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#30841 Luna



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Posted 03 May 2023 - 04:08 AM

I'm surprised this forum is still alive but I'm glad its still here. I think you guys are giving Therece a hard time. I don't exactly ship SS but I'm tolerant towards it despite its horrible writing but I support more Sakura crack ships because I enjoy writing about them more. I still think NH is boring and garbage to be honest and that won't change.


Also, I think a lot more people are becoming more accepting of NS. I've even seen SS fans  said that if SS didn't happen they would've prefered NS. NH stans still hate us ( LOL) But I don't support NS like used to though but I still think its WAY better than SS and NH. 


#30842 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 03 May 2023 - 11:21 AM

I'm surprised this forum is still alive but I'm glad its still here. I think you guys are giving Therece a hard time. I don't exactly ship SS but I'm tolerant towards it despite its horrible writing but I support more Sakura crack ships because I enjoy writing about them more. I still think NH is boring and garbage to be honest and that won't change.


Also, I think a lot more people are becoming more accepting of NS. I've even seen SS fans  said that if SS didn't happen they would've prefered NS. NH stans still hate us ( LOL) But I don't support NS like used to though but I still think its WAY better than SS and NH. 

If I'm being rude maybe its because I find the premise that Sakura's popularity is tied to her romantic relationships to be disgusting. Or that anyone who dislikes a FICTIONAL character is an incel or that people who haven't hopped on the SS train are full of hate for Sakura. That isn't going to convince anyone of anything.

I genuinely don't care what anyone ships, I've spent like 4 years writing Sasosaku fics, who am I to judge? I DO care that Therace seems to have this belief that "Real" Sakura fans will ship her with Sasuke because "Its what redeemed her character." 

Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 03 May 2023 - 04:24 PM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30843 Phantom_999


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Posted 03 May 2023 - 05:22 PM

It's not wrong to ship or appreciate SS. But to say that Sakura is a worthwhile character only because she is married to Sasuke, or that theyre a good couple because they are popular is just straight up disingenuous.
Again I'm not complaining about Sasuke and Sakura being a canon couple more than I'm spitting on the CIRCUMSTANCES of them being a couple, more so "the lack of". If there was genuine bonding that was not one sided moments form Sakura's end which were not up for debate, interpretation or speculation, I wouldn't even have a problem with them. And just writing this is giving me a headache, so I'll just leave it at that. 

Edited by Phantom_999, 03 May 2023 - 06:34 PM.


#30844 Therece



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Posted 03 May 2023 - 07:24 PM

I'm surprised this forum is still alive but I'm glad its still here. I think you guys are giving Therece a hard time. I don't exactly ship SS but I'm tolerant towards it despite its horrible writing but I support more Sakura crack ships because I enjoy writing about them more. I still think NH is boring and garbage to be honest and that won't change.


Also, I think a lot more people are becoming more accepting of NS. I've even seen SS fans  said that if SS didn't happen they would've prefered NS. NH stans still hate us ( LOL) But I don't support NS like used to though but I still think its WAY better than SS and NH. 



Wow. Glad to see someone on this forum who was able to move on or at least accept Post War Sakura or SS and isn't bitter about the ending anymore because it's hard to try have some discussion here withiout that.
You still can encounter a minority of non toxic Hinata/NH fans and artists who doesn't care about Sakura and still like to side ship SS.
But the majority of Hinata, NH and Naruto fanboys hates Sakura and to them doesn't matter her final couple. They want to see her dead, alone or with Lee. (Thats a good pairing, i don't undertand why Sakura haters brings Lee to her)
They always are  jealousy about Sakura main girl status and  more salty than even with Sakura/SS receiving more attention/popularity/merchs/spin offs than Hinata/NH. Hinata married Naruto and is the mother of the current MC and this didn't help Hinata and NH in nothing...The Last just nuked NH.
NS  isn't a threat to SS anymore and is Sakura ship...So they didn't have any problem with MultiShippers inside them and they just leave the few active solo NS fans alone.
Unlike NH fans  who are constantly attacking the NS fans.
But the SS fans are only tolerant with these NS fans/Multishippers if they didn't trash on Sakura,Sasuke or SS.
You will never see any SS folowing or liking a NS page who hates SS or this forum for exemple.

