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HUGE theory about the Byakugan, Hyuga, Six paths Hermit etc.

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#1 NaruHina101


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 09:28 PM

Some things in this may contradict each other, but I've simply written down everything I've thought of....

The Hyuga's Hype & Role --Click here to view--
When the Hyuga Clan first appeared in the manga, they were hyped up a lot, back then when he introduced them. Of course, this all came to a halt after the Neji VS Kidomaru battle, and we didn't get anything until the Kage Summit, where it was shown how valuable the Byakugan was to both Danzo & the Mist

And also when it was stated by Yamato to Ay about their ''sacrifice that prevented a war", that being Hiazashi.

And the fact that Hizashi was revived by Edo Tensei proves that he was a strong shinobi.

Of course, we got much more Hype & action, and probably the most since Nej Vs Kidomaru, when they showed up on the battlefiled where Naruto & Obito were.

Another thing to note is that Obito makes mention of the Hyuga here. Sure it seems kinda meaningless, but to me, it seems like Kishi keeps mentioning the Hyuga during these chapters, cause he wants to do something with them, but before he could actually do that, he'd nee to give them some proper panel time.

The Kage Summit Arc was when we started to dive deeper into the SO6P's story. Obito talks about the Sage's past twice in this arc. Once to Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato, and the ounce to the Kages.

Interestingly, between these two revelations, we see Byakugan in action when Ao uses his stolen Byakugan to find out that Danzo is using Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan Genjutsu on Mifune so to make himself the leader of the Shinobi ALlliance.

The Six path Hermit's Original Eyes --Click here to view--
I have reasons to believe that the Byakugan is the origin of all Dojutsu including the most superior Dojutsu of the main three. I don't think this is a troll, but here is my theory:

When the Sage began his journey into the ninja world, he gained a technique that allowed him to gain knowledge of chakra. A technique called Byakugan. As it was stated by Kishi, the Byakugan has the greatest insight than all other Dojutsu. It not only sees chakra as the Rinnegan and the Sharingan does, but it also sees their tenketsu, have a 360 degree range of vision, and teloscopic vision. This allowed the SO6P to gain knowledge about chakra and began to use it for himself.

As we all know and what has been stated by Kishi is that whoever possesses the Rinnegan will have the power to control all of the elements, and control the Yin and the Yang. The Hyuga clan, has the power of the 8 Trigrams. In Japanese, the 8 Trigrams represent all the elements.

Another thing to note is that Kakashi says something about the Rinnegan being a mutation, which could hold some truth. It could be possible that the Sage's Byakugan was affected by the Juubi after it was sealed in him, which caused the Sage's eyes to become a mixture of his Byakugan & the Juubi's super-sharingan.

Also, going on to Wuj , it was said to be the beggining and all elements, including Yin & Yang, came from it.

Wuji is known as the beggining of all things. In this void of nothingness, something begins to stir. This event causes the creation of Yin & Yang, both in an eternal battle to over come the other, yet it is impossible, since yin can't exist without yang, and vice versa. This is why yang has a portion of yin in it and why yin has a portion of yang in it.

All those weird names are the elements.....

Neji & the Six paths Hermit --Click here to view--
I've also noticed some Similarities between Neji and The SO6P

1. If the Sage's direct desendants were the Uzumaki & Hyuga, as I believe, then his Hyuga side members were Taijutsu users and the Uzumaki side members used Sealing Techs.

One of Neji's team members is a Taijutsu user (Rock Lee) and his other Team member (Tenten) uses Sealing Techs. And not to forget Tenten got to handle one of the Treasured Tools Of Sage.

2. Neji's hobby was meditation according to the Databooks, And Meditation is one of the most important things for a Sage, which is what the Sage was, obviously.

3. Neji is standing in a similar pose to The Sage on the cover of Volume 64 with: his back turned, facing The Jubbi, and his arms raised wide.

