

2. The team responsible for absolute trash such as Blood Prison was employed to make the film.  I understand that Kishimoto helped to write it, but even the best of writers cannot salvage something that is inherently flawed at its conceptual foundations.  (Yeah, no matter how many times he makes them rewrite the script, too.)

Now some of you may be wondering about things like the inconsistencies and overall horrifically bad quality of Chapter 700.  I am very curious about that too.  The Studio Pierrot logo on Naruto’s ramen cup is part of my personal answer to that.  Hinata was given more screentime, more depth, and more importance in the anime made by SP, which shows their favor for her (they even break the fourth wall through the characters several times in the omakes to state that Hinata is more popular with them than Sakura is).  This makes me believe that they have some serious sway in what happened in the ending.  Perhaps they pitched their ideas of how much profit would come of a Hinata-centric film and were convincing.  I don’t really know or care how it happened, but I strongly believe that this ending was not Kishimoto’s ideal by any means.

I hear his statements about it being his plan from years ago with just minor changes, but that statement can be taken in many different ways.  For a 15 year long manga, a one-and-a-half-chapter-do-over could be called “minor,” even if he was misleading us by justifying the word that way.  Minor (or small or w/e word was used) is subjective.  He didn’t mention pages or panels or chapters.  Kishimoto was likely unhappy with the ending and produced a trash chapter as his only means of getting the real word out.  People’s theories about Salad looking like Karin’s child and Bolt having a Haruno-esque hairstyle could very well be part of him dropping out these hints.  As Chatte mentioned in her beautiful theory, the chapter entitled “The Real End” could also just be one of those hints.  Kishimoto isn’t a fool.  He wrote us a fairly beautiful manga, though it wasn’t perfect.  He made extensive and intricate parallels, wrote consistent and relatable characters (specifically the main ones and their greatest influences), and built a fascinating set of morals for us.  This is EXACTLY why people think this ending is a farce.  It loses all of that.  Chapter 700 is ugly and filled with embarrassing errors, it has shockingly inconsistent character depictions, and it just… drops all those lessons and morals.

But just because it upturns a 15 year old manga, that does not mean it is fake.

What we have here is something that Kishimoto did not decide.  That much is abundantly clear to me.  Everything was waysided based on money, popularity, and the hope to get the largest payoff possible.

"But how can something like that happen?  It’s his manga!"

Things like that happen constantly in the entertainment industry.  Just one example off the top of my head is the writer of Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers.  She despised the Walt Disney film from the moment it was written and never stopped hating it.  She signed the rights over before seeing how the film would be created and thus was publicly complained.  Another example is the creator of Spongebob.  He wanted his show to end, but Nick continued it on, and the quality dropped immediately when he left the project.  There is a good chance that Kishimoto was silenced in some way, either by legalities or simply because he sold out.

I get the feeling that, if anything, he somewhat/partially/in some way lost rights to the end of the manga.  This is because he had two years to write something that lead to the ending we got in chapters 699-700.  Two years to link the manga to what The Last is selling us.  Why wouldn’t he take advantage of that time to make his manga flow sensibly?  Why did he make Sasuke and Sakura’s interactions painful to watch—so bad that it has been triggering for some people who have suffered from abuse?  Why doesn’t Naruto begin to reciprocate Hinata’s feelings in some way?  Why do Hinata and Naruto converse a total of 15 times (with ONLY 6 in part two) in 700 chapters of manga?  Why does Naruto tell his father that Sakura is his girlfriend?  Why does Minato verify that the “girl like me” that Naruto’s mother mentioned is indeed Sakura?  Why does Sakura literally hold Naruto’s heart in her hand and pump it?  Ironically, her medi-nin skills were useless during this moment for him—so Hinata could have played this role if Kishimoto had wanted her to.  When an author wants something to happen, he or she can and will write to make it happen.  Kishimoto did not write to make NaruHina or SasuSaku happen.

I stand by this, and I will never stop standing by this: the manga would be wildly different if Kishimoto had wanted a NaruHina/SasuSaku ending.  I don’t care how long ago he knew he’d be going with NaruHina.  NaruHina and SasuSaku do not match his manga, especially toward the end.

These reasons and many others are why I am certain that the ending is not Kishimoto’s first choice, that it was likely pushed onto him due to corporate fuckery, and that chapter 700 is not at all an ending—it’s the shitty beginning of a shitty sequel for shitty profits.