Edited by Therece, 04 May 2023 - 02:45 AM.

#30845 Therece



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Posted 03 May 2023 - 08:41 PM

Narusaku was heavily marketed in Japan, like this nurse taking care of naruto poster https://www.fanpop.c...naruxsaku-photo

There was also the special ending of 17 when the earthquake happened in 2011 https://youtu.be/Ui_hUI7Xvl4

Plus the naruto vs sasuke ova with narusaku moments https://youtu.be/nk5hIL8_HTQ.

Even if ss was the more popular hetero couple to ship, I hear many of them execpted narusaku to be canon. So I doubt the confession affected the fandom there, heck I heard how excited the cpr scene was treated there.

Those self interest don't etheir seem to know or ignore that it's a tsundere troop very common in Japan anime. Heck there are far more bigger cases than sakura doing it.

Yes they did and by doing so paid the price with a reduced role for sakura who is only now has major appearances in spin offs now and then. Yes this site was considered a safe haven for some, bit other still debated on the forms.



Sakura is still considered the official franchise Heroine and Sarada the next gen heroine...Hinata is still insignificant for Jump/Manga. 
If you consider being Naruto's HouseWife with few panels and being trapped in another dimension being more important. Yeah Hinata is more important
I still remember this OVA. SS fans become super angry  because this NS scene is basically a copy/paste of the SasuSaku scene and Sasuke's death in the land of waves arc. NH and other people just called this filler.
Pierrot shipped NS as hard as NH. While SS was negligeted as soon Sasuke left the village.
SS/Sakura fans simply hates Pierrot.
But this didn't helped  NaruSaku too much and you can consider Sakura punching Naruto a tsundere thing. But this makes Sakura being really hated because Pierrot overfocused on that.
NS have a tons of fillers and fanservices. Part of Pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
I believe Pierrot have nothing to do with SS/NH.  This was a solo decision between Kishimoto and his Editors.
Pierrot has no power for this.
About the CPR people (SS,NH and NS) tends to forget this moment since shortly after SS gained the "eyesmex", Sakura true confession 2.0, Forehad Poke and Sarada Gaiden and NH gained The Last. The scene still was super bad in anime.
Kishimoto just treated this as a normal day in Sakura medical work and made everybody forget that. 
So why he bother to show that? Just to cause more pairing wars and troll fans a little more? 
Sakura/Kushina parallel were much more efetive than that.

Apparently, someone has been spending too much of their time on Twitter.  And I suppose Kubo's wife is an "incel" by their bastardized misuse of the term since she was strongly against Sakura being with anyone but Naruto and vice versa. 



Do you read my posts?

Kubo's wife hates Sakura because she was in the way of SasuNaru "love", proved Sasuke isn't gay for Naruto or because she is the main girl?
So i don't think she is a incel... 

Edited by Therece, 06 May 2023 - 05:46 AM.

#30846 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 03 May 2023 - 11:50 PM

Kishimoto wanted to use this moment just to show how Sasuke cared for Sakura. Kishimoto pratically builded this moment  since when Sakura was sad because Sasuke aparently didn't  cared about her against Madara.


I doubt this. But even if that were Kishimoto's intention, its AWFUL writing, because this is the same Sasuke who was willing to let Sakura fall into a pool of lava at about this time. The only way to justify the "eye smex" despite this is with rose tinted pairing goggles. Which is what you're wearing.




The story ended 8 years ago. There's no point to have NS  goggles anymore to deny everything.

If Kishi really wanted to show a uncaring Sasuke or kill SS, there's no reason for the physical and eye contact.
Sakura would fall on the ground or be traped in Kaguya's desert in Sasuke's place.

And there's no point in denying common sense either. If Kishimoto's goal in this scene is "eye smex", why would he simultaneously have Sasuke allow Sakura to fall to her doom in a pool of lava at about this time? You know why? Sasuke did not give a SH_T about Sakura at this point. It's only after the ultimate talk-no-jutsu from Naruto that Sasuke is converted in reciprocating Sakura's feelings. The eye contact is nothing more than eye contact. If it meant anything, Kishimoto would have drawn Sakura blushing as he did when Sasuke did the headpoke on her.


Anyways, it doesn't look like you have any interest in talking about writing. Perhaps you realize SS is badly written and just don't care?