Now, in the image below, take a look at the symbol painted on to the wall behind Sasuke...... It bares a strong resemblance to the symbol on Hinata's jacket in Part 1.

Now we know that The Sage made the Uchiha Tablet. So it's very interesting to find a symbol at the Naka Shrine which is identical to a symbol found on the clothes of The Hyuga Clan Heiress, where the Sage's Legacy is kept, .

Also, note that Sasuke's amaterasu orb also resembles these two previously mentioned symbols.

Kushina & Hinata --Click here to view--
The cloud kidnapped both Kushina & Hinata back when they were young. But why exactly were they kidnapped?

Well, for Hinata, it was her Kekkai Genkkai Dojutsu, the Byakugan. And in Kushina's case, it was due to her special Uzumaki chakra. But as we know, both of these incidents ended in epic failure thanks to Minto & Hiashi.

See the connection between these two? Both of them were kidnapped by the Lightning country because of their special powers. Where do these special powers originate from? The Sage of Six paths!

Now, if we continue on, we also know that the Lightning country had previously tried to capture the Nine-tails during the time of the Second Hokage, Tobirama. Of course they failed again. However, it was shown that they already had two tailed beasts in their position, the 8 tailed Octopus-Ox & the 2 tailed Cat. They also were shown to have been searching for the Treasured tools of the Sage of Six paths, and it was shown that they'd gathered all 5 of them.

Kinkaku & Ginkaku have also been hinted at being Uzumakis, due to the fact that they have a strong resemblance to the Sage & Bijuu Naruto, and they were able to host the Kyuubi, something only Uzumakis have done. They were also hinted at being descendants of the sage by Ay.

So, to recap:

The Cloud has tried to Steal the Byakugan.
They've tried to obtain Uzumaki Chakra.
They've tried to capture the Nine-tailed Fox.
They've had two Uzumaki members in their country.
They had/have two tailed beasts in their position.
They have gathered all five Treasured Tools of the Sage.

See the connection? Everything they have or have tried to take are in some way or another related to the Sage.....except the Byakugan, as, even if it's 99.99999% obvious already, it still hasn't been confirmed to be related to the sage. But this little observation has obviously increased those odds to 99.99999999%.

SIDE NOTE:The cloud GREATLY desired the Byakugan for their own keeping going as far as to even kidnap a little Hinata. So, why not go after the Sharingan? Actually, now that I think about it, it seems like more non-Konohaians know about the Sharingan than they know about the Byakugan, as seen by Zabuza. It’s seems clear to me that the main house has been hiding secrets of the Byakugan from everyone for a long time, why else would they take the extra precaution to give their Candet branch family members the “Caged Bird” Cursed seals? It's always said "Secrets of the Byakugan," WHAT secrets?

Chinese Guardian Lions, Wuji & Yin-Yang --Click here to view--
The user forms two large lion-shaped shrouds of chakra around their hands, then attacks the opponent with them.

Meant to ward off evil spirits, komainu statues are almost identical, but one has the mouth open, the other closed. This is a very common characteristic in religious statue pairs at both temples and shrines. This pattern has a symbolic meaning. The open mouth is pronouncing the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, which is pronounced "a", while the closed one is uttering the last letter, which is pronounced "um", to represent the beginning and the end of all things.

The beginning of ALL THINGS. That is an interesting note, no? Here's something else I'd like to point out, from Taosim belifs, whom, as must of you probably know, have greatly inspired the Hyuga clan, particularly the Gentle fist style, which is based of of several variations of Taoism Martial arts that focus on soft yet deadly blows to certain parts of the body.....anyways, I'm getting off track here.

Wuji is known as the beggining of all things. In this void of nothingness, something begins to stir. This event causes the creation of Yin & Yang, both in an eternal battle to over come the other, yet it is impossible, since yin can't exist without yang, and vice versa. This is why yang has a portion of yin in it and why yin has a portion of yang in it.