Because hey—why bother wrapping a series up and letting its fans rest in the peace of knowing they got something whole and well-rounded?  Instead, leave them hanging and desperate to understand all the missing pieces, then give them the teaser so they are slightly more likely to watch a shitty sequel, if only to fill a painful hole in their hearts.

This ending sucks.



And now we are learning that some of LadyGT's comics might have been pulled from Pixiv because of copyright infringement on the Naruto brand.


So....Thoughts? Theories? Has Naruto's marketing gone overboard for the final film? Or is it part of a bigger plan to usher in something completely different?

#2 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 05:52 PM

So....Thoughts? Theories? Has Naruto's marketing gone overboard for the final film? Or is it part of a bigger plan to usher in something completely different?


I think it's going overboard AND it's trying to set up this New Era Project whatevers that is gonna go down after The Last is done. =/ Which is kinda freaking sad since Naruto never went this bad before The Last tried to force Hinata and NaruHina down our throats just to justify Kishimoto-sensei's ending and all of that. Also, I don't get why Lady GT's stuff would be taken down by Pivix when she did nothing wrong, even in spite of supposed "copyright infringement". Something smells, and I don't like it any which way you look at it so far... I mean, really REALLY DON'T LIKE IT, especially since it may ruin the message of Naruto itself. :cry:

#3 Nar123


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 06:08 PM

For me its obvious that it was a ploy, the two last chapters were so strange and so out of place...
The last chapter was full of mistakes too. More than normal '-'
Above all I agree with the idea that the last chapter wasn't a conclusion, it looks more like a setup for this so called "new era project"... and i hate it because everyone knows that the ending of a series is supposed to wrap everything up! Doesn't matter if there's a new series coming or something like that, the plot points of the series must be closed and we had a lot of plot points that didn't had a conclusion (i.e: cycle of hatred, bijuu, Taka, NS resolution, etc)

And the worst of all, they are beginning to retcon the manga too hahaha



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#4 Atheck


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 06:16 PM

Speaking in terms of hypotheticals, if The Last garnered large-scale disdain from viewers and if it the merchandise failed to sell according to the marketers' expectations, is there a chance that we could see an announcement or possibly even an official revision of the ending in order to distance themselves from the failed project?  

#5 trang95


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 06:18 PM

Unfortunately, none of us in here (I think) is in Japan right now to give us a detailed report of what exactly is going on with the marketing for Naruto.

One person I know in Japan told me that products of Hinata from The Last are now being massproduced and shipped nationwide- Her products are apparently overshadowing those picturing Naruto and all the other characters. How well they are selling, I am not sure. Hinata has never been as famous in Japan as here in the West. Hence, Tricksie's theory of humanizing Hinata's appearance more comes in. She really does look the most realistic one out of all the girls in The Last. Every pose of her is cute or bridal style, she looks prettier, her hair is darker, and her daily clothes make her look like a wallflower as to why many Japanese girls might be able to relate to her:The insecure and sweet girl who tries to win over the main character's attention!

Also, remember how a short clip was being released for the anime special next week? In it, Kishimoto claims to have been heavily involved with The Last to erase people's doubts who believe The Last is not cannon. If the creator was involved with The Last, it is automatically cannon. In addition to this, Rikodou explained to us that Kishimoto hesistated saying out Hinata when being asked who his favorite female character is. Who else is he supposed to mention anyways? Is he supposed to say Sakura or Anko (I believe that is his favorite female character, but I am not sure) right before The Last comes out?


EDIT: As for Part 3: It has been reported that it will only go on until the summer... So Part 3 will only run on for three to four months? What is the whole point of this? The majority is not interested in seeing some daily activities from the new generation! I have read an enigmatic article that the anime will continue on despite the ending of the manga. Does this refer to Part 3 or what?

Edited by trang95, 29 November 2014 - 06:32 PM.

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#6 harry4e


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 06:48 PM

Well that's not going to succeed, Chasing after a new fanbase by ignoring the fanbase that made them what they are could kill a series. I thought Japan would have learnt by now, I know I use the gaming industry waaay too much in my comparisons but it's relevant (atleast this time around).


If you look back seven years ago and asked a console gamer to make a list of the biggest non Nintendo franchise was, they'd likely have Resident Evil and Final Fantasy on their list, ask them now and neither would turn up. Why? Because both series forgot their core audience and the winning formula that made the series so popular. they tried to westernise the franchises, and make it more accessable to the general public, and it back fired spectacularly, RE6 was universally panned because it was a mess, and the last FF game sold a mere fraction of what it normally sold, and now you look at their next games and you can see RE is trying to appeal to the original fans by going to their roots, and FF15 is being constantly delayed to make sure the game doesn't suck, because they are trying to gain the trust of the older fans because the new fans they tried to appeal to didn't care.