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Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#30847 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 04 May 2023 - 12:57 AM




Wow. Glad to see someone on this forum who was able to move on or at least accept Post War Sakura or SS and isn't bitter about the ending anymore because it's hard to try have some discussion here withiout that.

I imagine it is hard to have a discussion with people you fundamentally disagree with especially when you keep insulting their opinions. 

"You don't like SS? Well, you're just BITTER." 




Anyways, it doesn't look like you have any interest in talking about writing. Perhaps you realize SS is badly written and just don't care?

I feel like they've already agreed that Kishimoto is a bad writer and that it doesn't really matter if SS is badly written--its canon and we're just supposed to like it because it is


Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 04 May 2023 - 12:57 AM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30848 Therece



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Posted 04 May 2023 - 02:39 AM

I imagine it is hard to have a discussion with people you fundamentally disagree with especially when you keep insulting their opinions. 

"You don't like SS? Well, you're just BITTER."


You are bitter person here. Im not the one who is provoking, laughing or trying to be superior because a fictional pairing.
You can hate SS, NH  and the series all you want. I have zero interess to change that.
Just don't act like  your oppinion is a fact.


I feel like they've already agreed that Kishimoto is a bad writer and that it doesn't really matter if SS is badly written--its canon and we're just supposed to like it because it is.


You still can hate like you want. Just don't deny the SS merits.

SS was bad written thanks to Kage Summit arc just like everything Kishimoto wrote after Pein Arc.

i never denied that

This is the first arc without any Yahagi influence and Kishimoto was left alone. Kishi went too far and almost ruined Sakura and everything related to her. He almost ruined Sasuke, Naruto and team 7 too.
Thats why  you have Kishimoto putting Sasuke  in a completely different route in War Arc and giving up to destroy Konoha instead of side him with Madara/Obito.

The entire Part 1 SS chemistery, themes of "undying/tragic love" and " Girl rescuing the broken boy" have so much appeal between pairings and girls. This is pratically a mini Shoujo story inside Naruto. Thats why SS is so famous.

Kishimoto didn't put enough effort to try to fix SS and was so dumb to use Sakura properly because he thought she wasn't popular. But are still plenty of room to fix SS and show more of them. Sakura/SS are practically in the peak of popularity  since the ending.


NH is just bad written, completely lack any appeal and The Last destroyed them. Hinata is just the doormat HouseWife and Naruto the Dumb Jesus Ninja who didn't know the difference between food and love. NS would have the same fate of bad writting fate after the Fake Confession and the massive backlash. Kishimoto doesn't like to write romance and neither was interested to  make Sakura forget Sasuke, Hinata being rejected, Naruto declaring his love and still fix NS after that. So Kishimoto/Editors just thought more easy the SS/NH route.

The only good pairing for real world standards was just  Shikamaru/Temari because Kishimoto wasn't interested to show or troll them in Part 2 and their part 1 moments were left untouched.


Edited by Therece, 04 May 2023 - 05:26 AM.

#30849 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 04 May 2023 - 01:54 PM


You are bitter person here. Im not the one who is provoking, laughing or trying to be superior because a fictional pairing.
You can hate SS, NH  and the series all you want. I have zero interess to change that.
Just don't act like  your oppinion is a fact.




Sorry but Its really funny that you can't see how hypocritical you're being. 

You're wondering why you can't have a civil discourse all as you strut around calling anyone with a contrary opinion to yours bitter oh, and incels. 

I don't think I'm superior because of a fictional pairing, I just don't think you make any sense. You admit SS and Naruto in general is badly written but then say we shouldn't discount their "moments" (which are nonsensical and largely ambiguous and as you've agreed; bad.)

You know what's not ambiguous? That Hinata likes Naruto and supports him. That she wants to hold his big nasty sweaty hand while they stand over her cousins dead body and be his meat shield every time she gets a chance. (I can't believe you have me out here defending NH.) What IS ambiguous is Sasuke LOOKING at Sakura with his eyeballs. I look at things all the time, doesn't mean I like them. Another thing that's not ambiguous is someone saying they don't find you lovable and that your feelings are a joke. (and that you're expendable.) 