Here's something more interesting. Do you know what this "void of nothingness" is represented by? A plain white circle.

This white I eventually ends up as a Yin yang sign (those two circles between them simply demonstrate the change of the void to Yin-Yang). This leads me to believe (more like HOPE) that the Byakugan will get a V2 that'll make her eyes look like the YinYang sign, possibly with the 8 trigrams' signs circling the eyeball on her skin. Though there are OTHER reasons that make me think that Hinata may gain the Elder Son's eyes, you know, those spirally eyes, but I'll get to that on another theory of mine.

Alright, so, back to the Guardian lions.

Komainu strongly resemble Chinese Guardian Lions and originate from Tang dynasty China. The Chinese guardian lions are believed to have been influenced by lion pelts and lion depictions introduced through trade from either the Middle East or India, countries where the lion existed and was a symbol of strength. During the Nara period the pair always consisted, as in the rest of Asia, of two lions.

These Guardian Lions are also part of Taoism.

The most frequent variation of these guardian lions are the fox, guardian of shrines dedicated to the god, Inari. There are about 30 thousand of these shrines in Japan, and the entrance of each is guarded by a pair of fox statues.

Variation of the lion guardians are foxes……..and Hinata has kyuubi chakra now. Does that mean we’ll see Gentle Step: Twin fox fists?

Fox Statue

Lion Statues

Lions and Foxes, Hinata and Naruto, make sense?

See the size of that thing? There's no doubt in my mind that that is one hell of a technique....
Another thing I'd like to mention is that this jutsu was only shown OUNCE and then completely ignored, even through out the war. Hinata's only been shown air-palming things rather than using this. Kishimoto seems to do this A LOT (foreshadowing) throughout the series, such as when he first shows Itachi's sharingan or alludes to the Shinigami mask all the way back in the three-way Sannin Battle. I think it would be nice if Hinata got a full-body Guardian Lion, no? Something like this...

I know it seems far-fetched (some what) but it would make sense, it being a sort of opposite to the Sasuno'O.

White Amaterasu --Click here to view--
Another opposite to the Uchiha could possibly be a white Flame. Yes, I know that too seems bizarre, but hear me out.

Firstly, this image:

It shows the Sage holding black flames (yin) in one hand and White flames (yang) in the other. Sure, these flames are depicted as being blue & red in the anime, but the anime always screws things up. Further evidence for these flames being black & white is the fact that this image shows up when Obito is talking about how the Sage used Yin-Yang chakra to create things from nothing. Soooo, it's kinda clear the flames were meant to be black & white.

We already have seen a black flame, via Itachi & Sasuke, so why not a white flame?

Elder Son's eyes --Click here to view--
If noticed, the Elder Son’s eyes resemble a mixture of the Byakugan and Renningan, which might imply the Byakugan came before the Sharingan, which may explain where the rumor Kakashi mentioned during the Chunnin Exams came from.

All three eye techniques also have similar abilities with each other. Byakugan and Sharingan share the ability of seeing chakra & better reflexes, while the Byakugan and Renningan share the ability of extended vision and being capable of seeing through Barriers, and the Sharingan and Renningan share the ability of tailed beast manipulation as well as controlling demonic powers.

Pure Eyes & Impure Eyes --Click here to view--
Another theory I have is that the Byakugan does indeed have a second state that can be achieved, but in order to achieve it, you must be pure, to be someone like Hinata, while the Uchiha have to be Impure, since the Uchihas' method of gaining more eye power involves stealing & killing, as well as deep despair. This might explain why there are not any known Hyuuga's with an enhanced Byakugan, as it is harder to be pure than impure. I believe this 2nd state or level to be the spiral eyes of the Sage's Elder Son, which would also represent her affinity with Naruto, who is of the Uzumaki, who have a spiral as their symbol.