New fans are not going to be sold with the new direction of the movie, they honestly won't care if it is a romance, fundementally it will still be a Shounen based anime, the fans of the shojo romance genre aren't going to be swayed by it, unless it's be pure morbid curiousity, like when a Action hero decides to make a romantic comedy.


Also no matter how they try to package it, a fundimental knowledge of the charactors is a needed to enjoy the movie, the enemy will make even less sense for the non-fans who know nothing about Kaguya so they won't care about him. the reasons behind anyones feelings will not make sense without reading the 698 chapters before that. Sakura and her relationship with Sasuke, for example, how is a non-fan supposed to beleive she is a master of love capable of giving advice when she has no scenes with her 'boyfriend' in the entire movie?


You'd have to take everything at face value, and what the charactors tell you about their feelings, they wouldn't actually be able to show the viewers the feelings they have for the others. Infact I wouldn't be surprised if the non-fans would go away wondering why Naruto and Sakura are not the main pairing because they know each other so well, or wonder why they are so close if Naruto was trying to get in the way of her relationship with Sasuke.


I can't argue with the theory posted, it's really not made sense, the way both Sasuke and Naruto were shown in the last chapter, neither really looked happy, the fact no scene was shown with the two main couple together, the fact that after 700 chapter the only intimate moment between the two couples was a forehead tap, speaks volumes, and I know I'm not the only one who found it strange that Sasuke's treatment of Sakura has been much worse in the chapters leading to the end than in the previous 650 chapters, which is saying something, and I still find it extremely strange that when everyone was put in the Genjutsu. Kishi made a point to Show Dan in Hokage robes but in Hinata's dream Naruto's was still a Genin. If Hinata was such a nice girl who everyone claims her to be why were Naruto's dreams not part of her dreams? Why were her dreams so selfish, when Tsunades took into account the person they love the mosts feelings as well?.


#7 rocci


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 07:41 PM

Speaking in terms of hypotheticals, if The Last garnered large-scale disdain from viewers and if it the merchandise failed to sell according to the marketers' expectations, is there a chance that we could see an announcement or possibly even an official revision of the ending in order to distance themselves from the failed project?  

No, it's not gonna happen. They will not rewrite the ending for the sake of NS. No matter how bad the reception is. This is not a reboot.

#8 Mistraal


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 08:43 PM

There is no logical storytelling reason for what is happening so it makes sense that people are looking to outside influences on Kishimoto (I.E. Money) for what has happened with the manga.

In my opinion, it doesn't matter what caused it. Money, bad advice, a change in taste....it doesn't excuse his 15 years of kittening with people.

Unless he gives a reason as to why this should make sense from a storytelling standpoint and NOT try to bandage it with a (cash grab) movie I am going to continue to think he's a bad, selfish person. There. I said it.


So THAT'S how it is!!!!



#9 Narufan85


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 09:02 PM

I found the tumblr post incredibly insightful, as I've posted several times that 699 and 700 feel like advertisements and not legitimate manga chapters. The errors and inconsistencies in the artwork for 700 really boggles my mind. You would think that the final chapter of a 15-year manga would be drawn with more care. And it isn't just new designs, it's the ferocity with which those associated with the Naruto franchise have given interviews and spoken out to try and convince us that NS made no sense whatsoever. I can't help but think of Hamlet: Kishi doth protest too much, methinks.

#10 Iwantbuns


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 10:30 PM

This is so weird. I'm starting not to like Hinata anymore. She seems so used now.



Why do people NOT ship these two? I just don't get it.

Probably cause they hate Sakura. When she's probably the most developed female character in the whole show.

I respect Hinata, but Sakura deserves some too.

#11 XJohnnyApprovesNarskuX



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Posted 29 November 2014 - 10:38 PM

This is so weird. I'm starting not to like Hinata anymore. She seems so used now.