Just because something is canon, or that it happened doesn't make it good. I don't have to "Accept the merits" of something that is BAD because bad things don't have merits. "Think of all the merits there are in catching the plague!" said no one at all. 

Right back to appealing to popularity, your favorite crutch. "Well, I know its badly written but...ITS POP.U.LAR." 

I don't care what you like, I do care that you're pressing your opinion on other people and when they don't agree you, you start getting salty and slinging words like "Bitter" and that "We're all just stuck in the past" unlike you, who have found the light. 

If anyone is feeling superior here, it seems to be you. 

Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 04 May 2023 - 01:57 PM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30850 Therece



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Posted 04 May 2023 - 07:42 PM

A new Sakura and Sasuke merch sold out again    :zaru:

Meanwhile Hinata  is excluded from the new merch and they prefered to put Sai in her place:



Sorry but Its really funny that you can't see how hypocritical you're being. 

You're wondering why you can't have a civil discourse all as you strut around calling anyone with a contrary opinion to yours bitter oh, and incels. 

I don't think I'm superior because of a fictional pairing, I just don't think you make any sense. You admit SS and Naruto in general is badly written but then say we shouldn't discount their "moments" (which are nonsensical and largely ambiguous and as you've agreed; bad.)

You know what's not ambiguous? That Hinata likes Naruto and supports him. That she wants to hold his big nasty sweaty hand while they stand over her cousins dead body and be his meat shield every time she gets a chance. (I can't believe you have me out here defending NH.) What IS ambiguous is Sasuke LOOKING at Sakura with his eyeballs. I look at things all the time, doesn't mean I like them. Another thing that's not ambiguous is someone saying they don't find you lovable and that your feelings are a joke. (and that you're expendable.) 

Just because something is canon, or that it happened doesn't make it good. I don't have to "Accept the merits" of something that is BAD because bad things don't have merits. "Think of all the merits there are in catching the plague!" said no one at all. 

Right back to appealing to popularity, your favorite crutch. "Well, I know its badly written but...ITS POP.U.LAR." 

I don't care what you like, I do care that you're pressing your opinion on other people and when they don't agree you, you start getting salty and slinging words like "Bitter" and that "We're all just stuck in the past" unlike you, who have found the light. 

If anyone is feeling superior here, it seems to be you. 



I never called you a incel or any person here. Wait you're a SasuNaru fan? Thats why you becomed so triggered and started to laugh and provoke me?
I still think the currents few SasuNaru fan who hates Sakura for ridiculous reason are  incels. 
Do you hate Sakura because that? So this doesn't apply for you.
The only good thing fight about Sasuke/Naruto are only their rivality and fights. They sucks and doenst make any sense as a "couple"
Sorry. I'm free to hate SasuNaru too.
Are you serious seriously trying to compare Sasuke with a unidimensional Character like Hinata who only exists to praise and kiss Naruto's ass? 
Sasuke's objectives are literally the most important thing in the manga who always moved the plot. Sasuke's returns was fundamental to end the pairings dramas and a lot of plots in the manga. Kishi never would made the things obvious.
Kishimoto was constantly trying to create doubts about Sasuke's true intentions and feelings during the entire War Arc to confuse the readers or create more fandom wars. What character he used for that? Sakura.
Not Karin, Kiba, Suigetsu or Naruto. Sakura was the one who was questioned about Sasuke's objective and gave the fake smile.  During the entire Kaguya arc was sad because he didn't cared about her... Sasuke grabbing Sakura and  the eye contact is the best thing someone like Kishimoto could do at the moment to show he cared about her.
Kishimoto only wanted to Naruto being the person responsible to change Sasuke and open his heart for others... You never will see Sasuke simping for Sakura before Sasuke x Naruto. You can call this bad writen, SS and Kishimoto stupids. But this is Kishimoto's intention at the time.
No,  Kage Summit was the peak of Kishimoto's bad written relating to Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and pairings.
Part 1 was very well good writen  and 90% of the SS fanbases comes from that part.  Even Kishimoto is surprised how Sakura/SS managed to suparss so easily NH/Hinata/Naruto and gain so much fans after the ending only with some spin offs, a forehead poke and Sarada gaiden.   Now they are finally free to show Sasuke simping for Sakura or call another Shoujo mangaka to write about SS. If they want to milk the current biggest fanbase in Boruto Era until a reboot.