But then, why is the Byakugan "pure" while the Sharingan is "impure"? Well, my answer to that goes something like this. When the Elder son inherited his father's eyes, he also got some of the Juubi's chakra inside him some how, but it remained dormaint and didn't affect him much. But when his father died AND chose his younger brother instead of him to be his succesor, he felt hate, jealousy, sadness, envy and anger , which caused the Juubi's sleeping chakra inside him to awaken and cause his white eyes to turn red.

The Elder son then had two children of his own, one with his original white eyes, and the other with his Juubi-influenced eyes, thus eventually giving birth to the Byakugan and Hyuga & Sharingan and Uchiha.

Also, with Hinata now seemingly playing a larger role, the Byakugan might as well play a larger role too. I just can’t see her disappearing into the back ground after this. She’s clearly been elevated into a higher possession in terms of a character. I’m not just saying this as a Hinata fan, but with Neji dead, there is no other actual Hyuuga character aside from Hinata who could be used

Also, Hyuugas have white eyes, while the Uchihas have black, which are the colours of the Ying-Yang sign, further hinting at their relationship and how the Byakugan is a pure eye & the Sharingan is an impure eye. Further more, while Hyugas are ussually depicted with a blue aura, Uchihas are seen with a red one instead. This could also work for the White Amaterasu theory.

Trimurti Concept & the Three Great Dojutsu --Click here to view--
Kishimoto as always used East Asian religions and mythology. It's pretty much established that opposites can't exist without their other half, which is the principal of Yin & yang. Cold without heat, life without death, happiness without sorrow......you get the idea.

However, there IS a certain East Asian religion which does not follow this prinicipal exactly. Let's take a look at it, shall we?

This different view on "balance" is mentioned in the Vedas of Hinduism, whihch is something Kishimotto has previously borrowed plenty ideas from.

This ideology is refereed to as called Trimurti, and it states that, unlike the Yin-Yang principal, THREE forces are needed to achieve balance. In Hindusim, these would be Brahama, the creator, Vishnu, The sustainer, and Shiva, the destroyer.

Three beings needed to achieve balance.

Three Legendary Dojutsu jutsu

Genin Teams consisting of Three Ninj,

The Sannins which consists of Three Ninja

The final "normal" Sharingan is a Three Tomtoe Sharingan.

From the evidence provided, it is safe to assume that Kishimoto has been using the Trimurti concept.

The three Eye techniques of the Naruto series, which have also been refered to as "The Three Great Dojutsus". But how exactly would these relate to the Trimurti concept? The Sharingan, in its most advanced form, becomes the (eternal) Mangekyo Sharingan while The Rinnegan has no greater, more powerful form. So let's analyze the abilities of both dojutsus and how they compare to the Trimurti theory.

Mangekyou Sharingan

Tsukuyomi - Corruption of the Mind
Amaterasu - Destruction of the Material World
Susano'o - Plain Destruction
Kotamatsukami - Mind Control and Corruption of Awarness
Kamui - Subtraction of the Material World


Tendo - Gravity manipulation
Shuradō - Augmentation
Ningendō - Knowledge Retrieving
Chikushōdō - Breathing Life
Gakidō - Absorption
Jigokudō - Restoration
Gedō - Control over Life & Death

Notice how all the abilities of the Sharingan are abilities to destroy. And the abilities of the Rinnegan are all abilities to create. This means that the Rinnegan is representing Brahman, the Creator, and the Sharingan is representing Shiva, the Destroyer. This leaves one position remaining: the Sustainer.

So which Eye is left for that role? The Byakugan, to represent Vishnu the Sustainer.

This picture was seen during Obito & Konan's battle. The picture depicts Tomoes, representing the Uchiha, circles or ripples, representing the Rinnegan, and a Ying-Yang symbol in the middle, representing the Hyuuga. Not only does this hint at the Byakugan being related to the Rennigan and Sharingan, but it emphasizes my point of the Byakugan being part of the other eyes, as the Ying-Yang symbol is the pupil of the eye in the picture below.