She was always forced down our throats but NOT like this! This is extremely sickening


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#12 Catwho



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Posted 30 November 2014 - 12:54 AM

If you look back seven years ago and asked a console gamer to make a list of the biggest non Nintendo franchise was, they'd likely have Resident Evil and Final Fantasy on their list, ask them now and neither would turn up. Why? Because both series forgot their core audience and the winning formula that made the series so popular. they tried to westernise the franchises, and make it more accessable to the general public, and it back fired spectacularly, RE6 was universally panned because it was a mess, and the last FF game sold a mere fraction of what it normally sold, and now you look at their next games and you can see RE is trying to appeal to the original fans by going to their roots, and FF15 is being constantly delayed to make sure the game doesn't suck, because they are trying to gain the trust of the older fans because the new fans they tried to appeal to didn't care.


You mean FFXIII?  Because XIV: ARR is an amazing game despite being an MMO.  (XIV 1.0 sucked because of the game engine, not because of storyline.)  


I agree about XIII 1-3 though.  Lightning was a cool protagonist but the rest of her party was not very interesting at all.

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#13 Codus N

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Posted 30 November 2014 - 04:28 AM

I just remembered about this article on ANN:


If Kishimoto indeed gave in to pressure from the big corporation, then I can sincerely hope that this new caucus in the Japanese diet will focus on protecting the creator's rights from their employers. Some mangakas don't even get paid enough, actually. The labor environment is actually just as worse as those labor workers in China where they're practically slaves. I do hope this caucus can improve that.

Akamatsu's a fairly influential figure, so I expect him to play a role. Maybe even becoming a politician on that caucus. If they can get Kishi onboard, then I'm positive this caucus will bring good changes to the labor environment in the industry.


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#14 harry4e


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Posted 30 November 2014 - 06:39 AM


You mean FFXIII?  Because XIV: ARR is an amazing game despite being an MMO.  (XIV 1.0 sucked because of the game engine, not because of storyline.)  


I agree about XIII 1-3 though.  Lightning was a cool protagonist but the rest of her party was not very interesting at all.


Yeah I was talking about Xiii, XIV as you said is a MMO and even though the fanbase for the game type is quite large,  the genre is a bit of a strange one, it's one of those that you have to be dedicated to play to even consider, trying to appeal to casauls when the genre itself is quite scary for those who have never played it, and being attached to a  monthly subscription fee no matter how SE tried to sell the the casuals they wouldn't have have been interested.


I found Lightning a bit stale in her approach, she needed to show a bit more emotion, though from the rest of the cast she was the best charactor, and while I only really disliked Snow from the charactors, non of them were memorable. I quite liked the gameplay for Xiii-2 but the ending is up there with Naruto as one of the worst i've experienced, not sure about Xiii-3, the mere idea of a rpg with a time limit just puts me off, i'll probably get it on PC when it comes out though.



I just remembered about this article on ANN:


If Kishimoto indeed gave in to pressure from the big corporation, then I can sincerely hope that this new caucus in the Japanese diet will focus on protecting the creator's rights from their employers. Some mangakas don't even get paid enough, actually. The labor environment is actually just as worse as those labor workers in China where they're practically slaves. I do hope this caucus can improve that.

Akamatsu's a fairly influential figure, so I expect him to play a role. Maybe even becoming a politician on that caucus. If they can get Kishi onboard, then I'm positive this caucus will bring good changes to the labor environment in the industry.


That's a bit worrying to read even more so as it isn't that hard to believe that the mangaka don't have the creative freedom they desire, even in animes and other manga they are always portrayed as overworked overstressed individuals who are always getting shouted at for not meeting deadlines, you see them as work-horses working to a schedule rather than creative minds...even though it's normally done to be humorous you gotta wonder how much of that based on reality.


#15 Codus N

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Posted 30 November 2014 - 12:50 PM

What I think this caucus needs to promote is the importance of labor unions for the industry. There are some cases of animators even dying from overwork because of unreasonable deadlines, it's not all that unthinkable this happens to mangakas as well. Hoshino of D-Grayman fame is infamous because of her hiatuses from overwork. Although, Jump did find a (somewhat) reasonable workaround by moving her to a monthly serialization, the more important thing here is to establish an union that can better protect the creators' rights, such as health coverage. Health coverage would probably be the most important for rookie mangakas/animators, unlike the veterans because of their lower pay.




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#16 Hanabi



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Posted 30 November 2014 - 07:24 PM

who here reads nisekoi? onodera, the second girl after the main female chitoge, is getting a spin off series of her own. onodera has always been #1 or #2 in popularity polls, so much that the very author of nisekoi himself noted the diehard fan (handwritten 1300 poll strips just for onodera to get #1) and listed him as #15 in the popularity poll  :excited:


prettty sure this is just like what happened to the side chara hinata and the last film, as well as the guide book / movie book (the cover is naruhina feat toneri)

Edited by Hanabi, 30 November 2014 - 07:25 PM.