Edited by Therece, 04 May 2023 - 08:04 PM.

#30851 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 04 May 2023 - 09:12 PM



I never called you a incel or any person here. Wait you're a SasuNaru fan? Thats why you becomed so triggered and started to laugh and provoke me?
I still think the currents few SasuNaru fan who hates Sakura for ridiculous reason are  incels. 
Do you hate Sakura because that? So this doesn't apply for you.
The only good thing fight about Sasuke/Naruto are only their rivality and fights. They sucks and doenst make any sense as a "couple"
Sorry. I'm free to hate SasuNaru too.
Are you serious seriously trying to compare Sasuke with a unidimensional Character like Hinata who only exists to praise and kiss Naruto's ass? 
Sasuke's objectives are literally the most important thing in the manga who always moved the plot. Sasuke's returns was fundamental to end the pairings dramas and a lot of plots in the manga. Kishi never would made the things obvious.
Kishimoto was constantly trying to create doubts about Sasuke's true intentions and feelings during the entire War Arc to confuse the readers or create more fandom wars. What character he used for that? Sakura.
Not Karin, Kiba, Suigetsu or Naruto. Sakura was the one who was questioned about Sasuke's objective and gave the fake smile.  During the entire Kaguya arc was sad because he didn't cared about her... Sasuke grabbing Sakura and  the eye contact is the best thing someone like Kishimoto could do at the moment to show he cared about her.
Kishimoto only wanted to Naruto being the person responsible to change Sasuke and open his heart for others... You never will see Sasuke simping for Sakura before Sasuke x Naruto. You can call this bad writen, SS and Kishimoto stupids. But this is Kishimoto's intention at the time.
No,  Kage Summit was the peak of Kishimoto's bad written relating to Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and pairings.
Part 1 was very well good writen  and 90% of the SS fanbases comes from that part.  Even Kishimoto is surprised how Sakura/SS managed to suparss so easily NH/Hinata/Naruto and gain so much fans after the ending only with some spin offs, a forehead poke and Sarada gaiden.   Now they are finally free to show Sasuke simping for Sakura or call another Shoujo mangaka to write about SS. If they want to milk the current biggest fanbase in Boruto Era until a reboot.


No, actually you claimed anyone who disliked Sakura was an incel, apparently people aren't allowed to dislike fictional characters without it being tied to their sex lives. Ah yes, I CLEARLY seem like a person who hates Sakura. Yep, that's me. I've been lying to everyone all this time! I'm secretly a Narusasu fan despite explicitly stating I don't like Yaoi. Why don't you accuse me of shipping Naruhina next too :zaru: 

I'd argue that the real person who hates Sakura as a character is the one who thinks she needs a man to attain popularity. 

And yes, I am absolutely comparing SS's treatment to NH's and I am saying that in the grand scheme of things Naruhina is less problematic than Sasusaku and has consistent, clear development even if its only from Hinata's side. If Kishimoto is capable of writing Tsunade/Dan/Jiraiya with overt romantic overtones and forehead kisses, if he's capable of writing Naruto's own forehead scene in part one, Hinata's confession, Karin's desperation to get to Sasuke and save him, Sakura's own desperation and wish to see Naruto live and fulfill his dream he's capable of doing more for SS than "Sexy side eyes."

He was capable of it and he didn't do it because he clearly didn't want to.  

Sasori and Sakura had paired Chimi-mega figures UNLIKE SS.  Guess they're more popular and should be canon. 


Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 04 May 2023 - 09:14 PM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30852 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 04 May 2023 - 10:40 PM


NS would have the same fate of bad writting fate after the Fake Confession and the massive backlash.



Nah. NS is easy to write. Bring chapter 3 full circle. Automatically justifies every crappy thing about Sakura's character since then. The fake confession could be spun as either being "real" after all (with not even Sakura having realized this at the time) or the misunderstanding caused breakup that happens in every romance story before the the male lead comes back in the end right before the female lead is about marry or go away with someone else. NS is idiot proof.