Other things that hint at the Byakugan's relation to the other two Dojutsu are, firstly, Tobi's War-time Mask. His mask seems to represent and/or resemble the Juubi's single eye and/or the three dojutsus as one.

As can be seen, Tobi's mask clearly has all three attributes of the three great Dojutsu. It has the ripples of the Rennigan, the Tomoes of the Sharingan, and is coloured white as is the Byakugan. Now, think of this for a moment. Why wasn’t Tobi’s mask colored orange like all his previous masks were before this one? Why is this the only mask of which he’s worn that bares resemblance to the Dojustsus? Tobi’s mask is one of the largest hints of the three eyes being connected to one another in some way.

Ounce again, this above picture, which depicts the moon, of which it’s colour is white, has Tomoes and ripples on it, which ounce again leads me to believe that the Juubi’s eye colour is in fact, not purple or red as depicted in the Anime, but White, as is the Byakugan.

The only eye techniques that exist in the entire (Canon) series are the Byakugan (Mangekyo) Sharingan, Elder Son’s eyes, and the Rennigan. We already know that the Elder Son’s eyes came from the Rennigan, and we know that the Sharingan is capable of developing into the Rennigan, thus making these 3 eyes related to one another. But wait, what about the Byakugan?

Honestly, I find it absolutely illogical for the Byakugan to not be related to the other Dojutsus in some way, as it would seem completely bizarre for the Byakugan to just be there with no explanation what so ever as to how it came to be.

During Hinata and Neji’s battle in the Chunnin exams, after activating their Byakugans, Kakashi states that there are rumors that the Uchiha’s Sharingan is possibly an off-shoot of the Hyuga’s Byakugan. Kakashi even goes on to state that the Uchiha clan itself possibly stems from the Hyuuga clan. Of course, this is but a rumor, however all rumors have an origin.

Kakashi also states, as a fact, that the Hyuuga are the oldest clan of Konoha. But how can that be if the village itself was formed by the Senju & Uchiha? My theory is that the Hyuuga’s probably owned or lived on the land that is now Konoha, which goes to show that the Hyuuga do indeed pass the Uchiha in their birth/formation, which leads me to believe the Byakugan to be a Dojutsu that came from the Elder Son’s eyes, which may also explain the two eyes’ similar colours and appearance.

#2 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 01 May 2013 - 09:50 PM

About all those panels, first is the fact that he had to mention the hyuuga since neji dead and the second family was like "slaves" that had to protect the primary family, much like the chosen heir and his second son who's in charge to be his squire.

About the Byakugan it's always connected to the fact it's a doujutsu related to taijutsu, the hyuuga developed their fighting style based on the characteristics of byakuugan and the fact that you didnt post is that hyuuga means a fighting style of china, so it's connected to it, the byakugan does not have any kind of doujutsu.

Also the sharingan and byakuugan has similarities but the byakuugan can see far beyond and 360º and can see the flux of chakra like the sharingan but different than that he can also see the vital body points it's a doujutsu exclusively made for taijutsu.

Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 01 May 2013 - 09:52 PM.


#3 soraandven


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 09:52 PM



#4 soraandven


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 09:57 PM

what exactly was that guy trying to prove


#5 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 01 May 2013 - 09:59 PM

QUOTE (soraandven @ May 1 2013, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what exactly was that guy trying to prove

That Hinata is important to the plot like a main character.

he's basically copying and pasting threads from Narutobase like someome pointed out before.

Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 01 May 2013 - 10:01 PM.


#6 sushi.


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:01 PM

QUOTE (soraandven @ May 1 2013, 11:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what exactly was that guy trying to prove

The titly is very clear. Don't double post. It's a theory. I haven't read the whole text, but the Kushina & Hinata thing is overanalyzing. The only way that could be relevant is if Kumo wanted them because they had connection to the Sage. It's a coincidene, because they simply wanted power. If they had a chance to kidnap someone not connected to the Sage, they would've done so too.