I can't even say good bye to you for the last time

I'm sorry

#17 trang95


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Posted 30 November 2014 - 10:28 PM

who here reads nisekoi? onodera, the second girl after the main female chitoge, is getting a spin off series of her own. onodera has always been #1 or #2 in popularity polls, so much that the very author of nisekoi himself noted the diehard fan (handwritten 1300 poll strips just for onodera to get #1) and listed him as #15 in the popularity poll  :excited:


prettty sure this is just like what happened to the side chara hinata and the last film, as well as the guide book / movie book (the cover is naruhina feat toneri)

It's always interesting to see how side characters gain more popularity than main characters sometimes. This does not only apply to girls like Hinata and Onodera, of course. We have Hitsugaya from Bleach (is he still that famous?) who got an entire movie dedicated to himself- but it flopped- or Levi from AoT who got a spinoff on his own.

Edited by trang95, 30 November 2014 - 11:42 PM.

G . I . N . T . A . M .A


“The country? The skies? You can have them! I'm busy enough protecting what's in front of me. I don't know how many times I failed to protect what I wanted. I have nothing left, so at least if something has fallen at my feet, I'll pick it up."
- Sakata Gintoki, Gintama


#18 Catwho



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Posted 01 December 2014 - 12:18 AM


Yeah I was talking about Xiii, XIV as you said is a MMO and even though the fanbase for the game type is quite large,  the genre is a bit of a strange one, it's one of those that you have to be dedicated to play to even consider, trying to appeal to casuals when the genre itself is quite scary for those who have never played it, and being attached to a  monthly subscription fee no matter how SE tried to sell the the casuals they wouldn't have have been interested.


I found Lightning a bit stale in her approach, she needed to show a bit more emotion, though from the rest of the cast she was the best character, and while I only really disliked Snow from the characters, non of them were memorable. I quite liked the gameplay for Xiii-2 but the ending is up there with Naruto as one of the worst i've experienced, not sure about Xiii-3, the mere idea of a rpg with a time limit just puts me off, i'll probably get it on PC when it comes out though.


lol I play XIV, it's actually lots of fun.  The Final Fantasy series lends itself nicely to MMO format.  There's a 14 day free trial for people scared to commit to the game, at least.  Don't be scared to check it out!  


From XIII I was not a fan of Vanille.  Or Sara.  Honestly, I agree, none of the cast was that outstanding.  X and XII had much better and more interesting characters.  (XI had a few great NPCs but like XIV, its an MMO... )


Sad, pretty much every female NPC in XIV is better than the entire female cast of XIII in every way. 

Read my stuff! Some of the stories are even finished! Catwho on Fanfiction.net
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#19 LuckyChi7


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Posted 01 December 2014 - 01:34 AM

It's always interesting to see how side characters gain more popularity than main characters sometimes. This does not only apply to girls like Hinata and Onodera, of course. We have Hitsugaya from Bleach (is he still that famous?) who got an entire movie dedicated to himself- but it flopped- or Levi from AoT who got a spinoff on his own.


True, but I'm gonna give Levi some leeway just because I feel like the spin off it added more to his character. Also keep in mind that Levi's spin off manga didn't screw over the main storyline of Attack on Titan.  

Edited by LuckyChi7, 01 December 2014 - 01:35 AM.





#20 trang95


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Posted 01 December 2014 - 01:49 AM


True, but I'm gonna give Levi some leeway just because I feel like the spin off it added more to his character. Also keep in mind that Levi's spin off manga didn't screw over the main storyline of Attack on Titan.  

Oh, I didn't try to criticize Levi or the spinoff :) In fact, I love Levi and his fierce determination. I have not given the spin-off a try yet, but would love to read it.

I am pretty sure that the spin-off contributes to the original series in a positive way.

But Hinata uggh... Just found out from someone in Japan that Hinata products are replacing Sakura products b/c of  the Last. All the shelves in the anime stores are gonna be so purple now :twitch:

Edited by trang95, 01 December 2014 - 01:53 AM.

G . I . N . T . A . M .A


“The country? The skies? You can have them! I'm busy enough protecting what's in front of me. I don't know how many times I failed to protect what I wanted. I have nothing left, so at least if something has fallen at my feet, I'll pick it up."
- Sakata Gintoki, Gintama


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