SS is garbage. Even part one. Kishimoto lampshades the reason why SS is garbage in chapter 693 with the "love does not need a reason" speech. The author is flat out acknowledging that he never bothered giving a reason for Sakura to love Sasuke. And he didn't because when it's all said and done, there wasn't supposed to be one. There is LITERALLY no difference between Ino liking Sasuke and Sakura liking Sasuke. NONE. From the getgo, Sakura was simply one of MANY girls chasing Sasuke and it is heavily hinted at being because of his good looks, academic success and being a bad boy. It had nothing to do with legitimately loving him for his who he was as a person. We see this paralleled with Rin and Kakashi, Tsunade and Orochimaru and so on and so on. This is part of the reason Sakura was hated. She was shallow. We NS fans supported her to great lengths because the story kept hinting that she wasn't shallow, that she slowly growing up and that with time and effort, she would blossom into the mature young woman she was always meant to be. At times, we saws sparks of this potential. From Sakura nearly raising her hand to during the Chuunin exams, to Sakura realizing that Naruto has always understood her, to Sakura's amazing development during the early part of the first timeskip. But for whatever reason, after the Kakuzu arc, it's as if Kishimoto simply lost interest in giving any serious growth to this character. Honestly, the whole "jump in the way of Pain and try to protect Naruto" thing should have been Sakura's moment (romantic or not) simply because we had already had some buildup with Sakura hating the fact that she could not do anything for Naruto. It would have only been natural for her to jump in and fruitlessly try to stop Pain from killing him instead of sitting on the sidelines while some GLORIFIED FILLER character did the job.


I will NEVER accept NH and I will NEVER accept SS regardless of canon. I support good storytelling. If the canon story isn't going to deliver in that department, I will merely continue give my time to avenues that will.

Edited by ThroughWithLove, 04 May 2023 - 10:43 PM.

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Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#30853 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 04 May 2023 - 10:56 PM


 Honestly, the whole "jump in the way of Pain and try to protect Naruto" thing should have been Sakura's moment (romantic or not) simply because we had already had some buildup with Sakura hating the fact that she could not do anything for Naruto. It would have only been natural for her to jump in and fruitlessly try to stop Pain from killing him instead of sitting on the sidelines while some GLORIFIED FILLER character did the job.


I'm with you on everything but this. I think it would be as equally ridiculous and stupid of Sakura to do that as I do towards Hinata. 

Hinata herself states that what she's doing is selfish and self serving and she's right. Its so unbelievably cruel to get yourself killed Infront of someone while confessing your love for them. She's "lucky" she didn't die because then that's a load of guilt only Naruto has to carry for the rest of his life.


 We see this paralleled with Rin and Kakashi, Tsunade and Orochimaru and so on and so on. 


I think Kishimoto "Originally" had the intention of there being some sort of romantic subtext between Tsunade/Orochimaru/Jiraiya since its a formula he seems to love but he never really committed himself to it. What I think's become abundantly clear is that the number one reason he edo-tensei'd Dan into the end of the story was largely to torpedo the Narusaku/Tsuraiya parallels.

Tsuraiya showed that a woman could have more than one love in her life& that some men will wait forever for their opportunity--can't have that if you want babies for a successful spinoff. 

The Minakushi/Narusaku comparison was so clear and obvious there was nothing he could do to undo it  :hehehe:  

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30854 Luna



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Posted 05 May 2023 - 01:21 PM

People are finally waking up. A viral positive Sakura tweet




#30855 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 05 May 2023 - 05:32 PM

Not excusing Kishimoto and his own pitfalls as a writer but yea, Studio Pierrot and their adaption of Naruto just seems highly predatory. Between them messing with scenes, tweaking characters and the massive amount of filler they created with presumably 0 input from Kishimoto...seems like a nightmare for any good author. 

For any one who solely watched the Anime they're getting a very different picture of the story than anyone else. 

I was and continue to be manga supremacist in every way.  :smug:

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30856 Therece



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Posted 05 May 2023 - 07:18 PM

No, actually you claimed anyone who disliked Sakura was an incel, apparently people aren't allowed to dislike fictional characters without it being tied to their sex lives. Ah yes, I CLEARLY seem like a person who hates Sakura. Yep, that's me. I've been lying to everyone all this time! I'm secretly a Narusasu fan despite explicitly stating I don't like Yaoi. Why don't you accuse me of shipping Naruhina next too :zaru: 

I'd argue that the real person who hates Sakura as a character is the one who thinks she needs a man to attain popularity. 