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ May 1 2013, 11:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That Hinata is important to the plot like a main character.

he's basically copying and pasting threads from Narutobase like someome pointed out before.

I don't think so. This is about the Hyuuga, stop putting words into his mouth, the forum is enough vurnerable as it is. mad.gif

Guys, please be nice to this one. Don't bash him. I must report anyone who is rude. Please.

Edited by sushi., 01 May 2013 - 10:06 PM.


#7 FoolishYoungling


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:02 PM

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ May 1 2013, 05:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That Hinata is important to the plot like a main character.

When will they stop trying to do this? sad.gif

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#8 soraandven


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:03 PM

hahahahahahahahahahahaha like she ever will be


#9 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:04 PM

QUOTE (sushi. @ May 1 2013, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The titly is very clear. Don't double post. It's a theory. I haven't read the whole text, but the Kushina & Hinata thing is overanalyzing. The only way that could be relevant is if Kumo wanted them because they had connection to the Sage. It's a coincidene, because they simply wanted power. If they had a chance to kidnap someone not connected to the Sage, they would've done so too.

Which is explained by the Tsuchikage that on that time Kumogakure wanted power and they were after basically everyone, they went after the hyuugas, they went after Kushina, they went after other clans too, so it's not exclusiver or even a coincidence, the golden brothers are also example of this, the whole Jinchuuriki stuff also they were ahead from the other village on this matter and so on...
They were also after the uchihas since that guy pointed out that he met Uchiha Shisui before.

They were after relics, jutsus and kekkei genkais.

Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 01 May 2013 - 10:05 PM.


#10 NaruHina101


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:07 PM

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ May 1 2013, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That Hinata is important to the plot like a main character.

he's basically copying and pasting threads from Narutobase like someome pointed out before.

Look, I'm not a fan of Sakura, and you're not one of Hinata....never the less, I still believe that Sakura will be gettin a power up....a Slug sage mode to be exact, I've read theories on it, and I do agree.... anyways, this is about the Hyuga, hinata is a hyuga, the only actual hyuga character left so no duh, I'm going to bring her up

#11 NaruHina101


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:08 PM

QUOTE (FoolishYoungling @ May 1 2013, 11:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When will they stop trying to do this? sad.gif

Tell me why she's there

#12 Gravenimage


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:09 PM


I don't want to sound rude or mean you have all the right to express your ideas and theories in the forum that's okay. The problem is your explanations and the panels your providing aren't proving your theory to be accurate or right. The byakugan is the weakest dojutsu in the entire manga since Kishi has already glorified the sharingan to God levels, the rinnegan gets second place and third is the byakugan who has been shown as a dojutsu to be use for scouting and see the chakra circulation system of the opponent. Personally to me I don't think it's about proving your theory to be correct I think you're only trying to give the Hyuuga clan a bigger role in the plot of the story, or more precise you want Hinata to have a bigger role in the story so she can become the lead female or heroine (only for the reason to justify NH to be canon). Again I'm not been mean but that's the way I see it, if I'm wrong then I apologize you did try to make a good point though.

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#13 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:09 PM

QUOTE (NaruHina101 @ May 1 2013, 07:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Look, I'm not a fan of Sakura, and you're not one of Hinata....never the less, I still believe that Sakura will be gettin a power up....a Slug sage mode to be exact, I've read theories on it, and I do agree.... anyways, this is about the Hyuga, hinata is a hyuga, the only actual hyuga character left so no duh, I'm going to bring her up

There's also other hyuugas like hiashi and the other and the first and primary point you avoided which was the focusing on taijutsus abilities, how they can start using jutsus if the entire doujutsu is like a extension of the body which is commonly overused to expand taijutsu abilities, it's OOC and inconsistence for a doujutsu who's made for Taijutsu to start using Ninjutsus.