And yes, I am absolutely comparing SS's treatment to NH's and I am saying that in the grand scheme of things Naruhina is less problematic than Sasusaku and has consistent, clear development even if its only from Hinata's side. If Kishimoto is capable of writing Tsunade/Dan/Jiraiya with overt romantic overtones and forehead kisses, if he's capable of writing Naruto's own forehead scene in part one, Hinata's confession, Karin's desperation to get to Sasuke and save him, Sakura's own desperation and wish to see Naruto live and fulfill his dream he's capable of doing more for SS than "Sexy side eyes."

He was capable of it and he didn't do it because he clearly didn't want to.  

Sasori and Sakura had paired Chimi-mega figures UNLIKE SS.  Guess they're more popular and should be canon. 



So why become so triggered after i called SasuNaru fans Incels and still try to defend this gay pairing?

Do you hate Sakura because that? So this doesn't apply for you.


Realistically  Sakura fans always had zero expectation to see Sakura  becoming a powerhouse and killing everyone. Most of the NaruSaku fans was more busy to theorize how Sakura could ended up to Naruto too.

Part 1 Sakura had Ino x Sakura (Who isn't a good fight)
Sakura only had the Sasori fight,  byakugou power up and the Shin Uchiha fight, if you want to consider Sarada Gaiden.
Kishimoto still made Sasuke saves Sakura from Shin at the end.
Sakura's character was used to boost a love triangle and Sasuke/Naruto Rivalry. That was Yahagi intention when he sugested Sasuke/Sakura to Kishimoto.
Sakura fans are basically splited between 30% NaruSaku fans, 10% MultiShippers and 60% SasuSaku fans.  Now basically 90% of her fandom are SS fans and the rest Multishiipers. You still have a spin off manga with Sasuke simping for Sakura and her in the main role running simultaneously with the poll which helped Sakura to boost even more her popularity. Everybody forgeted Boruto only to talk about Sakura and SS.
How do you explain this results?
Part 1 official Popularity scenes poll:
Part 2  Popularity scenes poll:
1 - Minato/Kushina Death
2 - Sasuke/Itachi Farewell
3 - Sasuke/Sakura Forehed Poke
4 - Itachi/Sasuke Forehead poke before his death
5 - Sasuke apologizes to Sakura
Where are Naruto/Sakura, Naruto/Hinata, Tsunade/Dan, Naruto/Kushina, Naruto/Jiraiya, Obito/Rin, Sakura/Sasori and others better scenes in the manga?
You don't have even single Sasuke- Naruto scene
Basically two Sasuke/Itachi Scenes and two Sasuke/Sakura scenes and coincidently this matchs the current popularity poll results in Japan with Itachi-Sakura in TOP5.
Minato was left out of TOP 5 japan but is 1 in others places.
Kishimoto made NH to turn Hinata more popular and boost Hinata/Naruto popularity  for the sequel,save some Sakura popularity between SS fans and still produce a new Uchiha offspring.
But Kishimoto made a double edged sword.
Hinata and even Naruto disappeared into irrelevance after NH and SS/Sakura overshadowed everything.
Even Sarada completely  overshadow Burrito and the other Hinata daughter that nobody remembers.
Probably with a NaruSaku ending Kishimoto/Jump wouldn't have the problem with a Family/Pairing/Character becoming so much more famous than another.
You can call SS bad written, stupid and  lacks development and refuse to recognize their appeal.
But the fact is Japonese fandom and Western pairings and girls have so much preference to Sasuke/Sakura and Uchihas and ironically this helped Sakura to boost too much her popularity, smash Hinata and suparss her haters.

Edited by Therece, 05 May 2023 - 07:49 PM.

#30857 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 05 May 2023 - 07:39 PM

It sounds like you have something against gay people.

What a nice, tiny grainy image you've provided--one that has no context attached to it whatsoever. Let me be generous enough to believe that it's what you claim it is; That's super helpful in a conversation where you've been repeatedly told; popularity? No one cares. What we're concerned with is writing. is it consistent? nope. Is it clear? nope. Does it seem mutual and healthy? Def not.  

You don't have any proof that SS is what boosted Sakura's popularity since it was popular before it was ever canon and I'm inclined to believe youre pulling those numbers from your ass too.  Forget about I've said about SS and LOOK at what YOU'VE agreed to. "Yes. SS is badly written." But you're still trying to justify it because the pairing is "popular." It. doesn't. matter. 

I don't know what your end goal is but I'm going to ignore you from here on out since you have nothing new or valid to discuss. 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#30858 Therece



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Posted 05 May 2023 - 08:21 PM

You don't have any proof that SS is what boosted Sakura's popularity since it was popular before it was ever canon and I'm inclined to believe youre pulling those numbers from your ass too.  Forget about I've said about SS and LOOK at what YOU'VE agreed to. "Yes. SS is badly written." But you're still trying to justify it because the pairing is "popular." It. doesn't. matter. 

I don't know what your end goal is but I'm going to ignore you from here on out since you have nothing new or valid to discuss. 


I have nothing against gay people.

But Naruto isn't a Yaoi Manga to gay couples.


NS - Only was good writen between early Shippuuden and Kishimoto destroyed them with Fake Confession.

SS - Good Written in Part 1, Kage Summit almost nuked them but NS was more damaged.

Kishimoto/Novels/Sarada managed somehow to fix them after the ending.

NH - Only have Hinata popularity and The Last destroyed that.



If you want a really good couple and desconsider scenes from another. Honestly it's better read a FanFic, Shoujo manga or become solo Shikamaru/Temari fan.

Even Minato/Kushina is too much cliche...



What proof do you want more?


A ridiculous ammount of SS Merchs Sold Out and events in Japan: check

Sasuke/Sakura in Top 5 bests scenes in manga: check.

Novels and now a spin off manga: check.

Sakura becoming more popular than ever after the ending who suposedly ruined her character: check

But if you want another proof other than SS. Pierrot stopped to use Sakura in their ridiculous fillers. Pierrot Fillers had a huge ammount of fault in Sakura's hate and unpopularity at the time.
Sakura was always punching Naruto, neeeded to be saved or crying in these fillers.
Even Road to Ninja. The "NS" Movie gave a lot of reasons to hate Sakura.
Sakura basically regressed to a worst Chapter 3 version of her...
Sakura saying she would be better alone than with her parents was a huge blow against Sakura and didn't help her or NaruSaku in NOTHING.
It's no surprise Sakura is very well received among new Anime watchers in Boruto. Sakura is just a good mother and wife to Sarada and Sasuke. She still runs the Hospital and trains Sarada in her free time.

Edited by Therece, 06 May 2023 - 05:38 AM.

#30859 Nostradamus


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Posted 05 May 2023 - 10:20 PM

And yet Kakashi saying that to Sasuke shows hes a hypocrite since he rejected Rin when she was wanting to tell him how she felt after he explained Obitos feelings for her when he died.

But he also expects Sasuke to do what he refused to? Screw that!

Our Kakashi being a hypocrite? What are you talking about? He's not a hypocrite at all.

I mean did you forget that time when he trapped Sasuke to the tree and he told him to not seek revenge because revenge is bad, but then when Shikamaru asked him (Kakashi) for help to get revenge for Asuma; Kakashi had no problem with it and even helped him.

Oh wait that proves that he is a hypocrite.


Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#30860 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 05 May 2023 - 10:35 PM

Excluding the fact that its ridiculous for those reasons, I don't know where Kakashi gets the moral authority to say "Revenge is bad" when he is a career mercenary. He gets PAID to occasionally kill people. (they do other things but that's a significant part of a ninja's work life.) Pursuing a person who killed every other family member you ever had is a lot more noble than merking some rando on the street. 

Now if I want to be kind and give Kakashi some leeway (meh.)  the argument could be made that he looked at Sasuke and saw with his years of experience that revenge would only further deteriorate his mental stability (which seems likely.) 

So what we're left with is basically: Kakshi wanted to help Shikamaru because 1. Asuma was HIS friend so he selfishly wanted to pursue his own revenge 2. Shikamaru wasn't unhinged like Sasuke and was therefore worthy of his assistance. 

Or maybe he learned after Sasuke left that its better to go along and chaperone teenagers and their homicidal revenge schemes. who knows.  :zaru:

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

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