Rinnegan is purely ninjutsu, while Sharingan is genjutsu but more and more that the sharingan progresses towards the rinnegan it gives jutsus to the user.
The common sharingan does not allow the user to uses jutsus until it reachs the mangekyou level, the it gives jutsus and then when the user gets with the DNa of a senju it expands to a rinnegan which is not a evolution because the user keep "swapping" between doujutsus in a battle.

Madara as an example kept his suzano with his rinnegan but wasnt capable of using genjutsu with his sharingan during the fight with the kages.

Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 01 May 2013 - 10:14 PM.


#14 NaruHina101


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:10 PM

Could you people please get Hinata out of your heads for a second and PLEASE just give me an opinion that way....

#15 NaruHina101


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:11 PM

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ May 1 2013, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's also other hyuugas like hiashi and the other and the first and primary point you avoided which was the focusing on taijutsus abilities.

What do you mean I avoided taijutsu?

#16 Gravenimage


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:13 PM

QUOTE (NaruHina101 @ May 1 2013, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Tell me why she's there

Two words" promotion fanservice."

Lone Wolf of the Grave

#17 sushi.


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:15 PM

QUOTE (NaruHina101 @ May 2 2013, 12:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Tell me why she's there

Guy sensei is there too, but he's still not a main character. huh.gif


#18 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:16 PM

QUOTE (NaruHina101 @ May 1 2013, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What do you mean I avoided taijutsu?

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ May 1 2013, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's also other hyuugas like hiashi and the other and the first and primary point you avoided which was the focusing on taijutsus abilities, how they can start using jutsus if the entire doujutsu is like a extension of the body which is commonly overused to expand taijutsu abilities, it's OOC and inconsistence for a doujutsu who's made for Taijutsu to start using Ninjutsus.

Rinnegan is purely ninjutsu, while Sharingan is genjutsu but more and more that the sharingan progresses towards the rinnegan it gives jutsus to the user.
The common sharingan does not allow the user to uses jutsus until it reachs the mangekyou level, the it gives jutsus and then when the user gets with the DNa of a senju it expands to a rinnegan which is not a evolution because the user keep "swapping" between doujutsus in a battle.

Madara as an example kept his suzano with his rinnegan but wasnt capable of using genjutsu with his sharingan during the fight with the kages.

The whole theory speaks too much of ninjutsus but forgot the character concept, he bring up the story about "the three doujutsus" but forgot also about that name hyuuga comes from a fighting style from China, and it's more than ever a coincidence that the hyuugas is a taijutsu clan.


Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 01 May 2013 - 10:18 PM.


#19 Dkey


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:16 PM

Is there any proof that the Byakugan can evolve to a better version?

#20 NaruHina101


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:17 PM

QUOTE (Gravenimage @ May 1 2013, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I don't want to sound rude or mean you have all the right to express your ideas and theories in the forum that's okay. The problem is your explanations and the panels your providing aren't proving your theory to be accurate or right. The byakugan is the weakest dojutsu in the entire manga since Kishi has already glorified the sharingan to God levels, the rinnegan gets second place and third is the byakugan who has been shown as a dojutsu to be use for scouting and see the chakra circulation system of the opponent. Personally to me I don't think it's about proving your theory to be correct I think you're only trying to give the Hyuuga clan a bigger role in the plot of the story, or more precise you want Hinata to have a bigger role in the story so she can become the lead female or heroine (only for the reason to justify NH to be canon). Again I'm not been mean but that's the way I see it, if I'm wrong then I apologize you did try to make a good point though.

Well, the way I see it, both Sakura and Hinata are gonna get power ups, sakura getting a slug sage mode, and Hinata getting a new Byakugan/

ANyways, you're wrong about this all being for NH/Hinata, I'm a hyuuga fan, always liked them more than the Uchiha....

So you say the byakugan is weak....yeah that's true, but then again the regular sharingan is weak as well, maybe even more so. I honestly don't see how the sharingan can get a power up but no the Byakugan.

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